#thank you hya
💪🏽 I am in a desperate need of Dasil
This went from "funny fic about Dorian picking up Basil" to "Dorian and Basil have a genuine conversation about had Basil treats Dorian and learn things about each other ft. bridal carry"
This is technically for the og book, but you could see it as a prequel to The Losing Game or set in a Modern AU
AO3 Link (if it's easier ^-^)
Dorian had many talents. He was a brilliant pianist, he could draw quite well, he could act decently when needed, and he looked stunning at all times with little effort. However, there was one very important thing that Dorian could not do:
Pick up Basil.
It made sense; Basil was tall and his body naturally dense, despite his rather lean figure. It didn’t help that Basil grew bashful and shy whenever he so much as looked at him. Really that man reminded Dorian of a sweet little turtle—hard shell, but so shy and always trying to hide his head in his coat.
Dorian might have let the inability slide—there were many other things he couldn’t do like tying a necktie or immediately tell his left from right—had Henry been as incapable. But on one sunny afternoon, he watched the lord lift a laughing Basil up a few inches off the ground. The artist had looked so happy, his smiling face illuminated in the warm orange glow of the sun despite how his coal black hair tried to soak it in. And when he saw how Basil had looked down at Henry with a look of pure affection and adoration—Dorian knew he had to do it too.
He started his process by cornering Lord Henry at a party and demanding to know everything about picking up Basil. 
“Pick him up?” Henry chuckled. “Dorian, you don’t have to do anything at all. Basil’s already enamored with you—tell him that you want to lay with him and he’ll worship your feet.”
Dorian blinked, “But I don’t want him to worship my feet. I want to pick him up.”
Henry smiled, “Yes, you’ve said. And as I’ve said, simply tell him you want him. You’ve already won his affection, picking him up shouldn’t be hard—you won’t have to play much of a game.”
“‘Game?’ What are you—?” Dorian shook his head, “Harry. I want to physically lift Basil in my arms.”
The lord stopped mid sentence and Dorian had the rare split-second joy of watching Lord Henry’s brain buffer as he tried to save face. He eventually forced out a laugh and patted the young man’s back rapidly.
“I know, Dorian.” Henry quickly tried to maintain his composure and appearance. “‘Physically pick up Basil’—I did understand you—”
“You had no idea what I meant.”
Henry excused himself from the conversation, citing boredom for his early departure. Dorian let him go, unimpressed and still nowhere closer to lifting up his favorite artist. He’d have to figure this out on his own.
He considered making himself stronger through exercise. He had a friend in the Guards who was more than willing to help him. After a single session, Dorian realized he’d rather die than do a ‘push-up’. He turned his focus to innovation, throwing himself into strategy books he had accidentally stolen from Alan Campbell.
Dorian would need to account for both Basil’s physique and his own. While Dorian couldn’t lift a thing, he certainly could hold them and, since Basil was tall, it wouldn’t be efficient to start from the ground up. Somehow he needed to elevate Basil. 
That night, as he flung himself into bed, an idea came to him. He fell asleep easily, eager to test out the idea the next day. 
The next day he arrived outside of Basil’s home. Instead of immediately alerting the artist of his presence, Dorian balled up the scarf he had brought with him and threw it into the great tree in Basil’s garden. It took a few tries, but finally he got the scarf to stay in the tree.
With a wide grin that he quickly hid, Dorian rapidly knocked on Basil’s door.
Basil opened the door with a concerned look, “Dorian? Has something happened?”
“My scarf got stuck in the tree!” the youth said, clutching at his chest. He batted his eyes, “Basil, will you please get it down for me?”
Basil stared at the man in confusion, but nodded his head and with long strides walked over to the tree with Dorian’s scarf. As he reached for it, Dorian quickly grabbed the small stool he knew Basil kept foyer and rushed to bring it to Basil. He slammed it down into the ground in front of the artist.
“It’s on a higher branch, so you’ll need to stand on this!” he said quickly.
Basil stared at him, “Dorian, are you feeling quite alright?”
“Well, I’ve already gotten your scarf down,” the painter smiled, offering it to the youth.
Dorian’s eyes widened and he stammered, “That—I brought a different one today, that’s not it.”
Basil furrowed his brow, “You… brought two scarves?”
“Yes—no!” Dorian grabbed Basil’s arm and began pulling him to stand on the stool. “I lost that scarf when I last visited you!” “Why didn’t you tell me?” Basil asked. “Dorian, are you feeling alright?”
“Yes, now just stand on this!”
“Because—because—” Dorian made a frustrated noise, hissing, “Just get on the stool, Basil!”
Nervously, Basil did as Dorian requested, grabbing one of the branches to steady himself as he looked through the tree. For a moment neither spoke. Then in a small voice, Basil said, “I’m sorry, Dorian, but I don’t see a scarf here.”
As hard as he could, Dorian kicked the stool underneath Basil. Unfortunately, because of how hard he’d placed it down earlier, it had been pushed deeply into the ground. His kick only resulted in him stubbing his toe against the hard wooden stool as it gave a small jerk upon impact. Basil slightly lost his balance, but grabbed the tree branches to keep steady. In a panic, he glanced back down at Dorian who looked like he was trying hard not to cry.
“Dorian, what’s wrong?” Basil clambered down the stool. “Should I get you ice?”
“No!” the younger man, stamping his foot. “No, no! This isn’t fair!”
Basil was bewildered, but tentatively he placed his hand on the other man’s shoulder, “Dorian… what’s wrong?”
The young man sighed, whipping furiously at his eyes, “I wanted to pick you up.”
“What? Why?”
“Because Henry could do it.”
Basil couldn’t help but chuckle, “Dorian, you don’t have to do everything Henry does. I’d honestly advise against aspiring to even attempt to be like him.”
“It’s not—” the young man sighed heavily. “I don’t want to be like Henry.”
“Then, why—?”
“Because I can’t just be me, can I?”
“Basil,” Dorian looked down at the ground. “I’m only your friend because I’m your muse. Once I am old and no longer beautiful, you won’t want my companionship anymore—I have to do something more so you’ll want to stay as my friend as I get older.”
Basil looked aghast, “Dorian, you thought I’d stop being friends with you simply because you’ll… age?”
Dorian crossed his arm over himself protectively, “You spend half our time together giving me compliments. What other reason will you have to tolerate my presence?”
The painter sighed, “That’s… not untrue. But Dorian, I enjoy our time together because I simply enjoy being with you. There is no reason or any other justification necessary.”
“But we don’t do anything. I just sit and you paint. Those are wholly individual activities. When I’m with Henry, or anyone else for that matter, we laugh or talk or do something with each other. And when you’re with anyone else, you talk to them or laugh with them or anything else that friends are supposed to do!”
He frowned, holding himself tighter, “Why do I have to be the one you treat differently?”
Basil looked surprised, then guilty. He opened his mouth then closed it as he searched for the right words to say. Dorian wiped at his eyes again, wishing that he’d stop crying in front of Basil. Eventually, he sat at the trunk of the tree, watching the sky as he waited for Basil to say something.
Finally, Basil came to sit with him. With a saddened look in his eyes, he said, “Dorian, I’m sorry that I’ve treated you differently than how I’ve treated others—it was never my intention to make you feel as though I only valued you for your beauty.”
He paused, hesitating, then gently said, “I’ve only done so, because, well, truthfully, my friend, I’m not sure how to treat you.”
Dorian raised a brow.
“You act very young, Dorian. And forgive my blunt wording, but you’re… fragile.”
