#thank you for the question anon i needed this. i was feeling crappy tonight and this made me smile
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the-knights-who-say-book · 4 years ago
would you be inclined to elaborate on that ml au of song of the lioness idea? feels like it has galaxy brain potential
anon, thank you for recognizing my genius. it DOES have galaxy brain potential, and you are a gray blob of discerning taste
ML au of SotL is SotL characters in ML world—modern Paris, high school, superheroes
now some of you may be thinking, ah yes, Alanna as miraculous ladybug. they’re the Girl Heroes. plus chat noir is in love with ladybug the way George is in love with Alanna so that tracks. NO. put that thought out of your head. Alanna is Chat Noir
evidence (incontrovertible):
like Adrian she’s a rich kid with a distant father and dead mom, who had to fight to go to the school she wanted
connection to black cats
it looks like a lot less evidence when listed in bullet point format
anyway Alanna is chat noir and Faithful is her kwami. george is ladybug <3 (this is of course a george/alanna ship vehicle) unsure what to name his equivalent of Tikki tho
alanna is not chatte noire or whatever the feminine would be. her superhero alter ego is a way for her explore gender without the whole world watching her. people generally assume chat noir is a boy, and she lets that circulate so that she has a space in her life to present masculine or androgynous without being questioned on it. over the course of the fic she would explore her identity more and come to identify as non binary. genderfluid alanna club represent
the plot is: Hawkmoth aka Roger Conté wants to harness the power of Chat Noir and Ladybug to make himself ruler of the world. The Goddess and the Trickster separately bestow those kwamis on their chosen champions, Alanna and George, to stand against his nefarious plans. they weren’t exactly meant to work together—Goddess and Trickster were just kinda doing their own individual things—but they run into each other as they’re getting to know their new powers and become a team. Ladybug!George (super in love with Chat Noir, bi george represent) thinks they should share their identities with each other. Chat!Alanna, out of a mix of caution like in the show and being unwilling to potentially compromise the part of her life where she gets to be a boy, is the one who’s firm on keeping their identities secret from each other
when not superhero-ing, George and Alanna attend the same high school. after Alanna transferred there they became friends, along with the other SotL characters, and George has a big crush on her. but is conflicted because, also in love with Chat Noir
Alanna refuses to feel anything for either her superhero partner or the cute boy at school. emotions are on lockdown. conceal don’t feel
anyway they fight lots of villain-of-the-weeks which require them to briefly fake date an inordinate amount and George flirts outrageously and Alanna has a daily crisis about Love, Her Nemesis, and finally Roger stages a huge battle which leaves both Alanna and George without access to their kwamis but even in front of a huge crowd they still both step up because they will save paris without their suits and with bare fists if they have to and when they see each other do that they both know. That’s My Idiot. That’s My Emotional Support Superhero Partner. That’s The Dumbass I Have Crashed Into With My Full Body In Order to Push Them Out Of The Way Of Incoming Danger, Leading To Our Faces Being Very Close As If We’re About To Kiss Before I Pulled Away Awkwardly, So Many Times
and then they defeat Roger and so help me g-d they kiss after narrowly avoiding death while hanging from the eiffel tower by yoyo string
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nmikaelsonimagines · 4 years ago
Better Man: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from Anon: could you do better man from that album :) btw I love your writing <33
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x 
Want to hear the song? Find a link to it just below:
Better Man
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Find me at a quarter to three, cigarette in my hand I'd be at every party, I wouldn't miss a chance
Leaning against the wall, Klaus watched Y/N mingle with her friends. He’d been here for two hours now, Y/N having convinced him to come along so he could be introduced as her boyfriend.
It had taken a lot of persuasion, some that wouldn’t be suitable to describe without a warning. He smirked as he remembered it all, his eyes falling to Y/N, the way her dress fit her body. God, she was beautiful, and she had the smile to make sure of it.
That smile was on her face now as she walked over to him. Klaus hummed as she wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder, music still thumping in his ears. But he drowned all of that out when she spoke.
“Thank you for coming tonight. It means a lot.” She leant up and kissed his cheek, her lips lingering.
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the world, love.” And he wouldn’t have. Klaus wouldn’t have missed the chance to see that smile on Y/N’s face, would’ve gone to a thousand parties with crappy music and drunken youths if it meant seeing her happy.
She had changed him, he knew that. A hundred years ago, he never would have dreamed of such a thing.
New friends again and again, gone when the morning comes Demons I try to defend, but I couldn't get enough
Klaus was only here because he needed to be. If he didn’t show his face, the Governor wouldn’t endorse his family, and then the Mikaelson mansion would be knocked down. His family, homeless, again.
He didn’t like the Governor, saw him as a seedy old man who kept looking at Rebekah like she was something to eat. Little he did know that it was in fact the other way around. If it had been his choice, Klaus would have killed the man on sight and then taken all his money for himself, but he had promised Elijah to behave.
So he had trudged his way over to the Governor’s evening party, and was now leaning against the wall, a permanent scowl on his face.
He didn’t change it when she looked at him, a small smile on her face. The girl was pretty, yes, but she had that look about her that told him she would be in for more than sex. Klaus wasn’t ready for a relationship, not after the disaster that was the last one he had had. He continued to scowl at her until she moved on.
Over to Kol. Klaus rolled his eyes at his younger brother, knowing full well that by the end of the night the girl would be fully satisfied, but dead. One look at the Governor eyeing up Rebekah had Klaus giving in to the demonic voice in the back of his head, and he made his way over to Kol and the poor, unsuspecting human girl, with every intention of taking her off his brother and feasting on her himself.
Kol would get over it, moving onto another in the space of ten minutes.
If he had to endure this night, he might as well enjoy himself.
So much for behaving.
Fading away, fading away Wake up to someone with nothing to say
It didn’t matter that when Klaus woke up next to Y/N the following morning, they had nothing to say to each other. It didn’t matter when she hummed contentedly as he kissed his way up her neck, along her jaw line, before gently biting down on her earlobe. It didn’t matter when she threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him to her, devouring his lips with her own.
They’d stumbled home last night, drunk enough that the rest of the world seemed blurry, but not so that when they made love, it faded away as it always did, just the two of them moving in perfect synchronicity.
It seemed they were headed back down that route this morning as their kisses grew more and more urgent.
Klaus still had nothing to say as Y/N climbed on top of him, his hands on her hips as she looked down at him. She was truly beautiful, and he couldn’t quite believe that he had lived centuries without her, didn’t dare imagine the next centuries without her.
He wanted her to know that, to make her feel like she was his entire world. He had never wanted anyone quite like he wanted her.
She had changed him, he knew that. Fifty years ago, he never would have dreamed of such a thing.
I'd never change, thought I'd never change Then you come and change it all
Klaus watched from the breakfast table as the young lady hurried past him, her head down and her cheeks flushed. She had been fun, a well-needed distraction and a moment of company. Elijah wasn’t speaking to him, and the rest of his siblings, well, they were currently in the middle of a very long sleep.
He had picked up the girl at a party, having noticed her dancing to the loud 70s music thumping through the club. It wasn’t to his taste, but she was, and it wasn’t long before he had persuaded her to come home with him, straight into his bed.
As he watched her leave, the door slamming behind her, Klaus wondered what Elijah would have said. He knew that his older brother would have scolded him for his sexual activities, for the broken hearts littered throughout the years.
“Well, at least I didn’t drain her,” Klaus would have snapped back. He had moved on from that particular activity a long time ago, leaving the mixture of sex and food to his younger brother.
“Why can’t you just find someone to spend your life with?” It was always that, or at least, a variation on that particular question. Klaus always scoffed, just as he did now imagining his brother’s words. Elijah wanted someone to come along and change Klaus, someone who would tame him.
Klaus was sure that would never happen. He had never even entertained the idea that he would be wrong.
With your love, your love, I'm a better, better man Darling, all of my wrongs, they led me right to you
“Good morning.” It was the lilt of Y/N’s voice, the way she leaned up onto her toes and kissed his cheek after he’d showered, that made Klaus smile. It was an ordinary, everyday activity that never failed to amaze him.
He watched as she turned back to making him breakfast, eyes trained on the slope of her back, the way shoulder blades that he had lovingly adored with his lips only a few moments before, moved as she did. Shoulder blades made for wings, and it wasn’t unusual for him to expect white feathers to burst forth from her skin.
He took the time to think, to look at the woman who had been his path to redemption, picking up the pieces of the hybrid that had fallen from grace more times than anyone could count. Y/N made Klaus better, in all senses of the word, her love for him making him see where he had gone so wrong over the centuries.
He walked over, wrapping his arms around her from behind, and murmuring against her temple.
“I love you, Y/N.”
He didn’t say it very often, not even to his siblings.
She had changed him, he knew that. A year ago, he never would have dreamed of such a thing.
Wrapped in your arms, I swear I'd die for Your love, your love, I'm a better, better man
Klaus scowled at the woman standing in front of him. She had been left by her friends to keep an eye on him, some part of an elaborate plan to make sure he was out of the way whilst they did whatever it was they were doing. Y/N. That was her name.
He decided pretty early on that he didn’t like her, especially when she tried to speak to him, a smirk to rival his own playing on her lips. He had considered killing her, but there were protection spells on her that he had no hope of breaking, and so had taken to pretending she didn’t exist.
Of course, that hadn’t proved very successful as she’d continued to taunt him, causing him to turn and glare at her. She just smiled, eyes twinkling in a way that he would have thought was beautiful if his blood hadn’t been boiling.
“Oh, so you are listening to me. Good to know.”
She was arrogant and clearly proud of herself, reminding Klaus too much of himself. He hoped this would be the last time he saw her.
Never in a million years did he think that one year on, he would be wrapped in her arms, kissing her like she was his only source of life. Elijah had told him that one day he would meet someone just like him, someone who would make him see his flaws, someone he would be willing to die for, someone whose love would make Klaus Mikaelson a better man.
It didn’t cross his mind, the thought that it might be her.
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mandoalorian · 4 years ago
Hi, I was the anon who asked if you could write something because I felt crappy. I didn't mean to put any pressure on you. I was just looking for something short and sweet. I'm having existential anxieties a lot (pandemic hasn't helped) and struggle feeling as if I have a purpose in life. I'm crap at everything I do. I've tried to find comfort in believing that you don't have to have a purpose but it's hard to really believe. I lost my job recently bc of the pandemic and it's been hard finding another.
Any pedro character, although my favourites are Javier, Ezra and Frankie. Don't worry if you can't write anything tonight or don't have time etc. I will be fine and you aren't responsible for any anons that ask you to cheer them up so plz don't pressure yourself. Sorry for asking :/ and being a downer.
Oh my love, this has been in my inbox for a few days now. I’m sorry I’ve only just got round to doing it. Please don’t apologise for being a downer or asking! It’s what I’m here to do :) I hope this helps ease your anxiety and makes you feel better.
Comfort Blanket [Frankie Morales x Reader]
Warnings: mentions of anxiety/descriptions of a panic attack, Frankie is a soft dumb dorky himbo
Rating: PG-13
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Your cheeks were painted with your tears, and they glistened under the dull bathroom light. You thanked your lucky stars that this had happened whilst you were home alone. You couldn't deal with having to face Frankie. You knew he'd confront you about this. You knew he wouldn't understand and he'd demand answers. You were always so happy and smiley. Even the guys (Will, Ben and Santiago) said you were such a positive influence on the group. But you were only human, and as you sat against the cold tiled wall, your elbow leaning on the toilet seat, you weren't feeling very positive. You weren't feeling... anything really.
Anxiety had consumed you to the point of sickness, and it was uncalled for. You'd spent hours sobbing, holding your head in your hands and furiously tugging on your hair. It felt like you were choking. The feeling of impending doom swarming your body, drowning you. You couldn't breathe. Your chest felt tight, your vision became hazy and your mouth dried up.
Frankie was just a phone call away. He'd want to know. If you were scared or hurting, he'd want to know. You knew what your boyfriend was like. He loved you so much. But you didn't want to worry him. He'd ask what was wrong and you wouldn't be able to answer him, because you didn't even know yourself. It was pointless burdening him with this. Just for once, you had to be independent. You had to face this alone.
You hadn't even heard the front door lock click open. He'd gotten home early and you were too busy whimpering in the bathroom to hear his usual greeting, "Honey I'm home!"
The words were cheesy, and they often earned a roll of your eyes. But it was yours and Frankie's special thing— and you loved it. Frankie dropped his keys in the bowl kept on the kitchen counter and padded through your small apartment. He was confused when you weren't there to greet him the way you usually were. Sure, he had gotten home from work earlier, but you'd always run into his arms and embrace him the second he walked through the door.
Frankie padded through the living room, down the corridor, thinking you might be in the bedroom. He paused midway when he passed the bathroom, freezing in his footsteps when he overheard your cries.
He stood outside the bathroom. You'd been together for six months and Frankie had never heard you cry before. He didn't know how to approach you. He felt an anger, wanting to know exactly who and what had hurt you. The sobbing stifled for a second and Frankie breathed a sigh of relief. Until you started again. Frankie opened the door.
You looked up at your boyfriend with glazed eyes, feeling your cheeks heat up with embarrassment. He wasn't supposed to see you like this. You hid your face in the crook of your elbows with shame, muffling your sobs.
"What's wrong?" He asked hesitantly.
