#thank you sweetpea!!
shaanks · 15 days
I hope your weekend will be amazing and make up for how bad today was 🫂💕💕
What are your top 5 favorite sea creatures (mythical or real!)?
As always you are the loveliest hon, thank you. 🫂🫂🫂
Giant Squid. That guy minds his business and is very large, love him.
Seals!!! Like every kind, even tho I think leopard seals are kinda spooky. (honorable mention baikal seals even tho they are not sea creatures technically)
Sea Otters!! this list is in no particular order I think but yeah, they're wonderful and I love them!
ghost sharks. they just look like weird little puppies to me.
Killer whales! They have thoughts and continue to take them out on yachts and I think that's lovely.
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inkykeiji · 7 months
i’m in the process of getting my drivers license (i’m a little late since i’m 21 and most people in my country get theirs when they’re 18 :b) and i can’t help but think abt touya-nii teaching me how to drive in his stupidly fancy car. on that note, just out of curiosity, would touya prefer to drive a manual or an automatic car? also out of curiosity, although i mentioned him teaching me how to drive in his car, would he? or would he be like tomura and wouldn’t even let me NEAR his precious baby (not sure though maybe if i cried a little) anyways i hope you’re doing alright!!!! kisses<3<3
aw good for you!!! c: HEHE that’s actually such a cute idea omg!! touya would absolutely teach you how to drive—touya style, of course, which is to say when you mess up you owe him something. and he isn’t going to make it easy for you, either (where’s the fun in that!?). expect his lips at your ear, teeth scraping along the curve of the cartilage and tongue curling over the lobe to envelop it in the heat of his mouth; expect sloppy kisses strung in a messy trail down your neck, connected by thick webs of saliva that cool and freeze the moment his mouth moves on to plant another peck; expect his hands on your thighs, up your skirt or down your waistband, hungry and vying fingers selfishly taking what’s theirs.
and when you complain that it’s dangerous, whine that you can’t concentrate with him hanging off of you, he scoffs and snorts and rolls his eyes—what? you thought your driving conditions would always be perfect? ideal? that you won’t have to deal with distractions? silly little thing, he’s only teaching you how to drive despite distractions; if anything, he’s doing you a favour, you should be grateful you have such a thoughtful, considerate big brother.
on how he drives: manual, always, and he’s absolutely insufferable about it (one of those types who believes those who drive manual are superior to those who drive automatic). poor natsuo decided to drive manual too, purely because his niisan does, and he knows touya-nii would look down on him if he didn’t (what? scared of a little work? don’t you want total control?), and he doesn’t ever want that.
also, ur absolutely right that tomura wouldn’t allow you behind the wheel of any of his precious babies, but he would have his outrageously rich daddy buy you and equally outrageous car to ‘learn on’. and don’t worry, he promises he’ll buy you something better the very instant you pass your exam ♡
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sentientcave · 5 months
your new chapter of retirement party was amazing! i love how price was tender w/ reader even if she tried to escape. i need to know what he told the boys i know he berated them good. thank you so much for an amazing chapter as usual!! also sorry english isnt my first language :<
First off, never apologize for your english, you speak more than one language, which puts you one up on me! You're doing great
And I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Writing Price is so much fun, dancing between insidious and charming and leaving everyone wondering if he's a good guy or a very bad one is downright delightful. And we do find out some of what he said to the boys in one of the next few chapters! I can't wait for the yelling people are going to do about it. >:)
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ex0rin · 1 year
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LOWER DECKS S01E01: ✨Second Contact✨ Hey brad! Good news buddy! It's just suckling you!
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yukikorogashi · 6 days
''Ooooh....'' Kamui couldn't help but found himself intrigued when he saw the young girl with a hammer that may be about twice her size. Without even asking, he decides to swipe it away to sate this curiosity of his. It certainly wasn't all that heavy.
''You know... I don't see a lot of humans capable of lifting something this big.'' Kamui couldn't help smiling with amusement when casually swinging the weapon around.
''I'm pretty sure something like this can crack a skull easily. Maybe along with the brain too, have you done that before? Well, you don't exactly look at all innocent despite how young you are. Hahaha.''
