#thank you for your service king 🥺
gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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somedaytakethetime · 10 months
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assortedvillainvault · 10 months
I said I was gonna request you, and i'm finally here. Can I request more fluff Headcanons for Facilier, Headless horseman and Horned king?? 🥺 Thank uuu 💫💫 hope you're doing amazing btw <3
BUBBLY i'm so so sorry for the wait on this, I've done nothing but rotate this ask in my head for 12 months, please enjoy-!
Dr Faciler:
- This MAN-
- Smooooooth as butter in a slow warmed skillet in summer.
- He’s an elegant chaperone draped in shadow, a hand in the darkness, a gentlemanly escort through the city streets, he’s basically able to hear you through every dark nook and cranny in New Orleans and assistance for anything is only the bat of an eyelash at a dark alley away.
- There’s. There’s so many petnames. The way he purrs ‘Darlin’’ feels like some kind of sin.
- You better believe half of New Orleans owes him a favour or two, so when he decides to take you out on the town, you’re getting nothing but the best service. It may not be the kind of highfalootin’ places he feels you deserve, but hidden in alleyways and in cellars lives New Orleans most raucous, lively, swingin’ nightlife and you’ll both be dancing till your feet fall off.
- Even as you both go for a pleasant walk around town, his ceaseless fingers are dipping into pockets and swiping passersby to get you something nice.
- While you’ve grown used to the sensation of being watched from the darkness, Facilier started taking pains to steer you away from where the city borders the bayou after you told him you felt watched there too.
- Mama Odie has her ways of keeping tabs on you both – and the horrified look on Facilier’s face when she hollered across the river “Stand up straight!” and “Y/N better be eatin’ right!” and “I better see some grandbabies!” (regardless of gender, she has her ways) was priceless.
Headless Horseman:
- Though he can vocalise, it often hurts, so when you appeared with a book on sign language he couldn’t help but sweep you up into a tight embrace.
- You’ve gotten familiar with the signs for ‘hello’ and ‘come here’ and ‘I love you’, the last being something he takes great pride in making you blush with.
- If you don’t know how to ride, he’ll teach you, though you know for a fact his horse Alpatraum only tolerates it because the Horseman is there to supervise. You’re getting thrown otherwise.
- (since learning said horse has a severe weakness for sugar cubes you’ve been graduated from ‘annoyance’ to ‘my annoyance with snacks’. He’ll let you pet him eventually, don’t worry.)
- If you have your own horse, it’s romantic nighttime rides through the woods as far as the eye can see. But HH's favourite is when you smirk and dare him to catch you, taking off at a gallop and laughing as he races in pursuit, the horses hooves like thunder as he gives chase.
- He loves it when you get chilly, because it means he can wrap you up in his cloak and snuggle in the saddle.
- Lowkey loves it when you carve him new faces/heads for halloween, though does have a slight caveat that you please keep the design somewhat frightening. If he’s left with the hello kitty pumpkin again yes he’ll begrudgingly wear it because you worked hard on it but you’re getting stuck up a tree as penance.
The Horned King
- Tf do you mean fluff he’s cold he’s hard he’s ragged he is terror he is death whispered on the wind-
-If you kiss his hand he nearly pitches over.
- The longer you’re in his company, the more you can observe his mocking use of endearments become ever so slowly more sincere, until only he is allowed to call you sweet things – which becomes a rule enforced with ruthless efficiency in his castle.
-He enjoys walking and talking with you, which is good because you’re the only person on the goddamn planet that can convince this lich to leave his depression hole of a private tower and get him to experience a change of scenery. Even just around the parapets would be enough, and then he gets to offer you his arm for the uneven ground and have you lean on him and oh, yes absolutely dear we can make this a daily occurrence-
- His major love language is quality time – simply being in your presence is enough to soothe the hard edges of any day. His favourite thing is just the two of you existing in the same space, quietly doing your own thing, and maybe settling in for some idle handholding just to make things Perfect.
- As a sidenote – you know the thing? With the gentle handholding and the little thumb-stroke over the back of the hand? Yeah. Yeah. That.
- Because he struggles with actually directly verbalising soft feelings (he’s allergic to announcing he’s secretly made of bone shaped mush), he’s come up with the genius coping mechanism of ‘Acts of Service – gaslighting edition’.
- Example:
- “...Sire did you order the men to renovate my room??”
- “The castle requires upkeep, my dear.”
- “...but the renovations seem to comprise of. Just my room.”
- “...Perhaps once the men and Creeper prove themselves deserving of leakproof roofs and sufficient insulation I will order their quarters improved also. Now hush.”
Once again Bubbly I'm so sorry for the wait, I hope you like these little bits!!
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doppopoppo · 1 year
Imagine King Canute with a short but strong s/o.
How would he react when she gets home hurt (just a scratch)? Would he stop her from going out to the battlefield? Or would he just keep a close eye on her?
Feel free to expand this, I would absolutely LOVE to see what you can come up with :)
Fluff please ❤️🥺
Different kind of Intimacy
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TS!Canute x F!Reader
Warnings: none
- King Canute paid no heed to all those comments. "OH the Queens supposed to be in the castle." He knows his wife is capable of taking care of herself. It's one of the few reasons he allows her to partake in battles with him. His concern is simply out of pure love for her when it comes to letting her fight, not because she's a woman on the battlefied.
