#thank you for the message though anon it's very sweet
nametakensff · 9 months
Hey, saw your OCD post and, fun fact (that you might already know, if you do, soz)? You mentioned autism could make changes in your body more noticeable, but also, autism and OCD can overlap a lot. Hypervigilance, 'sticky' thoughts that just don't leave you alone, trouble regulating emotions when they're heightened. It's a whole deal, so I'm not surprised that things are sometimes really difficult. I'm glad you were able to put it to bed though!
Hey anon, I was aware of the overlap, or at least became familiar with it once I started pursuing my autism diagnosis a few years ago! Everything you've described is me in a nutshell. Hypervigilance is my middle name lol
Thank you, though!! 💕 I still struggle with OCD at times but I think it takes somewhat of a backseat to some of my other issues? When I was diagnosed with Autism earlier this year I had ADHD under my belt already as well as OCD, and, as my psychiatrist so tragically reminded me, likely CPTSD from childhood bereavement, and comorbid anxiety and depression.
You know that clip from The S/impsons where Mr B/urns has like every disease known to man but there are so many they actually almost cancel each other out and he's able to stay alive? I feel like this is my brain:
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evansbby · 1 year
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ghost-proofbaby · 5 months
any updates on shire is burning ?🥹🥹🥹
this is one of the nicer asks i've gotten regarding it so i'ma respond just using you my lovely nonnie <3
it's a work in progress!! not abandoned but i don't push myself to write it or put it out as quickly, and i definitely am far more critical with it than i am with other fics since willow and eddie are my babies.
i wish i could give a more exact timeline of when to expect an update, but i'm really just vibing over here as i write it haha <3 probably not terribly soon considering i don't have a majority of the chapter written yet, tho :-(
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carmenlire · 2 years
hi ifs se anon!! sorry if im bothering you again 😭 but i was wondering if the last two asks i sent went through or if tumblr ate them. and if you dont wanna answer thats totally okay too no worries!! ❤️
hi dear!!! I'm so sorry that I haven't responded to your messages yet 😔 I was so happy to receive them and I am excited to give them the reply they deserve ❤️
I'm sorry this sounds like an excuse but I was out of town for a few days and around that I haven't been feeling the best. I know tumblr has a habit of eating messages so I totally appreciate you checking 🥺 I'm sorry I didn't reply promptly!!!!!
I am hopeful!! that I can respond to your messages tomorrow (I like to do so on desktop because I'm a walking typo when I text) and I very much look forward to doing so/talking to you!!
I hope you're having a good week :')
0 notes
cherrylovelycherry · 3 months
Hi! I wanted to say that I really love your writing, I spent hours binge reading without even noticing! I also love how creative your "menu" is. I wanted to ask if you take requests? If so, could I request a Boothill x Fem reader souffle? It can be any kind of plot or without plot at all. I just really like your writing and would like to see one of Boothill. Thank you so much for your time -anon
.note. hihi anon! aww it's nice that you like my writing, thanks! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) this took me a while, uni is being hard on me. sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language. anyway, i'm kicking my feet as i write this. i have the hc that boothill is sweet and gentle when it comes to intimacy, the complete opposite of his appearance, so yeah. hope you like it! ദ്ദി (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)~✧
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𓂅new order. "soufflé and a éclair au chocolat."
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You know what they say — save a horse, ride a cowboy!
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pairing. Boothill x fem!reader cw/genre. nsfw, fluff, cunnilingus, blowjob, some praise kink, first time, mdni synopsis. you ended up fucking a cowboy full menu
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You're were with Boothill this afternoon, as he was willing to give you lessons on horse riding after he realised how incredibly inexperienced you were.
You were lucky he taught you, though you assumed it would be his way of repaying the favors you did him, fixing and improving his robotic body countless times.
The countryside is just outside of the busy city, so, as somone who lived in the city, being with Boothill in the countryside was very different.
After an hour or two, you started to grow tired and Boothill noticed it. He offered for you to come to his house, or so you thought, since that was where he was staying for a while, instead of walking all the way back home in such a tired state. You nodded, exhuasted, just wanting to lay your head on a pillow.
As Boothill walks with you check your phone, and there's a message from your roommate asking where you were. You quickly text that you're staying at Boothill's for the night.
Another message appears, and when you open it, it says;
"You're staying with Boothill for the night?? OMG, you know what they say — save a horse, ride a cowboyyy!"
You felt the heat rise to your face almost instantly as you read the message. Which caused curiosity in him, approaching where you were.
"Hey, you ok? You're turning red, darlin'."
As if trying to see what the message was about, you moved your head to the side. Which ended up being for the fun of it as you quickly put your phone away.
The evening sun was already peeking out, being chased by the darkness of the night.
With somewhat quick steps, it managed to set before you, curiosity etched across his features, Boothill reached out to touch your cheek. "Seriously, you look like a ripe tomato. Did somethin' happen?"
Your heart skipped a beat as his fingers slowly touched your cheek. You took a shaky breath as his hand continued to touch your face.
You quickly looked away, trying to avoid his gaze.
"I'm fine, just tired. That's all," you said quietly, trying to sound convincing.
The feeling of his hand on your skin sent chills down your spine, reminding you of the message your roommate sent.
You let go of his grip, as you both continued walking.
Was it possible that…he was thinking the same thing?
You shook your head slightly at the thought.
"Just my stupid roommate making a dumb joke." You tried to laugh it off, but even you could hear how forced it sounded.
Boothill continued to watch you intently, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment longer before he spoke.
"Darlin', I can tell when you're lyin'. You're makin' it kinda obvious," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Hah, right, whatever you say." You scratched your cheek with your hand, hurrying your pace.
He merely laughed lightly at your response.
You both walked towards where Boothill was staying, it was a somewhat remote house, but it was in the city.
The house was somewhat large, the owner of which was a grandmother, who Boothill had once saved. She was extremely sweet to let him stay there if he needed it.
As you arrived at the house, you noticed how the sky had darkened even more, the stars slowly appearing as the night settled in.
As you both reached the house, Boothill unlocked the front door. It creaked open, and he stepped back to let you walk in first.
With a muttered "thank you", you entered the house. It was cozy and comfortable, a warm place that seemed to radiate with a hint of nostalgia.
Boothill closed the door behind him and led you into the living room.
"Make yourself at home darlin' I'll go and let her know I've brought you with me," he said before disappearing into the hallway.
You took a seat on the couch in the living room, and as soon as your butt met the cushion, you felt your phone vibrate.
Another message… probably from your roommate.
You fished your phone out of your pocket and quickly unlocked it, curiosity getting the better of you.
Sure enough, it was another message from your roommate, still riding the horse/cowboy joke.
This time, she sent a gif of a cowboy riding a horse, with the message; "Yee-haw! Ride that cowboy, babe! 😉"
You couldn't help but sigh, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment. And even some amusement at the gif she sent. Your roommate was way too invested in your supposed "crush" on Boothill.
You groaned inwardly Great. It was never going to end. Your roommate was going to make this into a running joke for months, maybe even until the end of time.
Your irritation was interrupted as you heard footsteps approaching from the hallway.
Boothill appeared a moment later, walking back into the living room. He took a seat on the opposite side of the couch, still maintaining a respectable distance from you.
"She's just glad I'm finally bringin' someone here," he chuckled, referring to the house's owner.
He leaned back into the couch, his eyes still fixed on your form. There was a small smile on his face.
You shifted in your seat, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth at his words.
"Yeah, well, I'm sure she's had to deal with your antics for a while now," you quipped, trying to sound lighthearted.
Boothill let out a mocking gasp, placing a hand over his chest in mock offense.
"Excuse me? Are you implyin' that I'm a troublesome guest? Me? A perfect gentleman?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
"Oh yes, the perfect gentleman," you said, sarcasm dripping from your tone.
He feigned an expression of innocence.
"I'll have you know, I am a model guest. I make sure to clean up after myself, respect the property, and always ask for permission before snackin' on somethin'."
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempts to defend himself.
"Right, because asking for permission to raid the fridge is the epitome of good manners," you teased, raising an eyebrow. "And let's not forget the time you accidentally broke a vase and tried to mend it with duct tape."
He fakely frowned a little.
"Hey, I still stand by that duct tape solution. It looked pretty darn good once I was done with it," he chuckled, a hint of guilt in his voice.
You shook your head, still amused.
"You're lucky the house's owner has a soft spot for you. Otherwise she wouldn't let you stay here any longer."
He shrugged, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.
"What can I say? I'm irresistibly charmin'."
He stretched lazily, his metal arms extending with a soft whir.
"But seriously, she knows I ain't cause no real trouble. And besides, I keep the spiders away for her," he added with a wink.
You snickered. "Ah, yes, the dutiful bodyguard against the eight-legged critters. She must be so thankful for your bravery."
He laughed, clearly enjoying the playful banter.
"You laugh now, but when you have a spider the size of your hand crawlin' up your leg, you'll be beggin' for my services," he teased.
"Please, like I'd ever let it come to that," you retorted. "I'd fight that spider off with a rolled-up newspaper if I had to."
He chuckled again. "Oh, I don't doubt that for a second darlin'. You ain't afraid of much, are you?"
The lighthearted atmosphere was refreshing, and you found yourself enjoying the exchange.
"Heh, I guess not."
You put a lock of your hair behind your ear, while Boothill turned on the medium-sized television in the room. The fireplace made the cold outside not felt at all.
The soft glow of the television filled the room, casting shadows on the walls.
Boothill grabbed the remote and started flicking through the channels, looking for something to watch.
"Anythin' ya want to watch?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the TV.
You tilted your head, pretending to think for a moment before answering.
"How about a cowboy movie?" you suggested, a teasing tone in your voice.
"Hah! A good one then."
As you glanced at Boothill, you noticed the way the light reflected in his eyes, their artificial luminescence dancing with the flicker of the screen.
"You hungry? I can whip somethin' up for ya in the kitchen," he offered, his voice still carrying a hint of humor.
You considered his offer.
"Nah, I'm alright," you replied, your attention half-focused on the TV.
The more time passed, the more interesting the movie became. You both let out one or another comment about this. Until you and him were silent.
He leaned back against the couch, his metal arm resting along the back. Despite his mechanical parts, he still managed to exude a sense of comfortable familiarity.
His gaze flicked away from the television, locking onto yours.
"You okay, darlin'? You're a little quieter than usual."
You were caught off guard for a moment, surprised by his perceptive question.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you answered, a little too quickly. Lie, you were falling asleep.
The truth was, you were fighting the urge to yawn.
"I'm just a lil tired ," you added, trying to sound nonchalant. Another lie, your whole body hurt from the physical exercise you were doing earlier in the field with Boothill.
He raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in his gaze.
"Uh-huh, 'a little tired,' ya say," he said, clearly not buying your act.
He leaned forward a bit, studying your face.
"Your eyes are heavy, and you're yawnin' more than a kitten."
He thought for a second before placing a cushion from the couch, which they were sitting on, over his legs.
"Here." He said, patting the cushion a few times, so you could lay your head there.
"Are you calling me a tired kitten?" you protested, unable to stop a small yawn from escaping your lips as you spoke, proving his point.
Your eyes widened slightly as he patted the cushion on his lap, offering it to you like some kind of makeshift pillow.
Your heart skipped a beat, the situation feeling suddenly more intimate.
But your body yearned for rest, your tired muscles calling out for a moment of peace.
He smirked, clearly amused by your tired protest.
"I dunno, if the shoe fits…" he joked, his gaze still fixed on you.
As you hesitated, hesitating to accept the offer, your tired body won out over your embarrassment.
With a defeated sigh, you slowly leaned down, resting your head on the pillow of the cushion, now laying across his lap.
Your heartbeat quickened as you felt the firm but gentle support of his thighs beneath you.
He chuckled softly as he noticed your hesitation, but allowed you to lean down and rest your head on his lap.
"There you go, darlin'," he murmured as you settled into the makeshift pillow.
A small, satisfied smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Boothill remained silent for a moment, observing your tired state.
"Comfy?" he asked finally, his voice a low rumble.
"Mhm." You let out an affirmation towards his words.
You closed your eyes, surrendering to the exhaustion that tugged at your eyelids.
The sound of the movie in the background faded away, replaced by the steady rhythm of his breathing.
For a moment, there was a silence between you, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
Instead, it felt soothing.
He watched you closely as you let your guard down, your eyes slowly drifting closed.
With each breath you took, your body seemed to relax further, almost melting into his lap.
Boothill's metal fingers gently traced the outline of your hair, almost on instinct, as if seeking to provide some kind of comfort.
A soft, almost silent chuckle passed his lips as he noticed your tired state.
You felt your body relax as tension drained from your muscles, the weight of the day's physicality finally catching up to you.
Boothill seemed content to remain silent, allowing you to rest in comfortable respite.
Your mind started to wander, thoughts blending together seamlessly. You felt strangely at peace in this position - head resting on his lap, his metal fingers brushing against your hair, the sounds of the movie like a distant hum.
You felt utterly at ease, your tired body finally getting the rest it desperately craved.
Boothill's presence was both comforting and grounding, his touch a constant reminder of his attentiveness towards you.
Your thoughts gradually faded into weary tiredness, your mind struggling to stay awake longer.
You found yourself drifting on the edge of sleep.
He continued idly running his metal fingers through your hair, a soothing rhythm that seemed almost designed to lull you deeper into relaxation.
As your breathing slowed, growing more rhythmic and steady, he could tell that you were moments away from drifting off to sleep.
His eyes never left your face, taking in your relaxed expression and the soft curves of your features.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. There was a certain satisfaction in seeing you at peace, especially after a long day.
You felt his fingers running through your hair once more before you fell completely asleep.
Your mind slowly slipped away from consciousness, and the world around you faded into a drowsy haze.
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You don't know how much time passed, but you slowly opened your eyes, keeping them half-lidded.
You weren't touching the couch and you felt like they were grabbing you.
Oh, you were being carried.
Keeping your eyes the same way, you looked up, watching as he was carrying you up the stairs.
You felt like in those princess stories in which the prince carefully carries the princess.
As he carried you up the stairs, his grip firm and gentle around you, he took note of your half-lidded eyes slowly fluttering open.
He chuckled softly as he caught your gaze, realizing you were half-awake.
"Hey there, sleepyhead," he teased quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
He continued up the stairs, navigating carefully to not accidentally hit your head or anything else.
"Go back to sleep, dear"
He was taking you to a spare room so that you could sleep more comfortably.
Even in your semi-asleep state, you heard the soft rumble of his voice, the sound soothing your tired mind.
A small, sleepy smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you heard him call you "sleepyhead." It was a nickname you hadn't heard from him before.
He carried you gently upstairs, the sound of his footsteps on the hardwood floor blending with the silence of the house. You kept your eyes half-open, still disoriented and groggy.
"Mmph…" you managed to mumble in response, your drowsy brain struggling to form coherent words.
He chuckled at your sleepy attempt at a response, finding your disoriented state endlessly endearing.
"Shhh," he whispered, his metal fingers gently brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"You're barely awake, darlin'. Just go back to sleep, we're almost in the guest room."
The soft hallway lights cast long shadows ahead of him, dancing softly against the walls as he continued on.
Finally reaching the spare room, he carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside.
Gently, he laid you down on the bed, tucking the blankets around you like he was handling a delicate artifact.
As you were gently lowered onto the bed, the soft sheets and blankets wrapping around you like a comforting embrace, your body automatically snuggled into their embrace.
A small, satisfied sigh escaped your lips as your tired muscles sink against the mattress.
The cool sheets felt soothing against your skin as you slowly settled into the bed, still in a half-asleep state.
You felt his touch once more as he carefully adjusted the blankets, ensuring you were tucked in properly.
"There we go," he murmured, his voice low and almost soothing.
As you were laid on the soft mattress, the blankets wrapping around you like a cosy cocoon, you felt the exhaustion fully taking over again.
Your tired mind was too drowsy to think clearly, your eyelids feeling heavy once more.
You vaguely registered his movements around you as he seemed to be adjusting something near the bed.
"…Boothill?" you mumbled his name, your voice still thick with sleepiness.
He paused, looking down at you with a hint of surprise at the sound of his name.
"Yeah, darlin'?" he replied quietly, his voice a gentle rumble.
He finished adjusting the blanket, ensuring you were completely covered and tucked in.
He then leaned closer to the bed, his eyes studying your sleepy face for a moment, before a soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"You need somethin', or are you just makin' sure I'm still here?" he teased gently.
Your sleepy brain struggled to form coherent thoughts, the drowsiness making it difficult to string words together.
"Mmph… jus' makin' sure…" you mumbled, your voice barely audible.
You felt strangely vulnerable in this half-asleep state, the tiredness leaving you without the usual guard you had up.
The room was quiet, the only sound being the soft rustling of the blankets as you shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable.
You could feel his presence close to the bed, his eyes still fixed on you.
Literally the idea of what you were going to try to say left you. So you frowned, keeping your eyes closed.
Until you managed to remember something, "The girl who is with you will be…very, veeery luckyy,"
He raised an eyebrow at your drowsy mumble, his grin widening slightly.
"Is that so?" he murmured, his voice soft and amused.
When you mentioned the hypothetical luck of his future girlfriend, his gaze softened, a hint of something unreadable in his expression.
He chuckled lightly, shaking his head slightly. "You're still dreamin', darlin'."
He reached out, his metal fingertips lightly running through your hair once more, a soothing gesture.
He stood silently nearby, watching you as you fought against the fog of sleep.
As you mumbled something about the girl he might date, his expression softened even further. He couldn't help but find your sleepy ramblings both amusing and endearing.
You hummed with pleasure as you felt his metal fingertips gently run through your hair once more, the sensation sending a soothing wave through your tired body.
Your eyes remained closed, too heavy to open, and yet some part of your tired mind stubbornly held on to consciousness.
"Mm…not dreamin'…jus' sayin'…" you protested, your words slurring together slightly.
Your mouth attempted to form more words, but fatigue weighed heavily on your tongue, making it difficult to speak clearly.
"Lucky…" you mumbled once more, the word sounding more like a sigh than anything else.
He chuckled softly beside you, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn't quite place.
"…Darlin', you're not exactly makin' sense," he teased, his tone warm and affectionate.
He continued to run his mechanical fingers through your hair, the soothing motion seemed to melt away any tension still lingering in your body.
As you mumbled about luck and being lucky, he chuckled again, the sound low and gentle.
Your words came out alone, almost like a yawn that couldn't be stopped. "C'mere…" You said, as you looked at him, you opened your eyes a little this time.
His hand paused in your hair, caught off guard by your request.
He looked at you, your half-open eyes peering up at him through the haze of sleep.
A mix of surprise and amusement played across his face. "You want me to come closer?" he asked, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
He stood there for a moment, as if trying to decipher your sleepy request, before moving closer to the bed.
“Mhm,” You blurted out, affirming his words.
His eyes scanned your face, taking in your half-open eyes and the sleepy smile on your lips.
"You're a bossy little thing, even when you're half-asleep," he said with a soft chuckle, shaking his head slightly.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight.
He leaned over slightly, his metal hand still resting on your hair, gently smoothing out the messy strands.
By the time he got close enough, your body acted on its own.
"Lucky.." You murmured as you grabbed his face with both hands and placed your lips on top of his, quickly but softly.
Caught off guard by your unexpected move, his eyes widened slightly when he felt the softness of your lips against his. For a moment, he froze, his brain trying to comprehend what was happening.
But it didn't take long for him to respond. His hand on your hair slid down to your cheek, the coolness of his metal fingers contrasting with the warmth of your skin.
He returned the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a gentleness that contradicted his cybernetic appearance.
After a few seconds, he pulled away slightly, "Darlin', you're gonna be the death of me…" he murmured
As you felt his response, his cool fingers contrasting with the warmth of your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
You leaned into his touch, your eyes still closed, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips.
