#thanks for giving me an excuse to gush over this crescent freak :)
go-go-devil · 2 years
tell me about your hylics guy, wayne
First Impression: Already loved his design, but I remember being a bit unsettled by him at first, largely due to Hylics 1's pretty gruesome death animation
Impression Now: Freakin' goofball anarchist who steals dynamite and riches from the elite and loves his friends as much as he loves prog/noise rock. Love this moon man! 🌙 🎸🌯
Favorite Moment: The progression of the "You accidentally crushed it..." joke in the first game. Don't wanna spoil it for you, but someone on this site once compared it to the "Despite everything, it's still you" moment in Undertale and I really can't help but agree XD
Idea for a story: I've still got several ideas for stories about Wayne, mostly regarding his relationships with the other characters in the game. I've started to draft a fic rn that I want to keep a surprise, but another story I would like to tell is how he met up with Old Wayne (as I personally see them as two separate characters instead of H1 Wayne's evolution) and his relationship with his clone siblings from H2
Unpopular opinion: Good question. There's so little characterization for everyone in Hylics that the fandom rarely ever gets mad at headcanons for these characters
I will say that a few hc's I have for him that I don't think many others agree w/ me on is that Wayne doesn't share a hivemind with his siblings & Old Wayne (and actually has trouble relating to them) and that he doesn't smoke tobacco. The latter I see a lot in artwork of him despite cigarettes never showing up in the game, which is cool and all but I just don't see him as a smoker personally. I think Dedusmuln should be the one smoking heavily while having to record all of their archeological exploits lol
Favorite relationship: Wayne is 100% in a queerplatonic polycule with Somsnosa, Dedusmuln, and Pongorma! I hc them all as aspec, with Wayne in particular being aroace, and honestly after everything they've been through they deserve each other 💛❤️💙💚
On a darker side of the moon man, I also do enjoy the hints we get to his past relationship with Gibby. Obviously it must have been terrible for Wayne to want to kill him so badly, but it's the fact that Gibby himself doesn't seem to want to give up on Wayne that fascinates me. I could go further into this, but that would be giving away too many spoilers for both games' endings
Favorite headcanon: Probably that Moonage Lobotomy was originally formed by him and Somsnosa not long after he first "fell" to Earth. I like to imagine he found his first guitar in a garbage can and the pair started out making the shittiest self-produced rock music you could ever imagine. It helped them form such a tight bond with one another, and served as a decent distraction from the lunacy the world was trapped under...
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drpepperwithcream · 5 years
Kwami Buster happened a while ago...
And this happened after it because I say so :)
Adrien is gushing to Plagg about how awesome Marinette was.
“It was only a matter of time before she got a miraculous! She was the perfect one for the job!”
Plagg is getting physically sick at his gushing and he’s also in physical pain that he’s gushing over Marinette and she’s also Ladybug, and that Adrien nearly figured it out, but he had to make sure his owner knows the rules.
His brain also hurt trying to figure out how the flipping heck she pulled it off.
“Marinette, Marinette, Marinette, why don’t you go tell her how awesome she is instead of me?” Plagg says sarcastically before stuffing his face full of cheese.
“Plagg that’s a great idea!”
Plagg sighs for a solid ten seconds.
Marinette doesn’t feel the effects of using all the Miraculouses until a few hours later after she returns them.
It starts with her losing focus and forgetting what she’s doing.
Then a headache, her movement speed slows, she becomes drowsy, and a bit lightheaded.
She finally stands up from her chair to get some ibuprofen or something else.
Marinette takes a couple steps then she collapses to the floor
Tikki is freaking out.
“Tikki, I don’t feel so good...”
“I was worried that this would happen. Do you want me to get Master Fu? Or somehow get your parents?”
“No... just... stay for a bit okay...”
Tikki grabs a pillow for her. “Try to stay awake Marinette. I-I don’t know what I’d do without you...”
Tikki is feeling guilty and is starting to cry.
Marinette tiredly brings a finger to wipe her tears.
“This isn’t your fault, Tikki...” Marinette brings her kwami closer and kisses her forehead. “I’ll be fine in a bit. You’ll see...”