“I’m not!” Dorian paused and sighed. “I am.”
“And it’s not just that. You’re so… open. You wear your sleeve on your heart—I always know how you feel and what you want, but I never know how to respond to it.”
“I can give quite a lot at once,” Dorian admitted softly.
“And I have trouble giving anything at all,” Basil chuckled, defeatedly. “Sometimes, I want to be nurturing and give you someone to look up to and other times, I… Well, that isn’t important. I just don’t know how to treat you in a way that respects your human complexity.”
“Don’t be, I lov—I appreciate your genuinity. I can’t fathom ever being as confident as you.” Basil's eyes grew sad again. “Truthfully, it’s quite ironic that you think I’d end our friendship over something so fickle. Once you met Harry, I was sure our friendship had come to an end.”
“Why?” Dorian looked at Basil with wide eyes. 
“He seems to understand you better than I do. You seem to enjoy his company more.”
The young man scoffed, “Absolutely not, Basil. Harry is fascinating, but I do not enjoy his company enough to even attempt to do half as much as I’ve done to maintain my friendship with you. I’d prefer you to him on any day.”
Hallward was surprised, “I… I wasn’t aware of that.”
Basil leaned back against the tree and Dorian leaned onto his shoulder, gently grabbing one of Basil’s hands and absentmindedly thumbing over the back. Around them, birds chirped and the gentle wind rustled the leaves.
“If you want to do something other than sit for me, you are always welcome to ask,” Basil said, lifting his hand to run his fingers through Dorian’s golden locks. He felt the other man relax in his hold. “I can’t always promise that I’ll be available, but I am willing to make time for what you’d like. You’re my friend after all.”
“Thank you, Basil.” Dorian smiled mischievously. “But I’d still like to try picking you up.”
Basil laughed, “I don’t intend to stop you.”
Dorian guided Basil to stand on the stool then to carefully lower himself into Dorian’s arms in a bridal carry. Basil warped his arms around Dorian’s neck, then allowed his full weight to fall down on Dorian, fully expecting to be dropped.
Both were surprised to see that Dorian managed to hold Basil up. Dorian was gritting his teeth and overly tense, nail digging into Basil as he tried to carry him back into the house.
“You don’t have to do that!” Basil laughed. He felt light-headed from being so close to Dorian and fought the urge to bury his face in the other man’s neck. 
“I’m… going to!” Dorian grunted out. His face had gone red from the exertion and he took a shaky step forwards, jostling Basil. Basil cried out and clutched at the other man, bursting with laughter. Dorian would have laughed too, but he was more preoccupied with not dropping Basil.
Finally they reached the door. Dorian hissed out, “Basil, please open the door.”
Basil did so, but reached too far, causing Dorian to lose his balance and fall into the doorway with Basil in his arms. They fell into a heap on the floor, both laughing hysterically.
After they calmed down, Dorian breathlessly said, “Can we do more things like that?”
“Like carrying or falling?” Basil wheezed, looking at the young with adoration.
“Whichever one means I get to hear you laugh more.” Dorian grinned, feeling a flush on his face.
Basil was glad his face was already red. He forced out a chuckle and motioned deeper into the house, “Shall we grab something to drink?”
Dorian nodded and held Basil’s hand as they walked to the kitchen together.
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inexplicablymine · 11 months
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Henry honorable Senator of Naboo
for @hypnostheory’s work “wanting me dead has really brought you two together”
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dxhn · 11 months
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we'll go where the winds take us 🍃
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hyac1nthus · 2 years
Henry says he hates Discord x Fluttershy but it’s actually his guilty pleasure because it reminds him of Basil and him.
The people need to know.
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taran-wanderer · 1 year
had a Woman On The Internet experience earlier
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willsimpforanyone · 4 months
Hya!!I was wondering if you could do a poly!solangelo x child of posioden!reader smut. Like a bit of a friendly/cute tease of how Nico keeps falling for posioden kids. I hope your having or had a good day! Also your work is like the meaning of a MASTERPEICE!!!!!!!! Thank you😁
thank u for being so patient and so sweet about my work! <3
all characters are over 18, they have an apartment or something together etc. also i made the reader amab!nonbinary because i don't have enough representation of enby sex with a dick
Even I could feel the heat from Nico's gaze as I blowdried my hair, ruffling the strands between my fingers. I smirked to myself, making eye contact with Will as he brushed his teeth.
"Do you think he thinks he looks brooding?" I stage-whispered, feigning secrecy between myself and the taller of my partners. Will snorted, and immediately sputtered toothpaste over the sink.
"It went up my nose!"
I cackled, throwing my head back and turning off the hairdryer to set it down on the bathroom counter. Nico's voice growled (read: whined) from the open door of the bedroom- "That's karma for laughing at their stupid comment."
"Aw, the edgy bastard can't handle being called an edgy bastard?" I teased, coming to lean against the doorframe as Nico stayed propped up on his elbows, laid on the bed.
He stuck up a middle finger and I blew him a kiss.
"Be nice to the edgy bastard," Will cooed, coming to wrap his arms around me from behind and hooked his chin over my shoulder. His minty breath brushed cool over my cheek. "You know how he gets about Poseidon's kids."
The other middle fingers came up as Nico flopped to lie flat on his back to swear at both of us. "I am not- I don't get like anything, fuck the both of you."
"Is that on the table?" I grinned, leaning back into Will and feeling his hands drag from my waist to my hips. Nico emitted an indignant, affronted noise that mellowed out into something approximating curiosity. Interesting. "Answer me, baby, do you wanna fuck both of us? Or... do you want both of us to fuck you?"
Will's hum vibrated through my ribcage and he nosed at my cheek. "Maybe he wants to see you all powerful and shit, I think. Powerful the way that P-"
The speed at which a pillow thumped into the both of us was honestly impressive, and I shrieked a laugh as it smacked into my (and therefore Will's) face. Nico was now sat up, arms crossed and a disgusted expression on his face. "Don't even, do not bring that name into our sex life, that boy was a mistake I wish never to repeat."
"Hey," I pouted playfully, picking up the pillow and throwing it back. "That's my half-brother, y'know."
Nico threw his hands up in the air and flopped down onto the bed. "Why, why must you remind me of that, do you hate me? I won't let either of you fuck me if you remind me that I'm dating the half-sibling of the first guy I had a crush on when I was 14 when I am now 24 and a whole ass adult who would like to not talk about dumb 14 year old love."
"Hey!" Will protested, waddling with me over to the bed and dragging me down onto it with him. "I have no relation to He Who Shall Not Be A Part Of Our Sex Life."
I had to agree that he deserved the second pillow to the face that Nico served him, and I wiggled out of Will's grip to go crawl over to the son of Hades. "Won't mention it again, Neeks, promise, I'm sorry."
The pout I recieved was adorable and I was utterly powerless to resist kissing it. I was rewarded with a shy smile and hands coming to rest on my shoulders. "Thank you, baby, I appreciate that."
I nodded, kissing him once again. "Now, seriously, do you wanna fuck? 'Cause you were definitely eye-fucking me in the bathroom and I wanna know if you're up for more."
Nico hummed, nodding his head and bumping his nose with mine. "Mhm, yes, I do, I would like to be fucked because I'm warm and still kinda sleepy and frankly being between the sea and the sun sounds incredibly appealing."
The soft whine came from Will, who squirmed over to bury his face in Nico's hair. "I love you so much and you're quite romantic really and I wanna hold you while you get fucked because I don't want to, like, do that bit right now. That okay?"
