#thanks for the ask and for taking an interest in Noiren!!!
thecipherlegacy · 4 years
Okay, I realize there's nothing in Noiren's tag so maybe you don't play him very much, but I'm a sucker for a SW so hurt-comfort prompt #1- Person A is feeling down and Person B does not like to see them this way, so they start to bring them food, a nice cup of tea and their favourite blanket.- wherein A is Noiren, maybe after a nice lightning session with Baras, and B is a dubiously-worried Vette, possibly doing a terrible job of this comfort thing?
So these are taking me forever and I am so sorry about that x.x my college work takes up so much of my time.
So in the story I've written for him and his siblings, Noiren actually doesn't have Vette(or any of the swtor companions) on his ship. BUT I love Vette and love writing my OCs in all sorts of situations and AUs!
I apologize if this is terrible btw, I have been so tired lately from school, but here's a little Noiren based drabble! Enjoy!
Everyone was confused. Noiren had always been stoic and quiet, but today was different. He was fumbling and muttering and trying to hide away from anyone that wanted to talk to him. Something was wrong. 
Vette knew that it had to do with the sith's recent visit with his master. Baras was a monster, but honestly what does one do to cheer up a sith lord? 
The small twi'lek managed to get her hands on a nice Alderaanian meal on their last trip and was quick to grab it with a nod to assure herself that this should do this trick. Once that was in hand she made her way to his quarters "Hey, ya busy? Or can I barge in?" She asked, though they both knew, no matter his answer, she was going to come in.
Noiren was sitting slumped over on his bed. He looked a little worse for wear. She frowned. Baras had always been tough on the male twi'lek, but he had never hurt him before. "I brought you some food. Knowing how you are, you probably haven't eaten." She continued to speak and sat beside him.
His yellow eyes glanced at her, then went back to the floor. It was hard to tell if he was seething, sad, or just plain frustrated. "Hello? Anybody in there? What happened?" She pressed. 
He rolled his eyes and turned his head to look at her. He had burns all along his ruby skin, littering the right side of his face and lekku. "I don't want to talk about it." He muttered. She tried to hide her offensive gasp, but failed. 
"That looks… yikes-" was all she managed to get out. He glared and turned away again. "I'm sure we can make sure it doesn't scar! But maybe you should eat first, huh?" 
"Not hungry." He replied. She frowned again.
"Come on! Where's the sith i know and fear! You're never like this" Vette tried again. He tensed a little. 
"You fear me? Even after I've done all I can to free you? You're not my prisoner or slave" he sighed "Honestly I would rather be in your position than my own…" he muttered. 
The woman almost felt bad for saying what she did, but it was true. She was still a little afraid of him, especially after watching him kill people ruthlessly. But seeing him now, he looked as fearful and tired as she had been when they first slapped a slave collar on her neck. "I thought you wanted to be sith" was all she could think of to say. 
"No." He frowned "I wanted to grow up on Ryloth with my sister and brothers. I never wanted to be sith. And now I'm tied down by a master and an oath. I have never feared for my life more than I did in that room. He threatened my life because I didn't agree with him right away." Noirens golden eyes narrowed. "I was taken away from my family so long ago by imperials and one day I plan to break free of this. Even if I have to kill baras and one thousand imperial soldiers. I'll do it."
Vettes eyes widened as he opened up to her. They were more alike than she had initially guessed. His slave collar was just a fancy title, and the shocks were just as painful. "Wow…" she mumbled. She had no idea what to say. 
"Wow?" He scoffed. "Vette, why did you come in here besides to try and force me to eat a meal that's not even warmed up"
She looked at the plate and her cheeks deepened in colour slightly. "I dunno I just, saw you were all droopy and wanted to help. And don't knock it till you try it. This stuff is great cold!"
Noirens eyes rolled yet again. "Then you eat it." He insisted and suppressed a snicker as her eyes shifted left to right.
"Nah I'm good" came her reply as she moved the food away "I'll get toovee to warm it up for you later." Once the plate was gone she got more comfortable, crossing her legs and looking at her partner expectantly. "Sooooo, sister? Brothers? Gonna share?"
His brow arched and he realized she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Though this was working as a distraction, so she was succeeding a little in her attempts to cheer him up. "I have no choice do I?" He asked. To this she just scooted closer. He sighed and got as comfortable as he could with his new wounds. "Yes I have three siblings." He started "a twin sister-"
"You have a twin?!" She gasped and interrupted immediately. "Is she all sithy too?" 
He scoffed "No. She was separated from us and sold off as a slave. They told me she made them a lot of credits to fuel my hatred." His fists balled angrily. "She was a little pink twi'lek. Skin lighter than mine, and eyes brighter. She had our mothers eyes." He was surprised to see vette actually listening, so continued. "Shes strong, so I'm sure she wasn't a slave for long. But I hope to find her someday." 
