#thank youuuu :3
Get appreciated idiot!!!!! :3
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Oh shit I'm bats!!!! gets appreciated!!!!
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friendlyengie · 9 months
I loooove Decoy why is he like that
It’s because he’s Italian i think.
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that-one-cat-meow · 5 months
Hey you!
*Walks toward u slowly*
Stay there!
*walks toward u again*
*Boops u*
Thank you ^^
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artsy-n-smartsy · 20 days
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Also world's tiniest Engineer dance :]
picking him up carefully and putting him on my desk :)
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lumiereandcogsworth · 9 months
💙Smoshblr December Asks Day 18💛
What are your top 3 fave clothes, that you currently own? (can be faves for any reason, like comfort, smth you love to wear on special occasions, etc. 🤗)
Bonus: What are your top 3 fave accessories? (like jewelry, belts, bags, etc. 👜)
my favorite shirt ever is t-shirt that literally just has the wikipedia article for batb 2017 on it. it’s from this website and you can get literally any article on a shirt. i personally think everyone should have something they love so much that they’d get its wiki article on a shirt. but anyway i love that shirt so much
my puppet history hoodie. it’s so comfy and i wear it every evening. i wear it the way other people wear robes over their pajamas. i tried to find it online to show you but it apparently isn’t being sold anymore?? anyway it’s navy blue with a lil cartoon of the professor’s face in the top left corner. very simple and nice
my stitch (as in lilo & stitch) pajama pants. they’re so light and flowy and comfyyyyy ahh
i love all my hoodies. i have one with ricky montgomery on it, one from my church group back in college, one with my college logo on it, and a bunch others that i don’t wear as much. but i’m a hoodie girlie for sure. i hope to have a smosh hoodie some day.
bonus accessories: i do be wearing the same hoop earrings almost every day. i’ve also gotten back into using this navy blue purse with floral design on the flap that i’ve had for Years but haven’t used in a while. but i’m back in my shoulder bag era.
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saffronscales · 1 year
i love you saffronscales!
*epic saxophone music*
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itslookingback · 1 year
1, 17 & 23 for the music ask game ^_^
who is the first artist you remember loving?
when i was very little i really liked listening to the beatles to the point where some songs from their no 1 hits album i can still probably tell what they are 1 second into the song because i just listened to it so much on my little ipod nano. not sure why
17. describe your favorite song without telling me the title
FAVOURITE SONG??? asking me to pick just one??? ok imagine if you're floating in space and you can see earth and all of the lights and you can't see it but you're thinking of everyone going about their day on this tiny huge planet and you're thinking of everyone in history who went about their day and looked up at the stars and fell in love. yeah.
23. how did you discover your favorite artist?
ough again hard to pick a favourite artist but i found dodie in like 2019 probably through my friend??? we were both gay messes at that time so seems plausible
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afterlifeoftheparty · 10 months
31, 89, 76 😁👍
31. the music or the misery - fob
76. skylines and turnstiles - mcr
89. she had the world - panic at the disco
send me numbers for my spotify wrapped!!
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lesbianyosano · 1 year
GOD I love ur roleswap au so much!! Especially the characterization of dazai, it’s literally so on point oml… btw what’s oda like in this au??
oh oda is great!! he's alive!!!
his past is still the same, he used to be an assasin and a great one too. he comes across fukuzawa when he's around 14 and gets invited to join the mafia, but he asks for some time to think, which fukuzawa agrees to. he ends up talking to natsume, who's been more or less keeping tabs on fukuzawa for the past few years, and natsume says some things to him that make him reconsider how he wants to live his life, and even offers him a way out. oda tells fukuzawa he's not killing anymore and fukuzawa lets him go without a fuss, he's seen him in action so he won't fight him for no reason, and there is a certain amout of respect in him for this kid who so blatantly and surely declined the offer.
