#thank you for your hard working
obsob · 9 months
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the accolade ( the...the cat-olade...)
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srapsodia · 5 months
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Maaaaan, that was close...
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apparently-artless · 6 months
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Noragami (Dec 6, 2010-Jan 6, 2024) Chapter 109: With the God in the Tracksuit Story & Art by Adachitoka
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 29 days
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It's all fun and games until...
[Commission for @dontheckinswear]
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Hey, so I'm not gonna answer this question with your username out, because I don't want you getting dogpiled.
But I feel the need to address this because it comes up now and then.
First of all: Thank you for liking my comic and wanting it to come faster! I'm psyched to hear that you like it that much.
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And while I fully understand the feeling of "why can't the thing I want just HAPPEN", this is... unfortunately... not a very kind thing to send to an artist. Or a writer. Or any creator.
Not the way it's worded, anyway.
So, let's discuss:
Why can't the comic be weekly again?
Well, if you can understand why THIS is irrational:
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Then you can understand why the comic can't be weekly just because you REALLY REALLY want it to be.
Resources like money and time aren't just something that drops into my hands. I'm an adult. I work. I have a life outside of this. I have a dog! I get up at 6am to walk her. I drive to work an hour each way. I try to help my spouse out around the house.
And I daresay, even though I once posted weekly, the quality and length of my comics has gone up quite a bit and it now requires twice the amount of time to make them without burning out.
Look, to make it 100% clear, when I'm pushing the comics to be two weeks apart, this is NOT what is happening:
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This magical contraption does not exist. It's not effortless, it's not immediate.
It takes me the full two weeks, if not more, to create these comics.
Yes, they're spaced out quite far apart, but that's how far apart they gotta be in order for me to be able to bring them to you.
And yes, I know the comic is already made. But I am making them at a pace of two per month on Patreon, and just because I post them faster doesn't mean I'll make them faster!
Basically your options are:
Regular updates that are two weeks apart
Semi-regular updates that are sometimes less than two weeks apart, but with multiple month-long hiatuses between them.
I've chosen regular updates. For me AND for you guys.
And man, there are MANY better ways to tell an artist or a creator you love "hey, I can't wait to see more of your content!".
For example:
"Hey, I can't wait to see more of your content!"
You can also try:
"I look forward to every update!"
"Every time you put out a new comic, I'm eager to read what comes next!"
It'll go a long way, I promise!
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Every day I’m haunted by the fact the boys happily swim in sewer water
Even if it’s filtered somehow there’s no way it’s not still nasty 😭 Bet they can defeat any of their villains just by accidentally giving them diseases I swear
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#bless their hearts but they’re nasty#it’s funny because like#each and every one of them has moments#where they’re a typical disgusting teenage boy#and then the next they have STANDARDS#can’t blame Leo for being so determined to go to a spa#even if he nearly licked his own foot that’s prob cleaner than anything else the boys have been up to in years 💀#thank you shelldon for all your hard work cleaning after then 🙏#they’re all gross teenage boys!!!#even Donnie he is NO exception here#bro was DRINKING A BEVERAGE while wading through sewer water he is just as gross as his bros#bro also talks with his mouth full he is no more refined than his equally gross bros fr and I love it#but yeah no way that water isn’t disgusting even filtering it would still leave grime on the walls of the sewer for yearsss#pros of them moving into an abandoned subway system is fixing their sense of smell enough to not be as gross#100% that’s part of why they didn’t mind being so filthy pre shelldon#because I mean they were literally raised in the sewers and they’re teenage boys like that’s a double whammy#THEY ALSO DONT WEAR SHOES#the few times any of them do the shoes are discarded before heading home 💀#I love them tho they are endearing anyhow#April’s immune system must be godlike just being around them fr#honestly no joke Mikey’s probably the cleanest of them all#just by virtue of being a chef#Leo I see as a mixture since he no doubt loves to pamper himself so he’s clean like#a percentage of time before he goes out and ruins his own hard work#Donnie is similar in that he’s just VERY SELECTIVE about what he thinks is too gross#Raph may be more on the stinky end but it’s not his fault he has his stinks and eats things of dubious origin(esp since his bros ate poison)#Donnie and Leo really have the gall to be sick about Raph eating the origami salami but they have no room to talk#all their villains are prob like please stay away from us we have salmonella now
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dykecubes · 6 months
Tazercraft mental link but make it a lil bit weird, they’ll have a conversation mostly in their heads but partially out loud which from an outside perspective is just fragments of words and half sentences, they go dead silent for hours at a time only for them to suddenly start shouting out loud, very clearly mid-argument, Pac says something but it comes out of Mike’s mouth, Mike starts speaking with his mouth and finishes speaking with Pac’s, sometimes their thoughts become so tangled that they’re unsure who a thought belongs to so they both express it at the same time like horror movie twins, do you see my vision
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newtafterdark · 6 months
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As a magical holiday gift from me to you:
Enjoy the now fully translated unofficial parental guide "The Book of FinFin" for the virtual pet "Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet"! 🐬🎄✨
It was originally made by a now defunct German manual publisher exclusively for the German-speaking market, running on Windows 3.1 & Windows 95.
