#thank you for this ask! !!
esilher · 30 days
Hi. I'd like to request #4 and Klaine, "mine, mine, mine." They so belong to each other.
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The last one on my list!! And it’s a firework!
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avonne-writes · 6 months
Not enough being talked around Buck being a jealous mf. The way he made a scene and picked a fight just because Buck was busy and didn't need him?? saying nonsense when clearly he was frustrated with not being abble to spend enough time alone with Buck in the conditions they were living in, not even being able to touch him like he did before and blamed on the drunkness. And Buck looking at him with that face so worried but also annoyed, the instant regret when he pushed him because he knows Bucky is just being a cunt because he wants his attention. The way Bucky's so bad with dealing with his emotions is definely very historically accurate for men of that time.
Bucky is so possessive, he always wants to make it clear to everyone that he’s Gale's best friend and that they belong together. They have a balanced dynamic outside the camp, and neither feels lesser than the other. They're a unit.
But I think this is different in the stalag, because Bucky's way of functioning is not compatible with that environment and he begins to feel useless. He starts to feel like Gale is better than him because Gale manages to stay more competent / stable in the camp, and that feeds into Bucky's fear of losing Gale. He feels like Gale is going to leave him because he’s useless and not worthy of him anymore. He wants them to stay a unit but how, when he has so little to offer? (he thinks) So, he lashes out in his desperation to express this. He’s jealous of others who seem suddenly more worthy of Gale's attention, he’s frustrated with the situation and fears that Gale doesn’t want him (as a friend or lover) anymore.
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marimayscarlett · 2 months
hi! :) since fans have gotten richard and paul those paulchard flags, banners, pieces of fabric (you know what i mean) during the boat ride a few shows ago, i'm a bit cautious about people taking things a little ... further than they have been before
in my understanding, in fandom spaces, it's mostly agreed upon to keep shipping stuff in those fandom spaces and away from the band members/real life. i say mostly, because people that go overboard are everywhere, and we don't know what kind of stuff the band has been exposed to in the past during meet and greets, signing sessions and so on. on the other hand, i'm not really on instagram, so i don't know what has been going on over there. nevertheless, i've read something about a past girlfriend of richard having been harassed on insta around 2019 when richard and paul first started kissing after ausländer – don't know if i remember that one correctly, though. and with paul being in a long-term relationship, i feel a bit weird about people bringing the shipping name up close to them; or maybe that's just me? i was wondering about how the behavior of one fan might encourage another ones behavior encouraging someone else even further, and so on. though i'm fully aware that everyone is responsible for their own actions. am i taking things too seriously? the band has had years of experience with fans and popularity after all, and i can imagine them being careful with, for example, searching certain things up online
i was curious about your point of view on all this :)
Thank you for your detailed message, which I find really balanced and thoughtful! It's an interesting topic, and I've often thought about it, as well as the Paulchard ship itself. I might ramble a bit, sorry.
First of all, I have to admit that I was a bit taken aback when I saw the footage with the flags, as this was the first time a direct contact about this to the band was made. It felt like a fourth wall was being broken - kind of hard to describe. I'm convinced that both of them have some concept of what Paulchard or shipping in general is - Richard had fanfiction/slash explained to him in this interview once and seemed quite neutral, almost positive, about it. Additionally, they both display a clear affection for each other outwardly, so it shouldn't be surprising that specific shipping structures develop from that. I think the dynamic between Paul and Richard is so interesting and attractive to many because a lot has happened in their history. Close collaboration and friendship from the start (x), intense disagreements, fundamentally different personality traits, fiery tempers, strong opinions (x), and yet they seem to have found their way back to each other on a personal level, thanks in part to external mediation (for example by Schneider). They appear to be an emotional support for each other on tour; I get the impression Richard needs this closeness or expressed affection, and Paul seems to have a sense of what his counterpart needs and shows Richard his appreciation, whether on stage or backstage. It's just lovely to see how they've developed over the decades. Their relationship has such a strong humanity with a wide range of emotions, and coupled with the displayed tenderness, it's just very good shipping material, objectively speaking.
