#thank you sososososo much for sending this
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aaternum-a · 2 years ago
[ please pretend this is december 6 ] “Ah, Ryu-chan! Happy birthday!” Kakeru beams, only to subsequently pause with a few absentminded blinks rolling off his lone eye when it occurred to him he may have misremembered it. “Wait… I didn’t get the date all wrong, did I? Either way, I got you a little something.”
Sure enough, upon withdrawing an arm from behind his back, he’ll hand her a beautiful silver watch with turquoise gemstones embedded into it, which unlike his, was actually working properly. “Hopefully, you like it. I had it fashioned specifically for you,” he then sheepishly admits.
It was a busy day of work, visitors coming in droves for the holidays and shifts in the exhibit. But once the crowd lulled and the day stretched to night, she was finally free of responsibility. If it weren’t for the red circle over her calendar she would have forgotten it was her birthday by the night's end. But the marker’s ink only serves to remind her it would be another year spent without plans. Oh well. There’s always next year, maybe she could do better to plan before the holiday rush. A certain doctor could do for a night out, if he wasn’t too tired. She laughs at the thought, shaking her head as she readies herself to begin closing the gallery. But her name being called shifts her focus, a bright smile lagging behind as he wishes her a happy birthday. Was this one of those moments where thoughts shift reality? “  Oh, no, no! You .. you got it right.  ” Her eyes crinkle in slight disbelief, “   I just wasn’t expecting you to .. y’know– ” A bright grin curves at her lips, attention diverted to the arm hidden behind his back. 
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She marvels at the gift, soft hands enclosing over the watch almost hesitantly. It wasn’t often someone remembered her birthday, let alone cared enough to hand-deliver a present. “  Like it? Are you kidding me, Hasegawa? I love it!   ” Her eyes glow with earnest delight, arms reaching up to wrap around his shoulders, gentle squeeze as she lingers to embrace for a moment or two. “   You really didn’t have to do this, my little lunches don’t even compare to this. But I’ll treasure it!    ” It’s nearly squealed laughter that follows as she presses it close to her chest. “   Are you .. doing anything? I mean, I know you’re probably tired ‘n all, but .. I’d love to invite you out. No hard feelings if you say no. " A small pause." I mean it is bad luck to say no to me on my birthday, but heh .. I’d really like it if you humored me a few hours more. I’m almost done here too. How 'bout it? ”
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stormyoceans · 18 days ago
*runs up to you*
*drops this at your feet* 👉👈
Happy Valentine’s Day Monica! I hope you have a good Friday and weekend! ☺️❤️
*runs away to hide* 🙈
YOU ARE JUST SOOOOOOOO SWEET AND MY HEART IS SOOOOOOOOO FULL AND THAT JIMMYSEA VIDEO WITH THAT SONG IS SOOOOOOOO PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my kpop knowledge is very limited so i wasn't familiar with it but the concept reminds me a lot of flirting syndrome???? which means this has now become THEE jimmysea song to me!!!!!!
thank you so much for sending me this and for making me smile, and more importantly. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO YOU TOO MY DEAR KAREN!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope your day is going to be full of love, no matter in which form!!!!!!! im sending you tons of it as well on the spiritual plane!!!!!!!! 💜
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strangedisciple · 1 year ago
💌 <3
send me a 💌 and ill say something nice about you!!!!
hi!!!!!! i feel bad because i don't know you all that well but. you seem so nice!!! you have a really really good music taste too!
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sanjisboyfie · 1 year ago
one piece smau: married to robin edition
— kinda implied that robin is some "celebrity" but i kind of just enviosioned her just being a really successful writer or smth LOL
— male reader ! ! !
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liked by nico.robin, nrs.husband, and 12k others
uso_pp: bro is definitely a mama's boy
tagged: nico.robin and nrs.husband
nrs.husband: well i call her mommy in bed anyway so it checks out
-> uso_pp: DEAR GOD.
dni_nami: they're both so whipped for each other, true love is real igggg
[liked by nico.robin, nrs.husband, and 90 others]
freeluffy: is it normal to be this clingy with your girlfriend...[name]'s behavior seems concerning guys ://
-> roro.zoro: it kills me how serious u seem about this
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liked by nrs.husband, dni_nami, and 30k others
nico.robin: my husband is so thoughtful - he's never forgotten to give me floewrs whenver my older ones die <3
tagged: nrs.husband
nrs.husband: if my baby loves flowers IMMA GET HER FLOWERS
-> nico.robin: and i'll treasure them each time my love
princesanji: robin, i too, remember that you love flowers - do you love me now :3?
