#thank you to all the gif makers out there for making this spiral possible
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nottheleastbrave · 4 years ago
A fully out of control spiral about Luke Patterson and sleeves but particularly the Sadness Flannel
As requested by @pearlcaddy​
OKAY SO: Luke hates sleeves. We know this, it is canon. We also know that he wears that one flannel (hereafter referred to as Sadness Flannel) when he’s feeling particularly sad and emotional. I feel like the general connection between sleeves and Luke’s sadness level is pretty accepted in the fandom.  But today I had a full breakdown about what all this says about how he feels about Julie. 
The first time we see Luke wearing the Sadness Flannel is after the incident with the HGC where the boys miss the dance. CRUCIALLY this is also causes Julie to get legit mad at them, but particularly Luke (would also like to take this opportunity to point out that he’s wearing the long sleeved trench during the actual fight). (including a gif because it’s my favorite look) 
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He puts it on in the aftermath of Julie essentially leaving them, and wears it for the hilariously ineffective attempt at an apology. He keeps wearing it until that conflict is officially resolved by the Finally Free performance. 
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Now this is also when we see him visit his parents for the first time, so it’s tempting to name that as the reason for the Sadness Flannel, but I have my Jukebox goggles on so I disagree. 
The next time we see him wear it is for the scene where they find out about the jolts, which is also the scene where Luke literally only cares about the fact that they’re going to have to leave Julie. So that’s 2/2 on Luke feeling too sad about losing his relationship with Julie to wear cutoffs. 
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And here’s the thing: in the flashbacks during Unsaid Emily, he’s not wearing it. When he’s writing the song, he’s wearing a sleeveless tank, and when they’re practicing it, he’s wearing a t-shirt. 
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Personally I think that when he’s writing, he’s still partially riding the adrenaline of having run away. He’s sad, obviously, and he wants to fix things, but he’s also probably appreciating his newfound freedom. Then practicing the song, his situation has maybe sunk in a bit more, he’s a bit sadder, but he still has the support of his friends and can channel his feelings into performing so he only needs little baby sleeves to help himself feel better. 
But when Julie is mad at him? When he’s going to have to leave her? When he can’t hold her hand? FULL SADNESS FLANNEL. 
ANYWAY ALL THIS TO SAY: Luke Patterson was more upset by Julie Molina getting mad at him than by running away from home. LOSING JULIE MOLINA IS WORSE TO HIM THAN LOSING HIS PARENTS. Because he is in love with her. The end. 
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ithebookhoarder · 4 years ago
I love your Poe stories so far. You probably have loads of requests waiting but can I ask for Number 37 with Poe and reader please? It's can I kiss you on the ily post. Thank youuuuu
100 ways to say ily Prompt list: No. 37: ‘Can I kiss you?’ (Poe Dameron x Reader)
A/N: ooooo this is a good’un. Here you are x I got a teeny bit carried away with this one, but I blame Oscar Isaac and his damn puppy eyes. Oops? This is the prompt list if anyone wants it! Enjoy x
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Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, references to violence, mention of cheating, mentions of death, steamy content / light smut
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Being in a war meant loss was a familiar friend by now. 
After all, it had been the loss of your parents, of your home planet, of your faith in the galaxy that had started this whole mess and brought you here, to the Resistance, to make a difference. And considering you were signing up to be a soldier, you knew you your future would likely only bring more loss. 
That was why you had been so utterly surprised to find you’d actually gained a lot in your short time here. More than you could ever have dreamed of; you had purpose again. You’d had adventures. You’d made friends. You’d even found love with the kind hearted pilot that had stolen your heart so soon after arriving, with his charming smile, and tongue of silver. 
Oh, Cassius.
Even now, thinking of his name brought nothing but pain, especially considering how things had ended between you both. You knew it probably made you sound like a terrible person to say it, but you almost wished he’d been killed, or lost in the field. As terrible as it would have been, maybe you would have had some slither of comfort that it was the universe that was responsible for this misery, for ripping your heart out of your chest… and not him and his wandering eyes. 
“Nerf herder,” you croaked, your voice hoarse from the hours you’d spent screaming in his face. 
Maker, that had been an ugly ass fight. 
It was humiliating. Half the base had to have heard you, but at the time you hadn’t cared. You were just so desperate for him to prove your suspicions wrong. To rationalise the horrific sight that was now seared into your mind, possibly forever. After all, you’d suspected nothing when you’d strolled into his quarters, back from your mission ahead of schedule. No, instead you’d been grinning like a fool, giddy at your successful operation and the possibility of surprising Cassius with your early return.  
Maybe that was why he’d been so surprised to see you in the doorway, mouth open, and eyes wide in horror. 
Maybe that was why he’d thought he’d get away with it, with whatever was happening in his bed between him and the very naked comms analyst wrapped around him. 
A comms analyst and not… you.
“A mistake”  he’d called it after you’d stormed out of the room to hide your tears. “A slip up. A need for comfort during the lonely weeks you’d been gone, scouting out intel for the Resistance. A one time thing.”
Somehow, you knew he was lying. His expression was all too see-through for that. Cassius had many talents, but lying wasn’t one… that, and the angry expression on the analyst’s face as she’d scurried out of the room said she took offence to that. 
So, you’d done what you had to - something your friends had been begging you to do for months now. They’d always been suspicious of Cassius and the way he blew hot and cold with you, sending you spiralling from euphoric highs to world-shattering lows in the span of an hour. 