- In knowing this, his wife hides the small scratch she got from the battle the other day. Nothing too serious, a minor cut on the arm from an arrow. She miscalculated its projectory and didn't step away in time. It's a wonder how someone found her on the battlefield. She's pretty small, thus making her harder to find.
- However, if anyone knows Canute, they'd know his crown would pop off his head if he knew his wife got hurt.
- So here we are in the king and queens bed chamber. King Canute sat quietly as he properly patched up his wife's scratch since she failed to do so. Others would be terrified by his silence, but his wife knew it was his way of consoling her. Telling her it's alright. He refused to let anyone else but him tend to her, unless it was out of his medical expertise.
- There's a sense of intimacy in the moment that neither of them felt before. The comfort and domestic feeling swirling in Canutes stomach. Something he's always desired and he's experiencing it with his Queen.
- Once he was done patching up the wound, he sealed it with a kiss.
You were hesitant but you finally asked him, "Am I still allowed to go into battles with you?" You clutched your dress in anxiously.
Your question caused Canute to gasp, "you don't need my permission, my love. Its your decision. Besides, if I had to pick I'd have you stay home, where it's safer. See the injury you got out there?" The worry was laced thickly into his voice.
"It's just a scratch." You rolled your eyes at your dramatic husband. "Still a wound on my couragous woman." He emphasized. "But if you find thrill in the battlefield, by my side, then continue fighting next to me." He kissed your forehead. "I love fighting with you." You softly scratched his beard, just the way he likes it.
"Though just know I'll tighten your surrounding defenses and I'll be keeping my eyes on you. More than I do that is." Canute smiled warmly at you. "That's fine. As long as I get to fight next to my King." You smiled back.
"Now," Canute started, "how did they even see you to throw an arrow at you? You're so short."
"Hey!" You smacked his arm.
Canute chuckled and gave you a kiss. "I dont want to lose you." He whispered against your soft lips, afraid you'll disappear in the battlefield. Just like his loved ones from when he was younger.
You remind him you're not going anywhere. Especially with the world's strongest man protecting you. Canute blushed and hid his face in your neck to hide his red face.
- The Queen was worried the scratch might leave a scar. Canute reminded he he'd love her regardless. If anything, the scar would make her even more beautiful in his eyes5t!
- King Canute prays his Queen never gets hurt again. But if she does, he promises his medical services will always be available for her.
Sorry for the slow update! Thank you for requesting this, I enjoyed writing it 😊 also, I wanna scratch his lil beard so badly 😫
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Maybe Catelyn enlists reader's help.
Catelyn Stark: Lady Y/N, I heard you are training King Robert as well as other lords. Wouldn’t you mind if you train my husband as well?😌
Ned Stark: Catelyn!🥺
Modern Reader: Of course, Lady Catelyn. I wouldn’t mind to train your husband. 😄After all, Robert mentioned he wanted to see his friend. 😏
Catelyn Stark: Thank you, Lady Y/N.☺️
In the training grounds.
Modern Reader: All right it’s training time. You will run circles, then you will run circles in armour and lastly training with weapons. Any questions?
One of the lords: Why do we need to run in armour?
Modern Reader: Because armour makes you move slower, which could be an advantage to your enemies. So, you need to train with it as well. Plus, I’ll see if you can put your armour on. If you can’t, then you will be training more. Any other questions?
Other lord: What about you? You probably won’t be able to do all this exercises yourself.😒
King Robert: Shut up, you fool!🤬🥶
Modern Reader: Oh, you doubt me? All right then, allow me to prove that.
Modern Reader runs 15 circles with armour without a sweat, shooting arrows from a far distance and did a flip.
King Robert, Ned Stark, lords and king’s guards:😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦😦
Modern Reader: Any questions?
Everyone: No.
Modern Reader: Good, now run.
Everyone starts running.
After training.
Modern Reader: All right, everyone. It’s break time. You did well for now. If I see you drink wine or any other alcohol, you’ll be training at night. Now rest.
Ned Stark tired as hell: So… you wanted to see me?
Robert Baratheon tired as well: Yes… sorry.
I wouldn’t be surprised if ladies would ask Modern Reader to train their children as well.
The Modern Reader is literally the savior of Westeros ladies.
Does your husband treat you badly?
Is your husband unhealthy and fat?
Are your children very naughty?
Do you have other problems?
Don't worry, our services will eliminate your problems forever.
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islandtarochips · 6 months
Hello! You've been super nice with my content and I would like to thank you for being so kind 🥺
I have a question since I'm interested to ask! Can you tell me something about your culture and Samoan people? :D
Of course dearie! Everything that you've created is an ABSOLUTE stunning art! You and the others that I have followed!
And yeah! I would LOVE to! But just to let you know, I’m slowly learning as well since I was young. Because of how a slow learner I am but I will do my best to answer your question! (And it will be in a little detail for me to explain EVERYTHING about our culture.)
Starting off about the Samoan people. Us Samoan people are very strict with our culture. And they said that we're the most recognizable people showing it. Our dances, our music, visual arts. All of that! The Visual Arts are the most interesting thing that I've seen so far. Like the Tatau (tah-tah-oo).
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The Tatau are like tattoos mainly on the thighs and waist. You can say that they're wearing like clothing. Which means they are practically...Ahem. You should know. And they said we started using this as an inspiration by the two Fijian women who came up to the shore and brought their materials and knowledge of tattooing. Next one that we're known for Visual Arts is Siapo (see-ah-poh). A Samoan word for "A fine cloth made from the bark of the Paper Mulberry tree."