I had a feeling that there would be some kind of confrontation about the topic at some point, especially since 2019. I'm glad it was such a 'tame' approach, a sweet flag with a drawing and a heart (even though a drawing of the two without the 'Paulchard forever' would have sufficed). Still, I think this step is enough, and there shouldn't be more actions like this. Rubbing it in their faces more would be unnecessary and unneeded. This is where common sense should kick in. The fact is that Paul and Richard are not together; regarding their sexuality, it's not my place to make definitive statements, but Paul has been with Arielle for ages, and Richard has had numerous longer and shorter relationships with women. So, comments on IG, whether on family members', partners', or Paul and Richard's accounts, are absolutely inappropriate, disrespectful, and detached from reality. We mustn't forget that these are real people with real relationships and feelings, and we really don't need to rub it in their faces. I think shipping in fandom circles is fine, but there must be respect for the individuals in direct interactions, and family members should definitely be kept out of it.
As I said, I found the flag cute and sweet, but more doesn't need to happen imo. I'm also a bit worried that this might inspire others to do something that is too much, which I hope won't happen. In conclusion, I must commend both Richard and Paul for how they handled the situation. Both were mildly interested and took the flag without making a big deal out of it.
Thank you to @m---e---l for gathering some thoughts about this ask and discussing this with me 🤍
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generic-sonic-fan · 8 months
I’ve read some of your Drabbles with GUN in them and I was wondering. Do they have any contingencies for Tails? I would think they would all be related to trying to control sonic but would they also see him as potential threat? I mean, he has smarts to rival Eggman.
Asker is referencing these posts!
Contingencies around Tails are under a strict "no record" policy. Debates about what to do if Tails goes villainous are done in sound-proof rooms, no cameras, no cell phones, no nothing when it comes to technology. Only the top of the top brass get to be in on meetings about Tails contingency.
This is because they're convinced that if Sonic finds out that GUN has contingency plans for His Beloved Baby Brother, there'll be nothing left of GUN within the week. Knowledge of the Tails contingency plan is therefore classified as an infohazard.
(The contingencies themselves are pretty tame, surprisingly- a lot of Tails' threat to the world overlaps with what GUN already has in place to counter Eggman. If Tails goes rogue by himself, it would still suck, but it would be survivable.
The main caveat being that if Tails goes rogue, there's a high likelihood that Sonic would follow. And what might trigger both Tails and Sonic to turn against GUN? The knowledge that GUN has plans to kill Tails should he be deemed a threat. And Tails is very good at snooping places he isn't supposed to see electronically. Hence the high level of security and the classification as an infohazard.)
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creepydixon · 4 months
Your rendition of -Dark Daryl- is really impressive! You do so well writing the characters personality consistent between each story it’s so satisfying to read. I’m watching season 4 and wondered: How do you think your Daryl would be with the ‘claimers’
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Yooo I like this! 🤍 Though I have no memory of what their leader is called.
Dark!Daryl with the claimers
warnings/good to know: Headcanon how Daryl is with the claimers. Hearing others masturbating. Perverts. Claiming a girl mention. No Y/N.
• One thing Daryl hated was sharing. Growing up poor it was always a fight to protect to what you held dearest. Fuck the grown ups who always said sharing is caring, there was no caring if you had to lend out the little that you had.
• So when Daryl met the claimers, he understood the play rules quickly.
• Claim what you find. Don’t share. But always have someone watch your back. Though, Daryl could never be truly relaxed with a bunch of men who had the same mindset as him.
• Daryl thought it was a bit pathetic to carry around a trash bag and picking up stuff. If he finds a bag, he will be fast to claim it. Trash bags aren’t practical to have in an apocalypse.
• Often times, when the claimers stumbled on beer or other alcohol stuff, everyone was fast to claim. Even Daryl. He needed it to survive with these assholes.
