#thanks for making me suffer nonny <3
a-mellowtea · 2 years
In the spirit of Nitpick November, I charge you to nitpick your favorite thing about the show: the music!
Nonny, how could you? I have been betrayed! Bamboozled!
... Okay, but I do actually have a couple I can offer. Much as I love the music in RWBY, it is also on occasion hit-and-miss, but music being subjective by nature means that these are all purely nitpicky quibbles.
In no particular order:
· If Weiss gets one more mirror-related song that reiterates the exact same thing, I might lose what little is left of my sanity. There is very little variation in her lyrical tracks and it's frustrating as hell.
· Please, for the love of god, give your titular character (Ruby) a proper solo song. It's been nine years since "Red Like Roses Pt. II". · I really don't like Lamar Hall's rapping. It was fine and good in "I Burn" and a track like "Celebrate", but more and more it just feels like a jarring, unnecessary thing used to spice up songs that don't need it. · The worst piece of score in Volume 5, and dare I say all of RWBY, is the music under the talk about Semblances in Chapter 4. It's a stock drum beat with a painfully generic pop piano melody overtop, and it reeks of a low-effort last-minute "we need to fill dead air" inclusion. We all know Jeff can do better with his non-lyrical music. · I wish the leitmotifs for the specific Kingdoms had been written at the outset, and not for Volume 4's World of Remnants. This is a "hindsight is 20/20" nitpick, but Mistral's gets some good love in Volumes 5 and 6, we hear Atlas' now and again, but I'm not sure whether we'll hear that thematic material at all for Vacuo/Vale. It's a shame, 'cause they're really lovely melodies unique to each major location (besides Menagerie...). · Volume 8's album is a mess. "The Truth" should not have been its own track, "Awake" being rereleased under the RWBY label is a bizarre choice that was likely only done to add a seventh song, and there was a major missed opportunity in not having "When It Falls" be the album's acoustic track. In fact, there is no acoustic track. · Jumping off that last nitpick, the mix quality of the Volume 8 album is painfully subpar when it comes to the score, nevermind that it was barely edited and I am fairly certain the automation tracks weren't removed. There are some tracks that are more egregious than others, but the example that immediately jumps to mind is 3min 55sec into "The Final Word Pt. II". You can hear the fuzzy compression distortion on the drums. It ain't good. · I wish Erin Reilly had been invited to do the "I May Fall (Acoustic)". She did the original arrangement and vocals years ago. In a Volume with so many guest vocalists, she should have been allowed to sing what was, by all rights, her version of the song. She's not even credited in the digital release. · On that note, I really wish they did more collabs. Volume 7 was a breath of fresh air with the likes of Caleb Hyles, Adrienne Cowan, Dawn M. Bennett, Erin Reilly, Santi C etc. It doesn't have to be to that extent--from what I've heard, getting all that done was a hassle--but one or two per Volume to switch things up would be lovely. · I'm going to wait to hear what it's like, but I'm not really digging the sparse, synth-heavy nature of the back half of Volume 8 and what we've gotten of Volume 9. I do like that type of music, but it's so off the rails of RWBY's until-now orchestral-focused score, it's jarring. The last cue of Volume 8 comes to mind as feeling too synthetic, cold and disconnected. Which was maybe the point? If it was, I certainly don't think it worked.
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dhampling · 8 months
the shepherd, the black sheep gn!reader, 2k
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“Oh, come on now. It’s ok. They’ll come back, or they won’t.’ He sidles over and sits next to you. A toothy grin.  ‘It could be worse. We could be here without each other.” - a plummet into a chasm leaves you and your light-fingered friend stuck. together, you wonder if you'll ever emerge again.
word count: 2,054
as always, a big thank you to the nonnie who sent me the prompt: 'Tav/Reader & Astarion get trapped together somewhere during a mission and have to deal with the isolation and anxiety of waiting to be rescued by their other companions' - i hope i did it justice <3
He rolls his thumb and forefinger as he casts an absent glare into your makeshift fire. Sniffs. Whets his lips.
“Do you think they’ll come back?” He asks into the open space. 
You’re on the other side of the cavern, triple checking for access points you may have missed on your prior patrols.
It’s been a fraught few days but with the rescue of Halsin came much-needed information. A path to the heart of the Absolute. Finally your journey had a destination, and you’d started to gather momentum in knowing you had a set route to travel.
If Astarion’s revelation had only come a little later there’s no doubt your friends would be clamouring to save you both now.
He knows the camp is wary of him, even more so than before. You made clear in no uncertain terms that anyone unhappy with his vampiric presence was welcome to leave the party as soon as they pleased. He heard the rumbles, the whispers. The staunch distaste for your decision and the following questions on your capacity to make them.
The threat of a power vacuum seems only amplified by your current situation.
Lost in a deep cavern following a fall from a hefty chunk of loose rock, just the two of you. The shepherd, the black sheep. Your companions promising to return but with little by way of a plan to do so. 
It was only your decision to cast Feather Fall prior to crossing that you both survived the plummet.
He is simultaneously overwhelmed with gratitude, and furious beyond measure. 
Overwhelmed to the point of nausea. Deep, horrid nausea that seeps into his bones every time he’s conscious of it. A pounding headache, a splitting skull, a million times ‘why’; the way you reach for his hand in the darkest nights and it feels like a balm. Your neck on a platter. You listen to him and it feels as if the gods finally heard his call.
Incensed - pitifully - because he wishes with hindsight that he’d found a means to stop you casting the spell. He’d finally be dead, somewhere Cazador would never find him; and whatever tale the sordid scars on his back told would rot with him. He’d be left in peace in this cool, damp darkness and nothing would be able to mutilate any part of him again, minus the rats that’d very likely feast on his corpse.
How very funny. It almost seemed a shame to deprive himself of experiencing that one while still having a brain. The irony.
There’s peace here, in the drip-drops and the echoes. An ambience of sorts. A spacious tomb for his undead soul to frolic and haunt for all eternity. Maybe he’d set up his tent so he’d have somewhere for his ethereal spirit to lounge, put the bottles and bedrolls out. He did fall with his pack, after all. 
But you’d be dead, too.
He’d suffer the fall twice. Break his own neck, garrotte himself in unholy witness of whichever reaper came for you. Slam onto the floor of the cavern, repeatedly; until whatever remained of his mangled brain could be assured of your own safety and he could finally fucking die.
Having something to die for.
Now that’s a novel concept.
You amble your way back over to him, rubbing your forearm as you search the darkness mindlessly.
“Don’t know. They’re under no obligation to, I suppose.”
“Easy way to do away with us.” Astarion ponders.
“You might just be right.”
You sink to the floor, wrapping your arms around now-crossed legs and exhaling softly.
“Oh, come on now. It’s ok. They’ll come back, or they won’t.’
He sidles over and sits next to you. A toothy grin. 
‘It could be worse. We could be here without each other.”
When he says this, he expects you to flail your arms and chide him for his ill-timed attempt at humour. Tell him that you’d rather be here with anyone else in camp, that you hate the fact you’re so uncertain as to whether they’re coming back for you. Freak out in the way mortals often do. Reveal all those horrid little doubts over your staunch protection of him that he fears are stewing under the skin.
Instead, you meet his eyes and freely give a small smile. 
“Right again. Making a habit of this.”
“I’ll be careful darling. I wouldn’t want to set expectations now, would I?”
He can tell you’re uneasy, but he doesn’t seem to be the cause. Not remotely. If your body is anything to go by then he’s a solace here for you. 
For some reason, that suspicion makes him feel warmer. 
You look over the packs. You’re unsure how long you’ll be down here, or whether you should be preparing for the worst case scenario where food is concerned; but hunger pangs are worming their way through you already and you’re cursing the single coffee you had back at camp.
You’d like to think your new friends wouldn’t leave you here. Obviously far too optimistic a perspective for someone with a mind flayer parasite currently lodged in their head, but without hope you wager you’d very quickly become completely despondent.
In your mind, either possibility is a very real one. 
Astarion tilts his head to the side to make room for your own atop his shoulder.
The gesture surprises you in its intimacy. Not that you’ve noticed in any way aside from the purely observational, but his desire for physical contact seems relegated to that which is utterly necessary and nothing more.
The nights he has touched you have felt so.
This doesn’t feel necessary.
But it’s welcome, nonetheless.
“What can I do, my sweet? How can we make - this - easier.” He poses with a hint of a playful tone.
“I hope you’re not suggesting what I think you are, Astarion.”
