#thanks for the ask i really loved looking back at these stories
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The psychology of love (Part 3)
Your first date with Morgan and a lesson in defense mechanisms and the delay of gratification
Word count: 4.1k
Warnings: none yet, slowburn
Morgan and you go out to dinner the next day. You had seriously been considering just never texting her and making more of an effort to avoid her, but Wanda and Nat pestered you continuously during breakfast until you had given in.
Turns out, you were both free that night.
You had a class in the evening, so you meet her at the pizza place off-campus after. She’s wearing a light blue dress that brings out the color in her eyes and her Black Opium perfume makes you wish there was someone different sitting in front of you.
“Did you have a good day?” she asks while you’re waiting for your pizzas to be done cooking. The awkwardness of a first date is hanging over you, coupled with the fact that her fingers were inside you on Monday. You’re still a little shocked that happened.
But you nod and smile. Morgan is nice, and she’s trying. The least you could do is try as well. “Yeah, I had two classes. They’re both pretty easy. My hardest are definitely Physiological Psych and Personality Psych.”
Even the mention of the latter makes your stomach clench. Agatha has wormed her way into your brain and you don’t know how to get her out. The perfume you ordered should be here tomorrow and you regret buying it.
Realistically, what are you going to do with it? You can’t wear it—both Morgan and Agatha will pick up on it. It’d be absolutely pathetic to spray your pillow with it and imagine it’s Agatha next to you, plus Wanda would surely wonder about that.
Which means you spent one-hundred dollars on a bottle of perfume that’s going to sit on your desk and serve as a reminder that you’re delusional.
A waitress brings over your personal pizzas and sets them down in front of you, steam billowing off.
Morgan’s looking at you, a little expectantly, and you clear your throat. “How was your day?” you ask, realizing that you never returned the question.
“Pretty good, thanks. I had an International Relations class. We already have a quiz next Tuesday, which is crazy considering this was our second day of meeting.” You learned that she’s a Political Science major while you were waiting in line for pizza.
She doesn’t say anything else, so you chew on your lip and try to think of ways to get the conversation going. “So…how did you get into political science?” At least her face brightens at that.
“My dad works in local government and I’ve always been really interested in it. I’ve interned at his office since I was probably sixteen? I’ll be able to get a job with him once I graduate and then hopefully I can be elected for something,” she says before launching into a few stories about town halls that she’s been a part of. She’s from a small town in Indiana and the people there are apparently a little unhinged.
Morgan’s just telling you about a petition one man started to make his birthday a town holiday when the door to the restaurant opens and a familiar face walks in.
It’s Agatha’s standoffish TA. Morgan is still talking but your eyes follow Rio as she walks up to the counter and shows them her phone. The lady nods and picks up a boxed pizza that’s sitting next to her and hands it to Rio.
As she’s walking to the exit, she tilts her head over to you like she feels you staring. You quickly look away but in your periphery, you can see her coming closer until you have no choice but to crane your neck up at her.
“You’re in Professor Harkness’s class, aren’t you?” Rio asks, but it’s more of a statement than a question. She obviously remembers you from Agatha’s office yesterday.
You nod and she chuckles amusedly, tongue bulging in her cheek. Her complete one-eighty of a personality change is throwing you off.
Rio glances at Morgan and then back to you, a gleam in her eyes. “Good luck.” Before you can ask what she means—is she talking about Agatha’s class? talking about Morgan?—she shifts the pizza in her arms and strolls out the door without looking back.
Morgan raises an eyebrow at you. “That was weird.”
You choose to not say anything and take a bite of your pizza, instantly wincing when it burns your mouth. “Did the man get his petition approved?” you refer to what she had been talking about before Rio, and Morgan dives back into that memory.
She talks for most of dinner, only really taking a break while she’s eating, and then you walk her to her car. Thankfully, neither of you wants to hang out in the resultant once you’re both done with your food. She’s parked right in front whereas you had to find a spot in the garage behind the row of restaurants.
“Do you want me to give you a ride to your car?” Morgan offers and you pretend to think about it before shaking your head.
“No, that’s okay. It’s not very far.” There’s a minute of silent shuffling while you both try to figure out how to end the date. “Um, well I had a great time with you tonight. Let’s do this again soon?”
She smiles warmly. “I’d love that.” And then Morgan leans in to press a quick kiss to your cheek before getting in her car. Her perfume drifts into your nostrils and lingers and you hear Agatha’s voice telling you that you did very good. Heat flashes through you but you tamp it down.
You wait until Morgan drives off before turning to head to the parking garage, but you see another person that you know in the shadows.
Professor Harkness.
Your heart lurches as she pushes off the building wall she was leaning against and steps into the light. She’s wearing blue pants and a matching blazer over a black turtleneck. The gold from her necklace catches the streetlamp glow. Her long, loose hair frames her face and you can see her blue eyes glinting even in the dark.
Swallowing roughly, you irrationally worry that she’s going to be mad about you and Morgan. A part of you wants her to be mad.
But she just smirks instead. “Dinner with a friend?”
“Something like that,” you mutter, shrugging inconspicuously. “What are you doing here?” It seems like she’s waiting for someone—a date? Not that it matters, of course. You just want insight into your mysterious teacher.
She moves closer to you, close enough so you can smell her perfume. It’s getting really fucking confusing with both Agatha and Morgan wearing the same scent. “I’m just picking up dinner,” she hums. “Nothing as exciting as you.”
Your cheeks burn. “That wasn’t anything, just a first date. We met at a party a few days ago.” When I let her fuck me because she reminded me of you.
Agatha nods like she knows something you don’t. “Do you remember learning about defense mechanisms?”
“In a general psych class, did you ever learn about defense mechanisms? Freudian methodology, of course, that believes our ego unconsciously wants to protect the superego from the id when we do something that would otherwise cause us anxiety, guilt, and shame.”
“I mean, yeah?” You’ve heard of them, but why is she bringing them up?
She waves a hand at your apparent confusion. “We’ll get more into them later in the semester. I just think it’s neat, you know? How we can be doing something and not even be aware that we’re doing it. Denial, rationalization,” she fixes you with a pointed look, “transference. The mind does really work in interesting ways.”
You nod and bite your nails, not sure what to say. It feels like you’re missing something by a mile.
But Agatha just smiles. “See you tomorrow in class, hon.” She winks before leaving you outside and you slowly trudge back to your car, completely dumbfounded.
Once you get back to your dorm, the conversation with Agatha still fresh in your mind, you halfheartedly return Wanda’s greeting and take out your computer and type “transference” into Google.
Transference is the psychological phenomenon where someone redirects feelings from one person onto another. It occurs when someone unconsciously projects feelings or desires onto someone else.
“Holy shit,” you say out loud, your blood running cold. Wanda’s head turns toward you but it’s like you have tunnel vision.
Was Agatha implying that you going out with Morgan is you redirecting your feelings toward your professor onto someone who looks like her?
Your heart is thumping so loud you can hear it. Are you being that obvious to Agatha? Can she tell that you have a crush on her?
As if to make matters worse, you get an email notification saying that a package has been delivered—the perfume. A whole day early, like the universe wants to prove its point.
You let it sit in the delivery room all night because you don’t trust yourself not to go crazy if you smell it right now.
But you barely get any sleep at all just thinking about it.
The next morning, Wanda and Nat interrogate you at breakfast. You had told Wanda the general basics of how the date had gone last night, but now they’re pressing you for the details, which you reluctantly give.
“It was good, she spent a lot of time talking about interning for her town’s government. She’s a Poli-Sci major—” Nat scoffs and rolls her eyes and Wanda laughs, “—and apparently her dad is like the mayor or a council member? I don’t know, I mean, she’s nice and all…”
“Oh, come on,” Wanda says, fond exasperation staining her voice. “You always do this. You meet a great girl and then you decide that she’s boring or that you don’t really like her or you make one tiny thing of their personality into a big problem. Why can’t you just let yourself have something?”
It stings how well she knows you. “I just…I don’t know…I’m just not sure we’d work that well together. And it doesn’t really make sense to get into a relationship now, does it? We’re graduating in the spring so why start something new if we’re going to end up in different places? She wants to go back to Indiana and I’ll probably stay here or go back home, so it just doesn’t seem like there’s much of a point.”
Nat looks unimpressed. “Really? That’s your excuse for why you’re going to self-sabotage? If only long-distance was a thing, god.”
Wanda pats her girlfriend’s hand and stifles a smirk at the sarcasm. “Just because it’s not going to end in marriage doesn’t mean it’s not worth it,” she says gently. “Why not go on a few more dates, just to see what happens? And who knows? She could be worth it.”
It won’t work because she’s not at least twice my age. Except you can’t exactly tell your friends that. So instead you say, “Yeah, maybe.”
“Even if it’s not a relationship, it could be a friends-with-benefits situation,” Natasha adds and Wanda snorts. “You’ve already had sex with her so you already know what you’d be getting into.”
“Okay, okay,” you grimace at her crassness and push your chair back. “I have to get to class.”
You have about twenty minutes before it starts, so you’re not in a rush, but you need the walk to clear your head and mentally prepare for seeing Agatha. The quip about transference has you still reeling and it’s only the third day of this class but it’s already the second time you’ve been nervous to look at her. You’re not sure you can get in trouble for having a crush on a teacher but you certainly don’t want Agatha being uncomfortable around you.
So you’ll keep your distance. You’ll go to class and take notes and answer questions, but you’ll leave right after. You won’t let her praise affect you and you will definitely not get close enough to smell her perfume that makes your cunt pulse.
Practically everything you were just thinking goes out the window when you walk into class and see her standing at the front of the room.
Agatha’s wearing another turtleneck, white this time, under a tan blazer and matching pants. You wonder if she’s been wearing them to hide hickeys on her neck—but then you remind yourself that you don’t care, despite the growing feeling of jealousy in your stomach from your absolutely baseless speculations.
She smiles at you, something dark hidden behind her pink lips, and you shiver as you sit down. Does she know what she does to you? The praises, the projection tests from Wednesday, the way she looks at you?
She seems to like you more than the other students in the class—is that just because you answer questions? Does she encourage you for that because she needs someone to? You’ve had classes where absolutely no one would talk and it was awful. Her praising you for that could just be her way of making sure there’s not an awkward silence.
But it feels direct, pointed even. Like she wants it to be you.
Or is that just you hoping?
Agatha isn’t the first teacher you’ve had a crush on, not by a long shot. There was the English teacher when you were in eighth grade. She wasn’t even your teacher, but you still found excuses to talk to her. There was your ninth grade Biology teacher, and then you took her Environmental Science class senior year just to have her again. Your Developmental Psychology professor from the spring semester of your first year in college. You’re sure there’s more. Each time, though, you were certain that you were special.
Each time, you were sorely disappointed, but not surprised.
You want to say that it feels different with Agatha, but you need to get a grip on yourself.
She’s in her late forties, at least. She might have a partner. You glance at her hands as she’s typing something on the computer. No ring. That doesn’t mean anything, you tell yourself.
But she could get in serious trouble for sleeping with a student. If everything else worked out, if all the other stars aligned and by some way, she did want you, she’d never risk her job over that. She has two doctorates and has published multiple articles about her research, which you’ve been meaning to read, and has won several awards for her work. She’s devoted her whole life to psychology and you are not going to change that.
Agatha may tease, but at the end of the day, you feel confident that she will never be anything but professional, which means that you really need to get over this.
“Okay, getting back into Trait Theory,” Agatha starts and you scramble for your notebook. She clicks present on the slideshow and you begin scribbling down everything typed on the first slide. “Theorists who approach personality through the Trait approach want to know what exactly traits are and what they do. Do they describe how we behave? Are they a sum of all we’ve learned? Do they reflect underlying personality? Are they the building blocks of our personality?”
You chew on the tip of your pen and Agatha’s eyes flick to you with a glint in them. Her lips twitch up and you freeze.
“The problem with traits is that people are inconsistent. We act one way when we’re by ourselves and a different way when we’re with friends versus family versus professors versus romantic partners. So do situations predict behavior more than personality traits?”
Agatha surveys the classroom expectantly so you hesitantly raise your hand, wheels turning in your head trying to think of a sophisticated response. She smirks and nods at you. “I mean, I think situations obviously have some part in how we act, but it’s not like we’re completely different people based on who we’re interacting with. It could be kind of like, what traits do we use more of when we’re with some people and what traits do we use less of?”
Her brows furrow and you can see her mulling it over. “So you’re saying that we have a bank of traits, of consistent traits, but which ones we tap into depends on who we’re with?”
“Yes?” Your voice wavers but you hold eye contact with her.
Agatha hums thoughtfully. “Very good. I like that.” Your cheeks flush and you duck your head, the eye contact becoming too intense. “And it brings us to an interesting thought. I want everyone to write down how you consider yourself personality-wise. And then write down some traits you’d use to describe your best friends.”
You write some general words down for you and then for Wanda and Nat. It’s hard to sum someone’s personality up like that. Glancing around the room, you see everyone’s still working so you pick at your nails and pretend that you don’t feel Agatha staring at you.
The compulsion grows too great in you, though, so you look at her. She doesn’t seem abashed that you caught her—if anything, she looks excited. You swallow roughly to get some moisture into your suddenly-dry mouth and your teeth sink into your bottom lip. Her eyelashes flutter, maybe just enough to be considered a wink, but then someone coughs and the moment is broken.
Agatha clears her throat. “Take a look at what words you wrote for yourself and then compare them to the words you wrote for your friends. Chances are, there’s a good amount of overlap. Opposites attract sometimes, but it’s more often than not that we choose to surround ourselves with people that have similar personalities to us. If we do that, then our traits might be influencing the situations that we’re in, which influences our behavior. It’s a lot to think about.”
She clicks to the next slide.
“Psychologists have found that both situations and traits influence behavior about equally after conducting some experiments that we’ll look at another time. Now,” she turns off the projection and the screen at the front of the room goes dark. Everyone looks at her. “I want to talk to you about an opportunity for next week.”