SUPERCOLA: i thought im the ways of being a SUPPPERRR husband well
-> nrs.husband: SUPPPPEERRRR
dni_nami: were these from your garden?
-> nico.robin: yes :) he has been tending to them ever since he planted them for me so now that they're grown, he made them into a bouqet
[liked nrs.husband, roro.zoro, and 100 others]
-> dni_nami: UGH I DONT KNOW WHY I BOTHER ASKING it's too cute i might kill MYSELF
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liked by nico.robin, princesanji, and 20k others
nrs.husband: before and after the event, so proud of my beautiful girl
tagged: nico.robin
nico.robin: your support means the world to me <3 i love you so much
-> nrs.husband: if you have 1000 fans, i'm one of them. if you have 100 fans, i'm one of them. if you have 10 fans, i'm one of them. if there are no more fans of nico robin in the world, then i'm dead. i love you so sososososo much more my love
uso_pp: someone check up on sanji-
-> roro.zoro: i just heard a thump from the room over, i'm gonna assume he just fell to his knees
skullnsoul: such an elegant couple - YOUNG LOVE IS SO BEAUTIFUL
-> nrs.husband: brook you're like ten years older pls ur not an old man yet LMFAO
-> nico.robin: thank you brook :)
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liked by nrs.husband, dni_nami, and 20k others
nico.robin: my favorite place in the world is his arms
tagged: nrs.husband
nrs.husband: i'll start crying right now.
uso_pp: photo creds robin?? cmon now my work aint free
princesanji: what did [name] do in a past life to deserve a goddess such as yourself, robin-chan?
-> nico.robin: sanji you need to move on <3
[liked by roro.zoro, dni_nami, and 400 others]
freeluffy: mama y papa :DDDD
-> nrs.husband: LUFFY LMFAOOAA
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liked by uso_pp, nrs.husband, nico.robin, and 11k others
dni_nami: the one time we get to see robin and he's hogging all her attention....wtf
tagged: nico.robin and nrs.husband
nico.robin: dw nami i reserved us a girls day at the nearby resort <3
-> dni_nami: mommy? sorry, mommy? mommy? sorry...mommy??
-> nrs.husband: hello????
uso_pp: as if he doesn't get to spend eveyr waking second with her like cmon bruh
-> nrs.husband: my BADD for loving my wife jfc i cant win w u guys
nrs.husband: omg send me this photo she looks so cute here hehehe
-> dni_nami: stfu.
nrs.husband's story:
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i love lovelovelovelove my beautiful wife. everyone is just jealous she's mine <333
nico.robin replied to your story: i wondered why nami just texted me she hated you — you're very cute with this story, [name]. i love you too and am glad that i can call you mine as well <333
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putyourhanddownmy · 2 months ago
i wanna make him feel good so so sososososo bad but I can’t take him very deep and I hate hate hatehate the thought of gagging 😔😖
girl don't worry about not being able to go very deep. just take your time, relax and communicate. the head and the tip are the most sensitive, and on the underside there's a part of skin called the frenulum, that can be very sensitive, my ex liked it, not everyone does (again its very sensitive). Just communicate with him and have fun. It's your first time, don't put so much pressure on yourself. When you get a bit more confident and comfortable, ask if it's alright to use your hands as well.
Ask what he likes, tell him what you want. again, communication is key. have fun and be safe 💖
not trying to be a twat/rehash obvious stuff, my first few sexual experiences were very traumatic, and i just don't want that happening to others. wishing you all the best.
thank u darling!!!!! so very kind of you to send me all this 🥹
I have just been focusing on the tip and the frenulum atm bcus ngl that’s pretty much all I can do atp 😓😓 and I’ve been using my hand a lil bit but I should get better at coordinating my hand and mouth together lol
thank u sosososososooo much doll!
