#thank you for the ask!!! it's good for me to draw new chars for once...... enrichment 😌
zorionbbq · 8 days
Yes Man from Fallout New Vegas!
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johaerys-writes · 1 year
Get to know me
I was tagged by @baejax-the-great, thank you so much pal! 
Share your wallpaper: My phone background for the past six months or so has been the same Patrochilles art that I'm actually not sure if I should post here without permission from the artist lol. But I can confirm that it's the cutest, most loveliest drawing of them, and Achilles looks so baby in it and I love staring at it every time I open up my phone :')
The last song you listened to: Unbound by Asgeir
Currently Reading:  Ten Days That Shook The World by John Reed (don't ask why or how, but my autistic Special Interest of choice for the past 2-3 weeks has been the political intrigue surrounding WWI and how it fuelled the October Revolution so I've been reading any book/watching any documentary I can get my hands on about it), and I've also been listening to The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath while doing chores and stuff
Last Movie: Everything Everywhere All at Once with @baejax-the-great
Craving: Travel :|
What are you wearing right now: My fluffiest house robe and my fluffy slippers and super comfy and soft socks, and yes I'm still in pyjamas 
How tall are you: 167 cm, no idea how that translates in feet and inches lol don't make me google it
Piercings: I have one piercing in each ear, I've often thought about getting more but needles be scary 
Tattoos: 6, and planning to finish my half sleeve by the end of the year
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses, and I do sometimes wear contacts as well
Last drink: I am currently drinking some lukewarm coffee with oat milk :3
Last show: In the past couple years I've become so bad with starting shows and actually sticking with them lol, but I did do a rewatch of Neon Genesis Evangelion fairly recently..... OH and I watched Interview with the Vampire with @baejax-the-great a little while back which was super fun!! (because apparently I can't watch something unless I can shit talk or go feral over it with Bae LOL)
Last thing you ate: Toast with peanut butter and an apple
Favourite colour: Oooh that's such a hard question to answer!! The first colour that comes to mind is blue -- I always gravitate towards some version of blue, and currently it's deep navy blue, but I also own a lot of powder blue stuff. It's either that or baby pink or cream tbh, but I also own a good amount of gold/mustard things as well. Yellow makes me happy. I find jewel green incredibly pretty though I weirdly don't own anything of that colour (which reminds me I should perhaps make that a priority)
Current obsession: I'm guessing this is a fandom related question, so I'm going to be predictable and say that I'm, as usual, obsessed with Patrochilles and most of the other pairings I am currently writing, even though anxiety over real life stuff hasn't let me engage with them as much as I want lately. I do think about them a lot and have lots of ideas for new stories, and I'm also working my way back into catching up with fics I love, which I haven't been able to do in a while despite the joy it normally gives me. Brains can be very uncooperative at times, but what can you do about it lol. 
Unrelated Obsession: As I mentioned earlier I have been obsessed with Russian and generally European politics of the early 20th century for some weird ass reason lmao, but I've also been reading an in-depth analysis of Aeschylus' life and work I found in some corner of my library, which led me to looking up some academic papers about it, which led me to signing up for an online course about Athenian tragedy, so um?? I don't know what it is with me and going down those endless rabbit holes lately ahah. 
Any pets: I have a cat, aka a baby and a bastard and a devil spawn all wrapped in one (he is currently sleeping like an angel after attempting to tear down the curtains)
Do you have a crush on anyone: Um. Like, on a real life person? A fictional person? I do have crushes on several of my mutuals so if y'all are reading it I'm kissing you on the forehead MWAH
Favourite fictional character: I can't choose, don't make me choose!!!!!!! I can't choose between my children. But if I had to choose then maybe.... Patroclus? But also, Achilles? But also, my OC Tristan Trevelyan and Dorian Pavus from DA? But also Shiro and Keith from VLD? But also -- SEE, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE
The last place you traveled: It feels like it's been SO long since I've traveled anywhere. I went to Aegina island last summer but since then I haven't been outside the city for even a DAY and it's been driving me crazy. I just need to see some green and blue and listen to nothing but birds or waves or the wind (at this point I'll even take the rooster that woke me up EVERY DAMN MORNING when I was in Aegina lmao). I'm planning on going on a day trip to Mycenae soon though so I'm very excited about that 😄
Tagging forth to @in-arlathan, @mogwaei, @tessa1972, @aymayzing, @inquisitoracorn, @tevivinter, @elveny, @pikapeppa, @petrowriting @peggy-sue-reads-a-book @juliafied, @vimlos, @gloriesunsung, @figsandphiltatos, @gwensparlour, @glimmerofgold, @sabino-sea, and so many more of my mutuals that I'm actually too shy to tag here. But seriously if you're reading this and it looks fun please do it and tag me, I'm nosy and I want to know everything about you LOL  
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suguru-getos · 2 years
hi, congrats on 2K!! can I get a matchup please? 🥺
ok so for starters, I'm a taurus with aries rising and cancer venus. also an INTP.
at first I'm a very calm, quiet and patient person. Always helpful and understanding, but once you get to know me I become annoying, witty, sarcastic and a little too honest (sometimes I hurt people's feelings with my honesty but I swear I don't do it on purpose!). My love language is quality time (I can also go for physical touch and gifts), and because of my introvert nature, I enjoy spending time with my loved one in comfortable silence. I don't hate talkative people, it's just that sometimes it's really tiring and annoying dealing with them, so I'd rather be with someone who doesn't feel the need to fill the silence in the room all the time. I'm also a jealous person but I manage to hide it from my friends, but I can be very passive agressive with my mate (I'm not the toxic kind of jealous, I'm the normal kind). speaking of passive agressive, that's how I react in an argument, I'm not the type to scream just the arrogant and prideful type. I'm so stubborn I swear I'd rather be silent than admit I was wrong .
Just like most INTPs, I am very oblivious to others feelings towards me, if you want an example: I had a friend who always gave me gifts on my birthday and even paid me snacks more than once, I only found out he liked me after 2 years of friendship when he asked me to be his girlfriend (I thought he was being nice 😭).
I love cartoons, cooking, games and drawing (I actually hate everything I draw but I like doing it anyway idk if it makes sense). I also love trying/learning new things.
hope you have a wonderful day/night and don't forget to eat healthy meals and drink water 😙
p.s: sorry if I wrote something wrong 😔 english is not my first language
hi thanks for participatin’ <3 i’m an aries w taurus moon :3 so we have 2 signs in common eh >.> pls tc of urself and have a merry christmas if ur celebrating.
the char i’d match u up w is diluc ragnvindr
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now u would never b annoyed at him bc he talks less ok? he hates small talk. hes ur friendly neighborhood intj so ya’ll will be quite compatible. i had an intp bestie so i’m speaking from experience uwu
also, he appreciates ur honesty. his feelings aren’t hurt. infact, its u he approaches to for any constructive feedback he wants. but expect the same from him, he can be quite clear about things w you; not often understanding if you get upset.
he is QUITE posessive, so he will also make sure he isnt leaving anything for u to be jelly about. man is a gentleman, wine tycoon for a reason <3
ur passive agressiveness that comes out sometimes baffles him. he would either pin u against the nearest wall 😗 or just soffly ask you whats botherin you. but both ways it ends up good for the both of u.
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sofreddie · 3 years
Scent from Above 2
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Summary: The morning after.
Characters: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Fan!Reader
ABO BINGO: Daisies/Fresh Bread/Pine
Word Count: 1,672
Warnings: A/B/O Dynamics, Scenting, Scent Bond, Smut (Use of condoms, Knotting), Mentions of Marking/Claiming/Mating, Fluff
A/N: Attention thirsty bitches...get your cups ready. : ) Each part of this series will feature an @spnabobingo square.
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Jensen woke with a groan and a stretch. As he moved, he felt another warm body beside him. He cracked open his eyes, seeing Y/N in his arms, neither of them having moved from the night before. He wasn't sure what to do as he watched her sleeping.
Should he wake her?
Should he try to crawl from the bed and let her sleep?
He quickly remembered that she was in heat as she shifted to her back. Her scent struck him, drawing him in once more, his nose drifting to the scent gland in her neck.
He breathed deeply of her, musing on her scent. There was something flowery, like daisies. Something warm and rich, like fresh-baked bread. He breathed deeply once more, catching the earthy undertones of pine. Each layer brought on a feeling of home and warmth and familiarity.
After a few minutes, he decided that maybe he was being a little creepy, and maybe he should try to occupy himself until she's ready to wake. So he carefully removed himself from the bed and ordered breakfast via room service, not thinking it wise for them to be apart or in public in their conditions.
Jensen took a quick shower and dressed in a t-shirt and track pants just in time for the food to arrive. As he removed the lids and the aromas filled the space, Y/N stirred awake.
"Good morning," Jensen beamed at her as she shuffled into the main seating area of the suite.
"Morning," she blushed at him, running her fingers through her tangled hair. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her and he silently reminded himself it was only the beginning.
"Are you hungry?" he offered, gesturing to the cart, "I didn't know what you liked, so I got a little of everything."
She smiled warmly at him, "Could I take a quick shower first?" she asked, noting he already had. He nodded and silently guided her to the bathroom, watching as the door closed behind her.
He was absolutely not going to think about her naked and wet behind that door.
As he heard the shower turn on, he realized she didn't have a change of clothes with her. He quickly dug through his suitcase, finding another simple t-shirt and pants. He went to the bathroom and knocked on the door lightly, but there was no response. He took a deep breath and cracked the door open just enough to place the clothes on the counter before quickly shutting it again.
Jensen had started digging into the food by the time she came out. Her hair was down and damp, her face free of the makeup she had been wearing. His clothes draped her frame and the Alpha in him felt proudly possessive.
"Thanks for the clothes," she said as she sat on the couch with a respectable distance between them. She was nervous, not sure what to expect, and distracted herself with breakfast, "I'm in another room here," she explained, "Just a few floors down."
"What room? I'll have them send up your stuff."
"What? No," she protested, "I'm perfectly capable of getting my own things."
"It's not such a good idea to go anywhere," he began hesitantly, "And I'm not really sure I could handle it if you did," he added bashfully.
She was surprised. As she showered she thought about the events of the night before. How could she not? She was sure he would politely tell her it was a mistake, it was his rut, anything really to back out of it. But here he was, seemingly still sure.
They ate in relative silence, exchanging smiles and giggles between bites of food. They were both trying to ignore the fact that their biologies were ramping up once more, their urges becoming prevalent.
"Come here," Jensen softly spoke as he tugged at her. She went willingly, letting him guide her to straddle his lap on the couch. He buried his nose in her neck once more, humming in satisfaction as he took his fill of her. She scented him in turn, slowly allowing herself to believe it was real.
He placed a wet kiss on her neck, making her moan. He did it once more, teasing the tip of his tongue and her hips involuntarily ground down against his.
He was so very hard and so very there.
A moan slipped past his lips and Y/N shuttered. It was the most erotic sound she'd ever heard and she felt a swell of pride at being the one to bring it from him. She did it again, slowly and more purposefully this time, teasing them both.
"You want that, Omega?" he breathily asked as he ground up against her core, his hands squeezing her hips.
"So much, Alpha," she replied, before kissing him hard. Jensen responded eagerly, opening his mouth for her as she introduced her tongue. He moaned again, her hips now steadily working against him.
Their clothes were quickly shed, each piece being thrown without care as they bared themselves to one another.
"Condom?" she asked bashfully as she ran her fingers through his hair.
Jensen blindly retrieved one, his face buried in Y/N's breasts as he licked and sucked at her supple flesh. He held it up to show her, still preoccupied. She chuckled and took it from him, opening it with her teeth.
"Wait," he said, finally lifting his head from her chest to meet her eyes after she rolled the condom down his shaft, "Don't you want me to-" his fingers strayed to her core and she shook her head adamantly.
"No," she breathed, "Just you."
She shifted her hips and sunk down on his length with a long moan. His arms wrapped around her back, holding her tightly to him. The breath was punched out of him. She surprised him, he wasn't ready. But at the same time, he was so fucking ready.
Hell, he was ready to take her and claim her in the alleyway last night.
After they both adjusted, he loosened his hold, keeping his arms securely around her. She pulled back to look into his eyes as she began to move, sliding slowly up and down. Her jaw dropped open, the sensation of his thick girth pushing and stretching against her walls amazingly perfect.
Jensen almost couldn't stand the intensity, the intimacy of her gaze. This was quickly becoming the sappiest moment of his life and he couldn't complain one bit.
"J-Jay," she breathed out, adjusting her hips to a new angle and pressing her chest against his. His eyes fluttered closed at the sound of her calling his name. He groaned and went straight for her neck. After a good long scent, he opened his mouth, licking a line before clamping his lips down to suck a dark mark.
She cried out, her hips jerking, and he thrust up in response, sucking harder.
"D-don't claim me," she stuttered, riding him hard for the both of them.
"Not this time," he reluctantly agreed with a smirk.
He wanted to. God did he want to. He knew she was his and he was hers. But he also knew that she needed time to adjust. That she wasn't ready. That she wanted it but hadn't fully let herself believe it. He'd give her all the time she needed.
She panted as she rode him and he thrust up into her. He couldn't get the angle or speed that he wanted. And he wanted to be deeper. With a frustrated snarl, he wrapped his arms around her and dropped her on her back on the couch swiftly, still buried inside her.
She gasped and he plunged hard, knocking her body up the couch a few inches.
"Yes!" she cried out desperately, her nails digging into his shoulders. He growled and gave her all he had, riding them hard through their highs.
His knot popped and his teeth ached as his eyes locked onto her pulse beating rapidly beneath the taut skin of her neck. Feeling himself lose control, he turned his head, biting down into the couch cushion and growling as he emptied himself into the condom.
His teeth didn't release the pillow until his body calmed and he felt the urge pass. He immediately buried his face in her neck, lapping against the dark purple mark he'd left earlier, his mind letting him pretend it was his claim.
They spent the next few days in much the same fashion until her heat and his rut had finally passed.
"Stay just one more night with me?" he asked as she came out of the bathroom in her own clothes. Jensen ended up having her things delivered after all, "My flight's pretty early in the morning. But we can spend one more night," he pleaded, his hands on her waist as she shouldered her Winchester Bros. branded weekend bag.
He didn't miss the opportunity to playfully rib her over it either.
"I can't, Jay," she pouted. She had quickly adopted the nickname for him and he was thrilled with how comfortable she grew around him in such a short amount of time. He did his best all weekend to show - and say - just how much he wanted her and how sure about them he was.
"If you let me claim you we could take Mate Leave," he grinned.
She playfully slapped his shoulder and scolded him, "I just want both of us to be totally sure before making such a permanent commitment," she said for the umpteenth time that weekend.
"Next time then," he joked, wiggling his brows, "I stole one of your shirts, FYI," he added, blushing, "I think I'd go insane if I didn't have your scent around me."
"I guess that's okay," she said, "'Cause I took one of yours too," she looked to the ground bashfully. He laughed before cupping her face and kissing her hard.
"We'll find a way to see each other soon," he promised.
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tanakavox · 3 years
The screen runs again as shows the red coated Jaune standing around looking annoyed as a voice calls out to him.
"Hey look it's half demon Jaune again!" Nora cheered.
"...Half what? Coco deadpan.
"Jaune in this universe is the son of Ozpin,who's a demon who saved all of humanity. Cinder is like his twins or something." Yang quickly brought the others to speed.
"Teach is a demon?" Coco asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Wait who's the mom then?" Velvet asked, confused.
"That's….. A very good question. We didn't get an answer to that. Yang mused.
"I just wanna know who this person with the annoying voice was." Whitley muttered
"Another good question that we don't get answers to. Sorry."
"Thanks for destroying the lock for me, devil boy! And welcome to hell! Please accept my gift. Don't be humble, just take it. After all, we are buddies aren't we?" The voice the viewers recozinge as Jester as she cackles loudly.
A fountain of blood flows onto the statues which bring out blood bat-based demons called Blood-goyles flies toward Jaune and he cuts it in half with a casual swipe from his sword.
Jaune shakes his head in disappointment. "Well, isn't that special. To be honest, I'm expecting something a little better than this," Jaune then goes to dispatch them and leaves on his way to find Cinder.
The scene cuts to Jaune walking in front of a door with two statues and stopping when they began to start talking. Jaune doesn't look a bit shocked.
"Look brother, it's been ages, but we finally have company," one called Rudra said gleefully.
"I see that," The other is called Agni simply.
"We must entertain our guest."
"You're right. We have to be gracious hosts."
"Brother, what should we do?" Rudra asked.
"How do I know? We need to come up with something," Agni stated.
Jaune began to get impantice pacing back and forward and sighed.
"I don't blame him for getting impantice. These guys are annoying." Mercury stated. He was already starting not like these guys.
"Oh come on they weren't even talking!" Ruby pointed out glaring at Mercury.
"Still annoying."
Rudra took notice with this. "Brother, our guest is... sighing."
"SIGH? What is... SIGH?" Agni asked, a bit confused.
"Well a sigh is when -" Rudra was about to answer until he was cut off by their guest.
"Enough already!" Jaune said, finally snapping, "How long are you two gonna keep carrying on like this? In case you didn't get the hint, I'll spell it out. Your guest wants to go through. Got it."
"Our job here is to guard this door," Rudra said the statue was moving a bit.
"That's right! We can't let you pass," Agni added his piece.
(After Agni & Rudra battle)
"Wow, he took them out without much effort." Fiona said wide eyed.
"That kinda sums up this Jaune huh? He didn't have much trouble with the last guy either. Nora responded with a huge grin.
"He's gonna die when he gets to Cinder though. Emerald said with a smirk. "Remember what happened at the start. Nora turns to glare at her.
"Shut up!" She barked.
After their bodies were defeated in battle, both demon swords spun around in the air until they fell and got stuck on the ground in a crossed-blades position. They see Jaune walking towards the exit of the room, about to leave them behind.
"Wait!" Rudra cried out to Jaune.
Against his better thinking, Jaune turns around to acknowledge the two demon guards
"Yes, wait. We have been waiting for a long time," Agni said after his brother.
"Yes, a very long time," Rudra echoed.
"For someone stronger than us."
"Someone who can control us."
"My name is Agni," the red demon sword said.
"And my name is Rudra. You shall take us with you," The blue demon sword stated.
"We could be a great help to you!" Both brothers said as one.
Jaune took a moment to think about their offer. They were pretty strong together and seeing as how he's already let Cereberus tag along, he could use these two as Devil Arms as well. "Okay, but on one condition," He pressed.
"What is it?" Agni asked ecstatically.
"Name it!" Rudra sharing his brother's joy stated.
Jaune points to both brothers, "No talking!" While they were a strong force together, he would not deal with their constant chit-chat along the way.
"Thank god he said it." Mercury stated.
"Much as I hate to agree with you but yeah." Jaune piped up.
"Jaune!" Ruby cried, lightning punching him in the arm. Jaune raised his arms defensively
"I'm sorry Rubes, But they're really annoying.
"Fair enough!" Agni agreed to the blonde's terms.
"As you wish," Rudra echoed his agreement.
Jaune picks up the two swords and does a kata. The force of every swing of the two swords generated sharp winds and scorching flames. By the end, Jaune couldn't help but smile in satisfaction at how amazing these Devil Arms were and how strong they felt in his hands.
"... That was so cool." Ruby whispered with stars in her eyes.
"Impressive," The blue brother praised his new master.
Jaune flips the swords and bangs the two brother's heads together. "No talking," He repeated their agreement.
Neither Agni or Rudra said anything more, almost like they really were inanimate objects.
"Good," Jaune said in satisfaction, having peace and quiet again.
The scene changes to show the young crimsonette walk stealthily down a corridor with a gun in hand, the sounds of heavy steps closing in around her.
"Hey look! It's me! Ruby cheered. She didn't get to show up alot in this movie so far. But she started to get worried. It looked like she was about to get ambushed.
It's all of a sudden when a group of Pride Hell's attempt to ambush her. She's able to evade the swings of their scythe weapons thanks to her fast reflexes, allowing her to retrieve a second pistol from a holster. She shoots at two of the Hells and continues to fire in quick succession. One of the Hells thrusted the blunt pommel of their scythe in her direction, Ruby's able to dodge the strike by hopping on top of it and evade multiple swings directed at her in an expert show of her athletic ability. She continues to return fire to them as they continue to advance.
"WHOOO GO RUBY!" Yang cheered as she went to town on the demons.
Even when she gets cornered she has a plan. Ruby kicked two Hells back with her legs, a gift for each of them in the form of grenades. The explosion results in the Hells along with herself being propelled into the air. She doesn't give them a chance to recover as she continues to send bullets their way via cyclone of death. She finds footing on an embedded scythe in the wall, she fires at a nearby Hell and then uses the scythe as a high bar as a means to continue her attack on the rest of the Hells while performing many acts of peak acrobatic ability and gunfire. Eventually she finds herself upside down, her only support was her feet hooked around two embedded poles. The Hells take this opportunity to strike against Ruby together, they never seem to learn.
"Which version of Ruby seems very skilled,'' Weiss mused.
"You say that like you believe I'm not skilled now Ruby said smiling at Weiss. Weiss doesn't say anything as Ruby stares at her. She pouted at the former heiress. "I'm skilled Weiss!"
"Yes. Of Course Ruby." Weiss replies with a smirk.
Ruby turns to Jaune to get him on her side but stops when she noticed that Jaune crossed his legs tightly and was staring at the screen intently.
"Uh Jaune? Why did you cross your legs so tightly?"
Jaune turns to Ruby wide eyed and stutters out an answer. "Uh I-i just feel more comfortable like this!" No way he was gonna tell Ruby watching her go to town on demons was hot to him. Ruby stares at him for a few seconds and goes back to the movie.
Deciding it was time to bring out the big guns, Ruby draws out her trusty Crescent Rose and fires a missile at the ground beneath her. The explosion knocks back the Hells while propelling her into the air once more. Ruby lands onto the ground in a crouch position with no signs of harm throughout the ordeal. As she looks around, she releases a sigh of relief as the Hells were no longer a threat. She tugs her darling back on her shoulder and continues on, as she leaves the screen pans to an overhead shot to see that the charred remains of the ground resembling a '6.'
Ruby is now seen on a balcony of Temen-ni-gru, reloading her arsenal, sitting on a rock until she hears a voice come from behind her. Upon recognizing the voice she immediately pulls out one of her guns.
"Well, well... You've grown stronger," Raven said as she approached the young woman.
"Mom." Yang had a dark look on her face.
"What does she want with Ruby? Blake asks.
"If you shut your yap you may find out." Mercury said nonchalantly causing Blake to glare at him.
"Go to Hell," She raises her pistol directly towards Raven's face.
"You point a gun at me? Your own kin? Your dear Auntie?" Raven said as though she were truly shocked.
Ruby's face twists in rage, "The only family I ever had was my sister, and she's dead!"
"SHE KILLED ME?!" Yang yelled out in shock? The rest of her team and friends were in shock as well. Qrow couldn't believe it. Yang and Raven never really had a good relationship but he didn't think Raven would kill her own daughter.
Ruby shoots with her pistol four times, but finds that Raven has vanished. She draws out a SMG and aims both guns to her left and right in case Raven could get the jump on her. She scans around her surroundings for any signs of Raven only to find nothing. That only left one direction left uncheck... was above!
"You break my heart. After all, it was I who gave you your name. My darling niece!" Raven yells as she stares at Ruby while hanging upside down on the balcony roof.
Ruby was about to shoot when Raven's book dropped on her face blocking her vision. Raven takes this opportunity to get the jump on Ruby and throws her niece off the platform. Before she was out of Raven's sight, she felt her cheek get grazed by one of Ruby's bullets that she fired her way.
"That should have gone into her head!" Yang screamed, her eyes glowing red. Qrow couldn't help but agree with his niece.
Ruby continues falling Temen-ni-gru, that is until Jaune catches sight of her falling and proceeds to catch her by one of her boots. She looks at what stopped her fall and upon recognizing the boy in red, points both her guns at him.
Jaune looks down at the girl with a grin, pleased to see this interesting girl again. "Well, this is my kind of rain. No wonder the sky looks so funny today," He said while looking up at the cloudy sky.
"Getting bold ain't ya Bondie?" Qrow said, turning to Jaune who gave him an annoyed look.
"Yeah? And you want me to what Old man?" He snapped.
Qrow growled knowing he couldn't do anything.
"Let me go!" Ruby yelled.
"Don't say that stupid" Ruby yelled at the other version of herself.
Jaune looked at her with surprise, "Let you go? But it would be a waste if you ended up as just a pretty stain."
"Smooth Arc. Smooth." Coco teased as Jaune faces red at his alternate self boldness with his best friend.
Ruby having enough this guy's talk shoots him in his head. When the bullet makes contact with Jaune's face, it causes him to let go of the girl which results in her fall down again. This time however she's able to use the blade of Crescent Rose as a means to stop her fall. As she hangs off her weapon, she hears the sound of footst coming from the platform above.
"NO ME NO!" Ruby yelled out in horror at the fact she possibly killed her best friend.
"Huh look at that. He died earlier than I thought." Emerald laughed.
Jaune peers over the edge of the platform at the girl, sporting a bleeding bullet wound on his forehead and a miffed expression, "What the hell was that for? Here I am trying to help you and you show your thanks by shooting me?"
"Oh thanks goodness." Ruby sighed in relief.
"We shouldn't be too surprised. Getting stabbed several times with scythe only made him mad." Oscar pointed out.
Ruby, very confused with how he's even standing, responds by shooting him again.
The bullet once again makes contact, however, Jaune is able to react quickly enough to catch it between his teeth. After spitting the offending bullet out of his mouth he decides it would be in his best interest to ditch the girl, "Whatever, do as you please."
"God me! You just lost your chance at getting a friend!" Ruby said in a disapproving tone.
Ruby lowers her gun as she's finally able to pick up why she's been having a bad feeling about this guy, "So he's a demon too."
As he leaves, Jaune cleans off a bit of leftover blood from his face and wipes it on the wall. "I'm beginning to think I've got rotten luck with women," The line of fresh blood drips down the wall, creating the image of a '7.'
The scene changes to the very top of Temen-ni-gru, there stands a black haired woman in the rain, a ethereal full moon shining its light in the night sky, and the only sound that was present was the roaring winds in the air.
The silence would soon be broken as the sound of approaching footsteps began to come up the stairs. Jaune approaches the platform, finally making it to the top of the large tower that was Temen-ni-gru. After fighting multiple demons just to get here he was finally met with his gracious hostess, Cinder.
Cinder turned her head to address her guest, already knowing who it was, "...You showed up," She smiled.
Cinder sat forward in her seat. Ready to see herself destroy this weakening again.
Jaune walks up to her, while twirling Ivory in his hands. There was a smile on his face as he paced around the platform, "You sure know how to throw a party. No food, no drinks, and the only babe just left." Jaune lightheartedly pokes at his sister's very poor party preparation.
"My sincerest apology, brother. I was so eager to see you I couldn't concentrate on the preparations for the bash," Cinder replies with a warmth that was difficult to tell if it was genuine or not.
D-do they hate each other?" Oscar asks. "They seem pretty happy to see each other."