Well, not anymore. Now, he couldn’t hurt you. You’d sent him packing, cursing and hurling things at him like a wounded animal. If only that thought brought you comfort… but it didn’t. It couldn’t. Not when you were still in so much pain, hiding in your quarters, and praying the day would just end already. 
How had you reached this point? 
“Ah, kriff.” You cursed, shaking your head, reaching beside you for the almost empty bottle. The burning liquor inside was a better alternative than the endless, pointless questions that were currently in your head.  
Was it your fault? Had you done something wrong? How long had been going on for? How could he have done this to you? 
*beep beep beep*
A groan escaped your lips as you tried to ignore the incessant beeping that had plagued you since you’d got back. You’d been half tempted to turn off the communicator or hurl it out of the window, knowing it was likely either Finn, or Rey, or possibly even Jessika, checking in on you after you’d failed to show up at dinner as planned. 
Do they know? They must, you thought darkly, taking another swig from the bottle in your hands. Cassius has probably told half the base by now, brushing it off as some funny anecdote, calling you crazy or obsessed. There was no way word wouldn't have got out. By now, you were probably just another notch in his bed post… bastard. 
Needless to say, you were in no mood to speak to anyone - not even your friends. Not when you knew exactly what they'd say: “I told you so”, and “He was always a no good asshole”. 
To hear it, you knew, would finally break you. So, instead, you continued to drink, and wallow, and cry. 
Until you heard someone pounding at the door. 
“Y/N. You in there? Open up!" 
The voice may have been muffled through the door and the haze of alcohol, but you immediately knew who it was. There was no mistaking that tone. You’d know that voice anywhere. 
You blinked as his knocking continued again, louder and louder with every passing second. Yet, you still couldn't find it in you to get up and let him in. You half hoped he’d get the message and leave you alone to mope in peace. 
But this was Poe, you were talking about. The man who’d outlive the gods if it meant he got the last word. You were also pretty sure if you looked at his birth papers you’d find that ‘stubborn’ was his middle name. 
“Y/N!" he continued firmly. "I know you're in there. Please just... open up, ok? It's just me and I only want to make sure you're alright. I know you may be a bad ass and a hell of a pilot, and that means you're too bloody proud to accept my help but... I'm your friend. I won't leave you. Not now. Not ever... please. Just let me in."
There was something in his voice that made you weak. It was something only Poe Dameron could manage, to know exactly what to say and say it in just a way that you truly believed him. Every damn word. You also knew for a fact that he'd camp out there in that damn hallway all night if he had to. 
He wasn't going anywhere. 
With a silent curse, you staggered to your feet and did your best to make it to the door. Your hand shakily reached for the lock, and you peeled the door back enough to see the pacing man waiting on the other side. 
"You're worse than Finn," was all you said in greeting, rolling your blood-shot eyes and praying he’d go and leave you alone. "At least he knows when to bugger off."
“Y/N?" Poe breathed, taking your state in. You saw how his winced at your swaying posture, and slurred tone. But to his credit he didn't say anything. He was used to this by now. This wasn't his first rodeo with broken hearts or drunken attempts at finding solace. 
How many nights had he, himself, been carried back to his room by you, drunk after the loss of another crew member on a mission gone wrong? It was odd to have this scenario the other way round. 
"Yeah. Come on in," you replied weakly, opening the door just wide enough to allow him in to the room. He didn’t need an invitation at the best of times, and tonight was no exception. “We both know you're not going anywhere and I'm not about to let you stay out in the hallway all night, bellowing and pissing off the neighbours." 
Poe gasped indignantly, as if offended by the idea of being a nuisance. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you weren’t happy to see me, which definitely can’t be the case. I mean, it’s me. I’m amazing.”
“An amazing pain in the ass.”
“All I’m hearing is ‘amazing’ and ‘ass’.”
You groaned, rolling your eyes at his never failing cheery demeanour and watched him stroll on into your quarters like they were his own. No wonder even Leia had her limits with the ‘best pilot in the galaxy’. “You’re ridiculous. Why are you even here? Got bored trying to rob the others at sabacc?”
“No,” he smirked. “No I-”
“Did Rey send you?”
“No, she didn’t-”
“Then was it-”
“Y/N,” Poe sighed, cutting you off before you could ramble off onto some other topic or divert him from the reason he’d come. His hands were warm as they came to rest on your shoulders, as if trying to hold you in place long enough for him to get the words out. “No, I uh... I heard about what happened.” 
Of course he had. 
No wonder he look uncomfortable, despite his best effort at hiding it beneath his trademark grin. He even removed one hand, using it to rub the back of his neck as he always did when feeling awkward. 
You could read him like a book. 
“Well, in which case, you can probably guess that I’m not in the mood for company, Poe. So, if you’ve come to gloat about how you were right and I was an idiot, feel free to leave. I don’t need any more reasons to feel even shittier than I already do.” 
“Hey,” Poe winced, catching you arm as you tried to storm past him. His hazel eyes were wide in surprise. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit a nerve. Me, coming over here, was just my dumb ass way of trying to see if you needed to talk about it. I’m sorry,” he repeated, letting go. "I'm sorry, for what it's worth, not that it's worth much." 
"Thanks for saying it anyway," you nodded. "I would have come and told you but I just - I couldn't.” 
"I get it." Poe said it so softly and with such sincerity that you didn't doubt that he did. "I just want you to know though, that there's nothing to be ashamed about. He was the asshole and didn’t deserve someone as incredible as you. If he was too dumb to see what he had with you, then that’s his loss. If I could get away with it I'd have murdered that bastard already. Court martial be damned.” 
