#I barelly have idea
tadssstrange · 7 months
You liked my post and my nosy little Axon behind decided to check out your account and I have learned that you are super cool and I am now following you B)
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mint-is-here · 6 months
ok so my school takes part on this onlinelibrary website thing and my parents have to pay for it but we dont really use it for school
so we are espected to read it on our own i think
i dont like reading online books a lot
i do like reading fanfiction on ao3
so i remembered i used to read this minecraft comics and books and they were basically minecraft fanfiction so yknow
i started searching for something similar
found a batman novel with a really pretty cover
last time(and only) i read a batman novel with a pretty cover it was shit because of the translation
so i'm doing what any sane person would do
which is reading said batman novel
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dlysthings · 6 months
Little crush
AN: Hi! This is the first time I am posting sometning here and i hope you like it. I got the idea from @darylsgarden. Any constructive critisism is apreciated. Also english isn't my first language so i apologize in advance for any gramar and punctuacion mistakes.
Word count: 678
Daryl stood in the buzzing high school hallway ,fidgeting with his locker, watching you. There you were. With your back to him, happily chatting with your friends, laughing at whatever one of your girlfriends has said. With your shining hair, framing your beautiful face, an angel like smile grazing your lips. God, you were perfect.
So beautiful. Nothing like him. Not some white trash reddneck.
 He turned around. He’d been watching you for months. Weeks and weeks of secretly sneaking glances at you in class or in the hallway. But only that. Nothing more.
He didn’t have the courage to go and talk with you, only to be met with rejection and mocking laugh. He couldn’t. And what other reaction could you have. He was just damaged goods. What could you possibly see in him beside that?
Thinking that, he went into class. He entered the classroom and plopped down in his seat. Next think he knows you sit in the seat beside his. You glance at him and shoot him a small smile.Fuck.
He turns the opposite side, his face growing redder by the second. There is no way you just smiled at him, no. You probably were looking at someone else in his direction. That must be it. No other reason, he tries to convince himself. No way she is smilin' at ya, dumbass
The whole day you were somewhere around him. The table beside his at lunch, the desk next to him at class. Always smiling at him. At some point he decided you knew about his crush at you and were mocking him. But how could you know? He’s never told anyone. He didn’t even have someone to tell it to. So this couldn’t be it. So why were you smiling at him?
Later the same day Daryl was at the supermarket in town. He needed to grab a few things to make himself something to eat. He was just about to go and check out when he saw you.
You were wearing a red sundres, that was making you look even better. You were triyng to reach an item from a higher schelf and failing miserably. You were on your tip toes, with a streched out arm, fingertips barelly missing the item you were trying to grab.
That was his chance. He can go and help you,starting a conversation. But could he. He wasnt like his older brother,Merle,full of confidence. But if he didn't do it, there probably wasn't going to be another oportunity to leave a good first imresion. Fuck it he thought.
He went to you and grabed the item you were strugling to get. Handing it to you, he looked for the first time at your face from that close. You were even more beautiful from closer. Eyes with vibrant colour and such perfectly shaped features. Your eyebrows were lightly raised in slight surprise.
But then you smiled at him. Such a sweet smile, directed directly to him and only for him. You were gorgeous. that was the only thought in his head until he heard your sweet voice.
"Thank you,Daryl" you said in that sweet voice of yours. You were looking expectanly at him. Respond ya dumbass! Cant ya see she's waiting for you?
"N-No problem. Yur welcome" he said and baschfuly ducked his head, scraching his neck. He stood there not knowing what to say, luckily you said something.
'Well, again, thank you. I will see you tomorow at school." you said and with that you squezed his hand, that was still outstreched to you. After that you went your way, turning around once but Dryl didn't saw you.
Daryl was satring at his hand that you had just squezed. He couldn't believe it. You, the girl of his dreams had just touched him. He could still lightly feel your hand on his. I'm never wasching my hand again.
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bowties8glasses · 5 months
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Two commissions for @akflareon! thank you for commissioning me c^^
making of:
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for the first pic, the prompt was having his dragon character looking like a guardian or caretaker. doing some kind of chore or hobby, one of the examples given was making\sewing plushies
the brooms in the bg were also the clients idea, this dragon got ghots powers!
