#thanks for tagging me laura!
pocketgalaxies · 6 months
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We want to destroy my mother. (insp by @dadrielle)
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@lostmidnightwriter tagged me in this prompt...
The young man stood gazing upward and waited, increasingly nervous as time went on. The giant, reptilian face seemed somewhat bemused, which was a worrying expression on a dragon.
"You have not come to slay me and save the princess?" the voice boomed.
"No, Your Dragoness, honest!" he called back. "I would like to stay here if I may!"
The dragon did not spread her wings again but crawled partway down the castle wall towards him, curved claws digging painfully into the hewn stone. A large, ruby eye peered down at him. "I am no dragoness, we are all Dragon."
He swallowed. "I meant as in, You Highness."
"Ah!" To his amazement the scaly maw curved into a smile. "That is most appropriate, I am the noblest of beasts." The dragon tilted her head to examine him closer. "Who are you? And why have you no sword or steed?"
"Well," he said uneasily. "The king's already sent six noble knights to free his daughter and I'm the youngest of three over at the nearby mill, so it's only a matter of time before they'll expect me to go and succeed and be married to her."
The dragon nodded approvingly. "Very traditional, one must admit, only I do not intend to be defeated with either bravery or trickery, so you see you have come in vain."
"No!" he pleaded. "I don't want to defeat you, or get married, but I'll never hear the end of it if I don't go, so maybe I could stay here instead?"
"Stay with me?"
"Well, you do have a beautiful isolated castle far away from everyone and a princess for company... That sounds pretty nice." He looked up at her hopefully. "Surely you could use some help around here? I'm no nobleman, I know how to work. I won't be anyone's servant, even to someone as pretty as the princess, but I can help out."
The dragon considered this for a long, thoughtful moment. "She is a very good princess," she said after a while. "Loves flying, sings very beautifully, knows exactly how to scratch behind one's horns."
"She certainly sounds more talented than the average princess, ma'am."
"Why of course, she is my princess, after all," the dragon said proudly. "But I must confess, she is a deplorable cook."
Ah, that explained the recent raids on some of the local farms.
The dragon came down from the castle wall with an elegant leap and sat down before him, her head slanted curiously. Strangely, she looked much less intimidating close up. "Can you cook?"
The miller's son smiled. "Do you and your princess like pasties?"
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moeblob · 10 months
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I am 100% still not over the possible title of
PaP:PoOT. You could have been known as a Pappooter. Or say "I'm Pappooting".
(also I need better refs of Emilio and Laura bc my eye sight is bad and I feel like I messed up the skin tones so please don't get mad at me if they are too light. I just can't see and the refs were impossible to clor pick from)
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ithilien-writes · 11 days
tidbit tuesday
tagged by @inell and @coldbam 💜💜
i came up with a concept that i think i like for this week's summer of buddie prompt but none of it's written yet, so here's a tiny bit from an eddie pov companion fic to not a demon, there's a reason that i've been playing around with:
Eddie clears his throat.
"I know we don't really say this to each other," he says, holding Buck's gaze even though his heart has started to hammer a bit in his chest. "But I- you know that I- you're my best friend, Buck."
Eddie takes a breath. He can say it; it's not a big deal.
"I hope you know how much I- that I... love you."
A flicker of something passes behind Buck's eyes for just a moment before they soften.
"I love you too," he says, and Eddie exhales a shaky breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
Buck's mouth curves up slightly, not quite a smile.
"Maybe we should say that to each other more often," he says, a little ruefully. "I don't think I ever realized we didn't, really."
if you're seeing this and you've got a wip you wanna share, tag you're it! (@playinginthunderstorms kid fic?? no pressure!)
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meiloorunsmoothie · 3 months
how did you first get into Jeremy Jordan
good question—and one i very recently asked myself when the inevitable "how did i become this person" reflection happened 🫣.
i think there were many different factors (most of them not that good) that caused me to dive into obsessive mode so hard (and so quickly)—and it's definitely a "i see it now, but i couldn't back then" kind of situation. however, i'll spare you from those details XD.
the simple story is that, similar to you, i watched tangled the series and instantly fell in love with varian.
