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dovemoulins · 6 months ago
thanks you guys for 400 followers!! Ahh!!!! some celebratory spotted doves. thanksh guysh 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️❤
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loen-kennededy · 6 months ago
Sob, thanksh. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Alsooooooo I'm just trying to help anddddd if you should like overwrite the bad memory with a good one! Like, like everytime you are about to get sad you'll remember you kissed THE CHRIS that day too AND THAT'S LIKE BEST WAY TO COPE! ME THINKS!
Or eating chocolate. Best. 10/10. Also watching cat or puppy vids help too 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
Listen, I can admit that the Redfields have FANTASTIC fucking genes, but I’m not going to kiss Chris.
I’m thinking of getting drunk with my cat instead. 👍🏻
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ask-andrew-larson · 7 months ago
*places a girthy cucumber in front of you while watching and waiting in anticipation*
*Mouth full of mash, Andrew nodded in understanding before he speared the cucumber with his fork.* Thanksh! I ought to have shome shalad too.
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sprunkinightfall · 2 months ago
Choco has cookies for everyone:) (From: @ask-the-dairy-dinos)
Simon: “Yay! I love cookies!
Oren: “Delish, bro. Love the chocolate chips.”
Raddy: “Urgh…thanks.”
Mr. Fun Computer: “SiLlY BiLlY, i cAn’T eAt! :D”
Clukr: “I appreciate your kind offer.”
Fun Bot: “Oh, I can’t eat anything! But thank you for offering!”
Vineria: “Ooh, walnut. My favorite.”
Gray: “…Thanks.”
Brud: “Yay! Thanksh you very much!”
Garnold: “Heh, thanks. I’ll eat this later.”
OWAKCX: *sniffs the cookie before slowly taking it from your hand and giving you a thumbs up*
Sky: “Thanks! This sugar rush will give me enough energy to score another soccer goal!”
Durple: “Ooh, Oreo. So good.”
Tunner: “Mm, thanks. Ah’ll save it fer later.”
Wenda: “Cookie?? Omg give!!” *immediately shoves it into her mouth*
Pinki: “Oh thank you so much! It’s just like the cookies I love to make!”
Jevin: “…Appreciated, friend.”
Mr. Sun: “Ohhh is this made from the wheat I helped grow??”
Mr. Tree: “Why thank you.”
Ciqu: “…Thank you for the dessert.” *puts it in his mouth and chews it, but doesn’t swallow it* “…Yes, how delicious.”
Saves: “Oh, why thank you dear! You’re quite kind.”
Calvin: “Heh, thanks.”
Sprinkles: “Omg thank you so much!! You even got my favorite!”
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mikanlardyclinic · 11 months ago
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"t..thanksh tshuyu..."
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chubbykanmuses · 3 months ago
“A cane, then. Whatever will keep you in my service for longer, now that I’ve recognized you and the service you provide me.” *At last, the Mistress-apparent brings Star to the kitchen— Though she keeps carrying the flabby fae’ a little ways further after that, to a servants-quarters long since abandoned by most fairy maids, for its station on the /bottom floor/.*
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"Unhm... t-thanksh... uh... I... you c-can just leave me on the bed... hufh... f-for now..."
She's flapping her tiny wings, half-way between a fairy and a devil's, reaching with her pudgy arms so be placed down.
"Unm... m-many, many thanks... e-ehehe..."
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fat-hedonistic-hogs · 11 months ago
Order for Miss Videl Satan? Several large burgers, fries and milkshakes? Is...this for a party or something?
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"Uh... yeah you could say it's for a party..." Videl said panting as she waddled up to the front door clearly exhausted despite only making a short trip from her couch to the door. The martial artist wouldn't look the delivery boy in the eye and instead reach beneath her stained white shirt and fish around inside her cleavage and folds digging her pudgy hands deep as she could before retrieving a sweat drenched wallet.
"BWOOOOOOOOORP! This shud cover it right? Huff... Thanksh for the food." She grunted taking out a large wad of bills and dumping it in the worker's hands.
