#thank youuu replica!!!
no shame on the gorilla vice grip because if my cos props looked like they were directly taken out of the game, i would be holding them for dear life too🦍
HHGKSJNFS i'm so petrified of dropping it too, my wrists are pretty weak and the spearhead is H E A V Y ;-;;;
once it's entirely assembled it'll be easier since it'll be more balanced!! >:D
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Hi!!! This is the first time I've EVER requested anything, so I'm super excited to be asking you. Would it be OK if I could have headcannons with some of the ikevamp boys? If you're comfortable with it, could I have Arthur, Comte, Isaac and Leonardo with and mc who has ADHD? I completely understand if you don't, feel free to completely ignore me. Thank youuu 😊😊😊❤❤❤
Characters: Arthur Conan Doyle | Comte De Saint Germain | Isaac Newton | Leonardo Da Vinci x GN!Reader  Rating: General.  Word count: 819 words  Warning/s: Reader has ADHD, mentions of procrastination, hyperfocus, not enough focus. Author note: Hello! Sorry this took so long, I’ve had this on my mind for a very long time, and I even thought about doing Isaac’s route to write him more accurately but work has been killing me so I didn't get to open the DSM-V collecting dust in my shelf for this one :c
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[୨୧] — Arthur Conan Doyle
There are quite some things he can understand about your symptoms. The main thing being procrastinating. 
Listen, he is a writer, and he is not perfect, and there are moments where inspiration poofs out and he is forced to stop with his writer's block, or sometimes he feels stuck in a sentence and decides to do everything except finish his next chapter, so he can empathize when you go through periods where you keep pushing certain activities until the last minute.
He still worries about your well-being, even if he is not a doctor anymore; he is curious about the treatment you had back at your time and home. 
He is sweet and understanding, despite having some pet peeves, he does his best to understand how it's something that is part of you and can work with support. And he wants to be that support.
Arthur also finds relatable the moments where you are stuck with your hyper-focus periods, and you happen to do your and Sebastian’s chores for the day on your own, though he is hurt by you mostly ignoring him those awful days when he wants nothing but to pamper you.
[୨୧] — Comte De Saint Germain
He is a wonderful and understanding man.
I can imagine him having a lot of pet peeves with people getting distracted too easily or drifting off and, part of loving you is the imperfections you embrace of each other and, they make you perfect for him as anyone. 
He is careful of the periods where you either procrastinate too much or hyper-focus too much to not exhaust yourself with the chores you take or by making you overwhelmed by taking care of the mansion and its inhabitants. 
He will listen to your weekly obsession without trouble. Do you want to tell him about 30 crow facts you learned? Tell him. Did you find a new way to make Sebas flick your forehead? He frowns. Do you want to tell him about your comfort fanfic you know by heart because you can’t read it anymore? He will listen.
If you fidget too much, and if you ask, he will get someone from his multiple contacts to make a “replica” of the fidget toys you used to have back at home.
[୨୧] — Isaac Newton
I have been seriously thinking of this since I got this ask because it seems too funny even if I haven't read his route: Consider, you don’t shut up.
Isaac strikes me as the type who wants to study in peace and quiet.
So maybe your relationship is quite a bumpy ride at first. 
What amazes him is your capability of telling him about 100 things that interested you in the span of a single week.
Your conversations flow at random, so he would often be working on his stuff to suddenly be whisked away by you to tell him about that one thing you found out about hedgehogs for 3 hours. 
Sometimes you are the cause of some of his frustrations. Last month you started knitting? He found some yarn with a texture you like and bought it as a gift, thinking you could make something for yourself.
He came back to find your knitted sweater half done and forgotten, and now you are learning how to bake. 
And it is an ongoing cycle, but he finds a bit of happiness in you trying new things, as you often drag him along, which means spending more time together.
Maybe your relationship is the answer to what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
[୨୧] — Leonardo Da Vinci
Avoid tasks? Hyperfocus? Not enough focus? This man is a master at all those (and at dozing off)
He doesn’t mind you procrastinating, he has been avoiding to clean up his room for the last century, so he can’t complain. 
Now, if you forget or get distracted about other things, now that’s a different story. Did you feed Lumiere in the evening and forgot to tell him, and then he fed him that same day, and now you have a chubby cat? 
That’s funny, but no. 
Aside from that, he doesn’t have trouble with your condition; he is still a loving man. He always is and has been when it comes to loving you. 
And he likes your energy and how you keep him awake, in a sense, always making him try new things together, like dancing! Which he is not the best at, but he doesn’t mind trying your interests. 
If you take an interest in one of his multiple areas of expertise he’d definitely teach you and not be bothered if you happen to drop your interest in the activity, in fact, he invites you to try other things.
Beware, he is a strict teacher, so he doesn’t want your attention wandering off too often.
He enjoys…, grounding you, lets say. 
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darkestcorners · 18 days
Helloo, author! I just came back from the hospital, and now I have my beautiful daughter with me, named her Saturn. I know, right? HAHA. Time flies so fast and I'm crying 😭, but this must be my hormones.
Btw, she has green eyes! My husband's blue and mine's black, so HAHAHAHA, but what's worse is that she looks like an exact replica of my husband. 🤦‍♀️ You're her godmother, of course!!
I also graduated last year! Slapped the people who thought I'm too old for college. So far, I'm taking life at my pace. Whether I had my baby or getting into college in my 30s is not of anybody's business. I got my husband, my baby, and you, and you guys, and I can't take enough.
I have always been a silent reader, but I felt the need to share my life update with my family here in Tumblr. Hope you are well and healthy. Love youuu, Author!
I’ve just come across this while looking through all my inbox of messages I’ve missed and 😭😭. I know you wrote this back in June but I’m so happy for you! Congrats on your new baby, and I can’t believe I’m a godmother already 🤭🙂‍↔️💕. I LOVE the name Saturn?? I can just imagine how cute she is! This is so wholesome. Thank you for even taking time to share that with me, I’m so glad you’re taking care of yourself and doing what you want. Nobody is ever too old for college! I wish you and your little family the best!
Hopefully you can continue to enjoy my stories and I manage to bring a little joy in your life. Take care of yourself babes!💕💕 Hope you’re thriving, ily.
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astroyongie · 1 year
Okay i might be a little late to this but i was reading through your posts that i missed since last month cuz I haven’t been online and i feel like there are probably people who need to hear the things I’m about to say.Also I apologise in advance for an extremelyy long rant
So my best friend has an almost identical replica personality to changkyun and let me tell youuu about this type of people.When in relationships with people they don’t have very deep feelings for they don’t really care about their partners side and don’t wanna be tied down,but when they love you they LOVE you.And this doesn’t go just for romantic relationships. They are very genuine with their affections and would literally give you their heart their efforts their time their money their everything like yes they do the cooking yes they do the cleaning lmao.And that’s precisely why they rarely let someone in because they know they get down BAD.They hide their vulnerability.Out of fear that people will use it against them and hurt them because you can actually hurt them soo easily when they care about you.However they do have a tendency to keep their very intense emotions deep inside and then those emotions after being bottled up for a long time explode seemingly out of nowhere so definitely the type of people to show up drunk at your place at like 3 am to confess how much you mean to them.Or you recieve a random text of them saying they love you and you’re like whut but they probably been thinking about how they didn’t show you their love enough and got scared you might leave or something lol.They brag about how they won’t loose their independence and won’t ever be tied down by anyone but what they need and yearn for is the exact opposite.They want all the sappy stuff even though they would rather die than admit it.They built their walls hiigh around themselves but ohh how they wish somebody would penetrate them. And I didn’t hear those things from my bestie either lmao I understood them by observing her as these people never express how they are feeling so i 100% agree with you that they need a very empathetic person since they don’t voice their emotions so there could be a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings,so if you’re someone who needs a lot of verbal validation and have to have everything spelled out for you these folks are definitely not for you.
Changkyun too wouldn’t be insensitive to his partner crying or being upset if he loved them,he would probably still feel uncomfortable when they’re emotional or crying because he wouldn’t know how to react and he would probably definitely avoid them in that moment but he would feel very bad. Definitely wouldn’t straight up apologise unless he really went overboard but would definitely not just let it be either,he would try to show you he’s sorry indirectly by buying you food or a gift or just coming up and hugging you or doing something you love.The people that know him always say he’s very caring and soft and the members even said he was the most romantic member.
So dont worry monbebe changkyun is not a bad person and he’s completely an asshole in relationships either lmao. Both kyun and my girlie are fake bitches who be hiding their mega softness
And you who are dealing with similar people,I know they are hard to understand but don’t worry they probably care about you a lot more than you think you just have to dig deeper to see it.💗
thank you so much for sharing this !!! <3 I honestly think that you explained the whole situation better than I could <3
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divinecreation · 3 months
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog! ❤️
Wow I feel like It's been so long since I've done ask games
I used to be an astrology hater until I realized I actually just hate modern astrology, but I love traditional astrology. Unfortunately now I have become pretentious about astrology of all things.
My most prized possession is a full sized carousel horse replica. Yes you read that right I own a carousel horse and it's in my living room as decoration.