Your tired mind was still in a sleepy haze, but the kiss seemed to awaken a different kind of energy within you. You let out a sleepy giggle at his words, your eyes still half-lidded.
“You’re a little too cheeky when you’re sleepy," he admonished, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You're gonna give a cowboy a heart attack."
It was a nice way to put it since he physically had no heart.
His eyes tracing the curve of your smile on your lips. Your tiredness seemed to fuel a playful energy within you, making you even more endearing in his eyes.
He shifted his position slightly, his body now facing you fully, one knee on the bed. His metal hand cupped your chin, tilting your face up towards him as he leaned in slightly.
"And here I am, trying to be all gentlemanly and let you get some sleep," he teased, his voice low and full of mock reproach.
A sly smile tugged at the corners of your lips, the drowsy state making you even more cheeky than usual. Besides, despite being tired, your consciousness was more exact. You were leaving the state of drowsiness.
"Gentlemanly, huh?" you mumbled, your words still slightly slurred by sleepiness.
You pushed yourself up on one elbow, leaning towards him as much as your tired body would allow. "That's cute," You commented, your other hand reaching out to touch his chest.
You chuckled softly, "Besides, whose fault is it for being so irresistibly kissable?" you retorted.
You liked to see how his face turned slightly red, being visible only by the night light that came through the window.
You were enjoying the unexpected turn of events, the boundaries between friendship and something else starting to blur.
His eyes widened slightly at your words, the compliment catching him off guard.
He watched intently as you leaned forward, your touch against his chest igniting a spark under his metal skin.
Thanks to you, who had been able to connect and 'create' new nerves that would be connected to his robotic parts, managing to have at least a slight sensation of touch in his body.
His eyes flicked down to your hand before returning to meet your gaze, his expression a mix of amusement and something else he couldn't quite hide.
Your words had found their mark, and he couldn't deny the reaction they provoked. Despite his usual confidence, there was something about your sleepy flirtations that had him uncharacteristically flustered.
He swallowed hard, trying to maintain his usual cool demeanor, but a hint of a blush betrayed his reaction.
He leaned in closer, his body nearly hovering over yours as you leaned up on your elbow. His metal hand moved from your chin to the back of your neck, his fingers tracing circles on your skin.
Your senses seemed hyper-aware in this exhausted state, and the feeling of his metal fingers tracing circles on the back of your neck sent a shiver down your spine.
The way he loomed over you, his body hovering just above yours, made your heartbeat quicken. There was a sudden tension in the air, a subtle shift in the dynamics of your relationship.
You looked up at him, your eyes no longer had that flash of tiredness.
He could see the change in your eyes, the drowsiness slowly giving way to a sharper focus. A silent understanding seemed to pass between you both; the tiredness had faded, replaced by a different kind of awareness.
He leaned in even closer, his face now only inches away from yours. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity and barely concealed desire, studying your features as if seeing you in a new light.
The air thick with an unspoken tension. Your skin tingled where his metal fingers touched your neck, a mix of cool certainty and unexpected delicacy.
"You're awake now, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice lower than usual, hinting at the effect you were having on him.
His fingers continued their gentle dance along the back of your neck. He seemed to be wrestling with something, caught between his customary charm and the unfamiliar surge of vulnerability.
Your lips parted slightly, the proximity making it difficult to focus on anything but him.
His eyes were searching yours, studying every detail as if trying to memorize each inch of your face. His gaze remained fixed on you, watching how your eyes responded to his closeness.
But, oh, he was holding back, there was an evident hunger within him.
A hunger he never thought he wanted, specifically from you.
He saw your reaction, the slight intake of breath, the way your lips parted slightly.
His mind was hazy with a million thoughts, all centered on you and how much he wanted to close the remaining space between you.
His metal fingers moved up from your neck, tracing a path along your jawline before gently brushing against your bottom lip.
"Tell me to stop," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your breath hitched slightly at his touch, the feeling of his metal fingers on your lip setting your nerves alight.
His voice was soft but laced with a barely restrained intensity. He was struggling with his own desires, trying to hold back but also aching for more.
You hesitated for a moment, caught between wanting to give in to the budding intimacy and fearing the consequences.
Your eyes met his, searching his gaze for any hint of insecurity or doubt. But the desire in his eyes made it clear that this was not a whim or a passing fancy for him.
"But I don't want you to stop," You responded also quietly. Your eyes left his for a moment, looking down at his lips.
Your words were like music to his ears, banishing the last remnants of his hesitation.
His breath hitched slightly as your eyes drifted to his lips, the silent desire in your gaze mirroring his own.
His hand shifted, moving to cradle your face, his thumb resting just under your chin, tilting your face up to meet his gaze.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.
And, with just a nod from you, he couldn't help it anymore.
Being careful not to hurt you, he somewhat carelessly brought his lips to yours, pressing them with need.
Your confirmation was all he needed.
The moment your heads met, there was an explosion of sensation. He deepened the kiss, his other hand gripping your waist, drawing you closer to him. His body pressed against yours, the coolness of his metal chest contrasting with the warmth of your skin.
His tongue eagerly explored your lips, seeking access to your mouth, a silent plea for more, for more of you.
There was a certain urgency in his actions, a hunger you could practically taste in the way he held you, the way his tongue moved against yours.
As his tongue sought entry into your mouth, you didn't hesitate to respond in kind.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer, needing to feel more of him against you.
His hands roamed restlessly over your body, as if trying to memorize every inch of your skin through your clothes. He needed to feel every part of you, as if the physical contact could quench the hunger burning within him.
The kiss grew more urgent, more demanding. His cool metal fingers gripped your waist, holding you tightly as he pressed you further into the mattress.
His tongue danced with yours, a silent battle for control, each movement charged with raw desire. There was a hint of something wild in his demeanor, the usually controlled cowboy succumbing to his most primal instincts.
He groaned softly into the kiss as your hands tangled in his hair, the feeling both pleasurable and arousing.
Your body responded eagerly to his touch, arching against him in a silent plea for more.
His hands explored your body, tracing the contour of your curves, the cool metal of his fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He broke the kiss, his lips moving to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and gentle nibbles along your sensitive skin.
"You drive me crazy," he murmured against your neck, his voice hoarse with desire.
A gasp escaped your lips as he moved from your mouth to your neck, his teeth grazing against the sensitive skin.
Heat pooled in your core, his words and actions igniting a fire within you.
Your fingers gently tugged at his hair, a silent signal urging him on. A soft moan escaped from your throat as he bit down lightly on a particularly sensitive spot.
"You have… no idea," you managed to gasp out, your voice shaky with need.
He hummed against your skin, the sound vibrating along your sensitive skin.
Your gasps and slight moans only fueled his desire, the sound of your voice shivering with need causing a shiver to run down his system.
His hands roamed over your body, tracing every curve, as if mapping out a territory he now desperately wished to claim as his own.
He smirked slightly against your neck, his lips leaving a trail of kisses that were slowly moving down to your collarbone.
"Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea," he retorted, his voice carrying a low, sultry tone.
His hands moved lower, resting on your hips, gently guiding your body against his.
His smirk against your neck sent a shiver down your spine. You could feel the heat of your desire growing with each passing moment.
His hands roaming over your body and his lips tracing a path down your collarbone added fuel to the flame.
You tilted your head back, giving him better access to your neck. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling slightly as he continued his assault on your skin.
"Boothill…" you whispered, his name sounding like a prayer tumbling off your lips.
Your whispered plea, his name falling from your lips like a litany, sent a shock through his system.
He paused his ministrations for a moment, lifting his head to look at you.
Your eyes were half-lidded, your cheeks flushed, and your hair slightly disheveled. You looked utterly captivating in that moment, your desire for him written all over your face.
His hands left your body, this time heading to your shirt.
I was about to roll it up until his brain made him stop for a moment.
"Do you want…to do it?" He dared to ask you, seeking your consent. His eyes boring into yours gently.
You met his eyes, seeing the mixture of desire and restraint in his gaze.
Your breath still slightly ragged, you nodded slowly.
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I want this. I want you."
As he pulled your shirt off, his hands skimmed over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
He paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you, partially undressed before him.
"You're beautiful," he murmured, his eyes roaming over your body, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and admiration.
His words, a simple compliment carrying more weight than usual, caused your heart to skip a beat.
His eyes trailed over your body, taking in every detail as if you were a masterpiece hanging in a gallery.
The way he looked at you, with a mixture of desire and admiration, made you feel both vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
His eyes were fixed on you, taking in every inch of your exposed skin.
"You're perfect," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
He leaned down, his lips finding your neck, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. Finding your bra very annoying.
The combination of his touch, his kisses, and his words made you feel like you were slowly unraveling.
His mouth trailing along your skin was driving you insane with need and desire.
His lips trailed down your neck and down your chest until they reached the barrier of your bra. He paused for a moment, his hands gently tracing the edge.
"Can I?" he asked quietly, his fingertips brushing against the fabric.
The way he was handling you, with a mixture of reverence and desire, made you feel both cherished and desired.
His lips returned to your neck, leaving soft, teasing kisses as he waited for your response.
As his fingertips traced the edge of your bra, your heart pounded in anticipation, your body aching for more of his touch.
His request, whispered in a soft, hoarse voice, set your nerves on fire.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper, "Yes,"
He didn't need further coaxing. His hands quickly unclasped your bra, freeing your chest from its confinement.
His lips continued their journey, leaving a trail of kisses down your newly bared skin. He seemed to savor every inch of you, as if unable to get enough.
The feeling of his lips on your bare skin was nothing short of maddening.
His hands, now free from the barrier of your bra, roamed freely over your torso, as if he were mapping a new territory.
His hands instinctively went to your breasts, massaging them slowly and gently, touching the tips of your breasts. Causing you to flinch at the coolness of his fingers.
Without further ado, his mouth moved to one of your breasts, his other hand touching the other.
He sucked and nibbled gently, drawing a gasp from your lips.
His mouth on your sensitive skin sent a shiver down your spine, your breath catching as his tongue flicked against one of your nipples.
Your hands tangled in his hair, holding him close, your fingers clenching tightly as he continued his ministrations.
You gasped, arching your back towards him, silently pleading for more of his touch.
His hands continued to explore your body, his touch firm yet gentle, as if trying to memorize every contour.
His fingers traced circles over your hip bone, then moved lower, slipping under the waistband of your pants.
This time he didn't ask, he raised his head and looked at you, with those eyes full of pleading.
Oh, that look you never thought you'd see in him.
The look in his eyes was one you never thought you'd notice coming from him.
It was a silent plea, a silent "Let me take care of you."
Hearing your gasps and slight moans, he wondered why it had taken him so long to cross this line with you.
You could feel the desire growing inside you, a burning need for more contact, more of him.
You raised your hips, silently giving him permission to remove your pants, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
Slowly, he slid your pants down along with underwear in one go, his hands skimming over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. You could feel his eyes on you, taking in every inch of your exposed body.
He ran his hands gently down your thighs.
Now you were completely naked in front of him, your body on display, vulnerable and exposed.
His gaze roamed over your body, taking in the sight of you in all your glory.
In his eyes you were the most perfect thing that could exist, a goddess, an angel come down from the heavens.
"Beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with reverence and desire.
He leaned down again, pressing his lips against your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses. Then, he pressed light kisses on your legs, moving closer and closer to where you needed him the most.
Your body was aflame with desire, every touch of his sending your senses into overdrive.
Your legs opened slightly, inviting him closer, silently pleading for more of his touch.
His lips moved over your skin, his kisses growing more insistent as he made his way to the inner part of your thighs.
"Please," you managed to gasp out, desperate for him to touch you where you needed him most.
He chuckled softly against your skin, enjoying the fact that he had you completely at his mercy.
His chuckling set your blood boiling, your body arching towards him in a silent plea.
He knew what you wanted, what you needed, and he was enjoying every second of it.
"Patience, darlin'," he drawled, his lips trailing along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
He was taking his time, teasing you, drawing out the pleasure, and driving you insane in the process.
He continued his assault on your inner thighs, leaving gentle bites and kisses, slowly moving closer to your center.
His hands were now firmly gripping your hips, holding you in place, preventing you from bucking up against him in a plea for more contact.
Until after that little torture of his, his lips hovered over your aching center, kissing above your lips, softly and gently.
You were a wreck.
Your body ached for more contact, more of him, and he was purposely taking his time.
Instead, he began to trace small, feather light kisses around your aching core, his lips moving slowly but purposefully, avoiding the place you wanted them most.
You gasped again, barely managing to hold back a whine in protest.
"Please," you repeated, your voice a desperate plea, "Please, Boothill."
He chuckled against your skin again, enjoying the way your body responded to his every touch.
When he finally moved his lips to your center, his tongue lightly flicking against your sensitive bud, you gasped loudly, a shiver running down your spine.
His tongue started to explore your most sensitive parts, flicking and swirling gently, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Your head fell back against the pillows, your eyes closing as you surrendered to the sensations he was creating.
His tongue's teasing touch against your center sent sparks of pleasure through your body, your breath caught in your throat.
Your hands tangled in his hair again, pulling slightly as he continued to explore you. "So beautiful and sweet," he murmured against your skin, the vibration of his voice adding to the sensations he was causing.
He wrapped his lips around your clit, gently sucking and nibbling, driving you even further into frenzy.
Then, his fingers entered the equation, slowly slipping inside you while his mouth continued to work its magic.
Your body trembled, the combined sensations overwhelming your senses.
You were at his mercy, your body completely under his control, writhing and gasping under his expert ministrations.
His fingers moved inside you, curling and stroking, while his tongue continued to flick against your sensitive bud.
The sensations were quickly building toward a climax, your breath coming in quick gasps as you tried to hold back.
"Boothill.. I can't.. too much.." you managed to gasp out, your body arching off the bed.
He seemed to know exactly how to push your buttons, his mouth and fingers working in perfect harmony to elicit the most intense reactions from you.
You couldn't think straight, his touch sending you into a state of ecstasy that was almost overwhelming.
Your body was caught in a tempest of pleasure, every touch of his tongue and fingers driving you closer to the brink.
His fingers curled inside you, hitting a particularly sensitive spot that made your breathing grow ragged.
It looked like he was licking and eating a candy.
Your fingers gripped in his hair, tugging slightly as the pleasure built within you.
"Oh god," you breathed, your voice a ragged gasp, "Please, I-"
Then, suddenly, he stopped, drawing back just as you were about to reach your climax.
You let out a gasp of frustration, your body aching for release.
"Not yet, darlin'," he murmured against your skin, his lips leaving a trail of kisses along your inner thigh.
At the lack of his lips and tongue on your clitoris, you felt a slight breeze that made you shiver. Not to mention how you felt it pulsating.
His free hand gently massaged your hip, as if trying to reassure you.
Your body was taut like a bowstring, the sudden lack of stimulation leaving you feeling empty and needy.
He slid his fingers out of you, stretching them a little, watching as your juices covered them completely, almost spilling out.
He let out a light chuckle, before bringing his fingers to his mouth, drinking in your delicacy.
Your view, which was clouded with ecstasy, focusing on the scene of him sucking on his fingers, was completely provocative.
It was all too obvious that he was more than needy.
Your breathing grew ragged as you watched him suck on his fingers, your eyes wide.
The sight of him enjoying the taste of you was almost too much to bear.
"You taste so good, darlin'," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "I could do this all night."
When his eyes met yours, that's when you realised.
You had been so focused on your release that you hadn't realised how much he wanted this.
His face flushed, his lips moist.
Oh, he looked so damn needy.
He looked completely undone, like he was restraining himself from taking you right there on the spot.
He was tense, as if he was holding himself back.
Your skin thrumed under his hot gaze, and you could see the way his body reacted to the sight of you sprawled out before him.
It was the cutest thing to see him like that.
You rose slightly from the bed, pushing his chest back now, almost to where you were lying before.
You knew it was now your turn to make him feel good. More than he was.
As you gently pushed him back, reversing your positions, he let out a low growl, but he didn't protest.
He leaned against the wall, watching you with a mixture of curiosity and desire.
He looked absolutely wrecked.
His hair disheveled from your hands, his face flushed, his body thruming with need.
All that for you.
You straddled his hips, sitting on top of him and relishing the position of power you suddenly found yourself in.
Your hands roamed over his chest and bare torso, feeling the firm metal muscles. You could feel the heat radiating off him. His systems were beginning to overheat.
You leaned down, peppering kisses along his neck and jawline, enjoying the way he responded to your touch.
He leaned his head back against the wall, exposing more of his neck to your touch, a low, guttural groan escaping from his throat as your lips and tongue traced a path along his sensitive skin.
His hands gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as you kissed along his neck and jaw.
He let out a low moan when you nibbled on his earlobe.
He was coming to terms with the new sensation of being underneath you.
He was used to taking charge in many situations, but something about letting you take the lead seemed different.
He liked it.
He needed it.
His moans and groans were music to your ears, showing you how much he was enjoying your touches.
His breath was becoming ragged, and his hands held onto your hips tightly, as if anchoring himself.
"Darlin'," he gasped out, his eyes half-lidded as he looked at you.
Your hands began to wander lower, tracing the line of his abdomen and feeling the metal muscles twitch under your touch.
As your hands reached the waistband of his pants, you paused and looked up at him.
"Can I?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded eagerly, his eyes dark with desire.
He was more than willing to let you continue.
His eyes were dark with desire, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps, and his body was taut with tension.
"Yes," he managed to say, his voice thick with need, "Please."
You tugged on the waistband of his trousers, and he lifted his hips to help you pull them down.
He was begging you, and he didn't care.
As you slid them down his legs, you couldn't help but notice the evidence of his arousal straining against his boxers.
Oh, you forgot that could happen.
You remember that at his request, you made a modification to his robotic body.
Specifically a synthetic limb.
It was one of your best modifications as it was also connected to the nerves that you also gave him. Not to say that his blue blood would help bring it to life when he had to go into action.
You didn't really think you could test if it really worked.
Would you be the first to see if it worked properly? You didn't know.
You hadn't really thought much about it before. After all, it was just a standard modification that you had done. But now, as you saw the physical evidence of his arousal, you couldn't help but wonder if it would work as intended.
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted when he groaned loudly, drawing your attention back to him.
You had started touching his length over his underwear without even realising it.
With just the touch of you, you were surprised to feel the slight warmth that came from it.
He inhaled sharply at the touch, his body tensing even more.
"Please," he repeated, his voice hoarse, "I need you. I need you so bad."
You smiled at their pleas, apparently it was a very good idea to amplify the sensitivity around the area.
He was already a mess, and you had barely touched him yet.
His gasps and moans filled the room, and his eyes were dark with desire.
You could see how badly he needed you, how much he wanted you.
He was begging you, pleading with you to touch him more.
You looked down at the noticeable bulge in his boxers and then back up at his face.
"You're so beautiful," you murmured, "So needy."
He let out another gasp, his body arching towards you as you continued to touch him through the fabric.
After a while of appreciating the good view you had, you pulled down his underwear, revealing his length.
His breath hitched as you pulled his underwear down, exposing him to your view.
He felt so vulnerable, so exposed, but he didn't care.
"Oh god," you blurted out at the sight of his limb.
At first glance you could tell it was working properly.
You were kind of proud of it.
He shuddered at your words, the sensation of your eyes on him enough to make his body shiver.
He was so sensitive, so receptive to your every touch, and it was all thanks to your modifications.
You moved down towards his arousal, cupping it with your hands and releasing light kisses that went from base to tip.
He let out a guttural moan as you kissed him, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through his body.
Your touch was light and teasing, driving him wild with need.
"Oh, sweetheart, that's so good," he gasped out, his body arching towards you as you continued to touch and tease him.
He was putty in your hands, completely at your mercy.
He had never felt this way before, completely surrendered to another person.
And he loved every second of it.
He looked down at you, his gaze full of desire and need.
Without waiting too long, you licked his tip, without taking your eyes off his face.
You were beginning to like the way he was moving beneath you.
He groaned loudly at the feeling of your tongue on his tip, his body arching slightly off the bed.