Jaune brushes it off continuing his pacing, "Whatever. At any rate, it's been a whole year since we last met. How about a kiss from your little brother? Or better yet, how about a kiss from this?"
Jaune immediately points Ivory directly at Cinder. The sound of lightning and thunder echoed throughout the dark sky, signaling the change in the atmosphere around the two siblings.
"So, this is what they call a heart warming family reunion eh…" Jaune questions as his face grinned, expressing that he was ready for a fight,
Cinder's eyes darkened, her facial expression becoming cold but determined, "You got that right."
Cinder opens up Yamato with her thumb, its blade gleaming in the moonlight.
"Take down, Fearless leader" Nora cheered.
"Heh. Come red. We both know how this is gonna end up."" Mercury said chuckling at her.
"I thought I told you to shut up?" Nora hissed.
Jaune and Cinder separated from each other, both breathing heavily from the battle, after fighting so intensely they took a moment to catch their breath. Their fight in the rain had lasted for some time, as evidenced by Cinder's hair being flat down, wet from all the rainwater.
Jaune is able to recover first so he takes Rebellion and starts charging at his sister, Rebellion's tip generating sparks as he drags it on the ground. Cinder recovers in time to evade his attempted strike, giving her the opportunity to parry with Yamato.
Jaune spins Rebellion with both hands then thrusted the sword towards Cinder, who then sidesteps the blade's path. She rotates Yamato to hold the katana backhanded, following up by knocking Jaune backwards with its kashira (pommel). Both of them quickly clashed their blades together, resulting in both of them being knocked back, Jaune having already off his feet is knocked the farthest back.
Jaune skits to one of the pillars standing on the platform, stopping his backwards momentum. He quickly draws out Ebony from her holster, and fires seven shots at his brunette sibling. The bullets are seen speeding towards Cinder who begins spinning Yamato in a quick rotating motion, deflecting three of the bullets while catching the remaining four that were originally aimed towards her.
Cinder places the caught bullets on the floor with Yamato in single file and then returns them to her blonde brother. Jaune sees the returning bullets coming towards him but he quickly lifts Rebellion over his head and is able to quickly slice through them, which then burst behind him.
"...That was fucking cool. Mercury stated and no one disagreed with him
Cinder points Yamato at him, her face expressing her frustration towards her brother, "Why do you refuse to gain power? The power of our father Ozma?"
"I thought you guys said that teacher was their dad?" Coco turned to everyone with a raised eyebrow.
"He is, that's just his real name." Blake said with a sigh. "It's a long story. Don't ask." Coco shrugs and goes back to the movie.
Jaune, after using Rebellion to help him stand, looks at Cinder as if she told him a bad joke, "Father? I don't have a father. I just don't like you, that's all."
Ozpin's heart ached hearing Jaune say that. He knew that they weren't his kids in his universe but the fact that any kids of his were fighting at all as well one of his sons rejecting him, hurted.
A moment of silence passes before the two siblings charge at each other once more, both of their swords clash against the other, while both Jaune and Cinder stare the other down. The spot where both Yamato and Rebellion met begins turning a bright orange, the generated sparks and heat being caused by the force behind both blades, as the two continue staring down the other. The whining of two metals being tested is heard, Jaune seemed to be exerting everything he had, while Cinder showed no apparent signs of exertion at all. The struggle is finally ended when Cinder strikes Rebellion away from her brother's grasp, the large sword spinning in the air until it strikes against the ground, timed perfectly as Cinder impales Jaune with Yamato.
Cinder smirks as she hears the cries of the blonde fools friends as her blade sinks into his stomach. Today was a good day. Two universes where she totally domanations. She turns to Jaune to see his reaction. To her disappointment the blonde didn't react much. Only had a stoic expression. Jaune knew he was gonna lose but didn't want to give the bitch the satisfaction of his disappointment.
His blood trickles down onto the floor and Yamato itself while Jaune grasps at the blade that was impaling his abdomen.
Cinder looks down at her impaled sibling, her face expressing neither joy or satisfaction in the act, only disappointment, "Foolishness, Jaune, foolishness. Might control everything. And without strength, you can't protect anything. Let alone yourself."
Cinder agreed with her counterpart but didn't really care on how she wasn't enjoying her other self with her impaling the fool.
"She... looks disappointed?" Mercury echoed Cinder's thoughts.
"Maybe they do love others? In some kinda weird way?" Ruby said, scratching her head in confusion.
Cinder forcibly removes Jaune from Yamato's blade then takes his amulet from him and leaves a slash on Jaune's sleeve. She looks at the amulet in her hand for a moment, fixes her hair back to its original shape, and starts to walk away but not before taking hold of Rebellion. When Jaune tries to get up, Cinder turns around and quickly impales him with his own sword.
A pan up shot shows Jaune as his blood begins pooling under him, Rebellion pinning his body to the floor.
"Do you finally have it?" Cinder turns around and there she sees Raven standing behind her, seeming to have just arrived.
"Yes. Now the spell Ozma cast will be broken," Cinder says to the scarred woman.
"Spell?" Velvet asked
"Ozpin in this universe sealed the demon world from the human alongside all of his power.
"And Cinder and Raven want to open the gate to the demon realm to get his power?" Yatshu finally speaks up.
Jaune lays on the platform unconscious, seeming like he is dead… until the skull on Rebellion changes form and the sword is launched into the air, the water rises behind Jaune as he charges ahead and tries to attack Cinder.
She quickly blocks Jaune's fist with Yamato, resulting in his hand being covered in blood as the blade sliced through it. Unlike before, Jaune's face shows no evidence of being in pain due to the injury, instead his face shows significant rage towards Cinder.
"I see, the devil inside you has awakened as well," Cinder said to him. This time showing a peaked interest.
"Holy shit Blondie doesn't that hurt?!" Fiona cried out wincing in pain just watching Jaune's hands sink into the blade.
Jaune forces his impaled arm through Yamato, his tissue healing at such an astonishing rate as once his hand is removed it shows no sign of damage or deformity. He grabs the blade once more, then uses his newfound strength to fling Cinder over his shoulder.
"Interesting. It seems like the boy's regen has increased incredibly."Salem mused on learning forward. "They seem more like my children than your Opsin." She smiles at him mocking but it dropped when Nora spoke.
"Probably because you are their mom."Nora replied nonchalantly while still looking at the movie.
Salem took pauses at this and took a closer look at Jaune in the movie and the one in the theater. She got a weird feeling from him, but she decided to push it to the back of her head and just decided the pink one was talking nonsense.
Cinder lands on her feet soon after, preparing to fight him once more before she is stopped by Raven's voice from behind her, "Wait. We should leave. For the moment we have all that we need."
A white aura surrounds Jaune as he walks towards them, his eyes dulled and his steps heavy as he slowly begins triggering the demon inside of him. It was at this time that Cinder and Raven walked away, jumping off the edge of Temen-ni-gru, letting him transform into his Devil Form for the very first time. After releasing an inhuman roar, Jaune falls to the ground unconscious, returning to his human form.
"Holy shit what was that?!" Ruby looked at Jaune in shock.
"Is that what Cinder meant when she said Jaune unlocked the devil inside of him? Because that is a badass looking devil man!" Mercury shouted, getting hyped up.
After some time has passed, Jaune awakens once more and gets up off of the ground. The rain having stopped results in many of the clouds to clear up, one of them showing a figure of an '8.' He rips the broken portion of the sleeve from his jacket, then picks up Rebellion. Jaune finds them gone, feeling defeated he slams his fist at the nearest pillar, which results in the top portion of the structure to explode. Jaune looks at what he's done and he discovers he has awakened newfound power, it surprisingly felt...good.
"Oh know that look." Yang had a knowing smile.
Next thing Jaune knows, he jumps off the top of Temen-ni-gru, beginning his pursuit to get his amulet back from his sister and that scarred woman. During his plummet he decides to test his new capabilities on incoming demons. The incoming Blood-goyles will do nicely.
He slays large quantities of the Blood-goes with extraordinary ease, all of his speed, strength, and agility had increased so much that he was like a blur to the normal eye. He throws Rebellion at a number of Blood-golyes, quickly impaling and to finish the job he fires Ebony at the swords pommel, increasing the speed of his sword so much that it reaches terminal velocity. Jaune chases after Rebellion until his outstretched arm is able to reach the same speed as his falling sword. Once he's able to grasp it, Jaune launches himself off of Temin-ni-grun at a horizontal angle.
"... I hate the fact that I've said that's badass to this guy more there once. Mercury muttered.
This new power felt amazing to him, he felt invincible. Powerful. Unstoppable…
That's when the giant Leviathan in the sky showed up and swallowed him whole.
Salem eyes widen at the sight of the giant whale. "Richard?!" she took a closer look and realized that it was not Richard and settled down/
The scene changes to a separate corridor of the tower, where both Cinder and Raven appear before an enormous locked door.
Raven is seen looking into her book, very focused on its contents, starts sharing her knowledge with Cinder, "People once cried out in fear of this tower. Temen-ni-gru, a foundation that brought out fear. Fear. Yes, fear. Can't you feel it? The rage and agonies of people. Those who are confined here... with their desires of evil being unfulfilled... It was all because Ozma slammed the door to the Demon World in their faces…"
Raven looks towards the gate as it begins to unlock its many safeguards. Once they undone, the doors opened, allowing the two to continue forward.
Raven before continuing on turns around to see if someone she knows followed them.
"What's wrong?" Cinder asked the distracted Raven.
"...Nothing," Raven replies, obviously lying to her about her true concerns.
"I hope Ruby comes and ends up shooting you in the head, you witch. Yang said seething with rage.
"Same here." Qrow growled in agreement.
Without another word being said, the two women begin making their way deeper into the tower of Temen-ni-gru.
As soon as Jaune finished destroying Leviathan's heart, the titanic beast let out a final bloodcurdling scream as it fell to the ground.
Ruby is seen somewhere outside of the tower continuing her search until she sees an enormous whale plummet to the ground. The force of the beast as it crashed down shook the very earth where she stood, its shock felt all across the tower and even by those in the lower levels. Even Cinder and Raven took note of the aftershock of the Leviathan, even if they dismissed it completely after a few seconds.
"Holy shit he just killed that Whale by himself." Coco looked on in wonder.
"Okay guys I'm blind. What the hell happened?" Fox asked, getting a bit annoyed.
"Oh sorry Fox! Uh Jaune killed a giant whale and is now covered in blood."
"Oh. That's really cool." Fox said simply.
The young crimsonette finds where the corpse of the demon landed and witnesses as its blood colored eye is being slashed as Jaune, having finally got out of the oversized whale that swallowed him. Although he did end up being covered head to toe in its blood, so it was a Pyrrhic victory.
"So, this is the next stage?" Jaune thought out loud, thinking he was by himself.
"Wait!" A voice called out behind him.
Jaune turns around to see that it was the same girl from before, and having recalled their last meeting, he had a sour feeling towards her, "If you're asking for a date, forget it. Because I made it a point not to go out with women who shoot me in the head." Emphasizing his point by pointing to a specific spot on his forehead, where he knows she shot him.
"That's a deal breaker most. You're a meanie for doing that Ruby." Nora teased the redhead. She sinks into her seat with a pout.
Ruby scoffed, "Date a demon? I'm not that desperate. Besides, I really don't care for guys who stink like blood."
Jaune quickly sniffs at his clothes, then double takes at how bad the Leviathan's blood reeked, "You're right."
That got a laugh out of most of the viewers. But Ruby shook her head a bit. She just didn't get it. A few years ago, She and Jaune were dating, but now they hate each other. It was weird and it made her feel odd. But she keeps watching.
The mood suddenly changed when both Jaune and Ruby pulled out their guns, however, they weren't aiming at each other. Soon enough, a swarm of Demons ambushed them, causing both of them to form an unofficial alliance to fight off all the various demons.
During the shootout between them and the Pride Hells the two moved back to back for a defensive advantage. Seeing as they had time to kill, Jaune thought he should get to know this mystery girl he had allied himself with, "So tell me, what's your name?"
"I don't have a name," the crimsonette quickly replied, not wanting to get buddy-buddy with a demon.
"Uh… But that Raven chick said she named you Ruby earlier." Coco pointed out.
Not dissuaded in the slightest, Jaune continues to ask questions, "Oh, then what should I call you?"
"I don't care. Whatever you want," Ruby plainly replies, she would rather be focused on killing these Hell Prides than getting distracted by chit-chat.
Jaune laughs as he jumps over a group of incoming demons, then turns back to call out to the crimsonette, "Whatever Lady. I'll leave this to you. Because I don't want to miss the party."
"Lady? That's the best you could come up with?" Yang looked unimpressive.
"More concerned that he just ditched Ruby." Blake said, crossing her arms.
"She did shoot him in the head. Might not want to deal with her," Weiss reminded her team to which Blake nods her head in agreement.
Ruby scoffed, "Who counted on you anyway?"
With the red coat demon gone, she continues fighting against the Hells. The screen shows one of her bullet shells that fell to the ground, the ammunition being a '9. millimeter'
Jaune enters a gothic structured room, with a stage and all. He was left wondering where the gatekeeper of this room was until a cauldron of bats emerged in the room. They all form into one shape, which happens to look like an extremely attractive redhead with deathly pale skin and crimson eyes, who'd hair acted as a covering for her bare upper body.
Jaune has to admit, as far as demons went for deceiving their prey, this was new. He liked new things.
Nevan looks upon this new guest with great interest and hunger, "Hmm, welcome sir. Is this your first time here?"
"Yeah it is. You'll be nice to me won't you?" Jaune asked her, playing along with her game.
Ruby's eyes dimmed as she turned to Jaune and muttered out "Filth." Which left the Blonde confused.
"What do I do?" He asked but Ruby didn't answer him. What should I do?!" He asked her again but still received no answer.
Nevan laughs sweetly at her guests request, one that was intended to lower his guard, "Of course I will. I'll treat you so nicely, you'll never want to leave."
"Now that's what I'm talking about," Jaune says before drawing Rebellion, making his point clear to his hostess that he wasn't here for that kind of fun.
Nevan, now knowing her guest was not a typical desire driven human, concedes to play with him for a little while. She walks towards her stage until she looks back at her blonde guest, "Then come on, Sugar."
Nevan falls back in defeat, or would have had Jaune not catch her in his left arm, "My, you're sweet."
Thinking she has him fooled, Nevan tries lunging at Jaune's throat before feeling her abdomen being penetrated by a bullet from Ivory.
Jaune laughs, "You'd think so, wouldn't you?"
"Good job Jaune." Ruby cheered with a wide smile which left him even more confused as she was just mad at him a few seconds ago.
Nevan also laughed, already knowing she was beaten, having already decided that it would be much easier on herself if she would surrender to him, "Alright. I'll help you. Your father was a handsome devil, but you're no slouch yourself."
"Salem blinked at the she-devil's comment on her ex's looks. And frankly she didn't appreciate it. She wanted to make sure Ozpin never knew happiness with another woman and thankfully her… possibable son killed her.
After giving up her physical form, Nevan transformed into the Devil Arm "Nevan"... an demonic electric guitar.
While performing an amazing death metal solo, Jaune showcases "Nevan's" unique ability as both a demonic guitar and an electrified scythe. The end of his act ending in a shower of fireworks and sparks.
Ruby let out a shriek at Jaune's new weapon. "It's not fair! I want an electric scythe guitar she whines."
"He plays better on the guitar than he did at beacon though." Weiss said with a teasing smirk at Jaune, who stuck his tongue out at her.
Meanwhile, Ruby continues to fight against the Hell Prides, utilizing her full arsenal on them while she simultaneously reloads all her weapons throughout the fight. From her pistol to her Crescent Rose.
When all the Hell Prides had been slain, a falling pistol from the sky is caught by the crimsonette, who smiled at its return.
"Welcome back!" Ruby said.
After packing all of her things, she makes her way towards the next entrance, continuing towards her end goal.
Raven and Cinder make their way to the final door to their destination, their end goal within their grasp.
Raven expresses excitement to Cinder, having finally been so close to their goal, "Soon we will reach the lair of judgement. Temen-ni-gru will finally regain its full function and lead us into the Demon World. The world where Ozma's power has been sealed. And the one who will lift the incantation is you, his own daughter. It must be fate."
Before they enter the chamber, Raven looks to check back the way they came, Cinder stops walking concerned of the woman's actions.
"Does that woman really bother you?" Cinder asked Raven.
Raven looked at the brunette quizzically, "What are you talking about?"
Looking back at the older woman, Cinder made her thoughts clear, "Why didn't you kill her? Perhaps, because she is your niece? Did some pesky auntie love get in your way?"
"... Why didn't she kill Ruby?" Yang realized Cinder brought up a good point. Raven was fine killing herself but didn't kill Ruby when she got the chance. It was odd.
Raven immediately became defensive in her body language and tone, "That is none of your-"
Raven is cut off when Cinder impales her in the abdomen, causing her to drop her book. Her blood trickles down onto the surface of the book, the drops that landed vaguely reminiscent of the number '10.'
While looking at the wounded Raven, Cinder decided it was time that she shared some of her own background knowledge, relating to Raven specifically, "To further your study of the black arts, you sacrificed your loving daughter, to become a devil as well. Knowing this I thought you'd be more useful to me, but I was wrong. No wonder your attainment of power is incomplete."
"... I'm not surprised my sister did this all in the search of power" Qrow muttered.
Cinder was incredibly giddy on getting her revenge on Raven, Even though it was technically her, it was close enough and she bathed in the scene with great glee.
Raven coughed up some of her blood, trickling from her mouth, before she exchanged an enraged glare towards Cinder, "What about you? You're an incomplete being as well. Both demon and human blood mingle in your veins. You dare judge me, even after you abandoned your own infant child-"
Cinder forcibly removes Yamato from Raven abdomen, her face showing genuine anger, "Shut up. Now that the final door is open, I have no use for you."
Without another word or glance, Cinder left Raven to lie at the entrance of the door as the old woman bleeds out. She has already come this far in her quest for power, she will not allow another minute pass while she is kept away from her birthright.
Everyone in the theater went dead silent at the bombshell Raven had just dropped. No one said a word and they all slowly turned toward Cinder with widen eyes with the expectation of Salem who had a mixture of anger and disappointment on her face. Cinder only look at the floor shaking as the words finally sinked in for herself.
"I… have a child?" She whispered to her in disbelief.
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gucciwins · 4 years
The Hunt
Luna has won the Halloween Hunt two years in a row and she is going for a third with Harry as her partner, the problem well they don’t really get along. 
Word count: 10,761
A/N: Luna, I hope you love her like I do. She was a joy to write. I’m very excited to share so please come and share your thoughts with me. It really means the world to me. Thank you to Gianna (@hunflowers​) for hosting this wonderful Halloween challenge. I hope you enjoy. (prompt: you’ve got to be kidding me).
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The one holiday that Luna is excited to take part in with her friends, finding even the tackiest of activities fun and a joy to do. Luna and Caleb went to the pumpkin patch last weekend and spent the day drinking cider and eating cinnamon donuts. The pumpkin carving was a whole other story that ended with one smashed pumpkin and a grumpy Caleb. 
Luna has spent every Halloween with Caleb for as long as she can remember. From first becoming best friends when Luna and her family moved in next door to Caleb at the age of six to now, age twenty-one going on four years of living together. Much to their parents' disappointment, sparks never did fly for them. Not that Luna ever thought there would be; Caleb just didn't do it for her no matter how handsome he was.  
This Halloween, just like previous ones, they were going as a pair. Their first Halloween at age six, they went as Power Rangers, Luna the yellow and Caleb the blue. It was their most memorable one and has the picture hanging in their living room for reminiscing purposes. Last year Caleb decided on Ghostbusters, and they killed it. Being university students means low money in their bank account, so they went thrift shopping a lot that year. 
Halloween 2020, it is her turn to pick. Luna decided they would be going as Princess Buttercup and Westley from The Princess Bride. 
A true classic that will forever live on, yes, it may be a romantical pairing, but Luna has begged for this for years, and now is their time to shine. She pulled extra shifts at the tattoo parlor she works at as receptionist to get authentic costumes—the red dress of dreams. 
It's Saturday night, there is a Blue moon, and it's Halloween. 
It is time for their third annual Halloween Hunt, where her group of friends pair up and set off to find clues to win the grand prize of a crown, some cash, and bragging rights for a whole year. Luna has won it the last two years with Caleb on her side, and she is ready to do it again. 
Luna stares at herself in the mirror. The gown is elegant and rich with details. The long red, billowy sleeves with a fathered cuff. A high neckline and falls into a loose, pleated skirt. The dress is tied off at the waist with a gold pattern belt. And to top it all off, the beaded crown on her brown curls. The color of her hair the only inaccuracy of the costume. The crown shines more she feels with her darker hair than the original Buttercup. 
Her makeup is minimal, only having used mascara for her long eyelashes she likes having curled. It makes her brown eyes that much nicer to gaze at. 
She grabs her wallet and keys that she will be leaving with Caleb as his look was blessed with pockets, and she does not want to stick anything down her bra for the entire night. She takes the stairs two floors down as they meet at Mitch and Oliver's apartment, who happen to live in the same complex.
To start the hunt, the host will let everyone get into partners before dispersing the first clue, and the first couple to make it to the final location at midnight will be crowned the winners. 
They really are in for a fun night. 
Walking in, she sees the apartment somewhat decorated, not much, purple string lights hanging over the large tv they have. Small orange pumpkins scattered around the room. The excessive amount of fake spider web in every corner of the house. Mitch has always said, why to decorate if you're going to be the one cleaning it up. Oliver did not think the same way; she imagines his room looks like the inside of Spirit Halloween. 
Mitch greets her with a drink. It's water. He smiles at her costume before wandering off. She sips the cold water, never one to drink on such an important night. Also, she's wary about drinking growing up; her dad made her start driving at the age of fifteen because he liked drinking when they went over to her uncle's house on the weekends. He wasn't an alcoholic, but he did drink too often, and instead of putting her and her brother at risk, he taught her to drive. This is why now, she will instead be the designated driver than the one having the drinks. Tonight, she needs a clear head to win.
Luna moves past the kitchen, eyes searching for Caleb in his black outfit and mask, but she stops dead in her tracks once she meets his gaze.
 It's a shock.
Caleb is dressed in slim black pants, a white dress shirt, a messy done blue tie, an unbuttoned black blazer, and completing his look is the signature beige blazer. He looks incredible, but not at all how he was supposed to. He winces when he sees the expression on her face. 
She’s upset. He didn't even warn her. Not a single text or call.
There has never been a reason to break tradition, but here they are doing just that. 
"They asked me to host," Caleb says as he steps toward her. Luna manages a nod. She changes her direction and goes across the room to sit alone on the windowsill, leading to a small flower patio. Caleb looks like he wants to head over, but she knows her well enough; it's best to leave her alone. 
As Luna gets lost in thought, she doesn't acknowledge that everyone else has slowly arrived, the chatter getting louder. She also is oblivious to the lingering eyes on her. If she had looked up, she would have met Harry's concerned gaze.
"Hello friends, thank you for gathering with us here on this day of spooks and horror." Caleb stands on the study coffee table to get everyone's attention on him. "This year, you may not pick your partner. No, there will be random draws." 
"Let's hope this makes Luna lose this year," Oliver shouts, getting lots of cheers in response. 
Luna rolls her eyes at the banter but lets a smile overtake her face because she knows no matter who her partner may end up being, she will be a winner.
Caleb announces how only five of them will pick a name and how it has been decided it will be Mitch, Daniel, Charlotte, Abby, and Luna, who will draw a name. 
She is third to pick a slip, not opening it up until the last two receive theirs. She doesn't focus on the others as they begin to search for their partners because Caleb is shuffling over to her looking sheepish. 
He pulls her in and wraps his arms around her, giving her a big squeeze. Long and hard enough to leave her out of breath. A sloppy kiss on her cheeks, she is quick to wipe away on his coat, not at all wanting to dirty her dress, at least not yet. 
Those hazel eyes are hard to stay mad at, and he knows it. Luna can count all the fights they've had on one hand.
"Whatever, you owe me." She bumps his shoulder. 
He nods, quick to agree. "Name your price."
Luna opens up the folded slip of paper. 
"A new partner." She whispers, not looking up, hoping if she stares long enough, the name will change. 
Caleb leans in and smirks at the name. "That I can't do. You know the rules." 
She furrowed her eyebrows. "There were no rules until today."
Caleb laughs. "Everyone partner up if you haven't already."
Mitch is already chatting with Oliver, and she knows they will give her a run for her money. These two get on so well, but their weakness is that when Mitch gets a lead, he forgets to address it to his partner most of the time, leaving them separated and lost. 
Justine is with Abby, and honestly, she has no worry over them. Abby is a hard person to partner up with, always wanting to lead even when she has no clue what is going on. 
Calvin is with Daniel, and honestly, she knows they are not competition. Calvin told her the clues confused him. 
Mason and Charlotte, she was hoping to partner with Charlotte. That being her closest friend right behind Caleb. She's a music major, meaning their time together is always a joy. Luna singing a random song and Char telling her random facts she knows about the said song. Luna is not sure how good Charlotte and Mason get on, but only time will tell. 
As she sees everyone paired up, she scans the room for Harry. She doesn't spot him, but she does see Pirate Roberts, better known as Westley, her other half. He's wearing a black shirt that has a lace-up front with a matching pair of pants. The mask and headscarf add a touch of mystery, while the sash and gloves put the finishing touch to the look. As much as she hates to admit it, he looks good. 
"You've got to be kidding me." She says, looking him up and down in disgust. 
Harry scoffs, now standing in front of her. "Guess that means I'm stuck with you."
"Yeah, you can lose the mask now."
"No, I don't think so. Makes my eyes pop." He bats his eyelashes at her. 
She ignores him, moving on to an important question. "Who were you supposed to dress with?" 
"Charlotte." His stupidly, charming English accent responds. "She asked me last week, then told me she was doing Ghostbusters with Mason. Her costume is done too nicely to be done last minute."
This is a setup. 
She knows because Charlotte helped her alter the dress's length so that it didn't drag on the floor as she walked, and in return, Luna helped sew Venkman on her suit. 
The only question is, why would they want her matching with Harry if they don't get on well at all, not even a little bit. Every interaction leaves with one of them storming off, not to brag, but it seems to always be Harry. 
"Well, at least you were warned. Caleb didn't even tell me." She shares. "Had me walk in to see him dressed as an angel." 
"Castiel, right?" Harry says, a bit uncertain.
Luna nods, surprised he knows, thinking this might be their one connection to break the ice. "He posted on his story who he was dressed as." She spoke too soon. 
"You're saying you don't know Supernatural." 
"No, sorry." He says, not sounding apologetic. 
Luna shoots him a fake smile before looking away. "He can't be my partner; it's a disrespect to my morals." 
Her only response is laughter. She wasn't joking. 
"You know the rules, baby," Charlotte says, arms around Mason's waist. Luna narrows her eyes at that, mentally reminding herself to check in with Char about that. 
How had she won two years without knowing any rules? 
"Well, I'll still kick all your asses with Dobby on my team." When meeting Harry's eyes again, she smirks, his face shocked, not sure if she was insulting him. 