You smiled lightened as you tried to picture Poe as an avenging angel, slaughtering those who had done you wrong. It was quite the picture, even if it was pointless. Nothing any of them did could change what had happened. It was your burden to bear. 
"Drink?" you asked, making your way back over to the table in the corner and the small collection of booze you’d collected. "I've already got one going but I don't think it's your thing."
"Oh?" Poe scoffed, eyeing the collection. If you didn't know better you'd have sworn he almost took it as a challenge. This was the man who drank Correlian whiskey like water when he needed to, so you doubted your pilfered fruity cocktails would be up to scratch. ”It’s not, is it?"
"I don't think I've seen you drink anything outside of the cantina, and I know you also have a shift in the morning, Commander.” 
"Well, now seems as good a time as any to start bending the rules a little,” Poe teased, heading to grab a bottle of his own. He then moved round to perch on the edge of your unmade bed, gesturing for you to join him. “That’s what friends are for. Besides, you’re not gonna rat me out, are you?”
You froze, staring at you friend as a realisation hit you with surprising intensity. The concern in his eyes was genuine, but not patronising. He didn't judge, not when he knew first hand how it felt to make mistakes, and for that you would always be eternally grateful. 
Poe Dameron never judged, and he didn't start now as he smiled at you as warmly as he could. His hand simply reached down and pulled the cork loose, before holding the bottle aloft in a mock toast. 
"Cheers," he whispered, throwing it back with a small wince at the burn. "Wow, that is ... that's horrible." 
Despite it all, you actually laughed. "Yes. Yes it is." 
Poe laughed too, his laughter much louder and brighter than yours. The sound was a welcome one. "Well, even if this tastes like Loper piss, first rule in the Resistance is to never let a comrade drink alone." 
"That's a good rule." 
"One of the few I always try to live by," Poe nodded, daring to take another sip. Whether it was so there was less for you to drink later, you weren’t entirely sure. But, as drinking meant you couldn’t talk, you were all for the distraction. That, and his expression of disgust was actually rather adorable. 
"Got any other rules?"
"Yeah," Poe sighed, taking another gulp before staring at you evenly. "Never leave a comrade behind." 
You gulped as you fought the lump that had formed in your throat. What had you done, to be so fortunate as to have Poe Dameron in your life? 
"That's a ... that's another good rule," you whispered, clinking your bottle against Poe's. "Thank you." 
"You're welcome.”
The weight of his words was instantaneous as you tried to ignore the way he kept looking at you. His eyes had always been captivating, but never more so than when he was trying to work something out. Like now, he looked at you as if trying to commit the sight to memory for later dissection. 
Why? Did you really look that much of a mess that he was worried for you? Was that why he’d come? To keep an eye on you as you drank away the pain? 
Or was it something else? Something terrifying, yet comforting. Something familiar, and yet new at the same time. After all, that was the same mysterious look as he always gave when complimenting you, or teasing you. That was your relationship though, playful banter and friendly flirtation that was nothing more than that… friendly. Right? 
So consumed in your thoughts, you hadn’t even realised what you were doing until Poe cheered, mirroring the smile that had slid its way onto your face.
 “There you are, Y/N. Smile again,” he whispered. “You always look much better when you smile.”
You coughed, clearing your throat as you did what he instructed, much to his amusement. Then again, it wasn’t exactly hard to smile around Poe. It was why you were silently grateful he’d come to find you tonight. He always had a positive affect on you and after the hellish day you’d had, you could use a little of his sunshine. 
“I thought you’d have better ways to spend the evening, than moping with me.”
“Never,” Poe replied effortlessly. “You’ve always been there for me when I needed you, so I’ll be damned if I’m not there for you when you need me. We’re a team, remember? If you need to talk, cry, break things or just get black out drunk to feel better, then I’m gonna be right there beside you every step of the way. Ok?”
And it was. 
In fact, for the remainder of the night, you found yourself being effortlessly swept along by Poe as he did his best to cheer you up - or at the very least, distract you. He was never a man to do anything by half, and tonight seemed no different. Otherwise he may have cut himself off after the first few drinks, rather than descend into the chaotic drunk man in front of you. But no. If you were going down, he was going right down with you. 
“So… I was thinking.”
“Oooooh, that’s dangerous - ow!”
You winced as Poe pounced on you in revenge, leaping from his position next to you, and pinning you to the mattress. His hands were quick to tickle your sides, smiling down at you like a mad man as he watched you roar with laughter.
“Ok, ok. I take it back. I’m sorry!”  
“You should be, you cheeky shit,” he grinned, rolling his eyes but releasing you anyway. His body, however, gave no sign of getting off of you, even if his attack had ceased for the time being. Instead, he looked oddly comfy, lying on your chest. “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we should get Cassi-ass the asshole back, for screwing with you. You know, put dye in his shampoo. Re-programme his droid to call him a cheating shit. Or, we could get all his stuff and burn it in like a massive ‘fuck you’ kind of bonfire.”
“But he didn’t screw with me, Poe. He actually screwed me,” you protested, “and then that other chic - who could have done way better, if we’re being honest. She was actually kind of hot.”
Poe rolled his eyes again, trying and failing not to laugh at your drunken statement. That was what you wanted to say to his offer? 
“You know, you talk a lot when you’re drunk?”
“And you sound like a Wookie every time you laugh.”
Poe gasped. “You take that back, right now, Y/N. Or I’ll have to teach you another lesson.”
You sniggered, very aware how dangerous this was, teasing him when he was practically lying on top of you, his body pressed into yours in a way that made you blush. Why did that sound oddly enticing? 
“You will, hey? I’m sooooo scared.”