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the other commission was based on a previous one by the same client! he really liked the half-dragon form I made for it, and wanted a ref for it c^^
I sugested having it include both a version that was more "his oc but a bit dragon" and one like in the past comm
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though I wasn't sure on how to layout the sheet and what other details to add, one idea was a back side, but we both agreed there wasn't any details of note to justify one
but I did do sketch one for the normal form
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another idea from the client was a dragonite for scale which I did do! it was silly
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its good practice to not shade refs, but since it's a part I barelly take much time on, I did also do a version with some quick shadows added in
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otomes-world · 2 months
i. Small Key, Portal, Detective It's not full fic, really not, just another idea I thought but never write a post. Also... I forgot I have my own prompts as well...Something like a general prologue and lore for possible works for this AU. You can skip next bunch of text, it's just my thought. There are no triggers yet, except barelly edited text. I haven't decided yet whether this will be a yandere AU or a regular one. I tried to think about possible conflicts in the story and realized that it directly depends on the character. Therefore, here is only the general part, which telling the state of affairs. How the reader even got to such a life, haha. As for plans, I can say that for some reason I thought about Jade. Don't ask me why. As if he would fit into this au better than anyone. I dragged out the introduction a bit… enjoy reading! Let me know your ideas as well, I`ll read and answer them later.
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What is the best profession? Probably, every child asked this question at least once. There were always many proposals, but there was one that everyone thought about. Detective. Do they even exist? Or have they always been an idea embodied in books and films?
Are there schools that produce qualified specialists? Is it possible to became one? What is the principle of selecting candidates?
Calm down, hands on the table. You also did not know the answers. It’s trivial, but the profession found you itself. Moreover, if someone found out about your “Detective” badge, they would think that it was a high-quality craft. Seriously, aren’t detectives just an invention of film directors?
In the company of friends and their acquaintances, over a cup of tea or another drink, you would also laugh at the joke, adding your own to the general vat of barbs. Nevertheless, the rushing carriage harnessed by black horses was as real as the mantle of a prestigious college on you. Luckily, the hood was long enough to hide part of your face, so you could look around the room with a bored expression and no sense of professionalism.
A huge mirror in the middle and flying coffins. Crowds of students and a director late for the ceremony.
Never in your life could you imagine that your job would take you to a haven for magicians. Yes, magic existed and was the envy of many, even you, but nothing more. If that's how a mouse felt when cats were swarming around its hole, then be it. However this mouse was very well prepared. It had a hidden artifact that allowed cast simple spells. Nothing more. After all, your task was to gather the material and leave unnoticed. In no case would you become the best student among the stream of first years, heaven forbid.
You only hoped that the bribed principal and the Mirror would not throw you to the predators. Exactly. The kind teacher knew about everything, and the inside pocket of his jacket sank under the weight of money. Naturally, after convincing him that you had no desire to harm the college's reputation. The struggle between schools was not in your competence, let them squabble over talented applicants as much as they wanted. Your task was the simplest.
Just make sure that the representatives of influential families were not planning anything… interesting. The version for the director was to collect information about the college, for further writing of the article on behalf of the "student".
You had already received half of your payment, and the customer signed a contract in which you received your other half in any outcome. Plus, you could always earn extra money by publishing an article to the delight of Crowley, but that's it. Possible options after completing the job.
Finally, the director appeared, and you would have sighed with relief if not for the student who appeared behind him. It seemed that no one knew who it was, however, this was only to your advantage. Any information was important to the customer.
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"Any information was important to the customer." This thought was worthy of a hit to the head with any heavy object. They were just students, what could possibly go wrong? The contract details did not include feeding flamingos in pink and painting roses from white to red and back. Why, of all the dorms, the Mirror decided to send you to Heartslabyul… that question should have been asked to Crowley. Only for him magically disappear every time, "and do not to interfere with a professional's work."
A professional could not work in such conditions.
Luckily, a pair of first years significantly attracted the attention of the head. All you had to do was secure their friendship and the article "headache" of Rosehearts. The collar on your neck in most cases explained why you did not use magic regularly.
However, in other dorms it was hardly easier. Whether this thought was self-consolation or acceptance of the harsh truth, you didn't care. Or it could be a simple complaint from chewing his lunch Ace.