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The Siapo is very important for ceremony, especially the wedding occasion and the funeral service, just to wrap the dead body and put in the grave. (Since we have caskets now. We put the Siapo on TOP of the casket instead.) It's even for High Chiefs or village maiden wearing the Siapo around their waist. Like in this old photo!
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(IF you can even SEE it) Now the next one is the Ie Lavalava (ee-eh lah-vah-lah-vah). An Ie Lavalava is a piece of fabric that Polynesians tie around their waists that gets worn like a skirt. Both men and women wear this type of garment in Samoa and is considered to be a traditional daily outfit used for school uniforms or work attire paired with a jacket and tie. Like this one:
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(Students wearing their Ie Lavalava for school) Or this one:
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(This is somewhere in the state as they allowed them to wear it in school campus. I forgot the name of the school and place.) Men and Women wear them like that. For anywhere they go. Back in the days, my dad use to tell me that women should wear an Ie whenever they go out in the village. If they don't, it goes to show that they are not respecting our people or the village for it. And nowadays, we hardly done that. I mean, there are still some of them wears an Ie when they go out but most of us aren't. I only wear an Ie when I go to another Pastor's house or go to Church. Anyway, here is some BEAUTIFUL design that they made an Ie Lavalava!
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And LASTLY of the Visual Art, is Weaving. I'm sure you already know of what weaving is. For us, we weave baskets and Ie Tonga (ee-eh toh-ngh-ah). It's like the Ie Lavalava but it is made of native pandanus (lauie) tree. And it's BIGGER. I forgot if my dad told me if it was the BARK or the LEAVES they use to make it. Here is what the Ie Tonga look like:
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Just like that! They use these for the funerals as a gift to show their respects. I've seen this MANY times. They use these for Fa'alavelave (fah-ah-lah-veh-lah-veh). Means "Families dig deep to help fund funeral, wedding, or other life-interrupting costs, to the tune of thousands of dollars." And oh yeah, the Samoan funerals also involves money. To help out to get the things for the high chiefs and other pastors and wives. ANYWAY, they said the I'e Toga originated from our neighboring country, Tonga. The I'e Toga was originally brought to Samoa by a Tongan lady named Fuka (foo-kah). Fuka's older sister, Lautiovogia (lah-oo-tee-oh-voh-nee-ah) the Queen of Samoa, was married to the King Tuiatua (too-ee-ah-too-ah). During Fuka's visit to Samoa, she gave her sister an I'e Toga as a gift. And that's how the Ie Tonga came into Samoa. That's about it for the Visual Art. And for the music and dances. The dancing is mostly about elegant and grace. The dances also tells the story about our ancestors and mostly about love. Just like any other countries uses their music in dancing to tell the story! Another thing about us Samoans. Samoan parents are VERY strict of disciplining their children. Like let's say....Mexican/Asian/Black mothers disciplining kind of way😅. But they're just doing that out of love. Nothing abusive. I promise. And also, there are TWO different Samoa island. One island is named ACTUALLY Samoa and there's AMERICAN Samoa (That's where I'm at right now!). The differences is. Samoa are like the independent one. Nothing owns them. Until New Zealand took Samoa under them. While American Samoa is under the US. If I remember correctly the reason why American Samoa is under the US. Is because of the Americans assisting us from the war that is going on. Going against Germany, I think. So I guessed that's how we became under the protection of the US.
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Here are the two Samoan islands. Almost close but it's like 1h 12m on an airplane and 16h on a car ferry. I prefer the plane (If I didn't pack anything HEAVY. Lol.) So yeah, that's about it. Thank you @welldonekhushi for the ask and hopefully this will help you answer your question! I'm trying be detailed as I can.
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Can you write a smutty headcanon about Walter marshall please? 🥺 He's my fav 💚
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Hii hun❤️
I'm gonna try, but I can't really tell with Walter, even though i love him, so this is going to be heavily influenced by how other writers (especially @littlefreya and @wolvesandhoundshowltogether) see and write him.
Also, i read your name as "superdick" again 😂 i guess I'll never read it right 😂😂🙈
Warnings: smutty stuff, random, no coherence 😅
somewhat a pleasure dom/ service top, something in between (if he has time that is)
Can read your body perfectly
Knows how to please you, how to tease you
Willing to try everything you ask him to
You don't have to tell him what you need, he knows, and he'll provide, even if don't have much time
KING of quickies. Has mastered the art of making you both feel satisfied within a short period of time because he always seems to be on the run
Loves a good blow job before he has to leave for work
Pays you back when he comes home with his head between your thighs
Uses his beard to his advantage
Loves how much you hate love it when he teases you l rubbing his bearded chin and cheeks against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs
Keeps it very clean and well groomed for that reason too (not mainly ofc) because you want beard burn but not a rash
Loves seeing you tied up and in sexy lingerie
Sometimes takes a few days off between cases to spend them in bed with you
Doesn't love police role-play, but his reluctance is only pretend. Likes using handcuffs on you and bending you over the kitchen counter or back of the couch
But also likes it if you take charge
Leaning dom, but kinda a switch. Wants to turn off his mind from time to time after very difficult cases, so he's thankful for the moments you tell him what to do
Also gets off on being bossed around by someone smaller and weaker than him (like... almost everybody is)
Loves fucking you from behind but also needs to see your face, so basically that's why you installed the floor length mirror in the bedroom
Prefers bed over couch or kitchen counter. After a while it gets uncomfortable.