He couldn't believe the feelings you were invoking in him.
He felt like he was on fire.
He needed more your mouth, more of your touch, more of you.
He reached down, tangling his fingers in your hair, trying to hold himself.
To that, you smiled.
And, without further delay, you shoved as much of his length as you could into your mouth.
His entire body trembled as you took him into your mouth.
He could barely believe how good it felt, how good you felt.
"Oh god," he gasped out, his grip on your hair tightening.
He was completely lost in the sensations you were giving him, unable to think clearly.
He felt like he was on the brink of explosion, barely holding on.
Your mouth felt like heaven against him.
You continued, lowering and raising your head, while also moving your hands up and down his length.
You looked up at him from time to time, just to watch him come completely undone.
His face was flushed, his eyes half-lidded, his mouth open and panting.
His breathing was ragged, and he was making little gasps and moans that sounded like a mixture of your name and incoherent praise.
He was a mess, and it was all your doing.
He was completely under your control, and he loved every second of it.
His breaths were coming in short, ragged gasps, and he was clinging onto you like a lifeline.
His body was trembling, his systems threatening to overheat.
"I'm close," he gasped out, his grip on your hair tightening even more.
He was teetering on the edge, completely at your mercy.
"Please," he panted, "Please don't stop."
You loved the way he was begging you, the way he was completely at your mercy.
You didn't stop, if anything you increased the pace, determined to push him over the edge.
His grip on you grew tighter as he got closer and closer to the brink.
"Oh, swetheart," he groaned, his voice thick with need, "I can't- I'm gonna-"
And, before I reached my limit, your movements stopped, ceasing to suck his length.
You laughed lightly, catching your breath for a moment as you watched him frown in frustration.
He stared at you, his body still shaking with need, his breathing ragged.
He looked completely wrecked, and he was not happy that you had stopped.
"Why'd you stop?" he gasped out, his voice full of frustration and need.
He was so close, so damn close.
He needed you.
But you just smiled at him, enjoying the way he was squirming beneath you.
You smiled as you stood up a little, stretching your back.
"Patience, sweetheart." You somewhat mockingly repeated his words he gave you moments before.
He groaned in frustration, his body still thrumming and begging for release.
He wanted you, he needed you desperately.
How could you be so cruel?
He watched as you stood there in front of him, your smirk making him even more frustrated.
"You're a tease," he grumbled, his voice rough with need.
You positioned yourself on his lap, without sitting down.
With one of your hands you cupped his cheek, as you placed a soft kiss on his lips.
"You were a good boy."
His breath hitched as you cupped his cheek, and he leaned into your touch, despite his frustration.
Your words made him shiver, the praise stirring something in him.
"I was," he murmured, his voice slightly pouty.
He was still needy, still on edge, but he loved the way you were handling him.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close, as he nuzzled your neck, breathing in your scent.
"Can I have my reward now?" he murmured against your skin.
"Heh, of course you do." You said, as with one of your free hands you grabbed his length, positioning the tip at your entrance.
He gasped at the feel of your hand on him, and he held onto you tighter.
He was so sensitive, every touch sending sparks through his senses.
"You're so perfect…," he whispered, his breath hot on your skin.
As he felt you position him at your entrance, he felt a shiver of anticipation. He needed you, he needed to be inside you.
He was on the brink of losing his mind from desire and need.
"Please," he pleaded, "Please don't make me wait any longer."
You smiled, as you slowly tried to make his length spill inside you.
Which in itself was difficult and painful for you, as this was your first time.
He could feel how tight you were, and he felt a pang of desire mixed with guilt.
As you tried to take him in, he noticed your slight discomfort, and he immediately stopped you.
He looked up at you, concern in his gaze, and he gently lifted you off him.
"Sweetheart, are you alright? You're hurtin'," he asked, his voice filled with worry.
He was still needy and desperate, but he didn't want to hurt you.
He cupped your cheek, his thumb gently stroking your skin, as he watched you intently.
You tried to hide your discomfort, but he saw right through it.
His concern and tenderness made you feel warm all over.
"I'm fine," you said, trying to downplay the pain you were feeling.
"I just need a moment to adjust," you added, a slight tremble in your voice.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes searching yours, looking for any signs of discomfort.
He gently caressed your leg, his fingers tracing light circles on your skin.
"We can do it slowly, without pressure, my dear" he said, his voice gentle.
Your body relaxed at his words, grateful for his understanding and patience. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
He took his time, gently guiding himself inside you once again, with great care.
He was still sensitive, craving your touch, but his main priority was ensuring that you were comfortable.
He slowly pushed himself in, his eyes locked on your face, watching for any sign of discomfort.
He could see the mixture of pain and pleasure on your face, the way you chewed your lips, trying to hide your discomfort.
He continued to move slowly and gently, giving you time to adjust to the new sensation. You took deep breaths, trying to relax and get used to the feeling.
It was slow, and it hurt, but having him be attentive and considerate, made you feel safe.
As he gently slid further in, the pain began to subside, replaced by an unfamiliar but not unpleasant feeling. He stopped once he was fully inside you, pausing for a moment.
He leaned in, placing gentle kisses on your face, trying to soothe you.
"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice tender and worried, his gaze fixed on you.
You looked up at him, meeting his gaze, and gave him a small nod to let him know it was ok to continue.
His gentle and patient manner was making your heart flutter, and the way he watched you with such care made you feel even more connected to him.
"Y'know, sweetheart? This is my first time too." He said, still not moving.
He tucked one of your hairs behind your ear. As he placed several kisses on your cheeks in an affectionate way.
You blinked in surprise at his words, not expecting that revelation.
You really thought he would have done this many times by now because of the way he behaved, you were wrong apparently.
The realization that this was his first time too, and that he was just as nervous and uncertain, added a new layer of intimacy to the moment.
You reached up, cupping his cheek, and gave him a gentle smile.
"I didn't know." you said, your voice soft, "You're being so kind and patient with me."
Then you reached up, running a hand through his hair, feeling its texture and smoothness between your fingers.
He nuzzled into your touch, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation.
He felt a little vulnerable admitting that it was his first time too, worried you might think less of him. But the way you smiled at him, the warm touch of your hand on his cheek, made any anxiety melt away.
He leaned into your touch, enjoying the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair. It was soothing and grounding, helping to steady his racing thoughts and nerves.
He gently began to move again, slowly and carefully, still watchful of your reaction.
He watched as you ran your hands through his hair, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.
"Besides, I wanna make sure you're enjoying this just as much as I am." He whispered, his breath warm on your skin.
You shivered as he began to move again, the gentle friction sending small tremors through your body.
The way he was moving inside you was still a bit uncomfortable, but the pain was beginning to fade and be replaced by a different kind of sensation.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the sensations you were feeling. He was being so considerate, taking his time and making sure you were comfortable.
His words made you smile, and you opened your eyes to meet his gaze.
"I am enjoying it," you replied, "more than I ever imagined it could be."
Your hand continued to run through his hair, and you pulled him closer, pressing your forehead against his.
His heart skipped a beat as you pulled him closer, a warmth spreading through his chest.
He was relieved and happy to hear that you were enjoying it. All he wanted was for you to feel good and safe with him.
He continued to move gently, trying to find a pace that was pleasurable for both of you.
He relished in the feeling of your hand in his hair, and he loved the way your body felt against his own.
"You're so beautiful, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "I could lose myself in you forever."
He leaned in, kissing your neck and collarbone. He opened his mouth to bite your neck, leaving a mark much more noticeable than the others he had left on your thighs.
The feeling of his mouth on your neck sent a shiver down your spine, and you let out a soft gasp as he bit down.
You could feel his teeth sinking into your skin, and you knew it would leave a mark, a reminder of this moment.
You tilted your head back, giving him more access to your neck, silently encouraging him.
The sensation was a mixture of pleasure and pain, but you didn't mind. It felt possessive.
Claiming. You wanted him to claim you, to make sure that everyone knew that you were his.
You arched your back, pressing closer against him, encouraging him to continue.
"Please," you murmured, your voice low and wanton. "Don't stop."
He was sensitive, and the feel of you around him was almost overbearing.
He felt your body arch against his, your voice low and pleading, and it made him shiver with desire.
He loved the way you reacted to his touch, the way you leaned into him and asked for more.
Hearing the words "Don't stop" spill from your lips was like music to his ears.
He continued his assault on your neck, his mouth moving to new spots, nibbling and biting and sucking, marking you as his own.
Instinctively he moved his hand to one of your breasts, pulling the tip and massaging it.
He began to move a little faster, a little deeper, his pleasure increasing. He groaned against your skin.
The feel of his hand on your breast sent ripples of pleasure through your body, your breath catching in your throat as he teased and played with your nipple.
The combination of his mouth on your neck and his hand on your breast was almost overwhelming. You let out a soft moan, arching your back in response.
As he began to move faster and deeper, you felt a wave of sensations wash over you. The pain had faded, replaced by a pleasure unlike anything you had ever experienced.
You could feel him beginning to lose himself.
Unconsciously, your hand moved down to your clit, touching yourself as you moved your hips slightly with his every movement.
That increased the pleasure you felt, making your inner walls clench at his length.
He looked down at you, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and awe.
He was lost in you, drowning in your scent, your touch, the way you moved against him, the sounds you made. He couldn't get enough of you.
As he watched you touch yourself, his breath caught in his throat. Seeing you give yourself pleasure while he was inside you was an image he was sure to never forget.
He groaned, unable to keep his own pleasure contained.
"You're so perfect, sweetheart," he gasped out, his words interrupted by his ragged breaths.
He kept moving, faster and deeper, his mouth never leaving your neck. Every gasp and moan that escaped your lips only spurred him on.
Every movement, every touch, every breath felt like a shock to your body.
You were lost in the sensations, your mind unable to form coherent thoughts.
"Please," you panted, "Please, I need you-"
You weren't sure how much more you could take, the pleasure was almost too much to bear.
The combination of his words, his touch, and his movements were making it hard for you to think straight.
Your mind was swirling with sensation, and you couldn't focus on anything but the feel of him inside you, and the pleasure he was bringing you.
One of your hands grabbed onto his hair, the other one still rubbing your clit. A constant stream of soft moans and gasps was falling from your lips.
He walked away from your neck, having left countless marks all over the area.
His face could not have been redder at that moment.
The sight of him with narrowed eyes, tilting his head back and mouth open, trying to formulate sentences and words that would not come out, being replaced with incoherent sounds.
It was simply a delight for you.
He tried to form a coherent sentence, but the words were escaping him. His mind was consumed with desire, his body on the brink of ecstasy.
You knew he was entering his climax, as his movements became somewhat erratic and slightly sloppy.
And, him doing so, hit your g-spot.
He was losing control, his body moving on its own, driven by pure animalistic need. He wanted to hold on, to make this moment last, but he knew he was reaching his limit.
He leaned down, his forehead resting against yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps.
He looked at you, trying to steady his breathing and speak. But all that came out were ragged gasps and incoherent sounds.
"I wanna-" he pleaded.
For that, your eyes were full of tears of pleasure.
You could feel him reaching his limit, the way his breathing was growing more labored and uneven.
The way he was trying to speak, but unable to form words, only adding to the intensity of the moment.
You were lost in the sensations, your body on fire. Each movement, each gasp from him was driving you closer and closer to the edge.
"Please," he pleaded once again, his voice ragged and needy, "can I…?"
His words trailed off, but you knew what he was asking for. And you were more than willing to give it to him.
You could see the desperation in his eyes. He wanted, no - needed to release.
He was on the edge, and you were right there with him.
You could feel him getting close, his movements becoming more uncoordinated, his breaths coming in short gasps.
"Please," you whispered, your voice trembling.
You were so close yourself, teetering on the brink of ecstasy. You could feel it building deep inside, like a coil winding tighter and tighter.
He turned his lips to yours, both of you stifling your moans and groans.
He moved his lips against yours, his tongue tracing your lips, seeking entry into your mouth.
You parted your lips, allowing him in. The kiss was messy and needy, both of you clinging to each other in search of more contact.
He let out a low moan against your mouth. He tried to hold back, to draw out the moment a little longer, but he was too far gone.
He looked into your eyes, his gaze pleading.
"I'm gonna-" he gasped out, his voice strained.
But he couldn't finish the sentence. He was completely lost in the sensation, the pleasure almost overwhelming him.
He buried his face into your neck, his body shivering against yours, as he held on to you tightly.
"I'm gonna-" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
You could feel him on the edge, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He was close, and so were you.
"Me too," you breathed out, your voice trembling with need, "I'm so close. Please-"
You gripped onto him.
He moved his lips to your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin.
And so, giving a few more deep penetrations, he reached his release. At the same time as you, as he pressed hard on your sweet spot, he made you come without hesitation.
As the waves of pleasure washed over him, he shuddered against you.
He let out a guttural moan, his body tensing up, as he released himself deep inside you.
He held onto you tightly, as he rode out the waves of pleasure. His eyes were closed, his breathing labored.
He tried to speak, to form words, but the only sound that came out were unintelligible gasps and moans.
For a few moments, you both were lost in the intensity of the moment. All that could be heard was the sound of your erratic breaths.
He collapsed against you, his body trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure. His forehead rested against your shoulder, his breaths ragged and heavy.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, as if afraid to let go. He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your scent.
For a few moments, neither of you spoke. You both laid there, your bodies tangled together, simply enjoying the afterglow.
His breathing slowly returned to normal, his body relaxed against yours.
He lifted his head from your neck, looking down at you.
"You're so amazing," he murmured, his voice husky.
He cupped your face, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. His eyes were soft and filled with tenderness.
"That was…" he trailed off, unable to find the words.
He let out a low chuckle.
"There are no words to describe how incredible that was."
You let out a shaky breath, a sated smile on your face.
You smiled weakly, still feeling a little boneless from the intense pleasure.
"Yeah," you agreed.
But you couldn't find the words either.
"Intense" was an understatement.
You turned your face into his hand, nuzzling into his palm, enjoying the feel of his cold skin against yours.
"I felt the same way," you replied, your voice soft and gentle.
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"You're perfect," he murmured, his lips brushing against your skin. "Absolutely perfect."
He shifted slightly, pulling out of you with a soft groan.
He gently placed you on the bed as he leaned further back on the bed, no longer sitting up.
He pulled one of the blankets off the bed and placed it over his body, then took you in his arms, placing you on top of him, making it slightly more comfortable for you than just being pressed against his metal body.
He pressed you against his chest, your head resting on his shoulder.
For a few moments, you both lay there in silence, enjoying the closeness and the feel of each other's bodies.
His arms cradled you spectacularly, in an attempt to make your body try to unwind from the previous physical activity. Then he ran his fingers through your hair, his touch soft and soothing.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
You lay on top of him, your head resting on his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
His fingers were gentle as they threaded through your hair.
When he spoke, you could hear the concern in his voice.
You shook your head, lifting your face to look up at him.
"No, you didn't hurt me," you assured him. "You were perfect."
You shifted slightly, snuggling deeper against him.
"Now I'm just very tired.."
He chuckled softly, hearing you say that you were tired.
He continued running his fingers through your hair, rubbing soothing circles on your scalp.
"Exhausted, huh? I take that as a compliment."
He smiled, feeling a sense of pride that he had managed to tire you out so thoroughly.
He gently shifted under you, making himself more comfortable beneath you.
"You can sleep, sweetheart. I'll be right here."
He covered you with the blanket you were on top of, making sure you didn't get cold.
You melted into his touch, the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing and relaxing.
You let out a soft laugh, a little delirious from the lack of energy.
You snuggled against him, feeling more relaxed than ever before.
His touch was soothing, his fingers in your hair creating tingles on your scalp.
You let out a small sigh, feeling the exhaustion start to wash over you.
"Thanks," you murmured, your eyes drifting shut as you nuzzled against his chest.
He chuckled again as he felt you relax against him, your body sinking into his embrace.
He continued to lightly massage your scalp, knowing that it would help you fall asleep faster.
He felt your breath start to slow, your body growing heavier in his arms.
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.
"Sleep, sweetheart," he whispered.
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Your eyes opened slowly, getting a little used to the light coming through the window.
Attempting to stretch out, you felt trapped.
You looked up, seeing Boothill lying there. His eyes were closed.
Perhaps he was recharging his battery, you looked down again.
As your eyes cleared, you saw your legs and torso almost uncovered, which caused you to wake up completely.
You felt an incredible heaviness throughout your body, as if every bone and joint ached.
Mentally recoiling in an attempt to remember why, your eyes opened wide.
You'd had sex with him, in someone else's house, out loud. Your face turned red, "what a shame," you thought.
You sighed, leaning your head back on his chest.
Oh, but before you could try to get any more sleep, your hand reached as far as it could to your trousers, which were at one end of the bed.
When you managed to reach them, you pulled out your phone, going straight into the chat with your roommate.
You deleted the incomplete message you didn't get to send yesterday, typed in a new one and then proceeded to send it.
It read; "I rode a cowboy".
The chat almost immediately began to fill up with messages, none of which you read, proceeding to toss your phone to the side, closing your eyes again.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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churipu · 9 months
Hi! ☺️ First and foremost, I hope you're doing well. Also, I just recently found your page and I love your writing!
I really liked your post on the super sensitive reader with the jjk men. Can I get headcanons of the jjk men with reader who is very stoic and a little emotionally constipated? Like they have never seen reader cry ever while in their relationship together, but then reader ends up having a hard week and ends up crying from frustration.
jjk men & their emotionally constipated partner
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featuring. shiu kong, itadori yuuji, todo aoi, geto suguru x reader
warnings. cursing and jjk men being sweet and soft to their partner <;33
note. hi anon! i'm doing great, hbu love? thank you for liking my works, you don't know how much that means to me, i hope you have a great day! and thank you for requesting, i find this request very interesting <33 also, thank you guys for the big amount of support i've been receiving for the last two days, can you imagine i gained like 140+ followers in that matter of time? i'm going to start violently sobbing istg. anw, i hope u sexies enjoy this <33
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SHIU KONG. shiu loves you a lot, even if you struggle in showing the love back to him, he knows you love him a lot. shiu would receive random messages (mostly a picture of something and then you tell him that it reminded you of him, probably deemed as your love language now). i feel like shiu is partly happy that you don't take things into the heart - but at times he'd be very worried about you. you never cry, you almost never get angry at him even if he did something wrong (you'd just tell him it's nothing and you weren't mad, but he sometimes think it's because you didn't want to engage yourself in arguments), and hell, he barely sees you smile at all.
shiu has heard you tell stories about your new work place, which you quote unquote as toxic. and you've been in the company for no longer than three months, but the stories about your very annoying co-worker and your boss never stops. he swore that the topic of your work place was the only thing that could get you riled up.
i feel like shiu would be the type of boyfriend who would tell you to stop working because he's financially stable enough to provide for you, but you decline telling him that you didn't want to live off of him.
shiu didn't force you to stop or quit your job though, he'd be glad to listen to you talk about your days at work.
"y/n? you're ho— darling, what happened?" he saw the solemn look on your face and realized that something must have happened (yet again) at your work place, he dropped the cigar that was lodged in between his lips and immediately approached you.
you shook your head, inhaling sharply before kicking off your shoes, "work, of course."
"is it your boss? or that same co-worker again?" shiu knew that it was either your boss or this one co-worker who doesn't seem to enjoy your presence in the office.
"both." you sat down on the couch, throwing your head back in exhaustion (you were about to cry and the only way to stop your tears from coming out was to just force it back in with your head back), "i'm getting my paycheck reduced this month."
shiu took a seat next to you, "why?"
"i was blamed for something my co-worker did, this is so unfair," your voice cracked a little and shiu pulled you into a hug, you choked out a sob, "this is so unfair," you muttered out, your pent out anger and disappointment finally seeping out in a form of tears.
