#thanku for trying dear
frosty-the-killer-doll · 11 months
Was this the post you're looking for? https://www.tumblr.com/frosty-the-killer-doll/725708693299183616/okay-heres-an-ask-game
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felassan · 3 months
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Now in the BioWare Gear Store: Isabela Romance Bundle
Item description:
"GIVE IN TO THE SIREN'S CALL. What could Isabela possibly be doing out at sea? Drinking? Dueling? Getting into trouble? Actually, she might be daydreaming of sailing into the sunset with you. The Dragon Age Isabela Romance Bundle makes for a great gift for those who played Hawke and fell in love with the self-styled Queen of the Eastern Seas. It includes a piece of jewelry and a never-before-seen love letter—all housed in a gorgeous wooden box carved with a portrait of your beloved Rivaini pirate. Includes: A Letter from Isabela 3.15 x 4.55 in (8 x 11.6 cm) antiqued worn edged love letter Necklace inspired by Isabela's Rivaini Fertility Talisman"
Transcription of the letter:
"My dear Hawke, Do you know anyone with a flock of parrots? I'm trying to cheat on a bet with Varric and the stakes are exceedingly high. If you help me, I shall take you to that breathtaking beach you so crave. Free of ancient horrors, too. I think. I'd hate to take respite from all my adventures, but there are other ways to make the heart flutter. In fact I'm already imagining a few. Aren't you? Sailing there can be fatal, but Admiral Isabela will keep you safe. Are you interested? I would love to see you again. Yours, Isabela"
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"Admiral Isabela".. this letter was written in 9:41 Dragon or after.
(thanku to @iceta for helping me figure out a word in the letter for the transcript!)
You can get 20% off in the BioWare Gear Store until April 12th using my latest discount code BWAPRILFOOL. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my tracking link.
✧d(•̀ v•̀ )~~♪
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
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this anon requested like 7 so i mashed some together to make things easier. thanku for requesting my dear!! (also when i ref him pouting this is the face he is making) he is literally so pookie i love him
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“You’re so cute Neteyam!” You were chuckling at him, Tuk had used some paint to draw on him resulting in a pretty and very decorated Neteyam who was bright and colourful.
“Just…please help me clean this off.” He was embarrassed, SO embarrassed. How can he be a mighty warrior when he looks as if he could be as colourful as an ikran.
“Hmm I don’t know, Tuk might be upset.” Neteyam gave you the angriest glare you had ever seen leave his face. And it didn’t stop he was silent only looking at you angrily. “Stop looking at me like that!”
“Then help me clean…please.” You chuckled walking over to him where he was knee deep in the river, trying to wash the paint that covered him from head to toe.
“This is so hilarious you understand that right, like actually the funniest thing Tuk has done in awhile.” Neteyam glared at you harshly, a pouty frown etched onto his face.
“I do not think this is funny.”  You hummed trying to hold back the enormous amount of giggles you had. The way he pouted, as he was bright red, yellow and green it was a sight to behold. “Stop laughing!”
“I am not!” He huffed, scrubbing his arms harder, ignoring you as you cleaned the paint of his back. “Fine I was laughing a bit.”
“Shut up.” You splashed him as he hissed at you, sulking as he slid his entirety of his body into the water to get more paint off.
You followed his actions, kneeling down into the water under him as you tried to wash some of the paint out of his hair.
He couldn’t deny he liked the feeling of your hands on him, in his hair and gliding down his back. It was releasing the tension that was building his body over the last weeks.
“Can you lay back Neteyam? The paint is like all over your head.”
“You’re kidding. How did she get it up there?! She’s tiny!” A loud snort escaped you, holding in your chuckles as he laid back into your lap, letting all of his body submerge except for his face.
“She was determined, she had a mission.” Neteyam rolled his eyes as you continued to massage his scalp, getting the remnants of the colour out of his hair.