After about an hour of laying on the floor, Marinette gets enough strength back to go downstairs, make herself some tea, and go to her balcony.
She tells her parents she’s not feeling well, and they tell her they’ll keep her dinner in the fridge if she gets hungry.
Marinette feels a bit better in the fresh air... but that only lasts for a few minutes and her hand starts shaking as she’s trying to drink her tea.
She gets dizzy and she sets her cup down and leans back in her chair.
Tikki gets worried again, but Marinette tells her it’s okay, words slurring.
Tikki is helping her finish her tea by holding the cup for her which also keeps her awake.
Nighttime eventually comes and Marinette is just staring up at the stars and the moon. She can see her kwami in her peripheral vision.
They’re talking about constellations and how the moon is cool as a crescent shape, Marinette’s voice ranging from understandable to intangible. Her vision is also blurring.
Tikki is about ready to fly to Master Fu about Marinette, but she wanted her to stay with her.
Marinette eventually passes out. Tikki finds out she’s asleep, but she’s worried about if she’ll wake up.
Then Tikki spots a familiar feline hopping the roofs of Paris, coming straight here.
She hides behind one of the plants and the one and only Chat Noir lands on the railing.
He starts to call her name but then sees that she’s asleep. So asleep that he didn’t wake her.
Chat Noir simply smiles at the sight.
Then she starts shaking and his smile fades.
He opens the roof hatch then picks up Marinette, she was cold from the chilly night air.
Chat brings Marinette in her room and tucks her in her bed, making sure to cover her with an extra blanket.
He goes down to Mari’s desk and grabs and paper and pen and writes a note for her.
Chat puts it on her corkboard by her bed then admires Marinette who is peacefully sleeping.
And low-key wants to cuddle her again.
(According to production code, Kwami Buster comes after Startrain, do what you want with that information)
His face is full of happiness and he’s so proud of her, she’s amazing, and he wished he could tell her that now as Chat but she’s tired.
Chat Noir leaves and Tikki cuddles Marinette.
The next day, Marinette does feel a bit better, but she is still drained.
Her mom checks on her and sees she doesn’t feel well and let’s her stay home.
Marinette sees there’s a note on her cork board and grabs it.
Hey Multimouse, I wanted to tell you that I thought you did an amazing job fighting that akuma. Hopefully, you’ll tell me all about how you did it when you’re not asleep. And don’t feel too bad about the miraculous, I’ll talk to the Lady. Technically, Hawkmoth doesn’t know you’re Multimouse, so you’ll probably get the miraculous again when we need you. Hopefully, it’s soon because I would love to work with you again. Get some rest, you deserve it :) — Chat Noir
The note warms her heart. She reads it again before tucking the note in her diary box.
Tikki tells her that she fell asleep on her balcony and that he tucked her in.
Marinette’s heart warms even more. He’s getting croissants next time he stops by.
Adrien is upset that Marinette isn’t at school, he wanted to tease her somehow
Alya told their teacher that Marinette was sick when she took role.
He felt bad. He hopes the miraculous and fighting wasn’t the reason she’s sick.
He then came up with an idea.
Adrien made Marinette a get well soon card.
He went around class asking everyone to sign it.
Lila comes over and she’s like “What’s going on here?”
“We’re signing a get well soon card for Marinette.”
While Lila lies about how she used to have some sort of serious illness, Adrien yeets out of there. He has all of his other classmates’ signatures.
Adrien then looks at the card and thinks Marinette deserves more.
He goes over to Alya and asks her what kind of flowers Marinette likes so he can get her some.
“She likes any flower, but don’t get her (insert random flower here) she’s allergic to those.”
After lunch, Lila comes up to Adrien while he’s looking up flower shops on his iPad and in her arms she’s holding a bunch of (insert flowers Marinette is allergic to here)
“Adrien, I heard you were getting Marinette some flowers so the class and I pitched in and we got her these.”
Adrien’s nope alarm goes off
“That’s... very sweet of you Lila, but Marinette is-“
She also pulls out a closed envelope “I also got her a card too! I know you’re busy with photo shoots after school, so I can deliver all of this to Marinette.”
