#thanks for being so sweet and talking to me
hyunebunx · 2 days
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 ⏖ ’ when you aren't dating but aren't just friends either (hyung line)
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⁺ 𖹭 . genre: fluff, a little bit of angst and suggestive themes!!
⁺ 𖹭 . warnings: some are talking about sex, alcohol and being intoxicated (not the boys). i think that's all idk. anyways!! if you're under 16 pls don't read this.
⁺ 𖹭 . a/n: 2022 deni kinda ate with these ngl, so of course i had to rewrite it <3 these used to be my favorite hcs i ever wrote, so i truly hope you enjoy <3. happy channie day!!
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𝜗୧ chan 𝜗୧
With Christopher here, things are complicated because he avoids labeling what you guys have like the plague. His work always comes first so that makes him shy away from commitment.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you. He does, a lot, and that kind of scares him, especially when he randomly starts feeling possessive over you when he knows he has no right to.
No matter how much he tries to deny it, the feelings are there and he’s always reminded of them when he catches himself treating you so much different from the other girls in his life.
You were humming in your seat, head bopping from side to side to the rhythm of the tunes on the radio. A happy bubblegum pop song, one that didn’t fail to lift your already high spirits and put you into the right mood for the long trip ahead.
“You look happy.”
Your head snaps in his direction, a big smile stretching across your face as his melodious laugh fills your ears. Chan wasn’t looking at you, giving all of his attention to the road as he drove behind Minho’s car yet his words made you giddier, just happy to be here in his presence.
“I am!” You nod, still swaying in your seat. “Thank you for taking me along, I haven’t been to the beach in ages.”
Chan hums with a smile before reaching down and gently grabbing your hand, eyes still focused on the road as he raises it to his to plant multiple, gentle kisses on your skin.
“Of course, baby.” He says, giving a final kiss to your knuckles before resting your hands next to the gear stick. “I wouldn’t even have gone on this trip without you.”
The sweet gesture along with his words made your heart skip several beats, fooling your mind into believing he actually felt the same, the scene making you resemble an actual couple. Everybody was convinced you were already dating, since affection and those small touches came so naturally in your relationship, with no awkwardness or second guessing. You and Chan have fallen into this domestic routine where you do almost everything together despite not even being together. Yet, you loved being this close to him, glued at the hip and so enamored with one another but sometimes, you wished things were clearer, to actually know what you were and weren’t. How he viewed and felt about this relationship of yours.
“Something on your mind?”
Blinking your worries away, your heart swelled in your chest when you felt him squeeze your hand lightly, a sign of the silent support and care he never shied away from providing.
Shaking your head, the smile on your face returns, albeit a bit forced. “I was just thinking about how much you must enjoy my company, that’s all.”
That got a laugh out of him, grinning from ear to ear as he continued to drive with one hand, honey orbs briefly meeting yours in the rearview mirror.
“Is that so? You really think that, huh?”
You nod, intertwining your fingers while keeping your eyes straight ahead, softly caressing his hand. “Of course. What kind of person would miss going on a long-awaited trip with his best friends just for lil’ old me?”
Then, you turn to face him, mustering enough courage to appear confident and charming with your next words.
“You must really like me, huh, Christopher?”
His hold on you tightened, almost as if he was afraid you were going to disappear if he let go. You saw him nod his head and when the car came to a stop at a red light soon after, he finally took his eyes off the road to face you fully. His gaze was soft as he watched you like you held the sun in your bare hands and for the first time, Chan hesitated for a brief moment before he leaned over the console to press his lips against yours.
The kiss was so unexpected that you gasped at the contact, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue past your lips and deepen your dance, change it all together, except he didn’t. He didn’t take things further, hand still holding yours as your lips did all the talking, moving against you in such a soft and tender way it almost brought you to tears, never experiencing such meaningful intimacy with him before.
When he pulled away, his eyes were still serious but slightly blown by your previous actions. In any other circumstances, you’d say it was lust but right now it felt like something more, an emotion that only grew and blossomed the more time you spent together. Something appropriate for your deep connection, beyond carnal desires and sighs of ecstasy.  
“I really, really do like you, Y/n. Please never forget that.”
𝜗୧ minho 𝜗୧
The jealousy is strong with this one. I mean, that’s to be expected when your relationship status is so vague and ambiguous that you guys never talk about it.
However, he’s the softest when he’s with you. It’s like all of his worries and anxieties disappear when you’re by his side.
Secretly a romantic.
“Who is she?”
Minho looks up from his place on the floor at the sound of your voice, one eyebrow rising as a sign for you to go on while he continues to stretch. When you don’t, he lets a small sigh escape him before taking matters into his own hands.
“Who is she?” you try again, arms crossed over your chest while a frown forms across your features. “The girl that was just here. The one you were happily laughing along with.”
Oh, that girl. Minho tries to hide his smirk once he hears what you have to say, being able to sense your jealousy without even having to spare you another glance. Truth be told, he knew exactly who you were talking about from the moment you opened your mouth yet, the part of him that wanted to see you get all worked up took over and made him play dumb.
Quickly composing himself before you notice, he shrugs. “Just some girl.”
He could feel you getting annoyed by now, his nonchalance and dismissal almost making your blood boil. “Lee Minho – “
“Why do you care?”
His voice is lower, usual doe and gentle stare narrowing slightly as he looks you dead in the eyes. Abandoning his stretching, Minho then stands up and takes a stance similar to yours, towering over you. He was so close, you could feel his hot breath on your face, his scent and him as a whole not only invading all of your senses but also your personal space. Not that you minded, you never did or ever will.
Not backing down, you took a step forward as well, closing in on him while maintaining eye contact. Eye contact always made Minho weak in the knees so you never wasted any opportunity of making him a little hot under the collar. Just as expected, Minho’s body reacts almost immediately, big hands settling on your hips before pulling you flush against him. The intimacy and gentleness of the action have your initial anger vanishing, the only thing on your mind now being him and him alone.
Deciding to play along, your arms naturally gravitate around his shoulders. “Am I not allowed to care about the type of people you surround yourself with, darling?” You smile yet he sees right through you, your words filled with sarcasm and something else Minho can’t quite put his finger on. Despite your affection, this was still bothering you.
But Minho doesn’t comment on it. “Like I said, she isn’t anyone important. You shouldn’t worry your pretty little head about her.” He breaths out, wet lips hovering over yours as he speaks. And before you know it, he’s kissing you, lips coming together in a passionate kiss only Minho himself can provide.
But even as you stand there, pinned to the cold mirror while he gently nips and sucks at your neck, you can’t help but worry about it all. You weren’t his girlfriend so you were fully aware that you had no right to question him about who he was or wasn’t hanging out with. But the fact that he wasn’t willing to tell you, to reassure you like he always did made your heart ache in your chest most painfully.
𝜗୧ changbin 𝜗୧
Thinks he’s being oh so subtle about what you two have going on. Newsflash, all of the boys already know there’s more than meets the eye between you.
Very protective but not in an overbearing way.
Actually really likes you but isn’t sure if you feel the same so he doesn’t act on those feelings.
Changbin was watching you from afar, a smile playing on his lips at the sight of you animatedly talking to some classmates. You haven’t noticed him yet and his heart was almost jumping out of his chest waiting for you to do so, trying to play it cool as he leaned against his car with his arms crossed. He might’ve looked calm and composed on the outside but on the inside, he was freaking out.
You two haven’t seen each other in a bit because of his busy schedule and now that he’s got some free time, one of the first things on his bucket list was to surprise you by dropping by to your school. Changbin had a whole afternoon planned out just for the two of you, one that involved all of your favorite activities and food. A part of him was really confused by his own behavior, especially since you never had ‘the talk’ regarding your relationship but he just couldn’t help it. The urge to spoil and shower you with gifts and his undivided attention was stronger than his doubts were, as usual.
He never realized he was a romantic until he met you, and fell head over heels for your charming personality.
Breaking away from your group of friends, your eyes finally met his and immediately widened at the sight of him, just like his smile does. Your face lit up like a Christmas tree and next thing Changbin knew, you broke into a sprint in his direction, your obvious excitement making the man laugh loudly in delight. You looked so adorable running to him like that, he couldn’t wait to get you in his arms and never let go.
You were almost there when suddenly some dude decided to stop you right in your tracks, blocking your path to get your undivided attention. You were visibly taken aback as you came to an abrupt stop, your face falling as the person started talking. This made Changbin’s mood do a whole 180, wasting no time in starting to make his way over, keen on giving this dude a piece of his mind. Your smile returned as he approached, looking at him over the man’s shoulder as everything he was saying was completely lost on you, Changbin’s magnetic field pulling you in without fail.
“Sorry, uhh…” You paused, trying to recall his name before shaking your head. “My boyfriend is here so I really have to go.”
At the mention of the word ‘boyfriend’, the guy turned around to face Changbin so fast, it had him wondering how he didn’t get whiplash. Looking at him, Binnie glared as he tried to look as intimating as possible while the butterflies in his stomach were currently causing a riot over you calling him ‘your boyfriend’. Which wasn’t a hard task since he already looked as intimating as they come because of his well-built body, his mere presence causing the other man to hunch slightly.
“Okay, I-I will call you later then, Y/n.”
Changbin raised a single eyebrow, crossing his arms once again. “Me, Y/n's boyfriend, wouldn’t like that, so don’t you even dare.” He glared menacingly, almost like daring the guy to protest in some way. “Now, scram.”
That’s all the warnings the guy needed to flee, leaving without as much of a goodbye while Changbin followed him with his eyes until he was out of sight. Your sweet giggles reached his ears, melting those sharp edges before he felt you throw yourself into his arms, your own going around his neck to pull him even closer. And just like that, the butterflies were back and making him feel like a high schooler around his first ever crush. He returned the hug in an instant, strong arms wrapping around your waist before picking you up and spinning you around, the sound of your delight getting rid of all of his annoyance and stress, the best cure ever invented.
“Hello, boyfriend.” You placed several pecks on his lips when the world stopped spinning, lightly kicking your feet that were still off the ground. “I missed you.”
He wasn’t your boyfriend yet, but after today, maybe he could finally be. 
𝜗୧ hyunjin 𝜗୧
The one that’s truly wrapped around your finger even if he would never admit it out loud. He’s bewitched, mesmerized by every little thing you do and say, his eyes full of adoration as he follows your every movement, almost like a puppy.
Randomly goes: “you can sit here” and here ends up being between his legs in a room full of 7 other men.
Can never take his eyes off of you.
Everyone’s laughter was bouncing off the walls as another dare was swung around, one that had someone pull out their phone and booty call a random number while trying but failing miserably to sound sober. Speaking off, everything seemed to be funny for your intoxicated friends at this hour. From knocking over each other’s drinks to randomly kissing, they were having the time of their lives and that brought the biggest smile to your lips.
“Hyunjin.” One of your girlfriends began, getting both yours and the man that was currently sitting behind you on the floor’s attention. She had a mischievous glint in her glassy eyes, one that had you a bit worried.
“What’s your type?” she finally asked before taking another sip of her drink, smirk growing bigger by the second as she fluttered her eyelashes innocently, twirling a piece of her hair around a manicured finger. “Like I’m sure you don’t just fuck randos, they all have to fit some type of criteria, don’t they?”
“What gets Hwang Hyunjin hard?” Another one chimed in, scooting closer in interest.
And there it was. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as all the girls started giggling, clearly very amused and intrigued by the whole situation. Granted they were drunk but since you weren’t, it was a bit harder to hide your annoyance. You and Hyunjin weren’t a couple, heck you didn’t even know what you were but he was latched onto you from behind while you sat in between his legs, strong arms hugging you to his chest. Did they have to ask something like this while you were right here?