“She is so going to get it when I get home.” Neteyam pouted again, thinking of a toy that might magically disappear for a few days.
“Oh she’s just a child Neteyam, let her be. You are the one who let her paint you like an ikran” You were incredibly amused by his childishness, a trait he didn’t show often.
“Shut up”
“Or what, grumpy boy?”
“Shut up before I kiss you.” You flicked his forehead with a grin and flushed cheeks. “Ow!”
“Would you like me to kiss it better?” Neteyam glared at you, before nodding.
As you leaned down to kiss him he smiled smugly, adjusting quickly so you kissed his lips instead of his forehead. “Neteyam!”
“Do it again.” Leaning down you kissed him softly, tugging his bottom lip with your canines, just enough to make him wince.
“You’re bold for someone who looks like a child’s artistry”
“And you’re bold for someone who’s in love with this artistry.”
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tags: @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9 @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate
thanku sm for reading my loves :)) i hope u enjoyed this as much as i liked writing it!!
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doulcie · 14 days
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PARCELLE 𝜗℘ moving to france was never an constant idea for you, though wanting to follow your career path to be a fashion designer there was no choice; meeting new people on the way was nice though it felt like paradise considering you still were lonely
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포함. ✉️ lee heeseung ‘ female reader .
modèle ⏖ chuu ( kim jiwoo ) , ningning ( yizhou aespa ) , jake ( sim jaeyun ) jo yuri as face claim ᵔ⤙ᵔ
prfls designer kiss ! hidden kisses !
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⌗ dear . . paradise : ❝ fluff college au kissing mixed emotions displayed mentions of death skinship mature jokes ❞
ꕀ . stranger next door
ꕀ . je m’apelle who
ꕀ . project machine ( letter of love )
more coming soon . .
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by, doulcie this is the beginning of my first ever smau . . i’m really excited for how it turns out and for the beloved people it reaches ˃ ⤙ ˂ this smau is somewhat relevant to an anime I watched recently that just took my heart away ( for taglist send ask or comment ) also if anyone wonders about the french I speak somewhat alot of french so I can talk in convo’s I’m not using this language nor country as an aesthetic plot choice.
attendees : @amouriu
i would love to thank my friend liz for making this beautiful header for me and for completing it so fast . . thanku sm and i’ll forever cherish especially for giving me the motivation to keep trying.
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moonbonanza · 10 months
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ lips parted like flowers
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featuring: sakasaki natsume, shinkai kanata & sakuma ritsu.
summary: an offering of a frivolous kiss by an equally frivolous boy or the lengths they are willing to go through for a mere peck of sorts.
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contrary to popular belief, natsume is not always as charming as he'd like others to believe. but of course, he's still certain in his fantasies (delusions) that he has you wrapped around his little finger. he does, he does not - your thoughts on the matter are unclear themselves at times. he can be a little sour on occasion but the pucker of that whimsical rose-colored mouth is still just as sweet as to you as any smile. even in an irritable dizzy haze, he manages to work his strange magic on you. be fairly warned though, he is not above wreaking mischief especially if he feels you have not been paying much attention to him as of late. a missing cardigan, the shoe rack in disarray, placing novels at the very back of the highest shelf he can find - the list of difficulties he can conjure up for you is endless. it's a wonder he calls you a little kitten at all when he's the real feline foe here. revoke his rights for a kiss and maybe he'll learn to behave himself. a trail of hazy stars and dusty comet tails later, you can't deny that the pleasing little sting of his lips against yours is worth all the trouble.
