#thanku dear
ambiently-80s-gay · 2 months
hellooo :))
for the ask game - 🧡 🐰 🦖
Hallooooo !!
🧡 A color you can’t stand?
GREY I am not with the minimalists on this one
🐰 What do you think says the most about a person?
The way people behave towards others and the environment around them (and music taste but shhhh)
🦖 Favorite extinct animal?
Literally any arthropod from the Cambrian period
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frosty-the-killer-doll · 11 months
Was this the post you're looking for? https://www.tumblr.com/frosty-the-killer-doll/725708693299183616/okay-heres-an-ask-game
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inked-out-trees · 1 year
Fic ask game 9! For current work, past work, or theoretical future stories
9. in an ideal world where you're already super successful and published, would you want to see a tv or movie adaptation of your work? why or why not?
in an ideal world i would also be working on screenplays haha so in some senses (of original projects, mostly) seeing shows/movies come to fruition would in fact be the goal. that being said:
for fic the answer is still yes. there's a lot that i would love to be able to See (demon dimension anyone?) and the nature of adaptation means there might even be alternate storylines to explore as well. once upon a time i tried to screen-adapt homeward,bound and immediately jumped right into fleshing out the chris-guz(-zeph) dynamic because prologue. that did not get far at all LOL but it was still in my brain!! and like for other things. lookout shenanigans, obviously; hell, even some of my older newsies/other assorted fanworks could be screen adapted and i would gladly eat them up. i think part of it is because i think very visually so my brain is already half movie. but also i just love to see what people think of my work and getting to watch things be adapted would be super super cool :)
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chrisbangs · 11 months
*hug* best mascot
sukichuu IS the best mascot.. you are correct...
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warriors-firecat · 1 year
my friends are honestly such good artists and i love them so much.
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threewholeants · 7 months
— texting jjk men... 𖦹 ׂ 𓈒 ⋆ ۪
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— “would you still love me if i was a worm?” ;
slightly suggestive in toges n gojos! incl: gojo, geto, yuuji, megumi, inumaki, choso, nanami, & yuta
A/N: HII. first tiime writing on here (does this count as writing question mark?) nd i hope u enjoy the sillies ! they r so Precious to Me..
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GWA thanku for reading!! i hope u enjoyed (i realise now that i've said that twice. let me live).. and yes dear reader i'd love u if u were a worm <3!!
u can (maybe) find more of my stuff here !
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©2023 threewholeants. pls do not copy any of my writing, or concepts and/or translate, repost, or recommend onto any other sites without my explicit permission !!
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aratribow · 6 months
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Husband is away for job so we got a cat just like him as replacement, the cat somehow got cat versions of us and now they won't leave him alone so we are still missing husband
Aka the summary according to dear nyan frnd @kaviolli , and thanku for ur genius brain jess <<3
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enden-k · 1 month
first off, love your oc’s, they all look adorable and chaotic little gremlins (/pos), i think they’d be fun to hang out with
secondly, can i ask who the person in the long coat (??) with the red on the inside is? for some reason they struck my interest 👉👈
- 🍁
thanku aaa 😭💕
depending on who youre hanging out with it could be fun ye.....some other characters should be avoided at all costs hhhfhdb (like the one youre speaking of)
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his name is youri, he (and his beloved rat) are lit the first proper characters i ever created. i remade this story like 4 times over 10 years and they were the only ones who always stayed the same !! (he was always my fave and everyone who read it, so its funny u ask abt him now)
anw hes not the antagonist behind everything but he does belong to the bad guys if u wanna call them that. constantly on the hunt after his dear rat bc its his task in the game and not one easy to be around. basically the kinda guy you should run from when you see him, if its not too late
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felassan · 3 months
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Now in the BioWare Gear Store: Isabela Romance Bundle
Item description:
"GIVE IN TO THE SIREN'S CALL. What could Isabela possibly be doing out at sea? Drinking? Dueling? Getting into trouble? Actually, she might be daydreaming of sailing into the sunset with you. The Dragon Age Isabela Romance Bundle makes for a great gift for those who played Hawke and fell in love with the self-styled Queen of the Eastern Seas. It includes a piece of jewelry and a never-before-seen love letter—all housed in a gorgeous wooden box carved with a portrait of your beloved Rivaini pirate. Includes: A Letter from Isabela 3.15 x 4.55 in (8 x 11.6 cm) antiqued worn edged love letter Necklace inspired by Isabela's Rivaini Fertility Talisman"
Transcription of the letter:
"My dear Hawke, Do you know anyone with a flock of parrots? I'm trying to cheat on a bet with Varric and the stakes are exceedingly high. If you help me, I shall take you to that breathtaking beach you so crave. Free of ancient horrors, too. I think. I'd hate to take respite from all my adventures, but there are other ways to make the heart flutter. In fact I'm already imagining a few. Aren't you? Sailing there can be fatal, but Admiral Isabela will keep you safe. Are you interested? I would love to see you again. Yours, Isabela"
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"Admiral Isabela".. this letter was written in 9:41 Dragon or after.