However, you can also run it in your current browser of choice by opening the START.HTM file and adjusting the size of your browser window by slimming it down slightly, so the background image doesn't repeat. That way you get the intended experience without running an old version of Windows!
Download both the English Translation and the original German manual in one .ZIP file by clicking here!
EDIT: huge shoutout to EMGE (the person who runs finfin.de, the fan-run FinFin homepage) who has now archived my translation of "The Book of FinFin" and put it up for viewing on the site!
Now you can read the manual in your browser without needing to download the files onto your harddrive!
View it here under Gallery > Other Products!
Special thanks to everyone the "Fin Fin Fans!" Discord for being excited and patient with me, as I worked on this project single-handedly for the past few weeks.
And of course, also a big Thank You to @wayneradiotv, for introducing me to this silly little critter in the first place through his streams of the game, which lead to me searching for old FinFin media and finding this old CD manual by pure chance.
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These will just keep getting worse, btw.
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alliebirb · 1 year
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cybersodas · 7 days
Pride pins have arrived!!!
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After much waiting, the pride pins have FINALLY arrived, and they turned out AMAZING!!!
All I have to do now is assemble all the pins from the intial preorder campaign, and then I’ll be shipping em out asap! Be on the lookout for a restock as well!!
(Reblogs heavily appreciated)
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kveom · 6 months
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booseoksoon in 2023
thank you for saving my kpop booseoksoon <;3 i'd been drifting away from kpop for a bit but then booseoksoon happened and look at me now. changed my whole year literally don't know who i'd be if it wasn't for booseoksoon comeback. thank you for providing amazing music, even better performances and just entertainment all around. kings of fun, kings of energy, kings of adlibs, kings of performance please come back next year 😫 cr: x
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Get Souped!
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shaniacsboogara · 1 year
Taking a minute to appreciate the way the folks at Watcher take time to appreciate and support their LGBTQ+ fans, because... Of course they've always been great with general fan engagement via incorporating fan submissions into shows, the way they run their social media, etc... But they've kicked off pride month with an entire merch line, designed by queer artists, the proceeds of which go to support queer people... This isn't just performative "participate in pride month because it's good for business" bullshit, this is genuinely amazing. They aren't plastering rainbows on top of their content to get more engagement and brownie points from fans, they're genuinely advocating for what they believe in and actively showing support to people who really need it right now. I know my blog here is mostly bullshit / meme content, but I just want to take a moment here to say, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, to EVERYONE at Watcher. Thank you for not only creating hilarious, innovative, and wonderful content, but also for showing genuine support and love to the LGBTQ+ community. What you do means the world to so many people, and all of us Watcherinas are eternally grateful <3
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
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wanted to do a "year" in review, though actually i only joined tumblr in october! so instead i just did twelve pieces i'm proud of, in roughly chronological order!
can't believe it's been three months? feels both longer and shorter at the same time! thank you so much for having me, i'm looking forward to creating more art and interacting more with this wonderful community in the new year!
ps. for fun: if you remember what art piece you found me through, or your favourite of mine, i'd love to know in the comments!!
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fluffyyymocha · 1 year
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