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During his laughter, the hammer would slip from his grip, and tumble into a building at an insane speed. ''Oh whoops, my bad~! ♫''
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IT HAD ALL HAPPENED SO FAST, for before she had even registered the curious coo directed her way, her hammer would be swiped from right under her very nose. An astonished and aghast gasp escaping her, as she whipped her attention towards the culprit in question. Her immediate next course of action being to try and get it back from this annoyingly cheerful stranger. Waving her hands frantically up at him, as she tip-toed, and even hopped up and down in hopes of reaching it.
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"H-Hey! G-Give dat back, bro!!!"
Didn't his MOMMA teach him that it ain't polite to just take things without asking???
She had barely managed to catch most of the things he was babbling on about in the midst of all this (Seriously, bro?!). Simply focused on trying to get her weapon back from @lostusagis, before he ended up doing something regrettable with it. Though, her features would contort just a smidge in confusion, when he had addressed her as HUMAN. As her gaze flashed itself back to the stranger's gleeful features-- outside of his inhuman strength, one wouldn't even be able tell that he wasn't human. And with that said... just what was he? And why does he kinda remind her of someone then?
And before Itsuki was even able to address his next, rather concerning remark...
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All the poor girl could do then was run haplessly after her hammer, and deal with the INEVITABLE DESTRUCTION that was going to greet her-- the moment she reached that poor building. It was just moving much too fast for her to summon it back to her. But Goddess knows that on this day, she was going to UP ON HER TRAINING, so that this will never happen again!
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puppiedogs · 2 months
c f h l m!!!!! I love you btw :)
hello i love you also as well additionally :) C: What character do you identify with most? well it's mox. like i think it's pretty obviously mox. that's my goofy guy. sometimes when i'm stuck on mox dialogue i ask myself what i would say in this situation and it seems to have worked out really well historically i must say F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic? okay this is the fic that immediately came to mind when i saw the phrase hurt/comfort and that is Reign Him In by @sarahcakes613 which i sometimes think about when i am just sitting around in the world. everything i love about hurt/comfort as a genre tbh !! H: How would you describe your style? of writing? fuckin. goofy. like sometimes i try to write something that is purely angst and it's just not in the cards for me. i'm pretty silly. and i use a lot of. uniquely evocative descriptions. i've also been told the way i describe food is: offputting. so i guess really i have no idea L: What's the weirdest AU you've ever come up with? i mean, food truck au is pretty weird. bones, bones is a pretty weird universe, i think. craigslist, obviously, as you know, is genuinely barely clinging on to canon by a thread, so that's a real good contender. i used to not write aus in wrestling fandom, if you'll believe that. i used to only write canon fic. but the thing about that is that i'm neurotic and i need things to be accurate and correct if fact checked. so. that's not really sustainable M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share? god i have so many. i have a fic that is a conversation held through thrown paper planes. i have a fic that's a mick foley gender study three genders of foley sort of thing. i'm still working on size kink fic, slowly but surely. i also have been working on making the spreadsheets for the first and last main story spreadsheet fics. which is honestly very fun and i'm having a great time!!!
ask me question :)
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maternal-extinct · 1 year
your suicide post is nice, kinda comforting to think about who id go to. thank you.
i wish it was a promise i could keep. i wouldnt be so afraid if i could tuck you in and pet your head as you drift off.
it would be enough to carry your ghost close to my heart, to tend and keep whats left safe enough to get some rest. its okay little one, mommy has got you, theres no need to be so scared anymore. i love you, ill sing you are my sunshine as a lullaby. ive got you, sweetpea, ive got you.
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"mick-- i mean, sweetpea-- get down from there!"
"meow meow MEOW MEow meooooow." (loosely translates to "not until i maul that squirrel who ate your tomatoes, that lil fucker's gonna pay.")
"... carry on, then."
(sorry this is random lol i saw the pic and couldn't resist)
sweetpea - dedicated security guard of ian's garden 🐈‍⬛👊🏻🍅
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shealmostdrowned · 5 months
fav TTPD lyric(s) today? I hope you are doing well despite the hecticness! 💝
it feels like the time she fell through the ice and came out alive
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suga-kookiemonster · 1 year
late to the game, but here’s one for Yoongi if you like it!
“why is our dining table covered with pears?”
YG “you said you liked them”
always an avid supporter, Ashley! 💕
It had been a long day at work—a long month, in all honesty—and all you really wanted was to take a long shower, scarf down a bag of Cheetos for dinner, and crash. Maybe lay prostrate on the couch while your roommate watched whatever documentary he was into this week. So, when you finally were able to drag yourself home, this was not what you expected to be greeted with. 
