#thanks a lot Svenja
preseriesdean · 4 months
ahhh, you’re so nice Svenja 🥰 your tags always make my day. I want to thank you for the fic recs, I went with anon because I didn’t want to impose or pressure you. That list is so thoughtful, thank you! Some of them are new to me so yay. I haven’t read dean/cas yet but I’m going to give them a try :)
i love your gifs and edits so much ❤️
and thank you for asking me about fics, truly!! i hadn't read any in so long and going through my bookmarks was a lot of fun. i was surprised how many i still remembered quite well even about a year later. and if you like a particular theme or trope or kind i would be genuinely delighted to find more for you ☺️ when i returned to spn fandom i spent a few months absolutely devouring as much new fic as i could find, but the sheer mass of what's out there can be quite daunting i think
as for deancas: i think it's worth a try, really!! i was hesitant at first because i dislike the tropey cheesy sort of destiel and so many fics are AUs which i don't enjoy, but i do have a soft spot for certain dark-ish ideas. the possession fic was exactly what i was looking for and the casifer fics were delicious (i have more of both of those tropes bookmarked if anyone is interested)
i actually remembered two more deancas fics i liked so i'm just taking this opportunity to link them dhsbdvdv (absolutely no pressure to read my recs ever, by the way!!)
Dark Side of the Moon by imogenbynight (2013, 37k, E, horror, astronaut au) Five months into his six month mission, an accident leaves Flight Engineer Dean Winchester stranded on the moon. It comes down to a man he has never met to bring him home.
Broadway Musical by Griftings (2014, 12.5k, M, humor) The romantic comedy where Dean Winchester and Jo Harvelle are destined to get married, Castiel is given the task of playing matchmaker and fails terribly, the entire Heavenly Host becomes a sitcom audience, God warns against male pregnancy, and Jimmy Novak is incredibly unimpressed with angels in general.
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sylvienerevarine · 1 year
WIP Whursday Once Again
Tagged by @kookaburra1701! thanks pal. If yall haven't worked out by now that I'm really emotionally attached to the Thirsk quest arc in Morrowind, well, you haven't been paying attention.
“Do you find our traditions funny?” Svenja demanded.  “No, no, not at all,” Sylvie assured her quickly. “It’s just ridiculous to think of me being a mead hall chieftain. I mean, look at me: I’m a Bosmer city slicker who’s constantly fussing about her clothes. You deserve the title far more than I do.” Svenja shook her head. “That doesn’t enter into it. You killed the Udyrfrykte; I didn’t.” “But you could have, I’m sure.” “But I didn’t.” Svenja sighed. “Look, I’m just as…surprised by all this as you are, but it’s not my place to question Hrothmund or the gods. All I can say is that you’re a valiant, clever woman, and Thirsk could do a lot worse than you.” Sylvie would have liked to argue more, but Svenja’s mind seemed thoroughly made up. “All right, then. What happens now?” “When Skjoldr was seeking the chiefdom, he went to Hrothmund’s Barrow, far to the northwest of here.” Svenja’s eyes were misty, her tone reverent. “There he laid his hands on Hrothmund’s great axe and asked for the old chief’s blessing. You will have to do the same. But I warn you, the barrow will not open unless you say the right…” “Ondjage?” Svenja blinked in surprise. “Yes, actually. How did you know?” Sylvie thought back to Ald’ruhn, and a certain balding, nervous Breton mage she’d met there. Maybe it was best not to tell Svenja about the amulet he’d been searching for. “I am…frequently in situations,” she said vaguely.
Tagging @stormbeyondreality, @dirty-bosmer, and @inkysqueed!
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crqstalite · 3 months
4,6,7 for the dragon age q&a !
ask game!
4. what does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
I had to dust off some of my older works to remember what was canon and what was my own headcanons to make the world more interesting -- plus, I don't even have access to my original worldstate I used for my main Inquisition playthrough, the Origin account I played it on got nuked by EA (to which I still don't understand why ... lost almost 100+ dollars on that account in just games).
DAO: - Svenja Tabris (Warrior / City Elf / Alive as of 9:53) - Every companion still alive / in good standing - Non-Hardened Alistair / Alistair Romance - Queen Anora - Ritual Taken (Alistair Kieran) - Sided with the Mages
DA2: - Reyna Hawke (Rogue / Was the Fade Sacrifice) - Purple / Red Hawke - Every companion still alive / in good standing - Anders Romance / Approved of his choices - Sided with the Mages
DAI: - Marzeyna Lavellan (Mage / Knight Enchanter) - Every companion still alive / in decent standing - Cullen Romance - Didn't drink from the well - Sided with the Mages - Leliana Divine
I have actually zero clue what'll be important in the next game, and I also kinda despise the Keep, but regardless, there are the sparknotes. I didn't do any of the DLCs my first playthrough, but did the DAO Shale DLC once. I did eventually do the Descent + Tresspasser DLCS, I didn't particularly care for Jaws of Hakkon and think I intended to come back to it lol
6. Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?
Only slightly! Since I have like ... three worldstates I want to say, I'm probably going to use the main one here.
Really tempted to roll another mage, but I'll probably go rogue because I did like the gameplay reveal a lot (and with Hawke vaguely dead, I no longer have a rogue in this worldstate!) We'll see how the classes crossover when the game comes out. Think Lords of Fortune or Veil Jumper background, and an elf. My preferred lineage choice across all of the games, as you can see lol.
Her name will probably be Sabine, though I don't have anything else about her so far. Bioware I'm begging you to put out the CC early ...
Bellara or Neve romance, unless Lucanis manages to tumble his way into me. I saving Lucanis + Emmrich for a second playthrough I think.
7. Which character from the previous games or other media are you most hoping will make an appearance in DAV?
Honestly, I just want to know what happened to my Hawke, I love her a lot, and because of some choices I made in DAO, I let her go. I wish they'd just tell me if she was dead so I can move on with my fanon.
Now if I'm being vaguely realistic, I'm not actually looking for anyone in particular. Most characters feel as if they've had their stories wrapped up for the most part (and it's been at least three years + six separate fandoms since I've played any of the games). If anything I do want to know what became of Kieran ... his father and stepmother are very curious.
Thank you for asking!
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sebastians-stan · 3 years
SVENJA MY LOVE! I hope you're having the most incredible of birthdays! Thank you for being your amazing self, always having a kind thing to say, always so much fun to talk to, always being incredibly sweet and lovely. I love you darling, I hope you have an amazing day! ❤️ 🎂
AVIA DARLING! aaaaah, you're such a sweet and lovely soul! thank you so so much!!! i love you lots and i hope you're having an amazing day too! ❤️
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leaschuller · 3 years
Hi! Maro anon. NWSL is back! Have you been able to watch any of the games? I’d appreciate your thoughts on the messy Portland and KC game. Houston and Chicago was boring. Worried the Pride will have another bad season. Wonder what their culture issue is? To me, it seems like everyone on the team is focused on being the big player, but no one is trying to play as a team. What do you think? They certainly have a lot of big voices in the locker room, Marta, Alex Morgan, Krieger, Harris, Sydney, etc. I feel very disoriented as so many players have been traded and there’s a new team and rebranded teams. Thoughts on when the midfield of dreams (Fishlock, Shirley, and Maro) will be happening? I saw the Reign signed a goalkeeper, so does that mean Bouhaddi has Bouhaddi-d (backed out of going to the Reign) out of her Bouhaddi (supposedly leaving OL and then re-signing for OL)? Also, to that anon surprised about Maro and Bouhaddi, me too, me too. Idk, there’s just something unlikely about their personalities working together that well but you know what they say, opposites attract! Here is a quick Maro thought as well. Maro: “Friend sick! Can’t ball when sick. Gotta make friend feel better. How joy without ball?” Svenja, watching a tiktok sent to her by OL. In the tiktok = Maro: “Ball, ball, ball-“ *Ada Viking bulldozes her* Ada: “Dumb dumby dumb!” Maro: “Who taught Viking to German Bulldoze? 😭” Svenja, sniffling to herself: “Thanks, Dumb Dumby 🥺”
Hello dear Maro anon!
