#thanks for the tagg
echoanddust · 1 year
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag
I was tagged by @chennnington. Thank youu :) Once again, I'm extremely late, because I spent 99% of free time reading
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer
I hope I get back to writing some shitty fan fiction. But my main goal is to do more photography, as I'll finally be free from school stress for a while
2) Rec a book!
Literally stayed up two hours later than usual to finish A Little Life yesterday. Amazingggg, depressing book. I'd just like to mention that possibly every single trigger warning applies to it. It's my favorite book I've read i think. I have some huge exams next week but i spent 8 hours a day reading 💀
3) Rec a fic! (outside your character tag)
Currently reading this John Wick fic as it's being posted
4) Rec music!
I mean, besides, obviously, the new Sleep Token album, I listened to Hell Finds You Everywhere by Thousand Bellow, and it's amazing. Also, Tallah
5) Share one piece of advice!
Never start reading a 814-page book a week before exams
I tag whoever wants to join! Feel free to participate
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rebka18 · 2 months
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Thank you for 1400+ followers!!!!
so i decided to merge this also for here (i recently got to 400 on twitter) so its a long time coming to thank you all im gonna make a dtiys!!!
The only rules is that dont forget to tagg me in your pieces so i can reblog them,theres no deadline yall can take your time
and once again thanking you all for the amazing support i have here cant wait to see yalls work!!!! <3 <3 <3
p.s:if you have any questions regarding the dtiys you can dm me to no problem.
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rubinee · 11 months
what if i got to dom a sub together with my domme friend in a sort of devil and angel scenario where i hold him and kiss him and encourage him so sweetly, praising him for how well he takes it while she absolutely destroys him <3
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drama-nonsense-v · 6 months
10 BL boys I want carnally <3
Thank you for tagging me to do this @blneobin <3 I'm a little behind on this but i FINALLY have time today to write it so here we go! I've had so much fun reading all the one's I've seen thus far~
Keita Machida - Kurosawa (Cherry Magic Japan)
I absolutely ADORE this man. Attentive and kind and he's ssooo pretty. He is 5'11" (180cm), I want to climb him like a tree, thank you. I would do anything he asked. I have watched this show so many times in the last 6 months since i first watched it, its a little ridiculous. (eepy Kurosawa...oh how i adore him)
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Khaotung Thanawat - Ray (Only Friends)
I love this man so much it hurts. I adore everything I've watched him in thus far but there is a /reason/ Ray is pictured in my about me on this blog. I related to Ray so much and his and Sand's scenes....oh wow... I have so many edits and gifs saved in a folder on my computer of this man, I am unwell about it (someone should recreate their dancing in the parking garage scene with me...)
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Nut Supanut - Solo/Way (Oxygen/PitBabe)
I adored Nut in Oxygen (is it a little stiff, yeah, but i still liked it) I am a sucker for puppy like characters like Solo and hes just so incredibly Handsome. And Way is just...oh my god. Nut is legit the one of two reasons I started watching PitBabe. (Obsessed with the fact that Way is still kinda Puppy coded. He can take his frustration out on me, I'd consent to that)
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Jimmy - Peun/Mohk (Vice Versa/Last Twilight)
I enjoyed Vice Versa and Jimmy immediately caught my attention when I watched it. And now with watching Last Twilight, many of my friends know just how UNWELL I am about this man. Mohk is so kind and attentive and he's so so handsome I cannot handle it. I made so many people watch the clip of him getting angry with August. When he got super quite? Lost my mind. (Look at him...look at his arms, are you kidding me??)
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Ja Phachara Suansri - Leo/Punn (Don't Say No/Be Mine SuperStar)
THIS MAN IS 6'2" (188cm) THAT'S NOT FAIR. HE'S SO TALL (i'm a little jealous...) Ja is so pretty and him just throwing around First in Don't Say No like he was nothing? I lost it. The scene in the pool in Be Mine SuperStar where Punn and Ashi are talking and then Punn stands up? I was UNWELL (Punn is also another Puppy coded character and I will forever be a sucker for it)
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Perth - Ae/Kanghan (Love By Chance/Dangerous Romance)
When I tell you some weird things came out of my mouth when I was telling my friends about Perth, I wish I was kidding (@darkroseespeon can attest to that). He's so incredibly ridiculously handsome and his smile is absolutely infectious. He's another that I would do anything they asked. (cue to me just repeatedly saying "he's so pretty" as i was trying to find a gif...)
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Nat Thewphaingam - Nawin (Laws of Attraction)
I was living with some roommate when I was watching Laws of Attraction and they had a good laugh watching me LOSE MY SHIT when this man came on screen. I was immediately obsessed with Nawin. The bgm, the bloody tank, and the brass knuckles? I was a gonner. Truly in love with his antics and i would give a lot to be under him. (do you see his arms? the lighting? just...HIS FACE?)
