#thanks for the Q!
aghostnamedcalamity · 19 days
How long will Benjamin live?
I think he’ll live a pretty full life; the average life expectancy at his time was about 70 years. He’ll make it to about that age :)
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takeariskao3 · 3 months
I have a question: which TTPD song would you put in your AG playlist?
harry pov the prophecy
hand on the throttle, thought i caught lightning in a bottle … but it’s gone again
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sui-imi · 7 months
How would Roo react to meeting Frisk? Like, does he act normal or go quiet?
As a precaution, he always JUDGEs/CHECKs everyone he comes across. Anyone with LV 5+ makes him nervous. 10+ and he's outta there.
So how he acts around Frisks depends on their LV, really. If the LV is fine, then he'll be friendly.
But for some reason, whenever he sees a Frisk, a tiny part of him feels... scared? He doesn't understand why.
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erinatactica · 10 months
It was really funny going from 'this could have been devil survivor 3....' to 'oh fuck P5 Tactica is really good' (Eri my friend my beloved my bestie is no small part in this), so I feel like asking-
What kind of Atlus games have you forayed into?
(I realise this question is coming off like megaten elitist which isn't intentional but words are hard so if I say like <there's literally no wrong answer, because it's not like Persona is magically bad because it's more popular or anything> that should alleviate that right? help lol)
hi! so glad you enjoyed it!
I've played basically the p5 suite (seen some of pq2 and most of the dancing scenes). i watched letsplays of 3 and 4 when i was a kid (i've been told I would love 2,... gotta get on that). i'll be revisiting 4 golden soon and playing reload when it comes out... so they'll get a refresher.
never played a mainline smt game, but i sure would like to!
and i have played catherine... which is definitely a.... loaded game (and i know fullbody has even more... load) but i think many parts of it are fun! just... needs to be consumed with a side of salt and critical thinking. performances in that game are fun though! also done by PCB if i remember correctly.
but hehe i hear you! i think persona games get a bit of a bad rap now for their popularity (especially 5?) which is silly. they're popular because theyre good :)
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orpheusofthestars · 2 months
8 and 13!
8. any reoccuring dreams?
-> several! one of my favorites is where im in some kind of magical halloween town. ive been having that dream since elementary school, tho its been a long time since i last had it :3
13. what are you doing right now?
-> writing. (bleeds out
send me an ask?
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harrowitzer · 2 months
28. do you collect anything?
Let's see. The first thing that comes to mind is books. When I really like an author I will collect as many of their books as possible.
I have a great collection of craft supplies that might one day be used. Mostly beads, yarn, and fabric scraps. I also have a jewelry collection from when I was making a lot of it.
In terms of knick knacks, I like elephants and possums, so several of those are floating around my house. And houseplants, if that counts 😆
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words-after-midnight · 11 months
Happy STS!
What does your first draft look like? What kind of revisions do you do for a second, third etc? Do you drafts change a lot or a little between each?
Hey Kate, happy STS!
My [first drafts] typically look [RQ: what does a first draft look like?] a lot like this, only the text in [brackets] is in red and comprises things like [RQ: research question] and [notes to self, eg. "add in more details here"] and things like [fact-check whether or not people wore a certain brand of sneakers in the early 2000s] or [name this character]. Full of placeholders for future me to fill in. When in first person, they also tend to ramble a lot and go off on tangents that are mostly unrelated to the actual plot of the story - these almost never make it in full into a second draft, they're more for me to explore the narrator's character and get a grasp on their voice. The story tends to not read as all that cohesive in the first draft, and no one sees it. It's just meant for me to "figure out" the story and to have a foundation to polish later.
My later drafts and manuscripts tend to run on a continuum between "pretty different" and "unrecognizable" as compared to the first draft, depending on factors like how solid the original outline was and how close the first draft ends up being to my "vision" for the story, if that makes sense.
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victorineb · 3 months
What's your favorite bug? Mine is the stick insect, they're So Good at being sticks
Here is where I out myself as not being a huge fan of bugs 😬 (sorry, insect side of tumblr). That said, I do enjoy a nice, fat bumblebee. There’s a laburnum tree in the garden that absolutely throngs with bees during the summer (seriously, you can hear the buzzing from twenty feet away) and it’s a joy to watch all the bumbles get off their heads on an abundance of pollen. So yeah, bees 🐝🥰
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blu3berrydraws · 4 months
If you are bored..... hm..... what do you listen to while you draw, if anything?
Pure silence. And not because i enjoy it. I literally go 'i should put on some music' and then i start drawing, get drawn (hah) in so much that i forget that im listening to silence and then its 4 hours later.
But when i do manage to remember to put on music it's usually just my liked songs playlist. And occasionally epic film music !
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nancywheeeler · 5 months
hi em!! let’s hear about “if i cannot move heaven, I will raise hell” 💛💛
hi jamie!!
"if i cannot move heave, i will raise hell" is some of the sports rpf i keep vaguely threatening to post. i'm not sure it will ever happen on my current ao3 account, but hey, if challengers ends up leading to the tennis rpf renaissance of my dreams...
i don't have too much written in this particular WIP, but here is a tiny snippet:
Daniil took a deep breath—lily, and a hint of sweat, and sex—and remembered they were still technically in the middle of a conversation. One of the worst side effects of spending time with Stefanos was how often he derailed Daniil’s train of thought. “If you say I can say whatever I want,” he said, propping himself up on his elbows, “it means you can’t get mad.” With a light hum, Stefanos said, “Then you shouldn't say things that will make me mad.” “Oh, so easy,” Daniil rebutted, but the sarcasm sounded fonder than he meant it to. Finally, Stefanos glanced over his shoulder, his nose and eyes scrunched in that way where Danill couldn’t tell if he actually found something funny or if he just thought he should. “You are one to talk,” he said. He had a straying strand of hair stuck to his cheek that Daniil fought the urge to brush away. “It is impossible to tell what will make you mad.”