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whathedickens · 7 months ago
Oh god a child
Want one? 🚬
" . . no thanksh ! "
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placebo-et · 1 year ago
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Thanksh for 300 followers guyth!🤓 Xoxoxo
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ask-the-badman · 7 months ago
-gives Johnny a hug and a bottle of asprin for the headache he's gonna have here soon. If he doesn't have one already-
Johnny accepts the hug though stares at the bottle of aspirin, looking like he's about to take the whole bottle before putting it aside for later. "Thanksh..."
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doyouevenamericano · 2 years ago
Gender Bent Marauders Name Hcs
:D i saw a post about someone asking so here i am.
Jamie - James
Rei (Ray) - Remus
Situla/Siri - Sirius ( situla is apart of Aquarius )
Petra/Perri/Petricia - Peter (i know that’s not how you spell patricia but idgaf )
Bella/Beatrix/Barti - Barty (Could also just be Barty)
Evian/Evan - Evan
Regina/Reggie - Regulus
Dylan/Don - Dorcas
Link - Lily
Matthew - Marlene
Marcus - Mary
Payton/Perseus :D - Pandora
Elijah - Emmeline Vance
:D Thanksh
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danjaley · 2 years ago
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Andrew: One word, Matt! I heard you’re getting friendly with Mr Fraser’s daughter. Well, I said that to Fergus and I’m saying it to you now: You’ll only make yourself unhappy, if you take a wife for the sake of having one.
Matthew: Thanksh for the advishe. Bu’ you don’’ know any’hing ‘o Missh Fresher’s dishadvan’age, do you?
Andrew: As a matter of fact I do. I saw her pointing her finger at you.
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rainbowroachies · 8 months ago
All my followers get a free random image
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Thanksh!! :) *eats in front of your face* /pos
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blubberymuses · 9 months ago
A ten tiered cake for Mikan, bigger than she is.
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"I-... I'm t-thankshful but I don'teh think s-shome n-n-nasty t-trashy pigsshit like me shhould h-have shomething likeh thish..." Mikan would try to politely decline the gift towering over her before her stomach grumbled away her true feelings... She might change her rejection to a slice or two... or three... or more...
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chubbykanmuses · 3 months ago
*Just standing up had cut the woman in half, as the flattened part of her body remains firmly planted in the ground while the upper, still relatively-functional part is carried up along with Flandre's cheeks for a little bit, before falling off. Her face is a featureless mass now, only vaguely recognizable as anything remotely resembling human and only in the broadest of strokes for how it reverts back to its honeycomb-like complexion, but despite that, it seems- Impossibly- She has just enough life left in her to open her 'eyes', oozing as they are with honeyed, splattered eyeball, and respond; * Ikhkhs... Gghhouhhd~... * -Before her meaty, slashed-up beeswax-tongue falls limp once again.*
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"Good then! Ahh~ To be honest, taking Remi's form just makes it soo much better... if only, indeed, I would be graced with the pleasure of shattering my dear Sister's bones like so! But ahh, I just love her so much, so much... wouldn't hurt her unless she wanted to... whatever, down the hatch!"
And true to her word-
The cake was dessert.
And the bee-woman's remains are the main dish~
Dangling her upper half atop her own head and slowly lowering little by little as she takes rapid bites out of it, wolfing down flesh, bone and organs alike with no regard whatsoever to whether the poor girl's still alive or not, tearing away at her whole arm, then the other upon swallowing the thing in one go-
Grabbing at her own jaw and tearing it wide open, cheek flesh hanging freely as she squeezes the bee-woman's torso... and little by little slides it inside, directly into her throat, inner walls pulsating, twisting and squeezing and stretching in peristaltic motion to drag her further inside, till she reaches her skull-
Slamming her jaws shut with a playful twist of her hand, crushing, munching, chewing on it before one final gulp-
"Hhhuueeeaaarrrrrph~ Thanksh for the meal~"
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loen-kennededy · 9 months ago
So mean to me 😔😔😔😔 thanksh I'm gonna cry tonight for that. Sleep on the couch, I'm taking bed.
Also marry me already so we can be bestfriends forever 🥹😔😔😔
1. We don’t live with each other, I’m sleeping in my own bed.
2. Marry to be best friends??? Not sure that’s how it works.
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