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sophieswundergarten · 2 years ago
Mental Literature
Reynie had always had a habit of "writing things down" in his mind, he found it helped him remember important details and organize his thoughts. Certain words he liked, or ideas that came to him when he didn't have pen and paper handy. Often, these little notes become lists, or, less often, letters. After all, he had no one to write to at the orphanage.
The lists he used most commonly were the ones that contained new words he'd learned. When he came across one he didn't understand, he'd go get a dictionary from the reading room (One of the few books actually available at the orphanage, and one that had sat through many years of dusty disuse until Reynie had come along), looking it up and tracing the letters with his finger until he had fully absorbed the meaning.
One day, when he was sitting outside enjoying the pleasant weather while the other children ran around on the grass and played various games amongst themselves, he found himself cataloging their names. There was Susan Pennyworth, and Thomas Deerhart, and Jane Poll, and several others that moved about, swiftly engaging in a game of tag. A boy a few years older than Reynie himself walked up to where he was sitting under the ash tree. Vic Morgeroff, Reynie noted.
"What're you doing, Muldoon?" Vic asked in a bored way. Reynie wondered for a moment why he was asking, if he seemed so disinterested.
Quickly, he went through his list of new words, excited to try one out.
"I'm just enjoying the breeze under this large, deciduous ash tree, Vic. How are you doing today?"
Reynie hoped Vic would ask him what the word "deciduous" meant, as he himself had just learned earlier that day. Maybe he would even already know what it meant, since he was older than Reynie, and they could talk about it.
Vic's eyes sharpened as he listened to Reynie's response. "What did you just say, Muldoon? If that was a swear, I'm telling the director. Don't think just 'cause you're quiet and always hiding in one of your books you won't get in trouble."
"No, no," Reynie immediately jumped to correct him, "It's not a swear word, I promise. It's a word I learned this morning, it describes the tree, since it loses its leaves in the winter, as compared to an evergreen, which doesn't."
Somehow, this didn't seem to calm Vic.
"Oh? And what makes you think you can use that word, eh? Is it 'cause you're reading all the time? Think you'll impress someone? Knowing big words doesn't make you special, Muldoon. It- It just makes you a freak, who knows too much."
Apparently satisfied, Vic stalked off, shaking his head and muttering to himself, "Little weirdo, thinks he's better than everyone else."
Reynie watched him go, slightly stunned that his word had evoked such a violent outburst. After a few moments, he sighed, shoulders sagging as he shifted to lean against the tree trunk, closing his eyes. He started a new list. "Unpopular Words".
Months passed, and Reynie was summoned to the director's office.
Mr. Rutger was sitting behind his desk, tapping a pen on it when Reynie entered.
"Come in, come in." Mr. Rutger gestured with his free hand to the chair sitting across from him. Reynie sat down obediently, wondering what this was about. He hadn't caused any trouble lately, although his "Unpopular Words" list was beginning to get long enough that he'd had to start reciting it to himself in the mornings, so as to not forget any. He'd avoided Vic and his friends as much as he could, and continued to do well in all of his classes at the orphanage academy.
"Now, Reynard," Mr. Rutger set his pen down and steepled his hands together just below his face. "Do you know why I asked you to come have this little chat with me?"
Reynie shook his head. What strange thing adults do, he considered, to summon a child purposefully without telling them what is going on and then ask them what they think about it. How is the child supposed to respond?
Mr. Rutger frowned at him, as if that was the wrong answer.
"Well, Reynard, your teachers have reported to me that you've been asking about... opportunities." He said the word as though it was an oily worm that had slipped out of his mouth. "Opportunities to attend other schools. Now, why don't we talk about this? Here you're comfortable, you know how the system works. Your friends are here, and it wouldn't make sense to send you away. Besides, it's against policy for a student to be placed in an external education facility."
Reynie hadn't thought he was asking for "opportunities", he'd spoken to his teachers about taking extra classes only because he was nearing the end of the high school work books, and that was as far as the orphanage curriculum went. He was about to explain this to the director, and add that he didn't have any friends, but Mr. Rutger seemed to have decided that the conversation was over.
"There we are, Reynard." He clapped his hands together, leaning back in his chair, seemingly satisfied with his solution. "See? You'll be much happier here. Oh, and be a good lad and try to clean up that reading room you're always in; it's so dirty."
Reynie nodded, standing up and walking out of the office. He paused on the other side of the heavy doors, taking a deep breath before heading back to the room he shared with four other boys. He added "opportunities" to his list.
Not long after that, Reynie entered his first class of the day with the dull resignation to finish the last few pages of his geography workbook. He'd been trying to take as much time as possible and stretch out for as long as he could, since he knew that once this one was full he'd have to content himself with sitting in the back of the classroom and listening to the teacher go over material he had long since learned. However, upon wishing Mr. Green a good morning, he was told that he had been excused from his classes, and was to report to the main hall.
Reynie walked slowly on his way to the main part of the orphanage. He wasn't quite sure what had changed, but some part of him was hopeful that Mr. Rutget had changed his mind and would let him start taking classes somewhere else. He knew there was a local community college not too far, and he'd be happy to walk there if he could only get permission to attend.
His daydreams were shattered by the sudden image of the orphanage director's expression whenever he had approached him about... anything really. He'd asked, more than once, if they might be able to get a few more books for him to read, if the school kids might take a field trip to the museum, if there was any way that he could help pay for further education, he'd even offered to go through the orphanage's policies and Stonetown's bylaws himself to see if there was an exception or loophole that would allow him to attend the Boatwright Academy. All of these queries had ended with Mr. Rutger looking down at him, lips pursed in a sour pout. This had been going on for so long that Reynie noticed the same expression twisting Mr. Rutger's face every time he even entered the same room as Reynie.
He prepared himself to see that expression before opening the door to the main hall, but instead he found a woman. One he had never seen before and knew didn't work at the orphanage because she was wearing a lovely pink sweater over a floral patterned shirt. No one at the orphanage wore nice sweaters or bright colors. Everything there was drab, as if the color was leeched out of it upon crossing the threshold. This woman was certainly not drab, and smiled warmly at him as she rose from the table she was seated at.
Reynie smiled back at her shyly. He felt a slight, pleasant surprise at her seeming excitement to meet him. It had been a while since someone had smiled at seeing him.
"Hello, I'm Miss Perumal. I was told to wait here for a 'Reynard Muldoon'? Is that you?" The nice lady took a few steps toward him, smile faltering a bit as he hesitated.
"Oh," He started, shaking off his thoughts. "Yes, that's me. I'm Reynie." He hurried down the steps, stopping just in front of her. He paused, awkwardly trying to decide if he should shake her hand, or if she would find that "off-putting" and "too mature for a boy of his age", as his French teacher had once said.
Luckily, Miss Perumal stuck out her hand to him, her friendly smile returning in full force.
"Ah, I'm so glad. I was worried that you might have had somewhere else to be, and I was delaying you. As I said, my name is Miss Perumal, and I have been hired to be your new tutor. I am delighted to meet you Reynie. Do you prefer 'Reynie' to 'Reynard'? When I met the director he referred to you as 'Reynard', so I wanted to see what you'd like."
Reynie's mind was whirling with all that this woman said. She was "delighted" to meet him? And she wanted to know which name he preferred to be called, even after Mr. Rutger had spoken with her? He was stunned once again, and only pulled himself out of it when he realized that she was continuing to look at him, waiting for a response.
"Um, yeah. 'Reynie' is good, thank you, ma'am. You said you're my... tutor?"
Reynie wasn't entirely sure what a tutor was supposed to do. He had a vague concept of someone who is supposed to help students with their homework if they were struggling in school, because a teacher had once suggested he tutor his classmates, since he was so for ahead. It hadn't worked out, though, because only one student had approached him, and when Reynie had looked up in the middle of an excited explanation about the French Revolution, the boy had been staring at him in disgust, before abruptly pushing his chair back and leaving. Reynie had created a small mental note for himself, deciding that once he was able to think of the word without recalling that nightmarish, uncomfortable situation, he would find out exactly what the word "tutor" meant.
Miss Perumal nodded at him, her expression growing more serious.
"Yes, I am going to be your tutor. The word is often used to mean someone who will help students as a supplement to traditional teaching, but in our sense it is going to mean that I am a sort of private teacher, just for you."
Reynie appreciated that she had defined the word for him, but he was still a bit apprehensive about this strange woman. She seemed nice, but if she was just going to be a different kind of teacher, that likely meant that she would just hand him a new workbook and try to cover her surprise when he finished it in a few weeks. He didn't want her to be like that, she smiled at him and her eyes seemed kind, and he didn't want her to be just another adult who came to look at him with that distasteful expression that all of the other grown ups at the orphanage did.
But Miss Perumal wasn't finished yet.
"Now, Reynie, I understand that some students need a little bit of different help than most teachers can give them, but you aren't one of them. Mr. Rutger has shown me your transcripts, and you have excelled in every subject and class you've been placed in. You are a very gifted child, Reynie, and something tells me you haven't been given nearly enough opportunities."
She turned then, rummaging in the bag she carried over her shoulder, which Reynie had not noticed before. Producing a small book with a soft blue cloth cover, she handed it to Reynie.
"This," She explained, her smile back again, "Is for you. It's a book on Tamil, the language I grew up speaking. I really think that you'll enjoy learning it, and we might even be able to start having some conversations in it soon, if your record with the limited French available here is any indication."
Reynie accepted the book with a wondrous expression. This woman was willing to teach him, she gave him a book right after meeting him, she wanted to give him opportunities. He searched for a word to describe her, and he found so many good ones that he had to create a "Miss Perumal" list on the spot. She was glorious, she was exorbitantly compassionate, she was a paradigm he wished all adults followed, she was an assiduous researcher, and she was the antithesis to Mr. Rutger.
He took a deep breath, holding it in his chest next to the spark of hope he could feel glowing there. Running a hand over the book, he felt a smile growing on his own face. It had been a long time since he had smiled.
"Thank you, Miss Perumal. I would love to learn Tamil from you, as well as anything you'd want to teach me."
Miss Perumal looked excited, excited at the thought of teaching him. "Well, then, Reynie, I don't see any reason we shouldn't start right now." She gestured at the chair opposite the one she had been sitting in. "Why don't you begin reading through the introduction of that book, while I go over a few more of my papers. We can work on basic pronunciation once you're done."
Reynie sat down immediately, opening the book and still smiling to himself a little. He felt a lot less lonely as he began reading, and added "Friend?" to his Miss Perumal list.
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pearlzier · 7 months ago
────⠀ GHOSTFACE!MATT who . . .
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GHOSTFACE!MATT who takes time to learn about you before he goes in for the infamous phone call. and by taking time, he really does take time to learn about you. all the others, he didn't really learn about the victim—just got it over with. for you? he's stalking you for weeks, just so he can make that special phone call all the more personal to you. only the best for you, huh?
GHOSTFACE!MATT who is so condescending and mean when he talks to you. he's smarter than you and he knows it. and he likes to remind you of it. he compliments you, faux admiration dripping from his tone, and when you don't say thank you, how any polite individual would, the snark in his tone practically oozes over to your end of the phone—"that's rude, baby. you don't even say 'thank you' when someone compliments you?" he tuts, so clearly disappointed in you.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who is the last person you'd expect to be ghostface. he's always been caring and doting, always eager to be close to you—but this? it had never crossed your mind that he'd be capable of brutally murdering people in LA, let alone being so cruel as to torment you like this, to even go for your friends.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who reassures you he'd never hurt you, not all that much. he wouldn't go as far as to seriously harm you, kill you, never—he even hates nicking you with his knife, drawing tiny bits of blood. "don't cry, honey," he tells you, voice sickly sweet, but you know he really does mean it, "i'd never hurt you. never. your friends on the other hand—?" your friends most definitely aren't safe, to say the least. one wrong move.. seems like you've been on delivered for a while now.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who gets off on your tears. maybe it's mean of him, but he does things in particular that he knows'll upset you, just so he can see your eyes well with tears and run down your cheeks. before you'd found out about his identity as the killer, he'd purposefully get rid of the people you loved the most. then? then he'd watch you without your knowledge as you sobbed by yourself, all upset when all you needed was him.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who banks on the fact you're far too afraid of him and he makes you feel far too good despite everything to tell anyone that he's the one massacring the people in the city. "don't fuck with me," he tells you, watching how you're staring off into the distance, "you're not gonna tell anyone, and you know it. i make that pretty pussy feel too good," he pats your thigh with his gloved hand, "ruined you for everyone else." he really has. no one else can make you feel as good as he does.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who buys you pretty things, like a nice lacy pair of panties, to leave them around your house. it terrifies you because you know he broke in to put them there however they are so nice looking that you can't help wear them. and he can't help but use his knife and slice through the thin fabric so he can get to what he wants when he's got you bent over later.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who waits until he knows you're touching yourself to call you. he knows you'll pick up, it makes his dick twitch when he gets to hear the squelching of your cunt and watch your fingers sink into yourself despite not being in the room with you. "that's it, imagine it's me, hm? oh, someone likes that, practically gushing for me, baby." and those pretty sounds you make? he's practically shoving his hand under his dark robes to palm himself, try relieve the aching you're unknowingly causing.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who doesn't hesitate to get rid of anyone who messes with you. he's always looking out for you—even when you don't know he's there. at parties, if any guy gets too close or tries to get touchy with you is soon on the tv, his graphic, brutal death being described. all because he'd made you uncomfortable, so of course GHOSTFACE!MATT was going to sort it out for you. he sorts out everything for you.
GHOSTFACE!MATT who accidentally says he loves you whilst he's fucking you. he's meant to be all mean and tough, leaving marks all over you as a reminder that you're his, but eventually, he ends up getting more vulnerable than he'd planned. "fuck, fuck, fuck, i love you, shit.. i—" when you try to get him to say it again, to try see how vulnerable he really could be with you, but he's back to being his normal self again. "said i love this fuckin' pussy, not that fuckin' mouth of yours. shut the fuck up."
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ִ ֹ ★ @mattybsgroupie, @mattslolita, @mattsdolll, @stellasturns, @stevelacylovebot, @jetaimevous, @phone4pills, @aesthetixhoe, @venusiers, @pettydollie, @stvrnmc, @sarosfilms, @lovesickgrlsrh0t, @beetlejenna, @funkycoloured, @v3nusasagrl, @imwetforyourmom, @deansbite, @beridollie, @https--roman, @sincerebabydoll, @pillwebb ִ ꒱
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sturn777 · 2 months ago
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there's a new neighbor in town . | ( female reader ) wc 1.5k + ( masterlist ) II next ▷ ↺
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YOU WERE USED TO ALWAYS PLAYING the perfect, prim little girl with a spoiled attitude and a fake smile. your dad’s a ceo, and that means you’re expected to always look put together, even if it means dealing with things you absolutely don’t care about.
like delivering a tray of homemade cookies to the new neighbor.
it’s not that you care about the new neighbor. it’s not even that you really care about your dad’s request. you don’t. you’re doing it for the sole purpose of proving to your parents that you've matured now, and are able to fulfill their requests. so, cookie tray in hand, you march over to the sturniolo’s doorstep, making sure to flash the biggest, fakest smile you can muster.
you knock on the door, adjusting your hair one last time. when the door swings open, you are greeted by the sight of him.
chris sturniolo. pretty tall, with a smirk that says he knows exactly what you're thinking. his light blue eyes take in your presence, but he doesn’t look all that impressed, like he’s already used to people acting like this around him.
"hi, sir! welcome to the neighborhood!" you say, your tone dripping with sweetness, but the fake smile you wear says otherwise.
he raises an eyebrow at you, his lips curving into that cocky smirk again. he's probably laughing at you in his head, but you don’t care.
"sir?" he says, his voice low, amused. "really?"
you blink, the fake smile wavering for a moment as you glance up at him. "well … i mean, you look older than me," you say, trying to save face. you can’t tell if he’s a few years older or just the same age, but it doesn’t matter. you just want to get this over with.
chris chuckles softly, leaning against the doorframe.
you roll your eyes internally, irritated but trying not to show it. "i brought cookies," you say, holding up the tray with exaggerated grace. "just, you know, to make you feel welcomed."
"how thoughtful," chris replies, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "why don’t you come inside and make yourself comfortable, doll?"
your heart skips a beat at the nickname, but you keep your cool. “thanks, but no thanks. i've got things to do.” you say, ready to leave. but the way his eyes seem to twinkle with mischief makes you hesitate for a second longer.
“c'mon, it's the least i can do, y'know, returning the favor and all.” he continued, tilting his head softly. “just, come inside and get a drink.”
you sighed, handing him the tray of cookies as you stepped inside carefully. “oh, well, thanks.” you muttered, silently cursing at yourself for taking on your parents' wish in the first place.
“don't mind the mess, sweetheart. had a, uhh, guest over.” his voice mused from behind, closing the door and walking to place the tray on the countertop.
guest, my ass. you could smell the faint lingering women's perfume as you looked around the spacious living area, marble floors and high walls. nothing out of the ordinary.
you glanced around, seeing a pair of black panties tucked underneath the couch, eyebrows furrowing softly as you turned back to look at him. chris appeared to be rummaging through the kitchen cabinets in search for something, probably glasses. “no maids yet?” you inquired.
chris turned at the sound of your voice, a smirk already playing on his lips before he even registered what you were asking. he leaned casually against the counter, a glass dangling from his fingers, his relaxed demeanor as infuriating as ever.
“nope,” he replied smoothly, his voice carrying that teasing edge you’d come to associate with him. “why? you offering to help out?”
your eyebrows raised at his audacity, lips twitching into a sharp smile. “not a chance,” you shot back, crossing your arms. “just seems like a guy would’ve hired someone by now. you know, to deal with… things lying around.”
you tilted your head ever so slightly toward the couch, your tone dripping with fake politeness.
his gaze followed yours, his smirk widening when he spotted the black panties half-hidden under the couch. he didn’t even flinch, his confidence unshakable. “ah,” he said, dragging out the syllable like he was amused. “didn’t think you’d be so interested in my... décor.”
“interested?” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “hardly. just don’t want to sit down and find someone’s—”
“relax, doll,” chris interrupted, stepping closer, two glasses of lemonade in his hands. “you’re the only one i’d ever let touch that couch.” your breath hitched at the sudden shift in his tone, his words smooth and low, laced with something that sent a shiver down your spine.
"here you go," he muttered casually, handing you the drink with an ease that seemed second nature, his fingers brushing yours for the briefest moment. the contact was fleeting, but enough to make you glance up at him, studying his unreadable expression as he took a sip of his own drink.
chris’s gaze wandered across the room, his sharp eyes flicking over the spacious mansion like he was inspecting it for the first time. the pristine white walls, the expensive art pieces, the sleek, modern furniture, it all screamed wealth, power, and a life that didn’t need anyone else.
“nice place,” you said after a beat, your voice light, trying to break the heavy silence that had settled between you. he huffed out a small laugh, low and almost cynical. “you think?” he asked, not looking at you, his tone casual.
