#thanks so much eli <3
short prompt of smth around the love language of sharing food! either comfort thru good food or noticing each other's fave food or sharing a food from their culture etc etc
"Babe. Babe. Babe."
Stede sighed, looking up from picking at his mushroom stroganoff to glare at his beautiful, perfect boyfriend. "What."
Ed's smile was sympathetic as he laid down his fork, his own mushroom wellington mostly-eaten on his plate. "You know you don't have to eat it, right?"
"Well -"
"Stede, love, sweet, my perfect light of sunshine," Ed interrupted, grinning when that got him a small smile, "I just have a question for you. A tiny question."
"Mhm. Shoot."
Ed reached a hand across the table, smiling when Stede's fingers immediately laced easily with his. "Why did you tell me you like mushrooms when you very, very obviously don't?"
Stede chewed on his bottom lip, looking back down at what really did look like a perfectly-executed mushroom stroganoff. "You tried so hard," he said, quietly, after a moment.
"I could've made you something else -"
"But I need to be supportive," Stede practically wailed, and Ed's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Alright, hug time," Ed declared, standing up and unceremoniously pulling Stede to his feet for a proper hug.
Stede sighed deeply, hands coming up to lightly circle Ed's back, sighing into his shoulder. He'd been the one to encourage Ed to quit the modeling job he hated and go to culinary school, and the last thing he wanted was to fuck up Ed's confidence by not liking a dish!
"Hey, Ed?" Stede said softly. "I don't really like mushrooms."
"I could tell, yeah." Ed pressed a kiss to Stede's forehead, rocking him gently from side to side.
"It's the texture," Stede said, leaning back so he could stick his tongue out to make Ed laugh. "They're just so chewy and slimy and - ugh!"
"Alright, point taken," Ed said, with a good-natured laugh.
"I mean," Stede hastily corrected, "yours were on...the better end of that spectrum."
"I'm sure they were, babe." Ed gave Stede a cheeky pat on the ass, then pulled back to take his hand to lead him into the kitchen. "Wanna know the best thing about making stroganoff? You always end up with so many extra noodles."
Stede still felt a bit guilty, as Ed got the leftover egg noodles from the stroganoff back onto the stove, tossing them with some butter and adding melty cheese, not even having to ask to know what Stede would like best.
"See, there we go," Ed laughed when he got Stede seated at the table again and he promptly started shoveling noodles into his face. "That's how I know I've succeeded."
Oh, fuck, the guilt was back.
"Ed," Stede said, forcing down a huge swallow of noodle, "I'm really so, so sorry -"
"Nothing to apologize for," Ed said, giving Stede's arm a gentle squeeze. "You're not gonna like everything I cook -"
"Well, I should!"
"Oh, Stede," Ed sighed. "What's your favorite food in the world?"
"Shrimp," Stede said immediately. "Fried shrimp. Can't resist -"
"Can't resist your shrimpies, yeah," Ed said. "And we can't even keep them in our house."
"Well, you keep Kosher, we can't contaminate all the cookware," Stede winced. "It's not the same, you've got a reason, I'm just being picky -"
"Not the point, babe," Ed said gently. "The point is...we make allowances for each other, I guess. And you're not just being picky, you've got a reason, too. Not liking them counts as a reason. It's fine, but I wish you'd have just told me you wouldn't like the mushrooms."
And before Stede could even apologize -
"No apologies necessary," Ed said firmly, squeezing his hand. "We take care of each other."
And wasn't that a delight? There, in their kitchen, with his belly full of warm food and Ed smiling next to him...Stede had never felt more at home.
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einelitas · 6 months
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*gets giddy from my own comms*
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capt-biglou · 9 months
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Looking on to a new year, by @palavenmoons!
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retrogradedreaming · 6 days
I need to start thinking of ideas for the prompt list I made to get myself to sketch more in October, but instead I'm drawing self-indulgent comics about cats 😭
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evenstarfalls · 1 year
It's just a thing i think is very silly and stupid
Eli Ever = B/eliever
The way Eli' wanted so badly to believe that ExtraOrdinaries were real and he could do something that be remembered. His obsessive belief in god. The way he believed in his crusade against EOs, even though everyone hated him for it. Eli's character is all about believing. Extreme, devoted, all-consuming belief that powers his delusions. Even with Victor, he believed and trembled. Belief carried him out of hell as a child. Belief brought him back from death. Belief carried him though life, and he clung to it at EON. It's such a wonderful word for him and I thank you for it
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beeholyshit · 4 months
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doodlingcrayon · 3 months
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Last (but CERTAINLY not least) of the batch is Eliasar!! 💙💜 Absolutely big chillin' 😎 Eli is primarily RIGHT HERE on bluesky, but check out his Twitch channel too while you're at it!
⛱️ Want a cute YCH of your own character big chillin'? Check out the form right... 👉 [HERE!] 👈 They're open all summer and the next batch is already well on their way down the lazy river! ;)
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mackmp3 · 9 months
Some reading questions (for books you have read this year):
What was your favourite book of the year?
A book that you havent stopped thinking about?
Least favourite book?
Book you have recommended the most?
Best book that has been recommended to you?
Most read genre?
What decade have you mostly read from?
Reading goals for next year?
XD <3 /np
favourite book of the year - ough i think Neverwhere - i didn't reread it or anything which i usually do with books i like but i really enjoyed it & it was very good & vibey hehe
book i haven't stopped thinking about - good omens. for Reasons. also the starless sea but i was thinking about that a lot last year as well <3
least favourite book - yknow i think i've managed to avoid reading anything i didn't actually like this year! which is pretty good
book i've recommended the most - the starless sea babeyyyyyyyy thank you to the four (possibly five) people who've read it on my account
best book recommended to me - babel (thanks <3333)
most read genre - fantasy! i love fantasy
what decade have you mostly read from - hmm i think probably 2010s or 20s, haven't read nearly as many old ones as previous years
reading goals for next (this!!!!) year - not stop reading for three months in the middle lol. & i want to read more terry pratchett books :D
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heytheredeann · 11 months
Hi! :)
I'm just having a zombie!Illya thought, so I wanted to ask: does he age?
Like, imagine the angst when Napoleon and Gaby grow older as Illya stays the same. And they are all painfully aware that they are going to retire once while Illya could practically keep doing the job forever (I don't think there are any laws about zombie retirement) and he's going to lose the two people who really care about him and who taught him that he should care about himself too.
Hope you'll have an amazong week!
Oh.....oh no
I mean he definitely doesn't age and I had thought about that, BUT I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT HE COULD POTENTIALLY JUST DO THIS FOREVER, OH NO
Like the ANGST as Gaby and Napoleon start growing older and slower, but also the fact that he knows that their futures look so different, OUCH
Illya probably always knew that he was stuck like this once they turned him, but he didn't have PARTNERS before, he didn't have anyone to leave behind anymore, and now he has to the face the fact that they are either going to get sloppy and get killed or manage to retire, and he Will Not Be With Them.
But ALSO add to that Illya slowly getting used to having people who value him and don't want to use him as cannon fodder, slowly letting himself deal with the fact that this is actually kind of shitty and unfair, but also knowing that the only outcome here is that he is going to lose them and he is going to be alone again, right back where he started, with no one to have his back.
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ej-artyarts · 1 year
Dog’s First Pride
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Discovered gay people were real on Saturday - What nice people :3
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queenangst · 1 year
wrt my fic poll, here is what i have to write—
town with an ocean view: 67 sentences
what's gonna be left: 135 sentences
we accept the suffering: 83 sentences
im home: 74 sentences
thanks everyone for encouraging me to write!
so. i will be working through that very slowly but since so many people voted, i thought id share some pieces from the wips under the cut:
a town with an ocean view:
Kiki had spent a lot of years falling from her broom and crashing into trees, wobbling home with scratches up and down her arms and legs. Every time Mom would see them and sigh, her mouth turned upward fondly even as she fretted. 
Mom was good at potions. Kiki had never learned, but she could always tell what Mom was making by the smell of it. Deep and woody were cures for the soul. Sharp was the salve Mom made for cuts. Flower-sweet were Mom’s potions for rest and recovery. 
we accept the suffering we think we deserve:
Peter's I'm sorry, I just wanted to be special like you.
Dad told her, you have the right to remain silent.
She left behind a body and a ghost. There's no one in her world to keep Gwen there. There's not a single person there who'd get it. 
Even Jess doesn't. Miguel wouldn't. 
Miles will. 
im home
It's a bad habit, he knows, but he has to check. He looks around his room. The walls are the right color. There's his limited edition figure—out of its plastic, from when Gwen ruined the perfect display. The floorboard by the window he learned not to land on after swinging in still creaks in the right place. It's all familiar.
But Earth-42 was familiar, too.
Miles scrambles for his watch, fumbling with the right buttons. The scanner-bots lift off from his wrist, dutifully taking in their surroundings. They've repeated this routine many times. An orange glow lights up the space as the bots sweep the room and then come back to him.
Earth-1610, the watch reads.
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
Sent me a ship and I will tell you my (brutally honest) opnion on it
Sprace : love them, eat them, would die for them. Don't talk to me about livesies Sprace tho. 92sies Sprace own my heart and soul because they were the original idiots to lovers gay icons but uksies Sprace is superior and I will die on this hill.
Elmer/Buttons : love them. not enough content about them. Idiots to lovers 100%, they both need Race to open their eyes because he is tired after 4 years of them being head over heals for each other but refusing to think the other might love them back.