“Oh? You should be.” 
Even though his voice was suddenly huskier, dropping as he paused and let his eyes roam over you, you couldn’t find it in you to be scared by his promise. Not when it was Poe. Not when his lips were so close to your own and his eyes were staring back at you hungrily, as if trying to lure you in without saying a word. 
Not when your mind was suddenly filled with all the fantasies of him that you’d guiltily buried deep down in the back of your head all this time, knowing they could be nothing more. After all, it had felt wrong to have feelings as strong as you did for Poe, when you were technically with someone else. But, as today had proven, that was no longer the case. 
Instead, you were now free. Free to do whatever you liked and to be with whoever you liked. Maker knew Cassius had been doing that himself, long enough. 
Where was this headed? With you and Poe… 
Suddenly, you felt a lot more sober. 
“Poe… wait,” you whispered, hands reaching up to press against his chest. “We… we shouldn’t be doing this.”
It was now Poe’s turn to stop and sober up as he realised the direction you’d both been heading in. His ruffled hair and your crumpled uniform were clue enough of the physical nature the evening had taken on. However, he didn’t seem to look worried, or puzzled by it. In fact, he looked almost calm. Like, he’d been expecting it. 
“What? We shouldn’t be doing what? Drinking?”
“No,” you corrected. “This. You’re just being kind and trying to distract me, but it’s ok. You don’t have to. it wouldn’t be fair to either of us to ruin what we have for one drunken night.” 
“But… what if it wasn’t just one night?” 
Wait. What?
Of all the things you’d been expecting him to say, that was not one of them. And by the look on his face, he hadn’t expected it himself. 
Poe sighed, peeling himself away and sitting back on his heels to give you space as he spoke. Then again, maybe it was him trying to get some space to think, some ability to avoid looking you directly in the eye. 
He never had been that great at talking about anything serious. If you’d asked him to make a joke or flirt with someone, he’d have had the confidence to stroll up to a complete stranger and do it without batting an eyelid. But if you asked him to confess his feelings to someone? Well, you’d have better luck trying to teach a BB-8 to climb a tree. 
“What if I told you, I do want this,” he repeated more firmly. “In fact, I’ve wanted it a long time but never said a word because you were happy - and you deserved that - and I didn’t want to be the asshole to put you in that kind of position where you had to choose. It wouldn’t have been fair. Not to you, not to me, not to any of us.”
You hardly dared breathe. Instead, you hastily pushed yourself into a sitting position and watched him for any sign he was lying to you. 
“Poe… but… that can’t be true,” you whispered, trying to put it all together in your head. Poe Dameron liked you? Like, liked you as more than a friend? Was this actually happening or were you drunker than you’d realised? “You never said a word before. Not once. Not when we were on missions, or with the others in the cantina, or when we’ve been out alone together stargazing. All that time, and you’re telling me you like me?”
“Like I said,” he sighed, rubbing his hand through the stubble on his chin. “It wouldn’t have been fair, and it probably isn’t for me to bring this up now but I don’t know if I’ll ever have the courage to again. You, looking up at me just then, with that smile of yours that could light up a room… I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help but want to kiss you and show you all the love that you deserved, the love that asshole didn’t give you.” 
There were no words to describe the feeling you got listening to Poe’s nervous confession. There were no words to do it justice or even attempt to capture the sudden ferocious need you had to kiss him, to tell him he was everything you could ever want him to be, and that the love he felt… you felt it too.
So you didn’t tell him. 
Rather, you showed him, slowly reaching out towards him, taking his worn, calloused hands in yours and pressing a kiss to each of them. You made sure to lift your eyes to his, to watch as he gazed at you in surprise and trepidation, as if waiting for the rejection he expected to hear any minute. 
“Poe Dameron… you wonderful, infuriating man. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You were in love with him, and I resigned myself to be ok with that, as long as that was what you wanted,” he murmured guiltily. “And with this war going on, adding a mess to your life would have been selfish. You deserved some happiness to keep you going. And distracting you? It could have got you killed out there, so it didn’t feel right to tell you.”
“I deserved to know.”
“I know… I know.” The regret in his eyes said he did, that he’d struggled with holding such a secret in. To watch you in the arms of another and never say a word. To know that any day could of been your last and that you both could have gone to your graves never knowing the truth of what could have been. “And now that you do know, what do you say?”
Aware of every breath, every movement, you crawled towards him and gently sat in his lap. His hands rose to rest against you hips as you studied his face and found the answer staring back at you. “And now I want you to know, Poe Dameron, that I love you too.” 
His lips trembled, and your hands rose to cup his cheeks as you watch the realisation dawn on him.
“I have for so long, but I was always too scared to look beyond what I thought I already had. And, I know I probably sound like a terrible person for saying it less than a day after breaking up with a guy but-”
“No. No, honey. You could never be a terrible person. There’s not a bad bone in your body,” Poe growled firmly. “He knew that. He took advantage of that, and it’s not your fault. You loved him. That’s not a crime. He was the one to screw up.”
“Yeah… you’re right.” 
You let your hands wander to link behind his neck as you felt relief for the first time that day. Relief at being free of the burden you’d been carrying for so long, too scared to let go. 
“Am… is it ok, then, if I say I want you to kiss me? C… can I kiss you?”
Poe gulped, letting your words sink in before nodding. “Ok? Honey, you can kiss me as much and as often as you want.”
“Really.” His desire was clear in the way his hands rose to pull your face to his, closing the space between you in a mere second. The soft moan that escaped his lips was returned as you felt yourself melt into the kiss. 