I watched the first game last night but the second started at 5am for me but ho boy have I seen the clips, disaster! 
I’ve been looking forward to seeing the Pride again, been a while since they could actually play and I don’t think they’re doing terribly today. (And there’s a great goal!!)
As for the Reign the midfield of dreams won’t be happening for the Challenge Cup but more than likely for the league, I’m really excited for it, plus the possibility of Lavelle coming in too. This gives Reign 3 goalkeepers now so with KB leaving at the end of the cup will still leave room for Bouhaddi to come in.
Awwh Svenja does dumby dumbs via Viking now 🥺
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yournewapartment · 5 years
Hiatus Announcement / Game Show Podcast
On Episode 41, Mac hosts a game show! Mac quizzes guests Maddie, Nova, and Naomi on an episode originally released as a bonus Patreon episode. There is light cursing throughout the episode that may not be suitable for all listeners. Your New Apartment the Podcast is going on Hiatus until October 2019.
Episode Links:
Your New Apartment on Patreon
Your New Apartment on Ko-Fi
Your New Apartment on Society6
Your New Apartment on Instagram
Maddie's blog Adult Talk
Nova's blog Positively-LGBTQ
Naomi's blog Matte Glitter
Naomi's Instagram
Contact us: [email protected] Intro, outro, and transitional musical loops by Natalie Ice. Find her album "Hungover/Spiritual" on all your favorite streaming services. Natalia's Website. Natalia's Insta.
Hey podcast listeners, Mac here, with a little announcement. First off- last week I released episode forty of my podcast. Which, is crazy. Because a few months ago I didn’t even have a podcast, and now I have forty episodes of a podcast.
I am so grateful to everyone who has listened to the podcast, left reviews on iTunes, and supported me on Patreon and Kofi. I am so incredibly moved to see that people out there are actually listening to my little podcast, real people, not just my mom! I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your incredible support, it means the world to me.
As some of you may know, I’m getting married in a few weeks (yay). Because of my wedding, Your New Apartment the podcast is going on hiatus until October. The podcast is something I write, edit, and produce all by myself. It takes an incredible amount of time and energy to finish even an hour long episode, and I’m concerned that between the wedding planning and other life stuff, I won’t be able to give the podcast the attention it needs.
However- I have some exciting episodes coming your way after the break, including episodes on house buying, insurance, the Bitches Get Riches episode, and Confessions of A Former Goth Part 2. I’m also always looking for new topics to cover and guests to speak to, so if you have any suggestions, please contact me at [email protected]
I wanted to take a minute to do a special shoutout to all my Patreon supporters. They have helped me pay all of my podcast hosting fees, as well as my Adobe Audition fee, which is the application I use to edit each podcast. They also helped me purchase in full- headphones, a Blue Yeti Microphone, and a pop filter for said microphone. Thanks to my mom, my Bubbie, Lissa, Ruth, Elise, Dianna, Svenja, Naomi and the lovely ladies at Bitches Get Riches. Thank you to past Patreon donors as well, I know committing to a monthly payment can be tough, and I appreciate everything you were able to give me.
I also recently had some incredibly generous Kofi donors, which helped me purchase Kofi Gold for a year. Starting in October, I will be accepting Kofi Commissions for Adulting-related posts and questions. A huge thanks to Mars and two other anonymous donors for helping me purchase Kofi Gold.
With all this incredible help, I feel so selfish asking for more, but it’s the nature of podcasting. As it is, I am making $0 in profit from this podcast. Which is fine, my patrons are covering all of my monthly expenses, and I’m so incredibly grateful for that. In my travels in podcast editing, I’ve discovered several more tools that I’d like to purchase that would greatly increase my ability to record in a higher definition. Recording in higher definition means that editing each podcast would be a hundred times easier, as well as cutting down my editing time by a significant amount.
I use Zencastr to record remotely with people, and it's a great software. I am currently using their free plan, which has limited recording quality and storage space options. Zencastr Pro would be an addition $20 a month! If I get 20 new $1/month patroons or two very generous $10/month patrons, I will be able to purchase Zencastr Pro. 90% of my interviews are done remotely, so upgrading would make  a HUGE difference for me! $1/month gets you early access to podcasts as well a vote on podcast/blog content. $10/month gets you both those things, and two additional very special YNA podcasts each month. Go to Patreon.com/yournewapartment for more info.
If you’re unable to give monthly, but would like to make a one-time donation, you can buy me a coffee on Kofi. All proceeds from Kofi are going towards paying off my Kofi Gold one-year subscription! After that, I will use the proceeds to pay for soundproofing for my home for better recording quality. Go to ko-fi.com/yournewapartment
My future goals for the podcast are purchasing an incredibly expensive piece of equipment that will allow me to record phone calls in high definition audio, as well as being able to pay to transcribe every single episode of the podcast for hard of hearing listeners. This is a request I get a lot, but it costs SO MUCH money, I really cannot afford to do it that often. Which sucks. Because I want to be more accessible. If you want to make a donation towards transcribing a specific episode through Ko-fi, let me know, and I will put your money towards transcription (usually costs about $6/episode).
If you can’t afford to support me in a financial way, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rate and review YNA on iTunes! The more reviews I get, the higher my SEO ranking! And hopefully one day, I can even get some sponsors.
I know I’ve mentioned her a lot lately, because I am completely obsessed with her music, but once again, big shoutout to Natalia Ice. Natalia graciously allowed me to use music from her album “Hungover/Spiritual” as my transition music. You can find her music on all of your favorite streaming platforms. You can buy her music on Bandcamp and buy some awesome merch at her website nataliaice.com. Check out her episode of YNA the podcast if you haven’t already! She is one of the coolest people I’ve ever spoken to.
Finally, I wanted to give a big shoutout to all of my lovely guests who offered me their time for free, many of whom appeared on the podcast multiple times. It was so much fun getting to know all of you, and thank you for supporting the podcast.
Listeners- if there was a particular guest you enjoyed hearing, please let me know! Many guests come on this podcast thinking that everyone is going to hate them and that nobody is going to care about their episode, despite how many times I tell them that they’re amazing. I love sharing specific feedback from listeners, and it may even help me encourage some guests to make a second appearance on the show! So again, if you loved a particular episode, let me know.