(thanku to @iceta for helping me figure out a word in the letter for the transcript!)
You can get 20% off in the BioWare Gear Store until April 12th using my latest discount code BWAPRILFOOL. After that date check back here for a new code. alternatively, you can use my tracking link.
✧d(•̀ v•̀ )~~♪
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s4ndg3m · 3 months
hay hi ummm,,imjust wondering what brush u use for ur doodles and stuff ,,.,i love the vibe ur art has its so #^&#;$*#💙💙 also would you pretty pleas draw prototype OR pest being a little THIEF BASTARD thanku mwah ,,
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howsabout both and also
i've made like 2 posts about what brushes i use before and i... tried to look on my blogs for them and COULDN'T FIND THEM!!! so. might make an faq at some point? not that i mind answering again, just thought it make make the lives of my dear enjoyers easier.
I use clip studio paint! the lining brush i use is meant to mimic ballpoint pens (my fav to use when drawing traditional) (link) and for coloring in stuff i've been mostly using a watercolor brush (link) but i've been using an oil pastel brush lately too (link)
... looking through my downloaded brushes and .. WOW there's a lot that i don't use!
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
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this anon requested like 7 so i mashed some together to make things easier. thanku for requesting my dear!! (also when i ref him pouting this is the face he is making) he is literally so pookie i love him
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“You’re so cute Neteyam!” You were chuckling at him, Tuk had used some paint to draw on him resulting in a pretty and very decorated Neteyam who was bright and colourful.
“Just…please help me clean this off.” He was embarrassed, SO embarrassed. How can he be a mighty warrior when he looks as if he could be as colourful as an ikran.
“Hmm I don’t know, Tuk might be upset.” Neteyam gave you the angriest glare you had ever seen leave his face. And it didn’t stop he was silent only looking at you angrily. “Stop looking at me like that!”
“Then help me clean…please.” You chuckled walking over to him where he was knee deep in the river, trying to wash the paint that covered him from head to toe.
“This is so hilarious you understand that right, like actually the funniest thing Tuk has done in awhile.” Neteyam glared at you harshly, a pouty frown etched onto his face.
“I do not think this is funny.”  You hummed trying to hold back the enormous amount of giggles you had. The way he pouted, as he was bright red, yellow and green it was a sight to behold. “Stop laughing!”
“I am not!” He huffed, scrubbing his arms harder, ignoring you as you cleaned the paint of his back. “Fine I was laughing a bit.”
“Shut up.” You splashed him as he hissed at you, sulking as he slid his entirety of his body into the water to get more paint off.
You followed his actions, kneeling down into the water under him as you tried to wash some of the paint out of his hair.
He couldn’t deny he liked the feeling of your hands on him, in his hair and gliding down his back. It was releasing the tension that was building his body over the last weeks.
“Can you lay back Neteyam? The paint is like all over your head.”
“You’re kidding. How did she get it up there?! She’s tiny!” A loud snort escaped you, holding in your chuckles as he laid back into your lap, letting all of his body submerge except for his face.
“She was determined, she had a mission.” Neteyam rolled his eyes as you continued to massage his scalp, getting the remnants of the colour out of his hair.
“She is so going to get it when I get home.” Neteyam pouted again, thinking of a toy that might magically disappear for a few days.
“Oh she’s just a child Neteyam, let her be. You are the one who let her paint you like an ikran” You were incredibly amused by his childishness, a trait he didn’t show often.