Wait. Was this really happening? Like, actually happening? Maker, if this was a dream then no one had better pinch you. You never wanted to wake up from it. 
How had you waited this long to kiss him? To feel his sculpted body beneath you as you arched into the kiss, his hands warm and soft as they wandered through your hair and down your spine. It was like he couldn’t get enough of you, like he wanted to consume you entirely. 
You were eager to do the same. 
It was like someone had begun to fan the flames that now burned within you, making you giddier with every second. You couldn’t help it as you pawed at him, tugging at his shirt and running your hands through his soft locks of hair. And when his lips broke from yours and began to pepper their way along your jaw and neck? Well, you were gone entirely. 
“Poe,” you whined greedily. 
“And to think I thought you immune to my charm,” he purred in reply, allowing you to tilt you both back until you were lying horizontally on the mattress. “That you didn’t like me like this.”
“I guess this means we were both idiots then.”
“They always say love is blinding.”
Indeed. You’d been so blind that it had taken this long for you to see Cassius for what he was. To realise that your gut had been right all along. That there was more to Poe Dameron than you gave credit for. 
You also knew if you’d said the word, he would have stopped there and then, without complaint. Even if he had a reputation as a bit of a flirt, he was a genuinely good man beneath it all and he clearly cared about you. As it was, you saw him pause as he settled between your hips, his expression a clear invitation to tell him to stop, that you’d changed your mind, that you didn’t want this. 
To which you pulled him back down towards you, allowing a leg to curl around his hip and press him closer. Your invitation was also clear. 
“I want you, Poe. I want only you. I only wish I’d seen that sooner.”
“Well, we’re here now,” he soothed, brushing a loose strand of hair off of your face before pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose. “And I’m planning on staying a while, as long as that’s alright by you?” 
You grinned. “Always.”   
With that, his lips were once again on you, frantic with years of pent up longing finally unleashed. 
He was never letting you go again.
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houndin-around · 4 years ago
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First off I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone that follows me and deals with me 🥺💕 I kinda can’t believe I’m at 100? I have a lot more up coming so bare with me!! I also wanted to try my hand at writing a few headcanons for some of our favorite boys involving how they handle their emotions when they first find that special one! Will do some more later! And since I reached 100 followers I will also be releasing some of my world-building headcanons about my CEO Maul AU that is in the works!
Wolffe- This boy gets extremely, overwhelmed with his emotions and in turn, he begins lashing out at others accidentally. It's simply because he doesn't understand how to control all these new emotions he's experiencing and he's confused and scared. After all, he's not even supposed to be feeling like this so he feels as if he's failing:
*Ever since you convinced Plo Koon to aid his men to Aleen for support, Wolffe has started feeling weird. Any time you tried to approach him though, he was rather reserved and sometimes gave you the cold shoulder. That is until you kept pestering him and eventually broke that beskar like a shield he had up.
*He doesn’t understand what it is, and he’s convinced he’s picked up a bug or something while planetside. Though he refuses to admit being sick and keeps it to himself.
*Part of him doesn’t understand why he has the constant need to get off 24/7 either, and somehow his mind always ends up wandering to you.
*Maker is he spiraling in the hell of feelings.
*During a skirmish with the 501st, he starts lashing out at Boost more than usual because it’s a “life or death” situation, and any mistake they make during these drills reflect on the battlefield. Even though it’s just a friendly game Skywalker organized to keep the troopers entertained but also practice strategizing.
*As days pass, and the more you’re around Wolffe begins secluding himself more. Trying to deal with the weirdness he’s experiencing, still not able to pinpoint what the hell is going on with him.
*“Good you’re here.” When Sinker manages to locate his Commander and he barges into his quarters while starting to interrogate him.
*Wolffe felt like a blaster shot got him right in the chest. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, knowing he couldn’t escape Sinker’s questions. The commander hadn’t even noticed his emotions were controlling his behavior he was too wrapped up feeling like a defective clone.
*Wolffe knows clones weren’t supposed to have feelings, only to do their duty by serving the republic and that was it. Not even allowed to have possessions and yet, the idea of you being his was something he couldn’t suppress. It was wrong but anytime any other man spoke to you, held your attention he longed to stun them with his blaster.
*Eventually, Sinker was able to get Wolffe to unravel everything he was hanging onto. At first teasing, the commander was his first instinct, however, once he noticed how uncomfortable and shrunken the man in front of him was he immediately began comforting him.
*Wolffe made Sinker swear not to tell a soul, in exchange for relentless teasing and inside jokes between the two now. Something Wolffe “hates” but it’s better than everyone knowing, especially you while he gets all the advice from his brother on emotions, love, and most importantly how to get you in his grasp.
*“Kriff Wolffe, I’ve never seen you blush so much,” All Wolffe could let out was a low growl, eyes too focused on you walking down the hallway. Just the way you smiled and greeted him left him in a trance. “Guess that’s why they call it puppy love! Get it, Wolffe! Maybe we should just call you Wolffe Pup!”
*“Cut it out di’kut.” He hissed, walking away to escape to his quarters.
Echo- This precious baby is worried he's not good enough for you. He's super shy and just wants to treat you the way you deserve is that too much to ask?
*100% hopeless romantic, but not sure how to execute it.
*This boy is SOFT. But he’s not one to seek out that attention for himself, he just wants to bask you in that attention, making you feel like you’re his whole world. Because you are. He’d do absolutely anything for you. But in the beginning, it was hard for him to even consider himself worthy of your love. He never knew what love actually felt like until he met you, but he was always intrigued by the idea of love.