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i love him
funnily enough, varian was the reason i started watching the show to begin with (coupled with the fact that i love tangled, and rapunzel, and eugene, and pascal, and max, and- 😆). i actually listened to the tts songs before watching the show 🫣 because my sister had gotten hooked on it years before. however, i only listened to the songs with mandy moore and zachary levi 🫣🫣 (cause i was like "who are these other random people, i want rapunzel and eugene"). then one day i listened to "through it all," in which varian has one line (plus an "eh" which i love now, but couldn't tell was him when i first listened XD)—and i was instantly just like: who's that.
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have i listened to this one line on loop? you bet.
so i started watching the show—and loved varian from episode one—so naturally, i decide to look up the voice actor. it was jeremy....surprise. except...i didn't actually become obsessed right then. if anything, i was a little weirded out that this tiny boy was voiced by a 30-something year old man 😂 (but it's voice acting, so i was just like: wow, he did a great job 🤩...i'm going to go resume loving varian).
okay and then he sang. i knew he was good from his one line in "through it all", but wOW. adfasjkjaskfjd, on repeat forever and ever.
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yes he was
that's not when i became (jeremy) obsessed either XD.
okay...and then a bunch of life stuff/circumstances kind of collided, and let's just say that i was feeling extremely lonely while also struggling with grief. i think there was about a two week period of this before i started actually bouncing back, and i had just reached the end of s1. now tts was doing a good job with bringing much needed happiness in my life, but...s2 had a very noticeable varian-shaped hole in it 😒.
that's when i turned to jeremy jordan youtube. it started off (the first hour) pretty mild—just some of his disney medleys, or the greatest showman video, or just the ones with millions of views—but it very quickly turned into a full out jeremy jordan youtube spiral™️ XD.
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i must put this in your face again
i think in part, i latched on so quickly because jeremy and i are actually very similar people in general. i think at the point of extreme change that i was in at the time, it was just nice to "know" someone who was like me—and it definitely helped that there was easy access to extensive jj content. on a slightly different note, this is absolutely the reasoning behind the fact that if i had a chance to see jeremy live, i would choose one of his concerts over, say, gatsby—i am obsessed with jeremy jordan as jeremy jordan XD (hello akp).
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literally me (i grew up in california by the way XD)
anyways, fast forward ~3 months, and i joined tumblr 😆...and we all know what happened after that. honestly, not a bad decision in my mind (at least so far), despite being very anti-social media my whole life. i've gotten to chat and obsessively geek out with so many great people, and i'm just so grateful for that 💕.
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i've still only watched s1 of supergirl...and many youtube clips
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carcarrot · 1 month
9 people i want to get to know better tagged by @bawnjourno thank you pal!!!!! 💖
last song: my baby must be a magician - the marvelettes
favorite color: purple!!!
currently watching: cheers (new) twin peaks (rewatch) night court (new) and movies every dayyy
sweet/savory/spicy: sweet!! if i don't have a sweet little treat i pass away actually
currently playing: not a gamer but im playing a game called august where i make it through every day of august
current obsession: the latest addition to my assortment of goofy guys, slowly collecting vintage clothing and books, even more slowly working on my film screenplay (and documentary idea. and tv show idea .), very very excited for my upcoming vacation to california for the 3rd time in a row! and if i ever repair the dvd drive on my laptop im gonna start making my own dvds of movies with embedded subtitles that dont already have them on a dvd release bc i cant hear!!!
tagging @footnoteinhistory @bicolumbo @starringvincentprice @mariocki @eddie-rifff @jefffreybeaumont @seaofreverie @jellojellyroll and @crystalblast !! no pressure if you dont wanna!
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lesbianlotties · 3 months
rules: choose 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one most suits your vibe
tagged by @chappelroans i love youuu
tagging: @rebeccamarinwife @dufrau @ongreenergrasses @the-lonelyshepherd and everyone else that wants to do it! say i tagged you!
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lauraisthebestyapper · 2 months
get to know me!!!
thx for the open tag @illarian-rambling
tagging @zipperrants, @hiya-itsamber, @maddies-chronicles and anyone who wants to join lolol
Do you have a pet?
yes!! i have a dog named maggie, she is 6 years old and a west highland terrier :) she still acts like a puppy haha. she is terrified of trucks and the oven. i love her very much ❤️ i also have a cat named penelope. she is 2 and a calico! we rescued her. she has cerebral hypoplasia which basically means she is wobbly lmao. she loves sleeping on my bed and is terrified of my fridge.