You let out an even louder and infuriated cry when you couldn't answer his question. You shrugged your shoulders helplessly and let your tears soak your clothes as you held your knees to your chest. "I just... I just..." you gasped for air, unable to get any words out. Frankie understood. He knew how you were feeling.
"One sec." he said, holding up a finger before bolting out of the bathroom.
He dived into your shared bedroom, fell to his knees and stretched out his arms to pull out a box that he kept under his bed. It was your bed too, and yet you had no idea he kept it there. It was a relatively small sized cardboard box, messily stuck shut with strong masking tape. He carried the box back into the bathroom and slouched down next to you. He took a deep breath and passed you the box.
"What's this?" you sniffed, letting your fingers curiously trace the tape.
"It's my panic box. Inside this box is everything I need to help me calm down when I'm anxious or upset. Open it." Frankie urged, nudging you playfully. You giggled at his touch and wiped your eyes, trying to regulate your breathing. Frankie wrapped an arm around you and held you close as you peeled away the tape.
Inside the box was an array of things. The first thing you picked out was a soft fluffy blanket. It looked old, slightly rugged, torn in the corners and even sewn up with patchwork. It had a distinct smell too. It wasn't a bad smell. You couldn't describe it. It just smelled like Frankie. You shot him a questioning look.
"This," Frankie said, taking the blanket from you and opening it up. He draped it over you both. "Is my comfort blanket from when I was a kid. It's been with me through everything. Heartbreak, death, even the times when I was upset for no apparent reason... my comfort blanket always seemed to fix things. The least I can do is share it with you." Frankie smiled sheepishly and he noticed the way your eyes sparkled in delight.
"I had no idea you kept a comfort blanket." You confessed with a shaky exhale. You relished the feeling, grabbing a fistful of the material knowing that the blanket was probably not much younger than Frankie. That the blanket had been there for him throughout everything.
"Well, I do," Frankie shrugged. "But uh— don't tell the guys."
You giggled. "Thank you for sharing this with me." you sniffed, immediately beginning to feel so much better.
"Keep digging through the box." Frankie ordered, taking your hand and rubbing comforting circles into your skin.
You nodded, reaching back into the box with your free hand. Inside was a scented candle, miscellaneous packets of candy and chocolate, an old teddy bear, and what could only resemble something you kept locked away in your nightstand drawer.
"Frankie!" you gasped, taking the device out of the box and turning to him. Your jaw had dropped and you were trying to contain a smile. "What is this? It looks like a—"
"Don't say it!" Frankie said quickly, snatching the pink device from your hands. He flicked a switch and it started buzzing. You slapped a hand over your mouth in disbelief. "I know what it looks like, okay. But it's a back massager." He pressed two more buttons and demonstrated how it changed speeds and settings.
"Frankie... I don't think—"
"It's a back massager!" Frankie exclaimed defensively, cutting you off. Once again, your dorky himbo boyfriend had you lost for words.
You burst into a fit of giggles as Frankie pressed the vibrating device into the small off your back. "Frankie stop it!" you laughed as he crawled on top of you.
"Feels nice, doesn't it?" He quizzed with a smirk. You squealed as he poked his fingers into your side, tickling you, and only making your laughter grow. You had been smiling so hard, your cheeks began to hurt. You pulled the baseball cap off Frankie's head and tossed it to one side so you could tug on his dark curls. He finally lifted off you and switched the ‘back massager’ off. "I'm glad you're smiling." Frankie admitted, pressing a soft and chaste kiss into your cheek.
"Frankie, I love you so much." You admitted, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend. He picked you up, letting the comfort blanket fall to the floor and carried you to the living room. He dropped you on the sofa and tossed you the television control.
"I love you too," he cooed, smoothing out your hair and kissing your forehead. "Why don't we have a movie night, huh? I'll order take-out and bring us a few beers in."
"Okay." you sniffed happily. As you watched Frankie wander into the kitchen, you wondered how you'd ever gotten so lucky.
You knew now that even when you felt like you had to be independent, there was nothing wrong with letting Frankie comfort you. He could make you smile and laugh like nobody else could. He knew the exact way to cheer you up whilst still being considerate and sensitive of your feelings. He loved you so much, and for as long as he was with you, you knew you'd never be alone.
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whumpiary · 4 years ago
cw: unkind family member made a comment trying to justify some horrible stuff
So this might be a big dumb ™ question, but I'm really not great with words out loud when I'm under a lot of emotion. It's why I'm a writer, I think; I write out my responses so much better than I could ever say them.
Someone in my family over their holiday visit spied on me reading a whump prompt, and after they quickly skimmed it, they made the most offhand, hurtful comment. I feel like a loser because I had 0 idea how to respond to it because my brain does a massive freeze response and locks completely up.
They said, "Oh, so you're fetishizing abuse now? Makes it perfectly cool then, I guess, to do _____ to someone."
I was so angry, all I could do was stumble out "No, that's not--no," and had to just leave and cry in the next room until they left. I wanted to explain that no; whump is something that helps me. I just...I didn't know what to say, or how to properly describe whump, and I almost want to reach out and explain it to them, but they're unfortunately the type of family member to side with all the wrong types of people. They're always saying something like this, it's just never been directly to me.
I think my question is, do you or a fellow whump writer have advice for how I might explain this to someone in the future, if not that particular person, that that's not what this is doing? That that's not what my fellow writers are doing? Because honestly, I've never been in a more supportive community than this, I love how whole I feel here, but I'm just struggling so much with not only the right way to explain it, but the guts to say it out loud.
I'm so sorry to bother you. I look up to you a lot. It's hard being in a trauma headspace a lot and formulating responses under pressure for me personally. Ughhhh. I'm asking anonymously because I'm too scared I'll be put on blast or something for 'not speaking up'. But thank you for reading. I support you and your work, and the entire whump community's work, so much. I hope everything's going well ♥️ You all really do inspire me.
This isn’t a dumb question at all. Thanks for writing me.
Cards on the table, it’s late in my time zone (Happy New Year, in fact!) so I may reblog again in the morning with more thoughts but it felt important to answer you tonight.
I see you and I hear you and I am sending you so much love. What your family member did was really shitty. (First, spying on something seemingly without your consent? Asshole move. Second, making you feel shit about something you like? Asshole love. Third, making you feel shit about something you made? Big asshole move.) I’m sorry you had to experience that.
First up: There’s nothing wrong with you for liking whump. There’s nothing wrong with you for reading it. There’s nothing wrong with you for writing it.
Liking and producing whump content doesn’t mean you condone abuse, and it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. You’re okay.
You’re also not a loser for not being able to rattle off a perfectly reasoned response in a moment of confrontation. That shit is hard, even when you’re not running on trauma software. You’re not a failure or dumb for not having an answer for them. You’re just a human. Especially on a topic as complex as whump.
I don’t think anyone would “put you on blast” for not speaking up. We’ve all been there, whether on the topic of whump or not. Anyone who’s telling you that you need to be a champion defender of whump at all times is just as much of an asshole as your family member in my opinion. You need to look after you first.
Whump is more prolific than we acknowledge or people recognise sometimes, in my opinion. It’s very easy for people to watch a movie or read a book and know the creators aren’t condoning what they’re depicting, but people seem to find it more difficult when they know the artists personally (like your family member knows you, for example). Something that I do sometimes is make references to things that are well known. Like:
“Saving Private Ryan depicts war and I don’t think they’re glorifying war. It’s a way to explore different parts of humanity and I think that’s interesting”
“[insert TV show here] has a lot heavy themes as a way of exploring character and relationships. That’s what I’m doing here.”
“Horror movies depict violence and gore all the time and they’re rarely fetishising things. It’s a way to get people to face and explore their fears and anxieties in safe, entertaining ways.”
You can also check out the “defining whump” tag for some really great community commentary on the subject.
Here’s the other thing, though: You also just straight up don’t have to justify yourself. You can just shrug and ignore them. Their opinion, and I know this maybe doesn’t feel true, straight up doesn’t matter.
If your family member is anything like some of mine, they likely won’t be convinced to your side. I don’t know your family member, so maybe I’m wrong, but it sounds to me like they were wanting to pick a fight, not have a discussion with you. In which case, even a million well thought out points and arguments won’t help. They’re just in this to make you feel crappy. In those situations, sometimes it’s best to just say “that’s your opinion, I just gave a different view” and step away from the convo.
You know why you like whump. You know why you read it. You know why you write it. You know what you enjoy about it. You know you don’t condone abuse or violence. That’s all that matters. You don’t need a moral high ground to find joy or benefit in something. It’s all good.
I know this is easier said than done, but remind yourself of the community you love and the content you enjoy and let the comments be water off a ducks back. We’ve got you. We get you. Forget about the folks that don’t. They’ve got their plate full of their own shit and clearly don’t have the space for empathy right now.
We love you. We are you. You’re all good, mate.
Anyone who has some words of wisdom or love to send is welcome and encouraged to pile onto this post. I think Anon needs it.
(P.S I hope you get around to posting that prompt! If it prompted such a reaction from someone reading it, I bet it’s a doozy. I’d love to see it and I bet the rest of the community would too)
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theladyofdeath · 5 years ago
Alone in the Ashes {13}
A Court of Thorns and Roses fanfction, characters belong to Sarah J Maas. Modern au. Revolves around Nesta x Cassian, Feyre x Rhysand, and Elain x Azriel. Other characters appear throughout. Based on multiple prompts sent in by anons tbr below.
Warning: Mature content. Alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, drugs, sex, language, eating disorders.
For summary & chapter index, click >  Alone in the Ashes {Acotar}
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: Enjoy the roller coaster.
Comment to tell me what you think, or to be tagged! x
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“Hers was not a story of darkness. This would not be the story. She would fold it into herself, this place, this fear, but it would not be the whole story. It would not be her story.” ― Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash
“Why don’t you come in?”
Ferye shook her head, refusing to show fear or discomfort. Tamlin was leaning against his doorway, all too casual. He had no reason to be fearful, no reason to be uncomfortable. In his eyes, he had never done anything wrong. In his eyes, he was running the show. He was the manipulator, the ringmaster, the man in charge. 
“I’m fine out here,” Feyre said, voice steady. “And this is where I prefer you answer my question.”
Tamlin cocked his head to the side, studying her. His eyes narrowed as they swept over her body. “You look different.”
Feyre’s jaw set. “Happy, for once?”
A pause. “No,” he said, at last, shaking his head “No, that’s not it. Come in, Feyre. Please.”
“You left him on the side of the road,” she breathed, fists shaking at her sides, “unconscious, bleeding, with broken ribs. There’s not an inch of his body that’s not bruised and battered.” 
With a sigh, Tamlin raked a hand through his hair. “I’ve talked to Eris. He’s always had anger issues, unable to control himself. It was meant to be harmless fun. Accidents happen.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Feyre hissed. “I’m not stupid, Tamlin, I’m not a fucking idiot.”
Her ex shook his head. “I hate it when you swear. Doesn’t look right coming out of your mouth. Such foul language...such beautiful lips.”
Feyre felt sick. “Stay away from Rhys, Tamlin. I swear.”
“Or, what?” he said, lips quirked, eyes dark. “You’ll go to the police? I already made a point to show that I can handle the cops.”
Hating herself for tearing up, Feyre grunted out her earlier question, “Why?”
Tamlin looked at her for a long moment, stared at her until a tear finally fell down her cheek. He stepped forward and brushed it away with his thumb. His hand rested against her cheek. His touch made Feyre want to scream, want to cringe, want to hide. Those hands were the same ones that sent Rhysand, her love, to the hospital, and now they were touching her with such a monstrous gentleness that Feyre felt violated. 
And yet, she held her chin up high.
She would not show fear. 
“You know why,” Tamlin whispered. “I love you, Feyre, and he does not deserve you. He is a lowlife, an uneducated orphan who just so happened to be good at basketball in high school. Didn’t do him much good, did it? He’s a waiter, living in a crappy apartment, pathetically in love with a woman who is way out of his league.”
The need to slap Tamlin across the face was unbearable, but Feyre kept her hands, curled up, by her sides. 
“Come home, Feyre,” Tamlin whispered, lips brushing across her forehead. Chills were sent down Feyre’s spine. “Come home and we’ll pretend like none of this ever happened.” 
“You don’t get it, do you?” Feyre whispered, looking up into his arrogant, green eyes. “Why the hell would I ever want to come back to you? You were horrible to me when we were together, you nearly get Rhys killed, and you still think that I love you?” 
“Everything I do,” Tamlin said, fingers brushing back her hair, “I do for you. For us.”
Feyre shook her head, but when she tried to take a step back, his hands caught her waist and he pulled her forward. 
“Come back, Feyre,” he said, voice low. “You shouldn’t have left in the first place.”
“Let go of me,” she hissed, pushing on his chest, and when he didn’t budge, Feyre spat in his face, right between the eyes.
His hands freed her as his eyes closed, and he wiped her spit off with the back of his hand before opening them up. His eyes were coated with fury. 
“You’ll regret that,” he snapped.
“I regret every other moment we’ve spent together, so why not this one, too?” she shot back. “Stay away from Rhys, Tamlin, or you’ll be the one with regret.”
Tamlin had regained his composure, was watching her with that casual arrogance once more as she turned on her heels and walked away.
She hardly breathed until she was safely shut inside of her car. With shaking hands, she started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.
Just make it home, she kept reminding herself, back to Rhys. 
The words replayed in her mind as she drove down the road, but Tamlin’s touch lingered against her skin, making her paranoid, unsettled. 