*When he first locked eyes with you, it was in a cantina on Tatooine. Wrecker insisted on checking the planet out to scope out any odd bounties to take care of since there were no current missions.
*Of course, once his eyes met with yours that was it. A chill ran down his spine, and his cheeks were dusted with a rosy hue. Butterflies filling his stomach. Once the rest of the bad batch caught on, boy did they give him hell.
*Majority of their time on Tatooine, Echo would wander off by himself into town in hopes to run into you, but knowing damn well he wouldn’t try anything. He was far too scared and self-conscious about it. Especially after meeting the Techno Union, he didn’t feel worthy of your time, didn’t feel like he deserved anyone. He felt like a monster.
*If he wasn’t looking around for you, he was sitting outside the bad batch ship, prosthetic knees pulled into his chest as he pondered the true meaning of love. Considering the possibility you are what most call a “soul mate.”
*All the secret reading of holo novels and never prepared him for the true experience and now he’s left alone with his thoughts. Hatred building at all his imperfections he now has.
*Tech at one point tried to explain the whole biological basis of love and theories supporting it, but that only made Echo’s head spin. On the other hand, he had Wrecker in his ear on the vulgarities of love. Though, because these troopers were different, they didn’t discourage their brother either. They fully supported whatever would make him happy which only made him think of Fives even more. Fives would know what to say and guide him in the right direction because after all Fives always had civies swooning over him.
*“For Fives.” He’d repeat over and over, trying to muster the courage to even approach you at the market. Echo wanted his brother to be proud of him for stepping out of his comfort zone in an attempt to discover if what he was truly feeling was love.
*Even though he was embarrassed to admit it to himself, he attempted some of Fives’ pick up lines but when the words tumble out of his mouth…they sound more like rambles, managing to forget the important parts of said pick up lines leaving Echo red and more flustered
*He’s honestly so precious trying to follow in his brother’s footsteps. Even if he’s making a fool out of himself, the giggle he gets from you is so rewarding that he keeps coming back to your vendor stall.
*The way he sees you look at him like he’s not broken and defective based on his cybernetics makes his heart leap. He finally found someone that hasn’t pitied him or trying to fix him.
*This is love. This is without a doubt the definition of love he was searching for. Crosshair was wrong. Soul Mates did exist, and it was you. Maker was it you, and he will do his best to try and show you how much he cherishes you as he learns more.
Fives- This man doesn’t stop at anything!! We all know he’s a popular man, but when that one special someone has his heart that’s it. He’s 100% devoted and will try to win their love every single day as if its started all over again. His pick up jokes are hella corny though and I will die on this hill!
*Confidence!!! Need I say more? Especially after a few drinks at 79s.
*This man will not hesitate to invade your personal space and whisper sweet nothings in someone's ear. Except when he tries it on you? He earns a swift smack to the face, damaging his ego a bit.
*Boy, the look on the rest of the 501st’ face should’ve been holorecorded. He’s NEVER rejected. But you weren’t the type to entertain drunk strangers. Despite the embarrassing encounter, Fives is plotting another scheme to get your attention. Although let's be honest, he’s always scheming!
*Even though he has a pretty high body count, it never meant anything to him. Just some stimulation and stress relief. However, that all stopped when he laid eyes on you. He swore to himself that he’d do everything in his power to be with you. But not just intertwined in the sheets, no, soul and all, hand and hand.
*Fives has heard about love before, but he never really thought he’d find someone who made him feel like that. If he was being honest with himself, he was kinda skeptical about it. After all, he didn’t really know anyone who experienced it. At least he wasn’t aware.
*It took him quite a few days of talking in the mirror and hyping himself up before he dared to try again before it dawned on him you may not even be there again. This kind of sends him spiraling a bit, anxiety starting to creep up on him like a Rishi Eel.
*One thing about Fives though is he’s determined. He was willing to wait as long as he possibly could to cross paths with you once more in hopes to patch things up and catch your attention. Some of the boys had Kix check up on their brother as he was constantly rambling to himself, thinking about all the possible scenarios he’d had with you at 79s. He managed to convince everyone he was fine though, just strategizing.
*His second attempt at winning you over went a little something like this; You were leaning against the bar, talking to a friend while he waltzed up to order a drink. He notices your friend begins to nudge you, only for you to roll your eyes once you see who it is. Of course, he’s got that stupid grin on his face, ready to work his magic. “You look tired darling.” His mouth hovers over the brim of the glass, eyes locking with yours. “I’m fine.” Your eyebrow raised, curious as to what game this clone was playing. You had to admit he was ballsy and hot…in an irritating kind of way. “Hmm...Surprised.” Fives mumbled taking another sip of his Trandoshan ale, “Cos you’ve been running through my mind all day.” The friend next to you ended up spitting her drink on the floor and your face beat red and not because of the alcohol.
*Once he laid out that card, that was it. He locked you in and you had no choice but to give him some of your time.
*Just the way he admires the words tumbling out of your lips, all attention on you, is surprising. Here you thought you had a man just wanting to slip into your pants and yet, he’s listening to your life story, asking questions about you. Your likes, dislikes, everything.
*He’s not one to admit he’s wrong, but he apologizes for his first interaction with you. Even admits that he was so awestruck with your beauty that his brain just stopped functioning.
*After several outings, his demeanor never changes. He’s so into you and remembers every detail about you. Any shift in your tone and he’s pressing you to talk about whatever is on your mind. Wanting to be the one to help you through it all.