I've recently gotten into collecting perfume. I don't have the money to commit to any full sized bottles yet but the most recent samples I've gotten were Chandlery, Eldritch and Funerie by Pineward Perfumes.
Thank you for the ask thank youuu thank you I love youuu
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greenishness · 1 year
for perfume recs: you by glossier is my go-to daily scent! and replica (which u can find at sephora) has some really good ones. both under $100
oh i've heard good things about glossier you!! unfortunately they don't ship to where i live but i'll look into replica thank youuu 💋
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
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@gobsnacc asked the summoner:
Hides his gun among three chocolate replicas. “One of these things is not like the other! Have fun with the other threee. Happy fools daaaayyy!”
Mun is abhorrently late pretend it's the 1st for Kaze ok
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The haze of sleep slowly released his senses, blue eyes opening and consciousness returning only to feel a distinct lightness at his hip. Immediately, the Windarian's hand traveled to check for Orthrus; Finding the gun notably absent.
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Kaze sprang to his feet, digging around in the holster as though that would help locate the missing weapon. Think, think. He can't have left it elsewhere, keeping his essentials close was second nature. Had someone - had someone snuck up on him while he was sleeping and simply removed his trusted sidearm? Without waking him up? How? Then again, he thought he had heard a voice just now.
...Only when the summoner looked around did he finally find the crimson shotgun - four of it, actually. What?
He stumbled closer, inspecting the weapons arranged so neatly on a stone surface before him. Of course, paranoia was the first thing perking up in that war-worn mind; Was this the work of some sort of mimic? Well, he was feeling no magic. His hand moved to lift up the middle right one, finding it instead... oddly light. This was not the texture of metal, either.
...Kaze then unceremoniously shattered the thing over the rock. It fell apart, revealing a brown inside and sweet scent. Chocolate..?
Really, he was so impossibly confused he was actually no longer confused at all. Wonderland. A word he repeared in his head whenever his mind blanked and he failed to understand what was happening around him. Yes, Wonderland. That was all.
Wonderland. The Wind Warrior picked up the leftmost one and shattered it as well. More chocolate. Eating it was the very last thing on his mind at the moment. He repeated the manouever with the second to last one - with three of the guns destroyed, it left only the furthest right one intact. A gloved hand reached for the grip, and as expected, felt real metal. This one was not broken over the rock, being slipped into the gunmage's vacant holster instead.
And just like that, everything felt right as it should. He hoped this would not occur again.
The last thing he needed was to be stuck in Chaos' kingdom with useless sweets for weapons. Far as he was aware, chocolate hardly made a workable material for crafting weapons. Or bullets.
He checked all his Soil casings just in case.
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the-ultimate-nobody · 8 years
tagged by: @replica-the-rice-cooker !! Thanks friend!!
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better
Nickname: Hmm...Nobody...?? (Does that count...)
Star Sign: Libra
Height: Around 5′4
Time right now: As of in this question, 5:58 PM
Last thing i googled: tetrisi am the man who arranges the blocks 
Fave music artist: Fck... Panic! at the Disco is one of many. Ryosuke Miura is also the best music artist.
Song stuck in my head: My head is too filled with gay thoughts to listen to music. 
Last movie i watched: That one Kyoryuger 100 years after movie
Last tv show watched: Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger Ep 31 RIGHT NOW
What are you wearing right now: My black and white Flannel with jeans.
When did you create your blog: 2014, on December, (Probly) 
What kind of stuff do i post: Mostly Kamen Rider and Super Sentai stuff as of late. But I try my best to post art and Youtube related things. (Which will be never I guess...)
Do i have any other blogs: I do, but I never got to finish them, so they’re standing around
Do i get asks regularly: Hmm... On special days...
Why did i choose my url: I LOVED Dangan Roupa back then, the second game showed the title of talent ‘The Ultimate’ I need a special Talent so...being a NOBODY is what I’m talented about!!... *Distant cheers*
Gender: I’m whatever you want me to be, baby *Winks*
Hogwarts house: Slytherin (I wear too many green things...)
Pokemon team: *DABS* TEAM INSTINCT
Favorite color: Shades of blue are nice, along with soft colors ^w^
Average hours of sleep: C-Can I skip this question...
Favorite character(s): FCK AGAIN!! SFHSDK- Misao Mondou (zyuohger), Utchy (Kyoryger) EIJI AND ANKH (OOO), TOMOKI AND REI (PIECE), Uhm...That’s All I could think of on to of my head <33
How many blankets do i sleep with: Just one :33
Dream job: Being an amazing Animator and Actor... That’s a nice dream to think of...
Following: Last time I checked, it was 200 something 
People to tag: Nobody, If you wanna do it, THEN BY ALL MEANS JOIN IN!! <33
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maudiemoods · 2 years
There is a high-backed swivel chair in your room when you walk in. It is turned away from you. You do not own any high-backed swivel chairs.
It slowly spins around. I'm in it. I'm wearing a business suit. I'm petting a plush replica of Mini Moon in what I believe to be an intimidating manner. This effect is offset by the fact that the plush is falling over every few pets and I have to straighten it back up. The Mini Moon plush is also wearing a business suit.
Maudie. I'm so glad you could meet with me today. I have sealed all the exits until our business is concluded.
The company has elected to inform you that any time you have created any AU, no matter the concept, you have made the characters so incredibly charismatic that I have ended up obsessed every single time. The worldbuilding you are doing on your Beings Made Of Stardust AU is so compelling and unique that it honestly could exist entirely separately from any fandom, it is more than strong enough to stand on its own.
Your poses always look so light and dynamic that I swear all of your characters look a little bit like they're dancing. I absolutely love how you use a more simplified face for most comics. It makes the characters funny and likeable, but more importantly it means that when you suddenly post a drawing of a character with fully rendered features it grabs the viewer by the throat and makes them pay attention.
You have given me no choice but to conclude that you are the bomb-ass shit. You will be made to accept this conclusion regardless of your personal feelings, and I have paperwork here attesting to the same. In recognition of this achievement, the company has decided to leave you this briefcase with a small token of our esteem.
I gesture towards your bed. There's a plastic Barbie lunchbox sitting on it. Inside is $500 in Monopoly money, two plastic dinosaurs, and a handful of loose Jolly Ranchers.
Now our business is concluded. Could you move out of-..yeah, I need to get this chair out of here, it's really heavy. I didn't actually seal the exits btw, I don't know how to do that. I just need to kind of drag the chair out the door. Could you hold my plushie for a minute? Thanks. Okay, HNNNGH! No, no, no it's okay, I've got it. See? The chair definitely moved. HRRRGH! No, I don't need help, it's cool, totally got this.
YOU!!! YOU!! I- AA!! YOUUU!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I WILL TREASURE THIS FOR EVER AND EVEN BEYOND EVER!! MY HEART!!! IT'S GOING TO EXPLODE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA ♥️💗❤️❤️♥️💗💕💕💗♥️❤️♥️💗💗♥️♥️💗💕💗♥️💗💗♥️💗♥️💗♥️💗♥️💗💗💗♥️💗♥️!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you thank you thank you!!!! You're so sweet!!! I love this so much, I really will be treasuring this!!! I love you so much auwuauwauwuauuaywyauwyayywyaywyyayaywyayyaywywywyayyawyauuwuauuuwuauuaauuaua
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4dtk · 3 years
Hi hi congrats on this huge milestone!!! Have loved your writing for a super long time. Can I request a jeno / best friends to lovers & rich kids au / 🤍 / it’s just you and me, it’s always been you and me
thank youuu, hope i did this justice!! edit: was wondering why this was so empty and i forgot to add the fucking colour bars lmao
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smiling politely, you send off another suitor with a hand as you sip, bored, from your glass of champagne. the lot of people coming forth to ask for a dance was never-ending, since they liked to suck up to the richest and wealthiest — while people saw it as a blessing, you just thought it hindered you immensely — in order to win the heart of the (l/n) family. faintly, you can make out another disappointed sigh from your mother, but while she’s not one to force you, she finds herself becoming impatient.
“you look like you could use saving.” jeno. oh, thank god. jeno waltzes right up to you, comically adjusting his shoulders where the suit jacket ran a bit tight. stifling a giggle, you skilfully pull on the sleeve, working out a fold that acted as the uncomfortable sensation. “never mind.”
