#thanks MCCC risky woohoo
nzrowe · 2 months
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Nora/Nova is now pregnant. The whole "Deal with Lewis" situation; well... one thing led to another.
Nova feels like she has it all right now. The job, the smarts, the hot friend (with whom she shares so much tension...)
Now she has received a mysterious phone call. A big inheritance awaits but only if she gets married within the next three months. Should she and Lewis make it official ?
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simmancy · 2 years
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The tldr is that somehow the relationship between her and her firstborn son deteriorated to the point that after he died when I left him unattended, his trash mother would go outside and laugh at his grave. She had a Confident moodlet after he died of anger.
She also had resting bitch face for the entirety of her stepdaughter’s wedding. Literally the worst “family-oriented” sim I’ve ever had.
For the extra long extra unhinged version, here is the Nobel Gen 1 (also there is a plumtree link because I like having something to work on even when I don’t post, and I genuinely hope to reach 27 or 28 generations idk I can’t count)
Founder Remi was created thanks to the Create a Story feature, she got Family Oriented, Loner, and Evil for traits, and the Secret Agent career. She wanted to be Fabulously Wealthy. I wanted to rebuild my mods folder in anticipation of the March patch, so we’re rolling with less mods and CC than usual... just my Old Faithfuls to start (Lumpinou’s mod suite, MCCC, More Personality Please! and bug fixes... later we add more in but just to start it’s these for script mods. They’re pulling the strings, ok)
I had her adopt a cat because she gave those vibes. Artemus was the dumbest cat I’ve ever seen. Just ran around occasionally and left hair everywhere, and ate. Also watched TV. Himbo cat vibes.
She then adopted a second cat named Andromeda because why not. Sometimes I tried to make them mate, but Andromeda had higher standards I guess.
Because this was personal gameplay, I’m playing in a save filled with townies from the gallery & simblr. Despite the fact that she was a loner and constantly wanted to be alone and just make money, Remi also kept rolling whims to have a kid. So I did what any legacy player does, I let her go out and meet people.
She met Arturo Perez (by nomorebadtownies) and they hit it off! They even got married! It was very exciting, I played a barely functioning wedding where he peed himself, and his daughter Ella (who was supposed to be the young flower pal) aged up right before so she was a teen flower pal.
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After the wedding, Remi was ready to get ~down and dirty~ but wait. Arturo is greysexual! Thanks LGBTQ+ mod!
So he pretty much was like “nah” but eventually he did get into an okay mood and off we went.
She found out she was pregnant but then it turns out he didn’t want any more kids. You can imagine how this is going, because despite now being pregnant, Remi rerolled wanting a kid. She wanted more.
She had Alejandro and then like... immediately while out in San Myshuno met another sim, Hassan Moto,  who she then went on a date, and a teensy little trip to Tartosa, and wouldn’t you know it, all that risky woohoo resulted in another baby.
She then proceeded to pass the affair baby off as Arturo’s. Thanks RPO!
Hassan was not super cool with that because... I guess he thought he was Remi’s only lover? They got a paternity test done so they both knew the baby was NOT Arturo’s, and Hassan got mad and their “relationship” was basically put on hold.
Arturo eventually became suspiscious because like... Hassan would just casually drop by their house????
So he confronted her and she didn’t even lie she was just like LMAO YUP.
At this point, Alejandro aged up. In the middle of their dramatic dinnertime fight about Baby Ayda’s father. He rolled Hot Headed because of course he did. My game knows what I deserve.
Anyway, Arturo was a pretty good dad to Alej but real shitty to Ayda, and Remi was pretty sucky in general, being evil and all. Plus she became a real workaholic, so all the kids, including Ella, started getting sentiments about how she ignores them. Alejandro especially did not get along with Remi, because they both just argued with each other.... All the time. Constantly.
Ella had her own little sideplot sexual awakening when she and Kaori Nishidake got Unexpected Crushes on each other (thank you, LGBTQ+ mod!) 
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Ella and Remi still had a pretty good relationship at this point so Ella confided that she was having this weird crush on Kaori and Remi said 
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Ella did not listen, she is bisexual. Kaori came to terms with it as well, she is pan. However, she aged up before the girls could confess to each other!
Ella then met another girl, coincidentally also a Mt Komorebi townie somehow attending Copperdale, named Mayu and hit it off. Mayu likes girls exclusively and they started dating... Until Ella aged up and entered her own messy era, where she decided that like, she wasn’t going to just wait around for Mayu for forever, and instead Woohooed Kaori (with a fun FWB arrangement).....