*“Ya know Rex. I think I’m in love?” The captain couldn’t help but let out a snicker before realizing Fives is serious. “You? In love? Since when was that possible?” Fives just rolled his eyes and gave Rex a somewhat gentle push, before sneaking a peek at the holopic he has of you. Love was better than he expected, especially when it involved you.
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soybeantree · 8 years ago
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be careful what you wish for
excerpt: “’Are you feeling alright, hyung?“ JB asked, eying her. Hyung? Why was he calling her, hyung? “Like I said we’re leaving in 10 minutes. You need to be ready.” He eyed her again before walking back out, closing the door behind him. What the hell was going on? She ran a hand threw her hair and nearly screamed. Her hair was gone! She jumped out of the bed and nearly tumbled over. Her body felt awkward, and she had to focus on moving her legs as she made her way to the bathroom. She flicked on the light, and this time she did scream. “What the-” She clamped a hand over her mouth. That wasn’t her voice. That wasn’t her face staring back at her. Hyung made sense now. JB only had one Hyung in Got7. Mark.” 
pairing: erm…ofc/mark, ofc/jinyoung, markjin…kind of  parts: o2 | o3 | o4 | o5 | epilogue genre/rating: LITERALCRACK! fluff. word count: 2k a/n: we aren’t lying when we say this is utter crack. these stupid ideas come to us usually while drinking at a pei wei or something. we spent wayyyy too much time talking about it to not write something out. so we apologize in advance. also, these wonderful markjin gifs are not ours. also for ease, all things italics are in korean and non are english. 
Meat sizzled on the grill, and the sight and sound set Jay’s mouth watering. Of all the things she and her best friend Dee had planned to do on their trip to South Korea, eating at a BBQ had been at the top of her list. And now here they were surrounded by sides and waiting for their meat to cook. She couldn’t believe they had waited so long for the experience or understand why they had wanted to wait till they were in Seoul. Busan probably also had great BBQ. They could have had it there and in Seoul. They could have had it everywhere they visited.
Dee turned the meat, releasing another waft of scent. “Would you please stop staring at the meat like that?” Dee sighed.
“Like what?”
“Like it’s Jinyoung and you want to sex it up.” Jay snorted and looked away, trying to stop herself from laughing. When she faced her friend again, she saw that the girl had also had to compose herself.
Dee cleared her throat, removing the last traces of laughter from her face. “You act like we’ve never been to a Korean BBQ before.”
“We’ve never been to a Korean BBQ in Korea before.” Jay quipped back. 
“No, but I doubt that they prepare the food that differently here than back home.”
“No, but the ambiance is different here.” Dee rolled her eyes deciding not to argue the point; instead, she flipped the meat to check if it was ready. It was. She and Jay loaded up their plates and devoured the meat and the sides. 
“I’m so full.” Jay rubbed her aching stomach. “I’d say I shouldn’t have eaten so much, but there was no stopping myself.”
Dee nodded in agreement. “It’s okay. We can walk it off.” 
After paying and thanking their hosts for the excellent meal, the two set off. Their destination was Cheonggyecheon Stream, and it’s 22 bridges. It was dusk when they started out, so they were able to enjoy the light shows that illuminated the water falls. Jay insisted upon skipping across every set of stone steps they encountered while Dee diligently waited for her friend. “You realize you’re not a child, right?” Dee asked after Jay’s third skipping trip.
“I may not look like one on the outside, but on the inside, I’m really five years old.” She laughed while Dee shook her head. 
They walked a little ways further when Jay’s eyes went wide. “What is it?” Dee asked, noticing her friend’s excitement.
“It’s Palseokdam Pond.” She squealed rushing forward. Dee glanced around, smiling apologetically at the bystanders before taking off after her friend.
“What’s so exciting about Palseokdam Pond?”
“First, it’s made from eight stones gathered from eight provinces in Korea, and second, it has a wishing well.” Jay indicated the odd cone spiral located a few feet from the edge of the walk way. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I have a wish to make.” There was a thin jut of concrete closer to the wishing well, and that was where Jay decided to situate herself. Anxiety rumbled through Dee as she watched her friend balance on the outcropping and aim her coin. She could just imagine her losing her balance and falling in the river. But Jay kept her footing as she threw the coin. It sailed through the air and sunk perfectly in the center of the cone. 
“Don’t jump!” Dee warned before her friend could get over-excited about her accomplishment. 
“I’m not going to fall into the pond.”
“You don’t know that.” Dee helped her friend back onto the main pathway. “This is the start of the river walk right?” Jay nodded as she settled onto the pathway.
“Yeah, we started at the end, but I don’t think it really matters how you walk it.”
“I meant since we’re at the beginning, and there is nowhere else to walk we should probably head back to the hotel.” Jay ‘oh-ed’ and nodded her head. They took a bus back to the hotel, and Jay decided to take a shower. They had spent the first half of the day traveling and the later half exploring Seoul. She felt disgusting. Dee had taken a shower when they first got to the hotel, so the girl simply changed and climbed into bed. 
Coming out of the bathroom, Jay found her propped up on pillows scrolling through her phone. Plopping on the opposite side of the bed, Jay ran a brush through her hair.
“What do you want to do tomorrow before the concert?” Dee asked. Got7’s concert was the highlight of their trip which was why they had planned their trip with it on the last night of their stay in South Korea. However, the concert wasn’t till the evening, leaving them a whole day of exploring.
“I’d really like to go to Cheongdam-dong, see the studios, see the stores, obviously not buy anything because we’re poor AF, but I think it’d still be fun to-” She paused as a wave of vertigo washed over her.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I think our hard days of travel are catching up with me.”
