#thank youuu<3
drawbauchery · 1 year
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killingsboys · 5 months
1 — i know you’ve done it already, but do it again. you should compliment yourself more 🤍 2, 4, 6, 16, 18.
insert that one aaron tveit picture here i'm too lazy to find it rn. anyway ilyyyyyyyyy <33
1. Compliment your writing!
i think i am pretty decent at opening lines! and i think i have a very distinct writing style <3
2. How do you react to positive comments?
typically i smile and thank the commenter! sometimes if it's a really funny or sweet comment i do the quintessential jamie face-smack<3
4. Post a screenshot of one of your favorite comments.
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getting confused with canon is genuinely the best compliment someone could pay me <333 really though even just people commenting a heart emoji make me smile people who comment on fics are ANGEL
6. Vaguely spoil one of your fics without telling us which one it is.
enjolras says "swag."
16. What is one of your favorite words or phrases to use in writing?
i overuse so many words and phrases it's such a problem... recently i realized i described drunkenness with the phrase "blitzed out of his mind" in two consecutive fics which was super embarrassing. i can't think of any others off the top of my head but i'm sure it will occur to me around 2am and i'll stare at the ceiling for a while instead of sleeping
18. What trope have you not written yet, but want to?
band au. one day i'm writing my band au.... it's sooooooo special to me, would love to write it one day <33
fanfic writer asks!
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damienthepious · 7 months
Fandom ask meme: 16, 19, and 20 =w=
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate: man idk. i feel so weird about propping up any part of canon penumbra anymore. i guess.... how effectively s2 managed to weave in both the worldbuilding and the slow spiraling-together of the ensemble cast. back when they used to do that.
19. your current fandom(s): hmm... Megamind, Second Citadel (s2), Naddpod (all campaigns, but currently relistening to Eldermourne), Dimension 20 (though i am rarely caught up with anything), Brisco County Junior, kindasorta House of Leaves
20. your very first fandom! oh godsake. if we mean... like... REAL fandom, like, sought out content for, wrote for, engaged with other fans about.... it was either Wicked (broadway AND the book) or it was Fullmetal Alchemist ('03). I don't remember which I was insane about first. But i was very insane about both. And I'm still quietly insane about fma and reread a certain LJ author's fics at least once a year (I downloaded them to make sure I never lose them), i just don't engage with whatever fandom might still exist. Everyone is apparently deep in FMA:B anyway, and I just don't have any interest, weirdly.
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missmungoe · 1 year
🎉 😉
🎉 How often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
I usually celebrate by spending a full day being mentally exhausted! I kid, but not really - after my big updates, I'm always really tired, and the recent Mnemosyne update in particular took a lot out of me, in part because I was nervous of coming back after such a long hiatus, so it was more recovering than celebrating. But thinking about this made me realise that despite being very proud of my work, I could be a lot kinder to myself, so I'm going to try to be better at that<3
I also want to be better at celebrating the things I have written, instead of always thinking about what I haven't written yet. A lot of my stories are the length of several novels - Mnemosyne alone is longer than the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Shanties is 2.2 million words. That's half of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time, and oh my god, I just realised how many books that would be if they were on a shelf.
(hi, yes, I'm going to start giving myself more credit)
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gallalctyka · 1 year
2, 4, 12, 18 :]
2 - fave color and why i love dark blues, purples, pinks and so on. they remind me of the night sky/space. but i also really love yellow! really vibrant and pretty. also signifies madness in a lot of lovecraftian works which i love ^_^
4 - any languages you want to learn? already answered!
12 - least favorite food? already answered! but i might add bigos onto that
18 - favorite biome/landscape? OKAY let me think... i do love the polish mountainside :) forests too
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quietrobots · 1 year
64: Where is your best friend?