“Shut up”
“Or what, grumpy boy?”
“Shut up before I kiss you.” You flicked his forehead with a grin and flushed cheeks. “Ow!”
“Would you like me to kiss it better?” Neteyam glared at you, before nodding.
As you leaned down to kiss him he smiled smugly, adjusting quickly so you kissed his lips instead of his forehead. “Neteyam!”
“Do it again.” Leaning down you kissed him softly, tugging his bottom lip with your canines, just enough to make him wince.
“You’re bold for someone who looks like a child’s artistry”
“And you’re bold for someone who’s in love with this artistry.”
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tags: @oceanstar19 @sharkybabe9 @8resa @ilovejakesullysdick @neteyamsblog @live-laugh-neteyam @reyalvr @trashfox @darkacademictrash @scntfrhs @dreamyescapesfromreality @fanboyluvr @neteyamzmate
thanku sm for reading my loves :)) i hope u enjoyed this as much as i liked writing it!!
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ambiently-80s-gay · 3 months
Ask game :) List 5 things that make you happy and then ask this question to the last 10 people who liked and reblogged things from you
hullooooooo <33
-listening to music (and audiobooks and comedy podcasts and--)
-every single cat I've met and will meet look at em
-walking around without a goal in mind just wandering about
-drawing in general
-the calm and quiet and space you get when hanging out in nature
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lottacomics · 7 months
Does nana actually love ren? Or yasu more? In 50 chapter i was so confused about shins speech
shin said that nana actually in love with yasu
When nobu and shin see shion go in yasus room , they were all anxious about because nana s reaction .
but nobu has replied “dont say that! She is marrying ren!”
This panel made me to think “Mmmmso i think now that her true love is yasu.. ?” Ouch. ren😢
This was also a Reddit topic lol
there are so many ‘clues’ in the story about it, for example in the chapter 69 when yasu said thanks to nana well that “thanku” was so beautiful for her she cried for the happy . so many chapters after shion say to little misato that a “thank you“ sometimes is more rewarding than “i love u” if it comes from the person we love more.
I know , Ren has made SO MANY mistakes and in know yasu Is perfect but I believed that nana and ren were soulmates no matter what …happened . I’m so sad for ren… i know.. it’s crazy. yasu and nana are so special yes But i still believed that nana x ren was something more.. no matter what.. till now? 😮‍💨
Ren is my favorite character in nana. that’s why he is to dear to me .. my only hope is that his love is reciprocated by nana.. for real
aahhh I don’t understand what ai yazawa wants to say to us sometimes that i get angry really much. Love is not perfect sometimes… that shion theory’s so deep that i wanna scream 😂 nana was so happy for a thanku .. omg .. Ai Yazawa please.. ren is so lonely in the end.
What do you think about it? So sorry for my bad English
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doulcie · 11 days
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PARCELLE 𝜗℘ moving to france was never an constant idea for you, though wanting to follow your career path to be a fashion designer there was no choice; meeting new people on the way was nice though it felt like paradise considering you still were lonely
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포함. ✉️ lee heeseung ‘ female reader .
modèle ⏖ chuu ( kim jiwoo ) , ningning ( yizhou aespa ) , jake ( sim jaeyun ) jo yuri as face claim ᵔ⤙ᵔ
prfls designer kiss ! hidden kisses !
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⌗ dear . . paradise : ❝ fluff college au kissing mixed emotions displayed mentions of death skinship mature jokes ❞
ꕀ . stranger next door
ꕀ . je m’apelle who
ꕀ . project machine ( letter of love )
more coming soon . .
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by, doulcie this is the beginning of my first ever smau . . i’m really excited for how it turns out and for the beloved people it reaches ˃ ⤙ ˂ this smau is somewhat relevant to an anime I watched recently that just took my heart away ( for taglist send ask or comment ) also if anyone wonders about the french I speak somewhat alot of french so I can talk in convo’s I’m not using this language nor country as an aesthetic plot choice.
attendees : @amouriu
i would love to thank my friend liz for making this beautiful header for me and for completing it so fast . . thanku sm and i’ll forever cherish especially for giving me the motivation to keep trying.