He shakes his head and smiles with mirth.
“No, no. Not unless that was a proposition on your part?”
He turns and looks down at you softly.
“Maybe later. I’m just cold.” You speak with little conviction.
No emotion, just absence. He wonders if you’re actually considering letting him warm you through. A service he finds himself surprisingly willing to offer, wanting to even; his brain struggling to consider it a service when he’d derive such genuine pleasure from burying his icy fingers deep into the valleys of your warm flesh, head reverently planting kisses on your heated belly; holding your blazing torso against his. Tarse twitches. 
Astarion hums.
“I could try to make you something, if you like?”
You scoff, a slight smile returning to your cheeks.
“Thank you, but I’ll decline. Tell me when the last time you cooked was again?”
He errs a little, wobbling his head and gesticulating softly.
“Details, darling, details.”
You both sit in silence for a few moments, undoubtedly thinking the same things. Mulling over the choices that led you here. There’s a fondness, though. A lack of regret. What will be, will be. 
“Was there wine in your pack?” You break the silence. 
His head perks up.
“Fancy a lock-in?” He grins cattishly. 
For the first time since your fall, you smile completely uninhibited.
“Gods, I think so. Not much else to be done, is there?”
It’s cosy. 
Inside Astarion’s tent are both bedrolls, plus whatever cushions and blankets you could find within your bags of holding; and copious bottles of wine plucked unceremoniously from the stockpile before heading out.
“I didn’t know if they’d take it as an opportunity to mutiny. Cast me aside, leave me to die. I had to take some of the good stuff with me just in case.” He grins.
“I can’t believe I’m so glad to find out you’ve been stealing from the group’s resources.” You lean back, enjoying the warmth of the fire on your icy flesh.
He scoffs.
“What?! It’s hardly an ongoing pursuit.’
He sips. Lowers his voice.
‘I don’t particularly want to give them more of a reason to stake me.” 
Hearing his resigned tone makes your heart ache a little.
“They’d have to stake me too. I’d move too fast for that, obviously.” You mimic quick gestures with your hands, monk-style. He splutters on his wine. 
“What on earth was that?”
“A demonstration of my battle prowess?”
You chop again with your hands, moving quicker as he folds with laughter.
“The focus in your eyes, darling. It’s remarkable.” He breathes heavily.
“Obviously? I’m ensuring they can’t stake either of us?” 
You commit to the bit, chopping in the space all around you until your companion has tears in his eyes and is gasping for unnecessary breath.
“Thank gods I have a hero like you to protect me, hm? My knight in shining armour.” He practically purrs, wiping the tears and resting on his elbow.
“Just be thankful you’re not the one who has to fight against these hands.” You shake your head and dust them off with exaggerated finesse. 
“I’d feel sorry for the poor bastard who does.”
He likes how absolutely ridiculous you are at this moment. It’s sobering. Two hundred years and he hasn’t seen someone with quite the ability to create a levity like you just brought to the situation.
Your devotion - though used in jest - doesn’t pass him by unnoticed, either.
A beat of silence.
You pour another big goblet of wine and stare into the abyss.
“What if we are just stuck down here?”
He ruminates, running his tongue over his teeth.
“Then we have three options.’
He looks at you.
‘One. We find a way to climb that crag right to the very top.’
You both look up to where he points. Above you, minus some jutting rock, is a chasm as wide as the sky.
‘Two. We repopulate down here somehow and create our very own race of awfully mutilated creatures to fool the gang into thinking it’s someone else they lost down here. We can’t replicate Gale exactly, obviously, but I think they’ll begin to look similar after a couple generations of natural inbreeding.’
You pull a face and shiver. He shrugs.
“Three. We get cosy, and go out happy. There’s nothing we can do from here.”
Astarion lifts his chalice in a moribund toast, gesturing for yours to meet him in the air.
“I’m grateful you’re here.” Your cup clinks against his.
A moment’s silence. 
“I’m grateful it’s you.”
He looks at you once more. 
He could’ve been down here with anyone. Most of them would have staked him immediately. Said the Feather Fall had worn off, that nothing could be done. He’d have been left here, dead, with nobody to remember the only weeks of freedom belonging to him in the last two hundred years of his miserable existence.
But there’s you. There’s always you.
He wonders how you would react. Whether you’d shrug and remain stoic, returning back to the wants of the masses, just another fallen body. Throw some nightshade into the abyss in memory and move on.
Of course you wouldn’t.
“I don’t regret it, you know.” You speak as you sip, still looking up into the cavern’s sky.
“I- Thank you.’
You sit in silence for a few minutes, the drip-drops of the cavern a calm backdrop.
‘Between friends - you’re a little in love with me, aren’t you?”
You swallow a gulp of wine and wobble your head. Gesture lazily into the air around you.
“Not yet, no.”
He moves to object, but is caught mid-breath. 
“We’re doomed anyway. What if I said it? Those three little words?”
You laugh and sip again.
“What the hells. I’d say it back. Hope we live long enough to see it play out.”
Astarion looks at you fondly. There’s a genuine reverence in his eyes, soft and considered; and for the first time you see no barriers. If there’s a future in which the two of you don’t starve to death then he sees you there aside him.
“I love you.”
You bring his palm to your cheek and hold it there for a moment, closing your eyes and nuzzling against it.
“I love you, too.”
He swills the last of his current chalice in his mouth and swallows, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing it reverently.
“Now we drink, and we wait.”
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tartagliad · 2 years
i recently discovered your fics and OMG I GOT OBESESSED WITH YOUR WRITING! it's so good!!! i just loved your angst fics the most! can... can i make a request? if yes, would you do a part two about S/O is seriously injured/about to die? with al'haitham, ayato, thoma and kaveh? 👉👈
..nonnie, you should know that I never grinned so widely DJSJSHJSH- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE AND REQUEST, hope it's to your liking! ´・ᴗ・` (I POSTED THIS BEFORE 12 A.M HELP-)
Seriously Injured (pt. 2)
Summary: you got seriously injured and/or about to die (part 1)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Characters: Alhaitham, Ayato, Thoma, & Kaveh (Candace, Ayaka & Tighnari mentioned)
G/N reader!
Genre: ANGST! >:3
Warnings: blood, major injuries, mentions of death, I still don't know much about Kaveh besides his quarrel with Alhaitham so bear with me T_T, I LOVE MAKING THEM SUFFER I'M SO SORRY-
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At this point, everything felt like it was moving in slow motion
Both of you were adventuring the desert together when both of you got attacked by some ancient mechanics
He never anticipated it in the first place, it wasn't supposed to happened at all!
He ran to you and immediately pick you up, retreating from the mechanics to somewhere far more safe
Both of you arrived at a cave where he then sits you against a rock
"I'll get you treat up and get you somewhere safe, wait a bit.." he says as he takes out the first aid kit that he packed
Slowly and gently he starts dabbing the cotton dipped alcohol onto your wounds
You can't help but hissed at the pain, "..Haitham.. s-stop.." you weakly holding his wrist
He then looked at you, hands slowly started shaking, "but, it'll make you feel better.. let me help you.. it'll be okay.."
..At this point, it sounded like he's reassuring himself than asking your permission to let him treat you
You then let go of his wrist and let him continue
After done disinfecting your wounds with alcohol, he then started to wrap them with a bandage
"..mmh.." he heard the noise that you made, he thought he might've hurt you a bit too much-
Until he sees your eyes slowly closing, it immediately made him stop from whatever he's doing
"Hey, wake up.. don't close your eyes on me.." he gently taps your cheeks, clearly now covered in worry
It only makes it worse when you didn't even say anything.. not even a noise..
"God.. help me.." he muttered to himself, "..not now.."
Picking you up gently, he then rushed to Aaru Village, the only possible place that he could go
Holding you tightly as he ran past the burning temperature and the burning sun, he can't feel anything because your current self is haunting his head COMPLETELY
It felt like he was running for hours although it's only been a few minutes 'till he arrived there
Luckily, some of the villagers sees the two of you and bring you straight to Candace, putting you in a professional care
He was waiting at the dining room, sitting and staring blankly at the wall
Every bit of seconds, he keeps on thinking the time when you got hurt, it wounded him deeply
He didn't know what to do, for the first time in his life, he felt that he's really on the edge of feeling helpless..
Candace walks to him and told him that you'll be fine and that you'll have a rest a bit here..
He thanked her and went to the room you're at..
"..don't mind me.." silently whispers, he gently pulled a chair beside your bed, leaning his head on the empty spot beside you
He's very exhausted, both mind and physically. Looking at your unconscious form makes his heart sank more..