"hey, shh..." he soothes you, pulling back to see your tearful eyes. he grazed over your cheek to wipe the droplets away, "let me take care of them, yeah?"
you shook your head, "don't have to, i don't want to make this into a bigger mess."
shiu planted a kiss on your forehead, "don't worry about it darling, you trust me, don't you?"
shiu had a "talk" with your boss and your co-worker the very next day and your co-worker ended up resigning right after, and your boss, well they never bothered you anymore (and you're getting an extra paycheck for the next half a year).
ITADORI YUUJI. people always wonder how you and itadori ended up with each other. him being this ray of sunshine, and you were like the moon. but he didn't care about what everyone says, he loves you — and that's what matter, right?
wrong. don't think that you didn't notice the enormous shit talking about you behind your back, about how you probably bribed itadori into dating you and what not. usually, you'd shove all those down the drain and forget about it.
but for some reason, you couldn't help but to rethink about what they said. how itadori isn't too fit for you, or how you don't deserve him at all. the only thing that managed to trigger you was how somebody said that itadori deserves someone more "emotionally available" for him, and that person isn't you.
you never liked being emotionally constipated, people always talk about you behind your back, saying how you're so distant and that being the reason you don't have any friends. you keep telling yourself that you're used to it when it comes to you, but when it comes to itadori and your relationship — you feel helpless.
"y/n? are you okay?"
you looked up at him, a glint of worry flashing in his eyes. and you can't help but to feel the frustration building in you as you remember the words people say to you, "yes..no? i don't kno—" you choked out, smacking your hand on top of your mouth at the sound you let out.
it just got worse when you feel the tears you've been penting up for the past few weeks come out. itadori blinked feverishly, a little surprised to see you crying like this. he has never seen you cry before, "y/n..?" he breathes out, his hand reaching out to you, but you moved back, trying to avoid his touch.
the embarrassment you felt was horrid, you hated crying in front of people, even your own boyfriend, "baby," itadori mutters out seriously, grabbing your arms and then pulling them away from your face, "tell me what's wrong. talk to me."
i feel like he knew where this was going, he had a hunch. for the past few weeks, you asked him about why he was with you, why he loves you when there were better people out there (you think). and he knew it was because of what people said.
"i...i just don't think i'm the right one for you, yuuji. they're right, you need a more emotionally available partner."
itadori's face fell when you said that, and he shook his head, pulling you into his embrace. rocking back and forth like a baby, "why would you say that? why would you listen to them y/n?" he asks quietly.
"i...don't know."
he pulled away, brows furrowed and he held your shoulders, "you're perfect for me, i don't give a fuck what they said about you and i. the next time someone says something, i'm going to beat them up," the thing is, he looked so serious you couldn't help but to chuckle.
"you just chuckled.." he breathes out, "my life is complete."
TODO AOI. he's very boisterous, and i feel like he'd be the type of person who would defend his partner everywhere they go. when you accepted his feelings, he was surprised since he never expected you to like someone like him. but he was pretty damn proud of you, and as a boyfriend, he shows you off like a trophy.
telling people about how amazing you are, how you make him happy, or how you treat him nicely. but people are fucking judgmental, some of them don't like the idea of others living happily — and you never thought that "these" particular people would target you next for it.
saying how fucking weird todo is for liking someone like you, and you had to be honest, it did get into you. and so began your avoidance to your own boyfriend, todo.
he hates it. he hated how you changed out of the blue, no matter how hard he tries to reach out for you, you weren't the same anymore and he never got why you decided to change.
believe me when i say that he tried asking his friends about it, or about tips to get you to talk to him. but really, they weren't much of a help, saying how you probably got bored and is avoiding him so he would be the one to break up first with you.
todo didn't want to let the idea of that get into him, but after a few weeks of you avoiding him non-stop, he began thinking the same thing. were you bored of him? did he do something that you didn't like? or is it because he ate the last chocolate chip cookie you were saving up and blamed it on someone else?
so when he got the chance to bump into you, he immediately took it as a chance to ask you about it.
"why are you avoiding me?" you tried ending the conversation right away by going the other way, but man is fast fast so he didn't let you — still wanting to know about the sudden change in your behavior.
todo knows how you didn't like being cornered, or how you don't like talking about the relationship, sappy shit. but if he didn't talk to you about this, todo knew he was going to regret it.
"y/n," he grabbed the back of your collar, pulling you back lightly, "did i do something wrong?"
you were silent for a few seconds before todo's ears perked up at the sound of soft, choked out sobs. you were crying. you were crying. and the panic sinks in, "i..i'm sorry, did i pull on your collar too hard?!" he panics, flailing his arms.
you shook your head, "...no, i'm sorry for avoiding you."
todo stopped his panicking and stood up straight, "i couldn't stop thinking about what people have to say about us, and now that i think about it, i feel like you deserve more than me," todo widened his eyes and looked around.
"who the fuck said that? i'm going to beat them up so bad people won't recognize them," todo mutters out and the corner of your lips tugged upward, "is that why you're avoiding me?"
you nod, "it was wrong. i know i should've said something about it. i'm sorry for avoiding you."
todo laid his hand on top of your head, brushing your h/c softly with a gentle smile, "you're perfect for me, fuck those people," he cusses out, "next time you hear em', don't forget to find out their names— i'm going to give them a lesson for it."
SUGURU GETO. suguru and you are like two peas in a pod. people never see him without you and vice versa, and often people would say that you both are the perfect couple. despite your personalities almost being the same type of calm, suguru is a calm man, and he's soft spoken. while you were just plain cold and stoic, rarely speak of something or even show your emotions.
someone bothering you? okay. someone making fun of you? okay. you were practically a walking definition of "i give zero fucks". but that doesn't mean you can't feel hurt, you are still human after all.
so when suguru told you about how he has a new co-worker, and how she has been clinging onto him, how she tries to get in his pants. you find it cute how he tells you about it, even telling you that you should come to his workplace so he could show you off.
you didn't feel anything because you trusted him. until you see the so called "co-worker" of his. she's pretty, you can't deny that. and you could see how she gets along with almost everyone, having no problem in instigating a conversation or complimenting people. people definitely like her.
that's where the insecurity began sinking in.
would suguru fall for her like everyone in his workplace does? would he leave you for her? so many questions you wanted to find the answer to.
you look at him, completely out of your daydream. he cocks his head to the side, "are you okay? you've been zoning out a lot lately..." he said, voice gentle and worried.
you nodded, "yeah. sorry. got a lot in my mind."
"do you want to talk about it?" he brushes a few h/c strands from covering your face, "you've been a little distant. is it something that i did, baby?"
god, just the thought of suguru thinking it was him made you a little sensitive. the past few weeks was already hard enough for you to contain yourself from breaking down, and him asking that made the tears you held in for so long drop out all at once.
suguru was a little taken aback and he sat straight up, alarmed, "y/n? baby? what's wrong?" he asks you gently, wiping the tears that never ceased from your face.
"i feel..i feel like i'm not enough. you deserve better than me, suguru." suguru swallowed the lump in his throat, he should've known, ever since you came to his workplace, you had started getting distant. and he should've known that was the reason.
suguru shook his head, cupping your face before giving you soft little kisses all over your face, "don't" a kiss on your forehead. "you" a kiss on your left cheek. "dare" a kiss on your right cheek. "say" a kiss on your nose. "that" a kiss on your chin.
the male gazes into your eyes deeply, "i love you," he softly said before planting a kiss on your lips, "you're the one i want, you're perfect for me. i can't see my future without you y/n, so please don't think about that..."
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svnrisee · 22 days
5th member established relationships pls !!
✨️ anon
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[ A/N ] thanks ✨anon for requesting >D<, still y’all should send more request 😩. Idk if I actually made them act clingy but I tried my best ><
Warnings ✿ established relationship
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Karina has always been clingy with you since your debut. Fans have made lots of compilations on YouTube just if you and Karina being clingy with each other.
She would absolutely love to wrap her arms around your waist, while placing chin on your head moving around with you wherever you go.
She doesn’t mind the glared and complaints from the other members.
During lives Giselle would love to hold onto your arm. Always clinging onto it.
She gives it a slight tug whenever you don’t give her enough attention. Or you pay attention to the other members.
She loves to sleep and cuddle with you on the couch almost every time to the point karina had almost made a suggestion to kick the both of you out of the dorms.
Winter doesn’t really act clingy. She’d be more of a person to send you sweet morning messages asking about your day, she’d always be there whenever you’re struggling with practice or anything that’s bothering you.
But there are sometimes she can be very clingy. She’ll always hang onto you like a koala especially behind cameras. Placing soft kisses all over your face, Ningning thinks you’ve both been up to something.
Ningning is always caught back hugging you in every video, live, events.
Even though Karina sometimes warns her to stop, Ningning isn’t bothered. All Karina’s words fell on deaf ears.
She absolutely loves to bite your cheeks or your nose earning judging looks from Giselle.
During lives Ningning would always love to adore you squishing your cheeks between her fingers
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simplyreveries · 9 months
hello hello!! just wanted to say your blog is super cute!! could I request platonic! dorm leaders with a very very affectionate yuu. like hugging, cheek kisses, the full nine yards. GN reader please!
sorry if my message wasn't clear 😭
have a good day/night!
ty ty!!
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riddle rosehearts
he was so incredibly flustered when you first started to show him lots of affection. he tries to keep his composure and push you away slightly while clearing his throat deeming that it's not appropriate! but it's just ever since he broke down after his overblot and then you've gotten close to him (well you barge into his life and make him your friend immediately) that you've been so utterly loving and sweet with him. something he is not particularly used to.
whenever you come by some celebration or unbirthday party you always eagerly come find him and hug him giving pecks on the cheeks. he’ll nervously pull away and thank you for coming, but he felt quite smiley and warm inside. because you usually greet him in such a fashion and refuse to be put off by his need for formalities, he has been accustomed to you doing that all the time whenever you see him. he doesn't necessarily reciprocate it but sometimes you may feel him wrap his arms around you and quickly pulls away.
his temper can easily be calmed down if you're around, he does feel much softer around you… lowkey though he does get a litttleee bit jealous with ace or deuce if you're equally as affectionate with your other friends as well. he can't help it.
leona kingscholar
nope nope leona totally pushed you away the first few (many times) you'd happily come up and try to hug him or kiss him on the cheek. he refused to let you be all affectionate with him, he would simply huff annoyed pushing you away. especially if you try to do anything like that around other people.
it'd take him a while to even warm up to it even a little, but with enough of your own persistence he gives in little by little soon enough. you've upgraded to being able to give him hugs without him giving you some glare and pulling away… he's lost the energy to try at this point you're too eager to find and hug him. he’ll rub his forehead “you're giving me a headache, herbivore.”, but once again doesn't make much of an attempt to push you away anymore.
ok… he still gives you this look, but he's better about it. like when you vote up to him after magishift practice (that he finally went to) and gift him a supportive pat on the back or hook your arm around his to drag him to show him something. the only time he somewhat reciprocated it was genuinely if you seemed distressed or upset about something, like your current situation in twisted wonderland or dealing with stress- he sighed as he wrapped one of his arms around you when you came in for a hug.
azul ashengrotto
he was so surprised at your affection initially but like riddle carefully pushes you away to maintain his image. nevertheless, you still are insistent on giving him so much attention. I’d like to think that after seeing his more… emotional and irrational side during the events of chapter 3 only made you want to dote on your friend more.
whenever you come and find him to give him a quick hug and to check up on him during late hours at the mostro lounge and just ask him about his day and what is he doing. he is slightly taken aback but like the others he's gotten pretty used to your affectionate behavior, he’ll chuckle confused, clearing his throat and thank you for asking. he is not used to this in really any way. in fact, if you think about it… this is probably the first time he's had someone he’s considers himself close to be so affectionate and kind. not wanting anything from him in return but to just be okay??
once he's more comfortable, he will somewhat reciprocate a little, something like placing a hand on your back when you pull away from hugging him. he won't admit it, but he does love the attention from you, it's something he never realized it's what he needed.
kalim al-asim
oh, he's definitely just as affectionate with his friends, if not more than you. kalim will happily hug you back and squeeze you tightly or kiss you back on the cheek and giggle. he's glad to have someone who can understand his affection's, unlike some people haha. he just has so much love to give to everyone.
he always greets you with a big hug, in fact it's basically a habitual thing between you two whenever you see each other on campus he’ll greet you with a big hug all happy every time he sees you. when kalim gets excited to tell you about something he’ll playfully swing your arm and asking you to come over to scarabia because he's holding some sort off celebration, or sometimes he likes to laugh and tell you he's tired as he lays his head on your shoulder.
he always tells you how much he loves the affection from you, you'll always get some cheeky “hehe thank you!” from him. he claims you cheer him up and help him all the time whenever you're all affectionate with him.
vil schoenheit
vil is affectionate in his own ways, i mean, ever since i saw the way he treated yuu and the others during chapter 6 when he kisses them on the forehead in a reassuring manner it made me melt. he definitely is lowkey about it to those he considers close to him. though he doesn't reciprocate much at times, he does appreciate small gestures.
like he will sigh and begin to smooth out his clothing or fix his hair after you hug him, he may even fix yourself up as well if your ribbon is tilted or uniform seems crinkled. but he’ll give you some afterwords shaking his head, giving a small smile “tsk, how troublesome” he’d say.
vil is quite observant though, if he were to notice you don't seem as affectionate with others or try to be with him he’ll definitely see and ask you if you're doing alright. he's surprisingly very sweet with his words. he can't help but consider you dear to him now, if you really seem troubled and worried about something, maybe feeling hopeless because crowley hasn't found a way home yet. he will give you honest advice and if you're lucky a kiss on the forehead as well.
idia shroud
he's so ??!! instant brain malfunction when you first come up to him and kiss him on the cheek, seemingly worried but relieved that he's okay after what went down in his chapter, once you got back to NRC. he will freeze up and feel unsure of what to exactly do because he's so awkward with these things.
the first time he hugged you back was a little tough for him at first (he just gave you that small and awkward pat on the back haha) and immediately pulled away, he feels himself burning up from embarrassment, but you're just so persistent, it does make it easier for him when you're so understanding and kind.
he does get more and more comfortable with you especially after inviting you or sleepovers with him and ortho at ignihyde and they're really fun. at that point he's totally okay having you close by as you're laying with a bunch of blankets, pillows and snacks close together playing videogames with him. he's grown to love it actually, as he casually talks and dumps everything he loves and knows about the game hehe.
malleus draconia
malleus was pleasantly surprised with your sudden affection, though he has known you for a while throughout the game, so he already has kind of gotten the idea you're a naturally friendly and overly affectionate with those close to you. he does notice how you are with grim and the others when out. but when you actually come up and hug him? he's shocked, you? a human would just come up to someone like him and hug him? going on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek when saying thanks for coming to the music festival with him??
after the initial surprise he chuckles placing a hand on your head “you’re quite the brave and unusual one, child of man” he loves that most about you though. he admires and thinks its endearing how often and without even thinking twice about giving him affection and calling him your own friend.
soon enough during the nights when he visits the outside of ramshackle dorm and you come to find him, he’ll gently stretch out his arms already knowing you're going to greet him with a hug. and you just know, his hugs are the warmest and most gentle things ever.
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parvulous-writings · 10 days
Could I request dating headcanons for Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish, and poly Ghoap with gn s/o please? - Fluff anon
Warnings: Oh boy... This be sweet...
Notes: Did I get carried away? Absolutely. I love my boys!! Thank you, Fluff, for indulging me!!
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𝔖𝔦𝔪𝔬𝔫 ℜ𝔦𝔩𝔢𝔶
Simon likes to keep his civilian life very firmly separate from his work-life. You know that he's fairly high up in the military, that he often has to be very brutal, and the names of his closest companions. This took years to get out of him, though, and he flat out refuses to tell you anything else, or expand on the information you've already pried from him. "You don't need t'know any of that, love... Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, 'kay?" And that's that. You don't know about 'Ghost', and he'd very much like to keep it that way. He wants to stay your Simon, the sweet, if not awkward, young man you fell for years ago.
He's gone a lot - active service unfortunately demands it. He sends messages when he can, but rarely calls when he's away - you assume it's because he either doesn't want to risk, or can't risk, you overhearing anything in the background. He tries his best to make it up to you when he's on leave, though. Little date nights here and there, spending quality time together - he'll even acquiesce and let you watch your favourite schlocky movies or tv shows, no matter how much he normally pretends to hate them. In truth, they do hold a special place in his heart. They remind him of you, and for that, he'll always appreciate them, in a strange way. Sometimes he'll play half an episode on his phone, when he's away and has a chance - just to keep that piece of you with him.
Physical affection has two facets, with Simon. The public, and the private. In public, he stays almost unnervingly close to you, especially in crowds, but doesn't usually hold your hand or even touch you. Unless he needs to pull you away from something for your own safety, he isn't really a massive fan with expressing his love through public displays of affection; but he doesn't mind if you hug his arm whilst walking, or want to lean into him whilst sitting in a restaurant booth. In private, he isn't quite 'all over you', but he is very close. He doesn't like being in a different room to you most of the time, and if you're in the living room, you're not just going to be sitting around - he will be cuddling you, in some way. Whether he's perched you on his lap, or pulled you into his side - or even, on the rare occasion, when he lets you be the bigger spoon.
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𝒥𝑜𝒽𝓃𝓃𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝒸𝒯𝒶𝓋𝒾𝓈𝒽
Johnny does talk a little bit about his time with the task force - unless, of course, he is legally required to not disclose some information (which is a fair amount, but he tries to find workarounds if something is genuinely bothering him). You know his friendships with Simon, Kyle, and Price are all strong - forged in the fires of conflict, and durable enough to withstand it all and more. You know that Price acts a bit like a father, Kyle is the 'funny guy' ("'Sides me, o'course, hen,"), and Simon is Johnny's stoic lieutenant, who he admires, respects, and holds very dearly. Though Johnny has never said the words exactly, you get the impression that Simon is something of a best friend figure to the Scot. Johnny doesn't go in depth or in detail about his missions, he only really speaks about it if there's something that's been bothering him.
He's gone often, but he keeps in contact as much as he can; calls, texts, and video calls whenever he gets the chance. He's often in the rec room when you're on call, and you can hear a faint 'hello' from Gaz whenever he catches Soap on the phone. When he's at home, his favourite thing to do is stay at home with you, and watch movies. Particularly old, or schlocky ones. Sharknado, Attack of the Lederhosen Zombies, and all other manner of B, or even C-rated movies come out. They're usually meant to be horror, but they're often so tacky they don't come across as it. Throw in that night's take out of choice, and boom! Johnny's perfect date night with you.
His main love language is physical touch, so public displays of affection with Johnny are a must, whether it's hand-holding, an arm around your shoulders, or him playfully putting you in a headlock when you're out and about with your friends. The headlock also appears in your private life as well - it's his own, special, silent 'I love you'. It's uniquely him, too. That playful, rough edge that he has, put into his affection. He likes to fall asleep on you a lot, too. Snuggling in bed, or on the sofa, draped over you like a muscled blanket. Something about being close to you soothes his soul, and allows him to sleep with little issue.
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Simon and Johnny
There's a small clash with how Simon and Johnny communicate whilst away from you, but they manage to find a slight compromise. Johnny will call you, and drag Simon into view or onto the line if he gets too close to the Scot whilst he's talking to you. He isn't begrudging when he talks to you, but he's very aware of what sounds or sights can be picked up by the phone. He takes privacy and secrecy very seriously, does Simon.
When they're home, you always have practically glued to your hip, no matter the time of day - except the first day home. That first day and night they spend in the guest room together, adjusting themselves back into civilian life. It was a ritual that was started by Simon, that he almost insisted Soap follow with; and the Scot didn't argue. After their day of unwinding, one of them is with you always. Johnny trails after you in the kitchen, or when you're doing chores, and Simon will do the same when you're out and about, getting the weekly shop. It's endearing, in it's own way.