By the time she reached her apartment, she was doing better at pretending it hadn’t bothered her, at all.
The faux comfort didn’t last long.
Rhysand was standing in the kitchen when she got there, leaning against the island, arms crossed across his chest.
Feyre hesitated as she entered, closing the door tentatively behind her. “You okay? Why aren’t you in bed?”
His jaw hardened. “What did you get at the store?”
Feyre stilled.
She had completely forgotten once she left Tamlin’s. All she could think about was getting back home, away from him. 
Rhysand shook his head. “I would ask where you really were, but I already know.” He pulled his phone off the island and read, “Your girlfriend looks beautiful today. Feels the same as I remember, too, but tastes even sweeter.” 
The memory of the feeling of his mouth on her forehead made her nauseous, once again. 
“You went over there?” he asked, and he was pissed. “Are you fucking kidding me, Feyre?”
“Nothing happened-”
“I don’t care!” he yelled, and Feyre cringed at the rise in volume. “I don’t want you going over there!”
Feyre scoffed, shaking her head. “And now you get to tell me what to do? Nothing fucking happened! I went to talk to him. Yes, he put his hands on me, and his mouth, on my forehead, but I didn’t react! I pushed him away!”
Rhysand stopped, eyes wide. His voice was low when he whispered, “You seriously think that’s what this is about? You think….that I think you went over there to fuck him?”
“Why else would you act like a jackass the moment I walk through the door,” she snapped.
Rhysand shook his head, his breathing shallow.
Feyre’s anger halted as she took in Rhysand, his hands shaking as he ran them through his hair, as he stared Feyre down. 
“Look at me!” Rhysand yelled, into the quiet apartment. Feyre jumped, not used to hearing him scream. “Look what he fucking did to me, Feyre! You lied and said you were at the store, but you went to see the guy that was capable of this!” He gestured to himself. “Alone! Without me knowing where you really were! And then I get this fucking text, and my first thought was, fuck! It wasn’t enough to get to me, now he’s got his hands all over-” His voice broke, and he slammed his phone down on the counter. “I’m over here thinking he fucking forced himself on you, and thank the Mother you walked in two minutes later, or I was going to hunt him down and, in the condition I’m in, probably end up in the fucking hospital again!” 
She noticed now that he was wearing shoes, had his keys and his wallet on the island behind him. He was in a massive amount of pain, on high painkillers...and he was going to go to Tamlin’s, for her, because he thought she was in danger. 
Knowing full well that he wouldn’t win in a fight, not in his condition. 
Rhysand rubbed his forehead. “Damn it, Feyre.”
Three words, so broken, so ruptured, that Feyre’s heart sank into the pit of her stomach. Eyes blurring over, she went to him in the kitchen and stopped just in front of him.
“I’m sorry,” she breathed, tears spilling onto her cheeks. “Rhys, I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have lied. I’m sorry.”
He wasn't looking at her, was looking off to the side, out the window, his jaw hard. Her palm pressed gently against his stubbled cheek. 
“I went to tell him to fuck off, and I was reckless, and I’m sorry,” she said, voice quiet. 
Although he still wouldn’t look at her, some of the tension in his shoulders faded. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, again, and leaned her head into his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist, careful of his ribs. 
A minute passed before his arms, strong and steady, wrapped around her shoulders. He kissed her forehead, resting his lips against her skin.
Unlike when Tamlin did it, the gesture brought her an overwhelming sense of peace.
“I’m still mad,” he murmured into her hair, once Feyre stopped crying. “But I’m sorry I made you cry.” 
“I’m sorry I lied.”
“You should be,” he muttered. “It was a dick move.”
Feyre chuckled, and pulled back to look at him. She leaned up on her toes and kissed him, softly. 
His eyes were still worried, still weary, but the anger had faded. 
“You should go back to bed,” she said, even though it was early in the afternoon. “Rest. I’ll make you some lunch.”
But Rhysand shook his head, slowly. “I want to go for a walk. And I told Azriel we’d be over for dinner tonight.”
Feyre nodded, slowly. “Then maybe I should take a shower first. I didn’t exactly get clean in my bath this morning.”
Rhysand chuckled, softly. “Okay. I’ll wait.”
But by the time she had gotten out of the shower, Rhysand was sound asleep on the couch, his shoes still on, his phone clutched in his hand. 
He looked like shit.
He felt like shit.
And even then, he was going to come fight for her.
Nesta liked the way he looked at her, even if it made her toes curl and her mind grow weary. She wasn’t used to men looking at her that way: like she wasn’t a complete bitch. Like there was something there worth staying around for.
He drove his truck, one hand on the wheel, one on the gear shift. She kept asking him where he was taking her and, just like the night before, he wouldn’t budge.
Although he told her to put on a swimsuit, which she did, and noticed he had done the same.
“Must I tell you, once again, that I hate surprises?” she muttered, staring out the window. They were away from the city, going down a back road along the Sidra. 
“You can,” he said, grinning, “but I love surprises, so I’m going to keep giving them to you.” 
She rolled her eyes and they rode in silence for another five minutes before Cassian pulled off the road. He parked along the trees before turning off his engine.
“You take me to creepy places,” she muttered, throwing open her door. 
“Only creepy on the outside,” he laughed. “Promise.”
After locking his car, he took Nesta’s hand and led her toward the treeline, where a narrow trail was. “I can’t believe you’ve never been here. We used to go here all the time in high school.”
Nesta chuckled. “Yeah, well, we didn’t exactly hang out with the same type of people in high school.” 
Nesta was a year older than he was, and hung out with a group of people that appalled her parents. Tomas Mandray being among them. 
“Then you’re in for a surprise,” he said, and when Nesta shot him a glare at the mention of a surprise, he laughed.
They walked down the trail, through the trees until the ground became more steep. 
“Watch your step,” he warned, then took the lead. He let go of her hand, so she could balance as they climbed over fallen trees and down rocks. She could see the Sidra coming into view down below. 
A minute later, she saw the waterfalls. 
They were beautiful. Water flooded off the rocks and into the river below. There were places to climb around and through them, rock formations placed in just the right spot to make such a lovely display. 
Cassian looked over his shoulder and grinned at her expression. “I think you’re starting to like my surprises, Archeron.”
He continued down the rocks, Nesta close behind. He offered his hand when the drops were far, and by the time they reached the bottom, they slipped off their shoes and their shirts. Nesta tossed her shorts aside, too.
“You can swim good, right?” Cassian asked. “The current isn’t too strong here, but it can still get you if you’re not careful.”
Nesta nodded, dipping her toe into the water and hissing.
It was fucking cold.
But Cassian didn’t seem to care because he had already jumped in, off the giant rock they were standing on. His head went under, and when he came back up, Nesta was gawking at him.
He grinned. “Come on! It’s not that bad.”
“It’s freezing!” she yelled, shaking her head. “No.”
His eyes trailed down her body, admiring her in her bikini.
That damned look, again. 
“Please?” he asked, brows raised.
With a sigh, Nesta lowered herself down on the edge of the rock and slowly started sliding her legs into the water.
It didn’t work, though, because Cassian was back in front of her, hands on her hips, pulling her down beneath the icy current.
She yelped, and hit him in the chest, but he only laughed as he pulled her under. And when they came back up, she was scowling, but her arms were wrapped around his shoulders. 
“I hate you,” she said.
“Good,” he winked.
She held onto his back as they swam across the channel, until they got to those rocks where the falls were raining down. Cassian helped Nesta onto the largest rock before he pulled himself up. 
Nesta walked through the waterfalls, and Cassian stayed close behind her, undoubtedly watching her every move.
He liked to watch her. 
It was stunning, unreal. Nesta didn’t get out of the city much, but she was starting to think she should. He was right - she did like his surprises, even though she would never admit it. 
Nesta went through a little waterfall, into a small alcove in the rocks, and waited for Cassian to meet her there.
She could see him moving on the other side of the water, his form blurred as he walked toward her. And when he came through with his body soaked, his hair dripping, Nesta’s heart started pounding against the inside of her chest. 
With a grin, he pushed back his hair before pulling Nesta close to him by her hips. She ran her fingers over the bruise on his cheek, and then he leaned down and kissed her, softly. 
“What are you thinking?” he asked, pulling back, staring into her eyes.
Nesta hesitated. “You ask me that, a lot.”
Cassian chuckled. “You can be hard to read.” 
That, she knew, and she preferred to keep it that way. “I think you like that about me, though. The never knowing. Keeps you on your toes.”
His laughter echoed off the rocks as he shook his head. “You’re a pain in the ass.”
“You like that about me, too,” she said, feeling his wet skin with the tips of her fingers - his back, his abs, his chest. 
“I like a lot of things about you,” he said, hazel eyes bright. “I like you.”
Nesta’s lips pursed, and she nodded. 
“You can say it back, if you want to,” Cassian crooned.
“I could,” Nesta agreed, then dropped her hands from his body and stepped back. “But what fun would that be?”
He watched her, curiously, as she went back through the waterfall and down to the next rock. He stayed close behind, until Nesta dropped her body back down into the cold water of the Sidra. He joined her there, and before she could swim away, Cassian pulled her back to him by her arm. Nesta’s legs wrapped around his waist as he kissed her.
“Mila seems to like her a lot.”
Azriel looked through the sliding glass door where Mor, Feyre, Elain, and Mila were playing a board game. He smiled, fondly. “Yeah, she does.” 
“And do you?” Rhysand asked, sitting in a lawn chair with a cold beer.
Flipping the burgers over on the charcoal grill, Azriel shrugged. “Obviously.”
Rhysand huffed a laugh. “Alright. I’ll stop asking questions.”
“I should be asking you how you’re doing,” Azriel muttered.
“You already did,” Rhysand said, groaning. “And so did Mor and everyone else I’ve talked to today. I’m fine. Really. Looks worse than it is.”
Azriel didn’t believe him, but he let it go. He looked back inside of the apartment and caught Elain’s eye. She smiled, then quickly glanced down at her game piece. 
She had spent the entire day there, and was now wearing one of Azriel’s t-shirts. He liked her in his t-shirt.
Breaking him out of his romantic thought bubble, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, stared at the number with his brows scrunched together, and answered.
“An inmate is trying to reach you from the Velaris State Prison,” an automated recording said, in answer. “Press one to accept.”
Azriel hesitated.
“Can you watch these?” Azriel asked, gesturing to the food.
Rhysand nodded, looking concerned, as Azriel threw open the sliding door and hurried to his room.
He pressed 1. 
There was a few seconds of silence before her voice came through, “Azriel?”
Azriel closed his eyes. “Amarantha.”
“I’ve been here for a month, and you haven’t brought my daughter to visit me?” she asked, in way of greeting.
“How’s prison?” he asked. “Good food? Got yourself a wife yet?”
“Fuck you,” Amarantha spat. “How is she?”
“Good,” Azriel said, sitting on the edge of his bed. “Happy. Going to school now.”
Amarantha was silent for a moment before saying, “Good. Does she ask about me?”
Clearing his throat, Azriel shifted atop his mattress, thinking about just how honest he wanted to be with his adopted sister. “A couple times.”
“And what did you tell her?” she asked.
Azriel sighed, “Look, we’re kind of busy. What do you want?”
“Busy?” Amarantha said, barking a laugh. “I’m fucking stuck in prison, haven’t heard from you in a month, and you tell me you’re fucking busy? Fuck you, Azriel.”
“Alright, I’m hanging up,” he said, but she called out for him.
“Azriel, please.”
Azriel waited.
Amarantha sighed. “Look, just...bring her to visit me. Okay?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he said. “She doesn’t need to see you in there. Doesn’t need to be in there.”
“I’m her fucking parent,” Amarantha said, “and you will do as I ask.”
“Or what?” Azriel said, voice hard. “You’re locked away for a fucking long time, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“Or, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure she’s taken from you and given to someone who will bring her to visit me,” Amarantha hissed.
Azriel’s entire body went rigid.
When he said nothing, Amarantha said, pleasure in her tone, “That’s what I thought. Visitations are on Mondays, from ten to noon. I’ll see you then.”
She hung up the phone, leaving Azriel pissed off and in shock.
Mila couldn’t see Amarantha in jail.
She also couldn’t get taken away from him.
When faced with two evils, Azriel had never been good at choosing sides. Take her to Amarantha and watch her innocence slowly be stripped away. Or, keep her and have to fight a hell of a fight to keep her against her mother’s hateful wishes. 
Azriel shoved his phone back into his pocket.
For now, he would pretend like everything was fine.
For everyone’s sake.
Especially Mila’s. 
He went back out on the balcony, where Rhysand was flipping burgers.
“You okay?” he asked, brows still scrunched. “Who was it?”
Azriel shook his head. “Food about done?”
Rhysand hesitated, before nodding. “Yeah, if you wanna get everything else ready, I’d give these about two more minutes or so.”
Azriel nodded and went inside, taking out buns, ketchup, mustard, pickles, and chips out of the pantry. He gathered a stack of plates and napkins, too, before opening a can of beer and chugging half its contents.
Rhysand came in, then, a plate full of burgers. “Let’s eat!”
The girls came into the kitchen, Mila running straight for Azriel. He picked her up, and helped her make a plate before sitting her down at the table.
“Rhysie, are you okay?” she asked, as she had many times since he’d arrived.
“I’m awesome,” Rhysand answered, plopping down next to her at the table, with a plate full of food. “Even better now that I’m sitting next to you.”
