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bybdolan · 2 years ago
What research/projects are you working on atm bestie? Tell us more if you want, I’d love to hear 🤠
I am working on my bachelor's thesis!!! Which is very exciting. Since I am a theatre major, I'm writing it on Stephen Adly Guirgis' play The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (introduced to me by tumblr). Since the play deals a lot with guilt, judgement, forgiveness, and isolation, I am analyzing it as an AIDS allegory - meaning that I am looking at the play and literature on society's and art's reaction to the epidemic in tandem and figuring out what one can tell me about the other. I am a bit nervous that my main thesis is too wonky, however, there are many aspects I am very excited to explore further (e.g. the queering of Purgatory), and I appreciate the insight my research so far has given me into queer history and theory. 'm going to share one of my favorite quotes that I found so far. It is from "Sex, Death, and the Drama of AIDS" by George Newtown: "In his Literary Visions of Homosexuality (1983), Stuart Kellogg saw some of the earlier modern gay literature in terms of the universal theme of forbidden knowledge: to know oneself and one's own sexuality involves the blasphemy of having discovered the secrets of the gods; further, in imagining that one is free, one attempts to possess divine power. Kellogg's examples of gays becoming like the gods (like Odin, who gave his eye in order to obtain knowledge) detail the comparatively trivial gestures of a first sexual experience or a coming out."
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notherpuppet · 3 months ago
I just want you to know you are my fave Hazbin artist. All you're pictures are so beautiful. You are also utterly hilarious. I was wondering if there was something in particular you like to draw vs something you try to avoid? (For me personally, feet are my enemy but i love drawing eyes)
AHHH omg thank you for such a kind, beautiful message <3
i love to draw hands! (I KNOW, I USED TO HATE DRAWING THEM TOO, THEY'RE CHALLENGING!!!!) But hands are so expressive and they speak so much, so I often will draw the face and hands first. It's really fun to consider the expression that hands play a part in. The placement of hands is also something I really have fun with.
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I find drawing most anatomy really challenging 😂 I just need to study more but I spend so much time just treating the body as "the thing that connects the face to the hands" LOL
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mourningsbane · 1 month ago
Rootstar, how was your relationship with your late sister? Is there anything you regret?
Also, are you scared of death? Do you entrust you have your 9 lives? Can you or your medicine cat even convene with StarClan these days?
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"My greatest regret is thinking I'd have more time to fix things."
It rained the day of her funeral.
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thekidsarentalright · 2 months ago
!! attention all fall out boy fans !!
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the time has come once again for the fifth annual fall out boy fan census!
if you would like to participate, please fill out this form by January 14th to have your opinions counted! please consider reblogging this post to spread the word and, most importantly, have fun!
EDIT: the census is now closed! thank you to everyone who participated, results will be up on this blog on January 21st at 12pm PST!
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orangechickenpillow · 4 months ago
Maybe I’m dumb but how did viktor’s crutch suddenly get several feet longer? The rest that used to sit under his arm now is above his head?
Hi lovely. You're not dumb! It's such a quick moment in the episode that it's easy to miss what (I think) happens.
So when Viktor comes out of the hex-goop he immediately reaches for his crutch (a really cool detail that I love very much, as it shows that, deep down, he's still Viktor to at least some degree). Now, in this shot, right after he grabs it, his crutch looks like it always has
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But we can see that when he touches the crutch, he begins to change it in a similar way that he himself has been changed. You can see it actually happening here
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And here you can see it afterwords.
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And then there's this shot while he's talking to Jayce that shows his entire crutch. If you look at the very bottom, you can see this spindly design that wasn't there before
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So I think what happened is him touching the crutch made it transform and therefore extended it, making it taller than before.
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It even sounds different when he walks! It's more of a glassy/metallic sound than a thump. How cool is that!
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ohimsummer · 8 months ago
satoru gets hard over literally anything. he sees a peek of your side boob = boner. underboob = boner. skin doesn’t have to be showing, even just the shape of them under your shirt is enough. whether you have on shorts or long pants, he’s popping a boner because satoru starts thinking about your thighs and how they feel and resting his head on them before he’s then fantasizing about kissing them all over and eventually eating you out.
