#thanks straigth ally
havinghorns · 1 year
Well we always hot only to certain people, there no way to please everybody, but see, i'm a straigth male, and think that you just perfect in all your being, congrats, and to those who dont apreciate all of you, fuck they
yeah fuck they
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I'm rewatching Gotham the TV show and it has potencial but becomes very shitty thanks to three major problems
1. It is a Batman prequel. They can't solve most of the problems nor really go all for it (letting some characthers stay dead, rediming some characters or doing anything of significative change) so to not impact the Batman lore.
- Possible solution: make it a otherword story. My sugestion: present it as a otherword story to the start, this is going to be very different. But them start normal, with small changes, maybe that criminal who would be a rogue just straigth up dies or Bruce meets Harley Quinzel on school and something it's just awalys of. Play with it. Go on with permanent changes to the point where the word really looks unique. Maybe the what if here it's that Thomas Wayne wasn't really a good person or that Jim Gordon will end up in a cape. Maybe Bruce having early connections with the criminal underground and being baby dective will twist something in him, maybe he will stat going for Jason "stop crime by controlling it" plan after all. The seeds are there. The audience doesn't know. But the uncanew valley of seeing charecthers you know well having a similar essence but learning and going into different paths is unsethling and the curiosity of what these are will catch the audience and if the changes create a logical path to a alternative Gotham where Bruce Wayne becames something different (and so did his rogues and allys, maybe even some changing positions) you won.
- Personal Opnion: DO NOT GIVE JOKER A BACKSTORY OR A SECRETY IDENTITY. Nothing against Jerome/Jeremiah fans butI truly think that having the Joker be just the Joker it's the best way to write him.
2. It's problematic. It's soo problematic.
Almost all woman in the show are plot devices, will suffer through the woman in refrigerator tropes and/or will be treated badly.
It fetishizes saphic relashionships and uses queerness as a proof of crazyness and/or evil (they literaly introduce the idea that Barbara hss a dark side by showing she had a previous relationship with a woman for god's sake). And while m|m relashionships are not fetishized they are always subtext and a proof of evil and/or crazyness or sometimes just a joke.
It's soo goddamed ableist. I swear the show it's unapologitically ableist. The jokes, the subtext, the main text. Everyone on the show was ableist at least once or was coded as neurodivergent as a way to prove they were a problem. The only exception being Baby Bruce Wayne, who did not make any offencive joke and was unitencionally coded as neurdivergent and treated well anyway.
I would add that more POC characthers in major roles would be great. They have a diverse cast but most of them are casted as evil and/or (even moro) on sidelines.
Solution: BE BETTER. It isn't even hard to rewrite the story in way where these problems aren't there anymore. Really it's embarassing.
3. Tries too hard to be a edgy version of The Animated Series. Sometimes it suceed in presenting a similar feeling: Bruce confronting Matches Malone and Firefly backstory episodes for example are unique storys but have that BTAS energy. But others like the Mr. Freeze arc sound way more close to the original text but also worse, you can see the references but not the feeling and it sucks cause Fries story it's one of the highlights of BTAS.
I don't even have sugestion to that. Because it's natural to be influencied by BTAS and honestly by the whole DCAU (except by Bruce and Barbara romance fuck that), I think take care while doing that?
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wildamongwolves · 6 years
Hi 😊 Which is your favourite sterek moment?
Hi! This is such a hard question I had to actually take time to think about it, and then the answer changed as I typed, lol! I think it might be the anchor scene - Derek dissociating from the trauma that’s happening to him and going straigth to Stiles, aka safety, in his mind.
My first answer was the “c’mon, big guy, let’s see that big ol’ fist” scene because I love seeing Derek being playful (that little smirk!), and because they’ve clearly gotten pretty familiar. I also totally headcanon that Stiles spent the summer between S2 and S3 helping Derek look for Boyd and Erica, going from allies to (immature) flirting!
Thank you for asking! I’ve been having so much Sterek feels lately
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