Jomike : If they have a million fans I am one of them, if they have one fan it's me, if no one ships them I am dead. If you don't ship them you are wrong. Mike is the most dependant guy on this eart, Jojo has religious trauma and they have so much angst potential. Also I would sell my soul for them
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sysig · 2 years
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Tastes staticy (Patreon)
#My art#Vectors ♥ My beloved#How do I always let these art styles sit by the wayside for so long! I love them!#In this case it was good for a number of reasons lol ♪ Firstly because I forgot my tablet pen and only that while I was out for the evening#Oops lol#But I was still very much in an art-expression mood and vectors are so so so friendly with my trackpad <3 Thank you lads haha#That said I did sketch this with regular brushes on my trackpad lol - and recorded it this time so you'll get to see what that looks like!#It's not really one way or t'other imo lol I've gotten fairly proficient so it's just slightly messier than normal#Posing's a bit stiff but I'm fine with that#Onto the actual art! Haha#I really didn't think I'd get as much mileage out of Eli as I have but they're really perfect for some aspects#Got a little jittery and the red shines clarified - I talked last time about them relating to hubris - still true!#Eli's a scientist first and foremost and still holds on to a very human thirst for knowledge hehe ♫ To...effect#Well this is data too#I considered having their eyes a pale purple since that's about where I'm hovering currently and then - forgot lol#The red shines can manifest no matter what colour their eyes are!#Including red! It's less likely but it can happen and Things Get Ugly :)#Doing eye flicks and stutters is literally always so fun ugh ✨ It's so simple but it looks so good!! My favourite haha#They'll be fine - I'm fine now so Eli's calm too haha
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purplejan · 1 year
I'm here with a little Halldoll concept :3
Nicky and Jaida were best friends in high school, almost like they were attached by the hip. But when graduation comes, Nicky has to go back to France to her family.
15 years later, they meet again at an international conference in Amsterdam. Without missing a beat, it's like they haven't been apart for even a day.
waaa halldoll concept, bestest gift i could receive 💕
no but seriously i looove this concept, like i imagine their goodbye being something that hurt the two of them temendously; at that point they had a VERY intense friendship and there was definitely strong pining but neither was brave enough to act on it before it was too late and nicky was already on her way back to france :c the regret of never trying to see if something more could have been always haunted them. the months after that were rough; having to become an adult and figure out what to do with their lives was hard enough on itself, but add having to do it without their closest person to accompany through it all?? heartbreak all around.
and then!! the chance meeting at amsterdam!! i imagine it could be something like a lil rom com; they spent days together just catching up on everything, where life has taken them, past relationships (failed ones ofc, and omg lucky!! they're both single rn!!) and it's amazing how despite the fact they should be total different people and probs not have much in common, it's like you said, like they've never been apart; they still have that special power to make the other laugh like no one else, by the end of their lil time together their cheeks hurt from all the smiling <3
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the sillies in question <3
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🎶 ily corey!!! 💕
"nothing stays the same for long / but when it changes, doesn't mean it's gone / time will always get away / as it leaves behind another day"
friendship through the ages - mlp [equestria girls]
send me a ♪ and i'll put my music on shuffle and give you my favorite line from a song <3
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a-lexia11 · 27 days
Loving in Barcelona (Meeting in Barcelona final part)
Alexia Putellas x reader
Words count: around 13k
Warning: angst,fluff,insecurities
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
Note: Here it is, everyone—the final part of the series. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also, thank you so much for all the positive comments; I truly appreciate it 🤍🫶
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“I’m ready to start a relationship…with you,” she said, her voice steady but laced with deep emotion. Her eyes never wavered from mine as she continued, “I want us to be together, officially.”
As those words spilled from her lips, disbelief washed over me. I turned slowly towards her, locking eyes with her, trying to comprehend the reality of what she was saying. Could this really be happening?
She was smiling at me, that soft, tender smile that always made my heart skip a beat. Her eyes, full of warmth and adoration, seemed to sparkle as she looked at me.
In that moment, it felt like the world had stopped spinning, and it was just the two of us, frozen in this perfect bubble of time.
“You…you want to be with me? Like, as your girlfriend?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it too loud might shatter the magic of the moment.
I was utterly dumbfounded. Her words seemed too good to be true, like something out of a dream I never wanted to wake up from.
She smiled even wider, her eyes crinkling at the corners, and then she leaned in, resting her forehead gently against mine.
Her hand, warm and soft, cupped my cheek, her thumb tracing small, soothing circles on my skin.
“Sí, eso es exactamente lo que quiero” (Yes, that’s exactly what I want) she whispered, her breath mingling with mine.
Then, she pulled back slightly, just enough to place a tender kiss on my cheek, the warmth of her lips lingering on my skin like a sweet promise.
I opened my mouth, ready to say something—anything—to express the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me, but before I could form the words, someone called out Alexia’s name.
We both turned our heads towards the sound of the voice. There, just a few feet away, were Jenni Hermoso and Irene Paredes, grinning from ear to ear and waving Alexia over for a picture.
Reluctantly, we pulled away from each other and stood up. She didn’t let go of my hand, though. Instead, she squeezed it gently and led me towards the stands, where her mom and sister were waiting, watching us with knowing smiles.
“We’ll talk about it later, okay?” she said softly, her voice full of promise as she turned to face me again. “Te encontraré después” (I’ll find you after.)
Then, with the gentlest touch, she kissed me on the forehead, the gesture filled with so much affection that it made my heart swell.
And just like that, she walked away, leaving me standing there, dazed and utterly stunned.
I watched her retreating figure, my mind racing with the realization that she wanted to be with me—officially, just us, as girlfriends. It felt surreal, almost too incredible to believe.
But as the initial shock began to fade, I found myself grappling with the weight of what this meant. Did I want a relationship with her? The answer was a resounding yes. Of course, I did.
I’d been in love with her for what felt like forever, and the idea of being with her, truly and completely, was everything I’d ever wanted.
But as much as I wanted this—wanted her—I knew there were things we needed to talk about. We had to figure out how this was going to work, how we’d navigate this new chapter together.
And then there was Marina… That was a conversation that couldn’t be avoided.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the whirlwind of emotions inside me. There would be time to figure everything out.
For now, all I knew was that I was in love with her, and she wanted to be with me. And that, in itself, was enough to make my heart soar.
Returning to Alba and Eli, with Alba giving me a smirk and a playful eyebrow wiggle, we decided it was time to head back to our hotel.
“¿Quieres una bebida?” (Do you want a drink?”) Alba practically shouted into my ear, her voice barely cutting through the loud, celebratory noise of the bar.
We were all out celebrating Spain’s big win, and the energy in the place was electric.
“Solo agua, por favor.” (Just water, please!) I shouted back, making sure my voice was loud enough for her to hear me over the music and chatter. The last thing I needed tonight was alcohol.
Alba gave me a quick nod, her expression a mix of surprise and understanding, and then I watched as she made her way through the crowd towards the bar.
As I stood there, the reality of tomorrow’s journey began to sink in. I was leaving for New York in the morning, and the thought of waking up hungover was definitely not appealing.
I wanted to spend a few days with my parents before heading back to Barcelona. With summer vacation winding down and school starting soon, this was my last chance to enjoy some time with them before things got busy again.
Alba returned a few moments later, balancing our drinks in her hands with a playful grin. I thanked her and took a sip, the coolness of the drink offering a brief reprieve from the heat of the packed bar.
The atmosphere was electric, filled with laughter, music, and the joy of celebration after Spain’s big win.
After a while, Alba was fully immersed in the night, dancing her heart out with Alexia’s friends on the dance floor.
Meanwhile, I found myself sitting alone, taking a break. I had joined them earlier, but after dancing for what felt like hours, my feet were aching, and fatigue was beginning to set in.
The bar was still buzzing with energy, but I was starting to feel the weight of the day catching up to me. I glanced at my watch and noticed how late it was getting.
Alexia’s mom and uncle had already left for the hotel about an hour ago, and with my early flight looming, I knew it was time for me to head back as well.
Reluctantly, I stood up, brushing off the invisible weight of exhaustion that clung to me. I made my way through the crowd, weaving between groups of people until I reached Alba and the group of friends she was with.
I informed them that I was heading back to the hotel and took a moment to say my goodbyes since I wouldn’t be seeing them in the morning.
Alba gave me a tight hug, her energy still as high as ever, and I couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.
But before I left, I wanted to find Alexia. I hadn’t seen much of her since we arrived, as she had been busy celebrating with her teammates, and the bar was packed with people.
Despite that, our eyes had met a few times across the room, and each time, we shared a soft, knowing smile that made my heart flutter.
There was a connection between us that no amount of distance could weaken.
Scanning the room one last time, I finally spotted her seated in a corner, deep in conversation with Irene and Jenni.
I took a deep breath and made my way over, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. As I approached, Irene noticed me first.
She gave me a warm smile and nodded in my direction, subtly tapping Alexia on the shoulder to get her attention.
Alexia turned around, and the moment her eyes met mine, her face lit up with a wide, genuine smile that made my heart skip a beat.
She stood up and immediately wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight, affectionate hug.
I hugged her back just as firmly, savoring the warmth and comfort of being close to her.
When we finally pulled away, we remained close, our fingers naturally intertwining as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
The noise of the bar seemed to fade into the background as we stood there, connected by more than just our hands. I could see the emotion in her eyes, and I knew she could see it in mine too.
“I’m going to head out,” I leaned in and whispered into her ear, the loud music and chatter making it hard to hear. She immediately frowned, her expression a mix of disappointment and concern.
“¿Por qué? Apenas hemos pasado tiempo juntos esta noche” (Why? We’ve barely spent any time together tonight) she replied, her voice tinged with a bit of a pout as she looked at me with those eyes that always made it hard to leave.
“I know,” I said softly, “but I’ve got an early flight tomorrow, and honestly, I’m exhausted.” My words came out gently, hoping she would understand.
She sighed and nodded, though it was clear she wasn’t happy about it. The reluctance was written all over her face, but she knew I had to go. “I’ll walk you back to the hotel,” she offered, her tone more determined than before.
“No, no, really, it’s okay,” I assured her. “You should stay here and celebrate your victory with everyone. This is your night.”
But she shook her head firmly, her resolve unshakable. “No, no voy a dejarte ir solo” (No, I’m not letting you go by yourself) she said, her voice leaving no room for argument.