“how did you not even check your sleeve?” rolling your eyes with a smile, you look around the vast ballroom, frankly disinterested with the whole thing despite the array of food and attractive people waiting for your hand. it wasn’t like you were ungrateful or anything, but you didn’t exactly like people, like mingling. apart from lee jeno, he was different.
part of your life since he was young, the lee family was a frequent patron of yours, always bringing their son along to view the countless amount of paintings and sculptures and artwork your big house possessed. you didn’t even know why you owned them, but the questions faded away when you played with jeno for the first time. it felt like a fresh breath of air, seeing such a new face and yet feeling like you’ve met before in past lives.
jeno’s nudge to your side snaps you out of the memory, a hand outstretched in front of you, “so, what do ya say?”
your laughter is prominent once jeno starts to pull you through the corridors of the mansion, escaping the party set for you for the moment you’ve reached your twenties. with a shaking hand and frantic hands, all you could voice out to your parents was that you’d rather just hang out with jeno, but they were adamant on a celebration, since “it’s been a long time since you’ve seen your other friends!”
the star of the birthday party winds up in the many confusing passageways of the house, far far away from the ballroom where shoes clack against the marble floor and there’s the occasional swish of your dress in the midst of running. jeno’s hold on your hand is tight as he brings you to the one place only he knows about in your mansion, looking prim and proper in his suit and yet he craved for anything but.
he craved for you, not your fancy gold-rimmed Monet pieces or the replica of the Veiled Lady in the living room. he’s happy to have known the real you, away from the hard-to-breathe outfits and the customs put on your shoulders. when your feet ached from walking in a straight line, jeno had the luxury of seeing you stumble drunk after a late night of drinking. when your smile remained tight-lipped to other families and company, jeno couldn’t get your shrill, yet beatific laugh out of his mind, held back from no boundaries as you consume yet another episode of BuzzFeed Unsolved.
here, you were broken off from the chains of being an heir. it was tiring — jeno understood, and yet there was much pressure for you than it was for him. he could see it in the way you looked over the estate longingly, eyes empty as if the world’s riches couldn’t satisfy you.
“what’s on your mind?” you asked quietly, sipping from your champagne flute as you let the breeze card through your hair.
“would it be weird if i said you?”
you laugh, a beautiful sound that jeno wants to reply over and over. to his relief, you shake your head.
“i’m me, why wouldn’t you think of me?” and even if you don’t know jeno’s real intentions, you didn’t protest against your best friend harbouring some thoughts of you. “what about me are you thinking about?”
“oh, i don’t know. maybe of how you cried not even five minutes into the fourth Toy Story, or… thinking of the time that you tripped over the clothes on the floor when you had your fitting appointment. i have a lot fo other stories from where that came from—” you’ve already cut him off in the middle of his recall of your mishaps, shoving him to the side on the narrow balcony of the mansion. below you was endless seas of foliage and greenery, eyes sometimes meeting with the flowers and fruits of the family garden
“you’re so annoyi—”
“i’m also thinking of the time you looked at the sky for the first time,” jeno turns to you suddenly, hand tightening on the parapet of the balcony that he felt like Juliet in her frustration of not being able to be with Romeo, “the way your mouth opened in awe and your eyes held a thousand, no, million galaxies.”
“jeno…” he holds up a hand with this eyes, something you’ve always found yourself drawn to, along with the little mole under his right eye. “b-but your parents…”
“i’m also thinking of the way you guide the horses out of the stable so gently, but look so confident the moment you’re on the saddle, taunting me from the front as you ride ahead into the forest of your house. the way your hands travel over their mane while they drink from the pond while your look like a nymph that got lost on its way. it was a mere figment of my imagination that there was for sure, translucent wings fluttering at your back.”
the corners of your lips turn up in a soft smile, “you’ve been taking poetry classes very seriously, huh?”
jeno only groans, embarrassed and red from his declaration that you’re soon untangling him from his heap of shame, placing a hand on his either biceps. the champagne flute balanced on the parapet nicely, waiting to drop. gently, you brush the stray strand of hair away from his face, giving him a hesitant touch to his cheek. swallowing, you go back to your first point, not exactly ready to confront your feelings just yet.
“don’t you already have a fiancé set out for you?” you whisper, sighing shakily as jeno’s arms wraps around your waist.
“well, i don’t care. my family’s going to listen to me whether they like it or not.”
“what if they don’t?”
“they will. they will because it’s you,” jeno explains plainly, hypnotising you with strokes of his thumb against your torso. it works so well that you don’t even hear your parents looking for you, calling out your name so you could cut your cake. “it’s just you and me, it’s always been you and me, and i’d be damned if i bear the weight of another’s ring on my finger before yours.”
“so does that mean you’ll go back to your fiancé after i pass?”
jeno groans again, this time earning a loud laugh from you that the other can’t help but smile either, taking in you and your flawlessness under the chilly moonlight as he rests his forehead on yours. easily, he already gains energy from being so close to you, admiring the very same star-filled eyes he described and the surreality that comes with your presence.
“i’m just kidding, also, can i kiss my best friend now?”
“you aren’t kidding with that one, right?”
you roll your eyes for the second time that night, tugging him by his tie to crash your lips onto his, tasting just like how you’ve always imagined it. lee jeno was different, different from you despite having the riches like you do — he was poised, rarely tripping, he was composed and contained, and just like how the stars find home in your irises, the sunlight bouncing off of his was enough to give you whiplash.
when you went out for horseback riding, all you could see was the golden hues from afar, sparkling with the reflection of the water, of the slight drizzle that falls on you. jeno looks like actuality in a world that felt like a fairytale. he felt raw and real and ardent in his love, whether it be his family or friends or you.
jeno’s lips move against you like a daydream, tilting his head to deepen the kiss just as his elbow knocks down the glass. none of you pay attention, though, the impact softened by the grass below as you continued the kiss, melting in his embrace just like ice over fire, cold over heat, willing yourself and giving all of you to him on the balcony similar to Romeo & Juliet’s, except your story ended in anything but tragedy.
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EVENT CLOSED (thank you!)
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whereisten · 4 years
A Jaehyun fic that’s part of our Halloween Series!
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Summary: Jaehyun is new to town and wants you to show him around. But the truth is, he has known you for a while..
Pairing: Lucifer!Jaehyun x female reader
Other Characters: Husband!Kun
Genre: angst, smut, horror
Warnings: cursing, alcohol use, cheating, stalking, obsession, possessiveness, smut: breeding kink, unprotected sex, nipple sucking, size kink, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), multiple orgasms, c*eampie, pregnancy, character death.
Word Count: 8.9K
(A/N: okay ummm...this is influenced by stories told in the Bible, I hope I do not offend you with my interpretation, Jaehyun in this is a huge stalker!! This isn’t love, he’s obsessed and it’s unhealthy. But I hope you guys enjoy❤️ THANK YOUUU ARI FOR PROOFREADING THIS FOR ME I LOVE YOUUUU❤️❤️❤️❤️😭)
Long ago, there were two beings on Earth, Adam and Eve. They were created by God and tainted by Lucifer, the serpent. The serpent found himself in love with God’s creation, Eve, for she bears a striking resemblance to his first love, Lilith, whom God cursed and sent away. 
God’s most beautiful angel, Lucifer, fell in love with Lilith even though he was forbidden by God to do so. He tried to fight for her in a war against the angels of Heaven, but was struck down to Hell where he could rule the dark. He saw Lilith become a demon. Her beauty had gone away as God made her ugly and it hurt Lucifer to even look at her anymore.
And so, Lucifer turned to Eve and loved her instead, polluting her mind, body, and soul and thus, causing her to be cursed by God as well. She was hidden by God from Lucifer. He grew angry and decided to continue to defy God by living on Earth and causing havoc on both small and large scales.
He went by the name of Jaehyun now, a strikingly handsome bachelor with a mansion on the outskirts of a popular city. He stayed on Earth at the exact point above hell where his throne rested so he could cause evil to run through the city unstopped.
He never forgot about Eve. After all these years, his soul still yearned for her. He cursed at God for hiding her from him and for taking not one, but two of his dearest loves away.
He would walk through the city and see all the couples enjoying each other’s company. They’d laugh and smile and he’d wish nothing but pain for them. If he couldn’t be happy, why should they?
Then one day..he saw her..he saw Eve.
You were packing away fruits, placing the oranges in an organized pattern so they wouldn’t fall to the floor of the supermarket. He saw you, delicately picking up the spoiled fruits and placing them into the bin to throw away later. You had a small smile on your face that made you look sweet and your fingers were soft, gentle. You looked at each fruit with adoration in your eyes, like you treasured the round balls of nectar as if they were made of gold.
He walked closer to you, still staring intently.
He wondered how you could exist, how you were here with her face, her body, her hair..you were her. It didn’t take long for him to notice the sparkling ring on your wedding finger. But he didn’t care about that, now that he had you, he would never let you go.
Even if you didn’t sound like Eve or looked at him the way she did when she was in love with him, he had to have you.
“Hello, can I help you, sir?” You turned to the man you noticed had been hanging around you for a bit too long.
Your voice was heavenly, it was the best thing he’d ever heard.
You were looking at him, awaiting his answer when you placed an apple onto the shelf. You didn’t see that placing it in that exact spot would cause for another to fall. But Jaehyun already knew.
He quickly knelt down beside you and caught the green apple as it fell.
You looked down at him and gasped. How could he move so quickly.
He stood up straight, still locking eyes with you. A smile creeps across his face.
“Here.” He hands you the apple as you look down at it still in shock.
“Oh..thank you.” You chuckled and took it from him, then started to walk away after feeling..odd.
He walked towards you. “Umm..excuse me, miss? I’m new here, and I just want to know..where can I find the best coffee?”
He looked down at your name tag.
“Y/n..” he says quietly.
His voice is smooth and nice, just as nice as his perfect face, you thought it ought to have been carved by God himself. His jawline was perfect and his eyes were magnetic, you couldn’t look away.