"More than okay," Nico replied softly, a hand leaving my shoulder to scratch gently at Will's golden halo of hair, freshly washed and smelling of roses and honey. I hummed an agreement, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
"You can hold him together while I take him apart, hm?"
I felt the shiver of Nico's body and by Will's hidden smirk, I could tell he did too. Hefting himself up, Will crawled over to the headboard, making grabby hands at his boyfriend. "Come here, you." He recieved a pout, Nico's head tilted back to look at him and exposing his pale olive-toned skin to me quite nicely. Will rolled his eyes fondly and reached out to heave Nico up into his arms. "24 year old adult my ass, demanding to be carried everywhere."
I shrugged, grinning and crawling over to curl my fingers over the waistband of Nico's worn sweatpants that are only acceptable to wear to sleep. "He can be a pillow prince if he wants- what are you gonna do, say no?"
"...no, I'm going to indulge him every time because life was mean so I won't be," Will mumbled, face smushed into Nico's hair, voice dripping with affection.
Nico shifted uncomfortably, the skin of his cheek caught in between his teeth. "You don't have you, y'know? I'm not- if you don't want to, I'm not gonna make you." He looked at me, nerves spiking with worry that he's somehow forced us into this.
"Neeks, we want to do this," I reassured him gently, pulling at the elastic of his sweatpants and murmuring the words into the soft skin of his lower stomach. "Will just wanted to hold you, and you were totally okay with that, right?" He nodded. "And I know that if I didn't want to do this, I could say so and we'd do something else, right?" Another nod, then a blink and a visible steeling of his nerves and a softening of his body.
"Yeah, of course, anything, anything you'd want," Nico whispered, fingers tangling with Will's as they both watched me ease Nico out of his sweatpants and gently pull his thighs apart.
I brushed a kiss over the inside of his thigh, laying down on my stomach. "Right now, I wanna make my boyfriend feel good while our other boyfriend looks after him, does that sound good?"
"Colour, baby?" Will murmured into his ear, reminding him of the traffic light system- green is good, yellow is slow down to a stop and talk, red is stop immediately and transition into aftercare.
"Green, green, I'm good," Nico breathed, eyes locked onto me as I pressed my lips up his thighs. I blew softly over his dick and he inhaled sharply, the same moment he twitched under my attention.
The first swipe of my tongue had his stomach muscles tensed, lip caught between his teeth. Grinning, I looked up at Will. "Lube, please, loverboy." Will rolled his eyes but blushed at the name, obediently grabbing a bottle from the bedside drawer and passing it to me.
Holding it in one hand to warm it up a little, I used the other hand to wrap firmly around Nico's dick, holding it just so I could get my lips wrapped around the tip. The twin inhalations from the boys above me were fuel to the burning heat in my abdomen.
"F-Fuck," Nico whimpered, fingers squeezing tight at Will's as I dragged my tongue around the head, coaxing him harder and harder in my hand. Slowly, I took more into my mouth, feeling the familiar weight of his cock on my tongue and sucking very lightly. The taste of precome burst on my tastebuds and I shivered in delight that my tough, edgy, extraordinarily powerful boyfriend was so easy to please.
Will's lips were pressed to Nico's ear, voice soft and lilting. "Aren't they pretty, huh? They look so good with their head between your legs, does their mouth feel good, baby?"
"M-Mhm, r-really good, so warm, shit-" Nico gasped as his cock bumped the back of my throat, hips jerking up but Will moved both pairs of their hands to hold him down.
"Behave, Neeks, let them do the work," he hummed, kissing Nico's temple. I flicked open the cap of the bottle, releasing my grip on Nico to drizzle some lukewarm lube over two of my fingers.
I pulled my mouth off him slowly, blinking up at my boys through my lashes with a cocky smirk on my face. Nico already looked wrecked, my poor love. "Ready for more?"
His nod was almost frantic, and I laughed softly. "Alright, just relax, I've got you, hm? Will's gonna keep you nice and warm and grounded, okay?"
I rubbed ever-so-gentle at his hole, getting him used to the feeling before easing the tip of my finger inside. Nico threw his head back against Will's chest, gasping.
"Shh, I know, I know," Will cooed as I pressed in further, making sure not to hurt him as his hole swallowed up my finger to the knuckle. I moaned at the sight and the feeling, hips pressing into the bed as I dragged the finger back out. "Feels good, doesn't it? They're so good with their hands, so good at getting you ready for them, shh, don't squirm, be good for us, baby."
Nico's eyes were lidded and heavy, cheeks flushed down to his chest and lips parted in shallow breaths. He looked gorgeous and I kept my eyes on his face as I slipped a second finger inside him along with the first.
He keened, back arching and toes curling. Soft, almost sleepy moans fell from his lips and I soaked them up like ambrosia. "Beautiful," I whispered, pulling and pushing my fingers into the tight, hot heat of Nico. I could feel him relaxing, acclimating to the feeling and loosening up under my touch.
"B-Baby," Nico panted, hips making aborted little rolls despite Will holding him down. "More, p-please, want more, wanna feel you."
Will chuckled lightly, nuzzling into Nico's pink cheek and looking down at me. "You heard the man," he grinned. "Give our pillow prince what he asks for."
I saluted from between Nico's thighs. "Sir, yes sir!"
Nico scrunched his nose, a playful smile tugging at his bitten lips. "Cringe, ew, stop immediately, I will not let you fuck me in some kind of military kink scene, you two can negotiate that firmly without me."
Laughing, I crawled up to be face to face with him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "You don't wanna be the lowly soldier being taken advantage of by his captain and their general?"
"No," he declined flatly, one eyebrow raised in disgust. "No, I do not want that."
"Spoilsport," I pouted, leaning over Nico's shoulder to press my lips to Will's as well. "Guess I'll just have to fuck you without the honourifics." I opened the lube again, hissing slightly as my wet hand wrapped around my sensitive skin, pleasure and desire running thick through my veins as I knelt back between Nico's legs.
Will smothered a laugh, arms moving to wrap around Nico's ribs under the t-shirt he was still wearing. His eyes met mine and he winked. "You'd look hot in the uniform, though." Nico smacked a hand over Will's mouth, then repeated the action with mine when I opened it to reply.
"Enough! No military kink in this bedroom while I am also in this bedroom, and especially not when I am waiting impatiently to be fucked by my partner!"
"I love it when you get demanding," I smirk into his palm, leaning over him with one hand settled on the bed and the other guiding my dick to rest teasingly against Nico's hole. He clenched and released, making a punched-out sound as I applied the barest amount of pressure.
"You're such a tease," Will laughed, smoothing his hands down Nico's sides. "Let the poor kid have it, come on."
"I'm 24!" Nico protested, wriggling slightly to look back at Will. "Just 'cause I'm younger than both of you- oh!"
He choked on his protestations as I finally pushed in, head breaching his tight hole. My head dropped forward, chin almost to my chest as I moaned lowly, his warmth pulling me in little by little until I bottomed out. Nico's hands scrabbled for purchase at my shoulders, eyes squeezed shut as he tried to get used to the feeling.
"Just relax, deep breaths, baby," Will soothed, voice liquid and silky to my ears. "It's okay, I've got you, do you need anything?"
Nico shook his head jerkily, focusing on breathing as I stayed as still as I could, holding myself up over the two of them.