"I'm sorry.. I should've.. been more careful.." Haitham speaks to you and hold your hand gently, stroking it..
He keeps apologizing silently and makes a promise to himself to be more careful of you.. he then fall asleep, mumbling the same words..
"..I'll do better for you.. you'll be safer than before.. I can guarantee that.. I will guarantee that.."
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"Y/N!!" Ayato screamed your name when you got struck by an electro kairagi
Your body fell to the ground, blood gushing out
Seeing you lying like that makes his blood boil, scraping all of his mercy away and murdered the kairagi in a blink
Holding his tears, he walks back to you.. shaking..
"..y/n.. I'm sorry.." he put his hand with just enough pressure on the large wound on your waist, preventing more blood from leaving your body
"..urk.." you squealed a bit, "it's okay, I'm here.." he soothes you, ripping a bit of the fabric from his clothes, wrapping it around the cut
"That should do it.." he whispers to himself. He then lift you up, walks back to the camp (it belonged to the Yashiro Commission since both you and him were out on an investigation)
You leaned to his chest, feeling his warmth. "shh shh, it's okay.. we're almost there.." he gently kisses your forehead. "mmh..-" you suddenly coughed up blood from trying to answer him, stained his clothes
This is exactly what he's SCARED of, "no no.. no.. hold on- they'll help you-" with that, Ayato started to run
"Stay a bit longer.. I beg of you.." he looks at you desperately
You leaned closer to him, you slowly lost some of your colours due to blood lost.
Ayato tries to keep you warm by pulling you closer to him, ..it's also so that.. y'know.. to feel that you're still breathing..
He's finally relieved that he managed to bring you back, the people who guarded the camp immediately take you and Ayato back to the medical team
They started treated you and Ayato have to wait in the other tent
He also got patched up for the cuts that he got from the bandits
As much as the wound stings, his head is foggy with the thought of you'll make it or not.. he's that terrified..
After he's done bandaged up and change his clothes, he moves to your tent...
Seeing most of your body covered up and stitched makes him upset
The medic team told him that you'll needed some time to wake up, maybe in a few days or so..
He couldn't hold his tears as he was now standing beside you, gently putting his forehead against yours.. his tears staining your cheeks as he sobs silently, stroking your hair ever so gently
What did he do wrong to deserve such punishment like this..? Waiting for you to wake up with no assurance when exactly you're going to be up..
"I'm sorry.. please don't leave me.. w-who will I be with.. when you're not.. here..? ..wake up.."
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It all started when you told him that you were going to participate in a war with the Resistance to fight the Shogunate
Despite how much Thoma wanted to abolish the Vision Hunt Decree, he can't put you in that much risk-
This is a WAR that you're talking about, not some regular daily dose of training
You kept reassuring him that it'll be fine and you'll be back soon to him
He eventually agreed and helped you pack your things
The day finally arrived that you're leaving him, "I'll be back, okay?" you smiled at him and he nods, "alright.. be careful" he replied whilst giving you a short kiss
And with that, you're off with the Resistance, seeing your figure slowly getting further and further away already makes him lonely.. "I hope you're okay.." he mumbles, continuing his work
Days passed by, Thoma kept thinking how are you there..
The other servants tend to find him zoning out when he doesn't have any work on hand
He could think of ways what will happened to you, it makes him worry more since he's not there to see you or watch over you with his own eyes
Thoma also tend to not focus when Ayaka speaks to him, it only makes her more concerned about him
"Thoma.." Ayaka called him, "hm..? what is it m'lady?" he looked back at her, Ayaka then gave him a letter that was addressed to him, it was from the Resistance
Ayaka excused herself and leave him alone, knowing that he need some time since he's been worried about you.. and also because she already knows what's in the letter..
He immediately open it, reading the content that was written in it
..It hit him to only realized that it was a bad news, a really bad one
The letter was about you.. injured badly and now unconscious
By the time the letter arrived at the Kamisato Estate, you were already taken care off and they were looking after you
He fall on his knees.. crying that he regrets letting you go there..
Everything feels like a haze to him, he doesn't know if he's done the right thing to let you go there because both of you are helping the other vision holders or feel guilty that he now technically can't see you because the area is forbidden to get through
Thoma lied himself on the bed, hugging your pillow.. trying to find just a touch of comfort from it..
He can't tell what time is it now.. he's been crying and blaming himself for all of this while.. it clearly isn't his at all :(
The letter also told him that they would also inform him about you finally gaining consciousness
The problem is.. the letter hasn't been sent to him for 2 days..
Although the letter wrote that you wouldn't wake up in awhile...
He's slowly drowning in his own head and tears thinking about you.. He can't have a good sleep because nightmares always comes at him..
Come home..
"..where are you..? I'm sorry.. I should've at least be there for you.. I'm supposed to be your shield.. but.. here I am.. doing nothing but praying.."
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(a/n: I haven't made a banner for him yet, so I'll use this gif for now :3)
The two of you ran into the Withering zone when helping him find some inspirations for his next project
Both of you were fighting the mutated monsters that came out from the tumor
"How are you holding over there, bub?" you asked him, he kills some of them, "Doing- ah- alright." he glanced at you for a bit
You were helping on his side until one of those three flowers about to shot him
You widened your eyes, quickly ran to him, "Kaveh! watch out!" you immediately pushed him away letting yourself take the hit for him
He fell down and looked at you, "y/n!" he shouted at you when you fall
Although the effect wasn't instant, both of you are aware that it's SO BAD-
"Kaveh- I'm fine..- urgh-" you said when holding your chest, clearly bleeding
"You're not fine- let's go get you somewhere safer" he then picked you up and ran out from the area
One thing that he knew he could take you is to Tighnari at Gandharva Ville
So that's where he's heading with you now
On the way there, he kept checking on you and asking you what you need
You just said everything is fine, but the effects are slowly spreading through your body
Your body is slowly getting weaker and it's getting hard to catch up with everything around you now
"hey, what's wrong??" Kaveh asked you, clearly getting more worried now
He gently rubbed your shoulder and picked up his pace
You leaned towards his chest more, closing your eyes, the effects started to show on you
"k-keep your eyes opened for a bit more, we're almost there.." he panted, arriving at one of the tree houses where Tighnari was
"what in the world is going on?" Tighnari stands up from his desk, glancing at him
He then explained to Tighnari what happened, and he then started to check up on you
Still panicking, Kaveh sat down outside the tree house where you were in, trying to calm himself down (although he can't-)
Deep in his mind, he kept repeating the moment you took the hit for him
"What kind of person am I letting my partner took a hit for me like that??" he thought at himself, clearly blaming himself as well
He should've realised that he was about to get attacked and at least he could get away from it! but no- you were the one who is more sensitive about the surrounding area than him-
Now what should he do? you're lying in bed unconscious with the effects still in you
His mind's now tormented into pieces.. his feelings are scattered everywhere
He's too emotionally fragile, especially when it comes to you..
It's hard for him to forgive himself after all that has happened
Kaveh doesn't sleeps for days until he sees your eyes have opened again..
If not.. then it'll be something that he'll heavily regret for not being careful with his surroundings..
You're far too precious for him to lose
"..Love.. I'm so sorry.. why didn't you let me do it..? Shouldn't I be the one who's supposed to be protecting.. you..?"
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Can you write an Ettore x Reader where Reader is the one who forces him/herself on Ettore?
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Iɴ Tʜᴇ Dᴀʀᴋ
A/N: Heyyyy!!! Thank you sm! You are my first ever nonnie! 🥰❤️ Welcome Welcome! Hopefully, I did your beautiful idea justice! Also sorry this took me a while to complete. Also sorry this is so long I couldn't stop typing. Also again, sorry, if this isn't exactly what you imagined, i kinda just let my fingers do the work.
And im so sorry this took me so long so hopefully your still here!
TW: unprotected sex, p in v, degradation, name-calling, slight somnophilia, dubcon, hints to SA, hints to drug addiction, hints to child neglect
Word Count: 4.1k
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No one was shocked when your sentence was read. Not even your mother was fazed when she heard the fate that lay before her only child, her baby girl.
Everyone expected it. For a crime as cruel as yours the death penalty was warranted, what people didn't expect was to be delivered news that you would be sent on some sort of space mission instead.
Your mother thought that a worse fate was being sent off to space to die. Not having a body to bury, a grave to clean and to pretend that you had died of anything else. She'd tell her friends it was a car crash, a robbery, cancer. Anything to hide her guilt.