However, you should’ve. You were married after all.
“Oh..hmm about five blocks south, you’ll find Johnny’s Café, it’s quite nice actually.”
Jaehyun wanted to ask you to join him, just so he could talk to you, just so he could get close to you and have you firmly in his grasp, never to let you disappear again. But he didn’t, he decided to wait, if he scared you away, that would only make it worse for not only him, but for you as well. The last thing he wanted was to hold you against your will just because you resembled her.
“Thank you, y/n, I’ll see you next time.” He walked close to you and nodded slowly. As if hypnotized, you never let his eyes go while you nodded.
He walked by you, leaving you breathless and almost star struck, but who was he? Why did he have this interesting glow about him that made him stand out from everyone else?
Later that day, Jaehyun followed you home. His black Lamborghini wasn’t discreet to say the least, so he had to trail behind a few hundred feet. He could see you jamming out to music in your car as you left work. 
You were adorable and happy, he loved seeing you like this.
He parked far away from your house, he walked over in a long black trench coat and watched as you went inside. You were greeted by a man that looked like...Adam..
His eyes grew into glowing red orbs, he tried hard to hold back his horns and nails.
“This is God’s idea of a joke, isn’t it?” He spoke to himself. Not only were you the exact replica of Eve, your husband was an exact replica of Adam.
You hugged your husband, Kun, hard and smiled widely, happy to see him after a long day at work.
The door clicks shut and Jaehyun stands there with steam escaping his hot ears. He had to figure out how to get rid of Kun.
[The Next Day]
You’re lugging around a large box of lettuce through the aisles when you see him..again.
“Hello, y/n, do you need help?” 
You stare at him. “W-what are you doing here?”
He was handsome, you had to admit, your heart couldn’t stop beating like crazy when he showed up. He was stylish in his turtleneck and jean jacket. He smelled refreshing like amber and honey.
“What? A man can’t shop for groceries?” His dimples peeked through as he smiled and tilted his head.
“Oh-no it’s just, two days in a row?”
You furrowed your brows when you sensed something wasn’t right.
Jaehyun could tell that your heart rate was rising because of his presence, you looked around like you were nervous.
“I know, it’s weird, right? But the truth is..I just wanted to see you again..” he said huskily. You felt your chest weaken.
You put the box down and turned to him. “Oh so you’re one of those creeps? Well, I’m flattered but..I’m also married.”
“That’s alright..” he gave a small smile, his dimples showing through again. You turned away. 
“So...what are you looking for today?”
“A friend.”
“A friend?” You chuckled.
He swayed from side to side and looked up to the ceiling. “Okay, I’ll get to the point..there’s a..korean barbecue place that I wanted to try..are you free after work?”
He was so strange but had an aura about him that you couldn’t ignore. His features were sharply defined and his eyes never let you go. You should’ve been creeped out but you weren’t, for he was warm and intriguing. Lately, you felt like Kun was so busy with work. You’d get home and wait hours for him, your friends were busy as well as they were either taking college classes or travel king constantly.
Sometimes, you felt you were alone, so why not start something new.
You hummed before answering. 
Jaehyun watched your cute expression, the way you looked to the floor and stuck your hands in your apron.
“I guess..I am free after work.” You nodded.
Jaehyun nearly jumped up and down right inside the store. He grinned from ear to ear.
“Just don’t pull any moves, I’m married okay?”
You teased and felt your face become warm.
“I promise I won’t.”
The two of you went to dinner at the Korean barbecue place Jaehyun wanted to try. He was enraptured by you, caught up in your presence. He was so in love and you had no idea.
You told him about places to visit in the city and he told you about where he had come from. He made up a city and a backstory to relate to you, telling you that he had investments that started from his grandparents and that’s how he made money.. He’d do anything just to keep speaking with you, even if it meant lying.
He fought hard to hold back his naturally glowing red eyes and goat-like horns. He had to remain normal so you could become his soon enough.
And when you left him and went home, he stayed outside of your house once again, using his elevated hearing skills to listen to you speak with your husband.
Kun was talking to you about some new project he had in a city about two hours away. You stayed silent, disappointed that he would be gone yet again for a business trip. Kun was the senior architect and had to present, he couldn’t skip out on these trips as much as he wanted to.
“Listen, baby I’m sorry but you know how it is.”
Kun stepped into the bathroom as you brushed your teeth. He took his shirt off as he was about to shower.
You spit water out into the sink and look at your reflection, you were trying hard to hold back your anger. Kun stood behind you and watched you through the mirror with a concerned expression on his face.
“If I knew you were going to be gone all the time, I wouldn’t have married you..”
Kun scoffed. “Don’t say that, you know you don’t mean that, y/n.” He wrapped his arms around your waist and smirked through the mirror.
His hand went to your breast and cupped it.
“I mean it, Kun, how is this supposed to work when we have a family? I want us to both be present for our kids.” 
Kun kissed along your neck, he knew you were ticklish. 
You started to giggle. “Kun..stop, you’re distracting me.”
“Ahh baby, did you just say “our kids?” Are you trying to tell me something?” He squeezed your breasts gently
You turned to him and kissed his lips. His other hand reached under your frilly nightgown, bunching it up at the waist, and to his satisfaction you wore nothing else under it. 
“Should we start right now? Should we have a family?” He brushes his clothed erection into your back as he presses his fingers over you already dripping folds. His deep voice always got you like this.
You gasped and looked at him through the mirror. Soon you were gripping the edge of the counter and crying out his name as he fucked you from behind. He grabbed your hair, pulling your head back so you could look at him through the mirror as you came all over his girthy cock.
Jaehyun heard it all, he imagined it was him bringing you to sweet paradise like he did long ago. He listened to your moans and imagined it was his name you called as your eyes rolled in the back of your head.
It pained him to have to pleasure himself as he imagined all that he would do to you. He was Lucifer, after all. He could have anyone in the dark world pleasure him without even asking twice, but he didn’t want just anyone. He wanted you, and soon he would have you right in his grasp.
[1 Month Later]
Jaehyun was a regular customer at the supermarket you worked at, he’d come in at least once a day. You found it odd that he always knew when your breaks were, so he’d bring you coffee or a snack.
If he didn’t visit during his break, he’d wait for you outside so you’d go to a new place for dinner together after you clocked out.
You spoke about everything. He seemed so smart as he knew about every detail in history and taught you about the world and why things were the way they were.
You watched him intently, your eyes grew when he told you something so interesting, your heart started to race. Like the presence of aliens or ghosts and witches. They all existed and Jaehyun told you all of the evidence as you sat there, stunned.
And then, it was his turn to ask questions.
He finally asked about your husband, even though he knew everything about him.
He knew that he had a short temper sometimes but your fights would either lead to make up sex or him sleeping on the couch. He had watched you every night since finding you. He didn’t sleep, for even the thought of closing his eyes and losing sight of you made him sick to his stomach.
“My husband, Kun, is an architect. He works really hard, but he loves me and I love him. He’s really sweet, I never stop thinking about him. We got married about a year ago, and I couldn’t be happier.” You smiled as you looked down at your hot pot as thought of Kun.
“Ahh..that’s nice..he seems like a supportive partner, during your first year of marriage, have you fought a lot?” Jaehyun tilted his head while smirking.
“Nope! We don’t fight at all, we’re pretty chill, you know?”
You were lying to him and he didn’t like that, but he swallowed hard and smiled nonetheless.
“I see..” he nodded.
He realized that he’d have to work harder to get you to stop thinking about Kun. He’d have to sabotage your current relationship if he ever dreamed of being with you soon.
Killing him would be too easy, he’d have to make Kun so bad, that you’d run to him for relief.
[A Week Later]
You kissed Kun goodbye and wished him well for his trip. He quickly kissed you back and walked through the front door without a hug.
“Honey?” You called out to him. “Where’s my hug?” You pouted.
He threw his hand up and continued to walk towards his car. “Sorry, baby, gotta go!”
He had been acting strange these past few days, but you knew he was stressed so you brushed it off. You had had sex the night before but he wasn’t as gentle as he usually was, you could tell something had upset him as he choked you for the first time. You didn’t mind it, you were just surprised by how...different he was.
Little did you know that it was Jaehyun that was making his daily work more difficult. Kun’s important documents and files would go missing right before a presentation, his coworkers weren’t showing up for work, and his boss was always upset with him for some reason. He was starting to dislike his job and he wasn’t sure why, for this was his passion, but lately, everything seemed to be going poorly.
Kun was having difficulty sleeping as well. He’d have disturbing dreams of a place with fire and monsters with sharp teeth. He’d sweat and pant, and eventually be jolted awake in his bed, every night at 3:23 A.M. he’d go downstairs and watch something on TV or write down a few project ideas.
The lack of sleep definitely contributed to his poor mood, but he didn’t tell you for some reason.
Jaehyun watched Kun speed off. He smiled to himself, knowing that his plan was working, he was getting frustrated at work and began taking his anger out on you. 
[Four Days Later]
You continued to spend time with Jaehyun. You lost track of time as you watched him speak. His dimples were adorable, his voice was intoxicating and you loved staring into his deep brown eyes.