"Right, do not mess up our chances of winning." Her voice was deep and threatening. At least she hoped that's how it sounded. 
"I would never" Harry looks down at her with a smirk on his pink lips. "But I need motivation, so what's in it for me." 
Instead of responding with half of the money because that much was obvious, what else would he want? She looks him in the eyes. "I'll kiss you if we win," Luna tells him sarcastically, and before Harry has a chance to respond, Caleb is walking over, handing them their first clue of seven. 
Head to the place no one ever cleans
Harry scratches his head. "That's confusing."
"It's the bathroom. Specifically, the toilet." She hands the clue for Harry to put away, making her way there. 
"You sure?" 
Luna doesn't bother replying, pushing first to the bathroom, wanting to get a move on. It's going to be a long night if he keeps questioning her. 
Harry opens the door and jumps back, he's startled at the sight in front of him, but Luna nudges him aside to take a look and is left impressed.
There is fake blood on the mirror, "You're next" written sloppily. What startled Harry was the body bag in the tub, bloody transparent curtains hanged to make it seem like a messy murder. 
"There's not a body, right?" A slight tremble in his voice. 
"Of course not. No one is a fan of jump scares her." She eyes his face. "Especially you." 
Luna picks up the skull sitting on top of the toilet tank, and taped underneath is the second clue. 
"That was too easy," Harry tells her, already heading out of the apartment, not waiting for her to read the clue knowing this one will lead them outside. 
You may sit, you may stand, you may push, but one must never jump.
"Who even made these?" Harry scoffs. "It's awful." 
She chuckles, agreeing because they do stink. "Caleb. The host has to do them all for each group. Talk with owners of shops and all. It's a long process." Luna explains to Harry as she reads the clue once more. "I'm surprised I never noticed how busy he was the entire month." 
"It's what happens when you're self-absorbed." He mutters. 
"Ouch." She feigns hurt, hands over her heart. 
Harry rolls his eyes, not wanting to deal with her any longer than he has to. He has no clue what that clue is pointing to. He looks over at Luna, who has gone quiet.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harry exclaims.
"Where is the headscarf? You're messing up the look." She pouts, and Harry would never admit it, at least to her, but she looks adorable. 
"I took it off. It messes up my hair."
Luna stares at his hair. "Looks as messy as always.'
He gasps. "It looks fantastic, trying this new serum to make it shine."
"Sorry to break it to you, but I don't think it is working." She scrunches up her face in disgust. 
"Well, your shoes don't match." He yells. 
She looks down at her Molly metallic leather platform boots that give her five-four self extra height. "My boots are badass. Buttercup still kicks ass in these." She twirls and begins walking away from him. 
"Luna, for fuck sake, where are you going." Harry rushes after her. 
"We've got a hunt to win." 
For someone of her stature, she sure has a fast pace. It seems as if she never slows down, effortlessly moving around pedestrians. All while Harry mumbles apologies as he trips over a person's shoe. 
"The clue." He clears his voice. "How'd you crack it." 
"Easy after a few reads. It's the swings at the local park." 
Harry nods. "That doesn't explain how you knew." 
"Caleb uses things in his life, and if you know him well enough, you can crack it. He's an open book, one talk with him and you'll know his grandparents' name and phone number. He loves sharing everything." Harry motions for her to continue, all while keeping her fast pace, leaving him a little wounded. "As kids, our parents' one rule at the park was that we could never jump off the swings all because one time Caleb and I were going so high I jumped and almost flew past the sand pile and landed on the concrete. No one broke a bone, but we could have." 
"You and Caleb must have given your parents a hard time." 
"Not really, we were angels." 
"Hard to believe." 
She kisses her two fingers before placing it over her heart. "Scout's honor." 
"You were in the girl's scout." 
"Well, aren't you nosy Miss Rosy." She rolls her eyes. "The town didn't have the girl's scout, so when Caleb joined, I made a presentation for Ulysses. He was the man in charge, and I impressed him. He accepted, and no one questioned me."
"Impressive," Harrys tells her, genuinely meaning it. 
"Now shut up, Styles. You have too much information, might have to go kill you or something if these things get out." 
"And here I thought we were becoming friends." 
"Nope, let's keep it that way." 
Harry shuts up, letting the chatter of late-night stragglers fill in the silence. Luna is stopped by a girl their age looking for directions to a party. She is happy to help, giving the girl extra detail to make sure she doesn't get lost. She goes as far as giving the girl her phone number to know she made it there safely. 
Luna is an enigma. 
"I thought you hated all humans, but I see I was wrong." 
Harry is such a jerk that she doesn't bother responding. No, she does something much better. She stops walking, sticking her foot out, knowing how oblivious Harry is. He trips, almost falling to his face, but to some miracle, he manages to right himself without a scratch. 
He adjusts his mask, brushing off the dirt he acquired at the bottom of his pants. "Well, that was mean.
"I thought it was rather kind, knock you off your pedestal." She grins at him, walking away again. 
Harry mutters something under his breath, making sure she isn't able to hear him. 
Luna decides to bring back the conversation of what started their night, his costume. "Why are you even Westley? You don't have the blonde hair for it."
Harry scoffs. "Says the girl with the brown locks of hair."
"The wig was itchy, besides my natural hair is pretty." Her hair is excellent, and she knows it. It's mid-waist, and she does hair therapy to keep it healthy. After Caleb's sister-in-law introduced her to natural hair products, a significant improvement. It added a shine she never had before. She is always paid lots of compliments on her hair. It's enchanting. 
Harry looks at her before staying quiet. He kicks a rock as he walks. "Blondes are overrated."
Luna ducks her head, letting her hair frame a curtain around her face wanting to hide the blush he managed to get out of her. 
Finally, reaching the park entrance, the swings a distance away. They stop, neither of them making a move follow the path.   
"You could just stay here, and I'll text you when I'm done," Luna tells him. 
Harry is quick to rebut, "I'm smart, I can help." 
"I didn't say you aren't smart. It's just I know you don't like me, so why spend the time with me?" 
That's far from the truth, Harry thinks to himself but doesn't deny it. "Together, we're winning this together." He gives her no room for argument walking to the swings. 
Luna nods to herself; she's going to be okay. Maybe the night will start to get better. 
Harry is opening up the clue as she approaches, and he holds it out further, allowing her to read it.
You walk by me, never give me a second glance. Now tonight, I dare you to give me a chance.
"That doesn't sound great," Harry confesses. 
"You alright, with a bit of darkness?" 
Harry nods his head, yes, but he has no idea what's coming next. 
Standing in front of the house, Luna feels a chill run up her spine. It's not like she's never seen this house because she had. She grew up in the town and walked past the lonely house that wasted away day by day as she made her way to school.
"This place is creepy," Harry mumbles, standing next to her.
The grass is brown and unkempt; dried leaves scatter the path to the home's stairs, a crunch under their feet as they approach. She walks slow, counting her steps, and at unlucky thirteen, they reach the first broken step. The wood looked as if someone took a hammer to it, having random holes done. The windows are filled with spider webs and dust, no way to look in. The door was red and had scratches. As if someone small had clawed to be let in.
"Sure you want to go in, Luna." Harry looks at the door in fright. "You can admit you got the wrong location. You can't always be right."
"Look, Styles, I know I'm right."
Harry begins to sweep around to make sure no one is watching them break into an old abandoned house. She leans against the rotting wood, there's a chance she might fall through, but she's always up for the risk. In doing so, she shuts her eyes for a second, and a memory pops in her head; it causes her to let out a chuckle, startling Harry. He whips around to shout at her, but the smile on Luna's face makes him stop. He's never been privileged to a smile so intimate.
Before Harry can even ask her what's got her smiling, she is already talking.
"Caleb and I had our first kiss on these steps." Luna's eyes shift down as if the memory begins to play in front of her."
"With each other?" Harry asks, wanting confirmation.
"Yes, Caleb swore he was in love with me in the sixth grade, and I told him he was insane. The feelings were not mutual." She assures, wanting to get her point across. "We were walking home from school one day, and I, as the brains of the duo, told him we had to check out the house. I swore we had our own Boo Radley after reading To Kill A Mockingbird. He was going on and on about how he swore his love for me." She turned to look at Harry. "I looked at him, put my hands on his shoulders, and put my lips to his. He stood there shocked, and once I pulled back, he grinned." Luna deepens her voice. "So, I don't love you like that."
Harry chuckles, enjoying the story. She's not even sure why she began to tell him. "I was like yeah, you idiot, I see you as a brother. My mom could not stop laughing when I told her. My dad not so much." She stood up straight, took three steps to the door, grabbed the rusted doorknob, and it twisted open. There was a loud creak as she pushed.
"In we go, Farm Boy."
Harry shakes his head, mutters "As you wish." He hopes she missed that.
He steps in; first, his eyes quickly sweeping around the house, a doorway to a living room, another leading to what he assumes would be the dining room, and right in front of them a spiral staircase leading to the second floor where they might venture to if they don't find the clue in the main rooms.
"Right, together," Harry tells her.
"Awe, don't be scared, Styles. I'll protect you." She reaches out to pink his cheek.
He swats her hand away. "You'll be the one needing it."
"Don't count on you being my savior then?"
"Not ever, Buttercup."
They walk the first floor and find nothing. It's quite dull, nothing that stands out of place. Nothing haunting, really. A bit of a disappointment. They approach the stair and see footprints. This must be the correct way. She lets Harry lead. Once at the top, they see footprints are leading left and right. Harry nods left, so she assumes he means she has to go right.
It was not what he meant.
As Luna makes her way to the door at the end of the hall, she turns to see Harry entering the first room. She should turn back and go with him. She thinks about it for a second and decides it's best not and continues on.
Luna enters the boy's room. There is a race car bed, with white drawers full of stickers on either side. Everything is dusty, can feel the twitch in her nose. She approaches the bed when a paper catches her eyes on the corner of the dresser filled with different kinds of dinosaurs. It is their clue. It reads
If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending.
Luna smiles gratefully to have found it. She'll figure it out with Harry, she decides. The quicker she is out of the house, the better. As she folds the clue, she hears the door slam shut. It makes Luna jump. 
She approaches the door and twists the knob, but nothing happens. Luna keeps pulling and nothing; she's slowly but surely beginning to freaking out. 
Maybe Harry was playing a joke on her. That had to be it. 
"If you think this is a good prank, you're wrong." She yells, eager to hear his deep laugh before opening the door. But instead, she is met with silence. 
"Styles, open the door." Her voice firm, anger slowly taking over." Still nothing. "Haha, you've had your laugh; let me out." 
The panic is beginning to set. Harry didn't lock her in; he's on the other side of the house. 
"Harry?" She whimpers.
Meanwhile, Harry, no clue in hand, stands at the top of the stairs staring at a mirror frowning at himself. He looked for Luna, but it's as if she disappeared. He has come to the conclusion that she has finally left him. 
Luna, not sure what else to do, begins to scream his name. The tears streaming down her face in panic. She just wants out. That's all she wants. 
She pounds on the door, her throat hurting from the loud screams she's let out. The tears making it hard to keep on going; with one final knock, she lets herself slide to the floor.
Harry was about to descend the stairs when he hears a pounding on a door. It gives him chills; as much as it frightens him to go check it out, he has a gut feeling he has to. He goes right, the original way Luna went, and makes his way to the closed door. He takes a deep breath before turning the knob. 
Nothing happens. 
He takes a step back before pushing all his weight into the door, causing it to fly open. Harry scans the room quickly but sees nothing until he looks down and sees Luna hugging her knees.
Harry is quick to react. He's on his knees in front of her. "Luna, love, it's me, Harry. You're okay." 
She slowly lifts her head. "Harry." She croaks.
"Yes, it's me."
The tears begin once more. "The door was jammed. I was calling for you." She throws her arms around him wanting to be close, needing comfort even if he may not want to give it. 
"Thought you left me once you got the clue." He confesses as he runs his hand through her hair, he might have always wanted to do it, but not like this, never like this. 
"I'm not that mean, am I?" She looks up at him through her long thick eyelashes. A tear runs down her cheek.
He brings his hand up and gently wipes it away. "No, you're sweet and sassy and perfectly you. Not mean. Ya, hear me."
Luna nods. 
"Let's get out of here, okay. We need to figure out the clue now. Can't do it without your brains." He smiles at her dimples on display.
Luna smiles, he helps her out, and they walk out, Harry guiding her with a firm hand on her waist.
Once outside, the cold autumn wind hits them, and it's like Luna can finally breathe again. Harry guides them all the way to the sidewalk, where she hands him the clue. 
If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending.
"Sweets? There's a candy store, right?" Harry isn't sure, remembering seeing one. 
"It's named Annie's Sweets. Two streets from the library." 
"Well, lead the way, Buttercup." Harry links their hands together and begins walking forward is surprisingly the right direction. Luna stares down at their intertwined fingers, and it feels nice. 
Maybe, she's just a little touch starved. 
Luna is quiet, trying to think of anything but that moment she had in that house. She's going to give Caleb a lot of shit for that one. 
As they walk, Luna notices their hands are still together before pulling away. "Sorry." 
Harry shrugs. "Don't mind."
Luna frowns and looks straight ahead as they walk; he's confusing. Why is Harry acting sweet? A little too sweet. She intertwines her hands together in the front wanting the feeling of his hand in hers to disappear. 
"Are you going to tell the others about my crying? I get it if you do. Good story to get a laugh at me." She mumbles the last words. 
Harry grabs her arm, stopping her. She slowly raises her head to meet his eyes through the eye mask. His green eyes soft but filled with an emotion, she can't place. "I would never, what happened was not a laughing matter, this, all this tonight will stay between us, you good with that." 
Luna nods.
Harry clicks his tongue. "Verbal response." 
Her brown eyes go wide. "Yes, I'm good with that." 
Luna can't hide her surprise, and she knows Harry can see that. He's never acted so kind to her. It's a bit weird, but it beats the back and forth remarks. She's also sick of this façade of disliking him. It's exhausting now that she thinks about it. The banter is fun, but it always ends when it gets taken too far.  
"Harry, I know you hate me for some reason," She clears her throat before continuing. "But it's exhausting all the arguing. I'm great at it, but we've been at it for the two years we've known each other. You can keep hating me and not talking to me. I'm used to people not liking me. You won't be any different. We can co-exist in the same group."  
Harry scoffs, "You still don't get it."
She frowns. Get what? "You never gave us the chance to be friends. I'm giving you the chance to cut all ties while staying in the friend group." It's the most straightforward plan. It's honestly perfect.
"Luna, stop." 
She continues on. "Harry, seriously, you make me miserable, and I make-" He turns around, causing her to almost crash into him. 
"I like you." Luna knows the surprise is written all over her face. Harry's face is serious, no dimples insight and all his emerald eyes tell her is that he is full of frustration. "I like how beautiful and kind you are. How you don't let anyone walk over you and how you always manage to be the smartest person in any room."  
Harry likes her. Her. He likes her, and this was his way of interacting with her. He said she's smart, but honestly, nothing is making sense. She's confused; how does she feel? How long has he felt like this? Has it been since they were first introduced? 
Harry stands there staring at her, trying to see her give him any reaction, but all he gets is a blank stare. He clicks his tongue. "Alright." He turns on his heel and begins walking again.
Luna stares at him, walking away before shaking herself out of her thoughts and hurrying after him.
It's silent.
The quietest it's been all night, and she doesn't like it, but she's also not ready to address the bomb he dropped on her. 
At the start of the night, Luna believed he hated her. That he had hated her for the longest time only to find out he actually liked her. There is no way she'll bring it up, at least not yet. 
She cuts the tension in the way she knows best. 
"You could have at least grown the stache." He looks over at her, confused, not sure about what she just said or how she is brushing aside what he said. "The mustache adds to the character, and well, you don't have it."
Harry gasps. "I like my smooth face." She lets out the breath she was holding, thankful he went along. 
"Is that your way of saying you can't grow facial hair?"
"I can." 
She shrugs and nods. "Sure, Jan."
Harry is about to go off on her, but Luna runs ahead to the candy store entrance, walking in and letting the door shut behind her. 
He walks in after seeing that the store closes in twenty minutes; he finds Luna chatting with the cashier. He recognizes her as a girl he had in his intro to Psychology. She dropped out eight weeks in. He remembers because he lent her notes once and she had left coffee stains on them. As he reads on her name tag, the girl- Amy- was kind enough to pay him five dollars. Both girls don't acknowledge him, more into the conversation of Luna's costume and how pretty she looks in a crown. If Harry didn't know any better, he'd think Amy was flirting with her. Harry smirks but doesn't say anything waving at the girl before filling himself a bag of candy; he deserves it after all. 
"Amy was telling me Caleb came in a few days ago. Asked her on a date and they'll be going out next week. She thinks he's a proper cutie. Did you know her?" Luna tells him as she grabs the small tweezers to get a few sour gummy worms.
"Had her for a class first year, but she dropped out." Harry is focused on getting a few cherry sours in his bag. 
"Psychology. She was going through a rough time when she did it. Not that she ever needed the course. She's a theatre major now." 
"How do you know her?" He really is curious now, as she talks about her with familiarity. 
She drops a few Swedish Fish in the bag, sneaking one in her mouth, chewing it before moving along to add Tim Tams; he's never known for a candy store to have those. Then again, he's never been in this one. "She's my cousin. A year younger than us." 
"Why hadn't Caleb met her then if you've been friends for so long?" 
"God, you're a curious one, aren't you." She closes her bag and follows Harry as he fills his. He's going for Red Vines, nice and easy to snack on; Luna likes those only for movie nights for some bizarre reason she doesn't know. "I'm a protector of hearts. Amy is the sweetest person you'll ever meet, a real-life princess. Amy has been the sunshine in my life since she was born. I know Caleb, and he's going to fall in love with her, mark my words. I think they are a perfect match, but I also know not to meddle, which is why I wanted them to meet on their own." 
Harry smiles down at her. "Didn't know you could be so sweet, Buttercup." 
"Only to very few people." 
Luna places her bag on the scale, but her eyes go wide as she meets Amy's across the counter, realizing she doesn't have any money on her. Before she can even think about asking Harry, Amy saves the day. "Both your bags are covered. He knew whoever got this clue would most likely be buying, so he took care of it, more than enough actually." 
Luna rolls her head to look at Harry. "He's too kind." 
"What did the clue say?" Amy asks curiously. 
Harry and Luna's eyes go wide simultaneously. "Shit." He whispers before whipping out the slip of paper that led them there. "It says If you wish to find me, you must go to the place where the choice of sweets is never-ending." 
"The Pucker Powder!" Luna shouts, rushing over to the middle of the store where the machine of different flavors of powdered candy stands. There the clue is, under watermelon, Caleb's favorite. "I got it, Westley." 
Harry makes his way over to her waiting for her to read it, but Luna gestures for Amy to come listen as well, and she happily skips over. That's when Harry notices her costume; she's dressed in relaxed fitted jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and a faded brown leather jacket with leather boots. A charm hanging from her neck. "What are you dressed as?" He's confused. 
"Dean Winchester." She answers cheerfully. 
Luna feels Harry turn to look at her waiting for an explanation. "She's paired up with Caleb, He's Castiel, and she's Dean and together they are ‘Destiel’. A long-loved ship in the fandom of Supernatural.
He smiles. "You look great." 
"Don't worry, Ames, the reason we aren't friends, is that he doesn't watch." 
"It's not for everyone, Luna," Amy tells her before nudging her to read the clue. 
You swim to the bottom to find the other side but never come back up.
"Sound like the lake," Harry suggests. “Only source of water here.”
Luna nods, agreeing with him, as they head to the door. She stops, suddenly remembering something. "Do you need us to walk you home? You know how I feel about anyone walking out alone, especially tonight."
Amy blushes, looking down. "Caleb offered to walk me home, you know it's close by, and it's still a while until midnight." 
"Say no more, sweets." Luna leaves and follows behind Harry, as he now leads the way. 
It's a half-mile away, not too far but enough to have them silent for a while as they set a steady pace. 
Harry quite likes conversing with Luna and decides to ask her a question that's been on his mind since he saw her back at the apartment. 
"Why this costume, why Buttercup?"
Luna runs her hands down the front of the material, feeling the softness against her hands. "It was my favorite growing up. Still is, honestly. It's a nice story that gives you a bit of everything, romance, friendship, and adventure. Each character was on an adventure, and it brought them all together. Also, because I'd read it to Caleb during lunch breaks, we didn't feel like playing with others. I'd read because he had dyslexia and he grew a distaste for reading." Luna smiles fondly, thinking back to those simpler times. 
"I watched the movie for the first time last year." 
"Did you like it?" Her voice was full of curiosity. 
"Loved it." He tells her. 
She smiles, his answer filling her with joy. "Favorite part?" 
He hums, thinking it over for a second. "When she pushes him down the hill and finds out he's actually Westley." 
"Because he yells as you wish, rolling down." She grabs his arm in excitement, finishing the scene for him. 
Luna realizes what she's doing, and quickly let's go, muttering a small apology. "You're a romantic, Farm Boy."
"Not the first person who's told me." 
The walk to Orchid Lake continues in silence. A comfortable one, each one lost in their own head. Luna keeps playing one moment in her head, the moment Harry confessed his fondness of her, but it doesn't make sense. She replays every one of their interactions, and there is not one moment that stands out to her that proves he likes her. Harry introduced himself the first time but never once pursued a friendship or anything more. Luna is so lost in thought she doesn't realize they've arrived as she bumps into Harry's back as he stopped at the entrance. 
She walks ahead, and instead of walking to the trail in front of them, she goes right and takes a seat on the bench, it's a bit wet due to the mist filling the air, but she doesn't mind. 
"Uh, it's this way." Harry points, wanting to get a move on. 
Luna makes no moves to stand. She runs a hand down her face before letting it drop to her lap. "How is it that you hate, and you like me?" The question slips out before she can stop herself. 
Harry sighs, knowing the conversation is happening now. "Don't hate you." Harry is now standing in front of her, mask in his hand, wanting her to really look at him. "But, you hate me." 
Luna shakes her head, no. She's never hated anyone, she might have disliked Harry at one point, but honestly, they might have just misjudged each other. Harry gives her a look, one that tells her to be honest. 
"Okay, I didn't like you, but can you blame me?" 
"No, I understand completely." Luna stares at him, her eyes now locked with his.  
Harry lets out a deep breath. "I think you're an amazing person. You're kind and smart. Always volunteering to help others. You help set up study sessions for everyone." Luna keeps her eyes on him, not giving him a single expression. "Was mad you didn't treat me that way when we first met." He confesses. 
She nods, letting it sink it. "I've always included you, never not invited you." 
"I mean, you didn't try to get to know me." 
"Harry, I did when we first met." Luna is sure of this. 
"No, I would remember." He exclaims. 
"I'm not that memorable to you, it seems." She rolls her eyes. "Let me paint the picture for you. We are all hanging out in Mitch's apartment when you arrive a little later than the rest of us. A girl is hanging off your arm, not an inch of space between you. Kiersten, does that name ring a bell, Styles?" Luna knows it does. It's his ex, the only one she knows of. "She was rude to me the first time we met, when we were introduced to each other. You stood there and let her do that. Insulted me, and I was fuming. Mitch said you were a kind person and to give you a chance but letting someone treat someone else badly right in front of you, I wasn't so sure." 
Harry stays silent, letting her go on. "The second time we met, she made fun of Charlotte's outfit, and you just sat there. Char cried in the bathroom and then headed home for the night. From then on, I was neutral with you, not giving you anything to move forward on. The last straw was when it was Friday movie night in my apartment, and she tells you it's lame seeing movies together and that the apartment was trashy. You stood there, nodding along, and as soon as I saw you alone for a second, I let you know we wouldn't be friends because you were different than I expected.” Luna tries to calm her breathing, no point in losing control over the past. She's let it go, well, some of it. 
"She was bad. I broke up with her that night." 
"That's not the point. Even in doing that, you didn't apologize, but you did already decide on how you were going to keep treating me." 
Harry has no right answer because he was wrong. He messed up. "I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry, and I'm sorry my apology is so late, but you do deserve it. No one should ever put up with someone else's crap, Luna." 
"Thank you, I appreciate that."
"Honestly, I feel terrible. I think I did it because you didn't treat me like the others and-" Harry stops. 
"Yet you never questioned why. You just acted, and well, I reacted." 
Harry sighs, upset that they could have been friends by now, heck even something more maybe. 
"Wait, Harry." 
"Yes, Luna." 
"What was your' and'?" She stands up, not sure what it could be. 
"Uh, I was going to have a conversation with you to see why you never talked to me and had worked up the courage to also ask you on a date, but I heard you were dating Calvin, so I sort of got jealous and well, yeah." 
"We went on one date." She emphasizes. "No sparks. Who even told you?" 
"Makes sense; she was jealous that Calvin asked me out. Seeing as he never once flirted with her. We're civil, but deep down, she doesn't like me." Luna isn't sure what went wrong with that friendship. 
They both let out deep breaths, thankful to have everything out in the open now, nothing hidden. A step forward. 
"I'm not that person," Harry tells her, needing her to know.
She smiles at him. "I know. You proved that today." 
"I hope I haven't offended you with my remarks." His smile was sheepish. 
"You haven't." 
"Luna," Harry chastises. 
"Okay, you have, but we can move past because it turns out you're actually really nice." She lowers her voice to a whisper. "And cause you like me." 
Harry blushes, his cheeks now a rosy red and not from the cold weather. "I plead the fifth." 
"Harry," She teases. 
"Lips sealed."
"Doesn't work if you confessed earlier." She reminds him.
Harry chooses to ignore her. Letting her words fall silent on him. "I know we have to get going, but can I do one thing before we do."
Luna nods, not sure what he wants to do. Harry takes a step forward until he is standing right in front of her. He pulls her in for a hug, his arms around her waist. She slowly raises her hands, being as gentle as she can about it. Their height difference makes her smile; her head reaches just under his chin. She hated it before, but now, in his arms, it's actually quite lovely. He's warm and not as firm as she thought he would be; it's like she's hugging a big teddy bear. 
Harry leans back, looking down at her, a shy smile on her face. His eyes flicker to her lips and back to her eyes, leaning in for a moment before stepping back. He clears his throat. "To the lake, Buttercup."
There's no fear as she walks to the bridge where the clue should be. It's dark, not much light guiding them besides the moon. Harry wanted to turn on his flashlight, but Luna knows it's best not to disturb their eyes with such a harsh light. 
Luna knows this path like the back of her hand. She comes here every morning, sometimes before sunrise, either for a run or walk but in the summertime, she'll even go in for a swim. The lake is well cared for by the community. There is just one house in the back of the property, and the old couple living there love the visitors. They teamed up with the university to set up students to be tour guides, and it's an excellent part-time job. There's a lot of good here. 
She's sure the clue is on the bridge because one time, Caleb got Luna so mad that she shoved him in. She can't even remember why she was angry, but Caleb surely does. She would bet her life on it. 
It's a wooden bridge, a bit old as it creaks under each step taken. It's low, as it sits on the side of the lake, four feet deep at most. She takes a lookout at the lake, the water showing a beautiful reflection of the bright full moon above their heads. 
Luna picks the paper taking a step closer to Harry so that they can read it together. 