A hand pushed my hair out my face and I looked up at Will. "You too, hon- I'm literally wrapped around our Nico-" (our Nico, ours) "-but I've got you too, do you need anything from me?"
I melted inside, his striking blue eyes feeling safe and lovely and not for the first time I thanked the gods that I got to fall in love with both of them. I shook my head, a small, shy smile pulling at my lips. "I'm okay, I'm good, just waiting for Neeks to be okay."
"I'm okay," Nico parroted, hips rolling experimentally and I gasped harshly at the sudden sensation. He smirked, despite being slightly floaty. "I'm ready, are you finally gonna give me what I want?"
I laughed breathlessly, just once, before I moved my hips. I pulled out and pushed back in sharply, revelling in the yell the action dragged out of the man underneath me. I repeated the movement over and over, fingers curling harshly into the bedsheets and stomach tense as I pound into my emo pillow prince over and over.
"This good enough, huh?" I gasped out, grinning in satisfaction as Nico only nodded his head. He squirmed and twitched against Will's chest, hands grasping at my body wherever he could reach.
Will gently spread Nico's legs further, hooked Nico's knees over his own and suddenly Nico yelped, cock jumping against his stomach where it had been smearing precome over his skin. I grinned, aiming for that one particular spot again and again, reducing my boyfriend to a moaning mess of pleasure as he melted into the arms of our other boyfriend.
"There it is," Will cooed, teething over Nico's ear. "That's where it feels so good, doesn't it? Our baby, they're so good at this, found your prostate so easily, they know your body so well."
Both Nico and I flushed at the dirty talk, the sinful words of the child of Apollo who became an utter menace the moment he found out how his voice affected us. He kept going, muttering filthy things into Nico's ear just loud enough that I could hear him over the pounding of my heart in my ears.
"B-Babe, W-Will-!" Nico groaned, shaky hands clutching at the back of my neck. "Can you- please touch me, wanna come, 'm so close, baby, please?"
I snapped my eyes to Will, knowing that Nico might be too out of it to remember that Will didn't want to be too involved. "You don't ha-have to, sunshine, I've got him i-if you don't want to."
Will shook his head, smiling softly at me and dragged his hand teasingly down Nico's torso to palm at his neglected cock, flushed and weeping. "I've got him, I want to, we can make him come together, right?"
I nodded, breathless and beginning to chase after my own peak after focusing on Nico for so long. Will's long fingers wrapped around Nico's cock and I cried out as Nico's hole tensed around me at the touch, dropping my head onto his shoulder.
"Fuck, fuck, need- need Nico to come first," I pleaded, ever the polite gentlefolk even as I was falling headfirst (dick first?) into pleasure.
Will's hand jerked and tugged almost ruthlessly at Nico, sending him spiralling into an orgasm. He thrashed between us, a soft scream ripping from his throat as he came all over himself, white streaks staining his pink, blushing skin. I pulled out of him quickly, giving a throaty, choked moan as I released over Nico's stomach, hips twitching against nothing as I bit my lip hard.
Nico's eyes were closed, lips parted as he panted, but he waved his hand about until he found my head, dragging me down into a fierce kiss. We kissed until we were dizzy, tongues tasting like each other and bodies settling down from the highs.
"Love you," Nico mumbled, words pressed against my lips and I thrilled at the admission, just like I did every time.
"Love you too," I whispered back, nose bumping into his cutely.
"What am I, furniture?" Will joked, earning tired laughs from both me and Nico.
"Very comfy chair," Nico hummed, tilting his head back to press clumsy kisses into Will's jaw. "Favourite chair."
"Love you too," I whispered again, this time leaving a kiss on Will's forehead and he blushed at the simple affection, rolling his eyes and kissing my cheek back.
He sighed quietly, looking down at the mess we made of Nico. "You know you're for sure gonna need another shower, right?"
this truly got away from me, and i blame the fact that i've been reading so much quality smut fanfic. hope you enjoyed!
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theemporium · 1 year
Hya! Dunno if you’re comfortable with it but can I request professor! Remus Lupin x college student! fem reader? like a super smutty smut where they both want each other badly but have to pretend they don’t and then they fuck
also, can I be 🍰 anon?
of course you can be, baby, the 🍰 is yours! and thank you for requesting!🖤
Everyone had their crushes. 
It wasn’t wrong to have feelings for someone, especially if you never acted on them. It was just a simple admiration of the person. From the way they looked to the way they acted to the way they spoke, it was just a simple admiration that made your stomach feel like it was bursting with butterflies and nothing more.
It just so happened that your crush was your professor of a class you didn’t even want to take. 
You needed to fill out your credit requirement for the term and you were grasping at straws when you realised your choices lied between a class with your old friend group, a class with your shitty ex-boyfriend and a class you couldn’t care less about. 
So obviously you chose the third one. 
However, what you weren’t expecting was a handsome man to walk through the door, briefcase in hand and blazer thrown over his other arm, and announce himself as your professor for the term. He didn’t look much older than you, maybe only five years at most if you were guessing (you would later realise it was a bit more than that). But all it took was one glance from the man and you were a flustered mess. 
It didn’t help that his class was difficult and you spent the few moments where you weren’t admiring Remus Lupin, being absolutely fucking confused. 
Your confusion led to many nights like such, huddled in the depths of the library at a late, ungodly hour. You were tucked away near the back, piles of books around you and not a single other human in sight.
You stared at the pages in front of you, the letters and numbers were starting to blur together and you weren’t any closer to figuring the assignment out. At least not tonight, but you were far too stubborn to give up. 
“If you stare any harder, you might set the textbook on fire.” 
You almost jumped out of your seat, your knee knocking against the table as you spun around to find Professor Lupin leaning against the bookshelves, looking at you with a mixed expression of curiosity and amusement. 
“Professor Lupin,” you murmured and cleared your throat, almost painfully aware of the messy state you were in. “What are you doing here?” 
“Is a library not open to everyone?” he asked, his brows raised.
Your cheeks heated up. “Well, yes—”
“Maybe I should be asking you what you are doing here,” Remus continued as he took a few steps towards the table you were sitting at. “It’s a Saturday night. Surely a young student like you has more interesting things to do than spend her time in the library.”
“I wanted a headstart on the assignment,” you mumbled out, almost embarrassed. 
Remus paused beside your chair and you were almost too aware of his presence. He glanced over your shoulder, reading over the textbook page and then the notes you had scribbled down, though most of it was incoherent. 
“You never told me you were struggling with the content,” he said, his brows furrowed together like the mere fact annoyed him.
“I…uh, I didn’t wanna bother you,” you admitedd, though you realised how stupid your excuse was before he even gave you a pointed look.
“I want to help my students,” Remus said, looking down at you with such intensity in his eyes that it made you squirm in your seat. “I don’t like seeing you struggle.” 
“Right,” you breathed out, blinking slowly. 
Neither one of you broke away from the eye contact, just staying locked in that moment. And then just when you thought he was going to look away—to turn away—his gaze dropped down to your slightly parted lips.
“Tell me you don’t feel it,” he whispered, his voice a little huskier now.
Your brows scrunched together. “What?” 
“Tell me you don’t feel whatever this is,” he said again, a little more determined this time. “Tell me you don’t feel it and I’ll walk away. I’ll leave you alone and stop convincing myself that maybe there is something.” 
You waited a beat, watching the way his shoulders tensed as he impatiently awaited your answer.
“I could say I don’t feel it,” you whispered and you could have sworn something in his expression broke. “But I would be lying.” 