If you had come here at an earlier age, when you yourself were a scholar, you would have been overjoyed. Of course, what child would refuse to learn magic? To travel between colleges using portals? The one who was now in the body of an tired of everything adult obviously.
It was much harder to study seriously when you needed to be in several places at once, and for missing classes the head "cut off your head". In your time, being a hooligan sounded easier.
Bless the existence of Internet storage, otherwise attempts to hide the notes of real work would have finally driven you to the grave. The promised payment was not worth it.
Fortunately, or vice versa, there was plenty of information. Filtering rumors, looking for the truth - that's another task. At least the soil for this was fertile. News of growing tension in a dorm. A rumor about a student who grants any wish. Possible conflict between two celebrities.
How true were the rumors about the strained relationship between the second prince of the Sunset Savanna and the crown prince of Briar Valley?
Everything was carefully written and saved for later editing. When did you have time to do this? The answer was simple. You sacrificed your time for sleep. All paper records were burned and destroyed after being transferred to the cloud. You didn't need any extra problems.
It felt like you had a kind of key in your hands that could unlock a box to nowhere. Your readiness to face everything that awaited you at the bottom was unimportant. A minimum of feelings and a maximum of facts were required from you.
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seramilla · 3 months
I was listening to this song from Croatia called drivers licence and as its almost 4 am and my mind is uncontrolled, it gave me ideas.
Basis: Velvette can't drive safelly.
Velvette giving Clara and Kiki a speach how she can drive perfectly. Begging them to let her drive their car at least once. She can drive like Michael Schumacher, she claims.
Spoiler, she ends up fixing makeup, while streaming, while driving 90 miles an hour, barelly looking at the road. And she crashes the car. It was into a Vee building, but still.
Clara and Kiki gave her a look when she returns without a car and smiling sheepishly.
Velvette: I told you I can drive like Schumacher. Never said it was true.
Velvette as a horrible driver confirmed!! 😂😂 Not even as a head canon, just...canon! 😂😂
Has anyone actually seen Velvette drive a car? No! Because she always wraps them around telephone poles or self-sabotages by crashing them into her buildings, and gets Vox to cover for her to keep it out of the news. It's probably a curse at this point. She has money and two hot girlfriends, she doesn't need to drive anyway!
And Kiki and Clara will never let her drive again, ever! Not after totaling Verosika's touring van! They told Verosika they don't know what actually happened to it...someone must have stolen it. But all three of the girlfriends know, and the secret dies with them.
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mysteriousbp · 10 days
It looks like we got a general idea on what the kids' journey in the underground except for Green and Purple, so how was there journey.
This is going to be interesting.
So you guys know how each human has a main group of monsters that they befriend.
Frisk has Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys (etc.).
Clover has Dalv, Matlet. Starlo (etc)
Lila has the old canine unit and other monsters.
Tom has QC
Meanwhile, Hope and Sunny... Other than Toriel, they didn't have anyone. 
Yeah. They were pretty much on their own in their journeys.
(I made it that way because usually in Undertale-style games the main character gets pulled into the main cast problems and dramas. I just wanted to break that norm with two souls that were on their own journey without interroptions or diversions. Just to focus more of the children themselves.)
So let's start with Hope. After she left the Ruins she started to look for the others. She asked the locals if they had seen Lila, Tom, and Melody by describing them in a way that didn't say that they were humans. Hope also tries to learn everything about monsters so maybe she could have a better shot surviving. By reading the books in the library and the signs with monster history in Waterfall and taking notes in her notebook.
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And I can finally reveal something about Hope. The hoodie that she wears during her time underground is a cat hoodie!
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Yeah. Before anything. Hope didn't own that hoodie because she was into cats or something. Has some of you may remember I said a long time ago that the children when they were in the orphanage they had small allowances, right? Well, this hoodie was bought in a second-hand shop for Melody because she was getting too big for her clothes, and this was the only thing they could afford that fit her. And yes. This was originally Melody's hoodie. Hope started to wear it after she grew up and she couldn't fit in her old clothes. That's why, after the barrier broke, Melody started to wear a hoodie. Because hoodies are more her style and not Hope's.
Actually. Despite the cat hoodie being a thing bought because they didn't have another option. It did help Hope a lot. By this time, Doggo, Greater Dog, Dogamy, and Dogaressa are the current canine unit. And because Hope had her hood up because of the cold, she ended up tricking Doggo by accident because he thought she was a cat monster. After realizing that, she started to pretend to be a cat monster, and she was able to trick almost every monster she ran into, execpt Gerson and another one.