He watches you play with your wedding ring as you nod and smile at him. His smile was like a blooming garden, his laugh was like heavenly trumpets. The two of you were flirting now, and he could tell from your heartbeat that you weren’t really listening to him, instead, you were fantasizing about him. The glances turned into stares.
You watched his lips and licked your own, your face was hot, but you furrowed your brows and looked down at your ring.
What were you doing? Were you getting emotionally attached to him? You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t hurt Kun.
You got up from your seat. “Well, it’s late.. I should go.”
“Noo.. don’t leave yet.” Jaehyun stood up and touched your hand. The disappointed look in his eyes ate away at your heart. You were developing a nice friendship, but a part of you was afraid that it was becoming something more, something that couldn’t be.
“You look stressed. Do you want a drink?..we can visit that new bar in town.” Jaehyun bites his bottom lip.
A drink did sound nice, it had been a while since you and Kun went out to a bar together and sometimes you did miss the atmosphere, you were young after all, everyone else in their early twenties went out.
Jaehyun smiled to himself as he saw you contemplate your options. He knew you were worried about Kun, but he also knew you needed to have some fun.
So you agreed.
The two of you went out to a bar and drank. You laughed and joked around all night. Jaehyun pretended to be affected by the alcohol, just so he could make you laugh and see your beautiful smile.
He dropped you off home at about 1 A.M after you sobered up a bit.
You turned to him and licked your lips. “You know, Jaehyun, if I weren’t married to Kun..I would date you for sure.” You giggled and leaned in close. And all Jaehyun could think was “yes.” He wanted to feel your plump lips so badly, he wanted to caress them and make love to you to relive the best days of his life, but now was not the time.
He backed away and held your hand while searching your eyes. “Y/n...you should go inside now..”
You sighed, nodding as you opened the door to quickly leave before you could embarrass yourself any more.
You go into your house and to your surprise, Kun is there, his face red and stern as he sat on the loveseat in the living room. The room was dark, lit only by a small night light in the corner and the moonlight from outside. 
Kun was nearly fired by his boss during his trip. He was upset and frustrated, but what made matters worse was when he went home at 10 PM to see that you weren’t there. Then time went on and you still didn’t come home.
You smirked and put your bag down.
“Babyyyyy.. I missed you.” You start to crawl over his lap slowly.
He can tell from the drawn out tones in your voice that you’re drunk. He winces and turns away.
“Where were you, y/n?”
“Out with a friend..we had some drinks and talked.” You straddle him, placing his crotch in between your legs as you kneel over him. You then lean down and kiss his collarbone.
“Why are you home so late? Is it because you didn’t think I’d be home early?” Kun growled out. He wasn’t amused in the slightest by the way you were acting.
“No, baby, I just wanted to hang out with someone for a little bit, you know? I’m so lonely when you’re not here.”
You try to kiss his lips but he flicks his head to the side.
“Who’s this “friend?”
You gulp and straighten your body. You pout as you look down at him. “Baby, kiss me..don’t you miss me too?” You take the straps of your dress down before unhooking your bra and throwing it to the floor.
Jaehyun watched through an open window behind the loveseat as you kneel over an angry Kun. His eyes glow red and his horns grow out of his head as does the straining member in his pants. You in your drunken haze never noticed the pair of crimson eyes outside.
Kun doesn’t touch you or look at your breasts with nipples begging to be sucked. He wanted to take them into his mouth badly, but he was more focused on another issue at hand.
He wrapped his hand around your throat. “Tell me..their name.”
You smirked. “His name is Jaehyun..but we’re just friends, baby, I promise.”
Kun thrusts himself into you from below, grinding hard against your covered opening. You whimper and move your hips to rub your slit against him.
“Well..stop being friends with him, no guy just wants to be friends with a girl..he wants to fuck you..”
You grind down onto him harder, he squeezes his hand and grips your thigh.
“He doesn’t, he’s really nice and helps me at work sometimes.”
Kun digs his nail into your thigh causing you to cry out in pain. He digs into it so deep, he sees blood from your leg run onto his thumb.
But you reach under your dress and pull his boxers down. You still wanted him in your aching core badly, the pain only added to your yearning.
“Y/n.” He says sternly as he watches you align yourself with his hard cock. You sink down onto him slowly and let out a loud moan as it passes through the sensitive skin and rests deep in your core. You adjust to him quickly as you had already been built up by dry humping him before.
He squeezes your throat again.
You move up and down. “Yes..” you call out before licking your lips.
He grabs your waist with both hands and lifts you off of him.
“Kun!” You cry his name after being left empty.
“You’re not gonna get out of this so easily. If you want my cock, tell me you’re done with him.”
“But, baby..”
Kun shakes his head. “Don’t. I’m your husband and you should really take into consideration how I might feel when you spend time with men, when you fucking drink alcohol with men like..like some kinda slut.”
You gasped. “Slut?” 
Kun nods. “Look at you, you’re just thirsty for any male attention. I work my ass off for a few days and you’re already looking for a replacement.”
“Kun, that’s not true.” You felt your chest rumble, as if you were about to burst into tears.
He flips you over onto the couch. “I’m your husband, aren’t I?”
You nod.
“Then do as I say, don’t go out with Jaehyun again.”
Before you can protest his thrusts into you hard and begins to choke you again.
He goes hard and fast as you mewl. 
“Baby, slower, please.”
He bites your nipple and looks down at you to see your body tremble with each rough thrust he gives you, your lips parting to let out the most heavenly moans, your round breasts moving up and down, your legs bent and spread across the loveseat.
“You’re all mine, right?”
“Yes..fuck, yes.” His thumb on your clit makes you dizzy.
“Then I’m gonna breed you, would you like that? Gonna fuck you so hard and get you pregnant.” Kun grunts into your ear.
Jaehyun grimaces outside of your window. Kun, or Adam rather, hadn’t changed at all. He still believed in a woman’s subordination to her husband. He believed from the beginning of time that a woman should lay under her husband, not above.
And now, he was trying to make you his by breeding you, making it impossible for you to break the link between the two of you. But Jaehyun had to make sure that didn’t happen, he had to stop him before he could do this to you.
[Three Days Later]
It’s been three days since that night and you hadn’t shown up to work. Kun made love to you day and night on your time off, he felt threatened by the presence of another male in your life and felt it necessary to remind you why you married him in the first place.
He cooked breakfast for you and bought you nice things. You even went to the movies and ice skating. You enjoyed the time off and Kun’s company, it finally felt like things were getting back to normal. You were happy.
Jaehyun, on the other hand, was furious. He knew where you were, but he couldn’t believe that you had forgotten about him so easily. He didn’t want to get violent, but maybe he would have to.
A few days later, you finally return to work and as usual, Jaehyun was there to bring you a cookie.
“Hey! Where have you been?” He asked as you put bread up on the shelves.
“Oh..I took some time off, Kun came home early so we had a little vacation..thank you for the other night though, I really had a great time.” You finally looked up at him and noticed the slightly crazed look in his eyes. His lips were tightly shut.
“That’s great. Would you like to go out again tonight?” He asks sweetly.
You sigh and shake your head. “Umm...Jaehyun..I can’t..do this..”
His smile starts to fade.
“I-I can’t pretend that we are just friends when I’ve had thoughts about you that I shouldn’t have. I’m married and it’s..really not right for me to get emotionally involved with someone.”
Jaehyun chuckles. “That’s nonsense! We are just friends.”
“But we’re not. Look..it’s best if we end this now, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t come to my work place anymore.”
Jaehyun screams internally. You were really doing as Kun said by cutting him off. Was he that disposable?
A smile still rests on his face. 
“As you wish..” he nods and leaves after handing you the cookie he brought.
You swallow hard and sigh. That was harder than you thought it would be, but it felt right. It felt like you could finally focus on your marriage with Kun.
Your day at work ended as it usually did. You closed up and walked to your car, but as you got closer you noticed a figure standing beside it.
It had two red eyes and horns peeking out of its skull.
You slowed down. “Hello?” You called out into the empty parking lot.
The figure stepped out of the shadows and under a street light, that’s when you squinted to make out its familiar features. The red eyes and horns had disappeared.
He stood there creepily in a long black coat and black pants. His face was unreadable and he stayed silent.
You walked closer. “Jaehyun, what are you doing here?”
“You know..” Jaehyun scratches his head and laughs.
“I think we should grab something to eat.”
“Jaehyun..” you looked to the side and away from his somber face. You were just a few feet away from each other now.
“We’ll just be eating, we don’t even have to talk.” Jaehyun stepped forward and pleaded.
He didn’t want to lose you, he couldn’t lose you, not after all this time when he had finally gotten so close.
“I can’t, Kun is waiting for me.” You looked up at him with wide eyes.
Jaehyun felt his body tremble whenever you looked at him like that.
He suddenly leaned forward and kissed your lips hard. You fell into him for a brief moment, but then realized what was happening. You quickly bit his lip and pulled away.
“Jaehyun!” You rubbed your lip. “What the hell?!”
He licked the blood on his lips and frowned after your warmth disappeared.
