#thanks once again (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
raspberrylover28 · 24 days
i really love little goody two shoes, it's an amazing game. but i feel like it actually hates me because the "kiss the rat" mini game was bugged and what was supposed to be EASILY enough points to earn me an S rank gave me a B rank instead <3 i have been trying to get an S rank for almost 2 hours <333
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tadssstrange · 7 months
You liked my post and my nosy little Axon behind decided to check out your account and I have learned that you are super cool and I am now following you B)
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raquellemonsta · 1 year
Wondering if I could request an enemies to lovers with tsuki x reader with a "who did this to you trope"? Happy ending please (⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
OBSESSED with this and I love tsukishima so i went for it. hope you like it!
' who did this to you?'/ enemies to lovers
tsukishima x reader (2.0k words)
warnings: blood, not for yamamoto stans
after the shaky bus ride to tokyo, you're ecstatic to finally touch the ground again. your slight bus sickness leaves you as you breathe in fresh air and try to tune out all of the rowdy boys currently surrounding you.
as a manager of the boys volleyball team, you've become used to the crazy boys at karasuno. you're so happy that you decided to join them, since all of the boys are very friendly to you and you'd even consider them your friends! all but one of the boys, that is.
"wow (y/n), you somehow only look a little bit more stupid when you're bus sick than when you aren't," said player taunts. tsukishima always has a smart (and usually rude) remark for or about you.
you're all too familiar with tsukishima, as the two of you are in the same class, 1-4. you moved to miyagi mere weeks before the school year started, so you went in not knowing anyone in your college prep class. you can still picture your first time seeing him, and then your first time interacting with him.
you had shown up to your first day of class on time, as you've always been a responsible student. only a few of your classmates are there when you show up, though one immediately catches your eye.
a blond boy with glasses sitting in the second row gathers your attention even though he's not looking at you. he has his headphones on waiting for the teacher to show up and for class to start. you have to admit, he's boyishly handsome and probably decently tall if his legs under the desk are anything to go off of. you take a seat next to him, but decide to not interrupt him once the teacher walks in. he makes your heart beat faster, and it's embarassing to admit that you have a little crush on the first guy you've come across.
at lunch break, once some of the students have gotten up and he's still sitting, you decide to try and strike up a conversation with him. you can feel the sweat on your palms as you move to stand in front of him, wringing your hands together.
"hey, what's y-" you barely manage.
"no thanks" he immediately cuts you off, not even sparing you a glance making you scoff in offense and annoyance. nevermind him being cute, apparently he's an ass.
"whatever, not like i wanted to talk to you or anything" you roll your eyes and head to the opposite side of the room, not realizing he'd looked up to watch you walk away and felt a strange feeling. in hindsight, he realized you clearly weren't just one of the girls that decides to ask him out weekly. from that moment though, you decide to keep your distance from him during class and only interact with him when you absolutely have to.
the memory makes you roll your eyes now, and you say the first thing that comes to your mind.
"you don't have to be such a jerk all of the time, you know that?" sometimes he really brings the worst out of you, as you're not normally a snappy person. that response keeps him quiet though, as he seemingly can't think of a retort for you. he gives you a strange look before walking into the gym before you even get there, headphones up and unwilling to listen to anyone. you feel slightly bad for him for a second before remembering he's always mean to you first, so you move on to your manager tasks.
the guys haven't started warming up yet, as some of the nekoma players are still setting up their net. after bringing the water bottle carriers and setting them down next to the bench, you attempt to find the clipboard you and kiyoko usually use to keep track of your players stats. you're in charge of marking number of serves/aces, digs, blocks, serve receives, kills, and assists. even though it's only your first year, you're a very diligent manager and are able to keep up with the boys' fast-paced plays.
for whatever reason, you see the clipboard thrown on the floor against the wall and near a nekoma ball cart. it's right next to the metal thing built into the floor to keep the gym wall divider in place, in case they ever need to split the gym in half (does this even make sense?). you head over to retrieve the clip board and are about to bend to get it when you're suddenly jolted forward from someone wildly flinging the volleyball cart.
you try to catch your fall with your hands, but unfortunately you scrape your knee against the metal portion of the divider. you look behind you to find who pushed you, and see nekoma's ace pulling the ball cart over to one side of the net, not paying you any mind. you look around to see if anyone's noticed, and you see a certain pair of golden brown eyes look around before finally falling on you. that's when you feel the heat from your knee, and finally sit down to see the damage.
"oh…" you sadly gaze down at your now ripped joggers. it hasn't even occurred to you that you've cut your knee open, and instead you begin to tear up at the fact that you've ruined your pants. it seems ridiculous to be upset about that and not your injury, but you really like these!
yamamoto didn't even stop to check on you, and it seems like now his focus is on kiyoko and tanaka as he warms up his serve. you attempt to hold back the waterworks in an attempt to not embarrass yourself, when the one person you'd never want to see you like this comes over to you. you're about to defend yourself, expecting him to tell you you look stupid or weak, but his reaction surprises you.
gazing down at you, his eye reaches your knee. he can clearly see the rip along with the reddish color beginning to soak into the fabric. the look on his face is a twist of shock and anger, and for a second you forget that you were just upset with him earlier and are more concerned with how scary his expression is. he looks like he could snap at any second and bite your head off.
