#thanos vs gorr
beva12 · 2 years
Gorr kills his God, Rapu with lightsabers
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(Marvel-Based Crossover Fan-Universe) Marvel: Earth-SUTOHGFFIM
Including Franchises/Theme
Marvel Cinematic Universe (w/some comic & other movies add-on)
MCU (Infinity Saga only)
Homeworld VS Asgardians(?)
Agamotto’s Exodus of Witches to the Demon World
Stark’s doubt on Crystal  Gems (Sort of BvS)
Northwest’s main sponsor to Oscorp
Gravity Falls’ Height-altering crystals is actually Pym Particles’ ‘natural’ origin.
Hank Pym knows the two Stans Pines?
Spider-Verse (Mile Molares, Spider-Ham, Spider Noir etc.)
Oscorp/Sinister Six
X-Men/Deadpool (Mutants & Weapon-X)
Trask’s Sentinels
Apocalypse & Horsemen of Apocalypse
Deadpool mentions other works of CN(Especially Rebecca Sugar’s), Disney Channel, and maybe others of common creators.(Like, Inside Job, of Alex Hirsch)
Punisher/Daredevil/Luke Cage (?)
Wanda & Pedro Maximoff lore combined of Magneto’s children & MCU’s
“No more Mutants (or something else)”
Hulk is still “Angry Hulk”
World War Hulk?
Steven Universe
Homeworld is one of the galaxy’s political threats, but Odin kept them at bay somehow.  As well as founding of the Nova Corp.
Not only death of Rose Quartz/PD, but also to wait for both Odin & Thanos to fell(which Odin’s falls causes Thanos to move his pawns)
Steven’s Power is around young Thor’s, but in combat, Young Thor wins. However, Steven has more off-combat skills & power flexibility. 
Adult Steven could be part of ‘Future Avengers’.
The Owl House
Demon World is actually a planet that is connected to Earth by Agamotto’s magic, and witches are children of human mutants with magical powers.
“Titan” is actually the deviated Celestial who quitted from his kin, before being killed by the collector.
The Collector of both MCU & ToH are the same entity. The ‘Old man’ is his disguise to play trading games. (However, that’s his only avatar that is not sealed, and allow him to interact with something in material planes a bit) 
Gravity Falls 
Bill Cipher is Dormammu’s ‘frenemy’
Gravity Falls was actually the battlefield between Agamotto & Bill, which the mystery is caused by their remaining magical power from the fight.
Pacifica Northwest later disowns her family & becomes ‘Paz Universe’ instead (Adopted by Greg, being Steven’s little sister).
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
No MLP: EG, or EG’s Canterlot is a ‘mysterious’ city in Canada. Like Gravity Falls, Karma Taj, or Gravesfield of Connecticut. 
Equestria is another galaxy that is small & close to the milky way, so some interaction could be easy.
Nightmare Moon/Princess Luna was almost chosen by Necrosword, but Luna believed she didn't need the sword.
Changelings’ DNA is one of the sources of ‘modified’ DNAs of Skrulls.
Crystal Empire was part of failed Gems’ colonies of Equus.
King Sombra was corrupted by Necrosword, and later, will be “Mount of Gorr”
Discord is also Sorcerer Supreme’s “Duties” (until he redeems)
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burningfudge · 1 year
Yay! Okay, so I was reading the Spider-Punk comics recently, and I found out that in the comics, Hobie knows both Kamala Khan and Riri Williams, and they’re his band mates. And I know you most likely won’t incorporate into the story (nor do you have to of course), but I just find the idea of Hobie meeting Kamala and Riri (from 727) and being baffled about how different they are to his home’s versions of them (more likely Kamala, cause she’s just a sweet bundle of sunshine).
It’ll also be interesting to see the characters from Earth 727 react to the fact that the designation of “Earth 616” is wrong, and is actually Earth-199999.
I also bet their gonna question Miguel and the Society about where they were when all these other Multiversal threats appeared (and were thankfully defeated), like Wanda and Infinity Ultron (but mostly Infinity Ultron).