you could be eating a sucker, dutifully minding your own business and satoru’s eyes haven’t left your mouth once because his dirty mind isn’t helping his situation. all he can think about is his dick between your lips instead of some stupid candy. living with you is a nightmare because of how often he’s scurrying off to be alone and rub one out over the most minuscule of details about you <3
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jesuistrestriste · 9 months ago
Missing the Mike Faist priest kink era 😭 still wait for the«  see you in the next Wednesday service » ahaha I’m wondering if the locals suspects their relation or not( do they see each other outside his service ?)( Is he jealous when he sees other guys flirting with her before his church service starts ? ) 👀
an ask about "kneel" ???? im gonna cry
no let's talk about it because i never did a pt. 2 or anything
i think that a majority of the locals don't really suspect that the reader is messing around with the priest (they idolize him + see him as a nonsexual figure), but they do look down on her b/c of her visible promiscuity (i.e. the hickies and etc.)
they might notice her wearing shorter skirts to services, and crossing her legs/squeezing her thighs together incessantly throughout his sermons. someone might even catch a glimpse of soft bruises and red handprints on her ass after she bends over to pick something up in front of them the day after mass. and they're like omg? what is this young lady getting herself into? and who in this town could stand to do such vile, obscene things to her body? (as if it's not their precious priest)
i dont think they see each other outside of services/the church b/c they dont want to risk drawing attention to their "special, secret relationship". but! he does give her his phone number and she calls him sometimes when she thinks too much about him and gets wet :( he has talked the reader through touching herself on multiple occasions. tons of verbally guided masturbation over the phone as she lays on her bed, her hand between her legs, with an opened bible next to her. yeah.
he had gifted her that bible after the second time they had sex. not necessarily to indoctrinate her into the religion, but to give her a representation of something that was important to him. it was his subtle way of trying to connect with her. but it kinda backfired b/c now she gets hot and flushed when she reads the words "God" and "peace" and "faith". he basically pavlov's dog'd her. classically conditioned.
because she lost her virginity to him, she's definitely very attached. she tells him that she isn't, but its a total lie and he knows it too. she gets jealous when women, young or old (doesn't matter), come up to him after services all smiley and ready to talk to him about their problems. reader usually gets red in the face and pouts in the back pew as she watches their interactions closely. she worries a lot that she isn't the only person in the town that the priest is intimate with, but she is. he's fairly attached to her too. and because she's a pretty young woman, divorced dads and older teen boys will often try to flirt with her before the priest's regularly scheduled homily, and he has to gather all the restraint in his body not to insert himself between you and them.
they are very cute + sacrilegious. ugh.
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daily-odile · 9 months ago
AUGH I’d love to see more time looping odile if possible,,,,, how do you think she’d like; “devolve” over each of the acts as compared to Siffrin over time :O
ok im gonna be honest i did like portrait edits months ago and just never finished them. so here you go
act 3:
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act 5:
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httyd-art-requests · 3 months ago
toofless please??? :0 when yous hav the time ofc, he’s my favwrite scaley puppy
I'm shocked that no one has directly requested Toothless yet! He's only appeared on this blog, like, 3 times since January
Dragon #128 - Toothless!
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Baby boy. Baby <3
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cemetegee · 1 month ago
This is a really interesting theory! I would love to hear your opinion on it! I think Corona might’ve been the one who killed Naberius. I think it makes a lot of sense 😊
Oh, that's a really fascinating theory. I'll admit that I already heard about it once, but never in that debt, so thank you very much :) I find it in fact very convincing! For those who haven't read those posts, here a list of the made points and of my own points that convinced me:
The Blood
When the others come in, Ianthe is covered in blood.
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And Naberius has most likely been stabbed into his back:
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Thing is, if you stab someone like that the blood would spray out of their CHEST. If IANTHE had stabbed him from behind the blood couldn't have hit her. (The blood on his front supports that) This makes only sense if Ianthe's stand right in front of him, and SOMEONE ELSE stabbed him into the back.
(That's a really strong point, I think. You could maybe argue that she needed to use his blood after, and that it comes from this occasion, but as she says a single drop of blood is enough.)
The Rapier
The rapier she used must have weighed at least one kilogram (2 pounds). It's questionable at all if Ianthe could have used it (without Naberius muscle memory), regarding what Corona says about her strenght:
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But there's even another point! We can assume that the stab went straight to his heart (or another vulnerable place) and that he was more or less immediately dead. Otherwise he would have probably not held his shocked face. It's rather unlikely that a beginner like Ianthe should do such a precise stab, ESPECIALLY regarding the weight and the fact that she has no idea how to use a rapier.
All that speaks for someone who has advanced rapier skills (like Corona) and does some work-outs. (Yes, I know, she's likely not as good as Babs. But you don't need to be a master duellant to murder someone from behind.)