"I was the embodiment of every writer's worst fear: A cliche."
"That's a book quote." Luna recognizes it, but not a single book comes to mind. "Let's head to the bookstore. It's fifteen minutes from here, but we can make it in ten." 
Harry lets her lead. They know time is counting down, not once having stopped to look at the time. Harry feels they might be falling behind with all the stops in between the clues, but he knows better than voice out his worries. 
"Do you recognize the quote?" Luna asks Harry to hand it over to him." 
Harry reads it over twice. "No." 
"I know it, but I can't figure out where. I've read one too many books." She crosses her arms across her chest in frustration. 
"Maybe it's one that you've read to him," Harry suggests. 
Luna looks up at him as if he just hung up all the stars in her name. "You're right. He set this all up." 
It's one she begged him not to make her read, but he gave her an offer she couldn't resist.
Luna picks up her pace; she's close to running but stops herself from doing so. 
"Wait up, it isn't going to run away." Harry huffs out. He thought he was in shape, but tonight has proved him wrong. It could also very well be the boots. 
"Farm Boy, put those legs to work!" She shouts, not at all looking back at him. She didn't have time for that. 
"I'm tired," Harry groans. "We've walked a lot.” 
"Please, we'll get something to eat after we win." She throws him a smile over her shoulder, and Harry happily returns it. 
"Deal." Luna is surprised at how quick he was to recover now next to her. She would have thought he was okay if it weren't for the deep breaths he was taking. "It can be our first date." 
Luna falters in her step. She recovers just as quickly, hoping Harry did not notice. It seems like he didn't. "Great joke, get serious." It's weird; she's feeling butterflies in her stomach at the prospect of what could be with Harry, a date. It doesn't sound so bad, but it's not her focus. 
Luna misses Harry frowning. He was serious, but he also understands they just came to a truce of sorts less than an hour ago. 
Walking into Read to Dream, the first thing Luna does is scan the clock. There are forty-five minutes until midnight. That is plenty of time to reach the last destination after retrieving the final clue. 
The bookstore is a family-owned place. Mrs. Bennet, the owner, will be sure to pass it down to one of her grandchildren. Seeing as her children didn't take an interest, but dear Clara has. Clara is Mason's younger sister. She recently turned seventeen, meaning she's now allowed to close shop independently, seeing as her grandmother lives right above. 
The bookstore is what everyone likes to call an organized mess. There are many books on shelves in their respected genre and ordered alphabetically. Still, there are also books on chairs that no one ever seems to touch, the books on top of the bookcases that don't fit, and the books in the back that are stacked in rows in a rainbow color because they don't have a specific genre. Luna spent many summer days here, this was her first job at fifteen, wanting to have more liberty and Mrs. Bennet was kind enough to hire her on. From time to time, she comes in to have tea with her or even volunteer her time around. It's one of her happiest places. 
"Hello, tootsie!" Luna bounces over to Clara going around the counter to give her a hug. 
"Lunes, it's great to see you. You look gorgeous. Red is definitely your color." Clara gushes. 
"Thank you, I'd love to chat more, but I'm on the hunt for a book." Luna turns to scan the store as if it would stand out to her.
Clara nods. "That I can help with.”
"Gone Girl"
"Three aisles down, second row." 
Luna quickly thanks her, and Harry follows after her. Harry's stuck on the fact that she seems to know everyone they encounter. He's never seen a person as social and kind as her. 
"You read Gone Girl aloud to him." Harry finally processes the information that was given a few minutes prior. 
"He paid me to." Luna defends.
"How much?" 
"In lunch for an entire semester." Luna finds the book and begins to flip through it knowing it must be stuck in there. 
"Got it!" Luna cheers. She pulls it out and hands it to Harry. He opens it, and that's when her eyes catch sight of the second piece of paper. This one is pale yellow, meaning it's not a clue and specifically for her. Luna slips it under her sleeve, careful not to have it fall out. 
Evil lurks at midnight. I invite you to join me when they begin to rise.
The cemetery. A chilling place to end the night, but a perfect place to be crowned winners. 
"It's a twenty-minute walk from here," Luna informs Harry, putting the book away and heading to the front. 
"I've never been to the cemetery." Harry decides to tell her. 
"It's not as creepy looking as you would think." 
"Don't believe you," He mutters. 
They say goodbye to Clara and begin the walk to the final spot of the night. 
"Ready to win?" She smiles up at Harry, buzzing with adrenaline, knowing how close they are. 
"Yeah, I am." 
As much as Luna wants to run to the cemetery, she wants to enjoy the last alone time she will have with Harry. She knows they are going to be friends after this. She lets herself fall behind a few steps and pulls out the slip of paper. She unfolds it, and it reads, "You can thank me by making me the man of honor." She blushes, but Caleb might be right, and she honestly hopes he might be. Luna can deny how she feels all she wants, but tonight proved something there, something he saw long before she did. 
Something that had been hiding there for quite some time.  
This could very well be the night that changed it all, the story they tell their grandchildren. That stops her letting out a gasp loud enough to grab Harry's attention. A few hours ago, she couldn't stand him and now is thinking about a future with him, and all Luna wants to know is how she let these feelings grow without really noticing. 
"You alright, Luna?" Harry looks concerned. 
No future talk, not now, at least. First, they will win, and then they both can go from there. 
"Luna, love. Times ticking." Harry teases. 
Luna starts forward once more, not having noticed how close they actually are from the entrance. She passes Harry and is now running. "Pick up the pace, Farm Boy." She's gaining lots of distance from him. 
"You can't beat me, Buttercup," Harry says, beginning to catch up, now right behind her. 
Luna lets out a loud laugh causing her to slow down. "We're on the same team, Westley." 
Harry laughs, pulling ahead, but grabbing her arm, making her run even faster. They turn the corner, and that's when she sees Caleb's car and knows the entrance is right ahead where he has to be waiting. 
Caleb is leaning against the rusted golden fence. Evergreen Cemetery, the name on the arch staring down at them. Caleb raises his head, looking away from his phone as he hears footsteps hitting the pavement. 
"Inconceivable!" Caleb shouts as Harry and Luna stand in front of him, out of breath but smiling. "You have arrived with ten minutes to spare, but I hate to inform you-" Luna's smile drops, and Harry can only frown, a profound bit of sadness forming in his stomach.
Caleb bends over, laughing. He wishes he could have recorded that. "I'm only playing. Of course, you won." 
Luna punches his shoulder. "Jerk." 
"Hey, be nice," Caleb backs away, his hands up in defense. "Winners aren't mean." 
"They are if it's to their best friend." Harry laughs, knowing Caleb deserves the well-given punch he received. 
"Honestly, I wasn't too sure you'd win, considering you two aren't- or weren't the best of buddies." Caleb nods his head to their connected pinkies. Harry blushes but makes no move to pull away. Luna tries, but Harry tightens his hold, and well who is she to fight him. 
"Look who's here," Caleb says, looking over their shoulder. 
It's Mitch and Ollie rushing over, a frown on both their faces as Luna and Harry step to the side so Caleb can adequately thank them for being the first losers. 
Mitch scoffs, a smirk forming on his face. "No surprise, they won. Harry would do anything to see Luna smile."
Harry's cheek goes red, but Luna carries on her conversation with Caleb feigning as if she didn't hear a word Mitch said. 
As time clicks closer to midnight, the teams begin to trickle in. Daniel and Calvin come in with five minutes to spare. Mason and Charlotte right on their heels, and at 11:59, barely making it on time are Justine and Abby. There were many mixed emotions as they found out Luna and Harry were the winners. A few eye rolls (Abby) and lots of cheers. 
Caleb has quieted everyone down, as it is now time to crown the winners, and Luna is buzzing with excitement. She might not have won with Caleb by her side, but Harry was just as great as Caleb, if not better. 
"I am proud to crown Luna and Harry, the winners of the Halloween Scavenger Hunt 2020," Caleb yells, having everyone break out into collective cheers. Luna blows kisses to her group of friends, a large smile on her face. 
Charlotte steps forwards and places a jeweled crown on her head. Luna thanks her softly and watches as she does the same to Harry. He bends down so that Charlotte doesn't need to reach up to place it on him. He has a broad smile on his face, he glances at Luna, causing her to go a deep red, but all he does is give her a cheeky wink. Caleb hands over two yellow envelopes, Winner, written on the front, and in each is the $250 prize money. 
It's $500 total, but it's split because of groups. She's not sure who decided everyone put in $50 to get a nice prize out of it instead of just bragging rights, but Luna was thankful for whoever did.
"Speech, please," Caleb says, backing away to stand with the others.  
Harry nods at her asking if she'd like to go first, but she shakes her head no. He clears his throat and puts on a charming smile, always quick to dazzle a crowd. "This year, I was not expecting to partner up with the best at the game, but I am glad she drew out my name. Luck was honestly on my side." He turns his head to find Luna already staring at him. "I can happily say that I'd do it all over again with Luna by my side." Shoots her a smile before locking eyes with their friends. "As now reigning three-time champion, I'm proud to have been at her side. Her brains and my looks won us this hunt." He fakes a hair flip causing Luna and Caleb to let out a giggle simultaneously. She nudges him gently, shaking her head at his antics. 
Harry smiles at her waiting for her to now start hers. She blushes under his intense gaze wishing he'd direct it elsewhere. 
Luna knows they are waiting for her to share, but she's stuck in a trance staring into Harry's emerald eyes. She thinks back to the evening's start in Mitch's living room and the promise she made to Harry if they won. 
Without thinking twice, she steps close to Harry, closing the small distance between them. Luna brings up her right hand to gently cradle his cheek and as for permission. He gives her the slightest nod, and in the next second, her lips are on his. Harry reacts quickly, wrapping his arms around her waist, needing her close, not all believing it's actually happening. 
Harry's lips are soft, his mouth tasting like cherry from the gummies they bought earlier in the night. The butterflies in her stomach are going crazy, trying to find an escape. Harry lets out a small moan. That's when she knows it's time to pull away. Luna rests her hands on his chest, feeling how fast his heart is reacting to the kiss. 
Luna turns to face her friends,  not caring how they were all witnesses to their first kiss. "I told Harry if we won that I'd kiss him, and well, I'm not one to go back on my word." 
Caleb cheers and starts to clap, not at all trying to hide his excitement. Everyone else joins in the hollers, only getting louder, causing Luna to drop her head to rest on Harry's chest as she takes in her friend's excitement, knowing the teasing will soon be next. Harry has not removed his hands from her waist, liking how close she is. Luna doesn't mind it either. It feels quite nice.  
"Alright, let's head to the diner where we'll buy the winner's food." Caleb begins ushering everyone to the cars. He got Amy's help bringing over Mitch and Charlotte's car which is how they will be leaving, finally the end to all the walking.
Luna and Harry are still wrapped in each other's arms, not at all ready to move. Caleb is waiting for them at the small cobblestone entrance.
"We'll meet you there." Luna knows they have no transportation, the diner being close to their apartment that is a good two miles away. 
Caleb nods, stepping closer to toss his keys to her. She catches them with ease. "I'll be riding with Mitch." 
They watch the two cars drive away before turning her attention back to Harry. 
"What a night." 
She nods in agreement, happy that the hunting is over and can now relax. 
"Favorite part?" Harry asks.
She thinks it over for a second before responding, "The haunted house."
"Really." Her answer really surprises Harry, and he doesn't try to hide it. 
Luna shrugs. "Think that's what broke the tension between us; otherwise, we'd still be bickering." Getting locked in a room was not fun, but Harry coming to look for her and help her showed her a side she hadn't seen before. It was worth it, but would most definitely not do it again. "And yours?" 
He leans down to whisper in her ear. "When you kissed me." 
Luna nods, "That was a nice moment, huh." 
"Care to do it again?" 
"Only," Luna pauses before leaning close to Harry. She feels his breath against hers, mixing together. "If you would agree to dress up with me next year." 
"Done deal." Harry answers. His lips are on hers once more. Harry has a hand on her cheek, deepening the kiss, not ever wanting to pull away. "We could be Noah and Allie from The Notebook."
Luna breaks the kiss. "Gross, please take that back." 
"What's wrong? It's my favorite movie." 
"Why?" Luna asks in disgust. "Allie cheats on her fiancé. Sure, they have true love, but cheating should never be condoned, especially in a love story. Sure the book showed their growth and maturity, but you're not talking about the book. I shall not do it, not ever." 
"Guess you just won our first fight, Buttercup." Harry smiles. 
"First? We've had over five hundred!" Luna tells him. "Now, kiss me again because I won." 
"If we're kissing after each fight, then I owe you over five hundred." Luna shuts Harry up by connecting their lips. She knows kissing Harry will never get old, neither will these pointless arguments that will be forgotten seconds later. 
"Enough of giving these dead people a show. Let's go eat." 
"As you wish." 
Luna gasps, pressing her right hand against her heart dramatically. "Are you saying you love me?" She clears her throat, scrunching up her face in apology. "This might be a little awkward then." She points between them both. 
Harry stops walking, throwing his head back, letting out a loud groan of frustration. "You're a pain in my ass." 
Luna giggles. "Would you want it any other way?"
Harry grins, looking down at her soft brown eyes. "No." He responds honestly.  
Pinkies linked together, bumping into each other randomly to see who stumbles the most, Luna and Harry walk out of the cemetery forever thankful for this Halloween night. 
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I love you! 
Thank you for reading, come chat the hunt with me
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
Pseudo Princess Pt.30
A Time to Fight
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader         Word Count: 5,757
Warnings: Language, intense feelings of trepidation and anxiety?
A/N: Plot heavy! I mean, if you consider battles a plot. Which I guess it is. Some fluff too. Not much. Lots of love though. Always love. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work!
Please DO NOT repost my stories. Reblogs are welcome!
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The room is quiet save for the fire, burning in its hearth. It crackles and cricks as the wood becomes splintered and charred. Tony’s large council chamber is bathed in warmth, and yet the cold outside seems to press on the castle, crushing its occupants with despair.
A new flurry of snow falls, seen through the large arched windows. All of them are shut tight, an attempt to battle the frigid air.
Sam, Clint, Natasha, Tony, Thor, and Bruce sit. T’Challa stands nearby staring out at the guard below as it patrols the blanketed castle grounds.
They’ve been doubled since your return at Steve’s request. Tripled at Tony’s.
T’Challa is pensive as he waits, stroking his chin slowly as his mind races—miles away.
The somber atmosphere of the room is nearly choking, and Bruce finally clears his throat.
“I’m sure he’ll be okay.” He says, nodding slowly and looking to Nat who sits beside him.
He reaches out and places a hand over hers, offering warmth and reassurance.
“He’s strong, Nat.” Bruce assures her.
Nat nearly pulls her hand away, but she resists and looks to Bruce, searching his expression for the sarcasm of his reassurance.
She doesn’t find any because he is genuine in his care.
With a sigh she turns her hand over and holds his in return, squeezing it in appreciation.
“Can she help him, T’Challa?” Thor’s voice wonders, his body angled towards the silent king.
T’Challa turns, still deep in thought to look at the thunder God. He seems to realize what he asked because he drops his stroking hand to cross his chest with the other and nods.
“If anyone can figure out what is wrong with the White Wolf, it will be Shuri.” He assures the room.
“Why do you call him the White Wolf?” Clint wonders, shifting forward in his seat to rest his elbows on the table, hands clasped loosely in front of him.
T’Challa opens his mouth to speak, but Sam beats him to it. “Bucky stayed in Wakanda for a few months while he learned to get used to his new arm. He helped them with a few troubles they had while he was there. Helped them fight. They gave him the name because he was the only white man within their ranks.”
T’Challa nods, dropping his arms to rest his hands at his front.
“Correct?” Sam asks, looking at the king.
“Yes.” T’Challa agrees. “He was of great service to my kingdom. The people gave him the name. It is a symbol of honor.”
Clint looks mildly impressed, turning his gaze on Natasha who looks a little worried still.
“Sounds to me like he’s a tough man to keep down.” Clint says for her benefit.
Natasha is mildly comforted by his words, but she will feel so much better when Steve and Shuri come back.
“They’re taking their sweet time.” Tony complains, bitter that he wasn’t invited but with Shuri…well, he isn’t going to fight her on anything she needs. Even if what she needs is his absence.
“What about her Majesty?” Clint asks, worried by the state at which they’d brought you home.
Thor’s own face falls, his brow furrows as he remembers the nearly emaciated state, you’d been in. Perhaps that is an exaggeration on his part, but you’d lost too much weight for his liking. You’d look so tired and worn.
Having fainted on the way back, Steve had carried you in. Cradled lovingly against his chest but clearly limp and unresponsive.
Nat clears her throat, licking her dry pink lips as her mind is thankfully distracted—if only to be replaced with a different kind of worry.
“She’s getting better. I think it was the fright of everything that happened more than any real physical ailment that brought her to such sleep.” Nat nods, then coughs a bit as her throat goes raw, her mouth dry.
Quickly the men move, but it’s Tony who reaches the water first. He takes the pitcher as the others sit back down and pours her a glass of wine.
“Here, drink.” He orders, and he makes it clear that it’s not a request.
Nat takes the goblet and takes a sip.
“Has she woken up at all?” Bruce wonders.
“She was awake last night.” Thor sighs, leaning back. He raps the fingers of the arm he holds extended across the table, nervous energy seeping out.
“How did she seem?” Clint asks, his regret at not having met you sooner evident.
Everything he’d seen of you and heard of you from Nat and the others painted such a lovely picture. A woman without fear but with a humble outlook on life. A desire to be helpful with an iron sense of duty. Courage but not of any kind he’d ever seen before.
You aren’t a fighter or someone with great power in strength. Your own comes from somewhere deep within you. You draw from the struggles that you have suffered, or so Nat had explained.
Clint would very much like to meet you properly.
“She was tired.” Thor tells him, “But in good spirits. Worried for Barnes. Worried for Steve and the distress that Barnes’s condition gives him. But I made her laugh…so…”
As if that is enough to say you’re alright.
Nat’s face relaxes into an easy smile.
“Did you, really?” She asks Thor, almost desperate.
“Why haven’t you gone to see her?” Thor asks, his frown back in place.
Nat’s own smile fades. “I-”
But her words are silenced as the heavy birch doors of the room are pushed open by a pair of guards. Steve moves in, Shuri beside him, both immersed in deep conversation.
Their hushed voices draw everyone up in their seats, alert and curious. Natasha stands up, her hand falling out of Bruce’s gentle hold as she rests the tips of her fingers against the solid grain of the table.
Steve and Shuri come to a stop, their eyes moving to those waiting.
“Well?” Tony asks, only slightly less impatient than Natasha but with less ability to keep it within.
Steve turns to him and then hesitates, looking to Shuri.
Shuri nods, “I’m afraid that the White Wolf has been brainwashed.”
The term is strange to Tony and the others. All except for Natasha, whose face goes ghostly white.
“Brainwashed?” Clint repeats.
T’Challa, who is the only other who seems to recognize the term, steps forward.
“Are you sure, sister?” He checks, eyebrows slanted deeply.
Thor looks as confused as the others, but the wheels in his brain seem to be working fast.
“Do you mean to say that someone has taken his mind and altered it in some way?” Thor asks, looking as if he knows what they mean though he doesn’t recognize the word.
“That is exactly what I mean, Your Majesty.” Shuri nods.
“We have a different term for it, but I know what it is you speak of.” Thor says. “And it was not done by magic?”
Shuri shakes her head. “No.”
Steve sighs, placing his hands on his hips he meets Natasha’s eyes and holds them, a look of agony in each of their faces.
“He was tortured.” Nat says her voice even and unforgiving of the word she uses.
Though her eyes mist over, she doesn’t allow the rest of her to betray any sign of despair. Quickly she shuts her eyes, squeezing the tears away before she opens them once again to focus on Steve and Shuri.
“Can you help him?”
Shuri focuses on Natasha, and for too long a moment, she’s silent.
Natasha has the urge to shake her, however unladylike it may seem. Her own impatience rearing its head for attention.
“I can.” Shuri nods, her expression softening. “I will. But we will have to move him down to Tony’s laboratory.”
Nat feels her stomach unknot, then flutter nervously at the thought of not having Bucky in her rooms.
“Whatever you need.” Nat nods. Heart in her throat.
“What can we do?” Thor asks, sitting up and leaning forward to look at Steve.
“Stay close. Something tells me that things aren’t over.” Steve admits, looking somber.
He’s preoccupied of course, with you and with the baby. With Bucky and with Hydra. With his kingdom and the state it is in under Lord Coulson’s care. Though it should be fine, Hydra makes him worry for his people.
“Have you heard something?” Sam asks him, leaning forward in his seat.
“No.” Steve shakes his head. “No, I’ve not heard anything more than what we know. You say that the guard are looking for Pierce?”
He turns to Tony who stands up and wipes at his beard, tracing his chin from side to side. “Yes. Both here and in Broklin. I’ve sent the Lady Hill to help there while you and Y/N are here.”
Steve nods. “Thank you.”
It really does seem as if his mind is set at ease.
“He’s out there. I will not rest until he’s caught. This is a threat that’s loomed over my head long enough. And after what he’s done, so openly…I can’t stand by anymore.” Steve’s blood boils at the memory of you battered and bruised on the ground, fearfully curled up as Bucky advanced.
Pierce did that and it was he that would pay the price of your fear and hurt.
“I will help you. For Y/N. And for every other innocent life lost.” Thor declares, standing. He holds out his hand and his hammer flies towards him with a resound whoosh.
He catches it and shakes it once, slapping it to the palm of his hand before he’s joined by Clint, then Sam, and Bruce.
Tony sighs, leaning both hands on the table as he looks around at them all standing with their shoulders back, chins held high, resolute expressions, and passion within their eyes. All of them area ready to die for not only you, but the safety of the kingdoms.
T’Challa steps forward, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves before pulling down on his unique silk tunic. His arms fall to his sides and he nods.
“I will also fight.” He declares, and Shuri smiles, looking around at all of them in their intimidating splendor.
“And I will do what I can, while also helping the White Wolf.” She nods once.
Steve’s gratitude spills from his face. Soft smile, taut chin, and eyes full of trust.
“You all must have really missed this damn team.” Tony snarks.
No one denies it. There’s a knock on the door.
As the other gather at the far end of the table to discuss where they may go to begin their searches for Pierce and Hydra, Tony moves to answer the door.
“Steve.” He calls, voice tight but controlled.
The sound of his upset prompts Steve to respond quickly. He moves towards the door where Tony stands with his hand on the door as if to block someone from entering. He drops it as Steve reaches him and the sight of Sharon enlightens Steve as to Tony’s displeasure.
“Sharon,” Steve begins, taking a deep breath before he grazes Tony’s shoulder with his hand to tell him that he can go.
Tony stays for a moment, almost stubbornly as if he is going to refuse to move. Sharon bites her lip, her long and golden cascading waves frame her pretty face, as she awkwardly stands before them both feeling scrutinized and unwanted.
With a sigh, Tony gives Steve a pointed look. “I’m watching you.” Then moves towards the team.
Steve drops his head, knowing he’s earned to be chastised, and nods.
“I don’t think he likes me.” Sharon whispers sheepishly and Steve can see what you meant.
There seems to be no guilt in her mind about what she did.
“He has every right to hate you, Sharon. You snuck into the bed of his daughter’s husband. You drove a rift between us, however short lived it might have been. Both you and I hurt her, and Tony will never forgive us for it. Neither will I.” Steve is ruthless with his words, unhappy with Sharon’s lack of care for you.
He turns and moves away from her, his hands held behind his back as he stops by one of the large windows to observe the horizon.
He can hear Sharon follow, but doesn’t turn to look at her, preferring to keep a new boundary set.
“I didn’t mean to harm you.” She says, and Steve can hear that it is truth. She hadn’t meant to harm him. But for you…
“But you did. She’s my wife, Sharon.” Steve says sternly, but quietly so that the others in the room can’t overhear.
“I know.” She nods. “I understand.”
“But do you respect it?” He asks, turning to look at her. “She knows that you were not genuine in your apologies. That’s why she does not trust you.”
Sharon’s face turns scarlet, her ears and neck burning with her quiet rage.
“I love her, Sharon.” Steve tells her. “I tell you this not to hurt you, but because you have been my friend all my life. I would have you remain in it. You are a part of Margaret too. The three of us were family.
“But my wife…Y/N…I would like to have you be a part of this family as well. I will have a son soon.” Steve pleads, his heart breaking for the memories he would lament if he would need to cut ties with Sharon completely.
In a way, he feels like he must. Let it all go so that he might go into his future with nothing to hold him back. But it was such a large part of his life. To say goodbye to it for good would feel like a betrayal to himself and the man he grew to become.
Sharon looks down at her feet, and Steve can see the war raging in her head. Shifting her weight from foot to foot, Sharon reaches up to stroke her golden waves.
Steve recognizes the signs, the nerves get the better of her, the way her chin stiffens as she becomes defensive.
“I cannot have you here if you will not respect my marriage, Sharon.” Steve sighs again, this time in defeat.
Heart aching for the loss of the sister he’d always thought her.
“Then I will go.” She says. “I’ll send for my carriage in the morning. I’m sorry, Steve. But you’ve been mine in my head since I realized what Margaret’s death meant for you. I can’t just give up. Not for her.”
Her face contorts, a twisted look of distaste as she mentions you.
Steve’s blood boils. Frustration for her lack of consideration. For her inability to see how this hurts him. For her clear dislike of you. Other than the fact that you are his wife, she has no reason to hate you. Perhaps that is enough?
“I’m sorry you feel that way.” Steve swallows his anger. “I hope you can come to terms with my marriage someday.”
Sharon scoffs, annoyed and hurt, before giving Steve a quick curtsy then leaving the way she came.
Steve turns his gaze back to the falling snow, jaw flexing tight, arms crossed as the sun begins to set. Tony approaches and stops beside him, hands behind his back.
“How did that go?” He asks, gentler than he had been just a few minutes ago.
“She’s leaving.” Steve admits.
“I’m sorry.” Tony nods truly aggrieved for Steve’s unhappiness.
“So am I.” Steve shakes his head. “But Y/N is more important than any need to cling to my life before I met her. And she’s so kindhearted if Sharon would just give up…I know that she’d-”
“She might.” Tony smiles. “But she might not. If there’s anything that I’ve learned about my daughter since I took her in, it’s that she’s very protective of those she loves. And if these last two weeks have taught me anything, it’s that she will go to great lengths to keep you. Safe and preferably hers.”
Steve’s face relaxes, feeling a surge of gratitude for your sacrifices to heal him. The memory of everyone’s reaction to seeing you after two weeks, however, gives him anxiety. You’d lost too much weight, the vibrancy in your complexion had dimmed and your eyes had become slightly fogged.
“I should get back to her.” He states and turns to go.
“Don’t give her a hard time, Steve. The sacrifices she makes for you are not that to her. It’ll only upset her to see you vexed.” Tony reasons.
Steve stops to turn and acknowledge his words but catches Nat’s eye as he’s turning to leave once again.
She moves to him, stopping a foot away looking nervous and guilty for some reason.
“Are you going to see her Majesty?” She asks him, shifting her weight onto her left foot as she teeters anxiously. He recognizes what she’s feeling, since he’s feeling it too.