even when completely dry, you can still see water dripping off kanata in your mind's eye. pearly droplets cascading past his nose, his lashes, his hair - onto your hands. yes, he can be silly sometimes and lack a teensy bit of decorum but you cannot help but wonder all the same if he too was made out of sea foam. it does not help that he's rather shy too in certain aspects and even when he does voice his funny thoughts aloud, you have to spend some time trying to figure out if he meant this thing or that. yet it's all part of his steady charm and you're rather grateful for the fact that attempting to dissect his brain has led to you developing a startling amount of critical thinking skills. you press a little grateful kiss to his slender hand and feel pleased when he smiles gently. he then brushes his own lips against your cheek in a gesture that you are all too gleeful to receive. and after all these polite entreaties building up towards the real thing at last end, a quick peck on the mouth takes place. it lingers for just a brief moment but you can still hear all the little fishies swimming in the marrow of his bones pulsate longingly.
there is always a playful little bite to anything ritsu does. a lilting catch to his voice, a touch of a pout, the slightest flutter of lashes tangled in sleep... he loves to make you run about him in giddy circles till you're out of breath and your vision is reeling with his very smile. you find it a bit dear if not a little concerning. he naps quite an awful lot too and you often find yourself given the responsibility to rouse him from slumber. you've fallen victim to his adorable pleas and flushed apple cheeks more times than you'd like to count. he almost always ends up convincing you to shirk your obligations and what's worse is that he does it knowingly. one kiss burrowed into your palm and a single blink of his stupidly drowsy eyes later is enough to send you into shambles. if he feels especially generous, he'll even indulge to the whims of your trembling lips but only if you promise to leave him be after that.
notes: srry for not posting for almost *counts fingers* eight months?! the yuckiness that is life happened and it prevented me from my one true calling: writing about anime boys slash romanticized versions of the reader who would actually be pretty insufferable in real life lol. you just can't get away from these idol boys even if you tried huh... anyways!! i'm back now so pls talk to me! thanku ♡
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toska-writes · 1 year
hello i just find u'r blog and immediately fall in love with u'r works, i just want to say thanku so much for all u'r beautiful writings! it's just not easy to find platonic fic and I'm really grateful to find u'r blog 😭❤️ if u don't mind please make more codywan x padawan reader, no pressure tho only if u want it. once again thanku and have a nice day love 🥺❤️❤️
Thank you! I love this ship sm
“Dinner Party”
Paring: Codywan x padawan reader (Platonic)
Warning: mentions of food and eating if you don’t like that kind of stuff but nothing else
Word count: 1189
Notes: so I didn’t do a great job with the Codywan and it’s mainly just Cody so…. I’ll have to give this prompt another go
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Obi-wan tapped his foot absentmindedly under the table. Over and over again. You seemed to be the only one to notice as the rest of the room was filled with loud chatter from the many different senators.
Looking around for a second it seemed that Cody had also taken an interest of Obi-wand nervous habit- it was quite hard for a young padawan and a Clone commander to find common ground with the many different people that filled the room.
Of course your master didn't seem to have the problem when he wasn't lost in thought.
You had to admit Cody looked quite odd in a military uniform instead of his sunburst armor that apparently can come off. But a change in pace can be good sometimes.
As your master came back to reality since he wasn't really invested in what a highly decorated senator was saying he looked between the two of you clearly puzzled by your stares. "Is something wrong?"
Both you and Cody made eye contact and a huge smile played at you lips. "Oh no Master I was just wondering how you view Senator Gunrays insights on Coruscant and weather you believe in any of them."
He stared at you for a moment then shot a quick look at the person you were talking about.
A quick nod from him then he said. "Oh yes my young padawan it seems he did say some very interesting things." He fished around his mind for some words. "You can learn many things from the people around you if you just listen."
Cody leaned over from your left side giving Obi-wan quite the look who was sitting to your right, basically asking if he was serious.
"Any more insightful tips to give your padawan sir?." Cody said in quite the formal voice but his eyes said other wise.
"I'll let you know when I think of another dear" was all he quipped back when the clatter of dinner trays filled the room.
You felt a slight nudge to your shoulder as Cody leaned closer to your ear. "Thank the maker I'm starving."
You really could only nod in response since you were also ravenous and a plate full of food was being sat down in front of you.