Someone out of the corner of your eye perks up. “Extra credit?”
Agatha shoots him down with a glare. “It’s the third class of the semester, first of all. Second of all, there will be no extra credit in this course.”
He slumps down, defeated. You think he might be the same person from the first day who was upset about only having five grades.
“We will have a speaker on campus next Tuesday evening at six pm giving a presentation on fallacies from famous psychological experiments. I’ll be sending out more information about it, but I think it will be very interesting, especially for this class. It’s optional, but I do heavily recommend attending.”
You raise your hand and she smiles. “What studies are they going to look at?”
“Excellent question. The presentation will look at the Rosenthal study on expectancy effects, the Stanford Prison Experiment, among a few others, and one of my personal favorites: the study on delay of gratification.”
“Is that the one—” a girl begins to say before Agatha interrupts her like she didn’t even hear the student.
“Mischel and Ebbesen would call kids into a room one-by-one and tell them that they could either have a small candy bar right away, or wait some unknown amount of time for a larger candy bar. The researchers would leave the room and see what the kids would do.” Her blue eyes pierce into you and her face morphs into something almost predatory. “Is it better to get instant relief for something small, or to wait and let the anticipation build up for a better reward?”
She prompts you with a tilt of her head and you wonder if she can see the slight sheen of sweat breaking out on your forehead. “If it’s going to be worth it to wait,” you rasp.
Agatha licks her lips before nodding slowly and then settles back into her casual demeanor. “I mean, who doesn’t want a bigger candy bar?” she jokes and there’s a titter throughout the room. She gives you a smug smile and you face forward, cheeks burning.
She continues talking but you’ve completely zoned out. You feel like a kid in the experiment—have something with Morgan, real but fleeting, or wait for even the possibility of Agatha? Once you’re not her student anymore, there shouldn’t be a problem. And you graduate in the spring anyway.
But that’s if Agatha would even like you back then.
What happens if the researcher never comes back with the big candy bar after the kid waits forever?
She finally wraps up class, saying that she needs to rush off to a meeting and you slowly pack up your bag just in case she lingers. She may be in a hurry, but it’s nothing compared to the other students and it’s only a minute before you and her are the only ones left in the room.
The air feels thick with electricity and tension and it’s like you’re rooted to your seat when she starts to slowly walk toward you. You can feel your heartbeat increase and your breathing quickens—your body wants to run but it can’t.
“Great job today,” she mumbles and drums her fingertips atop your desk surface, her perfume rolling over you like a wave, and you don’t even realize that she’s gone until you hear the door shut behind you.
You shakily stand up and swing your bag onto your shoulders and go to the library, desperately trying to ignore the heat between your legs.
After dinner, you pick up the package containing the perfume on your way back to your dorm. You’re almost afraid to open and smell it because you know your body will betray your mind. Your cunt has become conditioned to the scent—conditioned to Agatha—and you really need to figure out how to stop it. You’d throw out the bottle entirely if you hadn’t spent so much money on it. You’ll find some use for it, maybe for a party or something.
Just as you get into your room, your phone buzzes with an email. Your heart starts to race when you see Agatha Harkness at the top of it and you quickly click on it.
To your dismay, it’s just a course email.
Hello Personality Psych,
Here is the link for information concerning the speaker presentation next Tuesday evening that I mentioned in class. As a reminder, you will not receive any extra credit for attending, but it is an opportunity to learn more about flaws in renowned psychological experiments. Please email me if you are interested so I can get your name on the list.
Professor Harkness
You chew on your lip. It’s not something that you necessarily want to go to, and for no extra credit, it might be a waste of time.
But you do seriously doubt that anyone else in your class is going to go, which would make you stand out to Agatha.
You imagine walking into a room full of people you don’t know, anxiously scanning the crowd, to find her smiling at you and beckoning for you to go sit next to her. She’d lean in to whisper some remarks about the speaker into your ear and her hair would tickle your skin. Maybe you’d be bouncing your leg because of your trouble sitting still and she’d put a hand on your thigh to help you focus.
Fuck. Your cheeks are burning now and the temptation to open the perfume so it feels like she’s there is gnawing strongly inside you.
Instead, you compose a new email.
Hi Professor Harkness,
I would love to attend the presentation.
You sign it off with your name and hit send before you can rethink it and then throw your phone to the end of the bed.
The moment you press your hands to your face because you can’t believe how bad this is getting, your phone vibrates. You know what it’s going to be before you even look at it, and yet you’re still surprised to find that Agatha responded almost immediately.
I’m very glad to hear that and I look forward to seeing you there.
Professor Harkness.
Only this time, instead of the regular email signature under her name, and every other professor’s name in their emails, that shows her position, the university name, and her email address, there’s something else as well.
Ten digits. Your breath catches in her throat.
She added her phone number.
Taglist: @lostbutlovely33 @diorrxckstar @whoreforolderfictionalwomen @katekathry @onemansdreamisanothermansdeath @tayasmellsapples @natashashill @mybraininblood @mysticalmoonlight7 @cactuslover2600 @loveem0mo @readysteddiero-nance @lonelyhalfwitch @lesbiantortilla @crescendoofstars @sol-in-wonderland @ahsfan05 @gbab09 @sasheemo @agathaharness @live-laugh-love-lupone @chiar4anna @fuckedupforkhahn @lowlyjelly @sweetmidnights @n3bula-cats @m1vfs @agathascoven1 @filmedbyharkness @autbot @claramelooo @dandelions4us @agathaallalongg @jujuu23 @21cannibal @angel-kitten-babygirl-u-choose @jeridandridge
#agatha harkness x reader#agatha harkness x fem!reader#agatha x reader#agatha x you#agatha harkness x you#agatha harkness smut#agatha smut
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Danny In Metropolis, ch3 p4
(Wow this still needs a real title.) Masterpost This isn't read over, I'm just... so very fatigued, but hopefully you enjoy.
Lois turned and pushed Clark to head towards the kitchen with the pie. “So Danny, what part of the Midwest are you from?”
Danny rubbed at the back of his neck as he followed. “That obvious?”
“Well, I did marry a Midwesterner,” Lois said. “I may know what to look for.”
“Oh, yeah. I never really thought of us being that unique but moving here has sure been an experience. And Illinois, Miss Lois.”
“Chicago or…?”
“Oh, no. A place called Amity Park. It’s not known for much other than being the most haunted city in America.”
“Most haunted city in America?” Clark repeated. He set down the pie and turned back to Danny and Kon.
Not for the first time, Kon was struck by how big Clark looked in the tiny kitchen. It always bothered Kon for a reason he could never place.
“Yep, that’s what they claim at least. It’s actually a bit of a tourist draw these days, especially around summer and Halloween. They have a summer scare fest and everything these days.”
“Did growing up there make you a skeptic or do you believe in ghosts all the more?” Lois asked.
“Well, I don't think it's so much about Amity. We live in a world with heroes, with aliens and gods and lab experiments. I guess I don't see a reason the be a skeptic with all of that,” Danny said. Then he ducked his head as if his nerves hit him all at once. “Just, um, how I see it. Plus Amity is pretty convincing.”
“You’ve got a point, kid,” Lois agreed.
Clark sighed. “No, honey.”
“I know that look, you’re thinking of a story,” Clark said, “or how to steal a slice of the pie before dinner. Either way, no.”
Lois crossed her arms with a petulant little pout.
Clark had a little smile as he pressed a kiss to Lois’ temple. “Danny is a guest and brought the pie as a gift.
“Let’s grab some sodas and escape while we can,” Kon said.
“I’ll remember this when you’re in love and ridiculous,” Lois said, “just you wait.”
Kon paused in handing Danny a drink. “Okay, coming from you that is slightly terrifying.”
Lois smiled. “I know. Take some snacks if you want, but don’t spoil your dinner.”
Kon rolled his eyes. “There’s pie, of course I’m not going to spoil my dinner.”
“Says the teenage boy,” Clark said with a chuckle. He did pass Kon a bag of chips though. “Are you going to work in the living room or yours?”
“Mine. My notes are in there,” Kon said. He snagged the wasabi peas and jellybean also.
“I’ll call you two down a bit before dinner and I’ll look over what you have.”
“Thank you, Miss Lois,” Danny said as he tried to juggle the things that Kon was handing him.
“You’re welcome, Danny,” Lois said with that smile that Kon didn’t trust.
Kon snagged Danny’s hand and pulled him out of the kitchen.
“Have fun!” Clark called after them. “Leave your—ow! What?”
“Let them…” whatever else Lois said Kon worked very hard not to hear as he led them up two sets of stairs and into his room.
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"OH LOVER BOY!" || 28 Days of Love: A Valentine's Challenge + Series
day twenty-six: possessive
ᰔ pairing: joel miller x reader
ᰔ summary: you and joel spend a friday night at the bar, which ends up with bloody hands and a hospital visit.
ᰔ author's note: a change of plot in the ninth hour thanks to that one picture. it's past 10pm and i'm writing like a madman. send help please god. inspired by this picture ✋😮💨
ᰔ content warning: no outbreak but canon typical violence, irritable joel, bar setting, alcohol consumption, creepy bar patrons, reader gets hit on, blood, hospitals, doctors, strong language
"Are you sure you want to go in? We can head back home and watch a movie," you offered. "Let's go out another night."
Joel shook his head, his hand extended out to cut the engine of the truck. He wanted to give in to your offer— turn right around and drive straight back home. Dread had filled him the minute he sat in the truck.
At the beginning of the week, you had asked to go out to the bar on Friday. Some of your friends were supposed to be getting together for drinks and pool. You agreed, and they urged you to bring the guy you had been seeing. When you brought it up to Joel, he surprised you with a nod and a 'sure, it'd be nice to get out'.
"We'll have a good time. Figure it'll be good to let your friends see I'm not just some cranky bastard," Joel huffed out a laugh. He had an amused smile on his lips as he climbed out of the car.
"Oh, I don't think you'll be less cranky," you chuckled. "That's okay. They know I like them bitchy." You put a hand on his chest and kissed him once he was close enough. Joel rolled his eyes; you swore they'd fall out of his skull with how often he did it.
"Bitchy? That's a new one." Joel opened the door for you as the two of you approached. You glanced over your shoulder.
"No it ain't. No one's bold enough to say it to your face," you chuckled.
Like most dive bars, the place was packed for a Friday night. The crowd ranged from long time regulars that regaled with each other to college kids that were too proud of their fake ids that no one really cared about.
You scanned the crowd to find your friends, who were tucked in the back. They were all gathered around a pool table and on what seemed to be the second round of drinks. You slipped your hand into Joel's and led him through the crowd. Before you got too far, he planted his feet. You turned, a look of confusion written on your face.
"I'll get us some drinks," Joel offered. You nodded and thanked him with a kiss. His hand slipped out of yours— he already knew your drink of choice. The two of you hadn't been together more than a few months, but he paid enough attention.
You joined your friends and gave the round of hugs and greetings.
"No 'Joel' tonight?" One of your friends teased as they elbowed your side. You shook your head and crossed your arms.
"Nope, but I did pick up that hot guy at the bar on the way in," you teased back. Every set of eyes turned to the bar to analyze the man in the flannel, his back turned to you.
"Bitch, that's fucking Joel. You posted a story with him in that same shirt a week ago," another friend chided. You cackled as she punched your arm. Your other friends waved you off or flipped the bird.
None of your friends had met Joel yet, but they had seen and heard more than enough about him. They knew he wasn't very social so as soon as you said he would come along, there was a buzz of excitement.
"He offered to grab us some drinks. What was I gonna do, say no?" You watched as two of your friends argued over the rules of pool. They fought like this every time, so you tuned them out.
Joel returned with two drinks in hand, a beer and one of your old faithfuls. He slipped a hand onto the small of your back. Your shirt shifted and you felt the press of his fingertips against your skin. A small shiver came over you.
"Guys, this is Joel. Joel, these are my friends." You went through the group and introduced everyone by name. Joel, ever the southern gentleman, shook everyone's hand and gave a polite hello.
You stuck close to Joel as the two of you settled into the group. He fit in easily as he jested with your friends. He even offered to play a round of pool with one of the guys— totally unprompted!
As you watched him and chatted with a friend, you noticed how quickly your drink had disappeared. With a small pout, you held your glass up.
"I'm going to get another drink! Be right back," you yelled over the loud background noise. He gave a nod, and you slipped him to head for the bar.
Since you had arrived, the bar had only grown more rowdy. It seemed the football team from the local college had finished their practice and wanted to party. You couldn't blame them, considering the drinks were cheap and it wasn't a far drive from the stadium. Still, you had to practically elbow your way to the bar.
As you waited for the bartender to finish with their current task, you felt a presence beside you. That, and you could practically smell them from where you stood. God, college boys smelled just as bad axe-laden middle schoolers.
"You all by yourself?" You almost didn't believe the boy was talking to you. If not for him pressing closer to you, you would have ignored him all together.
"No," you replied. "I'm here to grab a drink for myself and my boyfriend." You tried to move away, only to end up squished between an older woman and the man with no clear sense of personal space.
"I don't see him," he chided with a smirk. "Isn't that what they all say? I've got a boyfriend, a girlfriend, a partner— yet no one by their side."
You whirled around with a raised eyebrow.
"You do know that I don't have to stand near him all night, correct? Just because we're not next to each other doesn't mean I don't have a boyfriend," you returned. The boy rolled his eyes and leaned on the bar.
Your skin crawled at the name. Nothing angered you more than some shitty pet name from some random guy who didn't know you. The only person who deserved to call you baby was across the bar and in the middle of a pool game.
"I'm not your baby. Don't call me that," you snapped. "Can I just get my drink in peace? I'm not going to be polite next time." You turned your shoulder, your back to him as you waved down the bartender. She was on her way to you when a hand landed on your waist. It made your skin crawl as you launched yourself away from the bar.