“I’m sorry, I just-“ he reached out for you again but you backed away and opened your car in a rush.
“Leave me alone! I never want to see you again!”
Jaehyun only watched as you scurried into your car seat and locked the car doors.
He banged on the window hard, you jumped from the sound for you were terrified by him. You saw a dark flint in his eyes that you’d never seen.
Tears ran down your cheeks as you put the car in drive.
You sped out of the parking lot and away from him.
“I’ll never let you go, y/n, now that I have you..I’ll never let you go.” He whispered to himself.
[1 Month Later]
The honeymoon feeling you felt with Kun soon dissipated as things went back to how they’d usually been. He spent his time at work and would come home upset, some nights he didn’t even speak to you. He looked sleep deprived and when you asked him about it, he’d have a fit and say he’s fine.
Some nights he wouldn’t look at you, you couldn’t remember the last time you had made love.
He was always short with you, but lately, you found it increasingly difficult to deal with his negative mood. Is this really who you wanted to be married to?
Jaehyun had been messing with him, he’d purposely make every day difficult for him. Kun couldn’t sleep most nights, but when he did, Jaehyun made sure to fill his mind with dark scenes to scare him. Sometimes he’d throw in false images of you making love to a faceless man. It gave Kun the feeling that he was walking in on you cheating on him. He would wake up from these nightmares but they felt so real, he couldn’t ignore how upset they made him.
Kun was paranoid, he felt like someone was out to get him and he didn’t know who it could be, but he didn’t trust even you as much as he did three months ago.
Then one night, you came home late because of a terrible thunderstorm and traffic. You were only about an hour late, but Kun was already home and steaming on the couch.
“Where were you?” He asked as soon as you entered the house.
You exhaled loudly. “Oh, so now you speak to me.”
“Yeah, I’m speaking to you, I’m asking a fucking question.”
You raised your brows. “And who are you to talk to me like that?”
“I’m your husband, or did you forget that when you fucked him tonight?” Kun bit back as he sat up in the chair.
Your face wrinkled as you placed your bag down.
“What are you talking about?”
“Jaehyun..do you think I’m some kind of idiot? I know you’re still seeing him.”
You scoffed. “Wowww Kun.”
You walk away to the kitchen to get some water.
“No, don’t “wowww” me, tell me I’m lying!” His voice started to raise, he walked into the kitchen after you.
“Kun..you sound ridiculous right now, I’m late because there’s a thunderstorm, or do you not hear it just like you don’t hear your phone ringing when I call you?” You asked sarcastically.
“If you’re gonna be late, you should tell me.”
You gulped down your water. “I don’t have to report anything to you! You’re not my king or whatever you think you are.”
“I’m your husband! And you should treat me like a king because look at this house, you wouldn’t be in it if it weren’t for me.”
Your eyes widened. “Are you really holding the house over my head? Wow Kun, you’ve really hit rock bottom, haven’t you?”
Kun chuckles. “Maybe Jaehyun lives somewhere nice, why don’t you go to him since I’m not your king.”
“Okay, here we go again, why are you so insecure, Kun?!” 
The two of you went back and forth that night. You broke down in tears as Kun said hurtful things that left you stunned. 
“I want a divorce!” You yelled and stormed out.
You jumped into your car and drove away, you didn’t know where you were going to go, but you knew you needed to be away from him.
You dialed up Jaehyun who had heard the entire conversation from outside of your house.
“Hello?” He said with the faked tone of confusion in his voice.
“Jaehyun..I need to see you.”
You drove to his house.
It was an incredibly large mansion, and when you went inside, the walls were lined with gold and red velvet curtains. It looked beautiful, unreal almost.
You wondered how Jaehyun could live in an expensive place at such a young age.
Jaehyun looked at your magnificent face as your mouth dropped open.
“Investments.” He smirked.
You laughed and looked back at him. His eyes were warm, his smile was bright.
He could tell you had been crying so once in the foyer he steps close to you and searches your wet eyes.
He runs his thumb along your cheek as you gaze up at him.
“What happened, love?”
You shook your head. “It’s Kun..we fought, I just..I don’t know, Jaehyun, I don’t think we can make it.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, y/n..”
“I love him, I really do but..” you look to the side and sniffle.
“Is he controlling, y/n?”
Your eyes flicker up to him. You nod slowly.
“Is he the reason why you stopped hanging out with me?”
You nod again.
Jaehyun purses his lips. “Y/n..he’s threatened by you, he doesn’t want you to be independent now that you’re married. He wants to control you and that isn’t a partnership. That isn’t love.”
Your eyes brim with tears once again. “Jaehyun..I don’t want to think about him right now...I want to feel loved, can you do that for me?”
Jaehyun’s dark soul nearly escapes his body. “Of course.” 
You place both hands on his head and kiss him slowly and sensually. You both close your eyes as you fall into him more, his arms wrapping around you to bring you closer to him. He wants to become one with you, feel you, smell you, to be completely enraptured by you for eternity.
Time stood still and your heart fluttered as it was finally being satisfied by something it had craved from the first moment you met Jaehyun.
He too felt everything slow down to a crawl, your lips tasted like the sweetest fruit, your hands were soft like plush blankets.
He pulls away to breathe, his hot breath hitting your now swollen lips. “So beautiful” he whispers into them, then kisses you again in the dim lighting of his house.
He takes you into his arms and carries you to one of his many bedrooms.
“I will take you higher than the heavens themself, just give in to me.” He whispers softly.
He lays you down gently onto the fluffy bed and watches as you relax into it, your hair looking gorgeous as it lays against the white sheets, your neck just begging for soft kisses or hastily made bite marks, cute nose and round, swollen lips. He looks into your wide eyes and smiles. “You’re stunning.” He kicks his shoes off and crawls over you.
You giggled and held him by the hem on his shirt. “Jaehyun...kiss me.”
He leaned down and kissed you as you asked. He was transported back to when your name was Eve and the two of you made love in the garden. Your lips taste the same as hers, your skin feels the same, your touch and everything else was the same. Jaehyun was more than pleased to finally be experiencing your love again.
You start to take your pants down your legs and eventually kick them off. Jaehyun takes his clothes off as well, then watches you take your hoodie off to reveal your breasts.
Without hesitation, he lays his tongue flat against the perky nub, coating it with his spit. He then swirls his tongue around it while he massages the other breast that he hasn’t tasted yet. 
You moan and run your fingers through his hair.
His fingers press onto your thigh, then work their way to your sensitive skin between your legs. You tremble as they brush lightly against it.
You arch your back, telling him silently that you want him to go further. He sucks your nipples harder and listens to another moan leave your beautiful lips.
He takes two fingers and uses them to part your folds. He circles his fingertips around your entrance to collect the liquid that has formed from you being so turned on already.
He kisses the skin in between your breasts.
“You taste so sweet.”
He pushes his fingers into you slowly, your legs widen a bit to adjust to him. His fingers are long and slender, but it doesn’t take much time before his knuckles hit your most sensitive part.
“Jaehyun..” you exhale.
His fingers glide in and out of you slowly, he curls his finger tips to press right onto the fleshy spot that makes your head spin. He flicks his tongue across your breast as his fingers work on your needy area.
He looks up at you through low eyes, your dainty fingers grasping onto the sheets tightly.
“So-so close.” You whimper.
His fingers move faster, pressing onto your clenching walls as you get closer.
He then kneels and looks down at you as his fingers still move back and forth.
He licks his lips and lowers his face to the apex of your open legs. He flicks his tongue across you slit now, combining the action of his tongue with his finger to drive you crazy.
He moves his tongue in circular motions onto your clit as his finger moves in faster and presses onto your g-spot harder.
His long tongue flattens onto you repeatedly. 
You cry out his name one final time before cumming onto his fingers. He continues to rub his nose onto your clit and lick inside you as you climax and shake.
You try to push your body up away from him, but he holds your waist down firmly and continues to eat you out.
“Jaehyun!” You look down at him to see his eyes, almost with a glint of red in them, looking up at you sternly.
He places a kiss onto your folds then crawls over you to face you. He licks his lips. 
“Y/n, my love, I will never force you to bow down to me, you are my queen, you always have been. I will not lose you like I did so long ago.”
You’re slightly confused, but you nod and kiss him. He lays down beside you and takes your waist into his hands as his tongue now dances with yours.
He brings your body over on top of his.
Your skin becomes littered with goose pimples as he runs his hands up and down your thighs.
You kneel over his intimidating length and take in a sharp breath while running your hands along his chest and abs. He, too, was magnificent, like a painting or sculpture come to life.
He takes your hand in his and watches your naked body above him. 
He remembered the first time you made love, you rode him that time too, bringing him to his most memorable orgasm of all time.
You sink down onto him slowly, your head falling back instantly.
You couldn’t stop your pussy from clenching around him as he stretched you out so well and stimulated you just from being halfway in.
He pushes up into you to help you. You feel his cock buried deep inside you, running against your silky walls and pressing onto your sweet spot once more.
He curved into you so perfectly. You bite your lips and swivel your hips as you move up and down. He grabs your ass and brings it down onto him. 
He groans when you quiver around him and it is a low sound that you’ve never heard before, it’s almost animalistic.