“most people would kill for a house like this,” you said, gesturing around with your glass. “yeah,” he said, finally turning to meet your eyes, a smirk tugging at his lips. “but it doesn’t feel like home, does it?”
you paused, caught off guard by the sudden shift in his tone, the vulnerability that lingered beneath the surface of his cocky exterior. “no maids, no warmth, and apparently no decorum,” you quipped, nodding toward the couch.
his smirk deepened, the momentary crack in his façade gone as quickly as it appeared. “what can i say? i keep it real.”
“real messy,” you shot back, taking a sip of your drink. “messy’s not always a bad thing,” he said, leaning against the counter, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that made your heart skip.
you didn’t know whether to roll your eyes or blush under his gaze. instead, you took another sip of your drink, your pulse quickening as his smirk widened, like he knew exactly the effect he had on you.
"anyways," he muttered, his voice casual as he took another sip of his drink, "’m gonna hire some help soon. just haven’t had the time, yet."
your brows raised at his nonchalant tone. “oh, right,” you teased, setting your glass down on the counter. “must be exhausting having all this… space to yourself. can’t imagine how you cope.”
he smirked, leaning a hip against the counter as his eyes lazily trailed over you. “you’d be surprised,” he replied, his voice low, laced with a subtle challenge. “but you’re welcome to stick around if you’re so concerned. lend a hand.”
“concerned?” you scoffed, crossing your arms. “i’m not concerned. just trying to figure out how someone with all this doesn’t even have the basics figured out.”
he chuckled, the sound deep and warm, as though he found your attitude amusing. “basics aren’t my style,” he said, his smirk widening. “i like to keep thing spontaneous.”
“right,” you deadpanned, though the way his gaze lingered on you made it hard to keep your composure. “because leaving underwear under the couch screams ‘spontaneous.’”
he tilted his head softly. “depends on whose it is.” you rolled your eyes, but the heat rising to your cheeks betrayed your cool demeanor. “you’re impossible.”
“nah,” he said, setting his glass down beside yours and stepping just a little closer, his presence overwhelming in the best and worst ways. “i’m just honest.”
"how old were you, again, doll?" chris asked, his tone as casual as if he were asking about the weather.
"nineteen," you replied, watching his reaction closely. "ah," he muttered, nodding softly, his gaze briefly flitting to his watch. "’m twenty-one."
he shifted his weight, scanning the room before looking back at his watch again, his expression suddenly changing. “shit, ’m sorry. gonna have to finish this great conversation another time, got a meeting right now.”
“yeah, no worries. thanks…” you muttered, forcing politeness into your tone even though irritation simmered beneath it.
“don’t mention it,” he mumbled carelessly, not sparing you a second glance as he quickly moved to the counter, placing his glass down with a clink before heading toward the stairs.
"don’t forget to close the door on your way out," he called over his shoulder, disappearing upstairs without so much as a backward glance.
you stood there for a moment, staring at the now-empty staircase, your fake smile dropping as annoyance bubbled to the surface. grabbing your things, you made your way to the door, letting it click shut with more force than necessary.
"what an ass," you muttered under your breath as you walked away, already plotting what to do the next time you saw him.
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cozage · 2 years ago
A/N: Did someone order Law x reader with an extra slow burn??? Oh my sweet sweet anon I love you and everyone else who requested this. This was such a pleasure to write. I truly hope I did it justice and made up for not having a section for him earlier. For those who are new here, this is part two for an earlier headcanon list I did. Check that out first for more context.
Characters: GN! reader x Law
Cw: NSFW. MINORS - DNI. I promise I’ll have so much other content for you to consume, please respect me and my work and keep scrolling. If I catch a minor on my NSFW posts, I will block you (and then you don't get to see any of my writing! So just skip this one.)
Total word count: 4.2k
tag list: @error404-tryagain @jadedrrose @patchofblue @nikos-a-clown @evilunicorns4minions @reader101 @gaynerdnotkid @augustanna @uchihabbynic
Push and Pull
“Y/N-ya, what the hell was that?” You could hear the frustration in his voice follow after you as you dashed out of the room and retreated down the hallway. The game was finally over. The moment Shachi released you from your place on Law’s lap you had made a beeline for your room. 
“N-Nothing!” You keep moving, feeling heat rise to your face at the thought of your earlier flirtation attempt. Shachi may have been the one to force you to do it, but it would have been a lot better if you hadn’t fumbled it so badly. 
Law quickly caught up to you and grabbed your wrist, pulling you back from your escape. He spins you around to face him, and he towers over you. His face was contorted with such anger that you instinctively shrank away from him.
“Did Shachi put you up to that?” His face had softened some and you could tell he was attempting to control his voice, but his anger was apparent. You hesitated, which was enough of an answer for him. You could feel his grip tighten on your wrist, and you resist the urge not to squirm away from him again. You want to be far away from him and his rage, which now appeared to be centered on your crew mates. You could hear their laughs echoing from the common room, and Law glared in their direction.  
“I’m sorry you had to do that,” he says, still facing the common area. You start to respond, wanting to let Law know that it wasn’t a big deal, but he’s already dropped your wrist and is striding back to the common room. A dark aura is rolling off him as he heads towards the crew, and you turn on your heels and bolt to your room, thankful for an escape.
You make yourself scarce over the next few days, and the captain seems to be doing the same. You stay locked in your room, and he stays locked in his office. The only time you interact with Law is over meals, and you catch yourself glancing over at him several times throughout those moments. A few times you glance over to catch his golden eyes staring back at you, and you both quickly look away, praying nobody else caught you all. 
You and your captain have been doing this strange dance of avoiding each other and catching stolen looks for three days before the crew decided to step in. 
At lunch on the third day, Ikkaku hunts you down to pull you into your room. “You should wear something super nice tonight!” She’s already sifting through the clothes in your drawer.
“What? Why?” You start picking up the clothes that Ikakku has tossed on the floor, but she’s oblivious to your efforts, which irritates you. “Do you mind not making such a mess?”
She ignores your request, still shifting through your belongings and mumbling to herself. “Not a lot to work with here but I’m sure we can find something.”
“Hey-stop that! Ikakku, what is this all about anyway?” You’re throwing your clothes back into the dresser as fast as she’s throwing them out, frustration growing with every shirt you have to refold.
Ikkaku doesn’t offer much explanation. “It’s for the captain.”
You stand there staring at her, dumbfounded, until a stray shirt is thrown at your face. “What’s for the captain?” You finally ask.
Ikakku moves onto the next drawer and keeps digging through your clothes, unfazed by your question. “You gotta dress to impress, sweetheart!”
“Why would I do that?” Your voice comes out choked, and you know your secret has been found out. You still can’t find the will to move, even though your friend is continuing to demolish your room.
Finally, your words catch up to Ikakku, and she turns to face you. She stares at you a long while, as if she’s trying to decide if you’re even worth explaining her motives to. After a few long seconds, Ikakku laughs. “Don’t try to deny it, dear. I know you’re head over heels for him.”
Your mouth falls open in shock. She says it with such confidence that you know there’s no point in denying it. Ikakku always had a sixth sense for these things. “How long have you known?”
“I’ve had my suspicions for a little while, but you made it pretty obvious during game night. At this point everyone must know.” There’s something extra in her voice that sends you over the edge. She said her words so condescendingly, as if she pitied you and your circumstances.
“Get out! Get out now!” You shoved Ikakku out the door and slammed it behind her, refusing to come out until the dinner call. You feel so humiliated, though you’re not sure why. Your cheeks still turn pink at the thought of that night, which was the last time you had talked to your captain in three days. It felt like Shachi and Ikakku had ruined your entire relationship with the captain because of that stupid dare, and now they were trying to meddle in your life even more.
You were late to dinner because of Penguin. He was trying to get you to put a nicer outfit on, which led to a big fight and left you in a sour mood. By the time the two of you got there, only two seats remained. One next to Shachi, which was obviously meant for Penguin, and one next to the captain, which was obviously meant for you.
Everyone’s eyes followed you as you took your place next to Law, but nobody said anything. You could see Ikakku and Shachi silently questioning Penguin over your outfit choice, but he simply rolled his eyes and waved it off. A few members exchanged glances, and you could feel that someone was waiting for something to happen.
“Sorry for being late to dinner, everyone.” You finally say, trying to sound genuine.
“Shall we eat, then?” Law spoke to the crew, ignoring you and your apology, and you felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
You didn’t have much of an appetite, and you weren’t in the mood to talk to the man who you had spent the past few days avoiding, so you occupied your time by pushing your food around on your plate. You tried to take a few bites every now and then, but you weren’t making much of a dent on your food.
“Y/N-ya.” The voice made you freeze. It was the first time your captain had spoken to you since game night. Your eyes shifted over to your captain, but when you made eye contact with him, they darted back to the peas on your plate.
“Are you feeling okay?” There was a calculated levelness in his voice. You go the sense he was asking as a doctor, not as a captain or a friend. 
“I’m fine.”
You could see his eye twitch in irritation, but his voice remained calm. “If you would like something else to eat-”
“I don’t.” You interrupt, not giving him the chance to finish his sentence. The other conversations at the table start to die down, and you’ve become painfully aware of everyone’s eyes on you now.
“Captainnnn,” Shachi called to the man next to you. “How about you give Y/N some of your food?”
You’re not sure why, but something snaps inside of you. He’s using that same condescending tone that Ikakku used with you earlier, and the anger that has built inside you over the past three days finally explodes.
“How about you go straight to hell, Shachi?” You say, slamming your fork down onto the table. You see everyone’s mouths fall open in shock, including your captain’s, but you don’t care anymore. You storm out of the room and back to your cabin, furious with the position you’ve allowed yourself to be put into because you have feelings for some guy. You lock your door to avoid unwanted visitors, but nobody tries to come talk to you anyway.
“It’s not my fault that they want to rip off each other’s clothes!” You freeze as you hear Shachi’s voice call out in frustration from the kitchen down the hall. You hadn’t seen them-or anyone- since dinner last night, and you were hoping to avoid everyone while you ventured to the kitchen for lunch today. You had even waited until far after the normal lunchtime to lower your chances of running into someone, but it seems you had waiting too long and now you had stumbled upon the people who were cooking dinner tonight.
“Hush!” A feminine voice scolds at the man in a low hiss. Ikkaku. “Someone is going to hear you.”
“I don’t care if they do hear me!” Shachi shoots back. “Everyone on this damn ship can see it except them! It’s been painfully obvious since game night! The way they avoid each other now, the glances over dinner, and now all this hostility!?! I knew the captain would be pissed at us, but  now…”
He trails off, and you can feel the heat rising to your cheeks when you realize it is you they are talking about. You stay frozen in the hallway, praying that nobody comes around the corner and catches you eavesdropping.
“Listen,” Shachi continues, now in a full-blown rant. “Captain told me that he liked Y/N! And Y/N told you the same thing, right? What were they expecting us to do? Of course we’re going to meddle in that! We’re the most meddlesome people on the ship! They wanted us to intervene! And we did and now they’re avoiding each other like they have some kind of plague and I’m so tired of it!” He pauses for a beat. “We should just tell them.”
Your hand flies up to your mouth to stifle a horrified gasp and Ikkaku speaks in a deadly serious tone. “We are not doing that, Shachi. Neither of them would ever forgive us.”
“I know, I know.” Shachi seems to have calmed down a bit. “It’s just frustrating to watch. And now they’re both upset with us. I just want them to be happy.”
“As do I. Come on, let’s make dinner,” Ikkaku suggests, trying to change the subject. “We’ll figure out a way to make them forgive us and each other. Until then, we’ll just count their awkward glances.”
“The record is eleven, you know. Eleven times they made eye contact and then quickly glanced away from each other. Just at one dinner!”
So they had noticed the looks you and Law had been sharing. In fact, the more they talk, it sounds like they had been actively watching the two of you. It seems like it was a sort of game to them. They were able to recall most of the ones that had happened over the previous nights, chatting quietly and laughing at the exceptionally embarrassing ones.
There was no way you could face them after learning this. There was no way you could face anyone on the ship. You wanted to go hide in your room forever. You retreat back down the hallway the way you came and quickly rounded the corner to return to your room.
You crashed into someone as you turned the corner, too in a hurry to notice them until it was too late. You’re about to let out a small squeal of surprise when a hand covers your mouth tightly. Panic sets in for a moment, thinking someone may have stowed away on the ship, but when you see equally wide golden eyes staring down at you, you feel a twinge of relief.
A different kind of panic sets in, and your heartbeat starts to pick up. Suddenly, you’re painfully aware of how close you are to your captain; how his tattooed fingers are still gripping around your face, holding your mouth shut.
He must realize it too, because his face begins to tint with pink, and he releases you from his grasp. He holds a finger up to his lips and looks around the corner to see if anyone is watching, but Shachi and Ikkaku are still chatting in the kitchen, and nobody else is in the hallway. He takes your wrist and silently leads you away from the kitchen in the direction of his office.
You can feel your heart rate accelerating in your chest with every step closer to the captain’s quarters. Based on his reaction, you weren’t the only one who had heard Shachi’s and Ikkaku’s conversation in the kitchen. A part of you wanted to run, to find a way to put as much distance between you and your captain as you could on this small ship. But you let him lead you down the halls, too afraid to say or do anything else but follow him.
He didn’t look back at you the entire time you walked through the halls. His pace was fast, and at times you struggled to keep up. He quickly opened the door to his office and yanked you inside, looking back in the hallway once more to make sure you weren’t followed before closing it and locking the deadbolt firmly.
“What are you-” You had begun to question him, but quickly lost your voice when he started towards you with such intensity.
“Shachi and Ikakku, were they telling the truth?” His voice is harsh and rough when he speaks to you. You could hear the disbelief in his words, and you knew for a fact that he had heard them in the kitchen. He was towering over you with an intense gaze, and you were doing your best not to cower away from him like before.
“A yes or no will do.” He takes a step towards you, and you instinctively step backwards, pressing your back against a random bookcase behind you. He had you cornered now, and your stomach ties into a knot as you look up at him. You feel so small, trapped here in his office with him. There’s a hungry look in his eyes, like a predator when they’ve found their next meal. He’s a little terrifying, yet you can’t bring yourself to look away from him.
“Y/N.” He prompts again. He didn’t add the normal nickname to it, which was a solidified sign that he was pissed. You didn’t normally find your captain intimidating, but since game night he made your hair stand on edge. You’re too embarrassed to admit your feelings for him, not while staring straight in the eyes like this. You finally break away from his gaze and stare at the floor, too ashamed to answer.
But your captain wants your full attention, and Law’s index finger tucks under your chin and guides your face back up to meet him, beckoning you to look him in the eyes again. You resist at first, but eventually give in, locking back into his honey irises.
He leans down, only centimeters from your face. He’s so close that you can feel his breath on your lips as he exhales. His breath is hitched and shallow, warm as it brushes against your skin.
Your knees feel weak with him so close to you, and think they might give out any second. The electricity between the two of you is palpable, and you wonder if this is what it means to be alive. You are suspended in this moment only with him, completely isolated from the outside world and everyone in it.
“Was it the truth?” He whispers the question softly this time, and now you can sense a trace of hope laced into his words. You open your mouth to respond, but your words fail you. He looks down at your lips, waiting, and you do the only thing you can. You nod.
That’s all he needs. His lips crash into yours with such force that you have to take a step back to steady yourself, but you stumble against the bookcase. Law’s free hand wraps tightly around you to help you stay balanced, and he pushes you back against the bookcase for more support. Inked fingers trace your jawline and cup your cheek, pulling you closer to him while he leans further into you. There’s been far too much distance between the two of you recently, and he needs to make up for lost time.
You wrap your arms around his body, digging your fingernails into the back of his shirt as you pull him against you, showing him how much you want this-how much you need this. His tongue flicked across your lips and a soft moan escaped your mouth as your lips parted, granting him access to you. He dives in without hesitation, eager for his first taste of you.
His hands trailed down your back, sending shivers throughout your entire body. He reached your waist, and you could feel him hesitate for a moment, unsure how much further to proceed. You press against him harder, encouraging him further, and your hands move upwards, wrapping around his neck to pull him into you more. Your fingers twisted around his midnight locks, tugging at them gently.
His lips finally release from your mouth, and you gasp for air while you have a second to breathe. Both of his hands slip under your ass and he lifts you up, your back still against the shelf for assistance. Your legs wrap around his body, pulling him into you.
He kissed your jawline, and then slowly made his way down to your neck. The sensation of his tongue swirling and his lips sucking on your sensitive skin made you pull at his hair harder, shoving his mouth further into your nape. You had to bite your lips to stifle a moan, and he gave a dark chuckle against your skin.
“Come on now,” he teased, nipping at your neck a few times. “Moan for me, y/n-ya”
You didn’t immediately oblige, and he was quickly growing impatient. His lips continued to suck at your skin with such ferocity that you were sure his marks of passion would be displayed there later. He gripped your ass tighter and pushed his groin into the opening between your legs. You could feel his hardened cock through his jeans grinding against you, and you couldn’t hold your words in any longer.
“Fuck, Captain!” You had tried to keep quiet, but the moan rang out loudly against the silent room.  Either Law didn’t care about the level of your voice, or he liked it. Judging by the way he thrust into you again, you would guess the latter. Your fingers dug deeper into his locks, pure ecstasy running through your veins now. You wanted to ride this high all the way to the end with your captain, and you continued to call out his name every time his bulge rubbed against you in the perfect way.
Law abandoned your neck to return back to your lips again, muffling your moans with his mouth. He continued to grip your ass tightly and push into you, and you could hear books falling to the ground behind you as his pace began to pick up.
“Errr, Captain?” The voice came from the other side of the door, distorted and concerned. In shock, Law pulled away from you and your hand flew to your mouth in horror, both of you frozen in place.
The door jiggled, and your eyes widened at its movement. Thankfully it stayed shut, locked earlier by the captain.
Law’s eyes stayed connected with yours. He kept you against him, refusing to put you down. “What is it, Bepo?”
“Is everything okay, Captain? I was coming to tell you dinner is ready, and I heard some commotion as I-“
Law cut him off before he let Bepo’s rambling go on too long. “Everything is fine, Bepo. Thank you. We will be at dinner soon.”
Your eyes widen at him, and he realizes his mistake too late.
Law curses under his breath and you smile at his uncharacteristic slip up. You can only thank the stars that it’s Bepo summoning him and not anyone else on the crew.
“I’ll see you at dinner, Bepo.” Law corrects, and you can hear Bepo’s feet padding away down the hall without further commentary.
You start to unwrap your legs from around his waist, but he grips you tighter, refusing to release you just yet.
You giggle at him and place a quick kiss on his nose, and in shock, his arms loosen from around you. He releases you, and you hop down happily. All the tension between you two has finally broken, and the air feels lighter now
You do a quick check in the mirror nearby, and attempt to fix the things you can control. You use your fingers to comb through your hair quickly and smooth your shirt, trying your best to make yourself look presentable. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do about the welts that are already forming on your neck other than pull up your shirt collar and hope for the best.
“Go ahead, I’m going to clean up and then I’ll be there.” Law bends down to pick up his hat and places it back on his head. It must’ve fallen off at some point, though you’re not sure when. He waves you on, bending back down to begin collecting the books you’ve scattered across the floor.
You start to think that you’ve done something wrong or he’s ashamed to be seen with you, and you feel that familiar pit forming in your stomach.
“Save me a seat,” he calls to you as you exit the room, and your fear instantly melts away.