When it comes to night time, and sleeping arrangements, the first couple of nights after they integrate are the best, in your opinion. They both cling to you, one on each side, nuzzling their faces into your arm, or your stomach - or your back, if you're spooning one of them. Sometimes Simon will haul you to sleep on his chest in the middle of the night, and Johnny drapes his arm over the both of you, snuggling into Simon's bulky arm, already half asleep. Other times, Johnny will hug you right up against his front, as Simon hugs him from behind. Occasionally Si will mix things up, and hug you from the front, his large arms reaching over you to grab at the small of Johnny's back, and sometimes his rear.
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devvelle · 2 years
how they act when they miss you, part 2
Genre: fluff, as always <3
Characters: all second years (Floyd, Jade, Azul, Riddle, Ruggie, Jamil, Kalim, and Silver) x gn!reader
Scenario: you're away for a few weeks and they have to find ways to get by until you return.
Notes: I got a very sweet request from an anon to make a part two of this post. reader is kind of implied to be the prefect, and the reason for the absence is up to your imagination!
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Floyd Leech ;
My condolences. He's really mad at you.
It does not matter if the reason you left was life or death. You left him and he's taking it personally.
You'd expect Floyd to reach out constantly through phone calls or text messages for attention, but no. He's ignoring you and being very passive aggressive when he is in the mood to reply.
For the most part, you keep in touch with him through Ace, who video calls you to complain after basketball practices and games. Floyd has a tendency to get aggressive when he's upset, and that reflects in his presence on the court. Not even his teammates are safe.
Inevitably, if you're gone long enough, he'll cave and give up the silent treatment. He'll start answering your calls but it's mostly to talk over you and say he won't listen to your apologies until you return to him.
Please return quickly. Ace can't handle losing more braincells from a concussion at the hands of Floyd, and Jamil's patience is wearing thin.
Jade Leech ;
Jade is very composed in your absence. You don't need to worry about him.
He misses you, of course, but he is considerate of your limited time to check in. He'll send good morning messages for you to wake up to but will keep them short to avoid holding you up.
Your leave gives him a golden opportunity, though. He can take this time to negotiate with (scare off) anyone else who thinks they can compete for your affection. Don't worry about the specifics…
In turn, his success ensures that you're only calling and texting him. No one else dares reply to you after Jade is through with them.
Being without you reinforces his dream of a future where you're never apart. You, him, a modest home in the coral sea... you get the picture. He's very sure this is what he wants.
He knows that's not exactly in the cards at the moment considering how unstable things are, but he's hopeful it'll become a reality someday. So he copes for now.
Overall, Jade keeps himself busy so he does just fine. Just don’t ask what he was up to.
Azul Ashengrotto ;
Acts kinda pathetic but hides it so no one will ever know.
The twins definitely know.
Azul will spend lots of time by himself in his office at the lounge. If he closes his eyes and clears his mind, he can picture you walking around, mug in hand, talking to him about your day. Traces of you are scattered everywhere, from your clothes to your scent on the couch cushions, and it helps him feel some semblance of comfort in your absence.
Sweet, right?
But then he sets his phone to airplane mode so he can text you all the sappy ‘I miss you’ messages he wants without risking them going through.
Accidentally falls asleep with his phone open, though, so Floyd adjusts his settings and makes them all send. Thanks Floyd.
Will not acknowledge your teasing replies. He is far too busy dying of embarrassment, much to Floyd and Jade's amusement.
Have fun confronting him in person when he's a blushing, stuttering mess <3
Riddle Rosehearts ;
Missing you really puts Riddle on edge.
Since he still has trouble with voicing his emotions, he won't be open about his worries. If confronted by Trey or Cater about his nerves, he might acknowledge his feelings for the sake of personal growth. But it's unlikely; he's embarrassed.
What he does do is keep a journal. He writes about how his days feel emptier without you and even addresses you directly when admitting his feelings.
It's nice to not worry about being eloquent when all he wants is to talk about you.
After a while, he'll start wishing he'd asked you to stay. He's aware it would have been a childish ask, but you're magicless and defenseless in a lot of situations. What if you ran into something dangerous?
Insists you text him right before bed each night. Otherwise, he won’t be able to sleep.
Quickly worries himself sick, to no one’s surprise. Sick and anxious Riddle now has everyone on edge.
He really needs to see you in person again to feel better. Come back and take care of him.
Ruggie Bucchi ;
Simultaneously gets by just fine and really poorly.
He constantly forgets you're gone but when he realizes again, it weighs on him quite a bit.
He has a bad habit of stealing snacks and at some point he started stealing some for you too. This doesn't stop even in your absence.
What does change, however, is his disappointment when he gets back to his lunch table and realizes you aren't there.
He'll eat most of the snacks himself, grumbling all the while, but will save the treats he knows you really like. They start piling up in his room.
Also, right before you left, he stole back all the clothes he had lent you over the past few months so he could wear them. Gets very defensive when Leona questions why he's only worn the same two sweatshirts for the past week (they smell like you).
The attachment he has to you is strong, but even Ruggie is weak to heartache in your absence. Remind him how important he is with lots of quality time when you're back.
Jamil Viper ;
Biggest sap ever award goes to him.
Jamil may not love befriending new people or showing his softer side, but you're his chosen one. He doesn't mind if it's for you.
Listens to recordings of your voice to keep himself calm when life (Kalim) is testing him. Normally he can pull you aside to talk since you're always happy to listen, but seeing as you aren't available, your voice is the next best thing.
That voice message you sent months ago shyly asking him to spend lunch with you? Yeah, he's replayed it more times than he can count.
When that isn't doing the trick anymore, he'll ask you to record yourself talking about your day. Tease him all you want, but his sanity is at stake here.
He is also not afraid to double or triple text you if you don't have a chance to respond. Will consistently ask if you're eating at meal times and send you pictures of what he's up to as well.
Be warned that when you get back, you're getting an earful from him for leaving him alone. Nothing a hug can’t fix.
Kalim Al-Asim ;
Counting down the days until you return.
Such a sweetheart. Spends all his free moments making plans for when you get back, but nothing as grand as you might fear.
Over the course of your evolving relationship, he's learned that he really enjoys time with only you. So his idea for a welcome home party is just a sweet picnic!
He wants to hear all about what you've been up to in person. So he won't ask you much while you're away, and will wait until he has you in front of him to make up for lost time.
If it turns out that you're too busy to chat or call, he'll make you a really cute playlist instead. Adds songs to it when he misses you, which is basically all the time.
It ends up being a very long playlist. But a banger of course.
When you're back, expect the craziest picnic ever. You will be buried in his affection.
Silver ;
You already live in Silver's dreams, but when you're gone, his longing for you makes them even more realistic than before.
His dreams are of a domestic life at your side, usually in a distant, happy future. But he'll wake up from them reaching out for you only to find that he's alone.
He really wants you to see him as someone worthy of a place at your side. So he'll call every few days to ask how you're doing and provide a distraction from your stressors.
Since his demeanor is always relaxed, the only people to inquire about how he's doing without you are Lilia and Malleus. Even then, he's likely to dismiss their questions so as not to worry them.
What does he do instead? He complains to his animal friends, of course.
Although, it's hardly complaining when he's rambling about how astonishing you are. Eventually, he'll derail to the discomfort he feels being away from you and how he wishes he could be there to protect you.
The animals wish they could show him how lovesick he looks. Hurry back.
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a/n : I didn't realize until a few days ago that Silver doesn't have a last name and I was so shocked bc how did I not think abt that before...
I hope u guys enjoy this one! These were fun. Come talk to me in my inbox abt stuff if u want <3333 kisses
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pickingupmymercedes · 2 months
Hello! I'm the girl with filthy ideas but this time I'm not here to ask for something dirty. I'm out of my country alone in a university dorm, and I just had my four wisdom teeth removed and I'm extremely spoiled and sensitive, so I just want you to please write something Where Lewis pampers and takes care of his girl during her recovery from surgery, lots of pampering and love. Thank you.
Hiiii my favorite anon!!
I'm soooo sorry it took me a whole month to get this out, I'm sure you're all recovered now, but I hope everything went well ❤️❤️
I drabbled something to apologize for how long it took though?! Hope you like it.
"That's what I'm here for" and "You're spoiling me rotten"
The scent of the dentist lingered on Y/n's clothes even hours after getting home. The surgery, though minor and on her mouth, had left her drained and sore all over.
Lewis had manage to transform their London apartment into a haven. In the living room, where she'd spend the majority of the next week, pillows were strategically placed on the sofa, creating a makeshift nest, blankets draped invitingly, and a fluffy heating pad was nestled at the small of Y/n's back.
The hum of the television played in the background as Lewis kept a close gaze upon his very sleepy and drowsy girlfriend.
Painkillers were neatly arranged on the coffee table beside a glass of water, a bouquet of her favorite flowers added a touch of cheer. He'd even bought a stuffed animal, Patches the Panda with its bandaid and get better message, placed by the tv, a silent promise of companionship.
Lewis had warned everyone he'd be taking meetings from home, determined to be with her until, at least, she could eat solids.
He'd prepped a grocery list a mile long, ensuring a steady stream of healthy and delicious meals wouldn't be a concern.
Y/n sighed contentedly as he brought her closer to him on the sofa. Having Lewis by her side made everything a little less daunting. She drifted to a light doze, the warmth of the heating pad and the gentle murmur of Lewis' voice a soothing lullaby.
The aroma of sizzling garlic and fresh herbs drifted into the living room, jolting Y/n awake. Her stomach rumbled, a sweet reminder that she hadn't eaten much all day. Lewis appeared in the doorway, a chef's towel slung over his shoulder, a content glint in his eyes.
"Alright, sleepyhead," he announced, holding up a bowl steaming a bit and smelling a lot like his tomate soup "Dinner is served."
The plate looked so good it almost made Y/n forget the initial twinge of discomfort she felt when while trying to stretch she felt her stitches. Lewis swooped in before she could even attempt to move again.
"Nope" he said firmly but gently, placing a hand on her shoulder and pushing her back against the pillows. "That's what I'm here for."
Lewis propped her up with more pillows, creating a perfect backrest. He placed a small table on her lap, the surface covered with a crisp white napkin where he carefully set down the bowl.
"Let me know if you need anything else," he said, a soft smile playing on his lips. He leaned in, placing a quick kiss on her forehead. "You just relax and enjoy"
Y/n giggled, a genuine, unrestrained sound that warmed Lewis' heart. It was a far cry from the weak smiles and forced joviality she'd managed all day.
Lewis chuckled, returning to the kitchen and reappearing with a glass of cold-pressed juice and a straw. He held it out to her, watching as she took a hesitant sip.
"See?" he said, amusement dancing in his eyes. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
Y/n shook her head, taking another sip. The juice was refreshing, contrasting perfectly to the warm savory flavors of the food.
"Wow," she murmured, surprise evident in her voice. "This is actually really good, Lewis."
"Thank you" he replied with a mock bow. "I'm all booked for the next three to four days but I'm sure I could arrange something for you after that, miss." he jocked as Y/n laughed again.
"You're spoiling me rotten," Y/n said between spoons, the playful smile still tugging at her lips.
"You deserve to be spoiled rotten" he countered sincerely. "Now, finish your food so I can bring you some ice cream. Doctor's orders."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @jajouska
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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forsworned · 5 months
That Keegan post you made had me clutching my PEARLS! Your use of words was so masterfully done! I really loved the new vocab I learned while reading your work.
Your depiction of the relationship was also so so nice. Very loving and attentive and just so sweet. I could tell they loved one another and had already established boundaries that they knew they shouldn’t cross. The ending was lovely as well, a great way to tie things up.
Thank you for writing it! I’m excited to see what else your lovely brain comes up with!
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Whispers in the Woods: A Stranger's Shelter ft. OfftheGridCowboy!Keegan Russ
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Sypnosis: When Keegan finds you petrified, running for your life from creatures unknown to you in the Haunted Appalachia trails after sundown, he takes you in for the night. Things get a bit crazy...
Warning(s): Mentions of Sexual Content, Violence, Petnames (?), Blood, Supernatural Horror (?), Eventual Smut, Barely Proofread, Reader is 28 and Keegan is 30, Reader is also AFAB
Word Count: 7.5k (enjoy keegan lovers ;)
Author's note: Blue cap anon thank you so much for inspiring me to write for Keegan. Honestly, I really love how this fic turned out and I hope you do too. I am so sorry I took so long to reply to you but you seriously warmed my heart so sosososo much when I read your message. I did not mean to put you on the back burner for this long/ Just know I have put so much effort into this to provide you a solid work so I hope that is a good enough excuse to have such a delayed response. Also so glad that you learned some new words LOL that really tickles me tbh, but I want to work more with the relationship that reader builds with Keegan in general or with any character x reader I write. So please enjoy this :)
edit: i think it's lowkey not living up to my expectations but ummm fuck it we ball
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Sparks fly as the firewood in the pit crackles, casting an orange ember over you and the stranger sitting in front of you. His eyes, reminiscent of the cool, blueness of winter are lingering on you, and his heavy, leather jacket drapes over your shoulders to shield you from the chilliness of the early April evening. With his black cowboy hat slightly tilted upward, you note the black bandana covering most of his face, adding an air of mystery to his appearance.
"You really shouldn't be out here." His voice edges a precarious tone, though you cannot determine if it's toward you or whatever lurks in the abysmal woods. Maybe it was both. Your fingers curl around the distressed tanned hide, fiddling with the stitching of the material. A shudder careens through the columns of your spine, goosebumps trail over your skin, and the fuzz across your neck rises briefly.
"Don't look. Don't even acknowledge it." He instructs, steadying his gaze on you as he tinkers with the butterfly knife in his gloved hand. "W-what?" You gasp out, eyes reaming as your quivering vision sets on the embers of the pyre. A sinister presence harks over your convulsing body, heart palpitating out of your tightening sternum. But as soon as it arrives it departs and you're left heaving for the oxygen that was stripped from your lungs.
"I'm not gonna ask you again, what are you doin' walkin' around aimlessly in these mountains?" He repeatedly latches and unlatches the metal object in his hands, his gaze fixates on you. Truthfully, you were lost. When the engine of the old Dodge that you inherited from your grandfather abruptly cut out as you passed through a dead zone, it was all hauling ass from there on out. Classic damsel in distress situation.
Your father and he had both warned you about the Appalachian mountains. How apex predators inhabited the woods, preying on the innocent, ripping flesh apart on sight, or disappearing into the ghastly woods to never return. But, of course, you wrote it off as fearmongering. Never had you experienced the soul-crushing, harrowing existence of unidentified, cryptids lurking within the lacunas of the evergreens.
"My truck it—" You start to say, but the sound of him exhaling loudly cuts you off and you glance up at him with misery strewn across your features. Doe-eyes glimmering from the wetness that was welling in your oculars as your lips tremble. He outstretches his arm to the lantern on the perched log, "I've heard enough."
He begins to get up, extinguishing the flame, smothering it with what seemed to be a bag of salt and you felt fear creeping back into your system.
"Come on." As the pyre's embers fade, the lantern's switch emits a squeak, coaxing the oil flame to life, while the blood-curdling shrieks send shivers down your spine, ringing in your ears. And as if on cue, you cling to his side and he lets out a soft huff, feeling your arm coil around his.
The inferno acts as a bulwark from whatever is skulking around the both of you in the obscurity of the night as you move through the forest. You catch glimpses of shadows trekking about, seemingly running away from you now. A stark contrast from the previous frantic sprint through the woods in your petite, white frilly prairie dress that was now tattered at the edges and puffy sleeves. Now, you were safe. At least you certainly hope so.
A tiny light enters your line of sight in the distance, and you can only assume that that is his home. But you were still heeding the noises and images being molded in front of human eyes. It was as if the veil was lifted here, a supernatural existence in the vast mountains and woods of the Appalachia. You don't know whether to be terrified or fascinated, but you keep quiet as he silently leads you down the desire path to his home that is etching itself a little more into the horizon.
Approaching the home, you begin to notice the clandestine features of the house. A zephyr sweeps past you and the distinct smell of lavender and sage gently brims into your senses. You visibly shudder as the steps creak under your weight, your arm remains tucked into his own as he fishes out his keys and unlocks the door. Like a gentleman, he gestures to allow you in first and he follows closely behind, shutting it behind him.
"Shoes off at the door." He directs, treading past you as he tosses another piece of firewood into the lit fireplace.
What the fuck?
Is he just not going to acknowledge the paranormal manifestation that incurred upon them just now? The shadows of unearthly skinwalkers who infest the woods, who are prowling out there now as they barricade themselves from the outside? What is stopping them from forcefully intruding into his home?
You finally catch your breath for a moment, still feeling your heart hammering against your chest before you speak. "Are we not going to talk about what we just saw?"
"Nope." He simply replies, from another room and you blink back in surprise. Then it sinks in.
Of course, how could you forget? How can you forget the rules of the Appalachia, that were engrained into you as a child?
If you see something strange in the wilderness, no, you didn't.
If you hear something call your name, no, you didn't.
If you hear screaming in the Appalachian mountains, especially a woman's scream, no, you didn't. 
If you feel something stalking you, do not run.
Never, ever, whistle at night. 
Never go into the woods at night.
Never leave your windows open at night, even in the summer and honestly, the list dragged on and on and on.
Most of it falls on deaf ears never believing in the legends, and yet, here you are shaken up by things you never thought existed in a stranger's home who found it in his heart to shelter you until what you suppose would be dawn.
A wavering breath escapes you as you take a long gander at the well-maintained colonial home. The timeless and heirloom quality of the home becomes evident upon analyzing the vast array of paintings and framed photographs adorning the walls, each depicting individuals with strikingly similar features—dark brows, thick lashes, and mesmerizing steely blue eyes that seemed to penetrate your soul. You can't quite make out the framed artwork through your muzzy vision, but it's eerie the way you can't quite pinpoint why the face was so recognizable to you.
Exposed wooden ceiling beams motion your eyes to the inherited items and the mounted deer skull above the hearth. The warmth emanating from it felt different, soothing, lulling your quivery limbs. You oblige and kick off your boots, padding behind him as he draws out his gun from his holster and places it on the mahogany table. He removes his cowboy hat, hanging it on the horseshoe hat rack adjacent to the fireplace revealing his tousled short black locks. As he begins to unmask himself, a small gasp leaves your lips, fixating on his newly exposed features. And he was goddamn handsome and unusually reminiscent of someone from your childhood embarked into the backlogs of your memory, but of course, you brush it off.
And although he hears it, he does not acknowledge it as one hand grips the wooden chair and the other runs over his dark stubble. He's pensive. The last thing he needed was some heretic woman living under his roof for Lord knows how long. At this point, he decides that you are his responsibility and he cannot shirk from that for that would be unbecoming of a man like himself and he was raised better than that.
He glances up at the painting of his father above the hearth and you take note of the reflective state. His daddy was the embodiment of a Cowboy. Gentlemanly, charming, nifty, and always genial, providing the best hospitality a person could provide. No way, he'd accept Keegan kicking you to the curb, leaving you out for those creatures to rip you apart. Plus, his father would simply rise from his grave and kick his ass.
"You hungry?" He pays no mind to your lingering, bewitched eyes as he moves to the kitchen and you like a lost puppy trailing behind him. "Got some leftover potato leek soup."
And as if on cue, your stomach growls and he glances at your hand over your tummy. You flush from the embarrassment of your stomach being that raucous. He cocks a brow at you and you can't tell if he's amused or annoyed. Probably both. "Go sit." He points his chin to the table by the fireplace and you pad back to the living room, the tempering sensation of the flames causes you to become drowsy. You loll your head to analyze his stature. His figure towers over all of the antique appliances in the kitchen, muscles flexing as he prepares to reheat the soup on the stove. Rolling up his sleeves to reveal his taut, tanned forearms to open the cabinet and pull out the loaf of handmade sourdough, slicing it evenly and efficiently before tossing it in the toaster.