Ella also was still in the household, attending Britechester at this time. She was going to become a lawyer but ended up pivoting and becoming a professor like her dad. She was the main mother figure for Alej and Ayda when they were kids because her parents were............ going through it.
She also ended up taking Ayda with her to meet her bff Sidney’s new dog (and also his new husband, Kristopher Volkov). There, she met Jacob Volkov, who she also hit it off with. Way too well. They ended up meeting up on Love Day and woohooing a bunch of times in a hot tub at a nightclub. Guess who ended up pregnant? It’s Ella. Her almost-a-YA girlfriend was super not amused.
On New Year’s Eve I tried to finally repair Arturo and Remi’s relationship. They rang in the new year with some woohoo, but then they decided to play Chess and basically that was it, I looked away and when I came back it was full red bars, declared enemies, never going back.
Arturo then died before they could finalize the divorce. I think of old age, but it glitched out because he also started dying of fear.... I had to reset him and then he was just a ghost in the abyss, no clue where his urn is. Obviously Remi immediately moved Hassan in to the house and they picked up right where they left off.
Alej aged up into a teen and I decided the “Drama Llama” teen aspiration seemed like a good idea. The Drama Llama aspiration is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. He bullied people. He sent mean Social Bunny messages. He started dating a girl he met named Accalia. One of the aspiration goals is to mess around in the Cuddle Carts
Alej’s one good trait is that he’s very supportive of everyone’s identity so when he and Accalia were discussing it and she was... not as supportive, he broke up with her (also because that was part of the Drama Llama aspiration).
Except ha ha of course. Of COURSE. Mess around is just woohoo. She got pregnant.
This would be fine of course, except Ella was also pregnant. And you know who else? REMI. REMI WAS PREGNANT AGAIN. This time with a Hassan baby.
Remi had a daughter named Arya, Ella had a son she named Peter, and Accalia called to tell Alej she named her daughter... Cherlindrea.
In the meantime, I tried to finish the Drama Llama aspiration. He had to become enemies with his rival, who I noted was a pink haired guy with the last name Wainscot. Easy right? Well guess what. There are two pink haired Wainscots, because they’re brothers, and instead he became enemies with his TEAMMATE.
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This was a lot but whatever, we managed to become enemies with the rival too, Alej was the most hated yet strangely popular guy in school (and also on the chess team. not a jock. chess). Except by Ayda’s best friend, Annika, who she had a crush on. Annika seemed to ALSO be interested in Ayda..................... until Alej walked in.
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There was another mess around. This will come up again soon don’t worry.
At this point, Ayda chose to tell Alej that she’s 🌈 gay 🌈... Which would have been a good point for him to be like “ehhh I won’t date your gal pal” but that didn’t happen. They were already dating at that point and he really liked her and she liked him and Ayda is self-sacrificing because she has low self esteem and her family treats her like crap mostly so she was like “oh..........its fine you know, no worries, I don’t like her like that ahahaha” while she died inside
Speaking of dying....
Right after all this went down, Hassan (now an Elder) was like “now is a GREAT time to finally marry Remi” with his whims. So I said, fuck it, I’m not taking pictures. Classic Sims Legacy Bathroom Vows it is. Except Remi, you remember, is evil. And I have a mod that will let sims autonomously call off their weddings, because I like chaos and I loved that in TS2. Remi of course said “lmao nope” to the bathroom wedding vows. What the fuck ma’am. So their relationship TANKED. Anyway, I had Remi try to Apologize... In Bed. And she did, I was very proud of her. She also apologized in the shower, because shower woohoo fuck yeah!
Yeah................... guess who was already tuckered out. You guessed right, it was Hassan, who died on the bathroom floor.
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As for the teens................... they all kinda went “huh” and then they all went to prom and had a grand time, and Ayda’s other best friend was voted Prom Royalty and Alej was Prom Jester. And it was such a beautiful grand time that Alej proposed to Annika to lock this love down before he aged up to YA (the next day)
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But ha ha ha hilariously................... Alej has some GREAT swimmers, I guess, and I never remembered to buy him condoms. What a guy
Yeah so Annika after accepting his proposal was like “ummmmmmm now’s a good time to tell you.... I’m pregnant!”
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I tried to just add her to the household but that just... wasn’t working. At all. I figured it was just a glitch, so I let it go for a minute, and worried about getting Alej aged up and enrolled in University (Foxbury!).
