#thanks for being so reliable tumblr! /s
uncanny-tranny · 2 years
I don't necessarily see the whole "your actions are what define your sexuality, not your identity! If you say you're queer, your actions need to prove it!" as helpful to anybody at this point.
There are way too many examples I can include in this post as to why that exclusionist mindset is unhelpful and damaging to queer people, but I don't know if that's even helpful. I suppose that because I used to subscribe to this idea to an extent, it always felt like my queerness was a performance I did for others. I didn't feel fully in control of my decisions because I had to "prove my queerness." It's part of the reason my sexuality feels so complex now, perhaps; what performance am I listening to?
Queer actions can be part of your queer identity, but it isn't the only aspect of being queer. It isn't helpful to force people to have proof that they are "truly" gay/lesbian/bisexual/asexual/queer in general. How are you entitled to other peoples' queer identity?
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kynimdraws · 2 months
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Name: Kylee (they/them). 30+
A totally normal Korean American mostly known for my drawings, specifically my Pokemon nuzlocke comics. But I will talk about other things on occasion because I do have periods of being fixated on certain topics. I also am a doctor!
Interests: Pokemon, League of Legends (everything except the game lmao), Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing, Mother series, Korean history/culture, character design
General FYIs: 
General inquiries/commission work/etc should be sent thru kynimdraws [at] gmail [dot] com! Tumblr messaging/asks/etc is not 100% reliable
I will not follow NSFW accounts but I am fine talking/interacting with them. There may be suggestive shitposting but I like keeping my content on the SFW side
I am VERY picky about who I follow/interact with online. Fandom content in particular is a minefield for me aka I have many things I dislike and don’t want to see, even if it might be a popular thing in media that I otherwise enjoy. Therefore, I will unfollow/block/mute liberally. There are times I accidentally block a blog bc I mistake them for bots. So if you got hit with that, just send me an ask or email me
I am very open about what I like and dislike, and none of those things are a direct attack on your sensibilities. I have never gone out of my way to directly send hate or whatever have you if I end up seeing shit I don’t like. My complaints in my little online space ain't a personal attack on you.
My ask/submission box/DMs  are open for criticisms if you have any issues you want to resolve in private. No one is perfect and I may have done ignorant shit that needs to be pointed out. I have deleted or edited posts in the past if people tell me what I did wrong. PS I get that some of my stuff may upset you, but try to act civil when pointing shit out please.
I try to tag all my things whenever I can. Again, send me a message if anything bothers you. I am all for good debate but if you send me excessive hate or threats bc I have different opinions about matters that are trivial, I will block/delete them.
If you wish to use any of my hcs, please credit me. And if you are comfortable with it, send me the works so I can check them out! Or @ me if that is easier.
FIRE EMBLEM FYI: Specifically for 3Houses/3Hopes because I need a separate one for this franchise specificially given how many crazy things I got due to being involved in this fanbase via my fanworks:
DO NOT try to convince me to like or tolerate Byleth/student ships, ESPECIALLY the ones with the lords (aka CIaude, Dimitri, EdeIgard). I already summarized why I don’t like FE3H Byleth ships with student chars here. While the spinoff game FEW3H has now removed that teacher/student problematic situation, the fandom keeps putting the FE3H elements into the FEW3H fanworks (i.e. remembering Byleth from “another life” trope)...so no thanks!! DO NOT SHOW ME IT!!!
As for the Byleth ships with faculty members, my response is here so don’t try to bait me about that topic either thanks.
I do not care whom you ingame S-support. 3Houses limits the dating-sim part of the game to that character, so I cannot care less about how you play the game. The main issue I have is when people treat Byleth the “character” as a legit ship material when I personally think they are a cool character ruined by fans who are too obsessed with badly executed self insert otome tropes bc they self-project super hard onto them. Just to be clear, any FE3H or FEW3H OC/Canon >>>>>>Byleth ships personally. Even Byleth-sonas that remove the teacher/student aspects are better than canon FE3H!Byleth
Please don't drag FE VA statements as some sort of “gotcha” on my opinions like this post here. IDC what other people prefer with ship shit, that’s their problem and not mine. I am not gonna bother them about it. So don’t bother ME about it.
Links to check out:
Myths of Unova + Episode Grey (Pkmn White/White2 Comic)
Tales of Sinnoh (Pkmn Diamond Comic)
Art Site (Portfolio)
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mbm-artist · 26 days
Hi there hello, I'm sure you're wondering either
A) Why tf I just reblogged a bunch of stuff in the span of like 30 seconds
B) What's going on in general
C) What's the point of this post you're reading
D) All of the above
Well dear viewer, I'm gonna give you a TL;DR and then under the cut give a more in-depth explanation, I'll even cut it up into different sections to make viewing easier :)
⚠️ Trigger Warnings ⚠️
Randy (duh), a LOT of swearing (duh), suicide mentions, pedophilia/attempted grooming/etc mentions, queerphobia (transphobia, homophobia, etc), misogyny, mentions of sexual things, slurs, harassment, general 16+ content mentions
Randy is a 14 year old minor (allegedly) as of the time this post was made, please DO NOT INTERACT with him, just block him and report him as many times as you want. This post's purpose is to spread awareness and maybe hopefully get him banned from Tumblr. Please do not go after, attack, or interact with him or his (supposed) "girlfriend" (he has her tagged at the bottom of his pinned post). I suggest you block (NOT REPORT) his "girlfriend" too, you can never be too careful.
As of the time this post was made Randy's father and school have been contacted, and we are waiting on an update.
Please offer all the victims of Randy unconditional love and support, they deserve that and so much more for all the bullshit this kid put them through, don't you dare even TRY to victim blame them. I will flame you if you attack them at all in any way shape or form, no excuses, ifs, ands, or buts.
I am also a minor in high school (not giving my age for my own safety), so take that how you will. My pronouns are they/them/he/him if you don't know already :D
One more thing before we get into it (if it wasn't obvious already),
Thank you, you may now proceed.
The Google Doc (Alllllll the info about this guy in one place, most reliable source of info) | Randy's "gf's" tag, #proud randy supporter (Second-most reliable source of info, this has a LOT of updates on him in real time) | Randy tag, #randysworld-multi-fandom-fan/randysworld2009 (Second-most reliable source of info, all posts related to him will [hopefully] be here) | Randy's Interactions With Me (proof of him interacting with me) | Google Photos Album (just all of the screenies of proof in one place, I'm gonna tryyyyy to keep this updated as much as I can but no promises)
My response to the 1st ask he sent me | My response to the 2nd ask he sent me (pretty much the same as the first one)
The Short Explanation
So basically this whole fiasco is about @randysworld-multi-fandom-fan or otherwise known as randysworld2009
His crime(s)?
1. Hypocrisy
2. Queerphobia (transphobia, homophobia, the works)
3. Misogyny
4. Perversion (being a pervert)
5. Suicide baiting
6. Pedophilia accusations (all of which are false, and carelessly thrown around)
7. Attempted grooming(?) of fellow minors
8. Slurs (need I say more?)
9. Harassment (in case that wasn't obvious already)
Among other things
He's been interacting with accounts in the following fandoms (as of the time this post was posted):
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss, or HV/HH/HB)
Murder Drones (MD)
SMG4 (Super Mario Glitchy 4)
Yo Gabba Gabba (YGG)
TL;DR this guy is a 5yo Gen Alpha brainrotted kid stuck in a 14yo kid's body, and he's been harassing multiple (mainly TADC) accounts on Tumblr for a bit now, and just being a nuisance and damaging people's mental health.
That's the simple explanation, if you're still not convinced you need to block this guy (and his [supposed] girlfriend) and report him until your hands hurt and/or would like to know more thennnnn
The full explanation + evidence is under the cut ✨
The Long Explanation
Okay so I'm gonna be quoting the Google Doc a LOT here, you'll be able to tell which parts are quoted and which parts are me.
"Randy or randysworld2009 is a Tumblr user that appeared around TADC blogs in the beginning of 2024. Since then, he has built a history of harassing said blogs, mostly roleplay/askblog accounts and artists, forcing roleplay and specially spouting misogyny towards women mods and fem leaning characters, transphobic and homophobic towards queer people. At one point he started getting his information messed up, saying that he was super straight and then later on a “half-bisexual”, also often times approaching people with romantic/sexual intent and then getting angry when those same people state that they are not interested or are above legal age, which he supposedly is not. It is believed that Randy is 14 years old, but at this point, we can’t be certain of what information is true or false. For all we know, his blog could be just a troll."
So yeah, this guy is bad news. That was a direct (formal) quote from one of the victims.