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moonbonanza · 10 months
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆ lips parted like flowers
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featuring: sakasaki natsume, shinkai kanata & sakuma ritsu.
summary: an offering of a frivolous kiss by an equally frivolous boy or the lengths they are willing to go through for a mere peck of sorts.
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contrary to popular belief, natsume is not always as charming as he'd like others to believe. but of course, he's still certain in his fantasies (delusions) that he has you wrapped around his little finger. he does, he does not - your thoughts on the matter are unclear themselves at times. he can be a little sour on occasion but the pucker of that whimsical rose-colored mouth is still just as sweet as to you as any smile. even in an irritable dizzy haze, he manages to work his strange magic on you. be fairly warned though, he is not above wreaking mischief especially if he feels you have not been paying much attention to him as of late. a missing cardigan, the shoe rack in disarray, placing novels at the very back of the highest shelf he can find - the list of difficulties he can conjure up for you is endless. it's a wonder he calls you a little kitten at all when he's the real feline foe here. revoke his rights for a kiss and maybe he'll learn to behave himself. a trail of hazy stars and dusty comet tails later, you can't deny that the pleasing little sting of his lips against yours is worth all the trouble.
even when completely dry, you can still see water dripping off kanata in your mind's eye. pearly droplets cascading past his nose, his lashes, his hair - onto your hands. yes, he can be silly sometimes and lack a teensy bit of decorum but you cannot help but wonder all the same if he too was made out of sea foam. it does not help that he's rather shy too in certain aspects and even when he does voice his funny thoughts aloud, you have to spend some time trying to figure out if he meant this thing or that. yet it's all part of his steady charm and you're rather grateful for the fact that attempting to dissect his brain has led to you developing a startling amount of critical thinking skills. you press a little grateful kiss to his slender hand and feel pleased when he smiles gently. he then brushes his own lips against your cheek in a gesture that you are all too gleeful to receive. and after all these polite entreaties building up towards the real thing at last end, a quick peck on the mouth takes place. it lingers for just a brief moment but you can still hear all the little fishies swimming in the marrow of his bones pulsate longingly.
there is always a playful little bite to anything ritsu does. a lilting catch to his voice, a touch of a pout, the slightest flutter of lashes tangled in sleep... he loves to make you run about him in giddy circles till you're out of breath and your vision is reeling with his very smile. you find it a bit dear if not a little concerning. he naps quite an awful lot too and you often find yourself given the responsibility to rouse him from slumber. you've fallen victim to his adorable pleas and flushed apple cheeks more times than you'd like to count. he almost always ends up convincing you to shirk your obligations and what's worse is that he does it knowingly. one kiss burrowed into your palm and a single blink of his stupidly drowsy eyes later is enough to send you into shambles. if he feels especially generous, he'll even indulge to the whims of your trembling lips but only if you promise to leave him be after that.
notes: srry for not posting for almost *counts fingers* eight months?! the yuckiness that is life happened and it prevented me from my one true calling: writing about anime boys slash romanticized versions of the reader who would actually be pretty insufferable in real life lol. you just can't get away from these idol boys even if you tried huh... anyways!! i'm back now so pls talk to me! thanku ♡
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milkyst4rs · 1 year
Hi hi! Can i request diluc childe and thoma (seperate) with reader thats gentle and dosent get mad easily but whenver theyre alone they curse like a sailor over anything that made reader pissed off. Reader dosent like showing theyre anger so they release theyre anger alone and got caught by them one day (maybe even caught violently stabbing raw chicken and vegetables while making dinner hahshs)
(Sorry this was long)
You good?
diluc, childe, thoma x gn reader. crackfic
thanku for ur request! Hope u like it🫶🏽 Thomas one is so fluffy☠️ can yall tell i love him
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Flowery, angelic, soft. Those were the 3 descriptors diluc would often tell people when they would enquire about you, his s/o. You were like a saint, always understanding, talking to the children of the town, picking flowers for him everyday.
So why were you angrily cursing at a pile of burnt cookies in the kitchen?
Diluc had just gotten home from his nightly batman duties and was concerned when you didn't reply to his usual, "I'm home, dear."
He heard a commotion in the kitchen.
"I swear on the 7 fucking archons, if this next batch of cookies doesn't turn out perfect I will actually kill someone."
Diluc's eyes widened. What was going on in there? He had to see if everything was alright. He slid the door to the kitchen open.
