#thanks anyways tho fhdhjfjf
redskysailor · 5 years
Are you gonna use the tag "#coronaquest" for DnD updates?
no its for coronavirus eek 😳😳 i lump all the dnd stuff i reblog under #dnd
but if you’re interested! here’s info on my campaign and the characters bc i will take Any Excuse to ramble
Dunmar’s Drop is a campaign im doing with some of my best irl buddies, named after the town it takes place in! tagged as #dunmars drop or #dunmar’s drop
✨Player Characters✨
Nick: our favorite tiefling bard prince, played by my dear friend Lily! (tagged as #nick but i don’t think he has any posts yet oops)
Joe: half-elf grave cleric, and Nick’s best friend! played by my best bud Reeve. she has a suspicious allergy to metal and graveyard dirt, which is uhh... really weird for a grave cleric... hmmm....... (tagged as #joe)
Elyn: firbolg druid that might maybe be in our campaign but she’s played by my friend Eva who’s really busy so we’re not sure! she’s rly cute tho i love her!!
Vir: hey, this dude sucks! he’s a stinky warlock. well, at least for the sake of game mechanics, that’s his class. but he runs an alchemist’s shop in town! or he used to, anyways. long story short he tried to kill Jake and he is now living in a cell in the cellar (ha!) of the local tavern. (tagged as #vir)
Keldron: real old pyromancer wizard! love that guy! he’s sort of taken over vir’s shop, as he feels in part responsible for his old pupil’s actions. (tagged as #keldron)
Jake: he’s babey! as in, he’s really young. why is this child in our party? jake is an artificer... sort of... he used to be Vir’s apprentice, in training to become an alchemist. since that didn’t work out after the whole almost-getting-murdered thing, he’s now combining his somewhat limited alchemical knowledge with some new info on magic (courtesy of Keldron) and his own hobbies. this combination of science, magic, and tinkering makes him an artificer! (tagged as #jake)
those are the main NPCs! minor NPCs are DeLacey, owner of Boudreaux’s Beer ‘n’ Board (the local tavern/inn), Garron the cool gargoyle dude (currently imprisoned under Vir’s old lab), Gam Gam, owner of Gam Gam’s General Goods, Quentin, the stablemaster, Percy, the stableboy, Cadmus, the blacksmith, and Thaddeus, the local priest and librarian.
i don’t know if i have any posts for this yet, but i’m also running The Lost Mines of Phandelver with my family. this will be tagged as #lost mines of famdelver or just #famdelver !! characters are Grimmor Twoblade (dad! half-orc barbarian sailor lad), Aurora Evers’more (mom! high elf paladin), Thea Birch (lil sis! dragonborn rogue), and Ida Marigold (littlest sis! forest gnome ranger) :•]
i also tag a lot of dnd stuff as “#brynna”. Brynna is unrelated to Dunmar’s Drop and Famdelver. she’s my character! (finally, i get to actually play!) i use her during sessions at the D&D club at my school, which i’m an officer in. she’s a firbolg life cleric and i love her with my whole heart. i could talk about her for hours but this post is getting really long and i don’t wanna be annoying so aaaaaa Thank You So Much if you made it this far!!
(ps brynna’s best friend is named wild bill he’s a minotaur barbarian played by my friend amaya. they’re feuding right now but they love each other. they have friendship lockets)
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