“Will you come?” He asks, and she nods eagerly.
He offers her his arm and she rushes forward to take it, wrapping her own around his elbow and allows him to pull her in close to his side.
It isn’t until they’re alone, walking along the hallway to your bedroom that Nat finds her voice again.
“Steve…” She begins, quiet.
“It’s not your fault, Nat.” He tells her, cutting her off before she can begin her spiel. “Nor mine. Nor anyone’s but Pierce.”
“But I left her alone. I swore to protect her.” She grieves.
“She wasn’t alone.” Steve shakes his head. “She was with me. And she’s here now. A little battered, but she’s fine. And the baby is fine, or so Agatha says. I don’t think I’ll be content until he’s here with us. Crying in my arms.”
The dynamic shifts and it’s Nat comforting Steve now as he stops just outside your door to let all his worry spill here where you can’t see.
“If I’d been faster, or if I’d had the sense to keep myself shielded properly then maybe I wouldn’t have been injured and she wouldn’t have had to bear so much of-”
“I thought it wasn’t either of our faults? Do you lie, my King?” Nat teases, giving him a half smile because Nat knows that it’s easier to tell others it isn’t their fault than believe it yourself.
For Steve, it must be even harder.
Steve drops his head, letting it hang as he inhales, then exhales slowly. His shoulders rise and fall, and Nat takes her arm back to give his shoulder a gentle pat.
“Can it not be my fault alone?” He asks, looking at Nat with those storm blues.
“No.” She whispers at him, shaking her head. “If we are to blame one, let us blame everyone. None of us were prepared for what would happen should one of our own turn. We had no contingencies for if and when we were to be separated. If we must blame someone, let us blame ourselves as a unit. We failed her.”
Nat swallows hard, trying to ignore the ache in her chest and the pit in her stomach.
“We failed both of them.” She whispers, voice breaking just a bit.
Steve reaches down to take her hand and she smiles at him in gratitude.
“Bucky will be alright, Nat. He’s a fighter. Always has been.” Steve promises her.
“Just as her majesty is.” Nat agrees. “Come on, let’s go in. What if she’s been waiting?”
“Agatha said she wouldn’t be up for a few days.” Steve reaches out and opens the door, watching as Peter rises on full alert.
His eyes are red and puffy, his nose raw from rubbing his snot away. The form fitting charcoal tunic and the black trousers he wears remind Steve of his own mourning garb. And with his grief-stricken expression, Steve’s mind goes into panic and he releases Nat.
Pushing forward he passes Peter quickly, eyes watering as his lip begins to shake.
“Steve?” Peter asks, confused by the rush.
Nat follows, moving just as quickly. Her heart racing with fear as she sees Peter’s inquisitive face.
Steve moves to your bed, feeling cold despite the roaring fire filling the room with heat. He drops onto the bed, seated before reaching for your hand.
With a breath of relief at the warm touch of your skin, he presses the inside of your wrist to his cheek and feels the pulse of blood through vein. He shuts his eyes, almost angry with Peter for his sobbing.
He turns to him, face contorted with annoyance. “Why were you crying when we came in?”
Peter sniffs, wipes his nose once more with the back of his hand, and then looks at the floor.
“Tell me.” Steve insists, waiting with your hand pressed to his cheek as you sleep on.
Because you’re perfect. Just as he’d left you. Sleeping soundly, still thinner than he’d like, but only just. You hadn’t been so bad after all, but out there in the midst of all the danger, you’d looked so much worse to his eyes.
Nat moves to your other side, her head cocked to the side as she takes a long look at your face. She reaches out, touching your cheek. Tracing your ear, she caresses it. She too relishes in the feeling of your warm skin.
“She’ll want a bath when she wakes.” Nat tells no one. She makes note in her mind to go out and find you some fresh peonies. She’ll pay anything to get them for you. She’ll have some new oils sent for. “I’ll have them bring her some jams. She loves her jams.”
With a sweep of her skirts, Nat is gone. Off to get you whatever you might need when you wake.
Steve watches her go, saddened by the guilt that she carries knowing that it isn’t her fault. Still, he carries that guilt himself, doubled as you are carrying his son.
Peter’s shifting from foot to foot brings his gaze back to him, and Steve renews his frown.
“I was…” Peter sniffs again and shrugs his shoulders. A nervous move that makes Steve worry. “…I should have been with her. During the procession.”
Steve doesn’t know how his heart can break anymore today. But watching his friends love you and wish they’d done more to keep you safe also fills him with such a gratitude. Only your goodness could bring about this much care.
“Peter, nothing was supposed to happen. It is not your fault that you were not beside her. I was there. And that was supposed to be enough. How could we have known that Pierce would use someone we trusted against us?” Steve gets up and moves to stand before Peter, his hand finding his shoulder to hold and give him a small shake.
“So, it was Pierce? He was behind the attack?” Peter’s normally pleasant face contorts with passing rage. His red rimmed eyes give you a glance.
“Her Majesty says that she saw Pierce speaking to Bucky before the procession began and then disappeared a moment later. For now, until he wakes up to confirm, it’s all we have to go on. But Pierce is the head of Hydra. Rumlow was among those fighting against us in the procession and he’s Pierce’s right hand. He would not have done anything without his command.
“And it was Hydra who’d had the opportunity to plant something in Bucky’s mind.” Steve explains.
“What? Do you mean like, mind conditioning? Brainwashing?” Peter asks, brow furrowed as he thinks quickly and tries to put all the pieces together.
“You’ve heard the term?” Steve asks, head tilting to the side lightly.
“In my studies. Before you allowed me to be a part of the team, King Stark had me read up on all the sciences and strange incidents that have plagued the world. The practice of brainwashing was mentioned a few times. Never in great detail, but it’s there.” Peter sighs, shaking his head as he attempts to understand what it must feel like to be taken over.
“Poor Bucky.” Peter’s sorrow is kind and Steve appreciates his compassion. “I’ll never leave her again.”
Peter turns a deeply resolute frown to Steve, and it melts a bit of Steve’s anxiety to think that Peter is so willing to throw himself into protecting you.
“As much as I’d love for you to be at her side always, I do need you out with the others for the time being.”
“Why? What has happened?”
“Nothing.” Steve shakes his head, turning to move back to your side.
He sits beside you, taking your hand again to stroke your fingers.
“That is, nothing new. Pierce has showed his hand and our priority is to find him. I’m expecting a letter from Lord Coulson tomorrow to see if Pierce has responded to his summons. I don’t think he will, but we had to try.
“And until Pierce is found, Y/N and my child will never truly be safe. If we can catch him quickly, then we can ensure her safety more quickly.” Steve meets Peter’s determined gaze and watches as Peter moves to quickly caress your free hand.
“I’ll leave now.” He says and turns to leave.
“Wait, Peter.” Steve rises, looking to you before leading Peter out into the hallway.
“What is it, your Majesty?”
“Can you wait until tomorrow morning?” Steve begins, looking a little shy or nervous? “I’ve…her Majesty is not fond of the Lady Carter being here. I’ve asked her to go home.”
Peter’s shoulders relax and he even smiles a little. “It’s honorable for you to stand by your wife despite the relationship that you have shared with Lady Carter in the past.”
Steve groans. “I don’t feel honorable. I feel like a fool. I don’t want to hurt Sharon, but I will not hurt Y/N. After everything I’ve done to her already, she deserves to be first in my life.
“And if Sharon would simply abandon her desires then it would be easier to keep them both in my life but—well, it doesn’t matter. I’d like Sharon to have some protection on her way home. I don’t want her doing anything reckless and I can’t take any chances with Pierce.
“He knows who is important to me and with Y/N out of reach, he might try his hand at someone a little more accessible.”
Peter’s nod is slow, thinking through something before he agrees. “Very well. I will do as you ask. I shall stay here the night.”
“No.” Steve interrupts. “No, Peter. Get some rest. You’ve been searching for us for two weeks straight and have hardly gotten any sleep since we’ve been back. Go get some sleep. I’ll be here and I’m sure Natasha will be back soon. Bucky will be with Shuri in Tony’s dungeons so…she can’t be with him.”
Peter looks reluctant but as it is his king’s orders, he nods. “As you wish, your Majesty. Good night. If you need anything, please call for me.”
“Of course.” Steve nods, a soft smile offered at the young man before he sends him off with a push to his shoulders.
Steve waits until Peter is out of sight before he goes back into the room. He shuts the doors securely then makes his way back to your bedside. He places one hand on your belly, stroking it gently as his child moves within.
Your face is unmoving, fast asleep. Induced by Agatha and her herbs. You’d needed the rest.
“I’m sorry, my flower.” Steve whispers, feeling cursed that he seems to only be a cause of distress for you.
“Sorry for what?” Agatha asks, voice creaky with age as she moves to the other side of the bed. “About time that boy left. He’s been on edge since you two went missing.”
“Will you be staying in here with her?” Steve asks, curious of the old woman as she places a small pouch on the bed beside you and pulls from it a few vials of different colored liquids.
She removes the stopper and pulls out a small glass tube which she then holds over your lips.
“Open her mouth, if you will, your Majesty.” She orders.
Steve gets to his feet and leans over you, pulling your chin down carefully until your lips are parted.
Agatha drops two drops of the first liquid into your mouth, then three of the second. Two of the third. One of the fourth.
“What are you giving her?” Steve wonders.
“Tonics.” Agatha says simply. “To help her heal faster. She’s been overstressed. That’s why she has lost weight.”
“She deserves better.” Steve laments.
“Oh?” Agatha laughs amused by his words for some reason. “And are you the one to decide what it is she deserves?”
Steve doesn’t understand her strange moods and simply looks at your pretty face, wishing he could cradle it close. Only that would fill the hole in his chest. He doesn’t like you unconscious like this. You don’t look like you’re sleeping. You look ill.
“Why did you marry her then?” Agatha continues to chuckle as she checks spots along your arm where some of your bruising seems to have gotten a little worse.
“I had to save my Kingdom.” Steve shakes his head. “I should have married her for love.”
“Oh, don’t be so romantic.” Agatha frowns. “You must accept your beginnings if you are to build a proper life with your wife. So, you were a bit of an asshole when you first married her? Big deal. Many husbands remain so for many years after they’ve married.
“Some begin as sweet as honey only to turn as sour as lemons after a few years. Count yourself lucky that you have learned from the mistakes you’ve made and stop trying to make up for them.” Agatha chastises.
“But I want her to know that I’m sorry.” Steve argues.
“Do you think she doesn’t know it? Have you given her any reason to think that you do not mean it?” She squints at him, urging a confession and for a fleeting moment, Steve panics as if he might really have done something and he can’t remember.
But no. Steve hasn’t done anything to risk the loss of your trust again
“N-no.” He shakes his head. “She knows I love her.”
“Then stop whining and live for your future. Stop living to make up for the past.” Agatha shoves her vials back into her small leather pouch and draws it closed before moving for the door again. “She’ll wake some time tomorrow. Naturally. No way to know when.”
“What will she need when she wakes?” Steve asks, getting up to follow the woman out.
“Oh, food. Water. A bath. Patience. She may be a little out of sorts for a few hours. Just talk to her and keep her focused on you and the child. Do not speak about what happened, or anything related to it until she is fully recovered.
“Remember, stress is her enemy right now. If you want your child to live, treat her as you would a fragile crystal goblet.” Agatha instructs.
“Thank you, Grandmother.” Steve says, using the term you do.
“Don’t thank me.” Agatha says. “Just do better.”
For a while, Steve watches you sleep. He drifts in and out of his own slumber until he decides to stand to keep awake.
Natasha finds him staring out the window as the blizzard outside begins to worsen. Dark skies absent of stars.
“I’ve got a few guards outside.” She tells Steve’s back, moving to stand beside him. “You can sleep with her. If something happens, they’ll sound the alarm. You don’t have to stay up, Steve.”
Steve doesn’t answer for a few minutes, simply looking at her to acknowledge her words before he goes back to watching the falling snow.
Natasha stands there with him in silence, waiting patiently for him to finish his thinking.
“I think we might need help this time.” Steve finally says, rewarding Nat’s patience.
“What did you have in mind? We already have the Wakandans here.”
“There’s a man in the Western kingdoms. I’m not sure where he is exactly but he was imprisoned for stealing from the rich to give to the poor.” Steve explains.
“Sounds like our type of people.” Nat agrees.
“He’s married. He and his wife have…unique abilities that might be useful for the fight to come.” Steve says. “They may be able to get to places that we simply cannot.”
“Do you really think things will get bad enough that we’ll have another battle? Like the one before the peace?” Nat wonders, emerald eyes full of worry.
“He won’t give up this time.” Steve nods. “If I didn’t have Y/N and our child I wouldn’t be as terrified as I am. I want it over. I want her safe. Both of them. Can’t you feel it? It’s like the world is holding its breath. Or maybe that’s just me?”
Nat shakes her head, wrapping her arms around herself as if the cold outside has somehow penetrated the castle walls and begun to eat at the warmth in your room.
“I feel it.” She nods. “Something’s coming. I just…How can we be ready for it? With James in the state that he’s in and her Majesty…?”
Natasha can very much understand the fear that is currently taking hold in Steve’s heart.
“I feel like we should send her away. Far away.” Steve says, but Natasha can see that he won’t.
“She wouldn’t go.” She tells him, helping him make sense of keeping you here. She knows he wouldn’t be able to stand being away from you.
Steve scoffs, his first laugh since the two of you were returned.
“No.” He agrees. “She wouldn’t. She’s so stubborn.”
Natasha smiles, her heart feeling lighter at the fondness he clearly has for you. The love that’s there. She can’t remember the last time before you that he looked so happy. Even with Margaret, something was always just a little off.
Steve’s smile slips away, deep though replacing the lighthearted expression.
“I think it’s time we reached out to Fury.”
Natasha looks for his gaze but he’s too busy watching the snow fall, his arms crossing over his chest as he resolves in this decision.
“You want me to find him.” Natasha realizes, and how can she blame him? She knew him best.
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lillywillow · 4 years
From Russia With Love
Summary: When Steve and Bucky investigate an old HYDRA base left over from World War II, they find something nobody could have ever predicted... A pilot from the legendary 588th night bomber regiment frozen in time.
 Word Count: 2117
 Square Filled: Military Base
 Pairings: Bucky x Female Reader
 Warnings: WWII warfare, slight angst
Written for @star-spangled-bingo
 Author’s Note: Although I will be using real historical people and events, some of the names and actions I will be using are fictional. The 588th night bomber regiment were an all female squadron from Russia in World War II. They were given hand-me-down men’s uniforms and poor, outdated equipment. Their planes were not designed for combat. The planes let out a whistle as it idled through the sky which the German’s thought sounded like a broomstick, giving them the nickname ‘Die Nachthexen’ or Night Witches.
 Germany, 1944. Three Polikarpov U-2 biplanes move silently through the night sky, their engines cut at the behest of the navigators. A soldier was making his rounds about the perimeter of the base when an unearthly scream pierced the air. A chill ran down his spine as he looked around. Suddenly, a shadow of a plane darkens the ground. The soldier abruptly realised what was happening.
 “Die Nachthexen!” he screamed. The base was rapidly brought to life with activity when the air raid siren wailed. Soldiers rushed to man the anti-aircraft guns as the Night Witches dropped the first bomb. Two of the planes broke formation to draw away the ground fire as the third dropped the next bomb. The last plane made a sharp turn and was able to drop the last bomb on the base. With their mission complete, the engines went back on and the planes headed home to Russia.
 Out of nowhere, a German fighter plane appeared. The biplanes were slower but their much smaller size gave them an advantage in the fact they had a tight turning ratio but for one plane, it wasn’t enough. One of the pilots cried out in pain as a bullet grazed her arm. The canvas wings of the plane were ablaze, there was no other option but to bring the plane down. The navigator held the pilot’s shoulders to steady her as they crashed into the ground.
 Dazed by the impact, the pilot held her head, feeling something wet and warm drip down her face. She turned behind her to check on her navigator whose head was slumped to her chest. She reached for her hand.
 “Yelena... I’m sorry...” Black spots swam in her vision before the darkness took over.
Germany, present day. Steve and Bucky were called on a mission to investigate what was possibly a HYDRA base left over from WWII. On their way in, they noticed the remains of a downed plane a few miles out from the base that nature had taken over in the course of sixty years give or take. On the surface, it had the hell bombed out of it. Steve managed to find a charred door in amongst the wreckage and went in, Bucky following behind. Underground was a rabbit warren of rooms and passageways, their secrets lost to time, waiting to be uncovered.
 “We should split up,” Steve said, getting out his flashlight. Bucky nodded and got out his own. The duo headed in, checking each and every room for anything that might be of HYDRA origin.
 This place gave Bucky the creeps and bad memories began to invade his mind; memories of when he lost his identity of Sergeant James Buchannan Barnes and given the new one of The Winter Soldier. Room after room they looked in until Steve found something.
 “Buck, you gotta see this...” Bucky made his way to where Steve called him to and whatever he was expecting, this was not it. The room was still lit with sickening fluorescent lights. In the back corner, there were two pods. One was empty, whatever test subject it held was long gone. The other had a woman still cryogenically frozen inside. Bucky placed his right hand on the glass.
 “She’s just like me...”
 “Think you can make sense of these?” Steve asked, holding up a dusty file written in German. Bucky picked them up and read through the notes. It stated the woman’s name and why she was there. There was also information on a second woman, presumably whoever was in the second pod. Apparently, they were going to be used for a programme akin to the Winter Soldiers or the Red Room but the project had been scrapped and only one of the subjects was moved.
 “I’m going to let Fury know what we’ve found.” Steve headed out to make the call but Bucky stayed behind. He couldn’t leave this woman all alone now that he knew she was there.
 Feeling a pounding in your head, you opened your eyes. Slowly, you sat up, looking around. You appeared to be back in your base. Funny... you didn’t remember making it back. The last thing you remembered was crashing after completing a mission. Was a rescue sent out and that’s how you got here? You spotted another woman in one of the other beds. Steadily, you got up and went over to her.
 “Come on, Yelena. We’ve got another mission,” you said, shaking her shoulder. As she sat up, you immediately noticed that this was not your navigator.
 “You’re not Yelena...”
 “No, I’m a new recruit. My name is Natalia Romanova,” she replied in Russian.
 “Well I hope you’re a quick study, Natalia. Major Bershanskaya will not make things easy for you. Now get ready. Training for you starts now.”
 As you got dressed, something struck you as very odd. Your uniform fitted perfectly like it was tailored for you and your boots weren’t oversized. It set off alarm bells in your head but you didn’t want to frighten the new girl. As you headed out, you saw an officer standing and waiting for you.
 “Who are you?” you asked, confused as to why this man would be here, especially one who looked so high up in command. Something else that you noticed was that there were planes around the base.
 “I’m your new commanding officer...” That did it. There was no way your commander would leave her girls. You managed to snatch his sidearm but even faster, Natalia had you in a headlock, one hand holding the wrist you held the gun.
 “Who are you?! Where am I?! What have you done with Yelena?! Where is my navigator?!” The pair exchanged a look and conversed in English, something you didn’t understand.
 “I can explain everything... just give me the gun,” the man prompted. Slowly, you handed him the sidearm which he put away and Natalia let go of you.
 “You have been asleep for over sixty years...”
 “What?! How?! We... we were just there... and... Yelena! Where is she? Is she okay? Is she safe?” The pair exchanged another look.
 “You were the only one we found in the base...” You broke down sobbing and straight away the man held you up as you trembled. He rubbed your back and stroked your hair which you found strangely comforting. How could you have been asleep for sixty years? It was only hours ago you were flying to drop bombs on German bases.
 A few hours later, you were sitting by the window of the room which had been set up for you thinking over all the new information which had been given to you. They had given you new clothes but the only ones who spoke your language were the ones you met at the fake base camp. Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
 “May I come in?” A male’s voice asked.
 “Yes...” The man who you came to learn was named Bucky walked in with a plate of food.
 “I thought you might like something to eat...”
 “I’m not hungry...”
 “I know what you’re going through but you still need to eat...”
 “How could you possibly know what I’m going through?! Do you know what it’s like to be with friends one minute and find out they’re all gone?! To wake up in a strange place with strange people?! To have no idea what the hell is going on?!” He was quiet for a few moments.
“Actually... I do.” You were taken aback from his response. Bucky sat down on your bed and began telling you his life’s story.
 He told you about his best friend Steve who always used to getting in trouble. He enlisted in the American army the moment he could. His time in the Howling Commandos. About how he fell off the train and became a weapon for HYDRA for decades. As he spoke, his eyes began to ghost over, reliving the old memories that you could see were haunting him. You sat next to him and held his hand. Bucky hastily wiped his eyes.
 “What about you? Tell me your story...”
 You smiled softly. You told him about your father who died defending Osowiec Fortress and how it inspired you to fight for your country. When the call went out for women to fly bomber planes, you and your best friend Yelena Belsky both applied and got in, you as a pilot and she as a navigator. You flew many sorties together. Your commander Major Yevdokiya Bershanskaya was stern but fair with you girls but taught you everything you knew. You spoke about your last mission, the one you were on when your plane was shot down.
 Bucky listened to your every word, looking at you with total admiration. Most of the men looked at you with pity or distain. You couldn’t help but blush a little under his intense gaze.
 “I, um... I think I’ll have something to eat now,” you mumbled, taking the plate he brought with him. “Thank you...”
 “Anytime... if you ever want to talk, you can always come to me. Nat should be available too...”
 “I appreciate that.”
 To Bucky, those memories were a lifetime ago but to you, they were only like yesterday. It somehow felt good to share those stories with someone who understood what it was like to go through the same thing you were.
 The months flew by and before you knew it, a year had passed. Between Natasha and Bucky you were now fluent in English. They taught you hand to hand combat and other things you would need to join The Avengers, although, you were pretty much an ace pilot when it came to the jets. Natasha became your best friend and you frequently spoke in Russian with her. You formed a bond with Steve too once the language barrier came down, sharing war stories with each other but the person on the team you were closest to was Bucky. He taught you a lot over the months and it wasn’t long before you started dating. It was inevitable.
 One night, you were standing on the balcony, looking at the moon and thinking about that fateful night you were assigned to bomb that base all those years ago. You wondered if your friend was dead or alive. The team had told you they would help you find her, searching all HYDRA archives they came across and Bucky helped you to follow every lead. Your heart hoped for the best but you knew to expect the worst.
 “Hey, Doll.” You turned to see Bucky standing in the doorway. He walked over to you and put his arm around you, kissing your head. “What’s on your mind?”
 “Yelena... I can’t help but hope that I’ll find her one day. She was like my sister. Natasha has been wonderful, you all have but it’s hard being stuck in the past...”
 “Tell me about it,” Bucky muttered softly. “You know... it’s been just over a year now since we met...”
 “So it has,” you wistfully replied. “Time sure flies...”
 “It sure does... and I don’t want to waste any more of it.” You looked confused as Bucky pulled away from you.
 “When I was called on that mission to uncover an old HYDRA base, I never thought I would meet the love of my life. You’re one of the bravest, strongest, most incredibly women I know. Will you marry me?” Bucky got down on one knee and presented you with a beautiful ring. You couldn’t help but tear up.
 “Yes, Bucky, I will!” Bucky smiled and stood up, sliding the ring on your finger and kissing you.
 Who knew that a German base lost to time would connect two military personals so perfectly together?
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO Baekhyun: Speedpost!
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(while i've been having fun with all these drawings in my past few posts, i must admit i almost puked when i looked at this one as i was uploading today. for the sake of our eyes will nicely put a stop to this soon :,D)
Char: baek x u Genre: military baek, fluff!, needy (?) reader Description: you thought you could do just fine with baek in the military, but it seems like you actually need him a little more than you think Word Count: 1.3k Track for feels: Avril Lavigne, Wish you were here
You honestly thought you were the kind of strong and independent girlfriend. The kind that would do absolutely fine when your boyfriend enlists.
But truth be told, you barely scrape past this week, and it has only been a week since baek enlisted. Doubts, doubts. Could you even hold it together for another 2 more weeks? You remember just the day before baekhyun's enlistment, he deliberately teased you with fake sobbings,
'babe, will you cry if i'm not around? you might miss me so much it's too much for you to bear right? if you..'
you simply scoffed and cut him off
'ya, byun baekhyun, i'm afraid i would have to disappoint you. i am very much a busy and independent woman. i will do just fine with you enlisting. plus we will probably get to call once in a while, i can live with that'
you smugly folded your arms, sending an attack to his ego
In hindsight, the attack went out like a boomerang and came right back at you. You can already imagine baekhyun playfully gloating
'Strong independent woman, jagiya?'
Perhaps it might all be better if a wreck package hadn't self-invited itself to your life this week.
First of all, your boss decided it was a good idea to throw your proposal back in your face. Next, your very considerate across-the-globe client planned a conference call close to sleeping time in korea. As if it all couldn’t be worse, you overheard a juicy conversation your colleagues were having about you in the washroom.
All these just made you want to run right to baekhyun. To lie on his lap, throw punches at him and hear him flame your life perpetrators with the most nonsensical phrases.
During the day, all you looked forward to was your phonecalls with baek. But who knew even a phonecall date would be as hard to fulfil as climbing mount Everest.
Apart from the first day, every other day the past week was met full of hiccups. Either you were caught up with conference calls and work, or baek was cutting too close to lights out for a long call.
You call it baek crumbs, yes you were surviving on baek crumbs.
There was still sometime left before your phonecall date tonight. You yanked open your refrigerator in search of your alternative destress mechanism -- chocolates. You sighed at your depleting chocolate stash, physically indicating how badly you needed baek.
Back on the sofa, you swallowed down Freddo and you plugged in your earphones like an emo teen, randomly choosing a song radio to play.
As if Siri heard your inner thoughts, the radio chose to play Avril Lavinge's Wish You Were Here. Before you know it, you were a crying mess.
It's not even like you guys were breaking up, but the lyrics were literally stabbing into your heart But right now i wish you were here.... Damn, what i'd do to have you here ...
You were pathetically brawling away when baekhyun's call came in. Suppressing your heavy sobbing, you picked up the phone after a couple of rings at this untimely moment.
'Jagiya, i've 15minutes today! How have you been? You wouldn't believe what happen today! Jagi? Are you there?' His animated voice died down and he held a pause.
'Are you crying? y/n why are you crying? what happened?' you hear a hint of panic in his voice
Baekhyun was fast at catching on things, your quietness, shakey breathes and suppressed hitches were more than enough to indicate a red flag to him.
You had intended for tonight's call to be a fun and not your emotional health hotline help. Taking a deep breath, you tried to put up a front, and with your most stable voice, replied him
'ya, what crying? so what happened with you today?'
'ya, stop bullshitting me. you're crying, what's up with you?' turning all serious, he wasn't going to let you dodge this
you bit down hard on your lip, you couldn't get a syllable out of your throat, afraid the moment you did so you would break down completely.