The nope alarm goes all the way to a funny umbrellas calm kangaroos no!
Lila tries to reach for the card he made.
Plagg hates Lila. So he presses a button on Adrien’s phone and it buzzes.
Adrien takes the chance to get the flip-flop out of there. Making sure to grab the card he made.
“Yeah, I definitely do not like that girl, just be sure that when you give the baker girl her flowers and card you get something for me.”
“Thanks, Plagg.”
During class, Plagg sneaks out of Adrien’s bag to the lockers and finds Lila’s locker.
As much as he wants to use his cataclysm, he doesn’t want to destroy Paris.
So instead he accidentally dumps milk from the cafeteria all over her locker.
And tried to practice his juggling skills with three eggs but he accidentally dropped them in her locker, whoops.
And the flowers that she got somehow lost all their petals, he doesn’t know how that happened.
And the card she made in the envelope is torn up and thrown away, he didn’t see a thing so don’t ask him.
Plagg’s doing it because he wants to make sure that this brat doesn’t hurt the baker girl while Adrien runs all over town trying to find the perfect flowers for his “just a friend”
But he’s mostly doing it for fun!
Before he could draw the poop emoji on her locker in permanent marker, the bell rang and Plagg groaned in annoyance.
Plagg sneaks back into Adrien’s bag, just as he bolts out of school to avoid his bodyguard so he can get flowers.
Adrien goes to a nice flower shop, and spends a half-hour picking out an assorted bouquet of pink flowers, double-checking Marinette won’t be allergic to any of them, then goes straight to Marinette’s.
Good thing he can hide behind the flowers while he sneaks by his bodyguard to go to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.
Adrien greeted Mr. Dupain and Mrs. Cheng, he tells them he brought Marinette a get well soon card signed by the class and some flowers.
Mrs. Cheng offers to go up with him to check on Marinette.
Adrien smiles at the banter Marinette’s parents have before her mother takes him upstairs. He’s glad she has a good family. Her parents are his favorite and they are his OTP as well.
Sabine calls for Marinette as she finds a vase. She tells Adrien to check on her.
Adrien goes upstairs and finds Marinette watching the Ladybug and Chat Noir movie on her computer. She’s sitting on the floor all wrapped up in blankets.
She squeaked. He thought it was cute.
“A-Adrien? What are you doing here?”
“I heard you were sick, so I wanted to bring you a card signed by the class, and I also got you some flowers.”
Marinette blushed. “You got me flowers?”
He sat down next to her as he gave her the card and bouquet.
“Adrien, you’re beautiful! I mean, they’re beautiful! Thank you!” She smiled and hugged him. “You didn’t have to do this.”
Adrien was surprised but he hugged her back. “You’re welcome, Marinette. You deserve it.”
His phone rings and it interrupts their hug.
Marinette can see the frown on his face. “Do you need to go?”
“Yeah, sorry. It’s my father, I need to get home before he freaks out.”
“Adrien,” Marinette grabs his arm as he gets up to pull him back down. Marinette is flustered for a second, then she kisses his cheek. “Thank you.”
Adrien smiles at her. “You’re welcome. Hopefully, I’ll see you tomorrow at school. Get better soon.”
They say bye to each other.
Marinette is a blushing mess after he leaves.
Adrien’s smile gets bigger as he walks down the steps.
Marinette’s parents offer him some pastries as a thank you.
Adrien hurries back to his bodyguard so he can get taken home.
And for the next hour or two, Adrien’s hand is touching his cheek where Marinette kissed him.
“You know,” Plagg starts as he eats a pastry. “You don’t need an excuse if you want to visit the baker girl. If you like her, you should visit her more often.”
“You’re just saying that so you can get more cheese-filled croissants.”
“That may be true, but then how come you started blushing when I mentioned her.”
Adrien blushes harder.
“You didn’t say that you didn’t like her, either.”
Bright red Agreste. “SHUT UP, PLAGG!”
Plagg continues to tease Adrien because he feels like it and will bring it up every now and then because he thinks it’s funny when Adrien gets flustered.
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