"What, baby? You a fuckin' prude or something? Savin' yourself for your little imaginary boyfriend?" The tone in his voice had you seeing red. Your fists balled up and your expression twisted into one of rage.
"Is this how you pick people up at the bar? How's being an idiot working out for you?" You had to take a deep breath before you went in swinging. It had not been the first time you had been in a bar fight, and it seemed old habits died hard.
"Worked every time before. C'mere, baby, I'll buy you—"
You watched the scene play out in slow motion. One minute, the idiot's hand stretched out to grab for your hand. In a blink, a big, calloused hand grab his wrist and yanked him away from the bar.
Joel looked enraged. You had seen him angry plenty of times, but this was different. His lips were downturned, but the look in his eyes scared you. Not for yourself— god, even the idea seemed ridiculous to you— but for the dumbass.
"Choose your next words carefully. Say baby one more time, pretty boy." Joel's tone sent a shiver down your spine. It was almost like he was begging the boy to do something dumb.
"Get the fuck off of me, old man. Like you have a better chance with the bitch."
Yeah, this boy was gonna die. Time stood still as you watched the football player try to deck Joel with his only free hand. In one swift move, he yanked the boy's arm forward and threw him onto the ground. He managed to land a punch that sent a crack so loud that the bar fell into a hush.
The boy yelped and tried to swing back, but Joel was quicker. He had at least fifty pounds and half a foot on him. That, and a load of unbridled rage. He didn't take kindly to harassment, but to insult you in the process? Call you a bitch?
You stood, your mouth open in pure shock. Truth be told, you were glued to your spot. Two men managed to pull Joel off, while a few other bystanders tried to stop the boy's scrawny friends from getting the same ass-whooping.
Finally, as if your brain seemed to come back to Earth, you blinked and lurched towards Joel. You blatantly stepped over the boy to get to your boyfriend. His hands were bloody and his expression was soured.
"Hey, hey— Joel, baby, take a deep breath," you muttered. The two men who held him back lead him towards the exit, and you followed. One of the guys opened the door, and you took his spot as you guided him outside. You thanked the men as you managed to unlock the truck bed. Joel sat with a heavy sigh and murmured a thanks under his breath.
"Can I see your hands?" Your voice was soft. The air was cool and loud with the sound of the frogs all around. Joel was silent as he let you hold his hands. He sucked in a sharp breath when you fiddled with a few fingers.
"This looks broken," you frowned. "We need to get you to the hospital." You didn't care that Joel's hand was full of blood, or that his hackles were still raised. If you weren't so concerned, you'd be in shock still.
"It can wait until tomorrow," Joel gruffed. He never meant for it to happen, him beating the living daylights out of the idiot, but he'd be damned if he'd let someone talk about you like that. If anything, the kid's lucky enough walking away alive and talking.
"Please," you asked. "What if it's something serious?" If something bad happened to Joel, especially after he got hurt defending you, you'd be beside yourself.
By some miracle, or maybe the worry written all over your face, Joel conceded with a nod. He got off the edge of the truck bed and began for the driver's seat.
"Oh, absolutely not. I'm driving. Go." You weren't going to take no for an answer. Joel gave you the keys before he climbed into the passenger seat.
The ride to the hospital was short and silent. It wasn't uncomfortable, but you weren't sure what to say. How did you thank your boyfriend for beating some guy's ass? It was more than some verbal acknowledgment— did you buy him dinner? Suck his dick? All of the above?
You helped with the check-in process once at the hospital. As the two of you waited to be called to the back, you laid your head on Joel's shoulder.
"Thank you for defending me. I don't know what that guy's problem was." You felt Joel's jaw rest against your head. He reached over to hold your arm with his uninjured hand.
"Dumbass was too big for his britches. I only caught the tail end, but I figured it out real quick when I saw your face. If I hadn't'a swung first, it woulda been you." Joel knew that, no questions asked. If someone was going to get charges pressed, he'd rather it be himself than you.
"Shit, you're right. Though my uppercut wouldn't have done much, at least compared to your hit. I mean goddamn," you chucked under your breath. "You damn near knocked him into next Tuesday."
"Still wouldn't have been enough if I had. Who calls someone a bitch like that? Fuckin' vile, that piece'a shit," Joel grumbled under his breath.
Once he was called to the back, they made quick work on setting his hand in place. Joel bit back a groan as they popped his fingers into the right place and put a brace on his hand. He was sent off with a prescription for painkillers and an order for no heavy lifting. That hurt him more than anything else.
"Shoulda just put me down instead," Joel grumbled as he followed you out of the emergency room. You held good arm as you guided him to the truck.
"It won't be that bad. Maybe you'll actually get some rest," you lightly teased. Joel attempted to chuckle, but it just came out as an amused huff. He didn't even try to go for the driver's side. Not like he'd be able to drive for another week, at least.
"Don't go for miracles," Joel warned. You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face.
"Eh, I'll take my chances."
Despite the unfortunate circumstances, Joel actually did rest. You thanked him with words, dinner, and a few orgasms to show how truly thankful you really were. No one had stuck up for you like that, and to have someone defend you like that...
Joel deserved more than you could ever give, but you'd try your damnedest for him.
#joel miller#the last of us#tlou#pedro pascal#joel miller x reader#joel miller x you#joel miller fic#x reader#x reader fic#the last of us fic#gwen writes#pedrohub#ppcu#ppcu fics#pedrito#oh lover boy#valentine's day#reader fic#reader insert
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wow first of all THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who voted for my silly little story in the AU comp!! seriously you all are so wonderful and sweet and i'm just so happy to be in the comp period ���🩵
as a big thanks i wanted to tell ya'll i'm working on the next chapter of 'Purgatory Paradise' ( • ̀ω•́ )✧ i'll try my best to have it out within the next week!! (`・ω・´)ゞ here's a sneak peak:
in the meantime, please enjoy this list of some of the references and easter eggs i had put in 'The Neon Void' while writing it! (hehe how many did YOU spot while reading?)
[warning; spoilers ahoy! avoid reading if you haven't finish TNV yet!]
here's a rough list of some of the references I snuck in or jokes i was quite proud of when writing 'The Neon Void' haha!
● silly reference to ‘ooze’ hehe (not so much of an easter egg but more of a bad joke lol) ● “…What in sweet Marie Curie’s name was that about?” – Marie Curie was a physicist who studied radioactivity, and her research ultimately was used in the creation of the atomic bomb, which uses nuclear fission (aka, atoms splitting apart) (lol get foreshadowed, nerds.)
The Shrine
● The Jupiter Jim issue number 84 is a reference to 1984, the year the TMNT comics first came out.
● Leo’s hideout is inspired by an episode in the 2003 TMNT, where the fam hides in a water tower when the lair is discovered by the Foot Clan. (And I believe a water tower comes into play in other TMNT iterations, but I wasn’t 1000% sure)
● The area where Mikey fights Leo and cuts off his arm is heavily inspired by some of the 2003 sewer layout scenes, with the giant atriums and criss-crossing skywalks over giant areas of water. I loved those designs and wanted to incorporate that.
Ground Control
● Another silly joke reference of ‘shellphones’ used in the 2012 series ● “I doubt it was unimportant considering you made enough to feed the entire New York Dave’s team,” Donnie pressed. He picked up a butterfly, inspecting it, but Mikey knew that he was trying to get to the root of the cause, “What did he say?” – Homage to early concept art of Donnie, where he has a butterfly on his knuckle (look at this cutie)

(BTW i for the life of me CANNOT find the original tweet where this photo was so if you have it let me know!)
Mad Dog: Haunted
● Call-back to the Krang carcass you see for 0.2 seconds in the season finale inside of the Crying Titan, which I thought was a really neat detail.
● The book excerpt Donnie reads is written by Professor Honeycutt, a referencing the 2003 Professor Honeycut who studied teleportation and invented the teleportal ● ‘October 28, 20:20’ written on the sticky note Donnie looks at is a reference to the release date of ‘The Last Ronin’ (10/28/2020) ● ‘By Carl Sagan–! It worked! We’ve established contact–!’ – Carl Sagan lead the effort in the creation of the Golden Record aboard the Voyager spacecraft, whos purpose was to send a message to extraterrestrials who might find the spacecraft as it traveled through vast spans of space. Since Donnie was trying to reach Karai and the ancestors from what felt like an impossible distance, it felt fitting.
Bed and Breakfast
● ‘He groaned. His brain was pulsing painfully behind his eyes. His whole body was achy. Great Pythagoras, what happened?’ – Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher referred to as the ‘lover of wisdom’ and made numerous mathematical and scientific discoveries, and I felt like Donnie would just generally be a fanboy of him lol. ● ‘Sweet Friedrich Sertürner was that blood–?!’ – while working on this chapter, i asked my best friend and beta reader for some inventors/scientist names to make into funny Donnie Swears. She suggested Friedrich Sertürner because he invented morphine which is used to treat pain… and she said 'would be funny...considering how much of it they were gonna need by the time things were said and done with the Key/Leo's infection.' (SHE WAS SO REAL FOR THAT LOL) ● The ‘Void ducking in and out of doorways just to come out of a totally different door’ chase was 100000% a Scooby-doo reference, lol. It was one of my fav cartoons growing up and that gag felt very on-brand for Leo’s silly ‘Void’ persona and i’m a little proud of it hahaha
The Deal
“Neon Void was literally blasted into the air. All the while laughing merrily as he soared. He went crashing into a poor, unkept, unsuspecting billboard for the Super Slam Hockey Game that already happened over ten years ago.” – This is SO obscure but this is a reference to one of my favorite 2003 TMNT episodes, ‘The Golden Puck’. The episode is so peak 2000’s cartoon to me with its silly premise and I just loved it LOL. (Southern millionaire who hires sci-fi-technology cowboy bounty hunters to steal a sports trophy in the middle of New York city? Peak old cartoon synopsis.)
Rap Battle
● The first few lines of Leo’s freestyle rap are the 2012 TMNT opening theme lyrics
● Leo runs past a ‘Space Heroes' game cabinet– Space Heroes is a reference to the 2012 TMNT, which was the show that Leonardo was obsessed with
Tag Part I: Sonic
● Leo bounces off the back of the Sonic the Hedgehog balloon in the parade in reference to the fact that they share the same voice actor LOL Extra fun fact this entire fic was set in autumn/fall JUST to write this NICHE SCENE
I’m sure I missed a few I couldn't remember off the top of my head, but I had a lot of fun putting these little references and easter eggs in the story 🩵 TMNT itself always makes call-backs and references to it's other iterations, and i love love love that and wanted to try myself!
#WA WA WA THANK YOU GUYS!!!!#I am inspired and invigorated and gunna try to write you a treat!!!!#thank you again so much!!!#Purgatory Paradise#TNV Ending Spoilers#TNV Final Chapters Spoilers#The Neon Void#The Neon Void TMNT#TNV TMNT#rottmnt fanfiction#tmnt fanfiction#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#ROTTMNT#ROTTMNT Leo#save ROTTMNT#ROTTMNT fanfic update#TMNT AU Competition 2025#TMNT AU comp 2025#tmnt au comp#tmnt au competition#TNV tmnt au comp#TNV tmnt au competition
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L.M. | Husband Material
Genre: Fluff, established relationship
Warnings: None
Pairing: non-idol!Minho x gn!reader
A/N: Not a full on story, just some little blurbs :)
Requests open
The kitchen smelled of your favorite breakfast, being cooked by your one and only Minho. He offered to make it because that’s just how he shows his love. Small gestures that build up, and you can’t help but to feel so lucky.
He looked at where you were sitting at the kitchen island and said, “How do you want your eggs?”
“Hmm, scrambled please!”
He just nodded his head and continued cooking. He started humming as he brought your food to you, placing the plate on the table and a kiss on the top of your head. You said thank you and he sat down and ate with you. He was the only person in your life that you could tell everything. He made you feel so safe and you truly cherish all the moments you have together, even the simple ones like these.
In the grocery store, Minho pushed the cart. Not because he wanted to, but he knows that if you pushed it you guys would be getting way more than what you needed. “Alright, next on the list is beef.” He said reading from the list you and him worked on together.
“Let’s go to the freezer isle then, and we can pick up some ice cream while we’re over there and we can have a movie night!” Minho smiled at your enthusiasm for movie nights and ice cream. It’s one of his favorite nights because you guys cuddle and make fun of movies together. One time you were watching Benji and Minho was trying his hardest not to cry, but there’s just something about animals in a sad setting that really pull at his heart stings. Of course you were crying too, who wouldn’t. But every time you bring it up to tease him, he always says, “You were crying more than I was!” When in reality he cried harder than you.
If you’re having a bad day at work, he’ll make sure to run you a bath before you get home. Filled with your favorite bath soap and your favorite candle lit on the counter. Despite what his friends see, he truly is a romantic at heart. Acts of service is definitely his love language. Before you get out of the bth, he’s already handing you a towel he previously tossed in the dryer to warm it up. He truly treats you like you’re a queen. You Al’s do the same for him, but in a different way. If you wake up before him, you make sure to make breakfast for the both of you and you iron his clothes if he has to dress formal. You know it’s not needed but he appreciates the crisp fold of a white button up.
Date nights are always looked forward to between you two. Whether you’re just going out to lunch, or you’re going to a full on five star restaurant. You tell him that he doesn’t need to do all this, but he’s planning something. As you both finish your dinner you share a dessert, which he lets you choose, he makes small talk. To be honest, he’s a bit nervous. He feels so safe around you, enough to let his guard down. When you first met him, you never would’ve expected being one of the few people that he lets in his bubble, but you are so happy that it ended up this way. The waiter eventually comes back to the table, and asks you guys to come with him. The waiter led you both to a back secluded garden area, which was absolutely beautiful. It was covered with flowers and even had a fountain. You stop by the fountain marveling at the work, and beside you, Minho gets down on one knee. As you turn, you couldn’t help but to start tearing up. “Oh my god, is this what I think it is?”