Likes to mark you up but in places only he can see. Scared of people seeing them and thinking he's hurt you (isn't leaving bruises on your so illegal in the uk? It stems from that)
Fucks you rough but doesn't like spanking you. At least not much. Doesn't want to hurt you.
Honestly... From very gentle to very rough, he does everything.
Loves creampie-ing you.
Doesn't want to deal with another kid after Faye though, so he got the snip.
Shower sex! If he goes home to 'shower' it's mostly an excuse and he really needs to get off. Fucking you in the shower? Two birds one stone.
Loves and hates it when you send him dirty texts at work.
Yep, will go home to 'shower' after especially raunchy texts.
Honestly... Prefers watching TV or napping with you in his arms over having sex though. He just wants to hold you.
I think that's all I have 😊
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randoimago · 2 years
You're fueling my dragon age fever and I thank u for that
Alistair, Fenris and Varric with a crush who gives them a smol portrait they did of him during their travels that they insist is just a rough sketch 🥺 Pretty plz, I thank u for ur service 🫡
Receiving a Portrait From Their Crush
Fandom: Dragon Age
Characters: Alistair, Fenris, Varric
Type of Request: Headcanons
Notes: Still upset that you couldn't give companions gifts in DA2 and Inquisition. Well, DA2 it became a quest item but you know what I mean >.<
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What you drew him? Like took the time and energy to make him your focus? And you didn't give him bushy eyebrows or a bad mustache? He's touched.
Despite his constant jokes, he really is touched by the drawing. Can't help but scoff and roll his eyes when you tell him it's a sketch. Yeah he'll just pin this on a wall in his office.
No! He's going to frame and hang it up! Well maybe not hang it up, that'd look awful conceited of him.
Then again, he probably wouldn't be the only king to hang pictures of himself on the walls. He'll do something with it to let you know how valuable it is to him.
Usually when Fenris sees images of himself, he feels angry because he's reminded of all the bullshit he's gone through. His tattoos are so prominent and a reminder of his life before.
But you giving him this sketch, it makes him look softer somehow. Like things are peaceful. He honestly doesn't know how to feel when looking at it. You get a quiet thank you from him.
He'll keep the "sketch" on a desk. Maybe use it as a bookmark in one of his favorite books that he's learned to read.
Tries to keep the portrait out of view when he has guests. He doesn't need Varric or Isabella mentioning how he's not brooding enough.
Sure and all of his published works are just children's school plays.
He knows artists (and most of them hate themselves), you doing a portrait isn't any kind of sketch. You can say it's a work in progress, but this is not just a sketch.
Is impressed you managed to sketch him while traveling. He saw you writing in your book and just assumed it was to keep busy in between running from almost certain death.
Not one to sit still in pose, but just know that you have permission to make more "sketches" while he's telling his stories. Just make sure to get his good side.
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Is it canon I want it to be canon so bad I need them to meet again and begin repairing their relationship and it's messy and not always perfect but they'll still be there for each other after they couldn't be and they'll enjoy the moments TOGETHER😭😭😭😭😭 doing this right after the reveal that Wes is being taken away after the meeting I just can't-🥺🥺🥺
On an analytical note I have always found it so interesting that, in the comic and largely in discussions of him, Dan Melchior is referred to exclusively by his last name. He only goes by his first name in prose following him...AND WEHN WES COMES BACK IN WESCUE DO YOY SEE WHAT I AM GETTING AT BECAUSE I DO NOT THINK I DO. (side note Wes calling him Danny....the world could still be beautiful.........)
Back on track, this was a very important and appreciated break from the cycle of T$$ hurt and comfort, but I cannot wait to see how Sahota reacts to comfort from the team especially after the drugging and giving out his uncharacteristically extended hope of rescue.
Thank you for your services🫡 (⌚anon)
you know I love your analyses 😭😭♥️♥️
The Mel/Wes snippet is canon! It's just a quick moment that wouldn't really fit in the comic, so more of a behind the scenes thing :)
Dan/Mel and Wes used to be close. When they first joined the Riot Kings, Dan wasn't well known at all, and it was only after he made a name for himself that everyone (including other Riot Kings) started calling him Melchior. Wes is the only one who still calls him Dan (which is kinda like a stake in the heart post-betrayal)
As for Sahota, it's been fun breaking him down in a new way 🥰. When he's been taken in the past, it's usually by people who underestimate his tenacity. These guys aren't taking any chances (and they're not done with him yet)
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tonycries · 2 months
u are now solely responsible for me writing and finishing a toji smut one shot after not having written anything for years. it shall remain in my drafts but jus wanted u to know. thank you for your service queen 🫡🫡🫡 ur king gojo will return.
Awww this makes me so happy lovely 🥺🥺 I'm glad I could help you get back into writing in any way <33
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thebloodredraven · 2 years
Hello! What kind of kinks do you think Nagato is into? How is he like in the nsfw department 👀👀
Another Nagato anon:
I have so many different ideas for this boy that I don't even know where to start 😰 Can I get some sfw+nsfw dating hcs with a fem reader? I get romantic, soft, sub vibes from him, what do you think? 🥺
Warnings: 18+ (minors dni), body dysmorphia
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I have it in my head that he's never thought about his own beauty. Like ever. It's not a thought that crosses his mind because he's not living the type of life where he would actually care. So when he gets a partner that's constantly calling him gorgeous or handsome or any other pet name related to his looks, he doesn't necessarily know how to respond.