Remus looked at you, he really fucking looked at you. There were a million different voices in his head screaming for him to just walk away. To just tell you his office hours and tell you to pop in if you had any questions about the course. He should just turn on his heel and walk out of the library before he did something he regretted. 
But what was one more regret in his life?
“Fuck it,” he grumbled under his breath as he took your face in his hands and kissed you.
It was fast-paced, messy and passionate but you wanted nothing more. You didn’t even realise he swiped your belongings off the table until his hands were gripping the back of your thighs, lifting you onto the table and standing between your legs.
“This is wrong,” he murmured against your lips, trailing down the expanse of your neck.
“I know,” you breathed out, your head falling back as his teeth light scraped against your skin.
“Tell me to stop,” he groaned as he pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses down your neck. 
“Fuck me, sir,” you whined, your glossy eyes meeting his darkened gaze and whatever self-restraint he had quickly disappeared.
“Shit, baby,” Remus moaned as his fingers worked fast, pushing the fabric of your skirt until it pooled at your waist. His fingers tugged your panties down, pocketing them before his hands softly squeezed your inner thighs.
“Touch me, please,” you whispered, your lips brushing against his before your fingers tangled themselves into his messy brown hair and pulled him into a kiss. 
“Gotta stay quiet for me, darling,” he warned you, still acutely aware of the other people loitering around the library at this time. You both could get caught and get into so much trouble. He could lose his job and you could lose your place at the university, but neither one of you seemed to care all that much as your fingers nimbly undid the button of his trousers and slipped past the waistband to cup his cock. 
“Fuck,” you murmured, almost a little dazed like you hadn’t mean to speak aloud. “You’re big.” 
The smirk on his face was smug. “You can take it,” he told you, his hand cupping your face as your eyes met his once again. “Gonna take it like a good girl, aren’t you?” 
You nodded dumbly. 
“Atta girl,” he groaned before he pushed his trousers down to his knees, his boxers quickly following as he fisted his hard cock, giving himself a few strokes before he stepped further before your legs. 
You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping them locked around him as he slowly slid inside you. Your nails dug into the fabric of his shirt, a pathetic whimper leaving your lips as he bottomed out inside you. 
“Sir,” you gasped out as he slid out before his hips roughly thrusted back into you. 
“Shh, baby, you can take it,” his whispered praises washed over you, settling a warmth in the pit of your stomach. “You’re doing so well for me.” 
His lips were on yours again when your moans and whimpers became too loud and he feared somebody would hear you. His hands gripped your waist, your body jolting with every thrust as your nails clawed at any inch of him you could get your hands on. Your walls squeezed around him, tight and warm and so fucking welcoming that he never wanted to leave. 
And he couldn’t bring himself to do so even after you finally came, following himself seconds later as you both stayed there, propped on the edge of the table with Remus still deep inside you. 
“Remus,” he corrected as he pressed a bruising kiss to your lips. “Call me Remus when I’m inside you, baby.”
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spicyicetea · 1 year
What I thought about was like a spirit y/n, but not forest spirit, but a y/n that can control miasma. Again I’m not sure if it’s called miasma, but the red ganon stuff.
Oh how you enable. Hehe enjoy.
Y/N that can control Malice
The night everything went wrong still haunts my dreams. They chased me from my own home with fire and pitchforks. I was a monster in their eyes. In my family’s eyes. My own mother had thrown me to the wolves once she discovered my ability.
Ever since Ganon had began creeping his influence towards Hyrule Castle, the strange malice had become more and more of a problem. After I fell into a strange puddle of the stuff, I realised it didn’t rip and tear my skin like many others claimed. It was like a warm embrace, that seemed to follow my finger tips. It followed me.
With a flick of my wrist the malice had vanished into the air. I could save people with this! I healed my own wounds and got ride of the malice, that no one knew how to. I had excitedly told my family. They would be so proud… or so I thought. Disgust and contempt is all they held towards me since that day.
I now reside beneath the surface, hiding in a deep cavern that I have made my own. Malice guarded the entrance, so no one ever bothered me. I was free from the judgemental prying eyes of those who couldn’t appreciate my gift.
POV shift
The torch held by the young Hylian princess illuminated their path. She had run far ahead of her knight, excitedly surveying the cavern. Due to the malice, the ruins hadn’t been explored, she was the first to see them. Or was she?
As she ran through the cave, the smell of something cooking caught her attention. At first she feared she had set something on fire, but Link’s excited sniffing ushered them forwards.
A cabin? In a cavern like this?
Link pushed the door open, sword drawn. They inches inside before the door was slammed closed by malice and held shut.
“You know, it’s rude to intrude.”
The two jumped as Y/N looked up at them through her eyelashes. She stood and clicked her fingers, the malice vanishing. Zelda watched in shock before jumping forwards.
“You can control the malice?”
“Yes, so what?
“YOU MUST COME WITH US! You can help us clean Hyrule Castle safely.”
“No thank you-“
Link just threw Y/N over his shoulder and followed Zelda out of the small Hylian’s home.
How annoying.
I was tempted to do a version with Ganondorf where this would have been a symbol of Y/N being his soulmate but idk wether you’d like that lol.
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ukelele-boy · 1 year
Apollo turning Hyacinthus into a flower so he can always be under the sun.
Hyacinthus loving life and traveling, as a Prince he never could go far. Flying with Apollo in his chariot, he was bright eyed with wonder at the world. Apollo doing that for him even after death. He turned him into a flower so he could keep enjoying the living world.
Hya one day coming back revived and apollo keeps apologising and apologising for being selfish and not being able to let his soul go. But Hyacinthus shushes him, "I would have gone to the underworld but I would have never been happy as a drifting soul. You know it. You let me keep experiencing the world. As a flower, people planted me in gardens and cities. I felt the sun and rain. And I saw you still. You often visited me and would tell me stories. I was happy. Thank you."
Apollo just cries into his shoulder.
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vacantgodling · 5 months
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a guide to: hyacinthus shrapnel
thank you to anyone who's expressed interest in my favorite asshole man--at some point i'll do this for more ocs, but i am not immune to favoritism. gently tagging those who i think would wanna see this:
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes @outpost51 @void-botanist @jezifster @mjjune @sergeantnarwhalwrites @ink-flavored @astral-runic @calicohyde @kk7-rbs @foxys-fantasy-tales @inadequatecowboy @sarahlizziewrites @multi-lefaiye
transposed under the cut!
SLIDE 1: A GUIDE TO HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL -- the meanest, prettiest, and most emotionally constipated man ever. by @vacantgodling, yours truly
FULL NAME: HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL (nicknames: HYA (by amon), CINTHY (by aloe, lovingly, and tagetes, degradingly), CINTH (by narci))
AGE: 31
BIRTHDAY: he hates talking about his birthday, so you won’t get the exact date. just know that it falls during the galerian form of “christmas” which is the two weeks of may 12th — may 24th. its somewhere in there :)
the galerian equivalent to our nonbinary; an entirely separate gender denomination that blurs the line between masculine and feminine; encompassing everything inbetween, nothing at all, or outside of a binary frame altogether. its considered a ‘third gender’ by the galerian people, and has been observed in galerian history for centuries. old galerian even features multiple pronoun sets, but they have been lost in the modern age. nowadays, those who present as troibemme usually use “they” “he” or “she” but this does not negate their troibemme status. gender =/= pronouns etc.
husband and wife refer to the specific social hierarchy in galere. “wife” and “husband” respectively refer to the role of being a breadwinner and connection maker (husband) versus the manager of the house and finances (wife). wives do occasionally lead the way in organizing at home balls. child rearing (in upper society) is usually left to maids and nanny’s—not a responsibility of either parent. traditionalists believe wives should take on this task as children are part of the “home”, but in actual valerian society children are usually pawned off. all of the gunn clan, sans aloe (as he is part of the clergy) are wives.
a family tree that showcases the main gunn family tree. lonicera gunn and clematis gunn are crossed out because they are deceased. they were wed first and had 3 children, tagetes gunn de beneaux (40, they/them), iberis winch (36, he/him) and narcissus spokes (33, she/her). while it is not indicated by the chart, clematis had a relationship with moxie shrapnel in lonicera's twilight years, giving birth to hyacinthus shrapnel (31, he/him) and his name is in bold lettering. then, clematis finally married belladonna anvil (who hyphenated her name to anvil-gunn) and had 2 children, lavendula caldern (28, she/her) and aloe anvil-gunn (24, he/him).