Soon, almost all of your friends seemed to be interested in his answer, especially since Hyunjin was known for his notorious reputation with both girls and boys around campus. You finally felt him react when Changbin, who was an even louder drunk, pointed out the look on your face and got everyone staring at you two. His arms tightened slightly around you, pulling your body even closer like he was trying to merge souls while his head came to rest on your shoulder in such a way that prevented the others from seeing his lips moving.
“What do you think, baby?” He whispered, hot breath making goosebumps appear all over your skin and awakening something in you. All his attention was on you now, ignoring everything and everyone around him like he wasn’t just asked a question. As expected, their interest wasn’t piqued for long since Hyunjin didn’t react nor answer, talking among themselves once again, with some hollering and wolf whistling when they noticed him gently moving your hair out of the way to start planting wet, open-mouthed kisses on the side of your throat.
Your breath picked up at that, one of your hands moving to rest over his and intertwining your fingers while his free one sneaked under your shirt to caress the bare skin.
With one last kiss on the back of your neck, Hyunjin spoke again, his next words making your head spin and almost whimper. “Should I start telling them about how sweet your voice sounds while moaning my name? To list all of those things you do that drive me insane daily or should I just let this be our little secret?”
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hey girly may i please request rafe and bitchy!kook!reader who see each other at a party after a breakup, and they can’t help but sneak off together? some arguing and hot make up sex pleaseeee. thank you!
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warnings: ex!bf!rafe, exes to lovers, slight angst, arguing, cussing, mentions of anger issues, descriptions of violence, rekindling, a little bit of jealous!rafe, oral (f. receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, just a little bit of fluff
a/n: i kinda went off the request here and made them go home instead of really ‘sneaking away’ i hope that’s okay! i was heavily inspired by the song ‘best mistake’ by ariana grande <3 beware! this fic is a little long..
no contact. rafe wanted to smash his phone when you texted him that fateful night a little over two weeks ago, saying you were never going to talk to him again unless he apologized for getting angry and acting out of line. while he truly was sorry for yelling at you and breaking everything in his sight, he had too much pride to admit he was wrong. and it was because of that pride that you decided to dump his ass and ignore the hundreds of calls and texts he sent your way.
despite having to block his phone number, you couldn’t help but look at all the pictures and videos of you two, sad because you missed him, but pissed because he couldn’t just get his shit together and make things right. eventually, with a lot of convincing and even a little bit of bribing with a new purse, your besties had managed to get you up and into your hottest outfit yet before they took you to a party where they refused to tell you who was hosting.
after you basically obliterated rafe’s ego by not only ignoring him, but blocking him too, he told himself he wouldn’t be fazed if he saw you turn up at the end of summer party that topper threw every year. however, all thoughts of being nonchalant and giving you the same treatment back flew out the door when he saw you walk in with your friends, your mini dress hugging your thighs in a way that made his jaw tick. he would’ve had no problem with your outfit if you two were together.. but you weren’t.
which for rafe, that only meant he would be spending the night smashing faces in if he saw anyone looking at you. he kept his eyes on you the whole time, taking swigs from his beer until finally he ran out and was forced to go inside the kitchen. “hey, y/n.” you looked up. jeremy, a frequent visitor at the country club had approached you. he was sweet and very easy on the eyes. maybe a little too easy, he had a baby face and was a little too much of a pretty boy in your opinion.
“oh, hey ‘jer.” you smiled, calling him by a nickname you heard your friends say a while back. “you look great..” he complimented you. noticing your dress had ridden up, you pulled the hem down before thanking him. “that’s nice of you to say, thank you.” you laughed awkwardly as he seemingly stepped closer. “hey, uh, i heard you and rafe broke up, is that true?” at the mention of your now ex-boyfriend, you blinked. “i.. yeah. but i’m not looking for anything right now.” you shook your head.
“neither am i.” your eyes widened slightly as you felt his hand graze yours. wanting to change the subject, you backed away slightly before clearing your throat. “so what are you drinking?” noticing your discomfort, jeremy flashed you an apologetic look. “this? oh i just got water-” before he could say anything else, you gasped when he almost lost his footing, having been nudged super hard by none other than rafe himself. “woah, you gotta watch out there, man.” rafe winked at you before walking off, the man in front of you cursing under his breath.
“that was a lame move.” he scoffed. you looked past jeremy and at rafe who had his face turned. “i’m sorry, can you give me a sec?” you didn’t wait for him to reply before you followed rafe outside. as if he recognized the clack of your heels behind him, he spun around, making you stop as you two glared at each other. while his gaze slightly softened, you could still make out the roughness in his expression. “you did that on purpose.” apart of you was glad he did, since it gave you an excuse to get out of conversation with jeremy. then again, that was rafe’s intention.
“what are you talking about?” just then, a girl in a bikini walked by, rafe shamelessly eyeing her backside before giving you his attention once more. oh, okay. you smiled at him, arching a brow as he blatantly acted clueless. “you know what? i have someone waiting for me inside. ‘just wasting my time out here.” you whispered the last part, scoffing as you attempted to walk away. rafe dragged you to the side of the house, your hands coming up to shove at his chest.
“who’s waiting for you inside, ‘jer?’” rafe mocked jeremy’s nickname. “yeah, actually. why don’t you go and get the girl who’s ass you just stared at?” you shoved him again, this time making rafe take hold of both of your wrists as he backed you up against wall. “i was fucking with you,” he scoffed, “you’re the one that wants to go back inside to a guy who drinks water at a fucking party!” he laughed incredulously, like he couldn’t believe you would give that guy the time of day.
you swatted his hands away from your own. “i’m not doing this here. you’re acting like you aren’t the one who owes me an apology.” rafe pinched the bridge of his nose. “y/n..” you shook your head, feeling defeated as he stared down at you. “just leave me alone, rafe.” just as you were going to walk away, he spoke up. “then let’s not do this here! let’s have a serious conversation, i mean it.” you shifted, glancing up at him briefly. “and go where?” you arched a brow.
deep down, you knew where this was heading but you so badly wanted to hear what he had to say. rafe got close, resting his hand on the small of your back. “tanneyhill. the house is empty for the next couple of days, so if you want to yell, fight and scream, be my guest.” you sighed as if you didn’t want to go, walking past him and to his truck where he opened the door for you. your friends were definitely going to give you an earful after this.
the drive to rafe’s place was quiet and a little awkward everytime you had to pry his hand off of your thigh, his excuse being that it was just a habit. rafe knew when you broke up with him, for the thousandth time, that it wouldn’t be too long before he saw your catty self walking up the stairs to his bedroom. “i would like to be home by a certain time so get to talking.” you sat down on the edge of his bed, clasping your ring clad fingers together.
rafe shut the door, leaning on the hardwood as he took in your outfit. there’s no way you showed up at that party tonight with the intention of going home alone when you looked this sexy. strappy heels, a black lace dress that that showed a bra and thong underneath, your hair and makeup done so perfectly, he itched to ruin all of it. “you look stunning.” he crossed his arms over his chest, catching the way you swung one leg over the other.
“we’re not here for that.” you leaned back, resting on your hands as rafe nodded. “fair enough..” he started, “look, i’m really sorry. it was wrong of me to take my anger out on you and have no regard for your feelings when i was in the spur of the moment. i should’ve never yelled in your face when you were only trying to make me feel better, i should’ve never broke your things when you told me to leave, from the bottom of my heart, y/n, i’m sorry.” he kneeled down to your level, a silent act of submission. you stared at him.
rafe had a pleading look in his eyes. “i can see you’re sorry,” you barely reached for his jaw, stroking the side of his face softly before you withdrew, “but what are you going to do to fix it?” rafe had missed your touch so much, he swallowed thickly when your warmth disappeared. “would you believe me if i said i was giving anger management classes a try?” you narrowed your eyes at him. “no. do you have a confirmation email or something?” rafe laughed, knowing you wouldn’t be easy to convince.
handing over his phone without any hesitation, you typed in his pin, your birthday, before going to his mail and checking for yourself. sure enough, he had confirmation for not only one class, but an entire course that would take him approximately three months to complete. “please come back to me, baby. i need you.” rafe hesitantly placed his hands on either sides of your hips, your eyes softening as you gazed up at the man in front of you. god, you missed him so much, these past couple of weeks had been the worst.
“i need you, too.” you whispered, both of you leaning in at the same time before your lips melted against one another. cupping rafe’s face, you brought him up from the floor, your back relaxing against his sheets as he hovered above you. rafe had been dying to feel your hands on him, craving your touch like never before. with your dress rolling up your thighs, rafe looked down at the supple flesh there, wanting nothing more than to bury his face in your cunt.
“i was so mad when i saw you walk in looking like this.” you took your bottom lip between your teeth, propping yourself up on your elbows as rafe’s fingers hooked through the soft material of your thong. you watched as he slid the undergarment down your legs, your head falling back as he pinned your thighs to the tops of his shoulders. “rafe-” you reached down, your fingernails running across his skin. he hummed, cupping your soaked pussy as a gasp fell from your lips.
“use your words.” he traced your glossy folds, cursing to himself at the sight. “my heels— they’re still on.” you blinked hazily when you felt his thumb tease your sensitive bundle of nerves. “yeah? they’re gonna stay on.” you moaned when his tongue finally made contact with your clit, your back arching off the bed as he splayed a hand across your tummy. letting out a cry, rafe ate you like man starved, which in a way he was. two weeks was too long, and he was going to unleash all his pent up frustration on you in a way that would have you writhing in pleasure.
rafe knew your body like it was the back of his hand, and he didn’t hesitate to use that to his full advantage. while still lapping at your clit, you fought the urge to shut your thighs around his head when two of his fingers prodded at your entrance. he groaned when he thrusted them into you, your pretty sounds serving as music to his ears. the coil in your stomach only grew tighter until rafe had your thighs trembling, your first orgasm of the night making all the air leave your lungs.
you cried out, rafe appreciating the way your hips stuttered in a poor attempt to chase his tongue. you blinked up at the ceiling when you came down from your high, rafe wasting no time in flipping you over and grinding his erection into your backside. with one hand, rafe gathered your hair in a makeshift ponytail and with the other, he grabbed a pillow, placing it under your hips so he could shamelessly rut against you. leaning down, he kissed you sloppily, both of you moaning as you tasted yourself on his tongue.
taking himself out of his jeans, he wrapped a veiny hand around your throat, thrusting into you without warning. “oh my- fuck!” you squeaked out, your walls fluttering around his cock. rafe shut his eyes, his mouth ghosting over yours as he fucked into you hard and slow. “did you miss this?” rafe went deeper with each thrust, balling up your dress to pull you against him. “yes. yes, i missed this so much!” you whimpered, meaning every word. rafe never wanted to be apart from you ever again.
the discomfort from having your heels on was slowly but surely melting away as rafe replaced that feeling with pure bliss, your walls stetching deliciously around his length. for two weeks, the only thing you could imagine feeling was the warmth of rafe’s body against your own, your heart blooming in your chest at finally having that back. “fuck, i need to see your pretty face..” he rolled you over, slotting himself between your thighs before picking up his pace.
you gazed up at him, already looking fucked out as he groped your tits through your dress. “all this breaking and making up, i don’t wanna do it anymore, baby,” rafe tucked a piece of hair behind your ear before stroking your chin, “m’gonna go crazy if you leave me like that again.” you nodded at his words, your eyebrows drawing together in pleasure. “promise. i promise i won’t do that anymore.” you started moving your hips, meeting his thrusts as he groaned, leaning down to bury his face in the curve of your neck.
wrapping your legs around his waist, you didn’t leave him any room to pull away, his toned stomach slapping against your clit as you two rolled your hips in desperation to feel the other finish. “ah, fuck,” your nails clawed against his skin when you felt his teeth nip at the sensitive spot of your neck. with the way you were moaning rafe’s name in his ear, and your pussy swallowing him whole, it wasn’t long before you two started shuddering as the waves of euphoria washed over you both.
he never failed to make your head pound with your orgasm, quite literally stealing your breath away as you made him lose all train of thought, his ability to hold himself up nearly impossible with your greedy cunt milking him for all he had. “shit.” rafe breathed out, pressing a kiss to your temple before pulling out. you hissed, whining shortly after at the empty sensation. as much as you wanted to feel his arms around you, you wanted a hot shower and a wardrobe change more than anything else.
as if rafe could read your mind, he carried you to the shower where he undressed you and bathed you. he continued apologizing for the way he treated you weeks prior to tonight. even after he had you in nothing but one of his t-shirts, he spent the night inhaling your sweet scent while telling you how perfect you were for him until you fell asleep in his embrace.