I decided to go this route with Hope because of her items.
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Despite being mid game items, the Torn Notebook and Cloudy Glasses are the third weakness items, with 2 at (it hits two times, so 4 at) and 5 def. The thing is that they increase INV (invincibility frames) by 6 and 9, respectively. So based on that, I wanted to make Hope a character that isn't a smart character that tries to outsmart an enemy in battle. But a character that thinks of ways to avoid battleing because she's weak, so she tries to avoid being hit more than the others. (That's why when she's adopted by Alphys and Undyne, she really wants to train with Undyne to become stronger.)
Now for Sunny. After she left the ruins, she also started to look for the others. But through her travels, she found monsters with some troubles, and she decided to help (for context. She didn't need to help any of these monsters to proceed in her journey. Most of the time, she didn't receive an item in return. She just helped out of kindness.). And those monsters were like Slurpy. Just random monsters, not big important type of monsters like the main gang of UT or UTY.
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Like giving the Snowman a nose or helping a lost Temmie return to Temmie Village. Just simple problems and not like "Help save my daughter" type of problems. Just focusing more on NPC's since the lack of a main cast in Sunny's journey. Exploring more the everyday struggles living on the underground rather than being told in text and barelly being shown how problematic the life can be down in the underground.
I just really wanted to use Hope and Sunny to explore more of the underground with the focus on talking and helping NPC's without having a main cast overshadowing everyone.
Also, here's a fun fact about Sunny:
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She's been wearing a sweater this whole time. That's why I always drew her with big sleeves. Because they were rolled up this whole time.
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partywithoutsmiling · 1 month
What would happen if Thorn was alive in either of your aus (or in canon) what would he be doing?
Pft honestly, if Thorn is alive, then Mulberry would be alive as well, because there is no way he'd abandon her or wanted to live without her.
When he and Mulberry were caught, Bergens were already slowly combing through the Pop Troll territory, decimating their numbers, most likely setting up what they thought were permanent settlements that would however eventually fail as the local source of Trolls dwindled and the Bergens were forced to go hunting further and further away, until they simply couldn't sustain their need for a happiness boost and they had to pack up their things and move on to the next 'patch'.
The one way I can imagine them surviving, was if they attempted an escape but were only semi succesful; the Bergens would have most likely troll-proofed their settlement to the best of their abilities, and so complete escape wouldn't have been so easy.
So while escaping their confines, they wouldn't have been able to trully get out.
Then, perhaps an accident, that would have greatly hindered one of them; and then, maybe the changing of seasons; no matter how attuned to Nature the Trolls were, they could hardly handle a heavy rain season or winter- especially Thorn, who is from volcanic area, and grew up living mostly underground.
For a pair of two mice sized critters, that makes the world around them especially hard to traverse, and they would have been forced to make frequent stops.
Imagine, if you will, if they tried their best to get back to the Troll Tree to warn the Pop Royalty about what was coming, but just failed- and they arrived just in time for the Tree to get caged, trapping all of their remaining family inside, with Bergen guards constantly patroling around, and the Chef and her assistants snatching up any would be runaway Trolls until they were cowed enough not to try anymore.
They have no idea that at that moment, it is only Rosiepuff, Branch and Clay remaining in the Tree; but any grand plans in trying to get in are put on hold when the old injury rears its ugly head and greatly hinders their ability to function- leaving the other to be the sole protector of them both.
After that, it is only poor compensation, to be able to watch the Tree be still alive and hear the trolls singing, despite Trollstice starting to happen every year. They live in the city; in the walls, in the attic, in the basement. Like Borrowers, they scavenge what they can, take items that won't be missed, while every day watching, hoping, waiting for a chance to get to the tree and saving their sons.
They never manage to cross a path with the 'Borrower Teams' from the Tree; never spot their boy Clay among the scouts, always managing to sneak away at any louder noise.
Then, the Last Trollstice happened- they noticed the Trolls escaping and knew they must be heading towards the northern woods- taking that as their chance, they head there too, over the roofs and over the battlement, taking the Bergen's distraction as a blessing to finally be reunited with their family.
And they are!