I also moved Ella and Peter out and in with Kaori so they could be happy together :)
Where is Ayda while all this is happening? That is such a great question, especially as she is my heir. So Ayda lives this very quiet life. She’s a Llamacorn Scout, she was working on the Angling Ace aspiration, she graduated high school early and was truly just thriving. Like everyone around her is an unmitigated disaster and she’s just like “bye I’m gonna go fish for a minute.” She does really dislike Arya, though (which is valid....Arya rolled Mean. So her family living at home is Evil Mom Remi, Hot Headed Alejandro, and Mean Arya. And she’s just... Loyal and Loving the Outdoors. Pure!)
Okay so we’ve established now that Alej is a YA, going to college (engineering wooo), Annika we want to move in, and now that Hassan and Ella and Peter are gone, we finally can. It’s a Sunday. A regular Sunday in game.
We then find out why, exactly, Annika couldn’t move in. It wasn’t a glitch. Oh no no no, of course not. Remi is pregnant again. This bitch I s2g.
I have Alej try to step up and be good, and have a cute little private ceremony with Annika over by the river in Newcrest under a cherry tree, very romantic.
SHE SAYS NO, SHE CALLS OFF THE WEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So now he’s pissed, he’s like “what? why not? is this kid even mine?”
(The reason she calls off the wedding, in my mind, is because she smooched Ayda ONCE and knows that she was SUPPOSED TO BE AYDA’S SPOUSE 😡)
They go to check that the kid is Alej’s and yes of course it is. So despite their romance bar being basically 0 right now, thanks to RPO, they CAN get married because of the baby. And they sure do. So Annika is now a Nobel. And this baby will be born in wedlock, and nothing could go wrong right? Right?
Alej is still pretty furious about it all, though, like he has a very angry sentiment towards her, and he didn’t want a kid to begin with because he was just a teen, he already had one oopsie, blah blah.
But whatever. We’ll get through it because he’s a spare. I’m just waiting for Ayda’s university acceptance to come and then it’s gen 2 babyyyyyy
Ayda’s not doing anything while waiting for her acceptance letter except going to scouting meetings on the weekend and fishing, so since Alej is just taking classes while Annika is in school, I decide to feel out Ayda, decide what I wanna do, etc etc etc.
....I turn away for one second, I catch some fish. Annika goes into labor and I’m like oh shit, better send Alej with her to the hospital, her motives are pretty low. And he’s........ not there. He’s not an option.
And I’m like what the fuck why isn’t Alejandro an option. Where did he go? WHERE IS ALEJANDRO?
And I find him in Annika’s relationship panel and he’s a FUCKING GHOST
So I search all around the house and I find his URN on the 2nd floor by Arya and Remi and I’m like “what the FUCK did you two DO” and the game is acting funky so I can’t see in the family tree how he died. I straight up thought he went to class and just. died. Like he got lost on the way back and now he’s gone. (I eventually determined he died of anger which... tracks. No idea if Remi or Arya provoked him, or it was just a bunch of other moodlets or what, because I didn’t even see a pop up ABOUT him dying, he just. DIED).
So I click on Remi because like... if Annika is in labor, she’s about to burst, and I realize... This bitch is Confident right now. So I look at her moodlets and she’s confident because she outlived her enemy. At some point they became enemies, can’t imagine how or why, maybe it was all the arguing and nonsense. So she was happy her enemy (her son) was gone. And then she laughed at his urn. And then when I moved it outside, she’d go and laugh at it out there.
Anyway, I send Ayda with Annika to the hospital, and she has a little girl, who be named Bea. Bea Nobel. Very cute name.
I come back to the house and now Remi goes into labor and I’m like “no... I don’t think you’ll get to go to the hospital and reset your motives, fuck that.” So she goes down to the nice empty crib I left her and has a son, named Arman. And then the game tells me she also has a daughter we name Arezu and suddenly why I couldn’t add Annika when I KNEW she was only pregnant with one sim makes sense.
At this point, I’m like “we’re not doing any more of this shit, it’s too much even for me” and I have Ayda check to see if she got into college (she did) and send her off to Foxbury to learn Environmental Science, so she can chase her dreams of being the cottagecore lesbian nature girl she deserves to be.
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And that’s it!
