#thank you once again op!!
kainereee · 1 year
HI i saw your leona/vil art where you mentioned an organised crime au !!! me and my friends thought it was super pretty (and i love ur art style a ton) so i wanted to ask if you'd like to talk more about the au :D no worries if not
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Op I would love to talk about this au!! Hello to you and your friends by the way!! I'm glad you like my art this was lovely to wake up to 🫂 🫂
I will preface some content warnings now though as this is an organised crime au I will be talking about some upsetting topics 🙇🏽‍♀️
I made this au with my dear friend who commissioned me this piece. The organised crime au is set in a place where the houses are syndicates or businesses working in organised crime, with a few exceptions!
In leovil's case, Leona is in charge of Savannaclaw, which is a smaller branch of the entire Kingscholar syndicate. They do the typical dirty work of the monarch of that land — hits, organ dealing, and they basically rule the black market and the auctions that happen there. Whereas Vil leads Pomefiore who act as the watchdogs, closely working with Diasomnia who are like a secret police of sorts. Vil is very good friends with Silver in this au and he often accompanies him on missions! Either way Savannaclaw and Pomefiore are intertwined as both are hands used by those in power to control the underground — one to keep control over it and the other to keep it in check enough so that no syndicate has too much power.
Leovil ( as per usual ) have quite the complicated past. Vil was originally a rising star on the broadway equivalent of their world. He met Leona on set as one of his co-stars and tried to resist all his advances for like the good part of a year but come on it's Leona Kingscholar so they did really fall in love. They got engaged, and everything was going so so well until Vil was brought to an odd location to find Eric ( the original watchdog before him ) held hostage by the Kingscholars and then actually killed in front of him. It all comes to light to Vil then and there that Leona was in on and part of this plan. The Kingscholars were tired of submitting to some hand of power and wanted more freedom, wanted more, and the first step was to of course eliminate the one person stopping them from completely dominating the criminal underground and the rest of his group.
Vil doesn't remember much of what happened after that aside from when Leona was ordered to restrain him after his father was killed right in front of him he snapped. Killing Eric in front of him probably was some attempt at mindbreak, and it did that but had the opposite effect where Vil was consumed with rage and killed both of Leona's parents present. Falena had fled, and Vil left Leona half dead, leaving a scar on his eye with the dagger he tried to restrain him with.
Vil had never killed anyone before that. Vil knew self-defense, sure, but he'd never taken someone's life nor known that his father was the monarch's watchdog. So when he flees from the scene not only is he dealing with the reality that supposedly every bit of their love was a lie and his father's death, he's also dealing with the fact he has blood on his hands and without even asking for it was flung far and deep into a world that he never asked to be part of. But this is Vil, and Vil knows that he can cry, scream, complain all he wants but nobody can turn back time. So when Diasomnia later sought him out, he accepted their help and protection in exchange for whatever help he could provide himself. He announced early retirement from theatre and his career as an actor. He went from walking into rooms and having people swarm him with glee to walking into rooms and having people look at him with disdain.
Fast forward a good 7 years ( leovil are in their late 20s in the piece I drew ) and leona and vil have been occasionally crossing paths in the underground and by crossing paths I mean multiple homoerotic hate-filled encounters where they spit words at each other with their knives up to each others' throats and curse each others' names for everything they've ruined for each other. Vil though working with Diasomnia has the ultimate goal of bringing down the Kingscholars and killing Leona once and for all.
Vil thinks Leona has never had an ounce of love or care for him, and whatever they were, and has always hated him equally until one day Leona asks his help in killing Falena. Now when asked by your ex fiancé if you'll work directly alongside him after he made a fool out of you and literally ruined your life of course Vil didn't accept immediately and had every suspicion of him, but eventually he does because it would make his goal easier. So the two embark on that terrible journey. There's multiple arguments, multiple times where they definitely also kill each other, but there's also little moments of clarity. When it's just them in the office and Leona is asleep on his couch, or when they've come back from one of their missions and Leona so quickly comes to his aid at a sprained ankle despite claiming to care little for a "pretty face" at all. It's a lot of heartache of things that remind them too much of a ruined past, and for Vil a lot of confusion and just the question of "why?". If there was even an ounce of love in his heart why would he do this to him?
And the story goes from there!
I've talked extensively about Vil here haha as if this was a fic it would be told from Vil's point of view, but also my good friend is a far better person to ask in interpreting Leona. I also went on quite the ramble here so if anything is confusing or if you'd like to know more you're free to ask!
Live laugh leovil 🫶 thank you for taking interest in my silly au
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lowpolyanimals · 9 months
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Rabbit from Runescape 2 (10 April 2006 – 20 March 2007)
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imerian · 6 months
Aaaaand i decided to post more of my f1 crafts here so here landoscar edition (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Onse again photo without doodles under cut and some rambling in tags
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novorehere · 1 year
Famished First-Time
Hello friends! This is an especially special post that I am very excited about, because the story you’re about to read was not written by myself. A friend who would like to remain anonymous submitted this amazing story to me and wanted me to post it to my blog for you all to enjoy. While they don’t have their own vore blog, I hope you can all enjoy and give them some praise and feedback! Words cannot describe how much I ADORE it, and I think you all will too no matter if you’re familiar with Obey Me or not <3 
“Thank you!” Yuki, the lovely young cashier, smiled sweetly as Rayfa plunked down the appropriate amount of Grimm—plus a generous tip—onto the counter. “Come again!”
“You know I will!” Rayfa laughed, and the demon chick behind the counter laughed too. They had become fast friends—what with Rayfa being a proud regular and all—and Yuki knew she’d be back again within the week.