SOCIAL STATUS: aside from a wife, hya is also a BASTARD. this is not a well kept secret.
bastards, as per the definition, are illegitimate heirs. hyacinthus is the 4th child of the dodgy businessman, CLEMATIS GUNN, who had an affair with a prostitute, MOXIE SHRAPNEL (where hya gets his surname), during his first wife’s decline in health. 
bastards have no claim to family fortunes, so when clematis passed, hya would’ve been shit out of luck if he wasn’t essentially adopted by tagetes. hya has also never met his mother to his own knowledge as she fled the situation when clematis started getting more abusive.
in order to marry the keeper, tagetes had birth certificates forged. whether or not the keeper knows of this deceit is questionable; but the large dowry tagetes paid to facilitate the marriage has seemed to placate them enough not to question it.
MISC LIKES: coffee (misted ivory geisha is his favorite in universe blend—its imported from the northeast country i have yet to name), fashion (dresses, shoulder pads, and embroidery are his favorite things), gold & white (for jewelry, dress, and aesthetically), MONEY (he’s extremely materialistic), reading & literature (he’s very critical however—in a modern au he would probably be a pretty well renowned critic).
in general however, hya is easily annoyed.
SLIDE 5: what annoys hya, you may ask? FUCKING EVERYTHING. thank you for being polite because he's not :D
HEIGHT: 5’11” (~180cm)
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR COLOR: black, with hime bangs (square bangs in the front with short, square cut side bangs that frame the face and chin), and long hair that reaches to his mid back.
BUILD: broad, girthy👀, and imposing. when he finds time to work out is a mystery to most, but his physique shows he clearly does.
there are 2 photos of hyacinthus to display his looks; a broad shouldered, dark brown skinned man with fox-shaped and narrow eyes, multiple piercings (nose, ears, and lip), and two beauty marks under his left eye. he is wearing an intricate white and gold outfit in the picture on the right. in the one on the left he is wearing an intricate white and gold choker. there are 2 thought bubbles over each. one says "RBF STRONG AF". the other says "even though hya is so well manicured he hates showers bc #childhoodtrauma. he does take baths though!"
SLIDE 7: everything on hya glitters like gold -> here’s a map of hya’s piercings and notable features
the picture shows various arrows pointing to hyacinthus (who has his mouth open to reveal that his canine teeth on his upper row of teeth have been replaced by sharp, solid gold). they point to his beauty marks, canines, and various piercings.
as an aside, hya didn’t have friends growing up because he literally wasn’t allowed to leave the estate his father trapped him in until he was 19… and that was bc his dad died and tagetes ‘adopted’ him.
TAGETES ⟶ despite the fact that tagetes basically raised hya, the two of them hardly see eye to eye. tagetes views, treats, and exploits hya (as they do everyone) as a means to their end goals—though what those goals are is anyone’s guess. hya doesn’t trust tagetes as far as he could throw them. yet, at the same time, they have a strange sense of obligation and “care” (if it can be called that) towards one another. tagetes was definitely the main influence into why hya is Like That.
ALOE ⟶ since aloe turned 10 and learned that he had an older brother whom he hadn’t met yet, he began to try and write letters getting to know hya. despite being generally brash, crass, and a pain in the ass, hya really cherishes aloe’s letters and companionship, and they actually meet for the first time in person during the events of paramour. 
AMON ⟶ y’all knew it was coming. i feel like i don’t even have to explain this one they are obsessed with each other in the most toxic of ways lmao. amon infuriates hya down to a molecular level, yet he is also the only man—only person—hya has ever been attracted to. (and he will not EVER admit that)
… Narcissus ⟶ she annoys him and he can’t understand why she’s so obsessed with trying to ‘fit in’ with other people. also he wished she wouldn’t try to talk his ear off every time she saw him.
… Iberis ⟶ he literally doesn’t have one. the two of them avoid each other like the plague.
… Lavendula ⟶ avoids her like the plague if he can help it, but she actually looks up to him in a way, especially based on the things aloe has told her about him. they aren’t close and don’t really speak until her book but that’s a whole other thing.
… Clematis ⟶ #daddyissues. hates the man’s guts and is glad he’s dead.
… Lonicera ⟶ she died before he was born, but even if she lived, he would’ve never met her regardless. no opinion.
… Moxie ⟶ he’s never met his mother to his knowledge, so he has no opinion of her. she loves him very much and there’s more to that story that we won’t hear about until empire (tagetes’s book)
… Belladonna ⟶ the loathing is mutual
… Erecia ⟶ he doesn’t gain an opinion of her until lavendula’s book, and even then it’s mostly just “that’s amon’s friend” territory
… Viola, Barbatus, & Rumex ⟶ he’s not good with kids so he tries not to interact if he can avoid it
… Helianthus ⟶ finds him EXTREMELY obnoxious
… Terian ⟶ no opinion, they’ve never met.
… Miss Shanin ⟶ she’s always in his way and he’s generally annoyed by and suspicious of her
… Vira, Tamhas, Asahel ⟶ no opinion at all. they’re just servants.
… The Keeper & The Bishop ⟶ finds them genuinely disturbing. distrusts them HEAVILY.
alcoholic drink: white russian
food: steak bechamel
colors: white & gold
flower: yellow hyacinths
animal: leopard
zodiac: taurus
tarot: six of swords
song: lyin’ to myself — todrick hall
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backtothefanfiction · 11 months
Two Can Play At That Game | Aramis Imagine
Warnings: typical musketeer shinanigans, guns, fighting, jokes and fluff, Aramis trying to be suave, flirty, teasing
Word Count: it’s another quick couple hundred (written in app, not keeping track
A/N: okay, so I’m doing it. Aramis as a character has meant so much to me for years and the three musketeers story as a whole is a very important one for my soul history. anyway, I saw this prompt on Pinterest and it just fit and I had to write it.
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You were tired. It had been another long and trying day full of the usual drama and shinanigans that came hand in hand with the King’s favourite Musketeers. And if it wasn’t for the risks and near death experiences that always seemed to follow them, you would have been more than happy to have spent your time with them.
“I promise, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.” Aramis had said as he pulled you down behind a stack of barrels to take cover. “I thank the Lord that they’re a terrible shot.” He sighs, lifting the cross tied around his neck to his lips and placing a kiss on it for luck.
You had flinched as one of the musket balls hit the top of the barrel closest to your head, wood splintering around you as Aramis leaned over to cover you with his body.