You walk into the kitchen to find that most people have already congregated around the table. A few people look over to see you come in, and your eyes find Shachi. You smile at him politely, trying to start the process of making up for your outburst yesterday. His eyes glance down to your neck, and you watch as his eyes grow wide. He mutters something to Ikakku and Penguin, and you look away before you become more embarrassed.
You take a seat, and a few minutes later Law walks in and sits next to you. He’s sitting extremely close to you, his leg pressed against yours. You try to avoid the looks Shachi is sharing with the rest of the crew.
Dinner starts out casual, everyone attempting to ignore the elephant in the room. You were chatty with your crew mates, and everyone began to relax more. It finally felt like the crew dynamic was returning to normal again.
Halfway through dinner, you feel a hand rest on the top of your thigh, and you resist the urge to look over at your captain. You can feel his thumb lazily rubbing in circles, and electricity starts through your veins again.
After a few moments his fingers reach down, gripping your inner thigh and giving it a squeeze. You have to bite down on your lip to avoid showing any outward signs of his advancements. You snap your legs shut and attempt to continue your conversation with Clione, ignoring the hint of a smirk dancing across Law’s face.
He pushed further into your inner thigh, massaging it slowly. Continuing his taunt, he spreads his fingers closer to your core and flexes his fingers against you. You shift away from him, and he gripped your thigh harder to prevent you from completely leaving his grasp.
He leans close to you, whispering so only you can hear him. His voice is low and thick with desire. “Do you want to finish what we started?”
Your cheeks burn as he releases your thigh and gets up from the table, not waiting for your response. You wait a few moments before deciding to follow him.
“Thank you, Shachi.” You look at him and pause, and you can feel a sense of understanding pass between you two. “For the meal.” You add in, for sake of appearance.
You get up and walk out of the room, and Law is waiting for you outside. He grabs your hand and leads you back towards his office once again. You’re uncertain of what lies ahead, but it’s better than where you’ve been.
“Thank FUCK!” You hear Shachi scream from the kitchen, and the crew joins in with a chorus of laughter. You found yourself agreeing with them, grinning to yourself as the captain pulls you along, hand laced in yours.
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amymbona · 7 months ago
idk if this is gonna make sense but do yk the game twister? like with the colourful mat and you always end up tangled with each other?
so hear me out- you and art are playing together with patrick being the person that spins and tells you guys where to move.. but instead hes just trying to put you guys into sexual positions since he knows art has a fat crush on you😵‍💫
just ends in either you teasing art while playing or patrick getting you guys to fuck eventually (like making up his own rules - if you fall you take off a piece of clothing - etc.)
You're genuinely so into the game, and end up squatting with your arms crossed in front of you, while Art's face is like directly behind your ass. He can see the lace of your panties where your shirt rode up with the stretch of your back and he has to physically resist the urge to kiss the soft skin there.
Patrick, seeing it all, smirks and spins the wheel, but completely ignores whatever it lands on. "Right hand on green, Art."
"Oh, okay," Art gasps with almost child like innocence, searching for the right spot. And the only suitable one seems to be on the front of your own hand.
So he does the only possible thing, extending his right arm to place his palm on the green circle, completely enveloping you from the top. His chest presses into your back and you catch the tiniest hint of his boner pressing into your ass.
"Left foot on yellow, Y/N," Patrick commands, not even bothering to spin the wheel.
You try to do so, the top of your head bumping into Art's chin, and your back practically molds against his chest as you extend your left leg behind yourself. "Fuck, I'm gonna fall."
"Just hold it, Y/N, don't be a pussy," Patrick mutters with a roll of his eyes, loving the way you two are pressed together. "Ready for another round, Art?"
Eventually, the two of you end up tangled in a mess, limbs intertwined. At one point, your crotches rub together, like really really hard and Art thinks he might cum right there. Luckily for him, your legs give up under you and you fall straight on your bum, complaining about a lost game.
The boys know how much of a competitive girl you are, and evening something as simple as twisted is able to ignite the fire that burns on your heart. And the good friend Patrick is, he decides to give you another chance to prove yourself.
"How about a new rule, hm? If you fall, take something off," he offers, crossing one leg over the other were he's sitting. "We can continue until you're both naked."
He's an asshole, a proper fucking asshole. But Art makes sure to get on his knees and thank him next time when they're alone, because - fuck - the moment your bare boobs bounce in front of his face is like seeing a real angel descend from the sky. He's almost naked as well, just in his boxers now, his boner very much waving hello at you.
The positions you end in are even more awkward. At one point, Art end up on all fours, but in the other way, so his bum is just barely lifted off of the ground, with you hovering above him, legs spread on either side of his head. His cock is throbbing in his pants and his eyes are so wide at the sight of a wet pool of arousal soaking through the pink cotton of your panties.
"Art," Patrick hums, an amused expression on his face as he keeps studying the scene in front of him. "Mouth on pink."
Art's eyes snap towards his friend. "What?"
It's obvious what Patrick is referencing. And he's so fucking proud of himself for it. "You heard me, man."
"C'mon, Art," you almost whine impatiently, wiggling above him. Your full thighs jiggle and Art has a back time holding back a moan.
"Oh- okay," he swallows heavily, with a hesitant nod pressing his lips to the pink cotton of your panties. A breathy moan is heard above him, such a calm sound.
Art really can't help himself. He can't wait for any other instruction from his friend, he can't even hold himself back now that his face is smushed against your arousal. He licks a thick stripe and sucks in the sticky wetness that has soaked through the fabric, slowly losing himself in the sweet taste. Patrick chuckles at the eagerness and you do too, but with much less harshness. The sound is almost sweet, caressing Art's fluffy, fuzzy brain and encouraging him to keep going.
"Left foot on green."
Patrick announces and Art feels your thighs squeeze tighter around his head as you reposition yourself. His whole head is buried in your lap, the tip of his nose rubbing little circles over your clit as he breathes in the moisture. Little beads of sweat glisten on his pink cheeks, the feel of your plush skin against his ears making him feel like he's drowning. Like he can't breathe.
"Mhm, Art," you moan above him, grinding your pelvis down to meet him halfway. By now, his lips are fully latched onto your cunt, suctioning it into his mouth and sucking and sucking and sucking.
Locked in the awkward position, his hands and feet somehow remain within the colourful circles, and so do yours. It's almost admirable how you manage to stay unmoving, only the subtle grind of your hips and nodding friction of Art's head happening.
The smug bastard Patrick is, he's enjoying the whole thing, the sight something so beautiful and downright pornographic. He's almost tempted to whip out his phone and record the two of you, because he's sure there's not a single video like this on the hub. That could be a hit!
But he's not that much of a bitch. So all he does it palm his dick and dost it through his pants, the sight of his best friend's angel curls drowning between your plush thighs being just enough to get him hard.
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magics-neptunes-things · 1 year ago
Secret Love II
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So, here we are with the second part! I don't really where I'm going with it right now to be honest, so I'm just gonna I’ll just let my imagination run wild.
Thanks for your reviews, don't hesitate leave me some, it always makes me very happy to know what you think of my writings :)
P.S Part one is HERE
A few hours after leaving your hotel room, you return there hoping to be as discreet as you were before. On tiptoe, you reach your bed and slip under the covers, your mind always with Alexia. She also went to her room, you both agreed that it was important to enjoy the last hours of sleep before dawn. While you are looking for sleep, you don't realize that Ona’s breathing is no longer as deep as when you left, indicating that she is awake.
"... going to be late!"
Ona’s voice comes to you like through a fog and you need a few blinks of eyes to finally fix your gaze on her face.
"Breakfast is in seven minutes, you know how is Vilda with late people"
Oh man. You jump of your bed, frantically searching for your clothes by making more mess than anything else. You sprint in the bathroom to wash your face and comb your hair in a messy bun, trying to get the sleep of your face.
"Ona go, don't be let yourself" you say to your roomate.
"You sure?" she asked, popping her head by the door.
"Ok. Your shirt is upside down."
You swear before you put it right, jump in your sneakers and go out slamming the door of the room. Obviously the elevator doors close a few meters from you, so you decide to take the stairs. It’s a miracle you’re on time and you're not even the last one.
You spot Alexia, sitting next to Jenni and Irene, with the same fresh, rested look as if she had slept 12 hours straight. This woman, you thought, before serving you a breakfast tray and looking for a free place.
"Y/N what's that?"
You turn around but Aitana had time to have a close look to the hickey Alexia made two days ago. Her loud question made everyone turn around, even if you all were supposed to be focused on your strength exercises.
"What are you talking about?" you ask, your mind racing while looking for a good excuse.
"You got a bruise on your neck"
At this point those who were furthest away turned their attention to their exercises, but you feel that the look of several of your teammates burning your back. You crossed Alexia's eyes for a second and open the mouth to talk, but another voice answers before you.
"It must have been when you fell while getting ready, the morning you were late. I thought she was gonna break her neck."
The second sentence is more for Aitana than for you, but she seems to accept this answer with even a small laugh before grabbing his dumbbell again. It's Ona's look that you cross this time and since you don’t know what to tell her, you’re starting to do your exercises again.
"So, you and Alexia uh?"
You were back in your room, reading a book while listening some music. It was free time but it was so cold outside that you didn't want to go out for now. Ona had said nothing until now, even during the meal time when you found yourself sitting in front of her. Even if you knew the subject was coming at some point, you appreciate the fact that she chooses to be sure she isn’t being heard by anyone to bring the subject.
"Well... Maybe"
You can't fight back the smile on your face and your vague answer seems to be enough for your roommate.
"Who knows?" she asked.
"No one, apart from Alexia’s mother."
"Even Jenni?"
You bite your lip and shakes your head. You know Alexia want to talk about it with Jenni, she's her bestfriend after all. But you had a rule and she just get with it.
"We got together six months after I arrived in Barcelona, I had a hard time understanding what was happening the first time she tried to flirt with me."
You smile in spite of yourself, the flirting was not necessarily the strong of Alexia but you always found it touching.
"And then we broke up when we lost against Wolfsburg, she thought our relationship was what kept her from focusing on the game and the win."
You swallow with difficulty, these memories being particularly dark for both of you. But now that you’ve started talking about your story, you can’t stop. Especially since the Catalan seems to be an excellent listener.
"After that we lost the final... It was awful. I spent every second trying not to look at her, not to show anything to anyone. No one knew and they thought I was disappointed that we lost the final when I was in reality heartbroken."
Lost in your thoughts, your gaze on your hands, you notice only when you feel her presence that Ona left her bed to sit next to you. She places her hand on your arm and you look up at her smiling, which must probably seem strange to her given with what you're saying after.
"Weeks and months passed and we found ourselves training for the Euro. And you certainly don’t need me to remind you what happened with her ACL."
Ona’s grimace speaking of herself, you continue, leaning against the wall behind you.
"I wrote her several times to tell her that I was thinking about her, but she didn't answer. I didn't expect her though, I knew that she had cut contact with almost everyone. But when we were eliminated and I returned to Barcelona, I found her one time on my doormat. She was... I never saw her like that Ona. She was destroyed."
The memory of this moment gives you shivers and you shake yourself mentally to return to the present.
"I let her in and she talked about her insecurities. She told me she was supposed to be in rehab in 15 minutes, but she didn’t want to go. She felt that it was useless and that she would never play again. So I threatened to call her mother and took her there. That’s when we started seeing each other again and got back together soon after."
There was a small silence, during which Ona seemed to digest the information you had just given her. With frowns, she looks at you thoughtfully when answering.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was this deep. And I’m sorry you both had to go through this without being able to tell anyone."
"It's in the past now. I can't talk for her but she makes me really happy. You really saved us this morning, but please keep it to yourself for now"
"I will"
She smiles and you kiss her cheek before she gets up to go to the bathroom. Thinking it's better to inform Alexia, you take your phone.
You - Can you talk?
Mi Reina ♥ - Yes, what's up?
You - Ona knows about us, I kind of just told her everything.
Mi Reina ♥ - Well she kind of cover you up this morning so it was obvious Guapa
You - Sorry if my girlfriend can't keep her lips to herself :)
Mi Reina ♥ - Touché.
Mi Reina ♥ - Can I talk to Jenni about us, since Ona knows?
You - If you want to, it's ok for me.
The next day, it didn’t take you long to realize that Alexia had spoken to Jenni. You have surprised the gaze of the striker several times, examining you with a thoughtfulness look. Every time you catch her looking at you, you were foolishly blushing and it was only when Alexia slapped her head that she stopped looking at you.
Time pass and here you are, at the final of the World Cup. The more you advanced in the tournament, the harder it was to manage time for you and Alexia. But you had a few moments, thanks to Jenni and Ona who covered you a few times. You didn’t escape Jenni’s threatening conversation, based on "Hurt my best friend and you won’t see the light of the day again" but other than that she seems to have given you her blessing.
You were in the locker room once again, but this time it was the Final. You were playing against England, your last game of the tournament. You're not really listening what Vilda is saying, focused on your boots. You start the match, next to Alexia, Ona, Jenni and your others teammates. You’re stressed, you can’t wait for the game to start now.
You haven't forget the promise Alexia made this night in your hotel, but you haven't bring to topic again. Even if it doesn't happend, you couldn't be more happy.
What it seems an eternity later, you were on the fields and the referee was blowing in her whistle. You made it, you were World Champions. Tears of joy and relief invaded your eyes and you find yourself caught in a collective embrace, without really knowing who is tight against you. Cries of joy, tears and the cheering of the crowd around you seem to come from far away.
When you are able to stand up, you find yourself facing Ona who also huggs you before mumbling "I have to find Lucy". Of course she have to, not matter what is her relationship with her, they are really close.
You search for a particular person too, your eyes scanning around for pink hair. When you spot Alexia, she's on the ground and Jenni is helping her to stand up.
A bit like in a dream, you start running towards her before throwing yourself in her arms. The mix of emotion makes you feel like you’re floating when you wrap your legs around her waist and she hugs you back.
"We did it" you say, while she keeps you in her arms.
"Yes we did" she answers, with the most beautiful smile in her face.
If you weren't already madly in love with her, you'll probably fall again right now.
"So… What now?" you asked soflty after some seconds of silence you passed admiring her.
"I'm going to kiss you."
And she did, barely letting you the time to understand what she said. Keeping you in her arms, she approaches her face to yours and places her lips on yours, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Of course you hear exclamations of surprise around you, but you can’t focus on anything other than Alexia. She ends up putting you down, letting go your lips for a few seconds to catch her breath. You then kiss her a few seconds later, drawing her as close as possible.
You may have won the World Cup, but ultimately your greatest victory is her.
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renren-006 · 1 year ago
Hiii I just wanna say I love your writing <33
Can I request heavvyyyyyyy smut with f!reader x Theseus Scamander in which they are both aurors wanting head auror position and Theseus is tired of reader always running her mouth and one night when they are both staying in the office late she has to drop of something in his office and they have a mini argument and he shuts her up iykwim (lil bit of choking and biting kink for ✨spice ✨) - ⛄️
Magical Hands | Theseus Scamander x fem Reader
A/n: hey omg absolutely!! thank you so much for the request! hehe also thank you for including some elements you want!!
warning: 18 PLUS ONLY!! smut! spicy!
word count: 1471
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While you did work with a ton of Aurors there was one in particular you couldn't stand, and maybe it was because he slightly made you weak but it was also just because of his arrogance. You hated how he boasted about how good he was  at his job, and how you felt immeasurable compared to him. You wanted the Head Auror position, had been working towards it for a few years now and kept getting sidestepped by Thesus Scamander himself. How his brother was a completely different person, you had no idea. The man never ever let you get more than a  few steps in front of you before he came in and stole what you thought was your position away from you. 
You back talked to him, trash talked him even said his magic was flimsy, it was not, you just did everything you could to beat him down but it never worked. You knew he hated it, was annoyed by it, and that slightly made it better for you. The teasing and the banter, in your own way was showing him you did in fact want to be better but also that there was some other deeper level of attraction towards him. 
It was one night during a particularly tough case that you and Theseus stayed late to work on it, in separate offices of course. You had scanned through some papers and had written up the incident report for the day and was going to drop it off to Thesaurus, not without some banter along the way.
“Well if it isn't the Great Aurora” you said as you hugged the doorway to his office. Thesis huffed a breath and looked up from where he was hunched over a large table in the room. 
“What do you want?” he asked, looking at you now. You slowly meandered into the room. 
“That's a lot of papers,” you said, ignoring his question. 
“Yea, it's from the mess at the docks”
“Ah…I see even your greatness cant solve it” you said, trying at anything for him to take the bait like he sometimes does. 
“Again what is it you want” he asked, clearly not amused by what you were saying or baiting. 
“Why do you assume I want something?” you asked, snapping a bit at him. 
“I don't have time for this y/n '' he said, pulling his attention back to his work, that he had slowly started to put back into piled. 
“Aww can't pull yourself away for two minutes” you asked him as he was moving the things off the table, making you lean back on it watching him.
“Y/N '' Theseus said, snapping his head back to you, annoyance ringing clear in your name. 
“Poor Theseus can’t…” you were cut off by his lips slamming onto yours, the clear force shoving your hips and ass further into the table. You were caught off guard for the first time in years. He slid his hands onto your waist lifting you without hesitation and putting you on the table. His eyes met yours, the pure lust and hunger on his face made you slowly unravel from the mask you had put on around him. 
“Theseus?” you asked slowly wondering what was happening. He stepped back, gathering himself. 
“Sorry i…”
“I didn't tell you to stop,” you told him, “I only wanted to know…why?”
“Why? Are you kidding me? For years you have been doing this act this flirtation annoying act…i cant take it for one more moment”
“You knew?”
“Of course I knew, I see how you are around the other Aurors and it's only to me that you do this,” he said, gesturing to you, the attitude you had with him. He walked back over, you let your legs spread apart the skirt you had on rising slowly as you did, showing more and more skin. A growl escaped his lips as he stood in between them. 
“You wear those just for me?’ he asked, referencing your skit and the little number you had on underneath that he had a view of.  
“Not intentionally” you told him
“Hmm so you just hopped id see your little number?”
“Maybe…maybe I'll bend in front of you, act like I'm going to pick something up and then…leave you there wanting more,” you told him, making him grip your legs. 
“Tell me darling…you like being such a brat?” he asked you hand slowly making its way up your body then landing on your neck, wrapping around it slightly. You groaned, rocking your hips against the air, something Theseus caught. “Oh darling, cant be doing that now can you” he said. His other hand sliding up your thigh twords those little red undwewear you put on, and almost right twords your spots but stopping at the top of your thigh and squeezing. You were being teased and you knew it. The amount of restraint he was trying to have, became apparent to you when you saw him eyeing your skin and the hand wrapped around your neck. You wanted him to squeese, wanted him to slip sinde, you wanted all of him, however aggressive. You desperatly wanted that hunger to devour him and consume you. He eyes you again, making your skin heat up more and more from his gaze, his hunger. 
“What are you so hesitant about?” you asked him, his eyes jumped to meet yours.