He nervously smiled, “Only if your answer is yes?” You couldn’t believe it, “These past three years have been the best three years I could have asked for. You truly are someone so special to me and i wouldn’t want to live the rest of my life if you weren’t by my side, will you marry me?”
By this time, you are full on waterworks, “Yes yes yes, of course I’ll marry you!” He put the ring on your finger and hugged you like it would be the last time he saw you. Through tears he says, “I love you, i love you so much.”
You laugh and say, “I love you too, and I always will.”
#skz masterlist#skz imagines#skz fanfic#skz x reader#lee know x reader#lee minho#lee minho x reader#skz hyung line#skz fluff#skz#stray kids#stray kids minho#fluff#kpop
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Chapter 5. Rough Wind Lingers || 13 Forget-Me-Nots



❀ Seventeen x Reader
title 13 Forget-Me-Nots or 13 Eternal Loves
synopsis You couldn't wait for your 20th birthday to finally reveal the one person you'd spend the rest of your life with. Well the 13 people you'd spend the rest of your life with. Or that story where reader has 13 soulmates, who happen to be idol group seventeen
genre Fluff, Angst, Romance
tags Soulmate!au, Idol! seventeen x Non-idol! reader, OT13 x Reader, Seventeen x Reader.
warnings Anxiety, Mature language, Inconsistent upload schedule, Reader is gender neutral but sometimes certain depictions lean feminine.
⚘ author i genuinely do not understand why this chapter was a pain for me to write but i got something out of it. constructive criticism is welcomed and my asks are open for feedback!
this story is a work of fiction and should be separated from reality. thank you and enjoy!
wc 1.3k
《 previous || masterlist || next chapter 》
The concert had long ended and you now sat in your hotel room staring at your phone with Mingyu’s contact open. You skipped going out with everyone after the concert, saying you were still jet-lagged and exhausted from the concert.
Felix’s sisters knew it was a lie but didn’t want to push you on the issue, you’d come to them when you were ready. They did notice your mood change when you came back to your seat, to an outsider they would’ve said you looked fine but his sisters knew something happened in time you were gone and it was something to do with the three men who sat next to you because they never came back.
You put on a sweatshirt to cover your soul mark, having already seen the three flowers now showing a beautiful soft blue color. You wanted nothing more than to meet the rest of your soulmates but the thought of it seemed overwhelming, meeting thirteen people all at once. You couldn’t imagine the chaos they all brought to the table.
Then came the inevitable questions lingering in the back of your head.
Did they expect you to move to Korea and live with them as a full-time student? You had thought about this and knew you couldn’t and wouldn’t move until you finished. This decision would hurt both parties but you couldn’t see yourself moving to Korea so soon to be with them, but you wanted to finish school before taking a big step like that.
Fortunately, you only had one more year of school before graduating.
Did they work out having to share one soulmate? You thought of it but never really sat down and thought about it in depth.
What if they don’t want to be soulmates after telling them you want to finish school first and then come to Korea?
All these overwhelming thoughts had your head spinning, giving you a migraine.
Woozi’s head was pounding, from the moment they stepped into the house the members bombarded them asking questions. They wanted to know everything about you, all of them not taking into consideration what had happened and how the three of them felt.
“What happened?”
“Why didn’t you text us immediately?”
“Are they nice?”
“Did they want to meet us?”
“Are they accepting of us?”
“Do they know us?”
Woozi couldn’t take it anymore and he snapped. The events of the day all caught up to him, he was coming down from whatever adrenaline rush he was on and everyone bombarding them once they stepped through the doors, was his tipping point.
“EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Woozi shouted, and the room quieted immediately. They all backed off and looked at him, noticing the exhausted looks on their faces.
“We all need to go to the living area and talk about this, we will tell you the story from start to finish but please back up and give us space to breathe. The last thing we wanted was to be bombarded even though we knew it would happen” Woozi was overwhelmed, they knew it from the way he snapped at them.
“I think I’m going to go to my room” Mingyu announced and left before anyone could protest. His emotions were on a high and he just wanted to be alone, he wanted to sit in silence so he could hear his phone ring when you would inevitably call him. He needed to collect his thoughts on you.
He wanted to hold you, to love and cherish you after waiting so long. You were right in front of him and yet you were still far away from him. He wanted to beg on his knees for you not to leave, to come back with them to the house so you could all meet and figure out everything but he had to put himself in your shoes. He had to think about how this could all be feeling to you.
“He needs to be alone for now, we’ll check on him once we're done talking” Joshua said staring at Mingyu’s room door, he knew the younger was going through a range of emotions with how the day went. A day nobody could have predicted could happen.
“To answer some questions. We didn’t text you all immediately because we didn’t need everyone turning up to the concert, they’re the sweetest person, and they do eventually want to meet us all but they’ll come to us when they’re ready, yes they’re accepting of having thirteen soulmates and no they don’t know who we are” Joshua looked at Woozi to back him up but he just went straight into telling the story of tonight, not sparring any details.
“So they have no idea who we are? But they’re friends with Stray Kids?” Dino asked with an incredulous look spreading across his face. Other members had the same look on their faces, not wanting to be skeptical of their soulmate but it didn’t sound right in their minds.
“Look when they reach out to us to talk then we can meet and ask all our questions, they have Mingyu’s number and will reach out to him when they’re ready to meet. We need to respect that, we will move at their pace” Seungcheol pointed out, quickly shutting down any more skepticism. They hadn’t met them yet they were making assumptions.
“This conversation is being put on the back burner for now, we need to stop making assumptions about someone we haven’t met, let alone the someone being our soulmate. We need to keep living our lives, we all have a job to do and we need to focus on that for now until they reach out” Seungcheol used his leader voice to finalize the conversation.
Mingyu was on the verge of falling asleep until he heard his door open, he saw it was his roommate Wonwoo. He knew the elder wouldn’t push him to talk and he was grateful for that but he had to get his thoughts out to someone, so he got up to go find Minghao.
He found him in his shared room with Jeonghan, the two paused their conversation to turn their full attention towards him.
“Do you want to talk?” Jeonghan asked, he knew everyone came to him with their problems and he probably came for Minghao but he still figured he’d ask.
“Yes” The simple reply and then he started spilling his emotions, his raw thoughts of the day.
He talked about how it feels like mental torture to be the one expecting your phone call, Changbin’s comment from the gym a few days ago, how he wanted to hold you, how he wanted to beg on his knees for you to not leave them, how he wanted you.
By the end of his rant he was sobbing, Minghao held him while he cried. This whole day has affected the three who met you emotionally. But Mingyu felt like he was going through hell.
It took a while and a lot of reassurance, but Mingyu calmed down and decided to leave the two alone so they could rest. Now, he walked around the quiet house, thinking about how everything was about to change for everyone.
He found himself outside on the front porch sitting on the small bench, he placed his phone next to him. The hope you would call him was still there along with the thoughts of you but he knew you wouldn’t call him so soon.
As he looked at the scenery in front of him he heard his phone ring. He grabbed his phone quickly seeing it was an unknown number on his screen he answered it hesitantly, hoping it was you and not a stalker or fan.
“Hello?” He was shaking holding the phone to his ear. He wanted to hear your voice.
“Mingyu? It’s Y/N”
#seventeen x reader#seventeen fanfic#scoups x reader#jeonghan x reader#joshua x reader#jun x reader#hoshi x reader#wonwoo x reader#woozi x reader#the8 x reader#mingyu x reader#dk x reader#seungkwan x reader#vernon x reader#dino x reader#ot13 x reader#soulmate!au
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too late
tenya iida x f!reader x katsuki bakugo
pt. 3 to this and this!!
“yeah im going teacher route!” izuku beams as you all sit in a restaurant. double date with ochako and izuku.
“huh?” katsuki asks very confused. “yeah whatever happened to the whole number one hero route?” you asked kindly.
izuku had lost his quirk two years ago during the war. he remained in the hero course while only using the burning embers leftover of his power.
“well with the remaining embers now leaving, i can’t really do much as a hero” he says somewhat sadly. bakugo only nods as he takes a sip from his water.
you look at him and you can tell the gears in his head are working. you know youre in for a talk when you get back to the dorms.
“so how’s the dating life?!” ochako asks excitedly at the two of you. you smile placing your hand on katsuki’s arm lightly, caressing his scar.
“its great!” you said with a huge smile as you look at bakugo. you lean your head softly on his shoulder and he looks down at you.
“when’s the official asking?” izuku teases moving his eyebrows up and day at bakugo. “dont worry bout it nerd” he says swirling the straw.
ochako winks at you and you turn red, looking down to hide the smile forming on your face.
“youre lucky y/n! kacchan is great for you” izuku fist bumps you and you give him one back. “i know what i have” you started as you leaned into katsuki, placing a small kiss on his bicep.
“and i fucking adore him” you smile up at him as ochako gushes, shaking izuku’s arm.
here you stood, 2 weeks later, in front of your dorm mirror. you twirled around making sure the skirt was too short on you.
you grab your platform converse and tied them up. you stood in the mirror admiring yourself. you giggled in excitement as a knock on your door snapped you out of your trance.
you rushed to open it and there stood katsuki bakugo, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. he smiles down at you.
“hi” he softly says placing a kiss on your lips and walking inside. “these are for you” he says extending the flowers out to you.
“thank you” you smiled at him and stood on your tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek. the one that has the scar on his face.
“you always kiss this cheek” he mumbles at you as you move to lay the flowers on your vanity and grab your perfume.
“i love kissing it” you shrugged and he hums. “why’s that?” he asks as he sits down in your chair, looking up at you as you clasp your earrings in place.
you look down at him and sigh softly. you grab his face gently and speak softly to him. “reminds me of how strong you are” you whisper pressing a kiss to his lips.
his hands moves up to the scar on your neck. “has it been itchy?” he asks you and you shake your head no. “the ointment really helped” you said nodding your head.
“yeah my mom gave it to me when mine were first healing” he says and tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. “went through like 4 tubes of them” he says again and you whistle.
“‘s a lot” you chuckle softly. “well had a lot to heal” he nods his head and you nod agreeing with him.
“you ready to go pretty?” he asks you as you turn around to look at yourself in the mirror. his hands instantly go around your waist pulling you closer to him.
he sits you on his lap as he kisses your neck. “kats” you whine playfully as he presses multiple kisses onto your neck.
“picture” he mumbles against your neck and digs out his phone. he takes a couple of mirror photos as you smile for the camera.
“okay now we can go” he says pressing one last kiss onto your cheek and you stand up. you pull him up as you turn the vanity light off and grab your purse.
you laugh as katsuki drives you guys around town. your hand in his as he tells a childhood story. one that he hated most of his life, but now views it as funny memory he and izuku share (izuku has no recollection of this ever happening).
“you slipped?!” you said glancing at him. “yes right into the river. tried playing it off but izuku came and helped me” he shakes his head ar your reaction.
“hated it most of my life. its funny looking at it now huh?” he asks you and you nod. “forward march and here we go..” you mumbled to yourself quietly, but he hears you.
“NO STOP!” he says bursting out laughing. “no kats it adorable. i find it adorable, dude you were 5” you said laughing.
“forward march and here we go..” you sang and he rolled his eyes joining you. “members of the agency bakugo” you sang together and laugh.
“gonna have your big agency honey” you said bringing his hand to your mouth and kissing it. “gonna be the best hero once we graduate i know it” you looked at him with adoration.
he parks the car in a familiar spot. “hey is this where we shared our first kiss?” you asked him as you turned to look at him.
“sure is” he says pulling the key out of the ignition. he looks at you. he reaches into the back of his car and pulls out a little canvas with a box.
he turns the canvas around and in his, surprisingly neat, handwriting it spells out “can i be your boyfriend?”
your eyes fill with tears as you look at him. “we’ve been talking or in this little situationship as izuku likes to call it for about two months now” he starts as he sets the canvas down gently on the center console.
“i know i want to be with you, so this is me making it official” he finishes as he nervously opens the box. its a necklace with his initial on it.
“aww you paid attention to the jewelry color i wear” you gush as a tear slips out from your eye. he smiles at you, “of course i needed to get the correct color” he says smiling at you.
“so?” he sighs shakily waiting for your answer. “the answer is yes” you said with a huge smile. he lets out a sigh of relief as you move to kiss him. “i’ll be your girlfriend katsuki bakugo” you giggle against his lips as he moves you to straddle him.
he puts the box aside as his hands roam your sides. you hummed into the kiss as your hands dig into his ash blond hair, tugging at it gently.
he pulls you closer and your crotch grinds against his on accident. he gasps and pulls away, slightly panicked.
“shit i don’t have a condom on me. not that i planned to have sex with you- tonight at least tonight! i do- i do want to sleep with you- gah that sounds so wrong! y/n-“ he rambles on and you shush him gently.
“hey we dont have to do anything right now” you said softly letting him regain his composure. he sighs out gently as his breathing slows down and back to normal pace.
“you freaked out on me there” you giggled softly as you lightly scratched his scalp. “im sorry” he apologizes and you kiss him. “nothing to be sorry about” you said against his lips and he smiles.
“lets head back yeah?” he asks, intertwining your hands together. you press one more kiss to his lips, nodding your head.
you move to the other side and settle in, fixing your clothes. he pulls out the necklace from the box and tells you to turn around.
he gently pushes your hair to the side and clasps the necklace on you. “its so beautiful, i love it kats” you gushed as you pressed a loving kiss onto his cheek.
“you deserve it” he whispers to you. “gonna get you one with my initial” you told him, grabbing his hand. “one step ahead of you sweets” he pulls down the collar of his shirt to reveal your initial on a chain.
“katsuki bakugo you are so whipped” you said kissing his hand. “whipped for you” he says looking at you lovingly.
a knock on your door two weeks later, startles you as youre doing your night routine. you furrow your eyebrows as you turn to look at the clock.
it reads 9:45 and you know damn well it isnt bakugo, he kissed you goodnight an hour ago. knowing him hes probably asleep already.
you open it and you look up at who’s on the other side. none other than tenya iida. “that fast?” he asked you, letting himself in as you close the door.