“Alexia,” I chuckled lightly, trying to ease her worries, “the hotel is literally five minutes away. I’ll be fine, I promise.”
She looked at me with a mixture of stubbornness and care in her eyes. “A lot can happen in five minutes,” she insisted, and without waiting for further discussion, she turned to inform Jenni and Irene that she’d be walking me back.
Once she had made sure they knew, she returned to me and gently took my hand in hers. As our fingers intertwined, I felt the warmth and reassurance of her touch.
We made our way out of the bar together, leaving behind the noise and celebration, stepping into the cool night air.
Even though it was just a short walk, she gripped my hand tightly as we ambled through the dimly lit streets.
We began our journey to the hotel, our hands intertwined, chatting about the day’s highlights and her big win.
The air was crisp and cool, and the city lights cast a warm glow on our path. As we reminisced, our conversation was filled with laughter and playful teasing.
Each shared memory and joyful recollection made the walk feel special, transforming it into a cherished moment.
The simple pleasure of being together, wrapped in the warmth of our closeness, turned this brief journey into a sweet and unforgettable experience.
Finally, we arrived at the front of the hotel, the evening air cool against our skin.
“Thank you for walking me back,” I said, looking up at her with a playful pout. “But now you have to go back alone.”
She laughed softly, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Oh, don’t worry about me,” she said with a teasing tone. “Solo voy a correr de regreso al bar” (I’ll just sprint back to the bar.) Her light-hearted joke made me smile, and we both shared a brief, carefree laugh.
As our laughter subsided, she drew me into a closer embrace, her arms wrapping warmly around my waist.
Her touch was comforting and intimate, making the moment feel even more special.
“No pienses que he olvidado lo que dije antes en el campo” (Don’t think I’ve forgotten what I said earlier on the field) she said, her smile tender and sincere as she looked into my eyes.
“I know you haven’t forgotten, and neither have I,” I replied softly, my voice full of affection.
She leaned in, resting her forehead gently against mine. “Now isn’t the right time to talk about it,” she whispered. “Es tarde, y deberías descansar. Pero te prometo que, una vez que estemos de vuelta en Barcelona, lo primero que quiero hacer es invitarte a una cita oficial” (It’s late, and you should get some rest. But I promise you, once we’re both back in Barcelona, the first thing I want to do is take you on an official date)
Her words took my breath away. The idea of an official date with her felt both thrilling and surreal. It was happening, and she had clearly made up her mind.
“If you want to, of course,” she added with a hint of nervousness, her eyes searching mine for reassurance.
I looked up at her, my heart swelling with happiness. “Of course, I’d love to go on a date with you,” I said gently, and then I pressed my forehead against hers, giving her a tender Eskimo kiss
We both giggled softly, our laughter melding seamlessly with the serene quiet of the night.
As our giggles faded, she pulled me closer, her arms enveloping me in a cocoon of warmth and affection that made everything around us feel distant and irrelevant.
I noticed her gaze flickering to my lips several times, a silent, suggestive movement that made my heart race.
She leaned down slightly, her breath mingling with mine, and I responded by tilting my head upward, closing the remaining distance between us.
This was it—the long-awaited moment. The night was calm and still, with no interruptions or distractions, just the two of us sharing this intimate space.
Our lips were mere centimeters apart now, and she looked into my eyes with a question in her gaze, silently asking for permission to close the gap. I offered a soft, encouraging nod, my own heart pounding in anticipation.
I closed my eyes, allowing myself to fully embrace the moment. Then, I felt her lips touch mine—soft and tentative at first. It was a sensation that felt both thrilling and surreal.
Her lips were incredibly gentle, as though she was savoring each moment of this first kiss, making sure it was as perfect as it could be.
Our lips began to move together slowly, in a tender, unhurried rhythm. Each kiss was deliberate, a delicate exploration that conveyed both passion and tenderness.
She kissed me as if I were the most precious thing in the world, her arms still wrapped around my waist, holding me close.
My hands naturally found their way to her cheeks, feeling the softness of her skin and deepening our connection.
In that precious moment, I was overwhelmed by a flurry of emotions—like butterflies fluttering in my stomach or fireworks bursting in the night sky.
The kiss was not just a physical sensation but an emotional symphony, marking the beginning of something beautiful and profound between us.
After a few moments, we slowly pulled away from each other. She pressed a few more gentle kisses on my lips before softly drawing back.
As we both opened our eyes, her face broke into a radiant smile, and she said, “Finalmente” (Finally) Her voice was filled with a mix of relief and joy.
I chuckled softly, feeling a rush of happiness, and buried my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her familiar scent and feeling her warmth envelop me.
She placed her large, comforting hand on the back of my head, her touch grounding and reassuring. “Yes, finally,” I whispered, my voice barely above a murmur, sharing in the profound sense of completion we both felt.
“No quiero irme ahora” (I don’t want to leave now) she whispered softly, her voice tinged with longing as she pressed a tender kiss to my hair. “I want to stay with you.”
Reluctantly, I pulled away slightly, needing to bring some sense of practicality into the moment. “No, you have to go back to the party,” I said with a gentle firmness, my tone mixed with affection.
Her smile remained, though it carried a hint of disappointment.
“I’m going back,” she said with a playful glint in her eye, “pero solo para que lo sepas, estaré pensando en ti todo el tiempo” (but just so you know, I’ll be thinking about you the entire time) Her cheeky grin made my heart flutter.
“Just have fun, okay?” I said, my hand moving to caress her cheek. She leaned into my touch, her eyes closing briefly as she savored the moment. “Te lo mereces, y estoy muy orgullosa de ti” (You deserved it, and I’m so proud of you.)
I withdrew my hand reluctantly and said, “Now, go before you miss out on all the excitement.”
She nodded, her eyes sparkling with mischief and affection. “Can I have one more kiss for the road?” she asked playfully, her voice a soft whisper of desire. I nodded in agreement.
She moved closer, her fingers gently cupping my cheek, and planted a series of tender kisses on my lips.
Each kiss was a delicate touch, full of warmth and promise, and as she kissed me, I felt a deep connection that made the moment feel even more intimate.
As she pulled back slightly, she whispered against my lips, “No puedo creer que he logrado dos sueños maravillosos esta noche” (Can’t believe I’ve achieved two wonderful dreams tonight) her words carrying a blend of excitement and tenderness.
It was clear she was referring to both me and her World Cup victory.
I laughed softly, my heart swelling with affection, and drew back completely. “You haven’t completely won me over yet,” I teased. “We’ll see how the first date goes. If it turns out to be dreadful, I’m afraid I might have to cut off all contact,” I said with a playful tone.
She laughed, the sound warm and genuine. “No te preocupes por eso. Prepárate para quedar completamente impresionada” (Don’t worry about that. Prepare yourself to be completely blown away) she said with a confident, teasing smile.
I grinned and said, “Go now, and text me when you’re back at the party.”
She took my hands in hers and kissed them gently, her touch sending a thrill through me. “Te veré en Barcelona, bebé ” (I’ll see you in Barcelona, baby) she promised, kissing my hands once more before letting them go.
As she waved goodbye and walked away, I turned to enter the hotel, my mind still buzzing with the electric sensation of our kiss. How was I ever going to get any sleep tonight? All I could think about was that magical, unforgettable kiss and the anticipation of what the future held.
As I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling and attempting to fall asleep—or at least trying not to let my thoughts drift to Alexia—my phone buzzed beside me.
Curious, I picked it up, and my heart skipped a beat when I saw her name light up my screen.
**La Reina👸:** I’m back at the bar. Sleep well and sweet dreams, bebé. I hope you have a great flight tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see you again in Barcelona. Besos.
A warm smile spread across my face as I read her message. God, I really missed her goodnight text messages.
I typed out a quick response, telling her to enjoy the rest of her night, but not without reminding her to have fun. As I hit send, a contented sigh escaped my lips. I placed my phone on the bedside table, locked the screen, and snuggled into the blankets.
Closing my eyes, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The anticipation of seeing her again in Barcelona filled my mind, and for the first time that night, I felt truly relaxed.
With a soft smile still lingering on my face, I finally drifted off to sleep, my thoughts no longer a whirlwind but a gentle reminder of what awaited me.
Back in New York, I sat down with my parents and excitedly shared all the details of my recent adventure in New Zealand and Australia.
From the breathtaking landscapes to the electrifying atmosphere of the World Cup, they were captivated by my stories.
They were especially overjoyed to hear about Alexia’s incredible achievement of winning the World Cup.
As the conversation shifted, I updated them on my situation with Alba and Alexia.
They listened intently, and I could see the relief and happiness wash over them as I explained how everything had resolved smoothly.
Their smiles grew even wider when I mentioned how well things had turned out for all of us, and how Alba and I had managed to strengthen our friendship despite the challenges.
Then came the moment I had been eager to share—I told my mom about the kiss Alexia and I shared.
As I described the moment, her eyes lit up with excitement, and she let out a squeal of delight, like a teenager hearing about her best friend’s first crush. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and we both burst into laughter.
It was reassuring to know that Alexia had my mom's full approval, and it made me feel even more confident about what lay ahead.
For the next three days in NYC, I made the most of my time with family and friends.
Every moment was precious, from catching up over coffee to long walks through the city. It felt like a warm embrace before I had to return to Barcelona.
Back in Barcelona, I hadn’t yet crossed paths with Alexia. She’s been swept up in the whirlwind of celebrations, interviews, and the countless obligations that come with being a World Cup champion.
Meanwhile, I’ve been equally caught up in preparing for the upcoming school year—endless meetings with Valeria, going over the new curriculum, and making sure everything’s in order.
It feels like our lives have been moving at a breakneck pace, leaving little room for anything else.
But despite our hectic schedules, we’ve managed to stay connected, as we always do.
Whether it’s through FaceTime calls or quick text messages, we’ve found ways to bridge the gap. Alexia has been sharing endless photos and videos from her celebrations, each one more heartwarming than the last. It’s been a small comfort to see her so happy, even if only through a screen.