If formal isn't your style, here's a more casual one
"Randy first appeared around the beginning of 2024. He began harassing tadc ask blogs then that led to harassing their mods. Eventually others got involved and Randy basically snapped. He got EVEN MORE batshit and started spouting misogyny, transphobia, and dilution. He's chronically online and believes everything is a roleplay. He's obsessed with getting a girlfriend and has sexually harassed many. he is the horniest bastard you could fucking meet omg"
Another direct quote from another victim, this one he treated the WORST.
(Some) Screenshots
There are more screenshots in the Google Doc and the Google Photos Album I made, but these will be a few tidbits of evidence that will hopefully convince you by now if you're not already. (With some additional commentary/explanation from yours truly underneath each screenie✨) Additionally, all the images will have links to their sources. (Please let me know if they don't work, I'll update this with usable links if that's the case)
Exhibit A - The Bastard Himself
(Mb for light mode jumpscare here, even more reason for your eyes to bleed when looking at this immature fuck's profile)
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Just his profile (as of the time this post was posted) so you know exactly who to block and report as many times as possible Exhibit B - His Interactions With Me
This is some evidence of him interacting with me, there's more in the Google Photos Album I made of proof he interacted with me
(Mb for light mode jumpscare again, it's the only way I could show the post and the comments in the same screenie)
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His comments on my pinned post, if you saw this or this you know I demanded that he delete his comments on here (while flaming the fuck out of him), so here's a screenie of what they were before he (hopefully) deletes them
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The first ask he sent me, my response being the awesome giant rant where I DEMOLISHED him (I'm way too proud of it if you couldn't tell)
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All his interactions with me from when he initially found me
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The rest of his interactions he's ever had with me
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Like the first ask he sent, I answered with the same thing, ANNIHILATING this fucker (still way too proud of it)
Exhibit C - Direct Victim Testimonies (to yours truly) These are asks that I sent to the main 3 victims I had gathered evidence from before gaining access to the Google Doc, they're my main sources so far (send all the love and support to them please [especially Sunny's system they've all been hurt the most from what I can see], they're very sweet outside of all this and more than deserve it)
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Dia answered first, their answer helped me gain access to the Google Doc and get a HUGE chunk of the evidence I'll be showing here
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Second half of Dia's answer, a summary of the wholeeee situation straight from a direct victim
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Sunny was the second to answer my ask, this is what I mean when I say clearly Sunny needs the most love and support out of all the victims (as far as ik) cus like how can you not man- also this is how I found out they contacted Randy's father and school, very big piece of lore (and you'll see why they have soon don't worry)
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Lilith was the last to respond to my ask, this being how I found out that it was them specifically that contacted Randy's dad & school (which I commend them for, it was a very good move so bravo to them man genuinely)
Exhibit D - Evidence
And now the moment you've all been waiting for, if this doesn't convince you then shit idk what will-
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This post was my first exposure to what Randy is ACTUALLY like and wowee what a doozy man, it started me down the rabbit hole that lead me to making this post rn (make sure you look at the notes [both comments and the reblogs] too those also have even more info aside from everybody FLAMING the fuck out of this kid lolol) Also GO OFF ON HIM GLITCH GET HIS ASS WOOOOO
(Sorry for the light mode jumpscare yet again, evidence is evidence)
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1. Misgendering. What the fuck. (Dia's pronouns are they/them) 2. EW. Need I say more??? 3. This post is how I found my main 3 sources up until Dia answered my ask 4. You'll start to see that this post and the following posts show that he's SPECIFICALLY targeting fem-adjacent blogs (including blogs that are run by enbies that he assumes identify as femme and promptly misgenders) and generally being a misogynistic and transphobic BITCH
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This post is an example of Randy A) Accusing a fellow minor of pedophilia (very carelessly and incorrectly might I add) B) Not even getting their age right? Hello??? C) This kid clearly does NOT know what the difference between slang and genuine predatory behavior is which shows how fucking SHELTERED this kid must be oh my GOD D) Another example of him misgendering and being misogynistic/transphobic
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This post is more proof of him being misogynistic and sexually harassing people, and might I add a HORNY ASS PERVERT Rabid is actually someone I followed way before all this dude, I'm guessing that's how Randy found me unfortunately
After this screenie Dia answered my ask, so all the screenies beyond this point are straight from the Google Doc (some had links to their original posts, some didn't for the sake of anonymity which is completely understandable)
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This post backs up what I said regarding the other screenie where Randy assumed Lilith was like 20, istg this kid does NOT know what fact checking is holy fuck This was a certified screenie I got from the Google Doc might I add
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This post, another one provided by the Google Doc, is an example of him A) Harassing TADC ask blogs (and it leading to harassing the mods) B) Sexually harassing people and being misogynistic in general He just doesn't know when to quit huh
(Sorry again for the light mode jumpscare this is the last one I promise)
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This one didn't have a post linked to it so I only found it cus of the Google Doc (so yay ig you don't have to click the links to the OG posts for more info anymore beyond this point), the mod spitting FACTS
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Once again lovingly provided by the Google Doc, wowee this kid sure loves slurs
I know this might not get to many people, but I'm hoping it at least has some sort of positive impact, because I want to try my best to warn as many people as possible and keep him from having any more influence than he already has.
Thank you for reading my ramblies on this important news, have a cookie for getting this far and you're an LGBTQIA+ ally 🍪 (plus an additional scoop of ice cream if you're queer 🍦)
And Happy Pride Month, TRANS PRIDE BABYYY
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Plus some Anti-Randy spray for the road (lovingly provided by Sunny and Lilith) ✨
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(in case of any confusion, the colors kind of mean different things but not really, it's not that important- but red is for trigger warning stuffs/disclaimers and general important things, green is for section titles, blue is for links, and that's about it really-- and yes I did make a subtle RGB joke. Sue me, I wanna be at least a little funny to make light of all this grim dark stuffs. All those super super serious call-out posts can be kind of depressing so I want to find the happy middle ground between serious and lighthearted, it gets the message across and it still feels important without being too much of a downer yanno? Anyway do tell me your thoughts in the comments after dropping a reblog, I would appreciate feedback on what you think of my writing style here :3) (Oh, and if you're wondering what purple means? It's a secret 🥰)
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darlingian · 20 days
weekly tag wednesday friday
thank you to these lovely ones who tagged me: @jrooc @creepkinginc @energievie @deedala @gardenerian
@blue-disco-lights @vintagelacerosette @heymacy
how did you get into the fandom? I just kinda inserted myself. Lmao. Followed a bunch of gallavich blogs and did some detective work to find an invite link to the discord. lolol
how long have you been here? just over a year! (this time) I've been on and off tumblr (with the same blog!) since 2010 though!
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) Tumblr, aka the fandom Homeland.
what’s your favourite now? tumblr is my ol' reliable.
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? I first reached out to @gallawitchxx by being annoying in her inbox. Then I did the same to @gardenerian. Sorry pals.
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? @gallawitchxx and @gardenerian , hence the inboxing. Buuuuut also @heymacy and @heymrspatel and @whatthebodygraspsnot and
@michellemisfit . You all seemed so cool and like authorities on the subject. lolol
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) The first gallavich fic I ever read was not very good. LOL. But the first one I fell head over heels for was Restoration by @palepinkgoat. I think about it all the time.
first fan art that blew your mind? @steorie art of some kind! Possibly something from Cooperative Gameplay? Or @deedala 's Mickey and Debbie fanart.
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? AUs. for a long while I refused to read anything but post series fics.
what surprised you most about this fandom? How much WORK people put into this fandom. There are so many people not only writing or making art or gifs etc, but there are people who have databases of deleted fics, fics that align with certain tropes, there are people organizing fan events like it's their job, people who are encouraging newbies, people making prompts lists and running very specific blogs for very specific fandom needs. everyone working together on this thing that we are all a part of. It's just so beautiful. And like yeah, this happens in other fandoms too. But the consistency here is just so lovely. Plus it feels big enough to usually stay pretty fresh, but also small enough that you can really form connections.
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? I specifically remember watching the scene where Mickey is beating up Ian at the abandoned buildings in like 2013? and thinking "Oh no. I'm never getting over these two." and I took a break for a while but it did ending up being true so far. lol
ian or mickey? Ian Clayton Gallagher is so special to me I have a hard time articulating it. So, Ian. <3
which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? At times I have felt like Lip, Fiona, Mandy, but these days I feel like a Ian/Debbie combo.