At first, he's very uncomfortable. It makes him actually pay attention to what he looks like in comparison to those around him. He's gone from never thinking about it or hearing anyone mention how he looks to hearing it all the time. Even if it is out of love, it's jarring.
After he has a weird reaction to it one time, you'd have to reassure him that it's okay to feel good about how he looks. It's not exactly an insecurity, but it's an unfamiliarity.
He's the type to tell you how you make him feel and take note of your actions.
"You didn't have to do that but thank you." "You're so sweet to me." "You make this world kinder." "I would have never thought about it that way, but you're such a great thinker. Nothing holds you back." "There's no limit to your light."
He's gentle when handling you. He knows you're not made of glass, but he knows he's capable of great violence and never wants to mistakenly hurt you.
Biiiig cuddler. He craves physical affection more than he'll ever let on, but he appreciates it when you let him drag you into his room just to lay down and curl his small body around you.
Forehead kisses, eyelid kisses, butterfly kisses, temple kisses, kisses kisses kisses. Give him lots of kisses or else
Clingy boi. Stressed boi. Will deadass come to you after a hard day and just want to lay down with his face buried in your tits. I hope you peed beforehand cause you'll be there a while. Didn't get a chance to shower before he's clinging to you? Oh well, he kinda likes the smell of sweaty boobs
World hard and cold, tiddy warm and soft
Consent king. "Can I touch you here?" "Do you like this?" "Can I push it in?" "Do you think you can take me yet?"
He's not that experienced, but he's a pleaser and therefore a fast learner. Loves making you feel good and will do anything to satisfy you
He's analytical. He'll keep his eyes on you while he's knuckle deep inside of you and study the way your body moves -- how your hips fight to roll against his hand despite him straddling your thighs to keep you pinned down. When he moves his fingers just a bit up...right there...a little harder, he takes note of exactly where to touch you to get you to keep making those pretty, pretty sounds
He's intuitive, but he gets off on making you use your words to order him around, even when you're too frazzled to think of a coherent sentence
He likes foreplay more than he does the act of having sex. He'd much rather spend hours using his tongue and fingers to service you than have any sort of attention on himself.
And if you want to use his dick as your own personal toy, he's more than happy to lay back and let you do what you want to him. He physically cannot come until he's sure you've used him to your liking, and he'd have it no other way
Will purposefully spend too much time kissing and licking every inch of skin around your thighs, your ass, and your lips until you're whining and trying to push his head to where you really want him to be. He's absolutely a sub and doesn't bother being anything other than that, but he knows how to get what he wants, too. You told him to make you feel good, not how long he should take doing it
Crush his head with your thighs. Believe me, he doesn't care about breathing or drowning
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javisjeanjacket · 2 years
Daemon Targaryen Headcanons
A/N: Send help a blonde baddie has bewitched me body and soul 😩 pls enjoy 🥰
Warnings: softness, kisses, playing with hair, discussions of orgasms, sex positions, teasing, dick size, and threesomes. Nothing graphic tho, just general descriptions that could apply to any sex reader. 
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At the start of the relationship I could see him being sort of quiet and kind of stand-offish honestly; he wants to be good for you, take care of you, and make you happy, but vulnerability and caring about someone is new to him and he doesn't want to ruin it.
He would also get in his head about things quite easily at first. Like he might freeze up when you brush your hand against his while you’re walking together, but if you actually take his hand in yours he's overjoyed. Basically, at first, he needs you to be in charge and show him how to love you. 🥺
He struggles to fall asleep a lot, he tosses and turns and ‘hmph’s and worries about Viserys, and about your shared future, about Caraxes in-grown toenail, about a little of everything. But when you start sharing his bed with him, he finds that sleep comes easier. You’re warm and soft and so soft with him and he feels that he can finally rest when he’s in your arms. 
On slow mornings, he loves waking up to you running your hands through his hair. The motion is so soothing to him and it puts him in a good mood for the rest of the day.
I think his love language is probably either words of affirmation or acts of service. Like if you tell him how much he means to you or do something for him like have his sword cleaned or wash his hair for him-it just makes him melt💘
He likes to feed you; doesn't matter what or where, he likes feeling your lips around his fingers.
If you come to him when you're sad or upset, his first instinct is to punish whoever made you feel that way, and while you're thankful he's so willing to fight for you, you might have to tell him you'd rather him just hold you for a while.
I feel like he might be kind of awkward or nervous at first when it comes to intimate touch that is not sexual  (playing with his hands, combing through his hair, rubbing his shoulders, etc) I feel like he's just not used to someone wanting to make him feel loved for no other reason than they love him. 
If you two take a jaunt on dragon back and have a picnic somewhere without any witnesses... Daemon will braid your hair and sing to you in High Valyrian 🥺
He would, of course, introduce you to his bestie Caraxes and gingerly guide you to place your palm on his snout. When the dragon learns your scent and gets excited when you're near, Daemon thinks his heart could burst.
Once you acquire your own dragon tho, Caraxes is enamored with them. He sings the dragon love song and thumps his tail and nuzzles his face underneath your dragon's chin and the two become fast lovers.