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gguk-n · 1 day
Hello!! I was wondering if you could please write a redbull driver with multiple wdc x platonic grid
But the older drivers like max Charles Lewis lando etc get jealous of her constantly being with the younger ones like franco kimi and Ollie all fluff n funny n fans going crazy bout their jealousy
Thank you
Rivals of the Track
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{Reader's POV}
It was the Azerbaijan GP, Kevin wouldn't be racing so Ollie had replaced him for the race. He was this tall lanky British teen who rightfully corrected me saying that he was an adult now, he was funny. Ollie was with his best friend Kimi, who had come to support him for the race. I found their friendship endearing and reminded me of my best friend who would try to come to as many races as she could. The other drivers would argue about who my best friend was, but I knew who my best friend was and it was Y/BFF/N.
"Y/N, did you colour your hair?" Kimi asked. "You can tell?" I asked slightly shocked, "I just went for a lighter shade of burgundy than the last time" I elaborated. "Yeah, you look prettier" Ollie chimed. "Thank you. You boys are so sweet, unlike some people I know" I said looking at the other drivers who were stood a few feet away who were very confused when I asked them if anything was different about me. "You're always pretty" Franco added. "Okay, okay, flattery will only get you so far" I laughed. "We're being honest. Having some one as talented and beautiful on the grid that we can learn from is an honour" Kimi said solemnly. "Okay, is there a body you boys wanna hide?" I asked laughing. They laughed back.
"Can you introduce us to Lewis?" Franco whispered while we were stood there waiting for the media interviews. "Sure" I said. "He's so cool and we aren't sure if he'll talk to us" The other two boys added. "Oh, no, my babies, he's a sweetheart. You could just walk up to him and start talking. I was scared of him when I first joined too but we're pretty good friends" I explained. The 3 boys smiled at me, nodding in agreement.
Every time I would be talking to these 3, trying to make them feel at home like all the times the others did, I could feel eyes on me. I wasn't sure why they were all glaring at me.
I was doing my post quali media after qualifying P4. "So, what a race? Are you expecting a win or a podium?" The interviewer asked. "Obviously going to go for the win, podium isn't too far away either, let's see, I have a Ferrari and a McLaren to fight off though" I laughed. "We've seen you hanging around with the younger drivers, do they remind you of your rookie days?" she asked. "Yes, they are so nervous and scared but full of energy. They are fun to hang out with too" I said. "Does this mean you find the older drivers boring?" she prodded. "Never said that" I tsked. "I'm just trying to make them feel at home" I said. "Well, the fans are eating your interactions up. They find it so cute, you're like the mother duck and they are your ducklings" she said. "I wouldn't say that they are wrong" I chuckled. "I interviewed your teammate Max a while back and he didn't seem too pleased with your blossoming friendship. Why is that so?" the interviewer pointed out. "We're all competitive. I guess they are competitive about friends too" I shrugged. "It was nice talking to you, can't wait to watch you on the podium" she stated. I smiled and talked away.
I met the others in my drivers room. "I think this is a confidentiality breech to have all the other teams here" I laughed. "We're staging an intervention" Max stated. "For what? I don't have an addiction" I pointed out. "Since we're losing our bestie" Lando said. I couldn't help but laugh, "Who?" I asked. "You, you dumbass" Charles said. I sat on the chair that was unoccupied. "What's up my fellow drivers?" I asked. "We aren't only your fellow drivers, we're best friends" Lewis said. "Arguable but okay" I shrugged. "Are we not best friends?" Daniel fake cried. "My best friend is Y/BFF/n. You guys, I tolerate at best" I laughed. I could see all them visibly pout. "We don't like it" they said in unison. "What do you not like?" I asked. "You hanging out with the younger drivers or that we aren't best friends. Are we too old for you?" Carlos asked. "I'm as old as you guys. They just remind me of my siblings, they are like my ducklings and I'm their mother duck" I chuckled reminded of the analogy. "So, you aren't replacing us?" Oscar quipped. "Obviously not, they are my children. You guys are my friends" I said face palming myself. "Group hug?" Yuki asked and then we all huddled together. "What about us being best friends?" Max asked. "Still Y/BFF/N. I don't feel like a girl when I'm around you guys, she reminds me. We all have something special, we're competitors and friends" I said. They all seemed to nod in agreement.
After an abysmal race, I was laying in my hotel room going through twitter when I saw people talking about how I had taken the younger drivers under my wing and how they would follow me around like lost puppies while you could see the others stare daggers at them. At some point in the weekend, Max did almost carry me away from them, out of jealousy it seems and the gif was circulating all over the internet. I laughed at the tweets, my friends can get jealous, they would be jealous when I hang out with Y/BFF/N but I do need a get away from all the testosterone, but they are nice people, just bad at communicating.
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iznsfw · 2 days
Still remember me?
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On this day three years ago, I wrote and posted my first ever fic on Tumblr.
Since then, I've improved (I'm proud to say that), took breaks, met beautiful people, and most importantly: I had fun. Although it's just brainrot I was writing, I found joy in it and the people here <3
Things haven't been easy ever since my mother died and I got effectively admitted to a ward—I thought I should be honest with you guys. I'll be spending my birthday in a few days still in a facility where it gets too lonely at times. But I've only found so many things to be thankful for.
I'm grateful. Readers, writers, hate asks lol. I thought I should mention some people who've made my stay here happy, which of course is not an exclusive or ordered list:
@prael , thank you for always understanding and helping me out. When I was panicking and trying not to cry, you were the one who reached out. Saw your Kinktember and it was aaaawesome!! How are you so good?!? Thank you so much for being a good friend, a great writer, and a sweet guy overall. I owe you a lot, I love you!
@sinswithpleasure, thank you for being so sweet, so kind, and so precious. You're so easy to talk to and I love you more than you know.
@firagaarmor, my fellow Gaeul ult 👀 I always love how wise you are with your words. Thank you for giving me advice, offering new perspectives, and supporting me. I love you!
Kaede <3: not here on Tumblr, I think. But I thought you should know your welcoming words and overall cuteness helped bring me out of my shell. I love you, I love you, I love you! Please keep being my friend.
@friskyriskywhisky — your detailed and sweet feedback message was one of the last things I read before getting admitted. It's always in my thoughts and motivate me to get better. I love you and your asks and your creativity. Basically, I love everything about you!
@majorblinks, understand me sooo well. You're adorable and one of my inspirations. My twin, my bestie, and fellow Sophia stan, I love you!
@capslocked, the first thing I did after being given phone access was reread your fics. They're as good as I remember them. Thank you for giving honest feedback, being kind to me, and just getting me going. Love you!
And of course, to everyone! Everyone on Tumblr, everyone on Discord, everyone who's everything to me <3 Love you and thank you.
I'm sorry for going silent and leaving you in the dark. I'm just asking for a little more time. I'm getting healthier and trying harder. I've got some releases in the drafts and stuff I'm working on. I'll come back, but I hope you wait for me. You don't have to, but it's always nice to see you and know you're there <3
Mwah mwah chup chup! Mahal ko kayo, and I'm always thankful :')
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loserlvrss · 2 days
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pairing : lee minho x fem!reader genre : drabble, domestic fluff warnings : mentions of being sick & food, skinship word count : 0.6k authors note : i know u know lee know btw
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“just sit down,” your boyfriend was pushing you into the barstool beside the kitchen island.
your arms crossed over your front, features pouting. “you know, minho, i’m sick, not useless.” you exaggerated with your hands, swinging them out beside you. “i can—i can, i don’t know, cut up the carrot or something!”
he smiled adoringly at you, like one would a cute animal or small child, and shook his head. “what kind of chef boyfriend would i be if i made you do the work?”
you rolled your eyes, knowing that it was ultimately useless to argue with the lee minho; he’d get what he wanted in the end. and frankly, you weren’t good at cooking. that’s why you two worked so well, he had his little hobby to destress and you were always fed. a win-win.
so, when you woke up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache, only sleeping a couple hours after that, he was quick to jump into the kitchen. he wanted to make you something his mom would make when he was sick as a kid—you found the gesture it sickeningly sweet. he must really love you, you thought.
he’d gotten started in silence. usually he’d let you talk about everything and nothing at the same time, but he’d never pry if you didn’t feel like it. and, today must’ve been one of those days, as you just watched with closed lips.
he looked so beyond good when he cooked—arguably better than the food. and nothing was more attractive than his desire to take care of you. he didn’t even go back to sleep until he knew you were okay, trailing you into the bathroom and getting you medicine before you even asked. he made sure you were warm and properly cuddled under the blankets (in his arms), rubbing your back until peacefully off in dreamland.
honestly, you owe those couple of hours to him.
“hey minho?” the silence was finally broken, your boyfriend stopping all his movements for a second and looking at you. his eyebrows rose in a non-verbal approval to go on and ask. “i know we’re already dating, but i have a big crush on you. i just thought you should know.”
he huffed out a laugh, “is that so?”
“yeah, in case you want to do anything with that knowledge.” you admitted innocently, “like marriage or something.”
“i plan on it, love.”
you made a face, something between disbelief, mock-disgust and blushing. “if you were over here i’d kiss you… thrice.”
he eyed you suspiciously, “you just didn’t want to say twice ‘cause then i’d start dancing to alcohol free.”
“maybe,” you joked, getting from your chair and making your way around the counter. he pretended to be offended, steadily chopping up the various vegetables again, and ignoring you. “you know i love your one-man show, baby.”
he smirked slightly—though you couldn’t see—but still was childishly giving you the silent treatment. you pleaded, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing his clothed spine once, before pressing your cheek to it. “there’s literally no one else i’d rather listen to sing red velvet while they shower.”
“i knew you listened, weirdo.” he chuckled, “if you wanted me to sing to you, i would, you don’t have to creep around.”
you lightly squeezed, “oh, shut up.”
and then suddenly he burst out into song, scaring you, but then sending you into a fit of giggles as the choreography soon followed; the knife safely out of his grip.
you watched in awe of his playfulness, disguised by straight lips and lidded eyes. you really couldn’t read a book by its cover, you thought, because this stupidly-handsome book always knew how to make you feel better.
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please reblog and like <3 comments are appreciated ! thank you 4 reading © loserlvrss 2024 all rights reserved. 
networks : @blossomnet @starlit-network @k-films @kstrucknet
taglist : @seomisaho @mystarsohee @jihyokat | send an ask to be added. 
back to masterlist !