I'm not tagging anyone else because I'm so late. <333
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nian-7 · 5 months
Maybe a request, but you can ignore if you want (≧﹏ ≦) *Finally showing my face here bc I'm too shy, bless tumblr for having anon ask to use*
I barely see yandere Kuko Harai content, it would be too much if I request this? With a fem! S/O, but can be gn! S/O if you want (✿◕‿◕✿)
How would you imagine him being a yandere? I'm curious ;3;
i had to think about it a little bit but i really enjoyed writing this!! enjoy! keep the kuko req comin..
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Kuko Harai x fem!reader
✧yandere headcanons
✧cw: manipulation, violence.. usual yandere tendencies
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-Well, first thing that comes to mind is that he's a monk. Monks are supposed to be reliable and trustworthy! Kuko is... arguably neither sometimes. But he uses his status as a monk when you first meet just to manipulate you.
-He's not scared of fights that's for sure though. He has no problem getting into a fight over someone looking at you too much for his liking when you both are simply walking around.
-The guy who looked at you will be bloody and bruised by the time Kuko's done with him and honestly you can't help but feel bad for him. He acts as if he didn't just beat a guy up on the streets of Nagoya just because he looked at you for too long.
-Follows it up with some sermon about how he was able to do that. He's honestly just manipulating you into thinking he's the one who was in the right and that he's a good person because he's a monk. Monk's can't be bad, right?? (wrong..)
-He's not above killing someone, usually if it were to happen in a fight. He wouldn't go out of his way just to kill someone over something like looking at you or getting close to you. He'd rather give them a good beating so they know why he's doing it. If the guy ends up dying or passing out, that's not his fault.
-Kuko does draw the line at kidnapping though. He hates rules and having his freedom restricted. As much as he'd love to keep you all to himself where nobody else will even dare to look at you with their dirty eyes, he doesn't want to take away that freedom from you.
-He doesn't stalk you either, he has no shame in walking right beside you whenever he finds you out. He finds it unnecessary to do and sneakily follow you and risk you thinking he's a creep so he'll just walk up beside you and walk with you wherever you go.
-Oddly enough, he doesn't mind it if you have female friends. It's probably due to the fact that he wants you to still be happy even when he's not around to make you happy. Seeing how much your friends make you smile makes him happy to see your smile. So your female friends get a pass. Not your male friends. He sees them all as they're all just trying to get with you and take you away from him.
-Kind of the same thing with girls on the street. If a girl stares at you for a while, he just assumes that she likes your outfit or that she's admiring you. He won't just go start a fight with a random girl unless she starts it first with you.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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historyofglee · 12 days
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Introducing HistoryofGlee’s Big Summer Gleewatch!
With my regular episode anniversary watch parties being over until September, I felt it was time for a full rewatch- a rewatch I’d love to share with anyone who would like to join me.
Starting this Monday, June 17th, I’ll be watching all 121 episodes of Glee over a period of nine weeks. In most cases, this works out to two episodes a day, with some exceptions:
- there will be no watch parties on July 8th or July 13th 🤍💙
- there will be no other episodes streamed on the day we reach 5x03 (August 3rd), it will stand alone 💙🏈
- there will be no episode watch party on the anniversary of the Glee: The 3D Concert Movie premiere (August 6th), as I will be sharing the movie instead 🎥🍿
- there will be three episodes shown on the final two days of the rewatch (August 17th and 18th) in order to fit them in before a new week starts ☺️
As I’m sure you can imagine, working out what time to run something like this can be difficult. I’d love to make this as accessible as possible to everyone. If you are interested in joining me, sharing your timezone and preferred time(s) would be enormously helpful in deciding what time to begin each episode. Come July I can be more flexible, until then both episodes will run sometime in the evening (UK time). I would also love to hear your thoughts on whether you would prefer a gap between the episodes or if they should run like a double feature- I’m currently thinking of a two hour break between episodes (eg. episode 1 starting at 6pm and episode 2 starting at 9pm).
For the first couple of weeks, I will be hosting each watch party on the site/app Hearo. I have been using it so far for all of my watch parties and it’s extremely easy to use. However, Hearo is currently set to shut down on July 1st. I have an idea of where to host from then on, but if you know of any reliable watch party sites/apps, I’m grateful for any suggestions! 🥰
Link sharing:
As with my regular watch parties, I will be sharing the link on the HistoryofGlee Instagram story, 15 minutes before the episode starts. Additionally, I will also be creating a Big Summer Gleewatch groupchat, where I will share a reminder 30 minutes in advance. If you believe sharing the link on another platform (Twitter/Threads/Tumblr) would be beneficial, please let me know. 😊
Schedule sharing:
I have created a weekly schedule for each week of the rewatch. Each one details which episodes will be shown on each day. I will post the schedule for each week on Monday morning (UK time) on all platforms- and if I forget, and I will, please remind me! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Thank you for reading, and I hope you can join me at some point on the Big Summer Gleewatch! I’m extremely excited and sure it’ll be a lot of fun. If you have any suggestions, questions, or there’s anything I’ve missed, please comment or shoot me a DM. ❤️
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hakka84 · 9 months
Meta: (half)Vulcan's temperature
@jennelikejennay interesting meta reminded me that I never shared here on Tumblr the meta I wrote about Spock's temperature back in 2011. So here it is. Copy/pasted from Livejournal.
To be hot or not to be hot? This is the question.
Ok, I'll be serious: your host here has finally found the answer to one of the most controversial things in the Star Trek K/S fandom: Is Spock's temperature higher than a human's? The answer is in TOS so I'll play with pure canon here: no need to read books or such but just watching closely the series itself. I'm sure I'm not the first one to notice but... hey, repeating doesn't hurt, especially when people keep going on about Star Fleet Medical Reference Manual being not canon.
Evidence n°1: Dagger of the Mind
Spock isn't seen near a monitor's biobed except as witness of Van Gelder's apparent craziness. But let's take a good look to the values in the monitors when Van Gelder is on the biobed. Don't mind the actual arrows, as the human isn't really healthy at the moment, but look at the values' scale: we can disregard all the others as we don't need them. Take a look at the brain's waves if you like but save only the temp, the first one on the left.
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On my dvd player on tv this work was easier because of an useful zooming function but, thanks to the power of aleniakalain's dvd, I hope this cap will work for you too: I'll help you.
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.  .  .
Evidence n°2: Naked time.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Joe Tormolen's readings, just to see how a healthy human reads.
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Let's have a better look at the readings
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.  .  .
Evidence n°3: Naked time
Spock is healthy, Bones makes us sure of that. By the way, how hot is Nimoy in the black undershirt? Let's take a look at the readings. Bear in mind that these are Spock's average readings, when he's not influenced or under disease.
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As you may see quite well, Spock's reading of temperature is quite under the green line, somewhere between 33 and 34°. At a rough guess the double arrows are marking 33.7/8. Spock's brain waves are far above the average.
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So… canon speaks: Vulcans (and Spock) are colder than humans and Bones line about "that green ice-water you call blood" isn't a pipe dream.
There are two others times where we can see a Vulcan's reading but they can't be taken into account because in both of them the Vulcan wasn't really health.
Mirror, Mirror: Mirror Spock is, to Bones words, “dying” and all the lines are fucked up: I keep the brains waves as base and when these change too much then I consider the readings null for this little essay.
Journey to Babel: Sarek's readings. His temperature is higher than Spock's but he is under surgeon and all his readings are scrambled. Again, I can't really consider them reliable.
Anyway, canon says quite clearly that Spock isn't hot but cold. We're speaking of two C°, nothing excessive, but that’s it. It may have no biological foundations and you may say it has no sense at all: I can agree. However, Star Trek (TOS, in this case) made us quite used to biological nonsense. If a brain can be removed from its rightful body to then be put there again without any damage, if androids can be infused with a human's "pattern", if one's soul can be transferred in lightning globes (and so on), then we cannot really be squeamish on a simple change of temperature, right?
I know this sounds like a minor thing but since I've read that bit about Vulcan's temperature on Memory Alpha[memory-alpha.org/wiki/Vulcan#Medical_conditions] I have been curious to know why many people insisted on still writing Spock as "hotter". The old school is quite frankly excused as they had no captures to work on (later it came VHS but really, you can't read tiny bits on a recorded video). Recently I raised a geek discussion about it on Deviant Art and I've been quite puzzled by the replies (being cooler not biologically explainable, the book being written without scientific basis and all). They all had their reasons and they weren't just saying "it's this because I want it!" - hell, that's what I love about this fandom: things are discussed! - but I entered one of my stubborn mode... and I can be quite stubborn if I want to.