It always started with an unrelated shopping trip. An excursion to buy some nail polish and ribbons for her next sleepover with Asmo. Or perhaps an errand to pick up the newest video game Levi had pre-ordered, for he was too anxious to go out himself. Regardless of where her ventures began, they always ended back at the bakery—where she could purchase a little something for Beel. It hardly cost her anything (mostly because Yuki gave her legendary discounts) and Beel always got so adorably excited when she came home with dessert, so of course Rayfa had made it into a habit. It was such an easy way to put a smile on his face! How could she not?
“I’m already looking forward to it!” Yuki beamed. “See you next week, hun!”
“See you then!”
Rayfa carefully lifted the hefty white cake box into her hands, then began her leisurely walk back to the House of Lamentation, the soft chimes of the bakery’s doorbell twinkling faintly behind her. It was a lovely night outside, pleasantly warm but with the welcome caveat of a gentle breeze. It was the kind of evening that Rayfa liked to spend admiring the beauty of the Devildom, but something about this particular night was making her uneasy. She felt like she was being watched—nay, hunted. Instinctively, she quickened her pace, trying not to think about it. It was surely just her imagination.
Rayfa was maybe two blocks away from salvation—the HoL—when disaster finally struck. Out of nowhere, Rayfa felt burly/muscular arms wrap uncomfortably tightly around her waist. She readied herself to scream, but a freakishly large hand—with claws—clamped down over her mouth. She fought and kicked as violently as she could, but humans were no match for demons, and her attackers callously dragged her into the nearest alleyway.
Once they were far enough back not to be spotted from the sidewalk, Demon #1 forced her up against the wall and spat out an impatient order.
“I’m going to remove my hand now. Scream, and we’ll make things far messier than they need to be. You understand?”
Rayfa, shaking with fear, nodded frantically. Devildom nights were darker than black, and the streets had been relatively barren earlier, anyway. Rayfa doubted that anyone would come running even if she did scream. The clawed hand was removed, and Rayfa gasped for breath. It wasn’t that she couldn’t breathe before; She was just relieved to get that grimy hand away from her face.
“It’s not every day you see a human ’round these parts…” Demon #1 chuckled darkly.
Rayfa spied two more demons over his shoulder. So there were three of these fuckers, then.
Demon #1 stepped forward to grab her chin—to force her to look at him—which Rayfa desperately wanted to resist. Her self-preservation instincts told her to keep quiet though, and frustratedly, she obeyed.
…Until the dirtbag harassing her stepped purposefully on top of the cake box that had fallen from her grasp during the scuffle.
“That was for my friend…!” Rayfa growled angrily, surprising even herself with how upset she had gotten on Beel’s behalf—especially when her own current predicament was so much worse.
“Yeah, well-” Demon #1 scoffed and cruelly kicked the cake box aside. He stepped closer—again—and made a very deliberate show of licking his lips. “Your friend’s not the only one who needs to eat.”
Rayfa went pale. This guy was actually Oberon levels of creepy. (Levi would have been so proud of Rayfa for that SAO reference.)
“Wait! You-! You can’t eat me!” Rayfa squeaked. “I’m, like, the face of the exchange program! You could ruin relations between the three realms forever!”
“Tch. Like we care about that!” Demon #2 mocked boisterously. “We never wanted to make friends with those stuck-up celestials in the first place!”
“And humans, of course, are just snacks!” Demon #1 tacked on gleefully. “Who gives a fuck if Diavolo’s little exchange program falls through?”
Rayfa gritted her teeth. She wanted to argue more, but they had clearly already made up their minds. She was so royally screwed.
Demon #3, who had been relatively silent throughout the whole exchange, suddenly stepped closer. He was easily the largest of the three degenerate demons; Rayfa had to tilt her head almost all the way back just to meet his eyes. Intimidating. Demon #3 stared her down with the ferocity of a lion. Then he began to speak—quietly yet gruffly—the words foreign and unrecognizable. Suddenly, realization dawned on her. He was reciting a hex.
But by the time Rayfa realized, it was already too late. Her body shrank rapidly and she dizzily watched the world around her grow larger and larger and larger—until finally, she was left untouched at 2-3 inches tall. Things were not looking good for her. But! At such a small size, they couldn’t possibly clamp a hand down over her mouth again! Right?
Desperately, Rayfa began to recite the one phrase she prayed could get her out of this mess:
“Hear me, denizens of the darkness, you who are born of shadow and you who give birth to it! Hear me and do as I command!”
“Stop her!” Demon #1 roared furiously, and Demon #3 (the nearest) made a desperate grab for her. Rayfa just barely managed to scramble out of the way before he could get his grubby hands on her, silently cursing the fact that the summoning incantation was so ungodly long. Nevertheless, she was determined to see it through.
“I, Rayfa, call upon you to send forth one of your number! I summon the Avatar of- HnghGruh!”
Though he had failed to grab her, Demon #3 was still determined to shut her up. He backhanded her—hard—which was enough to garble her words and send her flying backwards across the pavement. Rayfa winced at the scrapes she received. They were gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow, assuming she lived to see it.
Interrupted as she may have been, though, the spell—blessedly—had still gone through. There was a blinding flash of golden light, and then there, standing before her, was none other than…
Mammon, the Avatar of Greed.
Rayfa had (admittedly) been hoping for Lucifer, but whatever panicked sound she’d made upon being swatted away had apparently sounded more like the word greed than the word pride. Honestly though, Rayfa was just relieved to see a familiar face.
…As endearingly incompetent as that familiar face could sometimes be.
Mammon stumbled around dazedly for a moment, and Rayfa felt guilty knowing that her poor casting of the spell was likely to blame. Quickly, she shook her head to clear her mind. Guilt could come later; Right now was her chance to escape!