"Dear? Is everything oka-"
"holy shit- oh hey honey! Welcome home! How was your day, love?"
Momentarily ignoring your change in vocabulary, he took a scan throughout the kitchen. A burnt mountain of chocolate chip cookies stood there on the counter.
"I, uh. I see that you're baking cookies..."
"Mhm! I got a little bored, all the ingredients I needed were all here so I thought of making something sweet for you!"
"I see, thank you darling. It seems like you're having...some trouble? I've never heard you so frustrated dear, though I must say it is quite amusing."
He said chuckling, he walked over to the burnt cookies and took out a...cheese grater? He walked back to you and pushed the cookies and grater toward you, was he expecting you to do something with this orrrr?
"Adelinde taught me this trick, if you have burnt your cookies, just grate the charred sides and it will look and taste perfect."
"Shit, really? Thanks love!"
He has no clue how your choice of words can go from vulgar to sweet and loving, but he finds it kinda hot.
You and childe were polar opposites. He was a bloodthirsty son of a bitch and you were caring and nurturing, against violence and hate.
The people of Snezhnaya have no clue how the two of you got together but hey, it seems like it's working out well.
Whenever you and your boyfriend would go out for dates, people would hesitantly greet the two of you so they don't get put on the Fatui's hit list. You noticed this, however, and decided to tell people that you aren't going to hurt or put in a bad word about them. After awhile, everyone was happy to see you waltz into their shop, taking a look around and initiating small talk.
Today, you had asked childe to help you with physical combat, he gladly accepted of course.
He brought you to his usual practice area so he could teach you tricks on a dummy. Practice went well, you managed to build up stamina and strength in your arms.
"Phew! You learn quick babe! Let's take a break, wait here I'll go get us some drinks."
He pressed a kiss on your forehead and walked out of the practice grounds. You decided to practice a little more while waiting for him.
You were fired up. Landing hits and punches on the dummy like it was your worst enemy.
"Fuckin' bitch."
A kick to the head.
"Argh! Yeah that's right, cry little fucker!"
A punch to the jaw.
This was fun! It's a great stress reliever too.
While you were cursing at the poor dummy, unbeknownst to you, your lovely boyfriend was standing behind a wall giggling at your vulgar choice of words.
He had come back 3 minutes ago, no harm in watching his precious s/o completely obliterate his training dummy right?
"I didn't know you were such a fighter [name]! You can land hits physically and mentally, very impressive sweets."
You flushed the moment you saw childe walk to you.
"Don't you dare tell anyone about this. I was in the zone."
Childe chuckled and passed you your drink,
"Ok ok! You're really cute when you get all fired up ya' know?"
Ah my sweet sweet boy. He thought he knew everything about you, that you two were made for eachother. Imagine his shock when he sees you repeatedly stabbing a boiled chicken while cursing at it.
Where did the soft and loving [name] go? Is the chicken okay? (Obviously not since it's boiled but thoma is too concerned to think logically.) He remembered you saying that you'd be the one making dinner today, he's never seen this kind of cooking method before. Ah! Maybe you're using a technique from...what's his name? Gordon Rambly? Corden Ramsly?
He jumped out his thoughts and rushed to your side, worried that you might stab your hand accidentally.
"[name]! What's going on?? Are you alright?"
"Oh! Thoma! Thank the archons, please help me. This dumb crusty ass of a chicken won't cook properly! I've been trying to make it nice and tender but IT KEEPS. GETTING. STIFF."
Thoma's eyes went wide as frisbees.
"Ah! [name], mind your language! People can hear you! And, the water has got to boil on medium heat, you set it way to high!"
"Shh! Okok, come here. Calm down.."
He pulled you in for a warm hug, immediately your mind went blank at your anger dissipated. You felt him press a kiss to the crown of your head and you blushed.
"Sorry, I've just been a little irritated today.."
He laughed and held you closer.
"It's ok love. Come on, let's make dinner together!"
"But I wanted to make this awesome meal for you so you could relax...now you have to do all this. Sorry.."
He lifted your chin with his thumb and index finger, his gaze soft and loving.
"I am always at peace when I'm with you, love. No matter how mad you get."
He mumbled the last part but you heard it and giggled, leaving him a sweet kiss on the lips.
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