Then aleniakalain came to my house and brought the dvds... when watching naked time I jumped from the couch (killing her in the process), almost hit my head on the screen (blame the carpet) and zoomed until I found the answer. Then I searched a better view of the monitor for better reference and so on.
This's the result of half an hour spent with aleniakalain searching the right captures! Hope that helps clearing the issue!
*      *      *
Addition n°1: What this makes of us K/S shippers
verizonhorizon's comment reminded me that, originally back in January when I got home from vacation with my First Officeraleniakalain, I wanted to add my two cents about what happens to K/S bed scenes.
Ok, we have Spock who's colder - a little bit - and we have a room hotter than usually - for keep Spock warm because we don't want for our favorite half-Vulcan to have his pointed cute ears drop off. We have also a cute quilt with a little Enterprises' pattern, because our Vulcan likes to sleep under blankets. Logically our hot Captain Sexypant would die in a pool of sweat, right? But, what if perhaps Spock, being cooler, helps our snuggle-ish Jim from feeling like during a sauna session? Hugging Spock could give him the little cold he needs to feel right even in a warm room and under a blanket (even if I'm sure he ends up out of said blankets in the middle of the night).
Basically when Spock is made hotter we have a snuggle-ish Jim with his personal warmer while Spock endured having cold feet and a... well, cooler against himself. We just turned this upside down and is now Jim who has to be the man with the woman's cold feet and hands against his body in automatic search for warmth. XD
.  .  .
Addition n°2: Does this make sense? Again verizonhorizon, who points out that has no sense having a cooling system overworking to keep blood cold in a hot room (well, not these same words... :P). This makes me think, and it's probably the only issue that is still unclear in this matter. As far as I remember (and my mind has more holes than Gruyere cheese), in the series (TOS) nobody says Vulcans need higher temperatures. We know they live on a desert planet and the climate is freaking hot when Kirk jumps on the Kal-if-ee wagon. But, if we keep the desert reference, usually during night the temperature considerably drops. Perhaps the only logical explanation could be found seeing how desert animals' inner system work. Off course I'm not speaking about scorpions or snakes, but mammals like meerkats, foxes and such. This may start a great discussion! Unfortunately, I'm not expert enough to examine datas about these animals... anyway I can provide what I found.
Meerkats have a temperature similar to humans' (36.3ºC / 97.3ºF). They have an efficient ability to regulate temperature and, living in such harsh climate, they have a lower metabolic rate than their cousins living in other parts of the world, allowing them to live with less water and food. Their oxygen consumption is 42% below the value expected from body mass (Vulcan has a thinner atmosphere than Earth - if I remember right - but at least I'm sure there is less oxygen there and Kirk has difficulties to breath right).
Fennex foxes have a temperature of 38.2˚C (100.8˚F), but they are typically nocturne animals and during the day they live in deep dens under the sand to protect themselves from hot climate of desert's day. They are also provided with large ears (*coff coff* Spock?) to dissipate heat.
Camels vary between 34°C to more than 40°C, depending of how much they can dissipate the heat through evaporation. If they have free access to water they tend to have lower temperatures.
.  .  .
Addition n°3: Cold or hot? Both? alliegator as an interesting hypothesis. I'm quoting her, because there's not need for me to elaborate.
"I'm no biologist, but it is my personal head canon that Vulcans are both hotter AND colder than humans. My science-fictiony, pseudo-xenobiology reasoning that would actually fit with the above source: Vulcans have a normal core body temperature (91 F) lower than humans (98.6 F). Humans lose heat through their skin and extremities, so the surface of the skin can be much cooler than the core temp. Now I see Vulcans with their fast pulse as having a very efficient body heat regulation system, so possibly their surface skin temperature is much closer to their core temperature.
"So, theoretically, if a Human (98 F core temp) were to walk up to a Vulcan (91 F core temp) and touch them, to the Human (estimate 80 F hand skin temp) the Vulcan (estimate 87 F hand skin temp) would feel warm. Even though the Vulcan's core temp is lower than Human, the Human's skin temp is lower than the Vulcan's."
.  .  .
Ok, off-topic conclusions: 1) I feel a trekkie and I always hated people (a Star Wars' fan I'm friend of) who wasted time to search for things the canon left unclear or making essays about "no it's like this" and "what if...?"... 2) I've done again a biology little research because of Star Trek, the first being about wolves/canines and feline reproduction - you don't wanna ask believe me... 3) I have now in my mind's eye the disturbing image of meerkat!Vulcans standing at meerkat!Spock's failed wedding... The Lion King can ruin an innocent life!
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shimmerbeasts · 7 months
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NAME : Miss Tantabis, usually called Miss T or T for short.
PRONOUNS: She/Her, might wanna see how I feel about Them.
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION: Discord. While I can use the Tumblr IM and use them as icebreakers, I have gotten more used to using Discord nowadays as it is far more reliable.
NAME  OF  MUSE(S): My primary muses are Jinx, Silco and Vi. My secondary muses are Naafiri, Sevika, Vander/Warwick and Kindred. When it comes to my secondary muses, they are not all equal and sometimes one goes more silent while the other one is far more awake. I tend to go where my muses lead me when it comes to replies.
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ): I started rping around the time I finished my A-levels aka my school graduation. That is nine years now. I started on Facebook and forums during these three years when I was in the advanced levels of high school. However, I quickly moved over to Tumblr. I think that was either already in 2014 or at the very least 2015. Though, if we wanna go by writing alone, I have been telling stories since I was six. That means over twenty years worth of writing by now.
BEST  EXPERIENCE: God, this is a hard question. I had many experiences in so many different rp communities. Not all of them were pleasant. However, I believe what I would deem my best experience, is the fact that through rp, outside of meeting amazing rp partners, I also made some very close friends. Some of these people, I have known for years, and they helped me through strife and tribulations. I cannot thank them enough for being the awesome human beings they are. At the same time, I am just so happy with how rpers give me a chance and how they have helped me so much with my ability to world build and finally embrace my own creativity. It may be an ongoing struggle, I still sometimes have, but I know I have people here who adore my ideas and my style and for that I cannot thank them enough.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS: I think the only real dealbreakers I have are things like blatantly expressed homophobia/racism, etc. Basically, people being dicks. Though that isn't really a surprise and not really RP-related. I think, in that regard, something I really despise is when people try to tell you how to write your blog, your muses, what you curate on your dash. I am not a big fan of one-liners either and normally, prefer multi-para replies. At the same time, if you can give me something to work with and the passion is there, I can also do shorter stuff. I also do not like it if communication does not happen, even though I know I too have to work on that sometimes. RPing is a two-way street and many of my pet peeves relate to that street being disrupted.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT: I tend to say that I am predominantly a horror writer. Both due to my themes, my choice of characters and my writing style. Because of this, I absolutely love angst, whether that be heavily emotionally taxing angst or gory and violent angst. However, I am not opposed to fluff either, though I prefer if it is coming out of angst. I think that is called hurt/comfort. Smut is something, that while I do enjoy writing it sometimes, is not my biggest strong suit. I can normally only do certain types of smut and even then only with people I trust deeply and where my muses really have chemistry.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES: While I love using memes as an ice breaker just to gauge how our muses would interact with one another and whether our writing style mashes, I am more of a plotting kind of person. I still have to practise this craft a bit more. However, I prefer to have at least an idea of the dynamic we attempt to build with our muses and I always enjoy discussing potential scenes and plots we can do with that dynamic. If we manage to do the proper groundwork, most plots write themselves.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES: I prefer long threads and replies. I thrive on multi-para to novella roleplays. Threads, which are filled with details and characterisation. I love it when I can really sink my teeth into what has been written and when the reply challenges me to bring forth my A-game. Longer threads keep my passion going and usually make dropping things harder.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: I normally write in the early morning hours or afternoon. I do not think there is a best time to write. I am trying to learn to be able to write at pretty much any time. However, I also always check what I am in the mood for. Or I plan to try to finish specific replies. It does not always work.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S): From my primary muses, the one I relate to the most and the one who is the loudest and easiest to write for me, is without a doubt, Jinx. While I may not have psychosis or the tendency to commit acts of murder, when it comes to Jinx's personality like her creativity, her wrathfulness and her tendency to overthink, those are elements, with which I deeply connect. By now I have written Jinx and built her and the world she inhabits in a way, which makes her both similar and different to the version of Arcane. This version of Jinx is very dear to me and in my eyes indeed shares some of my qualities.