Daemon is also kind of a nerd!! if he's not riding Caraxes or practicing with Dark Sister, he's in the library pouring over the histories of Old Valyria and his ancestors. He can tell you the lineage of his sword and the deeds of every king to have claimed the Iron Throne before his brother. He also gets super excited about new dragon eggs!! He’ll spend the whole day venturing through Dragonmount and when he retrieves the eggs, Daemon will bring them home to you, his face all dirty and sweaty and disgusting, but he's beaming and so excited that you just can’t say no to helping him clean the eggs off.....yay 😅
I think the first few times you have sex, Daemon is very quiet, obedient, and soft. He knows what he’s doing and he knows what he wants to do, but you’re not like any of his lovers before. He doesn’t want to scare you or do something you don’t like, so he would rather just let you lead until he learns your body and what you like. 
He can actually be very sweet and tender during sex. If he’s feeling sweet, his preferred position is missionary with hand holding and eye contact. He also likes holding your face with both hands when you're riding him and kissing all over your legs and stomach before he gives you oral.  As much as he wants people to think he’s a fuckboy, he can’t cum unless he feels that emotional element as well as the raw attraction.
Hate to say it but Daemon's BDE is more than valid 👀 The first time you had sex it took a few tries and some extra lube to fit him all the way in 😩
With that in mind, if you tell him you want him to be rough, he can do that too. (doggy with hair pulling is his favorite). He's incredible at building your tension up, teasing you just enough to keep you there until he’s ready, and then pushing you over the edge to get you to explode for him 🥵
He makes your body tremble, vision turn to black, ears ring, and your hands claw at his back when he gives you an orgasm. He’s not satisfied unless he knows he’s made you cum as well. 
He is also down to try p much anything sex wise. He likes to try new things every time, but of course, will make sure you're into it too before he does. If you tell him a long kept fantasy of yours, or tell him you have an idea you want to try, he's immediately down, yes, let's do it, where's the nearest couch, bed, or closet 😏😏
Daemon is either very into a threesome or either very not into a threesome. The only reason he'd say no is because he's so possessive and he couldn't stand to see anyone else touch you the way he does.
He also likes teasing you when he's bored at small council meetings. He'll lean over to you and whisper in your ear something about how he can't stop thinking about how good you taste and tuck a little peck just under your ear and you’ll have to sit there and try not to blush. 
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @over300books​ @autumnleaves1991-blog​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @ntlmundy​ @myheart-pedro​ @intu-witch-tion​ @frietiemeloen​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @amneris21​ @disasterhann​ @aana4664​ @freeshavacadoooo​ @prostitute-robot-from-the-future​ @maievdenoir​ @heyitsjaybird​ @nerdypinupcrystal​
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namorslutfanfiction · 2 years
Hi Ate, I saw some your posts and I want to send you some well wishes and love to you. I hope you and your family member are doing okay 🥺
Also I want to thank you for answering my ask last night! I haven’t stopped thinking about it 🥹
I saw you have a lot of smutty requests, so I’m going to drop in some soft dom!Namor for you. Rough, hard dom!Namor is sexy, but soft, gentle dom!Namor just makes me weak and isn’t talked about enough.
Right now, I’m thinking aftercare with Namor. As a King and god, he is used to being pampered. But with you, he spoils you after sex. Whenever you try to get out of bed to clean each other up, his strong arms wrap around you and pull you back to the bed because he’s just oh so warm to cuddle with. He’d love to be the big spoon because he likes holding you. He isn’t opposed to being the little spoon, but he prefers to have you in his arms or have you face him so he can see you. In moments like these, he wants to be your husband. It takes some time, but you allow him to pamper you after sex (you can’t resist his puppy eyes, either). He’d wrap you in his warmest blankets and pepper soft kisses all over your body, especially in places he might have been a little rough like your thighs and hips.
I feel his love languages would be physical touch, acts of service, and gift giving. He finds your weight and warmth comforting when you’re asleep on top of him. He loves running his fingers over your back or petting your hair/scratching your scalp (if you have thicker and/or curlier hair). Pillow talk with Namor would be so sweet as well 🥺 I can see him reciting Mayan lyrical poetry to you. He finds it cute when you try to translate it. If he’s in the mood, he would sing to you. We dont talk about his siren song enough, and I feel he only sings to you because you are his muse, you’re the only one he’ll sing to.
Anyway I hope you like these soft smutty thoughts! I’m a little mad cos I wrote this on mobile and it crashed and deleted my original message, so I tried typing this from memory. I have to head to bed now. Have a good rest of your night! 🤍✨
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Thank you tsikiting. I appreciate you and your thoughts.
He's doing better and hopefully tomorrow we can take him home.
On to the fun stuff.
Gentle Dom!Namor Aftercare
Well Namor for sure would be a Pleasure Dom. He would want you to get yours as many times as possible before he even thought of getting his.
Of course he'd make you cum so often that you'd be a weeping over sensitive mess at the end of it. Then he'd come down from his post-coital high and get so emotionally soft. Seeing his love so satisfied and overcome with pleasure would never get old.
He'd kiss you all over and start asking how you're feeling and if you're okay. All while he's checking if he left marks or bruises. Namor would get a cloth and wipe your tears while showering you in compliments.
After he has his way with you he would always make sure to clean you up gently, dress you, fix your hair and then cuddle you.
Anytime he felt like he was being too rough with you he would make sure to make it up to you the next day. Whether he gave you gifts, took you somewhere special, or just let you have control in the night he would always make it up to you.
Those were the moments you knew how much he loved you. As much as he could become a feral needy beast in bed with you, when he was finished he would care for you like you are the most precious thing in the world.