“huh?” you question, cocking your head to the side as you cross your arms over your chest. “i dont get why youre so bothered. you rejected me dont you remember?” you said matter of factly and he looks up at you.
“arent you happy with mei?” you ask after a moment of silence, when he doesnt respond to your first question.
“well yes, but-“ he starts and you cut him off. “oh so its your ego? please tenya im allowed to move on and be happy” you spit out angrily.
“and im happy for you. bakugo’s a great man” he says now crossing his arms over his chest. “i guess it was just my ego” he mutters and you roll your eyes.
you can tell there more he wanted to say. you sigh and open your door, signaling to get out. he mutters a goodnight on his way out and you slam the door.
you sigh out in frustration as you move to take off your bra and dive into your sheets, immediately falling asleep.
the class president (none other than iida) stands at the front of the class with momo as mr. aizawa is knocked out in the corner, yellow sleeping bag and all.
“were helping first years out with training today!” iida says chopping the air as momo lets the cases out from the wall.
“we’ll be working with class B as well so be mindful of them” momo said as you all got up one by one picking up the cases.
you grabbed yours and made your way to the locker rooms. you changed quickly into your hero suit and walked out with ochako and momo.
“when are you and shoto getting together?” ochako joked and nudged momo softly. “oh!” her cheeks heat up as she accidentally creates a russian nesting doll.
you catch it and look up at her. “its not todoroki that i have feelings for” she says stopping as you both stop as well when she says that.
“then who?” you ask looking at ochako, suddenly intrigued. she rubs the back of her neck, nervously. “its awase, from class B” she lets out as a small smile comes out and you gush.
“awwww” you both let out as she shushes you guys. “we’ve been on two dates so nothing on the official scale” she says smiling and continues walking.
“whats awww?” izuku mocked the both of you as you look up to see izuku and bakugo were standing with you guys. todoroki joins in and smiles at all of you.
“nothing!” momo says quickly pulling you and ochako along with her. “dont let the boys know please” she pleaded and you both nodded.
you meet up with your classmates at ground gamma as all might, mr. aizawa, vlad king, and snipe are here ready for today’s assignment.
“you’ll be training these young heroes in training” all might begins as he points to the nervous first years in their hero costumes.
“we’ve heard a lot about you all!” a girl speaks up as she eyes your group. “especially you” she says pointing confidently to bakugo.
“me?” he says pointing to himself as she nods. you instinctively grabbed bakugo’s hand as his goes around your waist.
she doesnt say anything else but she keeps her smile bakugo’s way. you roll your eyes as you cross your arms against your chest.
you’re assigned groups based on quirks and ironically the girl was paired up with bakugo’s team.
consisting of todoroki, ochako, and sato.
you were paired with shinso, sero, and iida along with your 5 kids to train. shinso and sero looked at you as you sighed.
“okay kiddos come this way” you instructed as you moved your group to another area thats within watching distance of bakugo’s group.
iida stood on your right as you awkwardly shifted towards shinso more. he stifled a laugh at your movements as the kids told you their names and quirks.
“well its good your quirks are compatible with ours!” sero said as he turned towards one of them who had an identical quirk to his.
“thats so cool dude so instead of tape like mine its webs!” sero exclaimed. “im literally the real life spiderman dude dont play” the kid said as he high fived sero.
“i can manipulate objects” one of them spoke up and you raised your hand. “so can i. i can really help mentor you and help expand your quirk to be able to manipulate stronger things!” you said and trailed your eyes towards bakugo.
“thats your man isnt it?” one of the girls asked and you nodded your head. “nice catch!” one of them winked and you blushed.
“the robot here seems jealous though” the girl shook her head and pointed at iida. “oh yeah?” you smirked teasing as you decided to finally start the training session.
boy was this going to be long.
snipe’s class had left leaving you and class B to wander around ground gamma as you please. you helped clean up some things as iida followed you around, begging to talk.
“theres nothing to talk about iida!” you hissed softly as ojiro and shoji looked at you guys. “everything okay?” shoji asked and you nodded indicating everything was good.
“youre making a scene please stop following me” you said calmly as you proceeded to walk away. “it wasnt my bruised ego” he says and you stop.
you turn around to see him as its gained a few eyes from your peers. “huh?” you asked confused at what he’s getting at.
“dammit i loved you too!” he says rather loudly gaining everyone’s attention now. denki winced, looking at bakugo as jiro put a hand on her mouth to keep her from gasping so loudly.
“why else would i sleep with you?!” he exclaims as class B’s eyes widened. “best friends dont do that y/n!” he continues, yelling.
shinso’s eyes widened and shared a look with sero. class B looks confused to the max as no one decided to fill them in on anything going on class A.
“i distanced myself from you the morning after it happened because i cared about your feelings iida” you started as you walked closer to him.
“it was a mistake. both times. but we are not forgetting the fact that you rejected while you were still inside me!” you said and he shakes his head
“no at that point i was already out!” “same thing!”
“things would have probably been better if you talked to me about it immediately instead of telling me to get out of your room” you said and its very quiet as everyone watches you two argue.
“im confused” tetsutetsu spoke up as you all looked at him, iida’s eyes never leaving your face. “i was gonna tell you the morning after it happened, but i never got the chance to! you and bakugo got close so quick and i really am happy with mei..” he says trailing off.
“i just thought you should know” he says beginning to walk away. “you’re way too late you should’ve kept it to yourself” you snap back and walk towards bakugo.
he wraps an arm around your waist as he walks the both of you out, izuku and ochako in tow.
bakugo kisses your head as your grip on him tightens.
tenya iida is and can no longer be, your best friend.
#bnha#bakusquad#bakugou katsuki#mina ashido#momo yaoyorozu#class 1a#sero hanta#denki kaminari#class 1b#bakugo katsuki x reader#tenya x reader#iida x reader#iida smut#mha iida#katsuki bakugo mha#bnha bakugo katsuki#bakugo x you#juzo honenuki#tetsutetsu tetsutetsu#all might#shota aizawa#ochako uraraka#izuku midoriya
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Hello can you do headcannons about shidou Barou and Rin getting sick 🤒🤧 please and thank you ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
Ofc ofc! Poor boys.. luckily our NB y/n is here to save the day!!
Shidou, Barou, Rin x NB!reader (separately)
Shidou Ryusei
-you would imagine a man in such a state would be forced to calm down..
-you thought wrong.
-if anything, it's gotten worse.. oh so so much worse. You try to walk out that door to go to work or a fresh breath of air..
-worst part about it? You're not even married. His lame excuse for why you have to stay in bed and cuddle? A lie.. well, it won't be a lie soon if it's up to him.
-your running from the kitchen to the bedroom with water at his demand, allergy meds, anything that boy can name. You better make sure he gets, he isn't called a demon for nothing
-he doesn't portray very signs of getting sick before hand, but after years of it, you've picked up on a few.
-he gets a little more touchy (as if that's possible). It's as though he wants to get you sick too, so then you would really have to stay with him.
-he starts to crave your approval more. It's odd how it works with him. But every time he does something he knows you want him to do (like take he shoes off before getting in the house, or taking off his sweaty jersey before getting in bed) he looks to you with wide eyes, waiting for your hum of approval
-in short, Shidou is a menace, will always be a menace, and all sickness does is... Make your life harder
-by the time he is all healed up. Your sick, and him taking care of you? A whole other story,
Barou Shoei
-Well would you look at that, the rare occasion Barou does get sick has occurred,
-good luck entertaining the bedroom. He doesn't like being taken care of, he likes to take care of you.
-Hes shutting himself him, locking himself up, with everything he could possibly need. Including a picture of you. Although your right behind the door, he won't open it, no need for you to be sick too,
-he calls you all the time, even if he could just open the door and talk to you like a normal person, often falling asleep on the phone together.
-although he hates you sleeping on the couch, sometimes he accepts that you have to suffer through that, so you don't have to suffer as much as he is now.
-Should he finally gets tired of your endless begging, he might crack the door open and look at you with a glare.
"can I come in now?"
"only if you wear a mask and gloves'
Rin Itoshi
-its odd, It's as though Rins body will only let him get sick ONCE every 6 months. Twice a year, it's a impressive, never has it gone under, or over that for as long as you. Or anyone else you ask, can tell you,
-he says it's not a big deal, just going off to sulk in his room about this flu that is making soccer such an energy taker for him
-he is usually healed up quick, a bunch of medicine, and a bunch of tea and rest
-he has no issue kicking you out of you are stopping him from resting. To the couch you go!
-he comes over 5 minutes later to ask you to come back to bed. He cant rest knowing you're on the sofa alone and banished,
-not much changes, other than he's grumpier. He cant take out his attitude on hitting a certain worm with a ball. (Sorry Isagi, R.I.P)
-all in all, you can't do anything other than just love on him when he asks for it. He has everything else under control.
"Rin, do you need a tiss-
"already have 3 others waiting under the bed."
"how about a cup of t-"
"I already have one on the nightstand."
#bllk x y/n#bllk x you#bllk x reader#blue lock x reader#bllk#blue lock#rin itoshi#shidou ryusei#barou shouei
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Hiiiii! Thank you, just saw you answered my request for the nickname sotory. It was lovely, short and sweet!
I'm looking forward to all the others you'll write!
If you need any more ideas, you could do one about the moment G has that click that his partner should move in, how they're already so domesticated and used to each other that they might as well.
Or another one when G is playing some sort of videogame with his partner, and she wins, and he's actually shocked, and his ego was bruised (all jokes) because she wasn't even being competitive or a mean winner. But he's happy because she still surprises him.
TYSM for the request I really loved writing this one, I hope one day in the future I get to move in with my partner

STORY NAME-💞You might as well stay💞
The smell of coffee drifts through the air, mixing with the soft hum of the kettle. George leans against the kitchen counter, watching you from the doorway. You’re standing there in his hoodie—again—barefoot, humming softly as you pour cereal into a bowl like you’ve done it a hundred times.
Because you have.
“Oi, that’s my hoodie,” George teases, a lazy grin tugging at his lips.
You glance over your shoulder, smirking. “And? It’s basically mine at this point.”
He chuckles, pushing off the counter to join you. “Fair. Looks better on you anyway.”
It’s so casual. So normal. You’re brushing against him as you reach for a spoon, hair still messy from sleep, and George realizes he doesn’t remember the last time his mornings didn’t look like this. Your toothbrush is by his sink. Your favorite mug is on his shelf. Your playlists are saved on his speakers.
You belong here.
And he’s been treating it like you don’t.
“Hey.” His voice softens.
You glance up, cereal in hand. “What?”
George hesitates. How does he even say it? Move in with me sounds big, formal—like something that should come with flowers or a grand speech. But this isn’t grand. It’s easy. Natural.
“You know you’re basically living here already, right?” he says, scratching the back of his neck. “I mean, half your stuff’s here. You’ve claimed my hoodies. My bed doesn’t feel right without you hogging the duvet.”
You blink, a spoonful of cereal halfway to your mouth. “Are you saying I’m annoying?”
George laughs, shaking his head. “No. I’m saying… you might as well stay. Properly.”
The spoon clinks back into the bowl. “Stay?”
“Yeah.” He steps closer, gaze softening. “Move in. Let’s stop pretending you don’t live here already.”
Your eyes search his face, looking for the joke—but it’s not there. It’s just George, with that boyish smile and messy hair, offering you something that already feels like yours.
“Are you sure?” you ask, voice small.
George cups your face, thumb brushing your cheek. “I’ve never been more sure. You and me, yeah? Feels right.”
A smile spreads across your face, slow and warm. “Guess I’ll keep the hoodie, then.”
He grins, leaning in until your foreheads touch. “Guess you will.”
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that was us part three
quick author's note: originally i wrote this series to coincide only with abby's appearances, so i didn't try and cover the time between abby leaving los angeles and coming back during the train derailment — however, since i've continued writing this series i've realized that what i orginally wrote had a lot of backstory that only existed in my head, but that was very much flavouring the rest of the story. i didn't write the tommy and abby interactions at the hospital as the first time they'd talked since he moved to harbor but all of that backstory stayed off the page. this is part of me trying to correct that, and i'm editing parts one and two to cover more of it. also, i know the hospital is originally part three, but this is sneaking in between chapter two and three (i'll update it on ao3 when i'm at my actual computer and not sneaking onto tumblr during work hours)
a tag for @leashybebes who asked to be tagged if i wrote any more of this!
abby's mom dies and she falls apart. she barely makes it through the funeral, buck holds her together while she's sorting through all of her mom's things and it's just. suffocating. her mom's passport is the last straw — how many things did she put off, thinking there would be more time before she got her diagnosis? how many things has abby put off? she loves being a dispatcher. she loves la. buck is the best thing that's happened to her in close to a decade. there were so many things she was planning to do before she tore her rotator cuff. then it was rehab, trying swimming again, quitting again — pushing off all things she'd thought about doing since she was a kid. tommy had helped with that, given her somewhere safe to recover while she licked her wounds, and still she'd put things off. put them aside and shoved them down and promised herself later, later, later. it's later and she still hasn't done even one of the things she wanted to do when she was younger.
she's going to start with her mom's old travel itinerary. abby packs a bag, buys an airline ticket, tells buck she's leaving. the thought of trying to sublet her apartment or sell it is just too much to deal with right now, so she offers him the apartment because he hates living with his roommates and she's certainly not going to be using it. she tries to be as gentle as she can. abby was stuck for a really long time and buck's the one that got her unstuck. it's a gift she's a hundred percent certain he has no idea he gave her, and she doesn't have the words to thank him for it, so she's gentle instead. buck deserves gentle. he deserves better than her, but she doesn't say that either. he wouldn't take it as the compliment she means it as.
it's a cliché to say that she can feel her heart break when he drops her off at the airport, but clichés become clichés because they're things that are true and universal.