Tagged by: @knifvd, @ferinehuntress and @tealsteel
Tagging: @the-rogue-dragon, @thenextchapterbegins, @demacianhcart, @blackrosesmatron, @moxxee, @moxxietude, @hexcoremagician, @jynxd, @powdied
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notasimpleslater · 11 months
(Reddit anon) Hey, thanks for answering. My theory towards the deleted/non-deleted posts, is that, if the rumors are to be believed, they've been together for several months and like I said wanted to start taking stuff down (probably something they came up with together) so that removing their S-O's from their pages would just be seen as part of the 'cleaning-up' process lots of celebs go through with their social media right before a big release (like Wicked is supposed to be). (1/2)
(1/2) Ethan for one was famously relatively private with his relationship, especially because some of the more rabid fans liked to attack his wife, so I think he might have thought he'd get away with it on the premise of 'protecting her and their son' and keeping them out of the spotlight. Like I said, I don't want to spread rumors but I can't help believing that this has been months in the works, they got caught or photographed together, and had to come up with something before it got out. (2.5) Also, I'm getting the sense that Ethan, like many of us, woke up to the story being splashed all over the front of every website imaginable, quickly privated his Instagram (whether he did that on his own or Ariana/one of his/her reps told him to do that is neither here nor there), and just hasn't opened the app since, hence why other pictures are still up. If the tabloids are to be believed and his wife truly was blindsided, I think he'd have more pressing concerns than opening Instagram. (Sorry this ended up being 4 messages, Tumblr asks are short) At first I thought that their comments being off had something to do with Wicked or something, but none of the other cast had that. Someone on Reddit also said that back in April Ethan and Ariana briefly unfollowed/blocked one another, so the theory is that they had a fight or something then and were playing up their KNOWN relationships (Ari with her anniversary, Ethan with mother's day) around that time to make everything seem A-OK.
Hey again 👋🏻
Yeah, that makes sense. Like, if it's true, I starting to wonder how long this has really been going on. I've seen some people mention how in the Mother's Day post Ethan called Lilly "the most wonderful mom/person" and that it seemed distant. So if anything that's probably when they separated, and the tabloids are just pushing the "she was blindsided!" thing for clicks. And on good terms since he still admires her as a person. (Page Six is not a reliable source, so I don't trust those articles)
Another question I have is if they have ever been seen in public together? A lot of articles are citing those pics from Michelle Yeoh’s party as proof of their relationship, but I don’t think so. Ethan publicly shared some of those pics to his stories, and he was wearing his wedding ring so I think they were just at that party as castmates. Then there was that pic posted by a fan in March. I remember the block/unblock thing back in April, but I assumed it was just a glitch and wasn’t purposeful. We haven’t seen any pics of them since then. I think we’ve seen more pics of Ariana with Bowen and Cynthia than we have with her with Ethan.
Another thing worth mentioning is that Ethan has been chronically off-line this whole year, and I’m starting to wonder if this has something to do with it.
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ryker-writes · 10 months
I saw your match-up event, and congratulations on 2.1K!!! You deserve the love, and I'm thrilled to see you're getting it! I'm sorry that I couldn't send this ask as @it-happened-one-fic, but Tumblr wouldn't let me.
I've never actually done a match-up before, though I have taken some match-up quizzes. I hope I did this right and gave you enough information!
I'm introverted by nature and can be rather shy (it's probably mild social anxiety, but that's okay). If it helps, my Myer-Briggs is INFP. I tend to say whatever is on my mind, which can lead to some odd comments (i.e. random fun facts) and a lot of people describe me as random.
Likes: It's hard to decide what to put here... I'm constantly listening to music, and I enjoy cooking, especially baking. I adore terrariums and have several mushroom-themed things (no, it's not because of Jade; I've always adored mushrooms and thought they were cute). I enjoy looking at art and researching random interests such as mythology, folklore, and even history. And finally, I'm  interested in psychology, as evidenced by my chosen major.
Dislikes: I am terrified of snakes, and I genuinely cannot handle olives (it's one of the few foods I can't handle). I don't really care for crowds or loud noises (sensitive hearing). If I had to choose, I'd probably pick cold over hot.
Hobbies: I have quite a few hobbies, actually! (At least I do when college allows.) I embroider, do flower arrangements, play piano, write stuff, read (I love reading XD), color, and I do game a little (Genshin and twst are about it though).
Personality/Physical Preferences: I don't actually have very many physical preferences. I mean, their being attractive would be nice, but their personality is more important, so in terms of physical preferences, all I can really say is that I would like someone healthy. Personality-wise, I have stronger opinons XD. I would like someone who would make a good father. I would like to find someone who is reliable so that I don't have to handle everything. They don't have to do anything by any means either, but I do want some I can rely on in difficult moments. I would also like it if they were a little more on the perceptive side. I tend not to talk about my feelings very often, so someone who could notice when I'm down without me having to spell it out would be quite nice. Finally, and perhaps most condemningly, it is important that I find someone who is fairly tough. I can be incredibly blunt sometimes, and though I do not intend to hurt feelings, it can happen. Especially when there is something that needs to be pointed out to someone for their own good. As such, it would be for the best if I found someone who is on the tougher side and will realize that even though I may be harsh at times, I typically say such things out of love.
My Love Language(s): (I had to ask my mom and sister about this one because I honestly wasn't sure XD.)  In terms of the love language I use (I guess my giving love language??), I'm a very physically affectionate person. I can hug someone for a very long period of time without tiring of it, and I am a cuddlebug. Furthermore, I can be held or do the holding (though I admit I do like a trade-off XD). As for receiving, it's a bit harder to say. However, if I had to make a guess as to what my preferred one is, I would say quality time. I think it's very important to spend time with those we love and care about, and it is only through quality time that you can really get to know a person.
That ended up rather long, but I hope that was enough information, and again, congratulations!!!!!
Ahhhh Happy late birthday again! And thank you so much!
"Welshoot my dear! I'm honored to be your first matchmaker! Not to worry, you gave me plenty to work with! I'm confident in my answer. Of course, I am a little bias since I know you personally, but I like to think that it works beyond my bias.
You may already know, but I'm talking about Jade!"
Listen I know I am biased in this for choosing Jade but he actually works very well with you! Like with your personality likes, preferences, and everything!
he absolutely loves your shy and introverted nature!
not gonna lie, he will probably tease you about it and he hopes that you don't take all his teasing in a negative way because he does it a lot
he also loves your randomness! He's not bothered by it at all (he deals with Floyd) and it's one of the big reasons he loves you
never knowing what you're going to say next is exciting for him!
Jade is used to making terrariums and going out to look for mushrooms on his own, so you going with means so much to him
it's some of his favorite things to do with you
I literally cannot express with words how much he loves it
those terrariums he made with you are his favorite ones because it's something the two of you made together
Jade himself finds psychology and human minds fascinating so he'll happily listen to anything you have to say about it and store that information in his brain
he takes note of all your dislikes and take care to avoid them
you will never taste a dish with olives as long as he's around
your hobbies are so cool and pretty! Jade loves them and treasures anything you create
pls play piano for him he loves to hear it
Jade also checks off most of your preferances!
I'm just saying...Jade would be a great father but that's a story for another day
Reliable? Perceptive? Tough? Yup that's Jade
he's very observant especially when it comes to you, so you bet he can tell when you're feeling upset
he may not always directly ask you about it though
he'll probably try doing what he can to make things easier on you or figure out what is wrong on his own before asking
Jade has thick skin and can take whatever you say
as for love languages, Jade himself isn't very physically affectionate
but he's never going to turn your affection down!
he just doesn't initiate it most of the time
but he's got you covered when it comes to quality time
Jade loves to spend time with you and it's another reason why he loves making terrariums and searching for mushrooms so much
he just can't get enough time with you tbh
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omegasmileyface · 9 months
The Forest, the Trees, the Fire I: CATALYST
Chapter 10
the final chapter of Book I. Also, chapter 9 just went up, so make sure you didn't miss that! To keep an eye on Book II, subscribe to the series on ao3 or (less reliable) follow the "the forest the trees the fire" tag on tumblr! We all had a lot of fun writing this and working with Chrunchy, and we very much hope you enjoy! <3 Authors: @attackradish, myself, @ectolemonades Artist: @/crunchysart
For the full characters list, word count, content warning, and a directory to all the currently available chapters and related content, see the Table of Contents!
full summary: The world outside of Amity Park has learned about the existence of ghosts, and the time for first impressions has arrived. The delicate public consciousness could be disrupted by the slightest ripple. Danny Fenton is being ripped apart from all sides, and when he finally breaks, the ripples will be very big indeed.
warnings: none
words: 1780
AO3 link
first chapter
previous chapter
When Valerie came through the portal, she couldn't decide whether to yell for help or try to go unnoticed. Instead of doing either, she just flew as fast as she could in one direction while still holding Dani intact. Time blended together, and Val had seen thousands of floating doors by the time she came across civilization. There was a small cluster of white stone buildings with lush roofs of blue plants, and a single humanoid ghost sitting on a wall.