And lastly, before I go, I wanted to a share a very special podcast episode with you, as a thank you for all of your support. This episode is a Patreon-exclusive episode that I released back in May. This episode really has nothing to do with adulting, but it was so much fun to record, and I did hands down the most amount of research on this episode that I’ve ever done for the podcast.  It was HOURS upon HOURS of research! So you better stick around and listen to the whole thing! There is cursing throughout this episode, so if that’s not your thing, please skip the episode. A huge thank you to Maddie, Nova, and Naomi for recording this episode with me, I hope to do a rematch sometime soon. I will link their respective blogs for everyone to check out and support, and they’ve all appeared on YNA the podcast before, so listen to those episodes as well.
Don’t forget to check out my backlog of 40 episodes! There may be one you missed, and they’re all worth listening to. Follow YNA on Tumblr and Instagram, and check out the episode page for any and all links mentioned in this preview. Enjoy.
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katie-dub · 5 years
Heyyy, I just saw what you said about covid-19 and I hope you and the kids are doing okay! I think a lot of people are still kinda shrugging it off and don't get that the big problem is the risk of passing it onto vulnerable people. But all the best to you and the boys, I'm sure you're taking care of yourself and them, but yeah, lots of love you 💕
Tumblr media
Hi Svenja!!
Thanks for checking in on me! Honestly? I’m fine. A little stir crazy after three solid days at home with two small children, but fine.
It’s just frustrating to know that I *might* have had the big scary bug that has everyone terrified, but I might not, and I just don’t know? My husband could have it and not have any symptoms at all. Why the UK government hasn’t done everything they can to ensure thorough testing of everyone with suspected symptoms, so that the scientists have better data to work with I will never understand. I suspect it’s because they are, in fact, total dicks. 
So general irritation with politicians aside, I’m good. A little intimidated by the idea of a week of schooling Baby_Dub and DubBub while also somehow doing my job, but I guess it’s good practice for if/when the schools close!
How are you?
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lewanarta · 6 years
some Oslo stuff:
(actually a lot of Oslo stuff, because ahhhhh)
This city is so beautiful, I can’t
Seaguls are the best photomodels
It’s. COLD.
If you think, that you’re already overdressed, put on another sweater
Biggest regards to @eksperimentgaj for dealing with my bullshit for whole weekend, Zosia you’re amazing ❤️
How to say Anders 101 with Maria
If you’re here and you’re here and I’m here, then who’s gonna make gifs?
Watching qualis with Tumblr squad was just GREAT, 10/10, would recommend 👌 I wish I spent more time with you, guys
Johnny Hoerl 😂
Halvor was WKURWIONY
I was able to take maybe 5/200 bearable photos on Friday and Saturday, because my hands were shaking sm from cold
Waiting to see Robert getting a wazon… only to discover there are no wazons this year 😡
There’s the plate tho
Yukiya Sato is the cutest.
I watched ladies qualis and team comp on Saturday from the place right behind leader’s box 😍
Katharina was so happy and smiling all the time 😊
Highlight of Saturday: Yuki Ito waving to my camera and doing great on the hill despite having not that good season ❤️
Another highlight: Sara grinning to my camera 😍
My dad went full dad mode when he saw Sara: ‘she’s so little! look at her tiny shoes!’ (he’s ready for adoption)
Anyway, we welcomed Maren with applause after her big quali jump, it was amazing to see her slay
The girls are so nice and tiny, I love them all ❤️
Going to see noco guys run instead of waiting for the trial round was the best decision ever and again, thanks Zosia for explaining me how this sport works (they have stats like in the games? what? I want to see sth like that in ski jumping)
*Ilkka takes the lead* *darude sandstorm starts to play*
I stan Ilkka Herola from now on sorry not sorry
Supporting Polish noco team has to be painful
That Japanese guy was being decorated for the win in ski jumping and everybody including the orchestra left while he was still standing on the podium like WOW RUDE (Jarl congratulated him tho, he’s a cool guy I guess)
Jarkko has cool socks
Standing there in that cold and wind makes you feel even more sorry for guys being taken on and off the gate (Kubuuuś)
Consti was uncatchable for me to take a pic
Robin Pedersen was so happy all the time, it was a pleasure to see him like that ❤️
When Marius jumped we were like 😄😄😄 but then we saw he fell (we couldn’t see whole landing slope from the place we were at then) and we were like 😥😥😥 fortunately, a few minutes later we saw him being interviewed and perfectly fine phew
Polish fans. Are. Loud.
Poor poor POOR Stephan
Praying for that comp to be over after the first round
Borek: *shows up on screen* Zosia: ‘oh, it’s getting serious’
Robert’s record aaahhhhh it was amazing to see it live ❤️
And then Ryoyu’s jump 👌👌👌
Felt so sorry for Simon and Kamil
It was actually great to see team Norway breaking their curse on their home hill. And to see team Japan on the second place ❤️
And when we were about to leave the hill, I saw Ryoyu still talking with some fans and pulled myself together and actually went there to take a photo with him and ahhh :’) (besides two nice selfies I’ve got a very bad picture he took by an accident and I can’t stop laughing at it 😂)
Sunday morning welcomes us with the sun ❤️
Japanese fans are the cutest
Got a nice spot for the girls comp and I took LOADS of photos of them ahhhhh
Anna Stroem was so happy and smiling and just radiating such a good energy ❤️ (we saw her later with her family, so maybe that was the reason, but anyway, cute af)
And then in the second round the autograph collecting started - I’ve got a notebook full of girls’ signs ❤️
And we actually managed to take photos with Svenja, Lara, Danie and Maren ❤️❤️❤️
Maren and Daniela actually climbed up to us to have better photos, which was so nice ^^
Before the comp we’ve seen an interview with Kamila in TV and she was so optimistic and excited and then in the competition she looked sooooo sad, my heart broke 💔
Dad update: he wants to adopt Chiara as well
Eva 'Elf’ Pinkelnig
Everything went silent when Ramona fell. After the decorations we saw her limping, it didn’t look well :(
My dad was determined to tell Sara, that she did great, so we asked Japanese fans how to say ‘good job’ in Japanese (something that sounds like ‘ine’ if I remember correctly)
‘Ine, Sara!’ ‘Ine? Ah, ine! Tusen takk!’ (lov her)
After girls’ comp we went to explore the hill a little and got to the highest tribune and whoa the view is stunning 😍
And then we bumped into Robert and the airpods thing happened 😅
But we meet Anders Jacobsen a few seconds later and it was really nice
We stayed there for the trial round and the first round and whoa it was amazing to watch the guys flying so close, this sport is so beautiful
Team North America was there as well, cheering for Mackenzie
Yeah, Mackenzie :((((
Julia’s video curse: whenever I was recording the jump, it turned out bad (Maren’s second jump, Ryoyu in the trial round and Poles in the competition…)
Reading Szymborska (it was so random whut)
‘Oh look, Mr Tadzio!’
Two Prevc brothers in TOP10 AAAAAH
(or should I say Previtch?)