Only not with Branch's side of the tribe.
Instead they encounter Viva, Clay, and their band of misfits.
SO! That's my take on what Thorn would have been doing XD He'd have his reunion with Clay, and had to force himself to terms with the fact that all his other sons- even the youngest one- must have been killed. But he was born and raised a leader; while he was never raised in Pop Troll culture, he was raised to be tough and to fight back- and if there is one Troll that can help Viva make their 'Tribe' survive, it was him.
Of course, he wouldn't have been able to stay in the Golf Course forever; growing restless, catching wanderlust, but also starting to disagree on how isolated Viva keeps everyone. Then, suddenly, a sliver of hope comes on the air, as a blurry ruined postcard shows up, with barelly legible invitation to a wedding; their son Spruce is alive!
Thorn is immediatelly keen to go- but Viva puts him in an ultimatum: if he leaves the golf course, he can never come back. Thorn, being a stubborn asshole, of course doesn't care- especially when Mulberry faithfully follows her mate, despite Viva's surprise (as she expected Mulberry to stay behind with her son) Clay, for his part, is conflicted- oh he is unhappy with Viva doing what she is doing, but at the same time, he understands why she is doing that. He doesn't want his parents to leave- but at the same time, he is a grown man now, and Viva needs him.
So, off Thorn and Mulberry goes, on another adventure, trying to find their second oldest Spruce; a search that definitelly takes them more than just few days to complete. It most likely takes them all over the possible current world map, searching for clues- but honestly, they can only do so much on vague invitation and ruined postcard.
Their age eventually catches up to them, and, without no-where to go, they settle down among the minor genres, saddened, but not really able to do anything but try to live out their lives in peace.
(You have to understand, by the time Branch was born, both Mulberry and Thorn were in their late thirties, and they are definitelly over sixty years old now, when the plot of the first movie happens)
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nothingtherefornow · 2 years
To people saying Chloe and Lila would be hated if they werent white, as a POC woman I can say this. No. They’d still get people stanning them purely for skin color. Because in the minds of some people, if any writes a POC as anything other than a pure innocent angel they are RACIST.
Why do people like defending rotten wicked characters so much to the point of staning or excusing those character's evil actions and behavior ?
I know that nuanced villains are trendy right now, the kind of antagonist whose evil stems from a traumatic past, or whose intentions are noble but their methods immorals. And it's true that the writing of those kinds of characters is captivating to follow it's well written.
But sometimes, a character that is inherently evil in nature without any valid reason is also entertaining to follow. Lots of Disney villains for example, like Jafar, Scar, the first version of Maleficient, Dr Facilier, Frollo, Mother Gothel, etc... really embody a form of pure evil with no undertone of good in them, and yet we love them anyway without making excuses for their bad deeds all the time
Even if Chloe's behavior can be explained by having an abusive mother, Chloe is a character who, between seasons 4 and 5, embraced his evil nature and joy in hurting others.
She still had a chance to change and follow the right path between seasons 2 and 3, but between heroism and evil, Chloe has chosen evil, because deep down her selfishness and her ego are the dominant aspects of her personality.
In Chloe's head since being a hero didn't get her what she wanted, she would get it by becoming a villain, from then on Chloe is an antagonist, and we should appreciate her as such instead of trying to pass her off as the misunderstood anti-heroine that she is not
And wathever Lila's past is, she's going to far for her actions to be justified or easilly forgiven.
Lila is literally willing to help a dangerous villain terrorizing all of Paris and willing to help him endanger people just to get her petty revenge against those who barelly offended her. the one who could eventually truly warrant her hatred is Gabriel after Revelation, and yet
It seems Lila will only content herself with seizing all of Gabriel's secrets and stealing his miraculous, while Marinette was once again be the victim and the scapegoat of Lila's rage and frustration in Revelation and Confrontation.
And not just Marinette, in Confrontation, Lila's plan involves also ruining the academic, even professional future of her classmates who have always been kind to her, and believed and supported her all this time. And yet she still planned to stab them like that just to put it all on Marinette's ? Or whas it because Lila actually takes a liking to the idea of ​​ruining innocent people's life. What can possibly justify such a despicable act? I tell you : NOTHING !!!