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lifeseriesnovelproject · 7 days ago
hello! first off, i wanted to share how EXCITED I AM FOR THIS PROJECT!!! i am *sososososo* thrilled. my question is about what you mean when you say "editing"! does that mean your have written it and are now double checking for spelling errors, or still writing the first draft(s)? i'd assume it's the latter since you said you'll have beta readers, but i was just curious! thank you so much, and i hope you have a lovely day!! <33
Hello!! Thank you SO much for the enthusiasm, it’s a huge motivator for us here. Right now we’re on our first draft! Our process is a little unorthodox, but simply put is that Rose, our main author, wrote the first draft which functioned as a narrative “transcript” with most quotes and scenes being direct from video. The two editors (Moss and Phil) are editing it to be a more creative narrative with edited dialogue and generally reworking the novel to be at a place we’re all happy with. After that, we’ll open up applications for beta readers which will have a smaller role in editing but will still help. Editors are rewriting and betas are revising, if that makes sense. Feel free to send additional questions if this isn’t clear. Thank you so much for the kind words :3
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alexisomnias · 10 months ago
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— I admire the stars from afar with closed eyes
i love my mutuals 🤍🦢 ( appreciation post )
. alphabetical order
aly @soleillunne
we dont talk all that much, but i see you on my dash and smile, like, every single time. im so nervous to talk to you and i dont even know why DJUSHSJ your just so cool and friendly and literally a superstar to me idk 💕 your sososososo awesome and i admire you a lot!
ceru @ceruleancattail
so awesome, literally such a star. your talent is out of this world, and the kindness in your heart is above all. your one of the most friendly people ive met, and your so so loved and admired, especially by me!! Seeing you on my dash is always such a highlight, and seeing your work is even better. Keep doing what you love because i know you can never truly fail 💕 your just too talented..!!!!!
faera @atsdlura
faera ☹️💕 i love you so much/p, your so light, and full of just love for so many others. your probably one of the most genuinely sweet people i know, and I adore your art. everything about you is sweet and so uplifting! whenever i talk to you I feel better and ready to finish the day! your genuinely sooo awesome and Im sososososo happy we met.
hana @haismie
one of the sunshines of my life. i can never truly put into words how much i actually care lmaoo, your my friend from before the platform, and I’ve seen you grow so much, in both terms of writing and drawing. your so utterly talented and the way you weave words leaves my heart burning! ughhh the boy you are!!! thank you for making my day, everytime you send me a message.
khoi @khoipyan
I MISS YOU BROTHER. everytime i see you pop up instantly my mood is lifted!! your very talented, and awesome, and amazing, and i love seeing you talk about your interests!! THINKING OF YOU 💕 take care
kei @keii-starz
oh kei, i always adore seeing you on my dash. you are so loved, and cared about 💕, im so happy i met you because our conversations always brighten me up. your so supportive and kind, and i just want to cover you in soft blankets as you deserve. thank you for always being so kind!
lei @trappolia
lei, the loml… your so fun and always such a highlight of my day… i love talking about everything ever with you, and dont forget about the birthday fic you wrote me?!?! hello?!?! still look at that consistently btw bcs of how sweet it is! your so talented and i adore your writing so much! your super awesome and im grateful ive got to know someone as bright as you.
millie @poppurini
millie you have to be one of my favorite people on the website tbh, we dont talk as often but literally your so fucking talented and i just want to hang everything you do up in a museum and explain it to passerby’s. your personality is so wonderful, and always cheers me up. your so cool, and fantastic as well, i can find no negatives at  all for knowing you! I appreciate you and your work a lot…!
mika @mikacynth
mika the sweet girl that you are omg. your not online as much anymore but every time you are I can just feel the positive vibes uplifting 💕 you mean so much to so many people are your very cared about i hope you know. your very talented and super intelligent. i appreciate you a lot!
misha @mishantics
MISHAAA i hope you know everytime i come across something you reposted on tiktok i scream your name in my head!!!!!! your such a talented artist and someone worthy of inspiration! I appreciate you so so much, and you deserve the best!
skylia @kaiserkisser
skylia oh what a flower you are. YOUR SO AMAZING AND KIND!!! your one of the people i’ve known for longest, and i appreciate you so much for all the kind words you throw at everyone. i love seeing you on my dash, and i appreciate you silently 💗 even if i dont message you a lot i hope you know i do see you
vi  @floraldresvi
. vi, to me your everything good in this world. your always there for me no matter how small or big and you always make me feel included, make me feel worth something. I admire you a lot, and i think your plenty awesome with everything you do, your totally lovable! im sooo grateful i met you, genuinely, you make so many of my days full! 💕
ying @xianyoon
YING YOUR SO COOL… your such a big sibling figure to me and I look up to you so so much, more then you could know. If your the sun, im a star taking in your light in the hopes i can shed that much love on others you do with your warmth. your so admirable and i want to be like you!