Cause this was all her fault. Had she been the mother you needed and stopped bringing those men into her home....you would never have suffered the way you did. She never forgave herself the first time it happened, you had come downstairs waiting for a snack despite her telling you to stay upstairs no matter what.
You did not know who he was, a man who came often in a black car. All you knew was after he left your mom laid on the couch for hours wasting away. A white powder under her nose. Money was tight, and the offer of 10 minutes in exchange for a free fix was all too tempting to her.
And thats only when it started. It had happened many times after that despite your fight and protest.
And there was only a series of unfortunate events after that. A doctor confirmed your chances of having children were 0, you'd have to settle for alternative options. Kids at school picked and teased you for your dirty closed and matted hair. You weren't the brightest and struggled in every subject except art.
You loved art and enjoyed painting and the freedom that came with it to create whatever you were feeling.
When high school years rolled around you were detached from everyone and everything. You clung to your brushes with stained hands. The teasing never stopped, even the teachers looked at you with a look of disgust.
All but one...Mr Moore...the art teacher. He encouraged your artistic talents. You thought he was sincere, thought his encouragement came from a real and valid place. But it was all for his personal gain...his sick fantasies and tortured mind.
You barely remember when it happened, everything went by so quick. Afterwards, you were so angry you couldn't help yourself. He was the first blood you spilt and painted your canvas with.
You fled and ran off to another town, leaving your mother behind. It was there you realized that maybe you could make a difference, maybe you could get justice not just for yourself but every woman who had gone through the same thing.
It wasn't hard finding men in the area who had gone to jail for assault or worse. And when you did track them down you enjoyed every moment. Blood was a great liquid. And the paintings you'd leave on the wall were masterpieces.
When it was all said and done you had killed 24 men all convicted of assault. Many rallied for you to be released, that you were a hero, not a murderer. But with the killing of 3 officers, the government wouldn't let you go unpunished.
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Your first week on the ship was a headache.
Dibs already didn't like you, unknown to you it was due to your inability to conceive. You hated her, she too was a criminal but yet felt as though her crimes meant less than everyone else's.
You cared for no one else. Spent most of your downtime in the activity room where luckily there were only a few art supplies. Colouring utensils and children's paint set.
You sat on the couch your designated sketchbook in hand as you drew, only ever using the red utensils. You missed how smooth blood was, how bright it shone and how dark it dried.
You heard a soft "hm" from behind but when you looked no one was there. Brushing it off you continued your art session until it was time to sleep.
It wasn't until a month on the ship you noticed him. He was quiet but dangerous. You could not lie and say he didn't bring an odd feeling to your stomach, one you had not felt before.
It wasn't hard to get Dibs to give you information on him, specifically on why he was here. And what you found out had you licking your lips in anticipation.
He was one of them. The men that prey on young vulnerable girls like you once were. The ones that attack them in the dark and give them no chance of fighting back.
And so started the plotting, the watching and the fantasizing. You could tell he felt a need to be in control. He rarely spoke but when he did it was to bark orders at whoever was doing chores with him. He visited the box often, he must miss the touch of a woman...
A plan formed beautifully in your mind. One that had no chance of failure.
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You wiped down the walls despite it looking clean glancing at him every few seconds. He wore no shirt while cleaning the floor and his eyes too found their way to you.
You moved gracefully every inch was calculated. You gave enough of a view to have him wanting to see more. When you finished cleaning the walls you moved to helping him with the floors, close enough so he could smell you and feel the heat radiating from you.
You saw as his head moved closer and all that could go through your mind was a green light. Standing up you walked away giving him a look over your shoulder before turning the corner. You could hear the sounds of his footsteps following after you.
When Ettore turned the corner he saw no one and was visibly confused. He noticed a door ajar the room inside pitch black. Stepping in he closed the door behind him. He could hear your breathing and knew you were inside. Blood rushed within him as he realized he was finally gonna get to feel a woman again after all this time.
But his hopes were crushed as he felt something prick his neck. he reached back grabbing you his hands wrapping around your neck but it was far too late as he felt his limbs weaken and was pulled off to sleep.
When Ettore was slowly pulled out of his slumber he was still weak. His limbs felt heavy, and his eyelids felt taped shut. But there was one distinct feeling, one he knew well and loved.
He could feel someone's hands on his chest, their legs sitting on both sides of his torso, a repeated movement as the person lifted and lowered themselves on him.
He could hear their airy breaths, the panting and soft moans.
When he could finally open his eyes everything was blurry, the person above him a one big fuzz of colour. His eyes were glazed over and despite him feeling no pain anywhere they were filling with tears. Turning this woman above him into a beautiful painting of watercolours.
Is this what all those women he hurt felt like? Did they go through the same motions?
He tried to lift his arms only managing to twitch his fingers.
Did they feel this weak? This powerless?
He heard her laugh, a sinister laugh almost. As if mocking him for even trying to move or fight back.
"You know you like it." She whispered in his ears. the words making him gag. He had to say them himself. He would count how many times he had said that on his hands, but then again he only had two hands.
He managed to move his arms again. They slowly came up to her trying to push her off, to get shove her away. He liked being in control, he didn't enjoy this moment of fragility.
"Just give in. Don't fight it." He could feel the pleasure bubbling in his stomach, he hated it, hated how good it felt, hated how much joy he was getting from this sick act.
...Sick act? Is that what it was now that it was happening to him? A sick act?
He could hear how close you were, he could feel it too. His hips craved to buck up wanting to feel more, to be deeper. He managed to get his hands to move as they lazily rested on your waist. And once again you laughed at him taunting him about how much he was enjoying this. The way you clenched around him. And when you finally did cum he loved the sensations, his own release close after.
But he felt you get off of him. Watched as you moved to the side, a gentle hand touched his cheek.
"Please." It was barely a whisper, all he could muster to say.
"Don't worry. I have to paint a mural first." He wasn't sure why the words invoked fear in him but his body went into panic as he desperately willed himself to move, to scream.
You brought a blade to his stomach and you cut deep enough to gather blood into a bowl. The floor next to him is your canvas as you start your masterpiece.
He tried to crane his head to look but you shifted him back with a giggle.
"No peeking!"
He's not sure how much time was going by or if he was still bleeding. Eventually, he heard you stop moving as you muttered perfect. The door opens and closes, he's alone for a while before you finally come back and lean down next to him.
"What shall we do with you now....to kill you would mean risking getting myself in trouble...to leave you alive and well would mean risking you retaliating...choices choices."
You ran your fingers through his hair before a light bulb went off in your head.
The next hour was the most pain Ettore had ever gone through, and the most devastating moment of his life.
When he was finally found hours by Monte he couldn't help but throw up his lunch.
Ettore is on the floor naked, wings painted on both sides of him, below them the look of feathers falling, his body contoured with his own blood and the words above his head
"He flew too close to the sun."
And lastly...in his hands, he held his own penis.
He would end up telling Dibs he did it to himself, the embarrassment on his face evident. He couldn't admit to what happened to him. Couldnt bear to face the music. He wished for death some days, not being able to feel pleasure anymore had him seething.
But he did nothing, when he looked at you he was oddly terrified.
And every time he met your eyes and saw the smirk on your lips he knew what you were thinking about what happened
In the dark
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A/N: YAY I FINISHED ANOTHER ONE!! So I'm not sure why my brain went in this direction but I actually liked it. Again sorry to the anon if this isn't what you wanted...I humbly apologize.
General Taglist (the only one 🤣🥲) @thought--bubble
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ryuichirou · 3 months
About the RookVil drawing from yesterday, a comic from ko-fi and some other stuff.
Anonymous asked:
Hey sorry if you've answered this before but what drawing program do you use? I've been trying to find if you've been asked that before but the search feature is not the greatest.
No worries, Anon! It’s been a while since I answered that anyway.
I draw in Photoshop CS6 that Katsu helped me to pirate years and years ago. I also have ClipStudio, but I haven’t used it properly yet.
Anonymous asked:
In regards to your latest kofi picture, what accident is this and was Azul the cause of it? Also, is going to punish Idia for this? When Ortho is better, couldn’t he just blast Azul’s and the Tweel’s asses to kingdom come? Sorry for so many questions 😓
To be completely honest, Anon, the story isn’t very concrete and specific. There are some possible elements of what happened in my head, but until/if we come up with a proper scenario, I would like to keep it vague!