natsume contacts taneda who helps oda dissapear from the face of earth for a while. oda only comes back from hiding 4 years later, when mori opens the ada, and he becomes its second member, right after dazai. the two of them are really really close and mori really respects him too, and never presses as to how he just appeared all of a sudden. after dazai gets his main world memories, oda is the only person he talks to about it and ends up breaking down when describing the other oda's death. and despite the fairly big support system dazai has in this universe, oda is still the one keeping him sane most of the time
oh and he's still very much trying to become a writer!! it's going fairly well and he's had a few stories published in local papers :) he also meets ango because of some deal the ada has with the abilities division and they start going out and it's very sweet
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brain-empty · 1 year
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unovul · 1 year
🍫 🍓 tell me abt ur guy <3
omg gladly <3
🍫(where they go to think): I think voi'nar is very prone to wanderlust. when he gets in his thoughts he's prone to pacing and wandering around, and if he's not pressingly busy with something else, he'll just teleport himself wherever feels appropriate for his thoughts. I think sometimes he just disappears without warning and it's because he was like, going over magic theory in his head in excruciating detail
🍓(favorite scents): wood smoke is definitely up there among his favorites. most woody and/or fire-related smells, really. and fish, of course. I don't think he realizes most people Don't like the smell of dead fish. least favorites include things like fuel and other Machinery smells. the acrid smells bring up bad memories
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saint-fagula · 4 days
Lime and ash!! :3
thank you, definitely want to get to know you better as well :)))
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tboy-boone · 11 days
4, 11, 12 :)
a story idea you haven't written yet
WELL since inspiration hit me when i answered this in the last one (heehee), i'll share. i had the idea of a serendipity au because i love that movie and the guy is kinda damon so...? perchance? will i finally write a fic for them? i do not know, but maybe!
a WIP you'd like to finish someday
GOD I WANT TO FINISH THE BOONESAYID ONE I'M WORKING ON RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD. i know that most of the people who have read it have not seen the movie but it is so fucking close to being the end. i kid you not it is really really reeeeeaaaalllyyyyy close to being done. i just have to finish it, but y'know school and illness do not want me to be creative.
a trope you're really into right now
i am loving the idea of fate right now. BIG HUGE FAN OF THAT. but not the kind of fate where it's like "oh ur meant to cross paths". i'm thinking the fate gives you an opening and it's your choice to take it and get everything that you ever wanted, but you have to take your chance now, y'know?
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artoodeeblue · 2 months
The Master nodded to himself, head down, like something confirmed inside that brilliant, genius mind. He swallowed, and in his eyes the Doctor could see the same nightmares, the same horrors that he had known. “So he was a coward.”
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing!
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chronotopes · 3 months
lark 3? the kin onion really awoke my curiosity about her hehe.
TEEHEE i'm so glad because lark was one of the worst-written characters in the original draft and i'm really trying to do her character potential justice now.
3. Are they an early bird or night owl?
early bird not so much by choice as because her parents ran an inn in a busy mountainside town and she's been getting up early to help in the kitchen since she was maybe too young to need to be doing much of anything at all. lark is the most YES AND!!! person to ever have parents – since she was very little she wanted to be as involved in everything that her family did as physically possible. once her parents die and she moves towns, she immediately... finds formal work in another inn and works her ass off in *that* one as well. lark does not really love waking up early despite all that and, within the timeline of the story itself, does things like 'relying on quartz to wake her up' and 'braiding her hair the night before so that she has to do fewer things in the morning.' nobody in the story can really afford true Night Owl behavior since they live in rural areas and have jobs and it gets Fucking Dark*, but a modern/mundane au lark would be a night owl by default who still works in a bakery or coffee shop or something that requires her to get up Fucking Early
*quartz does in fact have light magic but unlike lark she is one of gods natural morning people
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lumiereandcogsworth · 10 months
💛Smoshblr December Asks Day 9💙
What are your current top 3 favourite songs? (like songs you’ve had on repeat a lot recently or maybe just 3 songs that you listened to today and enjoyed a lot! Whatever feels most accurate to you 🤗🎶)
Bonus: What are 3 songs you think everyone should listen to at least once in their life? 🎧
here’s three of my all-time favorite songs:
mr. blue sky by electric light orchestra
line without a hook by ricky montgomery
dancing in the moonlight by king harvest
those are three awesome songs that ALWAYS make me very happy to listen to :)
for the bonus question, i mean those three are great. bohemian rhapsody by queen is the only other one i can think of, but i’m pretty sure most everyone HAS heard that song. if not, that should definitely be sat through at least one.
also everyone should listen to annie’s song by john denver. it’s my favorite love song ever and it’s just soooo fucking sweet. i can’t listen to it often because it’ll leave me as a puddle on the floor 😭
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