abby sits in the airport lounge and waits for her flight to be called. she very quickly gets bored and pulls out her phone, staring at it. if she texts buck now she'll just turn around, let herself get stuck again. she'd like it, too. she wants to try. she can't stay. she scrolls through her phone contacts, stops on tommy's name. snaps a photo of her drink and the departures screen behind her.
guess who's going to europe?
since when do you text?
apparently phone calls are for fossils.
he didn't actually call you a fossil, did he?
no, of course not, but he's a texter. so. i am too now, i guess.
europe, huh? and a guinness to get you started. so you're headed to ireland.
how'd you guess?
your mom mentioned it a few times. really loved a good brogue and pierce brosnan.
she did, didn't she?
yeah. i'm really sorry, abby. about your mom and the fact i couldn't make it.
thanks. any recommendations for when i'm over there?
i'm more of a desert guy, hang on. i've got an idea.
what is this, a group chat? wait, abby texts?
why is everyone surprised that i text?
sal, abby's looking for places to visit in europe.
hey, sal.
head to italy. stop. eat. come home.
sal, jesus. i was hoping you'd be a little more useful.
well, no, he's got a point tommy, i do love pasta.
jesus, fine, stop — gina says hi, by the way. abby, i've been informed by your ex you're going to ireland first.
someone's got to keep you on track, sal.
you've already got the gift of gab since you're on the phone all day, so you can probably skip the blarney stone. there's the giant's causeway. and all the travel magazines try to rank the castles, but they're all neat.
didn't realise you'd spent so much time in europe, sal.
well, gina's the expert (and dictating some of this to me) but hey. she took me over for our honeymoon and we hit the highlights.
we're both very impressed, sal. how long are you going to be in europe, abby?
i don't know. until i get… inspired.
is the baby hotshot coming with?
i hate it when you two call him that.
we could have used his name if you'd ever given it to us.
and have you track him down at work and crack jokes? i don't think so. abby stares at her phone for a long moment before texting again. no, he's not coming. we broke up.
he broke up with you after your mom died?
forget cracking jokes, we'll track him down at work and break his leg.
thank you for the offer, i think? but i was the one that broke up with him.
was the sex that bad?
because i'm going to europe and i don't know when i'm coming back?
gross, sal. abby, if this kid was really into you, he would have waited.
don't listen to tommy, abby, he's still half-hung up on this girl that dumped him ten years ago.
abby gets a solo text almost immediately from tommy, promising to dunk sal's head in the nearest toilet the next time they're in the same place. she laughs to herself, startling when the announcement for her flight comes crackling out of the overhead speakers.
that's my cue, gents. sal, just because you and gina wish tommy would move in doesn't mean you have to project that feeling onto us.
he's just so much better at folding laundry than sal ever is - gina
i'm not running away, we got a call. but i'm really embarrassed to know all three of you.
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TGR SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay I’m back for some more rambling incoherency, and this time I want to talk about Aaron’s trial.
I have been DYING for any information about the trial since I read the kings men and the EC. I was hoping that we’d get some sort of info in tgr, and honestly Nora gave us more than I thought she would (thank you so much mother)
Lets start with this

My first time reading this I immediately wondered if he waived the jury for andrews sake, and now I’m absolutely convinced that that is what happened. Now im just wondering if Aaron did it without being asked, or if it came from Andrew himself.

I’ll bet so much that the only reason Kevin’s focus stayed on exy is because it’s his crutch. I think kevin was more affected than he let on to Jeremy, and I’ll bet he channeled all of that into being absolutely insufferable on the court.
I wonder what those couple weeks leading up to it were like. I wonder how many joint (and solo) sessions were devoted to trial preparation. I wonder if anyone was able to look anyone else in the eye. I wonder if Neil was already planning to use his mafia family influence to potentially get Aaron out of prison. I wonder if Andrew spoke a single word. I have so many thoughts omg

I’m glad that Nora kept Betsy going with Andrew. The EC stated that neil made an appointment with her just to tell her that Andrew needed her. That he was going to see Cass, and he needed a mother. Betsy being there makes me think this is still canon, and I fucking love that so much. Betsy and Andrew will always get me so soft omg.

I fucking love this so much. That’s my BOY right there!!!!!! Oh, I’m sorry, you want to step out of line and then the worst parts of someone’s life into a sensationalist cover story? Get fucked cunt.
Really though, imagine being Andrew, nerves already frayed because you have to go and say OUT LOUD the worst things that have ever happened to you, and show everyone your weakest points. Imagine already hanging on by a fucking thread, because you’re giving everyone a knife and turning your back. And then someone walks right up to that last thread you’re hanging onto with some scissors. I’d have snapped too. I love how Jeremy notes that it was bee who got Andrew to go inside instead of go after the camera man. She really is his rock and I love it so much.


I find this absolutely fascinating. First off, the visuals are *chefs kiss*, that was probably a fantastic photo, as disreputable as it was. But there’s a lot going on here.
First, Jeremy mentions Andrew and Kevin are as far away from each other as possible with Neil halfway in between. I know there is some symbolism there, but I can’t quite put my finger on why Neil in the middle is so significant.
I wonder who was avoiding who. Was Andrew avoiding Kevin because how could he be Kevin’s protector now? How could Kevin see him as someone strong when everyone knows now how weak he is? He can’t be near Kevin because he can’t be near the reminder of his failures.
Was Kevin avoiding Andrew? Andrew is unshakable. Andrew is unbreakable. Except he isn’t, and Kevin knows that now. He’s known it since November, but now he has to deal with it. And maybe the reminder that Andrew is breakable is a reminder that he is too. That he can’t always put a barrier between him and his problems. But maybe Kevin was scared of Andrew. Maybe he expected him to explode, rage boiling over and in need of a target. Maybe he was remembering fingers around his throat. Or maybe he was worried he’d set Andrew off. Didn’t want to cause any more discomfort for him.
I don’t know, but I can’t stop thinking about it.
And then Neil, not sure who he was supposed to be following. Should he follow andrew and try to be there as some kind of support? Should he try to offer some comfort or maybe even just a cigarette and some company? Or should he follow Kevin, and make sure Kevin doesn’t lose it on the stand? Maybe he should go with Kevin, because Andrew can’t be with him right now but Kevin still needs someone. Maybe he should be what Andrew can’t and watch over his charge.
In the end, he goes with Kevin. I wonder if Andrew looked back to give him a nod, some sort of signal to go after Kevin. I wonder if he kept walking without looking, and Neil in his near perfect understanding of this boy knows that he can’t be around another person right now. Kevin needs him now, maybe Andrew will need him later.
I wonder if the reason Kevin never responded to Jeremy was because he got himself fucking obliterated as soon as he was back from the courthouse. I wouldn’t be surprised.

Now THIS is probably one of my favorite moments from the trial. I don’t often think of Nicky as being one to fly off the handle, but I know he can. There’s definitely a couple times in the books he throws a punch, I just can’t remember the specifics right now.
But anyways, I wonder how much of this was anger and how much was grief. I imagine it was a bit of both. Nicky loves his parents so much. Or at least he did. And seeing them on the courthouse must have reopened every single wound they’ve ever inflicted on him because how could he do this? His own father let Drake upstairs. On the surface, this is easily pinned all on Luther. But I wonder if Nicky was blaming himself too. Blaming himself for making everyone go, for not noticing what was up with Andrew, for not understanding that he isn’t a monster, for all the times he came on too strong and made terrible jokes and oh goodness how couldn’t he have known?
I think this confrontation was a boiling over of a rage and a grief that he’s been burying for a long time. Rage over what happened to Andrew, what his parents did to him, how his parents set up the attack in November. Rage over what Aaron had to do. And then grief, for his childhood, and his cousins childhood, and for the parents he thought he knew. This was the last straw, and he’s never giving them another chance. How could he? Maybe it’s that old old pain, the why don’t they love me? That’s finally boiling over. And honestly, good for him.
The fact that security practically bodied him up the stairs is telling. He was going at it. He was losing it. And I think he needed that. Nicky has really been through it, but he hasn’t really worked through any of it. And he had to confront all of it and then some on those court steps.
I wonder if he cried through his testimony. If he was sorting through every memory he had of Andrew from the time he took guardianship to that very day, looking for signs and all the ways he should have helped. All the ways he failed.
I wonder if he got wasted with Kevin.


The last big thing I want to point out is this. I’m honestly rather surprised that Kevin thinks Aaron getting all charges dismissed is unexpected. The case is very very clear cut, there’s hardly any argument you could make that this wasn’t defensive. Maybe there’s something we don’t know, some angle the prosecution was taking that could have ended badly, but I don’t think so.
What this also made me think of was the back up plans in case Aaron actually did end up in prison. I wonder if Andrew was already planning to switch and take his place, or if he was considering something more violent like Kevin suggests. I wonder if Neil was already in contact with his crime people, trying to find the right people to take the case so it’d be in their favor. I wonder how many arguments Neil and Andrew had about that, because I can imagine Andrew wanting to protect Aaron himself. Wanting to be the one making sure it goes right, not trusting anyone else with his brother. Maybe even Neil. There’s so much to think about.
One small note I want to make is Katelyn going with Aaron every day but the first. I wonder if Andrew or Aaron or even Neil told her to do that, or if it was her prerogative. Either way it’s so respectful I love it.
I loved everything about this, I really have been so obsessed with Aaron’s trial. Definitely one of my favorite things from the book omg. Sorry if I’m incoherent as fuck I just have so many thoughts. I can’t wait to read fox pov fics of this omg.
#tgr spoilers#the golden raven spoilers#meta#just me wondering a lot of things#maybe next post I’ll make will be the ravens game#because goodness knows I have lots of thoughts about THAT#anyways pls enjoy my barely understandable ramblings#my brain is fully rotted at this point
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Would you perchance write something about either Price or Ghost (or both, author's choice 🫡) coming out as trans to the rest of the team? I love soft little stories where a character carefully pick the right time to reveal that they weren't always a man or the completely unapologetic reveal of top surgery scars without any shame whatsoever. I also love me some lovey dovey 141 boys finding out new things about each other and only becoming closer because of it ♥️
Heheheh. Yes yup absoulutely I love this. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK! I ADORE GETTING THEM!
Ghost leaned against the wall debating it. He'd been working with the 141 for three years now. He really should come out to them.
Not just because he did trust them and wanted the most important people in his life to know him, truly know him.
But he also felt is was... probably a necessary thing to inform them of. He'd hate to be like injured on his chest and they go to treat it, and tits.
He sat back, chewing on his lip as he debated it.
He didn't get to debate it for long because Johnny noticed something was up. "Ghos' ye good?"
Ghost half considered just nodding and letting that be the end of it, but he was also being a pussy. "Uh... yeah just... just something ay should tell you guys... probably."
And just like that he had three sets of eyes on him. And was also regretting his decision, somewhat considering exiting via the window.
"I'm trans. Like born... a girl in the wrong body... but I'm a guy."
Shit shit shit.
Soap spoke up "Damn noice."
Ghost blinked at him. That was it? No transphobia, or being an arse or anythin? Just... noice?
Gaz stared at him intently for a second.."So have you had the titty chop? Because like... I cannot believe you were born female. Obviously you were meant to be a guy."
Ghost quickly blinked back the years before answering... "Uhm.. yeah .... No I haven't... they were just small so I built up the muscle to make em look like pecs"
The scot whistled "Damn LT! Dedication!" He declared high fiving the brit.
Ghost nodded glancing over at Price who hadn't said a word. "Uhm... sir?"
Price glanced up blinking. "yeah... sorry just .. You know what can't be fucked to word it." The older then pulled his shirt off, gesturing at the scars under his pecs "I am also.. uh.. trans"
Well this was going a shit tonne better then Simon was expecting. He didn't even know why he was worried. It was his team.
Hope this is what you wanted anon!! I couldn't pick so you got both!!
#cod#cod modern warfare#cod mw2#cod fanfic#ghost cod#simon ghost riley#simon riley#johnny 'soap' mactavish#Trans ghost#Trans price#john price cod#captain john price#cod john price#john price#kyle gaz garrick#task force 141#Kyle#Gaz#Silly#tf141#141 as family
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Am I too late for the KalluZeb ask? I hope not and if I'm not could you do 27 (Craziest place they had sex?) and 19 (What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)? If it's too late just ignore this message.
It is absolutely not too late! I will lovingly answer every ask about these idiots because I just adore talking about them and talking about headcanons absolutely helps me in my writing process - thank you so very much for indulging me!! 🥺
27. Craziest place they had sex?
Oh, oh, oh! I am going to answer this with something from one of my WIPs: Up a tree on Yavin IV.
So, in this particular WIP, they end up getting together on Yavin IV after working closely around the base and spending time together in the jungle. So much time that they have a particular tree they like to climb together for the view. And then for making out. And then for doing each other nasty styles. Which I don't imagine is that difficult of a thing for a lasat, but Kallus gets bonus points for being nearly 40 and boinking that far off the ground.
Of course, it's the craziest place because I wrote the scene before I really got into the gritty details of what Yavin IV is like in Legends, only to discover that they were getting down surrounded by a jungle full of INCREDIBLY SCARY CREATURES -- including piranha beetles that attack prey in swarms. How the hell Zeb can get it up in a scenario where they can be attacked by a swarm of carnivorous bugs at any moment is ... well, it's actually one of the reasons this story is currently a WIP. I love the whole scene and the whole idea of them wandering off for alone time together, but I keep thinking about these damn bugs. 😂😂😂
19. What was their biggest fight?
(I answered the first part of this one here but saved the alternate for this ask! 🥰)
Their biggest fight is about adopting children once they retire. It isn't a huge outright argument with shouting like they'd do in the rebellion, just Kallus brings it up one day (and it's been a long time coming, he's been thinking about it a lot, they're both so good with Jacen and there are so many kits who need a loving home) ... and Zeb just immediately, vehemently, shuts him down: absolutely the fuck not.