Here is what I can say for certain: after being separated from Idia for quite a long time, Azul is going to kind of take care of him, as in “it’s okay, you’ve suffered enough” kind of way; but Idia is smart enough to know that this is just Azul trying to make Idia rely on him again, so he could shut the cage door and trap him once and for all. Azul is also very good at victimblaming, manipulating and gaslighting + has will-power that Idia doesn’t always have, so even if Idia knows that Azul’s kindness isn’t genuine (Azul never forgets those who betray him), he is powerless to change anything at this point. He just wants him and Ortho to be safe, and Ortho wants it too. So even though Ortho technically could blast Azul and the Tweels’ asses, Azul is perfectly aware of this risk, so he uses a different approach on Ortho. After all, Ortho is a smart boy + he and Azul have the same goal: they want Idia to be happy, right? It’s easier to do it while working together instead of fighting!
Anyways, Azul scary and powerful, and at this point in the story he has a lot of useful connections including STYX and probably even Idia’s parents. A lot more strings to manipulate the events in a way that would portray him as a forgiving and loving saint, but still ensure that Idia never leaves him again.
And after this position is secured, then he might start punishing Idia. But in a way that is very subtle to everyone around them, but painfully obvious for Idia.
Anonymous asked:
Man, feral Rook really does just hit different doesn't he? That latest art was just so juicy and savory that it made my mouth water. Just wanna chew on it for a bit like a nice steak.
Thank you so much, Anon! Please feel free to enjoy on it, and enjoy your meal <3
Feral Rook is a delight to draw, I like how unapologetic and animalistic he could be drawn despite being a human.
Anonymous asked:
And this must be part three of their first time together.
I told you I can’t stop imagining their first time lol
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
How quickly do you think Vil became House warden after getting caught by roommates for the (insert number of times previously) time? Rook on the other hand...he looks like he just wants everyone to see Vils beauty. Or maybe this kind of beauty is only saved for him?
Vil is a man of patience: as far as I know, he only became a housewarden during his 3rd year. I have no idea how he managed to survive for two years (including their honeymoon phase!) with roommates… maybe the previous housewarden was kind enough to make these two roommates during their second year??
I’m sure Rook doesn’t mind people looking, but at the same time, he really might express how the beauty that only he gets to see is special… but it would be so greedy of him to not let other people see Vil like this!
Rook is actually quite good at being stealthy, but I guess he doesn’t always want to be…
Anonymous asked:
Ohhh.... but imagine if the ones that walked in on Rook and Vil were Floyd and Epel.
What sort of drama would that be?
Or maybe they'd just see it as an excuse to do whatever they want at that point.
Well… since it’s Rook and Vil’s first year, Floyd and Epel aren’t currently there, but if they were to walk on them now (when RookVil are third years), Vil would probably be rather annoyed or even angry than embarrassed. He’ll just scold and punish both of them lol And then he might ask them about why they were even there, in his dorm, breaking into his room.
Rook wouldn’t care either way, he’d probably heard their steps way before they actually walked in on them...
In terms of the younger ones’ reaction though, I feel like whatever they’re going to see, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise for Floyd – it’s like not even a secret. It would be funny if Epel got surprised though, imagine living by their side for a year and having no idea this is happening?
Anonymous asked:
Do you have a yuu?
Nope! Not really interested in that.
Anonymous asked:
Just want to say that Code Geass was the first and only anime yo make me cry. Lelouch’s death killed me more than it did him.
Very understandable, Anon. Code Geass is really very, very good and has a lot of heart-wrenching moments.
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For the questions: Dorothea and Mathias
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Which one thinks they aren't good enough for the other, if at all?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear in public?
What are their favorite things to do together?
What reminds them of each other?
What do they like best about each other?
What is the wedding like? Who attends?
How do they celebrate holidays?
Do they have any "couple traditions", or family traditions?
Hello Nonnie! welcome welcome!
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5) What would their lives be like if they had never met? I'd say that, had they never met, their lives would have been rather different, and dare I say, rather tragic. Considering how their whole story is based on the fact that Dorothea found herself out of her own time by absolute accident (or was it Fate, mayhaps, bringing her to where she belonged?), had she never met Mathias, she would have followed through with her parents' plan for her. She would have married Mr. Christopher Sterling, an affluent American Templar Master who had taken an interest in her in 1868, bringing forth their children, as was expected of her, and she would have joined the Templars, eventually becoming Grand Master of London and bringing absolute terror to the Assassins until her death by assassination in 1888. Mathias, on the other end, would have continued his life as he had ever since Emmanuelle destroyed his heart: vowing himself completely to the cause of the French Brotherhood, growing more and more disillusioned by everything around him, and eventually finding his demise in 1794 during the Reign of Terror, causing Antoine to go on an absolute rampage and turning even more to the dark side than she was before.
13) Which one thinks they aren't good enough for the other, if at all? Both. Both, for different reasons, believe that they are not good enough for the other. Mathias, due to his disastrous marriage with Emmanuelle, was left with more than just physical scars, and being the introspective man that he was, he didn't want to run the risk of "infecting" Dorothea with the sufference and sadness that he constantly felt; also, his physical disfigurement hindered him from actively pursuing her, terrified as he was that if he were to see the extent of his burn scars on his body, she would be absolutely repulsed and would reject him right away. Dorothea, on her side, thought that she was an absolute inept at romantic matters and not morally good enough for Mathias, especially after spending quite sometimes with him and Antoine and Colette. With them, the flaming passion they had to fight for a better world for everyone, she realized how blind and guillible she had been her whole life, shaped as it was by the Templar's beliefs her father and mother had raised her into. She felt she had been a complete fool that couldn't recognize alone that what her father did was not only wrong but also morally unjust, and that therefore, she as well was absolutely irrecoverable. Once that realization hit her and despite her utmost willingness to critically review her ways, alongside her feelings for Mathias literally roaring within her chest, she reined everyhing in, thinking he would be better off with someone that was never tainted from such ideology. She felt too ashamed to even dare to entertain the idea that he might want her. Thank goodness Colette was there to show them how they were so wrong about it all, and instead how, despite all the tragedies and sadness in their life, they were so similar to one another that they truly were two halves of the same soul, and renouncing this chance at happiness would be their greatest mistake.
11) Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear in public? DOROTHEA. She was EXTREMELY good at playing coy and being a little tease with her husband, and you can bet that Dorothea was the one that more often than not approached Mathias with the excuse of wanting a hug and a kiss, and ended up whispering all sort of suggestive things to his ears and against his neck, just for the satisfaction of seeing Mathias' face turn all red and rendering him a mumbling mess. However, she knew that, come nighttime, Mathias would be the one to render HER a whole mumbling mess under his most intimate caresses.
6) What are their favorite things to do together? Playing music together is definitely one of their favourite activities together. Mathias was an excellent pianist and had an incredible voice, warm and soothing, and he adores sitting down and duet with Dorothea in the evening, singing together or playing the piano while Dorothea accompanies him, either with her voice or her violin. Alternatively, since Mathias had good training in dancing when he was a child, under his adoptive mother's tutelage, he would never say no to a round of waltz, knowing how much she adored dancing around with him. Another favourite things they enjoyed together was riding around the countryside. Mathias was a skilled equestrian, always more at ease around horses than humans, and during their courtship, he taught her how to ride, an activity that she enjoyed immensely, given that her parents never allowed her to do so for fear that she might hurt herself in the process. Dorothea was forever grateful to Mathias for teaching her because whenever she rode around with her horse, she felt truly and properly free, one with the wind.
9) What reminds them of each other? Dorothea was reminded of Mathias whenever her fingers flew over the keyboard of a pianoforte, tickling the ivories in the melodies that were him. She was reminded of him in the tranquillity of a bubbling brooke close to the meadow of their house; in the light of the full moon that lit up the dirt road that lead to the their house in the countryside, in the roaring of the voice of the waves that crashed against the white shore of Normandy, that reminded her so much of Dover; she was always reminded of him in the laughter of their children, that resembled him in so many aspects. Mathias was reminded of Dorothea in the soft, pale light of the sky at dawn, when the sun is not far away from the horizon, ready to break the night and bring forth another cheerful day; the stars that dotted the sky in the middle of the night, so similar to the way her freckles kissed her cheeks; He was reminded of her during the soft falling of the snow, and quiet silence that encompassed the land during winter time; Whenever he saw a flowery meadow in spring, he would think of her, and the time they spent together reading to one another among the wild flowers. He saw her resilience and kind determination in all their children, sweet Léonie in particular.