His form becomes a bit hazy as you lay your head against the top rail of the chair, mesmerized by the allure of his broadened shoulders, and soft pink lips that all by hide the peeking tongue indicating his concentration in preparing you a homecooked meal. Keegan never has guests over, in fact, no one is ever daft enough to come running around this way anyways because locals know better and tourists are too scared shitless to even enter this part of the Appalachia. He likes it like that, away from everything and everyone, being able to maintain his family's ranch that was inherited by him at the ripening age of 18.
His mother moved out to the suburbs because the death of his father was far too devasting on her already weary soul to continue living her days out on the farm. But Keegan doesn't mind it. He handles the livestock with ease, providing care to the birthing cattle, and maintaining the operations of the facilities as a whole to keep his honest living thriving. It's all in a good day's work for him. So caring after you shouldn't be too much of a hassle right?
You're suddenly awoken to the soft clatter of the bowl being set on the wooden table, the savory aroma of potato leek soup, and freshly toasted sourdough bread. He sets a glass of water beside you before he pulls his seat adjacent to you with his food.
"Eat." He orders, waiting for you to take a spoonful of thick soup. You hesitantly lift the spoon before glancing up at him. He blinks back at you, realizing the weight of his indiscretion, and whisks the soup with his spoon before noshing on it as if to tell you that is not poisoned nor drugged. Your other hand takes the bread in between your fingers and he mirrors your actions, claiming a bite from his own and you visibly relax.
The soup is scalding to the touch, but you welcome the sensation when you get a taste of the heavenly whipped soup. Not a single lump, just the smoothest, most savory supping of such a simple hearty soup instantly heartening your disconcerting body right down to your unsteady hand.
"I'll fix your truck as soon as dawn breaks." He flashes a glance before breaking his bread and scooping it into his soup. "Make yourself comfortable in the guest bedroom." He gestures with his hand to the upstairs.
"Oh, I couldn't—" You begin to say, but he will have none of it.
"You're not going out there until the sun's out." He replies simply, as he lifts his glass of water and sips from it. You observe the way his Adam's apple oscillates under his stubbly throat and you swallow thickly when you realize he's gazing at you keenly.
Warmth spreads to your cheeks and your eyes are now following the pattern of the wood grain. "That's…very kind of you."
"'s just the human thing to do." And there is an emphasis on the word 'human'.
You begin to play with your soup, scooping it up and letting it fall back into the bowl. "Right." Your voice is soft as you try to block out the memory just moments ago.
He narrows his eyes as if to study you. "What's your name?"
You glance up at him, and you're almost a bit hesitant to tell him. You almost want to lie, but you decide otherwise. "[Name], and yours?"
"Keegan what?" You press. He raises a brow at you as he chews on his bread.
Russ. An esteemed surname that was echoed throughout your household during your adolescence. Presley Russ was a handsome and genial man who appeared at your father's porch steps every so often, tipping his hat at you with that charming smile and those glacial hues that made your heart jump. He'd invite your daddy out for nights at the rodeo or sipping on Highland Gaelic Ales on the porch from the afternoon til midnight, biding his time between Maryland and North Carolina.
You never quite caught glimpses of his son when you were living out on the ranch before you moved out for college, but you did remember a time when you ventured out past sunset in the abandoned village in the Black Hills you knew better than to be in when your daddy had to travel to Wheaton for the grand opening of his old buddy, Presley's restaurant accompanied by his reclusive son who you never remembered the name of. But for God's sake, who was stupid enough to go treading alone around the same location as the filming of the Blair Witch Project?
But you were a skeptic at best until you heard the unrelenting repetition of your name being called which led you astray, causing you to stumble over your own feet and ultimately collide with a rock that rendered you unconscious. Soon enough, you felt yourself being carried back to your home in the arms of the Russ boy with the hardened steely gaze that intently stared down at the knot forming on your forehead. You had never shut your eyes so quickly and the sound of his soft chuckle, caused you to be even more embarrassed as you were being handed off to your worried parents who were more than relieved and thankful to have retrieved you.
Of course, you had to act like you were unconscious. It was already humiliating enough that you were old enough to know better, but being ferried by a cute boy like you were some helpless damsel in distress was just mortifying.
But that was long forgotten by you in hazy summer days during your teen years before you went off to college and moved out into the city. In reality, you had written it off as a dream, a hallucination concocted by that vivid and graphic imagination of yours. That was always the case with you and the Appalachia. Always the non-believer.
But part of you was hoping that maybe he didn't recognize you after all this time, and yet the way he is staring you down is beginning to feel like otherwise.
"Blair." He suddenly says matter-of-factly as he taps his finger at the table and nods again. "Blair." A small toothy grin creeps on his lips before he chuckles.
Your eyes reaming as your heart drops to your stomach. "What?"
"Black Hills, you're the daughter of the farmer right up in Garrett County."
You feel the warmth blooming on your cheeks. He knew. "I—How do you remember that?"
"Knew you looked familiar." He dives back into his steaming soup. "Was tryin' to figure out where I'd seen that necklace of yours." He juts his chin, pointing to the family heirloom that kisses your clavicle. It had been passed down for generations to the women in your family as a symbol of health, wisdom and longetivity. You feel for the 20k gold pendant with lilac and sage engraved into the soft metal.
He looks as if he's stifling another snicker. "Think you pissed yourself a little when I found you unconscious."
Now that gets you real flared up. The abrupt change in mood was beginning to wrack your nerves. You sigh knowing that at the very least you were in good hands. Familiarity begins to set in as he breaks the ice, creating a more comfortable atmosphere between you two.
"I did not!" You puff your cheeks out at him and he's tickled pink by your endearing, agitated reactions.
His gleeful grin only grows to his eyes. "Now, who willing goes into the woods by themselves when they know damn well what kind of activity breeds over there, hm? Gotta death wish if you ask me, kid."
You open your mouth to say something, but it clamps shut. You don't know whether to be abashed by the way his face lights up like the stars in the heavens above, or by the fact that he remembers that you pissed yourself a little through your favorite pair of khaki parachute shorts in a known marked area where people have gone missing. The stark realization of it being a tangible memory was mussing at your trepidation towards him. But he's teasing you now and it stirs a strange kind of desire in your lower belly as you uncomfortably shift in your creaky wooden seat.
Pushing your bowl away, you avoid responding by guzzling down your water and then calmly placing it back down.
"I'd like to get ready for bed now, if you don't mind."
He jovially raises his eyebrows as he munches on the last of his bread. The smirk still curled up on the corners of his pinkened lips.
He wipes the crumbs off his hands and thumbs either side of his mouth before he gets up, gesturing to you. " 'Course not."
You stand up and politely push your chair in as you track behind him up the croaking staircase. Your body is practically heaving with every step and by the top of it, you're feeling a bit winded. Keegan decides to keep his comments to himself as he ushers you down the grandiose hallway. The walls are painted ivory, and wall sconces are tapered candles on held-up aged tin nailed into the parapet. Hardwood floors are well kept, but the small divots in between the grain quickly reveal the age.
He jingles the knob to what you suppose is the guest bedroom, but it seems to be locked. His fingers fish into his pocket and you watch as he phalanges through the set and then finally picks out the antiquated rusty skeleton key. It's honestly a bit jarring that it requires a key to fasten the door, but at this point, if you're being kept away from the monsters lurking outside you'd be happy to be his little prisoner for now.
He pushes the door and it moans open, though much to your surprise it's polished and orderly. In the middle of the room is a wooden four-poster queen-sized bed, with a princess-like sheer white canopy that surreptitiously envelops the bed. The furniture is a bit more romantic with detailed carved patterns on the bookshelves that line up against the wall to the vanity that sat adjacent to the bed. The carmine curtains that drape over the large window, easily maneuver you to the balcony, and the soft calling of your name beckons you to open it…
A sturdy hand clasps over your shoulder and you jolt as you turn to him. He's shaking his head as he towers over you and you look so goddamn feeble with those damn bambi eyes of yours shimmering in the tiny sliver of moonlight that peeks out from the window. He tears his gaze away to tread over to the window, squeezing it shut with the velcro he sewed into the fabric and reinforces the window shut.
A sharp exhale leaves his nostrils and his eyes are on you again. "I totally can see why you ended up the way you did." He glimpses over your dirtied and frayed dress, skinned, bloodstained knees, and contusions running up and down your legs. God, he makes it so easy to feel self-conscious.
He licks his lips as he hovers his hand over the knob to his right, and signals you over. You begrudgingly stride over and you're just as impressed at the bathroom. From the massive mirror above the traditional wooden undermount double sink vanity to the wine-red clawfoot freestanding bathtub. Little golden trinkets pinstripe the rosy walls with the soft warm lighting of the hanging flowery ceiling light fixtures. You squint your eyes when he adjusts the radiance to a white glow with the dimmer light switch before he opens the drawers one by one.
"Towels, robes, spare clothes, toiletries. Gimme a shout if you need anything else."
You open your mouth to say something and his eyes playfully narrow at you. "—within reason, missy."
Your bottom lip reflexively juts out. You hate to admit it, but you were quite the spoiled child. Never receiving more than a gentle chide from your parents and always silver-spooned to the nines by your grandparents. The truck was an exception. More of a parting gift from your grandfather that was left to you for the sole purpose of memorabilia scored into every inch of the tarnished vehicle. You hope that Keegan is capable of fixing it since most parts were made by discontinued distributors and they were definitely not easy to come by as they were expensive.
"Christ, spoiled rotten, weren't ya?" He ribs, nudging you a bit and you frown at him.
"Was not." You childlessly retort, but the small smile on your face betrays your feeble attempt at contempt.
Fuck, she is so cute. Keegan thinks as he assimilates your hilly yet winsome appearance. Just as cute as he remembers when he was seventeen, ignorant of the malignancy that poisoned his father's lungs.
"Not as much as your daddy spoiled you." You shoot back and cover your mouth with your hands as his brows lift in half surprise and half revelry.
"Blair's got jokes now, huh?" The elicitive nickname indicative of your former years sends another rushing warmth to your face and you begin to shoo him out.
"I'd really like to be clean now, thank you." You cast a scowl his way and he's putting his hands up in surrender as he backs out of the bathroom followed by the bedroom.
"I take it that the lady needs her privacy now." He leans against the doorframe with his hands stuffed into his denim jean pockets that are dusty and darkened with wood ash and the smell of the campfire lingers on his skin.
"And her beauty sleep." You add on, folding your arms. His jacket is still resting over your shoulders and he chuckles at your Hello Kitty print socks. The way your hair was mussed up in the soft glow of the lantern lamp on the night table was starting to arouse him a bit.
Fuckkkkkk, you were so adorable. It might have taken every atom in his body not to bend you over the mattress and spank you for being such a dotty woman before pressing his cock past your velvety folds as he makes you apologize in the form of incoherent, dirty little whimpers.
But the thought is quickly dismissed as it's formed in the sullied cogitations of his mind.
"Good night, [name]." He murmurs in his husky voice yet there is a hint of mischief in his tone that sends a frisson up your spinal column.
"Good night, Keegan." You susurrate, as you slowly shut the door and his expression remains the same as your view of him narrows until it disappears behind the threshold.
"Christ." You mutter to yourself as you begin to get ready for bed, as you feel the rush of collywobbles in your stomach start to well up a craving for the cowboy. The time on your cracked phone screen reads 2:03 AM and a wave of exhaustion crashes over you at the realization. Had you really been out there for seven hours?
The warm water soothes your aching bones and forming scabs scattered across your body as you gently exfoliate your skin. Thankfully, Keegan had enough sense to drop off a first aid kit by your door before you slipped into the bath. You weren't looking forward to the sting of the antiseptic, but you were more than grateful to be alive and have all your limbs attached. As you close your eyes and let the sudsy bath take away your worries, a coaxing voice is entrancing you. At first, it begins as a hushed lull intermingled with what sounds like your name and a bit of white noise that makes your brain all fuzzy and warm, but it becomes audible. Forming coherent luring words that resemble Keegan's deep, raspy voice.
Drown, drown, drown.
And you promptly find yourself submerging into the tub and the stillness of the water is subduing, but something is instigating you to open your eyes. You push away the thought, taking in the tranquility, settling into the comforting sensation of weightlessness. And yet, the feeling is not leaving you. You internally sigh as you move your body to the surface, but you remain dormant. Your eyes shoot open and your blood runs cold.
Above is one of the most fear-inducing creatures that you have ever laid your eyes upon holding you down on either side of your shoulders with slender claws digging into your flesh. It resembles a caribou skull with elongated antlers but its eyes were a violent vermillion that penetrates your soul. Its body was dark, rickety, and harrowing. Bones astute against the matted onyx fur and its tongue hanging out of his jaw like it was ready to devour you. Panic surges through your veins as you thrash about but it drives its talons further into your skin and you shriek out in pain. Water enters your lungs, your heart is stammering at cardiac arrest speed and you're choking out for dear life. This is it. This is how you die and the worst part about it is, you couldn't even call out for hope from the man who saved you just moments ago.
But just as you're accepting your fate, the muffled sound of a gunshot pierces through the air and within seconds the skinwalker is incapacitated and then dead. Soon enough, you're being hoisted out by Keegan's strong hands, as you cling onto him naked, wet, and heaving for oxygen.
Water expels out from your esophagus and you're trembling even harder than you were before when he found you, grasping to him and he's immediately talking you down.
"It's alright, you're okay. You're okay." He soothes, one hand tenderly caressing your soddened hair and the other is gripping your body tight as he pulls you out of the tub. He wastes no time unplugging the drain and wrapping you in a large towel to cover your naked body. In all seriousness, Keegan didn't even take a second to gander at your naked form when he was gathering you out of the tub and he makes that clear that his sole objective was to eliminate the wendigo that trespassed into your sanctuary.
He could've sworn that he had locked up every single opening in the house as he does every single night. It was like clockwork to him ever since his father had shown him the ropes to the place.
"…Kee-keegan." You splutter out as you continue to clutch onto him and your body is saturating him with water. He doesn't care though, that was the least of his worries. Your eyes are reaming and glossy as you dare to peek down at the creature that was seconds away from letting you meet your maker, but there's nothing but ash on the tiled floor.
"It was—" You begin, peering up at his harking steely eyes and his jaw tightens.
"It's gone."
"I don't understand." You shake your head, trying to make sense of what just happened, but the soft clatter of the rifle hitting the bathroom counter delineates your scattered mind. "Oh. But—"
"Get dressed." He softly prompts and you shakily let go of his t-shirt and he hands you an eggshell-colored peignoir as he averts his gaze. He's cognizant of the post-distress and panic you're in, so makes no indication of reallocating himself away from you as you slip on the fabric nor does he provide an explanation for what just occurred.
And to be honest, you didn't want to know. There was nothing more disturbing than the encounter with death in the form of a mutated caribou that leaves you shaken up. Everything just seemed too difficult to wrap your little head around, so let him take care of you.
A fresh towel is on your head, soaking up the wetness tangled into your hair and you relax at his balmy touch.
"Thank you." You mutter as your eyes are cast downward, eyeing the imbued, darkened spots on his nightshirt.
He delicately hooks his index finger and thumb between your chin and lifts it upward as he dabs at your features with the towel. And then it lingers. His intense yet pensive gaze, his stout calloused thumb that is now brushing against your jaw shortly followed by your quivering bottom lip. His jaw ticks.
"I'll sleep in here tonight."
Your heart jumps rampantly against your chest. "What?"
"You almost died if it weren't for me."
"Yes, but it's not—!" You fall short of words yet again and you're tearing your gaze away from him. As dire as the situation was (and it was), Keegan cannot help himself from being just the tiniest bit entertained by your endearing little mannerisms.
"I'm not gonna sleep next to you in bed." He deadpans. Normally, he would let you stumble over your words, but exhaustion is seeping into his bones and even as a noceur himself he was in desperate need of some z's. "The armchair over there quite comfy."
You follow his eyes to the brown leather recliner that was beside the bed and then back to him.
"I'm tired, Keegan." You profess, leaning your head against his chest and he's absentmindedly rubbing circles into the small of your back.
"I know."
Typically, you wouldn't be this comfortable with a stranger but given the unusual circumstances that were currently trying to slaughter your ass, you found yourself seeking solace in him.
"Let's get you into bed."
And soon he's leading you back to the bedroom, his hand is still on the small of your back as you walk on wobbly legs. He peels off the comforter and you sink into the mattress feeling like royalty in your crisp, clean nightgown, in your large princess-like bed, surrounded by plush pillows as the light in the lantern flickers. It casts shadows over his dashing features. The flame turns his glacial eyes into a soft apricot and an expression flickers over his visage—concern.
He's harping over your safety and the intruder that happened to bypass his heavily guarded home. No tripped wires, no movement detected on his cameras, and not to mention not a single sound was made until he heard your thrashing in his room across the hall. If he hadn't been there in time—
"You saved me, though." You drone, shutting your eyes as you tuck yourself into the cotton sheets.
His hardened glare softens at your words and how you look at ease now. A testament to your full, unshakeable faith in him. God, you were so quick to trust, it honestly scared him a little for you.
He scoffs. "How can you be so sure that I wouldn't hurt you?"
"Because your father would resurrect and beat the absolute shit out of you if you even dared to think about harming me." You state with a sly smirk on your face.
Keegan's expression briefly falters before he lets out a snicker, acknowledging the truth in your bold proclamation. "Crafty little critter, aren't ya?"
You giggle as shift under the sheets. It's almost a bit disturbing how you are seemingly fine and brushing off the situation. "Maybe."
He peers down at you for a moment and the welcoming feeling of your radiance starts to crawl into his chest. Almost like you were right where you needed to be, in his home, in his bed under his safeguarding. He wants nothing more than that. It's almost a bit perturbing how you are seemingly fine.
"Go to sleep." You mumble.
"You go to sleep."
"No, you first,"
"Who else is going to shield you against creatures of the night?"
You pause for a moment. "Good point."
He smiles as he walks over to the armchair, gun propped up against his left leg as he sits to face you. You're already curling up in a ball, and your chest rises and falls at a tranquil pace.
"Good night, Blair." He feels his eyes drooping as his vision becomes bleary.
You chuckle at the idiotic nickname. "Good night, Cowboy."
The remnants of tiny, foolish smiles are left on your faces as you drift off to sleep in your respective spaces. The last passing thought that crosses your mind is Keegan's tender gaze and his fingers brushing against your lips. Keegan wonders what is making you so giddy before the world around him fades out.
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As morning breaks, sunlight filters through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. The spring breeze wafts into the wisps of your hair and your eyes flutter open. The seat in front of you is now empty and the balcony door is wide open, and yet you're calm as you rise out of bed. Birds are chirping and the incessant droning of cicadas buzzing loudly against your eardrums is merely white noise when you recognize the low rumble of your truck's engine pulling up. There is an urgency that surges within you and soon you're sprinting out the door, and the heat of the cobblestone stings at the soles of your feet but you don't care.
The engine cuts and Keegan climbs out of the truck, sleeves rolled up in his army green henley, and he's wearing a clean pair of relaxed, light-wash jeans that skim the leather of his Tecovas. He peers up at you with wintry hues, tipping his hat, and in that instant, you're transported back to your childhood—Mr. Russ, tipping his hat with those same eyes and that glorious smile that always made your heart race.
The resemblance was both striking and uncanny, but damn, you were totally not complaining.
"Mornin', little lady. You're up quite early." He puts his hands on his hips and he's no longer the stone-faced, vendetta-filled Cowboy that you met last night. He's your friendly Appalachian Cowboy who provides you the sweet, sweet southern hospitality with a charming smile and a bit of a North Carolinian twang that sets your groins on fire.
"Mornin', Cowboy. Fixed my truck, did you?" You lean against the French iron wrought railing with your ruffled hair and white nightgown, rippling in the slight draft that carries the healing scent of sage and lavender. The fabric forms around your body and Keegan notices how it traces the outline of your curves and how the sun is hitting you just perfect enough for you to look like a literal angel.