And finally, Lila isn't an harmless con artist, she is one fooling many women into thinking she is their daugther (which is emotionally abusive and neglectfull to those poor women), and attending two school at the same times under two different identities (thus excessively abusing the trust of her classmates, teachers and school mates). This is going to far just to get attention and affection
Lila just seems to really craves the same thing that Chloé herself enjoys, crushing people's dreams and lives just because she can
From a moral point of view, Marinette absolutely does not deserve all the shit Lila inflicts on her, the hatred that Lila feels towards the two alter egos of Maribug is more gratuitous than justified. It is not just about a girl that Lila sees as a threat because she knows hier lies, Lila actually seems to be acting out of pure envy, jealousy, and desire to hurt when Marinette is concerned.
No matter what Lila's past and true attentions are, it doesn't justify nor excuse the real harm she does around her, and the same applies to Chloé as well. Because before they got exposed, Lila and Chloé weren't alone, they had people who guenuinly loved them and cared for them, they could have stopped and satisfied themselves with what they already had, which was already a lot. But they didn't.
Lila and Chloé don't necessarily want love nor affection that much, what they crave the most fame, popularity, attention and power more than anything else, and they are willing to do everything to get what they want, they are willing to become villains and hurt people for that. Character like that are not misunderstood victims, they are real bad and toxic people that you wouldn't want to forgive if you were victim of their worst misdeeds
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crossdreamers · 1 year
An amazing must see cartoon about queer and transgender animals
Marcel Barelli‘s cartoon Dans la nature (In Nature) has won a lot of awards, and for good reason.
In a wonderful way it documents the diversity of animal sexuality and gender, documenting once and for all that nature does not care a bit about the binaries of bigots.
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Marcel Barelli, the director, says:
"It was a long time that I wanted to do a film about homophobia, but I couldn't find a good idea. One day, I read a book about animal homosexuality [Animaux homo: histoire naturelle de l'homosexualité by Fleur Daugey]". 
"I asked Fleur Daugey, the French ethologist and journalist, to help me write a short film. We chose to write a film for children too; we decided it's possible to talk about this to children. We don't even need to talk about sexuality, just about love and feelings of love between the animals". "I prefer not to use the term 'natural' here, but homosexuality is everywhere. It is in insects, it is in animals; there is nothing bad about it."
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Note also that the movie not only covers same sex relationships. It also looks into gender diversity and animals that change sex.
Some will probably say that using words like “queer”, “gay” and “trans” is misleading. From a scientific point of view that might at least be partly true, but when we discuss the diversity of gender and sexuality in humans, it makes sense to look for similar phenomena in animals. It is not a coincidence that we find same-sex relationships and shifting genders in nature as well. Humans are, after all, animals too.
Photo of Marcel via Swiss Films.
Do animals have genders? Are there transgender animals? A scientist find some clues among chimpanzees.
Gay animals
Transgender animals.
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tarancho · 4 months
Haii :)
I love your art, it truelly is amazing, but I've been wondering. How do you make so much great art in such little time? Like I'm your age and I barelly manage a few sketches a day
okay, first of all, thank you sm!
i dunno exactly what this post is referring to or, in other words, what about the process you're referring to.
motivation-wise, i'm pretty motivated to make art almost daily bc i'm constantly thinking about ideas for art and creative projects (mainly surrounding my interests/the current hyperfixation i have at that time). if i'm feeling unmotivated by something, i switch the medium or switch the subject of the art.
i've gotten way better at art by sketching in class. like tons, because i used to never finish a sketchbook due to perfectionism.
if you're talking about technical skill, i practice posing to try to limit my reference use to only when i really, really need to. that + line confidence/control practice usually results in a basic sketch taking 1-2 minutes and then the rest of the time being for defining lines and adding details.
i hope this answers your question lmao.
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cricketnationrise · 8 months
Am I impulsively doing nice ask week at the very end? I sure fucking am. Anyways here goes:
If you could pick one artist to write a song for a fic (one of yours or one of your favourites in general), which fic and artist would you choose?
i have no idea what fic, but i've been obsessed with sara barellies since her very first album so if i lived in world where she wanted to write a song for one of my fics i would melt into the floor
if i absolutely had to pick a fic, i think maybe Downburst? I think she would smash that out of the park-- she does hopeful melancholy really well
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fanficobsessedchick · 6 months
James Marriott x Willne
Jamess head felt like it was being pounded by a thousand tiny hammers and his neck felt like it was weighed down boulders.He tossed and turned yet the sunlight that was barely peeking through his curtains was blinding him.Fuck it,he had to get up anyways;maybe he could make himself a cup of tea to ease his hangover.If he considered any of his previous hangovers bad ,this hangover had to be the final boss of them all.James dragged himself out of bed ocassionally holding on the walls or stumbling to his bedroom door.