I feel like Miguel is also going to object to them trying to change their “canon” events. But then, why would the Watcher bring all of them there, y’know? Unless it was to show the other spiders (and Miguel especially) that the whole “canon” defense is a bunch of crap, and was just his way of dealing with his grief (they’re gonna have a field day with his backstory I tell ya). Not to mention to bring them all together to show them how big of a threat Kang and his variants are, and to help each other stop these smaller threats in their way, like Thanos, Arthur Harrow, Gorr, fucking Tiamet emerging from the planets core and destroying Earth (the society is gonna lose their minds learning about the realms outside the Spiderverse and all of this wild stuff).
I also talked previously about the theory that glitching is caused by technology rather than just being in a different dimension, while using magic, a thing that’s been around since the beginning and is more natural (rather than tech which is “created” in a sense) prevents glitching. And since it’s gonna be a bit until we get Beyond the Spiderverse and that whole explanation, it could be a good explanation in regards to why the MCU characters don’t glitch when they went to other universes (Strange and America in MoM, Multiverse Guardians when fighting Infinity Ultron, No Way Home). Another idea I had was that maybe what’s causing the deterioration of the Spiderverse is the tech itself, because it’s not natural. And by jumping from universe to universe using the watches and the colliders, it’s breaking the integrity of the spaces between dimensions that prevent incursions from happening (if that makes sense).
This is already getting to be a bit long, so I’ll just end it with this (but expect more from me in the future lol): Sam and Bucky are going to hate meeting even more Peter Parker variants 😂 they already have to deal with one
first of all, i'm so sorry for replying to this so late
omg kamala, riri, and hobie are in a band together? that's so cute!
oh yeah, i have a ton of ideas for spiderverse it'll just take some time for me to get to them
i've heard about the magic vs tech glitching theory before and i think it makes sense. however, loki s2 trailer has loki time slipping which looks suspiciously similar to glitching. it probably doesn't have any connection to each other though but it's fun to theorize
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sushi-rat · 2 years
I don't know where the idea came from exactly. But I have a headcanon that Thor struggles a lot with his identity as a destructive god who grew up in a war-based society.
Bucky has a particular arc in the MCU. Bucky, after being forced/tortured to be a brutal weapon with not even a real name, finally starts remembering his life, remembers and falls in love with Steve, heals from his hypnosis and mind control, and seems to find safety in being gentle, being presented and treated more delicate and peaceful. I particularly love gay-jewish-bucky's posts about soft Bucky (not @ them as this post has little to none to do with Bucky or them). Bucky doesn't want to be dangerous, he often covers or takes off his prosthetic as he still needs room to learn how to trust himself, he doesn't want to fight. He's done and tired and would rather sit at home under a fluffy blanket, in some cozy, loose pjs, and cuddled next to Steve. (I reject most of Endg*me and onward)
I like to also apply this sort of arc to Thor. He's very much a kindhearted, loud, caring person who does mature and takes the time to learn and listen. A lot of development and maturing happens in Thor 1 when he goes from battle-driven and practically blood-thirsty to understanding life of beings and that killing an entire race for the acts of the few or the acts of the past is unjustifiable. Problem is, he started off as a self-absorbed killer primarily due to Odin and the glorifying of conquering in Asgardian society, the fact that Odin is known for his acts of violence and control over separate colonies, that brute warriors are prioritized over the more physically weak like Loki, ect. While Odin showed fury over Thor's brash actions and harshly punished him, it has been shown that Odin never really took any steps to teach Thor true peace, especially with things like the control over colonies which was addressed in Ragnarok to have been happening in the background, Odin's talk to Thor in The Dark World where Odin says that mortals' lives are fleeting and therefore should mean nothing to gods which, most likely, that sort of talk about other races has been a part of the boys' upbringing, and Odin telling his stories of victory since the boys were young and fueling them on seeking glory. The true extent of the bloody history of Asgard is touched upon more in Ragnarok with Hela's upbringing and in the comics (I own the Thor vs Gorr series and there's a part where Thor goes to a Nexus for research and the librarian is very hostile and mentions how an entire library section about murders and bloodshed is mostly full of Odin's/Asgard's "adventures"). All-in-all, very war-driven society that Thor grew up in, so of course he knows destruction better than anything.