"What about your brothers?" Vette asked. "Do you know where they are?"
"Yes, more or less" he shrugged. "Only slightly younger than me, Aidesan, is training still on Korriban. Now that I'm a lord I've requested to have him as my apprentice. I want to keep him safe. And the youngest, Orkra… He was imperial military but I heard he was transferred to intelligence. So.. I may never find him with how well they hide their agents." He sighed sadly and looked at his burned hand. He had almost forgotten about his grievances of the day. Talking about his family was always a little bittersweet for him, but it was better than what he was feeling before.
"Thats all really sad.." Vette pouted. "Sorry, sith. I'm not very good at this stuff." She sighed "but uh- I can at least go get Toovee to come patch you up then we can-"
"Thank you" he silenced her with that simple phrase. The blue twi'lek blinked at him for a Moment.
He gave her the smallest of smiles "i'm not repeating myself." He teased. "But I really should get  a kolto pack." 
She was silent, looking a little surprised that just letting him talk, even about something so personal and sad, helped. Then what he said hit her and she hopped up "oh! Yeah! A kolto pack! Let me go get the droid!" Vette replied quickly, but before she rushed out she bravely gave him a gentle hug. "Baras is a jerk, but you're alright, ya know that?" She said softly before finally leaving to grab 2v-R8 to take care of him.
Noiren felt oddly at peace now. His master may be harsh and untrustworthy, but his crew was filled with people that would do anything for him, and that put his mind at ease and made him feel better about where he was. No matter what Baras had in store for him, he'd at least have good people behind him.
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moxtoons · 4 years
If you don’t mind... What is Noiren and Kenaas story? (Also... A torguta Sith Lord?)
I don't mind at all! I love my boys and am always very happy to answer questions about them!
So first of all, this is basically their relationship:
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Now onto the details below the cut ⬇️
You can find more about Noiren here: link
As for Kenaas, he's a Nautolan that was the son of a very powerful Jedi Master and always had high expectations thrown on him because of this. During his training on Tython they learned he was a very expressive boy, he was emotional and excitable, which was deemed as dangerous and needed to be kept under control (especially considering as a child, when his mother died, he destroyed a meditation room in grief and anger).
His father became very strict with him and supervised his training. He helped his son follow the Jedi code and bury his feelings under serenity and calm, though Kenaas felt it was wrong.
After completing his training and becoming a full Jedi, he heard his father getting praise for "training the untrainable" and quickly left the planet, angry and dejected. His master and father continuously demanded he return and told him he was walking a dangerous path. He ignored them, his mind was racing. Being a Jedi felt wrong. He felt he didnt belong. He knew what his peers thought of him, and how much his father wanted to bury the real him.
Kenaas jumped from planet to planet trying to find his place until eventually he landed on Tatooine. Boy oh boy did he hate it there. Too dry and too hot for the poor Nautolan.
And on that horrible desert planet he met Noiren.
Their meeting wasn't as one would expect from a Jedi and Sith pair. There was no big epic battle. Noiren was standing guard at one of the Tatooine Imperial bases and spotted a figure in the distance. As it approached he noticed it was a Nautolan, just walking, in the desert all alone. That was certainly odd. Then as the alien passed him he spotted the light saber and realized this was a Jedi walking through Imperial territory casually.
He approached the foolish Jedi with an intention to fight if needed, his brother Aidesan was behind him and ready to go as well. But the Jedi didn't pay them any mind, he just kept walking in his dazed state. The brothers looked at each other in confusion and decided to just knock him out and take him back to their ship, as a prisoner.
Kenaas was so lost in thought he hadn't realized where he was, and it ended up getting him captured. When he woke up he found himself in a cage in the Siths ship, Aidesan was sitting in a chair watching over him and called out for his brother to alert him of their new prisoners awakening.
Noiren stepped in and started to ask questions. Who he was working for, why he was in Imperial territory, what he wanted, all of the basics.
He wasn't expecting the response he got. Kenaas hadn’t even realized where he ended up. He was too deep in thought. He was a rogue Jedi rethinking his life and tired of being expected to be a perfect jedi when he had to hide so much of who he truly was. He was tired of living in his fathers shadow and considered the failure that graduated. Inner peace and serenity may work for most Jedi, but he wasn’t one of them.
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Aidesan took pity on him and pulled his brother aside, he suggested they teach this Jedi the ways of the dark side. Maybe they could save him from his misery if he found his place with them. Noiren thought on this and decided that it was actually a rather good idea. This Jedi was passionate and could harness all of that emotion and energy and be very powerful.
The suggestion was denied at first by the Jedi, but the idea of learning about both sides of the force and being allowed to feel and use his bottled emotions started to grow on him and he agreed to learn.