“Dont want to go to far”
“I want to go far with you” you told him, “devoir me baby”  you told him, tilting your head up giving him the etire access to yourself. He squeezed your neck pulling himself into you. The squeezing from his hands sent you into space, your kisses were sloppier yes but he didnt care, not one but as he saw the ecstasy on your face. He left your lips, and gassed longly at your neck where is hand was wrapped around it and your eyes were glossy from the feeling. He let go, letting the life return to your eyes. You gazed lost at him, from the relised feeling of his hand and the blood and air circulating back up to your head. He ran his hand down your neck, grazing over your chest before stopping at your waist. 
“Darling…” he started, the longing in his face, he wanted something. 
“Anything you want” you told him, the look he gave you or terror and pleasure was enought to make you want to brake on this table. He moved your hair back, beefore he took that jacket off leaving just in an almost skin tight blue shirt, showing his flexing msussles underneath and that body you wanted ontop of yours. You pulled him back to you by his belt and pulled your self and him flush while still on that table. He could tell what you waned, and what he was definitely going to do to you. Your underware was slow to be slipped off by the hand that had come back to rest by your thighs. That red piece fell to the floor, leaving the cold air to make you hiss slightly. The building tension you had for him, to do whatever he wanted to you, was insufferable. This shirt was unbuttoned slowly by your hands, wanting to just feel him. Once it was and his shirt fell you knew without even looking that all his windows and the door were locked and no one was interrupting hhat you two were doing. You new a charm of silence and cast it around the room, and the growl from Thesus when he felt it put into place almost made you loose yourself again. 
“No interruptions anymore” he said. Slowly most of your cloths were gone, and he stood there watching you, your body, as it cured to his touch. And when it was just the two of you those charms were truly needed. What ou never knew was how much thesusu enjoyed chocking you and how much he enjoyed bitting you, your neck, your thighs. You never wanted him to stop devouring you, the biute marks leaving deep red and almost bloody imprints on your skin. His thrust sent you into ecstasy, that table helping both of you that night. He made you reach the hevsns while keeping you tied down to earth. 
The next day those bite marks along your neck and chest were on display for the entire department to see, and when people got a glance at the matching set of hickies on Theseus neck and those leading down his chest, not that they could see those but you knew, the entire office was in shambles about the two of you. Those bite marks and the non visible imprint his hand left on you kept you going back to each other.
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bitchiswild · 1 year ago
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Private Lessons
Sub!GP Kazuha x F! Reader Word Count: 3.2k Warnings: smut, cream-pie, giving head, miss kink?, etc. A/n: I’m sorry I make it sound like y'all cum in 3 seconds😭 Requested
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"Once again, starting from the beginning!" Your voice echoed across the dance room. "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8-, Stop!" With a swift motion, you raised your hand, bringing the music to a halt and signaling the dancers to freeze.
Your gaze, sharp and focused, swept over the group. "Kazuha, your Grand Adage needs improvement; we aim for perfection here," you asserted, your tone firm.
Kazuha visibly shrank under your scrutiny, offering a meek apology, "Sorry, miss."
"Let's go through it once more, starting from the top. Remember, girls, ballerinas are perfect, so you need to be perfect," you exhorted with a commanding tone, letting out a sigh that carried a sense of expectation.
As the music started afresh, the dancers resumed their positions. "1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8-," you counted, guiding them through the routine. However, as the sequence progressed, Kazuha faltered, missing a step in her Grand Adage.
"Kazuha, pay attention! You've got to get it right," you exclaimed, your voice holding a mix of frustration and determination. The other dancers watched as you corrected Kazuha, emphasizing the importance of precision in every movement.
Despite your corrections, Kazuha continued to struggle with the Grand Adage. Another misstep caused her to stumble, and you couldn't help but release an exasperated sigh. "Kazuha! We need to perfect this move by next week! Focus!," you urged, your tone carrying a hint of disappointment.
Kazuha, now visibly anxious, stammered an apology, "I-I'm sorry, miss. I'll try harder."
Recognizing her unease, you softened your tone, "Take a deep breath and try again. But remember, you need to get this right." As the class ended, you addressed everyone, "Great effort, everyone! Class dismissed, except for you, Kazuha. I need to talk to you after class."
Alone in the now quiet dance room, Kazuha stood nervously before you. Her eyes darted anxiously as she awaited your feedback.
"You're talented, Kazuha, but you seem a bit nervous out there," you remarked, your tone gentler than before. "Tell me, what's going on? Is something bothering you?"
Kazuha blushed then hesitated before speaking, "I... I'm just scared of messing up. I don't want to disappoint you."
You sighed, realizing the pressure she felt. "It's okay to make mistakes; that's how we learn. But you can't let fear control you. I believe in your potential. Take a deep breath and trust yourself. We'll work on it together."
As you observed Kazuha's nervous demeanor, you decided to take a more hands-on approach to help her overcome her fears. "Let's break it down step by step," you suggested, guiding her through the movements with patience. "Start with the first position and breathe. Remember, it's okay to take your time."
Kazuha blushed as you stood close, her heart racing while you provided gentle guidance. Nodding, she attempted the steps under your watchful eye. Despite the initial struggle, she began to regain some composure with each repetition. You offered words of encouragement, emphasizing the importance of confidence in dance.
After some time, Kazuha's movements became more fluid, and a sense of accomplishment replaced the earlier anxiety. "See, you've got this! Mistakes happen, but it's how we learn from them that matters," you reassured her.
Kazuha found herself in a bit of a daze, mesmerized by the way your body moved during the dance. It stirred something in her skirt. You looked absolutely stunning.
“Kazuha?” you called out, snapping your fingers in front of her face. “Are you okay?” concern evident in your voice.
Snapping out of her trance, she blushed, hastily putting her hand in front of her to hide her incoming hard on. “Y-Yea, T-Thank Y-You, Miss,” she stammered out.
You stared at her intently, your gaze eventually shifting down, noticing her predicament. Your mouth formed an 'oh' shape as you realized what was happening.
Kazuha, realizing where you were looking and began to apologize profusely. “I-I’m so s-sorry, Miss. It's just y-you’re so b-beautiful, a-and t-the w-way y-your b-body m-moves-" she stammered, her words filled with genuine embarrassment.
You chuckled, moving closer to Kazuha until you were by her ear. In a soft whisper, you said, “I'm glad you see me this way.” Your warm breath made Kazuha shudder. She instinctively placed her hand on your waist, drawing you closer, as your arms gently wrapped around her neck.
Caught off guard by your unexpected revelation, Kazuha's nervousness intensified. "W-What do you mean?" she stammered, her eyes wide with a mix of surprise and uncertainty.
You maintained a teasing smile, "It means," you explained, your voice carrying a hint of amusement, "I have the hots for you too."
As the weight of the confession hung in the air, Kazuha's response was palpable – a shuddered breath and a whimper that betrayed the intensity of the moment. Responding to the unspoken tension, your hand instinctively rose, delicately caressing her face.
"Can I kiss you?" you asked, your gaze meeting hers, your eyes framing the question with a subtle charm. Kazuha whimpered again, her nod indicating consent. Yet, you gently tsked, your voice soft but firm, "I need words, Kazuha." She stammered a nervous agreement, "Y-Yes, miss," prompting a soft hum and understanding smile from you.
You closed the gap, pulling her into a kiss that carried the weight of tension between the two of you. Your hand slowly went down to touch her hard on, causing her to whimper in your mouth, while bucking her hips into your hands.
Your kisses grew more intense. Gently, you guided Kazuha towards the nearest wall, and she willingly pressed into your touch, her breath becoming rapid with anticipation.
"Please," she whimpered against your lips, her desire evident as your hands continued to rub her clothed dick. Pulling back slightly, you met her gaze with a playful smirk.
"Please what, Kazuha?" you teased, your fingers still teasing her aching member.
"Please, miss, touch me," she pleaded, her desperation clear in her voice.
"But I am touching you," you teased back, enjoying the effect you were having on her.
With a desperate whine, Kazuha hastily pulled down her skirt, her member now exposed and throbbing against her stomach, the tip flushed a deep, angry red.
As Kazuha's cock throbbed against her stomach, her breathing ragged with anticipation, you couldn't resist the urge to indulge her desires further. With a devilish grin, you trailed your fingertips along her exposed cock, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from her.
"Please, miss, I need more," she pleaded, her voice trembling with need.
Unable to deny her, you leaned in close, your breath hot against her ear as you whispered, "Tell me exactly what you want, Kazuha."
Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and desire, but she didn't hesitate to voice her desires. "I need your touch, your mouth, anything, please," she whimpered, her hands reaching out to grasp yours and guide them to where she craved them most.
You obliged, your fingers tracing teasing circles around her sensitive flesh, each touch igniting a spark of pleasure within her. Kazuha's moans filled the air as she arched against you.
You knelt down, her member still pulsating in your grasp, eliciting a symphony of moans from her lips. Her dick was hard, ready to explode as she had been waiting for this moment. With a sultry gaze, you met her eyes, maintaining unbroken contact as you traced the path of a prominent vein running from the base of her cock to its red tip with your tongue.
Kazuha's breath hitched as she watched you, anticipation mounting with each flick of your tongue. Your lashes fluttered seductively as you looked up at her. Without hesitation, you enveloped the head of her cock with your mouth, the sensation causing Kazuha's knees to weaken beneath her.
Her moans and whimpers grew louder, the pleasure coursing through her veins as you took her entire cock in your mouth. Your tongue danced skillfully around her, eliciting a chorus of desperate gasps and whimpers from Kazuha's trembling lips.
"F-Fuck, Miss, I'm gonna cum," Kazuha whimpered, her hand reaching out to push your head closer. You continued to shove her member down your throat, moaning as spit dripped down your chin.
Her hips began to stutter as the sensation of her member sliding into the tight confines of your throat overwhelmed her. Her legs trembled with the intensity of pleasure as her member throbbed against your tongue, each deep-throat sending waves of ecstasy coursing through her body. Kazuha's movements became erratic as she pressed her hips forward, her moans reduced to breathless whimpers as her body convulsed with pleasure. With a shudder, her hips pushed as far as they could, and a primal moan escaped her lips as her balls tightened, signaling her impending orgasm.
You felt her cock grow even harder in your mouth as her warm, salty cum began to shoot out, filling your mouth with each pulsating release. Kazuha's hips bucked uncontrollably as she emptied every last drop of her cum into your waiting mouth, her body trembling with the intensity of her release.
As her body trembled with the aftershocks of her orgasm, you tenderly withdrew from her member, relishing the lingering taste of her salty cum on your tongue. Kazuha sank against the wall, sliding down to sit on the floor, her chest heaving with the exertion of her pleasure. Panting heavily, she fixed her gaze on you, a mixture of gratitude and desire swirling in her glazed eyes.
You knelt down beside her, your own breath still ragged from the intensity of the moment. Gently, you reached out to brush a strand of hair away from her flushed face, a tender smile playing on your lips as you took in the sight of her satiated form.
"Are you okay?" you whispered softly, your voice filled with concern and tenderness.
Kazuha nodded, her lips curving into a contented smile as she reached out to intertwine her fingers with yours. "More than okay," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
With a gentle tug, Kazuha pulled you into her arms, her voice filled with a desperate plea. "I want to make you feel good too, miss," she whimpered, her longing evident as she pressed her body against yours.
Feeling her urgency, you allowed yourself to be guided by her eager hands. Before you knew it, Kazuha had pushed you onto your back on the floor, her movements swift as she deftly removed your skirt and underwear in one fluid motion, exposing your core to her hungry gaze.
With a sense of anticipation, Kazuha's hand reached out to swipe at your slick folds, causing a jolt of pleasure to course through you. You couldn't help but buck your hips into her touch, a guttural groan escaping your lips at the sensation.
"Shit, Kazuha," you moaned, the intensity of her touch sending waves of pleasure rippling through your body.
"Am I making you feel good, miss?" Kazuha asked shyly, her hand never ceasing its tantalizing movements as she slowly slid inside you, making you shudder with pleasure.
"Y-Yes, just like that, Kazuha," you moaned in response, your voice thick with desire as you surrender yourself to the intoxicating pleasure of her touch.
She dipped her head closer to your cunt, her tongue swiping teasingly at your clit while her fingers continued their relentless thrusting inside you. The sensation was electrifying, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through your body.
As she began to suck on your clit with increasing fervor, a guttural moan escaped your lips, your hands instinctively flying to grip her head, pulling her closer to you. The combination of her tongue and fingers was driving you wild, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
Then, with a knowing touch, Kazuha's fingers found your G-spot, and she intensified her thrusts, hitting just the right spot to send you over the edge. Your body arched in response to her thrusts.
You cried out in ecstasy, your body shaking as the waves of pleasure crashed over you. Kazuha continued her ministrations, her touch gentle yet insistent as she guided you through the aftershocks of your orgasm.
As you lay there, trembling and breathless, Kazuha pulled you into her arms, holding you close, with a slow and deliberate movement, you began to grind your soaking core against her hardening member, eliciting a whimper from Kazuha as the warm friction ignited a new wave of arousal within her. The sensation was electrifying, and you both moaned in anticipation as you felt the delicious pressure building between your bodies.
Lifting your hips, you guided her member to your entrance, the tip dipping slowly into your slick heat. Both you and Kazuha whimpered at the sensation, the anticipation nearly unbearable as you gradually took her entire length inside you.
"M-Miss, Y-you're so tight," Kazuha whimpered, her eyes fixed on your conjoined heat as she watched her thick cock disappear inside you. Her hand tightened around your waist, holding you close as you both became lost in the overwhelming sensation.
“F-Fuck! Kazuha, you're so good to me” You moaned, as you began riding her. “Such a pretty girl, are you my good girl?” You said to her as you gripped her face, forcing her to look at you.
“Y-Yes” She whimpers out, you rolled your hips into the whimpering girl.
"Yes, what?" you questioned her, your tone stern as you bounced on her member harder, eliciting even more whimpering from her.
"Yes, what, Kazuha?" you asked her, your voice filled with anticipation as you continued to move your hips, riding her cock with fervent passion. Each thrust brought you closer to that edge of ecstasy, driving you both crazy.
"Y-Yes, Miss," she cried out in response, her voice filled with need as her dick throbbed intensely inside you, ready to release its load.
She spilled thick spurts of cum, coating your walls in warmth, you leaned down to capture her lips in a passionate kiss. Your spit connected as you pulled away for a split second to lick it up from Kazuha's lips, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.
The warm feeling of her cum against your walls sent a shiver of pleasure down your spine, your own orgasm nearing with each passing moment.
"S-Shit, Kazuha," you muffled your screams into her shoulder as your stomach tightened, your legs beginning to shake and your vision blurring as white-hot pleasure sporadically consumed you in waves.
You both collapsed onto the floor, your bodies entwined in a state of bliss. The air was filled with the soft sounds of your labored breathing as you basked in the afterglow.
Gradually, as the waves of pleasure subsided, a sense of calm washed over you both. Kazuha nestled against you, her head resting on your chest as you gently stroked her hair, soothing her with your touch.
Feeling tears on your chest, you gently pulled Kazuha away to look at her, a worried expression on your face. "Kazuha, what's wrong?" you asked softly, concerned that you might have crossed a line.
"I-I'm sorry," she cried out, her voice trembling with emotion.
"W-What are you sorry for?" you questioned her, still worried about her well-being.
"I-I'm sorry for c-cumming inside you," she hiccuped, her words filled with guilt.
You let out a sigh of relief, realizing the source of her distress. Then, a chuckle escaped your lips as you reassured her, "It's okay, I don't mind it."
With a reassuring smile, you got off her member, you reached down between your legs, thrusting your fingers inside yourself and pulling them out, now coated in her cum. Without hesitation, you brought your fingers to your mouth, licking them clean.
As you looked into Kazuha's eyes, you could see her gaze darken behind the tears, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. Without a word, she crawled closer to you, straddling your hips as she pressed her hard cock against your wet heat. Gently, she rubbed it between your folds, eliciting a shiver of pleasure from you both.
With a shaky breath, Kazuha pushed herself inside you, her tears still streaming down her face from the guilt she felt. Your back arched at the stretch, the intrusion causing you to grasp onto Kazuha's back and groan in pleasure as she wasted no time in adjusting. Your legs instinctively wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer as she began thrusting her hips into yours.
The room quickly filled with the squelching sounds of your bodies moving together, Kazuha's cock stretching you out while your walls squeezed tightly around her with each stroke.
"You feel so good, miss, oh my god," Kazuha cried out, her voice filled with a mixture of pleasure and longing. You reached your hands to her face, wiping away her tears in a gesture of reassurance.
Her heavy balls collided with your skin with each thrust, her panting breaths hot against your ear as her back flexed with each powerful movement. Her cock slid in and out, each thrust growing more intense as she slammed back into you with increasing fervor.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna cum, miss," Kazuha whimpered, the urgency in her voice matching the frantic pace of her thrusts. You trembled under her, her cock stretching you in all the right places as you urged her on.
"Cum, Kazuha, cum in me," you cried out, your voice filled with desire as your body moved with her thrusts.
Kazuha's whiny moans fueled your own arousal, her pace becoming hard and deep as her balls slapped against you with each powerful thrust. Your walls began fluttering around her throbbing cock, the intense sensation driving you both closer to the edge.
With a final, primal cry of pleasure, your walls clamped and milked around her throbbing cock as it continued to spurt heavy streams of cum inside you. Kazuha buried her head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent as both of your legs shook with the intensity of your shared orgasm.
Kazuha collapsed on top of your body, you held her close, ignoring the sweat that coated both of your bodies. You brushed her hair behind her ear and placed a tender kiss on her forehead as she sighed contently in your embrace.
"You did so good, Kazuha. I'm proud of you," you murmured softly, your voice filled with genuine admiration as you continued to caress her back. Though Kazuha blushed at your words, you didn't notice as you both remained there in each other's embrace for a while.
Eventually, Kazuha got off of you and helped you clean up and change. The two of you then made your way to the door, staring at each other with a mixture of affection and longing.
As you locked the door, you turned to look at her and leaned in to give her a gentle peck on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow," you told her with a wink, leaving her standing there as she watched you walk away.
The lingering warmth of your embrace and the sweetness of your parting kiss filled Kazuha's heart with a sense of happiness and contentment. She couldn't help but smile as she watched you disappear into the distance, already looking forward to seeing you again the next day.
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taska-rokanh · 1 year ago
Befriending Spock Headcanons
My first Star Trek content! Spock is my favorite character by far and I feel like he needs some love. A lot of my Star Trek content will be romantic, but I feel like especially with Spock, it's necessary to explore the first steps of just becoming friends, because it's harder to break down his walls and he's not one to just act on attraction at first sight.
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.1 k
- People have very different, often very polarizing opinions on Commander Spock. You'd heard more than enough stories about how cold, calculating, unforgiving, and inhuman he was. 
- But when you met him, all you could think was that he was so cool.
- He was incredibly intelligent, capable of making smart and informed decisions regarding basically any situation that affected the ship in minutes, and always acted with absolute certainty. Despite that, he did not want a command of his own and readily accepted his own mistakes, readjusting accordingly. What was there not to admire?
- You tried your best to be friendly, but you knew it was a long shot. Not only was he a Vulcan, he was your commanding officer. You weren't sure how he regarded any sort of personal relationship, really.