. . .
this has been a stressful tiring month for a lot of us, so just know your all cared about and loved 💕
if your a mutual and not on here, wait awaiting in your inbox
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girl-named-matty · 4 months ago
i did send an anon but i wanna send you one without being anon letting you know that i‘m super happy to have you as a friend and that i appreciate your work sososososos much (i‘ve been secretly a fan since i joined tumblr tbh I LOVE MATTY SM😭) thank you for bringing our babies together and for always being suuuper supportive! I‘ll give it all back 🫂🤍 ilyyyy 🤍
You are such an amazing friend and a sweet individual. I'm so lucky to have you as my friend and you make this fandom such an amazing experience! 🥺🥺
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acslytherpuff · 4 months ago
honestly i‘m overwhelmed by all the love and sweet anon messages i got today! I don‘t know how to express how i feel rn - there are no words for that… but it means A LOT to me! I don‘t lie when i say this blog is my safe place!
Thank you so much for giving me and my children love… and incredible support! 🥹<3
I‘m so thankful for having you guys and sharing a fandom with yall! Yall are so precious to me <3
sending kisses and huggies and much much much much love!! Thank you sososososo much <3
I will always try to improve and try to bring our kiddos all together!
Also i wanted to say thank you to all the friends i‘ve made here - you guys are the best!
My dm‘s r always open for everyone! Just for saying hi ; doing a collab or talking about random things just hmu! <3
Much love <3
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nanis4thewin · 1 year ago
Imma be honest…right now quackity seems like a busy man, meaning he doesn’t have so much time to spend with u so every moment u meet up with him, he makes sure he cherishes it.
very long happy and sometimes chaotic FaceTime with him while he travels
After a long week of travelling and jet lagged naps, he makes sure to give u all his attention and love
cuddling u and him ranting about how much he missed you even though you two facetime multiple times, everyday.🤷🏻‍♀️
sending each other silly pics of random things
if u know how to cook he’d beg to help you cook…and u say yes even if you have a bad feeling about it😍
ur instincts were somewhat correct and now your kitchen is messed up😭 it’s ok tho cus he helps u clean up💗
idk about u but I remember quackitys gingerbread stream with his tiger costume so just imagine that…but u two have matching onesies‼️‼️ (Yes I’m kinda in the Christmas mood already)
your gingerbread house either looks like a perfectionist made it, or it’s like a sequel to quackitys gingerbread house…
ok wait now I’m in a halloween mood
pulls up with a ridiculous costume but I feel like he would ask you to match him him during halloween
he would be very lowkey about it and hopes you say yes even though he knows your gonna say yes💀
if you and him are at the point where you’re both comfortable with sharing each other online then he’d definitely post you on his story🤗
uhhhh yah that’s all, sorry if it sounds rly clustered😭😭
quackity would ur little sad stinkin face as he gets ready to leave on a trips. Like u look like sat cat just looking at him not saying anything he’d just be like “🥲”. When he comes from trips he ALWAYS tries to give u his attention even if u dont ask for it.
defiantly he thinks u look so pretty on the computer laptop if u use a laptop <3 sososososo maybe pictures of u 2 doing dumb faces or sometimes when one of u guys say something weird. u guys make a ‘😟’ face. and alex would take a picture of it, and when u guys text and u say something rather concearing, he’e send that picture of u making that ‘😟’ face. Like using u as a reaction meme
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this is how i’d imagine ur messages together <3 he’d totally want u to send him pictures of u, so he can see u everyday he’s gone.
if u cook with him on a stream or something. U’ll be doing all the cooking. Alex would just being watching say “look what i did guys!” while ur working ur butt off as alex just said “I made that :D!”
he’d think u look adorable in ur onesie. If u have s little tail on ur butt, he would tug on it , amd then giggling when ur like “WHAT THE HECK?!”. He would hug u around ur shoulders from the back because he liked to the the fluffiness of the onesie (and he likes hugs)
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quackity:do u like my costume
you: yea its cute
quackity:…u know i have another one in the room if u like it so much 😚😚
and you’re like “jm good thanks 😙”. he wouldn’t ask u directly to put on the costume but small things he does woukd kinda make it obvio.”hey look! this couple did matching costumes! aha…. u know maybe we can do that to 🫣🫣🫣”
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uhhhitsme · 7 months ago
002: Barb Larvenor?