“You know next time you four come knocking I’m just going to pretend I’m not at home.” You jested and you felt him let out a breathy chuckle. Your face was dangerously close to his chest, the deep v of his shirt falling open slightly as his body flexed around you. You closed your eyes and forced away your temptations. Now was not the time.
Your eyes scrunched up tightly, your body growing taught again as another round of shots were fired.
“Come on Porthos.” You heard Aramis mutter to himself.
There was a loud thundering of hooves on the ground as Porthos charged in with a cry. There was a loud wail as one of the men who had been shooting, was knocked down by the momentum of Porthos’ horse.
“Hya!!” Porthos shouted, before making clicky noises with his mouth to wrangle not just his but also Aramis’ horse, who’s reigns were clutched tightly in his grasp.
“Come on, quick.” Aramis said, wringing his sword, holding it out in front of him with one hand, his other hand reaching for yours as he pulled you up and began to lead you to Porthos and the horses.
“Get on.” Aramis commanded as he began to cut down one of the men.
Porthos tossed you the reigns and tucking the leather tightly into the curl of your fingers, you slotted your left foot into the stirrup in front of you and hauled yourself up onto the horse. With his hand now free, Porthos pulled out his sword and began slashing at the two other men about to lunge at Aramis.
“Get on,” you held your hand out to him and he swung up onto the back of the horse behind you, his arms wrapping around you as you handed the reigns off to him.
“Yah!” He called out as his ankles kicked at the sides of the horse, encouraging it into a gallop, Porthos made a similar action and followed closely behind.
When you had gotten back to the safety of the garrison you started to breathe easier.
“You okay?” Aramis asked as he helped you down from the horse.
“Yes.” You nodded as he handed the reigns off to Porthos to take the two horses to the stable.
“Still thinking of pretending to not be home next time we call?”
“No.” You smirked. You knew you could never say no to an adventure with him. “I love you.” You said as you leaned into him, breathing heavily, relishing in the feeling of still being alive and with him.
“I love me too,” he grinned.
“I- wait, what?” You said your face falling into mock shock as you processed his words.
“I didn’t want this to be some cliché moment, so I thought I’d just shake things up a bit,” he said as you began to pull away from him, “Just know that I love both me and you- where are you going?” He continued, throwing his hands up in the air as you dramatically walked away from him.
“To rethink my life choices.” You call back to him with a smirk.
“Does that mean not to call on you the next time there’s another daring adventure?”
You smile to yourself as you continue to walk through the gates of the garrison, willing yourself to hold your resolve as he calls out your name in ever increasing volumes of desperation, the further you get away. Aramis may think his tongue is his best weapon, but you know holding your own is yours.
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mikqls0n · 1 year
I had a smut request from @i-beg-you-pardon-laufeyson but I accidentally deleted it but it said:” hya! I totally love your work! It’s so incredibly written. I dont Know if you would want to do this but if you are taking prompts then could you do a smutty jamie or one of his characters fic or Drabble or whatever with the song “bad habit” most especially the lyrics “I wish I knew you wanted me””
So first thank you for loving my ff🫶 and then, I really wanted to write this but didn’t knew what a prompt is so did some research and hope it’s right 😭 hope u still enjoy:)[NOT EDITED!]
Jace Herondale x fem!reader
There he was. The blond hair, beautiful blue/gold eyes and a voice no girl could ever say no to.
Yet there he also was, dating your sister clary fray as this wasn’t enough, she just had to mention it every minute possible. As if she was something special.
You had liked jace for a long time now- almost a year to be exact. The tension between you two was viable and people would ask you if you were a couple, to which you always replied with a simple “no”, not giving jace a chance to say anything. Although he always would look disappointed with your answer, which you clearly never saw.
Now you were here in your room- in the institute as clary talked your full of how annoying jace was and that he acts like he doesn’t even love her.
“I mean y/n, can you maybe talk to jace? I don’t know what to say, I can’t just go to him and be like “hey jace do you really love me?” Like that’s embarrassing” she said to me.
“Um- clary I really think you should talk to him yourself about things like that-“
“Please! I Just Can’t ok, he’s kind of ignoring me these past days I don’t think he will talk to me now, so please. And I’ve been noticing you’ve got pretty close with him huh”
“Are you jealous?” I asked her as her face expression already told me the answer.
“Wh-what no!” She laughed.
“Okay, whatever. Fine I will talk to jace about it but only because you’re my sister..”
“Thank You!” She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her too.
You definitely were not going to talk to jace about clary.
“Jace?” I knocked on his door.
There was silence at first until you heard the door open and you were met with jace.
“What do you want?” He asked, his voice almost making you forgot of why you’re even here.
“I- uhm, can we talk?”your voice stuttered.
“Yeah sure, come in” he held the door open for you as you step into his room when jace looked the door.
“So what is it that you wanna talk about?”you both sat on the edge of his bed. Jace leaning his back against the wall while you were sitting in front of him.
“Uhm..” you didn’t know what to say, as you were literally about to confess your feelings to the boy who has a girlfriend- which happens to be your sister too.
“What? Why are you getting so red?” He smirked as you turned your face to the side, brushing it off with a laugh.
“No but seriously, what is it?”
I can’t do this.”um so clary said-“ he cuts your off.
“Can we please, not talk about clary?” He asked.
“What- why? She told me that you’ve been distanced from her and doesn’t know why”he sighed as he liked his lips before sitting up straight.
“You’re so blind y/n…” you both could feel the tension in the room between you two.
“I- I really should go, to clary..” you quickly stood up and as you were about to open the door you were being turned around and pushed against the door as you felt a pair of soft lips against yours.
You didn’t even realised what has happened so quick but also didn’t hesitate to wrap your arms around jace’s neck and pulling him closer to you.
“Jace, we can’t clary-“
“I don’t give a shit about clary, didn’t she tell you we broke up weeks ago? Fuck y/n I’ve always loved you. You just never gave me a chance to show you that..” you didn’t answer as you pulled his lips to yours again.
Jace slowly picked you up from the ground and wrapped your legs around his waist as he walked over to his bed.
Your back falling down onto the mattress as jace climbs on top of you and immediately attached his lips to your neck.
“Jace” you moaned as he sucked on the soft skin while he slowly rocked his hips against yours.
Your hand goes up to his blonde hair as you turned your head, giving him a better view of your neck.
“Please jace, I want you” you whine as you bucked up your hips to his, wanting to feel something of him.
He pulled his lips away from you neck as he stood up and unbuckled his belt and took off his black jeans, followed with his boxers, revealing his already hard cock as he took off his shirt too when he got on the bed again.
“You want me so bad?” He flipped you over so you were sat on top of him as he laid down on his back
“Go on, im all yours” He said as you took off your clothes before sitting on dick,gaining some friction when slight moans came out of jace’s mouth as his hands were placed on your hips moving your hips slightly back and forth making you grab the headboard.
“Is the door looked?” You asked as jace’s movements stopped, the need to be inside you growing.
“Yes, yes it’s locked now please- ah fuckkkk..” you had lined him up to you so you could smoothly slide him into you when You let yourself fall down onto him, causing his whole length to be buried inside you as you let out a gasp at the size oh him being inside you.
“Fuck it..”jace mumbled as his grip got stronger on your waist and he flipped you both over again as he waisted no time and began to pound into you, hitting you g spot over and over again.
“Jace, im- im..”the pleasure beginning to take over you as jace lips found its way to your neck again.
You wrapped your legs around jace waist pulling him deeper inside you with every thrust.