When the ghost saw Valerie, she silently beckoned her closer, and Val took the chance. The ghost motioned for her to lay Dani down, and when she did, the ghost recoiled in shock. Val was worried she was about to be kicked out, or worse, but the ghost rushed to loosely wrap some ethereal fabric around Dani's wounds, and then immediately gestured for Valerie to pick her back up and follow.
Valerie had no better options. The ghost sped off at a right angle from her previous direction, and her board was just barely able to keep up. Right as Val started thinking she was going to pass out soon, they came close to a massive ghostly palace. It was mostly neo-Gothic structures made of black stone bricks with white veins, but discordant rooms stretched off it nonsensically. Some walls bore stained glass windows, some were in completely alien architectural styles, some were made of crumbling red brick. It was imposing and, in an odd way, elegant, but above all else it was ghostly.
They were heading straight for the main door.
When Valerie reached it, the ghost clasped her hands politely and sped off. Val made sure to yell thanks after her.
The teal doors opened with an ominous creak, and Valerie felt like she was in a fantasy movie. There was no one inside, so she just accepted that she might be dooming herself and her friend, and… walked. She made sure only to go straight forward and through doors that looked official and public-facing, and hopefully whoever owned this palace would be okay with having visitors.
And now, here she was. Her walking had taken her to a throne room, which had windows on both sides despite being seemingly in the center of the building. And sitting upside-down against the bottom of the dais and wearing a crown was Danny Phantom.
He looked utterly bewildered when he saw her. He shot upright. "Va— Red! Wh— I— Oh, my God, is that Dani?"
Phantom rushed over to Valerie and gestured for her to hand him Danielle. She hesitated, but he looked so anguished, and they were cousins… so she moved her over as gently as she could.
Slowly, he carried her through one of the doors in the wall behind the throne. "What happened?"
Valerie followed him through a branching hallway. "She was with the GIW. Look, can I ask where I am, first? I'd love to know what's going on."
"Right. Sorry." Phantom was frowning, which Val found a little odd. Yeah, he was holding the barely-kept-together body of his cousin, but he usually found a couple moments to crack jokes when he was upset. Now, after she hadn't seen him for months, he was sort of quiet.
One of the identical doors along the hallway opened as they got close. Inside was a fairly normal bedroom, if a bit more rococo than Valerie was used to seeing outside of movies. Phantom gently put Danielle on the bed, where her blood immediately stained the sheets. A bowl of water and a cloth appeared out of a haze in the air, and he started cleaning her wounds.
"So, this is my castle—"
"Yeah, I could figure that one out on my own. I was more curious why you have one of those."
He chuckled a little. Score.
"I'm, um, the Ghost King."
Valerie frowned. "Like that Pariah Dark guy? Did you get his title when you fought him?"
"Got it in one."
"Phew! My next guess was that he was your dad."
Phantom choked a little, then laughed. Good, it scared her a little seeing him so serious. "Yeah, no, it's just a… dominance thing. You beat the King, you get a chance at the crown. And it liked me, so… here I am."
Valerie chose not to think too hard about whether he meant that last part literally. She had more immediate issues on her plate. "So is that why I haven't seen you around? Paperwork?"
He sighed. "A little, I'll admit. But no, I've had some, uh… issues. The last few times I was in Amity. I've been trying to stay away."
That sounded almost personal. Ah, or not, considering the GIW presence. "I guess it's been pretty dangerous there. I'd be trying to stay away, too, if I were a ghost." Val remembered, then, all the things that had happened to bring her here. She… probably couldn't go back any time soon or they'd have a bounty on her head. "…Or if I were myself, I guess."
They sat with that for a moment. Val felt something like dread and loneliness at the same time, like she was being preemptively lonely for her future self. She thought of staying somewhere away from home for long enough for everything to blow over, and the idea almost made her feel like she was in a submarine or a spaceship. In a tiny, enclosed, unfamiliar world, with nothing to see for miles around, and if she took one step outside she'd die before it would make a difference.
She wondered if Phantom felt the same thing, even though he obviously didn't live in Amity all the time like she did.
The bowl disappeared, and in its place materialized some perfectly normal medical tape and bandages. "Well, you're perfectly welcome to stay here until you're comfortable with going home. Everything's human-safe, there's food and stuff… I've got a lot of empty rooms, I don't mind."
In another dimension, away from everybody she cared about? She wanted to talk to somebody, but she hadn't brought her phone to the GIW interrogation. She was worried it would connect her identities. Would she even get cell service here? Probably not, right?
And… who would she call? Her dad, obviously, but maybe he'd be better off if she didn't get him too wrapped up in this. Didn't give him a chance to try to come with her. She should just leave him a note or something. And nobody else she hung out with was exactly a comfort to talk to. Except Danny, but he hadn't been responding lately anyway.
In all honesty, the longer Valerie was here, the more she suspected she knew where Danny had been recently. He'd always been too close to the middle of this ghost stuff.
She shrugged. "Fine, but I want to leave my dad a note, and I get to leave whenever I want."
"Of course! I would never force you to stay somewhere. I don't think I could." The extra medical supplies dissolved, and a notebook popped into the air. There was a lot more appearing and disappearing going on than Valerie was used to. "Here, give me a sec, I need to call my doctor."
That was a delightfully normal thing to say in this fantasy dimension with a half-ghost unconscious on the bed. Valerie just watched as Phantom wrote something in his notebook and then tore the page out. He let it go, and it dissolved into motes of light, carried away on an unfelt air current. Neat.
"Okay, do you have any more right-now questions?"
Valerie shook her head.
"Cool. We can do the note and stuff later. For now, let's go sit down and you can tell me what the hell happened to my little cousin."
They moved to another movie-set rococo room in the same color scheme as most of the place, this one filled with giant beanbag chairs.
They plopped down and Valerie tried to reconcile the chill furniture with the tragic story she was about to tell. It didn't work, and she just felt sort of silly as she talked about her interview and the way they put the vivisection on display.
Phantom kept getting madder. He never said anything and he never made eye contact with Valerie, but the unearthly air became still and cold. His expression was blank and he never moved from staring at the same section of white rug, but Valerie could swear she saw tears in his eyes. 
When she admitted that it was the Drs. Fenton who were up to their elbows in Danielle's chest, the rug ripped cleanly in two with a sound like a whip cracking. Valerie looked up, and Phantom's eyes were fixed on her like he had caught her with her hand around the handle of a knife in his stomach. Clear, attentive pain. Her suit shivered against her skin.
"You're sure it was them?" he whimpered.
Valerie nodded.
Phantom stood up and stomped toward the door, his whole body trembling. "I'll be back," he growled.
He turned.
Valerie cleared her throat and double-checked the little theory that had wormed itself into her brain. She didn't find any obvious holes. "You're Danny, aren't you?"
Phantom pulled his lips back, not into a smile, but into some sad expression of acceptance. An expression that said "yeah, but what can you do?" He nodded once. Then he marched out the door.
Valerie fell back into her beanbag and thought.
The GIW's first remote rocket-powered device, named Michael after the Archangel and nicknamed Mike by its creators, floated through grey mists until it couldn't see the green of the void anymore. It dutifully observed and recorded its surroundings, from loose piles of bleached bones to flocks of perfectly normal-looking crows. It floated through living, leafless trees and blood-red grass, half-bound by gravity. Its path was fixed.
As it approached, a hole appeared in the ground, hidden by mounds of rock. Michael went down the hole. And it continued down the hole, even as the ectoplasmic air became too thick with darkness to use its visual sensors. It simply switched to sonar and kept going.
After several minutes of darkness, during which Michael's signal back to HQ became steadily less reliable, it reached its destination. The object wasn't visible, but its presence was obvious; a massive sarcophagus, fluorescent with the toxic colors of ectoplasmic paint.
A flexible arm unfolded from under Michael, and it reached above the engravings of crossed arms carved and gently inserted a key into the center. The key was turned, and the signal cut to nothing.
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raxistaicho · 1 year
How is Edelgard the best unit gameplay-wise ? She's my favorite character but I don't know much about unit tier-listing and all that
I made a post on this ages back, here you go:
Reddit also went into it here.