Witnessing Pero getting back on podium live was lit 👌
Watching Polish fans’ exodus after Kamil’s second jump
Robert is on fire 🔥
The weather was great, so after competition Zosia and I went to Midstubakken
I was at the top of the hill for the first time ever and it was stunning
Zosia sliding down from the slope in style 👌 (5x20 in my opinion)
I wasn’t that brave tho and got down by stairs 😅
Elgen the Łoś
Small hills are so cute
And then we got back home/hostel by train and the scenery was so beautiful 😍
Long story short: Oslo is amazing and seeing the competitions live, especially for the first time - unforgettable. If you have a chance to watch ski jumping live - go for it! Especially in Oslo ❤️
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crqstalite · 4 years
🥀 you’ve been visited by the questions-for-suffering-ocs blog! 🥀
What’s the worst thing you’ve put your ocs through?
Which one of your characters do you like the least?
Have you ever thought about killing one of your characters, but changed your mind? If so, why?
You may just be one of my new favorite blogs! These questions are good!!
What’s the worst thing you’ve put your ocs through?
So far, the worst thing I’ve done to a character (that wasn’t already canon to their universe) is to Elyzabeth, and that was letting her see a friend nearly die after being kicked over a railing. She’s still pretty new (and I impulsively made a side blog for her and other CK shenanigans), and I honestly didn’t have to have her see that. I did. In universe it makes a little more sense, but for someone her age and relationship with that person, it definitely did a number on her.
Which one of your characters do you like the least?
In a less ‘who have I hurt the most’ light (that’s either Annika or Svenja, I can’t decide yet), I don’t really have a character I hate. I love most of them equally, (with Kodelyn and Citlali at the forefront right now), but I haven’t touched on a lot of my Dragon Age OCs lately. I don’t really love what I intended to do with Evolet and Reyna, but that’s less of a ‘I hate their characters’ and more ‘I still don’t know how to fix them’. Toxic pair, they are.
I guess I don’t love Rhose as much as everyone else? Though that’s kind of unfair, it’s because out of everyone, she’s the one who’s metaphorically won. She’s the Queen of Fereldan in my worldstate, and there aren’t a lot of struggles Post-DAO she has to go through. Not that she’s a less interesting character, but there just...isn’t much I’ve done with her lately. Not compared to her other Hero counterparts (Sven -- a city elf romancing Alistair + Theron -- a Surana running around with Zevran post-Blight).
Have you ever thought about killing one of your characters, but changed your mind? If so, why?
I thought about letting Reyna stay dead post-Fade incident at Adamant, I’m too stubborn and I love her too much to think she’s gone completely.  
I thought about killing Evolet off. Not totally sure why, but a draft of her death does exist. iirc it was because her character was already in a weird position to stand opposite to Reyna, and the easiest way to fix it was...unfortunately death.
I also, may have thought about letting Nik and/or Lali die at the end of Redamancy. That was in a really early draft of a sort-of outline, and was before I had really developed either of them properly. Neither of them were a really big part of it until rather recently (think like, July/August, when I finally went back to work on what I already had), so? Yeah.
thank you for asking!!
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cat-sophia · 6 years
Happy 48th Captain Swan Day!
Hello Friends!
@winterbythesea is one of the most talented shipmates i know. She create amazing CS art and writes brilliant stories. Today we will focus on her wonderful stories. i fall in love with Given The Choice from the first read and i jump up and down with joy every time i see it’s updated. One of my fav of her stories that to this day has special place in my heart is bring back what once was mine - absolutely perfect story. I really hope that someday we will read more of Can’t Take The Sky, The Wicked Affair and Hogwarts AU - i’ll be so happy to read more!
Svenja, thank you for all you create, thank you for our conversations - not only about your perfect stories and art. Thank you that you share your talent with us! We are very grateful and we love you!
Her fics that I read and rec:
Multi Chapter
Given The Choice - Post-Neverland AU where Pan did not escape Pandora’s Box and Emma and Hook argue. A lot. (all chapters here) - missing scene
One Shots
Canon/Canon Divergence
Hidden Delights - in which David follows Emma, Hook and Neal on the way to Dark Hollow, and regrets his choices immensely when they meet an unexpected obstacle that threatens to get way too personal.
Magic Is Emotion - After Emma accidentally hurts Killian when she loses control of her magic, she decides that it’s for the best if they stay away from each other. But magic is emotion, and feelings can’t just be suppressed, and maybe it’s time to stop running… s4
tales of love and loss - ghost story set during the missing year, in which Killian hears stories of a ghostly lady in white who roams the seas in search of her lost love. But she isn’t real. She can’t be.
Double-Edged - Canon Divergence - where Zelena got hold of the dagger in Camelot. Separated from her family, Emma can do nothing except whatever Zelena commands – and she can’t remember what she’s already been made to do.
Heartbeat - Just a few missing scenes, basically Killian’s POV during and after Emma’s rescue in 4x02
in vitibus veritas - in which Emma, Hook, and Neal are unwilling participants in one of Pan’s little games while in Neverland.
Won't Say I'm In Love - Canon Divergence - set shortly after Neverland, in which the gang find themselves in the Enchanted Forest trying to defeat the Wicked Witch – and, in Emma’s case, trying not to admit her feelings for the pirate, until circumstances conspire to admit it for her
Love Is A Weapon - After Belle figures out that Rumple holds Killian’s heart, Emma is determined to get it back and save her pirate. Unfortunately, going up against the Dark One is anything but easy, especially when he holds the heart of someone you love… 4A  Canon Divergence (better than canon!) Part2 Part3
Wardrobe Change - Following a little accident with baby Neal, Emma tries to fix Killian’s wardrobe situation… with decidedly mixed results. s4
Pirate Skills - A missing scene from 4x05 - Killian helps Belle with babysitting little Neal.
Miscommunication - When David comes home to hear strange noises from his apartment, he can’t quite help jumping to conclusions…
bring back what once was mine - one-shot set at some point in the future, of Killian and Emma on a mission to save their child from the witch who kidnapped her (perfection!)
The Best Time - A battle aboard a ship. A marriage proposal. A captain nearby. And neither of them really have more time to waste. (A Captain Swan version of THAT scene from PotC).
A Name For A Prince - in which the Charmings name their son to honour a man who helped them fall in love and save their daughter. (A little fix-it fic because I still think it's weird that they called the baby Neal.)
Muscle Memory - in which Killian teaches Emma how to sword-fight, and they both explore this new thing between them. (Set in those six weeks after Elsa left. Because by the season 4 finale, Emma suddenly knew a lot about handling a sword, and we never got to see her learn.)
Pirate Diplomacy - A criminal mastermind and his crew runs afoul of Killian Jones... and his new sidekick. (A criminal mastermind and his crew runs afoul of Killian Jones... and his new sidekick.)
Of Princesses And Scoundrels - Emma gets one last addition to her team for the trip to the Underworld, and Killian makes a new friend. Because scoundrels don’t stay dead.
Cold Showers And Icy Looks - in which Emma and Killian have just battled a dragon, and Killian stumbles through some unintentional double-entendre as he tries to deal with the aftermath.
terrible and wonderful - Canon Divergence - where Killian remembers and Emma does not. Not really speculation, more just inspired by recent spoilers and the thought of Emma “meeting” Killian in full pirate swagger mode.