And it's like being slapped in the face, because they've gotten so much better at talking to each other. Yes, they still bicker, but the bickering leads to honest discussion and consensus and agreement on a course of action, so Zeb putting his foot down without even pretending they can discuss it is not their normal. It's also hurtful. And Kallus doesn't know what to do with that, actually, after this many years of their own brand of healthy communication, so he ends up just sitting on it. And sitting on it. And Zeb is doing New Republic Defense Force stuff, suddenly, and it's like he doesn't even want to be home with Kallus since he made the suggestion and what if Zeb actually doesn't? What if this is just how their relationship ends, at the crossroads where Kallus wants a family and Zeb doesn't?
It all comes out in messy ways, eventually. In ways where Kallus refuses to bicker about the normal stuff and Zeb spends more time away from home and the garden falls into disrepair and all the old grannies at the market who used to tease them both about their relationship are now just quiet and looking concerned until one day it finally, finally implodes. Still, no shouting. Just a flat assessment of the situation because Kallus has worked out why Zeb won't start a family with him and it's of course because of his past, his involvement with what happened on Lasan, and how Zeb must not actually trust him - how Zeb is right not to trust him even after all this time - how he's just been on Lira San living a life that isn't truly his after doing something so horrifically unforgivable - and it's time that he stops pretending, that he goes back to Coruscant maybe and tries to find the kind of life a man like him deserves after all the destruction he's wrought -
And Zeb has to kiss him to shut him up. It's an awful kiss, too. Desperate and urgent and tearful, quite possibly the worst kiss they've ever shared, it's like they don't even fit together anymore and nothing makes sense but Zeb is trying to pour everything into it, everything he hasn't said and everything he feels and all the fear, the visceral dread in his gut that started this whole awful fight.
Because Zeb wants to start a family together, he desperately does, but the thing that's been eating him this whole time isn't the role Kallus played on Lasan, but his own. His failures - his inability to protect his people - all coming down to the realization that he could very well fail again, except he wouldn't just lose Kallus but their children, too, and he already hauled himself back from the brink after losing so much once, he can't possibly do that again.
It's like uncovering a hidden wound, finally getting all this out of his head and into the mess that's accumulated between them from not talking, so it - so he - can finally begin to heal. And he slowly does. Zeb scales back his NRDF role to be home more, they repair the garden together, the old grannies at the market breathe a sigh of relief when Kallus is back shopping for the ingredients he needs for Zeb's favorite food, and their family gradually becomes something they can talk about - even bicker about - until they reach a consensus and agree to adopt their first child.
#kalluzeb#alexsandr kallus#garazeb orrelios#headcanons#I sure wish I could write my fanfictions the way I write these headcanons y'all because ugggghh this one has me in my feelings
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Get to Know Your Moots
Thank you for the tag, @burntheedges! I know it's been a minute but this one looked so interesting I just had to go back and do it when I had time.
what's the origin of your blog title?: Title is from when I was talking with a friend of mine about how Leia is the only consistently competent person in the original Star Wars trilogy and how she has to tolerate Han and Luke being dumbasses on the regular and one of us (I can't remember which) said "They may as well call the original trilogy Leia's Intergalactic Tour of Ineptitude" and that seemed like a great fit for the stuff I post here.
OTP(s) + shipname: Han and Leia were my first ship but hell if I know what their ship name is. Ron and Hermione (I would throw down over this one back when I was a bigger HP fan before JKR ruined the fun for everyone) aka Romione. Richard and Kahlan from the Sword of Truth series (deep cutttttt!)
favorite color: red! Also a big fan of emerald green and yellow.
favorite game: I think this means video games but I don't really play those SOOOOOO board games it is! Wingspan for sure. Takenoko. Clank Legacy. Everdell. Brass. Abomination.
song stuck in your head: Francesca, Hozier.
weirdest habit/trait?: I feel like I'm a poor judge so I asked my husband and he said it's the fact that my mom and I have a secret language that we use with only each other lol. I think it's also probably the fact that I sing to and about the people and animals I'm closest to. I also need to eat my food in a specific order otherwise I enjoy it less.
hobbies: writing is the big one obvs! Reading, D&D, baking, cooking, playing board games, hiking.
if you work, what's your profession?: Corporate communications. I handle environmental communications for a major corporation.
if you could have any job you wish what would it be?: Writer. I want to just be able to tell my silly little stories and send my imaginary friends on adventures in my head all day.
something you're good at: very little lol I'm an OK writer, an alright cook and baker. I'm not sure that I'm GOOD at it but I'm very comfortable speaking and presenting in front of large groups. I think I'm good at decorating and organizing my house? I like how I did it, anyway. I'm good at empathizing with just about anything.
something you're bad at: most things lol honestly if it's a basic human function I'm probably bad at it. I'm incredibly clumsy, I'm very bad at sleeping, sometimes if I try to breathe too deep I choke on my own spit. I'm very bad at being purposely aggressive or mean to people on my own behalf. I'm not great at really aggressive board games because I don't like being mean to people I'm playing with. I'm terrible at singing but I love to do it so I sing constantly so everyone send pity to my husband!
something you love: writing! Making people food they really love. Hiking where I can really hear the trees. Sex in the water.
something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Joel Miller (obviously.) U.S. media law. The gentrification of cultural foods. Star Wars. Board games. The patriarchy.
something you hate: Besides the obvious (Trump and the right wing, Zionism, bigotry, etc.), something that's very minor that drives me crazy is when movies give away the whole plot in a trailer. Let me experience the story dang it!
something you collect: Swatch watches, mugs, postcards.
something you forget: how much I like almost any specific fruit until I eat it again for the first time in a while.
what's your love language?: Being noticed and remembered and treated as though I matter. That whole to be known is to be loved thing.
favorite movie/show: TLOU and The Mandalorian of course! Arrested Development. The Sopranos. New Girl. Family Guy. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Star Trek: Voyager. Inglourious Basterds. Elf. Baby Driver. It's a Wonderful Life. Star Wars. 500 Days of Summer.
favorite food: A really good burger, fresh pasta, fudge-y chocolate cake, my grandmother's chicken paprikas, caprese made with perfect summer tomatoes.
favorite animal: cats of all sizes (the fact that a tiger will just go chill in a box makes me so happy) and horses.
are you musical?: I LOVE music but I'm not remotely musically inclined. I can play piano and flute but not terribly well. I love to sing but I'm VERY bad at it. I do (I think) have a sense of rhythm though so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
what were you like as a child?: obsessed with books lol my dad was digitizing old home videos and found one from when I was two years old on Christmas morning and there was a book by my stocking and I immediately did not care about anything else. My mom tried to get me to pay attention to the toys Santa brought but I just kept looking at the book. I've always been sensitive and an easy crier, that was true then too. I really liked to pretend, I was very imaginative.
favorite subject at school?: English in my younger years, eventually journalism. Theater was another favorite, as well as psychology. I loved science before it got too math heavy.
least favorite subject?: MATH. I'm very bad at math.
what's your best character trait?: oh I have no idea. I think I love really hard and I hope that's a good thing?
what's your worst character trait?: I'm very big emotionally. I get very excited, I can be very loud without realizing it. I'm just a lot as a person. I very much wish I wasn't, I wish I didn't have incurable and chronic cannotshutthefuckupitis but I do. I feel like I'm probably pretty insufferable as a person honestly, especially for anyone who has to actually spend time with me in person. I just haven't really ever managed to change that about myself!
if you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be?: My in office desk chair is kind of trash on my back so my upper back is just mad at me. I'd love for that to go away!
if you could travel in time who would you like to meet?: Such a good question! Maybe Oscar Wilde?
recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!):
I had a slight inconvenience last week so I ended up back reading @netherfeildren's Fear of God for the umpteenth time, no regrets.
I'm loving Falling by @damneddamsy, her writing is so wonderfully vivid and I think her Joel is just fabulous.
Cherry by @mirrormauve has be in a complete chokehold right now and I'm in love with them your honor.
NP tags: @dundienominee, @interdimensionaldrey-blog, @dancingtotuyo, @whocaresstillthelouvre, @mysticnightmarewrites
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Marvel: Kiss Me - Bucky Barnes -
Parings: Bucky Barnes x Reader (No use of Y/N)
Request Prompt: (Requested by anon)
OMG I LOVE YOUR BUCKY FICS </33 Can you maybe write a one shot where the reader and him both have dates who flake or something and they end up just spending the evening together? I thought it would be REALLY wholesome. Adore your account! Xoxo
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Words: 3,538
Okay, so! Thank you for requesting! I've been wanting to write a Bucky One Shot but I couldn't think of anything fun! This was fun, and so cute. Also, I'm so glad you like my Bucky fics and just, this anon made my day okay!
I hope you enjoy! (p.s I was listening to music whilst writing this, and as I got to the part where they kiss, Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer started playing, hence why this is called Kiss Me)
Bucky Barnes smirked as he looked down at his phone. His best friend, you, had texted him something funny, his eyes flickered from his phone a moment to his surroundings, a sweet cafe. He was already on coffee two. His 'date' hadn't showed yet. But she was only ten minutes late.
'Whoever said blind dating was a good idea sucks' You texted your best friend, Bucky. You were in a similar situation to him, sitting alone in a restaurant. Waiting for a date, some guy named Gregg, who hadn't showed up yet. Leaving you sitting alone for fifteen minutes. You looked down at your phone with a sigh, smiling when you saw that Bucky had messaged you back.
'I don't know, it could make a funny story'
'I don't want 'funny' Barnes, I want swept off my feet love!'
Bucky smirked at your response, a part of him wasn't shocked at both your dates going this way. Your dating lives sucked. If only he could admit his feelings. He quickly typed a reply.
'And do you think that Gregg is going to sweep you off your feet?'
'Who knows, maybe if he had the decency to show up on time, I'd know'
'Wanna bet he never shows up?' He texts, his eyes scanning the cafe again, nope, still no date. He smirked when you texted back seconds later, the two of you always made bets, on literally anything.
'That's a horrible thing to be on...' You text, and then quickly you send another, a smirk playing on your lips. 'You're on'
'What does the winner get?' He texts, adding the little purple devil emoji. He had recently learnt emojis, from you, of course. You roll your eyes playfully at his response.
'Why are you texting me? Aren't you also on a date?'
'Because my date is currently 15 minutes late'
'Just our luck' You text. You laugh bitterly, you felt stupid and wanted to leave, but the restaurant was so full, and there was nothing more embarrassing.
'Wanna just ditch these idiots and hang out?'
'Fuck yes' You text back, suddenly smiling, you didn't care what everyone thought, so you gather your things and left the restaurant, you grab your phone and dial Bucky's number. Bucky laughs at your response, he left his seat and walked out of the cafe.
"Hello?" He says softly.
"Where we going Barnes?" You ask over the phone. He chuckles on the other side of the phone as he started walking towards his apartment.
"My place, I was thinking we could order pizza, and watch shitty movies"
"It's like you always know what I wanna hear, meet you there" You say, grinning as you walked down the pavement. Bucky smiles at your answer.
"Sounds like a plan, I'll get the pizza and beer ready, see you in a bit" He says, and then hangs up the call. You smile to yourself as you make your way to Bucky's apartment. It was like your second home, you spent more time there than you did your own apartment. Before you got to his apartment, you grabbed some pastries from a bakery you liked.
Bucky got everything set up, a huge pizza on the table, beer too. When the doorbell rings, he goes to answer it, a big smile plastered across on his face.
"Hey! Brought dessert did you?" He asks, as he sees you holding the box of pastries.
"I did! Thought we could drown our sorrows in sugar" You say with a smirk as you push past him, walking into the apartment.
"Well I think pizza and Ice-cream would've done that, but I guess this works too" He grins.
"You never said ice cream, dork" You mutter, you walk into the small apartment, it was more of a studio, his kitchen, living room and bedroom all in one place, and a small bathroom and toilet off in the corner. You loved it here, one wall was entirely window, looking down at the bustling city below. Bucky pinched your shoulder playfully as you walked past him to get to the couch. You flopped down and waited for him to sit so you could get comfortable leaning against him. You grabbed a beer and took a swig.
"How funny would it be if our dates ditched us to go on dates with each other" You mutter, taking another swig of the beer before putting it on the table.
"Oh god... That would be horrible" Bucky mutters, his mouth full of pizza as he does. You moved yourself into your usual position when watching movies with him. With your head in his lap, his hands moved without thinking, brushing through your hair.
"Swear I'll be single forever" You mumble, you look up at him, a wistful look over your features as your mind thinks over your feelings for him. Forbidden feelings, liking one's best friend.
"You won't be alone forever, you'll find someone who isn't a complete idiot" He said, he lifts his bottle of beer to his lips, drinking a long gulp down.
"I don't think I believe ya Barnes" You say as your mouth goes dry, watching his lips touch the bottle, a drop of beer slid down his chin. Bucky rolls his eyes as he looks down at you, his beer now on the side table.
"Trust me, I know you really well, the right guy will know how awesome you are, and he will appreciate you a lot. He'll love you for real, doll" He says softly, his fingers slightly stroking your temple. The touch was so intimate, you craved more from him.
"You're too sweet, Bucks" You say, smiling up at him, the sun outside was in its golden hour, streaming in and covering your face, and Bucky forgot how to breath for a moment, the sun shone over your features just slightly, making you shine, and your eyes sparkle. He shakes his head. "I'm just being honest, it's clear as day how awesome you are. Any guy would be lucky to have you"
You move, sitting up and facing him, your leg pressed against his as you sit with one leg still on the couch. "Any guy?" You ask, biting you lip, taking a chance. Bucky nodded, his gaze on yours, your eyes locking.
"Any guy. You're smart, kind, gorgeous, funny and the perfect height for hugs!" He says with a smirk, he was trying to cheer you up. Plus, Bucky's favourite thing ever was the way your eyes lit up with every compliment he gave you.
