ask-andrew-larson · 2 days
Dear Larson,
What do you look for in a partner?
‐ The Nosy Ravenclaw
*Andrew, looking visibly flustered, answers in a hurry.*
Please don't get into any arguments over this!
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ask-andrew-larson · 13 days
Show us your favourite pebble, Andrew!
B-but I don't have one!
All of them are precious to me.
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ask-andrew-larson · 18 days
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Can I give you a peck on the neck, my fair Scots boy? 
Cock a doodle do
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ask-andrew-larson · 23 days
*As the class comes to an end, I stride alongside you as we prepare to leave. With a subtle motion, I curl my index finger repeatedly, silently beckoning you to draw nearer. Bowing down, I whisper softly into your ear, "I made you come with one finger, imagine what I could do with my whole hand."*
*Despite being initially curious, Andrew fell out of step with the student*
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*...and slowly backed away.*
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ask-andrew-larson · 24 days
What is your favourite season, Andrew dear? :)
*Andrew looked intently at the smiley face at the end of the question before he wriggled in his seat, a grin on his face as he composed a response.*
Spring! Without question, dear friend. *Andrew's smile widened.* My sisters and I used to compete to see who could spot the most baby animals born in the early days of Spring when Winter finally broke.
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ask-andrew-larson · 1 month
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가슴은 뛰고 있어 / My heart is racing 여전히 널 보고 있어 / I’m still looking at you 자꾸만 숨이 막혀서 / Because I keep running out of breath
This entire song, but
It's gonna be wild it's gonna be real I tell you my friend our scars will heal Bottom to top we run those hills Broaden our minds we’re seeking thrills And I know these days these days will carry on Yeah we hang and fight our sleep till the break of dawn
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ask-andrew-larson · 1 month
*places a girthy cucumber in front of you while watching and waiting in anticipation*
*Mouth full of mash, Andrew nodded in understanding before he speared the cucumber with his fork.* Thanksh! I ought to have shome shalad too.
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ask-andrew-larson · 2 months
*Andrew lets out a horrified squeak. Help. What has he done?!*
N-no, thank you!
Erm…Madam Scribner, this musical owl was by the library entrance:
Ah, Mr. Larson. Look at that.
I must have lost it when I finished writing the latest chapter of The Lusty Librarian Maiden: Shush My Lips and Spread the Others.
You should listen to the music, Mr. Larson. It will provide you with great inspiration. Here, you should listen to this as well.
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ask-andrew-larson · 2 months
Andrew, how is it that your handwriting is so neat?
I get anxiety looking at my homework.
Love, a secret admirer
*Was it? Andrew brows knotted in confusion as he examined his half-written History of Magic essay strewn on top of a pile of books. He supposed that his roundish penmanship was at least legible.*
Dear calligraphic admirer,
Thank you for noticing the way I write, although I do not think my handwriting warrants admiration. I do write fairly slowly, though, so maybe that is why!
I am sure your homework looks better than you make it out to be! And really, if the Professors can read and mark it, it must be more than satisfactory. Perhaps you should take breaks in between writing? My hand tends to cramp up if I get too engrossed in drawing or scribbling, which certainly does not help.
With inky regards, Andrew
*He conjured a small glass pot and carefully, very slowly, poured half of his walnut brown ink into the container before screwing the lid tightly to send along with his return owl, hoping that whomever this was could one day admire their own penmanship in the same way that they do his.*
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ask-andrew-larson · 2 months
Dear Andrew,
Roses are red, Violets are blue Do you mind If I run next to you?~
Joking, of course, I don't run (there is a small doodle of a boy looking suspiciously like a certain prefect sticking his tongue out). But Happy Valentine's Day nonetheless! I got you some Jelly Slugs and Crystallised Pineapple, mostly because people don't really trust chocolates on this holiday anymore. Hope you're spending today with somebody lovely~
Simply a friend, William
P.S. I'd also like to talk about the whole "running away" thing because at this point it is rather obvious I am not pursuing you or anyone else for that matter.
*Andrew, although apprehensive at first to find an owl from The Prefect, is pleasantly surprised, especially after his eyes landed on the generous gift of sweets. With one hand already rummaging in the bag of jelly slugs, he dipped his quill into the ink pot and started to write:*
Dear Mr William,
Thank you for the kind gift, and Happy Valentine’s Day! I will be sure to share some of these with Other Andrew since I know how much he appreciate gifts from you.