Mila smiled brightly. 
“You okay?”
Azriel jumped, not even realizing Elain had come up behind him.
“Yeah,” he smiled, knowing fully well that he was an awful liar.
She nodded, just as Rhysand did, not believing him a bit. “Okay.”
He kissed her cheek before building his plate high with food and joining the others. Elain sat next to him a moment later, a hamburger patty and some pickles the only thing on her plate. 
They ate dinner as a family, laughing and making jokes and telling stories. Mila talked the most, as per usual, but she was good at that, keeping everyone entertained. 
Azriel tried to look like he was into it, tried to keep a smile on his face, tried to make it look like he was listening.
But he wasn’t.
All he could think about was Mila, about having to fight for her, about having her taken from him and tossed into a foster home.
And his heart broke as he realized the awful truth.
He would have to take her to see Amarantha.
tag List (to be tagged, comment or send me an ask!)
@throne-of-ashes-and-beauty  @starkovsnesta​   @redisriding​  @photofeesh
@mariamuses​   @tswaney17    @amaranthas-whore​   @awesomelena555
@danika-defendyr​  @rachaels14 @faequeenaelin​  @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn​
@hashtolanashoba  @poisonous00​  @chemicha @samotita​
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@candid-confetti @awkward-avocado-s​
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@ifangirlninja  @sleeping-and-books  @burritowithfeels
@morebooks-pls @kindofawalkingpoem​
@sannelovesreading @empressnesrynfaliq​
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@amren-courtofdreams  @b00kworm​
@wifeofchrishemsworth​  @booksstorm​
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@ugh-avila​  @awkward-avocado-s​ 
@superspiritfestival  @the-dark-swan​  @girlgotattitude448​  @eversincebeirut​
@midnightrose-reader​  @lord-douglas-the-third​  @thestarguidingyouhome​
@empress-ofbloodshed​  @starkovsnesta​
{ “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever met that asshole” - Feysand } -anonymous
{ “How about Nessian needing to fake date when they go home for the holidays?!” } - anonymous
{ “could u pls do like an elriel fic where azriel is like this mysterious bad boy and elain is a goody two shoes lik aaaaa i cant get that image out of my head” } - anonymous
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argylemnwrites · 5 years ago
Looking Back
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x MC (Cassie Vanderfield)
Book: Open Heart (almost 2 years after Chapter 1 of book 2)
Word Count: ~1900
Rating: PG-13 (light language, innuendo)
Summary: A night of celebration causes Cassie and Bryce to take a look back.
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I wrote Bryce fic! The pandemic writer’s block was particularly brutal for this couple, but I am pretty happy to be back with our favorite flirty, confident surgeon! This story is for two of the “Things You Said” prompts - 11. Things you said when you were drunk (as requested by @sunnyxdazed, @choicesarehard, and an anon) and 22. Things you said after it was over (as requested by @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl and @omgjasminesimone). It also works for the Choices May Challenge Day 29 prompt (Memories).
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“Nah, I’m good,” Bryce said, shaking his head as Jackie attempted to pass him a shot of tequila.
“Lahela, you can’t pass on drinks tonight! We’re celebrating!” she called out, raising her arm and drawing cheers from several others around them, including Cassie.
“You might be celebrating, but I still have to preround at 6 am tomorrow,” Bryce replied, shaking his head as Cassie grabbed the shot glass Jackie kept trying to hand him, throwing it back in rapid succession with the shot Jackie had already given her. Man, tonight was going to get sloppy.
“That’s on you for choosing a specialty with such a long residency,” said Jackie, quirking an eyebrow before downing her own shot. “It’s not our fault you surgeons are so dumb and cocky that you need those extra years of training just to be competent physicians.”
Bryce grinned at her, grabbing the empty shot glasses Cassie handed to him as she reached for a lime. He would let her have that one tonight. After all, it was her graduation night. 
The internal med graduation had been pretty much what Bryce had expected. Decent food, but watered down drinks and boring speeches by the hospital bigwigs, all culminating with the program director going over each resident’s career plans and handing them a certificate. At least Cassie’s table had been a good one with Elijah, Phoebe, and his parents, a med-peds resident named Amber who Bryce didn’t know well but who had been fun to talk to, as was her husband when he wasn’t trying to corral their two year old son, plus Cassie’s parents and Keiki, able to come thanks to Amber only needing two tickets. And thankfully the faculty member assigned to their table was an endocrinologist named Dr. Liz Aubly, not Ethan Ramsey. Bryce had forced more than enough awkward small talk with the man at the monthly diagnostics team dinner he’d gone to with Cassie last week, and he got the feeling Ramsey was not thrilled that he was now officially Cassie’s date for all such events. Over the next two years, with Bryce on his research years while Cassie remained at Edenbrook for her diagnostics fellowship, their paths were going to cross often.
But tonight wasn’t about looking forward, it was about looking back and remembering three years of patients and long hours and crappy coffee and not enough sleep. Now that the formal portion of the graduation was done with, most of the third year IM residents had ditched their families and taken over Donahue’s, celebrating having only two weeks left as residents. It was the only time they all were off at the same time, excluding the annual resident holiday party, since starting residency, and people were letting loose.
“Wait, we didn’t toast to anything with this round,” Elijah noted after he tossed his lime slice onto the growing pile in the middle of the table. After the first couple of rounds, things had turned decidedly sentimental, with the group rotating what event from their three years of residency they were commemorating. So far, they had toasted to adopting their pet turtle Sal Monella, Jackie being named one of next year’s chief residents, Cassie getting reinstated, and swapping out Landry for Aurora as a roommate. 
“You’re right!” Cassie cried out, stumbling off Bryce’s lap. “I’ll go get us another round so we can do things properly.”
Bryce grabbed her wrist, stopping her abruptly. “What?” she asked, her eyes blazing as they locked on his, clearly ready to fight him if he dared to question how much everyone was drinking.
“I’m going with you,” he said with a grin, standing up and subtly sliding his hand down her back, hoping she saw it as a loving, flirty gesture and not an attempt to steady her and keep her upright. Cassie was typically a pretty agreeable drunk, if a little handsy, but she got absolutely livid if anyone implied that her coordination and proprioception were at all impaired by her drinking. He had enough sense not to tell her there was a good chance all the drinks would be ending up on the floor if she did this by herself.
Together, they made their way over to the bar, crowded with dozens of other IM third years. Cassie leaned over the bar, trying to find a free bartender, but quickly abandoned her mission when she wasn’t immediately successful.
“You should do the next toast,” she said, spinning to face Bryce, steadying herself just slightly by leaning back against the bar.
Bryce shrugged, “Nah, tonight’s for you guys. I’m still just a lowly resident for the next four years.”
Cassie grinned, sliding a hand forward and grabbing a belt loop on Bryce’s pants, pulling him toward her. “Where’s all this modesty coming from?”
“Oh, don’t worry. I know I’m still the best surgical resident at Edenbrook. In fact, now that you are moving up in the world, I am losing some competition for best resident in all specialties.”
Cassie laughed, dragging her hand across his hip and sliding it into his back pocket, giving his ass a light squeeze, prompting Bryce to waggle his eyebrows at her.
“I see you’ve reached a very boldly flirty stage of drunk.”
“I’m not drunk,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes, but sliding her other hand into his other pocket at the same time, “I just found a comfortable place to rest my hands. Besides, in a couple of weeks, I’ll officially outrank you, so I gotta enjoy this-” she added, giving him another squeeze for good measure, “-while I still can.”
He chuckled at that. She wasn’t going to be supervising him at all, so it didn’t really matter, but Jackie had taken to teasing Cassie that their relationship was going to become suddenly scandalous and forbidden when Cassie became a fellow. “Are you sure you want to move in together, then? It might be hard to keep your hands to yourself around all of this-” Bryce gestured an open hand up and down in front of his body “-when you have 24/7 access.”
Cassie tilted her head to the side, a coy little smirk forming. “Yeah. You know why?”
“Why?” he asked, humoring her as he lifted a hand to tuck a strand of her dark hair behind her ear.
“Because you helped clean up after that first party in our apartment.”
His hand froze next to her cheek. He’d completely forgotten he’d done that. He’d mainly just been looking for something to do while waiting to say goodnight to Cassie, or rather, hoping he wouldn’t have to say goodnight. Pitching in with cleaning up the trash had just seemed like the natural thing to do. “I can’t believe you remember that.”
“It’s when I knew you were a good person, not just some overconfident hot guy. It’s when I knew you were boyfriend material, not just a casual fling.”
Bryce didn’t quite know how to respond to that. His feelings for Cassie evolved gradually, slowly, naturally over the past three years, going from seeing her as that cute dark-haired medicine intern to the person he loved and trusted most in the world bit-by-bit, day-by-day. He didn’t have some moment with her that was some great epiphany where he realized he wanted more or saw her differently. He just cherished getting to know her better, seeing different sides of her, and adoring nearly everything that he discovered or she revealed. But Cassie had apparently seen depths in him from the start. He wasn’t sure if it put their early hookups in a different light or not, but all he could really do at this point was appreciate that they had come this far together, no matter how they got there. So he gave her a gentle kiss, pulling back as he saw one of the bartenders coming toward them and flagging him down, ordering another round of tequila shots, plus a glass of water for himself.
Soon, they made their way back to the table, Bryce carrying the shots while Cassie focused on not bumping into people. She waited for him to pass around the drinks and sit back down before she plunked herself back onto his lap, looping one arm behind his neck and grabbing one of the shot glasses with her other.
“What are we toasting to this time?” Jackie asked, raising her glass and looking around the table expectantly.
“I have one,” said Bryce, causing Cassie to twist her head to look at him, her eyebrows raised and her pupils blown wide, “To that first party you guys threw at the apartment. It really was the start of everything.”
Everyone clinked their glasses together over the center of the table, with some “Hear hears” and “To the parties” scattered in the mix, but Cassie didn’t throw back her shot right away. Instead, she kept her eyes locked on Bryce’s, offering him a brilliant smile before wrapping her other arm around his neck in a tender hug... and unfortunately dumping her shot of tequila down his neck and under his shirt in the process.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” she cried out once she realized what she’d done.
“It’s fine,” Bryce said with a little shrug, “but I do think that signals the end of the festivities for me.”
“Party pooper!” Elijah yelled out, but Bryce just shook his head. 
“Someone has to actually be functional enough to take care of patients tomorrow, and it’s certainly not going to be anyone else at this table. Cassie, you coming over to my place, or are you going to keep the party going with this crew?”
“Your place,” she said without a moment of hesitation. “I spent the night with you after my first party of residency, so who am I to buck tradition at the last one?” Bryce grinned at that, noticing Elijah just shaking his head out of the corner of his eye before Cassie leaned over and kissed him, sliding her hands along his shoulders before pulling back.
“Get a room,” Jackie said, rolling her eyes.
“I’m trying,” Bryce replied over Cassie’s shoulder. “Come on, babe,” he said, helping Cassie to her feet before standing up and slinging an arm around her waist, waving goodbye to their friends as he navigated her towards the door. 
“I can’t believe I’m basically done with residency,” Cassie said as Bryce pulled out his phone to order a Dryve. “It’s been three years already. How has it been three years?”
Bryce just chuckled, guiding her down the large step off onto the sidewalk as they left the bar. “Time flies when you’re working 80 hours a week for minimum wage, huh?”
“Something like that,” she replied, pivoting to face him and tugging him into a loose hug. 
“Looking back, anything you’d want to change?”
She seemed to ponder that for a moment before shaking her head, “I mean, I probably could have done without the suspension, but I think it helped me grow. I don’t know. I guess even with all the drama, I’m happy with how things turned out. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, Cassie,” he said, squeezing her tight and running his hand along her spine, “it does.”
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Permatag:  @walkerswhiskeygirl   @riley--walker @bebepac @ravenpuff02 @oofchoices @octobereighth @drakewalker04 @kimmiedoo5  @mfackenthal  @thequeenofcronuts  
Open Heart:  @tallulahshh @rookie-ramsey @omgjasminesimone @ao719​
Bryce x MC:    @thequeenchoices​  @fortunatelywaywardsandwich​   @dreaming-of-movies​  @choicesarehard​  @srta-give-me-my-jax-rl​  @maria-soederberg​ @mskaneko​   @sunnyxdazed​
Event Tags: @choicesmaychallenge​ @kinda-iconic​
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catnaples · 5 years ago
You Can Run
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“sdbfibdskfkjdsfb i love your yandere suga!! can i please request a yandere suga (maybe a short fic instead of headcanons?) where the reader (preferrably girl) ends up catching on to Suga’s antics and it comes to an all time high when she sees him about to murder daichi? but can it have a semi good ending? idk i dont see enough of those. and no nsfw please? ty!!!”
Thank you so so much for sending a request in anon!! I hope that you like this! It’s not the nicest of endings, but it’s still got the potential to be, y’know? I don’t think this is the best thing I’ve written, but I really do try. So I’m sorry if this is too crappy!
TW: Implied Murder
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 You rounded the corner as quietly as you could, checking behind you for the one-hundredth time. Fear was coursing through your veins and your legs felt unsteady as you rushed through the empty halls. You had to find him before Suga did. You knew exactly what he was planning on doing, and you were banking on the fact that Suga didn’t know you were still here, sneaking around in an attempt to stop his sadistic plans.