• It was never really safe with the men. Everyone saw each other as a threat. Could envy each other over what someone else had found.
• It has ended up fights within the group. At least every other night a fight will happen.
• So Daryl being bruised wasn’t common. As the newcomer, he often got the blame.
• Daryl was often grumpy and annoyed with the group. Sometimes he would walk away to find a walker he could punch or kill to get out his frustration. Having bloody knocks from punching a tree if he didn’t have any luck finding a walker.
• Sometimes, when it goes a period, he would make sure the group fought with each other. Someone taking a leak and Daryl would take a thing from them and place it in someone else trash bag. Get a flash of fascination when seeing the men fighting like bloody crocodiles on the floor.
• One thing Daryl was very annoyed with was some of the men had no shame masturbating in the dead of the night. He could tolerate the snoring even if the man would risk them getting caught by walkers. But masturbation? Fucking hell.
• Daryl would masturbate if he knew he was alone, but it didn’t happen a lot. He could hear how some of them would flick through porn magazines they had snatched and jack off to the women in the magazines. Except one man. He would jack off to much younger teens.
• Was Daryl ever happy in the group? No. He never laughed with them. He would much picture their death instead. He had already planned if they would get surprised by walkers, he would leave each one of them to die. There was no sympathy towards these men.
• The men would often joke about if they find a girl, they would claim her. Daryl have also gone in those thoughts, having some sex for once would be nice.
• But it was never luck to find some women, most of them were probably in a community or long gone by now.
• Daryl knew he would be fast to claim if he found a girl. Making sure the other men had no chamce. Well, if she was appealing of course, if she happened to be old (like 50) then Daryl would let it slide to one of the other men.
• In this new world it was about to claim what was rightfully yours. Never share. Don’t have sympathy. Sleep with one eye open. And be ready to kill the strongest one.
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sweeneydino · 5 months
While it’s not as popular as ur other aus, I kinda want to gush on how much I’m in love with ur Lime Meets Emerald au, because the writing quality was PEAK 👌
AND I HAD A LOT OF FUN IN THE RECENT CHAPTER!!! Now I also know it takes a lot of time to work on this fic, so I don’t want to pressure you, especially since I can understand the feeling of constant dividing attention between many different projects ideas, aus and other things.
However I am grateful for what you have worked on thus far, and whenever you do update just know it will most likely make my day :D! I do not care if it’s in a year from now, or if the fic gets unfinished. The joy of reading it, makes me happy and I’m satisfied with that. I hope you have a good time zone, and have fun making fanart, fanfics and watching shows ^v^*
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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THANK YOU 🥺🥺💕💕💕😭
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lokiusly · 7 months
When it comes to the Lokius track reveal, I remember a mix of excitement and just "....huh" .
On one hand, that particular scene frankly seems an odd one to put their ship name on, as Loki and Mobius' relationship really isn't in a very good place at that point.
On the other hand, it's concrete confirmation that Natalie Holt is a shipper like us, and put us in mind of where her focus was when she wrote the song: Mobius' jealousy, and the hurt he felt at Loki's percieved betrayal, after having put so much trust in him.
The fact that she features their relationship so prominently in the music shows how important she believes it is to the plot, and the way things went in S2 just confirms that her instincts were right all along!
Once again Natalie Holt proves she is one of the founding members of the Lokius ship, what an icon. 🥺 if she could throw eggs at Simon Cowell, the whole MCU executive board didn’t stand a chance 💅🏽💃🏽✨
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cliophilyra · 19 days
Favourite character's comfort meal?
Hmmm I’m going to go with Tommy (he and Buck are both my favourite characters but this came to mind first) and I’m going to say Melanzane alla Parmigiana - the breadcrumb free Italian version of eggplant parmesan.
I feel like this is something maybe his mother might have made, a recipe passed down from his nonna to her and maybe he helped her make it? Something they did together when his dad wasn’t there and they could just have some peaceful time for themselves.