10) What do they like best about each other? Physically speaking, Dorothea *absolutely* adored Mathias' eyes. They were the most beautiful pair of eyes she had ever seen in all her life, not only for the dark colour and upward shape, but also for the way they were able to convey all Mathias' love for her without him uttering a single word. There was a whole world enclosed behind them, a lot that he left unspoken, and at the beginning of their courtship, she would find herself staring at them without even realizing she was doing so, trying as she could to decypher the mystery behind those long dark lashes. Mathias, instead, loved her smile, so genuine and sweet and welcoming, and loved the way Dorothea's face would light up when smiling for him. There was something so incredibly endearing when she smiled, he would oftentimes resort to silly jokes just for the chance to see that smile and hear her laughter. It brought him absolute comfort and delight in being the reason that she smiled and laughed. Now, in regards to their personality, Dorothea adored Mathias' sensitivity and kindess and generosity, the fact that, despite all the pain and misery he had gone through, he never EVER allowed himself to become a callous man, never allowed himself to give in to anger and contempt and selfishness, remaining instead a caring, honourable and gentle human being. He was his best friend Mathias, instead, was absolutely enthralled by Dorothea's kindness and loving heart, her sharp intellect, and her unwillingness to deceive, even when that would cost her greatly. During their courtship, he found these traits of her personality incredibly endearing and the ones that would prompt him to ask her to be his wife.
3) What is the wedding like? Who attends?
Their wedding was as simple as it could be, in one of the niches in Notre Dame, attended by a Priest after Dorothea converted to Catholicism. The only people presents during their celebration were Antoine and Claude, Colette and Arno and Mathias' best friend Xavier, who had been the one that actually created the occasion for Mathias to declare himself to Dorothea and ask her to marry him. Dorothea, due to the fact that all her family was technically not born, had no one to invite to celebrate with her, but she knew that, in spirit, Byron was always there to support her and her happiness, so for that reason, she kept the compass he had given her inside one of the pockets of her wedding dress (a simple old robe that had belonged to Mathias' adoptive mother).
Unbeknownst to all of them (with the exception of Xavier), their ceremony was also attended by Rodrigo Reyes Moreno, Mathias and Antoine's uncle from their mother side. Xavier informed him that Mathias was to be wedded soon to his ladylove, and quick as his horse allowed, reached them in France, bringing with him a family heirloom that had belonged to his sister Ximena: a ring that was passed down the women from generation to generation in the Reyes Moreno, that was to be worn once married with the promise of a life rich in love and happiness. He entrusted the gift to Xavier, so that he could deliver him to Mathias, knowing that even if Ximena could not wear it for her own wedding (since there was none), at least her son's wife would.
9) How do they celebrate holidays?
In the peace and quietness of their cozy abode, for sure! 😂You see, with Colette and Antoine always looking after their brother and his wife and loving to spend the holidays all together, sometimes Mathias and Dorothea had an hard time to be completely alone during the holidays, even more so after their children were born. So, before becoming parents, they would sometimes try to run away in the countryside to just enjoy each other's presence, since it was the one they loved the most.
13) Do they have any "couple traditions", or family traditions?
Considering how both of them were two absolute nightowls, sometimes, when the moon was full and the weather serene, Dorothea loved to surprise Mathias with a midnight picnic, just for the two of them. She would spread a blanket in the garden that Mathias had planted for Dorothea, and with lit lanterns around them, they would enjoy some of the dishes that Dorothea had cooked for him (thanks to Colette being the best teacher ever <3). The quiet of the night around them, with only the moon kissing them, the stars twinkling for them, the crickets chirping softly, fireflies flying around them as the wind gently blow and danced through the tree branches....it made them feel secure, protected in the bubble that was their love, as if they were the only two people in the entire world.
Another couple tradition they had was connected to reading. They both were two ENORMOUS bookworms, with an impressive collection of books that they had collected throughout the years. But what's special about those books were the old, worn-out bookmarks that they had glued to various pages. Each bookmark had a memory attached - a quote they loved, a tear-stained page due to one of their fights, a shared laughed caused by a sentence. It was a tradition started by Dorothea: she was so terrified that something might happen and bring her back to the XIX Century that she wanted to have those memories collected by those bookmarks, so that everything she had with Mathias was "set in stone" and nothing could ever erase it.
Thank you so much for this ask <3 it took me a little to write it all down, but I had so much fun <3
Truly, it put such a big smile on my face and such happiness to my heart, Nonnie, you have no idea <3
Thank you <3
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Big Announcement Regarding Requests
Hey guys. As I’ve been working more and more on fulfilling regular requests (this is in no way related to the 1k follower celebration drabbles, and I’ll address that further down) I’ve come to the difficult decision that I won’t be opening my requests again after I finish the ones that have piled up in my inbox.
Explanation below the cut if you care as to why:
For starters, let me say this: this doesn’t mean that my inbox will be closed. I’m still around if you wanna scream at me about a thot you had or say something about a fic I wrote or whatever! - I just won’t be taking requests for regular fics.
When I first started this blog I was trying really hard to get more involved with the community and I was THRILLED to have my inbox open to any and all requests that came my way. I had less projects I was working on and a LOT more time to work on fics.
As I gained popularity (which like thank you so much to everyone who is following me you have no idea how much all this means to me) I got so many requests that I had to shut down my requests temporarily. When I shut them down temporarily, my intention was to open them back up again at some point, and I thought it would only take me a month or so to do that.
It’s been almost 3 months that some have been waiting.
I know a lot of you (and oh my god do I appreciate you) are willing to wait ages for me to get my act together, but the amount of stress it gives me is making it less fun. I know it shouldn’t, but it does. I am going to reiterate here - I’M GOING TO FINISH ALL THE REQUESTS I CURRENTLY HAVE IN MY INBOX - (excluding Anonymous requests. I will be removing those just to cut down on the long list I have. I'm sorry, I just need to. This does not include ones I asked for like the 1k drabble requests and the nonnie who requested Nathan Bateman after I specifically asked for NB requests.)
This benefits both of us in the long run
It’s obviously going to help me feel less stressed which is good. But when I’m tied up with requests, you’re missing out on the original ideas I’ve got stashed away for when I have more time to work on them. Less requests means more time to work on those ideas.
I’m a fast writer, we all know this, but I still haven’t figured out how to write two fics at once lol. There are so many ideas that I’ve had to put on the back burner to get through requests and I don’t want us to have to wait even longer.
This doesn’t mean “requests” are done permanently.
One of my favorite things to is set up events where I write drabbles for the community. I’m going to still have events here and there for different milestones (follower celebrations), life events (birthdays, etc), holidays and more!
When those are happening, just check the rules and submit one if you want!
This was tough because I really do enjoy serving the community, but I have to worry about myself too. This is something I do for free and it’s supposed to be fun. If I’m not having fun, and my hobby is causing me stress, then I know I’ll start to suffer from burnout and none of us want that.
Who knows, I might change my mind and re-open them at some point, but as of right now that is not my intention.
Thank you all for understanding ❤️
P.S. If you're a writer with open requests, please feel free to mention it in the comments so readers looking for open request writers can find you!
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itsjaywalkers · 2 months
i love the dark James talk. Personnally i think bc he loves so fiercely he could go to lenghts for the ones he loves. But for him it's still the Good Thing to do even if it means doing something bad. like you said i see him having a very black and white vision of things. except he follows his heart to calibrate his moral compass, not his head, y'know ? anyway i love him and i love the way you write/talk about him
(sorry if my english is bad lmao i'm tired😭)
yeah, i agree nonnie!! i think if someone he loved was in danger or if, for some reason, joining the death eaters could save them or protect them or anything like that, he'd be willing to join. he's loyal to a fault, and would do anything for those he cares about. and i get what u mean about james thinking it's like . the Right thing to do even if what he's doing is objectively bad!! and ur correct!!
and yes, that's the thing. he has a very black-and-white moral compass, but the thing about james is that it's based on what he deems to be right and what he deems to be wrong. and a lot of the time he's correct about the stuff he condemns, bc like i said, i do think he's good at his core!! BUT other times he isn't, or has a hard time understanding that it's not always one thing or the other, sometimes it's a lot more complicated than that, and u can't divide ppl in just two big groups bc a lot of the time we're both good and bad or even something else entirely
i also believe he uses his own . morality scale??? to justify many of the shitty things he does. if he's being mean or an asshole but it's to someone who he thinks isn't worth it/a bad person, then it's fine. he's allowed to be as much of a prick as he wants bc it's Okay. he's excused. he has a good enough reason, you know?? which isn't true (or isn't always true) and even if it were, what gives him the right to decide who deserves to suffer and who doesn't?? and like u said, he's more prone to follow his heart when it comes to changing his mind or . recalibrating his moral compass!!
idk i think that all this could lead to a darker james very easily, depending on the situation or the choices he makes, and that's why i find the concept so interesting!! bc it's there!! there's Potential!!
and thank u very much darling, that's such a lovely compliment . to me . i loveee talking about him and i love writing him <3 my favourite lil guy Always and Forever <333
(and ur english is absolutely perfect, don't even worry!!)