Tonight, though, is different. Tonight, I’ll finally get to see her in person before she heads off again for Barcelona’s pre-season tour in Mexico.
The thought of it fills me with a mix of excitement and nerves.
We’ve planned our first official date, and I’ve been getting ready, trying not to overthink it.
Alexia hasn’t told me where we’re going, only that I should dress casually. That’s more than fine with me—she knows I’m not into anything too fancy, and casual feels more natural for us anyway. It’s a relief knowing she understands me so well.
As I finished getting dressed, smoothing out the last wrinkle in my outfit, I heard a knock at the door.
My heart jumped a little as I walked over to open it. When the door swung open, there she was—Alexia, standing in front of me with that familiar, dazzling smile. She looked effortlessly stunning in her simple blue wide-leg jeans and a white crop top.
In one hands, she held a bouquet of flowers and the others held the Nala’s leach.
For a moment, I just stood there, taking her in. The sight of her, right there in front of me after what felt like so long, made my heart swell.
It wasn’t just the flowers or her casual but perfect outfit—it was the way she looked at me, the warmth in her eyes that made everything else fade into the background.
“Hola, amor” she greeted me with a gentle smile that instantly made my heart flutter. I couldn’t help but smile back at her, the warmth of her presence washing over me. “You look beautiful, as always” she added softly, her voice full of sincerity.
As she stepped closer, she wrapped me in a warm, comforting hug, the kind that made me feel like everything was right in the world again.
"Ugh, I missed you," I admitted, my voice laced with frustration from all the time we’d spent apart. She laughed softly at my words, the sound like music to my ears.
We reluctantly pulled away from the embrace, but I wasn’t ready to let her go just yet.
Grinning mischievously, I cupped her face in my hands and began peppering her cheeks with kisses, one after the other, causing her to giggle in that adorable way that always melted my heart.
Just as I was about to steal another kiss, I heard a little bark from below. I glanced down and saw Nala looking up at me with those big, expectant eyes.
With a laugh, I bent down to pick her up. “Oh, Nala! I missed you so much!” I cooed, cuddling her close and pressing kisses into her soft fur. “Much more than I missed your mami” I teased, flashing Alexia a cheeky smile over Nala's head.
Alexia laughed at my playful remark and handed me the bouquet of flowers she had brought. “Para tì,” (for you) she said, her eyes twinkling with affection.
I carefully set Nala back down and took the flowers from Alexia’s hands, admiring their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance.
“Thank you, Alexia. With all the flowers you’ve given me, I could practically open a flower shop” I joked, eliciting another soft laugh from her.
After putting the flowers in water, I returned to her side, feeling content and at peace. "Vamos," she said, extending her hand toward me.
I took it without hesitation, and as she intertwined our fingers, a wave of warmth spread through me.
We slowly made our way towards her car, fingers intertwined as we walked side by side.
When we finally arrived, she took a moment to open the door for me. I leaned in and kissed her gently on the cheek, whispering a heartfelt “thank you” before sliding into the passenger seat.
After ensuring I was settled in, she turned her attention to Nala, carefully placing her in the backseat with a few affectionate pats.
Once Nala was comfortable, she climbed into the driver’s seat, buckled her seatbelt with a soft click, and started the engine. The hum of the car filled the air as we began our journey to wherever our date would take us.
As the city lights blurred by, I noticed her right hand resting casually on her lap. The desire to be close to her was too strong to resist, so I gently reached over and took her hand in mine, our fingers naturally intertwining.
The warmth of her touch spread through me, and when she glanced over at me, her lips curled into a tender smile.
Without a word, she lifted our joined hands and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of mine before letting them rest comfortably on my lap. I couldn’t resist tracing my fingers along her arm, savoring the connection between us.
After what felt like a dreamy ride, we finally arrived at our destination. As soon as I realized it was the beach, I couldn’t contain my excitement. “Oooh, I love a beach date!” I exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm, and she chuckled at my reaction, her laughter light and contagious.
We both got out of the car, the cool breeze immediately welcoming us. She moved to the backseat, carefully lifting Nala out before coming back to me.
Once again, she took my hand, our fingers fitting together as naturally as they always did.
The beach was calm and peaceful, with only a few scattered people in the distance. As we strolled towards the shore, she guided us to a more secluded area, where the sand was softer, and the waves seemed to dance just for us.
Spread out on the sand was a cozy blanket, along with a thoughtfully prepared picnic setup. There was a bottle of wine, a platter of assorted cheeses and ham, fresh fruits, and an array of other delicious snacks that made my heart swell with appreciation.
I turned to her, my eyes filled with gratitude. “Aww, Alexia, this is absolutely perfect. It’s so cute,” I said, my voice laced with genuine happiness. Her smile widened at my words, her eyes sparkling with joy.
“Vamos,” she said softly, tugging my hand as she led me toward the blanket. Nala, full of energy, started running around, barking joyfully as she explored the surroundings.
Alexia and I sat close together, the warmth of her body comforting against the cool ocean breeze.
She reached for the wine, expertly opening the bottle with a satisfying pop, and poured me a glass.
I accepted it gratefully, our eyes meeting in a moment of shared contentment, and I couldn’t help but thank her once again for the beautiful evening she had planned.
The entire date was truly magical, exceeding all my expectations.
From the moment we arrived at the beach, Alexia and I found ourselves effortlessly immersed in conversation, diving deep into meaningful topics and then easily shifting to lighter, more playful discussions. It felt like we could talk about anything and everything without a single awkward pause.
Nala, her joyful presence adding to the atmosphere, often became the center of our attention as we tossed a ball for her and laughed at her excited antics.
At one point, as the sky began to shift into softer hues of pink and orange, I found myself sitting between Alexia’s legs on the blanket.
Her strong, warm chest pressed firmly against my back, and it felt like I was enveloped in a protective and comforting embrace.
Our hands naturally found each other and intertwined on my stomach, and Nala, always seeking closeness, nestled comfortably between my legs. The scene was picture-perfect, peaceful and intimate.
Alexia would occasionally lean down to plant tender kisses on my cheeks, her lips soft and affectionate.
Each time, I’d turn my head slightly, resting it against her shoulder, just so I could gaze up at her while we continued to chat. The way she looked at me made my heart flutter, and I couldn’t help but smile every time our eyes met.
As we talked, she gently pulled her hand away from mine and brought it to my cheek. Her large, warm hand cradled my face, her fingers moving with such tenderness that it made my breath catch.
She looked into my eyes, and in that moment, the world around us seemed to fade away.
“Can I kiss you?” she asked softly, her voice filled with sincerity as her eyes searched mine.
I couldn’t resist teasing her just a little. “Hmm, I don’t know,” I said with a playful smirk, “I usually don’t kiss on the first date.”
But as I finished speaking, I leaned closer to her, puckering my lips in an exaggerated manner to show her I was just joking, giving her the signal that I was more than okay with it.
She laughed, a beautiful sound that made my heart skip a beat, and then she closed the small distance between us.
The moment our lips met, it was like everything fell perfectly into place.
The kiss was soft and gentle at first, our lips moving in perfect harmony. I could feel the warmth and sweetness of her touch, and it sent waves of electricity coursing through me.
I adjusted myself slightly, sitting up more so I could kiss her deeper, and she responded by pulling me closer, wrapping both of her strong arms around my waist, holding me as if she never wanted to let go.
Carefully, I turned around to face her completely, mindful of Nala who was still snuggled between my legs.
I ended up practically straddling Alexia, my hands resting on her shoulders as our kiss grew more intense.
Her tongue gently brushed against my lips, asking for permission, and I eagerly parted them, allowing her to explore further.
Our tongues met in a slow, sensual dance, caressing each other as we lost ourselves in the moment.
After what felt like an eternity, but also not nearly long enough, we finally pulled away, breathless and flushed.
I knew my face was probably as red as a tomato, but Alexia just smiled at me, her eyes filled with affection.
She then buried her face in the crook of my neck, nuzzling into me, and I responded by gently running my fingers through her hair, savoring the closeness.
Once we caught our breath and the moment settled, we decided to take a walk along the beach.
The sunset was a breathtaking mix of colors, painting the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple as the waves gently lapped at the shore.
We walked hand in hand, our fingers once again intertwined, and the whole scene felt like something out of a dream.
The romance of it all was undeniable, and I couldn’t help but think to myself that this was, without a doubt, the best first date I had ever experienced.
Every moment with Alexia felt special, and I couldn’t wait to see where things would go from here.
After that incredible date, she drove me back to my place, but before I could even get out of the car, she practically begged me to stay over at her apartment.
She knew she'd be leaving again for Mexico the day after tomorrow, and neither of us wanted the night to end. The thought of being apart so soon made it impossible for me to say no, so I immediately agreed.
We went up to my apartment so I could gather some essentials—just a small bag with clothes, a toothbrush, and a few other things I thought I might need.
She patiently waited in the hallway, leaning against the doorframe with a playful smile, watching me as I hurried around.
Once I had everything, we headed back to her apartment. The moment we walked in, the atmosphere felt cozy and intimate, like our own little world where time didn’t matter. We decided to watch a movie, but it quickly became background noise.
Instead of focusing on the screen, we found ourselves wrapped up in each other—sharing inside jokes, laughing until our stomachs hurt, and stealing kisses every chance we got.
Every time I looked at her, I felt this overwhelming desire to be close to her, to feel her warmth.
I couldn’t get enough—I wanted to keep kissing her, to hold her tighter, to make the most of every moment we had together before she had to leave again.
Eventually, exhaustion began to creep in, but even as we grew tired, we didn’t want to let go of each other.
When we finally made our way to bed, we ended up in a tangle of limbs, with me practically draped over her. The weight of my body against hers was comforting, and as I rested my head on her chest, I could feel her heartbeat—a steady, reassuring rhythm that lulled me into relaxation.
Her hand slipped under my shirt, her fingers tracing gentle patterns along my back, moving up and down in soothing strokes that sent shivers through me.