'damn it, i would totally break the law just to bring a camera phone in so you cannot hide your face from me. tell me please?' he sounded urgent and frustrated, but gentle in asking you to tell him
'baekhyun ah, i can't do this anymore. i thought i could, but why is it so difficult' your voice cracked and you burst into hot tears
'i haa-d such a bad week and i just want..want.. to tell you about it every night. but our time together is always so short that by the time it got to my turn to tell you about my day.........the call ends. and.. and.. i don't know..... what to do about all these on my own..with--without you' you were wailing and possibly incomprehensible by now
'ya..y/n-ie, mi an hae. jeongmal mi an. i just realised i hadn't even heard about how your day went this entire week. i always got so carried away telling you about me, i wasn’t considerate enough.'
Almost running out of tears, you regain your composure quickly
‘Jagi, I’m not blaming you. Please don’t take it that way, it’s just.. I really wish you were around.’
The call suddenly went silent on the other sides, then you heard some low shouts in the background
‘Baekhyunie?’ You guess it was probably an early roll call again
A few moments later, baekhyun was back on the call.
‘Jagi, I’m sorry, I’ll probably have to go soon, the sergeant’s checking my barracks next.
Anyway, I actually had something I wanted to give you the night before I enlisted, but you insisted you were an independent and busy woman....’
His sentence was left broken with a sudden series of clattering like his phone had dropped. You heard louder shouts this time round, then a hurried whisper from Baekhyun
‘Jagi, check the right drawer under your table alright. I got to go now, mi an.’
‘Ah, okay.. saranghae’ and the call was dropped.
You know it was beyond Baekhyun’s control when he had to end the call. But it still didn’t stop you from feeling down at the abrupt goodbye.
Forcing a smile on your face for the sake of your own, you went to your table as baekhyun had told you.
Right drawer under the table?
Pulling open the drawer to find a floral patterned metallic box.
Was baek referring to this?
Popping open the metal box you gasp at the contents scattered within. With a hand over your mouth, you could feel your eyes welling up with tears again.
Chocolates. Lots of chocolates. Fanciful chocolates. Notes... byun baekhyun actually wrote notes for you?
He never once made you cards no matter how hard you ‘jaebal’ for him to. He would just say
‘Too difficult’
‘Too bothersome’
‘Suck at handicraft’
You pulled out the longest note in the entire box and couldn’t help but chuckle when you saw his scrawls
Annyeong Jagi! I bet you would choose this to read first cause it’s the longest. Did I guess it right?ㅋㅋ i wrote a letter to my beloved EXO-Ls, and I thought, how could I not leave you with one? Y/N, you see the chocolates in this box? I went to the candy store that day and picked them individually for you. Because I’m not around, I thought you might need them more. If you have a hard time when I’m away, take a chocolate and a note, enjoy them and think about me. Thank you for waiting, nae sarang, very soon I’ll be with you again. ^^
On the table, your phone vibrated and your screen lit up.
A msg from baekhyun:
Found my speedpost? Saranghae, wool ji ma(dont cry). Let’s call again tmr, goodnight!
You were smiling and crying like a fool by now. With a vision blurred by your tears, you typed a reply
Ya byun Baekhyun. Gumawo.... saranghae
Surely, you must have saved a nation your past life for you to meet byun baekhyun.
I was watching EXO arcade and this super random thought came to mind, do yall think their new album concept actually came from EXO arcade?
Like maybe they had been planning a season 2 all along and a new album. But they couldn’t think of a concept, so tada! Arcade, games! For their album concept~ Is there any talk like this circulating, hahah, hope I’m not late to the party then.
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jubberry · 3 years
oohkay let's go tua with those ship asks: fiveya, horrance and alluther.
thanks el i love you
Send me a ship and I'll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
fiveya obvs i ship this since this is 90% of my tua drawings lol
1. ill wait ill wait (to be the one) by georgiestauffenberg made me ship it cause holy fuck dude. I dont know if i ship them romantically when i saw them onscreen cause first of all, age difference is kinda weird lmao. Second, they dont rlly interact much outside literally the first couple of eps. But he was so soft for her, and i felt like they had so much unexplored history.
so i looked at fanfics cause i was wondering if ppl still ship it, then i liked the description of this one so i gave it a go.
Basically the premise is that vanya dates a much older man who seems to know a lot about her. And it was amazingly in character and just provided their characters some depth that u wouldnt find outside of a romantic relationship between them. (The implication of five pining while she doesnt know who he is, their missed chances when he time travelled, fives missed chances of living and having a 'normal' life bec of his own hubris, vanyas insecurity and being able to open up bec shes with someone whos known her since childhood). Its so sweet and thats how i was like, oh yep i can do so much more with these two, and what has kept me interested in drawing them etc.
2. My favourite things are the shippers cause i made some friends in the fandom who are super cool and supportive! I dont get super involved in fandoms and usually just watch from afar so finding people to talk to and muck around with in this tiny fandom is super cool 😭
Though thats not to say I havent come across some bad apples in this fandom and things that I dont like. I think thats the importance of carving out a place for yourself and ur friends in fandom tho.
Another thing I like about the ship itself, i just like the grumpy person whos soft for one person trope. Its so cute. I like all the little clues in canon on how their relationship as kids is quite warm, which is interesting cause five is basically the star student and he can be quite cold vs vanya who is the black sheep of the family.
I also like how five likes her powers even when she caused the apocalypse he spent the majority of his life in lol. Like its a popular hc that five is just a wife guy and i love that.
I see vanya as the type who has a lot of love to give, and she sometimes has unrealistic expectations of what her partner can give. Betrayal and lies really angers her, but also when her partner cannot meet her expectations of love she gets very upset bec its also an indication of how shes not good enough, or not loveable enough to be able to have this in the relationship (her insecurity means every failing always comes back to her, even if its out of her control).
I feel like five would be a level-headed person enough in the relationship to not be afraid to say 'vanya ur being stupid' (ie. the s2 confrontation lmao). Also, five's personality means she will never have to doubt his actions bec she knows hes the type who will not give u the moment of the day if hes not interested.
Not to mention they also have the whole apocalypse vs. saviour, hero/villain thing. Theres just a lot to explore!
3. I probably have several. But mostly I dont mind five being a dick to vanya bec first, even if the appeal is hes soft to her hes already kind of a dick in canon lmao. Also, vanya isnt a child. Shes grown and she can handle petty af things like five telling her shes not good at cooking lol. I also dont mind it cause I feel like people are getting too afraid to write... conflict for fear or portraying an abusive relationship or smth. Like, chill. Conflict is fine, resolving it is how u get a story. However in saying that, nobody should be obligated to write any way unless you want to! Fanfic is for comfort so if what your doing is making u happy then its good enough!
horrance which i also ship but i love the platonic and romantic relationship equally:
1. I came in tua in general not shipping anything so Im honestly not sure. I do remember someone doing a meta before s2 came out that was basically how ben acted weird when klaus summoned dave in s1 that made me go 👀 Otherwise, tua s2 rlly made me like them cause tua FED horrance shippers. Like..... the fact that klaus didnt want ben to leave him, and ben knows thats why he stayed 😢 or the fact that klaus was all over him for some reason???? Somebody also mentioned gay ben once and I resonate with that deeply. Like i get that jill exists but i resonate with gay ben deeply.
2. I love their bickering, theyre so cute together. I just like ben being angry bec hes self aware that hes got both shit and amazing taste. Shit bec he cant believes he likes Klaus (and also amazing also bec Klaus). I think the idea of them being kind of underdogs, theyre not rlly leader types and dont want to be, helps them bond together even in platonic horrance. They're both down to earth, and even tho they can annoy each other, they also know if they want a space to feel comfortable its with each other. Theyre not pressured by rivalry over leadership, or any sort of competition.
I love the idea that even tho ben is like klaus's ''conscience'', hes also down for chaos and bitchy. I feel like klaus rlly enabled that side of him, its not exactly a good thing but its p funny lol
3. I know some people think their dynamic is unhealthy but i dont care lol
alluther. So id say i dont ship this, mostly due to the fact that im not invested? Just like all tua ships so far I rlly came out not wanting anything but platonic relationships cause I feel tua doesnt do romance very well. With alluther, theyre so cute but im not super invested in either of their chars so they havent stuck for me. I appreciate seeing them and talking about them tho, and I'm def open to exploring them further.
1. I think tua canon romances are just so lackluster 😔 Idk who writes the romances but I was just like 'nice' but afterwards I dont really think about them. I love their dance scene and the message behind it! Otherwise, theyre sweet like most of the tua romances but im not super invested, same with all the non canon ships.
2. I really feel like tua needs to decide on what their relationship is. Like, just say its incest or not and stick with it 👀 Or if you wanna support it or not, just make up ur mind. I think I would've liked it better if I found the characters more interesting. Allison especially I feel like suffers from the fact that tua just doesn't want to make her ''mean''. They want to make her supportive and are less interested in making her flawed (ie. she should've had a conflict with Vanya in s2, but the writers didnt want to write the girls fighting which is stupid imo and not what that conflict is about).
In regards to Alluther, the scene where Allison gets annoyed at Luther for sleeping with someone else felt out of line. Like, how are you marrying other people and moving on but Luther isn't allowed to? But honestly, I don't mind if they actually just acknowledge it and make it a deliberate part of Allison's trait that Allison can expect a certain loyalty automatically from other people (which can tie in to her childhood being a star, and the rumour).
Luther is a big simp for Allison, which is sweet, but at the same time it would be nice to have him explore himself for a bit, and who he is outside of the academy. Then maybe they can rekindle their relationship again as new people and see where they go from there.
3. I don't hate them, but they're ok. I'm not super invested in them, just like all the tua canon romance. But I wouldn't mind making content for them if I were a bit more invested in their characters. I love their dance scene in s1 and I feel like its super a underrated portrayal of what their relationship is meant to be. I know no one talks about it but it's just such a great scene, and I'm pretty sure the choreographer was into interpretive dance? The scene had a lot of meaning that I don't see people dig around with.
Essentially I'm pretty sure the fairy lights are obviously a throwback to their childhood together, spending time outside of Reggie. So the dance scene kind of symbolized that pocket of space they made for each other in their life (even if theyre far away, or with other people, they will always have that space for each other).
The way they danced was more like playfighting than dancing, which means their relationship isn't sensual. It's more ''pure'', and romantic. Its basically two kids rekindling their love as adults. I also think this is a response to the incest, cause in s1 tua klaus literally said that 'thank god Regg is not their real father' right before Allison and Luther meet lmao. So its kinda like saying Allison x Luther isnt supposed to be 'ohh step sibling hot' but two people who experienced the same trauma as kids and finding comfort with each other (and rekindling that love after many years).
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peach-the-owl · 4 years
Maybe one with Kima and Allura? The reader is an artist and one day they start to leave little notes with sketches for them in random places where they can find them and it's just them being a good friend trying to make them smile during the day.
Aww, I love Kima and Allura so much, their relationship is just so precious 🥰 I hope this turned out well
Also might’ve let myself get carried away with the idea, it’s a bit long 😅
Little Notes
Allura & Kima & Artist!Reader (Platonic)
You were making your way over to Allura's for a visit knowing she had been stressing out over Kima being missing from her mission in Kraghammer and hoping to calm some of those nerves. You walk up to the doors of her tower and give a knock, after a small wait the door opens to reveal the arcanist herself.
"(Y/n)! It’s been awhile, how are you?" She asks slightly surprised by your sudden appearance.
"Hello Allura, sorry about not informing you of my arrival." You sheepishly scratch at the back of your head in apology. "Do you mind if I come in? If not I can just-"
"No no, it’s alright." She stops you and steps out of the way for you to enter the tower. You welcome yourself in and go to sit in your usual spot whenever you’d visit. "I’m actually glad you decided to pop in, I’ve needed a distraction what with everything going on." Allura admits. At this point you pull out your sketchbook and pencil you always carry with you and start to add some fine line work to a piece you’d been working on for weeks now, never seeming to get it quite right.
"I know you’ve been stressing over this, which is exactly why I wanted to come over. So why don’t you tell me about what you’ve been up to recently." You suggest, not looking away from your drawing. You knew this wouldn’t bother Allura because for the years you've known each other, while it looked like you weren’t paying attention to the conversation you actually were, listening very carefully to every word being spoken to you. Allura went on to tell you about her work with the council and some of the worries she has for Kima, you adding in your own thoughts to the conversation every now and again. She then told you about her allies, the adventuring group known as Vox Machina that she asked to help find Kima, you knew about this group and what they did for the royal family but didn’t know them as personally as Allura did.
"I just hope nothing terrible has happened." Allura finally concludes after her long rant. You give an amused hum and sigh, taking proper notice that you’d wandered away from your project and had several random doodles covering the page. However instead of hindering you this placed a wonderful idea into your head.
"Relax Ally, if these people are as capable as you say then they’ll find Kima in no time. Just relax and breath, alright." You look up at her this time seeing her nod and take a few deep breaths. While she was distracted with that you carefully tear out some of the doodles, writing little messages of encouragement on the back of them and stand up. You sneakily slipping one of the notes between the cushion of the chair having it stick out just enough to be noticeable but not too obvious. "It’s been lovely, thank you for having me over but it’s getting late. I should really be making my way home."
"Allow me to walk you out." Allura offers which you happily accept, sneakily hiding the little drawings along the way in various places for Allura to hopefully find later. "I really appreciated the visit, helps to confide in a friend. You’re welcome back anytime." Allura gives you a quick hug that you return before the two of you part ways until next time.
It had been a while since your little visit and felt it only fair to check in and see how everything was going. When you arrive you’re relieved to see that Kima had returned in one piece, while Allura was occupied with thanking Vox Machina for their efforts you quietly shuffle over. You then watch as Kima and Allura share a small moment by staring at each other before they run into each other’s arms, you smile a little at this before deciding to quickly jump in.
"No it’s fine, just pretend I’m not here." You joke gaining everyone’s attention, you walk over to the two and without missing a beat Kima gives you a playful punch in the arm. "I swear to Bahamut Kima, you’re gonna break my arm one of these days." You slightly hiss from the pain.
"Nah if I meant to do that, it'd already be broken." Kima says slyly, you roll your eyes before properly hugging your friend, slipping a little note you’d made into her armour.
"Well now who’s this one?" The red Dragonborn asks. After some proper introductions with the group Allura invites everyone into her tower for tea, you hang back a second unsure if you should join them or just head home early.
"Don’t just stand there, the offer stands for you too." Allura gives a warm smile and ushers you inside.
"I know I just didn’t want to feel like I was overcrowding the place, plus I’m sure you’d like to catch up with Kima." You say meekly. You make your way up and automatically go to sit in your usual spot, pulling out your sketchbook as both a distraction and to continue on a commission for a client you’d received. Enjoying some tea and listening to the conversation between everyone else, Kima leans over your shoulder to look at your work.
"The hell is that supposed to be?" She asks quietly, staring at your drawing.
"Art." You reply cheekily. You catch her rolling her eyes at the corner of yours.
"I know what it is, but what is it?"
"The client asked for something abstract, so this is the result so far." You precede to erase and redraw a few of the lines you’d made until you felt satisfied.
"I don’t get it." You stifle a laugh, Kima didn’t really have an artistic eye but you appreciated that she at least tried to understand your craft whenever the two of you got to interact with each other.
"Shouldn’t you be involved in this conversation? Not to be rude or anything but it sounds important." You look up at Kima now to which she scratches at the back of her head, you can now see the blush on her cheeks.
"His questions were making me a little uncomfortable." She gestures over to the goliath, Grog. You give a reassuring pat her on the shoulder, sneaking another note into her armour before you realize something.
"Sorry to interrupt but what time is it?" After some fumbled reply’s Allura gives you her best estimation. "I have to go, I’ve got client to meet today and sooo much work to do. Thank you for the tea Allura, it was lovely to meet you all and thank you for safely bringing Kima back." You give a bit of a rushed goodbye as you gather up your things and hurry out of the tower, pausing briefly at the door to hide one more note for Allura to find later.
Time came and went, work piled up leaving you busy to no end, the only contact you had with your friends being the letters you’d write each other telling of what you’d been up to. However once the dragons came your world went crashing down, you had longed for a break away from all the work on your shoulders but not like this. Your home was in shambles, your hard work that took you months to complete destroyed in seconds, you considered yourself lucky to have made it out alive. Now you were but another refugee in Whitestone praying for a miracle while doodling in your sketchbook, the only thing that survived with you albeit slightly charred at the corners.
"Oh my gosh! You’re alive!" You hear a familiar voice call, looking over to see Kima run up to you. You give each other hug and once you let go Kima punches your arm.
"Every time I swear." You sigh with a small laugh, rubbing your arm.
"Gotta keep that arm strength up for your art stuff." Kima jokes, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "Anyways, do you know where Ally is?" You shake your head.
"I don’t, but I assume she’s alive, that woman’s a tough cookie." Kima nods in agreement.
"Would you like to help us?" Keyleth asks.
"Me? No I couldn’t, I’ve never really been the adventuring type, I much prefer swinging around a paintbrush over a sword." You politely decline the offer. "But I would like to advise one thing," you pat Kima's shoulder, once again slipping in a note you’d made into her armour in hopes of bringing encouragement. "Don’t do anything rash that could get you killed." Kima gives a quiet "yeah I know" and with that you watch the party continue on their way.
You did what you could with what little resources you had to build up and regain some normality to your life, starting a little side business of making motivational cards for anyone needing an extra pick me up. Folks seemed to really like it, each card having a personalized picture and message written on it, doing what you could to help keep hope alive in these trying times. When you met up with Kima and Allura again Allura was relived to see you were still alive and standing strong. They invited you over to the abode they were staying at together, which put a new idea into your head. Before you arrived for your visit with them you had made more of your little notes for them, this time making a few that you hoped would help spark the romance between the two you’ve seen since day one (secret wingman). When you arrived they gave you a quick tour of the place, leaving opportunities for you to slip the notes into various places around the house, making you wonder if this time they were doing it on purpose having finally caught on to your little gimmick. You all sat down and sipped away at some tea or coffee while talking about the actions going forward, as the evening came you bid your friends a goodnight and made your way back to your temporary living quarters…
More time flew by, the Chroma Conclave was since defeated and Emon was slowly rebuilding itself, a time of peace finally setting in and you had a lot of work ahead of you if you were ever going to be able to buildup your home from scratch. The only downside was you didn’t have the gold to pay for everything, your work as an artist didn’t always pay a lot but it was enough to keep you stable but having to pay to acquire materials for the house and art studio was another story entirely. Your then approached by two very familiar people.
"Allura! Kima! So good to see you both again. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to write or visit often lately, been quite busy trying to re-establish myself." You greet your friends and notice the large bag Kima's carrying.
"It’s alright we’ve been rather busy ourselves with everything going on. We actually wished to talk with you." Allura gives you a gentle smile.
"Well I’d normally like to welcome you into my home, but as you can see it’s… not much of a home yet." You half-joke gesturing to the still ruined state of your house, the broken paintings you once had all having been stripped away when the Cinder King still ruled.
"That was actually one of the things we wished to speak with you about, Kima if you would." She turns to Kima who in turn hulls the bag over her shoulder letting it clatter to the ground, and you can hear the jangling of coin inside. "I believe this should help accommodate everything you need for your home and work." You stare jaw dropped at the bag filled to the brim with gold.
"I-This is very generous of you. I simply can’t just take your money." You say out of shock at the large gold pile in front of you.
"Think of it as payment for all you’ve done for us." Allura smiles and gives you an expectant look.
"All I’ve done? I haven’t really done anything to help."
"Sure you have, back when Kima was missing finding those papers with the little drawings and messages really helped keep me calm and cheer me up through all the stress." Allura explains.
"Yeah, or the ones you managed to slip into my armour. Little distracting at first but invigorating when I was in a tough spot in battle." Kima jumps in. You just smile, all you were doing was trying to be nice and encouraging to your friends unknowing of the effects it apparently lead to.
"Still, not all is from us." Allura suddenly cuts into your thoughts, you look at her confused. "That was the second thing we wanted to talk with you about. Some of this is a sort of upfront payment for a few commissions from our friends, half now to help you and half later once you've completed their requests."
"There’s more!?" You were almost lightheaded from the information, but shake it off and refocus yourself. "I’d love to, please fill me in on all the details."
"First off Keyleth asked for a landscape piece of her home in Zephrah, Keyleth will easily help bring you to and from her home whenever you’re ready. Next Percy wanted a portrait made for castle Whitestone, he said he’d fill in the rest of the details upon your arrival. Finally," Allura gives a bit of a sigh, "there’s Taryon… he wants a, and I quote, 'self portrait made with nothing but the finest oil paints you can get your hands on for the Slayer's Cake.'"
"So basically the plan is to visit Whitestone once my home's rebuilt. That should be fine, one question though, who’s Taryon?"
"Trust me, you’ll know who he is when you meet him."
"Sounds like quite the character." You say with a hint of nervousness. "Well if that’s everything, I should get to work. Thank you again for everything." You go to collect the heavy bag of gold only to pause when you hear Kima speak up.
"Ally did you still wanna… you know ask about the thing?" She had leaned closer to Allura to ask but you still heard her.
"What thing?" You question to which Allura perks up a bit in realization.
"I almost completely forgotten. Right, there was one more, very special request." You look at the two in silence, Allura walks up to you and takes one of your hands in hers. "(Y/n), Kima and I have a very important and special request of you." You just nod and wait for her to continue. "We were wondering if you could make us something special for… for our wedding." You stare wide eyed in awe.
"You two are getting married? That’s amazing! About time too." You cheer.
"Not so loud please, we just want a simple and private wedding you know, a few eye witnesses for the event. You don’t have to make anything grand, if anything we’d like what you make to be similar to the notes you’ve always left us." You press your hands together and hold back the urge to just scream to the heavens in happiness for them. When you manage to calm yourself enough you look back that the couple and give them a large smile.
"I’d be honoured to make something for your wedding." You give them both a hug and reset your sights on your shambled home. "Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a house to get built."
"Hold on, I still have one more thing for you." Kima interrupts this time. Before you can ask you feel a punch impact your arm, you suck back the pain as you rub the spot she hit. "Alright now your free to start." She gives you a smug look.
"Every. Single. Time." You playfully glare back. You had a long road ahead of you and you were certain it’d only be a matter of time before the peace is disturbed again but for now you wanted to focus on the present. Like you said, you had a lot of work to do.
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Encore - Part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - part 22 - planning
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“beasty boy if yeh don’ tell meh where we are goin’ im goin’ ta rip that pretty grin off yer face!” Harry growled, trying to rip the blindfold on his eyes off but once again Ben slapped his hands away.
“pretty? Thank you~ and no this is a surprise! You can't see anything until we’re right where we need to be so hold on for just one more moment”
Harry was silent for a beat before he reached up to take off the blindfold again “ ‘ight that was a moment” he cackled a bit as Ben smacked his hand and he could feel the pout Ben was aiming at him.
“haha very funny now it's just around this corner!” Harry felt himself be tugged to the right and then abruptly stopped as Ben put his hands on his chest. “okay one moment”
“Ben” Harry warned, grinning slightly as Ben clicked his tongue at him and smacked his shoulder.
“okay….look!” Harry finally ripped off the blindfold, blinking fast from the sudden influx of sunlight that blinded him.
His jaw dropped as he looked at the large ship that rested in the docks before him. “I-Ben-wha’?”
Ben stepped in front of Harry and threw his arms wide open “this is my engagement gift to you and (y/n), I was planning on giving you this after your wedding but Evie gave me an idea that you two could use this to get married on!” Harry stared at the silvery-white sails that were held tightly by the pristine ropes.
“when-when did yeh start on this thing?!” Harry whispered yelled, climbing up the gangplank after Ben as the king went to give his friend a tour of his new ship. Ben gave a sheepish smile at that “, uh, I had it commissioned a bit after the barrier came down, it was originally going to be an apology gift to you and (y/n) for…well…taking her away from you” Harry's expression soured at the mention of when the vks kidnapped (y/n) to have FG send her back to her world “but then you proposed to (y/n) and I switched it up to an engagement gift! And luckily it was done just in time for you to possibly get married on” Ben clapped his hands together excitedly as Harry smirked at him “come on! I want to show you the captain's quarters!”
Harry followed Ben in stunned silence, spinning on his heels as he looked up at the magnificent sails.
“whew” you breathed, leaning back in Evie's sewing char and stretching your back “all that work just for the dress form huh?” Evie let out a small laugh, slipping your work in progress dress back into the form after she had you try it on to make sure her measurements were correct.
“Yeah, pretty much” she hummed, picking up a roll of chiffon and drawing some out until she reached the amount she needed “there's a lot that goes into dressmaking, even more, when it's for a wedding”
Uma hummed in agreement, scrolling through your tablet and seeing your designs for your dress and the bridesmaid's “rose gold?” Uma asked, facing the screen towards you. You glanced at it and nodded.
“yeah, rose gold looks good on just about anyone and it's pretty form-flattering color, my friend Jazzy’s a bit on the curvier side so I wanted her to feel comfortable yet fab as fuck so rose gold” Uma nodded, raising her brow at the one turquoise dress.
“what's this one?” Uma asked, raising her brow as you smacked your forehead.
“I knew I forgot about something!” you hissed, standing from Evie’s sewing chair and giving the girl a look. She immediately understood and left the room with an excuse of ‘forgetting something’ Uma raised her brows and looked back at you. “Uma, I meant to ask you this like, almost immediately after Harry proposed to me but” you reached out and took her hands “you have been by my side since the day Harry dragged me into the chip shop to join the crew, you accepted me as one of your own when you didn’t have to, and you didn’t turn me away when I told you the truth after lying to you about where I was from.” Uma eyes started to water as she realized where this was going. “you have been so supportive of both me and Harry and you are my best friend and pseudo sister, so on my wedding day, will you be my maid of honor?” Uma’s face scrunched up as tears of joy and shock ran down her face, she nodded and pulled you into a hug.
“yes, you fucking sap” Uma laughed, curling her fists into your shirt “ugg you’re making me cry”
You let out a small chuckled and squeezed her a bit, rubbing your thumb against her back “im sorry” she shook her head against your shoulder and pulled back, using her palms to dry her cheeks.
“it's fine, gah when did I get this emotional?” you giggled at that and shrugged.
“well there's no reason for you to bottle em up now, so” you gestured to her with a grin. Uma rolled her eyes and punched your shoulder “ow” you held your shoulder with a grin.
Evie stepped back into the room with a smile “well! You’ve got that done, your dress is being made, and you’ve got the guest list” Evie gestured to the purple folder on her sewing desk which had a white label printed on it with the words ‘guest list’. “now all you have left is the wedding party, the reception food planning, cake tasting with your aunt, decorations, flowers, and where you’re going to get married! Oh, and where you are going to have the reception too” Evie rambled, not watching you as you started to nervously tap your thumb against your ring.
Uma sighed and patted your shoulder “don’t worry girl, you got us and Harry to help with those decisions, it's not just your wedding to plan it's Harry’s too, and im sure he’d be more than willing to help out with everything he can” you giggled a bit and nodded.
“im sure, he still has to ask Harriet to be his best maid though” Uma and Evie gave you an odd look “he was going to go with Gil as his best man but he decided to go with Harriet instead so…best maid” Uma nodded while Evie took a second to shrug and turn back to your dress.
“So where are you thinking of having the ceremony,” Evie asked, distracted by creating the neckline for your dress.