Oh wait addendum: while visiting the main household, Ella called Arya of all sims and was like “omg I found a ring in Mayu’s bag, should I say yes???” and they got Engaged I guess, so I let them have a cute little wedding (where Ayda was supposed to be Sim of Honor but the game wouldn’t allow her to walk down the Aisle so instead I sent her down as a Flower Pal)
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Remi went to the wedding. She made this face the whole time, and left early with Arya (who also made bitchy faces).
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Literally the worst sim I’ve ever had. I mean that. Blows Bartlett Perry out of the fucking water. 
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rinseesims · 9 months
Your game play style works really well for me. What are your mccc settings?
I'm sorry for being MIA from tumblr for so long, but I'm working through some stuff here. I'm glad it works so well!
I don't think I have changed much, tbh! It's mostly just the Woohoo settings. I definitely did the following:
Added the Woohoo extension to the mod:
- Risky Woohoo is set to the percentages on Morbid's doc depending on the era. - I enabled teen pregnancy (this is because of the ages set it Morbid's spreadsheet. Young Adult starts at age 20.) - Enabled teen marriage for the same reason above. However, the actual process will not happen in-game. You kinda have to just mess around with it and have them "recite vows" at the altar. The animation won't go through, but if you check their profiles, they will be listed as spouses. - I believe Morbid has set it so that your sim can still age up while pregnant, but I haven't done this yet.
Removed monsters under the bed because that annoyed the hell out of me. ( MC Tuner > Change Interaction Behaviour > Allow Monster Under Bed ).
Pregnancy Percentage per age group depending on what Morbid has on the doc for that specific century. I believe this needs to be done via a computer. ( MC Pregnancy > Pregnant Sim Selection > Pregnancy Percentage > [AGE GROUP] Pregnancy Percent: # ).
I also have MC notify me when another one of my households is in labor: ( MCCC Settings... > Notification/Console/Menu Settings > Notification Settings... > MC Pregnancy Notifications > Show Birth Notifications ).
I checked out this video for reference on how to minimize randomly generated sims, but this doesn't really work unless your world has a certain number populated, and I did not have enough sims in my library to make this work completely. I also started with a completely empty save file, so it's a lot harder to populate at this time.
Thanks to The Bonnet Simmer, I figured out that there is a way to slow time down a bit so you aren't racing to catch up on stuff before the end of a sim day! From a sim computer: ( MCCC Settings > Gameplay Settings > Game Time Settings ).
That is really all I have done on MCCC. I mostly use it to quickly change their outfits, summon sims I may need at the moment for the story, or quickly age them up. I INITIALLY tried to change the household max, but I don't really like those settings, since in my experience, I can't exit CAS if the household exceeds 8. Hope this helps!
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simsnectar · 4 years
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Turns out Iris is pregnant with Dalton’s first child! 
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melsie-sims · 3 years
Your bacc is my favorite story to read right now! I was wondering what personality mods do you use?
Aww thank you!! I'm really glad!! Mods add a lot of personality to the game for sure, and I hope these help, but it's not all. Most of it is still just to nudge my creativity. I mostly just use whims, first impressions and some autonomy to help with storytelling. Sometimes the game does some fun stuff that completely changes my plans for a sim though so it's great!
I have... a lot of mods, some smaller than others. The main ones that really change my game are the following:
MissyHissy's Personality Mod / Custom Whims & Hobby Mod. I give every sim in my game a Sims 2 Aspiration trait and a hobby when they age into teens or when they move into town as YA’s/Adults (they're found in the reward store).
Bienchen's Whim Overhaul & Trait Overhaul. I'm not sure exactly what that mod does or how much it changes my game, but I have gotten way better whims since I started using it so it's making the list!
Lumpinou's First Impressions Mod, Road to Romance, No Strings & Woohoo Wellness. They all add SO MUCH! I use the first impressions to plan friendships and romances. Sometimes it can cause a ton of drama when paired with WonderfulWhims’ attraction system, which I also recommend!
The No Strings Mod is great for poly ships or non-committal sims that want to play the field! Road to Romance is a mod I only downloaded recently so I can't really say yet whether or not I like it. I haven't experienced many of its features, but it adds cute rabbit hole dates that give fun moodlets.
Give Me Some Talent by FDSims4Mods is a MUST. I couldn't play without it anymore. It adds so much to the BACC since it's a challenge that relies a lot on skill building. It makes it way more fun to have sims that are good at things, but may suck at other things. Winona's an awful cook so I've been using that as a run-on joke.