- Still, you found yourself engaging him in light conversation in the halls, the mess hall, or the lift. You broke it off quickly if it didn't seem like he wanted to talk, which surprisingly was very infrequent. If you got him talking about science, or the history and philosophy of Vulcan, it was quite easy to get him to talk.
- Spock is... I'm not sure how he would describe it, but I suppose, pleasantly surprised to find someone that not only tolerates his discussion of such topics, but actively pursues them.
- Whether you know it or not, you've chosen the most effective method of breaking the ice.
- Spock encourages this by consulting you on data that is outside of the normal scope of your duties as often as possible. He enjoys being challenged, and surmises that you must, as well. You have a natural curiosity and a scientific mind, one that with proper training could even attain his level of authority in time. These discussions don't feel like replacement training sessions so much as informal academic chatter, though.
- Spock starts to show that he considers you a friend through verbal encouragement first. It's often very dry and hard to detect, but it's there.
- He once corrected you regarding a postulation you'd made when analyzing some data that was adjacent to your field. You said, "Oh, right, that makes more sense. Sorry, I'm a little stupid sometimes," out of habit, something that you knew you should probably grow out of.
- He looked at you, perplexed. "Ensign, you should not insult yourself for being unaware of a highly specialized piece of information that allowed me to see the facts in this particular light. Every scientist, no matter how intelligent, has their blind spots."
- You smiled at his encouragement before raising your eyebrow in doubt. "Even you?"
- Spock hesitated for a moment before considering his ineptitude in handling his friendship with his captain and now, it appeared, you as well. "Of course."
- You didn't believe him, but thought it was sweet of him to say so. "Thanks, Commander."
- "You may call me Mr. Spock, or Spock, if you prefer."
- "Sure thing, Mr. Spock."
- The Mr. gets dropped shortly after.
- Every smile you manage to get out of him is an absolute treasure, as it is very rare. Something tells me that the first smile he gives you would be in a situation in which you are distressed and he is trying to reassure you, perhaps he sustained a nasty injury and you are very concerned. The smile is fleeting and feels a little unnatural, but the effort he put into it was enough to convince you that he would recover. little did you know there was little effort expended--seeing your care for him, it was almost irresistible.
- Every smile you give him is treasured by him, though they are so much more frequent. It is true that humans smile with so little provocation, but it's still nice to know sometimes that he's the reason and not the butt of some joke (looking at you, Kirk and Bones)
- There are two facts about Vulcans that are very relevant to this situation: 1) Vulcans are touch telepaths, meaning that touch is very, incredibly personal and reserved for special situations (except for Sarek and Amanda cuz they're whores), and 2) Vulcans are, in fact, very emotional people.
- Keeping these facts in mind, there must be some way for Spock to express his feelings of appreciation and camaraderie for you, and it cannot be in the average human manner (handshakes, pats on the back, high fives)
- So instead, he takes a more vested interest in your wellbeing, asking if you've eaten, drank water, slept, etc. especially when you've come back from an away mission and are busy analyzing new data.
- You often seem to find each other following each of the Enterprise's adventures. These are often time-sensitive and life-threatening, and as a low-ranking science officer, often your only orders are to stay put and protect yourself. 
- The first time or two after you've become friends, you try to hide how shaken you are--you know you're fine, really. You just can't help that your reaction to coming down off the adrenaline high is to literally shake and sometimes cry a bit.
- However, Spock sees through what you're trying to do and reassures you that you are safe. "I know."
- "I intended to convey that you are safe to express any emotions you may currently be experiencing."
- Oh.
- You usually end up sitting with Spock somewhere, your quarters, your lab, the mess hall, the holodeck, shaking and crying before recovering after a bit. The emotional expression always makes Spock a bit uncomfortable--not because he's disgusted by it, but because he doesn't have/doesn't feel comfortable expressing the skills or the emotional intelligence needed to interact with them. 
- His simply being there is enough. You recover in 15 minutes or so and can carry on as before.
- "Have you considered consulting Dr. McCoy regarding the management of your anxiety surrounding these events? They seem to cause you a high degree of stress."
- You shrugged. "It's just my body's response, it doesn't bother me," you reassured him. "Besides, I've got you."
- The feeling of being needed in a way not associated with his intelligence or his duty was unexpectedly welcome.
- In time, he comes to take a more active role, bringing you food and water while you're working or offering to make a bit of progress on your work while you take a short rest--Vulcans don't require as much sleep as humans, after all.
- After a while of this, you mention to him that you feel that you could be a more proactive friend, when he takes so much time and effort to look out for you, and ask him what you could do.
- He looks at you, perplexed. "Your presence in my life is quite sufficient," he assures you. "Your companionship proves to be a gratifying part of my daily routine in any measure."
- He has no idea how sweet he can be.
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comically-callous · 11 months ago
Curbside Conversations
Hobie Brown x reader!!!! Read part 1 here and part 2 here <3
Warnings: swearing and a little suggestive for one sentence if you squint
A/n: I'm glad y'all are liking this little series 🤭 I could write a part 4, but it'll probably be a while cause I've got a bunch of shit going on right now. If you wanna be tagged in the next part, tell me. Requests are open.
Tag list: @th3h0nkz yeah, I see you 💋💋💋
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Late, late, late, late, late.
That was about the only thing going through your head as you speed walked to work. You felt like a mess and you probably looked like one too. Messy hair, a jacket only zipped halfway up, shoes untied, and you were pretty sure your shirt was on inside out.
Finally (and 20 minutes later than you should’ve) you arrived to work.
“You’re late.” Sam, one of your coworkers said, looking up from her phone.
“And you’re chewing gum. We’re both breaking rules that shit doesn’t matter.”
Sam rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Some guy came in looking for you earlier.”
That caught your attention. “Really?”
“Yeah. Tall, big hair, he had a lot of piercings,”
That was a description you recognized. That was Hobie. He was looking for you? You had missed him?! Oh, God.
“Do you owe him money or something?” Sam asked.
“What? No, when have I ever owed anyone money?”
“You owe me three bucks from when I got you a drink from the convenience store.”
“You told me you stole that drink.”
“Yeah, and if I had bought it, it would’ve been three bucks.”
You blinked at her and marveled at the absolute lack of logic in that statement. “I don’t owe him money.”
“So, what did he want?”
You sighed. “I wish I knew…”
“... Dude, you’re weird.”
“Shut up, Sam.”
The hours of your shift dragged by like years. It was one of those shifts that genuinely made you consider quitting your job; and on top of that, you couldn’t get fucking Hobie off of your mind. God, you didn’t even know him. That guy Sam was talking about probably wasn’t even him. But, then again… No. You were being delusional. You needed to drop it.
“Hey, I’m going on break.” You announced to your two coworkers as you shrugged on your jacket, put in your earbuds, and left the small building. Once outside, you sat on the curb beside the building and let some sappy, sad music play in your earbuds.
Jesus, what kind of sentimental bullshit were you on? This was pathetic.
You wallowed in your own self pity, feeling miserable for a few more minutes until a voice broke you out of your pity party
“Fancy seeing you here.”
Your eyes had been closed, but once hearing the voice, they snapped open.
You stared, wide eyed at him.
“You?” You said in disbelief, looking up at Hobie.
“Yup.” He lowered himself to the spot next to you on the concrete. “Me.” He smiled at you and you felt your heart skip a beat. “I uh… I was looking for you earlier.”
“You probably would've found me if I hadn't been late for work.”
He laughed lightheartedly. “You find yourself in shitty situations often, don't you?”
“Yeah.” You agreed. “I got robbed last week.”
At first, he simply nodded which seemed like a bit of an under reaction, but then he widened his eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah. Shit was crazy.”
“Well… I'm glad you're alright.”
You bit your tongue, considering your next words. “Why were you looking for me earlier?”
He shrugged his shoulders and looked away. “Dunno. I uh…. I sort of was hoping to talk to you again, I guess.”
You hummed. “About what?”
“Anything.” He answered.
“Anything?” You repeated the word.
“Well,” He reconsidered. “I was kind of hoping to bring something up.”
“Yeah, uh…” He hesitated. Was he nervous? “I mean, you seem cool or whatever.”
“Yeah.” He nodded and then repeated the word quietly, under his breath. “Yeah.”
A brief pause passed between the two of you. “I think you're cool too.” You said eventually. “I mean, you definitely get that a lot. But, still.”
“Nah, I appreciate it coming from you.” He said. “You're… I think you're…” He hummed as if trying to put together his words. “I like you.” He settled on.
You'd sort of seen that coming, but you were still surprised. “Do you?” You asked.
“Yeah. Which is sort of weird cause I hardly know you. But, uh… I'd like to get to know you better.”
You nodded. “Yeah. I'd like that too.” You smiled at him and he returned the gesture, chuckling.
“Well, I'll start by asking for your number?” He said it as if it was a suggestion. But, he didn't need to. You wouldn't ever think of declining the offer. So, you stuck your hand out, motioning for him to give you his phone. He pulled out his phone, opened his contacts and handed it to you for you to put in your info. You quickly tapped in your number and handed the device back to him.
“There.” You said. “Promise me you'll text me later.”
“Yeah, promise.”
A silence came over the two of you. You looked down at your sneakers and tapped your heels together in an effort to hide the flustered look that had made its way on to your face.
And then, you felt his hand brush against yours. You looked over to him and he was staring straight ahead which made you want to laugh because God, this felt like two middle schoolers on a first date. Awkward, cringey, and sweet.
You decided to bite the bullet and take his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers with his.
His eyes darted down to your hands, laced together, and then to your face. You smiled at him and he smiled back, opening his mouth to say something when-
“Y/n, it's been 15 minutes!” Sam yelled, poking her head around the corner of the building to look at you.
Once she disappeared back into the building you groaned. “I should just quit this god awful job.” You said with a roll of your eyes.
“Nah, you shouldn't.” Hobie disagreed. “How else are you gonna get me shitty free pizza?”
You paused before bursting into laughter. “That is so stupid.” You said as you got up.
“But it's true.” He said, finally letting go of your hand. “Have you got work tomorrow?”
“Yeah.” You sighed.
“Well, when do you get off?”
“I've got the closing shift, so I'll be off at like, 9:00.”
“Well, if you're up for it, I think a late night date could be fun.” He said. “I'll walk you home from work, make sure you don't get robbed this time. And then we'll… See where the night takes us, I guess.”
You paused. How'd he know you got robbed after a closing shift? You hadn't told him that, had you? Well, it's sort of an easy assumption to make. Whatever. It's probably nothing.
“I'd like that.” You finally answered.
“Y/N!” Sam yelled.
“I’M COMING!” You yelled back. “Jesus… Anyways, uh… I'll see you tomorrow night?”
You smiled at him. “Cool. I'll be looking forward to it.”
With one last nod, you turned your back and walked back into work. For once, you were excited to have a closing shift.
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baldbaby69 · 5 months ago
I don’t understand
Jack Gibson
It was like having a best friend but a total stranger at the same time. Sometimes when you looked at him, you didn't recognise him which was weird because everyone said you two were inseparable but if only they knew. In the station it was always you and Jack this or you and Jack that but as soon as your shift ends you don't speak to him till the next time you put the uniform on.
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You always thought he must not have time for you. To send a text to see if you got home okay or if you ate. You always reached out first but are met with two letter replies most of the time. Maybe it was because he was a busy guy. You couldn't lie it did make you upset, you were such a dynamic duo when putting out fires and rescuing cats from trees. Why couldn't he be your dynamic duo outside of the station too?
Your best friend Vic knew somewhat of your situation and by situation she was making it a lot worse than it sounds.
'Why can't you admit you like the guy?' She sat on your bed one early morning. 'Because I don't? If Travis didn't text you every now and then after work wouldn't you be going a little crazy too?' You explain
'Yeah, a little crazy because I don't like him. You on the other hand.' Vic smirked. She picked up a chocolate you had displayed on the bed for the two of you to have. 'You're in love babe. By the way, these taste expensive. Where did you get them?'
'Oh someone we met on call sent them over, a thank you gesture.' 'And may I ask how does he know where you live.' You hesitated telling her. 'We met again at the bar.' You whispered.
She gasped being selfish with the air. 'You bad girl. Tell me hes cute.' 'Relax would you. It was a coincidence. He just happened to be at the same bar as me at the time. Then I was too drunk to drive home so.' 'Okay cowgirl, I don't want to hear the detail. So your not giving your little puppy a chance.'
You have given him a thought. Plenty of thoughts but you just don't feel like your going to be able to commit to him and he's probably chasing you because you saved his life and the adrenaline hasn't warned off yet. Either way the answer was a no.
The start of a 48 hour shift or 48 hours of acting as you preferred to call it. You came in one hour ago, had a nice long shower, took a long time blow drying your hair and put your clothes on in slow motion. Until the bell started to ring.
You rushed down where you greeted everyone with a quick hello and hopped into the engine. Usually you and Jack would sit in the ladder 19 up front, taking turns driving but you wanted to be given a little space. Vic messed with your head making you question your own thoughts but you wanted to prove her wrong. 'This is new.' Miller pointed out.
'Yeah whats your business here.' Maya Bishop threw a punch your way. 'Did Gibson send you here as a spy, to hear us backbite about you two?' Their questions put you in an awkward position. You didn't think they needed to know problems that only existed in your mind.
'I accidentally hung my coat on the engine. I didn't realise.' Brushing it off you tried to make small talk with Maya.
'You're coming right?' 'Sorry?'
'Did Gibson not tell you yet?' 'Tell me what?' You turned to Miller confused. 'Montgomery and Gibson are forcing me to through a little get together. He told me he was gonna let you know.' Was he not going to tell you at all
When you arrived at the location of the call, you hopped off and went to get the appropriate tools needed when you felt someone's hand on your lower back. Your turned to the culprit, to find Jack Gibson trying to reach over you to grab something. 'Kind of left me feeling lonely back there.' He nudged his head towards the trucks.
'Yeah well. That would've been me this Saturday.' You bicker to yourself. 'Saturday? They told you about that. I wanted to.' You could see Jack sulk. 'Yeah? When Sunday?'
During the whole call you kept your distance from the man everyone thought you knew so well. Took a little longer to put the fire out seeing as you needed a messenger to communicate through. Did he really not want to see you after work that he would leave you out of a work party. Your performance was off but there could've been numerous reasons. No one would suspect anything.
'What the hell. Are you trying to put this fire out by yourself. There are 4 more firefighters beside you. Work with them.' Captain Herrera yelled from a distance when he saw you trying to pull the hose into the house all by yourself. Sighing you call out to Warren to help when a pair of hands took the hose off you. Your saviour, Jack Gibson.
Following him into the house, you yell out to turn the power on. 'I'm sorry for not telling you about Saturday. I didn't see you before we got the call. I was looking for you everywhere at the station.' You managed to hear him say over the noise. 'Its whatever.'
'Something tells me thats not all your mad about.' He tried to make conversation after you two walked out of the burned down house. He took off his helmet and jogged up to match your pace. 'No Jack honestly, I'm fine, just a bit tired thats all.' He walked with you to the truck. 'Why? You alright.' He watched you pack things back into the engine. His eyes searching the side of your face for a reason of this sudden distancing. 'Just leave it.'
You turn away from him without giving him a second glance. Jack grabbed the back of your coat and dragged you backwards to ladder 19. 'Jack, what on earth.' 'Sit.'
The ride back was silence for the most of it. He was driving but you could almost count the amount of times he snuck a glance at you hoping you would speak. 'What's bothering you.'
'I bet its a special someone occupying her mind.' Hughes says from the back. 'Special someone? What since when did you start talking to someone.' Jack sounded thrown off.
'No its just this guy from that office building we took a call at a few days ago. He probably heard the girls and I talk about going to the bar after shift ended.' 'So what he followed you? Thats called stalking. Why haven't you reported?' She rolled her eyes at his concerned tone.
'Maybe because he litters her apartment with the most expensive chocolates and flowers ever. He's really something. You know she was actually planning to meet up with him for lunch.' Vic kept adding.
'I am?' 'You are?'
You lock eyes with your friend and giver her a questioned look. She just mouths the words 'trust me.'
'Your one wicked witch.' Andy laughs. The girls were in the kitchen making a snack and talking about what happened. 'Wait so you aren't meeting him for lunch? It was a lie to make Jack jealous?' She gets the story straight.
'Not as much as making him jealous but showing him that I have a busy life.' You thought that was a better excuse. 'In other words making him jealous.'
'So if this is just a lie to make him jealous who's Jack arguing downstairs?' Bishop busts through the doors.
'Vic did you call him over here.' You ask before getting up to go towards the commotion. 'No, but who has lunch at 10am?'
'First the bar and now her place of work? Stalking is a crime you know.' Jack stood in front of a man at the front desk who was holding a bouquet of flowers. 'It's not stalking if we know each other and I don't really see how this concerns you.'
'Oh it does concern me but you don't need to worry about that. Just leave the flowers and go. Shes having food upstairs, doesn't want to be disturbed.' Jack tries to make him go away.
'Jack, Mark whats going on?' You jog down the stairs. 'Mark, you should've texted if you were going to swing by. Oh those are lovely.' He handed the flowers to you eyeing Jack in the process with a smirk. 'Yeah only the best, for you.' You give him a little side hug.
'Thank you. So sweet. You should get going now. The bell might go off anytime and I can not operate without food.' Mark gave you a smile before turning on his feet to leave.
'What's wrong with you?' You turn to Jack watching his jaw tense before answering you. 'No what's wrong with you? He's not good for you.' His eyebrows remain furrowed. 'Yeah Jack. You would know.' You head back up the stairs to put the flowers in some water.
The station had a good few hours of peace and quiet so they played a quick game of cards betting the looser to stay back on desk duty for the next three calls. The tension between the two best friends was ever so thick it hit off everyone in the room. They thought a friendly game would ease the tension, boy where they wrong. Ever since Mark left the station you have been checking ur phones notifications non-stop, occasionally texting someone back.
‘Come on, it’s your turn.’ Travis elbows ur side. ‘Yeah sorry.’ You put your phone away and lay a card down. While your attention was on your phone someone’s attention was on you. Staring you down like a hawk. His brows still sewed together.
Jack hadn’t been able to put the thought aside of you having a relationship with this guy. He wants you to be happy and he wants to make sure you get the best but some part of him doesn’t want to allow you to be happy. with someone else. Ever since he did the mistake of falling in love with Andy and proposing to her he knew he should never make the same mistake again. Date a college. So when he found himself growing attached to you the second week you joined he knew he needed to back off. Jack didn’t need another rejection.
‘Oh my god. Jack pay attention.’ Victoria called him out. Everyone had a little laugh except you because you were too busy typing away on your phone.
‘Well Jack. Poor game for you. Have fun answering phone calls.’ Bishop pats his back as the bell goes off.
‘Oh, My, God. That little baby was so cute. We have to tell Jack how you and Warren just delivered a baby in the middle of a car collision.’ Herrera hyped the two up. ‘Really it was nothing. Fun fact i actually wanted to be a paramedic before firefighter.’ You brush it off. That was before you heard a glass breaking coming from the other room. Everyone share a look before rushing to the room.
‘Jack what are you doing? Get off him.’ You run to the two men. Mark was laid on the table while Jack was about to throw what looked like another punch. Both of them had a few cuts and bruises here and there. ‘Guys help! Jack get off him.’ You try and pull the man off him.