AND - I'd like to add that, because I find it very important: I see no reason why Ianthe should murder him with a rapier. She is a flesh (and limenal) magican. Isn't it much more likely that she - if she intended to kill Naberius - would use her flesh magic skills to do that? Probably, she could even work more precisely that you ever could with a rapier - and so on. It doesn't make sense that she would use A WEAPON SHE HAS NO IDEA OF, if she actually has a working arsenal of working magical weapons she could use instead. That speaks VERY MUCH for Corona and HER murder.
Suspicious (off-screen) Talks
That's now completely my own point, but I find it to interesting to not mention it: I always assumed that there must have been off-screen talks between the twins (and Naberius) somewhen. They likely followed some kind of evil plan. Naberius says to Corona after her duel with Gideon:
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Why not now? What is now? Why is now an especially bad time to do that? It really sounds if they had some kind of plan...
(And btw - I'm pretty sure that Naberius doesn't know that, but the fact alone that Corona trains under this high risk could be a hint that she prepares herself to kill him.)
Then! With the key thing, Corona and Ianthe obviously had a fight... The Bad Blood lasts pretty long:
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However, for some reason Corona thinks it's insanely important for Ianthe to know that there are no rules (except Jod) at Canaan House.
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(Why is that important? (Does it have to do with killing Babs? Are the later Challenging Scene?))
And after the challenging scene, they seem to be on a good base again.
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But I would argue it's not only because of the Challenging Scene, but a clarifying conversation. Because briefly before Corona says to Gideon (during their duel):
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And that's another odd hint THEY PLAN something! I think they have one plan Naberius knows (obviously not one where he dies) and at least one of them has the plan to kill him. Maybe they planned that Corona should kill him, so she could take his place. (That would explain Corona's feeling of betrayal even more deeply - Ianthe would in fact have fooled her. Although it's hard to me to feel empathy for betrayals in plans which go over the murder of a childhood friend :D)
To conclude: Now that I think about it, I really can't see a single reason why Ianthe could have killed Babs that way. (Except of that she claims it. But Ianthe has a HISTORY of being untrustworthy and the evidence is clearly against her.) Every point here only makes sense if Corona was the murderer. I'm absolutely convinced 10/10 theory.
I also think it would explain the shock at Naberius face. Ianthe "Poison Master of his Childhood" Tridentarius killing him would maybe not have been that surprising:
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(I find it interesting how he is even in his death unsympathic :D But of course that doesn't free anyone of their guilt.)
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zu-is-here · 8 months ago
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<– • –>
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months ago
Hi! Sorry to bother, but could you please tell me why you refer to Little Apple as her? When I looked up the wiki page, they used the it pronoun, and novel translations into my native tongue all use male pronoun. Is it audio-drama exclusive or something? P.S. I really love your art and appreciate you sharing it here! <3
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Never ask a donkey her pronouns.
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itsmespicaa · 3 months ago
Augh the way you draw the Lambo twins... augh my heart... they are so precious...
Got any headcanons on what you think cogged Sunstreaker looks like?
omg anon i was legit about to post my attempt at drawing cogged Sunstreaker...your timing is impeccable
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but yea here's my attempt at designing him!! I'm very proud of the helm design, but the chassis....not so much lol. I'll probably replace the window for something more "cybertronian-like", but er (as you can see) I put waaay more thought into his helm ahaha
I wanted to make sure it still reads as a design evolution of his cogless design while still retaining his iconic features (his earfins!!), and most importantly, that it complements SIdeswipe's design as well.
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I definitely want to keep the iconic black square/trapezium on the top of his chassis as an homage to his original toy and G1 design, but everything else about his chassis is subject to change :D
as for headcanons...I'm borrowing heavily from his original toy description here: "Tough polymer-steel skin resists artillery" so he'll have a bit more bulk than Sideswipe even though their frames are near-identical and they have the same height.
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I just love the idea of Sunny being able to tank more compared to his twin who's more agile. I know this concept isn't foreign because I've read a few fics that alluded to this too so that's nice!
Honestly tho I hope we get to see his actual cogged design in the sequel (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASPLEPLPEAPLS--)....✊😔 here's to manifesting
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deerspherestudios · 3 months ago
Hii im from Indonesian I got a little question for you, after playing mushroom oasis and astronought I’m just curious why are you using Indonesian language, mawar : rose and bidadari/malaikat : angel ? Like don’t get me wrong it’s pretty rare (or maybe I rarely saw it) people using Indonesian language as for reference
I also really like the way you make a characters it’s very detailed :0 I very enjoy reading your blog’s
I've never mentioned it but I'm actually from SEA! I don't wanna mention which country specifically but it's easy enough to figure out. It's just for fun and flavor using words from a language I'm familiar with!