LGBT Mod by PimpMySims4 (not really personality, but it does add a ton to the game! I pick these for my sims when they age up to teens as well. Sometimes I roll a dice to randomize the sexuality for extra spice.)
I also have custom careers and aspirations (KiaraSims4Mods is a great modder to check out for this!) which add a bit of variety. If you don't mind an insane amount of moodlets I suggest Chingyu traits. They're not in my game anymore; I personally couldn't handle just how much they overpowered sims' moods, but for storytelling some of them are really good!!
I hope this helps!! Please note, my game is pretty laggy. Some of these mods may also conflict with other mods. WonderfulWhims, Woohoo Wellness and/or MCCC together mess up the odds of pregnancy. For me sims got pregnant almost 100% of the time even though the odds were supposed to be 17% for Risky Woohoo. So if you have those together be aware that your sims will likely get pregnant way more often than usual. That's why I use a dice roll for my pregnancies now.
I actually use dice rolls for a lot of things, which also makes things more exciting and adds a bit of randomness to the game.
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Wow it’s been a while! I went camping last weekend and then I was trying to be responsible yesterday and I just haven’t gotten around to posting again, and when I’ve gotten on tumblr in the last 2 days I get sucked in just reblogging a bunch of stuff or I just start playing and the screenshots pile up 😬😬😬
Anyways here is party 2 of my Periodic Table 100 baby challenge
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We met this hottie, Chaz, at the city community area (I always forget what it’s called)
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We also met this hunk of burning love, Pacific. So she decided to tackle them both for baby #1
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He likes her pretty quickly, started showing off his muscles
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Harvest fest was pretty soon after starting this so she went out and made a bunch of friends and invited them over. She made a nice Turkey dinner and then the PREGNANT caterer came over and she went into labor while here and kept going out to the garbage bins to breath 😂 then she chilled in my bed before making more harvest fest food. I also just won the lottery before this so I gave her some simoleons for catering and for a baby gift. We ended the night singing about harvest fest outside and said goodnight
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Spice festival was fun but everyone she tried talking to her blogs she either was ignored or she was being rejected by them 😓
Chaz: come get your fresh spicy curry!
Hydee: it’s so good to see you! You wanna come back to my place later 😉
Chaz: Uh… no. I gotta go I’m working
Hydee: …… ok…..
Hydee: *tells interesting story about the spice festival*
Pacific: *while ignoring Hydee* So Mirabelle, there’s a spice festival going on across the street, should we go?
Mirabelle: er… yeah, sounds great, c’mon Hydee
Hydee: 🙄 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♀️ *internally* I better get laid tonight
(She did not)
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After the craze of harvest fest we took down the decorations and got some sleep before our first day at work. Made some nice breakfast before work and had a pretty good day
Hydee: say ah!
Patient: Aaaah
She went to hang out with Chaz at the chalet garden house in windenburg (his choice not mine) and a random townie froze to death
I may or may not have killed him to get him to stop talking to us… I regretted it instantly but then got to flirt with the Grimm reaper instead (she kissed his corpse looking hands and I nearly barfed lol)
Then Chaz got to his senses and we kissed and made up
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Another day another dollar! After work we got a promotion and invited pacific over for dinner and got some action, later I found out he’s married but in 100 baby challenge who cares lol
Also I think some jerky setting in mccc is on because she gains skill levels wicked fast 😬 she went from level 6 cooking to level 10 after 3 or 4 meals 🤷🏻‍♀️
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We went to a strip club!!! I downloaded one from the gallery when I was working on making a better save file. Anyways we went with Chaz and woohooed in one of the beds there and then after that she went to go to the bathroom and ran into Pacific!! So she woohooed with him as well (apparently risky woohoo isn’t a thing cuz I was trying to do it by chance but that didn’t work…)
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Pacific ended up being one of my patients so I took his temperature, took him to x Ray, then swabbed his mouth 😏😉
Then we invited both Chaz and pacific to our house which was a mistake because Pacific kissed me in front of Chaz and he was hard for offended. It took a bit to get him to try for baby with me after we did that with pacific and then on top of that, I got abducted and I have an mccc setting that makes the chance for females to get pregnant higher
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It’s official we are pregnant who could the baby daddy be? Pacific? Chaz? Or an Alien 👽 😬😬😬 this is fine.
Thanks for coming to the really long update 😅
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blushbabysims · 6 years
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Simself #6
They moved out together!