“Get some sleep. I’m good with Cheongdam-dong.” Jay nodded climbing under the covers. She passed out before her head even touched the pillow.
~ ~ ~
“Hyung! Hyung!” The shouts were accompanied by an obnoxious pounding, and Jay wanted to kill both the Hyung and the person pounding. It was far too early for this much noise, and her head echoed with each pound. She couldn’t remember much after they came back to the hotel, but she was certain she hadn’t done anything to account for the ache in her head. 
“Dee, Dee.” She groaned, wondering why the girl wasn’t up and growling at the noise maker. Her friend had a much lower tolerance and the gumption to do something about it.
She received no response, so she reached behind her to nudge the girl. Before she could find her the noise stopped. Jay breathed a sigh of relief and left her friend alone ready to return to sleep.
The door to the room swung open with a bang, and Jay nearly jumped out of the bed. “Whaaaa!” She screeched, grabbing the nearest thing she could find and chunking it at the intruder. The pillow fell short of its target who stood in the doorway staring at her.
“Hyung, we have to leave in 10 minutes. Why are you still sleeping?” The entire sentence was uttered in Korean, and it took a moment for the words to register in her drowsy mind.
“Hyung?” She managed to reply. Lights flared on, and she threw her hands over her face to protect her eyes. As they adjusted, she could make out the blurry figure of the intruder walking towards the bed. She grabbed her remaining pillow. “Dee.” She hissed but heard no reply. She looked to her left and found no blurry image of her friend. Fear rose in her throat. The intruder was closing in, and she clutched her pillow tighter ready to attack.
The intruder was in striking distance. She rolled onto her knees, raised her pillow, and froze, her eye sight clearing. “JB?” The pillow fell limp in her arms as she stared at the idol. “Why are you in my hotel room?” The words came out in a husky English, and she cleared her throat, wracking her brain for how to formulate the sentence in Korean.
“Are you feeling alright, hyung?” JB asked, eyeing her. Hyung? Why was he calling her, hyung? “Like I said we’re leaving in 10 minutes. You need to be ready.” He eyed her again before walking back out, closing the door behind him.
Jay rocked back on her heels. What the hell was going on? She ran a hand threw her hair and nearly screamed. Her hair was gone! She jumped out of the bed and nearly tumbled over. Her body felt awkward, and she had to focus on moving her legs as she made her way to the bathroom. She flicked on the light, and this time she did scream.
“What the-” She clamped a hand over her mouth. That wasn’t her voice. That wasn’t her face staring back at her. Hyung made sense now. JB only had one Hyung in Got7. Mark.
Mark stared out of the mirror at her. Mark moved his arm when she moved her’s. Mark’s mouth opened when she opened hers. “What’s going on?” Mark’s voice asked.
She glanced down at her flat chest, long arms, and lean legs. No wonder she couldn’t walk. How could this boy walk on these tooth picks? She picked up her foot and wiggled it. Something else wiggled when she moved. She clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle. When she looked back in the mirror, Mark’s face was bright red.
Removing her hand from her mouth, she took a deep breath. She raised her hand, and as hard as possible slapped herself. The sting brought tears to her eyes, and she watched the blood swell in Mark’s cheek. Nope, she wasn’t dreaming. She was currently in Mark Tuan’s body, and she had just slapped Mark Tuan’s face. “I’m so sorry, Mark. Wait. Mark are you in here.” She eyed the face in the mirror watching for any twitch or indication that she was not the only one in the body. It didn’t feel like anyone else was in the body, but then she didn’t know what it would feel like to share a body with someone. 
“Mark-hyung, are you ready?” Jackson. That was Jackson’s voice. She would recognize it anywhere. Jackson was here and JB and probably all the other boys, and they thought she was Mark because she was in Mark’s body. Her head started to throb again. “Hyung.”
“Just a minute!” Jay called back in Korean. She took a steadying breath. Freaking out would not solve the situation, only make it worse. She needed to calm down and formulate a plan, but first she had to get ready. She didn’t need Got6 breathing down her neck as she tried to figure out what was going on.
She walked back into what she realized was Mark’s room. The boys had really come up in the world. Their new dorm was nice, but there was no time to dwell on that. She marched towards the closet and pulled out a pair of jeans, a shirt, and a hoodie. It probably wasn’t the most fashionable ensemble, but it would have to do.
Throwing the clothes on the bed, she lifted the hem of her shirt and froze. She was about to undress Mark Tuan. Dee would kill her. Not really, but she did feel like she was betraying her friend. There was no way around it though. She had to change. Mark couldn’t go wherever he was going in the clothes he slept in.
She kept her eyes closed throughout the changing process and refused to change the boxers. That was a line she wouldn’t cross.
“Hyung!” She jumped as all the blood drained out of her face. That was Jinyoung’s voice. She edged towards the door and cracked it open. Jinyoung stood on the other side, hands on his hips. “Are you ready?” Jay nodded and slipped out the door, clicking it shut behind her.
Her eyes never left Jinyoung. He was even more beautiful in person. She just wanted to touch him, and she could. She was Mark after all. Mark probably touched Jinyoung all the time. But before she could test her theory, Jinyoung was walking away. He reached the end of the hall and glanced back at her. “Are you coming?”
Jay shook her head and strode after him. The rest of the members were waiting for them in the living room, and the live sight of Got6 left Jay breathless and in fear of passing out.
“Everyone’s here.” Someone Jay didn’t recognize said. “Let’s go.“ The seven were ushered out of the dorm and downstairs to a waiting car.
part 2 -> 
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