And thank you! Part of the reason they're so detailed (I assume you meant in terms of personality, backstory, etc!) is because people send me fun questions to ponder about and it's really helped flesh out my characters!
On a side note, I know I've sprinkled in some Spanish too but sadly I don't speak it. I do think it's a beautiful language, but I hesitate to use it without understanding it properly.
The one full line I've ever used that Atom says in Astronought is from a song (Waltz in E-major, Op. 15 "Moon Waltz" by Cojum Dip), so I assume the phrase is correct!
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strobbylemonade · 5 months ago
ok I’m literally in love (I’m.so normal I’m so normal I’m so n)with how u draw Dante/dante scars. how did u decide on the scars. what are the scars. where are the scars from. pleapslepelaplalslplpeewlpelepleplsplsplpeleplaplspleplepleplapplplplelapl
i MIGHT have gotten a little carried away with this but yeah! i'm not very good at anatomy but i tried my best. (edit: second page is meant to say guido not gubo T-T)
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royalarchivist · 3 months ago
Pac: This is the new me, ok? I want you to welcome... the new Pac! [...] This skin is really cool, I think I'm gonna use this more often.
Himaru: ...What happened to you, man? Did you get run over? 😰
Pac: [Laughs] Don't judge me, don't judge me!
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Being ugly in Arkanis is a crime, and unfortunately for all of us, Pac loves being a criminal. 😓
[ Full Subtitle Transcript ↓ ]
Pac: Guys– This is the new me, ok? I want you to welcome... the new Pac!
Pac: [Laughs]
[Pac gets kicked from the server with the message: "Change this"]
Pac: [Laughing] No! No! No– I won't change, I won't change, I won't change! I won't change! Let me- let me in! No no no– What a dictatorship– there can't be a dictatorship here, no– No, I won't change! [Stammers] I'm- I'm myself! I'm myself!
Pac: [Pinches his nose so he has a nasally voice] Hi friends, welcome to class. I'm going to talk like that, ok? I'll even turn off the facecam, because today, I'm going to– I'm kidding, no no no.
Pac: Man, this skin is really cool, it really is. I think that this– I'm gonna use this more often, man. [Reading chat] "Halloween is over" Guys, this– This is who I am now! Who I am– This is me now, I'm this person here.
[Red text appears on the screen saying "30 seconds to change"]
Pac: "30 seconds to change–" Hang on, what is this?! No– calma, what is–? Guys, for the love of god–
[Another warning appears saying "20 seconds to change"]
Pac: No!!! No! No no no! No no no! You can't do this! You can't do this here. You- you can't. You can't make me change my skin.
[A final warning appears saying "10 seconds to change"]
Pac: No– You can't, I won't take it off! I'm going to my class now, I have to go to class! This is my "studying" skin! I- I–
[Pac gets banned]
Pac: [Hits his desk]
Dono: The skinmakers in chat are crying, having heart attacks, collapsing. It's horrible, dude.
Pac: [Laughs] It's not that ugly, it's fine, it's good.
Himaru: [Long pause] ...What happened to you, man? Did you get run over?
Pac: [Laughs] Don't judge me, don't judge me! Ok? Look at- look at- look at JVNQ! He has a funny face too, but nobody says anything about it!
Himaru: No man, I'm not judging you, but– I just wor- I'm just worried! [...] Well for me, I'll be serious with you: it doesn't matter what's on the outside, ok? What matters is what's inside, got it?
Pac: Thank you. [He hugs Himaru] Do you think I'm poggers? Do you think I'm poggers? Say it.
Himaru: No Pac, it doesn't matter that you look ugly, ridiculous, like a truck reversed into you then ran you over, like someone hit you–
Milo: my god
Himaru: –like Anderson Silva crushed you in the ring– Hey, it doesn't matter! What matters is that your heart is beating.
JV: And you have a home!
Himaru: Understand? Give love to others, ok?
Pac: My god.
Milo: he was saving those insults
Himaru: And that's all, ok man? You can be at peace, ok? I won't- I won't judge you, I'll just... I'll just do one thing, man.
Pac: What are you doing?
Himaru: I'm just going to avoid eye contact, ok? But I'm still talking to you, I'm still listening, ok? I hear you.
Pac: ...I can't believe this.
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