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sylusdoll · 22 hours
one bed
summary: you and sylus share a bed for the first time at a beach resort hotel
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last night sylus thought it was a good idea to go to a beach resort, and you agreed. it was now morning and youre packing your things to go on a long road trip. since its a few hours away.
you finish getting ready and just as you finish sylus is at the door. opening the door, you ready sweetie? you laugh lightly yes! sylus now smiling at your excitement he takes the bag from your hand, following behind him to the rented car for the trip.
you look every excited sweetie sylus chuckles, he loves it when your eyes light up and when you’re excited, at that moment you genuinely look like a kitten. yes of course i am! this vacation is just what i need!
indeed. both of you hoping in the car, taking off.
after 3 hours in the car, laughing, talking and eating, you finally made it to the beach resort. getting out of the vehicle, sylus carrying his and your things, you enter the resort hotel.
he checks in, after a few minutes sylus leads you to one room. giving him the benefit of the doubt, hoping theres two beds, sylus lets you walk in to your shared room first.
just to be met with one king sized bed.
you stand there, taking this in, ears red, conscious of your heartbeat, sylus casually walks behind you,, how do you like it?
sylus theres only one bed? you say slightly flushed and pink
and what about it? sylus says smug
after some time, both of you ate, went to the beach and had a great time, lots of tension and teasing, which made your heart race all day. sylus complimented you multiple times and you felt him admiring your figure all day, you’re proud of yourself for bringing cute beach attire.
i had a lot of fun, you say walking side by side with sylus, looking up at him.
i did too kitten, he says grabbing a hold of your hand, interlocking fingers.
you look down feeling shy, hes being very sweet today, when you look at him once more to break your silence you catch him looking at you smiling.
you slightly pout, why are you looking at me like that!
you look cute when you have a slight sun burn
you blush even more
wow… kitten cant even tell if youre blushing or sun burned. sylus laughs
you lightly shove him.
sylus continues to laugh, his heart also fluttering all day from your beauty, resulting him to tease you, masking his true feelings.
you take a hold of his arm, with one hand and holding your things with the other. both of your hearts fluttering, walking to your hotel room.
after some time, both of you take a hot shower and do your nightly routine, getting ready to call it a day. now you’re at the edge of the bed, contemplating how youre going to sleep next to sylus tonight.
disturbing your train of thought you’re interrupted by sylus.
hah, those pjs are cute, kitten
your face slightly pink again, you wonder how much times sylus is going to make you blush today. you slide your hair back, acting casual. thank you.
he sits on the edge of the bed beside you, hugging you from the side tightly, before you could even react, he pulls both of you down, backs hitting the bed.
now facing each other, sylus looks at your lips and back into your eyes, he slides your hair behind your ear and his warm hand holding one side of your face.
my beloved… youre so breathtakingly beautiful
your face heats up, placing your hand on top of his. his thumb now lightly rubbing your cheeks.
the moon was full tonight shining through the big windows, on you and sylus, it felt like a dream.
sylus leans closer and kisses your forehead, his hand now on your neck, he travels down to the corner of your eyes and to your cheeks.
hovering over you, his arms between your shoulders, he leans in, cupping one side of your face, giving your jaw and neck light kisses, down to your collarbones, your arms on his shoulder, sylus..
he feels your hands on his shoulders slightly shaking. he gets a hold of one of your hand and starts sloppily kissing your wrist, then leans in, giving you a gentle peck, then pinches one cheek, between his index and middle finger.
laying next to you once more, he pulls you in for a tight hug, legs slightly intertwined.
good night sweetheart, kissing your head.
good night, you softly say, kissing his jaw, snuggling your face in his chest.
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
authors note: this was inspired by the mystic adventure event, i also hope this wasn’t too suggestive (⸝⸝⸝-﹏-⸝⸝⸝)
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©sylusdoll 2024
taglist @sanemistar
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navybrat817 · 2 days
How would Bucky (any of the soft boyfriends like Stud or the Florist) handle it when their girl gets bad news? Like a death in the family or something of that nature? I could use some soft sweet Bucky.
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As someone who was hit with unexpected grief this week, it's tough.
Not Okay
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky comforts you after a bad day.
Word Count: Over 900
Warnings: Established relationship, grief, hurt, crying, comfort, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: You're free to picture this as regular Bucky, Stud, our florist, anyone. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You heard a long time ago that grief comes in waves. Or did it flow through people like a river? Perhaps both. One moment you were fine and then the next you felt as if the tide would sweep you away. It pulled you under, the pain and sorrow like weights dragging you down. It was dark. Hopeless. You feared you wouldn't be able to surface again.
And then out of nowhere, light sometimes burst through the grief like a guiding hand.
“Hey.” A familiar voice beckoned you to pull yourself out of your throbbing head, to not drown in your sorrow. “Are you okay?”
With blurry eyes, you looked up to find Bucky standing over you with concern written all over his handsome face. When did he come in and when had you collapsed on the couch? It was too much of an effort to make it to your bedroom at the time. Why was grief so tiring? Why were normal tasks so hard to manage?
Bucky crouched down, hesitating for a moment as he reached for you. “Is it okay if I touch you?” He asked. Sniffling, you gave him a nod. It meant the world that he asked. The warmth of his touch seeped into you as he helped you sit up, his hands moving up and down your arms in a comforting motion. Why were you so cold? “Can you tell me what's wrong?” He reached up to brush a tear away with his thumb.
There were so many unspoken questions in his stare. What happened? Who did this to you? Are you hurt? How can I make it better? Are you going to be okay? You sensed how badly he wanted to comfort and protect you from whatever he could. He was the kind of man who would have spared you pain and taken it into himself if he had the ability to do so.
How did you get so lucky?
"I…" To say nothing would've been a lie since you were clearly hurting. To say everything also would've been a lie. You were still breathing and had a roof over your head. Tears ran down your cheeks, so you were still feeling and that was better than being numb to it all. You had Bucky. Those were all good things, things to be thankful for.
But not every day could be warmth and smiles. Today was a day of coldness and tears and you were in the eye of the storm, the screams in your head drowned out by the rest of the noise. You had to push through because once the dust settled the sun would come out again. It seemed so far away though, so out of reach.
Bucky wiped another tear, not pushing you to say more. Why couldn't you just tell him what was wrong? It should've been an easy question to answer, but being vulnerable and talking about feelings rarely was. It was like cutting open your own heart and asking someone else to stop the bleeding.
I’m in pain, Bucky. It hurts. It hurts so much and it isn’t fair. Please, take it away. If you can’t take it away, please, make it better somehow. I don’t want to carry this alone.
Maybe that’s why the words were stuck in your throat. You didn’t want your burden to become his. How was that fair? But looking into his blue eyes, you were reminded that relationships were about give and take. Some days you’d have to carry each other through the dark times and other days he’d lift you up. The scale would tip until it balanced again.
That was love.
“I got some bad news today,” you finally whispered, trying not to shatter into a million pieces. Grief didn’t care if you wanted to stay whole or not. It would find the smallest of cracks and burst through whether you wanted it to or not.
Bucky nodded in understanding, still not pressuring you to say more. He knew you’d tell him exactly what happened once you were ready. “I’ll order us something for dinner,” he offered. If he cooked for you, he’d be apart from you for too long. Ordering would allow him to stay with you if you needed him. And you had to eat. “And maybe a movie on the couch under a blanket?” He suggested, so you wouldn’t have to move out of the room if you didn’t want to.
“Yeah. That sounds nice.” You tried to give him a smile after he kissed your forehead. “Thanks.”
“What else can I do?” He asked, searching your face for the answer. “Please, tell me.”
“Just hold me,” you answered. A simple request, but one that took a lot to ask for.
He gathered you into his arms and held you tight, allowing you to stain his shirt with your tears. Crying helped you cleanse your soul, allowing you to let go of things unsaid and slowly start anew. He gently rocked you as the sobs faded to tiny sniffles and he whispered how much he loved you. Through your crying you said you loved him, too. You’d always love him.
Time passed as he continued to hold you, neither of you wanting to move. The hurt didn’t fade completely, but him being your rock and wrapping you up in love was the soothing balm you needed. And for today, that was more than enough.
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We could all use a Bucky. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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writing-with-moss · 2 days
Kinktober 2- Age Gap
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(Authors note) I'm a beast. I'm a god. I know no limits. I'm an insatiable being. The smut will keep coming, until I come.
John Price x f!Reader
TW/CW- Age gap (Legal ofc), dubcon, semi-public sex, virginity being taken, mention of a baby but it's like a sentence, chubby reader!! Got this idea from someone but I cant remember who (If I remember, I'll tag!)
Price always knew you were a sweet thing. His new secretary. Barely a 20 year old, sweet and bubble headed, always talking so sweetly to him.
The way you'd wear those short little pencil skirts, bending over to grab papers and always saying "Good morning Mr. Price!" In that soft voice.
He knew it was partially wrong. An almost 16 year difference between you. But he couldn't stop his hand from brushing against your waist to guide you into his room, to fix your hair, brush a loose eyelash from your plump cheek. The way you'd stutter and flush.
"T- Thank you...Sir."
Sir. Oh how he liked that.
And one day he couldn't help it. The way you stumbled into his office, mumbling about forgetting papers in his room. Silly you, he knew it was in your desk, he put it there.
You just wanted an excuse to see him.
"C'mere, maybe I have an extra." He murmured, motioning for you to come closer. You shuffle forward and he pushes away from the desk, standing up from his seat.
You open his desk, humming as your fingers skimmed the pages. His hand lands on your hip and you tense. "A- Ah Sir..." You look up at him, all your heat coming in between your legs. Such a silly girl, you think he didn't notice you rubbing those thick thighs together?
"Shh...need some help?" His head leans in, next to yours, warm breath brushing against your cheek. He smelt like leather, bitter cigarettes and that strong whiskey you knew was in his bottom drawer.
You glance down at the bulge in his jeans and swallow thickly, pushing the desk closed. He presses against you, pushing you into it. Bent over the top as his warm hands rub across your back. Barely muffled whimpers leave your soft lips, rosy cheeks now a bright tomato red.
Such an innocent little thing you were.
His hands go to the front of your jeans. "Get this off yeah?"
You nod quietly, and he kisses the back of your ear. "Want me to go gentle huh? A real man to show you how it's done. An experienced man."
The cool air of his office causes goosebumps to erupt on your smooth legs, rough calloused rubbing over your ass.
"Wet huh? For me?"
"Y- Yes sir." You squeak out, feeling him rut into you. A breathless moan coming from your lips as you squirm. Practically grinding back into his hard length.
He undoes his belt, throwing it aside as he works at the buttons. "Gonna fuck ya nice okay baby? Gonna let you cum first."
You weakly nod, covering your face in embarrassment. "I- I'm a virgin-"
"Oh I know."
His tip kisses your clit, dragging across it as you gasp and sputter. His veiny cock pressing into your soaked pussy, your body shifting to accommodate him. It took a moment to get used to the stretch, leaving you panting and full of want.
He huffs against your ear, chest pressed to your back as he pulls out and pushes back in, rocking and grinding into you. Making pornographic sounds leave your lips as you squirmed.
"Atta girl, take it just like that." He gently praised, holding your hips as he guided your sloppy movements. You were so clueless, unsure of how to move. Don't worry, he'll teach you.
Hes gotten so much more experience than a pretty thing like that, having lost his virginity before you were even in kindergarten. He'll put a pretty rock on your hand and a baby in your belly and keep you nice and comfy.
Not gonna worry about anything with an experienced man like him.
When you come around him, he feels like he's on cloud nine. Shooting thick creamy ropes of cum into your wanting hole. Rubbing your sides gently as he pulls out with a sickening slurp sound.
Youre shuddering, shaking on his desk as he replaced your underwear. Giving a gentle love tap to the swell of your ass.
"There ya go...good huh?"
You stand up shakily and nod.
"Y- Yes sir...I'll...go work on my papers."
You waddle out of his office, hoping that no one will notice your unsure steps.
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takusan-no-ai · 2 days
The Way of the Househusband
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PAIRING: Jane x Male Reader (Romantic) (Fluff)
SUMMARY: After a long day at work, it feels nice to have someone to come home to.
She huffed, grabbing her belongings, and leaving Pubsec. Jane got into her car, sitting back for a moment. Her phone rang, signaling it was time to go home. She picked it up, looking at the contact name. “Always right on time,”—She answered it—“Hey honey, have a good day today?” She asked.
“Of course. I was calling to ask if you could pick up some paprika for the chicken?” (Y/N) asked her. Jane loved the sound of his voice, blushing ever so slightly. She finished talking with him and hung up.
She drove to the nearest grocery store, looking at the spice rack. While pursuing the spices a child ran by her, tears in his eyes, as he grabbed for his mother’s hand. “I told you to be careful about running around.” She said, putting a bandage on the scrapped knee and kissing it.