It was your turn now to give your Commander a quick nudge as you looked to see his eyes blow wide, taking in the abundant food.
Looking at your own plate you felt sort of.... Disappointed?
Not that you weren't grateful to be sitting in a lavish room full of very important people about to eat a full meal that just came out hot, because you were.
The food just didn't seem right for you.
A lump of grayish blue mystery food sat towards the edge of your plate decorated with unusually green ferns.
The main course was- using your best guess some sort of fish. Forks and drinks clanked together as you watch many others enjoying what seemed to be the same meal, but the smell that wafted through the air from your plate made you question if they were really enjoying it.
It would be rude if you didn't eat it though right?
Picking your fork up after choosing what you hoped was ‘the right one’ from the multiple that sat beside your plate you gathers some of the food onto the fork.
To your right Cody clearly was trying to slow down but when all you get is ration bars this must be heaven. This was one of the many reasons you discovered as to why Obi-wan fought so hard for Cody to sit next to everyone at this party as an equal and not just a soldier.
The smell got stronger as it travels closer and closer to your face. I don’t want to be rude, you thought once again and stuffed the dinner into your mouth.
In that moment it finally answered the question of what the underside of a Bantha would taste like.
It traveled roughly down your throat leaving an odd burning sensation in its place.
“Are you alright Y/N” Obi-wan turned to you now as he once again somehow stomached the food in front of him.
“Oh yes master, just taking my time enjoying my food.” You reluctantly scooped another bite and ate that too under the watchful eye of your master.
Before he could respond a loud senator near the head of the table called for Obi-wan to be apart of whatever they were discussing. Weather it was an act under the influence or sober was up for debate.
You were grateful that something on the table was familiar and you downed that water like there was no tomorrow.
The need to eat food and the fact that it was gross was fighting with eachother inside of you as you took yet another bite.
If you didn’t want to scare the senators off by throwing up all over the table you decided for the best that that was your last attempt to be nice.
With a huff you leaned back in your care, crossing you arms over your front. “Not a fan of the food sir?” Cody inquired setting his cleaned off fork nicely on the plate that matched it.
The best answer you could give was a simple nod then you had to add.” Since I’m telling you Cody it tasted like absolute bantha shit.”
Cody laughed at your remark nearly knocking over a few glasses in the process. The odd looks from other senators went unnoticed by the pair as they continued to laugh.
“I’ll have to be honest Y/N I think it was that too.” Cody added after you collected yourself.
“I can’t believe you ate that.” You laughed again. This conversation seemed more like two siblings joking at the dinner table then it did two commanders pretty much sitting in at a political meeting, strange how somethings are.
“I think I have a few snacks on the ship if you didn’t like the food but I’m afraid I can’t get them now.” Obi-wan added under his breath when he finally got away from the talking for a few moments.
“I can mange until then but thank you master.” Without another word and before being pulled back into another ‘very interesting’ conversation Obi-wan pulled some of your untouched food onto his own plate.
“No need to offend the chef now.” He spoke before his name was called yet again.
You felt Cody shuffle beside you, digging in the pockets he wasn’t every used to and tried to find something.
After a moment and satisfied with what he found he slid you something across the table. “Taste like sand but it might be a little better then nothing at all.”
You couldn’t even spare a question as you opened the ration bar and started eating it right away. “Is that the only thing you could find to fit in your pockets since a blaster wouldn’t do it?” You asked with a smile.
“Oh no Crys is just a picky eater.”
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza @padawancat97
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monratarot · 4 months
First of all , thank you so much for the time and energy you gave for the readings 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼✨️.
Your reading resonated with Me alot to be honest ,you were all the on point with everything regarding my health .
I have been trying to find balance in my life and I'm happy that I will be able to find and apply it soon ! And what shocked and made me happy was when you mentioned About my back and cold yes right now I'm cold and had back issues ,also have been overthinking alot lately which affects me so I'm trying to heal emotionally myself alot by nourishing often more .