Then, after she passed he couldn’t eat it for a long time but then one day he saw the eggplants in the store and bought them without thinking really and that evening he started making it and he felt like she was there with him. These days it’s his favourite thing to make for Evan.
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esilher · 1 month
can you draw finn with 19. beachy keen for the palette challenge thank you i love your style so much
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First time drawing Finn, and i am happy I had the occasion… Thank you!
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avonne-writes · 4 months
I love when Buck says 'Jesus, John' as Bucky gives him the lucky deuce, acting like a tough guy. It's just a facade, though, since deep down he loves John's act of love and his heart has started to race.
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Actually, I love the "Jesus, John" too, but not because of that. I think it shows Gale realizing that Bucky is extremely worried for him and it also shows Gale's scepticism towards superstition. I don’t think Gale is trying to be tough, not exactly. I think he's rejecting a notion he doesn’t believe in. Then, his understanding of the depth of John's worry grows even more when John still insists he keep the lucky deuce. This is when Gale knows he wasn't told everything about what's coming and that it's going to be much worse up there than he thought. He takes the deuce for John's sake. He will look back on this gesture with love, for sure, but in that moment, I think all he feels is worry, confusion and the first wisps of anger towards John (for not telling him what it was like up there).
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marimayscarlett · 9 months
Till's poor eyes have been abused and assaulted by these gays with their gay activities.
Meanwhile, the gays thrive on exposing Till to as much gayness as possible. Gay whispering, gay eye contact, gay random kisses with overexaggerated "mwah" sounds, gay hand holding, gay hugging at every opportunity possible..
Life is good.
On a serious note, it's probably amusing, and Till let's it play into his on-stage character, to see the chaos twins be so affectionate with each other after watching them countless of times bite each others heads off.
Hi 🤗
Till has seen it all. All the gay actions there are. He has in fact seen so much that he grew tired of this ongoing smooching, hugging, kissing of the gays™ and had to take matters in his own hands to stop those shenanigans. He tried to ignore it while they get it on right on front of his own stage antics 😤
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So he tried to have them leave room for the holy ghost between them, first with gentle persuasion, gotta be sensitive with those kids:
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When that didn't help, Till had to resort to more effective measures to interrupt the romantic atmosphere:
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But alas, in the end he had to go all in to stop it:
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But nothing was effective, the gays didn't let themselves get distracted by anything 😷
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Ok ok, for legal reasons, this all is of course a humouristic way to look at it 😌 I agree that Till's annoyance is part of his stage persona and he implements it quite well and in an entertaining way. And I can't shake the feeling that the "in real life"-Till really is bit fed up with them at times, since he damn well knows and witnessed first hand, like you said, that those two didn't hesitate to rip each other's throats out OR just didn't speak a word with each other 👀
But the most important thing regarding this topic is, in my opinion, this:
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Meanwhile Till when he's asked about them:
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[Regarding my tags on this post]
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generic-sonic-fan · 5 months
Shadow characterization question…
Imagen if you will, Shadow discovers that Maria is alive, saved by a GUN field medic moments after Shadow was ejected from the Arc, and has been kept in cryogenic storage under a GUN base this whole time.
Does this revelation hurt or improve Shadow’s character? (And I mean in terms of him as a fictional character, not in terms of how well Shadow is going to be emotionally after this.)
My short answer is that you'd have to be really careful with how you write it.
My long answer is that there's a lot of "Maria Lives" AUs out there. The ones that speak to me the least are the ones where nothing has changed between Shadow and Maria.
The thing with bringing a character back from the dead is that it can't be cheap. It can't be a cop-out to bring back the status quo. There's a really good post out there that I can't find now that states that resurrection from death is sometimes a metaphor for the near-death; that moment of uncertainty at the end of a traumatic event that even resolution can't quell. Between this breath and the next, the certainty that you've depended on for so long can no longer be. Everything has changed.