Love is (colour)blind - drabble
Traditions - Killian gets his hook stuck in the Christmas tree and Emma makes a joke about how he's the best looking ornament she's ever seen
a little missing scene of sorts set during the season 4 finale
Rain - CS ficlet (set during CS Movie)
Post-5.01 | 5x3 | 5x11 | after 5a spec | 5b spec | end of 5b spec | 5x8 | Post UW spec 5x21 spec - season 5 drabbles
Little smut drabble | Pancakes | Future | Post Underworld - drabbles
drabble - Killian’s longed hair | drabble - s6  “I like your particular brand of hope.” | drabble - Captain Swan + Charming + pancakes | drabble - some things - and some people - are well worth waiting for | drabble - what if Liam was in Storybrooke with his younger brother | drabble - As you wish drabble - Emma and Killian adopt little girl | drabble - set in s3 | drabble - "I'm gonna save my other princess" | drabble -  Emma and Killian trying to plan some sort of mission and Emma getting distracted
Across The Stars - Once upon a time in a galaxy far far away… there was a princess who led a rebellion against an evil Empire, and a smuggler captain who was only in it for the money, and cared about nothing else. Or perhaps, he simply needed reminding that he could… Star Wars AU Part2 Part3
Hogwarts AU - Emma Swan has just started first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Part2
Motivated - scheming Liam and jealous Killian
Caught On Camera - Emma has tried to make the relationship with Walsh work, but when he all but rejects her live on TV, she finds a willing substitute in her bodyguard.
love love peace peace (and a little revenge) - in which Killian does Eurovision.
Can’t Take The Sky - Emma Swan and Killian Jones team up to apprehend an armed and dangerous military deserter, who just so happens to be Killian’s brother. Shenanigans ensure - in space. Sci-fi AU (I’d love to read more!)
The Wicked Affair - Killian Jones is a secret agent working for R.E.G.A.L., an international espionage and law enforcement agency. Emma Swan is an expert thief who has bested him more than once. And now, they have to work together. The fate of the world might just depend on it. Part2 (so good - it would be awesome to read more!)
drabble - EF AU smut
edit: @winterbythesea fics that i read after making this post:
you spin me right ‘round - A little Emma and Hook moment featuring sword-fighting, an overdramatic move with limited uses, and unexpected feelings. Set sometime in season 4.
Scars That Linger -  A little bit set in Camelot, in which some members of the court bring up old insecurities for Killian, and Emma finds a way to reassure him. AU in that Emma is not the Dark One.
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sebastians-stan · 3 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SWEETEST SOUL, THE LIGHT IN MY LIFE, THE HEAD ANGEL OF ALL ANGELS, A GODDESS AMONGST US MERE MORTALS 🥳 svenja i am so lucky to have you in my life and i truly hope you have the most incredible day, that everyone celebrates national svenja, you get everything you could ever want and you are spoiled you rotten!! you deserve nothing less ❤️ sending you so much love, hugs and cake, all of which are definitely required for a birthday!
EXCUSE ME? brb crying. becca thank you so much for everything and for your kind words, i really appreciate it. it means so much 🥺 you deserve all the happiness and love in the world! i love you lots angel!!!!!!!
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upperranktwo · 2 years
bro you are not annoying 👁 you‘re pretty cool and chill ✨
Ahshha thank you svenja! I appreciate it a lot 💝 you seem pretty great yourself!!! I hope you're having a nice day today 🥺♡
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pajorko · 3 years
We have 4 GKs(Schult/Kiedrzynek/Weiß/Kassen). Julia Kassen will never have game time. Should loan out to let her keep development.
We have 6 DFs. Current line up (Wedemeyer/Hendrich/Janssen/Rauch) are not bad, but I agree we at least need adding 2 experience CB. And the other 2 DFs both are RB(Wilms/Blässe)
Anna Blässe do not have play time this season even she healthy, I think the club just drop her and wait for her retirement.
Lynn Wilms do not have many play time since come back from injury. But the time she played, she already show her talent, I think she will have more and more minutes of the second half season.
And we don't have another LB to sub. The club can buy another young talent for this position.
We have 6 midfielder. Lot of them a young and talents(Roord/Oberdorf/Lattwein). The club have one job, keep them stay here. Huth also very important for the team.
We have 10 forwards. 2 in long time injury (Pajor/Wolter). 2 are baby(Smits/Jónsdóttir) that I believe will not starting often since the league are very close this year but they are important in future.
And I honestly think Shanice van de Sanden off her best for very long time now. She lose her starting box in club and country. But she still a very experienced player. And she is very good friend with Jill and I like Jill and think she want her in the team. But it just may not be good for club future plans.
Popp/Waßmuth/Bremer/Knaak/Blomqvist clearly are the present forward we have. And always can put Huth and Roord up front if need.
Wolfsburg have a good team as a team, but just not good enough if you compare to barca or lyon. The good think for a team like barca is not only they have the best starting XI, they bench player also crazy good, they easy to walk in to wob starting list. And the distance of wob starting to bench is huge so that wob dont sub in player often. This is the biggest distance for Wolfsburg to the best team. And Wolfsburg can't keep good players is a problem too.
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Thank you ♥ Get ready for another long rant then 😅
Pretty good analysis of the current situation! Reading about Anna made me flinch though, it feels sad to me that the club legend has been treated like that this season 😔 Respect your elders, Wob!
VDS signing was something that made people go "hmmm", because yeah... it's hard to not notice that her prime seems to be past her darn, I hate writing bad things about players ;/. But she's here, so she should be played to her qualities. She's fast, she's experienced, she knows what does it mean to play in the big games and WIN these big games. I'm sure she's got good things to offer to the team!
"Wolfsburg have a good team as a team, but just not good enough if you compare to barca or lyon." <- let's face it, is there any club that can be compared to these two powerhouses right now?
It's great to have basically another starting 11 on the bench, but it's also dangerous and demands brilliant management to keep these star players on the bench happy. There's a serious danger of club "imploding". Look at Chelsea - is it good to have players of, for example, Beth England or Jessie Fleming's quality being bench warmers? Strong subs are needed, of course, some healthy sports rivalry is important, too, but managers must be careful with it. Accumulating unhappy players is a dangerous play.
"And Wolfsburg can't keep good players is a problem too." <- Ewa Pajor (with 1M € release clause!), Svenja Huth, Kathrin Hendrich and Felicitas Rauch are pretty good players that they managed to keep recently if you ask me
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heyktula · 6 years
If it's not too much to ask, how long did it take you to draft Dollars to Donuts? Just by the wordcount alone, it seems like a lot of work...
YES it was a lot of work (and continues to be a lot of work because edits), thank you for noticing, lolsob. :)
Hilariously, I actually have a quasi-detailed answer that I can provide for this, because I track my wordcount by day. (I use the spreadsheets from Svenja Gosen, and honestly, they are fucking fantastic, and I highly recommend them. I literally don’t even know how I would write without these spreadsheets.)
I started working on DTD in November of 2017, under the working title of ‘tumblrmeta’ (this is legitimately back when I thought it was going to be a 20k one-shot). It looks like I wrote about 5k of it that month, and then picked away at it in December (I did not track my wordcounts in December, for some godforsaken reason, but probably burnout). By the beginning of January, I had the first chapter done, and decided I was going to go hard or go home.