Thanku so much for the reading dear ! You are really blessed , gifted and talented ♡ . Will wait more readings from my side haha reallyy ✨️.
P.S : Got any tips for overthinking I'm kind of a fast person so how to get myself grounded ?
Hello, dear @psychicbyspirituality! Glad to hear that my cards helped you. Just remember to take care of yourself and don't ignore any sign when it comes to your health!
Well, as an overthinker as I am I might suggest you to try and write your ideas. You can use a journal, nothing fancy, just try to write everything that you have on your mind.
As an idea, soon I will start a session of chatting with your tarot reader so if you need any help with your overthinking or just a small message that can help you with your day, keep an eye on my blog!
Wish you only the best!
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atherix · 1 year
Be prepared for the most u filtered brain vomit because i havent discussed anything with anyone
Im bashing my head into a brick wall
Ahem im totally normal about them
Blondie is there, traumatizes cub and just dips wuthout saying anything. I cant decide if i should be happy or upset she didnt say anything, she just left without being weird and creepy with cub
Like sir you come across another fae and ypu just leave, no banter what so ever, you just up and dissapear
FALSE YES PLEASE, i know nothing about false, but the bat and the bombs and i feel like there was some false lore i didnt pick up on because i know shit about her and her character
Cub knowing how shadows work and how territorial clamming works better than mumbo is the funniest shit tonme and i love it
Also cub immediatly knowing something was up and then mumbo being all of us explaining how gods arent fucking immortal and hes been one fprm3GOD DAMN DAYS WHERE HIS FATHER WAS ONE FOR FUCKING YEARS GOD DAMMIT. Sorry im very passionate with this concept
And cub just knowing to leave because shits gonna go down and he doesnt want to be there for either them arguing and being pissy with eachother for the rest of the night. Or them bickering and then just end up making out or some shit, idk man seems like something theyd do
FAE KING, LIKE HOW HALF A PERSOB CAN GO FOR DAYS ABOUT MUMBOS DEAD KIDS ILL GO FUCKING MONTHS TALKING BOUT THIS DUDE, hensees cub as another son because he was like a son to him . Cub was there when scar left and so cub was probably the most he had left of scar and so he keeps him around
alright ima stop and go collect thoughts with the children, loved the update have a splended night. You amazing person, and getmsome sleep and water
Hehehe this is DELIGHTFUL
I love Fae lore hehehehehe <3 More Fae lore coming up, too 👀
I'm not normal about them and I am not gonna hide it <3
Makes you wonder what she's thinking huh 👀 She just dips without taking advantage of Cub and Mumbo being weak......... hmhmhm mmmm
I LOVE FALSE. 10 outta 10 could kick my ass and nigh on unkillable and I love her 😌 Hehehe women hitting bombs around with baseball bats, my weakness
Look, my mans Mumbo here barely knew he could control his shadows beyond shadow walking places and it took him a good 100k words to realize he had a Coven and was now a Vampire Lord, give him a break <3 (it's everything to me, too LMAO. Cub, who just happens to be related to the Death Pantheon just because Death favors the Illagers the Vex are contracted with, knowing more about the Vampire's magic than the Vampire himself hgfkk)
YESSSSSSS Mumbo immediately realizing HEY GRIAN THERE IS A FLAW WITH YOUR LOGIC hjkfdjksjk look, I am so glad because I am too. Just because you became a god, sir, does not make you a walking deus ex machina 😔
Cub like ✌ "im out" bc he don't want no part of that LMAO
HJGDJHGDKJFJK I LOVE THE FAE KING SO MUCH just ask Belle I have gone on entire tangents about him <3 Also thank Belle because they managed to threaten talk me out of a certain plotline LMAO Yesss Cub is like another son to him. Bonus son as it were. And you're right, Cub was there when Scar was not 😔
YEAH COURTS. Which I feel like I still haven't fully explained but that's neither here nor there 😌
Thank you so much <3 your words are much appreciated :D I had fun writing it <3 I did sleep and I have plenty of water thanku <3
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earth-b0y · 1 year
Remember (for the forgotten/repressed memory thing, feel free to get to it when you have the brain juice!)