Later he gets to uncover lies, he loses everything, and shows a distancing and tiredness when it comes to fighting. One of the few things I agree with in Endg*me is how all of the remaining Avengers show a distancing to fighting, so much to the point they distanced from each other. Thor was genuinely depressed and consciously attempted to repress or ignore everything previous, and tried to build some semblance of peace out of what little he had. He has seen what true war is. What he grew up with, that glory, was Odin having perfect control and power over his enemies and beating them to submission. Fighting Hela and losing your home and people in the process, fighting Thanos and losing people that you love, feeling guilt over not being good enough when you fail, he now knows what TRUE war is like. And it broke him. So much so, he doesn't jump at the opportunity to fix everything and he worries over failing again.
I feel Thor's feelings about battle and his change could've been addressed better in anything released after Infinity War, falling into a similar arc as Bucky's: being a weapon (though for the 2 characters, it was much different situations with different levels of willingness- in Bucky's case none at all) but ending up in a situation that makes them crave being softer and non-threatening.
I also think a good, secondary tie-in for this sort of development for Thor is the fact that he is a god of nature. He is the God of Thunder with an ability to also create/control storm events like lightning, a tornado as seen in Thor 1 which could prolly be extended to controlling wind, and many people headcanon that he could control rainstorms due to the associated lightning + thunder abilities. Thor is not a God of War or Destruction or Battle. His powers lie within nature, nature events that can be destructive but can also be peaceful and kind; the rain that waters the plants, the soft thunder that people often love and even listen to ambience of to go to sleep at night, the beautiful strikes of lightning that many are obsessed with, the breeze to cool a hot day. I feel many gods of nature are treated much more gentle, and this could be a really good note towards Thor's character: a god of nature that grows up learning nothing but war, coming to a point where he wants to have the opportunity that other nature gods have that he never got. He's known for being good with animals in the comics so maybe he starts a routine to feed the animals in his area, he learns to control his powers and can bring a gentle rain to water the nearby plants and even aid his own garden, his powers give him an exceptional green-thumb, he plays with the village kids by letting them ride the wind- literally, entertaining people with tricks with his lightning similarly to how Loki shows off the fireworks his mom taught him in the Loki series. Even his amazing strength he uses for helping to build the houses of New Asgard, or lifting up a horse to help carry it back to the stable.
I just really like the idea of Thor becoming softer and maturing past the oppressive destruction of the Old Asgard, paving his own way and bringing a new hope and light to a new, peaceful, Asgard
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uncomicmas · 7 years
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A solo 10 días para el estreno de #ThorRagnarok debemos conocer algo de la PRIMERA villana femenina del #UniversoCinematograficodeMarvel, la malvada #Hela. Si comparamos la versión del cómic con la versión fílmica interpretada por #CateBlanchet, se puede inferir que #Hela es una mezcla de #Amora, #Muerte y #Gorr #TheGodButcher, pero ¿Cómo llegamos a esta conclusión?, aquí va: ●Se relaciona con #Amora porque tiene el mismo ayudante, #Skurge. ●Se parece a #LaMuerte (la amante de #Thanos en pos cómics), porque ella misma se autodenomina la #DiosadelaMuerte. ●Posee características de #Gorr, ya que la espada que usan ambos surge como una extensión orgánica de sus manos, sabemos que el director #TaikaWaititi dijo que unas de sus inspiraciones para éste filme es la saga de #GodOfThunder de @jasonaaron. #ThorRagnarok se estrena pronto en los cines por @cinecolorve. #MarvelComics #marvelcinematicuniverse #fase3 #peliculabasadaencomics #comicbookmovies#Thor Imagen 1: afiche individual de #Hela, fuente @MarvelStudios. Imagen 2: diseño de #Hela según #waltersimonson Imagen 3: Amora, #TheEnchantress, arte de #joejusko Imagen 4: #Skurge y #Hela, fuente @cinecolorve Imagen 5: #Gorr vs #Thor, fuente @marvel
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