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catnaples · 1 year ago
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dads doing their best 🤧
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catnaples · 3 years ago
Tempted to come back from my hiatus for that -
Does anyone want to make a multifandom/haikyuu chubby reader blog with me? I have some ideas.
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catnaples · 3 years ago
Are you still active on tumblr?
not very much anymore.
im keeping this account up, because it has a very special place in my heart lol. it was my first ever writing blog, and i cherish it.
im unsure of when i will continue to update my MHA fic, or when i'll post headcanons again.
i've kinda moved on from anime stuff, at least writing for it. currently BTS has me in a chokehold, so-
who knows though? maybe i'll work up the motivation to start writing again.
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catnaples · 3 years ago
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!
Some of my fav boys ♥
Decorating for Christmas with Bokuto, Akaashi, Kuroo and Kenma ft. Flirty Undertones
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Keep reading
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catnaples · 4 years ago
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*:・゚✧ KUR TETSURU ✧゚・: *
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catnaples · 4 years ago
I just realized that I hit 500 followers! It’s insane to me that 500 of you still want to stick around to read my stuff, so thank you! I’ll continue to work hard on I Already Said I’m Sorry along with maybe even bringing back headcanons!
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catnaples · 4 years ago
i think its kinda rude to you're followers to not post headcanons and fics for them when there supporting you. what would you do if i unfollowed you rn.
I think that it’s kinda rude that you sent me this. Guess what, Anon. I have a life. I have things that I need to take care of. Sometimes I don’t have the time or inspiration to write for this account. I have like twenty drafts to work from, so yes. I obviously want to give my followers something to read. But I don’t like putting my worst work out there all of the time, and I feel like that’s what I’ll be doing if I publish these drafts right now. Inspiration doesn’t come as easy to me anymore, especially since I’m not as into my anime fandoms as I used to be. 
Please, do unfollow me. Unfollow me and don’t send me this shit again. 
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catnaples · 4 years ago
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I don't know how angsty this really is, so I hope it satiates your need to be sad!
SUMMARY: Watching your partner fall out of love with you is awful. It makes you question everything about yourself. “Why would he stop loving me?” “Is there something wrong with me?”. For you, however, you would have preferred it. At least then, he would have loved you at some point in your relationship. To you, it was better than being used as someone’s placeholder. 
 The volleyball match finished with one last lethal spike. Tanaka was quickly bombarded by his teammates, who lifted him up onto their shoulders in celebration. Your boyfriend had scored the winning point.
 Watching him give a genuine grin to his friends made your heart ache. You wished that he smiled at you like that. And the laugh that was audible even from the top of the bleachers made you frown. He never laughed so happily like that with you.
 Of course, you knew why. You weren’t her. No matter what you did, you would always be Y/N. And Y/N wasn’t the black-haired beauty that had graduated the year before.
 You had thought that when she left, Tanaka would get over his crush. After all, she had always rejected him. Surely it wouldn’t be so hard to forget her? You had been waiting on the sidelines for two years, desperate for a chance to be with him. You cared for him, a lot.
 When the new school year had started and you became third-years, Tanaka had finally asked you out. He looked bored, like he didn’t really want to. That should have been your first clue. He didn’t bother asking you out for dates. He didn’t invite you over to his house much, either. 
 At first you had thought, maybe you were too boring. So you began to learn as much as you could about volleyball. About videogames. Anything that might pique his interest. No matter what, it was like he was constantly shutting you out. Hint after hint was thrown your way, which you gladly ignored. You just wanted to be with him.
 Then, you overheard his conversation with Noya. How Noya had convinced him to ask you out as a way to get over Kiyoko. How Noya figured it would be a good distraction, even if he doesn’t want to stay with you in the long run. You heard Tanaka ranting about how he didn’t even feel a tiny bit attracted to you, about how you were boring and how he would never get over Kiyoko. You were a placeholder until he could see her again. You were just there for his image. So his friends would think he was cool for having a girlfriend.
 Yet you still wouldn’t leave him. You couldn’t. You were convinced that if you worked hard enough on yourself, that you could make him love you. So you continued to attend his games, continued to bring him homemade bento’s (that he wouldn’t eat), you dyed your hair black and began to wear blue contacts. You just wanted him to love you.
 So here you were, standing in the crowd, cheering him on. Cheering him on instead of studying for a class you were failing. Calling his name instead of his teammate who you knew would treat you better. Chanting his jersey number instead of spending time with your sick grandmother.