Jane watched from the corner of her eye. “So sweet.” She thought. “A family to care for…,” she mumbled under her breath. Snapping out of it, she purchased the paprika and drove home.
Finally back, she walked in, kicked off her shoes, and flopped on the couch. Footsteps approached her exhausted figure. “Rough day?” (Y/N) asked, petting her ears.
She smiled, leaning into his touch. “No day is ever too rough for me. I just…want to be myself for a bit.” She gently grinded her front teeth as (Y/N) held her in his arms. He picked up the grocery bag and walked back to the kitchen.
“I love you most when you’re you.”
While he was cooking, Jane took a shower and got dressed; putting on her lazy clothes and wearing her glasses. Before leaving their shared room, she opened her jewelry box and put on her ring; her second most prized possession. The man who gave it to her? Her first.
Walking back downstairs, she went into the kitchen and rapped her tail around her husband. “Thank you.”
“For what?” He asked with a chuckle.
“For being the one I can come home to.”
- Fin
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aayakashii · 1 day
Hii just wanted to say I have read most of your fics and headcanons and I loved them and for this reason I wanted to request if you could do "what petname the tokyo debunker characters use for their s/o in a relationship"
I just want more tkdb fluff🥲
Thank you for reading my stuff!!! 🫂 I'm glad you liked it and thank you for entrusting me with this idea! I hope you like it <3
what petname would they use for their s/o in a relationship?
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Kamurai Jin
The good and old fashioned "my love". He probably uses anything he can say it's his, and "my love" is the perfect way to refer to you. You're his, and you're his love after all.
Ishibashi Tohma
"Mouse" 💀 He's standing on the tethering line of being super sweet and mildly threatening lol A tiny little thing he loves and wants to protect but that's also very very squishable...
Fuji Kaito
"Angel". You're giving him the time of the day and being in a relationship with him, so he immediately worships you like you're some holy being. You're 100% his angel.
Lucas Errant
I don't really see Luca using petnames, but if he did, he'd probably call you "dear". And it'd come out very naturally! He'd be asking you for something and accidentally call you dear while doing it. Or maybe one day he said "good morning dear" and it just stuck.
Mido Alan
Alan most probably doesn't use petnames in the beginning, but after he's comfortable in the relationship, he might call you "bug" <3 something a little old-fashioned like that fits him, I think!
Kurosagi Leo
He'd call you something mildly deameaning but shockingly sweet for someone like him as well. Maybe something like "dumbass (affectionately <3)"
Haizono Sho
Oh he most definitely calls you "babe". He is very much a huge flirt and that will never stop even when you two are dating lol
Sagara Haru
Literally every extremely chessy petname ever like sugarplum, buttercup, pumpkin, cutie pie, honey bun 💀 But that's when he's trying to be funny or annoying! When he's serious, he calls you "sunshine" <3
Otonashi Towa
Besides Dandelion, he calls you every flower with a romantic meaning or flowers that mean beauty! Such as rose, daffodil, tulip, camellia, honeysuckle etc.
Shiranami Ren
Not one for petnames, but if he uses one, it'd be some inside joke between you two, like he could call you the name of a character he likes in one of his gacha games and you could do the same.
Hoshibami Taiga
Besides kitten, I could see him using "doll" too, because dolls are cute and compliant, and that's the perfect little toy for him :)
Romeo Scorpius Lucci
He probably would call you "darling" with a mildly threatening tone 💀 it's the type of petname that can sound very sweet but also very ominous depending on his tone. Fits his borderline yandere personality too.
Shinjo Ritsu
He probably thinks "partner" is already a petname, but you'd have to explain to him that it isn't (with a huge document signed and notarized if possible).
Kagami Subaru
He probably feels incredibly embarrassed, but I think he wouldn't mind calling you something sweet and cute, like "honey" or "love" too. I don't think Subaru would go crazy with the petnames, so I'd expect something classic like that.
Kusanagi Haku
Princess/prince obviously, but I can also imagine him saying things like lovely or gorgeous, especially if he can get to whisper it in your ear just to fluster you lol
Kotodama Zenji
Oh god. All of them. Probably a different one every single day. He probably keeps a notebook of petnames just to get ideas for new ones. He refers to you as his beloved when he's talking about you to other people, though.
Edward Hart
Dove, but if you bother him enough, he can call you spider monkey, don't worry *gets shot*
No but seriously, dove is perfect for him.
Mizuki Rui
All of them. Just... all of them.
Lyca Colt
I don't see him using any, but maybe if you call him something, he'll use it as well. That's a HARD maybe though, I think he'd feel too embarrassed to do that.
Isami Yuri
He'd probably overthink about which petname he could use before ever calling you one. And after he decided, he'd have to take his time to gather the courage to even do that. He'd probably settle for something normal and classic, like "darling" or "sweetheart".
Kirisaki Jiro
Does not use petnames. Maybe if you ask him to use one, he'd do it, but you'd have to tell him what he could call you.
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seungfl0wer · 11 hours
*𝙅𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨? 𝙈𝙚? 𝙉𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧.*
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Pairing: Changbin x Reader (fem)
Genre: Smut (smallest bit of angst)
Warnings: Slight choking, slight finger sucking, unprotected sex, (P in V), pull out game (wow not a Creampie unheard of here), fingering, passiveness, slightly proof read, probably missed some.
These were Requested from my prompt list numbers: 17 “I’m not blushing, I’m just hot” 29 “That’s not what I said” and 31 “Jealous? Me? Never”
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Flashing lights, people mingling and loud music. Not what you would normally be doing on a Thursday night but your “friend” asked you to come. He however was talking with a few people in the center of the club. Every now and then he’ll look your way but he really hasn’t been around you much. I mean for fuck sakes he asked you here and isn’t even talking to you? You sighed drinking back your second drink, you walked your way over to the bar to grab another. A tall skinny man approached you “what’s a beautiful lady like you doing alone at a club?” He said with a sweet smile.
“Well I wasn’t alone..” you said taking back your drink. “That so? Whoever would just leave you is pretty dumb. I’d make sure no one would come close to you” he said getting a bit closer “can I have another beer? And another drink for the pretty lady” he said flashing a toothy smile. “Ha thanks” you said smiling back. Although you came with changbin you two weren’t dating. Sure you guys were more like friends with benefits but he’s never really seemed to want more. Plus he’s totally blown you off this whole time so honestly? Screw him.
The tall man clinked his drink at yours “wanna dance?” He said taking your hand pulling you off the stool. He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you to him swaying his hips. He laid his head in the crook of your neck as he swayed you both. This whole interaction wasn’t going unnoticed by changbin though. It didn’t bother him too much when he was close to you at the bar however the moment he touched you. The moment you flashed that smile back at him made his blood boil. “I’ll be right back” he said leaving the group to mingle amongst themselves.
He made a beeline to you, neither of you realizing. The other man left soft kisses to your neck pulling your ass as close to him as possible. Hands on your hips now back against his body as you swayed back and forth. The music drowning everything out the lights making your vision a bit blurry. You felt the man being yanked back before a hand came down grabbing your wrist. “Keep your hands off my girl” the familiar voice talking as they pulled you to them. You looked up to see Changbin fuming. “You’re the one that left her alone at a club you moron” the tall man hissed back.
Changbin glared at the man “so you just come swoop in and save her huh? Spare me you’re just trying to get your dick wet” he almost growled at him. The man rolled his eyes “whatever dude, you’re the dumbass that’s off talking to his friends when he’s got such a beautiful girl in-front of him. Maybe get your priorities straight” the man said rolling his eyes. He looked at you “whenever he ends up fumbling come find me yeah? I’ll make sure to treat you like the queen you are” he said flashing you a smile before walking off.
Changbin stared as the guy left before looking down at you “We’re leaving” he said as he pulled you by your wrist. While trying to protest you made it to the car “get in” he said opening the car door. “Why should i?” You said with a huff looking into his eyes. “Because I’m your ride now let’s go” he said trying to scooch you in the door. You rolled your eyes but sat down, as he got in his sighed loudly. Starting the car he looked over at you with a scowl eyes looking over your face. “What?” You said grumpily. “What? What?? I just can’t believe you. You came here. With me. Why were you getting handsy with someone else?”
“Changbin you left me!” You sigh “besides we’re not even dating so what’s it matter?” You said looking out the window now. “Just take me home and come back and your fun? Sorry for ruining it” you said softly. You still felt a bit angry however sadness came over you. “Y/n that’s not what I said, I didn’t say anything about you ruining my night. You didn’t ruin anything.” He said placing his hand on yours. “And.. and for you.. for us not dating? I guess I never asked you.. I’m sorry” he said thumb rubbing against your hand. You looked over at him with a soft smile “ugh just take me home so I can kiss you and maybe smack you” you said with a giggle.
He smiled taking your hand in his interlocking fingers as he drove home. When you finally get home he’s pushing you against the wall kissing you passionately. His lips making their way to your neck kissing and sucking sloppily. He’s leaving nice red, purply marks all over your neck. “Gonna mark you where everyone can see it. So they know you’re mine” he said kissing you lips softly his hand coming down to pull up your dress. Fingers slipping into your panties rubbing slow circles over your clit. Before you could let out a moan he chased your lips slipping his tongue into your mouth.
He swallowed any moan that tried to escape your lips as he slipped his fingers into you. He pulled away a string of saliva connecting you two. He leaned his head against yours as he started to pump his fingers into you. Your legs started to get wobbly as his fingers were relentless curling inside you. His thumb coming up to play with your clit as best as he could. His hand came up tangling in your hair pulling your head back “look at you, coming undone just from my fingers? You’re close aren’t you?”
You nod “so close” you said softly as you felt your walls ready to release. He smirked pulling his hand away making you whine. He chuckled “don’t worry I’ll give you something better” he said while dropping his pants. He picked you up wrapping your legs around him pushing your body against the wall. He grabbed the base of his shaft spitting on his hand as he pumped his cock a bit. He aligned himself to you leaning his head down to suck harshly again to your neck. As he did he let his cock head slip into you giving you no warning.
He pushed deep into you bottoming out before quickly fucking into you. His hips smacked in and out of you as he groaned. His hand that was in your hair wrapped around your neck pressing perfectly. “I want you to cum on my cock, because I’m the only one that can make you feel this way. Not that- not that asshole” he said his hips moving at a rough pace. He was going so fast his cock head hitting your g-spot. “Who’s the only one that can make you feel this good hmm?” He said hand loosening around your neck. You didn’t respond though only moaning. He squeezed your neck again stopping his thrusts completely. “I said. Who’s the only one that can make you feel this good my little bun hmm?” He said against your ear.
“Y-ou. Ch-changbin” you said words stuttering out. He smirked as his hips went back to their relentless pace the hand around your neck coming to your lips. You started to suck on them making him groan. When he pulled them out he met them against your clit swirling your spit against your sensitive nub. “Gonna cum for me? Cum on my cock bun.” He said his hand gripping on your ass cheek. His nails digging into you, he repositioned himself bringing you further down on his cock.
“Binnie- fuck you’re so deep-“ you managed to get out. “Yeah? Feel me deep in your stomach?” He said as he thrusted hard into you, your hands gripped at his back digging into them. “Gonna- fuck-“ you said. His lips crashed against yours as he hit deep again and again. The thrusts pulling your orgasm fast, cumming hard around Changbins girthy cock. He bit at your lip as your body squirmed under him. “Fuck-“ is all he could get out before pulling out and cumming all over your stomach and tits.
He kissed you again before leaning his head against yours. As you both caught your breath Bin brought you over to sit on the couch while he ran to get you a towel. “If this is how you get when you’re jealous I’ll have to do it again” you said with a little laugh. He rolled his eyes “jealous? Me? Never” he said touching his chest as if you’d hurt his feelings. He smiled “although anyone would be jealous if their girlfriend was getting hit on” he said staring at you to see your reaction. “Girlfriend?” You said with a soft blush against your face.