Y’all, I went hard. I wrote 49.5k of DTD in January, 51.1k in February, and between drafting and edits, I wrote another 21k in March.
This kind of schedule works for some people. Considering the amount of editing I am currently doing, I’m not entirely convinced that it works for me--it was nice to know that I can do the equivalent of two back-to-back NaNoWriMos, but I’m not convinced that winging it on a 120k+ fic is the best tactic. 
So, conservatively, we can say that I wrote DTD in about three months, and it’s going to take me about six months to edit and post it. Conversely, it took me nine months to write Foxtrot, which is a similar length, and about--six weeks to post? (I was posting every two days on that one--but my chapters were much cleaner.)
I hope this is the answer you were looking for? Thank you for asking the question! I love talking about my process.
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distant-rose · 6 years
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I was going to wait until morning to post this because it’s 2:00 GMT and I need to sleep but goddamn fucking damn it, I’m so in love with this, it’s unreal. I wasn’t expecting much today, especially because I didn’t get much studying done and Giancarlo struck out like seven times and the Yankees lost, but this...this was a grand slam of its own. And I’m so excited about it, I couldn’t wait.
It changed my entire day. 
It might have made my year. Because it’s just so amazing.
I have a lot of awesome friends in this fandom, but @svenjaliv (also known as @winterbythesea) is just amazingly talented and so lovely. I cannot thank her enough for this sketch. She’s just so wonderfully talented and she captured Beth so perfectly from the hair down to the hook necklace. I am honest to god in love with the eyebrow quirk and the almost angry vibe. It’s just so...Beth.
Thank you Svenja for being the best. You’re just an incredible human being and I don’t think there’s any amount of tips that could make up for the wonderfulness of this. I’m just over the moon. I cannot thank you enough.
Seriously, people, she’s amazing! Check out her art! Buy a commission! Give this lady some coffee! She honest to god deserves the goddamn world! Give her everything!
Svenja Links: Main Page | Gallery | Commissions | Ko-Fi
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katie-dub · 6 years
The Devil's Doorbell
A while back @winterbythesea​ shared a post with this amazing description of the clitoris: “That's the devil's doorbell and if you keep pressing it, soon enough he will answer.” So Svenja shouted fic prompt, as is her wont, and came up with this:
Emma wanders into the path of a weird curse or eats something she shouldn't or picks up an artefact she wasn't supposed to touch (Regina did warn her!) and suddenly every time she settles in to, ahem, ring the devil's doorbell... he answers.
So I wrote the thing and am sharing it now for @cscocktoberfest​ - I hope I’ve done you proud Svenja. This is more banter and innuendo with a sprinkle of smut, but I hope you all like it. (And I’ve got another Cocktoberfest fic to come next Wednesday!) 
Thanks @initiala​ for organising this event, which gave me the nerve to actually post this. Cheers for reading this over for me @mahstatins​ and danke schön @distant-rose​ and @welllpthisishappening​ for chanting “post it!” at me ;)
Emma Swan was having a day. Or maybe a week. Possibly even a lifetime. It was one thing to discover after 28 years that she wasn't actually an orphan but a bona fide witch from outstanding magical pedigree, it was quite another to find herself expected to do something about it and take flipping magic lessons. Especially when her teacher was her sassy step grandmother who expected nothing less than total dedication at all times. Only today she had found her mind and her hands wandering resulting in such a sharp reprimand that she was almost glad that her entire family had been separated from her by a curse for her entire formative years.
(And, OK, maybe it was better not to touch strange magical artifacts that she had no knowledge or understanding of, but surely Regina didn't have anything actually dangerous in that vault of hers.. Right?)
Still though, the incident had left her feeling frustrated and full of pent-up nervous energy that she desperately needed to relieve. And what better way than with a little TLC?
She ran a deep bubble bath, downloaded the utterly ridiculous sounding trashy romance Manaconda to her kindle (figuring that if the erotica was subpar, it should at least be good for a laugh), and poured a glass of wine. She sank into the deliciously hot water and settled in for a night of fun.
It quickly became apparent that Manaconda, while hilarious, just wasn't going to do it for her. So she set her kindle to one side and closed her eyes, dreaming up a tall, dark and handsome man to help inspire her as her hands drifted down, stroking and teasing just as her fantasy partner did, before she moved to touch that one special spot...
“Well, well, well what do we have here?” Her eyes flew open and her hands shot away from her clit like she'd been burnt. She sloshed water out of the bath as she yelped, “holy shit!”
The intruder chuckled. “There's nothing holy about me, let me assure you.” She turned to look at him - god, he looked like her erotic fantasy come to life with his chiseled, stubble-covered jaw, lean but toned physique and perfectly mussed dark hair. He even had a perfect sultry voice with a British accent that really worked for her. Did her magical powers extend to wish fulfilment? Her cheeked burned at the thought. “Now why did you summon me - did you need a hand? Or perhaps there's another body part you'd prefer?”
She gaped at him. The man in her dreams was a lot less, well, annoying. “What the fuck?”
“Or do you simply need someone devilishly handsome to add a little spice to your fantasies?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and she felt inexplicably pissed. How dare her fantasy lover come to life and damn well mock her? She'd heard of kink shaming, but this was ridiculous, could you even be shamed by your own subconscious? She briefly considered Regina's face if she were to ask. Yeah, that was not going to happen.
She sighed deeply, totally exasperated by this experience. “Get out before I do something that you'll regret.”
(He was a manifestation of her deepest desires and she figured that meant she could justifiably murder him if he pissed her off too much.)
He gave a short bow, said, “as you wish,” and disappeared.
Emma wondered if she could discreetly find a book on magical mishaps before the next time she needed to show herself some love.
As it turned out she didn't have time to look up her particular problem before she felt the urge to touch herself again. All the day after she first saw her dreams come true (and honestly she never thought she'd think that was a bad thing) she felt on edge and needy.
So that night she went straight home after her magic lesson, stripped off her jeans and jumped into bed. There was no need for teasing or delicacy tonight, she was already wet and wanting. She stroked her fingers through the wetness and circled her clit. She groaned in blessed relief.
“Oh it's you again, Swan.”
Despite her embarrassment at her fantasy lover once again appearing when she had her hands in her panties, Emma was deeply puzzled by this. “You again?” she repeated, “you know, I'd have thought a physical manifestation of my desires would sound a bit more pleased to see me.”
“Is that what you think I am?” Her fantasy was positively smirking at her. It was infuriating.
“Yes, of course that's what you are,” she huffed, more than a little annoyed at the need to argue with her own subconscious. “It's like you stepped straight out of my brain. All the details are perfect. Except you're far less chatty in my fantasies - you focus on winding me up in the good way.”
He laughed at that - actually fucking laughed out loud. “I'm no fantasy darling, I'm a demon. I can understand the confusion, it must be hard to believe anyone this devilishly handsome could be real.” She narrowed her eyes at him, surely no one this maddeningly arrogant could be real? And yet, he was living and smirking in her bedroom. “But here I am, answering your summons, the name's Killian, feel free to scream it out when you get back to business.”