Shadow has changed. Permanently. He is not the same after he thinks he's seen Maria die. Bringing Maria back in any shape or form cannot ignore this fact. And I think, for her credit, that Maria will have changed as well. This event is just as traumatic for her as it is for Shadow, and I feel like a lot of "Maria Lives" AUs don't give her that sort of justice.
But if you do give her that sort of justice, if you treat this frightening experience of loss with the weight and respect it deserves, this "Maria Lives" AU can be some of the most moving characterization for both of them.
I'll take a moment now to recommend one of my favorite underrated fics, called "The M Word" over on AO3. It handles this exact topic with such grace and respect, with the gravitas it deserves. Shadow has changed. Maria has changed. Things cannot be the same, but maybe, maybe they can move on despite it. And that is extremely interesting characterization for the both of them.
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grubbin22 · 23 days
YOUR ART IS INSANE TEACH ME YOUR WAYS HOLY SHIT??? how does this stuff have only 51 notes HOWWWWWWW
anyway what's your opinion on spam reblogs or me queueing your art a hundred times over
i’m happy you like it, any reblog is appreciated so i’d be honored by spam haha. thank you so so much for your support, it means the world :>
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arc852 · 2 months
I loved all of your July prompts, but my favourite has to be Aliens (I'm a sucker for alien aus). It was so cool, the dynamic and pov between the two, and Tango's little freak out was adorable. Not sure how I feel about that last line, and the potential angst that could cause if Jimmy ends up hating his captor (who am I kidding, I love some good angst!!) But as worrying as that thought is, I can't help but have a thought that ruins any potential angst scenarios.
Let's face it. Jimmy definitely learns the alien equivalent of "dumbass", very quickly. Simply because he has no self preservation skills, and must explore! And poor Tango. Like, on the one hand, Tango is so worried about the safety of his new friend on the ship, but also, this is the third time he's pulled Jimmy out of some machine, absolutely covered in slime or something. Just, "why are you like this?" while unable to decide if he should laugh or worry further.
And now I can't stop laughing, because this feels like it is just how life would be for them from now on. Jimmy causing shenanigans, and Tango simultaneously loosing years of life to stress but laughing the whole way XD
I hope you continue with this au. It is so cute and has so much potential, either with angst, or just the absurd shenanigans of an idiot on an oversized alien ship. Either way, I love this au and want more of your awesome work!!!
Aww, thank you! I must admit, the alien au has a special place in my heart. I've literally been thinking about this au for months.
Also, yes to everything you said! It does take some time, Jimmy is still really nervous around Tango for a while. But eventually, when he gets more comfortable, Jimmy definitely ends up in situations that just has Tango stressing out. But he can't be mad at his little buddy.
I do plan on continuing this! I actually have a full story pretty much planned out? The overall plot is anyway. It's a mixture of angst, ship shenanigans, a bit of a pull on the heartstrings, and conflict. My fic was basically just a warm-up, cause once I start the actual story, it's starting from the beginning.
I want to finish Shattered Reflections first though, but rest assured I will be working out more of the Alien au's story and plot while doing so!
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theartingace · 2 years
Happened to be scrolling on the interwebs and found you. Really like your centaur stuff. So my question: if you could be a centaur, what Bree would your equine half be? For me, I would have to go Shire Horse half.
You know, for over half a lifetime of thinking about centaurs I've never ACTUALLY thought about what kind of centaur I would want to be!! I just make endless characters 😅
But as much as I obviously favor paints and other piebald markings of all kinds, my favorite coloring and body-type for myself would definitely be a blue roan!
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Just the prettiest color for me, with a nice compact body and sturdy legs is all I want. Like this babe in the back down below:
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With centaurs I like to migrate horse features up the human half, and I just love the freckling and dark points I usually give the roans and appaloosas!
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maldudaily · 5 months
they sit in a chair
Day 26
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gotchu covered
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