I’m struggling without an actual University expansion so I fast forward to when they’ve finished haha
Aaaaannnddddd Dylan is pregnant - Truly unexpected, thanks MCCC and my 5% Risky WooHoo settings lmao
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nephaelia-sims · 2 years
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My poor, dirty llama’s body language says how I’m feeling rn about Patchy omg (Yes, this is Caleb about to AUTONOMOUSLY WOOHOO with A SCARECROW he has NO ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP WITH in an ANIMAL SHED)
So despite the clearing of my hard drive space fixing some of my errors, my legacy save file was corrupted. I couldn’t load like 70% of the lots in any of the worlds, even if I was able to they were completely bulldozed. One of the helpful people on the MCCC discord (thanks again to that wonderful community) told me it looked like my game had tried to run two different scenarios at once, it was really weird.
The LAST PLACE I could recover to was literally right before I think it got corrupted (got to check the logs I saved and see if I can figure it out, I’m curious when exactly). Thank god. It was also right before Anura got too thirsty (for some reason they don’t autonomously make plasma fruit salad or eat plasma fruit, nope straight to the nuclear option LMAO) and the closest entity the game decided was a valid target for her in the area was Patchy the scarecrow. I have risky vampirism turned on, and I think I have it so if a vampire drinks uncontrollably it’s like at least a 50% chance of turning the victim into a vampire (because like, I figure that’s a potentially deadly scenario anyway at least irl). When I let that happen/didn’t literally move doors to prevent it, he turned into a vampire and then I may have screwed things up by moving his tree into the lot inventory while he wasn’t on it, otherwise he was screwed up by being a vampire but also a scarecrow somehow???? Wouldn’t that be funny if THAT is what corrupted my save? like.... the timing works........ It wasn’t any new CC or mods because I didn’t add anything or change anything around that time It could also just have been the errors around not being able to save to my hard drive (since it only had ~110 mb free) meaning the game accidentally lost track of time
But I like to blame Patchy and the vampirism incident because honestly that’s more entertaining
I definitely disabled “compel for a [x] drink” and “ask for permission to drink”  via autonomy scan for him just in case (I did put a very small chance of accidental vampirism for those options). maybe I’ll test it on a throwaway save lol
When I saw Caleb and Patchy going to the shed to woohoo I was freaked tf out because I was like “WHAT IF THE SCARECROW GETS PREGNANT?????” because I have it so that same sex try for baby is allowed, and the initiator is the one who impregnates the other partner (so the scarecrow would be getting pregnant).... but then I remembered I DO NOT have autonomous try for baby on (at least not for active households because lol not dealing with that) so whew I mean I GUESS you can do that if you REALLY want to Caleb but....
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xshinkox · 3 years
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So Josie and her boyfriend, (her future husband) Ronen were at a night club... and  autonomously woohoo’d in the dumpster that was on the lot. And thanks to mccc risky woohoo (which is set at 5%..) she became pregnant :0 Thankfully she is almost done with university!
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soily-sims · 6 years
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I wanted to do a little flashback of Griffin’s life before I started posting about my town because I feel like a lot of stuff needed explaining. 
My town started as a legacy save with my sims Sam and Ellie Adams (both have passed away in my game), they had three sons, twins Jamie and Finn and youngest son, Jake. 
When Jamie’s girlfriend got pregnant as a teen thanks to MCCC and risky woohoo I became more interested in the story than the legacy and the save has just grown from there. I’m currently at 98 sims I play in rotation which is why it gets complicated fast. 
I’m going to try and come up with a way to organise the stories I post here a little better over then necxt few weeks and maybe do some more flashbacks of other families.
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janelovesims · 6 years
Big fail
I was playing with Rosa for the garden challenge. Rosa and Dani are finally in love. But. The first and only time they woohooed.... it was a fail. Like... Rosa is prego now :( I have risky woohoo on, but with lowest chances....
I have MCCC, and i checked how many babies (just in case) and gosh i can say thanks me bc she was prego of 4 babies lmao I think my game is broken lmaoooo So i reduced that to 1 bc i cant.. We’re currently pretty broke in the Powell household so.....
Here we are. 1 baby on the way !!!
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spinachfrittata · 7 years
i may have accidentaly just figured out how to make aarden a true vampire/alien hybrid. she kinda fell pregnant again thanks to risky woohoo in mccc, and i right clicked on her to see if i could remove it, and there was an occult option, so i pressed it and it then said add alien form so i pressed that and she turned into an alien. the look you all know and love is now set as her disguise.
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