Even though Mammon had not immediately chased off the three depraved demons, his unexpected appearance alone was more than enough of a distraction for Rayfa to work with. At the very least, she no longer felt quite as cornered as before. Demon #1, Demon #2, and Demon #3 were focused entirely on Mammon now, and that gave her the perfect opportunity to disappear. A full-sized demon was a much greater threat than a tiny human girl, after all! Rayfa instantly began scheming. Maybe she could subtly sneak away now, text Lucifer or Satan to come pick her up, and apologize to Mammon for using him as an escape later. He would fake like he was annoyed by it, she was sure, but there was no way these demons would actually be able to hurt him—not like they would hurt her—and Mammon would recognize that too. He’d just be relieved that he’d protected her, even if unknowingly at first.
Rayfa was just about to make her move, ready to dart out of the shady alleyway, but right before she took the first step, dark blue eyes swirled with gold locked onto her.
“Rayfa?!” Mammon spluttered out with confusion, as the last of the vertigo from her botched summoning spell finally wore off.
It took a good few seconds for Mammon to realize exactly what was happening, but eventually things did click for him, and the Avatar of Greed whirled on the lesser demons indignantly. Unfortunately for him, Demon #1 and his lackeys had finally recovered from the shock of their surprise visitor and were eager to make him pay.
“Oh shit!” Mammon swore, lightning-fast reflexes kicking into gear as he ducked to avoid a punch.
Demon #2 quickly lunged after him, but Mammon—surprisingly tactfully—sidestepped that, too. Levi really hadn’t been kidding when he’d said that Mammon was “Fast as fuck, boi!” Seriously! He moved so quickly that Rayfa could scarcely make out a blur! Mammon deftly avoided several more attacks, then glanced around with wild eyes, searching for an out. When he found one—as he always did—his body moved before his brain could catch up. Rayfa supposed she shouldn’t hold his recklessness against him though. It was what she was currently banking on to save her life.
When Mammon finally threw a punch of his own, the attack was surprisingly calculated. His fist connected squarely with the jaw of the head honcho—Demon #1—and Mammon capitalized on that fact. All he had needed was an opening, which he’d succeeded in creating for himself when Demon #1 had stumbled backwards from the force of the blow. He quickly darted past the now capsized enemy, taking advantage of the clever little “escape route” that was open. And then…
Mammon just fucking ran for it, gravel flying as he skidded past the remaining two lackeys and began sprinting directly towards poor terrified Rayfa. He didn’t slow down as he neared her. In fact, Rayfa swore he sped up! She squeezed her eyes shut as Mammon barreled forward at breakneck speeds, leaning down at just the right moment to scoop her up as he careened away from the alley. Rayfa let out a squeak of alarm as she felt Mammon’s fingers curl around her, but she relaxed somewhat when she realized that he had actually taken great care to hold her securely (but not so tightly that she’d be uncomfortably squeezed).
And then, just like that, they were gone.
Rayfa hadn’t expected anything less from him. If there was one thing Mammon was great at, it was running away. (Usually from debt collectors or angry brothers, but the logic applied here too.)
“Oh shit! Oh fuck!” Mammon panicked, footsteps pounding heavily on the sidewalk. “I really don’t wanna die!”
Despite herself, Rayfa felt a smile playing on her lips. Even when Mammon actually managed to pull off something pretty damn cool, he was still an endearingly panicky mess. But Rayfa wouldn’t have him any other way.
A few tense minutes of running later, Mammon veered off into another alleyway further down the street, panting heavily. Quick as he was, he obviously didn’t have the stamina to go on running forever. He needed a breather, but Rayfa didn’t think they could afford to take one.
The demon muttered something frustratedly under his breath. Rayfa couldn’t quite catch the words, but she could only imagine he was cursing out their pursuers. Which was totally understandable—they very much deserved it—but what Rayfa couldn’t understand was why he had stopped to do so. Tired or not, they had to get home!
“Mammon?” Rayfa questioned nervously, gently prying his fingers apart to sneak a worried peek up at the demon. He held her level with his heart, hands cupped carefully around her, blue-gold eyes gazing down upon her worriedly. Had they not been dangerously preoccupied, Rayfa would’ve melted at how concerned he looked over her.
“I’m not gonna let ‘em have ya,” Mammon growled protectively. “You’re my human, ya hear?”
Mammon had always been relatively exceedingly protective of her, but Rayfa had never really minded. She thought the whole “keep you all to myself” thing was sweet, even, albeit in a very Mammon sort of way. But something about the way he was staring at her now…
For the first time since they’d met, Rayfa felt inherently nervous under the Avatar of Greed’s gaze.
“Uhhh, are you-” Rayfa started to say, but the demon’s hands suddenly lurched beneath her, causing her to yelp with surprise rather than finish her thought. “Aaa!”
Mammon determinedly brought her to eye-level, an uncharacteristically serious expression etched across handsome features.
“What are you doing?!” Rayfa nervously demanded, the demon’s sudden solemnity eating away at her. Mammon was never sober like this. To make matters worse, Rayfa could hear the angry shouts of the demons they’d run away from. Those fuckers were finally starting to catch up.
It seemed that Mammon had heard them too, their voices being what finally spurred him on to do the unthinkable.
“S-Sorry ‘bout this!”
Mammon rarely ever apologized, which only solidified Rayfa’s right to fear whatever was coming. She had a really really really bad feeling about this.
Mammon, looking just as nervous as Rayfa felt, awkwardly guided the brave little human towards his lips. He gulped nervously, then opened wide with an automatic “ahhh”, and realization came crashing down onto the girl like a tidal wave. Rayfa screamed and tried to scramble backwards, but Mammon quickly threw his head back and fervently crammed her in.
It was almost absurd how quickly the demon’s mouth flooded with drool. Rayfa whined with disgust as warm gooey saliva oozed over her, bubbling up and seeping through her clothes. Mammon cautiously brought his teeth back together, sealing her away inside, then began eagerly slurping down her staple human flavors. Rayfa felt herself blush, angry and embarrassed that Mammon was spending such an exorbitant amount of time tasting her.