 And at that game, you realized, was it even worth it? Was it worth it to do these things when his eyes finally landed on you, and his smile diminished? Was it worth it when his eyes lost their light, and his shoulder’s became tense? 
 How about after the game, when you caught him behind the bus with his lips locked onto a girl’s who looked more like Kiyoko then you ever would? Or when you interrupted them, and instead of apologizing, he told you that she would be taking your place on their bus. When you walked home with tears streaming down your face, did you finally understand?
 His love was fake, because you would never be her. 
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catnaples · 4 years ago
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Hi, thanks for the request! I’m not sure when this was sent in because I never got any notifications, so I’m sorry if this is hella late!
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♥ If Oikawa found out that you were being bullied, then he would loose his mind on the person harassing you
♥ If it was a fangirl, he’d personally waltz up to her and reject her in front of her entire fanclub.
♥ Or he’d decide to spread a rumor about her himself. Not the most mature reaction, but he doesn’t care. No one messes with you.
♥ If it’s some loser, he’ll send Iwaizumi after him in an instant. 
♥ Maybe he’ll even throw hands if he’s mad enough
♥ Either way, he’ll make it clear that bullying you is social sabotage. He’ll ruin the reputation of anyone who hurts you, no regrets.
♥ Iwaizumi is not above throwing punches with some dude if he bothers you
♥ He will literally beat someone to a pulp if he finds out that they made you cry. He’s not playing around
♥ Maybe if you beg him hard enough not to put his hands on someone, he’ll go to Oikawa and ask for him to ruin their lives
♥ If it’s a girl who’s bothering you, he won’t hit her. No, he’ll just tell a female friend about it, and SHE’LL hit her.
♥ Maybe he’ll even “spill milk” on her in front of everyone just to get a smile out of you.
♥ Matsukawa is the chillest of them all. It takes a lot to get him rowdy
♥ Bullying you is one of those things that get him mad
♥ He’ll choose to go about things in a very sneaky manner. Some chick posts something nasty about you? Bam, an embarrassing rumor is spreading through the school.
♥ Some dude shoved you down to the ground? Oops, someone nudges him a little to hard and he’s fallen into a large, dirty puddle in front of everyone.
♥ He may not beat someone to a pulp like Iwaizumi, but the way he embarrasses your bullies makes them wish for a one time ass whooping instead.
♥ Hanamaki is also pretty chill in most cases. He really doesn’t bother getting hype over much.
♥ When he hears that you’re being bullied though, he’s quick to let the other three know. What’s worse than one person ruining your life? Four.
♥ He relies on Oikawa to spread unique and nasty rumors through the school. He gives Iwaizumi the ‘go-ahead’ to scare the living hell out of a person. And he lets Matsukawa hide in the shadows, causing embarrassing things to happen without anyone knowing it was intentional. 
♥ Then Hanamaki likes to swoop in and pretend to wanna be their friend, learning all of their secrets and insecurities. A day later, and he’ll use it all against them. 
♥ Endgame is destroying their lives for hurting you.
♥ Essentially they’re all mini-demons when it comes to someone picking on you. They don’t swing with that shit, and they’re not afraid to wreak havoc on someone’s life if they make you cry.
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catnaples · 4 years ago
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You can read how everything goes to shit on my Kofi!! / evil face
I’ve missed drawing these goofballs so much!
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catnaples · 4 years ago
Honestly thinking about doing a magical girls type AU. Tokyo Mew Mew-esque headcanons
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catnaples · 4 years ago
if we’re going to be totally honest here, last night I had a dream that I was in a room full of haikyuu boys and i tooted. when i woke up at 3 am i wrote in my notebook “reactions to you rippin some serious ass” before goin back to sleep. i just found it 2 minutes ago and im tempted to write about it lmao
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catnaples · 4 years ago
I have a bunch of drafts that I haven’t looked at in a while (Some dating back to June), so I’m also posting these to see which ones I should continue.
♥ How the fandom portrays the character VS How the character really is
♥ First Drink headcanons
♥ Being sorted into Ravenclaw (haikyuuxhogwarts)
♥ Hiding being sick
♥ Kuroo and Bokuto competing for a tall plus-sized reader
♥ Wedding themes
♥ Beach trip
♥ Which side of tiktok are they on?