“Fuck y/n, I wish I knew you wanted me earlier , I would’ve done this months ago” you both felt your orgasm getting closer to the edge as the feeling of you clenching around jace’s cock, and the twitch of him inside you made it worse as you both couldn’t hold it anymore and your warm cum mixed together as jace collapse on top of you, still inside you filling you up.
You didn’t know how clary would react if she would find out about this, but you sure know, you will never regret this.
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ohboyitshya · 3 months
hi new people
i'm hya. which is short for hyacinth. people go up to me and they say "hiya hya" and it's very nice. i am a man of trans experience with he/him pronouns. i live in kentucky, which is in the USA. i am also 33 years old.
i mostly use tumblr for funny haha heehee hoohoo pictures, art, and following my awesome friends. i can tag stuff if asked.
i don't have any dni rules that aren't basic human things like 'dni if you plan on being a little pissbaby clown in my asks' or 'dni if you don't plan on giving me the absolute bare minimum respect i am due as any other human'
i don't get hate anons because everybody likes me. thank you for liking me too (:
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boschfanaccount · 1 year
Hey their
I’m loving street fighter 6 right now and loving Luke too, could you be able to do a story where a GN reader meets Luke and they become BFF’s
Luke Sullivan x Reader
Besties Together Reader is neutral. More platonic than romantic, [y/n] and Luke are just being besties!
"WOAH!" You yelp out as you duck, barely avoiding the high punch thrown your way. With so many fighters out roaming the streets, it's hard to not get into any random street fights but with the amount of people clustered in an alleyway you needed to get through? You didn't want to take your chances nor were you in the mood to fight so many bad guys. Your luck was running thin. Turning around and sprinting back out of the alleyway to find safety on the open sidewalk, the sun hits your skin but not before you run into someone. "Oof- Hey, you should be more careful and watch where you're going next time."
Looking up slightly, you've run into a muscular blond man. He doesn't look threatening but with what you previously encountered, he was probably part of those alleyway thugs. Tightening your hands into fists, you mentally prepare yourself for a brawl with him. Both of you staring at each other before the man looks up and quickly grabs you out of the way before parrying an oncoming attack from behind you. Moving back so you wouldn't get hit, you watch the man fight. Using signature moves and blocking with ease, the battle ends quickly with no damage taken. You stare in awe, he turns around and gives you a smirk along side a thumbs up. "You're welcome!" He says boldly, "Oh right, yes sorry. Thank you, that was really cool!" you say shyly.
"It's no worries," he brings out his hand in front of you "The name's Luke. I'm a coach at my gym just a few blocks over from here."
"Luke... That name sounds familiar... Either way, nice to meet you Luke! I'm [y/n], I was just running some errands."
"Oh cool! Glad I could keep you out of harms way" Luke says smiling brightly at you. "Yknow, if you want to learn how to be a great fighter, you should pop into my gym and learn some moves from ol' Luke."
You contemplate the offer for a few seconds before deciding. You take up his offer to visit his gym and learn some new techniques.
"HYA!" Pants are heard from inside the gym. Both Luke and yourself were sparring and now exhausted from the intense fight you shared. "Woo! That was a great fight [y/n]. Let's take 5 and go again?"
"Hmm! That depends. What will you buy me for lunch?' You question mischievously, a big grin finds its way on your face as you watch Luke scratch his head and sigh. "Damn, you're still not over that? Fine I'll buy whatever you want later."
"Of course! You lost the bet, you best pay up." Walking up to Luke you poke his cheek annoyingly. Luke grabs your arm to prevent you from poking him even more. He starts ruffling your hair to mess it up more. "HEY- LUKE! PFF- STOP IT! I MEAN IT." Trying to to giggle from how comically long he was playing with you. Once he finally lets go you look at him with an angry look. "My hairs a mess now! Why is yours still so perfect?! This isn't fair."
"I'm just perfect what can I say." Luke says in a teasing voice.
"That's IT! I'm going to go spar with Jamie." Turning around to start walking out of the gym you hear a gasp from Luke. "Oh no! No you won't! I'm afraid you're stuck here in a contract with me, your beloved coach."
"HUH? What do you mean? The last time I checked, *you* owed *me* something." Putting a hand on your hip. You absolutely lived for the friendly banter you shared with Luke constantly since you first met. The two of you developed a strong bond where you looked out for each other and helped each other out wherever you needed it. Getting along with each other like a house on fire.
"Well, how about the time I saved you from those alleyway thugs huh?"
"Hehe! I don't know what you're talking about!"
"Oh you are asking for it. It's ON [y/n]!"
Smiling, both of you get in position to start a new battle.
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charliehoennam · 8 months
Hya, my first time requesting something... I really enjoy your writing and i have this story in my head with Alfie Solomons x femreader. Reader is a Shelby sister, between tommy and John. Shes been living in Camden, with no ties to her family anymore. Has her own Pub? Alfie frequences there a lot and both of them find a liking to each other. She knows what he does for a living, she doesn't mind. When Tommy starts working with Alfie he realizes that his long lost sister and Alfie are involved. Just some drama, i guess.
Thank you~
Bye 😊
Oh, thank you so much for confiding in me. I feel so special to be your first!
I love this idea and know it's already in the works. Should be up this week and I'll tag you to let you know, sweetie 🩷
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fellshish · 2 months
you seem like you have everything well (enough) in order soooo
I just came out as trans to my parents and my mum said she'll try to use at least the shortened version of my deadname (the one that makes the most sense in my native language) but my dad is having a hard time about it
he says 'i see everything black and white' and 'biologically you're not a man so i won't address you as he/him'
i tried to explain that literally nothing would make me happier than him calling me that but i don't really think he gets it? idk
I'll try to give him time obviously but in my head I've been like this for ages (give or take 5 years) but for them it's new so idk
idk man i'm just very confused on how to handle this all
Hey! I don’t exactly have everything figured out but thank you for choosing to trust me with such an important topic.
You’re brave for having come out to your parents so first of all, congratulations on taking such a big step. Also when you write “in my head I've been like this for ages (give or take 5 years) but for them it's new” that already shows me your incredible maturity about this ❤️
I don’t know your personal situation and there are certainly elements that would influence my advice: do you still live with your parents, are you financially independent from them, what type of person is your dad, what friends / siblings can you rely on?
The most important thing is your safety. If you are still living with your parents and your dad isn’t open to calm conversation about this, i wouldn’t push it too much (for your own mental health & safety, not for his comfort, to be clear).
Also definitely time is an important factor here. Parents tend to go through their own process in these cases. Give him time.
Communication remains the key.
You have some options there. I know trans people who have written long letters to their parents just to get all their thoughts out uninterrupted; and it gives the parents something to reread. That might work. Providing them with tips on things to watch (documentary type stuff) or books to read might help. Or enlisting the help of allies (a sibling, an aunt,…) to talk some sense into your dad.
I think the key here will be him realising that if he wants to have a meaningful relationship with his child (as in: be trusted in conversation, be invited to future birthday parties or weddings) he will have to adjust his attitude.
I’ll be honest with you. Unfortunately not every parent has shown themself cut out for this. That is 100% on the parent and 0% on the trans person. I’m not saying this will happen to you — the fact that your mom is more or less making an adjustment, shows promise for the future.
Throughout all of this i think it’s important to keep yourself surrounded by (preferably lgbt) friends wherever you may get them, the internet or real life.
I hope this already helped a bit. But please, if any of my followers can offer additional advice or support, add it in a comment or reblog.
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