She reluctantly pulled her hand from her panties and finally sat up so that she could glare at him. “I didn't summon you.”
“Oh but you did, probably subconsciously from the sound of it. Do you have magic?”
She shrugged. “Um, yeah, I'm a witch or something.”
He nodded sagely. “That'll be it then, powerful witches don't require complicated rituals to call upon demons in their hour of need. So,” his voice dropped to a sultry murmur and he stepped closer to her, “what do you need from me?” He pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and raised his eyebrows suggestively.
She pretended that it did nothing for her, even as she felt the need to press her legs together to dampen her desire. If anything, that made it worse. “I need you to get out.”
He quirked his head at her in disbelief, but nevertheless he said, “as you wish.” He vanished and Emma’s eyes closed. She deliberately focused on reliving a particularly excellent time with her ex Graham as her fingers got back to work.
“Ah. This is unfortunate. It seems you'll have to stop touching yourself if you want me to leave for good, Swan.”
Her eyes flew open at the sound of the British accent and she took in the unwelcome - and all too familiar - sight of Killian. “Why are you back?”
His eyebrows arched in amusement. “Well it would seem every time you - what do you Americans say - rub one out it summons me and I'm powerless to refuse the call. Now, how do you want me?”
“I don't!” she gasped, annoyed by the breathy quality to her voice. She tried to push herself upright, but her hand slipped and she ended up resting on her elbows awkwardly.
“I have strong evidence to the contrary. I can watch you if that's what you're into? Whisper sinful words into your ear? Provide manual assistance?”
Oh fuck a little hands on assistance would be incredible. She ignored the thought and hoped her body didn't betray its obvious delight at the idea. She feigned indifference instead. “Do you ever shut up?”
“I do find it's hard to talk when my tongue is engaged in more pleasurable activities.” His tone was matter of fact but the way he licked his lips and the look in his eyes was pure sin.
“Can you just leave?”
“And leave you wanting? That would be very bad form.”
“Yeah, I'm not in the mood anymore.”
“Shame. I'll see you next time, don't be shy about ringing the devil's doorbell if you feel the urge.”
“Did you just call my ...” Emma trailed off, lost for words in her disbelief.
“Well I answer every time you press it, seems fitting, don't you think?”
Emma's nose crinkled in disgust. “Just go.” It was going to be a long time before she even considered touching herself again. (Even if she did need a cold shower to help wash away the buzz of arousal and the tingle of disappointment.)
 The next day she was feeling more than a little desperate. She tried not to give into the urge to fuck herself stupid but it was starting to almost hurt. She couldn't quite believe that there were people who were actually into this whole orgasm denial thing.
She didn't even make it to her bedroom this time. She just stuck her hand down her pants the second her front door closed behind her. Her fingers touched her clit and for a brief second she it was sheer bliss.
"You rang?" Killian was leaning against her kitchen counter smirking at her with undisguised glee.
She hastily pulled her hand from her pants. "I did not"
"Oh, darling, you know I'm bound to come when you do." He sauntered over to her, moving in close and biting his lip with undisguised want.
She gritted her teeth. "Well, you're early."
"I do apologise. Bad form, that. It's not usually problem for me.”
“Is there really no way to stop this?” she whimpered.
He stepped back, his seductive demeanour gone and scratched behind his ear thoughtfully. "It's not an affliction I've encountered before. Perhaps you need to find other methods of loving yourself - there's a number of toys you can purchase?" His face was a picture of false innocence. She wanted to smack the look right off his face. Or maybe kiss it off. Or perhaps she could just sit on his face… but no, her thoughts were not going there.
"Shut up."
"No? Well how about less sexual methods? There's meditation, manicures, massage - avoiding the obvious erogenous zone, of course."
He thought he was so cute and it drove her mad. "Bite me."
"If you insist.”
“That wasn't an invitation!” Even though her whole body screamed at her that it really, really should be.
“Are you sure? I'd make it so good for you.”
“And you've just killed my buzz.”
“I don't believe that for a second.” His eyes swept across her body, no doubt her dilated pupils, full-body blush and stubbornly heaving bosom betrayed her lie.
Traitor, she hissed at her own body in her head, before fixing him with a bright grin. “I'm all good thanks. Begone demon!” He raised one eyebrow in amusement, but vanished, leaving Emma to once again climb into a cold shower.
 The next day she'd reached her limit. At the point where she seriously considered using a comfort break in her lessons to escape to the bathroom and make herself come she knew that she had to give into whatever weird curse she was under. She told Regina that she wasn't feeling well and wasn't surprised that she immediately suggested that she go home. She probably looked half crazed and she was damn sure it wasn't just her loins that were on fire, or whatever that stupid cliché was.
“Well hello.”
She was expecting him when she touched herself this time and she knew what she needed to do. “Turn around.”
“Pardon?” He looked genuinely affronted.
God, she didn't want to have to explain this. “I'm desperate, but that doesn't mean that I want you here, so just turn around and don't listen.”
He frowned at her. “It seems a shame to deny yourself the pleasure of my company.”
“And don't talk.”
“I can think of a better way for you to shut me up. If you would let me I would caress every inch of you with my lips and tongue. I would tease you, slowly licking my way closer and closer to that delicious bundle of nerves, drawing out every ounce of pleasure until you couldn't take it and you forced -”
“Stop talking.” Killian fell silent and she could almost tell herself he wasn't there. And that's how she liked it, because his little speech was definitely not causing her to shiver and little waves of arousal to run through her. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and focused on making herself come. Except, nothing she did was quite doing it for her. She was doing everything right but since Killian had stopped his narration it wasn't enough. He was going to be insufferable. “.. Ok, I need it: tell me what comes next.”
His answering grin was wicked. “Darling, isn't it obvious? You do.”
 If Emma had thought that giving into her desires would break whatever spell she was under, she was wrong. If anything the desire and sheer need was worse now. Her head echoed with the rich and detailed fantasy that Killian had narrated for her. She could see them acting out his words, she could feel it, and she was in a near constant state of heightened arousal. She cancelled all her plans for the day and tried to take her mind off her throbbing clit. Several times she realised that she was on the verge of touching herself with no recollection of a conscious decision to do it. She was feverish with the need to give into temptation.
At last she admitted that her attempts to resist were falling flat. We need to resolve this for good, she told herself when she accepted the inevitable, I have to see him so we can make this stop.
(Even she wasn't entirely convinced by her logic, but this way meant orgasms and relief.)
“We really have got to stop meeting like this, love, I'll start to think that you're just using me - and you're more than welcome to.”
“What have you done to me?” she whined. “The need to rub one out is just overwhelming.”
“I tend to have that effect on people.”
“I'm serious. I just need to touch myself. Constantly.”
Killian looked unbearably smug as he replied. “They say the devil makes work for idle hands. You haven't upset my boss recently have you?”
She glared at him. “I don't believe we've met.”
“You angered an evil witch?” She shook her head. “Stepped on cursed soil?” She rolled her eyes. “Handled a magical artifact?”
“I - er - may have done that last one?”
“Good, we're getting somewhere, any idea what it was?”
Emma wracked her brain, what had Regina called it? “The horny afro ditty?”