As for running, we don’t have to! I would happily go for a walk with you if you would prefer that instead. Or a broom ride! I’ve not flown with you other than on the pitch and you are a fantastic flier. 
Very gratefully, Andrew
P.S. Okay.
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ask-andrew-larson · 2 months
After you finish reading a paragraph aloud, Professor Ronen claps his hands enthusiastically. "Splendid reading, Mr. Larson! I ought to give 10 points to Ravenclaw!" He pauses and reaches into his pocket with a twinkle in his eye.
"But instead," he says, placing an unwrapped lemon drop on your desk, "have a lemon drop!" Professor Ronen smiles warmly at Andrew.
*The delight Andrew had felt at being praised morphed into a dejected sort of longing as he stared at the lemon drop, Sebastian’s advice ringing clearly in his mind.*
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ask-andrew-larson · 2 months
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ask-andrew-larson · 2 months
*Steals some shy glances at you in class, secretly pining.*
So cute...
*Stares unblinkingly at the blackboard until his eyes start to water.*
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ask-andrew-larson · 2 months
*Leaves a few slices of honeydew melon on your nightstand, pats your head and waddles away.*
*Mumbling in his sleep, Andrew swatted at his hair. But…something… He sniffed and woke to the sight of fruit, perfectly ripe, glistening with juice, and positively tantalising to his parched throat. Andrew swallowed. 
Pushing himself into a sitting position, he reached for a slice of melon, glanced at his sleeping roommates, reminded himself to eat as quietly as possible and dove in. Merlin. It was as tasty as it looked. Andrew chewed heartily, then dug in for another succulent bite before finishing his first, all while leaning over the side of his bed in case any juices dripped onto his sheets. Despite the tempting call of the remaining fruit on his bedside table, he pushed the other two slices further away, if only as a gesture to remind himself to save some for Felix and Als.*
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ask-andrew-larson · 3 months
Hey there, our precious little eagle! A question for you: other than chicken, what other fowl are you fond of (if any at all since we don't want anyone to get jealous, if you know what I mean) ;)
B-but why would a whole order of birds be jealous? *He glances at Ducktor.* Ducks!
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ask-andrew-larson · 5 months
Hey there, pretty boy~
I sneaked into the Astronomy Tower last night for… reasons I shall not specify (the Leander incident? Hehe, I'll say no more). And you just stood there, watching the skies as if you were looking to uncover secrets of the Universe.
Tell me: Are you always this cute or should I start sneaking into the Astronomy classes more often now?
Not even going to hide, Cyrus 🔥
*Drawing himself to full height and squaring his shoulders, Andrew decided that it was finally time to face this owl that had been haunting him for a while now. He panned the classroom until his gaze fell onto a familiar Hufflepuff and took deliberate steps toward his classmate.* 
*Andrew drew one last deep breath and slammed the letter down onto the table in front of @ask-elland-n-will. Then, his composure crumbled, and he slinked down onto the bench next to his Charms partner. Voice feeble and weak, he looked imploringly at his friend.* 
Help, please.
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ask-andrew-larson · 5 months
Dear Andrew,
I'd just like to properly inquire if you've received any anonymous letter? It is with great embarrassment that I seem to have written that under the influence of alcohol and my dear owl therefore may have mistaken it to be sent out.
If you haven't though, that would only put me in an early grave for I won't know of anymore Andrews that could have received it! I am deeply sorry for the disturbance and please, just burn the forsaken thing if it were ever to come into your hands.
Yours, in all ways
*Tugging at his collar, Andrew gulped as he eyed the parchment on his desk. With his ever-growing pile of owls, and because he had received one where an anonymous sender wanted to dip him into barbecue sauce, he found himself having to muster up the courage to even read his post. 
Andrew squinted at the crossed-out valediction and decided it was for the best if he ignored those three words.* 
Dear B,
I have received a number of anonymous letters, but unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I would not be able to tell which one is yours if you had not signed it. 
There is another Andrew in my house, though, so your owl may have delivered it to him instead? He is a friend of mine, and I could ask him if you would like? 
Please don’t feel the need to apologise! Even if I’m not the most well-equipped to answer some of the owls I have been receiving, I still would not dream of burning them. 
I hope you are staying hydrated. And if you need any invigoration draughts, I suggest you visit the Hospital Wing. My frien- I’m sure the nurse will sort you right out! 
Mildly concerned, Andrew
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