Here's some fun quotes from that:
S Tier - incredibly she somehow has an even better early game than the S-tier Byleths thanks to higher strength, easy access to Weight-3, brainless Armor Knight certification, and good base Authority for early Blaze. Transitions to flight at lv 10 and never needs to look back. Galeforces her way through any problematic Part 2 maps thanks to the frankly ludicrous Raging Storm. Pound for pound might be the best unit in the game thanks to how much better and more centralizing she is than Dimitri in the early game.
Girlboss indeed.
Edelgard is also very good before she gets her hands on Aymr as well, her bases are among the best in the game, 13 base Str + 55% growth means she puts a massive dent to anything she attacks from the get go and can reliably ORKO with Brave Weapons later on. She has decent bulk, the best in her house along with Ferdinand though Petra is better at baiting speedier enemies since she won't get doubled, that being said Black Eagles don't have a dedicated tank and you'd be better off recruiting Balthus who can do the job better. Her Charm is among the best in the game which means her Gambits have high Accuracy and hits hard and she can dodge enemies Gambits more reliably than most units in your team.
Edelgard is hands down the best unit in this game. I’d be inclined to put her in a tier by herself in S+, but going by the rubric laid out by OP she is S tier.
Edelgard thoroughly dominates the early portion of the game with the best base strength among students and outstanding bases in other stats. Her middling base speed is easily fixed by her easy access to Wt-3 and later Darting Blow. She can also certify in Armor Knight for a cheeky defense boost. She is tanky as heck, never gets doubled, deals out huge damage, and her personal allows her to snowball quite dramatically. She can be argued as the best early game unit, although Dedue, Leonie, Dimitri, and the Byleths are competitive.
Mid game she still dominates although she has some competition. She will basically be the best of the female flying units. Death and Darting Blow, along with Weight -3 and Hit +20 make her a fearsome combat unit. She will double quite frequently and has good survivability on enemy phase.
But once Chapter 13 rolls around, it’s all over for every other unit. Raging Storm is either the #1 or #2 most busted thing in the entire game depending on how you feel about Warp. Edelgard can legitimately beat maps by herself once she gets this ability. It��s so good that I have to force myself not to use it sometimes because I don’t want to just solo the game with her. The fact that all part 2 maps are boss kill just makes her complete overkill in this game.
She is better than her stepbrother. Not his fault, just the way the game is designed favors a broken PP unit more than a broken EP unit. I will say that Edelgard needs more investment to be amazing than Dimitri does, but at the end of the day she is just flat better than him, to a degree where the higher investment doesn’t sway me.
Best unit in the game imo. At worst she's FByleth but with better boons/tutoring, meaning easier access to armor skills/classes and wyverns. She's one your best early game units, to the point that I still rate her highly in Silver Snow. And of course there's Raging Storm. Awakening Galeforce was way too broken; restricting it so only 1 unit can use it 5 times in a row clearly solves the problem right? The one weakness she may have is that she wants to rely on crit in order to kill with Raging Storm, especially against bosses, but Crest of Flames prevents her from using defiant crit more consistently.
Yes, she is better than Dimitri. Dimitri heavily relies on bwrath/vantage and is much weaker without it, and it's painfully apparent in HBD and even some of the later chapters. Even without Amyr, Edelgard is still FByleth with better boons. While her strength/speed growths may be lower, she's actually going to outdamage/outspeed Dimitri for a very long time thanks to her bases and easier access to strong skills/classes. May be a different story if more route objectives were present, but in reality many maps just require defeating the commander(s), which Edelgard excels very well at.
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far-side-skies · 1 year
Storm Hawks OC Challenge - February 2023
Hey there folks! Welcome to February's bird OC challenge! I hope the first month of the year treated everyone well, and that you're all ready for a very colourful birb to work with.
I give you all the Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher (Ceyx erithaca)!
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I want to thank @rainymeadows for suggesting this one a while back in the Storm Hawks server.
Found mostly in South-East Asia and the Indian subcontinent, these birds are most common in deciduous and evergreen forest habitats, along with alluvial forests and mangroves (other habitats can be found on the wikipedia page). Despite being called kingfishers, they aren't primarily piscivores, and are usually found eating insects such as mantises and beetles, likely due to their size, as they can weigh an average of nine grams.
The deadline for this month is Sunday the 26th of February, 8pm GMT. As always, rules and extra images, including an optional colour palette are below the cut.
Minimum requirements for drawn entries to be put in the winner's vote are a name, occupation, the character's home/birth Terra and at least one paragraph (or about 100 words) of written backstory.
Minimum requirements for written (i.e. written dossiers without art, or mini-fics for the character) are 500 words including backstory and appearance. Feel free to make a mini-fic out of this challenge, I'll make sure to link it with the final collage as well.
Entrants who are part of the Storm Hawks discord server will have the chance of getting a custom role for the next month! If you’re not part of the discord server, please ask for an invite if you’re interested.
You're not expected to create a character from scratch for this challenge. If you've got an older character concept that's been collecting dust or that you'd like to take the opportunity to revamp, feel free! The goal of this challenge is to inspire people.
Collaborations are allowed! Same rules apply, the only addition is that you and your partner(s) just need to make note of who was responsible for what part of the character
Make sure to tag me in your entries and also DM me with a link to your entry. Tumblr is not always reliable about notifications for this sort of thing, and I don't want to risk missing anyone's entries, so better safe than sorry.
The group collage of entries, and the winner's vote are opt-in. Participation of those parts of this challenge are not mandatory.
The winner of the vote will receive a free sketch piece of their character from me.
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arcanescribbles · 2 years
Hi Scribs! 👋
So idk if u remember this but an anon asked you like months ago about how you became good at making art, and then u recommended some art books that helped you in your art journey? Yeah, well it's me again 👉👈
I looked at one of the books you recommended, did as you said, and it's only been a few months and I can already see how much different my human illustrations are compared to a few months back.
This really is just a HUGE THANK YOU from me to you. If it weren't for your advice, I don't think I'd have progressed with how I draw people by now (also, since I'm currently in art school, it's also preparing me for future figure drawing classes).
Also, during that time I sent you that ask, my mind was in a place wherein I wasn't happy with the art I was producing. After your advice and practicing a lot, I am now able to make artworks that make me smile or feel proud with how far I've come (of course, there are still bad ones or ones that make me feel frustrated 😆 but I think making "bad" art is part of being an artist, no matter how long you've been in the field).
Again, I cannot say enough "thank you"'s for the advice and for being an approachable artist here on tumblr. Your presence really had a huge impact in my art (and in extension, life).
I wish you all the best in the world! 💖🌻
Oh my goodness
Wait let me gather my thoughts firstly you are so damn kind for sending this my way, I’m overjoyed that you found anything I posted helpful. Finding art books that are reliable and trustworthy is actually so difficult, I’m really really happy you were able to find something to help you!!!
And also the fact that I was able to in ANY way at all get you out of an art rut; whoa that’s just…. I’m so happy for you. I have been there and I think a lot of us have and honestly to be the one to help in any way is a complete honor. It’s not unusual at all and such a regular thing that even reeeeally established artists go through I think. Either way, we just have to trust and have faith that it does EVENTUALLY go away. Books are such a great way to get out of it!
Anyways, Thank you so so much for being here and for sending this to me because to know that my work affects anyone is a real fucking honor 😚😚😚😚🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺
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jewwyfeesh · 2 years
Audition - 2
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Sena Izumi, Narukami Arashi
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
EN proof by: ciel @ fortunebanquet (tumblr)
Special thanks: moricchiichan for the extra help ♪
Note: This tl uses gender neutral pronouns for Arashi (they/them).
Cough, cough… This… Naru-kun, why are you still wasting your time? Shouldn’t you hurry up and go change? Don’t let everyone else wait on you.
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Location: Classroom
Izumi: This is where the shoot is located?
Okay, as long as you’ve confirmed there won’t be any problems.
Me? I’ve already gotten ready, I don’t need you to worry about me.
Heh~? Speaking of which, you haven’t seen what I’m like at work yet, right?
…And yet, you still claim to have faith in me.
We aren’t close enough for that, and our reasons to be here aren’t the same.
If you believe that just because you’re a “producer” that we’re somehow equals, then you’re in for a rude awakening.
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But since you went and said all of that, then I’ll give you a little show.
The staff have arrived, right on time. I’ll go and get ready; you can watch from the sidelines/from over there.
Remember, I did not ‘escape’ to the idol industry because I couldn’t stay in the modelling industry.
Hello, thanks for working with me today~ ♪
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I’ll put on a solemn and stern expression. And then the audience will equate your product with the spokesperson–tough, reliable, and long-lasting.