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Ji Sub - Jae Won (The Eighth Sense)
OMG one, this show is so important to me. Two, Ji Sub is a meal I could eat every day. I don't even have much more to say than that. He's just so handsome and he had such sad eyes... Jae Won, once they're finally boyfriends, is so sweet I just adore it so much. I love this man. (He was so cute in this scene I cant...)
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Us Akkarachotsopon - Tay (Kinnprosche)
Tay is fully the embodiment of my never ending delima of do i want him or to i want to /be/ him???? His fashion sense is glorious and I will never be over it. The minute I start talking about it, its hard to get me to shut up. I would give ssoo much to take care of Tay and love him like he deserves. (Where the post that's like "i'll do anything for a boy with big brown eyes" or something like that. Also, this shirt?? I need it.)
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Kiseki: Dear to Me
Am I cheating a little bit by talking about all four of them? Maybe. But I have made SO many people who are not into BLs watch this show FOR A REASON. I love it so much and I love all of them so dearly. AiDi and ChenYi's fashion? IMPECCABLE I'm obsessed and want to recreate some of their looks so bad. All their scene once they're finally together??? unbeatable to me. omfg. ZongYi and ZeRui's kitchen scene?? In shambles. SHAMBLES (I have a stuffed animal I named ZongYi cause he's so precious to me...and I want to get one to name AiDi)
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Aaaahhh this...took me way longer to write than anticipated. Though part of that time was looking through endless amounts of gifs. to which, thank you to the gif makers, y'all make my day (haha xD) I have no idea who hasn't done this yet, (@mb-bls idk if you have or would want to?) but if you see this and want to do it, tag me so I can read it!!!!
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ravennory · 7 months
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another tagg deyna doodle ^_^
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stonedpiece · 5 months
tagged by @puppysdog to share my five fave songs atm
1. drugs - philharmonic
2. 6 foot 7 foot - lil wayne
3. hands up - parker millsap
4. llueve sobre la ciudad - los bunkers
5. before the devil knows we're dead - turnpike turnabours
tagging @gumgumvibecheck @fruity-tooty @wlwnami @bigcryptiddies @monkeydgoofy @hrrraandm
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weirdfishy · 1 year
graciously tagged by @alllthequeenshorses 💕
WIP poll game!
Rules: post your current WIPs in a 24 hour poll. Whichever gets the most votes by the end gets worked on! The number of votes is how many new sentences you have to add.
If you want to see the First Lines for these, here’s that post - it’s got a lil bit more elaboration
tagging uhh: @mashumaru @trivalentlinks @fannafiction @shire-bard @ghostboyjules no pressure ofc!
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It’s Wednesday so it’s time for ‘Tagg is going to bitch about the fact Rogue is referring to her husband as Gambit, and bitching about her relationship, to the raccoon, when after years of no touch only talk she should have been hashed out any grievances with her workload WITH HER HUSBAND’ hours
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audif1 · 1 year
nine people you’d like to get to know better
tagged by: @alxisrose ty !!!
last song: si una vez by play n skillz
currently watching: the bear s2 !!!
current obsession: i just started disco elysium!!
currently reading: a book about interior design
tagging: @biganseyiii @korolreznik @ravencycle @zumurruds @dayclouds-jpg @nightwashh @alpinegasly @glassdandelion @kahvikaiffari big fan from afar of all of u
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echoanddust · 1 year
I was tagged by @shedreamsintechnicolor . Thank you!
Rules: Shuffle a playlist and write down the first ten songs without skipping.
Using my newly created summer playlist
I tag @l-o-s-t--hope @obsess-d @bl33ditout @bdailorsimpofficial @camoooh @coping-via-clint-eastwood and anyone else who wants to join!
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solar-halos · 2 months
tag game: 15 questions for 15 friends
name of the game (aka the rules): Answer 15 questions, tag 15 friends!
thank you for the tag @thelettersfromnoone <3
Are you named after anyone?
my moms hs bestie lol
When was the last time you cried?
a couple hrs ago but that’s just cos i cry rlly easily
Do you have kids?
not yet
What sport do you play / have played?
basketball, softball, cross country, dance, cheer, soccer (soccer will remain my one true love)
Do you use sarcasm?
never (lol)
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
hair probably
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings! <3
Any talents?
i’m a master hula hooper
Where were you born?
from my mother
What are your hobbies?
reading, crocheting, scrapbooking. i’ve been wanting to get into embroidery and knitting but that’s abt it. would love some hobby recs tho i’ve heard jewelry making is lit
Do you have any pets?
no </3
How tall are you?
haters will say not very
Favorite subject in school?