[Word Count: ~675]
[Cw: Themes of kidnapping, manipulation, Stockholm syndrome, and alcohol. Tread carefully. Visible to anons only]
The room swirls, and Min grips the countertop, trying to hold himself steady.
"Oh-! Careful, now... you almost spilled your drink." An amused voice chuckles above him, and then a hand rests on his back. He looks up, but his vision blurs, and his knees give out. He feels himself falling, but he's caught, and he's gently carried and lowered onto a chair. "Hm... perhaps it's best if I cut you off now, then. Wouldn't want you to have a nasty accident."
Min groans, bringing his hand up to his head, where it feels like something's pounding against his skull. Morgan chuckles, and then a cool glass is placed in Min's hand. His head flops over to look at the drink, and seeing a glass of ice water, he's driven to taking the desperate gulps of a man expiring in the desert. He drinks it down in seconds, and he slams the glass back on the table.
"That's it... there we go. Nice and hydrated," Morgan says, and he delicately pats Min's head. "Feeling better, now?"
"Mhm... th- thank. Thanku you...," Min mumbles, his voice slow and his words slurred. His accent, too, is noticeably thicker, thanks to his numb, strangely swollen tongue not quite cooperating with him. "Ugh... I feel... crazy. Like I spin around and around in the chair downstairs. And now I'm meltingggg... I'm gonna turn into butter, like the tigers. Oh no..."
"Pardon?" Morgan snorts, looking down at Min with a bemused smirk. "Well, I can assure you, you won't be turning into anything, least of all butter. You just had a bit too much to drink, little one. But do let me know if you feel nauseous or like it's hard to breathe, okay?"
"M'kay," Min murmurs, and he feels Morgan's fingers move, combing through his hair. He closes his eyes and enjoys the attention while it lasts. But soon, Morgan removes his hand, and Min reaches out, trying and failing to catch it. "Nooo... where're you goin'?"
Morgan laughs, and then Min hears the sound of water rushing and a faucet shutting off. "I'm not far, dear. I'm just getting you a fresh glass of water."
"Oh... kay." Min rests his head on the cool dining table, feeling his head swimming. It's not entirely unpleasant, just disorienting, and he's beginning to realize how tired he is. "Is't time to sleep?"
"Mm... maybe in a little bit. I'd like to see how long it takes for you to sober up. Try to stay awake, but if you can't help yourself, that's fine," Morgan says, his voice drawing closer before Min hears the glass of water being set down beside his head.
"I... I can try," Min says, sitting up and wiping his eyes. The drink in front of him looks like a daunting task this time, but Morgan must be giving it to him for a reason, so he takes a long sip, finishing about half of it. "I wanna freaking moosh you... my head's all wibbly," he slurs, and he sets the glass down.
"Wibbly, hm?" Morgan smiles and brushes the hair from Min's face. "I'm sorry to hear that, sweetling. Would you feel better on the couch?"
Min nods, and the next thing he knows, he's floating through the hallway. He holds his fingers out to touch the air in wonder, and then, he's sinking into soft cushions. He blinks, and a blanket is draped over him.
Morgan's weight dips the cushion beside him, and Min falls against Morgan's side. The man wraps his arms around Min and draws him close, and Min's head falls onto his chest. Min closes his eyes and snuggles in, letting his body relax against Morgan.
In the movies and songs on Earth, they say the heart is where love is kept. Min hears his captor's heartbeat, slow, steady, with a comforting warmth, and he thinks that might be what this is. Love, as close to it as he can get. A kiss on the top of his head confirms it.
"Sleep well, Min..."