“Mammon!” Rayfa seethed, practically shaking with rage. “What the fuck!”
She was exhausted and disgruntled and grossed out, but begrudgingly, she decided to put up with whatever episode Mammon was having right now because she trusted him. For all she knew, demon spit could reverse hexes cast on humans or something! Right, yeah. Mammon probably had a plan. She just needed to play along and-
Mammon gulped thickly, and Rayfa suddenly felt the clench of tight/squishy muscle around her as she was sucked down into the boy’s throat. She squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath, being worked deeper and deeper with every purposeful swallow. Mammon had been quick to stuff her into his mouth, but now that she was safely out of sight, Rayfa noticed, he was taking his sweet time getting her down. Slow, languid gulps. Pleasured hums vibrating around her. Fingers gingerly pressed against the throat, presumably to feel her fight back as he swallowed. Rayfa grimaced as she slowly squelched down his greedy gullet, squirming violently as the unyielding flesh easily suctioned her down.
“Stop enjoying this…!” Rayfa growled disgustedly. “Bastard…!”
Within the minute, Mammon finished swallowing her down, letting out a relieved and breathy sigh. Rayfa, meanwhile, gasped out as the tight, hot, unyielding throat finally gave way to a much roomier space. Fleshy and vulnerable, the squishy pink walls shifted easily around her as Rayfa scrambled to reorient herself. A noisy gurgle stretched on, echoing around the darkness. She had finally reached his stomach.
“…hububhhuhuhh…” Mammon babbled through what sounded like a very drooly mouthful.
“Mammon! Are you kidding me right now?!” Rayfa screamed, raging annoyance briefly overtaking her fear.
“…tha’ feelsh…” Mammon moaned out. “…so fuckin’ guhd…”
Rayfa shuddered at how the stomach lurched as Mammon stumbled almost-drunkenly backwards, then slumped against the grimy brick walls, slowly sliding down and lowering himself to the ground.
“Urghhh!” Rayfa groaned, utterly exasperated. “You! Are! The! Absolute! Worst!”
Every word was punctuated with an annoyed punch to the stomach walls. She only really succeeded in getting her fist all sticky/slimy with stomach ooze though; Manmon appeared entirely unaffected.
Rayfa surely would have chewed him out even more had she not been interrupted by a sickeningly familiar voice. Even though she was tucked away out of sight, she still shivered just hearing it. They had finally caught up.
“What did you do with the girl?!” Demon #1 demanded furiously.
“I, uh…” Mammon slurred. He had barely even begun to answer when his digestive system suddenly did the work for him, a deep and contented burp rolling up his throat. “Mrph. ‘Scuse me.”
It didn’t take much for Demon #1 and his lackeys to put two and two together after that.
“Bastard! She was supposed to be my lunch!” Demon #1 roared. “Get him!”
Rayfa hated that her heart leapt at the thought of Mammon getting caught up in trouble. Especially on her behalf. She was supposed to be angry at him—he had fucking eaten her—but much to her annoyance and embarrassment, she couldn’t shake the worry from her heart. She’d grown to care too much.
“Mammon, please! Get it together!” Rayfa urged, cursing herself for encouraging the man who had gulped her down like nothing more than an afternoon snack. But she couldn’t just sit idly by!
Mammon stayed seated, but Rayfa felt the stomach shift as he at least sat up straight. She felt a sudden surge of power flow through and around her, too. And when Mammon next spoke, his voice was unrecognizable.
“BaCK oFF,” Mammon snarled like a rabid dog, sounding like an actual demon for the first time since Rayfa had met him. “Or I’LL eaT yOU foR desSERT!”
Rayfa was pretty sure that Mammon only had a hankering for humans—not for other demons—but the threat worked all the same. Mammon almost never lost control, which made the few times he actually did downright terrifying. Rayfa could only imagine the looks of horror on her attackers’ faces as they trembled at the sight of the second son’s true form.
“Shit! I didn’t realize he was one of the seven Avatars-!”
“Okay, okay! You can keep the human! Just-!” An honest-to-god whimper. “Please don’t hurt us!”
“Quick! Let’s get out of here!”
Noises from the “outside world” (with the exception of voices) had proven too muffled to hear from within the confines of the demon boy’s gut, but Rayfa imagined that if she had been out there with him, she would’ve heard a stampede of receding footsteps. Her suspicions were further supported when she felt the energy needed to maintain his true form slowly fade away. Mammon let out a thoroughly contented puff of breath and relaxed back against the wall again, too. Demon form now totally dispelled. And then, in a move Rayfa never would’ve expected, Mammon began rubbing his belly appreciatively—she could feel the gentle weight on the other side of the “wall”. For a hopeful but fleeting moment, Rayfa almost believed he cared. But no! He had eaten her!
Rayfa tried desperately to work out why Mammon had done this. Had he decided that, if she was going to end up “demon food” anyway, it may as well be his belly she was filling? A memory from long ago suddenly sprung to the forefront of her mind:
“The next time your life’s in danger, I’m gonna be the one to save you, all right? Don’t you forget that.”
“…And if I can’t manage to save ya, then make sure you die, got it?!”
Rayfa felt tears prickling at her eyes. So that was it then. Mammon had decided that if he couldn’t protect her, the least he could do was take her out himself.
Rayfa shuddered as the stomach gurgled loudly. It’d been relentlessly noisy—groaning and churning around her—for the entire duration of her “stay”. She felt drowned out, unsure whether or not Mammon could even hear her, but Rayfa had never been the type to give up.
“Mammon! They- They’re gone now, right? So then let me out!”
“…fiyve mr…minuhhs…” Mammon mumbled out, words slurred and utterly unintelligible.
Rayfa groaned.
Why are you like this?