But it’s hot, and pushes you closer to the edge.
Jaehyun watched your body shimmer in the low, warm lighting of the room. Your face is adorable, your skin is soft and glistens, you smell like vanilla. He wished he could have you like this forever, gliding down onto him, your breasts moving up and down as you whimper and moan from the feeling of his cock stretching you out.
You are his Heaven.
He thrusts up into you harder. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the room as does your groans and cries.
Jaehyun fits you so perfectly, you’re on the brink of tears, you're weak and ride him sloppily as you chase your high.
Jaehyun knows this and flips you over onto your back in a swift move. He places your legs onto his shoulders and pushes into you. His hips slap against yours as he kisses you again.
He uses his ability to grow even more while inside you.
His eyes glow red but your eyes are closed as he fucks into you from above now.
“Jaehyun..fuck..” Tears escape your eyes. Your pussy clenches uncontrollably around his cock.
He runs his palm onto your belly and feels his cock twitch in the pit of your stomach. “I’m so deep inside you, do you like feeling me? Do you want me to release deep inside you?”
He moves faster.
You arch your back. “Fill me up, please, I want you inside me so badly.” You whimper out.
Jaehyun licks his thumb and places it onto your clit. He licks your breast again and sucks hard.
You cum hard and shake.
He climaxes as well, cumming deep inside you as you let out a stream of curses. You had never orgasmed so hard, but something about Jaehyun has you trembling for several minutes. He was able to deliver pleasure just as he was able to deliver pain in the underworld.
He rubs his thumb along the side of your sweaty face while watching his cum leak out of you.
“My love..would you like me to fuck you again?”
His voice is gravelly, but confident, for he already knows the answer.
You nod and within a few milliseconds you’re on your chest with your ass up in the air. Jaehyun pounds you into the bed and has you calling out his name several times that night.
You fall asleep after climaxing many times. You felt amazing, like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. Jaehyun held you in his arms and cuddled you to sleep.
“Y/n..I’m happy you’re mine now.”
[The Next Day]
Jaehyun woke up to see that you left him, you had snuck out and drove back home.
You left a note for him explaining that you couldn’t be in a relationship with him for your heart belonged to Kun. 
“Thank you for being here for me, I am sorry for coming to you during my weakest moment. I hope you will respect my wish to not see you again, as I must remain steady in my marriage to Kun.
With Love, Y/n” 
Jaehyun crumbles up the note and sets fire to it in his hands. His horns grow large and his eyes beam red, furious is an understatement.
How could you do this to him? He made love to you, gave you the best love you’d ever had and you still went back to him.
He would make sure to ruin Kun, for if he couldn’t have you, no one else should.
[3 Months Later] 
Jaehyun was still hurt by you leaving him that night, but he knew there was nothing he could do. A part of him wanted you to be happy, but a part of him wanted to destroy Kun so he could have you all to himself.
He had planned to get rid of him until he discovered that you were pregnant. He wasn’t sure if the baby was his or Kun’s, but he did know that if he were to kill Kun you would potentially lose the baby from devastation. He couldn’t do that to you, he couldn’t cause that pain even if he was satisfied by Kun’s death.
So he watches you from afar, imagining once again that it was him preparing for a baby instead of Kun.
The two of you looked happy, maybe it was the child that was making things different.
Either way, he hated seeing you so happy without him.
[8 Months Later]
You give birth to your son. You and Kun raise it together and take turns watching it during the night. 
One day, Jaehyun visits you while you cradle the baby at home alone.
You open the door and your smile falls.
Jaehyun, however, smiles harder when he sees your pretty face, glowing from the post pregnancy hormone changes.
Seeing you like this makes him want to get you pregnant all over again.
“J-Jaehyun?” You hadn’t seen him since that night, but he still looked good.
“Y/n..it’s been so long, hasn’t it?”
Something about him being there after so much time made you uneasy.
“Well..can I come in?” Jaehyun gives a half smile.
You nod and let him in.
You hold your baby and sit in a rocking chair. “So..what brings you here?”
“I’m here to see my child of course!”
Your brows furrow. “YOUR..child?”
Jaehyun smirks and steps closer to you. He smiles to himself as he looks at the baby.
“Come on, y/n, did you forget how many times I buried my seed into your beautiful cunt that night?”
You shook your head. “Don’t speak like that, please. I was weak, I-I was sad and broken..”
“Of course, but you loved it, you loved all of it.” He looked up to the ceiling and shut his eyes.
“I can still hear your moans right now.”
“Kun is the father, Jaehyun..this isn’t up for debate.”
“And if he’s not?” He tilts his head and looks back down at you.
“Well, he is. I’ll raise this child with my husband, regardless of who the biological father is, we have no place for you in this house.”
“Tsk tsk...keeping me away from my own child? Y/n..that’s not very nice of you, my love.”
“Don’t call me that!” Your voice rose slightly. “We had one night together, I don’t want to be with you, I will never be yours.”
“You’re already mine, y/n, you always will be, don’t you understand, after all these years?”
You shook your head. “Jaehyun.. you’re crazy. I’d like you to leave.”
You reached your hand out to grab your phone.
Jaehyun sees that you're nervous and chuckles to himself. “Oh..y/n..you’ve really made me upset. I guess I will just have to embrace my nature.”
He shuts the front door as you stare intently.
You always had a fear that the baby might be his, but how did he know you were pregnant in the first place?
[Two Days Later]
Jaehyun summons Lilith.
“And to what do I owe the pleasure?”
She appears to him with a slim body and dark hair this time. Her face is perfect like one of some celebrity, but God cursed Jaehyun’s vision so that when he looks at Lilith, he can only see an ugly monster. 
“I need you to take it.”
Jaehyun demands as sits on his throne in Hell. He tosses an apple in the air.
“Seduce the man and come back with the baby.”
“And what do I get out of it?” She places her hand on her hip.
“Nothing. But if you don’t do it, I will rip your fucking head off.” He looks up at her slowly. “Is that a good enough reason for you?”
Lilith scoffs then goes to do as she is told.
She appears to Kun who is half asleep on the couch in the living room. It’s his turn to watch the baby, so he can’t sleep completely.
“Hey there, big boy.” She says smoothly and crawls over him.
“Who—who are you?”
“My name’s Lilith.” She zips her leather jacket down to reveal her bare chest. “You look lonely, sweetheart.”
Kun is hypnotized by her, he doesn’t know if he’s awake or asleep, but he does know that he wants her badly. 
“Do you want to fuck me?” Lilith asks with doe eyes as she looks up at him and pumps her breasts.
Kun nods and soon finds himself enraptured by a succubus, burying himself into her and thus falling into her trap as you, his wife, lay sound asleep in the room above.
Once Lilith brings Kun to an extraordinary climax, he falls asleep.
She then walks upstairs slowly to the baby room.
Her appealing looks disappear and she transforms into her true being, a disturbingly ugly monster with grey skin and long legs and arms. Her bones crack as she grows to about 6 feet 6 inches tall, her black hair falls out onto the floor and her jaw protrudes as her eyes glow red. She smells like rotten eggs as green liquid oozes out of her pores and eyes.
She stares at the baby sleeping soundly in its crib.
You, however, wake up from the crackling sound.
“Kun?” You murmur.
You get up and walk to the baby room.
You nearly pass out from the stench and feel your legs grow weak when you see the ghastly being standing over your baby.
“Hey!” You call out, but when the thing turns around, it already has your baby in its arms. A wide creepy smile filled with about twenty sharp and misshapen teeth creeps across its face.
You start to cry. “Put him down!”
You run towards it but it disappears.
You grasp the crib and look into it, shifting the blankets around before looking under it.
Your baby was nowhere to be found.
You let out a painful scream that Jaehyun, and even your neighbors could hear and fell to the floor.
Kun finally woke up and ran upstairs. He consoled you as you cried uncontrollably.
[One Month Later]
The police and everyone in the neighborhood helped you to search for your baby, but nothing happened. 
You tried to explain that night so many times, but nothing made sense and people just thought you were crazy.
Even Kun. He left you soon after the incident, the heartbreak was too much for him and he didn’t trust you. So he left you, moving further away and starting a new life without you as the divorce papers started to process.
You were alone, you couldn’t deal with the loss of your child. You sat alone at a pond and cried until you couldn’t cry anymore.
Jaehyun knew your time was running out, he knew you’d pass and eventually come to him to live with him in the dark world.
Your heart breaks and you die of sadness at the edge of the pond.
Your soul slips away from your body. 
Jaehyun is there watching as you stare down at it in confusion.
“Hello, y/n.”
“Where am I?”
“You’re with me now, where you should be.” He smiles as he goes to take your hand, but his hand passes through.
Jaehyun looks in confusion at his hand.
“Can you see me?” You ask.
“Of course I can. I should be able to touch you too, but..” he turns away and looks at his hand which is still vibrating like it had just been shocked with electricity.
“What’s happening?”
He turns back to you, but you’re gone.
“Oh, Lucifer..” a male voice calls out to him.
“You thought you had it all figured out, didn’t you? You would have her die then bring her to hell to live with you forever..”