Dream job?
recently i’ve been thinking that it might be pretty cool to be edward cullen except that instead of repeating hs id just keep attending college and never have to worry abt money bc the volturi have me covered. but then again maybe i wouldn’t go to college maybe id just travel around in a van (that’s a fredo disco reference)
tagging: not to sound like a nerd but i don’t have 15 mutuals and most of the ones i do have already been tagged so likeee… that’s awkward. i suppose i could just tag the few that haven’t but im shy so if ur my mutual and u haven’t been tagged this ur tag
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rebka18 · 1 year
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thank you for this tagg i had to do this <3
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amethyst-cave · 3 months
ahhh thanks @ugneet143 for tagging me!! These are my five most listened to songs recently:
Ich steh auf Frauen ich schwöre - K.I.Z a satire german song about a homophobic gay guy. Very fun to listen to! I've been working through K.I.Z's discography in the last week and there are so many interesting songs, so much satire and criticism of society and also fun beats and swear words hehe
Creatures in heaven - Glass animals New glass animals song!!! there'll be a new album in a few months!!! i cannot wait!!! it's such a fun spacey song
HOOLIGAN - Joey Valance & Brae a friend recommended the album and I've been listening to it every now and then. This is definitely my favourite track from it. so fun and engergetic
Talking like you (two tall mountains) - Connie Conves Connie converse my beloved. I dont think i've ever stopped listening to this song since i found out about it. It's just so good. Something about the old recording and her soft voice and the lyrics. I heard somewhere that this can be interpreted as a allegory for queerness and i've not stopped thinking about it since. Also fun fact it's the only song i can sort of play on the guitar
Old ocean - Cosmo Sheldrake i am in love with basically everything cosmo sheldrake creates but this especially. Something about the melody and the vocals makes it feel comfy? idk i just really love this song
i'm tagging @ghostgirlhaunting @ghostbusterscantcatchme @atomicraft and everyone else who wants to join in (without any pressure ofc)
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natahjikio · 2 years
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tagged by lovely @motodaka @deokmis and @koreandragon
my coloring is really basic. I always start with curves black then I add hue/saturation and play with the selective colors and sometimes I add a photo filter (cyan or blue)
tagging @yohankang @da-qian @bubblegeon (no pressure and ofc If you haven’t made this already)
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k0k0-library · 1 year
Obey me! Random shit at 12 am that's not 12 am because I said so >:)
Third realm, let's goooooo. Human realm. " but LID, We know the human realm we're humans-" SHUSH! Let my brain rot hunny. (Why am i literally having a fight with myself...)
3. The Human Realm
I'm going to start this one with maths, calculus. Or a reinterpretation of a well-known theorem. Lagrange's theorem. Say we have earth P, then this means that there exists earth P' with or within reach of R-to-the-power-of-infinity. So there's a huge soup of universes in the multiverse. And multiverses into omniverse. And omniverses sandwiched in between The Celestial Realm and the Devildom. The rule of the co-existing universes was set that there cannot exist two universes that are the exact same within the same multiverse. Multiverses are, by extension of this rule, different by at least a spec of stardust.
Talking about the human world of the game (we are in the universe in which it is viewed as only a game, sadly), things are quite different from what we know.
First, the existence of humans began before angels and archangels were created. To be more exact, these humans were in their 1400-1500 A.C. when Lilith decided to make the first approach to humanity. People were not living in a lie, because Mephistopheles was the one who tricked Adam & Eve into eating the apple. Which btw, it's not an apple, it's tears shed by the Ze Schebrach when they were slain. Yes... there were so many that it is enough for each and every universe to have them. Damn, The Creator(s) didn't have mercy-
Second, as we can tell from some of the interactions in both the main story and some event stories, angels were allowed to visit the human realm in this universe. But why...? This is the oldest yet universe, the first if you will, and therefore everything was experimental. The Creator(s) were very kin to know rather or not humans and Celestials can live in harmony together and as known from the very beginning of the humans' existence... they can't.
Humans are very unpredictable and therefore they are not allowed to be in contact with elements from either the Devildom or The Celestial Realm, or there would be consequences (ThE rEBeLiOn). Celestial objects enchant humans with new abilities, closest to those of even archangels. Imortality being one of them. (Does this mean Lilith's boyfriend is still alive-). Devilish objects make humans see the real world, the real suffering that was behind their creation and in most cases, those humans who came in contact with these objects commit suicide or turn against their own kind.
As stated before, humans cannot enter that easily in The Celestial Realm, at least not anywhere except what we know as Heaven. It is like a simulation of a garden, peaceful. Yet, some humans believed that if they entered Heaven they should be able to get to enter other divisions of the realm as well. For exaple, here are a few humans that are known to do so with or without completing the Trial of Souls in The Great Hall: Solomon, Aurelius, Luke, MC.
This also goes for the Devildom, there is a special subdivision where humans are "kept", but unlike the Celestial Realm, demons do no mind humans roaming around their realm as much (this is also the reason why The Devildom started the exchange program in the first place).
As there is not much to say about the human world for now, I'll be leaving it here... edits, oh edits, let down your words (rapunzel rapunzel let down your hair)
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niinnyu · 1 year
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WOOO LESSGOO!! Hello hi everyone thank you for 50 followers!
I'll be taking requests to celebrate, so send them in if you want me to draw anyone!
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