Praying that Mammon could hear her—she still wasn’t totally sure her words would reach him from down there—Rayfa did the only thing she could think left to do. She called upon the power of the pact.
“MAMMON!!!” Rayfa roared at the top of her lungs, fingers crossed that he could actually hear her so that the pact would work. “SPIT! ME! OUT!”
Rayfa guessed her words must’ve gotten through to him, because just like that, the demon’s body began to obey. The stomach lurched, and Mammon began making throaty/guttural choking noises like he was dry-heaving. Rayfa felt herself being tugged back towards the esophagus—This was her way out!—but the gagging sounds poor Mammon was making were rapidly becoming unbearable. Rayfa was genuinely beginning to worry that she’d accidentally commanded him to choke himself.
“Hrrk, rggh, hrghk-!”
“Okay, okay! Stop! Don’t hurt yourself!”
Rayfa cursed her own lack of resolve. She was going to die here now. As nothing more than “demon food”—like Mammon always teased. All because she couldn’t bring herself to hurt the lovable dumbass who’d eaten her.
Her surroundings shook turbulently for another few seconds as coughs wracked Mammon’s body. He wasn’t choking anymore, thank god, but he was very clearly gasping for breath. Rayfa felt terribly guilty for putting him through that. When Mammon had finally cleared his throat, he muttered out an unabashedly annoyed:
“Ya know, it’d be a lot easier on the botha us if ya lemme cough you up myself.”
“You-!” Rayfa brightened at finally being addressed, tears of relief blurring her vision. “You were really going to let me out?”
“Well, duh.” Mammon shrugged, and Rayfa slid as the walls shifted around her. “If I wanted ya dead, I woulda let those lesser demons have ya.”
“But-! But you-!”
“Didn’t ya hear the protection spell?” Mammon grumbled, clearing his throat again. Apparently, some lingering discomfort remained. Rayfa winced sympathetically. She really hadn’t meant to hurt him. “I cast one on ya right before I swallowed ya down.”
Ah. So that’s what he had been doing when she saw him “cursing out” the demons chasing them. Apparently, that flustered muttering had been a protection spell.
“Okay, fine! But why didn’t you answer me?!” Rayfa demanded shakily. “I was seriously freaking out, Mammon!”
“I, uh…” And the regret was practically tangible. He sounded immeasurably guilty. “’M sorry.” He finally settled on. “I didn’t mean to get buzzed like that.”
Yeah, Rayfa had figured that much out. She didn’t say so, though. Instead, she stayed patiently quiet, giving him room to elaborate.
“Humans really are a delicacy for us, ya know? And havin’ one alive and kickin’ in my belly…” Mammon mumbled embarrassedly. “…kinda fried my brain.”
Yeah, that checked out. Rayfa hummed in acknowledgement.
“Didn’t mean to give ya a heart attack though…” Mammon continued after a beat. “I really am sorry ‘bout that, Rayfa.”
He sounded so beyond apologetic that Rayfa couldn’t help but want to reach out to him. In moments like these—rare as they were—Rayfa would usually give him a hug. But obviously, that couldn’t quite be done…
Almost reflexively, Rayfa reached out with both hands, palms splayed against the squishy stomach walls. She gave a reassuring little shove—like a playful nudge to the shoulder—then slowly began rubbing soothing little circles into the flesh. Mammon shivered with delight at her touch; Rayfa could feel the stomach tremble with pleasure. Despite herself, she let out a little laugh.
“That good, huh?” Rayfa teased. The playful banter almost made her feel like they were chilling out on the couch together. Almost made her forget where she really was.
Rayfa just knew he was blushing like crazy.
“I guess I should probably thank you for saving me,” Rayfa sighed wistfully. “Albeit through very unconventional means.”
Mammon huffed proudly. “You’re welcome! You should know by now never to doubt the Great Mammon!”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Rayfa waved away the egotistical comment. “Can the ‘Great Mammon’ cough me up already? It’s super gross down here.”
“Uh.” Mammon froze, and Rayfa could feel the stomach tense up nervously around her. “Just lemme getcha back to the dorms first. You’ve got a penchant for trouble and I don’t wantcha runnin’ into any more of it.”
Excuse me?! You think I’m the one with the penchant for trouble?!
It took Rayfa a moment to realize that Mammon didn’t actually think her a trouble-magnet. He just wanted an excuse to hold onto her for a little longer. Because he was enjoying it.
Rayfa sighed heavily. She knew she was going to regret this: “Yeah, okay. But you’d better let me out the second we get home.”
“Yeah, ‘course! Sure thing.”
Rayfa laughed and shook her head. Now that Mammon had gotten a taste, Rayfa had the distinct feeling that this wouldn’t be the last time she found herself playing the role of “dinner”.
But curiously enough, Rayfa also found that maybe she didn’t totally mind. ❤️
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souenkun · 2 months
Hi I saw you reblogged my huntershipping fanfic post with a bunch of kind comments and I just wanted to say thank YOU for writing those fics 😭🙏🏻
Everytime I see that a new fic pops up in the tags I get super excited to read what you’ve written :)))
Your fics cheer me up and brighten my day! ☀️ (I also love how you characterize Ethan and Silver) (they’re so sweet 🥲) (and you’re so sweet too thank you for taking your time to share your work with the community 🥲🙏🏻)
I’ll leave more comments on ao3 when I go back to reread them 🫶🫶🫶
And I hope you have a great week too! 🫂💕 🌈
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Hello!!!! 😭😭😭💗💗💗 my apologies for the super late reply, but waughhhh thank you for taking the time to send this sweet message! 🥺🫶 you have to know that seeing my series in your hbslv fanfic rec list already made my day as is, and I was over the moon when I got your ask that day 😭🥺💗💖 thank you for all of your love and support, truly, and I'm glad that I could do ethan and silver's characters justice; they deserve to discover love as a kind and warm joy for them to enjoy together! 🫂
I'm currently writing something for aokabu, but once that's done? I'm BACK at my hbslv brainrot, and hopefully I could pick up from where I left them in the series (either for the dinner gala or them meeting kabu part, hehe) 🥺👍 thank you once again for all of your love, and I hope your weekend treats you as wonderfully and joyful as you made me, op!!! 🫂🫂🫂💗💗💗
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 3 months
Dorothy being assaulted at 17 and then trapped in a marriage for the next 38 years really makes the queer subtext heartbreaking rather than funny. It also adds a whole lot to how barbed she gets when they discuss her sex life and how vanilla it is or how little sex she had, no wonder it would be a sore subject (and no wonder its consistent that she had very little sex with Stan in her marriage and said she didn't enjoy it when they did).