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Hi Steph! First of all, I wanted to say thanks to you because you and your lists and fic recs have been helping me cope with the loss of a close familiar recently, so thank you <3 Second, have you got any recs on fics like 30k+ words that are angsty af but with a happy ending? Especially if in the fic Sherlock and/or John suffer a lot, until they find/save each other. "Turn Left at the Park" by Glenmore is a good example of something like that, and I need more! Haha. Thank you once again! :D <3
Hey Nonny! *HUGS*
I'm so sorry for your loss, and I hope you have been healing well <3 I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, it wasn't intentional, I just thought I'd be making a list out of your ask until I had too many fics for a post LOL.
I LOVE that fic, so I think you'll enjoy the fics on these lists here:
Angst With a Happy Ending
Angst With a Happy Ending Pt. 2
Angst With a Happy Ending Pt. 3
Angst With a Happy Ending Pt. 4
All my fics, as you know, are listed in word-count order, so just scroll down to the word count you want to start at to find what you're looking for <3
If anyone has something else they would like to suggest for Nonny, please do!! <3
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kushami-hime · 3 months
Howww do you fucking nail it and make it hotter and hotter every damn time even with shit I wouldn't expect to like as a picky AF person like WHATTTTT THE ACTUAL SHITTTT! What is this sorcery?! You just know how to push all the right buttons for us all here on snzblr even buttons I didn't know I had and you call yourself a masochist but I'm pretty sure you're a sadist with the way you just dominate us all into absolute submission and reduce us to a melted pile of satisfied horni-brained subs also wtf why was I so into that spit take why was that so hot (that's new for me) and WTF does that say about me lmao new kink unlocked!! And those holdback and stifle attempts are always chefs kiss especiallyyyy when it's the characters with egos, anger issues, or control issues just gahhhhh omfg and you were just doing improv all nonchalantly like no big deal?! Just ahhhhhhh like I selfishly want you to do one more in this state but also like want you to get and feel better lol so please take care of yourself and thanks so much for suffering and blessing us with all the horni goldmines and needed escapism and immaculate vibes and that animal crossing ending statement was the best mic drop everrr lmao you talented mofo!! I LOVE YOU SOOOO FUCKING MUCHHHH YOU WONDERFUL AMAZING FANTASTICALLY AWESOME UNICORN OF A HUMAN!!! <3
TBF a good chunk of it was written up already but with only a day to prep and like 30% was improved on the spot whole recording >:D
ITS THESE REACTIONS THAT I LIVE FOR YALL omg I feel like an evil mastermind whenever people start foaming at the mouth over these wavs (and the spit thing may have awakened something in me as well and I'm the one that recorded it like wtf 😭)
And I WOULD RECORD ANOTHER ONE IF I COULD but sneezing right now is hella painful cause my throat is absolutely shredded and I've been coughing for the past two days so I mean, if one of you just wants a coughing wav I could totally do that lol
But I LOVE PRESSING BUTTONS and bringing out as much horni as possible muahahaha I'm glad ya enjoyed, nonny~ ;P
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matan4il · 1 year
Hi! I've just read your meta (and loved it♥️) and I wanted to ask you your thoughts about it being filmed as an actual series finale
I know some people have been saying (about buck's and Eddie's resolutions) that they feel rushed because they had to wrapped it quickly in case it was the end, but if it were that way, why didn't they just not introduce the plot about Eddie being lonely? Because I feel like, for a series finale, it would have work way way better if they'd show us Eddie being happy and excited about life in general, not tied to some random girl (specially after season 5) And for Buck, is obvious that him picking his own damn couch would have been a more satisfying conclusion to his arc
And I mean, I don't think the writers are stupid, they know what they're doing tying buck's couch to some random love interest. So I don't think (personally) that they approached this ep as a series finale. My guess is that they knew there was a pretty good chance they were gonna get picked up, so they left some threads open on purpose. There were better ways to do that, sure. But I truly cannot conceive the writers thinking 6x18 works as a series finale (what they did in 5x18 works so much better, imo)
And I know Oliver said they didn't know about the move until two hours before the article dropped, but the rumors (and therefore the negotiations) started way earlier, so TPTB could still have been pretty positive they were gonna move to abc, no?
Anyway I just wanted to ask your thoughts about it being conceived as a series finale or no, and about the theories about rewriting and reshooting stuff that have been going around, if you have seen them
I'm sorry about the long rambling!!! But you always have great takes so I wanted to hear your thoughts on this
Thank you so much!!! Have a great day ♥️♥️
Hi Nonnie! First, thank you so much for reading and liking my 618 meta, and for letting me know you did!
Second, I detailed here the three scenarios I see as possible for how the drama around 911 being canceled/moved might have affected the end of s6. I'll tell you honestly, if I were in charge and I thought my show is being canceled, I would wanna go out with a big. Pull no punches back in the show finale, and leave people with a taste of what made the show great. Maybe even try to give a twist that would help the show go down in TV history. Whichever scenario actually took place, that's NOT what they did with this finale. It was lukewarm at best. It had good parts, but even those IMO suffered from how rushed everything felt.
I agree with you wholeheartedly regarding Eddie and Buck's resolutions. For both of them, they deserved something deeper and more meaningful than "resolving" everything by shoving them into yet another random hetero r/s with an underdeveloped LI.
I agree, while I believe Oliver that they didn't know until 2 hours before the finale aired, there is no way they didn't know BTS that there were talks about possibly moving 911 to ABC. The showrunners? For sure knew before the finale aired that this was at the very least a possibility, though when did they find out about the possible move, I have no idea.
I guess that's a part of why I feel clueless regarding which of the 3 scenarios is the one that actually happened: IDK what the timeline BTS was, and the finale itself on the one hand felt very much as if it tried hard to tie everything up neatly, on the other hand, it wasn't going for the epicness that I think a show finale deserves. So I could see it being a poorly conceived show finale, a well conceived (originally) but poorly executed show finale, or a poorly conceived last moment change from a show finale into a season finale to leave some things only seemingly resolved, but actually meant to be re-opened and addressed in the next season... I guess because in whichever scenario I look at, something wasn't done right, I find it hard to tell in which direction exactly did they fuck up. Does that makes sense?
Thank YOU again for the incredibly lovely and kind words! I hope I managed to somehow help. Have a great day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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fiercehildr · 2 years
Hi! I have 3 things if that’s okay!
Firstly, is it bothersome to ask why you stopped any ACOTAR blogging? Was it just to much toxicity? All good either way, still love you <3 I was just wondering. Pls ignore this if you want.
Secondly, what about ghost do you love? I love the art and such you’ve been posting even though I’ve never consumed any of that media lol
Thirdly, not a question but thanks for all the commissions you’ve posted! I love to see them (and I’m trying to read glow! It’s of course quite in demand at the library) k that’s all. Sorry to bother you!
Hi Nonnie! ♥️ Thanks for the ask! Sorry the answer might be long and trigger warnings: Traumatic events (second question)/A quick reference to s**cide (first question)
1- It’s fine, I can answer that no worries 🤗 What happened is that I realized the ACOTAR toxicity made my depression worse and constantly had me in a haze of anger as I could not really ignore everything going in that fandom, not with how deeply I was involved in it.
I was heavily bullied numerous times for liking a different fictional ship and I guess the last straw for me was when I was falsely accused of racism because of a commission of mine- never mind that the one thing they (-the usual suspects and bullies) complained about was the decision of the PoC artist I worked with and who they silenced or that their complaints actually highlighted how they automatically viewed a WoC serving tea as her being a slave.
I think we pretty much all knew that it was never our (the artist and mine) intent or that this drama was started with something else in mind. I even had numerous PoC in my asks and IG inbox telling me it was all good and that they couldn’t understand the issue at all. BUT… I was at a very low moment of my life, my mental health was extremely bad and I did a massive panic attack which was quickly followed by some pretty bad s**cidal thoughts where I almost did something really bad.