From there Noiren took him to Dromund Kaas for some training. He was shocked by the Nautolans power and how quickly he could learn. He was a bit of an airheaded bleeding heart, but he was a nice it of light to have around and during the months of training they started to become friends.
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He was very excited to shoot lightning for the first time.
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After a full time of training, Kenaas joined them as a permanent crewmate and friend. He wasn't quite Sith, and wasn't quite Jedi, but he definitely became Noiren's impulse control. He even brought the soft side of the Sith Lord, a side Aidesan hadn't seen in a long time.
After a little over a year of traveling and fighting together, Noiren sat down with Kenaas and opened up to him about his past and his reasons for doing what he does. He didn't care about the war, or the emperor, or even being a Sith. He just wanted to find his brother and sister that were taken from him at a young age. Kenaas swore he would help him find them, and he would be free from his Imperial shackles once they found them.
And this was when they had their moment and confessed. Noiren had fallen in love with Kenaas.
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The two ended up starting their relationship that day and their bond only continued to get stronger. Even in the rare times they were separated they could feel eachothers presence through the force.
The small group worked together to continue to try and find Noirens siblings. They found his twin sister when they were sent out on a mission from the Imperial military. They heard about a pirate who had stolen a ship from them years ago that had been doing way too much digging into where the Sith training grounds were. She was a threat that needed to be eliminated. (This was also in my explanation about the siblings)
Long story short, they ended up fighting, Kenaas helped Noiren realize it was his sister and they reunited, then with some troubles and a big battle with other sith they end up getting their other brother back as well.
Noirens siblings all adore Kenaas and he won the hearts of Arianness's crew as well.
Kenaas and Noiren get married as the years go by and when Arianness has her children, Kenaas is the best uncle they could ask for, though his struggles continue through those years as the Jedi still track him and have him branded a traitor. His father swears revenge on the Sith that brainwashed his son and they end up having to fight off both Sith and Jedi alike.
Until his father personally found them. Noiren is ready to strike the old Nautolan down before he gets stopped by Kenaas, who pleads for him to show mercy because this was his father. This leads to a talk between the Jedi and his son, demanding he come home and leave this foolishness behind. Kenaas denies him, explaining that he felt more at home using both light and dark sides of the force with his Sith husband on a stolen starship than he ever did on Tython as a Jedi. He explains that their little group were heros to small villiages now and what they were trying to accomplish.
His father remains straight faced, but is clearly upset and he tells Kenaas he is no longer his son, and that he will no longer be welcome on Tython or in any Jedi temples.
In a moment where he expected to feel the most broken hearted, he finally felt free. He finally had a life of his own with no heavy expectations from superiors and he had a family/peers that loved him. 
So that’s kind of the spark notes of his story, sorry if they were incoherent rambles!! I’m just so excited people are actually interested in my OCS!!!! Thank you for validating my love for my OCs lol 
ALSO YES! My Torguta Sith Lord, Mavasha-Scorn! I am gay for my own OC and I will not apologize for that
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If you wanna ask about more of my OCs or just see more doodles of them I’m always happy to do so, just receiving asks like these makes my day just that much brighter! Thank you!!!!
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moxtoons · 4 years
What's the story behind Arianness and Noiren if you don't mind me asking? I saw your art and now I want to know more about them👀 (~thedinalixlegacy)
You want to know about my OCs????
I'm genuinely touched and speechless and this is the best gift I could have gotten for the holidays- (no ones ever asked about my OCs I am in genuine shock and joy!)
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Excuse me while I grab 15 years of character building/story to cherry pick from and shove under a cut!
Long post below!
Arianness and Noiren are twins(fraternal) and have two younger brothers.
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The twins, Noiren(Sith Lord) and Arianness(Smuggler)
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The younger two, Orkra, later called Agent Scathe (Imperial agent/spy) and Aidesan (Acolyte).
They're all native to a small village on Ryloth. When they were young an army of Imperials came to their village to take supplies and take any "useful" Twi'leks. They were searching for force sensitives, ones that could be strong and fight in the war, or ones they could be sold to the Hutts.
There they find the four children, scared and huddled in the corner after watching their parents get killed by the troopers. A Darth observes the group and finds that Noiren and Aidesan are force sensitive. The children are taken one at a time to the ships as they decide where to send them.
Noiren and his younger brother Aidesan are send to Korriban for acolyte training while Orkra was sent to Dromund Kaas to be trained as an agent. Arianness is unfortunately sent to many different places, working under different Imperials watchful eyes until she is old enough and sold to a Hutt named Gorbada.
She never forgets who the Imperials are and what they had done to her family. She is determined to break free from her servitude and find her brothers.
Arianness later overhears that imperials are landing on the planet and long story short she Leia style kills her master and makes off in an Imperial ship. She becomes a smuggler with a grey sense of morals to get the money and resources so she can gather the information she needs to get her brothers back. Along the way she ends up making friends that become her crew.