He was not so far away from the kitchen-hoping somebody had already started making the tea l for their own hangover.
He just barelly glossed over the fact that Wills door open.James paused.Wills door was never open,Will was a secretive person-keeping what he did in his spare time to himself.
I mean,the only times Will would leave his door open is to air out the reeking scent of weed out of his room,and even then the door was only slightly ajar.
James couldnt dare to peek,but he did sideeye in that very dirrection to just get the idea of what was exactly the special occasion to make Will open his damn door.
Will was comfortably sanwiched in between a tall woman -who James remembered was named Nadya because she was in his literature class;and on Will right right side layed a shorter yet large and buff man who James didnt recognize.Just as James was about to continue to stand there and just stare-Will got up to get his own hangover medicine on the side of his nightable.
James drank his tea in silence.His brain ran reruns of old thoughts and he knew what game Will was playing,how could Will be begging him to have sex one night and then the next day Will didnt even
acknowledge him.
Will whispered something to his newfound sexual partners and they both quickly got dressed and were about to leave.
Will knew that this was the right moment to lead James on ,to make James show his true face.
Nadya was leaving out the door when he slapped her ass and she giggled at him suggestivly-you could almost tell exactly what went down last night just by her facial expression.Will moved on to the man and grabed the nape of his neck passionately kissing him goodbye.Will didnt give a shit about the pair -he lips turned from apathetic to a smirk when he noticed that James was now directing his full attention to him.
Will used people.He used men,women,just to fill a void in his head.He used anything and everything to get him out of his head.Cocaine,weed,sex and cheap vodka helped him just enough to forget.To forget everything and everyone who harmed him in the past.
Will sat down right next to James staring blanky at his cup of tea.
"They re a nice pair arent they?Fucing great in bed too."Will commented non chalantly.
James just stared at him,he felt rage,pain and betrayal with every atom of his being.He knew Will was a person of questionable morals-but leading him on last night just to bring two cheap whores around was enough.
He slapped Will.
Wills hand flew to his now bruised and red cheek,somehow if it was any other person he would kill them.But it was James-and through the pain and blood rushing to his cheeks -the blood ran straight to his cock too.James fell for his tricks.But James was smarter than Will could imagine,James saw through Wills games and he was already one step ahead.After all they werent so much diffrent so much from eachother.
Will almost sobbed.Tears welled up in his eyes in the most delicious way.
"Get up Will."James demanded.
Will obeyed-all of his self respect flying out of the window.This was all he ever wanted-finally for someone to take control of him,to put him down to their feet.To make up for all the years of torment Will went through.
"Do you think you can bring some cheap whores around and just get away with it?"
"N-no i-im so sorry James i didnt mean t-"
James slapped him again,they could feel the tension -you could almost feel every atom in the air.Will even tried to rub his erection around Jamess leg like a bitch in heat and he could barely string his words together.
"J-james please-"
James smirked -knowing he finally broke Will in,just like he planned all along.
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geckopann · 6 months
Hii! For the fav ask game :
46, 48, 49, 50, 3, 2 for sniper mask? (Sorry if its alot!!)
Hello, it's fine. I am glad you asked me Iso! ^^
2. Did you always like this character?
To be honest, yeah I did. Although it took me a while to genuily like his character as a whole. I admit that at the beginning, I mainly liked him because I thought to myself "UHMMM He's my type" and I didn't even read the manga back then... (Embarassing. I know.)
3. What first drew you to this character?
Like I've already said, his desing. I don't know what's about his suit that just fits so well with the mask...the man was born to serve lol.