“You mean the Horn of Aphrodite,” he said with a smirk.
Emma waved her hand dismissively though it was hard to deny the blush that had spread across her face. “Yeah, that's basically what I said. So you know how to fix this?”
“Do you want the good news or the great news?”
Her heart sank at his delight. “Why don't I like the sound of this?”
“The good news is I know the cure. The great news is you'll get to kiss me.” He bit his lip suggestively. She ignored the tingle of arousal she felt in response.
“That's it?” She had to admit she was expecting something a little more x-rated. After all the symptoms were hardly as innocent as a simple kiss.
“Were you hoping for more? Can't say I blame you, I know my way around a woman.”
She frowned at him, shaking her head at his ego. (Even if she fully believed that he would be excellent at kissing - and the rest.) “It's fine by me. Just seems a bit..”
“Well - yeah.” She shrugged, trying to convey that it was totally fine by her.
“Aye. Well, I can see that love has been all too rare in your life.” She opened her mouth to argue but he silenced her with a raised brow. “In those cases it's not uncommon for the effects to get.. Lost in translation. Your need for intimacy has been misinterpreted as physical desire.”
“You think I need you?”
“You said it, not me.”
She scoffed at him. “Please. You couldn't handle it.”
He cocked his head at her curiously - somehow that one tiny gesture felt like a challenge. “Perhaps you're the one who couldn't handle it,” he said, tapping his lips.
He was goading her, there was no other word for it. He was goading her and she was uncomfortably horny and he was talking to her about physical desire and she never could back down from a challenge. That's why she wrapped her hands around the lapels of his jacket and pulled him down to her.
Several things happened the moment their lips touched. There was a burst of magic that seemed to pulse out of their lips. The all-consuming need that she'd been feeling eased, replaced by a pleasant tingle of desire. Her theory that he would be an excellent kisser was proved right - and then some.
The kiss was both soft and powerful, tender and passionate. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and running his fingers through her hair. Somehow a simple press of his lips to hers felt more sensual and intimate and made her heart beat faster than all the teasing, innuendo, and dirty talk that they had traded. It felt more personal than all of that somehow, so much more than merely lips and tongues and teeth meeting.
When they broke apart to take a breath they stayed close. She hadn't let go of his coat, their foreheads were touching and they breathed in each other's air.
Until she remembered herself, then it was all too much. His cheeks were flushed and he was ghosting his lips over hers hoping for more. She pushed away and refused to look at him.
“That was -” he breathed.
“I think we broke the curse, or whatever that was,” she said brightly.
Her words seemed to snap him out of his haze. His eyes lost their sparkle and she felt bad immediately. “Unintended side effect - a magical mishap. ” His voice was flat.
“Like some kind of sexually transmitted demon?” she chuckled, feeling a little proud of the ridiculous joke, and hoping that it might bring back his mischievous demeanour, but he didn't react. She felt disappointed, but she decided not to dwell on it. This was just a magical mishap, as he said, one that she was happy to have resolved in such a pleasant manner. “Well, I feel nothing now, so that's good.” That wasn't strictly speaking true, but he didn't need to know that. “So, thanks for your help. Um. You can go now.”
“As you wish,” he said and vanished. She tried not to think about the fact that she probably wasn't going to see him again.
 It would be ridiculous to suggest that Emma missed Killian. She barely even met him a few times when she had needed to relieve some tension. It was true that he seemed to step right out of her fantasies, but that didn't mean that she actually knew him.
Still, the next time she needed to show herself some love, she summoned to mind his image to inspire her. And if she half hoped that she would summon him in the more literal sense, that was no one else's business.
It was two weeks to the day since she last saw Killian. She was lazily reading through a magical text, eyes glossing over slightly at all the descriptions of the Amulet of Something Significant and So-and-So’s Macguffin, when she saw it: The Horn of Aphrodite. Fitting name, she sniggered to herself, remembering its intense effect on her, it certainly gave me the horn.
And Killian, another voice whispered in her head.
The Horn of Aphrodite, she read. An ancient Greek artifact bestowed upon the hero Paris by the Goddess Aphrodite to unite him with his True Love. It is said that… It took Emma a moment to register what she'd just read. It united some dude with his True Love. Right. But that had to have been a one time thing she mused, feeling an uncomfortable prickly heat spreading throughout her body. It is said that all those who handle the horn, despite Emma's alarm at the implication of what she was reading, she still smirked at that particular description, will summon their own True Love to their side.
If this artifact summons a person's True Love and if touching it had summoned Killian, that meant… Well, fuck.
 “You're my True Love?” she blurted out the second he appeared.
“Believe me, I'm as surprised as you, my kind isn't exactly first in line for a happy ending. Well, not the fairytale kind at least.” He gave her with a lopsided wink and she rolled her eyes.
“Seriously? I'm having a crisis and you're making dodgy jokes?” She slumped into a chair in disgust. “Some True Love you are,” she muttered.
Killian sighed and pinched his brow. “What did you expect, love? I'm a bloody demon, not Prince Charming.” He looked at her earnestly. “I'm sorry that you have been landed with the likes of me, I'm sure you deserve better.”
Emma's heart went out to him - must be that whole True Love thing - and she patted the seat next to her. He sat down without a word. “Would it help if I told you that I always thought the prince was a bit of a dick?” He laughed out loud. “I'm serious! He's all romance and happy endings but how many princesses married Prince Charming?”
“You think it was the same Prince Charming in every tale?”
“All I'm saying is Charming is not a very common name.”
“You sound like a tough lass to woo.”
She shrugged. “Not really, just give me banging it out over a bouquet of flowers any day.”
“So shall we?” Killian turned to her, placing one arm on the back of the couch behind her head. He poked his tongue into his cheek and wiggled his eyebrows at her cheekily.
She twisted towards him. “What?”
“Bang it out?”
Emma answered him with a brief, bruising kiss. She pulled back and grinned. “I thought you'd never ask.”
 She had expected a good, hard fuck, not his tongue all over her, worshipping her, easing her into her orgasm. It was lazy and tender. She felt cherished and worshiped. Usually that would be enough to make her come and run, but it felt.. pretty nice actually.
 She felt a blissful calm running through her, she sleepily looked down at Killian between her legs. He was grinning at her, delighted at her obvious pleasure, it was a good look on him. She closed her eyes and relaxed back against the couch.
Dimly she was aware of him moving away from her, but it didn't fully register until he scooped her up into his arms. She squealed and flailed her arms, startled by the movement. He laughed and pulled her closer to him. “Relax, love, I'm just taking you to your room.”
“Hoping I'll return the favour?”
“I'm hoping to have you on your hands and knees while I shag you senseless and it seems like very bad form to allow my True Love to get carpet burn the first time we fuck.”
“How thoughtful.”
 “So what happens next?” They lay naked and sated in bed when Emma finally asked the question she’d been thinking about ever since she first read about the Horn of Aphrodite. Killian looked over at her and lazily quirked an eye at her. “With the whole True Love thing?”
“Oh, of course.” He turned on his side to look at her properly, licking his lips. “How does a lifetime of sexual bliss sound?”
She grinned in reply. “Perfect.”
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