While she travels space, Noiren has climbed quickly at the academy, surpassing his master and becoming a ruthless sith lord. He only cares for himself, and his younger brother, who he has done everything in his power to protect. He cares very little for the sith around him or any Imperials thanks to his past. Once he becomes a lord, he takes Aidesan under his wing to keep him under a watchful eye so no one can hurt him.
He travels from planet to planet with his brother to aid in war efforts against the republic and eventually stumbles across this guy
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Kenaas. A young (rather airheaded) Nautolan Jedi, questioning the Jedi code. Kenaas becomes a captive on Noirens personal starship and eventually turns to the Darkside and stays beside his new companion (that's a whole other story, but he's very important to Noirens character growth and eventually becomes his love interest).
As luck would have it Noiren ends up hearing through the Imperial agency that a "pirate" roaming republic space in a stolen ship has been working to find where acolytes train, which could very well be someone seeking to sell the information to people trying destroy the Sith academy. They decide to send Noiren and his crew to intercept the rogue Imperial ship on Hoth so the offender could be killed quickly and efficiently. He immediately attacks the thief and her crew (if anyone is interested i will be more than happy to share the crewmates too, I have many star wars OCs and most of their stories meet at some point)
The "Pirate" is Captain Arianness, who recognizes her brothers immediately but has no time to explain herself as she is swiftly thrown into battle. Shes heartbroken by how much her brothers have changed, but refuses to give up.
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Kenaas Is the one that realizes that she and her crew don't return fire. Worrying that they may have attacked the wrong group, he insists Noiren step back.
The sith is reluctant and ready to kill if needed, but demands answers. Without the rush of battle between them he finally realizes who he had just been in combat with and is taken back. Now his initial questions have been exchanged for ones about how she got there, who these people were, and if she had been trying to find them.
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She of course tells him everything, including that she wasn't working with the republic, all she wanted was so save her brothers and protect others like them from what they had suffered.
She learns that Noiren had been working for the Sith and the Imperials to keep himself and his brother safe while trying to track down their youngest brother in the agency,whom neither had seen in years.
Their reunion is touching, lots of questions, long stories and tears. He lies to his superiors after, saying he killed the pirate and her crew, and the two continue to work together to find Orkra.
It takes a lot of searching due to the fact that Agents are well hidden, even within the Imperial bases knowledge, and lets just say a moody sith lord and chaotic smuggler aren't stealthy and Noirens superiors become suspicious of him. With some information gathering of their own they find the young agent the group is looking for and use him as bait to try and lure them into a death trap. Knowing he is rogue brands noiren and his crew as a threat that needs to be eradicated.
Big battle commences and "Scathe" is now reunited with his siblings as they escape a base coming down on their heads. (Theres so much more to their brothers i swear but this is getting so long already lol)
All of them are now rogues,not wanting to fully take a side in the war yet and running from the imperial army.
They use Arianness's ship to go from planet to planet aiding villaiges like theirs to try and prevent anything like their own past from happening to them. (Kind of vigilante style???)
Theyre all grey, not exactly dark side, though Noiren is still heavily leaning that direction, and not really light side. Theyre just a renegade band of aliens trying to prevent mass suffering and slave trades while avoiding pointed attacks from sith lords and imperial ships. There are a lot of battles and craziness and Noiren has so much character development from just being an angry sith lord, but thats hard to convey in whats basically the spark notes version of a 15 year old character arc. (The republic also gets heavily involved in trying to hire them and whatnot)
Also keep in mind everything you just read takes place over the span of years. Arianness is jumping across the galaxy trying to get answers from anyone she can squeeze information from while taking odd jobs and trying to stay out of imperial space (and upgrading the ship she stole)
Note- Noiren and Kenaas are romantically involved and Arianness ends up marrying one of her crewmates and later has two children with him, so happy ending, still polishing and adding details, the full story has so much more (especially regarding the younger two, but this ask is specifically about the twins so I focused on them) but I've been rambling long enough.
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Fun fact:
Arianness, Noiren and Kenaas have been around for about 15 years. Imagine my excitement when I was able to create them in SWTOR (I liked the markings in SWTOR much better for my gal and her brother than the ones I had originally given them so I just made those permanent :) )
Thank you for letting me infodump and I have SO MANY other characters so if you ever want a large masterpost about ocs (or even just more art of them.. I love drawing them) I'm more than happy to drop some. I dont get to share my OCs much and this has really been just. Wonderful. You really made my day, you know?
I may drop some info about a Torguta sith warrior I have in the future, she was exclusively made on SWTOR and follows that story pretty close, but she's a favorite so keep an eye out for her if you're interested.
Feel free to ask more about them if you want, too! I have so much passion and love for these guys and would love to share more about them!!!
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