46. How much do bad interpretations of this character upset you?
Oh dude. I could go on a whole rant about this. To make it short, I have seen people saying that he has no personality, although I can understand them in a way, since the fact that we barelly see his facial expressions may reinforce that idea...BUT THEY ARE STILL WRONG 👺 like did we read the same manga? This dude is one the most 'fleshed out' characters in the manga. Bff
48. What's your favorite physical/desing feature for this character?
Uhm...maybe...his scar? It may sound strange, but it's a very simple detail that makes him more recognizable 🤓 (it's hard to draw but eh)
49. What's your favorite personality trait in this character?
Now getting more serious, I really admire his willpower. The guy was brainwashed, left with amnesia, but he smokes all the trauma away and goes "fuck it, we ball" the whole time.
50. Link your fav song, playlist, aesthetic board, fan-fiction, reference pile, personal artwork, analysis post, meme, headcanon, or quote for this character. Whichever one (s) you are most comfortable with!
OHHH I have a song for him. 'Walking in my shoes' by Depeche Mode. Whenever I listen to it it reminds me of Sniper :"D (And I also feel like he prob ~smells~ like their music.)
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browseret · 7 months
Netflix underestimated ATLA's pacing
i saw all the cool kids have unhinged rants, now it's my turn.
TL;DR the animation is just too fast and the live action can't keep up
Having binged the Netflix ATLA Live Action (Natlala? Let's go with Nala for short), i finished it thinking it was alright, or at least servicable. But i wondered why i felt like it was decidedly lesser than the original, even though I had no problems with the casting, the costumes, fight choreography or even the special effects. Despite the drama with Bryke leaving, it definitely felt like there was a lot of love the original show. (though i should note the guy who did the original fight choreography and developed bending as a martial art for the show did have a few critiques)
So yeah, that leaves the writing, which definitely feels rushed. The dialogue has a lot of exposition, a lot of the time characters will just tell the audience what they think. While to an extent that works to make the characters appear like the awkward teenagers that they are, it often gets a little too woody to feels natural. Some noted that it even felt like actors were rushing through their lines, like they were just trying to get the scene over with.
All that might sound like the Netflix version ran up against time constraints, which wouldn't be unusual for an adaption. Compare it to the Netflix's own One Piece Live Action (Nopla), which like Nala, consistented of 8 ~55 minute episodes which stopped just before Logue Town. The anime covers the same material in 45 ~20 minute episodes or 15 hours compared to Nopla's 7 and a third, over double the runtime. And while Nopla left fans pleasantly suprised, it rushing through some plot points and character development was hardly surprising.
The first season of Atla, however, at 20 ~20 minute episodes will land ya roughly 6 hours and 40 minutes. That's less runtime than Nala, which is compounded by the fact that the cartoon had to dedicate more time to opening, account for cuts to commercial and incorporate a fight scene in every twenty minute episode.
Meanwhile Nala cuts 4 episodes wholesale (those being Imprisoned, The Great Divide, The Fortune Teller and The Deserter) and slims down plot elements from various standalone episodes to weave into fewer, larger ones.
That isn't a critique, in fact i think incorporating things like Jet and his freedom fighters and the Mechanic into Omashu was, at least on paper, very clever, though the execution left a bit to be desired.
But that did make it that much stranger that live action felt so pressed for time. Until i saw Neflix put the Blue Spirit rescue mission out and i compared it to the original, which i think is emblematic of Nala's issues.
Now I think both are respective high points of both season 1 of Atla and Nala. The scene is also about as close to 1 tot 1 you can get with cartoon action and, well, Live Action. See for yourself below.
(As a sidepoint i wish they didn't reveal the blue spirit's identity in the title of the clip, the mystery adds so much to the first time viewing of the episode, it would be a shame to spoil anyone on that)
For the clips: note that, while both versions last about as long (The Nala one again slightly longer) a significant amount of blink-and-you-miss-it action sequences are cut from the original and there's barelly anything the Live Action offers in its place.
When the Blue Spirit puts his swords to Aang's throat in Nala. In Atla takes him 1. Whether through the inherit strengths of the medium or the worldclass writing and editing.
Atla simply isn't the type of show where a '5 minute fight' will take over 2 and a half hours of runtime. It communicates ideas at a breakneck pace and i don't think the Live Action showrunners were prepared for that.
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ratherembarrassing · 9 months
Have you seen or have any desire to watch the Waitress proshot with Sara Barellies? I know it's getting released online and I think Blu-ray?
i had no idea this was being released but funnily enough i actually got to see her in the show during her stint in feb 2018. she was fantastic.
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