 It had started a few months ago when Sugawara had started trying to woo you. You thought nothing of it at first, rolling your eyes behind his back. He just wasn’t your type, after all. But he eventually broke you after a few weeks, when you realized that he was the only one there for you when your friends started turning their backs to you. Luckily you still had the volleyball team, and most importantly, Suga. But this past week, you learned his dark secrets. He doesn’t think you know, and you had to use that to your advantage. 
 You had finally realized why your friends stopped talking to you. Why the ones that still did went missing. Why boys who talked to you ended up with black eyes and angry expressions when they had to face you. It was all Suga. He was the master manipulator, planning everything like a chess game so that you would fall right into his arms. You had learned how close you were to losing even the volleyball team if you hadn’t accepted his feelings when you did. 
 You spoke to Daichi as soon as you found his little box hidden at the bottom of his hamper. You had simply been trying to gather his laundry while he was showering so you could wash them. You knew how stressed he had been with school work, you just wanted to take something off of his list of things to do. But when you opened the box and found the teeth, the polaroids, the journal entries, and the lists. You instantly realized. You took pictures on your cell phone and saved them for Daichi. If anyone would believe you, maybe it would be him. 
 You hadn’t realized that Daichi then went and consulted Asahi afterwords. Suga had caught it, but luckily Daichi had never mentioned your name. Asahi may have had a less than desirable outcome, but that didn’t mean Daichi needed to. Suga was on his way to find him, last time you spoke to him. He brushed it off as needing to talk about volleyball and Kageyama, but you knew it was simply to make sure that Daichi could never reveal the information that he knew. 
 You skidded to a halt when you heard muffled voices coming from the science room down the hall. You crept forward slowly, trying your very best not to alert whoever was around. If it was Suga, you didn’t think you’d be able to manage acting like you were stupid like you had been for the last week. You continued to creep forward, now on your knees, and peeked through the cracked door. Daichi was on his knees, his arms tied behind his back and a rag in his mouth, preventing him from yelling. He had bruises on his face, and some cuts on his exposed arms. Suga stood in front of him with a knife, but you couldn’t see his facial expressions. 
 You stood up and backed away, trying to think of a way to get Suga away from him long enough to get him out of there. Your legs began shaking again as you thought about the possibilities of getting caught. A brief thought flashed through your mind. Why didn’t I just call the cops? You asked yourself, fighting back the fearful tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes. You mentally groaned. Because the cops in this godforsaken are on good terms with Sugawara. You’ve seen the way these kinds of things play out when people have connections with the police. If you had gone to them, then they would have questioned him, he would have found out it was you, he would burn the evidence, and then he would...well, you don’t exactly know what he would do to you.
 You crept back down the hallway, looking for the vent that was placed close to the floor. If you could just manage to crawl through, then you could maybe...just maybe...leave your portable radio around the corner, climb into the vent, and make your way through the tunnels to get to the science room. Then, turn the radio on with the remote you bought...and then he’d come out probably. Right? You were praying to whatever god you thought cared as you set up the trap, the radio set on its highest volume. You had brought it with you tonight for a scenario just like this after all. Then, you silently slid through the vents, making your way slowly to the science room. I hope that I’m able to get this stupid cover off. You groan in your head as you hit the on button, watching as Sugawara’s head whipped around to the door as the loud pop music began to fill the halls. “What the…” He mumbled, creeping out of the room. You silently begin pushing the vent door open as you hear his footsteps fading, and throw yourself on the ground. You land not so gracefully, rushing to Daichi who was looking at you with surprise and hope.
 You ripped the rag from his mouth and yanked his restraints off, pushing him towards the window as fast as you can as you hear the music shut off. You’re lucky that Daichi is fast, and that you’re on the first floor because as soon as Daichi is out of the window he pulls you through and softly shuts it, crouching down in the bush next to it. You both listen to Suga as realization sets in that Daichi was gone, and that he might end up getting caught. As you hear the room getting torn apart, you suddenly realize that you didn’t have your phone on you. You listened in horror as the noise abruptly stopped and you heard Sugawara laugh. “Oh, Y/N. You shouldn’t have done this.” 
 Your blood ran cold and your heart rate quickened again. “Daichi…” you whispered to him, seeing the same fear reflected in his eyes. He didn’t say anything and settled for grabbing your hand and yanking you towards the school entrance. Suga was still in the school, so you had a few short minutes to run off of the campus. You knew that your house wasn’t safe, and you thanked god that you lived alone off of a grant. Daichi, however, was a different story. You both knew that your houses weren’t safe. Suga would show up at any second. So Daichi dragged you to the bus station, using the last of his money, and pushed you on with him. You sat in silence and listened to him tell his parents not to let Suga in if he knocked at the door. They were panicked when he told them what had just happened, and told them to go to the police station immediately. Of course, the police didn’t seem to care.
 You both went into hiding after that. You didn’t graduate from Karasuno. Daichi didn’t go to nationals with the rest of his team. Sugawara was still seen as the innocent angel that he tried so hard to pretend to be. You couldn’t believe that the police didn’t even think to investigate until you had gotten into contact with Daichi’s mom the one day for him and she said that they had searched his house, but there was no evidence of any “box”, so the police dropped it immediately. They had said to her, “Tell your son and his girlfriend that they can’t go around accusing people of things like that for fun.”
 Daichi tried to maintain contact with the rest of the team while being as vague as he could to protect your anonymity, but Suga had gotten to them. He had told them “what you did”. You cheated on him with Daichi and then both moved away to hurt Sugawara even more. It was painful knowing that the people you had cared so much about believed that stupid lie, but what were you going to do? Go back and argue with him? 
 Eventually, you moved to America. You didn’t tell anyone. You and Daichi booked a one-way flight, both gained citizenship there and stayed there for a few years. You began dating, and then eventually he proposed to you. You thought that Suga had forgotten about you both. I mean, it had been 6 years that day. You were wrong, through. So very wrong. He sat there every night, for six whole years, thinking about all of the ways he’d forgive you. How you’d run back into his arms when you realized he still loved you. And when he found out Daichi was planning on marrying you? He immediately grasped his chance at bringing you back home to him.
 Imagine your surprise when Daichi flips your veil off and standing behind the bar with the evilest expression you think you’ve ever seen, is Sugawara, older, maybe even more handsome. And you know exactly what he was there for. 
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thatonecurlygirl · 5 years ago
Treat You Better
@anon requested:
You should do even just a short billy story to "treat you better" by Shawn Mendes where Billy's your friend and you have a crappy boyfriend who treats you badly and he's in love with you and idk it's just a scenario I could see billy in. It would be super cute and your Shawn mended song inspired fics are the best!!
If you did the "treat you better" one it would also be a cool addition if billy was your neighbour and saw how crappy the boyfriend was and idk. I think billy would be the cutest at consoling his friend he's secretly in love with after getting her heart broken.
The house was loud, full of rowdy and drunk people around your age. It’s hot and the smell of alcohol permeates the rooms. You were supposed to come to the party with your boyfriend and you kind of did. You came to the party with him, but apparently, you aren’t at the party with him. You are standing against the wall, nursing a red cup full of some kind of bitter alcohol while Bradley is only God knows where.
You shouldn’t have expected anything different from him, this is how it always works. Luckily for you though, you are expecting one of your very close friends to show up. At least he may be somewhat willing to entertain or humor you with his presence for at least five minutes so you don’t feel like a complete loner.
“I see he’s off fucking around without you again,” Billy says, taking your drink from you and handing you a different, sweeter smelling alcohol.
“Ah, he’s just having fun.” You shrug your shoulders, looking around for him. You finally catch sight of him, talking to some girl you have seen in passing a few times.
I won't lie to you I know he's just not right for you And you can tell me if I'm off But I see it on your face When you say that he's the one that you want And you're spending all your time In this wrong situation And anytime you want it to stop
You cringe as he leans in to whisper something in her ear and he caresses his chest. Billy looks over his shoulder, rolling his eyes in disgust as he sees Bradley blatantly flirting with someone else.
“Why the hell are you still with him?” Billy asks, honestly confused.
“I love him.” You sigh, trying to sound confident in this.
Billy’s eyebrows knit together as he shakes his head. “You don’t seem too sure of that.”
“Bradley and I may have our moments, but I do really care for him.” You avoid looking up in Bradley’s direction to make sure you can’t see what’s going on.
“Y/n, you can care about him all you want, but it sure as hell doesn��t look like he cares very much about you. He shouldn’t take you out with him and put you in situations where you are sulking in a corner, watching him eye fuck some other chick.” He growls.
“Billy stop.” You shake your head, throwing back the rest of the drink in your cup. “I’m going to head home.”
“Let me drive you.” Billy sets down his cup, pulling his keys from his pocket.
“No, you just got here. I don’t want to make you leave.”
“This party is lame anyway. I only came here to keep you company.” He smiles, that smile that almost makes the whole world disappear.
You nod and let Billy guide you through the crowd of people and out the front door. This Billy that you know today is a lot different from the one you’d met in high school. He had done a lot of growing and maturing. Back then, you hated his arrogant ass and now you two are really close, both in friendship and location as the two of you are neighbors.
“Get your ass off the car!” Billy shouts at some kids that are sitting on the hood of his car.
Okay, he’s grown a lot, but Billy can still be… well, Billy. His quick-tempered side comes out most often when it comes to Bradley. Bradley may not always show his good side around Billy, but he really is a good guy and he is smart too. You and Bradley had dated on and off since Senior year in high school, so that was about two years ago. You met Billy around the same time and neither guy has been a big fan of the other.
Billy watches you out of the corner of his eye as he drives back to your neighborhood. He sees you try to discretely wipe the tears from your cheeks. He hates this, he’s been in this exact situation before. In the car with you after your boyfriend ditched you, pretending like he doesn’t see you crying for your sake.
He doesn’t understand how you don’t see that you deserve much better than your worthless boyfriend. You deserve someone that actually wants to be around you. It doesn’t make you any less of a man to be committed and caring to a woman. Billy has personally learned this lesson because of you. You called him out of his bullshit in high school. The two of you butted heads to begin with, but you somehow wiggled your way into his life and never left.
I know I can treat you better Than he can And any girl like you deserves a gentleman Tell me why are we wasting time On all your wasted cryin' When you should be with me instead I know I can treat you better Better than he can
“I think he’s cheating on me, but I’m not sure.” You confess. “And I know you aren’t a fan of Bradley, but I don’t know, I thought maybe tonight would help dissolve some of those thoughts.”
Billy sighs, “Y/n, ask the fucker about it.”
“But how?” You turn in the seat to face him. “I can’t just go up to him and be like ‘are you fucking someone behind my back’.”
“Yes, you can.”
“What if he isn’t?” You ask nervously.
Billy just scoffs as if that is a stupid question as if he already knows the answer to that question. Furrowing your brows, you fold your arms across your chest.
“Billy, do you know something I don’t?”
“I just know that he is an asshole and you deserve someone better than him.” Billy shrugs his shoulders, pulling into his driveway and getting out of the car. “I walk you over.” He nods to your house as you get out.
“Thanks.” You say under your breath as the two of you walk over in silence.
He walks you up to the door and leans on the side of the house as you unlock the door. As you go to slide inside, he gently grabs your arm to stop you.
“Hey, I’m just saying that whether or not he is cheating, you shouldn’t have to question if he is.”
“I know,” You smile softly. “Thanks again, Billy.”
Billy nods, watches you close the door behind you, listed to the lock latch. Grinding his teeth, he walks back through the yard and to his house. Unlocking the door and heading straight to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of beer. He sits down on the couch in front of the television, staring at the blank screen as he takes a large gulp of the alcohol.
After a few minutes, Billy turns on the television, playing whatever is on the channel. He’s got too much on his mind to even pay attention to what is happening on the screen, instead, he just sits there and zones out as he sips on the beer.
Monday evening, Billy lays up underneath a vehicle at the shop, grease, and sweat cover his clothes. Music and the sounds of metal on metal rings through the shop. This is his place, where he feels most confident in himself. He’s doing what he really enjoys.
“Hey, Hargrove! You got a call!” Johnson, one of his coworkers yells out.
Billy scoots out from under the car and wipes the grease off onto his pants. It’s not often that he gets calls for him while at work so something has to be going on. He wipes his forehead with a rag as he makes his way to this phone.
“Yeah?” He brings the phone up to his ear.
“Billy, uh, it’s Y/N.”
“Oh, hey. What’s going on?” He smiles, leaning against the wall.
“Please don’t freak out.” Your small voice says from the other side of the line. “Bradley and I broke up, we got in a fight and…” You trail off.
“And what, Y/n?”
“I’m scared.” You whisper. “He got violent.”
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” Billy says, heart, pounding heavily in his chest.
“Thank you.” Your voice breaks and tears fall freely down his face.
I'll stop time for you The second you say you'd like me to I just wanna give you the loving that you're missing Baby, just to wake up with you Would be everything I need and this could be so different Tell me what you want to do
Hanging up the phone, Billy rushes into the shop, grabbing his keys and washing his hands. He pokes his head into his boss’s office, “Hey, there was an emergency at home. I’ve got to go.”
“Your shift was over three hours ago, I don’t give a damn what you do now.”
“Okay.” Billy nods, quickly heading out to his car.
He drives like a madman all the way to your house. He nearly runs over his mailbox when he sees your car, tires slashed like an angry teen in a romance film. Windows busted from your car and glass scattered across the ground around it. Once he is parked, he flies out of his car and up the sidewalk to your door, not bothering to knock before barging inside.