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
thank you snarky-wallflower the mutual of all time for sending me these i would die and kill for you
HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: i am very genuinely truly in love with her. she is the light of my life. i cannot go a single day without thinking of her. i want her to kiss me on the mouth and then rant to me about some gadget i most definitely will not understand while i stare at her dreamily. she's just sososososo incredible i love her so much words cannot describe it. she's happy and smart and loves herself and talks too much and is loud and bold and brash i LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!
ALL THE PEOPLE I SHIP ROMANTICALLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: i am a spyentist truther til the day i DIE !! i know that half the people in this fandom dont see the point of it and i get it but i just fucking LOVE the idea of their dynamic!!! i also used to think her and the informant would also be a very funny pairing
MY NON-ROMANTIC OTP FOR THIS CHARACTER: carvenor save me carvenor carvenor CARVENOR!!!!!!!!! let them geek out about cool sciency things together while tatiana and curt stare in befuddlement!!!!!!!!!! let them be pathetic and bad and terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!! owen deserves friends barb deserves friends PUT THEM TOGETHER NOW. i also very much see them as two people who are outwardly very different but inwardly very similar and therefore they deserve to have each other.
MY UNPOPULAR OPINION ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: okay i wildly flip between the different options for this character, and i definitely see the bi vision, but i also really like the idea that she's a lesbian with the worst case of comphet known to mankind. i like bi barb a lot too but idk i like projecting on my characters actually she deserves a little bit of lesbianism. as a treat.
ONE THING I WISH WOULD HAPPEN WITH THIS CHARACTER: i need more content. i need it. i. RUAGHGHAHG. i would also love more art/content for her because she's so expressive and fun!!! honestly one of my favourite characters!!!!!!!! like she's so me in every single way (loud!! loves talking to people!!! enjoys whimsy and joy!!!!!!!!!!) and idk i love her so much guys please appreciate my girl please guys
MY CROSSOVER SHIP: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm her and esther (solve it squad) would be interesting
A HEADCANON: hmmmmmm. hmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. closing my eyes praying the vision comes to me. if you are nice to her One time she will be devoted to you because like. a lot of people arent nice to her and it sucks. also she's a sucker for cute romance books but absolutely adores horror. she's read all of HP lovecrafts books a million trillion times. also she loves making shitty bad science puns and pick-up lines.
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wasurenaghost · 3 months ago
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HELLO HII THIS MADE ME CRY A LITTLE OMFG???????????? IM HAPPY YOU LIKE MY WORKS AAAAAA 😭😭😭😭 you make such pretty pretty jewelry and im sending you sososososo much love hehe <3
omg you saw it so fast HELLO KYAAA idk how to tumblr so i never expect my posts to be seen....i saw your name in my notes and lost my mind a little UISHFUHSF THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR AMAZING WRITING!!!! AND FOR SEEING MY JEWELRY!!
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boogflake · 4 months ago
I was going to leave this anon style, but I forgot that you can't send photo's as an anon. But sadly for me, I still wanted to send this (embarrassing) shit post to you. Because I do, indeed, really love your art. I'm not on here as regularly anymore but I'm glad to see your art every time :)
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prince-simon · 3 months ago
🌸 7 and 9 for the ask game ?
hello! thanks for the ask i'm excited hehe (also fully was so confused about the flower bc i have reblogged that writer asks thing as well but it had only fruits. i can read ksksk)
7. Who do you feel most like yourself around?
easy. definitely my fiance @sterek-unhinged and my best friendssss @toffeelemon & @aro-of-artemis who i love sososososo much MUAH MUAH MUAH and i could probably go into a whole sappy monologue about them here but i won't so. yes. them.
9. Best childhood moment?
my first thought for this was definitely how on friday nights my sister and i would go to my grandparents' house and stay with them (sometimes sleep over) while my dad was going into orchestra rehearsal and we'd just spend the night watching tv but it's just the coziest memory i have i think. i'm still seeing them almost every friday but i'm now going to orchestra myself and it's just different when you're grown up hahah also. there's not the same programs on tv anymore so that's a tragedy lol
send me a question!
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sprite-and-the-bunnydragons · 2 months ago
💛 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome!!! 💛
😭😭😭 thank you sososososo much!!! You are super amazing too!
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ultr6violnce · 1 year ago
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