Her touch was so tender, so familiar, that it made my heart ache with how much I loved her. Just as I was on the edge of sleep, I heard her soft voice whisper, “Buenas noches, mi amor.” (Good night my love)
Those words, filled with affection, were the last thing I remembered as I drifted off into a peaceful, dreamless sleep, feeling safe and cherished in her arms.
The next morning came all too soon, and I found myself once again wrapped in Alexia’s warm embrace as we prepared to say our goodbyes.
The weight of the moment hung between us, knowing she would be leaving for Mexico the next day. We wouldn’t have a chance to see each other for the rest of the day either, with both of us caught up in a whirlwind of last-minute tasks and responsibilities. It made these final moments all the more bittersweet.
Standing near the front door, our bodies pressed close together, I whispered against her lips, “I’ll miss you.”
My voice was soft, barely audible, as if speaking the words aloud would make them more real, more painful.
Her arms tightened around me, and she responded between kisses, “Me too.” Her words were simple but laced with the same longing I felt.
Every kiss felt like a promise, a reassurance that even though we’d be apart, our connection wouldn’t waver.
We lingered in that embrace, savoring every second, every touch, as if trying to make time slow down.
Our kisses grew deeper, more intense, as if we could somehow make up for the days we would be apart. But eventually, reality set in, and we had to pull away, reluctantly creating space between us.
I let out a small sigh, trying to muster the willpower to leave. “Okay, I need to go now, or I’ll never leave,” I said with a half-smile, bending down to pick up my bag.
The idea of walking out that door felt harder than it should have.
Alexia moved to open the door for me, but not without one last gesture. She leaned in and brushed her lips against mine in a soft, lingering kiss. “Adios, bebé. I’ll see you in a week,” she said, her voice gentle yet firm, trying to make the separation feel bearable.
“Bye, Ale,” I replied, taking a few steps towards the door, but before I could make my exit, I felt her hand slip into mine, pulling me back slightly.
“Wait,” she said with that playful smile I adored so much. “Please, look both ways before crossing the road, okay?”
I couldn’t help but laugh softly, a mix of affection and exasperation bubbling up. With a teasing huff, I reached up to pinch her cheek lightly. “I will,” I promised, shaking my head at her protective nature.
As I finally walked away, I could feel her eyes on me, and I turned back for one last glance. There she was, standing in the doorway, watching me go with that familiar look of love and concern. It made me want to run back and stay just a little longer, but I knew we’d both have to be strong until we were together again.
Today marked the first day back at school, and I found myself surprisingly eager to return to work. There’s something invigorating about the start of a new school year—the buzz of excitement in the air, the fresh faces of the children, and the feeling of diving back into a routine that brings a sense of purpose.
I’ve missed the chatter, the laughter, and even the chaos that comes with being surrounded by kids. It felt good to be back in the classroom, and I couldn’t wait to reconnect with all the students and hear about their summer adventures.
But even with all that enthusiasm for work, there was something, or rather someone, who occupied my thoughts all day. Alexia. She had just returned from Mexico late last night, and after a whole week of not seeing her, I was practically counting down the minutes until we could finally be together tonight.
Sure, we stayed in touch while she was away—texting whenever we could and squeezing in late-night calls—but it wasn’t the same as being able to hold her, to see her smile in person.
The anticipation of being in her arms again was almost overwhelming.
Tonight, we’d be celebrating her victory with a small, intimate gathering organized by Alba and a few close friends. It was a chance for Alexia to unwind and celebrate her achievements surrounded by the people who mattered most—her friends, her family, and me.
And while I was excited to be part of that, there was a tiny knot of uncertainty in my stomach. I mean, I’ll be there as... her girlfriend? Wait, can I even call myself that? I wasn’t entirely sure.
Even though Alexia and I had been acting like a couple—holding hands, stealing kisses, sharing moments that felt undeniably romantic—we hadn’t had that official conversation.
Nothing had been defined, and I found myself wondering where exactly we stood and I wasn’t sure if it was too soon to bring it up. After all, our first date was only a week ago, and she’d been away for most of that time.
So, for now, I decided to let things be. I wanted to give Alexia some space and time to figure out how she felt. There was no need to rush into any deep conversations about labels and commitments just yet.
Tonight wasn’t about that—it was about celebrating her success and being there for her in this moment. I’d focus on enjoying the evening, being present, and sharing in her happiness. The rest, well, it could wait until the time felt right.
“Nos veremos esta noche, ¿verdad? ¿Necesitas que pase a recogerte? Ya estoy recogiendo an Alexia y Marina, así que puedo pasar a buscarte también” (I’ll see you tonight, right? Do you need me to come pick you up? I’m already picking up Alexia and Marina, so I can swing by and get you too) Alba asked as we stood in the parking lot after work, her tone light and cheerful as usual.
The mention of Marina’s name made my stomach churn. Marina? That girl is coming too? I immediately felt my enthusiasm drain away. Just hearing her name makes me want to scream… or maybe throw up.
“Espera, ¿Marina viene también?” (Wait, Marina’s coming?) I asked, trying to mask the disbelief in my voice but failing miserably. I had completely forgotten that I’m the only one in our circle who can’t stand her.
Everyone else seems to think she’s great, but they don’t know the real Marina like I do.
“Sí, ella viene” (Yeah, she is) Alba replied, smiling softly, clearly picking up on my discomfort. She always tries to be considerate, but in this case, it just made things worse.
I bit my lip, weighing my options. Maybe I could fake being sick or come up with a convincing excuse. Anything to avoid spending the evening with Marina.
“Hmm… en realidad, no estoy tan seguro de ir… No me he estado sintiendo muy bien” (Um… actually, I’m not so sure about going… I haven’t been feeling great) I said hesitantly, hoping to sound convincing enough that Alba wouldn’t press the issue.
The truth was, the thought of being in the same room as Marina made my skin crawl. She always brought up too many bad memories, things I’d rather forget. I couldn’t bear the idea of seeing her face or hearing her voice again.
And if I’m being honest, it hurt knowing that Alba, Alexia, and even our mutual friends actually liked her. Maybe they didn’t see the side of her that I did. To them, she was always so sweet and charming, but with me, it was a different story.
“¿Qué? No, no, no” (What? No, no, no) Alba protested, clearly unconvinced. “¿Qué quieres decir con que no te sientes bien? Estuviste bien todo el día” (What do you mean you’re not feeling well? You looked fine all day.) She reached out and touched my forehead, checking for a fever like she was my mom.
I swatted her hand away, a bit annoyed, just as a look of realization crossed her face.
“No vas a venir por Marina, ¿verdad?” (You’re not coming because of Marina, aren’t you?) she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief as the pieces fell into place.
I sighed heavily, finally giving in. “Sí, Alba. No quiero ir por Marina” (Yes, Alba. I don’t want to go because of Marina) I admitted, fiddling with my car keys, the cool metal a distraction from the conversation I didn’t want to have.
Alba’s expression softened, but she wasn’t giving up. “Y/N, no puedes dejar que ella arruine nuestra noche. Solo ignórala. Nos divertiremos, te lo prometo” (Y/N, you can’t let her ruin our night. Just ignore her. We’ll have fun, I promise) she urged, her voice gentle but persistent.
“No, Alba. No puedo simplemente ignorarla. No entiendes lo difícil que es para mí” (No, Alba. I can’t just ignore her. You don’t understand how hard it is for me) I said firmly, meeting her gaze. “Es fácil para ti decir eso porque no sientes lo mismo que yo. No puedo fingir estar feliz sentado en la misma habitación que la ex de Alexia, especialmente alguien que claramente no me agrada” (It’s easy for you to say that because you don’t feel the way I do. I can’t pretend to be happy sitting in the same room as Alexia’s ex. Especially someone who clearly doesn’t like me.)
Alba looked down at the pavement for a moment, guilt flickering across her face before she met my eyes again. “Está bien, lo entiendo. No tienes que venir si realmente no quieres” (Okay, I get it. You don’t have to come if you really don’t want to) she said, biting her lip, clearly torn. “Pero es que… siento que Alexia se decepcionará si no estás allí.”(But I just… I feel like Alexia will be disappointed if you’re not there)
Hearing that made my heart sink a little. I knew Alba wasn’t trying to guilt-trip me, but it still stung. I wanted to be there for Alexia, but not if it meant putting myself through the torture of dealing with Marina.
Still, I could see the conflict in Alba’s eyes, and I hated that this situation was causing tension between us.
“Por favor, Y/N, no te estoy pidiendo que lo hagas por Marina. Lo estoy pidiendo por Alexia. Tú y yo sabemos cuánto le gustaría que estuvieras allí. Es su fiesta, y se sentiría muy decepcionada si no vinieras. Por favor…” (Please, Y/N, I’m not asking you to do this for Marina. I’m asking for Alexia. You and I both know how much she’d want you there. It’s her party, and she would be so disappointed if you didn’t come. Please…) she said, practically pleading.
She’s right. I should set aside my feelings about Marina and think about Alexia. It’s her special day, and it’s important to celebrate it with her, even if I’m not thrilled about Marina’s presence.
I let out a long sigh, feeling defeated. “Está bien, está bien. Solo ven a recogerme” (Alright, fine. Just come pick me up.)
“Yes!” she shouted, her face lighting up with joy. She bounced up and down with excitement. “¡Vamos a pasar un tiempo increíble! Te prometo que lo disfrutarás” (We’re going to have an amazing time! I promise you’ll enjoy it) she added, pulling me into a warm hug.
“Yes, so much fun…” I muttered under my breath, trying to muster a smile despite my reluctance.
I heard a honk outside and, glancing through the window, saw Alba’s car waiting at the curb.
Hurriedly, I finished tying my shoes, grabbed my bag, and dashed out of my apartment. As I approached the car, I noticed Alba and Marina sitting in the front seats, chatting away.