That’s what we’re trying to convey with this product. A smile would destroy that.
You think that’s fine? Okay, I’ll keep this expression. Then, I’ll drape my clothes over my shoulder…
Mm, I’ll need to change up my pose and take a few more shots later.
These are good? Alright, great work today. Thanks, everyone.
…Hey, Anzu, what’s up with you? Why do you look so dazed?
Arashi: Oh my, Izumi-chan’s really insensitive. You were super handsome just now, did you know that? Of course, it’s because you were so serious while you were working.
Such a cool expression… Even I was almost impressed, so obviously Anzu-chan was blown away!
As expected, I really do love seeing you hard at work, Izumi-chan.
Izumi: Hey, you—! Ugh!
(Do I really have to remind you that the filming staff are still here? You better watch your actions—stop hugging me like some kind of fruit!)
Arashi: (Hehehe, it’s because the staff’s here that you can’t talk to me the way you usually do.)
(After all, you’re someone who’s crazy self-conscious of his public image, so you wouldn’t dare talk badly of anyone else, right?)
(I definitely want to take this opportunity to get closer with you, Izumi-chan ♪)
Izumi: (…You’re taking advantage of this opportunity to try and piss me off on purpose, aren’t you? Anyways, what are you doing here?)
Arashi: (My goodness, did you forget that I’m a model, too? The only reason I’d be here is for the audition.)
(Did Anzu-chan forget to tell you? This job also found its way over to me.)
(Not only that, I want to compete against Izumi-chan fair and square.)
(Izumi-chan… you aren’t scared, are you? Or are you actually afraid that I’ll steal your job away ♪)
Izumi: (Hmph, I don’t need your lip.)
(But whatever, it’s just Naru-kun. Bring it on!)
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Cough, cough… This… Naru-kun, why are you still wasting your time? Shouldn’t you hurry up and go change? Don’t let everyone else wait on you.
Arashi: Yeah yeah, will do.
Anzu-chan, you’ll watch my photoshoot as well, right? We can’t let Izumi-chan be the only one acting all cool and handsome ♪
Please wait just a sec; I’ll be back before you know it~
Izumi: (Tsk, that person’s as shrewd as ever.)
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(But, that’s where their strength lies: being shrewd but not annoying, and always doing what’s expected of them.)
Anzu, why are you staring at me like that? You think I’m unhappy or something?
Whether Naru-kun comes to the audition is none of my business. Knowing about it won’t affect my performance.
That’s the baseline for a true professional. No matter what line of work you do, you have to understand this.
Honestly, having someone competing next to you isn’t actually a bad thing.
At least, one wouldn’t feel as hollow, or bored, or stupid, as though putting in all that effort is a meaningless endavour…
Forget it, why am I even talking about this to some sparkly-eyed idiot?
Just keep on working hard, like you always have. I hope you’ll never have to learn all this the hard way.
I really do mean that, okay? Keep it in mind and don’t take it too lightly.
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cursedcola · 2 years
Could i request hcs of riddle, lilia, epel and kalim with a gn! short lover? Like significantly shorter than them? Thank you if you do write this 💖
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{Hello! I'm sorry if these feel rushed. They were originally much longer but you see...h a h. I was writing for about 2 hours and made it to the last imagine when Tumblr crashed and I lost all my work. I can't remember half of what I wrote origionally but i hope these are alright! Please enjoy}
Prompt: What if their s/o was shorter than them? Characters: Lilia Vanrouge, Riddle Rosehearts, Epel Felmier, Kalim Al-Asim, Leona KingScholar, Malleus Draconia, Ruggie Bucci
Lilia Vanrouge
Not going to lie, your height doesn't matter much to him. He's used to being the short king and now you both match!
He may get some joy from teasing you. Nothing too bad. Just small things like floating in circles around you, draping himself over your shoulder, using your head as a chin rest, and occasionally taunting you
Likely buys a stuffed plushie at your height. You know, the ones meant to be 'life size' for children. He's an asshole like that
He has definetly asked you to sit on his shoulders and pretend to be one person. You know, with the big trench coat so it looks like you both are one above-average person in height. May or may not walk up to Malleus for a stare-off
All in all, he isn't insecure about his height and really doesn't take yours into consideration either. He may ask if you want to borrow his heels though, just to rub salt in the wound
Riddle Rosehearts
He canonically has a height complex so he gets it. He was raised to seek perfection and knows that he isn't the 'perfect' or 'desirable' height that most people want in a guy
Would never let anyone make a comment about your height. Ace did it once, saying that as a couple you and Riddle could fuse to make a normal sized person. He was collared for a week and no one could do anything about it. Riddle was hella pissed, especially if your feelings were hurt
Riddle carries a bit of toxic masculinity that stems from insecurity. You're height doesn't help because it enforces in him that you are something that needs protection
He treats you like royalty. Holds your hand when you walk down the stairs, guides you by the arm, grabs things from higher places, bends down to kiss your wrist, holds your umbrella when it rains, etc.
He prefers to have the leading role in a relationship and your height kind of makes you less domineering in his eyes
So like, know it stems from his own insecurities but don't let it go too far. Make sure you have a little chat about it
Epel Felmier
Another one with an inferiority complex. He has a feminine appearance, and combined with his height is a recipe waiting for disaster in Epel's eyes
He is literally a ticking time bomb disguised as a harmless flower. He canonically wants to grow into the normative picture of masculinity, and you know? Its understandable. In society's eyes, his personality is nothing like his appearance and that can cause identity issues for anyone
Epel is also another person who secretly likes your height. He likes feeling tall and macho. Likes the way he can slink his arms over your shoulders or when you ask him for help doing things. It makes him feel reliable
Don't be mistaken though. He'll throw your ass under the bus if it means escaping Vil and Rook. You love him right? Do him this favor and be their play thing for a bit
Kalim Al-Asim
Like Riddle, Kalim is a bit protective though it comes from a good place. You see, his homeland is very crowded and there is always some big event going on with large crowds
Crowds that are easy to get lost in. He remembers vividly one time that he nearly lost one of his little siblings. One moment they were playing and the next? Poof! Gone.
He nearly had a heart attack. Was not fun. 0/10 never again please
He doesn't mean to treat you like a kid, but if it's crowded then he's sticking to you. This boy will walk you to all of your classes
Demands that you hold hands or at least hang on to his sleeve. He will pave the way and you won't get run over by the stampede of humans
Other than that? Yeah, nothing much. I think he would love nuzzling your head
One time he catches you climbing a bookcase to reach the top shelf. Next day? There's a ladder. He won't say where it came from but Jamil's tired look is all you need to know
Ruggie Bucci
You know how Kalim worries about you getting lost or trampled? Hah. Ruggie is sitting back with some popcorn and enjoying the show
This lovesick fool can spot you a mile away despite how everyone else towers over you. He's got your scent memorized, and even knows small things like your walking pace and movement patterns
He feels slightly proud, watching you weave your way through the halls like a ninja or accommodating a world that favors tall people to work on your behalf. Those reflexes of yours could do wonders in the slums...want to learn the art of pick pocketing?
We all know he's too much of an ass not to make height jokes. He's around the average build himself, but can't resist how easy it is to dangle things out of your reach
Leona KingScholar
Purposefully puts things out of your reach, just so he can sit back and watch you struggle to get it.
His personal favorite is watching you climb the kitchen countertops to get him the snack he wanted. Its free entertainment, and he's happy to see the lengths you will go to make him happy
He walks quick and most of the time doesn't have patience for your slower pace. Definetly the type to throw you over his shoulder so he can walk faster
Likes the way his jacket reaches past your thighs. You should wear more of his stuff
Don't get me wrong though. No one else is allowed to be an ass to you aside from him (and sometimes Ruggie). One time a freshman made a sex joke about your height difference and got decked right across the jaw
Malleus Draconia
Perfect gentleman. Finds your height difference adorable and questions if you're a fairy and not a human
I know it might not be what you want to hear, but like Lilia, Malleus doesn't care. You're you, ya know? He's been alive for so long, do you seriously think that appearance is the thing he is picky about when choosing a partner?
Unlike Leona, he does everything he can to accommodate you. He'll walk slower and have foot stools placed everywhere in his dorm (and home because he wants you comfortable if you ever visit his residence in Briar Valley). He's aware that everything he has is meant to accommodate someone 6ft+ and wants you to feel welcome
He full on has to squat to kiss you, which looks awkward to the onlooker but he doesn't care. He's laying claim to what's his and if it bugs you then he's more than happy to pick you up. Wrap your legs around his waist and give him a peck on the lips or forehead. The man will be putty in your hands
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