“well, I was thinking the lost revenge?” you half asked half answered, looking to Uma for permission. She shrugged and nodded.
“yeah, if you two want to get married there go for it-“ she stopped mid-sentence as your phone started to ring. You quickly pulled it out and answered it when you saw the ID.
“hey harry, what's-…the docks? Why?...okay then? I'll see you soon” you snorted a bit; Harry had sounded very excited and had wanted you to come down to Ben's private docks for some reason. “uh, I have to go for a bit? Harry wants me to come down to the docks” Evie and Uma rose their brows but nodded.
“go on ahead, we can resume wedding stuff later, I’ll just be here working on the dress” Evie waved you off, Uma clamping your shoulder for a moment before leaning on Evie's sewing table as you walked out of the green room, got on your motorbike, and headed towards the docks.
You turned off your bike and took off your helmet, setting it on the seat and walking towards the docks, where you could see the form of Harry getting closer. “Harry?” he turned with a grin and held out his hand to you.
“(y/n)!” you grabbed onto his hand as you got close to him and smiled as he pulled you into his chest “I have somethin’ ta show yeh”
You gasped a bit as he covered your eyes with his hand and started to pull you towards the left end of the docks “uhhhh what's got you so excited?” you chuckled, tightly wrapping your hands around Harry's arm that held your hand and closed your eyes against his hand.
He took his hand off your eyes as he felt you close them and continued to pull you towards the surprise “you’ll see love, I promise, yer gonna love it”
You hummed in unknowing agreement and smiled as you felt Harry stop you and move in front of you, hands moving to your shoulders “yeh ready?”
“as I’ll ever be?” you laughed, gasping as Harry stepped beside you and told you to open your eyes “holy-shi- what?!” before you was a large dark brown ship with pure white sails, docked to Ben’s pirate docks. “what is this?!”
“it's our new ship love” Harry cooed, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto the ship, twirling you around for a moment before pulling your back against his chest “Ben had it made for us, and he” Harry paused for a moment “he had an idea about it”
He pulled away from you and started to walk towards the front of the ship at the bow “we-we can have an archway here, and-and fairy lights” he gestured above him with a wide grin, his eyes sparkling with excitement “strewn above us! And-and there” he pointed behind you. You turned to look at the back of the ship where the captain’s quarters were “you-you’ll come out and walk towards me…looking perfect, and then” you turned back to Harry with a smile on your face as Harry looked at you with the softest look you had seen on him. “then we’ll get married and we’ll start our new life together…here on the ship” you walked towards him, reaching out and grabbing his hands, pressing a kiss to his cheeks.
“you are such a dork and it's adorable “ Harry gave a sheepish grin “and that is an” you sighed dreamily, looking up at the sails “amazing idea… let's do it” you looked back at Harry, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close “let's get married on this ship”
“yeah?” Harry whispered, bumping his forehead into yours and wrapping his arms around you.
“yeah” you giggled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips and laughing as Harry's lips pulled into a grin and he picked you up and spun you around.
He set you on your feet and hugged you tightly. “I love yeh (y/n)” he whispered, burying his face in your shoulder as you hugged him back just as tightly and whispered back.
“I love you too Harry”
-end of part 22-
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divineluce · 3 years
And from the Ashes || Leah, Luce, Morgan, Nell, & Rio
Timing: Late at Night May 26th, 2021
Location: A burnt out clearing in the Outskirts
Tagging: @phoenixleah, @divineluce, @mor-beck-more-problems, @nelllraiser, @3starsquinn, and featuring Bernard Burnie the Phoenix
Description: The time has come to try and save the phoenix.
Running a hand through her hair, Luce looked at the clearing that she’d led the others to. It was a wide-open space, already charred and covered in ash- she’d first spotted the burnt-out area when she and Adam had posted up in the burnt out shell of a building on Scorch Street. She’d ventured out here on her own a few days before, dragging as many branches she could manage into the center of the neat circle of blackened soil. They needed a pyre, a central place for the magic to be channeled, to catch the energy they poured into the spell. They. That assumed that she’d be able to do something, that she’d be able to… summon the flames.
Luce dropped the gas can she’d hauled into the woods with a heavy, sloshing thud. There were already a few cans lying at the edge of the clearing, a contingency plan courtesy of Adam. He’d been game to help with the setup, loaning her what equipment he had to help. Nell knew how to pick ‘em. Even if he was some kinda doomsday prepper. “Here we go. Rio, you’ve been looking at the wards, right?” She said, gesturing to the area around them. “I’m not sure how big we need to go… Would you know anything about the scope?” Luce asked, glancing over at Morgan with a tentative gaze. The scratches that ran along her body were still scabbed over and angry to the touch, even with the help of Nell’s poultices. “Nell, do you want to get started with the herbs? Leah should be out looking for the phoenix, hopefully we have some time before she radios us that they’re on the move.” Luce said as she unzipped her backpack and began to pull out the various ingredients the ritual required. A silver mortar and pestle, courtesy of Bea, the Bloodroot, the jar of corrupted resurrection dirt, another glass with the phoenix’s still smoldering ashes, and bundles upon bundles of sage and lavender. Pulling the last vial from her pocket, Luce stared at the small bottle of phoenix tears. This had to work. It had to work.
Leah Ramirez was not an improviser. Not by any means. For an event like the one they were attempting to go as smoothly as possible, it was incredibly important to plan out every detail down to the second, and then establish a plan B, C, D… all the way to ZZ in case things didn’t go as planned. It was admirable how determined Luce was to save this poor soul. Leah always knew she had a huge heart, but for whatever reason, she wasn’t always a big fan of showing it. This needed to go well- if not for the phoenix, for Luce. For her to know it was okay to openly care about something and to ask for help.
Her job was simple enough. Find the corrupted phoenix, entice him to chase her, run to the clearing, help with the ritual. It wasn’t hard to find him, either. He’d been leaving a path of destruction for weeks now, and she followed the path of ash and char that he left behind until she found an area that was still very much on fire. The flames didn’t scare Leah- they couldn’t hurt her. And she hoped if what she’d heard about corrupted phoenixes was true, he’d get frustrated at the lack of damage he was doing to her and chase after her. If not, there was always plan ZZ. But when she finally laid eyes on him, it felt like a punch to her gut. She’d seen plenty of phoenixes in their flame state before, but her family was always so careful to be controlled and calm in their flame presentation. They had the privilege of years of training, not to mention the ability to change back if it all became too much. The corrupted phoenix, on the other hand, was raging, stuck in an eternal flame state with no way of connecting with anyone or anything. Of course he was destroying the world- it was the only way he could get its attention. She radio’d the group from her safe distance, watching the phoenix to see if he’d noticed her. “Found him. Let me know when you’re ready.”
Orion had stayed up half the night drawing the runes that Luce had sent him. He wasn’t sure how much the group would need, so he figured he should do as many as he possibly could. He kept his bag full of them, weighing on his back as he followed the group to the clearing Luce had prepared. From the looks of it, Luce had been hard at work to get things ready for the spell. While the rest of the group was probably used to stuff like this, Rio hadn’t taken part in many spells. He was equal parts excited and nervous. Something like this was an entirely new experience to learn about. It was every scribe’s dream. On the other hand, Luce had already warned him how much energy this would take. This wasn’t going to be a simple spell, one thing gone wrong could screw everything up. Rio just wanted to make sure he wasn’t the cause of any mess ups.
Once they were together in the clearing, Rio dropped his back and pulled the stack of paper with the wards drawn on them. “Yeah, I’ve got a bunch. Just tell me what to do with them. I’ll follow everyone else’s lead. I think I’m the newbie here.”
Morgan double checked the notes she’d made on her phone. “Bigger might be safer,” she said. “Wider net, easier catch.” But not too big, or else the energy needed to power the space might increase to dangerous proportions. She came over to Rio and showed him the diagram she’d made. “If we give ourselves a twenty foot diameter, you should be able to put down the runes in intervals of two feet. Move clockwise and make sure they’re all oriented the right way, okay?”
That done she went over to Luce, who was looking a little uneasy. “Hey. This’ll work if you let it, okay? You can help him.”
Nell was tired. But that seemed to be the beginning of every thought she has of late. It was getting to the point of being exhausted from the constant state of emotional tiredness, which often left her feeling either drained, irritable, or both. As she bent over her densely packed sticks of herbs, she did her best to banish the sensation of lethargy seeping into her bones, shaking herself out of its grabby hands to gather the strength she’d need for the coming ceremony. If there was one thing that could spark her massive reservoirs of determination, it was a sister in need— and as Nell let her gaze wash over Luce, and all the physical as well as emotional cuts and scrapes it’d taken her to get here, it was obvious Luce was certainly in need.
She didn’t have fire like her sisters, so when she lit the herbs to cleanse and purify it was with the lighter from her pocket. Blowing softly over the end of it, she let the flame peter out until a steady trail of smoke was rising from the end of the bundle before handing it off to Rio. “Take this with you, too.” Did he have enough hands for it? MAybe he could stick it in his pocket or something. Or- “I can walk with you if you need it.” Then she was on to lighting the next stick of herbs, keeping this one for herself.
Rummaging around in her pockets, Luce pulled out the shitty little Zippo lighter she kept on her. She’d never had to actually use it, but now might be the time. If her flames didn’t come, she’d find a way to make sure that this worked. One way or another, she’d get fire to burn and to hopefully, hopefully put an end to this person’s nightmare. After all this time, the weeks of work trying to gather the ingredients she needed for the ritual, she hadn’t paused to think about how they must be feeling in the middle of all this. Were they still in there? Or were they lost to the fire, like she had been? The walkie talkie on her belt buzzed and she heard Leah’s staticky confirmation. “Sounds good. We need a bit more time, but I’ll give you the signal when we’re ready.”
“Bigger is better, I’ll take your word on that. Thanks for drawing those up, Rio.” Luce said, looking closely at the runes he’d drawn. Damn. For a Scribe who claimed like he didn’t know what he was doing, they looked damn good. Like, really fucking good. And Morgan knew what she was doing, she could guide him as they set the perimeter of the ritual site. Sucking in a deep breath, she cast Nell a tense grimace of a smile before staring at the silver mortar in front of her. The ingredients were all here. She just had to… tap into the magic. Flexing her hands, she unstoppered the bottles and began to mix them together “The corrupted earth with tears to mend,” She muttered quietly to herself, trying to reach for the magic that lived within her. Fear gripped at her heart as she tried to feel the connection and found… nothing.
Leah couldn’t have taken her eyes off the corrupted phoenix if she tried. The way he moved and raged through the forest, his path clear but his goal unsolidified, it fascinated her. She wanted to take it all in, write it down and warn family members about the dangers of changing their ways. She took another step forward toward him, and suddenly, he whipped around to stare at her, flames angry and dark. For a while, there seemed to be nothing else, just two phoenixes, born of very different circumstances, staring at each other and waiting for the other to make a move. Could he sense what she was? Was he confused by her lack of fear? She took another step forward, right into the charred remnants of a tree that were still on fire. We’re the same, she was trying to tell him. We can be the same. In her time observing him, this was the first time she’d seen the phoenix still.  “We want to help you”, she said, quietly. Would he hear her? Could he understand? But as quickly as it had seemed to pause, his rage picked up again, and soon, he was barreling toward her. The radio secured at her shoulder buzzed, with Luce indicating they weren’t ready. Shit. As he ran toward her, she thought quickly, switching into her flame state.
Now they were really the same.
With the two phoenixes both engulfed by their flames, there was no solid body for the corrupted one to ram into, no destruction he could cause.  He whipped around again to look at her, and for another moment, as if there were a second of clarity. But again, it didn’t last. Leah switched back, and began running toward where the phoenix had come from, into the fiery destruction he’d been wallowing in. “We want to help you” she cried as she heard him begin to run after her.
Morgan watched Nell and Rio get to work laying the circle and burning their bundles. There was another one for her, but she hesitated to reach for it. This wasn’t an afternoon in her studio or a hopeful exercise for her peace of mind. Someone’s life was hanging in the balance. All of theirs, really, if you factored in the risks of this going sideways. What good was the energy of a dead woman with no direction? And yet. She felt useless, just standing there. Sure, she’d helped Luce work out the magic maths for the circle and organize a delegated plan, but that was theory, that was cozy. She wanted to help, if only to prove that she still could. That she hadn’t given up yet. So she picked up the last bundle and lit it up. She could smell none of the smoke that rose from the black and orange crackling ends, but she remembered her own rituals in the woods when she was trying to learn blood magic. She remembered her fear of being shut down by the universe, of being turned away by her friends, and the way her hope trembled as the smoke cleansed the hurt from her space. As she did the last thing, the only thing she could, she prayed to the earth below them that this phoenix would have his hurt wiped away too.
“I think that’s about it. Everyone ready?”
Orion had a stack of papers in his mouth, hanging on by the corner of the paper as he moved along the path, more paper in one hand and the burning herbs that Nell had passed to him in the other. He had assured Nell that he was fine, but one misstep and he would tumble. He followed Morgan’s directions, placing the runes around in a large circle and watching the other group carefully. Everyone looked incredibly focused. Just another hint that this was serious. Stuff like this must be second nature to them, yet there was a lot of care and detail put into every single step. It made sense, from what Rio knew about spells, the devil was in the details. Sometimes literally he supposed. But the smallest inaccuracy could cause horrible side effects. His chest tightened at the thought of what backlash could come if something go wrong, but he shook it off quickly. He had been injured trying to help others. It had never changed his mind before, he wasn’t about to let today freak him out.
Once the circle was complete he gave a thumbs up towards the group just in time for Morgan to ask if they were ready. Honestly, Rio had no idea if they things were ready, but he eyed the gas cans around the circle. He figured those would come into play once the spell started. “All set” Rio confirmed, moving in the circle to join with the others.
None of them were wholly fireproof anymore despite having taken their own footsteps through the flames of their existence, and Nell was no exception. Each one of those present had all weathered their own firestorms, walking straight into infernos that had every right to have felled them where they stood. But still they persisted, like the embers of a life refusing to be snuffed out despite all the gusts buffeting them from sometimes all sides. Fire was life and death, as cyclical as anything else in the magic. That’s what Nisa had tried to teach her daughters while they’d grown amongst the trees of the forest. It could steal life in a moment, burning a person out of existence until they were no more than ash on the wind, but as was the way with everything in the world it had the other face of its coin. Warmth, cauterizing, cleansing. In and of itself fire was the most alive of the elements, flickering with a spirit and will of its own. And yet that same life was so good at snuffing out others.
Nell didn’t have the fire her sisters had once wielded, so she’d thought the lessons didn’t apply to her. But she had her own flame living in her chest, the same heat that had told her to kill Montgomery and to make it hurt. The searing anger that had her digging a knife into Frank’s side, and poised to smother his own fire. Maybe they all had flames living within them, dangerous if left unchecked. Luce had left her flames to themselves since nearly a year ago to the day, or maybe it had been even longer. Nell had too. But she was watching in real time as her sister tried to reign them in, reignite them in a way that didn’t end with screams and acrid stench of burning flesh. It was enough to make Nell wonder what the peace on the other side might be like, whether she might one day give up the things fueling her flames to try her own hand at seizing it. Today wasn’t about her, though. That much she knew as she came out of the circle she’d walked to slip her hand into Luce’s for a squeeze. “We’ll make this work.” Luce wasn’t alone, and she’d be sure to remind her sister of that. Gathering her magic, she searched the corners of herself to pick up every scrap of it, knowing this spell was no small feat. She and Luce would be lucky if they didn’t pass out, let alone leave with skinned arms and a heart attack later. “You’re ready?”
Luce couldn’t help the way angry tears prickled at the corner of her eyes, helpless, unable to feel the flames that lived within her. This had to work, it had to fucking work. She needed it to work, she needed to save this person but… The words Adam had told her, when they’d posted up in the burnt out husk of a building on Scorch Street, they echoed in the back of her mind. Either I accept the dude in the mirror or I keep doing stuff that hurts everybody I care about. One of the most dude-bro things she’d heard from him, but it was true. She’d been mulling over their conversation for days now, trying to reconcile what he’d told her with the things she felt. And she’d thought… She’d thought she had this. She thought she could do this. But what if she was wrong? What if she couldn’t? What if he was wrong, what if Rio and Nell and Morgan—who had given her this second chance to change—had misplaced their faith? Her hands trembled slightly as she uncorked the bottle of ash, muttering a quiet Turkish chant over the still smoldering remains as she mixed it in. The Bloodroot followed and she mixed it all together with the pestle, the mixture crackling and sparking as she did her best to guide the magical properties of the ingredients into what she wanted, what she needed it to be. A cure. A way to end the nightmare. Redemption. Though her flames lay stubbornly still within her, Luce poured intention into the mixture until the chalice was full of a thick, smoking liquid.
Swallowing, Luce glanced up to see that Morgan and Rio had already drawn the wards, laid out the runes in their prescribed spaces around the large pyre. The bundles of herbs were smoking, filling the air with a heady scent, and all of them were waiting on… her. Luce felt Nell slip her hand into her own and she offered a nod. She wasn’t ready but she had to do this. She had to see this through. “Whatever it takes.” She said quietly as she stood up in the circle. Holding tightly onto her sister’s hand, the silver cup on the ground before them, Luce brought the walkie talkie to her mouth with her free hand. “Send him our way. We’re ready.” Now or never.
Leah ran and ran, waiting for the fuzzy confirmation that she could bring the phoenix to the clearing. She didn’t know how long they played cat and mouse, Leah switching back and forth between flame state to keep him occupied. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep this up. As she ran, exhaustion began to over take every part of her- her bones, her heart, her lungs- but she had to keep going. They had to help. And suddenly, when it felt that maybe she couldn’t go anymore, she heard the telltale buzz from Luce that they were ready, and without warning, she switched her path and began to run toward the clearing. The phoenix, in his effort to catch up with her, seemed to leave less of a trail of destruction than he had been in the last week or so, and she had to breath a sigh of relief at that.
It seemed like it took forever, but she finally broke through the clearing with the group of her friends, all ready and expectant to start the ritual that could end this. The phoenix seemed to pay them no mind. As they reached the center, she turned around and watched him stop and finally take in his surroundings. At least, that’s what she assumed he was doing- if he was even aware of what was going on. Regardless, with him distracted, Leah switched back into her flame state one last time, wrapping herself around the corrupted phoenix and engulfing him with her own flames. “We’re the same”, she whispered, hushed and smoky. “You’re not alone.”
Nell’s first reaction upon seeing Leah and the corrupted phoenix was one of ‘fight’, muscles tensing as she prepared to dodge a fireball that may or may not be coming her way, and dive in headlong to try and subdue the phoenix. But that’s not why they were here. They weren’t fighting today, they were cleansing, purifying— and violence could never truly grant either of those. Killing a problem wasn’t the same as healing from it, and wasn’t that obvious in the way her past choices seemed to never let her be? Maybe Luce should have asked Bea to help with the phoenix. Bea could be warm in the way the flip side of fire was meant to be, she’d know how to burn out the bad without incinerating the whole. Sure— Nell knew her plants and practical magic, but what good were those when she was home to an unsteady heart? If her intentions wavered, if she didn’t focus on the right things...would the phoenix simply rise to an even bigger and angrier inferno than it was now?
Thankfully Nell’s sister by her side, and Leah’s embrace of the other phoenix served as a reminder that she wasn’t all sharp edges and bloody hands. She had a family. And even though a bulk of it had left in the form of the coven, friends that had needed to find their own way beyond the town lines of White Crest, and even Bex who had fled in a fear Nell was still struggling to process— she could see her family reflected in the faces present. Luce by blood, Morgan by choice, Leah by upbringing, even Rio at times with the way he was ready and willing to help anyone who so much as glanced in his direction. Surely anyone who had a family was worth something? To have people who loved you was no easy feat. Did the phoenix have people that had loved him before? Leah loved him even now as he tried to burn the world to ash, caught in between her arms. Maybe there was another choice that could be made. As cliche as it may be, love was a cleanser, a healer, a purifier. And Nell knew how to do that even if she wasn’t always adept at it. That would be her focus point for the spell.
With a smattering of her own Turkish words Nell fueled the wards to life, letting her magic blaze through them so that the area was safely contained. Nowadays, she most often used Latin for her spellcasting, skipping the extra step of translation when she could. But if this were to be a spell of love she’d used the tongue her sister had used, the one her father had told stories in. Taking Luce’s other hand in her own, she placed their joined hands on the outside of the chalice, folding her palms over Luce’s while they cradled the silver between them. Leah had said it best, and she borrowed the words from the phoenix to lend to Luce, the soft Tukish private between them while she let her magic and intentions flow. “We’re the same.” They’d both been lost. Both desperately trying to claw their way out of the prisons they’d made for themselves out of their past deeds. But maybe with this, with the cleansing of the phoenix- at least Luce could be found. It was hard to remember that there were hands waiting on the other side of one’s self-made bars, people simply waiting for you to reach out and hold on tight. Nell wasn’t sure which of them was raising the other from perdition anymore, but she knew it was as one. “You’re not alone.”
The phoenix looked even worse than the first time Luce and Adam had seen them. Him, she realized. The phoenix was a man wreathed in brilliant, unnatural flames that seemed to flare around him in a malevolent glow. He stared at the clearing-- perhaps a moment of recognition for a place he’d already brought ruin upon, perhaps trying to puzzle out what the ritual space was for. Either way, Leah took advantage of the distraction and, cloaked in her own flames, she held onto him tightly. Her brilliant flames clashed against the ominous vermillion fire that surrounded the other phoenix. Luce felt Nell’s fingers tighten around her own and together they picked up the chalice, the magic coursing between them.
Luce could feel the wards glow, the paper Rio had drawn them on smoldering away to nothing until the burning runes were etched into the earth. And as Nell’s magic funneled into the chalice, Luce nearly let out a gasp as… the embers within her began to stir. The flames were weak, nonexistent. But the connection, the magic, it was there. For the first time in six months, she could feel the magic that had forsaken her. She reached for it cautiously, her spirit fanning the flame as carefully as she could to try and coax the spark back to life. “We’re the same.” Luce echoed as she stared at the phoenix held by Leah’s flames. She could see the fear in his eyes, the fear that was seared into his soul. As he strained against Leah, she knew she had been right. He wasn’t afraid of them, but of himself.
“You’re not alone.” Luce said, her voice rising as she let the magic flow through her fingertips into the chalice. The mixture continued to smoke and smolder and she knew that fire should be burning from the cup. But the flames wouldn’t come. No matter how hard she tried. “You’re not alone! We just want to help. Please, let us help you!” She called to the phoenix. Take our help, let me help, do what I never did, please.
Pain ran through Bernard’s body as the flames that weren’t his own burned around him-- frustration, rage, fear, they mixed together within him, the only thing he’d known for the past… how long? How long had he been like this? Days? Weeks? Months? He didn’t know. He didn’t know anything. He remembered erupting from the earth, tearing away from that cursed echoing place as fast as he could. It was a blur of fire and flames and pain and blood. And the voice, the voice, it followed him everywhere he ran. Whispering sometimes, shouting at others. All it wanted was for the world to burn. And he was powerless to it. People, animals, all who were caught in his path, they… crumbled to nothing. And all he could do was shriek in agony as his own cursed flames continued to burn. He couldn’t stop them, was powerless to the darkness that ran rampant within his body. The voice that wasn’t his own rang in his mind through all hours of the day, screaming at him to burn this place to the ground. It was the voice he’d fled from when he’d first awoken in this new body, the voice that still chased him.
And even now, it was shrieking at him. Burn the girl, burn them all, cast their bones to ash, let the flames consume this town. Let all become fire, let all become ruin.
But, a different voice-- the first voice he’d heard that wasn’t a strangled scream-- it made its way to his ear. “We’re the same.” A soft voice, whispering, pleading, “You’re not alone.” Fighting every instinct in his body, Bernard was able to tilt his head in the barest of nods. He did his best to regain control over the fire that raged around his body, to fight the voice within him. “Help me, help me.” He whispered to the woman whose arms were wrapped around him, “End-- end this.”
As the man struggled and strained against Leah’s hold, it began to feel hopeless. Already exhausted from their run through the forest, she knew she couldn’t hold onto him for much longer. And with no one else there able to withstand the flames, she wondered, briefly, if it had been a mistake for Luce to ask her for help, at least with this part. She was never strong- always swift and agile and smart. Perhaps Alfie would have been better for something like this. But then, he seemed to respond. A hint of a nod was all it took for Leah to gain her confidence back. This was working, and they were going to fix this. Together. She was not alone.  Carefully, she unwrapped her arms around his body, instead, choosing to hold his forearms for guidance. Gently, she guided him onto the pyre. Though he still seemed to struggle, it was a lot easier to guide him up than it had been to hold him in place. She wondered if he was fighting too, now. Somewhere deep inside. She noticed the chalice shared between Nell and Luce, smoking and smoldering and beckoning to help. “I know it’s hard”, she said again, more firm this time. “But we think this will fix it. You have to try and drink this, okay? Drinking it will help. We’re going to help you get better, but first you have to drink it.” She continued to whisper these affirmations in his ear, willing him to continue to fight through the flames. “We’re all here to help you.”
Nell could feel the moment her sister’s magic sputtered into existence. She’d be able to recognize her sister’s magic anywhere. Such was the bond of countless spells done as one in their youth, and the few they’d done together in the last year and a half. It felt like someone waving her home from the front porch, far more comforting than something as tangible as physical touch could ever achieve. This was the two of them truly coming together as one for the sake of another. For the sake of her sister. For the sake of the phoenix in Leah’s arms. “We’re gonna make it,” Nell told Luce, giving her the words she too needed to hear the most. There was an end, and they’d found it. They were so close. So close to that win. So close to doing something good. Just let the past die, and then Luce could be free.
Luce watched as the phoenix allowed himself to be brought towards the pyre she’d built in the center of the glowing runes. His flames licked at the wood, straining to ignite the wooden structure. She could feel the heat of it from here-- she couldn’t let Nell get any closer, not when the flames were this hot. Nell didn’t have the same resilience she did. “We’re gonna do this. But I’m not letting you get hurt.” Luce said. “Step back, Nellie, please.I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you-- without any of you,” She said looking to Rio, to Morgan, even to Leah. “But I’ve gotta do this.” With that, she pulled the chalice gently from Nell’s hands, and followed Leah and the phoenix up the pyre. And as the phoenix’s cursed flames began to consume the wood, Luce took a deep breath and followed.
“Leah, you should back up. I don’t know what the wards might do if there are two phoenixes here.” Luce said as she held the chalice up, hands shaking slightly. The silver cup was still smoking, but she could feel the energy thrumming inside her. She could feel her magic lying in wait, but for what? She was trying so hard, the need to draw upon the magic was almost overwhelming. The flames were searing, painful in a way that fire had never felt for her. Not since she was a child, before she’d fully gained control of her magic. Luce swallowed as she stood next to the phoenix and, as she lifted the silver cup to his mouth, she saw him for the first time. Dark black eyes stared at her in desperation, the irises ringed in glowing red flames like the sun during an eclipse. Those eyes stared at her, consumed by fear and anguish and then-- a flicker, something dark flashed over his face. A tongue of flame shot from the phoenix’s body and curled around her left arm and Luce let out a scream of pain as the fire sizzled against her flesh. Agony shot up through her and her grip on the chalice loosened as she stumbled backwards, the flame retreating back to the phoenix’s body.