But it was Alexia, standing near the front of the car, who really caught my attention. The moment our eyes met, a wide smile spread across my face, and I could see her mirror my expression with the same enthusiasm.
Without thinking, I practically ran towards her. As I got closer, she opened her arms, and I threw myself into them, feeling the warmth and familiarity of her embrace.
She hugged me tightly, lifting me off the ground effortlessly, making me feel lighter both physically and emotionally.
When we finally pulled back from the hug, Alexia looked into my eyes for a brief moment, then leaned in to kiss me. It was soft and familiar, and I found myself melting into it.
After a few lingering seconds, we pulled away, our smiles returning as we looked at each other.
“Te extrañé tanto, mi amor” (I missed you so much, my love ) she whispered, her voice full of affection. I couldn’t help but echo her words, my heart swelling with warmth.
Over her shoulder, I noticed Alba and Marina watching us. Alba had a huge grin on her face, clearly enjoying the moment and teasing us by making exaggerated kissing motions with her lips.
Meanwhile, Marina was glaring at me, her eyes sharp before she dramatically rolled them and focused on her phone, clearly not amused by the scene.
Once we all piled into the car, Alexia took the middle seat right beside me. She immediately reached for my hand, intertwining our fingers as we settled in for the ride.
Her presence next to me felt reassuring, even as I caught Marina occasionally glaring at me through the rearview mirror. I decided to ignore it, focusing instead on the warmth of Alexia’s hand in mine and the comfortable conversation we were having.
We chatted about our day, plans for the weekend, and just shared small, affectionate moments throughout the drive.
As we neared the restaurant, Alexia leaned closer, her breath warm against my ear as she whispered, “Hey, por cierto, el sábado vamos a tener una noche de juegos en mi apartamento con los demás. Por favor, ven también” (Hey, by the way Saturday, we’re having game night at my apartment with the others, please come too?)
She gently traced circles on the back of my hand with her thumb as she spoke, her voice full of hope.
“Of course ” I replied softly, my heart fluttering at the idea. I leaned in and kissed her again, a sweet, lingering kiss.
We finally arrived at the restaurant where the intimate gathering would take place. The air was filled with excitement, and the soft glow of the evening lights made the atmosphere feel warm and welcoming.
One by one, we all stepped out of the car, and as soon as Alexia set foot on the pavement, Marina quickly approached her.
With a wide smile on her face, she gently took Alexia’s hand in hers, guiding her toward the entrance of the restaurant. The sight of them together brought a pang of something indescribable to my chest.
As they walked away, Alexia turned back to me, her eyes soft and apologetic as she offered me a small, regretful smile, almost as if she wished she could be walking with me instead.
Alba, noticing my hesitation, came up to me with her usual warmth. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders in a comforting embrace, her voice gentle as she whispered, “Vamos, amor.”
Her touch brought me back to the moment, and with a reassuring nod, she led me towards the restaurant, her presence a reminder that I wasn't alone in this.
Alba had gone all out for this event, renting out the entire restaurant so that it was just Alexia’s closest family and friends gathered inside.
The moment we stepped through the doors, a wave of cheers and applause erupted from the crowd, all for Alexia.
The room buzzed with energy and love, the kind of atmosphere that makes you feel both exhilarated and a little overwhelmed at the same time.
After mingling with everyone for what felt like hours, I started to feel the weight of exhaustion settling in.
The heat inside the restaurant wasn’t helping either, making the space feel even more suffocating.
Needing a break, I decided to slip outside for a moment, just to catch my breath and escape the noise.
Outside, I found a small, secluded corner with a few cozy chairs set up. It was the perfect spot to unwind and clear my head, so I sank into one of the chairs, grateful for the quiet.
The cool night air brushed against my skin, offering a much-needed relief from the warmth inside.
I had only been sitting there for a short while when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Startled, I turned around and looked up to see Marina standing there, her expression unreadable.
My brows furrowed in confusion—of all people, I hadn’t expected her to follow me out here.
“Mantente alejado de Alexia” (Stay away from Alexia) she demanded, her tone cold and unyielding as she fixed me with a sharp glare.
“Que?” (What?)I replied, disbelief lacing my voice. The abruptness of her words caught me off guard.
“Me oíste” (You heard me) she repeated, her eyes narrowing. “No te la mereces. Ella merece alguien mucho mejor que tú” (You don't deserve her. She deserves so much better than you)
Her words stung, but I refused to let her see how much they affected me. “Fuck you” I shot back in english, standing up from my seat and preparing to walk away.
But before I could, Marina grabbed my wrist, her grip tight.
“Nunca te amará como me amó a mí” (She'll never love you like she loved me) she continued, her voice dripping with venom. “Ella me dijo, una y otra vez, que yo era el amor de su vida. Íbamos a casarnos y vivir felices para siempre—me lo dijo ella misma” (She told me, over and over again, that I was the love of her life. We were supposed to get married, live happily ever after—she told me that herself.)
I could see the satisfaction in her eyes as she tried to rattle me, but I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of backing down. “Ella TE AMABA” (She LOVED you) I retorted, emphasizing the past tense. “Ya no más, idiota. Tú no eres el que sale en citas con ella, la besa o está con ella románticamente. Eso soy yo ahora” (Not anymore, you idiot. You're not the one who gets to go on dates with her, kiss her, or be with her romantically. That's me now.)
I yanked my wrist free from her grip, the anger boiling inside me as I took a step back, putting distance between us.
Marina's smirk wavered briefly, but then she leaned in closer, so close that I could feel her breath on my face.
Her eyes were locked on mine, filled with a mixture of defiance and something almost challenging.
She was just about to say something else, her lips parting, when a voice cut through the tension like a knife.
I turned around and saw Alexia standing a few feet away, her face etched with concern. Her eyes flicked between Marina and me, clearly sensing that something wasn’t right. “¿Todo está bien?” (Is everything okay?) she asked, her voice gentle but laced with worry.
Before I could even respond, Marina beat me to it. “Todo está bien, Alexia, no te preocupes” (Everything’s fine, Alexia, don’t worry) she said smoothly, flashing one of those fake smiles that seemed all too practiced. It was the kind of smile that could fool most people, but not me. And from the way Alexia looked at her, not Alexia either.
Alexia’s gaze lingered on me, her concern deepening as she studied my face. I felt my stomach twist, and I quickly looked away, biting my lip nervously to avoid her questioning eyes.
I could feel the weight of her stare, searching for answers I wasn’t ready to give.
“Regresémonos a tu fiesta, Ale” (Let’s go back to your party, Ale) Marina suggested, taking a step forward and slipping her hand into Alexia’s, trying to pull her away from the moment.
But Alexia gently pulled her hand free from Marina’s grasp. “Tú sigue adelante” (You go ahead) she said softly but firmly. “Solo quiero hablar con Y/N un momento” (I just want to talk to Y/N for a moment.)
Marina’s eyes darted between us, clearly reluctant to leave. She hesitated for a second, but then nodded, masking her frustration with another one of her forced smiles.
She leaned in, pressing a kiss to Alexia’s cheek, her eyes lingering on me for just a moment longer before she finally walked away.
As soon as Marina was gone, Alexia stepped closer to me, her presence immediately soothing. She placed her hands gently on either side of my face, her touch warm and familiar. “Are you okay, bebé ?” she asked, her voice soft and full of concern.
Her eyes searched mine, trying to understand what had just happened.
I hesitated, the words caught in my throat, but I couldn’t hold them back any longer. “I hate her,” I blurted out, my voice barely above a whisper.
I hadn’t planned on saying it, not now, not like this, but the frustration and anger I had been bottling up finally spilled over.
Alexia looked taken aback for a moment, her brows furrowing in confusion. “Who? Marina? Why?” she asked, her voice full of genuine concern.
She searched my face, trying to piece together what had triggered this sudden outburst.
Taking a deep breath, I started to explain everything. I told her about the first time I met Marina, how from the very beginning, there was something off about the way she spoke to me, the way her eyes seemed to judge me.
I explained how Marina’s words had cut into me, how she made me feel small and unworthy. I described how tense it had been whenever she was around, the constant undercurrent of hostility that I could never quite shake.
I even confessed my worries about their trip to Bali. How seeing them together, so close, made me feel uneasy. I knew I should trust Alexia, but the way Marina clung to her, the familiarity they shared, it gnawed at me.
And then tonight, when Marina confronted me, telling me I didn’t deserve Alexia, it was like all those buried feelings suddenly rose to the surface.
Alexia listened quietly, her hands never leaving my face. Her expression shifted from confusion to understanding, and finally, to a soft, compassionate gaze.
When I finished, there was a moment of silence between us, the weight of my words hanging in the air.
Finally, Alexia spoke, her voice gentle and reassuring. “No tenía idea de que te sentías así. Lo siento mucho. No debiste haber pasado por eso solo” (I had no idea you felt this way. I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have had to go through that alone.) Her thumbs gently stroked my cheeks, her eyes filled with sincerity as she continued. “You’re the one I want to be with, Y/N. No one else. Marina is my past. You’re my present and my future.”
Hearing her say those words brought a wave of relief over me, and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. “I just didn’t know how to tell you,” I admitted softly, feeling a mix of vulnerability and relief.
Alexia pulled me into a tight embrace, holding me close. “No tienes que enfrentar esto solo, cariño” (You don’t have to face this alone, baby) she whispered into my hair.
I felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over me as I finally let everything out to Alexia. Not once did she question or doubt me; throughout the entire conversation, she listened intently, trusting every word I said.
Her belief in me, without hesitation, made me feel seen and understood in a way that I desperately needed.
As we pulled away from our embrace, Alexia leaned in and kissed me. It wasn’t just a simple kiss—it was soft, tender, yet filled with a deep, burning passion that made my heart race. Her lips moved slowly against mine, savoring every moment.
Gradually, she parted my lips with hers, gently slipping her tongue into my mouth. The sensation was intoxicating, and I couldn’t help but respond by wrapping my arms even tighter around her neck, pulling her closer.