♥ Karasuno and Seijoh as Yanderes
♥ What i thought of the Haikyuu characters before actually watching the show
♥ Seijoh’s favorite music genres and songs
♥ Cliché high school cliques
Some of these are kinda boring looking to me, but I wanted to see if anyone was interested in them before I cleaned out my drafts.
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catnaples · 4 years ago
Some possible themes for my next post
Just because I want to see what people are more interested in seeing - 
1. Police/Criminal
2. Yandere
3. Magical Creatures
4. American High School 
5. 420 
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catnaples · 4 years ago
Hey, I’m back! Here’s something sad. Love you.
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♥ Daichi would be happy that you’re finally moving on, even if he’s still not over you. He wants to see you happy, even if it has to be from a distance. He still wants to keep you by his side as a friend, but he knows that sometimes it just doesn’t work out.
♥ Sugawara would be heartbroken, but he’s strong. He also wants you to be happy. He would fight hard to keep you by his side as a friend, but if it didn’t work out then he would work to come to terms with it for your sake. He might pull the next person you’re with to the side and lecture him about all of your favorite things. He means well.
♥ Asahi would be inconsolable for a while. It takes him a while to sort out his feelings and recognize that he wants to see you smiling, even if that means it’s not because of him. He might approach you months later so he can hash out his remaining feelings, but he won’t bother you afterwards. He might feel like it’s all or nothing, so no attempts at friendship. He’ll protect from afar.
♥ Noya is really angry at first. Angry at you, and angry at your new S/O. He doesn’t understand how you can move on faster than him, and might think of it as you never really caring as much as he did. It takes some time, but eventually someone might be able to get through to him that he can still care for you without being in a relationship. He’ll fight as hard as he canto become friends again after he comes to this realization. He doesn’t want to lose you completely.
♥ Tanaka is like Noya at first. He’s angry. He fought to be with you, he cared so much for you. When you told him you moved on and got a new S/O, he was crushed. Thankfully he has a sister, and she was able to talk him through the emotions and thought processes. He grows to understand that sometimes things are forever, and that's okay. He works hard to stay by your side just like Noya. And he makes it clear that if your new S/O breaks your heart, he’ll beat his ass.
♥ Kageyama just shuts down when you tell him. He finds himself lashing out at everyone except for you. It takes time, but eventually Suga might be able to crack him open, and once his emotions come spilling out, things get better. He’ll watch from afar, choosing the less awkward approach. He still cares for you, and he hates your S/O, but he doesn’t want to see you upset so he decides to bite his tongue.
♥ Hinata is torn to pieces. He wasn’t anywhere close to getting over your break up when you approached him, and the fresh news was like getting lemon juice into a new cut. He went through the five stages of grief and then some. He never truly gets over you. You were the one that got away.
♥ Tsukishima is filled with so much pent up anger from the breakup. When you tell him that you’ve moved on, it’s like the straw that broke the camels back. He just explodes. He’s screaming, breaking walls, crying. Not even Yamaguchi can pull him from his slump for the longest time. He still cares for you when he does finally make it through his emotional hurricane, but he keeps you at a distance. He doesn’t want to feel like that ever again.
♥ Yamaguchi’s heart is completely shattered when you tell him. He misses school, volleyball practice gets skipped - he just can’t bring himself to care, because why should he? You moved on, which meant that you clearly weren’t as invested in your relationship as he was. Eventually his team helps him out of his slump. It hurts seeing you smiling and laughing with someone else. But you’re smiling, and that’s his little bit of sunshine through the heavy dark clouds. He doesn’t try to rekindle a friendship with you. He doesn’t want any other feelings reawakening. 
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catnaples · 4 years ago
Hey guys! I know I haven’t been active lately, and I just wanna apologize. Things got really rough and confusing there for a hot minute, and I haven’t really been able to focus on this account. Honestly, I’ve found myself moving on from Haikyuu a little bit in the time that I’ve had to move homes and leave my job. It’s been a mess. That’s not to say I won’t post more headcanons and maybe even some fics-Haikyuu still holds a special place in my heart, and I still love writing. So for now, I’m taking an official hiatus. Maybe for a week, before I post something? I want to remain somewhat active on this account, but that could mean one post a week instead of posting every other day like I was when I first made the account. I hope you all can understand, since in my first Hiatus I noticed an influx of followers. Thanks for your patience guys ♥
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catnaples · 4 years ago
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♥ Kinks
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