Soft dom!Namor would be such a simp for you. Kissing you any chance he got, giving you smiles and whispering naughty things to you all day. He would make all kinds of promises of how he would make you feel good while not losing his professional appearance.
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zhouxiangs · 9 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
or as close to that as i can get, tagged by @bunnakit !
i had to look deep in my soul and tumblr gifs for this so please enjoy the boys, under a cut to keep the mystery alive for two more seconds
i am very ace so the concept is nebulous, let's just say i feel some type of way... and if you see me call these men my sons it's bc they are, ty for your time <3 also the order is kinda eehhhh general idea, i don't actually keep a mental list it took me hours to make this one 😭
10. pete (kiss me again/dark blue kiss)
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do not ask me why idk either... there's just Something i can't explain. also it was between him and knock from together with me so i'm choosing the one that committed less crimes, anyway *holds him up like a potato* i just think he's neat
9. vegas (kinnporsche)
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my little meow meow,, my explanation for most of these is just "do i not have eyes", but some (like vegas) are special jsjs in his case kp was the first thai bl i watched, as soon as he became remotely relevant i was obsessed with him and then a rewatch made me finally fall into thai bl as a whole so... thank you for your service
8. gong gil (the king and the clown)
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my baby my darling my angel and the reason i even know about lee joongi, the actor i've been following the longest that i remember. i haven't watched tkatk in a while so i don't remember the details that well but i've always loved him, pretty sure he's my first bl boy too
7. xie'er (word of honor)
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does he count? is this cheating? idc he's staying either way, MY XIE'ER 😭 will never get over him or his killer eyeliner
6. gaipa (moonlight chicken)
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possibly the cutest 30yo man out there, that alone endeared me to him but also the way he is with his mother is just so 🥺 he's so special to me (also the fact that he's 30 AND cute as heck it's just so personal to me)
5. wen (moonlight chicken)
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god i wish i could explain what he DOES TO MY BRAIN. some of it is the mix effect but i was normal about mix before wen so... he's so beautiful so magnetic i want to bite him
4. black (not me)
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listen- he's my lil murder raccoon i know there's plenty of reasons for him to be as angry as he is for the 90% of his screen time and they're all sad but he's just so attractive like that (even though i'm more of a white girlie most of the time)
3. karan (cherry magic th)
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i've only had him for two eps but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself, etc. he's perfect and a nerd and i would love him for any of those two things alone, but they're combined into such a gentle beautiful (inside and out) and sensitive character i jsut love him so much
2. way (pit babe)
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so i am definitely not babe, here supporting way's rights and wrongs from day 1. is he pretty? yes. is he evil? quite possibly. do i still want him? also yes. he hasn't touched me so pretty sure his big sad eyes are doing something. to me.
1. sand (only friends)
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The Only Man, which is how my non bl friends know him bc i've apparently called him 'the only man i would like if i liked men' more than once ? HIM
special entry: tharn (the sign), yeah this one is definitely cheating
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(using the only gif i've made of him so far which isn't great for this but...)
he's so tiny and efficient... like a fiat 500
if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged by me <3
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the-force-awakens · 9 months
hi :) I saw thst you reblogged that what's your main spin poll and I wanted to ask if you wanted to elaborate what yours is I love to hear about it!! <3
 🥺 aw thank you!! I always enjoy having a chance to infodump a little bit (btw i love ur icon...daphne what an icon)
I do technically have a handful of spins that I consider my main spins because I'm constantly rotating between them (star wars, doctor who, moon knight and spidey) at any given moment, but my strongest spin is definitely in Poe Dameron from the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy!
I kind of instantly fell in love with him when my dad first took me to see The Force Awakens when it came out, which was a huge surprise for me because Poe was maybe the character I was the least intrigued by at the time (Rey and Finn had me asking far more questions, anyway) and none of the descriptions for him really jumped out to me. But after actually seeing him, I was positively in love, and then quickly downloaded accompanying novels that featured him (Before the Awakening and the TFA novelization) to read more about him, and then in April of 2016, they came out with a comic series for him and that really helped further cement my special interest in him!
It took a huge hit in 2018-most of 2020 because of all the fandom negativity (especially around Poe) but at the end of 2020, I rewatched the sequels back to back for the first time and it flared back to life without me expecting it to and I did a huge deep dive into uuuuuuuuuuuuuh every piece of expanded material he'd appeared in 😅
Basically (I'm not super sure how familiar you are with Star Wars) Poe is one of the best pilots in the Resistance, which is lead by Princess (now General) Leia Organa, and he's her right-hand man/protégé/surrogate son. Barring the Resistance's bombing fleet (which is teeny bc the Resistance is teeny and held together by duct tape) Poe is essentially in charge of its only flight wing and (as far as we know) all* of its squadrons. On top of that, he's also an active intelligence operative, and even helps oversees the reports from the Resistance's spies so like...he's kind of already helping run the Resistance even prior to officially co-running it by the third film with Leia/when he's finally named its official leader.
Poe is super important to me for a lot of reasons, but one of my favorite things about his arc is that it's not centered around romantic love/tension unlike a lot of the other dynamics in the sequel trilogy (altho Oscar did play Poe as being extremely smitten for Finn and who can blame him, and we do meet an ex girlfriend of Poe's in the third movie, I stan a bisexual king). Poe's whole arc is about his duty to the Resistance, his struggles with keeping hope because he's afraid that everything they've (and him) endured and lost will have been for nothing if they lose the fight against the First Order. If there's a love story for Poe's arc, it's his love for the Resistance and his friends, and that's so wonderful and profound in my eyes.