"what happened?" he asks. "who the hell did this to you?" he bends down to come to your level, examining your wounded knee. you have to admit, you hadn't expected this reaction from tsukishima of all people, maybe from kiyoko or sugawara.
you glanced in yamamoto's direction when he asked the question, causing him to turn around and follow your stare. he's not really surprised but still feels annoyance and a more unknown emotion bubble up inside of him.
"it was an accident tsukki, he didn't mean it" you try and explain, but he's not having any of it. surprisingly, he doesn't comment on you using the nickname he hates, instead glaring at yamamoto with a look that could kill. entirely uncharacteristically, he walks over to yamamoto and grabs his jersey, causing the second year to whip around in surprise and confusion.
"i don't wanna see you near her again" he points back to you. you look away before you're able to make eye contact with yamamoto, though admittedly you probably look extremely pathetic right now: staring at the floor with your knees to your chest. you hear yamamoto jump to defend himself, claiming he doesn't even know you, but you figure tsukishima must've lost interest and walked away because he stops quickly.
"hey" the voice comes from above you. you already know who it is, but you look up anyways. there stands tsukishima kei in all of his glory, giving you an unreadable look and seemingly waiting for you to move. you're still slightly too shocked from this whole turn of events to get up off the floor on your own, though.
by now, your cut stings from the realization that it's there (you know how once you look at one it starts to hurt more?). you look back down at it to find it now soaking your pant leg. tsukishima picks you up, carefully placing an arm under your legs and his other behind your back. the change in vantage point makes you laugh quietly, and you imagine this must be what it feels like to be an even taller person.
he sets you down on karasuno's 'bench' and takes the first aid bag. grabbing an antibacterial wipe and bandage, his long fingers expertly open the package and wipe at your cut. it stings for a split second before you just feel a numbing buzz, and you look up to see him intensely focused on caring for you. there's no malice or annoyance in his face, and you can say it's honestly nice to see him at peace.
"maybe you aren't such a jerk after all" you joke, attempting to break the silence. he scoffs at you, coming back to reality.
"don't push it, i don't have to help you" he reminds, and you shut up before you lose this privilege. you've never really seen him like this before, truthfully. it's nice to have a handsome boy caring for you and concerned about you, especially one you thought despised you. now that you think about it, does this mean he doesn't actually hate you? no way he would go out of his way to do this if he actually did.
"i'm sorry i'm not good with feelings," he whispers to you. he's bad at opening up to people, something he's painfully aware of though other people don't usually realize he is. the reason he always has a rude remark for you is because it's the only way he thinks he can get you to talk and interact with him after accidentally being so cold to you that first day. the truth is, you're beautiful and it makes him nervous. crushing on you while also thinking you can't stand him has been eating away at him for months.
slowly, he rolls up your pant leg and begins to wrap around your knee. he cuts the bandage when he's done and makes sure you're okay before rolling the pant leg back down. you can't move your knee super well but that's to be expected.
"thank you kei" you softly speak. as a thank you, you give him a sweet kiss on the cheek. it's something he clearly wasn't expecting, as you catch the incredulous look on his face after you do so. he's really not such a cold guy, he just has a hard time communicating what he really feels. it's endearing when it's him, you think.
"tch, annoying" he rolls his eyes. you can't help but notice his pink cheeks and the way he's now avoiding eye contact with you. he's only pretending to hate it. in reality, he wants another kiss.
"be nice" you taunt him back. the huge, genuine smile on your face shows him you're only joking, and also makes him want to smile back. he covers his mouth before you can see the grin threatening to burst out onto his face.
"weirdo" he mutters at you before making his way out onto the court where the rest of the team is warming up. that one wasn't even clever.
all of a sudden, you hear someone yell 'head's up!'. before you can even react, a ball smashes into your forehead and you throw your face into your hands to avoid shouting. yamamoto looks even guiltier than before.
"seriously?!" tsukki yells, coming back over to you again and rubbing your back.
at this rate, tsukishima might end up killing yamamoto before the game even starts.
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Hi everyone.
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It has...been a while.
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I've been recently putting a lot more effort into another different sideblog...I know I've been gone for a bit...
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I'm not done with this blog.
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I don't want to abandon all the friends who got me here.
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So...my asks are open once again! Thank you all for supporting me and my work!
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Oh, I missed you so much darling!
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Oh? Um...thank you...
OOC: And with that, my asks are open again! I cannot state how grateful I am to have been given so much support from you all. You are all fantastic people, never forget that! (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
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souffopera · 2 months
Oh my, I'm very happy that I'm not the only one that thought like that (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ.
I really like food fantasy, I'm not here to belittle it. But I think that not enough people in the fandom actually talk about these ongoing issues. We shouldn't normalize racism even if it's unintentional.