But it's still the unrelenting, disconcerting feeling that creeps up on him when he looks up at you so unbothered, airheaded with that buoyant grin on your face. Was it really just a facade?
"Fixed it good enough for you to get back on your way." He turns from you to the truck and then back to you. "By the way, where were you headed?"
"Back to the old man." You cross your leg over the other, waiting for his response. He watches as the skin of your legs peeks out from under the peignoir and it's a bit enticing.
"I didn't contact him if that's what you're askin'" His hand acts like a sun visor to block the light out of his sensitive eyes to take a good gander at you.
"I would hope not. Don't need to send him into cardiac arrest." You joke and you see his shoulders shaking a bit, suggesting a chuckle.
"Made you breakfast."
"Yeah?" You simper, leaning a little more against the railing.
He can't help the way his grin broadens as he peers up at your flirty form. "Careful now, can't have you comin' back home with a broken neck, can we?"
Shit. Shit. Shiiiiit.
Goddamn him and his pretty face. He's already heading inside as you're locking in on him, but Keegan isn't one to give you the satisfaction. He'll play the long game and he'll enjoy every minute of it. From the way you're sitting next to him at the table with your dress bunched up to your thighs to the way you sensually lick your spoon covered with cream and he's internally chuckling at the mess you've made on the corners of your lips, feigning gullibility to get a rise out of him. Admittedly, it's hot. He wants nothing more than to lick your fingers clean and sloppily kiss your sweet cream-laden lips.
He doesn't say anything. Just enjoys his breakfast and keeps his gaze lowered like a gentleman. The company of a beautiful woman is enough for him on a fine Sunday morning like this.
You can only wonder what he's thinking as you act like a giddy schoolgirl who's trying to get the attention of her professor. Not that you had a significant age gap with Keegan, but in his original line of work there was a massive lapse. Being a retired Marine had probably mentally aged him over give or take 10 years would have been your best guess. And leaving the farm to his cousins in his absence probably impacted him even more, well, according to your gossip girl of a father at least.
He made trips down to NC every so often to check on his favorite, reclusive cowboy, sometimes tending to his facilities when need be. You never tagged along though. In your mind, you were a city girl who didn't mind dressing up as a cowgirl if she saw fit. So coming down from your city job, in the comfort of your sweet loft that overlooked the NOVA skyline didn't exactly make you miss the Appalachia trails.
Still, it is nice being back here with a somewhat familiar stranger in a home you had only seen the outside of because, for the majority of your life, you had so desperately tried to force out the rural in you. Call it toxic, but leaving the mountains always felt like the haze had lifted from your brain. It was unsettling to be here for too long.
"You're nervous."
You glance up from the runny eggs that you have been working on for the past twenty minutes. You give him a sheepish grin. "This place makes me nervous."
"Itching to go back to the city, huh?"
That elicits a small chuckle from you. "And what do you know about me?"
"Well, according to your father," He says in a knowing tone and you narrow your eyes at him as he gives you a coy smile. "you love the city too much to move back."
"I don't think I'm too good for it. Here, I mean."
"Didn't say that. The Appalachia isn't for everyone." He butters his toast and then munches on it and soon it vanishes into his mouth. The night before is washed away from your memory, but Keegan loses track of his thoughts as he stares at the leftover jagged lines embedded into your skin from a creature that he knew you wanted to forget. A glance at his watch and he's up, wiping his hands and mouth with the serviette that was on his lap before he places it on the table. "You ready?"
"You got somewhere to be?" You raise your brows, not quite ready to leave yet.
"Matter o'fact I gotta date with an employee from Tractor Supply Co in about an hour, and it's thirty minutes out."
"New livestock?" You sip at your coffee.
A sad smile graces his lips. "Yeah, my last eldest cattle just passed away a few weeks ago."
You frown. "I'm sorry."
For a moment you swear you saw him get teary-eyed, but he quickly shakes himself out of the grief, grabbing his keys as he downs his glass of ice water. He stops himself for a moment as you get up to push your chair in and he can't help himself from tracing his fingers over the claw marks on either side of your shoulders. You shudder from the remembrance and his touch.
"[name]," He starts to express but your mood sours.
His expression falters and so does his hand as he lets it drop to his side. You didn't want to remember any of it. He notices how you clutch onto your necklace and he drops the subject.
"Your trucks waiting." He takes your hand and deposits the keys into your palm.
You give him a tight-lipped smile. "Thank you."
You begin to approach your truck and you feel relief washing over you as you run your hand over the tarnished, rusted hood of the Dodge before you open the driver door. As you climb in you notice that all your belongings remain untouched. Scattered cassette tapes, polaroids, and the little Hawaiian girl that swayed with every movement still plastered onto the dash. The leather seats seem to have abrasions, revealing the cushion beneath, but you write it off as a bear maybe deciding to try and access your vehicle after you had abandoned it.
"…[name], ….[name]….!"
You're snapped out of your stupor, recollecting your thoughts as you glance over at him leaning his body against your truck. "I checked the vehicle, it's all clear for you to go. Should make it back alright."
"Why wouldn't it be if you fixed the engine?"
The look you give him is blank, free from concern and any worry that may have been left on your face from last night.
He nods, pushing his hands into his jean pockets. "Right, well, it was nice seeing you all grown up."
That provokes a reaction. Heat is rising to your cheeks and Keegan is standing there looking cool as ever as he takes off his hat and wipes the sweat off his brow before putting it back on.
"Thank you." You say with more feeling, only your eyes acknowledging the horrors of last night. And that's enough for Keegan.
"You take care now." He tips his hat with a good-natured grin and you snicker at his little cowboy bit.
He waves to you as you back out of his driveway and you glance over from your rearview mirror as his towering figure disappears and so does any anamnesis from the evening prior. Or at least, you told yourself that.
And that was April. Months have gone by and Keegan doesn't exactly expect you to keep in contact. He's even surprised to hear a, '[name], says hello, by the way.' from your father during their weekly check-in.
And he definitely does not expect to see your truck in his driveway when he's coming back from milking his cows for the day with his new set of eyes that's in dog form, wagging her tail in anticipation as she sits.
"German Shepherd, eh? Suits you." You simper at him, leaning against the pillar of his home with glossy lips, and a cutesy red paisley swing dress that just barely covers your thighs. Your boots are hardly broken in as they dig into the grassy field and your hair is a little disheveled in an endearing way.
"Name's Miley." He peels off his gloves, shoving them into his back pocket. He's completely taken aback by your sudden presence, though he's not one to complain about a pretty lady showing up at his door.
"Hey, Miley." You coo, holding your hand to her and she's immediately reciprocating your energy tenfold as she jumps up and down, causing you to giggle and pet her soft fur.
Keegan doesn't even need to say anything as he glances down at the German Shepherd and she's already sitting on the ground between you two.
"Miss me?" You ask, coyly.
"Could ask you the same thing, Blair." He tilts his head to the side, eyeing you suspiciously. Something was off.
"I was just in town."
"Uh huh."
It doesn't take long before the act drops and distress is carving into your features. Lips are trembling in fear as your eyes begin to water.
"Something's been following me, Keegan." Your body naturally falls against his chest and his breath hitches a bit at your contact and the smell of your perfume wafts into his senses.
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mini taglist: @keegansshark @soapsgf @milkteaarttime
229 notes · View notes
seonghwaddict · 1 year
music to my ears — choi san PART THREE OF LILO'S 600 FOLLOWER EVENT
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requested by anon. “congrats on 600 lovely !! <3 fluff list 2: “you wouldn’t, uh, maybe, want to stay the night, would you? i just really don’t want today to end.” & smut list 4: ❛ i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do. ❜ with san would be 🫠🫠” lilo’s notes. thank you for the request anon!! i agree this is an absolutely amazing request and the prompts are just *chefs kiss*. that being said, i had to change them very slightly (like one or two words) just to fit the scenario a bit, i hope you don’t mind. <33
prompts. “you wouldn’t, uh, maybe, want to stay the night, would you? i just really don’t want today to end.” ; “i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do.” pairing. choi san x fem!reader
warnings. smut below the cut, minors please dni, soft dom!san, soft sex, body worship, fuckbuddy!san, minimal dirty talk, praise, p in v, unprotected sex (pls don’t do this irl), nicknames (baby, love), slight overstimulation, aftercare, a lot of softness. wc. 1.7k.
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he was supposed to be a one night stand, a stranger you’d have some fun with and then forget about later.
what he was not supposed to be was a repeated cycle of waking up in his bed. but that’s exactly what san became. you weren’t exactly sure how to describe your relationship with him—friends with benefits? no, you didn’t really talk enough about your personal lives to consider him close to you in any other way than physical. fuck buddy? that was definitely more fitting, but something about it still felt off.
after the first night you spent together, you were intrigued, eager to find out everything he could do but had not yet shown you. so, before you left in the morning, you grabbed a pen and paper from his desk and wrote down your number and name (you couldn’t even remember his name so you doubted you ever gave him yours).
it didn’t take him too long to contact you. only a week later and you received a text message where he introduced himself. once you were reminded of who he was, you couldn’t suppress your excitement at the prospect of seeing him again. you were completely right about his intentions for it was only a few messages later that he threw in the information that he was stressed and could really use relief. you were happy to assist him.
your little adventures in his sheets quickly became something constant in your life, seeing him every couple days. soon enough you figured out you were both std free, so you let him go in without protection. the pleasure of it all never really left either of you with a desire to sleep with anyone else, since you didn’t have to worry about diseases or pregnancy (thanks to you being on the pill). and after the first night, you stopped leaving as soon as you woke up while he was still fast asleep, and with each encounter you’d find yourself staying just a bit longer each time. san was always very sweet, though his personality in bed was a bit unpredictable.
sometimes he was merciless, pounding into you at an ungodly speed while he whispered the filthiest things into your ear. other times, like now for instance, he’d be gentle, taking his time with your body, hands and lips ghosting over sensitive areas and mapping them out.
he already made you cum three times and by the time he finally entered you, you were quivering with overstimulation but still eager to continue. one of his hands had your wrists crossed and pinned over your head while the other trailed all over your body, gently teasing before he held your thighs together and bent them over your chest, his hips rolling against you sensually.
he knew your body well, knew what angles got your head spinning and what touches got your pussy gushing. occasionally he let out groans, but he was rarely too focused on his own release, keen on making sure you felt good. this particular position was a favourite of yours, it helped him reach inside you deeper and it increased the tightness around his cock, stimulating both of you in the most delicious way.
“you know,” his tone was soft, almost as if he were talking to you while reading a newspaper over breakfast and not fucking you. “you’re always so pretty for me.”
san leaned down and pressed featherlight kisses to the back of your calves, trailing them down to the back of your knees and causing a stampede of butterflies you forcefully swallowed. the pace of his thrusts was almost frustratingly slow, making you feel how his length filled you so thoroughly.
his hands grasped the back of your thighs and moved your legs carefully, to hook them around his waist. when he was fucking you like this, with this gentleness, he liked missionary. he liked it because it gave him a clear view of how your face contorted with the pleasure only he can provide you with. because he could lean down and kiss you and swallow all your moans.
“o-oh san…” you whimpered against his lips as he gave a sharp thrust different from all the other ones.
in response, he bit your lip and pulled it slightly before releasing it. san brushed his fingers over your cheekbone as he leaned his face back to watch the muscles of your face twitch and go slack. “hm, did you like that, baby? your sounds are like music to my ears. all your whimpers and moans, i never want to stop hearing them.”
you felt your nails digging into his biceps as he increased his pace just a bit, the contrast between his sudden roughness and the featherlight touches of his hands sliding up and down your glistening body making your head spin. he hummed, his eyes rich with all kinds of emotions as they surveyed the moaning mess you were.
“i love that no one else gets to see you like this.” he angled his hips a little differently so his whole cock dragged along your most sensitive spots. he reached one of his hands down to let his thumb circled your swollen, abused clit. “that no one else gets to feel you or be inside you. they don’t get to have you… but i do.”
something about the way he whispered those words so possessively. it sent your mind reeling and had your walls clenching around him tightly as another orgasm washed over you. your body shook and writhed beneath him, overwhelmed for a moment. you opened your mouth in a silent moan, but his hand moved to your chin to nudge it shut so he could finish with his own groans muffled against you.
a little after that, he pulled out of you, both of you shuddering as he collapsed on top of you with his head between your breasts. san’s hands traced from your shoulder to your hands, holding them as if they were delicate and could break at any second, his hazy mind calming down as he listened to your heartbeat and felt the rise and fall of your chest. when you squeezed his hands, he sat up slightly dropping your right hand to hold onto your left one with both of his. he brought it up to his face and kissed your palm.
you let him, watching him silently as your cheeks warmed with heat and your stomach stirred with something other than arousal. he placed heartfelt pecks against your palm before he moved his lips to press more pecks on the inside of your wrist and then up your arm, all the way until he got to your shoulder. there, he lifted his lips, but not for very long as he placed a kiss against the spot over your heart and then continued travelling upwards. his tender kisses littered your neck and cheek until, finally, he pressed a firm kiss to your lips.
you shivered and held him close, not quite processing how intimate all of this was. but soon enough, he got up from the bed and returned with a fresh pair of boxers on and a wet towel. he took ahold of your ankles and pulled you to the edge of the bed so your knees hang off it. spreading your knees apart, he kneeled on the ground, eye level with the area he intended to clean.
as he wiped away all the cum and arousal, you twitched every now and then, stinging from the slight overstimulation. whenever you flinched, he’d pull his hand back and glance up at you, not continuing until he saw your discomfort eased. occasionally he’d press his lips against the inside of your thighs and your kneecaps, mumbling sweet words against them.
“you did so well, just relax now, love.” “does this feel okay, it’s not too much, is it?”
once he was done, san took the panties he had haphazardly tossed away from the bed and slid them up your legs, patting your hips once he got them on you. figuring you’d be cold, he also grabbed a shirt from his closet, slipping his hand under your back to help you sit up (though you weren’t that exhausted, but who were you to complain?) and dressing you in the soft, grey material. 
when you woke up the next morning, you were facing each other, legs tangled under the sheets. he was already awake, absentmindedly tracing shapes on the skin of your waist under the shirt as he looked at you. there a warm smile spread itself onto his face when he noticed you were awake. his hand moved to the small of your back and drew you closer, holding you tightly and kissing your forehead.
briefly you considered asking what he saw you as. sure, after you slept together he’d usually be very affectionate. but something was different last night; the lingering kisses, the intimacy, the shockingly affectionate tenderness of his eyes. you pushed those thoughts away. there was no way he thought of you the way you thought of him.
still, a part of your soul couldn’t help but stay hopeful as he hesitantly uttered his next words.
“you wouldn’t, uh, maybe, want to stay for the rest of the day, would you? i just really don’t want this to end.”
you stopped yourself from cooing at his nervousness, nodding slowly. “i’d love to stay.”
a beat of silence followed that, neither of you sure of what to say next. it was an awkward or uncomfortable silence, it was calm. the few rays of sunlight that got past his curtains provided the room with a soft glow, the pair of you engulfed by the warmth of the blanket.
he brought your hand up to his face and, much like the night before, pressed a kiss to your palm and then your wrist. the sensation left tingles on your skin and your breath hitched, something he took note of with a smirk.
“can i have my hand back yet?” you asked jokingly, your chuckle ringing through his ears.
“hmmm,” he nipped at your wrist, “no.”
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[ networks . . . ] @cromernet @blankjournal
[ perm taglist . . . ] @ad0rechuu @sankatchu
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frvnkcastles · 2 months
reader had body issues in the past, she is mostly okay with it now, but is still insecure and feels really vulnerable taking her clothes off at the beach and be there just in bikini, so frank helps her with that?
love your work, you're one of my favorite writers!!!
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Summary: You feel insecure at the beach but Frank is quick to comfort you.
Warnings: Body image issues, fluff mostly, language
Word count: 1.1k
Author’s note: EVERY BODY IS A BEACH BODY!! But being insecure is very valid, even if it sucks. I hear you, anon! Thank you so much for the sweet words, lovely <33
There was an annoying feeling of nervousness in the pit of your stomach, more like angry bees instead of the stereotypical butterflies, and you clung onto Frank’s hand desperately, seeking that immediate comfort he always gave you.
You had been the one to suggest a beach day, and Frank had been a little surprised by the idea — it would be the first time you went together, and truthfully, the first time he went in years. He had done it a bunch of times with his kids, but after losing them, he hadn’t exactly felt like tanning with a drink in hand. Once you brought it up, though, he had quickly warmed up to the thought and always eager to please and entertain you, he had agreed.
The next day, he packed a bag and drove you to the nearest beach in his truck, and you loved that he had been so easy to get on board. As soon as you arrived, though, you started to feel uncomfortable within your own skin. Despite it being your own idea to go, you had your reservations, and Frank was probably the more excited one, setting down a blanket for the two of you and digging out some sunscreen and water for you.
Already in his swimming trunks, he lifted his shirt off of his back, ready to head into the water, but he stopped as soon as he noticed you just standing there. ”What’s up, sweetheart? Somethin’ on your mind?” he queried curiously, his eyebrows knitted together as he crumpled his shirt into a ball and shoved it into the bag.
You realized you looked silly, frozen on the sand with your sundress flowing in the mellow breeze and your hands fidgeting with one another. But the thought of undressing and revealing the bikini underneath made you nervous, especially when Frank was standing there in all his glory, built and firm all over. He was so gorgeous, and it only made you painfully aware of your own flaws and all the things you wished would be different about your body.
You glanced around, taking note of all the people around. ”I’m insecure”, you admitted quietly, giving Frank a shy shrug as you picked at your dress.
Frowning, Frank shuffled in the sand until he was standing in front of you, his tall frame blocking the sun. ”Hey, you’re stunnin’. And if anyone tries tellin’ you otherwise, they’re getting a mouthful of my fist, got that? I ain’t lettin’ anyone ruin this for you”, he swore, dead-serious and it made you smile a little. You didn’t doubt his words, and it almost convinced you, but you still hesitated.
”Look at me, sweetheart. You’re perfect just the way you are. I know this is a big step for you but you can do it. There’s no right or wrong way to look”, he insisted, his voice gentle and reassuring. He had always been so understanding when you had opened up about your issues with your body before, and he was exactly the same now, even if he would never agree that there was something wrong with you.
You nodded, knowing he was right but finding it a little hard to get the message all the way to your brain where your insecurities were brewing. ”I don’t know if I have the body for a bikini”, you pouted, disappointment obvious on your face, ”maybe I should have worn the full swimsuit.”
Tutting, Frank shook his head. ”Nah, that’s bullshit. You got a body, so you got one for a bikini”, he spoke firmly, his hands holding yours as he stared you down. He wanted you to see he was being truthful, and you couldn’t deny that he was onto something. Bikinis weren’t exclusive to anyone, and you had every right to exist in your own body.
”Okay”, you exhaled, letting go of Frank’s hands just so you could tug the dress over your head. You tossed it onto the blanket Frank had put down for you, and as soon as you were exposed, you brought your arms to hug yourself. You immediately felt like everyone’s eyes were on you, but Frank was quick to remind you of the truth.
”No one’s lookin’, sweetheart”, he assured while gently prying your arms down and letting you get used to the feeling of not hiding. ”Except for me. Shit, girl”, he added, clearing his throat while a grin threatened to creep over to his lips. He tried to stifle it but the proud look on his face was impossible to hide, and your cheeks heated up as he scanned your body.
”Fraaaank”, you muttered, a small smile on your own face as you kicked at the sand sheepishly. He lifted his hands up in defense, but the grin wouldn’t falter from his features.
”Sorry, sorry. It’s just that I got a real gorgeous lady here with me. Makin’ me wanna devour you”, he whistled, earning a giggle from you. You covered your face with your hands and he laughed softly, wrapping an arm around you. ”Gettin’ shy on me now, darlin’? Ya got nothin’ to be shy ’bout. You’re beautiful, okay? Wish I had the words to tell you just how beautiful but you know I ain’t the best with big speeches”, he continued, and still smiling, you dropped your head against his chest.