Our tongues began to dance together, slow and sensual, each movement deliberate and full of emotion. It was as if time had slowed down, and all that existed was the connection between us.
The kiss deepened, becoming more intense, yet still maintaining that careful, passionate rhythm. Every touch, every caress of her tongue against mine, spoke volumes—words of reassurance, love, and unspoken promises that everything would be okay as long as we were together.
But we were interrupted by a deliberately loud cough. Turning around, we saw Alba standing there with a mischievous smirk on her face. “Vamos, enamorados, es hora del pastel” (Come on, lovers, it’s time for the cake) she said playfully, and then turned on her heel to head back inside.
“Vamos, amor,” Alexia said, gently wrapping her arms around my waist and pressing a soft kiss to my temple. She whispered reassuringly, “Lo resolveré, lo prometo” (I’ll sort this out, I promise) and I smiled at her, feeling comforted.
For the rest of the evening, Alexia remained by my side. She was constantly close to me, her touch a constant reassurance. Whether it was her arms draped around my shoulders or waist, or her hand resting warmly on my thigh while we sat, she made sure I felt her presence.
Meanwhile, Marina continued to glare at me from across the room. Her looks were so intense that it felt as if they could pierce through me. If stares could kill, I’d be six feet under.
The party had finally come to an end, and I was utterly exhausted. After hours of mingling, dancing, and celebrating, it was a relief when we all gathered to say our goodbyes.
As we stepped outside into the cool night air, Alexia, Alba, Marina, and I made our way to the car, ready to head home.
In my mind, I figured we’d settle into the same seats we had on the way there—keeping things simple and familiar. But, of course, Marina had other ideas.
Without hesitation, she made her way to the backseat, where Alexia was already comfortably seated, and slid in beside her. I couldn’t help but let out a small sigh of annoyance but decided not to make a fuss.
Instead, I silently took my place in the front passenger seat, feeling a bit put out by the change in seating arrangements.
Just as I was fastening my seatbelt, Alexia turned to Alba and said, “Alba, cambiemos de asientos. Yo conduciré” (Alba, let's swap seats. I’ll drive) Her voice was calm but decisive, and before I could even process it, she was already stepping out of the car to make the switch.
Alba, too tired to protest, simply nodded and got out of the driver’s seat, making her way to the back without a word.
She was clearly as drained as the rest of us, and the prospect of letting someone else handle the drive home was a welcome relief.
Alexia took over the driver’s seat, and as she settled in, she looked over at me with a mischievous, teasing smile. It was the kind of smile that made me chuckle inwardly, knowing she was up to something.
I couldn't help but smile back, appreciating the subtle yet calculated move she’d just made.
As I glanced in the rearview mirror, I caught sight of Marina’s expression. She was frowning, clearly displeased with the way things had unfolded. It was obvious that she wasn’t happy about the seating arrangement, and that brought a small, satisfied smirk to my lips.
That’s right, Marina, she doesn’t want to sit next to you. Bitch.
With a smooth turn of the key, Alexia started the car, and we began the drive home, the hum of the engine filling the silence.
The night outside was peaceful, a sharp contrast to the lively atmosphere of the party we had just left behind. At some point during the drive, I felt Alexia’s hand gently rest on my knee, a warm and comforting gesture that instantly made me relax. Without thinking, I reached down and placed my hand over hers, our fingers naturally intertwining.
Alexia lifted our joined hands and brought them to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand.
The simple, affectionate gesture made me smile, and I glanced over at her, feeling a quiet happiness settle over me. Moments like this, shared in the quiet of the night, made everything else fade into the background.
Finally arriving at my apartment, I unbuckled my seatbelt and took a deep breath. “Muchas gracias por el ride. Realmente me divertí mucho esta noche. Buenas noches, chicas.” (Thank you so much for the ride. I really had a great time tonight. Goodnight, girls) I said with a smile, directing my words mostly to Alexia and Alba, before stepping out of the car.
“Espera, te acompañaré hasta la puerta” (Wait, I’ll walk you to your door) Alexia quickly offered, already unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of the car.
“Si us plau, Alexia, afanya’t! Estic esgotada i només vull tornar a casa” (Please, Alexia, hurry up! I’m exhausted and just want to go home) Marina grumbled in Catalan from the backseat. Although I couldn’t understand what she said, but knowing her it might be something stupid.
Alexia just nodded at her words without responding and gently closed the car door behind her. She came around to my side and took my hand, her touch warm and reassuring as she led me to the entrance of my building. The night air was cool, and the quiet of the street felt like a peaceful contrast to the earlier excitement.
When we reached my apartment door, I fumbled with the keys for a moment before unlocking it. Turning to Alexia, I smiled and said, “Thank you, Ale. I really appreciate you walking me up.”
Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her close. Her arms slid around my waist, and she leaned in, kissing me softly.
The feeling of her lips against mine sent a wave of warmth through me, and I savored the moment, not wanting it to end.
"My pleasure, mi amor," she whispered against my lips, her voice tender and full of affection. As she held me close, she gently squeezed me, her embrace making me feel safe and cherished.
Her eyes locked with mine, and she smiled softly, a look of pure love and contentment on her face.
“What is it?” I asked, mirroring her smile, feeling a quiet happiness settle between us.
“Nothing,” she said smiling softly.
I furrowed my brows playfully.
She grinned teasingly at me, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she leaned in for another kiss. Just as our lips were about to meet, the sound of a honk from the car broke the moment.
Alexia sighed softly but then gave me a quick peck on the lips. “ Está bien, cariño, tengo que irme ahora. Que tengas una buena noche, y te veré pronto” (Alright, baby, I need to go now. Have a good night, and I’ll see you soon) she said, her voice reluctant but loving. She kissed me once more, this time lingering for a moment longer before finally pulling away.
As she turned to leave, I watched her walk back to the car, feeling the warmth of her presence linger even after she was gone.
On Saturday night, I found myself at Alexia’s apartment, surrounded by her friends for a lively game night. The atmosphere was buzzing with laughter and chatter, and everyone seemed to be in high spirits. Well, almost everyone.
Marina was there too, Alexia apologized she did not know that she was coming, Mark had invited her. From the moment I stepped through the door, she had been glaring at me like I was her worst enemy. It wasn’t surprising—she had a habit of throwing daggers my way whenever we were in the same room. What else is new?
I tried not to let her icy stares get to me as I busied myself in the kitchen, refilling a bowl of chips for everyone. As I reached for the bag, I suddenly felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around my waist from behind, pulling me into a warm embrace.
A soft, lingering kiss was placed on the side of my neck, and I instantly relaxed, knowing it was Alexia.
“The next game, you’re on my team. Alba’s terrible—I keep losing because of her,” Alexia mumbled against my neck, her voice laced with playful frustration.
I couldn’t help but laugh at her complaint, the sound bubbling up easily as I leaned my head back against her shoulder. I tilted my face up to hers, planting a series of light kisses on her cheek, one after another, as if to soothe her grumpiness.
“Please stay the night here,” she murmured, her tone softer now, as she gently swayed us from side to side. “Y mañana, podemos ir a comer juntos” (And tomorrow, we can go on a lunch date.)
Her request was sweet and impossible to resist. How could I say no to spending more time with her?
“I’d love to spend the night here,” I replied, my voice just as gentle. The thought of staying over and then enjoying a relaxed lunch date the next day sounded perfect.
Before we could get too lost in the moment, Alba’s loud voice echoed from the living room, interrupting us. “¡Y/N! Estamos esperando las patatas, ¡date prisa!” (Y/N! We’re waiting for the chips, hurry up!)
I chuckled at her impatience and gently pushed Alexia away, though I was reluctant to leave the comfort of her arms. "Vamos," I said with a grin, taking her hand and leading us back to the living room where the rest of the group was waiting.
As we returned to the couch, I couldn’t help but notice Marina’s eyes on us again, her expression as sour as ever. But I didn’t let it bother me. Instead, I squeezed Alexia’s hand, feeling content and happy to be by her side.
After continuing with our games for a while, we decided to take a short break. I casually announced that I was heading to the bathroom and left the group, leaving behind the lively chatter and laughter that filled Alexia’s apartment.
In the bathroom, I took a moment to freshen up, washing my hands and collecting my thoughts. But as I turned to leave, I found Marina blocking the doorway, her eyes fixed on me with a cold intensity.
The air felt heavy with tension, and I knew immediately that this wasn't going to be a pleasant encounter.
“Que?” (What?) I asked, frustration bubbling up inside me as I faced her.
“Te dije que te mantuvieras alejado de Alexia” (I told you to stay away from Alexia) she hissed, her voice sharp and menacing.
I met her gaze without flinching. “Y yo te dije que Alexia no te quiere. Ella no te ama” (And I told you that Alexia doesn’t want you. She doesn’t love you) I replied firmly, trying to keep my voice steady.
Marina’s expression shifted, and a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. “¿Es así? Entonces, ¿por qué me invitó a su casa mañana por la noche?” (Is that so? Then why did she invite me over to her house tomorrow night?) she sneered, clearly enjoying the confusion that flashed across my face.
Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. I furrowed my brows in disbelief. Why would Alexia invite Marina over tomorrow night? My mind raced with questions, doubts creeping in despite my best efforts to push them away.
“Es cierto” (That’s right) Marina continued, her voice dripping with malice. “Te lo dije, no te la mereces. ¿De verdad crees que alguien como Alexia se enamoraría de alguien como tú?” (I told you, you don’t deserve her. You really think someone like Alexia would fall in love with someone like you?)
Her words cut deep, and for a moment, I felt the weight of insecurity settle over me. I stood there, struggling to find a response, still reeling from the idea of Alexia inviting Marina over. My confidence wavered, and I started to question everything.
But before I could say anything, Alexia suddenly appeared in the doorway, her presence instantly calming me. She strode over to us with a determined look, positioning herself between me and Marina as if shielding me from the venomous words that had just been spoken.