Travis and Dean rush to your aid pulling the angered firefighter off the civilian. ‘Mark, what happened? Are you okay?’ You helped him up. Scanning his bruised cheek and busted lip. ‘He’s nuts.’
You turn to look at Jack. Two of the guys holding him back, his breathing heavy causing his muscular chest raising up and down in a hurry. ‘Are you insane?’ You yell at him. Maya rushes to your side with a first aid kit.
‘Who does he think he is walking into my station and threatening me.’ Jack gets aggressive. ‘Jack, come on. Let’s check your hand out.’
You pulled a chair for Mark to sit. ‘I got the things you asked for. I was going to wait for you like you asked but he came on to me. Accusing me of being attracted to you only because of your uniform or something. Then he kept telling me to leave-‘ You try to attend to his wounds but he kept going on and on about Jack. ‘You don’t have to say anything. I know it’s not your fault. Now where does it hurt.’
Jack sat at the back of the ambulance after Ben was finished patching up his wounds. He sat with his head in his hands. Yeah he messed up. He let his emotions get the best of him and now he’s holding an ice pack to his jaw. He heard two pair of footsteps come towards the van and instantly knew one was yours.
‘Gosh never thought Jack would go that far. I almost feel bad for riling him up.’ he hears Vic say. ‘Don’t it’s not your fault. Jack has some issues he needs to sort out.’ It pained him to think you thought of him like that. When you reached the back your eyes widened. Jack just sighed before getting up and walking away.
it was dark outside. The moonlight lit the kitchen of the station making it glisten when the lights were off. Tonight you sat there watching the sky and counting the stars. The doors opened behind you with quite footsteps walking in. You didn’t need to turn back to know who that was. You always knew he had trouble sleeping and a lot of the times you were there for him but you thought it would be different this time.
Jack looked at your back. You didn’t even turn around to see who was there. He opened the fridge and grabbed something cold. Without knowing why, he found himself walking towards you, pulling out a chair he quietly sat behind you following your eyes to find the moon staring back at him. ‘I’m sorry.’
You hesitated but looked back at him. He was only a few inches away from you. He was in his black tank top. His fists clenched around the glass of juice on the table making his muscles flex in the light. ‘What happened Jack? Your not one to throw fists for no reason.’
‘I had a great reason too.’ You watched his eyes trail away and fix on something else. Both of you stayed in silent, not knowing what to say or do.
‘Why have you been avoiding me?’ He lets his mind speak the words that lingered in the air. ‘I’ve been busy. You know how things are around here.’ You look at him and scratch the back of your neck
‘It wouldn’t be so busy if you would just talk to me and let me help you. Remember it’s always you and me around here but apparently it’s just you now. What’s really going on?’ His tone softens towards the end.
‘I’m sorry Jack. I didn’t mean to…I guess I just needed some space.’ You turn to him.
His expression hardens. ‘Space? Space from what?From me? Because that was it feels like.’
You keep your eyes focused on him. How the moonlight presses against the harshness of his expression making it look almost soft to touch. ‘It’s not fair to shut me out without giving me a reason.’
‘That’s ironic.’ You look back at the sky. ‘What is?’ ‘How you think me shutting you out for one day is unfair but the second you step outside this station you forget that I even exist.’ the words were said in a soft tone but it felt like someone ripped them out of you chest and to be fairly honest, it felt good.
You felt his eyes watching the side of your face and suddenly to him everything made sense. The last shift he didn’t even say goodbye before he left. He always ignored your texts to hang out.
he called let your name fall out of his lips ever so gently to grab your attention and when he couldn’t he grabbed your chair pulling it closer to him. ‘There’s no words that would make up for my previous action and I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I’m just trying to figure somethings out. Trust me if I knew how it made you feel I would’ve never done it.’
His words felt real and sincere. It made you smile. You brought your hands to his cheeks brushing your thumb against the bruise on his face. ‘Apology accepted.’
‘Where is that girl. Vic I thought you were getting ready together.’ Maya asks Victoria. ‘No she cancelled on me last minute.’
‘Guys hold up, a car just pulled up outside.’ 'Thats not her car- oh.' 'What she knows better why would she bring him here?' The crew whisper among themselves.
'What's happening guys?' They turn around to Jack behind them. The door opens the next second and you walk in with the one person he couldn't stand to see you with. 'Sorry I'm late guys. Hope you didn't mind that I brought a plus 1.' You enter the room all cheerful.
What were you trying to do. Make Millers place into a boxing ring? This was not going to end well and everyone knew it. Jack had only one thing in mind. To get rid of him. Somehow but he planned to have Mark gone within the next hour.
A few minutes later you two were out on the patio playing beer pong. Jack watched that snake Mark slither his arm around your waist while you laughed and made conversation with everyone. It was like a knife to the chest everytime he heard another man making you laugh.
'Here Montgomery. Its my turn.' He came out to where you were and Jack didn't intend to play nice. A few rounds after chugging down a few and making you do the same he threw the ping pong ball at the bottom of a filled cup, knocking it over. It fell on Marks trousers.
'What the hell. You did that on purpose.' Mark pointed his fingers at Jack. You rushed to him with paper towels. 'Hey man, It was a friendly game. Accidents happen.' He put his two hands up in defence. 'Not when its with you.'
'Whats that suppose to mean?' Jack raised an eyebrow, stepping closer. 'Jack don't. Please.' You pleaded stepping in front of Mark.
'No if he has something to say tell him to say it to my face.' He steps closer. 'Hey back off her will you?' Mark pulls you behind a bit too harsh. You lost your balance and fell into the large body of water.
Jack yells out your name 'She can't swim you bastard.' He took off his shoes before jumping in.
Dean gave you a towel and Victoria had packed an extra pair of clothes that she was kind enough to give. Mark walked into the room where you sat on the bed with a blanket over you. 'I'm sorry. I thought he was going to hit you or something.' he sat beside you.
'You thought Jack was going to hit me? Are you insane? He would never even touch me let alone throw me in deep ocean water to protect me.' You were starting to raise your voice. 'Well he did hit me so-' 'Thats cause you probably said something to provoke him.' You cut him off.
He sighed. 'You know what? I don't even know what I'm doing here.' 'Yeah me neither.' You throw a snarky comment. 'We could've been something if you weren't so in love with Mr anger issues.' You were thrown off by what he said. 'I'm not in love with him.'
'Yeah don't worry. He's very much in love with you too.' Mark left after slamming the door and saying goodbye to everyone.
You sat back down on the bed wondering if what he said was true but you never saw any signs or gestures that would hint about the feeling. All you could see was yourself being selfish. A knock on the door put you out of your thoughts. Jack slowly opened the door to reveal himself. His hair still wet from what happened. 'Can I come in?'
You nod and watch as he walks in with tiny steps and close the door. He stood there unsure how to start the conversation. 'Thank you.'
'It was nothing.' You smile as you pat the spot next to you gesturing him to sit down. He walks over and sits down. 'Jack your hair is soaked with water.' You mention to him as water drops on Dean's bed. You get up and grab the towel you used to dry yourself. You stand in front of Jack and put the towel on his head rubbing it dry.
'I think, I'm the one who should be apologising. I shouldn't have done that.' Jack looks up to you. 'I'm actually kind of glad you did that. He was getting a bit annoying. Plus I only brought him so I could avoid you.' You step back.
Jack stands up. 'I'm sorry. It's my fault and I deserve it.' 'No Jack. All you do is lie. Why? You told me you you try and make a better effort in our friendship. You lied. If you don't want to be friends just tell me straight to my face. Don't act like it because you got my hopes up and I waited a whole day for a simple text from you. It almost makes me feel great grateful that we aren't dating.' You look away from him grabbing a hold of yourself.
'You didn't mean that. Tell me you didn't mean that.' His voice seemed off. Almost broken. 'Why, what difference would it make?' With courage you look up and make eye contact. She watched his jaw tense and she wanted nothing more than to hold him but after this who knows what they wouldn't be doing anymore.
'Because the only reason I don't contact you after shift is because I don't what to get attached to you.' 'What.'
That was unexpected.
'Yeah because I do this thing where I rush into relationships and I didn't want to do that with you because... because you feel special. Like a piece of glass I don't want to break and wanted to take things slow but at the same time I didn't even know if you liked me back and I wasn't going to risk what we have for some stupid feelings.' You watch him mumble pieces of words that at this point you didn't even know made sense because you felt like you your floating.
You pulled him down to your level and pressed your lips against his with a passionate kiss. 'Are my feelings stupid too?' you whispered against his lips.
'Not on my bed guys.'
Authors note I love him so much ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ requested by @awkward-txrtle
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danyvhell-writes · 2 years ago
vere hcs? preferably for a sub reader but it's fine either way!! thx a lot :P
General Vere headcanons (Touchstarved)
GN reader - no warnings | Thanks for the ask <333 Took me more time than I planned but here it is ! (Sorry for the wait lil anon, I was quite busy this month :') Writing about him was so fun, he's just so malicious and silly ?? Hope you'll like it hehe >:)
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• Anything becomes a reason to tease you ! A little smile you gave him ? A blush ? Stammering even just a bit ? He will tease you to death if he can.
• He sees everything. Think you can hide something from him ? Ah, how naive of you. If something bothers you he will know, don't try to put on a mask. "Oh someone seems upset hm..." "No I'm not !" "I just said someone, why do you think you were targeted MC ? Care to explain yourself ?" he says with his devious little smile. You don't even need to speak, he reads you like an open book :').
• Not one to talk about his feelings openly but definitely makes you know when he appreciates your company ! It might be by taking you to private operas, going to fancy teahouse, gifting you little paintings he did, inviting you for shopping and more...
• Want to know how he truly feels ? Pay attention to his ears. They tell a lot more than he does, depending on how they twitch, their angle and much more... reading him becomes way easier.
• Would 100% write you letters. Casual letters where he just writes about his life, spicy letters where he describes in various ways how he would devour you... Whenever he needs to express something, he writes to you and doesn't even expect an answer ! You'll open your enveloppe and see "I can't believe Vanessa, this absolute rotten bitch, stole my silver ring ! Can you believe it MC ? I should rip her finger off with the ring and keep it so she remembers her wrong..."
• If he can get any reaction from you, it's a win. Loves to see how you'll respond to his flirty proposition, especially if you get flustered 👀
• You know this type of people who hit furnitures/stuff when they laugh ? Well Vere does it but with his tail, tell a funny joke and you can be sure you'll get hit (gently...or not) with it !
• Would be thrilled to analyze your sketchbook if you're an artist. Trying to hide it from him ? Not an option, you will show him everything ! I just know he'll sneak it to look through every pages, taking notes of striking elements and how your artstyle translates with different techniques.
→ Drawing sessions with him omg ! At first he'd joke about needing a live model and why not try nude modeling but at the end you guys end up super concentrated in your respective art piece. Definitely wouldn't mind becoming your muse tho...
↑ Adding into this but, he'd leave little notes and cute doodles when you're not looking. You just open your sketchbook and see next to your recent stuff "The lines are timid I know you can do better ;)"or "I was there..." or even "Draw me next time ! I'll be the best piece."
• The both of you together can easily become absolute menace to society. The cheer chaos you can cause is too much for this city ! If Kuras ever finds out about your malicious plans, he'll be disappointed.
• Will let you brush his hair and tail if you're good enough. "Mess with my hair and you know what awaits you !" Please convince him to try new hairstyles, make him even prettier than he already is >:)
• As much as he is an expensive fox, he'll enjoy homemade gifts. He won't show it too much but he keeps everything you've made for him at his place. Bonus point if it's decorative pieces ! (The thought of you taking time to put effort into something for him makes him smile more than he can admit).
• This man likes to cook so don't hesitate giving him recipes you like. Not sure he'll succeed preparing them but the effort is always well put ! If you're good in a kitchen, he'll find an excuse to cook/bake with you.
• Enjoys showing you around the city, especially secret places. He doesn't just share his secret spots with anyone so you can feel privileged !
→ Talking about spots he likes, he will take you to his favourite restaurants. You'd expect fancy, luxurious place but no ! Most of them are little family business owned by the same people since decades. The food is straight up heavenly and you let him know. "I've been around this city long enough to know the best places ! You shouldn't be surprised."
• Grows really protective of you. Of course he knows you can defend yourself, but if anyone dares to hurt you, they'll have to face lethal consequences. Anyone threatening you "Do you want me to break their kneecaps ? I can also hit their sciatic nerve if you wish ! Or maybe-" "Vere no."
• If you enjoy some good gossip, you're gonna be fed just right with this guy ! We know he knows everything, he's the ears of the city. Juicy drama to shocking revelation, he's got every type of story in stock ! All you gotta do is ask and the conversation will last for hours.
• If you're in his presence, forget about personal space. Your space is his now ! His body will always be in contact with yours, even if it's not noticeable at first.
• Makeover ? Yes. You will be his personal doll. If he has to test outfits, color combinations or other stuff you'll be his subject ! He'll try a lot of different clothes on you until you look like the hottest person alive (after him). Dressing you up is one of his favourite activities and of course you guys would wear matching outfits. You two are just ✨fashion✨.
• Don't know why but I feel like he would love playing board/card games, especially if they involve money ! Think you can win against him ? Nope no chance, bluffing is too easy for him and he's an absolute beast (pun intended). Just picture him playing 'loup-garou' (The werewolves of miller's hollow in english I think ? My french ass can't remember), I know he'd kill it !
• Has a very distinctive laugh. You could hear him from miles away and recognize him instantly ! Also it's kinda infectious, if he starts bursting out laughing, you'll easily follow into it.
• This man growls. Like literally. It doesn't happen a lot but whenever he does it always surprises you.
• This is him :
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herrscherofinsanity · 2 years ago
Girls, cats, and roommates... oh my!
Prompt: my nightmare of a cat escaped out of my window, across the fire escape, and into your living room. I followed to catch him before he could destroy anything and you came home and caught me in the middle of your living room with a cat in my hands.
Fluff? Crack?
Yu Jimin (Karina)
Word count: 1.3k
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"What... are you doing?"
"This is not what you think, I swear!"
If someone were to tell you this morning that you were going to get caught in the middle of your neighbor's living room with a cat in your hands you... honestly wouldn't have been that surprised.
It had been a long day of classes and the only thing you were craving was the comfort of your bed.
You walked across the lobby of your apartment complex, wondering if college was actually worth it when you saw a familiar face coming down the stairs.
"y/n! Hi!"
"Hey Jimin, where are you going?"
Yu Jimin. For you, she was literally the girl next door. Jimin lived in the apartment right next to yours, and even though you weren't exactly close, the girl always took a bit of time out of her day to exchange wide smiles, pleasantries and even some leftover meals with you.
You didn't mind the small talk, Jimin was an absolute dream, beautiful inside out.
"I'm off to get dinner with some of my friends, I shouldn't be out that long though." The raven haired girl paused, as if considering her next words carefully. "Do you want me to bring something back for you guys?"
Jimin's offer made your heart race, but you didn't want to be a burden so you couldn't bring yourself to accept.
"That's fine, Jimin, don't worry about it" you said, a light smile on your lips "have fun with your friends though!"
Jimin had a slight frown on her face, what you didn't know was that your neighbor just wanted an excuse to talk to you later.
Well, maybe next time, Jimin thought to herself.
"Okay then, bye y/n, catch you later"
And with that, Jimin walked away.
You sighed and walked towards the stairs, the exhaustion catching up with you. You made your way to your apartment, ready to get some sleep.
"Oh, you're back!" your roommate exclaimed as you walked through the door.
"Hey Jen" you replied while taking care of your shoes and jacket.
"So... I might need a favor"
As much as you wanted to say no, you couldn't. Jennifer was a wonderful roommate, she wouldn't hesitate to help if it was the other way around. Plus she wouldn't let you live it down if you were to refuse her.
"What do you need?"
"I got stuck with the night shift at the diner, do you mind watching over Kiki while I'm gone?"
Kiki was the third occupant of your apartment. Jennifer's persian cat whose life purpose was to get on your nerves.
You pursed your lips, silently grieving the fact that you weren't going to be able to get some sleep, being too busy taking care of that nightmare of a cat.
"Yeah sure, I'll do it"
Jen let out a squeal, hugging you so tight your feet weren't touching the ground anymore.
"Thank you! You're the best! I'll bring something back for you when my shift is over" she said, putting you down and taking some distance. "Okay, I'll be on my way, have fun!"
You sighed for the umpteenth time that day. I just hope Kiki is in a good mood.
As if on cue, the devil's incarnate made her way onto the living room. You swear it looked like the damn thing was smirking at you.
"It's just you and me, huh?"
Kiki hissed at you right before running towards the kitchen, a crashing sound was heard a few seconds later.
Oh boy.
Right after taking care of Kiki's mess in the kitchen you crashed on the couch. Just a few seconds of shut eye won't hurt, right?
You were later awoken by the sound of scratching coming from what you thought was the window.
Groggily sitting up, and rapidly blinking your eyes you tried to get a sense of just what was going on and what the hell was making that sound.
Looking towards the direction of the sound, you felt your heart skip a beat. This nightmare is going to be the death of me!
The front part of Kiki's body was out the window, while her rear was still stuck inside.
"Oh my God, Kiki! Get back inside you stupid cat!" you exclaimed as you quickly made your way over to the window.
Kiki turned her head towards you, she once again gave you that look as if she was smirking and jumped right out of the window.
No, no, no, no, no! Jennifer's going to murder me when she gets back!
You quickly made your way to the scene of the crime, sticking your head out the window, a sigh of relief came out of your lips when you saw the damn cat chilling on the fire escape.
Deciding against calling out to Kiki, you started to make your way out the window to try and grab the stupid thing.
Kiki, in all her glory, wasn't stupid. When she noticed what you were trying to do, she ran towards the opposite direction... and up into Jimin's open window.
Oh this night just can't get any worse.
While you silently debated on what to do, you remembered two very important things.
One, Kiki is a menace, and right before your nap on the couch you had to clean up the mess she made on the kitchen. She's most definitely going to wreck your neighbor's apartment.
Two, Jimin isn't home. You can just get in through the window, grab that little devil and get out. Jimin was never going to find out.
You convinced yourself that getting in through the window was the logical course of action, so you took off after Kiki and into Jimin's apartment.
As you made your way inside, you couldn't help but look around a bit. The apartment's layout was very similar to yours, but it had a lot of different decorations that represented Jimin's personality.
Snapping yourself out of unnecessary daydreams, you saw Kiki lounging on your neighbor's coffee table.
You quietly approached the cat and once you were close enough, you scooped her up and let out a victory laugh.
"Aha! Stupid cat! You really thought-"
You were quickly interrupted by the sound of keys on the front door.
Jimin!? No!
As Jimin made her way inside her apartment, she definitely couldn't ignore the cute girl standing in the middle of her living room with a persian cat in her hands.
"What... are you doing?" Jimin asked, a confused smile playing at her lips.
"This is not what you think, I swear!" you quickly spit out.
"I honestly don't know what to think" your neighbor said, she was clearly amused by the whole thing.
"I am so, so sorry! Kiki jumped out of the window to the fire escape and then into your apartment, I panicked because Jennifer was definitely going to kill me if I lost her cat and now I've managed to make a fool out of myself in front you" you let out in one breath.