But also the bridge of Poe's arc, from the daring hero we see in tfa and the start of tlj, to the cautious but courageous leader we see at the end of tlj and all of tros, is Poe being forced to accept that his role in this story isn't that of a martyred hero. He's quite literally grounded (his X-Wing is destroyed) and he's pushed into the role of the leader his mentor wants him to be, and TLJ (in my eyes) is the story of someone who full heartedly believed the most he had to offer was a noble self-sacrifice realizing he actually wants to live (and that he can do far more for the Resistance/galaxy by surviving.)
I love Poe a lot because he's also very simple. He's, as Rian Johnson described him, a good guy hero. Unlike other characters, you never doubt whether he's gonna be tempted or corrupted, you know that he's going to do the right thing and remain true to the Light side, you have faith that no matter what obstacle he faces, he's gonna overcome them and come out the other side that much better for it.
The Age of Resistance comic analysis of Poe breaks it down the best, I think:
Poe's inherent humanity is what makes him a great character. He's not someone who struggles with right and wrong or good and evil. Instead, his struggle is more with his tendency to need to be the person who pulls off some last-minute, thrilling heroics in service to the greater good. Because Leia's right: you can't solve everything by jumping in an X-Wing to blow things up.
I could talk for days about Poe (I've spent the last three years doing just that) about the nuances of his character and the depths that largely go unexplored because of Lucasfilm's inexplicable disrespect and dislike of him, the fandom often reducing him to a love interest with no other personality traits, or complete bastardization wherein he resembles Hangman Top Gun more than Poe Dameron (often when people want to oversexualize him).
He has so many qualities that I adore: he's snarky and hot-headed and can throw things (metaphorically) in people's faces when he's particularly upset, he's impulsive, but also kind and compassionate and patient with people. He sees the potential for more/good in folks that most wouldn't. he truly deeply values people, and that's what makes him such an amazing leader: he inspires loyalty because of how much he believes and takes risks in the people around him. He's often the first person to give someone a second chance, or to lower his blaster, but he can also be vindictive. He's confident in his abilities as a pilot to the point he's often mistaken as arrogant, but he never puts anyone down and always lifts people up, and has a lot more insecurities than anyone would guess, and is really sensitive to rejection.
He's also kind of canonically a prince, thanks to the TROS novelization, so you know. I think that's neat and I'm so totally normal about it (when Leia passes away, she leaves her Organa legacy to Poe...the Organa Legacy would be the Royal House Organa - as well as the Resistance. So...Poe is in some ways a prince).
(*which is...three, they only have three squadrons)
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fairysteve · 2 years
What are your favourite tropes and aus when it comes to Steddie? (Both general and nsfw if you want to elaborate!)
This was such a good question, thank you!!
Timeloop fix-it: Steve getting to know and falling in love with Eddie as he tries to make sure no one dies, no matter how much it takes out of him 🥺
High School crush: Eddie crushing on the king and being unhappy about it is funny, but Steve crushing on the freak who isn't afraid to be himself? I eat that shit up
Scoops Ahoy era: Steve was so babygirl, and Eddie finding Steve and Robin after they got drugged is the best take on an earlier first meeting
Furure fics: Eddie returning to Hawkins after leaving and becoming famous: I live for the angst of them experiencing something in the upside-down and Eddie then fucking off for years while Steve is slowly left behind by everyone, but I equally live for Eddie leaving pre-Vecna and returning and being confused af about what Steve Harrington has going on
Eddie being the first to really see Steve: okay so everyone else always still seem stuck on who Steve used to be, Eddie actually acknowledges that Steve has changed, but taking that further, Eddie realising that Steve is masking to not burden anyone, and being the one to break down Steve’s walls (but Eddie is not responsible for Steve’s health, okay it's very important to me that the support is only enough for Steve to reach out to get professional help, a relationship needs healthy limits)
Accidental sugar daddy Steve: I've read one fic where Steve buys things for Eddie and the idea lives rentfree in my mind, like a subsection of acts of service as a love language is absolutely gifts, Steve is so full of love he needs to express, and him not having his parents money makes it so meaningful
BDSM lessons: So maybe I adore Steve finding out what the handkerchief can mean and approaching Eddie because being submissive sounds interesting actually and them exploring a dom-sub relationship while falling in love and doing gross things (i did not care for dacryphilia or spit kinks before reading steddie and now i love it send help)
Little!Steve & Caregiver!Eddie: i just think Steve deserves to age regress, and if Eddie makes him feel safe enough to do it? all the better (this is not kink, nonsexual only, this is a coping mechanism)
Hook-up: shoutout to fics where Steve already knows he's bisexual, love them hooking up at a party or club or after Eddie played a concert, especially when one or both of them doesn't recognise the other, equally fun pre-vecna as post-vecna, and post-vecna but Eddie had already left Hawkins
also a honorary shoutout to
Soulmates: it's my weakness, doesn't matter if they're soulmates and know and have to grow together, or if they don't know and find out and it's chaos, or they're not soulmates but choose each other, doesn't matter if there's multiple kinds of soulmates or not, i live for this concept and i always have thoughts, souls aren't stagnant, soulmates can change and they can be made
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