Btw your art is very pretty 👍
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for sure! as much as i like the game (made very clear by this blog revolving around it), it has so many issues that seem to be often overlooked by the fandom. once again, thank you for bringing those things up on your post!
and thank you so much! <3
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stars-tonight · 2 months
Good day! Can I request a long romantic matchup? I've been seeing your matchups for a while so I might as well try :)))) I can be your 💥 anon. My gender is she/her and I would like to be paired with a guy.
Ideal partner: Someone who is just chill and also listens when I rant/tells a story or smth but can also be outgoing and/or energetic, and as long as he's sweet and caring.
Description: I am quite short, my height is 5'0. I am friendly, whether it's someone I know or not, I always want to have a conversation with them. My friends says that I am a bit competitive when it comes to academics and always want to try new things. When having a conversation, I most likely direct to the point when asking me things. Also, I don't know if I should add this or not but I always get sick =⁠_⁠= like colds lasts for days then it'll come back again after a few weeks
Hobbies: studying, sleeping and a bit of dancing. I also play games especially rhythm games like prosekai.
Love language: when it comes to giving, it's physical touch (just smacking them with love y'know) and quality time. For receiving, I think it's just the same but QUALITY TIME is the BESTTT
Other Info: I'm Aquarius and last time I checked, I'm INTP (I don't wanna believe it though)
I think that's all, advance thank you!(⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
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🥛 suga can very much be both chill and energetic
🥛 definition of "chill but outgoing and energetic"
🥛 but he's also sweet and caring
🥛 literally a mom
🥛 he takes the best care of you when you're sick
🥛 doesn't even care if it's contagious (although he probably should)
🥛 will take extra notes for you in class
🥛 he definitely has good handwriting (not so good it resembles a font like akaashi or kita, but not so bad it's intelligible like atsumu or kageyama)
🥛 brings them to you after school along with a notebook full of tips or extra notes to cheer you up
🥛 buys your favorite snack for you when you're sick
🥛 probably cooks up chicken noodle soup and feeds you or something
🥛 he doesn't get grossed out at all when you're sick ESPECIALLY after the timeskip
🥛 those little demons he works with will pick their nose and wipe it on the desks
🥛 so he's used to gross things
🥛 (on a side note once in second grade i was feeling really dizzy and i literally thought i would die on the bus ride home and then i threw up and i felt bad for everyone and then months later my crush asked if everyone at the table remembered when i threw up and said it was disgusting)
🥛 suga definitely knows the best hacks to cure headaches
🥛 ngl tho he seems very chill and conflict-averse
🥛 probably wouldn't even be aware that you and him are in a competition
🥛 would just support you whenever you do good in school
🥛 he's not a bad student either
🥛 you could probably have study dates
🥛 always makes sure you're tucked in nicely when you go to sleep
🥛 if you share a bed, he'd give you all the pillows and most of the blanket to make sure you don't get cold
🥛 will let you use his arm or chest as a pillow
🥛 he likes dancing with you! he's not particularly skilled but could probably do a mean slow dance when you're on fancy dates
🥛 he's probably not big on pda because he'd prefer to share your affection privately
🥛 but he's not shy about hugging or holding your hand
🥛 will probably pat you on the head when you do good (maybe it's because he's so used to doing this with his students lol)
🥛 quality time is big for suga
🥛 he would give up all of his time for those he cares about and go above and beyond to do things for them
runner up for you was yaku morisuke!
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A/N: there you go 💥anon, i hope you liked it!
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seasonfivebitchsaveme · 2 months
4 and 9 for Lucy!
Thank you so much for the ask!!!! (⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ
😌 4. What do you and your f/o do together to relax or unwind?
Whenever Lucy is stressed, she takes a nice warm bubble bath. If Lyka is around, she joins her. They like to chat about a lot of things, usually how their days went, and it helps ease any tension. Lucy and Lyka wash each other's hair, a literal and figurative cleansing.
🧠 9. What is something you love listening to your f/o talk extensively about, and what do they love hearing you elaborate on?
Lyka loves listening to Lucy talk about her celestial spirits! Having grown up never seeing or hearing about them, listening to Lucy recalling past adventures with her summons is incredibly interesting to her. She also likes seeing Lucy get so happy about it. Lyka's personal favorite spirit is Virgo!
Lucy, on the other hand, loves hearing about Lyka's stories from the Zentopian Church. Once again, a whole different world Lucy didn't know a whole lot about!!
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hisui-dreamer · 10 months
Hihi!! I hope you have an amazing thanksgiving and everything else because you're amazing :)
I always end up mentioning your writing but that is why I followed, so.. I am once again saying you write some of my favorite fics, especially the Jamil & Jade ones.. I'm biased towards the second years in general lol. You're so talented and thank YOU for sharing all your work :D
Have a great day & week & year because you deserve it!! I care about you, and so many others do too 🫶🫶😁
~ 🪨
awww 🪨 anon you're so sweet🥺💕💕 im always so happy when i see you in my inbox aldjhdjdks. im honestly so so so elated you consider some of my jade fics your favs omg omg, and second year bias is so real i love them sm, they may be my favourite year🙈
thank you so so much and i hope you'll have a great year too!!!(⁠づ⁠ ̄⁠ ⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠づ
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