starsoverthehorizon · 4 months
Do you think I should ask Hab for a hint
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Well this is embarrassing.
I thought I might be able to get some height off the saws ala damage boosting but they just throw me back.
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Yes I am u_u
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starsoverthehorizon · 4 months
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Well this is embarrassing.
I thought I might be able to get some height off the saws ala damage boosting but they just throw me back.
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Yes I am u_u
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starsoverthehorizon · 4 months
So hey
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Habboi released a new mod on April 1st, 2024.
As you might be able to tell, this is the hell-map variant of the Ultra Silence map which served as the capstone for the Cavum/Cavus-Puella-Timmy arc of the Moleman ARG, in the same vein as White Tower Hell and Wet Mushroom Hell
He's even made a trailer for it, the madman.
...and just like White Tower Hell, this one looks like it's going to have some story in it.
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This is from the description of the mod and the trailer, which is a big ol' flag for Timmy Day 2-related material.
Which... I'm going to try and tackle. If I want to dissect anything about this one that'll be required reading material.
Anyways it's been a hot minute since I've played any AHIT so wish me luck lmao.
Call me Dante because I'm about to enter this inferno
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starsoverthehorizon · 6 months
Did you hear that a new Habboi level was released? April 1st hell level, but does have bits of lore.
Oh shit, yeah he did.
It's time to redownload AHIT and review my notes, including my 3 failed drafts for Timmy Day 2 because it looks like that's still in play.
Thanks for the notif o7
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starsoverthehorizon · 2 years
In the spirit of reaching out and all, I have a confession to make.
I have a crush on someone. Aint telling anyone who because I just might spontaneously combust. Also it’d be a little weird? Considering we have very little actual interaction and you know he’s probably already attached and
yes it’s very parasocial of me, shush.
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starsoverthehorizon · 2 years
The End of the Old, the Start of the New
Gone, gone are the problems of yesterday, insubstantial are the problems of tomorrow. Rejoice, all you weary strangers, who might see this scrap of thought, rejoice! For you and I have survived another year, weathered its slings and arrows, slogged through its toils and troubles. Verify, as the Mincing Mockingbird once proclaimed, we have gone through hell itself and come out singing. For all our losses and gains, we stand at this precipice, the end of the old year, the beginning of another.
Though you be a stranger, my friends unknown to me, I hope that through this year you had found meaning and glory through or between the struggles. There is beauty in this world, and as it brightened my time on this turn I hope it did for you as well.
Yes, for all my silence, I too have survived!
This year has been proof positive that no matter what I experience, I shall survive. I have polished myself and my skills such that I am not something merely to be tolerated, but to be sought after, something that is necessary in its own right. And, even more than that... that I want to do more than just survive. For too long have I looked at the next day with trepidation, preparing for a disaster, a dismissal, that never came. I want to look farther into the future's uncertain territory, and ask myself "What do I really want?"
That question is not yet wholly answered, but I know that I wish to polish myself further. I want to give substance to the words that live inside my head (for they waited so patiently for me when all the world was a gray fog), I wish to take another step forward, I wish to see new things and try new experiences, to be more of myself than I've been.
Beautiful, unknown stranger, I want to wish us a most heart congratulations on surviving this past year. May the coming one bring reality to your dreams and they be everything you hoped and more.
I'll see you in the next year, though I can't promise when ;)
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starsoverthehorizon · 2 years
Hello. You might want to sit down for this one. Hab is doing an ama, and he did answer some moleman related questions. This one is about L Ast.
Whelp, time to dust off my unused twitter account and see what's going down. I'll discuss what's going on in that screencap later, for sure
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starsoverthehorizon · 2 years
I know most of this has been erased from the internet... but do you perhaps know what led to the cancellation of the L Ast mod? Or is it just really pushed to the back of Habboi’s priorities?
To my knowledge, there was some sort of error that must have wiped a lot of progress, and after that, I guess he didn't have the motivation to recoup the lost data.
...I think. It's been a long time since I've revisited the ARG, with work doing its best to grind me to a fine powder. Someone just linked me an AMA he's doing (did?), if there's new information I'll reblog with the corrections
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
Did you see the teaser the AHIT Twitter posted?
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Not gonna lie, at first I thought it was going to be a "we're going to a new platform!" but then I checked and AHIT's already on all the Big Ones.
So, DLC?? Man that's wild.
It could be they're going for a bit of Tron "trapped in video game" (while being a video game)? I'm not entirely certain, I got Nyakuza wrong.
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
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this is how i imagine chapter 7 will go down
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
Alright finally time to remove deltarune from the blacklist tagged.
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
Deltarune chapter 2 is dropping this Friday,,
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
Also while I’m still lucid I’d like to recommend Patapon. Fun rhythm game where you lead a bunch of eyeballs to war and monsters several times larger than themselves
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
I heard found out about you, and I am really impressed by your analyze of AHIT lore. Still, I just don't understand how all of this links with hat kid. Who is she ? How could she draw so accurately things she didn't see, but only heard from Cavum ?
My thought is that Hat Kid has buried memories inherited by Puella, or else has some other synchronicity that allows her to see Puella's dreams.
My reasoning goes like this:
Hat Kid and Puella share a model, which we can witness during 11:10 - Time's End, which is remarked upon twice by Cavum after she defeats him during 11:?? - Farewell and 11:7 - The Realm of Dreams. In the latter, he goes as far as to say that the person he fought even spoke as Puella did.
Then, during Wet Hero Challenge, The Resting King comments that "a fragment of her former self was left behind inside that child" (emphasis mine) after he sends Hat Kid out of the dream. Given the story at that point, the 'her' could have either been Puella or Tempus (from a thematic perspective it was most likely Puella). Much later, Habboi released an older mod of his to the public of the "Enlightened" Puella, with a description that went thusly:
The brain swells to become a vessel but at the cost of the soul. Losing themselves, they give in to their origin, the urges of the Void and seek a selfish desire…
A curious little thing indeed but what becomes of a broken soul?
This I took to mean that the process of Enlightenment split Puella in some way, thereby leading Hat Kid to get a fragment of her soul, but I admit it could be taken to mean something different
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
Do you know if habboi ever continued the story of moleman1111 or is the whole serie done? Or is there another serie that he is doing?
When it comes to Moleman1111, it looks like he's well and truly done. The last bastion of hope (for me) was the release of the L Ast mod, but that's now defunct. The twitter is gone, the youtube channel is scrubbed. At the moment, the only thing I can tell from a quick scan of his twitter feed is that he's still working and playing video games on the side
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
So do you (or anyone) have a clue what the heck happened in the Moleman thing? Because my brain hurts.
In theory, but like the first chunk is so... non-explicit that you really have to extrapolate and look back from the future. And sometimes there are plot elements which I swear up and down were ignored. Like the City of Dreams. I don't know what's up with that.
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starsoverthehorizon · 3 years
It’s day 2 of a 3 day weekend, I’m quite possibly Down With the Sickness (you know the one) and I’m half-conscious.
Sounds like a good time to answer asks I’ve been feeling guilty about ignoring
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