That’s when I decided to stop everything and after a 4 months long break from the internet and social medias, I came back but with not much love for ACOTAR anymore. I do not find joy in anything related to this fandom. My maximum is liking pretty arts from artists I like or friends and sometimes making games with the characters in my Insta stories. But I don’t even care about the characters anymore and I even feel a certain dislike for the author, for allowing us all to suffer this shitwar for the sake of her mental health. I know that, PERHAPS, the issue is more complicated than that from her side but I consider that my anger is justified anyway.
Will I come back at some point and rewrite posts and theories about the characters etc? Hopefully, but I’m fine in my little bubble right now. I’ll let the dogs eat their bones.
I hope I answer that first question for you and I’m sorry, I know it’s quite a long answer. 😅 I do love to hear you enjoyed my commissions! Always glad when I know they brought happiness to someone. ♥️
2- As for Ghost, funnily enough, he is not my favorite CoD character. I’d say he’s actually third on that list behind Soap and Price but he’s so aesthetically pleasing and makes for such beautiful art pieces! ♥️ I do appreciate his character though, mostly because I’m appreciative of his inner strenght. Now as you’re not familiar with the lore, to make it short, Ghost had a pretty horrible childhood, tortured by his father who was a notorious trash (like forced to kiss living snakes when he was terrified of them kind of stuff). Sadly, when he was in the army, he was also captured and tortured for month before finding his freedom again. Only to lose his mother, brother, sister-in-law and nephew to an atrocious murder. His past is basically the worst thing you could be imagining and if you’re interested in it, there is actually a comic about it you can find online. Do beware though, it’s pretty graphic.
So what I like is that even with that, he still remains level headed, tactical, and, to some extend, even kind. Seeing him develop a relationship with Soap and open up, even making jokes when he’s seen as this gigantic grumpy man, was actually a nice insight in who he really is! 🤗
Also watching plenty of tiktoks of him and Soap, even before I played the game (and I had never touched a CoD before!) helped me so much during my hard post acotar time.
There you go, I hope my answers was good enough and I do hope you get glow! If you do and read it, don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me! 🤗
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fireladybuckley · 1 year
Ooooh your mum!!! Sorry to butt in but you need a hug and I’m a mum so have one from me - that’s so not ok to say to you. I’m so sorry you have to go through that and from someone whose supposed to be on your side and be there for you makes it more painful.
If you need a cane bloody well use one - why are people like that! We have things to make life easier for a reason , suffering is not noble. Help existís in all forms and should be used whenever needed.
In fact get or take help before it’s needed if you can, before it goes from bad to worse to unbearable
I’m mad on your account - hugging you tight
Hope you don’t mind me chipping in and that the rest of your day improves a little
Thank you, Nonnie. This had me crying by the end. I’m not sure who you could be but I appreciate you so much.
My heart hurts today. My dad is trying to play diplomat and pretend our upset is equal, but it’s fucking not. I didn’t do anything wrong. She made my disability about her, told me my Grandma (who had horrific arthritis and other bone problems from the age of 65 or so) didn’t get her cane until she was 80. I pointed out she didn’t have arthritis in her mid 30s like I do and my mother just lost it, screaming about how much my grandmother suffered and how I can’t compare us (I didn’t, she did….) and just going on about how dare I talk about her and how much she suffered and how she didn’t get a cane until after years and years of pain she couldn’t handle walking anymore, and I said yeah, that’s why I wanted to get one while I was starting to have issues, to hopefully prevent it from getting worse…
(And I’d like to point out for absolute clarity that I did not say ANYTHING about Grandma and her actual suffering, it was horrible what she had to go through. Literally all I responded to was the 37 thing, and she somehow took that as a personal insult against Grandma’s issues, which I’m honestly quite offended by because I was Grandma’s favourite person and she was mine, I would NEVER downplay what she went through…)
To her, canes/mobility aids are endgame. In both that she thinks canes are for old folk going into their end, declining mobility part of life, or for people with very debilitating physical conditions like CP or others like it. I think she was trying to insinuate that I shouldn’t have a cane because I haven’t suffered years and years with excruciating pain yet (debatable), that it should be a last resort and if I actually need one well, I must be REALLY messed up.
And she’s just so saaaaaaad that her girl has soooo many issues and she’s soooo young. She said she was sad I had a cane 2 or 3 times before I pointed out that I’m the one dealing with my problem, and she full on told me “it’s not just about you, it’s about me too, my feelings…”. Like no it fucking isn’t. My decision to get a cane before I could no longer walk (a wise decision on the whole, prevention is best!) has nothing to do with her, and the simple fact that her 37 year old has a cane “makes [her] sad :(“ just feels really shitty because like I’m the same person as always, I just have some trouble walking. Doesn’t mean my life is over or worth less or something.
Anyway I’m feeling really crappy. But thank you so much for this post. You are very sweet and i really appreciate the mom hugs <3
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neurodivenport · 2 years
I’m the anon that sent in the suggestions and seeing most of them be my suggestions makes me so happy. Thank you for capturing Donald’s most iconic moments (so much Donald suffering hehe) and I’m happy I was able to contribute a tiny bit!
LMAOO thank you for sending in the ask!! you helped a lot, cause i remember a lot of things but remembering exactly what episode they occurred in is a problem for me lmao so including episode names helped <3 ily nonny
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
I really liked your Christmas Rhett fic! It was so sweet. 💚
ahhh!!! thank you sweets!! are you the same nonny who sent me the most lovely ask yesterday? <3 I really like writing for Rhett, he has such potential to be such an emotional character and of course I like making him suffer only to bring him up again
thank you so much for reading it and telling me!! <3 if I were to write more of our fave cowboy, what would you most like to see?
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thecloudstan · 1 month
You know what I absolutely loving seeing the most as a Rufus/Cloud shipper since "Rebirth" came out? XD A LOT of people on Twitter talking about the crazy amounts of sexual tension between Rufus and Cloud in the game! And given how niche the pairing is in the fandom, I know that A LOT of those people aren't even Rufus/Cloud shippers, and even the non-shippers can see Rufus wants Cloud BAD!!! Everyone's reactions to their interactions in "Rebirth" is even better than how people reacted during their first fight back in "Remake"! Seriously, all I do is type "Rufus Cloud" on Twitter and go the latest category, and almost every fifth post has someone talking/commenting how sexually charged their Gold Saucer fight is or how badly Rufus wants to get into Cloud's pants. LMAO, I AM LIVING FOR THESE COMMENTS!!! XD XD XD Yeah, it's all fanservice and Rufus/Cloud fans are still a VERY niche part of the fandom, but it honestly makes me so happy to see people talking about them more, and some fans have commented they're starting to get into it. I am FLABBERGASTED - ABSOLUTELY SHOCKED - that Rufus/Cloud are still such a rare pairing in the fandom when everyone agreed back when "Remake" came out that these two idiots have been flirting in what was possibly that the most sexually charged fight IN THE ENTIRE GAME!!! Why these guys are still a rare pairing is beyond me! Does no one else see the juicy potential of the ship?! The super hot flirtation between them?! The snarky banter?!?! THE. SEXUAL. TENSION?!?!? I wake up every single day and thank the FFVII staff for giving us small circle of Rufus/Cloud shippers these humble breadcrumbs. I've seen waiting for YEARS since AC came out for more Rufus/Cloud content, and I ain't getting off this train any time soon. They didn't have to make Rufus *vague wild gestures* LIKE THAT to Cloud nor have Cloud give it back just as hard, BUT THEY DID, and I am so grateful for it. I cannot wait until Part 3 comes out and keeping my fingers crossed we'll see even more of Rufus/Cloud interactions. <3
Totally agree, nonnie, it makes me so happy to stumble on thirst for this ship out in the wild! Ofc, I’ve made a happy home here on tumblr with fellow rucloud lovers, but typically when I shift away from this space there’s almost no excitement or representation. Or at least that’s how it felt until recent years! I think that Cloud just suffers from being such a legacy character that there are very ingrained, ubiquitous ships that can suck the air out of the room if you’re interested in something else. It’s not unique to him or FF at all, just kind of a byproduct. I think with more exposure, the rivalry and chemistry between these two will be more and more undeniable! I can already see such a vast difference between now and 2019 with regard to quantity of content (and excitement over it), so imagine what it will be like after part 3 is in our hands! There’s so much left to do with Rufus’ story in the Remake series, and still some iconic moments when these two are together again (the Northern Crater might break me). I’m really pleased with what we’ve been given!
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