Approximately 1,600 miles away from me
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cosmicsnufkin · 2 years
for the spotify asks!! 26 + 57 + 99 + a extra of your choosing 💜 ~ @hopeinthebox mwah
ahh thanks<3
26 cold blooded - jessi
57 awkward silence - skz
99 nunu nana - jessi
idk how you managed to find the only two jessi songs ive listened to😂
and for the extra let's say rush hour that was nr 35 but SHOULD'VE been top 10 bc im obsessed every time i listen
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meloneta · 2 years
24, 45, 56? 🎶
24-about damn time / lizzo
45-hot / avril lavigne
56-lost cause / billie eilish
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lxvermachine · 2 months
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Asjsjsjs- - this. This is adorable ₊˚⊹⁠♡
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andyridgeley · 4 months
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be? time travel to a wham! concert, finally find a house i love and can buy, new record player
❄️- what is your favorite season? fall!!!
ask me whatever!!
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milogreer · 8 months
reminder to please put your age in your bio in some form so i know who is 18+ because i don't want minors following this blog <3
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016s · 9 months
0, 28, 36 ♡
0: Height
6'6" 😔 I am.. the loomer
28: A description of the person I dislike most
I don't really have a specific person that comes to mind but there are definitely types of people I dislike. I think my blog makes those kind of clear but. I hate people who cannot respect what they don't understand. I guess calling them close-minded sums that up quicker but I think it extends over into a lot of things. People who don't like horror because they "don't understand why it has to be scary," people who dislike "scary" animals like insects or rodents because they personally can't understand them.. that kind of thing. The idea of everything in the world needing to be perfectly understandable and palatable to a person to be respected by them is an idea that absolutely drives me up the wall. Strikes me as a very deep-rooted sense of entitlement, and not one I can respect or tolerate.
36: Where I would like to live
I think I'm pretty content with where I live now but I definitely wish I could travel more. Unfortunately not in a point in my life right now where I have that freedom or capability. Social anxiety is a bitch though and I'd never be able to travel anywhere alone lol. But I'd love to visit other Asian countries like SK or China :)
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missmungoe · 1 year
HI HELLO, in no particular order - ✨🌿🎙️ (asking for a friend hehe)?
✨ What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
Also answered here, but I have a lot of fics I wish were still being read, so let's do another one! Maybe Whose Heart is a Safe Harbour, my love-letter to Makino. It's about longing and hoping and growth, and the many people who adore her (and that one guy Dadan threatened to feed to the sea king for making her cry).
“You were friends,” Luffy said then. “You and Shanks.”
It took effort not to smile at the innocent statement, remembering his brother, not much older but shrewdly discerning a rather different truth. And it wasn't the only difference between them, but the thought only made her happy, watching Luffy now. Children grew into their own like sprigs in an unruly garden, irrespective of what anyone had to say about it, and there was something fiercely reassuring about the fact, Makino found.
And so, “Yes,” she said. Not a lie, although it didn’t come close to the full truth, but there was something about that cheerful innocence that she felt like preserving, if only for a little while longer. “We were that.”
Luffy nodded, as though to himself. “He liked you.”
She didn’t think she could have held back from smiling now if she’d tried, but it only prompted Luffy’s own, as though happy his words had made her happy. “Oh yeah?” she asked, leaning her elbows on the counter. “Did he tell you that?”
He shrugged. “I could tell.”
Makino tilted her head. “Captain liked everyone,” she pointed out.
“Yeah, but you’re special,” Luffy countered, not a beat missed. And it wasn’t a rebuttal, just a simple fact; a truth that hadn’t even paused for breath. “I think he liked you the best.”
🌿 How does creating make you feel?
Like I was made to do this.
🎙️ Which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
!! I mean, I'd be excited about a pod-fic of any of my fics, but if I could choose, it would be a chapter from the fic that's dearest to me, which is Siren's Call ♥.
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gooboogy · 1 year
1 4 16!!
i always get so exited when you rb ask games 😭😭
That makes 2 of us!! I love doing ask games hehe yayy
1. on a scale of 1-10 how spooky are you?
Honestly maybe a 2 or 3, I'm very milquetoast on the spooky scale. I think the spookiest thing about me is my meat fascination lol
4. favorite spooky movie?
Answered here!
16. apple cider or hot chocolate?
Hot Chocolate 100%. I like it year round, including the summer. Especially the Land O Lakes mint flavored hot chocolate it's so gooodd
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medicine-and-molly · 1 year
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