“Y/n?” He calls out.
“Here.” You call out quietly, turning the corner to see Billy’s angry face go even redder as he sees your tear-streaked face.
“Come here.” He holds open his arms, pulling you in close to him.
He holds you tight as your body shakes in his arms, the cries rack your body and you clutch onto his shirt. Yeah, you were scared watching him tear up your car, but you’re also heartbroken.
“He’s been sleeping with Susan.” You sniffle.
“Your cousin Susan? Billy pulls away, looking at you in disbelief.
His heartbreaks at the sight of your bottom lip poked out and jaw quivering. With a sigh he pulls you over to the couch, sitting down and holding you to his chest. He can’t help but think how great this would be if only it weren’t under these circumstances.
“It’s his loss. You deserve better than that asshole, y/n.” He gently rubs his hands in circles on your back, trying to console your cries.
“What hurts the most is knowing that he cheated on me with my own family. My own cousin went behind my back with my boyfriend.” You cry into his shirt. “He’s the asshole, but he tries to make me feel like it’s my fault.”
“None of this is your fault. None of it.” He pushes your hair behind your ear, as you look up at him, red eyes.
“Thank you for behind here, Billy.”
“Any time,” He smiles at you. “Look, why don’t you change into something comfortable, I’m going to go home and shower. Meet me over there and we can watch some movies.”
“Sounds like a deal, Hargrove.” You pull yourself out of the warmth of his body. “See you over there.”
You stand up, watching Billy walk to the front door. As he grabs the doorknob, you feel a sudden pull in your stomach and without realizing it, you step forward, grabbing and tugging on Billy’s hand.
Give me a sign Take my hand, we'll be fine Promise I won't let you down Just know that you don't Have to do this alone Promise I'll never let you down
Billy turns, looking down at you, both your eyes lock as the both of you stand there, stock still and staring at each other. Billy watches as a small smile creeps on to your face. It’s like slow motion when you reach up on your toes and place a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“I know you are going to beat his ass at some point no matter what I say. So when you do, tell him that I hope Susan enjoys his tiny dick more than I did.” You smirk.
Billy can’t help but throw his head back in laughter and nods. “I’ll see you in a few, Y/n.” He kisses your forehead and turns back out the door.
__ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __
Taglist: @xicarcalii @hargrovesprincess @super-strange-sons @asheseiler @admiralsixx @lady1505 @lets-be-heroes-justforaday @queenemoscene @speedmetalqueen @softsleepyeyes
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mimymomo · 5 years ago
Homeless Eurydice HC’s
I made a post a while ago about homeless Eurydice AU and an anon asked me to expand the AU further so here it is after a long wait. Thank you for being patient anon!!! There’s a lot of them so I’ll be putting most under the read-more link.
Home was not a word Eurydice was familiar with. Sure, she had heard it constantly flung around in public and on TV shows and songs, and questioned by others at school and work, but the idea of ‘home’ and herself never seemed to mix. 
From a young age, she found herself bouncing and forth from one misfit foster home to the next, staying at no place for longer than a year.
Even her original residence left many things to be desired: an absentee father, an alcoholic, rarely-present mother with her numerous cruel and creepy boyfriends. It was less a home and more a temporary place until CPS picked her up at age 9. By age 17, she’d had enough: no more homes. She knew she wasn’t going to be adopted, no one wanted a problem child with issues up the wazoo.
So she ran.
For the first few months, Eurydice lived in a tent- it was spring/summer so for the most part, besides the occasional rainstorm, she was fine. She was in school during half of these months so she could shower/eat there and had a place to store some of her belongs. When summer broke out, she took to bathing in ‘less than desirable’ places when the school wasn’t open (public bathrooms with a washcloth and sometimes even outsides in lakes/a kitty pool she bought to wash clothes to save money). But fall rolls around, this has to change.
She devises a plan to spend the spring/summer months in her tent and the fall/winter months in shelters or friend's houses.
Eurydice gets a job at a fast-food joint (NIGHTSHIFTS ARE A GODSEND!) and becomes a master at saving/dividing money. She likes working at restaurants do to food accessibility. 
She will sometimes purposely mess up orders so she can eat the returned mistakes. Most managers don’ t catch on but one did and nearly fired her. Some co-workers notice how small and constantly hungry Eurydice always is and often try to sneak/buy her food on her break (Eurydice is more stubborn than a mule so usually outwardly refuses but will eat it secretly).
She buys a membership to a really cheap and crappy gym in order to use their showers (she had some BAD experiences while trying to use said showers but the ability to bathe wins out not using them anymore). 
Over the next few years, she PERFECTS the art of keeping good hygiene and smelling good on a budget: a spritz of cheap body spray before drying her skin/clothes completely and travel-sized/dollar store toiletries will go miles!
Eurydice is a master pickpocketer. She won’t do it often because she’s prideful and hates not paying but sometimes when money is real-tight, she the bite the bullet Her most shoplifted items are tampons/pads, washcloths/hand towels, sanitary items, socks, and granola bars. She’ll usually buy one or two items to distract workers from the small stuff she stuffs into her bag.
Eurydice has had to do some other pretty questionable acts that she’s not proud of to get money/shelter but only as an absolute necessity.
Eurydice keeps a tally of ‘How Many Coffeeshops Kick Me Out Because I Make Other Customers Uncomfortable/Other Random Reasons.” She’s at 7 so far. She’s become quite the loiterer (her favorite places are college campuses and libraries). 
Meeting Orpheus:
She never meant to go home with him, never meant to even meet the boy with wide, shiny hazel eyes that stared into her soul. It had been a completely random occurrence. 
She had only wanted a drink: it was the middle of spring but it still felt like freezing cold winter. She needed something to perk her up. 
He was working the bar, wiping down the counter and serving up drinks with a smile that passed the obligatory customer service smile she often wore at her own job. He looked so young, a beacon of natural light in the dark, dinginess of bar. She doesn’t pay him any mind past ordering her drink (the boy stutters as she does so, face flushed pink and he stares at her for far too long. He can’t form a full sentence and instead just nods at her order). An older gentleman with dark skin wearing a fancy silver suit begins conversing with her, asking what brings her in. She doesn’t know what it is, but before she realizes it, she’s immediately spilling her predicament. Nothing too major, she’s not that stupid, but she does admit she has nowhere else to go. 
“I’m a homeless runaway who’s in desperate need of a drink. Problem with that?”
She moves from the bar counter to an old table that runs along the sides of the bar wall. She’s lost in her thoughts when it happens:
“Come home with me!” 
That’s what he says to her, that beautiful, idiotic bartender with the pretty eyes. Not “hello again”, not “here’s your order”, freaking “come home with me...” Hell, he didn’t even remember her drink!
Eurydice meant to laugh him off, tell him to buzz off and continue on with her night drinking away her woes in peace. Yet, she doesn’t. They, to her utter shock, hit it off surprisingly well. He’s sweet, a bit on the naive side, and has the most precious laughing expression Eurydice has ever seen. 
She learns his name is Orpheus, he’s a year younger than her and he works part-time as a bartender here at his guardian's (Orpheus points to the man in the silver suit and he affectionately refers to him as Mister Hermes) bar. He also a musician. 
“You’re a player huh? Hope you’re not planning to break my heart, poet.”“No, of course not! I’m not like that.”He tells her about his dream of his song one day being played all over the world and spreading love to all that hear it.
“So you wanna be famous and make a load of money?”
Orpheus shakes his head, “it’s not about the money Eurydice. It’s about expressing feelings to others. Telling a story and hoping that everyone who hears will understand what you mean.” 
Eurydice is definitely not enamored by the boy and his poetic words
Eurydice forces Orpheus to sing to her before she agrees to go home with him (”I have to make sure you weren’t a liar as well as a player.”). By the time the first note spills from his lips, she sold.
His apartment is small, modest and cramped, half scribbled in notebooks and sheets of crumpled up paper litter the ground. Pictures of Orpheus, Mister Hermes and some other relatives Eurydice doesn’t recognize decorate his walls and shelves. An acoustic guitar sits undisturbed in its stand in the corner of the one-bedroom home. Nothing happens that night, which stuns Eurydice. Men always want something more. They sit and talk, moving from the living area to the queen-sized bed.
Eurydice asks Orpheus why he decided to let her stay and he answers like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, “because I didn’t want you to be all alone in the cold.” Eurydice would’ve been pissed had anyone else said this to her, she was an adult damn it. She could take care of herself. However, it didn’t sound patronizing coming from his lips. He just genuinely cared. 
 Eurydice lets Orpheus spoon her from behind, his warm breath tickling the hairs on her neck. She drifts off to sleep to the sounds of Orpheus’ light, harmonious snores, the rest of the outside world for once is silent. It’s the best sleep she’s had in years.
Eurydice thinks that it was a one time deal. That Orpheus, with his head in the clouds and eyes towards the sky, would move on and forget all about her. 
But he doesn’t. 
He invites to come back the next day as she’s heading out the door.
“You can come back tonight! If you want, that is.” 
Eurydice doesn’t say anything at first. She just leaves with a quiet, “we’ll see.”
She finds herself back at the bar and in Orpheus’ bed again that night.
She finds herself returning to the quaint apartment again and again. She makes excuses (the shelter ran out of rooms, my tent has a hole in it, etc.), she’s sure Orpheus doesn’t buy them after a while but he never questions her which she greatly appreciates.
Soon, she starts leaving things in his house. Small things- a bag, some clothes, a toothbrush. Small things turn into big things then all of her things.
Their relationship quickly morphs from friendship to romantic in the following weeks. Were they moving fast? Yes, definitely. Too fast? Maybe, but for them, it wasn’t fast enough. 
Eurydice doesn’t know when she started thinking of Orpheus’ apartment as her home but she clearly remembers the first time she said it out loud: she’s outside the bar, kissing Orpheus goodbye as he’s heading into work.
“See you at home lover boy.” She pauses, home? Is that what it is?
Orpheus, not noticing her hesitation, kisses her once more, “I’ll see you at home. Love you.”
‘Home, huh?’ For the first time, the word didn’t sound funny rolling off her tongue. It didn’t send acidic shocks down to her stomach, quite the opposite really, she felt butterflies fluttering about in its place. Home. She finally had a home. ‘Maybe wasn’t such a bad thing after all?’ She smiled as she continued her way back to her and Orpheus’ apartment, already ready to see her boyfriend back at home.
I’m so sorry that this is so late anon! But it’s super long so I hope that makes up for it slightly!
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the-lupine-sojourner · 6 years ago
Hello! If you're still comfortable with writing for emergency requests could you please write Izuku comforting his s/o who's parents are going through a really rocky divorce? It just got really rough with them tonight, they started yelling and blaming me for it. Totally fine if you're not comfortable though!
I am accepting Emergency Requests, yes, Anon. I am so sorry to hear that you’re going through a tough time.
I have not had any experience with divorce myself, personally or through any of my friends, but I do know that it is not your fault, no matter how many times people tell you that. I know this situation is tough, and I hope this helps, at least a little. Feel free to message me, if you feel comfortable, if you need to talk or another request, okay?
God Bless and Good Day!
~The Lupine Sojourner
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(figured you'd like to see this adorable smile 😅)
You hadn't mentioned a whole about your personal life to Izuku, preferring to leave him in the dark about your parents’ situation, which was rapidly getting worse. Even after you two began dating, you didn’t want to burden him. After all, the relationship was only a few months old. No need to burden this sweet, amazing child with something like this.
That being said, you knew you couldn’t keep this to yourself any longer. Not after your shitty night. With tear-blurred vision and shaky hands, you pushed talk. He picked up quickly, as usual. “Hey, Y/N!” He cheered, happy as always to hear your voice, and there was that typical almost nervous edge to it he still hadn’t been able to control. You swallow to try to make your voice sound more normal.
“H-hey, Izuku...um...can we go somewhere? Anywhere? I just…” You broke, hating the sound of Izuku gasping in shock. You never wanted to hurt him, but you needed to see him. 
“Oh, oh of course, Y/N! What’s wrong?! Did someone hurt you!?” You sniffle, wiping your eyes. He was so sweet to be this concerned.
“N-no...kinda...it’s just...I need to- -I need to go somewhere with you…” You whimper. Normally, you did your level best to remain fairly composed and focused on school to avoid questions. But not now...not now.
“Okay. I’ll be there in about ten minutes. Are you sure you’re gonna be okay?” You swallow again, wishing the lump in your throat would go away.
“Y-yeah. I just...yeah, I’m okay.” You reply.
“You don’t sound okay. Do you need me to stay on the phone?” You considered, biting your lip. It would help, but no. You couldn´t ask him to do that.
“No, I think I’ll be okay. I’m sorry to bother- -”
“Y/N, you’re not bothering me. I promise. I’ll be there as soon as possible, okay? Just hold on.” You nod.
“Okay. I love you.” You murmur, wiping your eyes again. You hadn´t said it often, but you meant it, every time.
“I love you, too. Drink a big glass of water. All of it, and wash your face, but don’t rub it dry. Pat only. Okay?” Having a task to do gave you some control of yourself again.
“Okay. See you soon. I’ll text you my address.”
“Thank you. See you soon, Y/N.” Izuku replies, hesitating just a second or two, but then he hung up and you stood. Thankfully, you happened to have a fairly big glass in your room and an attached bathroom, so you wouldn’t have to face your warring parents again.