Comfort food?
mac n cheese. i am a simple woman. my favorite is panera. i also really like salad.
How many languages do you speak?
my native language is english. i also speak french fluently(i lived in paris for 6 years when i was a kid) and some spanish from when i studied abroad in spain for a bit.
Random fact about yourself..
umm idk 😭 when i was in college, i dated a soundcloud rapper and after we broke up he made an album with my name as the title and it was a bunch of diss tracks. i feel like that says a lot about my experience with men.
Something you're proud of?
i’m super proud of the amount of books i have on my tbr. it’s like 500. like 70 of them are physical.
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serenpedac · 7 months
💐 so much love to you, darling and wonderful friend
you are so incredibly thoughtful, so sweet, so supportive, and such a delight and important part of this lovely fandom
your writing is incredible! i love your discussions and thoughts. thank you for being you and sharing yourself and your time with us
every time i see the stars i think of you! especially the pleiades
Question! for your twc ocs- what piece of media reminds them of their lis (books, letters, movies, music, memes, etc) 💕
hope you’re having an amazing day!
Wonderful person, thank you so much for your message *sobs* I've been rereading this message over the past few days and just want to hug it close to my chest <3
I hope you have an amazing day as well!
This was a great question to think about! I had so much fun figuring out which medium every OC would pick.
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Yael for Nate: The painting 'Rough Sea with Wreckage' by Turner shown above. Although she doesn't know everything about Nate's past, the imagine of the lonely ship out on a rough sea makes her think about what Nate may have been through. It reminds her of the scene in the mirror, how could it not?
There's also the contrast between the light and the darker clouds, and it's unclear whether the ship is sailing into the storm or coming out of it. It makes her feel the tension of the unknown: the things she doesn't know about his past, the uncertainties of their future together. It's more emotion that she gets from this piece than anything articulated in words, but that suits her, I think.
Melike for Morgan: The poem 'i like my body when it is with your' by e. e. cummings. The physicality of the poem reminds them of Morgan, but there's also this sense of.. wonder, that "thrill" of something new that is mentioned at the end. Melike is very self-contained and it comes as a surprise to her how much they have grown to like Morgan's company. I can see her choose this poem because of the physical descriptions, but then get quiet and contemplative when going over it a second time, because of how those first lines suggest a change in her as well. It's about them, even though neither of them is quite sure what "they" are.
Gabi for Farah: The song I already like you by Dessa, because it's such an upbeat song! Gabi loves how Farah throws herself into their relationship, not holding back, she's open and honest and "Let's go!". The entire vibe of the song fits Farah so well, but what Gabi would pick out specifically is the "There's no sure bet // You just ride, ride, ride roulette" because she herself is the type of person who would want to be 100% sure before doing anything, but Farah is showing her that it's not all that bad to go for it.
Also, I can imagine Farah humming this song after picking it up from one of Gabi's playlists.
Laura for Ava: Laura is too cool for me lol! She would answer with a meme or a movie reference, but I don't know enough about either to give a good answer.