Yep, that's part of the reason why I think that queer subtext is so insightful!
A queer reading of Dorothy is not necessary to understand the gravity of what happened to her, to be fair. Stan is very clearly depicted as a bad lover in general and an especially inattentive lover to her -- take eg what she says of him in S1E22 Job Hunting:
"It took three seconds. I wasn't sure that we had done anything, actually… until nine months later, when the baby came. Then I figured out that we had."
Which... doesn't seem like a great experience. Add onto it the fact that a) this is a recollection of her first time, b) she was coerced into performing the act either via emotional manipulation or alcohol/substances (as well detailed in this post by @eeblouissant), and c) her situation didn't improve at all during her marriage; if anything it got worse, since Stan was always out cheating on her -- no wonder she has a bad relationship with sex! Actually, I've said before that I think she has a remarkably open and healthy attitude towards sex, all things considered.
Thinking of Dorothy as queer (especially as a repressed lesbian) makes it all even more tragic, though. I think it's very likely, considering that she's a Catholic of Italian origin, that she hadn't even realized she liked women by the time she got involved with Stan -- I myself reached that conclusion in my early 20s! However, by that time Dorothy was already married and a mother; can you imagine how painful the mere idea would have been, for her? Of course she'd never even consider it while still married to Stan, and she'd have a hard time coming to terms with it after her divorce. It adds a thick layer of suppression and self-sacrifice to her whole story that I think is very thematically appropriate for her character (and that personally destroys me lmao. I cannot think about it for too long or I'll cry my heart out).
I think her whole experience with Stan also justifies her enthusiasm for some of her lovers in the show, even in a queer reading. I mean -- after all that, her standards must be on the floor! The bar is so low, she's dancing the lambada with the devil! Even a modicum of attention to her needs would blow her mind, I think -- even if it didn't come from her preferred gender, and especially if she wasn't ready to confront the truth about her sexuality yet. A lifetime of suppression isn't easy to get over -- she'd probably blame her bad experience with sex during her marriage on Stan alone (instead of considering that maybe she'd rather not be with a man at all).
Sorry, anon -- you probably weren't expecting a ramble in response, haha! But yeah, you make a great point; reading Dorothy as queer adds even more depth to her character and greatly enhances the tragedy of her story.
(Just for the record -- I've never thought the queer reading of Dorothy was funny! Maybe I'm reading this wrong, I just wanted to clarify.)
#sometimes it hits me again that this poor woman had stan as her first and only lover for 38 years of her life and i just. good god.#i'd just like to give her a hug. is that too much to ask for?#still in s1e22 she also says that she didn't come during that first time (or after) bc 'it always seemed to happen before I was in the room#and i just... like it's played for laughs but that's such a tragic comment to me...#im not going to talk about all the hung ups she likely has about self-pleasure too but she MUST have some bc once again. italian catholic#honestly her love&sex life until she met the girls was just a nightmare.#i wonder how she felt being friends with jean. seeing her love women openly like that. did she wish she could be like her?#was she jealous and didn't know why? did she think 'oh i wish *i* was a lesbian so i could date girls instead of being stuck with stan'?#agh i just. i keep adding thoughts but the more i think about it the more tragic it becomes to me#this is also why ending the show with her in a relationship with (at least) one of the other girls would have worked so well!!!#her character arc is one of self-recognition and self-love. it's a journey towards happiness and self-expression#and that's already a queer narrative at its core#but imagine her going from 38 years with *stan* to openly understanding her sexuality and finding love when she didn't think it possible?#i mean -- the finale does this too and that's why it works well. it's a good finale!#but imagine how much *better* it would have been with a woman!! with (one of) her girls at that!!#with dorothy finally able to be free about herself!!!#AGH i love her SO MUCH!!!!#(i feel like ending the show with a queer relationship between the girls would have worked very well for blanche and/or rose too#but that's a whole other topic)#anyway thank you for the ask op! you're absolutely right!!#the golden girls#dorothy zbornak#ask
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raayllum · 1 year
Would you say Rayllum is your all time favorite ship or do you have one you like even more? Where do would Rayllum rank in your top five ships?
Oh Rayllum is my all time fave, 100%. Nobody else even comes close in terms of like 1) got me right away (even before the season came out), 2) delivered beyond my wildest dreams, and 3) just has so much of the like, personalities and themes and like, dynamic stuff that I adore and am weak for every time, and so well executed. Then there's also the way they remind me of me and my partner (the Rayla to my Callum I think) and other aspects of how the ship has been interwoven into my personal life, and just... They literally have every aspect of every other ship I've ever loved in my life, it is incredible and I could not adore them more. #1 for life
That said, overall, I'm not that ship centric? Like there's a lot of media (Trollhunters my beloved) I adore that is primarily for the story or villains or found family, which is all true of TDP as well - I love everything about it as much as I love Rayllum - but in terms of fandom engagement, I suppose?