He nods “if you’ll be mine?” He said eyes looking over you. You smile nodding yes back at him “of course!” He smiled in response to your words. Bringing you to kiss him “my beautiful girlfriend” he said. Your face turned red at his sweet words. “Aah look how cute you’re when you blush” he teased. “I’m not blushing, it’s just hot- we did just you know” you said trying to change the subject. “Yeah yeah, it’s cute though” he said kissing you again.
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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Taglist: @satosugu4l @do-you-remember-summer-127 @xines16 @minh0scat @troublemaker02 @tr-mha-fan @lunearta @velvetmoonlght @minghaosimp
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elllisaaa · 2 days
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SUMMARY : yeonjun had always made it clear to you that his friends were off limits for you, it was his only rule. and it never bothered you until kai started to come over. he was exactaly your type, but you didn't want to break the promise you made to your brother. however, is it really your fault if your door is left ajar as you're touching yourself at night ? and is it really your fault if kai walks by your room at the same time ?
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-> pairing : best friend's brother!kai x fem!reader
-> words count : 2k
-> genre : smut
-> warnings : voyeurism (obviously), masturbation (m. & f.), fingering, dirty talk, mention of unprotected sex, kai is a little perverted but it's okay because yn is too.
+ the way i'm depicting kai does not represent him, it's only a work of fiction
-> 18+ content bellow, minors DNI
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | txt masterlist | kinktober 2024
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You and your brother had always been pretty close to each other. You heard all your friends complain about their older brothers being insufferable, but you never really related to them as your relationship with Yeonjun was very good. Maybe it was due to the fact that your parents were often absent when you were kids and that you grew more together than with them, but either way, it led to the both of you sharing some friends and sometimes going to the same parties. The only rule you had for each other was to not fuck with either of your friends. 
You knew that Yeonjun was the type to fuck around, and you couldn’t care less, but you didn’t want him and his womanizer behaviour to ruin your relationship with your girls, and Yeonjun couldn’t bear the idea of any of his friends laying their eyes on his little sister. And honestly, you were fine with that. You liked your brother’s friends, but they weren’t your type at all. That was until Huening Kai entered the equation. 
The first time you ran into him, you were coming back from a night out and you crossed path with him in the kitchen as you rummaged through the cupboards to find some kind of chips to munch on before crashing on your bed and sleeping until the afternoon, your head still dizzy from the last drink you had before leaving the bar. And Kai was right there, wearing an oversized shirt and some sport shorts, his pretty black hair falling over his eyes and down on his neck, his tall frame and broad as fuck shoulder hovering over you as he helped you reach for your snack. 
“- Ah ! Thank you so much, you’re sweet !”
You weren’t in your right state of mind, standing on your tippy toes to kiss the corner of his lips before grabbing your chips and stumbling to your bedroom. Meanwhile, Kai stood in the kitchen, dumbfounded. Yeonjun had warned him that you might come home late and make a lot of noise, but he didn’t expect that from you. And he felt guilty about having checked you out - the way your little dress was riding up your thighs and almost showing off your ass as you tried to reach for something too high for you. But at the same time, he couldn’t stop his mind from going back to your soft lips against his skin. 
That was how it all started, and from then on, Kai felt himself be drawn to you every time he saw you when he was over at your house to spend time with Yeonjun. He loved it when you would come out of your room to plop down on the couch between him and his friend and play some Mario Kart races along with them. Sometimes, he thought that he felt your eyes lingering on him too, but that was surely his mind tricking him into believing that his attraction was mutual. 
Little did he know you were feeling the exact same. You were aware that Kai was technically off limits because he was Yeonjun’s friend. But when you had the opportunity to talk with him one on one at some of the parties your brother dragged him to, you couldn’t ignore anymore how you developed some kind of crush on him. So yes, you put on the shortest shorts you owned anytime you knew Kai would come over. And when Yeonjun told you that Kai would come with the both of you for a night out, you were always wearing your skimpiest dresses, shortest skirts, deepest cleavage top’s you owned only for the pleasure of seeing him gulp down everytime he tried to be subtle about the way his eyes were staring at your breasts or ass for a little too long. 
It wasn’t rare for Kai to wake up in the middle of the night to either go to the bathroom or take a glass of water when he stayed at your house. Sometimes, you were still awake too and it led to the both of you talking for hours together. However, tonight was different. Kai didn’t think anything of the fact that your door wasn’t closed all the way when he passed by your bedroom on his way to the kitchen. But when he walked down the hallway to Yeonjun’s room again, he heard a faint sound, as if someone was whining. He stopped in his tracks, suddenly way more aware of every noise around the house. And when another moan echoed from your room, Kai was certain that he didn’t hallucinate.
He was frozen in place, not knowing what to do. Surely, he should’ve just went back to his friend’s room and let you do your thing. But your moans sounded so pretty, and he could already feel his cock hardening in his shorts. Kai glanced at your door, and it was still slightly open. A thought crossed his mind, and he tried to push it away because it was dirty and perverted. But soon enough, he was carefully stepping closer to your room, his mind going blank when he took a look inside and that he got a glimpse of your body squirming under the covers from the pleasure you were giving to yourself. 
Kai’s breath hitched in his throat as his eyes drifted from your contorted face to your hips bucking up under the covers. He couldn’t see much, but his brain had thought about you enough to fill in the blanks with some of his fantasies. And he knew it was wrong to watch you when you were unaware of his presence, but Kai still let his hand come down to palm his cock through his clothes anyway, biting his lips to hold in the low groan that threatened to escape him. 
He felt guilty, and disgusting for watching his sister’s best friend touch herself, but he couldn’t help it. You looked so pretty with your mouth slightly open, eyes closed and sensual noises falling from your lips. Kai watched intently as you kicked off your blanket, allowing him to take in your whole body - the oversized shirt you were wearing to sleep has been pulled up under your breasts, the material of your panties moving along with the way you were thrusting your fingers and rubbing your clit. 
And Kai only noticed how fast he was shifting his hand against his already rock hard cock when he whined quietly, unable to stop himself from moaning when you literally were touching yourself and he was able to see it all happening - something he thought only occurred in romance books and never with guys like him. You were so close to cumming that you didn’t even hear Kai whining louder and louder each time you whimpered, everytime he got a glimpse of the lewd sounds from how wet you were. 
It was only when he moved closer and pushed your door open a little more by accident that you finally noticed that someone was there. You stilled your fingers inside of you, turning your head to the side and meeting Kai’s gaze, already staring at you. The moment he realized that you had seen him, nervousness and shame took over him. His cheeks were burning up because what he was doing was obviously disgusting and you were probably going to scream at him any second, but he couldn’t help his cock from throbbing in his underwear from the way you were looking at him with your eyes still glazed by lust. 
Kai was convinced that it was the last time he could ever see you, that you would tell him that he was a pervert and go wake up your brother soon, that Yeonjun was going to kick him out and never talk to him again. He was honestly mentally preparing himself to the worse. But the second you started to move your fingers again, airy moans escaping you and eyes still locked with him, Kai wasn’t sure anymore of what he was supposed to do - though he clearly saw the way you stole a glance or two at the tent deforming his shorts. 
“- Kai…”
Hearing you whine his name definitely wasn’t on his bingo card of the night, but was he going to complain ? Fuck, no. And when he pressed his palm against his hard on this time, he wasn’t ashamed anymore, he wasn’t thinking about anything else other than you. He wanted to keep the eye contact going for as long as possible but he was simply unable to stop his gaze from wandering lower, groaning at the way you were now squeezing your boobs over your shirt, putting on a show just for him. 
“- You’re so hot, Y/N…
- Kai, please…”
The way you begged him with one hand reaching for him convinced him to finally push your door open all the way and step into your room. He was still sensible enough to lock the door behind before he made a beeline to your bed, immediately getting on top of you and crashing his lips into yours. Both of you moaned into the kiss, having waited far too long to feel each other. As Kai slipped his tongue into your mouth, he let one of his hands wander down to your panties, pushing your hand away and replacing your fingers with his. 
You instantly moaned at the feeling, his fingers way longer and thicker than yours hitting all the right spots without even trying. You knew you had to be quiet because Yeonjun was sleeping in the room right next to yours but finally having Kai’s hands on you after having craved him for so long made it hard to contain your sounds of pleasure. 
“- I’ve wanted to do that for so long, wanted to have you all to myself since the first day. 
- A-Ah ! Me too Kai, wanted you so bad… Your fingers feel so good, I love it.”
The words were whispered against each other’s mouth, your hands gripping his shoulders for support as he thrust his fingers into you expertly, as if he already knew your body like the back of his hand. A grin took over his features as Kai curled his fingers at the perfect angle to press on your sweet spot, a quiet moan tumbling from your lips. 
“- Were you thinking about me when you were touching yourself ? Did you wish it were my hands instead of yours ? 
-  Yes, I thought about it so much.”
It drove Kai mad to think that while he was feeling like a creep for jerking off to the thought of you in your little bikini around the people during summer, you were doing the exact same thing while thinking about him. He now had two fingers inside of your cunt, his thumb rubbing your clit just right, just how you liked it. You were already close to cumming, the whole situation having turned you so much, your walls clenching down around his fingers.
“- Kai, I'm close…
- I can feel it, you're so tight… You're gonna cum around my fingers and then around my cock right ?”
You squirmed as he curled his fingers perfectly once again, biting down on your lips to avoid crying out his name too loudly. But you still nodded at his words, not trusting yourself to open your mouth without letting out a lewd noise. It only took one more drag of his long fingers against your walls to bring you to your orgasm, Kai kissing you again to drown out your moans as he continued to circle your clit to prolong your high as much as possible. And he would have probably gone on if you hadn’t stopped him, eyes diving into his.
“- I need you inside of me or else I’ll go crazy.”
Kai swore under his breath as he quickly pulled out his fingers, helping you get out of your ruined panties while you were pushing down his shorts and underwear. You were both too hungry for each other to really take your time - you just needed to feel each other for now.  And the moment Kai finally pushed his cock all the way into your tight heat, he couldn’t bring himself to fell guilty about the fact that he was fucking his sister’s best friend anymore.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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txt masterlist (fill in this to be added) :
@bbgnyx @hann1bee @heevllog @lichyuu @foxinnie8 @lala-----------lala
kinktober masterlist (comment or dm to be added)
@d-dilemma @bath1lda @anxiousskylar
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v4mp-reads · 3 days
Good Day or Evening. Can you do a request of a Jealous Rhea Ripley X Fem Reader Where reader is apart of Judgement Day but is also Married to Rhea but due to storyline is dating Damian Priest and During a Promo Damian and Reader are being all cuddly and sweet to eachother making Rhea jealous so she ends up confronting Damian backstage so Reader takes her to the locker and reassuring her with sweet words Hugs and kisses. Thank you.
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The shadow of fear
Rhea Ripley x fem! reader
Song fic using " I love you " by Billie eilish
I think this ended up way more sad than the requester wanted. oh well! (A good amount of this story will be told from rheas pov)
As i stand in the back with the judgment day, I know that todays storyline involved a lot on me and Damien, im not to happy about it, but it gets a raise out of the fans, so i just deal with it. Rhea has been a bit distant lately, i don’t really know why, but I’ll try to talk to her.
“Rhea, my love! Hi!” I said in my normal upbeat tone, “Hey y/n” she said, she never really calls me y/n so it caught me off guard. “ are you okay?” I asked as i plopped next to her on the couch, “I’m fine, love. Are you ready for tonight?” She asked I could tell that something was bothering her but I didn’t want to push her before her matches tonight and i know this promo is going to piss her off even more, I’ve talked to the GM about changing the storyline, but they continue to say “its just a storyline and the fans love you two” and I can’t fight with them, wrestling is my passion, and its how i pay our bills.