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zouisexo · 3 months
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kedsandtubesocks · 4 months
omg what is "uh oh cops" lmao
Lovely Laura hi!!! 💕💖💘 thanks for swinging by to send in an ask!! But also uh - I apologize for what you just unlocked LMAOOO
uh oh cops
oh man this one…very self indulgent and also another 🫣 fic lol
the guy you hit it off with at the bar is so smart and handsome and FUNNY but your time with him gets cut off quick when you have to take your best friend home
Then all those gooey crush emotions go down hill when you have to drop some shit off at your estranged dad’s office at the Laredo police department and look who also works there in narcotics AND under your dad the lieutenant in charge of the division - but mr handsome guy from the bar Javier Peña
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laurapalmerz · 6 months
i find it a rather fascinating phenomenon on here to see people post pictures of laura smoking or doing cocaine or whatever and tag it as an aesthetic or as if that's them to some capacity. i don't have an issue with people who relate to laura and her struggles coping w/ her abuse, however, i draw the line at people downplaying what she's going through. she's a fictional character, yes, and people have called this out before, but genuinely it's bothersome to a certain degree. laura palmer is a victim of incestuous abuse at the hands of her aggressive and controlling father, which is represented in parts through the form of BOB or just leland. in order to cope w/ this abuse, she turns to alcohol, drugs and sex work with older men. there is no place in her mind where she believes she's a good person, that her best friend donna is only going to be corrupted the more they hang out, that the love she feels (or felt) for bobby was never real. she never believed in goodness for herself, only the pain she thought she deserved. it's an never ending downward spiral for her, one that the people of twin peaks actively witnessed, yet never tried to help her out of. her therapist participated in her abuse by having sex w/ her when he was meant to guide her toward a better outlook on herself and life. there were so many signs that pointed toward what was going on in the palmer household, many signs that screamed for help. no one listened. this character was crafted in such a careful way to show the audience just how terrible it is to go through abuse at such a young age, what the trauma does to someone's mental health, and what the extreme's of it can look like. laura's life was valuable, she was deserving of a loving partner, time with her best friend, and general activities that teenagers participate in. laura palmer was deserving of happiness. and yet, her father stole it away from her. so yes, if you can relate to her struggles, more power to you. i wish you well in healing. but using her in your coquette aesthetics demeans laura's character and reduces her to just another fictional girl who smokes, writes in her diary, drinks, has boy troubles, etc. "omg! she's SO me!!!" no she's not. i bet you a dime that those of you who are posting these aesthetics and mood boards haven't even touched a drop of alcohol a day in your lives. go do your homework and take a walk. laura deserves much better than your minimizing. though, this also applies to characters like shelly and audrey (ESPECIALLY audrey). don't think i don't see how y'all just completely wipe the slate on these complex characters and make them into nothing but a pretty face set to lana del ray music.
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chikahoshi · 1 year
Tagged by @nerdinsandals c:
Last song: Woosung’s cover of ILYSB by Lauv, particularly the studio version with the saxophone. c: Recently, I commissioned an artist to draw Miles and Gwen at prom, so whenever I listen to his cover, I think of them slow dancing to this song. 🥹
Currently watching: Well, I just finished Arcane recently…I want to rewatch it again, though, so does that still count? XD
Currently reading: Lots of fanfics, lol. I’m currently following two Miles/Gwen fics, and I’m also currently in the middle of reading a very beloved Killugon fic among the fandom.
Currently obsessing over: Spiderverse, lol. 🙈
Tagging @cultofpokeshipping @meztliel @ficsinhistory @elegantshadow34 @kotorjedi @iwasbored777 (if you want to, of course.^^)
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ithilien-writes · 18 days
Q&A ✨️
Rules: answer and tag people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
Tagged by @playinginthunderstorms 💕
Last song: red rabbits by the shins
Favorite color: pink!
Currently reading: fanfiction about two firefighters falling in love across 1,000 different universes and timelines 🥺🫶
Currently watching: smartypants on dropout.tv - if you don't have a dropout sub you should get one, literally all their shows are great
Last movie: so. i am... not a movie person 😭 literally my friends go out to see a movie every weekend and i go with maybe twice a year lmao. oh! i randomly watched gone girl for the first time the other day! so i think that's the answer actually
Sweet, savory, or spicy?: savory
Relationship status: single (unless anyone wants to take this opportunity to confess they're in love with me... 👀)
Current obsessions: my stupid firefighters show, core keeper (video game that i have [redacted] hours in), and my ongoing dnd campaigns
Tea or coffee?: coffee! black at home or a latte if i'm out
The last thing I googled: "core keeper base" bc i was looking for layout and decorating inspo 🙃
if you're seeing this and you wanna play, tag you're it!!
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roycuntess · 1 year
tagged by @crumbofmoon to list some of my fav things
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tagging @moonyslesbian and @peniscat
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steelycunt · 2 years
i think we should all be so glad that my private chat with laura exists as a safe space for all my most hater-core takes because well if it did not i sometimes fear the blog atmosphere would be less friendly kitchen table and more chimpanzee gang warfare in a zoo enclosure
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