”It’s okay. Thank you, Frankie”, you sighed, leaving a kiss on his collarbone. ”You look so good, too”, you whispered, and chuckling softly, he gave you a kiss in return, right in the middle of your forehead.
”Thanks, sweetheart, but I dunno. Think if anyone’s gonna look at us, they’ll just be wonderin’ about all these scars”, he pointed out, revealing his own sore spot. He wasn’t one to get caught up in insecurities too much, but it did bother him sometimes — he was a flawed man and he wished he could have been better for you. Those scars were a constant reminder of the baggage he carried with him and he was sure that anyone who would catch sight of you with him wouldn’t judge your body, they’d judge his.
With a sad look in your eyes, you glanced up at him. ”I love them. They make you who you are”, you told him sincerely, and with half a smile, he brushed his thumb across your cheek.
”That’s how I feel ’bout the things that make you insecure”, he reminded, and admitting defeat, you nodded. You may have struggled to love all of your body, but Frank did it for you, always happy to map out everything he adored so much.
”Now, c’mere, lemme get some sunscreen on you, yeah? Y’know I like any opportunity to get my hands on ya”, he suggested, and snorting, you grabbed the lotion, wagging it in front of him.
”Only if I get to return the favor.”
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 8 months
hii, idk if this is too complex but could you maybe do ethan landry x fem reader smut where he died (we all know the plot in scream 6) but like here he was just supposedly dead and actually alive but spent a few months in a psych ward and during this the reader is his ex girlfriend as they broke up one year before the events from 2023 since she didn’t want to accept him killing people for revenge but as months passed, she found out that he “died” so she took care of everything in his place, killing the core four and all and at that point she became very depressed as she still couldn’t get over him but then he suddenly appears in her life again (idk how tho, this can take place in the forest or at her house or idk) it can start a bit angst and then leading to smut with them being a bit eager as they haven’t done it in a long time. you can mention ethan having some scars somewhere on his face btw! (srry again if this is too complex 😭)
My sweet, SWEET anon. I finally have this done, thank you for being so patient with me💕 I appreciate you messaging me so I could run some ideas I had by you lol
Meet Me at Our Spot - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You think Ethan died at the theater, so you got revenge. He isn't dead though, and you run into him at your spot.
A/N: Hi! The anon that requested this messaged me earlier to help me with some plot ideas I had, cause you know I'm a bitch that LOVES a plot. If you guys have requested something and I haven't written it yet, it could be that I'm stumped and trying to figure it out. Just message me if you're like...damn why's she taking so long lol.
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“Get the fuck out!” You screamed at Ethan, as tears streamed down both of your faces.
“Why are you doing this?” he cried, his eyes pleading with yours.
“I can’t be with someone as cold-hearted as you,” you snapped, nudging him out the front door and slamming it in his face.
That was the last time you saw Ethan. After you accidentally overheard the plan his family concocted to get revenge for Richie’s death, you called him out on it. He argued that it’s what he needed to do, and that you should love him regardless. You couldn’t, not if he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison, or worse, end up dead. You were hoping the break-up would make him realize that he shouldn’t do it, and just stay with you. He didn’t though, starting college not even a month later. You stayed home, opting for online courses like you both originally planned on doing.
When you saw the news that people had died in the same area of his university, you knew he had something to do with it. You couldn’t reach out to the cops, because his dad was a well-respected detective. No one would believe you. Plus, your own safety would be at risk. Ethan made that perfectly clear during your heated argument.
Your heart sank when you heard about what happened at the abandoned theater. When you saw that Ethan was one of the suspects, and that he was found deceased, you couldn’t control your emotions as you wailed in the otherwise silent house. After you read about what happened to him, you started to understand why he felt like he needed to avenge Richie’s death, because that’s exactly how you were feeling. You wanted to get back at the people who took him from you.
You started with Kirby. She was the one that ultimately took him from you. You started to feel satisfied, but you knew you couldn’t stop until they all died. You went to Chad and Mindy, then Tara and Sam. Even with you finishing what Ethan and his family started, you still felt so empty without him.
You never read anything else about Ethan after you did what you needed to do, the thought of him being gone made you too sad to even think about it. You did keep tabs on what was happening in the investigations into your crimes, but they never had any leads. If you had kept up with the news on Ethan, you would’ve seen that the first news reports were wrong, and that he did survive.
The attempts to keep your day-to-day life normal became impossible. Your parents were always traveling, so you mostly had the place to yourself. All you wanted to do was lay in bed and cry, your living space reflecting that. You finally decided to get up and clean, coming across so many little gifts and things Ethan had gotten you over the two years you were together. When you came across the first note he wrote to you when you were juniors in high school, you started to sob. His handwriting on the page in front of you made you feel like you had a piece of him. Then, you saw the ‘Meet me at our spot’ at the bottom of the page. The spot he first told you he loved you.
He was so nervous that day, his cheeks pink as he finally got those three words out, terrified that you wouldn’t say it back. You did, though. You knew with everything in you that you were meant to be with him. You thought back to the times that you’d pass him in the hallway on your way to class, the two of you not having much time to talk. He’d say “forever” as his eyes connected with yours, and you’d always say it back. It was so simple, but he wanted you to know how much he loved you, and that you’d always have his heart.
You slipped your shoes on before heading out the door. You knew you needed to go to the spot in the woods that the two of you would always go whenever you needed to get away from life. You sat on the log you’d always sit on, crying as you touched the empty space beside you.
“I miss you so fucking much,” you sobbed, letting out so many emotions. The anger, the sadness, and the heartache overwhelming you.
“I never thought I’d see you here,” you heard, as the leaves crunched behind you.
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice, your chest getting tight as you saw Ethan standing there.
“Fuck, I really am going crazy,” you cried, taking a deep breath.
You didn’t want to look away. Even if this was a figment of your imagination, seeing him was something you so badly needed.
“You aren’t crazy,” he said, stepping closer to you.
You noticed some scars on his face, but he was still beautiful. Your heart swelled as you shut your eyes tight and reopened them, to see him still standing there.
“I’m real. I told you; you aren’t going crazy.”
You stood up and started to walk a little closer to him. His brown eyes met yours before looking at the ground, his facial expression unreadable.
“Ethan…How?” was all you got out, your brain not fully processing what was happening.
“It doesn’t surprise me that you didn’t keep track of what happened to me,” he said, turning around to walk in the opposite direction of you.
“What the fuck do you mean? You died! It was all over the news!” you yelled, as he kept walking. “Ethan, please stop.”
He stopped, his back still turned to you.
“How could you just break up with me like that? How could you just throw me away?” he said, finally turning to look at you. Tears stained his cheeks as he waited for you to respond. He’s waited over a year for an answer. “Forever must not mean much to you.”
“It doesn’t?! Then why did I finish what you started? Why did I kill for you?” you snapped, as his eyes grew wide.
“That was you?” he asked, “You’re so stupid!”
He quickly walked back towards you but kept a few feet of space in between. It was like he was too scared to get close.
“I understand why you wanted to do what you did for Richie. I couldn’t stop thinking about the people that hurt you being out there, living their lives when yours was over,” you sobbed, as he wiped the tears from his cheeks. “I said forever, and I meant it.”
He closed the space between the two of you, his lips connecting with yours. The kiss was aggressive, like you both needed it so badly for so long that you never wanted your mouths to stop moving. His hands were roaming everywhere he could reach. Your hips, your ass, your breasts. Every new area he touched had you whimpering into the kiss.
He pulled away, looking into your eyes. “I need you, baby.”
You knew what he meant; his tone full of lust. You looked around at the dead leaves and twigs on the ground, realizing that it wasn’t the most comfortable place for you to go at it for a long time, which is what you fully intended on doing.
“My parents are out of town. Let’s go,” you said, grabbing his hand as you ran with him through the woods back to your place.
Once you made it inside the front door and closed it, he shoved you up against it. You were both breathing heavy from the running, and from the anticipation.
“Have you fucked anyone since me?” he asked, his eyes dark as they looked into yours.
“No, I’ve only wanted you,” you said, as he started to smirk.
“Good, because that pussy belongs to me,” he growled, before roughly kissing you. Your arms went around his neck as his hands went to your waist, lifting you off the ground. Your legs instinctively wrapped around his hips. You could feel his cock though his jeans as it pressed against your ass, the feeling making you moan against his lips.
He carried you over to the couch, not wanting to waste a single second of time. You only pulled apart from the kiss when you both took your shirts off. You noticed the scars on his shoulder and chest, gently running your fingers over them as he started to unbutton your jeans.
You couldn’t help but wonder what the full story was. What happened after you thought he was dead?   Those thoughts were quickly pushed to the side as he slid your jeans and panties down in the same motion.
“You have no idea how bad I’ve wanted to taste you again,” he said, leaning in and licking your clit.
“Oh shit,” you whined, your fingers going to his hair as his mouth moved faster against you. “Fuck I missed you eating me out.”
He moved his mouth lower, his tongue dipping inside your dripping core. He kept moving his tongue, the sounds flooding out of your mouth going straight to his throbbing cock.
He moved back up to focus on your clit as he slid a finger in you, before adding another. Your pussy was sucking his fingers in as the wet sounds filled the room.
“Oh fuck, right there!” you cried out as the pads of his fingers moved against that special spot inside of you. “Fuck, just like that. Yesss.”
You started to move your hips against his fingers and mouth as his free hand had a strong grip on your thigh. It didn’t take long for his fingers to move faster, and that feeling you hadn’t felt in so long started to creep up. Yeah, you’d been able to get off a couple times by yourself, but nothing ever compared to how Ethan does it.
“You’re going to make me cum,” you whimpered, the intensity of the feeling getting stronger and stronger as your hips started to jerk. Ethan just kept going, his fingers and mouth not slowing as tears started to slip down your face. The orgasm was so strong as you babbled out, the things you were saying not making any sense.
When you started to relax onto the couch and your hips stilled, he slid out his fingers. You whined at the emptiness, as he started to laugh. “God, baby, you’re so needy.”  He quickly got out of his jeans and slid his boxers down, not wanting another second of time to pass without him being inside of you.
He crawled on top of you and lined up at your entrance. You squealed as he slid inside of you, the fullness making your breath hitch in your throat.
“Fuck, so tight,” he groaned, “I missed this so fucking much.”
“I missed it too,” you moaned, as he started to thrust harder. “Oh fuck!”
You were whining as his hips pounded into you, the relentless pace turning your brain to mush. He started to slow down a little, not wanting to cum too quickly.
“Let me ride you, baby,” you whimpered, “Please, I need it.”
He groaned at your words, sliding out long enough to sit on the couch. You straddled him as he gripped the base of his erection for you to sink down onto him.
“Oh my god,” you whined out, as your hands held onto the back of the couch and his hands went to your breasts.
He massaged them before taking one of your nipples into his mouth, moaning around it as your hips started to move quicker. He noticed you weren’t going all the way down, his size a little too much for you to handle.
“Aww, baby. Is it too much for you?” he asked sweetly, before grabbing your hips and fucking the rest of his cock up in you.
“Fuck fuckfuck,” you cried out, feeling the tears well up again from the pleasure. “I can’t take it.”
“Yeah you can baby, just relax. You’re doing so good for me,” he cooed, as you started to meet his thrusts with your hips. The sound of your ass slapping against his thighs echoing off the walls. “So fucking good.”
One of his hands left your hip and started to rub quick circles on your swollen clit, your walls starting to flutter the second he did it.
“You getting close, baby?” he asked, his lustful eyes looking into the ones that you were struggling to keep open.
“Mhm,” you whimpered, your eyes screwing shut as you moved as fast as you could, chasing your orgasm. “Gonna-fuck..cum,” you got out, as he added a little more pressure to your clit. “Holy fuck!”
His hands went back to your hips as you started to go limp in his arms, too fucked out to move. He bounced you on him, chasing his own orgasm. All you could do was whimper, the tears trickling out of your eyes at the feeling. He pulled out of you, his cum shooting all over your tummy and his.
“Hey, hey baby,” he said softly, “Are you okay?”
He wiped the tears from your cheeks as before you relaxed onto him.
“That felt so good,” you said, your head resting against his chest.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No baby, it was perfect.”
You stayed there pressed against him as his fingers ran up and down your bare back. It felt so nice to have him back, and you never wanted to let him go again.
“What happened? Like after you were found?” you asked, your fingers running over the scars again.
He sighed, nervous to tell you all the gory details. “I had a faint pulse when they found me. They didn’t expect me to make it. I lost a lot of blood, and had some head trauma,” he said, as you sat up a little to look at him. “Then after I started to get better, they started talking about court and I got interrogated. But someone started their own little killing spree. I started to lie, saying that the real killer that was helping dad and Quinn must still be out there if people were still dying and I was sitting in the hospital.”
“And they believed you?” you asked, waiting for him to continue.
“Yeah, not at first, but the evidence didn’t add up to me aside from the robe I was wearing. I told them that dad roped me into it…and that he threated to kill me if I didn’t participate.”
“I still can’t believe they let you out,” you said, still amazed that he was right in front of you.
“I was in there for a while, and I’ve been on so many different medications to deal with the health issues I have now…I’ll tell you about those later. But if it wasn’t for you doing what you did, I would still be in there,” he said, his hands rubbing along your sides. “When I came back, I started staying with my aunt who thinks I was this manipulated, innocent person. She takes me to all my appointments to make sure I don’t have to go back to the psych ward.”
“Why didn’t you come see me?” you asked, feeling a little hurt that he’d been home for a while and didn’t bother to try to see you.
“I thought you didn’t want to see me, so I’ve been going to our spot every single day, just to think. I’d always hoped I’d run into you there,” he said, his voice cracking as he started to tear up. “I just love you so much.”
“I love you too, baby. Forever.” You smiled, “Today was the first time I’ve been there since you left. I found a note from you earlier and I just had to go there,” you said, wiping the tears off his cheeks.
“I’m so happy you did.”
He held you there for a while, loving the way your body felt against him.
“Babe, you wanna go shower? Your cum is still all over us,” you giggled, as his hands gripped your hips.
“Who said I was done with you yet?”
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yanderestarangel · 1 year
Hi dear, I saw your posts about Miguel O'Hara and I wanted to know that you can do a Miguel O'Hara x Camgirl or Camboy reader, if you don't feel comfortable you can ignore it! xoxo ~ anon
𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎'𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐀𝐅𝐀𝐁 𝐂𝐚𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
A/N: thanks for the idea anon, I love receiving requests, they help me in the creative process <3
TW: Porn plot, smut, nsfw, fingering, virtual sex, mutual masturbation, vaginal fingering, overstimulation, degradation, no pronouns used other than "you".
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Miguel O'Hara is a busy, lonely and horny man, the work of spider-man 2099 and responsible for the multiverse and canon sucked this man's soul more and more every day, even at just 33 years old, O'Hara felt just a "old man" frustrated and alone in the world, until he found you.
You worked as a Camboy/Camgirl on a porn site to pay for your daily expenses and luxuries, and Miguel found you on a site recommendation, falling in love with you automatically, like a magnet, he started a chat with you on the first night just paying for get to know you better, you were the only person that caught his attention on the entire platform, and he felt a little shy about talking to you, even though Miguel was not a shy man, you made him that way, so he decided to just get to know you and paid so, wanting to know your tastes and finding you extremely pleasant, despite the circumstances you were talking and met, he was also horny, very horny to see you so beautiful on camera, but he just preferred to just talk and laugh with you, per hour. Miguel was about to turn off the chatbox but soon you sent him a message.
[@Y/N] "Hey you still have 30 minutes... How about cum Daddy? You deserve Miguel, you paid me just to talk to you, cum with me Daddy Miguel♡"
When reading that message Miguel felt his dick throb in his sweatpants, he was holding back for being new in this world but seeing that it was reciprocal, whether it was just his profession or not, he would quickly accept it starting to masturbate with you seconds later , with you showing your body in all its glory, your breasts, stomach, thighs, pussy, everything perfect for Miguel, he would want to dominate you, asking you to start fingering yourself on camera for him.
[@Miguel O'Hara]: "I want to see you enjoy your fingers, (Y/N), I want to see your fingers slide inside you, making you come for me."
As Miguel typed, Miguel's own arousal intensified, his hand instinctively wandering to the bulge in his pants, Miguel massaged himself through the fabric, mirroring the actions he was instructing you to perform, the vision of you pleasuring yourself in The response to his commands was almost too much for him to bear, causing Miguel's cock to grow even harder and pulsating.
[@Miguel O'Hara]: "Teast yourself first by tracing the edges of your entrance with your fingertips, and when you can't take it anymore, plunge them deep into your pussy, imagining it's my touch bringing you pleasure , imagine me there punishing you and shoving my dick up to your womb without mercy."
[@Miguel O'Hara]: "Let me hear your sweet moans, feel the heat of your orgasm through the screen, Fuck with those fingers, deeper, harder... imagine it's me, taking you with my dick and tongue."
[@Miguel O'Hara]: "Keep going (Y/N) Please imagine it's my dick stuffing you, claiming you as mine, I want to see you fully and completely submissive, Cum for me, let me see you cum like a good boy/girl."
Miguel sped up his hand movements, his cock now fully exposed, he turned the camera on to help you, you got to see his tanned, tanned abdomen, full of beautiful scars as O'Hara's huge, callused hand guided his cock with force , you could see the bright red tip stained with cum and the bulging veins as Miguel positioned the best angle for you to see him masturbate with you, no other client cared about his pleasure like cam, but Miguel did.
"-Fuck... you are so needy (Y/N)..." -Miguel spoke on the call, his hoarse voice with low moans and hitched in the throat made you shiver with pleasure, even not seeing the face of the man yet.
"-You like my attention, don't you? Just an insatiable little bitch, begging for more." -Miguel spoke with a smug voice but full of desire, while his hand went up and down on the camera, the veins in Miguel's hand jumped with the movements in the huge hardened member more and more, while he felt that he was getting closer to coming.
"-You want deep, don't you? You want to be filled by every inch of my thick cock in that tight and needy pussy of yours" -Miguel continued, his breath failing as he approached to come, lubricating the tip of the cock with his own saliva as he increased speed, back-and-forth motions in a hurry, Miguel's abdomen was totally sweaty and you could finally see the man's face.
"-You're my dirty whore, my toy, and I'm going to fuck you hard as fuck." -Miguel accelerated the movements with his hand, his hips jumped up and down at the angle he showed himself to you, while he made desperate and muffled sounds by the bite he gave in his own lower lip, throwing his head back while listening to your moans , imagining you and your pussy wrapped around his cock as he suckled your breasts, biting your neck and marking you as his.
"-I'm going to cum my carinõ, I swear I'm going to come... Fuck (Y/N)..." -O'Hara says desperate and needy, he felt pathetic deep down, but it didn't matter at that time, it only mattered to you and your perfect on-camera pussy, touching yourself to Miguel like a little slut, he soon starts getting overstimulated and babbling in Spanish, a trickle of saliva between his fangs that activates every time he gets close to coming.
"-Voy a correrme, voy a correrme en tu coño puta... ese coño es tan hermoso... se vería aún más hermoso en mi polla, quiero follarte hasta que olvides tu propio nombre..." (-I'm going to come, I'm going to come in your pussy you whore... that cunt is so beautiful... it would look even more beautiful on my cock, I want to fuck you until you forget your own name...)
"-Mierda, solo quiero que tu lengua envuelva mi polla pronto, eres una perra tan bonita... una ninfa perfecta para mí." (-Fuck,I just want your tongue to wrap my dick ready, fuck, you are such a beautiful bitch... a perfect nymph for me.)
Miguel moans loudly after speaking more sentences full of madness of pleasure, soon pumping his cock in his own hand a few more times and enjoying a jet of thick white semen, a large amount that slid on the cock and hand.
"-Damn it (Y/N), if you have another session now, cancel it, I want to cum again with you mi dulce."
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