“Sal de mi apartamento” (Get out of my apartment) Alexia said coldly, her voice firm and unyielding as she stared Marina down.
Marina’s confident smirk faltered, and she furrowed her brows in confusion. “¿Qué? ¿Por qué?” (What? Why?) she stammered, her voice suddenly uncertain.
“No le hablas así. No te amo, no te quiero y nunca lo haré” (You don’t talk to her like that. I don’t love you, I don’t want you, and I never will) Alexia said with a calm but fierce determination. Her words were like a declaration, leaving no room for misunderstanding. “Ella es la única que quiero—nadie más” (She’s the only one I want—no one else) she continued, her finger pointing at me with unwavering certainty.
“Pero… me invitaste a tu casa mañana por la noche para una cita” (But... you invited me over tomorrow night for a date) Marina sputtered, her voice wavering as the realization that she’d misread the situation started to sink in.
“No,” Alexia corrected, her tone icy. “Te invité para hablar sobre la forma en que has estado tratando a Y/N. Pero ahora, lo dejaré muy claro: no debes acercarte an ella, a mí ni a mi hermana nunca máss�� (I invited you over to discuss the way you’ve been treating Y/N. But now, I’ll make this very clear—you are not to go near her, me, or my sister ever again.) Alexia’s voice grew more intense, her eyes narrowing as she stepped closer to Marina, her presence radiating protectiveness.
Relief flooded through me as her words sank in. The doubt that had momentarily clouded my mind vanished, replaced by a deep sense of trust. Of course, Alexia hadn’t invited Marina over for a date. I couldn’t believe I had doubted her, even for a second.
“Ahora, sal de mi apartamento antes de que te lo haga” (Now, get out of my apartment before I make you) Alexia added, her voice low and filled with menace.
Marina looked like she was on the verge of tears. Her tough exterior had crumbled, and all that was left was a girl who had overplayed her hand. She nodded quickly, not daring to argue further, and hurried out of the apartment.
As soon as she was gone, Alexia turned to me, her expression softening. She gently cupped my face in her hands, her touch warm and reassuring. “Are you okay?” she asked, her voice filled with concern.
“Yes, thank you,” I replied, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug. The tension that had been building up inside me melted away in her embrace, and I felt safe, secure.
“Don’t thank me, cariño,” Alexia murmured into my hair. “I should have cut her off the moment you told me what she said to you the other night.” She pressed a tender kiss to the top of my head, and I sighed contentedly.
She pulled back slightly, her hands still resting on my cheeks as she studied my face. “¿Necesitas un minuto? ¿O estás lista para volver con los demás?” (Do you need a minute? Or are you ready to go back to the others?) she asked, her thumb gently brushing across my skin in a soothing gesture.
I smiled, feeling lighter and more at ease than I had in a long time. “It’s okay. We can go back,” I told her, feeling genuinely relieved and happy that Marina was finally out of our lives for good.
We made our way back to the living room, where the atmosphere had shifted to one of curiosity and confusion. All eyes were on us as we walked in.
Mark was the first to break the silence, his voice filled with bewilderment. “¿Qué demonios acaba de pasar? Marina salió corriendo del apartamento sin decir una palabra” (What the hell just happened? Marina just bolted out of the apartment without saying a word.)
Alexia and I exchanged a glance before explaining everything that had just unfolded. As we told the story, the shock on everyone’s faces was clear.
“Qué perra. Mejor así” (What a bitch. Good riddance) Mark muttered under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief.
“No puedo creer que la invité a Bali con nosotros.”(I can’t believe I invited her to Bali with us) Bianca said with a look of disgust. The rest of the group nodded in agreement, their expressions mirroring her revulsion.
One by one, they began apologizing for not realizing sooner how much Marina’s presence had affected me. I finally opened up about how it had hurt when they invited her to Bali, how it made me feel like I was being replaced.
They immediately jumped in with reassurances, insisting that they would never replace me and pulling me into a group hug that felt sincere and warm.
I could see that they genuinely felt bad, especially Alba. She looked particularly upset and even joked that the next time she saw Marina, she wouldn’t hesitate to punch her.
Her words made us all laugh, and I felt a sense of closure, knowing that I was surrounded by people who truly cared about me.
After playing a few more rounds of games, the night slowly came to an end. One by one, everyone said their goodbyes, leaving with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug.
Once Alba hugged me, she leaned in slightly and whispered in my ear, “Diviértete” (Have fun) with a playful tone. She then pulled away, her face lit up with a mischievous grin. I responded by playfully slapping her on the shoulder, grinning as I did.
The laughter and conversation that had filled Alexia’s apartment gradually faded, leaving a peaceful quiet in their wake.
Once it was just the two of us, Alexia and I made our way to her bedroom. She handed me a set of comfortable clothes to sleep in, and as I changed, I couldn’t help but smile at how natural and easy everything felt with her. It was like we’d been doing this forever.
We settled into bed together, a cozy movie playing in the background, but my attention was focused more on Alexia than the screen.
I nestled against her chest, feeling the steady rhythm of her heartbeat under my ear. Her hand moved slowly through my hair, each gentle stroke lulling me into a deeper state of relaxation.
Occasionally, her lips would brush against my forehead, the soft, fleeting kisses sending a warmth through me that I couldn’t quite put into words.
In that moment, I felt completely at ease, more relaxed than I’d been in a long time. Everything seemed to be falling into place—except for one lingering question that kept nudging at the back of my mind.
What exactly were Alexia and I now? We acted like a couple, sharing these intimate moments, but she hadn’t officially asked me to be her girlfriend.
And maybe I should be the one to ask her, but I wasn’t sure if it was the right time. The uncertainty gnawed at me, but I decided to push it aside for now.
I’ll talk to her about it tomorrow during our date, I reassured myself. Right now, lying here with her, I felt so content and happy that I didn’t want to spoil the moment with overthinking. This was our time, and I wanted to savor every second of it.
As the night went on, the movie became a soft hum in the background, and I found myself drifting off to sleep, still wrapped in Alexia’s arms. Her presence was comforting, her touch soothing, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so safe, so cherished.
When I finally closed my eyes, I fell into the deepest, most peaceful sleep of my life, knowing that tomorrow would bring the answers I needed. But for now, I was simply happy being right where I was, with her.
I woke up to the sensation of soft kisses being placed all over my face.
“Wake up, amor,” I heard Alexia’s raspy voice whispering close to my ear.
Slowly, I opened my eyes to find Alexia gazing at me with a gentle and affectionate look. “Bon dia,” she said softly, her eyes twinkling. “Come on, I made breakfast.”
“I’m awake,” I replied, stretching and rubbing my eyes after a few moments.
“Puedes arreglarte primero; yo te esperaré” (You can freshen up first; I’ll wait for you) she said with a tender kiss on my forehead before she left the room.
Breakfast was a delightful affair, filled with Alexia’s amazing cooking. We enjoyed a spread of delicious food, and I couldn’t help but marvel at how well she cooked. The meal was accompanied by laughter and stories from her recent trip to Mexico.
After breakfast, we spent a relaxed morning together—watching TV, laughing, and sharing affectionate moments until it was time to head out for our date.
Alexia had once again let me borrow some of her clothes. I adored her style, and her clothes always had that lovely, comforting scent.
“You look beautiful,” Alexia said, taking in my outfit with a warm, appreciative gaze as I blushed.
“Thank you, Ale. You look beautiful too,” I replied, smiling back at her. She responded with a soft, loving smile, holding out her hands for me to take.
“Vamos, mi amor,” she said, intertwining our fingers and giving me a sweet kiss before we left the apartment.
On the way to her car, Alexia was full of affectionate gestures—opening doors for me, kissing my cheek and lips, and showering me with compliments.
Once we were in the car, her hand settled on my knee—a gesture that had become a comforting habit.
After a short drive, we arrived at the restaurant, and I couldn’t help but beam with happiness. It was the same place where we had first met. I looked at her with a knowing smile.
“I love this place. How did you know?” I teased playfully.
“Lucky guess,” she replied with a mischievous grin.
We walked hand in hand to the restaurant, our fingers interlaced. Once seated at our table, we placed our orders and chatted eagerly as we waited for our food.
Our hands remained intertwined on the table as we talked about everything under the sun, savoring each other’s company.
When our food finally arrived—I had, of course, ordered the paella—we eagerly dug in. Amid the conversation, I found myself hesitating to bring up a topic that had been on my mind. Alexia had expressed a desire for us to officially date and for her to be my girlfriend while we were in Australia, but she hadn’t asked me directly since then. I wondered where we stood.
Suddenly, Alexia broke the silence with a question that took me by surprise. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
I stared at her, momentarily stunned and caught off guard. “What?” I managed to say, my mind still racing.
Alexia smiled gently and repeated, “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Looking at her with a mix of excitement and affection, I replied, “Yes, I want to be your girlfriend.”
Her face lit up with joy as she laughed softly. Leaning across the table, we shared a passionate kiss.
When she pulled back, she whispered “I’m so in love with you”
She’s in love with me. I’ve been waiting for what feels like an eternity to hear those exact words from her. When she finally spoke them, it was like a dream come true.
The way her eyes lit up as she confessed her feelings, and the warmth in her voice made my heart soar.
It felt absolutely incredible to finally hear those words, to know that her love for me is as deep and true as I had always hoped.
“I’m so in love with you too,” I responded, leaning in once more for another kiss.
Words failed to capture the overwhelming happiness I felt in that moment. I was brimming with joy.
“I can’t believe we met at this restaurant, you friend-zoned me here, and now you’ve asked me to be your girlfriend here,” I said, laughing softly as we pulled away from our kiss.
She smiled warmly and joked, “Maybe we’ll get married at this restaurant too.” The idea of marriage made my heart race. We had only been officially together for less than 15 minutes, and here we were, already talking about marriage.
Well, spoiler alert: we didn’t end up getting married at that restaurant, but Alexia did propose to me there, turning that place into a cherished spot in our story.
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