"Have a certain guy in mind?" You ask, your voice faltering slightly, your teeth bit your lip slightly as you tried to push the nerves down, you laugh softly, a mix of your usual laugh and a nervous laugh. Bucky's smirk grew as you laughed, he continued to look into your eyes, feeling himself get a little lost, and he didn't break contact as he spoke.
"Maybe I do have someone in mind" He says, his cocky smirk still over his lips whilst his eyes screamed how nervous he felt in that moment.
"And who would that be?" You ask, without realising your hand and Bucky's was touching, between the space next to both your legs, a few fingers were linked, holding onto one another as if an anchor.
"You really gonna make me say it?" He asks.
"Yes, definitely" You answer softly, was this really happening?
Bucky moved one of his hands, moving close to your face as his strokes your cheek gently with his thumb. "It's you, doll" His smirk had turned into a genuine smile as he spoke. He moved his hand, cupping your cheek, his thumb still moving softly against the skin of your cheek.
"Me? Really?" You ask, your voice quiet but laced with hopefulness. You had wanted this moment for a long time. He nodded, pulling you a little closer to him, your faces were only a few inches apart now.
"Yes really. I know you're my best friend but I've wanted to be more than just friends for such a long time..." Bucky says, he feels like a weight is lifted off his chest as he speaks, finally he was telling you how his heart felt.
"Fuck" You whisper, you had never thought he could feel the same, but here he was, admitting it.
"Language" He says playfully, that cocky smirk returning to his lips.
"Shove it old man" You mutter. He chuckles, loving the banter between you both. "You really me it?" You ask, sounding more serious now. Bucky's heart was racing, he was hoping you wouldn't reject him or laugh in his face. He had wanted you for so long now, and the thought of having you in his arms and calling you his was enough to make his chest give out. "Of course I mean it doll, I mean it as much as I've ever anything"
"Why did you never tell me?" You ask quietly.
Bucky sighs, and spoke quietly as he moved his hand lower to cup your jaw. "I didn't want to do anything that would jeopardise our friendship. I've wanted you for years, but I cared about our friendship more. I thought you didn't have feelings for me, so I didn't say anything" He explains.
You nodded, knowing exactly how he felt. "Suppose that makes sense" You whisper, you then realise you hadn't told him of your feelings, you almost wanted to slap yourself when you see the scared, insecure look in his eyes.
"And how do you feel about it? About me, wanting you? Do you want me back?" He asks, his eyes looking away from yours for a moment. You take a deep breath and put your hand over his, still cupping your jaw.
"Yes Bucky" You whisper. "Obviously, gods, you're perfect"
"You mean it, doll? You're not just saying that, are you?" He asks, his voice softer than usual.
"Why would I just say that, you dork. I've liked you for so long, it's why I kept going on dates..I never thought you'd like me back" You say, laughing softly.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks quietly.
Bucky didn't hesitate for even a second, he crashes his lips against yours. His kissed you passionately, and didn't want to pull away. You tried hard not to smile against his lips, not wanting to ruin the moment. You both had waited for this for so long, and it was better than either of you imagined. His hands move down to your waist, holding you close as he deepened the kiss. Bucky felt like he had fireworks going off in his head as he felt and tasted your lips on his. You loved it, and didn't want to pull away, not caring about coming up for air, you wanted to kiss him over and over and over again.
Bucky finally pulled away to breath, panting and a little breathless as he looked at you through hooded eyes.
"God doll....That was amazing..."
"Yeah...it was" You whisper, your voice a little hoarse. He smirked at your reaction, loving how you loved the kiss as much as he did. He pulled you to his chest, wanting you as close as possible. He nuzzled his face into your neck and spoke quietly. "Can I admit something?"
"Of course Bucks" You say as you cuddle close to him. You had cuddled like this before, but this time, it was different.
"I've imagined doing that for a long time... I've wanted to kiss you like that for such a long time... I never thought you felt the same way, so I didn't want to say anything... I don't want to mess up our friendship"
You smile softly as his words, you move so you were facing him again, his eyes meeting yours as you spoke. "Our friendship couldn't be messed up, not ever. You're the closest person to me, and I could never do anything to lose you"
"I feel the same doll, and I'm glad I finally have you. You don't know how much it means to me that you are here... In my apartment... In my arms... And you feel the same way... You're my person"
"You're my person, Bucks" You say, beaming at him, you then groan softly, looking around the room at the pizza box and beer bottles decorating the table. "Can't believe we're surrounded by pizza and beer admitting our feelings"
"Oh my God, I didn't even realize it, you're right... Maybe we should've gone out somewhere or made a more appropriate setting... He thought about it for a moment, then shrugged and smirked. "Ah who cares, it's us... And we're perfect for each other. This is exactly how it's supposed to happen"
"Yeah, you're right.. I'm sure we'll have plenty of times for fancy dates" You say, grinning, the thought alone making your insides feel giddy and excited. Bucky smirked at your words, his heart raced as he thought about taking you on dates. You were his girl now, he was over the moon.
"Oh we definitely will doll... Dinner dates, movie dates, nights out on the town just to have an excuse to walk around holding hands and showing the world that you're mine... We can do all of that... And more"
"God, we're gonna be busy, aren't we?" You asked in a playful tone. Bucky chuckled softly at your words before speaking. "Yes we are doll... But I wouldn't want it any other way... It'll be worth it, to have you and show the world that you're mine"
"Who knew" You start to say in a playfully sarcastic tone. "Are you being sarcastic with me right now?" He asks.
"Oh completely, who knew you were such a loverboy!" You say giggling. He rolled his eyes but smirked at your response. "Oh shut up doll... You're gonna make me blush"
"Sorry Bucks" You say, though you weren't really sorry. He loved you being goofy and playful, he always has. But now that he knew you loved him just as much as he loved you, these moments meant so much more to him. "Yeah yeah doll, you are not sorry at all"
You sigh happily and cuddle close to him, one of your usual positions on your many movie nights, it felt the same, the same comfortable happy time together. "Strange, I always thought being with you like this would be different, but it feels like normal" He wrapped his arms around you, loving the way you're cuddling against him. He held you close, keeping you pressed close to his chest. He rested his cheek on the top of your head, breathing in your scent. He thought for a moment at your comment.
"I know what you mean doll. It feels... Natural? I don't know, it just feels so right... Like you belong here with me"
"So natural" You agree. "How about we get that ice cream and finish our shitty movies?"
"Yeah, that sounds perfect doll... Get the ice cream, throw on another shitty movie, and stay cuddled on the couch with you... Absolutely perfect"
"Hmm perfect" You hum, repeating his words as you move to press a kiss to his jaw. He smiled softly as you repeated his words. Hearing that it was perfect coming from your lips filled his heart, and the kiss on his jaw set his skin on fire. He loved when you were affectionate and gave him sweet little kisses and touches. He wanted more. So much more.
"You're too sweet doll, you keep saying things like that and I'll really become a loverboy..." He teased you a little, with a playful smirk.
"Hmm yeah?" You whisper playfully, teasing him as you kissed another to his jaw. He swallowed hard as you kissed his jaw again. The feeling of your lips on his was becoming addicting. He wanted more, but the feeling was also becoming distracting. "Doll... You're playing a dangerous game..."
"I quite like this game" You answer, kissing further along his jaw, up to his chin, and then finally to his lips, you press a kiss to his lips. He closed his eyes and leaned into your kisses. Each one felt like heaven to him. The final kiss to his lips sent chills down his spine, causing a deep groan to escape from his lips. He wanted to take the kiss further and deepen it, but you pulled away. He opened his eyes and looked up at you, feeling both frustrated and incredibly aroused at the same time. The sight of you standing up made the thought of pulling you back down onto the couch and attacking your lips with his own flash through his mind.
You smirk at his reaction as you step away from him, you make your way over to the kitchen area. You grab the ice cream and get two bowls ready, you walk back over to him, passing him a bowl as you sit back down with him.
"Thanks doll"
And then, the next few hours as the sun goes down were spent watching the shitty movies eating junk and kisses every now and again. It was so natural and perfect... Spending time with you, cuddling you, kissing you... It was everything he ever wanted. The kisses turned from soft and sweet to deep and passionate, especially the ones when he finally pinned you down on the couch in a moment of lust and need where he couldn't control himself. It was perfect.
"Behave mister" You giggle softly, Bucky was still hovering over you, trapping you underneath him. "Oh doll... I've been behaving all night. But you keep teasing me and you make it pretty damn hard to behave when you have me wanting you this badly"
"Soon baby" You say with a smile. "I don't wanna rush us" And you didn't, you wanted to savor every last second with Bucky, enjoying each moment slowly. He lowered himself a bit more, now hovering over you on top of you. He leaned down to your ear, and whispered in a deep, seductive voice.
"But I want you so badly doll..."
"Too bad, I'm not the kind of girl to do such things on the first date" You say, playfully. And you weren't that type of girl, and your best friend wouldn't change your rules like that. He groaned in frustration as you responded playfully, teasing him again. He wasn't being serious, but the temptation was strong and it was getting harder to resist the urge to take you right there on the couch. He smirked and responded to you in a deep, seductive voice.
"What about on the second date?"
"You are too much" You say laughing, Bucky soon joins in on the laughter. He leaned down even closer to your face, now mere inches away. He could feel his self-control slipping away. His voice turned even deeper and more seductive as he spoke.
"What can I say doll... You bring it out of me. You have me wanting you, wanting you so bad..."
"How about you take me on a fancy date soon, and see if you get lucky" You say with a smirk, you knew already he definitely would get lucky, if you could make it to the date, he was so tempting, so perfect.
"Hmm I think I like the sound of that doll... I'll make sure to spoil you. Get your favorite flowers, take you to a nice restaurant, and shower you in gifts until you give in..."
You giggle softly, he presses kisses to your face as he speaks. "Sounds perfect Bucks" He loved your laughter and playful teasing as usual. The sound made his heart jump, but it was the nickname that got him. He leaned down closer to your ear and spoke in a seductive whisper.
"You're going to be the death of me doll... I really like when you call me that..."
"I am so glad our dates decided to stand us up" You say, a soft smiling on your lips.
"I'm glad too doll, I wouldn't change a thing. I feel like I'm in heaven right now."
"Me too" You whisper, agreeing. He leaned down, closing the small gap between you to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. The feeling of finally having the woman he loved, and hearing her say those words, overwhelmed him and filled his heart to bursting. He deepened the kiss, holding you close to his body, loving every moment. It was all he ever wanted, and he never wanted to let you go.
#fluff#bucky barnes x female reader#bucky barnes x you#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes#bucky x reader#bucky fanfic#bucky x you#bucky x y/n#james bucky barnes
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Writing Goddess!! How are you today? Sending love 💛
I was wondering… who do you think the vessels were when they were human? Do they remember? Do they miss it? Do they tell reader about it?
Hello!! I'm doing okay, thank you for sending this in! It's such an interesting question 💖💖
Vessel: converted to be Sleep's vessel in the middle ages
As I've touched on before, Sleep found Vessel when he was at his lowest. He'd endured a lot of trauma, a lot of pain, and just wanted relief from it.
He struggled to find what he wanted in life, what his place was, and where he fit. All he knew was the playing and singing music made at least some of the pain go away.
Now, he vaguely remembers what his life was like, but only in a nebulous sense. He remembers the hurt he felt (and caused), he remembers how desperate he was for an out. But he doesn't remember the finer details. He just knows he doesn't miss it.
If you ask, he'll tell you what little he remembers. But be warned, it isn't much. He's been alive for so long that trying to remember something that far in the past is like trying to find a specific grain of sand at the bottom of the ocean.
II: converted not long after Vessel did
I think II actually knew Vessel as a human. I'd like to think they were close even then, and II got to see in real time the transformation Vessel underwent to become what he is now.
Like Vessel, II doesn't remember the finer details of his life. He only really remembers that he was a musician for a royal court. He remembers how close he and Vessel were, and how scared the latter was when the inhuman traits started developing after he pledged himself to Sleep.
I also think that both II and Vessel had mutual romantic feelings for each other back then but hid them, and II could only stand to see Vessel suffer alone for so long, so he pledged himself to Sleep as well. He actually helped Vessel pick a spot to construct their home that would later develop into the manor you know now.
II will also tell you certain things if you ask, but he'll spare you the more gritty details of certain things. He misses it sometimes, but he's content with things now.
III: converted in the 1800s
He arrived much later than Vessel and II, and purely by accident. He never really fit in with "polite society", as he calls it, preferring either his own company or the company of others that tended to be looked down upon.
III found the manor in late autumn, and converted to a vessel not long after. It was perfect - plenty of solitude, yet company in the other residents.
He remembers a decent amount, and he'll tell you stories of his exploits often if you ask him to. He has plenty, between the places he frequented and the people he hung around with.
However, he's noticed that some of the finer details have started to slip away from him. He can still recall a great deal more about his human days than Vessel or II, but there's definitely spots in his memory that are starting to go fuzzy. Part of him does kind of wish he were human again, just for the fun of it.
IV: converted in the 1920s
He found the manor while he was on the run from the cops for theft. He was destitute, got caught up in the unemployment boom of the time, and had very little to his name. Finding a giant house in the woods and being offered free food and shelter was a miracle to him, so he willingly converted not long after his arrival.
IV remembers a lot of his human days, and most of those memories aren't pleasant ones. A lot of struggle, a lot of fear regarding where his next meal was coming from. He was foul-mouthed, angry, and overall unpleasant.
He'll tell you stories if you ask, but won't go too far into specifics purely because he doesn't want you to pity him for who he used to be. He's changed a fair bit since transforming, in part because he stopped having to struggle just to survive. (He still swears like a sailor though).
Absolutely doesn't miss being human. He'd gladly take being a vessel any day, and if you gave him the choice, he'd convert again in a heartbeat.
#sleep token x reader#vessel x reader#ii x reader#iii x reader#iv x reader#polyvessels#ghost scribbles
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