**small time skip**
I stand backstage with Damien standing in front of me, all i can think about is “ I don’t even know if that’s pg” as his hands snake around my waist.
“Ya’know y/n, people talk..about us” Damian said his face close to mine, it almost makes me want to cringe, it was horrible in everyway, but, for the screen.
I lean closer putting my hands on his chest and looking up at him, “ let them talk,” i take a small pause “ because..we know what’s real and what’s not” I say with a small smirk, as i continue to let my hands Rome his body. “You enjoy playing with fire, dont you y/n.” He said pulling me softly against the wall. I feel the eyes burining into my back and i know who they belong to, but I can’t do anything about it, and I worry’s me, i know this isn’t easy for her to watch at all. I move my hands up to his chin slowly “ Maybe i do, maybe i want to burned” I say, i know the part that is next is going to be the worst, as i watch him lean closer to me, i know what im going to have to do , i soft,y close my eyes as he lays a soft kiss on my lips, its nothing like rheas, not comforting, not gentle, not wanted.
**rheas pov**
I had to sit and watch that whole promo..i had to watch my best friend on and off screen kiss my girlfriend and the rage running through my body. I make my way to the locker room, and from there i guess things start to clearly get worse. I see y/n and Damian giggling about the dumb promo, his hand on her shoulder, normally this would be fine, lighthearted actions, but i knew better than that, “hey..” i let out a small huff, “Hi, how are you? “ Damien said moving away from y/n “im good, tired, but good” i lied, and i know y/n noticed, but I didn’t really have time to deal with her drama.,
But that all changed when she looked at me, this look wasn’t nor,al.. loveless, i dont know.. and as soon as Damian walked out the door, it was like a rush of emotion fell over me.
“Are you enjoying it?:” i yelled slightly. Her head turned quickly. “What..? Rhea why would you say that?” She looked at me a hurt expression on her face, she sat on the arm of the couch.
“Tell me I’ve been lied to?” I said softly, i feel the tears fall from my eyes, “rhea… baby, my love its all part of the show, i swear.. i promise” She said as she moved closer to me, tho i just kinda pushed myself away from her, how does someone show so much emotion, so much..lust, when they are just faking it? I put my head in my hands. “ rhea! I’m being honest with you. I dont know why you’re thinking this!?” Y/n yelled at me, she never yells, this just makes the frustration overcome the sadness for a minute “Maybe wont you take it back?” I yelled back. “ say you where trying to make me ‘laugh’” my voice cracked a bit “Do you know what its like watching the love of you life with someone else, do you know what its like to see you two interact with eachother, how your constantly touching eachother, constantly kissing eachother!” I ramble out trying to push down the pain “Rhea, its just an act..” she said, she reached out for my hand but I quickly pulls away..”I can’t help i feel this way..it eats every part of me..”
as this argument clearly goes nowhere, its getting more heated, we are both at the point of standing and almost yelling.. this causes the anger to slowly melt into sadness.
“I love you.., and i dont want to” I said, and her face whent pale, i felt so bad i knew i needed to explain to her. the tears instantly start falling, messing up my makeup im sure. “ I love you y/n so much, so so much, but this dumb being with my best friend on screen shit is breaking my heart.i can’t stand it anymore y/n, I Hate that im like this y/n i hate that im jealous, i hate that im so upset, im sorry that I love you so much” i say as tears pour from my eyes
*y/ns pov*
“I’m sorry that i love you so much” she said.. that i love you so much.. this hurt, i needed her to know, “My love..” i say as i stepped closer to her, she once more tried to step away from me, but I wouldn’t allow that’s not this time, i grabbed her hands “Rhea, hey, listen to me my love, please..” she stopped trying to get away from me, but wouldn’t look me in my eyes, “my love, can you look at me as well?” She looked up making eye contact with me, her eyes all red and puffy, it pained me to see her like this, “ my love. I can’t escape the way, I love you.” I spoke softy, “ i honestly hate the promos, I’ve talked to the GM 100 times, and they wont listen to me, i couldn’t leave you, i could never love anyone more than I love you.” I softly smile at her. The look on her face tells me she needs a bit more reassurance “ no matter what dumb script i have to follow, or what i do infrount of that camera, i only want you” i told her, her grip tightened around me.
I pulled her into a hug, softly running my hands through her hair, “i love you, and i dont want this to come between us," I spoke softly. "I can't help the way I love you" she said with a small smile dang hugged me tighter "I'm sorry I let this get to me"
THANK you for reading
Xoxo. V.4mp.
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madridfangirl · 14 hours
I'm taking you home NOW!
Blurb from Part 2 (final part). Part one here.
Smut. Jude*female reader.
She hung up. Jude couldn’t believe she hung up on him.
He stared at his phone, then at her through the glass, then back at his phone.
Boy, was he going to make her pay.
Ananya realised that wasn’t a very smart move but he had completely thrown her off-guard. Between fight or flight, her instincts went with the latter. She could feel his gaze on her as she walked back to her table, the intensity burning her skin even through the distance and glass divider. She didn’t dare to look in that direction and sat down with her back to him.
Jude stayed there for a few seconds, half-inclined to walk down there right now and make good on his threat. But if he did that, sex would be off the table tonight. His parents / team would get a heart attack from the scandal he would have caused. And Ananya - oh she would strangulate him with her bare tiny hands.
Grudgingly, he dragged himself back to his teammates. Brahim elbowed him as soon as he sat down, telling him he was being too plain. Just that, the rest of the guys were pissed drunk already and hadn’t noticed. Jude couldn’t get himself to care. His thoughts were elsewhere.
Ananya knew he wouldn’t just let it go. And she was proven right 5 mins later when her phone buzzed. 
It was a picture with him, Cama, Vini and three waitresses. Two of them were on either side of Jude, their arms around his back and his around theirs. Both leaning against him, a little too close, looking all giddy and infatuated. The typical reaction he invoked in girls.
She started at her screen, open-mouthed, at his obvious attempt to rile her up. No, she won’t give him the satisfaction. She watched her tone carefully before texting him back.
Ananya: ??
Jude: Sent by mistake. Was sending to one of the girls.
Please, like she was born yesterday.
Jude: They didn’t have their phone on them so I took from mine & sending over. To the one on my right.
So, Jude had her number and she had Jude’s. 
Ananya: How sweet.
The girl was pretty. A classic petite, sexy Spanish brunette. A high-end waitress for the VIP section of one of the most posh clubs in Madrid. In her tight-fitted top & mini-skirt. Ananya knew from first-hand experience how Jude had a fetish for such uniforms. 
Jude: Yeah she’s over the moon. Thanking me non-stop.
She groaned. The boy was smart, talking in insinuations so she couldn’t hold anything over his head. So he doesn’t lose the moral high-ground he had right now. So he could always say later ‘oh it was just a nice thing I did for my fans.’ 
The fucker. The absolute shrewd twat. 
It had taken him all of 5 mins to swing this. The girl was probably touching his arm right now, trying to get his attention in her barely there attire. Batting her lashes, smiling extra hard. Reserving special service for him. Ready to drop her knickers at his one look. 
Her friend probably wanted to join in too. Both in a frenzy over how sweet he was being. Trying to score with the hottest property in football right now (literally & figuratively), who was drunk (ergo unreserved) and looked like an absolute meal tonight. 
This happened all too often with him. Offers for quickies in washrooms / hook-ups / one-night stands tended to pour in for him freely. Jude would tell her every time someone hit on him so explicitly or proposition him so openly. It was an unspoken understanding between them, something that gave her comfort.
Usually, he would nip these things in the bud, not providing any encouragement. But tonight, would he indulge a bit? To get back at her for her supposed flirting?
Here you go. Thought of dropping something before the full thing is done :)
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I don't know if you're still taking prompt requests at the moment? But if so I had an idea floating around in my head.
Raphael is reading to Tav in that deep, soothing voice of his while she's lying in bed with the flu or something. She thinks he's being sweet (and in some way he is) but she finds out he's aroused by the very sight of her so weak and vulnerable before him and he can't help but indulge so a little smut ensues 🤭
Keep up the amazing work, I loved the eex pollen fic! 💕👻
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I merged these together, hope you don't mind. Thank you Goof and Kat for helping me make this more coherent, and Kat for finding the translation of the rancid poetry ☺️ if you're interested you can read the full poem here
Read on AO3
Fiends were not kind, or selfless, or sweet. Perhaps a few might dare to skirt the lines, but her fiend, her Raphael (as much as he could be hers), was not one of them. So when he perched on her bed beside her like a doting devil-spawn gargoyle, promising to read to her as she lay stricken with a common seasonal ailment (that he, of course, was in no danger of catching), Tav was more than a little suspicious.
“Poetry,” he said when she groggily asked him what, exactly, he would be reading.
If nothing else, Tav thought, he could put her to sleep with his gaudy, childish rhymes. Not that she didn’t enjoy Raphael’s deep, soothing voice, but his literary endeavours left a lot to be desired. Still, the effort was appreciated. A nice surprise, even.
It was only when Raphael began to speak, plucking words from the pages of his secretive little book like pulling wings from flies, that she began to understand why he was doing it.
“My love,” he purred with all his usual swagger and sultry bravado twisting his next morbid sentences, “do you recall the object which we saw, that fair sweet summer morn, at a turn in the path of a foul carcass on a gravel strewn bed. Its legs raised in the air, like a lustful woman. Burning and dripping with poisons, displayed in a shameless, nonchalant way. Its belly, swollen with gases.”
Tav stared at him. Struck dumb by sickness and shock. He continued, focused, grave. Only a hint of amusement turned up his thin lips.
“The sun shone down upon that putrescence as if to roast it to a turn, and to give back a hundredfold to great Nature the elements she had combined, and the sky was watching that superb cadaver blossom like a flower. So frightful was the stench that you believed you’d faint away upon the grass.”
Disgusting. Compelling. Two words that described the poetry and the devil both, because as Tav listened, as she watched him talk, she saw the signs that answered her question. His expanding pupils, the glimpses of his fangs as he frequently licked his lips, the slight shifting of his legs, the flex of his wings and hypnotising sway of his tail…these things, she’d learned, were his displays of arousal. Her weakness, her vulnerability, excited him. She should have known.
What an awful creature he was. Yet it was more than the illness boiling Tav’s blood. Wringing the air from her lungs. A shame she was too weak to do much – not that it ever really dissuaded Raphael. It certainly wouldn’t now. Something slender, ropey, warm and firm slithered up her leg, underneath her flimsy nightdress. Wormed its way between her thighs. Kissed and caressed the sticky flesh. Dipped betwixt her mons to press itself against her tender sex, to roll and rub like a bitch in heat looking for attention. Teased her winking hole, let me in…
Tav inhaled sharply, her throat tight. Tongue thick and heavy. She’d wanted him to do this, use his tail this way, for some time. Of course he would choose this moment to indulge her fantasy. He grinned wolfishly when she spread her legs for it. For him. Worked her cunt until he could smear the first fresh musky slick of her interest around. Lather her clit to call it from its hood, come and play. Entered the snug cavern of her cunt to the symphony of her warbling whimpers – because gods his tail was thicker than his cock, oh the stretch was delicious and devastating and it just kept going – and his rancid words.
“The blow-flies were buzzing around that putrid belly, from which came forth black battalions of maggots, which oozed out like a heavy liquid all along those living tatters. All this was descending and rising like a wave, or poured out with a crackling sound; one would have said the body, swollen with a vague breath, lived by multiplication.”