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thedivineart · 1 year
Hii dear first of all i am so suprised to see u i was missing u . Hope u r fine .
Initals t a
Sun sign libra
Thanku for the game
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──⠀۪ 🫐 ۫ 𝟕 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓪𝓵𝓴𝓼 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 /𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮 ۫ ⋆
⒈ someone mature or older than you, physically and mentally strong though sometimes they are pessimistic. their love for you is true and it is so strong and rooted from every corner of their body, you can always trust and relied upon this individual.
⒉ generous and romantic/affectionate with light and brown hair, very serious person who tends to have clear intention and an aura scream of grace and nobility.
⒊ being love by their mother and love their mother too. tall and long legs; elegant looking. may meet them during when moving or relocation. someone may try to seduce this person with short and dark hair.
⒋ you may also know this person like you meet them in dreams or even in reality as well, might be part of your past memories/life.
⒌ touching them will bring you butterfly in your stomach. smart/intellectual individual, can make good decisions but also have fear if it will turns to be failure.
⒍ likes to observe, may dig deeper from who you really are like investing what's the true about you. also loves dark, even dark colors and doings I think.
⒎ I'm sensing an alpha and omega vibes to this person, they got some money and status individual so possibly they might be rich as well. Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini could be relevant to their chart.
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© thedivineart — i speak with myself alone that this is the only copy, original work and was answered by thedivineart for the participant who was join in recent game of this account user. a little thank you wouldn't be hurt you:)
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crystaldivination · 1 year
Hii dear thanku for hosting a game it is amazing idea and hope u r fine
My initals t a
She /her
Thanks in advance
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐣𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠! ♥︎
Hi I’m fine hbu? Thank you and hope you like it!
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You’re like a starry night.
Your most beautiful attributes that others love about you are your thoughtfulness and hope. You remind others of the wide and infinite space that is filled with many possibilities. You’re giving others visions to what they can do. Maybe you have a lot of great ideas so whenever you share them people see your potential and think highly of you. You’re considerate of others. You put yourself in other’s shoe and try to understand them from their perspective because you know how it feels like not to be understood. People appreciate and love you for this. You have a warm heart and while you naturally think of others you’re very structured in your mind and know when to come up with a concrete practical solution.
Bonus: You might be good at constructing in whatever area in life that might be. You’re someone who dreams and thinks big. You’re not afraid to go after what you believe. People love this about you because this sparks an inspiration in them as well.
A mini message for you because I saw 1919 (angel number) when I did your reading:
"You should believe in yourself and your abilities while overcoming that intimidate you."
𝐀 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝.
𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲 ☘︎
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anantaru · 2 years
ugh THANKU for writing al-haitham :']]] i know he's rlly new which is prob why there's such a drought of content for him but i'm both impressed and grateful for how quickly u began adding him <333 ur work is wonderful as always, u write everyone so well
thank you so much, your words mean a lot to me dear nonon!! i‘m trying my hardest to write for new characters for you guys, i totally love adding them!! 🤭 what i completely adore about being a genshin writer is that there will always be new characters so it‘s really never getting boring and i can challenge myself in many more ways, i love writing so so much hehe 💗🙏🏻
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but i love you guys, my anantaru babies, more
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moss-flesh · 2 years
9, 10, and 32 for the second ask thing you reblogged and then ❣️ and 🥰 for the other. For Adahlen or any other OCs you’d like to answer for! :D
yayy!! ill do them for Adahlen and then Aila!! thanku hunbun!
9. can they cook?
Adahlen can cook, she never really ate with her clan she preferred to make her own meals and make enough for keeper and Nerien if they wanted to try it.
Aila never really cooked while living in the circle. She tried to apply for assisting in the kitchen, she wanted to make the food better but was denied and moved to the library so she would focus more on studying. she liked reading about recipes from everywhere and dreaming about better food. she got pretty good at it while adventuring and was almost always on meal duty at camp.
10. whats their favorite food or drink?