That said here are some of my other favourite ships which definitely show off a pattern, I think, of being a lot like Rayllum as well
Kaz/Inej from Six of Crows (just a far more heavily traumatized version of Rayllum + touch aversion + sweet thematic religious undertones)
Percy/Annabeth from Percy Jackson (childhood friends turned slowburn lovers, dorky and devoted, she has major abandonment issues + he's "to save a friend you would sacrifice the world" & "as long as we're together)
Jesse and Lake from Infinity Train (is probably the most Rayllum-esque dynamic on here and all 4 seasons of Infinity Train are Amazing)
James and Sarah from Liberty's Kids (because I know who I am as a person, and probably my most 'argumentative/bickering' ship)
Other honourable mentions: Kai/Jinora from The Legend of Korra; Patroclus/Achilles and Orpheus/Eurydice from just about anything, but especially The Song of Achilles and Hadestown, respectively; Jane/Peter Pan from Peter Pan 2: Return to Neverland because I unironically think that's where my standards of love came from; Zelda/Link from The Legend of Zelda (BOTW/TOTK in particular) and Corona/Hunter from Spider Riders (2006) (yes seriously) for those sweet goddess incarnate + loyal goddess' champion type vibes.
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iiboronii · 4 months
i think that i might've posted about it before but i <3 all the little -ler blogs on here. i'm being so fr. nothing clears my skin more than seeing a -ler blog answering questions. i love you guys please keep making silly little -lers.
#actually can someone make a silly-ler#i guess that's just canon onceler...#anyways. i can't remember who said this but they were like “y'know someone should make a chocolatier-ler” AND.#hoo boy let me tell you#i've been listening to you've never had chocolate like this from Wonka (2023) a lot recently#(it started out as a joke and is no longer a joke)#and. every day i beg for chocolatier-ler to become real#i thought about doing it myself#op said to take the idea and RUN#but the issue is. i cannot draw#and i do not cosplay#so. how would i run a -ler blog.#so anyways if whoever came up with the chocolatier-ler idea is reading this THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME#uhmm anyways this post was inspired by bigger-ler#i love all -lers equally but some are more equal than others or whatever that line from animal farm is#uhmmm i have my own -ler ideas bouncing around but once again. i do not know. how i would go about creating that#i remember the sock puppet -ler and i think that was crazy creative#shoutout to sock-ler i miss you#ALSO I'M SCARED OF INTERACTING WITH OTHER -LERS YOU ALL SCARE ME...#like. i have no business being a -ler owner#i am genuinely so afraid of collaborative activities because what if i do it WRONG#like what if i roleplay WRONG y'know????#anyways. this post is dedicated to all the -ler blogs out there and their mods#please i litchrally love the -lers so much idk what else to call them#i feel like there's a term that my elders would know#bc i see reoccuring tags like “lerkimpails” AND I'M LIKE WHAT IS A LERKIMPAIL... WHAT DOES THAT REFER TO I'M SORRY I JUST GOT HERE#i need someone to gently hold my hand and explain some lore to me i feel like#idk what this turned into#ANYWAYS#-ler mods keep doing your thing i'm your biggest supporter
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note-boom · 2 years
Okay so thanks to some random digging through the katai tags, I found out that there is indeed a Kunikida and Katai short story called "Kunikida and Katai's Magnificent Days". Translation and links to other novels can be found here (many thanks to the OP who collected these and the translator).
Anyway, now I'm thinking too much about their friendship dynamic and so I'm sharing some of my favorite moments of the short story below the cut (spoilers in the reacts and the tags)
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Me...I would like to live like Katai, thanks.
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Can we talk about how Kunikida drove himself and his friend to the ocean on a whim because of his dead eyes? I....
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Okay but can we talk about this exception to his ideals on the basis of friendship thing? Sure it's humorous but...hi???
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Let's also talk about how Katai supports Kunikida and his fight for ideals and yet still points out how unrealistic they are, kinda like Dazai did. But Katai is WITH him and behind him even if he can't join the fight and that makes me FEEL THINGS.
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This explains so much of why Atsushi was considered a bit of an outlier. It does make me wonder what kind of things Kunikida had to witness when it was just Ranpo, Yosano, and Fukuzawa...calling Katai of all people boring compared to them...
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THEIR WHOLESOMENESS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME...just look at that?? And below, too...
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AHDHRGEJDBRHEHB. Their friendship...the way that they make each other's world a kinder and softer place. Just....I love it and I'm not even joking. Yes, there is shipping and everything but tell me you don't want a pure friendship just like this? An inseparable bond that supports each other even if you can't fully adhere to the other's beliefs and a friendship that makes a harsh reality a place where your ideals and beliefs are worth fighting for (or maybe against).
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I'm cry laughing at this because, again, it was JUST Ranpo and Yosano and Fukuzawa along with Katai and Kunikida. I seriously want a prequel novel exploring the kinds of insane shenanigans they went through. And kudos I guess for the female/male friendship portrayed at the end? Sort of? I don't know...he's such a disaster. I want to be Katai.
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I love it. Underrated friendship. Literally the most wholesome canon duo, sorry Ranpo and Poe/Ranpo and Yosano/Atsushi and Kyouka. Laughing at how it went from 'guy tries to set up friend on a date' to a discussion on the survival of the fittest philosophy and how it clashes against the illusions of society.
I need more about them
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epicfirestormer · 2 years
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Just watched Stampede and was blessed with the sheer amount of Usopp character moments in this movie
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shortfeather · 6 months
The thing about hermnautica is I may stop posting about it but it never leaves my brain. And this time because it’s 4 am I’m thinking about kharaa. Did you know it canonically physically mutates your body? We only ever see it as the green pustules but it fucks with your organs and tangles with your literal dna. Can you imagine if it wakes up latent genes. You’re going to die. How do you measure it? By the day you wake up paranoid (too late) and the day green spots appear on your skin (too late) and the day some of those green spots aren’t just the things that showed up on your insane friend, but sightless eyes (so far beyond too late it’s not worth thinking about.) Or instead: the day your head starts itching and your hair falls out to make room for a massive crown of quickly-sprouting antlers. Or instead: the days of agony where your ribs change shape, to something more like a fish’s.