Perhaps it was the delirium of fever. The cloying heat beneath all the layers of her skin she couldn’t escape. The swelling of her brain as it pressed against the walls of her skull. Maybe it was none of these things. But the devil’s tail wriggling and writhing in her cunt, slender and serpentine and slippery and scalding, was the best sensation she’d ever experienced. It reached places, touched spots, nothing else – not even her own fingers – could. Its control, the nudging of its wide blunt tip probing deep into her sex, searching for the opening of her cervix, was making her gnash her teeth and buck her hips, feet flat on the bed. Her fingers like claws gripping the sheets. Nails shredding. The noises she was making were obscene but she couldn’t be quiet. Couldn’t be modest with her pleasure. It was the all-consuming kind. The kind that made people do stupid, awful, dangerous things just for a chance to feel. The kind that split nerves and yanked tendons and rattled teeth. The kind so good it hurt, so good she didn’t care about anything else except rubbing and fucking and touching and cumming.
The kind so good she could die.
She would never be the same.
Through it all, Raphael kept reading.
“And yet you will be like this corruption. Like this horrible infection. Star of my eyes, sunlight of my being. You, my angel and my passion!” He knew the text by heart. His dilated glittering yellow eyes, pupils so huge like twin eclipses, wouldn’t look away from her. Wouldn’t blink. She, sweat-slick and undulating like a mad thing. He, enraptured, his leaking cock straining against the fabric of his trousers. His voice, deep and raspy in the grip of terrible, demented lust. “Yes! Thus you will be queen of the graces. After the last sacraments, when you go beneath grass and luxuriant flowers, to molder among the bones of the dead.”
“Raphael…!” Tav slurred. It was too much. He was killing her. His tail so long and alive and thriving in the hot and soft and spongy squeeze of her cunt. She dug her heels into the mattress and arched her back; to brace herself to accept him deeper or to make a feeble attempt to pull away, regain control, she didn’t know. She didn’t know anything except the agony and ecstasy of his play. The sick and succulent purr of his disturbing words. The things he said, his poetry so vile and so sweet, like the first sloughs of rotten flesh from a bloated corpse in the sun. She should have been horrified. Repulsed. She was, and she couldn’t get enough. He thrilled her in ways she didn’t understand. Ways that frightened her.
“Then, O my beauty!” Raphael, utterly impassioned, was reaching the crescendo of his piece and she, the crescendo of her rapture. The devil palmed and petted his erection, pressed a thumb hard into its damp head. Gripped its stiff shape through his clothes. He was going to make a mess. “Say to the worms who will devour you with kisses, that I have kept the form and the divine essence of my decomposed love!”
When Tav came, when Raphael finally released her from the torment of desperate want and need and desire by nudging the tip of his tail into the cradle of her womb – it hurt so good she bit her tongue her mouth tasted like blood she hated him she loved him she wanted to pull him apart – she screamed. Her climax, violent, unforgiving, shuddering, took it all. Her body responded to him, his cruel and feckless and greedy lust, by squirting her release over his tail. Over the sheets. A first for her. Powerful orgasmic contractions milked his tail for things it couldn’t give, but what it could do was squirm, leave her breathless and sobbing as it – he – drew out every scorching second of pleasure until she was a wet, babbling wreck.
“No more,” she begged. Wept. “Please…please, Raphael. No more. I can’t take it…”
“Oh, my little mouse,” crooned the devil, feasting on her with his hungry gaze. He’d come, she knew he’d come, by the familiar inflection in his voice. The flush on his cheeks. The dark wet patch between his thighs. Still, he fisted his cock. Not yet soft. Not yet satisfied. He let his tail slip from her twitching cunt slowly. Flicked her swollen clit as he went. Curled his devilish extra limb up to leer, to admire the shining coat of cum Tav had given it. Sleep, exhaustion, was taking her. Her eyelids were heavy. Closing. “My sweet little mouse…”
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alwayssassydreamer · 3 days
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Gif not mine credit goes to the owner
just a silly little story about awkward Ace and Reader having trouble telling each other how they feel
thanks goes to a friend of mine who gave me this idea
warnings; none
A/N: wrote this late at night after a long and exhausting day - might have some flaws. Not proofread.
you don't exactly remember how you ended up on the moby dick. the only memory being that you were on a ship when a storm came up which caused you to go overboard and when you woke up you found yourself in the infirmary of the whitebeard pirates with marco tending to you. later on, they told you that thatch was the one who caught sight of your body floating in the sea and pulled you out. that was a few months ago and since you were all alone with no family left you were more then happy that whitebeard let you stay, the old man developing a soft spot for you.
you are a rather shy person and not used to all the attention you were receiving especially not from so many good looking men. sometimes you felt overwhelmed by it and sneaked into your cabin to "escape" the scene. at first the crew let you leave, giving you some time to adjust to this new situation but the longer you stayed the more you had to endure it, with them telling you that it's only for your own good and that you needed to get rid of your shyness. and they were right it really worked. you started to loosen up around them, joking, pranking and just having relaxed conversation with them. all worked pretty well except for the times Ace was around. you couldn't help yourself but the moment you set eyes on him you were stunned. he was sweet and caring and his smile could melt ice and that's not because of his devilfruit. you had fallen head over heels for him. what you didn't know though was that he felt exactly the same for you.
You walked around the deck when you saw Ace talking to Marco and you stared, long and deep. that's why you didn't see the chair in front of you until the moment you bumped against it almost falling over. "shit" you cursed rubbing your shin. "Instead of staring at Ace you should better watch out where you're going" Thatch who had witnessed the whole scene said mockingly. "i wasn't staring, the chair attacked me out of nowhere" you mumbled turning to face Thatch, a blush on your cheeks. "How sneaky of that chair" he said a small laugh escaping his lips, as he stepped closer, nudging your shoulder lightly. "Maybe we should throw the chair overboard so he will learn not to mess with you" "shut up, idiot." you replied pretending to be mad at him. "Come on, go over to him. We'll be reaching shore soon ask him if he'd like to explore the island with you" "No and i don't want to hear another word from you" Thatch just looked at you and sighed shaking his head. you were about to walk off but when you turned around you bumped into someone. "sorry" you mumbled when you caught sight of Ace and immediately looked away. "it's ok, i should apologize for sneaking up on you" Ace said rubbing the back of his head, big smile on his face. you could feel the way Thatch was trying to hold his laugh in while Izou and Marco, who approached the scene, just shook their heads. well it seemed that everyone on this ship was aware of the fact that you had fallen for the second commander, everyone except Ace. The three of them decided to watch how this rather akward scene would play out their snickering not helping at all. "Well, uhm, i thought that since we will reach shore soon you might uhm i mean you like to eat right" was he just asking you for a date in the weirdest way possible. "well i wouldn't say like since it's more of a need to absorb nutrients and thus survive" What the hell did you just say. you couldn't believe that your reply would be even worse than his question. please let me dissappear was all you could think about when you heard Izou clear his throat. "i guess we should leave these two alone now" he said motioning for marco and thatch to leave. the latter was trying his best to keep his laughter in - still in disbelief how horrible you two were at flirting. "Well since you need to eat and i like to eat maybe we could, you know since we're reaching shore soon, you and me could, like go get something to eat, if you want to" Ace asked after the three commanders left. hands playing with the hem of your shirt you looked up at Ace. "if pops is ok with that why not" you replied shyly making ace smile.
after you had settled your "date" in the most awkward way possible you both continued your duties on the ship. you were excited and nervous to finally get to spend some time alone with ace. once again your thoughts were so focused on Ace that you missed the last step of the stairs. a squeak escaping your lips before finding yourself in two strong arms. "not again! if you keep being so lost thinking about Ace you're gonna break something" izou, who had caught you before you hit the ground, scolded. "it wasn't my fault, I'm pretty sure that the stairs rebuilt themselves and added one more step. and i wasn't thinking about Ace, i was meditating" you pouted. "yeah keep telling that yourself" Izou sighed as he walked off. god izou was right, though you'd never admit that, but you seriously had to stop daydreaming so much about Ace. the rest of the day went pretty well, you helped marco in the infirmary which was distracting you from Ace but once again you managed to run into a non moving object the moment you caught a glimpse of Ace. marco only covered his face with his hands shaking his head. "if this keeps going on i'm going to throw you both overboard. and don't tell me that the table was attacking you and that this didn't happen because of Ace because we both know that you're lying." Marco said in a calm yet strict tone. "i'm sorry. it's just that i've never felt something like this before" you almost whispered, nervously tapping your feet. marco took a deep breath then gave you a warm smile. "you need to talk to him about it yoi." "maybe later"
when you finally reached shore you could feel a knot in your stomach. maybe you weren't ready for this, maybe you should just stay on the ship in the comfort of your own cabin. no, you had to do this, had to get this off your chest otherwise you would never know if he feels the same about you. taking a deep breath you left your cabin and made your way to the deck where Ace was already waiting for you. the moment he saw you a bright smile covered his face making you blush. "so you ready?" he asked and you nodded shyly. "Ace you better keep an eye on her and return her in one piece" whitebeard shouted after you. "Don't worry pops, i will protect her with my life" hearing this words made you blush even harder. the two of you walked next to each other for some time an awkward silence between you. "you sure this is the right way" you asked breaking the silence. Ace looked around. "honestly i have no idea" he said rubbing the back of his head. "sorry i should've payed more attention to thatch when he explained me the way" he added feeling a little embarrassed. "i don't mind, i like it here, it's pleasantly quiet. and i'm also having trouble paying attention to whatever thatch is saying" you joked making him chuckle.
a cold breeze hit you making you shiver. "you ok? if you're cold i could maybe, you know help you, since i'm hot you know." he stopped nervously. "i mean i'm great at being hot.... no i'm not like hot hot but....uhm i'm warm because of the devilfruit" his cheeks burning red as he stumbled over his words. "no i get it you're hot, hot is good! I like it when things are hot. Wait, no, not like that! I mean… you’re fine the way you are. Warm. Or hot. Or whatever temperature you choose to be" god you could face palm yourself right now. what are you doing, why was it so hard for you to have a normal conversation with him. this was Ace the sweetest guy you've ever met, the one who always looked out for you, made you smile and put up with your clumsiness. you bit your lower lip wishing to dissappear once again. when you looked at Ace you could see a mix of confusion, embarrassment and admiration in his eyes.
you took a deep breath. "maybe we should just keep going" you said while he just nodded. "you know if you want to get back to the ship we can just" "no, it's fine here, i mean you are here and that's all that matters" Ace stuttered. "i mean who wouldn't want to spend some time alone with you. You’re awesome. You’re smart, funny, and you always make me laugh. I mean, you’re like the perfect" he paused panicking after realizing what he just said "bro" he blurted out "Bro? did you just call me bro?" you asked laughing. "what? no! i mean yes i said bro but that's not what i wanted to say" he stammered. "oh god i didn’t mean it like that! You’re not a bro, you’re… you’re way more than that. You’re… someone I really care about. And I’m just terrible with words" he sighed burying his face in his hands. "seriously you think you are terrible with words. did you ever listen to the weird things i am saying. or the fact that i run into every non moving object just thinking about you" you knew this was the perfect moment to let this out and help Ace feel a little less embarassed. He removed his hands from his face and looked dumbstruck at you. "wait, you run into things because of me?" "well i guess i really really like you.....bro" you taunted. "oh come on don't call me that now" he groaned and you kinda felt bad but this was just too funny. "nah, i kinda like it and i think it's cute when you get all flustered bro" "I'm never gonna live this down, am I?" he asked utterly embarassed. "probably not" you teased. "but i know a way you could make up for calling me that" "oh and what would that be?" he asked curiously as you tugged on his shirt. you didn't have to say another word for he clearly understood what you meant. hands placed on your waist, pulling you closer while your own wrapped around his neck, he leaned in and carefully brushed his lips over yours. "i love you (y/n)" "i love you too" you said smiling like an idiot, heart pounding in your chest as your lips engaged in the most passionate kiss you've ever had. You felt like a heavy load fell off your shoulders, finally knowing that he was feeling the same way you did. As you broke the kiss he pulled you even deeper into him, holding you tightly. "I hope this means you stop bumping into stuff" he mocked his head nuzzling into the crook of your neck, where you could feel a small smile spread on his lips "definitely.....bro"
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