Adahlen really loves tea and loves to make her own blends. when she learns solas hates tea shes determined to make a blend that he loves. one day she just goes up to him and is like “here try this.” He tries it and is delighted “is this some sort of hot cider?” shes all “HAH i got you! you like my tea!” n gives him a big ol smooch running away. He asks for it every morning. For food, shes actually a huge fan of fermented peppers and berries.
Aila loves wine, like obsessed with it. She prefers sweet wines but anything will do. Her favorite food is a dish she taught to Alistair which she read was served to King Calenhad forever ago. Its a ram stew with apples and veggies.
32. Whats the most valuable thing in their possession?
For Adahlen its Solas’ necklace, she would wear it a lot before they split. she had been stalling on giving it back to him and then he just left so she wears it under her clothes
For Aila its a necklace too haha! Its her Wardens oath that her wedding ring and other charms that Alistair gave to her is on. She never ever takes it off.
❣️ - What are their love languages?
Adahlen loves giving gifts, quality time, and words of assurance.
Aila loves physical touch, acts of service, and quality time as well.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
AGH so solas calls Adahlen vhenan duh! and it makes her red everytime, the word is so intimate and her brain short circuits. He also calls her Da’lath’in, meaning “little heart” when she is being particularly emotional, or ‘Ma’lath meaning “my love” just casually.
Alistair calls Aila Dear, Darling, and Love mostly which makes her happy everytime. Occasionally when shes acting all ornary and pissed off he calls her “his little bari” coz shes acts like an angry puppy with big wet eyeballs. When hes being cheesy and trying to annoy her he says “my rose” in a stupid posh accent. She acts annoyed so he keeps doing it but rlly she kinda likes it.
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thespiritlady-brown-2 · 2 months
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FEEDBACK : Hiii dear for u last game i am really trying to think less and feel more i am figuring it out how to thanku for sharing ur magicall gift with us .. i feel happy whenever u post
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Dear @arien6,
Thank you so much for the feedback ! I really appreciate it ♡ I'm motivated now love thanks 😊 be blessed 😄 thanks for participating in my new tarot game too 🙏🏼
From ,
@thespiritlady-brown-2/ @theladybrownstarot
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Hii dear how are u thanku for hosting a game .
I rebloged ur pinned post
My initals t a
Zodaic sign libra
Prefered gender male
I dont know if i have to add this
Thanks in advance
Good afternoon, sunshine. the magician, 4 of cups reversed, 2 of swords, 6 of pentacles
The Magician represents someone who is creative, resourceful and has a lot of potential. He is at manifesting things. Your fs is goal oriented, confident, charismatic, influential and he knows how to get things done. This person is likely to be a good communicator and able to persuade others to their way of thinking.
4oC reversed suggests that he may have been feeling bored or dissatisfied with their life, but he is open to new opportunities and experiences. They are ready to break free from their routine and try something different.
2oS indicates that this person may be facing a difficult decision or feeling indecisive about something important in their life. They may be struggling to weigh the pros and cons and see things clearly. Overthinker.
6oP suggests that he is generous, compassionate and values fairness and equality. They are likely to be charitable and willing to help others in need. Equal give and take in romantic rs. If you wanna get another personal reading with me, you can get it with the sale, just dm me🧡
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biillys · 2 years
sorry if this is the most obvious theory that you've all already thought of and discussed but if max dies in vol 2 and billy comes back i will absolutely be a broken person like idk if it's just the impact of not being able to go to the shops or to work these days without hearing the if only i could i'd make a deal with god and i'd get him to swap our places chorus from literally any and every speaker or if it's the duffers etc saying there's gonna be a body count and vol 2 is not a happy ending and basically fucking tragic or it's the billy is alive and is fighting for max truther in me but like. if max dies? if billy and max finally get reunited and max fucking dies and billy fucking lives. i will not know peace ever again i cannot stress this enough i will not be fucking okay
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