I have never felt this embarrassed, I am definitely dining cat tonight.
Jimin, on the other hand, couldn't help the laugh that came out of her lips. Guess she didn't really need an excuse to get close to you.
"Okay y/n, I'll forget this whole incident happened if you agree to go out with me" Jimin said, a slight smirk adorning her face.
"Uh... what?" you eloquently said.
Jimin giggled, you blushed.
"I want to take you out on a date. If you go out with me, I'll forget you broke into my apartment and I won't accidentally tell Yunjin you almost lost her cat" that incredibly attractive smirk still present on her lips.
"Okay yeah, we have a deal" you said. Not only do you get to go out with Jimin, she also won't tell Jen of your little mishap.
"It's a deal then" Jimin said right before leaning in and leaving a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
Maybe the devil's incarnate was a blessing in disguise.
A/N: Hi! This is my first time ever doing something like this. I hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry if there's any mistakes regarding grammar or something else, English isn't my first language so I'm trying to practice a bit.
Plus I have the biggest crush on Jimin, so this was also pretty self indulgent.
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chimivx · 1 year ago
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yellow. (6)
pairing: Idol!Yoongi x Female!Reader (and always ot7)
summary: It's finally happened, you're living your dream. You've landed the job of your wildest fantasies, doing it beside someone who means a hell of a lot to you. It's only been a few months, but it's been pretty easy to settle into this way of life- the constant on the go, the always working, the barely sleeping. Your relationship has been flourishing as well, you and Yoongi working together better than ever... It seems, until now.
words: 5.5k
warnings: none for this part, still 18+ for nsfw occasional themes, if i missed anything please let me know!
a/n: I didn't mean to get angsty... but... I did. Thank you for being here! (Also, want you all to know that with what they're doing in this part- I don't have exact dates/I can never find exact dates. So if some timing is off because I don't have the actual facts, I apologize. )
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~ sometime in february, 2016 ~
“Put them in front of the camera, play the track, and let them go nuts,” you mumbled, chewing on your thumb nail while you studied a couple of shots the crew was monitoring. 
The man dressed in all black who had asked you what you wanted to do next wasn’t walking away to do what he was told. Instead, he eyed the folded piece of paper in the hand that was folded over your chest, and lowered his brows ever so slightly.
Shifting your gaze over to him, you frowned. “What?” The man met your eyes and shrugged.
“Just thought there would be more, that’s all,” he said. “Usually there’s more detail involved.” His voice tapered off, and the tone he used was equally hesitant. All day every single male on this set had been speaking to you as if you hadn’t a clue as to what you were doing.
Well, every single male excluding seven of them.
Tilting your head to the side, you cross both of your arms and sit in your hip, raising a brow at the man. “There’s no detail involved, get them into that swimming pool, put a camera on the ground, and let them- and I mean it! Let them go nuts.” 
From over his shoulder you spot some of the boys reviewing choreography while the others mess with the set. Sunny was on the sidelines, comb in hand, ready to jump in the moment someone needed a touch up. Her dark eyes were sharp, focused on the boy's details. Work mode on, you knew there wouldn’t be any getting through to her until after the shoot had wrapped.
Behind Taehyung, who was goofing off for a camera capturing behind the scenes footage, Yoongi lingered beside Jin, half listening to his friend while he watched you from across the set. Dressed in a bright orange shirt and ripped jeans, your silver haired boyfriend scrunched up his face and raised his fist, gesturing to the man who walked away from you.
Holding up a finger you widen your eyes and smile, telling him no with a single look. You could handle this yourself, you were a big girl. You’ve done this before, you’ve dealt with the men before, and you’ll have to endure it for the rest of your life. The curse of being a woman.
On the set of Run, the entire company was concerned where things were going, and where the concept was being taken, but you didn’t care. You didn’t let any of their opinions stop you from creating your art, even if you improvised most of it.
Sure, the company created the storyline. The company gave you guidelines and the basics of what to do and when to do it, but everything in between? Well, that was up to you, and you ran with it. 
Run was your baby, and it will be forever. It’s chaotic, it’s over the top, it compels emotion. The boys were acting, the boys were having fun, the boys were smiling and laughing- and to you, that’s a win. You’ve seen how their shoots go when it’s just the other director on set. They exhaust themselves faster and don’t have nearly as much fun between shots. Bringing you and Sunny onto the team was the best thing the company could’ve done for these boys.
Yoongi smiled, then he drug his eyes up and down your body. You were dressed in all black and he was having a field day. The leggings you wore clung to your curves just right, and the long sleeved shirt that hung loosely off your figure belonged to him. Showing up in it this morning he had smirked at you and asked you where you had gotten it, acting like he didn’t watch you pick it up off of his floor mere hours before you both had to be on set.
Heaving a sigh, you walked away from the screen that replayed the shot of the choreography and took your time getting over to him. Eyes were on your back, you could feel them watching. Yoongi waited patiently, his smile growing the closer you got. 
“What was his name, I’ll kick his ass,” he said with a smile once you were a few feet away from him. 
“No ass kicking,” you said. “I can handle them. Drop the fake smile, I know you’re in pain.” 
His smile didn’t fall, but it did falter. “I can handle it.”
The shoulder had been talked about twice since you heard the full story of what had gone down to keep him living in this everyday hell. The first time was shortly after you found out, when you caught him taking pain meds he swears he never has to take in a bathroom at the company between rehearsals. Brushing past it quickly because it seemed to get a rise out of him, you preferred if he didn’t get mad and would hopefully talk about it later.
He didn’t.
This was the second time it’s been brought up.
“I’m good,” he shrugged. Pointing at the piece of paper in your hand he found a way to change the subject, fast. “What’s this?”
Taking him in for another couple of seconds, your eyes letting him know you couldn’t believe he wasn’t taking his injury seriously, you unfold the paper that had scribbles upon scribbles written on it from late night cram sessions.
“Notes,” you said. The boys' names, and nicknames, were all over it along with random ideas that weasled their way into your brain at inconvenient times while you were away from your projects. This sheet of notebook paper was the ‘inconvenient thoughts about Fire’ paper. It had been folded so many times that it wasn’t as strong as it used to be, and some of the corners were torn because it was poorly handled most of the time.
You were an artist. The state of which your notes were in didn’t matter, as long as the finished product was perfect.
Yoongi took the sheet from you carefully and held it close to read your tiny, scribbled writing, his eyes squinting to pick up the faded pencil marks. “Holy shit, you’re thorough.”
Folding your arms over your chest you nodded. “I am.” Your tone struck him, making him look up at you with softened brows. 
From somewhere in the back your name was called, a member of the crew beckoning you back to look something over so that they could move on. Leaving Yoongi without a word, he watched you walk away, and flattened his lips. Folding up your notes gently, following the creases that were permanently wrinkled into the paper, he starts toward you to return it, but in turn is summoned to wardrobe by Sunny and another woman.
The boys trudge over, Taehyung already stripping out of his jacket, but Yoongi hesitates. The way you were observing the shots on the screen, gesturing toward the equipment, speaking to the men like you were the boss, it was captivating. He adored watching you work, he adored getting to watch you make your art. He was proud of you, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had pissed you off.
“These shots are going to flash back and forth between the ones we’re going to film tonight,” you held both of your hands up to the screen, flipping one back and forth to visualize what you were thinking. “It looks boring now because it’s just one solid shot, but that’s also why we were zooming in and out so often.” The man who was sitting beside the screen held an empty stare. Swallowing a groan, you smile. “We needed one basic full shot of the choreography, if you get rid of this, I get rid of you.”
Now that caught his attention. His eyes shot open wide as he offered you meaningless apologies, turning toward the screen to make sure he saved every shot. You weren’t sure if you had the power to fire him. It wasn’t that you wanted to fire him, nor did you want to act like a bitch, but there was no way your point was going to get across if you didn’t threaten him with something.
“We’re done here for now, boys let’s change!” Sunny’s voice flooded the set, catching your attention for a second, but you didn’t dare look away from the men working around you. You could see Yoongi lingered behind. Wanting to see what he was waiting for, you held yourself back from giving him what he wanted- your attention.
It boggled your mind that he didn’t want to discuss what happened to him. In some ways, you can see why he wouldn’t want to, but at the end of the day, who can hold onto something so horrific and not talk it out? Seeking help through the boys, you asked every single one of them if Yoongi had talked about it since he first told them, and all six of them said no. Jin was the only one who had heard more, but it wasn’t like Yoongi acted as if it was a big deal.
If he could keep this hidden from you, and act like there wasn’t anything wrong with keeping it hidden from you, you were worried he’d be able to keep other things from you. And now that you were finally feeling a little bit excited about life, you weren’t about to let him get away with shit.
“Back everything up, please,” you said to whichever crew member was listening, and followed the boys and Sunny into the building you were set to shoot in next.
In the tiniest room all seven boys were changing, and getting their hair fixed and their makeup touched up. Elbows were bumped and chairs were knocked into, but this room with tile for walls was still bigger than some dressing rooms the group had been shoved into on the road. 
Pulling the creaky door open with force, it was heavy as shit, you almost walked head first into Jungkook who was shirtless and adjusting his belt while the woman who worked with Sunny toyed with his hair.
Barging into the room, your simmering anger- if you could call it that- fueled your feet, and you collided right into the kids chest.
A muffled “Whoa!” came out of you both, and though your voices were hushed, they carried around the room that was full of low chatter from everyone else.
Stiffening your hands by your side, you didn’t want to think twice about what you had accidentally touched, you looked the boy up and down and laughed. “Sorry, Kook.”
That toothy grin reassured you that you had nothing to worry about. “Why’d you look so mad?”
“I’m not mad,” you breathed, giving your shoulders a shrug. 
Jungkook furrowed his brows. “Yeah, okay. What’s the matter?”
Looking over his shoulder you spy Yoongi checking himself out in a little square mirror, adjusting a hat that covered his hair. As he turned around to button the shirt he had slipped into, you figured he’d want your attention like he did outside, but he didn’t seem to notice you were there.
“You guys fighting or something?” Jungkook asked, sneaking a glance at your boyfriend.
Fighting wasn’t it, that wasn’t the word you’d use to describe what was happening, but you definitely were not on the best of terms at this exact second. Actually, for the past month or so things have been off. Part of you wondered if it was the two of you adjusting to a new life. Well, you were adjusting to a new life. Yoongi was adjusting to having a girlfriend.
Still, the way these weeks have been going by, melancholy and a little stale, aside from the combined hours you’d spend between your sheets, it was a total flip from the second half of last year.
You wouldn’t be lying if you admitted the fear you had in the start of all of this was haunting you.
Popstar bored with his latest conquest.
Rockstar getting sick and tired of the same old, same old.
Twenty two year old male got what he wanted out of a twenty two year old female and is pushing her away so he didn’t have to be the one to send her home after she literally uprooted her life to take her dream job, one he unfortunately is heavily involved with…
“You are not okay,” Jungkook's quiet voice broke you out of your thoughts. He had a shirt on now, his outfit was complete all the way down to the accessories. Meeting his gaze, he was worried. The cheesy grin and crinkly eyes were gone, replaced with concern and furrowed brows.
“I’m fine, it’s fine,” you choked out. “We’re fine, everything is fine.”
Jungkooks hardened glare refused to let up. “You’re an awful liar, Honey.”
“I could say the same about you,” your tone was laced with snarkiness. “Where’s Jimin?” Glancing about the room, you finally break into a giggle when you watch his expression go wild.
“What the hell are you talking about?” he sneered.
Popping your brows, you smiled. “Exactly.”
“No, seriously, what are you talking about?” Jungkook stepped closer to you, but you reached for the door behind you, pushing it open. “No, no, you’re not escaping, get back here!” With a laugh you fled from the makeshift dressing room and hurried out toward the empty swimming pool that was in the center of the giant warehouse.
Circling the edge of it, you came to halt and could not hold back the screech that came out of you when Jungkook grabbed you by the waist, almost knocking you into the concrete abyss that was only five feet deep. “Don’t run away from me when I’m talking to you, especially after you say something like that.” You could hear the grin on his lips.
Lifting you away from the pool while you laughed like crazy, he carried you to a quiet corner and put your feet back on the ground, turning you around to lecture you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said for what felt like the umpteenth time. Jungkook groaned, tipping his head backward.
“Why did you bring up Jimin?” His big, doe eyes bore into yours, genuinely asking you. Quirking a brow you tilt your chin a bit to question him. “You know what I’m talking about, don’t make me say it.”
Gulping, you gave him a slight shrug. “Do I know what you’re talking about?” This was not where you thought you’d have this conversation, on set, surrounded by crew members, while the very boy you spoke of had wandered out of the dressing room with the others god knows how long after you ran away from them.
Yoongi included.
Jungkook's lips tipped down a bit. The sight made your heart twist. “I swore you knew… What I was talking about… What you were… talking about… God.” Scrunching up his face he gripped his forehead and groaned again.
“Jungkook,” you whispered, putting your hands over both of his wrists.
“Thought I wouldn’t have to say it to you, the words, because I don’t know how to say them, and if you already knew then it’d really help ‘cause I dunno what the hell to say-“
“Jungkook,” you said louder, cutting him off, though you’d never heard the boy ramble like this before. He dropped the hand from his head and scrambled for your hands, squeezing them as tight as he could. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you… panic.”
He took a deep breath, one that helped you relax some. “I can’t…” Pausing, he sucked down another breath and shook his head. “I can’t say it.”
“Okay,” you nodded, dragging your thumbs over his hands. “That’s okay, you don’t have to.” He swallowed hard, beginning to nod with you. “Can I… Can I ask you a question? Just to make sure that I do know what you know?” 
His brows met in the center of his forehead. “Um… Yeah,” he answered with a sigh. “Sure, ask me.” The way his shoulders rose made him appear like he was bracing for impact. 
This was going to be hard. Getting him to break out of whatever norms he was used to was going to be a challenge. You knew already, you have for a while. You didn’t have to ask him about it, or torture him anymore by talking about it longer than he wanted, but he needed your help. He had to talk about it, or he would be stuck in this place forever.
Much like somebody else.
“I’ll… take this slow. And careful,” you said.
“Thanks,” Jungkook sighed. “It’s my first time.” He truly was an eighteen year old boy. Cracking a laugh at his stupid joke, you squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head. He was thankfully wearing a smile when you looked up at him.
“When you see me with Yoongi, do you want that?” Your question sucked the humor out of the moment. His lips pulled together curiously. “That type of… relationship? With a girlfriend?” His lips were sealed now. “Kookie, it’s okay,” you smiled, shaking his hands so they’d swing by your side. “Nothing’s gonna change.”
You were once again reminded of the separate worlds you and these boys came from. You grew up in New York, and spent most of your life in the city. In Manhattan for that matter, literally where everybody no matter what version of queer you were came to celebrate themselves.
Jungkook parted his lips, hesitating big time before he whispered, “It’s terrifying.”
“I know,” you said. “And that’s okay, it’s going to be. But, I can tell you right now that I will still love you no matter what, and I know damn well those six idiots over there, fully clothed in an empty swimming pool,” he giggled, “They will still love you. You are their pride and joy. Do you know how easily you could get away with murder with those guys on your side?” A laugh is shared before quiet falls around the two of you.
The voices of the six idiots in the empty swimming pool echoed through the warehouse, their words getting muddled in the air.
“You don’t wanna say it,” you began, and Jungkook rapidly shook his head. “I know,” you started to smile. “But… can I?” His face twisted with discomfort, or disgust, or he was cringing… You couldn’t piece it together. “I won’t say the word, relax,” you said. “I just need confirmation, I don’t want to get this wrong.”
A nod was all you were going to get from him.
Lowering your voice to the point where you weren’t even sure he’d be able to hear you though he was standing five inches away from you, you whispered, “You like boys.” 
A sharp inhale ripped through his chest. His face remained stone cold as he jerked his chin up and stared at the ceiling for all of three seconds before scoping your surroundings. Letting him have his moment, you knew he’d come back to you when he was ready. And he did.
Another small, meek nod was all you were going to get from him. And it was enough.
“Kookie.” A grin was plastered onto your face. He attempted to smile as well, but he wore his nerves… everywhere. “You did it, you just told me. That’s huge.”
He gasped a breath and huffed a laugh. “Technically you told me.”
“Doesn’t matter,” you squeezed his hands, throwing them away to wrap your arms around his growing body. He was getting more muscular everyday. “I’m proud of you.”
His arms snaked around your shoulders. Placing his chin on top of your head, he took a deep breath, one that made you rise and fall with his chest. His heart was racing, you could feel it pounding between his ribs. 
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“Always here for you, Kook.”
“Honey!” Sunny’s voice shouted toward you, echoing against the roof, vibrating the walls. The sweet nickname she gifted you with when you were twelve had a way of sounding incredibly menacing when she forced it from her glossed lips with a bite.
Pulling away from Jungkook you looked toward her and the way she’s standing at the edge of the pool, gesturing into it.
“It’s like herding toddlers who just learned how to sprint,” she raised her brows. “They are all here, it’s now or never. The sun sets in three hours.”
“Let’s go,” Jungkook said, nudging you with his shoulder as he started toward the pool.
Following close behind him you watched as he jumped over the edge fearlessly and landed on his feet, rushing to Namjoons side. The leader threw an arm around the youngests shoulder and gave him a smile, one that Jungkook returned.
Bumping into Sunny, standing as close to her as possible, she eyed you curiously and asked, “Is he okay?”
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “He will be.”
Shifting your gaze over each boy to inspect what they were wearing and to ensure they were camera ready like Sunny declared, you find Yoongi looking up at you, your eyes meeting for the first time since you spoke outside. You couldn’t read him.
Hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans, he was clenching his jaw so tight his teeth could crack. It was hard to tell whether or not he was angry, or upset, but he seemed it. Everything about his energy was… off. Like the past few weeks.
If he was miffed at you for whatever reason he could conjure up, you were certain it wouldn’t be as good as yours. All you wanted to do was talk to him. At this point in your relationship, you should know a whole bunch about him, not be discussing your days for a mere twenty minutes after work just to have sex and either fall asleep or go home.
Gritting your teeth, you sent a reciprocated chilling glare back to him, as much as it hurt your heart.
“Okay! Let’s go,” you called out to bring everybody back into the shoot, breaking the stare when it became too much to handle. “Bring it boys, let’s have some fucking fun!”
There was about an hour spent around the pool, you and Sunny either sitting on the edge behind the cameras, or jumping in to fix something or adjust the details. Both you and Yoongi fought to not look at one another, and you wondered if anyone else was being suffocated by the air in the room.
When you approached Jungkook to shift him over, adjusting the spacing so that he wasn’t covering too much of Hoseok, you felt his eyes burning into you. Like you putting your hands on the teenager's shoulder made him want to burn the place down. You swear the earth rumbled.
You couldn’t help but feel a tad guilty. The two of you had spoken about Jungkook before, or Yoongi’s made jokes rather. He didn’t know what you knew, and now it was confirmed that Yoongi had nothing to worry about when it came to his friend. He just had no idea.
