rmrvldhz · 2 years
#TBT Photos and The Story Behind Them
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This was me at 1 year old. This photo was taken at my aunt’s garden. My auntie and her husband (Chinese) really like me. They always borrow me from my mom because Angkong love me so much and he treated me like his own. He buys me lots of foods like cereals, biscuits, Gerber and expensive milk. 
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This is our dogs. I love them so much but some of them left us too soon because of infections and virus. They are my happiness and inspiration everyday. Indeed a house is not a home without a dog. They’re not just our dog but they are also part of our family. We didn’t treat them as a guard dog, but we treated them as our sibling. I miss them so much but I know they are in good place now, free from pain. They are my angels and my happy pill.
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This picture was taken in 2010. This was during our Sunday service in the church. This was taken after the kids' bible study. I miss being a kid with no problem. My only problem at that time was sleeping in the afternoon. LOL.
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This picture was taken in 2009. I’m with my siblings and cousins. It is my grandma’s birthday. I miss my grandma a lot. Me and my cousins only see each other when it is my grandma’s birthday because they live far from my grandma. I love my cousins even though some of them don’t like me. LOL 
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This picture was taken on my 18 birthday when I was still in Senior High School. My friends surprised me with cakes and balloons. I miss them so much. They we’re the person that completed my Senior High School journey. They were very kind and funny even though some of them is always absent. LOL. I didn’t see them for almost 4 years already and I am looking forward to meet them again soon. I will never forget them.
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rmrvldhz · 2 years
What I miss About Face-to-Face Classes
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The pictures above were from my previous school which is at Xavier University. I still don’t have pictures of me in USTP since I didn’t get to attend face-to-face classes since the pandemic started.
  What I miss about face-to-face classes is first and foremost, my allowance. Kidding aside, I miss my classmates who are with me through ups and downs every semester. I miss going out with them. We used to eat at fast food after class when we have free time. I miss our favorite hangout place which is Chingkee Tea, our favorite drink is their boba milk tea. I miss the sleepless nights because of our never-ending assignments and other paperwork. In face-to-face classes, you have to double time and multi-task always. When we are busy, we usually have our lunch for 15 minutes only and after that, we go back directly to our paperwork. I miss bringing very heavy books. I miss going to the library and falling asleep. In face-to-face, you will experience the real life of a student because you will always procrastinate like me, I procrastinate every day because I have a lot of homework to do especially in my course because I am an accountancy student before and I have 5 majors in the first year, first sem. But I didn’t complain about that because I like my course and I’m enjoying it.
In face-to-face classes, you will encounter different subject teachers with different personalities. Some teachers are terror and strict and some are approachable and understand their students. Even though they are strict with us, I still miss them. I miss wearing my uniform and doing physical activities at the gym. I miss going to the cafeteria to eat tempura, kwek-kwek, and pancit canton. I miss running to the hallway because I’m late. There are a lot of things I miss in face-to-face classes but I can’t name them all. But overall, I miss going to school. I wish this pandemic will end soon so that we will be able to have face-to-face classes.
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rmrvldhz · 2 years
How I Chose My Major
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In case you’ve been wondering how and why I chose my major right now, this is not my first major, this is my 3rd major already. My college journey has been one hell of a ride.
Before this major (TCM) I already encountered two courses which are accountancy and business administration, all in 1 year. It’s funny to think why I ended up getting my third major right now. But yeah, I’ve been through a lot in these college years. Two different schools and three different courses.
My first course is Accountancy which I took up at Xavier University. Accountancy was my dream course. It was okay at first, I had good grades. There were stressful days but it was okay since I have my friends and family that support me and believe in me. Life is okay as I said but not until I failed one subject that is not included in my major subjects and that is when I started a feeling of discouragement but I didn’t give up. In the second semester, I shifted to Business Administration which I also like. My grades are pretty good there. Shifting to Business Administration from Accountancy is not that hard. I enjoyed being a BSBA student.
Fast forward, we had a family problem that lead me to choose whether to continue school or quit. And yep, I quit for a year because my mental health cannot handle any more problems and I don’t want to be a burden to my family. I stopped for 1 year and I realized so many things.
After 1 year, I returned to school and that’s the time I enrolled in this school (USTP) where I chose my major (TCM). I contemplated whether to choose this course or not since I came from Accountancy and Business Administration. After contemplating I finally convinced myself to enroll in this course/major. Right now, I’m happy because I made the right choice. Finally!
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rmrvldhz · 2 years
The New Normal for Me
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For me, the new normal is difficult. It drastically altered my everyday routine. The transition might be seamless at times, but it can also be choppy and downright bumpy at other times.
Before the new normal or before Covid-19, my life is okay, I had a stable job online. I had a high salary that was able to help me provide for all my needs and the bills that I had to pay. Before the new normal, all is well, I had a happy life with my family and friends. I was able to help my mom by providing all her needs and the essentials inside the house, and I was able to pay our bills and buy groceries weekly.
The new normal caused a massive change to our lives, especially in our studies, we’re not able to have face-to-face classes like we used to. We’re not able to meet our classmates and instructors. The new normal is hard for me in terms of having online classes, even though I have my gadgets for online classes like a computer, cellphone, and WIFI. I can’t imagine those students who don't have any gadgets to use for online classes. My other classmates are working part-time because of the pandemic they have to earn money to help their parents. Some students stopped going to school because they prioritized their job. New normal is extremely hard for us students, but we have to accept it because this is the reality now. We can’t blame each other, we just have to accept that this pandemic will not end soon. We just have to go with the flow.
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rmrvldhz · 2 years
Random Facts About Me:
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1.) I would rather shop for kitchenware and kitchen gadgets than clothes or shoes. 
2.) I would rather buy clothes in thrift stores than in the mall. 
3.) I like to eat but I don’t know how to cook. 4.) I eat a lot but I’m not gaining weight.
5.) My family is musician.
6.) I like to sing.
7.) I enrolled at a music school for piano, vocal and guitar lessons.
8.) I love plants a lot!
9.) I like watching tropophobia.
10.) I love watching movies, especially Filipino movies and kdrama.  
11.) I am really forgetful sometimes.
12.) I use my phone for everything, and it is never far from my side.
13.) I search for meaning and purpose even in small things.
14.) I like exposing myself to people I know.
15.) I don’t like having problems.
16.) I always get angry even in small things.
17.) I hate reading books.
18,) I can’t draw even simple drawings.
19.) I love going to the beach but I’m scared to go alone.
20.) I have never lied about my age.
21.) I don’t know how to apply make up. 
22.) I am a sensitive person. 
23.) When I was young my face was bitten by our puppy.
24.) I love dogs. We have a total of 12 dogs.
25.) I want to buy a hedgehog.
26.) I have panic attack.
27, I have scoliosis that’s why I can’t carry heavy things.
28.)  I didn’t experienced celebrating debut.
29.) I went to Manila alone and it was my first plane ride.
30.) My dream country is Germany and Switzerland. 
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