About a year ago, things began to shift with no one knowing what precisely caused the rift, but it was far too wide and jagged to repair or bridge now. So now, your parents were meeting with lawyers and arguing constantly. You were almost thankful you didn’t have siblings. Almost because you want company, but you also wouldn’t want to force your siblings through this hell.
It was bad enough you were dragging your boyfriend into this. At this point, you didn’t care about Izuku knowing just how crappy your personal life was, a fear you’d held due to the demons in your head whispering that if he knew, he’d break things off, gnawing away at any thought of telling him before it could be properly considered. Now you had no choice. You had to take that dive.
Things had gotten so bad, your parents took their anger, bitterness, and frustrations out on you, claiming you were the reason they were in this mess and the reason they were going their separate ways. You hadn´t been able to reply, racing away and up to your room, already sobbing. 
Izuku texted you about ten minutes after you called him, as promised, and you snuck out through the back door, your parents oblivious in the living room. He hugged you tight, kissing your cheek as he takes your situation in. “What’s wrong?” He asks, eying the door as a particularly loud shout rang out, barely audible so far from the living room. His gentle hands cupped your face, eyes searching for hints of abuse or whatever happened in your face. You put your hands over his, already feeling a small tiny bit better. You keep holding one hand and lead him away toward a nearby park.
“Well, about a year ago, something, and none of us can pinpoint what, changed and my parents just...started getting more and more toxic around each other, and then they started dragging me into things, and now...they’re going their separate ways. Last night was the worst I’ve ever seen, and they told me I was to blame for all that went wrong in their marriage, and it hit me really hard, and…” You started crying again, clutching Izuku’s jacket. His arms slowly came around you as you halted and cried into his chest. He held you, unable to think of anything to say for a while. Gently, he transitioned to a side-hug and led you toward the park.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I should have realized how bad things at your house were. You always kept to yourself, and I should have figured it out sooner.” He apologizes, and you look at him in shock as you near a bench. You sit Izuku down, leaning over to cup his face like he had done earlier.
“Izuku, you couldn’t have known, cus I decided not to tell anyone. I figured it’d be easier than dealing with the drama of everyone my parents were divorcing. I’m sorry. I should have told you.” Izuku pulls you down and hugs you.
“Y/N, you are so strong and brave to go through this alone, but you need to let people help you when you’re struggling.” He then leans out just enough to look you in the eyes. “But, if you don’t want me to, I won’t tell anyone what’s going on, okay? That is entirely your choice.” You loved this boy more every day, you swore. You leaned in for a quick kiss.
“I really appreciate that, Izuku. I would rather not have this spread all over the school, thank you.” Izuku nods, drawing you in again.
“Okay. Do you want to go somewhere else, or do you want to stay here?” You sigh.
“I’d rather just stay here, if that’s okay.” Izuku nods.
“Okay.” He nuzzles your temple a little.
After a while, he suggested they move to a little hill and stargaze. You and Izuku passed a pleasant few hours just laying there, point out the few constellations you both knew and whichever stars looked particularly amazing. With Izuku here, you almost forgot what waited for you when you got home.
You swore you’d marry this boy someday. Someday soon...and that thought gave you enough strength to not feel fear creeping back into your house after Izuku kissed you goodnight.
For the first time in a long time, you felt truly happy and slept without nightmares or constantly waking up.
I really hope this helps a little, Anon! Hang in there! You’re not to blame, and you are an amazing person! Please always remember that you are not in any way to blame and you are awesome!
24 notes · View notes
thisdiscontentedwinter · 6 years ago
frustrated dad
is it normal to not instantly fall in love with your son? to be honest, i cant stand him; words cant begin to express my frustration and hatred. i just spent the last 8 hours dealing with the fussiest night ive ever had with my son. he never stopped screaming unless my wife hugged him. today my wife was working and its my turn to care. he kept screaming, i have tried every way in the world to calm a baby but he wouldnt stop. i started yelling at him what was wrong, i screamed at him to stop screaming, i was so frustrated i cried, i burped him on my chest telling him how much i hated him. he didnt stop crying.
he only stopped after my wife came home. she seemed to love him on first sight and she seems to be calm & collected with everything’s going on. i feel like a failure. i will keep trying with him, i want to be the best dad for him, thats for sure, no exception. but the fact that everything seems to come natural for my wife while i struggle even to feel love for him makes me feel like shit. im not proud of myself, i hate myself. i feel like im bullying an innocent little soul because i suck at being a dad. the big question is, will i ever love him? i really want to. it’s only our first month being a parent and i feel exhausted, more than ever in my life. i cry & scream more than i ever did in any period of my life. i cry and scream and get angry because of my son, but also because of myself. the regret and shame after i feel angry at him makes me cry and feel depressed. this is the lowest point in my life and i feel like shit because my sons doesnt deserve this. i cant talk to my wife im afraid she’ll be hurt knowing how jealous i am of her, how i cant stand our son, and how incompetent i am being a parent compared to her.
the entire time filled with regret on how I handled tonight. i know it’s my fault. i know i need a therapist. i know i need to be honest with my wife. i hate how his screaming makes me feel. i know that i cant make it about myself. He needs me. my wife needs me. my stepson needs me. i wanna blame my son because it’s easy. i wanna blame myself because i wanted him in the first place and feel like i ruined everyone’s life. but i didnt. my family loves him. the only person making it worse is me because i can’t handle the way his crying makes me feel.
im in the pit the right now. im really struggling. im taking whatever help i can get. its hard. my dad was terrible and i never had a good example. he never learned to deal with his anger and took it out on me and my siblings. but i don’t wanna be like that. my sons don’t deserve that. i wanna be better because I do love them. i want to love them.
i know you’re not a parent, but i hope you dont mind listening to this crappy dad. thank you so much disco
Dude, babies are so frustrating. And they can be like little mood rings too. They know how frustrated and tense you are, which makes them more frustrated and tense, which makes you more frustrated and tense, which keeps the whole evil circle going. 
You can always try to take him for a drive when he’s screaming and not sleeping--some babies love the car, and can fall asleep really easily in them. It also might help to get you out of the house, and have a change of scenery, even if it’s just a few trips around the block. (If you’ve already tried his, I apologise. I know there’s nothing worse than unsolicited baby wrangling advice!) 
When my niece was a baby she didn’t like me for about the first 12 months of her life--and screamed whenever I held her for the first three. I did not warm to that kid for a long time, but I promise you that I love her to bits now she’s not a baby! 
You definitely need to talk to your wife, and let her know that you’re not coping. And you know what 90% of it is? Sleep deprivation. Your body is screwed at the moment, and it’s screwing with your brain, but that doesn’t make you a bad dad. Talk to your wife, tell her how frustrated you are, tell her that you’re just not coping. I think with your history with your own dad (and I can relate, there!) that talking to a therapist is a great idea. But also, if you’re taking on the day to day care of the baby while your wife is at work, check out what local resources are available to you. When my nephew was a baby he just wouldn’t sleep at all, and his parents ended up taking him to a local free clinic for new parents where the nurses gave them a bunch of pointers--and most importantly, they felt like it was okay they were struggling at times. 
Here’s something you might not know: men can get postnatal depression too. There’s a link on that page to a guide to new dads too.) A baby is a huge upheaval to your life, and to your sleep, and fatigue and stress aren’t just something you can shrug off. 
You’re doing fine. You’ve made a few missteps, but you haven’t hurt your baby. (If you ever feel there’s a danger of that, put him down in his crib, walk away, and call someone for help immediately.) 
Babies are hard, but you’ll get through this, anon. Talk to your wife. Talk to a therapist. Don’t be ashamed to admit that you need help, and don’t be ashamed to admit that this experience isn’t full of joy and sunshine and roses for you. You’re not a bad dad because you’re not having the experience you thought you would. You’re tired, and you’re stressed, and you know that telling your son you hate him was the wrong thing to do, but I seriously doubt there’s a parent out there who hadn’t felt the same at one time or another, particularly when things were new and fraught. 
Talk to your wife. Talk to a therapist. And honestly, anon, try not to worry that you’re not feeling love for your son. It’s there--it’s just buried under the stress and the fatigue right now. Once you and your son start getting some sleep, it’ll be a whole new game, I promise. 
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imsarabum · 8 years ago
Responses to {Part 23} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
Anonymous said: I love tuesdays because of you hahaha I can't focus on my assignment bcoz im really excited !!!!!! More strong power thank you !
Oh my god please try focusing on your assignment too! TT I want you to do well and so does Jungkook c: hehe~ Thank you so much love :D
@qigoyangi said: and finally it's Tuesday again!! the only other day in the week that I wait for is Fridays. You left me hanging on the edge with the last update and I'm soo excited for todays update. I loved the concept with the reader being a domitor and I'm looking forward too see how you evolve that. lot's of love and support from Qi
Yes it’s Tuesday! I’m so glad you look forward to Tuesdays because of IWSY! And I’m happy that you’re loving the lore and the concept :3 Thank you so much my love and I hope you enjoy tonight!!
Anonymous said: I just finished taking a test and remember u were uploading today 🙌💞 U light up my days  -wifey anon
Hello wifey anon! And good job on finishing your test! I’m sure you did an amazing job =D Awwww you’re so cute!! You light up my days too :3 I really hope you enjoy tonight’s chapter :D
Anonymous said: I had a really shitty and stressful day and I have just realized it's Tuesday and now I'm like ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) can't wait for tonight's update
Shitty and stressful days are the worst, I’m sorry your day was so crappy :( But I hope that the new chapter was able to cheer you up and make your day a little better :3 Thank you so much babe!
@jynxy24 said: I'm breathing out tge air of my lungs for the upcoming smut!! :3
*breathes with you* I HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT MY LOVE!
@animeimmortal said: I had such a shit day and all I'm waiting for is IWSY cuz like yes it does make me angry at times cuz of cliffhangers but then again its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOD ❤
I’m sorry you had a shit day my love *hugs* but I hope that IWSY can make you smile today! (apologies again for the cliffhangers :P )
Anonymous said: Girl, I'm dying here.  I need my IWSY fix!
Go go go get it!!
@cotylovesbands said: I can't wait for IWSY!!!!!! I love it so so much 💗
I really hope you enjoyed it my dear! *hugs*
@mocking-butts said: Okay but seriously you're my fav writer ever and I look up to you for writing and I'm way too excited for this chapter you are now the mother of writing I'm calling you mumsy~! I'm so excited I can't stop looking at my phone 😭💕
Omg mumsy *heart flutters* that’s so cute ajkgnakjgadg you’re so sweet what did I do to deserve you?! hehe~ I really hope you enjoyed the chapter babes! Thank you so much :)
Anonymous said: Omfg I'm so excited for the next part, like I've been procrastinating for about an hour on meaning to do homework and this has only solidified that I shouldn't be doing work until I've read the update 😂
Let’s be professional procrastinators together yaaaaay I love doing nothing and leaving everything till the last minute so I can stress cry and worry about everything LOL xD I really hope you enjoyed it my love :3
Anonymous said: I'm buzzing for ISWY, I've had such a shitty time editing this essay and your update is giving me motivation
I’m so glad I can offer you the inspiration to keep editing your essay! You’ll do a good job my dear ^^
Anonymous said: That was such a good chapter!!! But this caught my attention, in a previous chapter, Jungkook mentioned not to let a human become pregnant because it will end badly for everyone? Did he decide it was okay since she was a domintor? Will she die? Will he change her? So many questions! Such a good story, I love it and I love you!
Ahh thank you so much and I love you too!! As for your questions my dear - as always, I never reveal spoilers so you will just have to live with your curiosity for the time being ;D I hope you can understand asdfg :3 Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a great day/night!!
@audreymv said: Yes Yes Yes. I love at the end especially  where they said "You" I can't so much. I love this and omg what is Yoongi actually wanting to do with the reader. Can't be good. God Smut and Fluff. Well this is just my lucky day and I just am so sad that this series is going to end soon. But so relieved and happy hopefully. God this makes me happy. You make me happy with what you do Sara. Thank you
I’m so happy you liked it c: AND HEY WHO SAID IT WAS GONNA END SOON? It ain’t over ‘till it’s over...and my god, nothing has even happened yet! :3 I really hope you’ll look forward to and enjoy what I have planned. I hope that it was be interesting, shocking and enjoyable all at the same time. I’m so excited to write it! And my dear, you make me happy because you’re happy. Thank you for always being amazing :)
YAAAAY THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’M SO HAPPY THAT YOU AND YOUR FRIEND LOVE BTS AND READ MY SERIES :3 you’re so welcome and thank you for reading it and messaging me c:
Anonymous said: LOVE LOVE LOVE IWSY -anon who just read chp.23
Thank you so much for reading it and loving the story so far!! It means a lot to me :)
@mocking-butts said: IM SCREAMING AT THIS CHAPTER I CANT HANDLE THE FEEELS. I'm just going to go cry in a corner while waiting for next weeks update I'm in love with this story how do I properly live?
No don’t cry in a corner that’s not good! :c *hugs* eheh thank you so much for reading it dear ^^ I’m so happy you enjoyed it!
@vtstigmarmy said  Omg it's out! Finally! Its 2am and im hyped!!
Wow it was so late for you! :c I hope you managed to get to sleep after reading it, and thank you so much for staying up so late to read it too!! I hope you liked it!