By the end of this style of shots, after watching the seven of them cruise through the choreography again and again, your eyes wandered to Yoongi when ‘cut’ was called. He rolled his left shoulder backward, frowning as he did. Folding your arms you joined the camera team behind the screens to monitor what they had captured, keeping your peripheral glued to your boyfriend who shimmied something out of his pocket.
He was coming toward you. He was looking directly at you, coming toward you. Turning your chin, nerves shot up your spine as you took him in. Not a single word was spoken. Looking into your eyes, he slipped something into one of your hands, paused for half of a second, then followed the boys out of the pool.
You waited until he stalked off to look at what he had given you. Opening your hand you found your folded up sheet of notes that you forgot you gave him. Shaking your head the slightest, you open it up to see if anything on it would spark your inspiration, and down in the corner, in the last available blank space, ‘I love you’ was written in his chicken scratch.
A lump lodged in your throat, one you attempted to swallow away. Folding the paper up quick, you glanced out to where he had walked away to, but he was gone.
The shoot wrapped up around two or three in the morning. No one was paying attention to the clock, everyone was having way too much fun. This video was carefully calculated chaos dipped in mischievous partying- The exact image BTS was aiming to articulate. And you did that.
After thanking the crew, thanking the staff, and thanking the boys, you ventured into the dressing room where seven exhausted bodies were still shouting at one another. It usually took them a good hour to wind down after something like this, especially if it were a show. Both you and Sunny knew that the second their heads hit the cushions in the car they’d be out.
Except Yoongi. Another thing you both shared, the inability to get good sleep. Unless you were beside one another.
Letting the heavy door shut behind you, the scene of the boys stumbling over their feet while they changed into their cozy clothes made you want to smile. Taehyung was already laid back in a chair fighting to keep his eyes open while Hoseok straddled his lap, dancing around to the latest trend to try to keep him awake. Jungkook was slipping into a hoodie, Namjoon was helping Jimin wipe off his makeup, and Jin was hovering over Yoongi, blocking him out of your view.
Sunny wasn’t here, she and her assistant stylist had cleaned up their things already to give the boys their space. The two were combing through the set now, making sure they didn’t leave anything behind all while cleaning up after the boys. There wasn’t much for you to collect aside from the piece of paper in your pocket.
You came in here for one more thing.
As the shoot went on it seemed Yoongi loosened up, the two of you shared the occasional laugh when something would happen, but other than that you didn’t speak. By the end of it all your heart was positively broken, watching him walk away from you with the boys without a second glance back. 
Not many of your past relationships made it past this point. Once you hit the first bump in the road it was split city. None of them had been as invigorating or exciting as this one has. You used to be able to see this coming, the relationship's demise hovering toward you like a cloud in the sky, letting you know it was all about to go to hell.
You didn’t want this one to go to hell.
You wanted this one to work out.
You weren’t sure what your future looked like quite yet, but you knew you wanted to figure it out with Yoongi. When you were with him, he knew parts of you you weren’t even sure you knew yourself. He could see you, he could hear you, just as you could see and hear him. Which is why this doubt started hanging over you in the first place.
Brushing past each of the boys who hit you with a generous thank you in some way or another, you only had a small smile to offer them. By the time you shuffled toward the back of the room and reached Yoongi and Jin, the eldest of the two took one look at you and scurried away.
“Nice,” you said quietly, watching Jin as he glanced about the room, looking for something, seeming to ask the other boys where to find it. “Was I a bitch today? Or…” Yoongi, who had his arms crossed over his chest where he sat, sighed heavily and shook his head, screwing his eyes shut.
“No,” he mumbled. Holding your hands behind your back you looked down at him and thinned out your lips, hoping he’d say more. Beneath your gaze he could feel it, the need for him to say more, to talk about it, to talk about something. “Honey, I… Listen…”
“I’m listening,” you whispered, barely moving. Yoongi threw his arms to the side.
“Why am I in trouble here?” His eyebrows furrowed over his eyes, just visible under his messy silver hair. The stiff tone of his voice sent a chill over your skin, and signaled to the boys that it was time to leave the room.
“Never said you were in trouble,” you said. The door slammed shut, echoing against the tiled walls. Jungkook was the last to leave, sending a longing glance your way, but you missed it.
“Then why act like I did something wrong,” Yoongi said, sitting forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “All day you’ve been treating me like I’ve done something to you, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is.”
After a deep breath you mumbled, “Yoongi,” but he cut you straight off.
“I’m so happy that you have this job. I’m so happy you are doing what you love to do, and you’re creating, and you’re making the art that you want to make. You’re changing the game for us, for the industry… For me. You’re breaking boundaries, you’re taking it a step too far, and it’s so damn exciting, Honey, it really is.” He paused to look up at you. His wide, pleading eyes lost in more ways than one. “I feel like I take the fun out of it for you.”
You didn’t miss the way his voice cracked, the sound hitting you straight in the heart. “D, please, don’t do that,” you whispered, taking a step closer to him. He drug his hands over his face.
“How can I not?” he shrugged. “You have more fun with Jungkook, you don’t speak to me, and when you do I somehow turn it all to shit.”
“D, what the hell are you talking about?” Taking to his side, you crouched beside him and rested your arms across his lap. He couldn’t look at you, his focus was elsewhere. “You do not turn it all to shit.”
The way he looked at you pained you like a slap to the face. “Don’t try to make me feel better when I know you’re pissed at me.” Narrowing your eyes, the only thing you can do is shake your head. “I know everything you want me to do. And I won’t do it.”
“You can do it, you just have to-”
“No,” he was firm. “I won’t do it. I don’t want to.”
Standing to your feet you tucked your arms behind you like they once were. His words were confirmation enough. If he wasn’t going to speak, if he wasn’t going to communicate… If he wanted to just brush over everything as if it were nothing, and continue living in ignorant bliss, acting like everything was fine… It was over.
What once was bliss and ecstatic euphoria had hit a dead end. This gorgeous face and beautiful mind that had shown you in many ways what it was like to live, to live for yourself, was giving this up.
Granted it’d only been a few months, and you’re certain you both said ‘I love you’ way too soon, but it was authentic, it was real, it was you. It was Yoongi. From the start you’ve moved way too quick, you’ve been sprinting since the day you met. It was a whirlwind of dramatic excitement, and it was everything you had ever wanted, everything you ever wished for.
But, maybe it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe living in fast forward was what pushed this over the edge. Jumping headfirst into a relationship with a complete stranger from an entire different world, falling in love with them in mere weeks, moving across the globe, running from a life you used to know…
It wasn’t meant to be.
And that thought alone nauseated you.
You wanted him to be your forever.
Walking toward the door without looking back, you did your best to ignore the fact that he didn’t even try to stop you. He let you walk away.
He let the relationship crumble to pieces right in front of him, and he didn’t do a thing to save it.
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( I'm a slow updater. If I missed your tag please let me know. )
@jewelrnicorn @yoongisducky @all-american-fangirl @funkylittlebisexuall @ahewlett @damn-u-min-yoongi @my-dark-happy-place @wobblewobble822 @kaitieskidmore97
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shes-so-insane · 2 years ago
Dangerous Game
(Byakuya Kuchiki x F!Reader)
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Warnings: bit rough, some painful bits. SMUT dom!Byakuya
(I plan on writing soft byakuya smut too dw!)
Synopsis: You and your captain are having a spar, but he's starting to get especially irritated with your snarky behavior.. and decides to correct it.
"you are an arrogant one" Byakuya says through clenched teeth.
His sword is at the ready, both of you are panting from fighting.
"am I arrogant, or are you just surprised by my strength? Looks like you're bleeding a little." You smirk back at him.
Byakuya flashsteps to you and grabs your face.
"are you... disrespecting me Y/N?"
There's a glimmer of rage in his eyes. You decide to take the risk, and stick your tongue out at him. You were surely playing with fire. He clenched his jaw, and leaned his face closer to you.
"you do understand that you are beneath me?" He says coldly, as he stares in your eyes. His pale blue eyes seem to stab holes in you.
You hesitate, deciding whether or not to keep messing with him.
"you're awfully.. close, captain. Do you get this physical with your other subordinates, or just me?"
You give him a little playful wink. A fire ignites in his eyes. He squeezes your mouth open, and spits in it.
"you are not worthy of my touch.. however, your actions must be corrected."
Your eyes widen at his actions. You weren't expecting him to react that way. But that isn't stopping the heat from growing in between your legs with his touch and saliva in your mouth.
"oh, so you want to correct me, that right?"
You bite down on your lip and stare at his lips. He notices this, but doesn't give you the satisfaction you need. Instead, he smacks your face away and takes a step back.
"undress, now."
Your face turns completely red as he demands this of you. His face is still so expressionless.
"but.. captain we're out in the open?"
That answer did not satisfy him. He grabs your throat and pulls you close to him. You can smell his cologne.
"are you disobeying my orders again? Stupid girl"
With a swift motion, he picks you up and flashsteps you to his office.
"now, undress. Or I'll do it for you."
Embarrassed, you strip yourself so you're just in your underwear and bra. His eyes search your body lustfully. He lets out a low growl and comes over, taking off your bra with one hand and ripping your underwear with the other. You let out a gasp as he speaks to you sharply.
"clearly you did not understand, I say to undress. Now, put your hands on the desk. Don't mess up my papers either."
You do as he says, bending over and putting your hands on his desk. After a moment, you feel a sharp sting on your bottom, followed by a soothing hand to relish the pain. You look back at him with a shocked face.
"did I say you could look?"
He grabs you by the back of your neck and holds it against the desk. With his other hand, he traces his fingers along your folds.
"Look how wet you are, silly girl. You enjoy having your captain punish you, don't you?"
He lets out a low growl as he shoves three of his slender delicate fingers in you. He seems pleased hearing you mewl.
After a few moments, his fingers pull away. You turn to look at him, but before you can he fully bottoms out inside you. You let out a loud yelp and he quickly covers your mouth with his hand. He leans down to your ear.
"you will be silent. there is a meeting just behind those doors. You don't want them to hear you scream, do you? There will be silence."
You nod your head desperately as he shamelessly pounds into you. He lets out some soft grunts making you insanely hot. He grabs you by your throat and lifts you up to his still clothed chest.
"look at me. Look at me while I fuck the stupidity out of your mindless disrespectful brain. Tell me, does it feel good?"
"yes Captain..."
Ending it there for your imagination plus I don't want to ruin it because I'm a terrible writer!
Thanks for the support guys <3 please send in requests!!!
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luigisblueoveralls · 2 years ago
luigi doing oral on fem!reader, please.
You got it!
A Blissful Mess
Luigi x Fem!Reader NSFW
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Summary: Luigi decides to treat you to a blissful evening.
Notes: NSFW, Luigi performing oral, hardly any plot, just Luigi being the kind and worshipping boyfriend he is.
I'm sorry if this is trash I wrote this at like five in the morning and wanted to get it out I just hope it is good for you and I also put a little bit of dominant Luigi in here too cause why not I feel like he would be dominant just once in a blue moon.
Ever since you woke up this morning, you were absolutely horny for Luigi. You wanted him, you craved him, you wanted him to do his magic but unfortunately, he had to go to work and so did you. He had promised to make it up to you for tonight and you were going to hold him to that promise. You were counting down the minutes that Luigi would be home and since he was going to treat you tonight, you decided to make him a warm and hearty dinner as a way to pack him back before he even treats you. You just prayed that Luigi would have a decent day and not a bad one because if he is in a bad mood, then you didn't want to force him to give you oral. It was eventually time for Luigi to be home and by the time you finished his dinner, he had walked in through the front door.
"Ooo what smells so good in here?" Luigi asks as he hangs up his hat, gloves and takes his shoes off.
"Some hearty and warm lasagna!" You answer, bringing Luigi's plate to the dining table with a ice cold light beer.
Tomorrow would be Luigi's day off so you knew the beer was an okay choice.
"Why thank you, (Y/N). You didn't have to do this." Luigi reassures you but you place a kiss on his forehead.
"Well of course I did. You worked all day and it's only fair." You reassure him back and he smiled in response.
"You're so good to me." He softly said.
Even though you were doing this cause you really wanted him to get you off, but it is also cause you care for him and love him so much. He truly was the best guy you have ever been with. The two of you sat down and ate the delicious dinner you made. It was so good, that you were impressed with yourself. Once finished, you got up and started cleaning up the kitchen when Luigi came up from behind you and held your hips. You can tell he was hesitating for he hasn't done anything like this before.
"Yes, Lui?"
You can tell he was blushing because of his silence and his hesitation in his movements.
"You can touch me. I don't mind." You suggestively tell him, trying to give him a confidence boost.
You felt Luigi grab you by your hips softly and bring your butt onto his crotch. He was hard.
"I want to give you what I promised you this morning. You're still...horny, right?" Luigi asks you, with a hint of flustering in his tone.
"I very much am. I have been waiting for you all day, Lui."
You could feel Luigi's erection get harder from you saying that. It turned you on so much.
"I'll clean up the kitchen, my love. You have done so much for me so let me treat you for the night." Luigi told you.
You dropped whatever you were doing, turned around, and gave Luigi a deep, passionate kiss. Luigi softly moaned into your mouth from your actions, sending waves of euphoria to your body. You pushed your tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch of his mouth. Luigi didn't even fight back. He let you have your way with him. You could tell by the noises he was making, though, that he was enjoying every second of this. You then ran your fingers through his soft, short hair. It was greasy. He needed a shower, but it still felt so soft. You felt Luigi grab your shoulders, lead you to the couch, and make you sit down without breaking the kiss at all. Luigi pulled away and looked deeply into your eyes. You were ready.
"My lady," Luigi starts as he gets on his knees and spreads your legs apart, "do you still want this?"
"Yes. Yes, I do." You were practically begging for Luigi to pleasure you at this point.
Your clit was throbbing for him. You wanted him so badly. Luigi then starts to take your pants off. You weren't sure if he was doing it slow on purpose or not, but you were mentally screaming for him. Your pants were finally off, and all that was left was your underwear.
"Luigi, please." You sternly said.
"Please, what?" Luigi questioned you.
You were getting slightly irritated, but you also didn't want to irritate or piss Luigi off, so you took a deep breath in and then out to calm yourself.
“Please sir.” You utter as electricity runs through your body from wanting.
“Good girl, Y/N” Luigi says with a tiny hint of dominance as he kisses down your body, causing you to get wetter.
He looks up at you, beaming his blue eyes at you as he notices you getting wetter and you’re squirming.
“What’s wrong? Can't take it?" Luigi asks as he goes slow.
Oh, so he was being dominant for once? Interesting. You moan and bite your lip as your eyes meet his, you give him the fuck me eyes. Basically, you were nonverbally telling him to fuck you and get on with it. Luigi just smirked as his teeth tugged on your panties, his big blue eyes peering at you.
"Luigi, please." You were getting frustrated.
"What?" Luigi asked.
"I want you. Please." You begged.
Luigi's expression softened, going back to his usual self.
"Sorry. Couldn't help myself." Luigi softly said as he grabbed your panties and pulled them off of your body, the cold air hitting your wet vagina.
You were that wet for him. Luigi then touched your wet core, sending chills down your spine. You moaned softly at his touch. He wasn't even doing anything to you, but just feeling his touch made you feel so good. Luigi then stuck one finger inside of you, sending shockwaves throughout your body.
"L-Lui." You moaned, wrapping your legs around his head.
You brought his face closer to your core, wanting him so badly at this point. Luigi didn't mind it at all. He just wanted to make sure you felt good. Luigi began moving his finger all around inside of you, hitting every little nerve. He knew what to do to make you nearly cry out in pleasure.
"Is this good?" Luigi asks you for your approval.
"Y-Yes. More, please."
"As you wish."
Luigi then stuck another finger inside of you, filling you up.
"O-Oh. Oh, Lui." You moan deeply at his action.
Luigi twists and turns his fingers all around you, feeling every inch inside of you. He was going slow, whether it be on purpose or not. It still felt so good to you. Luigi then curved his fingers and hit your good spot.
"Oh, Lui!" You shouted at what he did.
Silently, Luigi chuckled to himself. He just knew what to do to make you feel good, and he was always proud of himself. Luigi then starts to rub his fingers roughly against your spot, making you twitch aggressively. He wasn't worried about being too rough, albeit you were so wet already that he was using you as a lubricant.
"Don't stop, Luigi. Don't stop, please." You beg of him.
It felt so great, the best ever even.
"I won't. I promise, my love." Luigi says deeply in a very romantic and passionate way.
Suddenly, you felt Luigi's tongue lick your entire core, making you cry out.
"O-Oh! Yes! Please!"
The feeling of Luigi's fingers penetrating you as well as his tongue licking your core and clit nearly overwhelmed you, but it didn't. It all felt right. Luigi went faster with his finger and tongue, and you could feel a deep, warm feeling building inside of you.
"Are you getting close?" Luigi asks.
"Y-Yes. Please don't stop. Hmhmm." You moaned, which nearly made Luigi cream in his pants.
He himself was super hard, and he nearly couldn't help himself.
"My love, is it okay if I relief myself while still relieving you?" Luigi asks.
The thought of Luigi rubbing himself while rubbing you turned you on so much.
"Y-Yes. Yes, you can." You approved his ask.
Before shutting your eyes from pleasure, you see Luigi reach his free hand down his pants while he continues to pleasure you. Your orgasm was coming strong, and it caused you to shut your eyes from the deep pleasure you were feeling.
"Oh Lui, oh Luigi." You moaned, which made Luigi moan into your clit causing you to nearly scream.
You never imagined that this would be how your night ended, but you weren't complaining at all. Suddenly, you were on the edge of your orgasm. Luigi's fingers were getting a little sloppy but his intense work on your clit with his tongue didn't change at all. He was getting close, too.
"Make me cum, Luigi. Please." You deeply moaned, which drove Luigi crazy.
"A-Are you close?" Luigi moans.
"Yes. Are you?" You ask, seeing that his body was trembling.
"Y-Yeah." He moaned, but immediately continued what he was doing with you.
He wanted you to cum first, so he slowed down his hand movements on himself to make sure you did cum first. The warm feeling spread out to your legs and your core. It was coming fast. Super fast. Oh there it was.
"O-Oh!! Oh Luigi, oh Lui!" You screamed out, your orgasm hitting you hard with intense pleasure.
You gripped the couch cushion and Luigi's hair as your orgasm continued to radiate throughout your body. As you caught your breath, you heard Luigi scream out in moans as he finished himself. You screaming his name out as you cummed was all it took. Your legs were so numb as well as the lower half of your body thanks to Luigi. It felt that good. It was perhaps the best he had ever done. Luigi pulled away from you, and you could see some leakage on his mustache.
"Oh damn, sorry about that." You shyly apologized, not thinking you could ever do that.
"No, it's okay. I'm just glad that I was able to make you feel that good." Luigi smiles at you.
Luigi cleaned himself up, as well as his face, and gave you a big kiss.
"Should we finish upstairs?" You suggest.
Luigi's face grows red. No matter how many times y'all have done the deed, Luigi still gets very flustered at the thought of it.
"S-Sure thing. Anything you want." Luigi accepts your request.
The two of you hurried upstairs and entered into a night full of bliss and love as well as for a possible noise complaint.
I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for it being so late I had a busy week as well as a busy weekend but I hope you enjoy it!!
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