“Winwin?” He recognizes the angel in front of him.
“I wish I could say it’s nice to see you again, but it really isn’t.”
“What the hell is going on? She’s mine!” He grows angry, his eyes becoming red and his horns growing out in harmony with his black wings.
“No, she isn’t. She belongs with us, remember God will always win.” Winwin smirks.
“No..no they can’t do this to me again!”
“Of course they can! Goodbye, LuLu!” Winwin then spins and disappears.
Jaehyun curses and shouts loudly, so loudly that the heavens can hear him. You can hear him, but now you realized who he really was and why he was so infatuated with you. It broke your heart that he went to such lengths to hold onto you, but now you knew that he was nothing but evil.
Jaehyun could feel you, he could sense you everywhere and sometimes he could see you, but he could never touch you again. He would have to live eternally as a tortured individual that lost his love 3 times.
“Well, at least you have the child.” Lilith looks at her nails as Jaehyun thrashes about in hell.
“What will you name him?”
Jaehyun smooths his hair back and walks to the crib that the baby sleeps in. “His name..is Cain.”
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khaliasama · 7 years
replica-the-rice-cooker replied to your post “all i did today was do a tiny bit of painting and then napped for 3...”
good job im proud of you
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
Hello Erika!! 💖 I would like to send a request for J and the reader(I don’t know if you wanted to do a personal one or keep it a reader fic) having a lazy Sunday, making food and spending all day watching movies. I tend to pick the kid friendly ones and J picks ones that make me cower in fear behind him and sleep with the lights on😄. If you could tag me @feral-trash-panda that would be awesome! Again thank you!! ❤️
@feral-trash-panda omg darling this was so fun to write about!!!💖 Thank you so much for requesting this!!!! 💝
I’ve done this as an x reader because I’ve decided to come back full swing in writing for J (I took an unannounced but probably obvious break from writing for J because I felt very shaky on my interpretation and I had barely any feedback to support my queries; but you, @loveletterstoledger and others have helped to rope me back in) and this is a good way to announce that!💜
I hope that you enjoy this, and thank you so so much for requesting!  I love youuu ~ 💙
FULL DISCLOSURE: I know others have written pieces like this before so any similarities are completely unintentional; I’ve done my best to keep my work as original as I can. Feel free to bring anything to my attention if you feel that you need to! 
Word count: 583.
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No matter how busy your week had been, no matter how hectic, chaotic and frankly exhausting your week had been, you always had one thing and one person to count on:
A lazy Sunday with your clown.
The plan was that there was no plan, but even so was every Sunday a near perfect replica of the last.
You spent the day together, making food and watching films.
There was always a ‘fight’ about what you were going to watch, for you liked to watch ones which were suitable for children, whereas J’s preferences involved you paying out for a higher electricity bill because you couldn’t stomach going to bed in the dark.
You didn’t know this but J sometimes deliberately picked films he knew would terrify you (but barely made him blink, for such horrors in the military had rendered him completely unaffected by fictional ones) just so you would ask him to stay with you.
With you was he not feared, but revered and, oh, how desperately he needed to feel your love. 
The ‘fight’ you had each Sunday entailed J being irritated with the prospect of having to watch you watch your favourite film again but ultimately he was unable to deny you anything, including the smallest of pleasures, so tough a week were you recovering from.
As such, with a theatrical groan unbefitting of his reputation (for the city received J and you received Jack), J would ‘concede’ and let you have your way.
“All right, doll, ya’ made ya’ point. Put the damn thing on, ya’ win.”
You smirk, knowing what J’s up to, and you give him what he was after the entire time: a kiss.
If you think he’s blushing under his haphazardly applied greasepaint, you’re wrong (you’re not).
Popcorn, goldfish and other such quick and easy snacks were most often on the menu; other than dinner, you didn’t eat a meal on Sundays because you were both so full of snacks.
For J, this was his standard, for rarely does he eat, but for you it wasn’t a daily thing if you could help it.
Still, on Sundays were there no rules and so you never complained.
No, you loved it.
J always supplied the snacks, so you always provided the films, the blankets and the company. 
After the first time that J had almost set the kitchen ceiling on fire trying to make popcorn in the microwave (yeah... don’t ask. He doesn’t know, either), you take it upon yourself to make it while J sits on the sofa and taunts you with “the film’s startin’, doll. Better hur-ry.” even if he’s only just put the DVD in the player.
You roll your eyes at him every time with fond exasperation, and J slings an arm over your shoulder as you sit beside him.
At some point, half way through your favourite film or when you’re genuinely terrified at J’s choice, you’ll end up with your head on J’s chest, his voice a rumble in your ear and his heartbeat strong and steady.
Blankets are kept slung over both of the sofa arms and also the back of the sofa for the times you get sleepy, but you much prefer to enfold yourself in royal purple.
Which is, really, the overall theme every Sunday...
To sink yourself into J and to know that all of you, the good and the bad and the ordinary, is safe with him, just as he is safe with you.
J  @anyatheladyclown   @joker-daddy    @rinbyo    @imightaswellnotexistatall    @vladtoly    @joker-is-my-hero    @liz-rdwitch   @enigmaticandunstable      @ledgerskitten  @tsukiakarinobara    @germansarechill   @antonija89   @acw1   @harlequinautumn     @mermaleizroseglasses   @justawriterinprogress     @truthbehindthemysteries  @hotpacino  @call-me-harley-quinn   @mermaidpowers1  @devilshyenaaa 
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
pst, pst
If you got the time... what are each of the WHAM ARMY's best kept ridiculous secrets? thank youuu
I've been pondering on this one for a while because it's hard to put a label on exactly their best-kept and most ridiculous secrets, but I'm just gonna say some secrets they have that are funny
-It took Aghoul about a year after the Jasmine wedding incident to actually figure out that pita diving wasn't a real custom. He'll try to claim he knew it all along, but he has definitely referenced it to a native Agrabanian only to receive a "What?".
-Mim knows how to send emails. She pretends not to because otherwise people will expect her to actually reply to theirs.
-Heartless and certain other creatures of Darkness actually drop munny and other items in the TBTCverse, same as KH. So why hasn't the WHAM ARMY ever noticed? Because Mozenrath immediately pockets every hoard and pretends like nothing happened. He has Treasure Magnet down to a fine art. The minute the others find out their enemies are supposed to give them drops, he's in TROUBLE
-Bonus Mozenrath second secret: he has his world's equivalent of "fan merch" (think like a shrine) for Pitch Black and Loki, and since it's all locked away in a vault in the Citadel, which the Overtakers swiped from him, they're about two steps away from discovering that he hero-worshipped Loki. Though if anyone really stops to think about why the emblems on the Citadel door are COBRAS this could get embarrassing faster (i.e. he hero-worshipped Jafar as well)
-Huntsman at one point during his youth had a crush on a blond male pop star of his time and so seeing Rose lose her mind over Jaren MacArthur just brought back all the most awful memories. This may or may not be related to how he listens almost strictly to Rat Pack music now
-Yzma's birthday is a well-kept secret because she's not going through another RESTAURANT BIRTHDAY SURPRISE if she can help it, and she knows that the minute her friends figure it out they're gonna torment her every year on that date
-Wuya knows Yzma's birthday and is contemplating the right price to sell that information
-Snatcher admittedly finds J.B.E. Zorg and Sho Minamimoto very beautiful but keeps silent about this because he doesn't want Roman to think he finds anyone else attractive. It's not like Roman would approve of those choices anyway
-Roman admittedly finds J.B.E. Zorg and Sho Minamimoto very beautiful but keeps silent about this because he doesn't want Snatcher to think he finds anyone else attractive. It's not like Snatcher would approve of those choices anyway
-Vexen has samples of everyone's DNA in his lab. They're actually the backup batch because he had to destroy the main batch in front of everyone to give the illusion that he actually was respecting their wish not to have their DNA in his hands. He also has copies of selected memories from everyone. Replicas of anyone at base can go at ANY TIME; he just has no reason to actually do that yet and won't bother unless it will actually yield a result he cares about
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zu-is-here · 4 years
How's your day going today my friend? Time to rest after all those asks.
So productive! Fully in work on the asks ☆
And you were right: despite the simple look, it's a very laborious work with layers, a combination of replicas and emotions to them. Interesting experience, I don't wanna repeat it tho XD Bless ask blogs, you guys are heroes *^*
How's yours going? ♡
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Thank youuu <3 More Coffee Creamer! *^*
Ohh (ó_òˇ) indeed, this has its advantages! Stay safe ♡
OMG gotta read it! ☆ And I'm looking forward to yours (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) good luck!
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soft--dragon · 3 years
aA thank youuu, I really don’t deserve you :’DD
Guess what? :0
I picked you a flower! And then I realized that I can’t send pics as an anon, so now I’m a little mad but that’s alright
So here’s a little replica of the flower I picked you ^^
I hope you like itttttt :>
this genuinely made me tear up because this was one of the cutest and sweetest things anyone has ever done for me, this was so adorable and endearing and I genuinely wished I knew you IRL cause I desperately want to give you a big hug rn Squirrel Anon oh my gosh-
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