@animeimmortal said: Oh that was hell of a chapter. Wow like this the smut was spot on and the "I will move mountains...swim an ocean for you" type of thing got me internally screaming for how much I liked it ^^ (so cheesy ^^) my mood went up 100% ❤❤❤  love you 😘
Ahhh I wish I could find someone who would say those words to me and mean them with all their heart ^^ I’m not a huge fan of cheesiness - I find it to be rather cringey most of the time but, when it’s heartfelt and when it’s right for the moment, I accept it :3 lol Ah I’m so glad the chapter could bring your mood up! I love you too and thank you so much :D
@ayedemi said: Iwsy is so good omg, but like vampires and human or half human, gettig kids, i hope it won't be as dramatic as Twilight omg 😂❤
Do not fear! There will be no Twilight fuckery in this story xD You can be sure of that :D thank you for reading love ^^
Anonymous said: Fuck... u NEED to create a TV show out of IWSY I would literally watch it over and over again... 😭 How I wish this could be real life..... 😍 Going through hard times I know I can always count on you xxxx
I would love to make IWSY into a TV show! Omg that would be so cool~ And I wish this world could be real life too....but, I don’t think this scene would be allowed to air on television (not before 9pm anyway lool) I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through hard times. Keep your chin up and keep doing your best, and I’m always cheering you on ^^ Thank you so much my love.
@theninjachan said: "Do I need to ask you a second time, sweetheart? Don’t you wish to please your Prince?”  I just busted a nUT I'M LEAVING PLANET EARTH GOODBYE
@sorrehbae said: Glad to know im not the only one whos obsessed with iwsy I legit have an alarm and set it in my schedule lmao  I dont even have alarms for school im- Thanks for creating a masterpiece Bye omg (⌒▽⌒)
Oh my god that’s so cute Cx YOU ARE SO CUTE LET ME HUG YOU ;; Thank you so much for enjoying IWSY, and thank you for reading th new update as well ^^
Anonymous said: It was amazing. I. cannot. live. THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE BABBIIIEESSSSS?! But JK needs to turn Y/N because otherwise he will live much longer than she?! But which of the three scenarios (Vampire, Nothing happens, Die) will happen? AHHHH xxxxx UK anon
Baby talk yikes!! I wonder what will happen?! Ahh so many questions! Will Sara answer anything? heeeeeh c: Thank you so much for reading babe ^^
@mysr3 said: Saraa! I LOVE YoU and MAD at YoU at the same time! So GoOd OMG I did feel hot and bothered! Your writing indeed hit my emotional spot again! JK shows who the BOSS here! "I didn’t know what love was....My life was but a barren wasteland…until you walked into it and shed your wonder upon it" ahh Tears at this whole thing- so touching 😭 Give you lot of Hugs and KiSses Thank you Love! Thought last week I struggled hard enough😒 this week seems to be worse! Luv Ya 💖
Nooo don’t be mad at me why!? :3 Lots of hugs and kisses for you too - and I really hope that this week won’t be as bad as last week. Please stay strong okay? You can really get through everything because you are stronger than you think! You have survived all of your worst days so far...remember that ^^ I love you too and thank you so much for reading the chapter my dear :)
@deboracorreia26 said: I'm definitely out of words after this love confession. IWSY is absolutely my favorite fanfic ever, and you are my favorite writer. Love you!
I’m so happy you liked his gentle pillow talk c: *blushes* thank you so much beautiful - thank you for reading the new chapter and I love you too!
Anonymous said: Last week I was like "hmm chapter 22 and there hasn't been another smut scene yet... Suspicious." And then when I was reading it I was like "OOOOOH JUNGKOOK IS MAD I BET THERE'S GONNA BE SOME THINGS GOING ON NEXT CHAPTER....." And then at the end of the chapter I was like "YEAH MAN I CALLED IT THERE'S GONNA BE SOME ~spicy~ SCENES NEXT CHAPTER!" And now I read it and JEEZ LOUISE WAS THAT SOMETHING. Also THE END HAS ME SQUEALING ITS SO CUTE AHH Thank you for writing IWSY it is truly amazing! ~Ro❤️
Hiya Ro! I’m glad you enjoyed the much needed 3rd smut scene in this series :3 muhaha~ Thank you very much for reading it, as it is my pleasure to write it and post it! ^^ Have an awesome day my dear!
Anonymous said: Me trying to be calm after reading IWSY pr 23: well shit, sara... tbh you just made me love you like a billion times more . I applaud you once again on your exceptional writing. Me in all honestly after reading it: HOT DAMN THAT WAS PRETTY JUICY! I SERIOUSLY THOUGHT JUNGKOOK WAS GOING TO PROPOSE AFTER HIS LITTLE SPEECH TOWARDS THE END! anyways... ;'-' please take care of yourself, and you have once again impressed me with your writing! <3 - army anon
But I love you way more, so c: Hello Army Anon! You’re welcome for the hot, sexy juiciness~~ And oh my god a post-sex proposal :3 Prince Jungkook is so romantic, right? :3 I’ll do my best my love! Make sure you take care of yourself too and thank you so much for reading the new chapter :3
Anonymous said: I'm not crying. You are.
You’re not wrong
@koreaisanaddiction said: SARAAA!!! it was so GOOOOOOD!!
Anonymous said: Idk how many words that chapter was but it was basically en entire chapter of pure smut and I'm happy I waited to read it till I got home because otherwise I'd be fanning my face at school.
I believe it was around 5k words? So, considerably less than the previous chapters but still substantially full! Oh god yes you made a wise decision to wait until you got home :3 Thank you so much for reading it and I’m glad you enjoyed it my love :3
@coppertopging said: AHHHHHHHH why do you do this to us!!! You're a heartbreaker! She's gonna get pregnant! And then Yoongi's gonna get her!!! I just feel it... dammit, woman!
Ahhh you think you have it all sussed out...*giggles* Thank you for reading baby!
Anonymous said: Wow look at all the smutty goodness in that new chapter of IWSY like I was legit jumping on my bed and throwing my phone 😂
All le smutty goodness yay :3 LOL thank you so much for reading it and enjoying it?! :3
Anonymous said: Seriously, "I won't stop you'' is AMAZING -cat anon
Hi cat anon! Thank you so much for liking I Won’t Stop You! :3
@noceurash said: BLESSS , i won't stop you is a blessing to this world. As always ~~ Ily and have a good day today (or tomorrow pft ) ♡♡♡♡ . You're one of my favorite blogs tbh haha ♡
You’re so sweet aghsgksjnds thank you so much for your kind words. I love you too and I hope you have an amazing day or night as well my dear! Take care and thank you so much for reading :3
Anonymous said: I feel emotionally attacked. The most recent update of IWSY hit me in the feels highkey. You never fail to impress :) <3
I feel so happy when you tell me that I impressed you, thank you so much for that sweetie :) And you’re welcome for feeling emotionally attacked! It was my pleasure ~~~
@kookies-hoe said: OH MY GAWDDDDDDD HOW CAN SMUT BE SO CUTEAND FLUFFY AND SEXY AT THE SAME TIME 😭😭😭 Thank you for the new part! Cant wait for 24~ 💕❤
I think the best sexy time is sexy time that is both smutty and fluffy :3 Hehe~ You’re welcome and thank you so much for reading it my love!!
Anonymous said: Omg yassssss THEY BUMPED UGLIES. THIS WAS WHAT I NEEDED. OMFG IM SO HAPPY. LIKE JUNGKOOK IS SO DADDY AND IM A SINNNER BUT I CANT HELP IT. THAT BOY DOES THINGS TO ME. Y/n was getting that good 🍆!  😏😏😏.  But on another note I'm so depressed I can't go to see jungkook this weekend. But I still love him from a far and one day Ima touch him. Mom I hope you've been doing well. My surgery went great and I'm doing fine. It wasn't a big procedure. I love you so much. 💜 ~LilKookieAnon
Hello LilKookieAnon! YES LMAO THEY BUMPED UGLIES and my dear I am so happy that your surgery went well. I hope you are recovering nicely and taking plenty of time to rest and restore your energy! ^^ I’m sorry you can’t go and see BTS :( But I know that one day you will, never give up okay?! I love you so much too and thank you once again for reading the chapter ^^ Take care of yourself okay?
Anonymous said: IWSY, incredible yet again. I will never get over how every single chapter leaves me satisfied AND anticipating the next one! You've really developed the plot so nicely. It's overall one of the best of its kind in my opinion. Keep up the fantastic work Sara! Can't wait for next Tuesday!!! (Also, "I would want no other woman to mother my children..." I'm DED) - 종달새 <3
‘One of the best of it’s kind’ - you are far too sweet, I’m crying at that :c I’m so happy that you like the plot and you’re enjoying the storyline, I really wanted to create a world that everyone can enjoy! And I KNOW RIGHT GOD DAMN IT I HURT MYSELF WITH THAT LINE GOODNIGHT lmao thank you my dear ^^
Anonymous said: IWSY update is the only thing that keeps me going on Tuesday
I’m so happy that it keeps you going *hugs*
Anonymous said: Omg I completely forgot that today IWSY was going to be posted like it was raining earlier and I was making a paper mache(?) piñata with a couple friends but like YES THE SMUT IT WAS GREAT AND SO IS YOUR WRITING
Ooooh paper mache making is so fun! Invite me next time pls :c hehe ^^ Thank you so much for liking and reading the chapter my love :3
@jiyongyu said: There are only a few fics that I absolutely adore and IWSY is one of them. Seriously, I'm always waiting for Tuesday to roll around because I can't wait for the next chapter haha! Thank you for writing such an interesting horror-esque fic! As a fellow horror fan, it's quite refreshing ^^ Anyway KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK ILYYYY ♥
Thank you so much for saying that :) It seriously makes my heart go all dokidoki lmao ~ (I don’t know how to say that in english? haha) I’m so happy that you like my addition to the horror fic genre! That means so much to me~ I will keep doing my best and I love you too ;3
Anonymous said: Idk how you managed to turn to atmosphere of the room from dom!jungkook to something all lovey dicey is beyond me 👏🏼
I really wanted to portray the healthiness of their relationship. Like, he’s definitely a dom but he’s how a dom should be in those type of bedroom adventures~ He is of course authoritative and likes to be in control, but he reads her body language and is attentive to her needs and security and of course, he loves her ^^ I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :3 Thank you dear!
@jynxy24 Is it wrong that i'm reading this but, I'm like, 14? Sara, you make the best of smut😂 But, I should really stop reading smut what is wrong with me😳 THANK YOU AGAIN FOR A GREAT CHAPTER!! And also, I love the new theme! :3 Have a great day, Sara. Stay awesome!!
JYNxY YOU’RE 14 OH MY GOD YOU POOR CHILD I’M SO SORRY LMAO but tbh, I *do* have it marked as MATURE and there is a warning on it :P I can’t stop minors from reading what I write, just as long as you are mature enough in your self and you are sensible and safe in the real world when you make your own decisions ^^ Thank you so much for loving the new theme! And thank you for reading the new chaptER YOU BAD CHILD (kidding lol) but I think you are mature and sensible so ^^
@ananyak26 said: Part 23 was damn sexy! The last part was so beautiful though! Omg Jungkook's love .. It just killed me! Why can't there be more guys like himxD.. Jk anyway. Beautiful writing as usual
There are no guys like him - only Vampires ;D muahaha(my jokes are so bad forgive me but I try) lol xD THANK YOU so much my love, I’m so happy you enjoyed the chapter :) That means so much to me ^^
@toxic-seoul said: OH MAH LAWD OKAY THAT WAS AMAZING AS ALWAYS. oh god seriously tho I really love Jungkook in this. Yoongi better back the fuck off. I take back all words I said about Yoongi taking reader away & wooing her even tho he's my bias. But.. u kno.. he did kill her parents.. like.. that's a deal breaker. I still love him in this tho like ugh kill me as well. Jungkook and reader are just 2 god damn cute & 2 invested in each other like I can't. Sara ur killing me here & I love it. Keep killing me pls lmao
LOL BACKPEDDLE FROM WANTING YOONGI TO FUCC YOU AGAINST A WALL like fuck lmao~~ they are pretty much 100% invested in each other now, you’re absolutely right. But...I wonder. c: You’re welcome for the death and the smut hehe ^^ thank you so much for reading it and always being super amazing. Take care and have an awesome day love!
Anonymous said: Chapter 23 was some kinky shit
You’re welcome ;D
Anonymous said: I have never liked Vampire!AU or supernatural au but damn WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME !! I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF VAMPIRE JUNGKOOK MAN OMFG 😭😭😩😩🖤🖤🔥 love your writing 🖤🖤 stay healthy and amazing 🖤🖤
That means so much to me!! Thank you for liking my addition to this type of AU :3 Thank you so much and I hope you will stay healthy and take care of yourself too my dear :)
Anonymous said: hello! I am writing just to thank you for writing the jungkook vampire fanfic!!! I just found it yesterday and I read the entire series already!! seriously looking forward for the next chapter. you write so well, I think you can do well as a legit story writer HAHHAA. anyways thanks for all the hard work and for satisfying my fantasies!! <3 u and <3 kookie!!
Thank you very much for writing to me and letting me know! Ahh you read it all in such a short space of time?! *cries* thank you!! you’re so sweet and I hope you will look forward to the rest of the series too my dear. I love you and Kookie as well! Take care love ^^
@wanda-rog said: "If it happens, it happens" JUNKOOK BEFORE IT HAPPENS omg im so exited for the next chapter!!
Hehehe :3 Thank you for being excited for the next chapter! And thank you for reading this chapter too ^^
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