“…Yoongi,” you called out, perplexed. “Why is our dining table covered with pears?”
His simple answer floated from another room. “You said you liked them.” 
Your vision blurred.
✨true drabble game✨
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shaanks · 2 months
Hiiiiiya! how are you? Sorry for being MIA for a while😅 are you well? How's baby pickle?
I send you all lots of hugs, love, hot chocolate (for you), lots of treats and all the good vibes in the universe ❤️
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AWWWWW heya honey!!! There's nothing to apologize for, your time is precious and yours, but I'm certainly glad to see you again! :) Pickle is doing so so so well, she's fully recovered and back to her talkative and cuddly self. It was a weird period of months, but we're doing okay <3 Thank you for asking!
I am sharing all the love, hugs, hot chocolate and treats with you my friend!!! It's been a crazy year, let's have a nice time together eh?
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if ure still doing sidestep asks... 8, 11, and 25 for oro!!
💎8. are they more calculating or more sincere in their interactions with others?
She’d like to think she’s calculating, but she definitely driven my emotions. So she’s almost always sincere, that can go for both negative and positive interactions.
💎11. are they more self-serving or more focused on others’ needs?
Self serving 100% selfish little girl
💎25. do they prefer to be alone or with other people?
Mmm it wouldn’t really matter to her…so I would say alone? She can be in a crowd and just not interact with them? Wouldn’t be inclined to interact with them without something to gain?
If people are not interacting with her or the other way around they might as well be mannequins, npc’s? Extreme neutral
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inkykeiji · 1 year
hii!! if it’s still available, 12- (faulty) with 1950s keigo !!
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prompt: faulty series: 1950s au warnings: just angst rly, but fluffy angst ehehe words: 366
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Sometimes he fears there’s something faulty with him; something loose, something missing, something broken—something that isn’t exactly right. 
It’s a black smudge of tarnish on his golden soul, a dark cloud that blots out and swallows down his eternal warmth in the dead of night, when the wind is still and the house stops creaking and everything is stiff, stifling, silent. 
That’s normally when they begin to leak out, sharp fragments of insecurity, jagged shards of past lives, slicing his tongue to bits as they pry past his lips, desperate to make themselves known, heard, real.  
To you. 
It’s a compulsion, almost—an uncontrollable need to tell you, to let you in, to let you see all of him, every single part, even the splintered slivers that might cut your soft flesh if you wander a little too close. 
They’re pieces of him he’s never shown to anyone before, never allowed anyone to hold in their palms or turn over in their fingers for fear that they may fall into the wrong hands, terrified that they may be fashioned into something pointed and dangerous, a weapon made of himself.
To wound himself. 
In his line of work, one can never be too sure.
And even though they hurt to release, words razored as they tear up his throat, leaving it raw and burning, they feel good to let go of, too, even if only for a little while. 
They burrow themselves back within him eventually, as always, before the sun creeps over the horizon and dispels the protective veil of night. They must return to their rightful places, edges just barely dulled by your love, because as piercing and painful as they are, they’re still a part of him, too; a part of his history, a part of his life’s mosaic, bloodied and broken but his nonetheless.  
There is something faulty within him, but he doesn’t want you to fix it, or replace it, or mend it at all. He only wants you to hold it sometimes, to soothe it with your gentle voice and place it back in its proper spot with your tender hands, to accept it as it is, malfunctioning and all. 
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gibsonwitch · 1 year
attn tumblr
my wife is singing songs from rapunzel to our cat
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yukikorogashi · 10 months
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Sketch for @ravusnightblossom! ❤️
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appalamutte · 1 year
realized two of my fics loosely coexist together, so i threw them into their own little series:
and when i hear his voice, it sounds like the rest of my life:
hey, sweetpea [rating: general | words: 1.7k] “Hey, Sweetpea. I won’t be there when you get home. Emergency meeting came up. I’ll see you when I get out. Love you!” (a year told through voicemails) mr. bittle [rating: mature | words: 2.2k] He can feel Bitty’s chest rumble with laughter. “Mr. Bittle.” “Again.” “Mr. Jack Bittle.”
it's just a collection of fics that are set post-canon, and i'll probably maybe add more to it eventually! (when i can get the time and finish other wips i currently have lol)
you can find them on my ao3!
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