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toast-tales · 8 months
Random question: what your current dressing style vs. the one you want??
My work outfits tend to be some sort of high-waisted slacks with either a turtleneck or a button-up shirt. I'm going for those dark academia androgynous vibes, once I make enough money to afford such a thing xD
Generally though, I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of person. I prefer high-waisted, loose pants but I've gotta find a better way to style wide leg pants. I'm trying to expand my wardrobe a bit to more casual, loose and button-up shirts but it's SO HARD to find ones that fit me well.
I also have an affinity for tank tops (which I aspire to get more confidence in wearing) and those A-line swing dresses, which I also have trouble finding.
It's taken years but I am getting to where I want to be style-wise. I spent a lot of years being insecure about the way I dressed, and just putting on really simple stuff because I felt like I didn't understand style and would look silly. The hardest thing is phasing out my current closet because I don't like getting rid of/wasting clothes, and I certainly don't have the money to just replace it anyways.
Below are some images straight off my pinterest board on the kind of style I aspire to XD I need a good blazer, honestly.
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aghostnamedcalamity · 1 month
how will Benjamin react when Mordecai eventually dies?
So (keeping in mind that this is completely in my headcanon!) I always felt Mordecai would make it to a ripe age considering his strict dietary habits. However, I imagined he’d suffer a major health issue near the end. He has a genetic predisposition to strokes from his father’s side and his mother passed from Parkinson’s in my headcanon.
Benjamin by this point is working as a doctor at Barnes Hospital so he is more than capable of aiding Mordecai in his time of need, and he does. He does his best to help him be comfortable. I think he would process Mordecai’s passing with grace. He’ll be understandably sad at the loss but content with the way he left. With a full life and plenty of memories. Unlike when his mother passed, which caused a lot of emotional turmoil and grief due to unresolved issues.
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greenerteacups · 1 year
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about 
(Ref: this ask.)
This is fun, because in a fandom as old as Harry Potter, you get this trove of Jossed Fanon that's been passed down since before the full series was even published and spread like apocrypha. E.g., "Snape is Draco's godfather," or "aurors are wizard police," when the books actually suggest they're this rarified order of warrior spies — sort of like if you tossed the Secret Service or the FBI in a blender with medieval knights. Wizards do have normal cops, we just don't see them, because the only issues Harry ever runs into with law enforcement are the Big Deal Problems they send the aurors out for, and since "auror" is a lot cooler to say than "wizard cop," most content ends up focusing on them.
But the spirit of the question is spicier than that, so I have to go with: "Harry grows up to be a teacher." This is a really sweet headcanon and I do prefer it to Auror!Harry, since I think he'd be unhappy in that job, but I also think Auror is a more realistic move, at least initially after the war. Because Harry hates school. He doesn't like it. He doesn't do his homework, he relies on Hermione for answers, he often doesn't pay attention in class, and his O.W.L. results set him up as a solid B-student. He only gets a top grade in one subject, and that's Defense Against the Dark Arts, pretty directly as a consequence of having been forced to practice it freestyle out of class for survival for the last five years. He's an effective instructor in OOTP, but Dumbledore's Army was a select group of heavily motivated children who were also his best friends in the world, all rallying under the imminent threat of fascism, and having worked somewhat as an educator I can say (with great affection for that job) the normal teaching experience is nowhere near as engaging for the instructor or the student. You have to love the material and/or really love working with the students, and I think that while Harry loves teaching his friends, that's a far cry from suggesting he'd like to work with eleven-year-olds for the rest of his life.
I think Hermione could be a teacher, sure. When she retires from the Ministry, I can totally see her taking Minerva's job as Headmistress, and she runs the fuck out of that school. But I think Harry's stint in the Aurors ends with him running off to go do something fun and unserious where he gets to fly a broomstick, like dragonkeeping, or maybe just raising his kids and being a rich famous househusband for Ginny. He's earned it.
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shaymiens · 10 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 10💛
What are your top 3 favourite games they’ve played on smosh games so far?
(or just your top 3 fave smosh games vids in general, if you want 🤗)
hmmMm i think i will show my soft spot for og sg here !
red flags, but specifically years ago when og sg played it as a game bang. for some reason i always associate that game with sg. i remember finding those videos hilarious the first time i watched them, and i ended up buying the game myself!
heroclix - i had to search up the name of this game. it's the marvel board game/dnd-type game that og sg played. i loved the story of this and how triumphant the ending was :>
don't win mario party. mario party itself is a pretty casual/accessible game, but i think when you flip it on its head, it makes it really comfy and fun for anyone to play.
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jbbartram-illu · 2 years
may i ask what kind of turntable you use?? im a cake decorator! i love seeing tools applicable across multiple art forms. keep it up with all your wonderful little guys
It's called a Banding Wheel & got it from my mom (who got it...sometime in the 80s or 90s when she was still doing pottery), so all I know is that it's made of steel & super heavy (weighs almost 20lbs!?) & is a similar idea to this one from Pottery Supply House (but again, more than 5x as heavy & bigger)!
It's definitely the same idea as a cake decorating turntable & I agree that it's neat when tools align across art forms!
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Top 5 songs of this moment that you keep replaying
Fight Test - the Flaming Lips
All That You Are - Bear’s Den
Night’s Falling - Andrew Bird
Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine (I may have bought the guardian of the galaxy vol 3 playlist on vinyl because of the way they used this song. Totally unhinged behavior 😂 but happy to have figured out my turn table situation so I could play it.)
Fought & Lost - Sam Ryder (this was a recent surprise because I didn’t care about the song until Hannah Waddingham did a duet with him like 48 hours ago) 
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