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b4kuch1n · 4 months
Hi i hope this doesnt come off as rude and i truly dont mind if the answer is no, but are you planning on drawing the last few e-sim sketches?
hello, and don't worry this isn't rude! I do intend to and am working on those sketches, they're just taking a bit longer than expected. I will not open for anything else until they're done, that's my guarantee to the drive and to you guys at the very least
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rodeoromeo · 5 months
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always-a-joyful-note · 7 months
while I don't agree with your takes on sumire (ryuunosuke arc), I have seen your posts and they get me thinking!! I appreciate that :> I understand this is more of a gif-heavy fandom hahaha
!!!!!!!!!! No please talk to me about Sumire, if you want!!! I'm all for friendly debating. But yeah, I LOVE the gifs here (so many things to reblog when I get the time to), and I've seen analyses and art that's just....*chef's kiss*.
Also, yeah, I go hard on the writers about Sumire because of personal preference, but shoving that asides and paying attention to the genre and the writing with it, she was done perfectly. In a way, she was kind of a surprise insert and it makes sense that she'd go out as surprisingly as she came in.
Also, thank you so much for your appreciation!!!! And your ask!
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mediicusvitae · 2 years
♡ Life update ♡
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{ I'm sorry for just up and disappearing without notice, I took a little break from writing and being on this blog due to mental health reasons and I think it helped. Rping is a hobby I've had on and off for close to 10 years now and taking breaks is healthy and necessary to fuel my writing energy.
This month I've been busy with creating art and reconnecting with irl friends, and I picked up acrobatics as a hobby. I'm also taking more time off discord to recharge my social battery.
My writing partners/friends and the relationships we've established are something I value deeply and think about a lot. I want to keep writing the interactions that bring me joy at a pace that is comfortable for me to retain without me burning myself out, so thank you all for being so patient and understanding with me! I probably won't write as much in the tempo I had in the past (unless the inspiration strikes) and do a little spring clean on my inbox, but I do want to slowly ease myself back into writing in February c: ♡
Hope you all have been doing well! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ) }
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Well well well if it isn’t me, back with more Top Gun: Maverick analysis. I want to talk about my reading of this scene between Maverick and Rooster, because it's truly amazing that just a few lines of dialogue can slam me in the face with how emotionally devastating they are. 
So it starts with Maverick telling Rooster that Phoenix and Bob will be kept overnight in the hospital, but “they’re gonna be okay.” Rooster says “That’s good. [pause] I’ve never lost a wingman.” 
That’s the first thing that really gets me about this scene: we have Rooster, who is still so angry at Maverick, and yet he can’t help reaching out to him in this moment of distress. Rooster ostensibly hates him!! And yet. And yet this is the only dad he’s got left. His best friend just almost died (in a scarily similar way to how his own father died) and he needs comfort. He could have let the conversation end after saying “that’s good,” but he doesn't. It’s like he can’t help it, and he adds “I’ve never lost a wingman” as a way of reaching out for something from Maverick. 
And Maverick replies. Says, “You’re lucky. Fly long enough, it’ll happen. There will be others.” Then he turns to walk away. 
And oh boy. Whatever Rooster was looking for, this was Not It, because now he’s been set off. 
I’m not going to analyze what exactly is so unsatisfactory to Rooster about this response–perhaps it’s because this whole thing reminds him of his father’s death, perhaps it’s because he wanted comfort and didn’t really get any, perhaps it’s something else, but either way, now he’s in attack mode. 
And the thing he chooses to attack with is SO fascinating to me on multiple levels. First of all, it’s carefully constructed to cut as deep as possible. (And if we compare it to what he says to Hangman in the bar scene about an early grave, and to what he says to Mav at the end of this conversation about not making the same mistake, we really see that when Rooster goes in, he goes for the fucking jugular. As a sidebar it’s so striking that a guy who struggles to drop down and take the shot when he’s in his jet has absolutely no hesitation about doing so in an argument, but I digress.)  “Easy for you to say. No wife. No kids. Nobody to mourn you when you burn in.” We can see how deeply this hurts Maverick, for multiple reasons. Like it’s important to note that this scene comes AFTER Maverick’s scene with Penny, where he tells her that he tried to be the father Rooster lost, and in his eyes he failed. “I wish I would’ve done it better.” We’ve seen the pictures of childhood and teenage and Navy Bradley in Maverick’s hangar. It has been explicitly made clear to us that Maverick tried to be a father to Rooster and views him as the closest thing he has to a kid. Which means Rooster is saying two absolutely gutting things here: you don’t have a kid (I’m not your kid) and also no one will mourn you when you die (I won’t mourn you when you die). Which is devastating. 
It’s also completely false. Obviously Rooster would mourn him. We as the audience can see and read that from him, despite his anger. 
And of course he’s wrong on other levels. I think there's a good argument to be made that this is actually like… a big reason why Hondo exists in the film. He shows us that Maverick DOES have connections and people who love him in his life, even if it’s nontraditional. And as rocky as his relationship has been with Penny, she obviously cares about him, and of course there’s Ice, who almost goes without saying. Maverick doesn’t have a nuclear family, no, but he has relationships and love and people who would absolutely grieve his loss. 
But then!!! It’s not just that!! The last thing that really gets me about this scene is that… well it’s like watching a masterclass in projection. Because all those things Rooster is saying to Maverick? They apply to himself too. Rooster doesn’t have a partner. Rooster doesn’t have a kid. Does Rooster have anyone to mourn him when he burns in? (Yes, of course he does, but why would he say this as an insult to Maverick if it's not also a fear he has about himself?)
Like I said, it’s just… devastating.
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