“We’re going to help you.” Luce panted, her fingers wrapping around the cup once more. “You’re not alone. This isn’t you and this,” She gasped in pain, the searing sensation still present within her, “This isn’t the end. You’re not alone.” Luce said. As she spoke, the burning heat grew within her. And that was when it hit her. The warmth was familiar. “Benim alevlerim.” She breathed and watched as the chalice blossomed with blue flames. “Drink. Please, drink.” Luce said and pressed the cup against the phoenix’s lips, tipping it back before staggering down the burning pyre. She retreated to where the others stood safely at the edge of the wards to wait and to watch.
Bernard drank. And for a moment, nothing changed. These people they’d tried, they’d failed. And he would be-- his eyes flicked open as the pain mounted to new, unimaginable heights. It felt as though he’d swallowed the sun, that the light was burning him from the inside out. The voice that had shouted at him, it was screaming again. But now, it screamed in pain, agony, as the sun continued to burn. His mouth opened to scream but all that escaped was a plume of blue flame. Instinctively, he shut his mouth and curled in on himself, hugging his burning body. Meanwhile, the blue flames crawling over his skin, over the pyre, overwhelming the cursed red flames. For a long moment, pain was all that filled Bernard’s mind. And then, there was nothing at all.
Things seemed to be going to plan. At least, Orion hoped that they were. None of the actual spell experts seemed to be freaking out, so Rio had mostly taken that as a good sign and held back. He silently observed, a worried line drawn across his face. The concern only grew as the Leah showed up with the Phoenix. Up until now, everything that Rio had witnessed had just been preparation. With the phoenix here, the true spell began. He stood just on the edge of the wards they had constructed, nervously fiddling with his fingers to keep himself still. But he couldn’t take his eyes off of Luce and the phoenix. Even from back here, Rio could feel the rise in temperature associated with the phoenixes flames. He pressed against his skin, warning of the heat. How could Luce handle being that close to it? His entire body tensed as the flame surged towards Luce. He almost jolted forward, but stopped himself at the last second. She was trying to get away. He needed to trust that Luce knew better for this than he did and let her do what needed to be done.Flames seemed to be consuming him, a bright, glowing red that made Rio clench at his heart. It looked so incredibly painful. “Oh my god.” He muttered, mostly to himself. If tears poured down Rio’s face he did nothing to stop them, he could only stare at the scene as the man screamed, only for blue flames to erupt. That blue soon took over the red, covering every inch of the man and becoming too bright for Rio to stare at any longer. He covered his eyes, glancing away from the scene in fear that he would go blind completely.
Luce was right, and Leah stepped out of the circle, toward Rio and Morgan. She switched out of her flame state in the process, and found a safe space behind her friends while still holding a good view of the action at the pyre. She couldn’t take her eyes off of everything that was going on, not even if she tried. She could see the pain inside the phoenix, almost as if she were sensing it within her heart. His flames, red and unnatural, looked like an illness that needed to be cured. How she wished she could run back in and hold him again. The flames seemed never ending but not at all stable; all encompassing but not all warm. And with the eruption of more and more of them, Leah was worried if too much damage had already been done. She couldn’t look away, but her heart was begging her to.
For a while, it seemed as though the fire would never end. It looked as though the flames would continue to spiral and battle against one another, locked in a continuous battle until the pyre that fueled the blaze crumpled to ash. But, Luce watched as her blue flames over took the phoenix’s own iridescent fire and then… She let out a gasp as the man sank to his knees and then crumpled to the ground. The fire continued to rage around him, consuming the wooden pyre. Meanwhile, the runes that formed the wards continued to glow, the lines brilliant and blue. Just the same shade as her flames. And then, almost as quickly as it had started-- the flames burnt out. In their place was nothing but a pile of ash.
Blinking in the sudden darkness, Luce held up her uninjured hand and reached tentatively for the magic. But her fears were unfounded, as vibrant blue flame jumped to the palm of her hand. “Is he… Do you think he’s alright?” She asked the others, voice hoarse from the smoke she’d inhaled.
There was little Nell could do as she watched her sister dive into the flames along with the phoenix, and she couldn’t help the protective step she made towards the center of the circle while the fire sizzled around Luce’s arm. It wasn’t unheard of for the Vurals to throw themselves into the center of an inferno for their sisters, but the more rational voice in her head quelled the emotional response, reminding her that she wouldn’t so much as get within a few feet of Luce before burning to a crisp. And what help would that be? Nell would be incinerated, the wards would fall, and Luce and the phoenix would be worse off than when this had started. Nell filled her now empty hand with Leah’s no longer flaming one, the familiar warmth of a fire being granting her another form of comfort.
The wards stayed strong as Nell kept the flow of her magic constant, using her worry of Luce to fuel the glowing runes. After all, that stemmed from love as well, and thus it would rightly serve the spell. Finally the flames subsided, and Nell was free to move forwards after watching the phoenix fall to ash on the ground. Just as any phoenix would at the end of their lifecycle. It had killed him? This was the cleansing that he’d needed? Death? Surely there were less permanent ways to purify? But death was anything but permanent for a phoenix. Or at least...it was meant to be. They hadn’t actually killed him, had they? “I…” This couldn’t be the result of all their efforts— all of Luce’s efforts. She’d needed to do something good, something that helped the phoenix, not end its cycle. “Wait- I think- is it moving?” Or had it only been her hopeful eye that thought she spotted a sign of life beneath the gray?
While the explosion of bright blue and radioactive red flames was all encompassing, the silence and emptiness that followed their burnout was even more-so. Leah looked between her friends, first to Nell, who’s hand she gave a tight squeeze back, then to Rio and Morgan, and finally to Luce. Luce, who had worked so hard to save the phoenix- ...she didn’t want to disappoint her. But in Leah’s experience, a pile of ash only meant one thing. She looked down at what was left of the phoenix, his ashes still and unmoving. Perhaps this was what was meant to happen all along. The ritual was meant to get rid of the illness- did it presume that the only way to rid one of corruption was through… death? It seemed too morbid. Too unfair. Tears filled her eyes as she looked back to Luce, ready to break the news to her. It wouldn’t be fair to get her hopes up if there was none to have. “I think...he might be d-”, but she stopped, interrupted by Nell’s observation. Her eyes shot back to the pile of ashes, sensing the tiniest pile of movement for herself. “Wait, -what?”
The scent of ash filled Bernard’s lungs as he shifted among the dust and debris. His fingers curled around the fine grains of dust and he began to crawl out from under the pile, his head emerging. He was covered in soot, his body ached, and he felt so, so cold. But, the world was blissfully, wonderfully silent. His mind was silent. The voice that had echoed in his head had been burned clean and now… Now he was whole again. Exhaustion and relief washed over him in equal measure and Bernard was able to lift his head up for a brief moment to take in the small cluster of people staring at him. He offered a weak smile before his eyes rolled back up into his head and he collapsed, unconscious once more. 
Morgan had watched the proceedings in petrified silence. She understood how badly Luce needed this and as she huddled closer between Leah and Rio, she started to accept that she might need this too. There was so much suffering on this miserable rock of a planet and so much that couldn’t be helped no matter how much money or good vibes you threw out there. But maybe this could be different. Maybe this one witch and this one broken bird could do better for a little while. She stared at the clump of ash on the ground, bracing herself for the worst. “Leah, don’t…” she whispered. If this was another cosmic fuck you, Luce wouldn’t need to be told. And then he moved.
“Shit, Nell’s right. He’s moving, she’s right!” She grabbed Leah, squeezing tight and looked at Luce. Whatever she was holding against the witch didn’t matter just then. There was only relief and understanding. “Guess you’re better than you thought after all,” she said. “So, who’s helping to carry Mr. Firebird? I don’t think he’ll like his feet dragging on the ground if I lift him by myself.”
Seeing the shift in the pile of ashes finally let Orion take a breath of relief that seemed to be shared by everyone in the group. This hasn’t been in vain. It had been dangerous, and exhausting and at times even seemed a bit hopeless. But when the pile of ashes shifted and everyone’s gone shifted from solemn to overwhelming relief, it all seemed worth it. “Holy crap.” Rio breathed, too giddy to stay still. He bounced on his feet, still a bit apprehensive to move anywhere in case the spell wasn’t completely finished. But Morgan spoke first, suggesting they carry the man away from the spell site and back towards civilization. If she was confirming it, then that meant that it was done. “We really did it.” Rio spoke again aloud, not trying to hide the surprise. “You really did it.” He repeated, directed towards Luce this time. Maybe it had been a time effort, but she had gotten the ball rolling. And from the looks of it, she had paid a price. “I’ll help carry him. Someone should help Luce too.”
Time seemed to slow as Luce stared at the pile of ash, unblinking. Waiting. Had she killed someone else? Had all of her effort and time and energy and intention meant nothing? Had she taken another life, an innocent life? An eternity stretched on as she stared at the pile. And then. Relief. Luce felt her legs buckle as the man lifted his head from the ashes and stared at them, his face illuminated in the glowing flames that rose from her hand. Normal eyes, no longer ringed in fire. Her blue flames sputtered and went out as Luce sank to the ground next to Nell, her hand still clutched in her sisters. She let out a shaking, shuddering breath as she sat on the ground. They’d done it. The ritual had worked. He was okay. And somehow, in the midst of it all, her magic was back.
“Holy shit. We did it.” She breathed as she glanced up at the others. “Thank you… All of you guys. This wouldn’t… None of it could have happened without you. Thank you.” She murmured. Her entire body ached, she felt absolutely drained, and her arm was filled with a burning pain she hadn’t felt since she was a little girl, but none of it mattered right now. She’d done it. They’d done it. 
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creative-type · 3 years
wake from death (and return to life) ix
AO3 first summary:  Zoro had always been told Kuina died falling down a flight of stairs. But she didn’t fall, and she wasn’t dead.
It took Kuina almost five minutes of dangling over the rails of the ship to realize there was no wind. She was punch-drunk and giddy, the weight of uncertainty rolled off of her shoulders now that she had a clear path forward. She was a Revolutionary. She was going to be the greatest swordsman in the world.
Kuina allowed herself those five minutes. With everything she’d gone through in the last week and a half she’d more than earned them, and it had been so long since she’d felt any real excitement for her future. But no swordsman worth their blade would let themselves get lost in childish emotionalism. Kuina steadied herself with a few deep breaths, mentally drawing in the flights of fancy that had momentarily escaped from her imagination—daydreams of facing Dracule Mihawk at the behest of the Revolution, of proving once and for all that she could do what so many thought impossible, of reuniting with her father and Zoro proudly bearing the title Greatest.  
It was like trying to wrangle a gaggle of unruly children. The more Kuina struggled to contain herself the more her imagination tried to run free, but she managed to settle back into the state of tranquil serenity that was more befitting of her training. The practical side of her, the part that quietly disapproved of this most recent turn of events, knew that now that she’d painted the broad strokes of her future it was high time to figure out what the hell Aria de Gris was doing now. It was then, and only then, that she noticed that the air was unnaturally still.
The sailors around her were not perturbed even as the Valor’s sails hung limp from their moorings. Kuina could feel that they were moving on the clear, mirror-flat sea. Slowly, but that was better than being dead in the water. Kuina wandered to the ship’s bow, noting that the Valor was sailing almost due south. If the Revolution had followed the same heading since leaving Tolouse, and Kuina had been unconscious for two full days, that meant…
“Don’t worry, we should be out of the Calm Belt by the end of the week.”
Kuina flinched, sword half-drawn before realizing it was only Dara using what had to be the most annoying Devil Fruit ability in the history of the world. Dara laughed as she popped out of the deck, hooking her thumbs in her pockets as Kuina shot her a glare.
But most of Kuina’s irritation was at herself for letting herself be caught by surprise, and she returned her attention back to the water. It was impossible to sail through the Calm Belt without some sort of engine, which the Valor lacked, to say nothing of the danger presented by the innumerable nests of sea kings that buffeted the Grand Line from the Four Blues.
Even as Kuina tried to wrap her mind around it, a dark shadow emerged from the depths directly in front of the ship. A high-pitched, eerie wail, almost like a siren’s song, reverberated through the air and deep into Kuina’s chest.
A monstrous head breached the surface so close to the Valor it sent rippling waves across its hull. Sprays of water jettisoned thirty feet into the air, exposing only part of a stripped, misshapen body before submerging once more. Great flukes, as large as a whale, but covered with algae-like strands of hair, slapped against the surface of the sea and sent sprays of salty water against the deck. Someone in the crow’s nest above whooped out a cry of encouragement.
Thoroughly confused, Kuina looked at Dara, whose grin only widened as she pointed to a tiny speck bobbing to the space recently vacated by the leviathan. “Oh look, there’s Cam. Someone should send a boat after her.”
“As if she’d take it!” a Revolutionary Kuina didn’t recognize shouted from across the deck.
“True,” Dara said contemplatively. Beckoning Kuina to follow, she meandered to the starboard side of the deck and loosened a rope ladder into the sea. “It’s probably faster to just let her swim.”
If Kuina hadn’t been so amazed by the fact Camille hadn’t gotten herself eaten, she would have marveled at the speed with which she cut through the unnaturally-still sea. Kuina considered herself a good enough swimmer, but Camille looked like she’d been born for the water. She moved like she was part fish, each stroke strong and graceful, returning to the Valor in moments. When she climbed back onto the decks she seemed sad to be there, looking back longingly at the water.
“So, how’s Fin?” Dara asked.
“Good, good. I adjusted the harness to fit more comfortably.” Camille arched an eyebrow at her friend while adjusting a leather thong around her neck, from which hung the biggest tooth Kuina had ever seen. “And his name isn’t Fin.”
“Well since you haven’t said what his name is, you’ve left me no choice but to improvise,” Dara retorted. She nudged Kuina in the ribs. “Can you believe she went through the effort of taming a sea king and then didn’t name it? ”
“You tamed a sea king?” Kuina said. “ How? ”
Camille rolled her eyes. “I didn’t tame anything. We’ve just...reached an understanding.” She gave Kuina an appraising look. “I’m surprised the doctor let you out of her grasp so soon.”
“She almost didn’t,” Kuina admitted.
Dara wrapped an arm around Kuina’s neck, ignoring the choked yelp of alarm and Kuina’s efforts to squirm free. “Forget about that! Did you hear, Kuina joined up. She’s officially one of the team!”
“I thought that was a given.” Camille said, utterly disinterested as she wrung the excess water from her shirt.
“When did you hear that?” Kuina said at the same time.
“Pfft, Dara knows pretty much everything on this ship,” Camille said. “You get used to it.”
Kuina frowned. She didn’t like the idea of someone with Dara’s ability nosing her way into business that wasn’t her own. If there was anything she’d learned since sailing with the Revolution, it was that there was very little in the way of privacy while at sea. Ships crowded everyone together, crewmates eating, sleeping, and working in close proximity. While the forced closeness had its advantages, Kuina was used to spending great blocks of time alone. It was something to get used to, and to be wary of.
“Don’t worry, your secrets are safe with me,” Dara said, tweaking the end of Kuina’s nose. “You saved me from losing five hundred berries, and to Lizard of all people. I am at your service.”
It took Kuina a moment to remember Dara’s ill-thought wager with Elizabeth, and before she could voice her protest Dara had taken her by the arm to make official introductions to the crew, Camille laughing a half-step behind.
There was John the cooper, and James the blacksmith. Among the deckhands Kuina was introduced to rapid-fire were Kojo, Zhao, Lin, Char, Sean, Jen, and Tiva, and by the end of it she had gotten them so thoroughly confused with one another she had no idea which one was which. Others were working belowdecks, or off-shift and resting.
Elizabeth was still regretfully in charge of cooking duties, while Lyudmila was the ship’s quartermaster and second in command. Kuina was surprised to hear that in addition to taming sea kings in her spare time, Camille was the crew’s navigator.
“And what is it you do?” Kuina asked as Dara dragged her back below decks for the grand tour.
“Get newbs like you up to speed. Now here’s Trini’s room—try not to get stuck in here unless you want to spend the afternoon feeding lettuce to snails.”
Kuina blinked in amazement. The communications room was packed full of terrariums housing snail phones of every size and color. At its center was an enormous machine that looked vaguely like what the marines used to send their faxes, with thin cords attached to half a dozen den den mushi. Behind the machine sat Trini wearing an oversized pair of headphones, deep in concentration.
“She’s scanning the airwaves,” Dara said in an exaggerated whisper, carefully closing the door once more. “Not that there’s much to intercept in the Calm Belt, but you never know with the marines these days.”
“The marines can cross the Calm Belt?” Kuina said. “I can barely believe we’re crossing the Calm Belt!”
“It’s all thanks to Fin. Sea king bulls don’t typically fight with one another unless it’s mating season, so even if he’s pulling along a tasty treat we should be all right. I think his song has something to do with it, too.” She made an exaggerated gesture. “As for the marines, I have no freaking clue, but it must be a pretty new development since Boss doesn’t know about it, and the Valor isn’t sea-king proofed either.”
“That’s right, this was a marine ship,” Kuina murmured, looking up at the planks with fresh eyes. It was funny, without the marine’s distinctive painted hulls, she’d never would have been able to tell the difference.
“Oh, yeah. Came with all the amenities, which is how Trini got her state of the art snail room.”
“So if you guys had a sea king snuck up your sleeve this whole time, why didn’t you use it during the battle?” Kuina asked. “A monster that size would have been useful on Tolouse.”
“Ach, must everything be about fighting with you?” Dara said. “You must never have seen a real sea king, but Fin’s practically a baby, not even half-grown. And it’s surprisingly smart—for all my teasing, Cam was right. The thing has a mind of its own and acknowledges no master. I don’t think we could get him to attack a ship if we wanted to.”  
“But he’ll pull a ship through the Calm Belt?” Kuina said.
“It’s better than going the long way around, eh?” Dara said with a shrug. “Come on, I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.”
At the barracks, Kuina had her choice of seven open bunks. One, which happened to be closest to the door, had a small crate propped on top of the thin mattress. Inside was stuffed with clothes and basic belongings. When Kuina looked askance at Dara the light in her eyes dimmed.
“That’s Danny’s stuff,” Dara said. “The rest who died already have their things stowed for when we get back to base, but as far as any of us know she doesn’t have any family so we’re not really sure what to do with hers. I’d say for you to take the clothes since you don’t have any, but I don’t think they’d fit.”
Kuina drew her fingers over the box, trying to think if she’d said anything about any family in their short time together, but all she remembered her mentioning was an apprenticeship under a cruel master. Kuina’s throat tightened as the memory of Danny screaming hysterically echoed in her mind unbidden.
“I’m sorry,” she said.
Dara rubbed her neck uncomfortably. “It happens. I already told Boss when I bite it to sell all my stuff and use the money to have a party. If you all can’t be happy, at least you’ll be drunk.”
“I don’t drink,” Kuina said.
“Then you and Mila can be mopey together,” Dara said with determined cheerfulness. “It won’t matter to me, I’ll be dead. Now, where do you want to be? I’d be careful about that middle one there, it’s next to Lizard, and she snores terribly. ”
Kuina took the hint, and changed the subject, trying not to wonder how many of the bunks available to her had only emptied after the battle of Tolouse.
After the tour came lunch, and with two solid, if not especially tasty, meals under her belt, Kuina was beginning to feel more like herself again. The itch to train was back, and Kuina wanted nothing more to test the limits she’d recently expanded and chase after the high of battle, but much like her time on Belo Betty’s ship she was first subjected to the humiliation of being the newest and lowest-ranking sailor on a large and understaffed warship.
“You’re kind of shit at this, aren’t you?” Camille observed from her perch at the ship’s bow, watching as Kuina ran her mop over the deck for what felt like the hundredth time.
“You could help,” Kuina said.
“And deprive you of the opportunity to learn? Never.” She gave a long, catlike stretch. “By the way, you missed a spot.”
Kuina muttered an oath as she stabbed the mop into the bucket. “It isn’t as if it’s dirty.”
“Water expands and seals the wood, salt protects against rot.” Camille yawned, as if bored by the conversation, and wandered back to their useless rudder. As she passed Kuina, she said, “If you want to live in a drippy, softwooded ship, be my guest. As for me, I’d prefer not to die the first time a Grand Line squall hits.”
She left Kuina with her head bowed and cheeks burning. But the words had their intended effect and Kuina redoubled her efforts, determined from that point on that no one could in good conscience reprimand her sailcraft ever again.
It was nearing dark when de Gris and Lyudmila emerged from the captain’s quarters to call a meeting with the crew. After a long day of labor, Kuina’s muscles ached and she yearned for the sweet respite of bed. And it wasn’t as if the work had been taxing, especially after Clara Cross emerged from the infirmary like an avenging angel to tell off the entire crew, but especially Kuina, for overexerting herself.
There were some things not even Devil Fruit magic couldn’t sweep under the rug, and apparently the exhaustion of a near-death experience was one of them.
“All right everyone, gather round!” de Gris yelled. “Watchmen too! There aren’t any ships out here, and if the sea kings come after us we’re fucked anyway. I want everyone to hear this. Where’s Trini? She can leave the damn snails for ten minutes.”
The crew scrambled to obey the order. Kojo (or maybe Sean) went to gather those who were still belowdecks. Minutes later everyone was assembled in a loose circle around the main mast, with de Gris at the center. She paused a moment to ensure everyone was paying close attention, and under her stern gaze the idle chatter vanished into deathly silence.
Rays of dying light cast against de Gris’s back and framed her face in deep shadow. “I know you all have been wondering lately why the hell we were called to the East Blue so suddenly, and why we’re leaving just as quickly. I’ve heard you lot asking where our next destination was and wonder why I’ve not said where we’re going once we hit the Grand Line. Well, the answer’s simple. Until today, I didn’t know.”
From the folds of her coat, she pulled out an old and crumpled sheet of paper. Kuina squinted her eyes and was just able to make out the blurry picture of a masked figure. The bounty underneath, however, was clear as the sky above. Master-at-Arms Gemini, Wanted Dead or Alive. Bounty: B48,000,000.
Beside her, Dara snorted. “Oh, I bet the marine who thought up that name thought he was very clever.”
It was difficult to tell much from the photograph, but the one detail that was absolutely clear was Gemini’s strange, double-segmented arms, too long for an ordinary human and vaguely insectile. Kuina, who’d never seen anything like it before in her life, wondered what it would be like to fight someone who essentially had two elbows.
She brushed the thought away and turned to Gemini’s face. Their mask, fittingly enough, was divided vertically into halves, one dark and one light. The side that was dark was completely bereft of ornamentation; Kuina couldn’t even make out an eyehole to see out of. The side that was light, however, was painted with a garish grin. A shock of wiry black hair fell past their shoulders, but beyond that it was impossible to discern any identifying features. Baggy clothing and the poor quality of the photograph obscured anything else, even gender, and after spending this much time under de Gris's command, Kuina knew better than to assume.
“Gemini is a prominent figure in the criminal underground,” de Gris continued. “Arms dealing, drug trade, slavery, the whole lot. Removing them from the equation will make the world a safer place.”
“What’s an arms dealer got to do with the Revolution?” someone to Kuina’s right called. “And what have they got to do with the East Blue?” A murmur of agreement rippled through the crew.
“Enough!” de Gris bellowed, silencing them once more. “Tolouse's government were slavers, that much is now clear. They called it political exile to a labor camp, but the end result is the same—the World Government gave the king kickbacks for human chattel, using the Callihan Trading Company as a middleman. And we now now that the CTC was taking orders from Gemini. If Gemini is willing to go through so much effort to set up a scheme in some East Blue backwater, who knows what other fingers they have stuck into various pies around the world.”
“So we’re going after them,” Camille said, crossing her arms across her chest.
“That's right. So far Gemini has been able to stay one step ahead of us, but with the intel gathered on Tolouse we have the upper hand.” De Gris marched to the mast. In one smooth motion she drew a dagger hidden in her boot, and stabbed the bounty deep into the wood.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to Kyuka Island. In the days ahead I’ll be divvying out assignments. Any questions are to be directed toward Lyudmila or myself—out of an abundance of caution, you’re not to discuss your orders with anyone else on this ship. I’ll keelhaul anyone who tries.” At this her gaze went directly to Kuina, who got the impression these instructions were given strictly for her benefit. "Kyuka is marine territory through and through. I pray none of us fall into Government hands, but if we do, it's safest for the Revolution that each individual knows as little as possible about our plans."
After a pause, and hearing no objections, de Gris lit a cigarette for herself. “I’ll pay anyone who finds any intelligence on Gemini that leads to their capture or death the full value of their bounty. I’ll pay double to anyone who brings me their head. This chase has gone on long enough, I want this bastard dead. ” She flicked a bit of ash off the end of her cigarette and added, almost as an afterthought, “Dismissed.”
A gap in the circle opened to let de Gris through. As she passed, she grabbed Kuina by the shoulder. “Come on, greenhorn. It’s time we sort out your position on this ship.”
For the second time that day Kuina was led to the captain’s quarters. De Gris’s desk had been cleared away, the sea charts rolled back into their proper places and ashtrays emptied. Kuina slid back into a chair that smelled like tobacco. “What is it? Does the Revolution have Articles of Enlistment for me to sign? Is there a manifesto I’m supposed to study?”
“Don’t be stupid.” The sun had almost dipped below the horizon, and de Gris found a box of matches to light a kerosene lamp. The orange flame danced on its wick and flickered with the natural roll of the ship. “I’m told Dara gave you the runaround today.”
Kuina nodded.
“Clara never came screaming at me, so I have to assume you’re not feeling too poorly,” she mused, taking the time to light another cigarette.
“I’m fine,” Kuina said, rolling back her shoulders so de Gris couldn’t see the weariness in them.  
“And have you taken that sword out of its sheath even once today?”
“Uh...no?” Kuina said.
“Unacceptable.” De Gris leaned back in her chair and let out a long stream of smoke. “You’re not some swabby or rigging monkey, you’re here because of your blade.” She looked at Kuina as if she were an idiot for not realizing this sooner.
“I’m willing to work just as hard as anyone else on this ship,” Kuina said stiffly.
“And you will. Harder, even, since you’re so far behind. But a ship is like…” She gesticulated, trying to find the right word. “It’s like a person. A crew is its own organism, and every one of us has to fit into their part. You don’t expect a heart to do the same work as a kidney, and no matter how hard you try, you’re not going to be half the sailor as the people who’ve spent their whole lives on the water. It’s ridiculous to think otherwise.”
Kuina nodded. What she said made sense, and in many ways Kuina agreed with her. But there was something about agreeing with Aria de Gris that didn’t sit right with her, so she said, “I have to learn sometime.”
“Obviously. I’m not about to let you be a liability once we hit the Grand Line, but there has to be balance. You’re no good to me if you get yourself killed because you spent too much time studying the different types of sails instead of your swordsmanship.” De Gris was pensive for a moment. “I’ll have Mila set up a schedule for you in the morning. Half the day working chores, the rest training. A few of my men use katana, but you’re better than all of them. Most of what you’ll do will have to be self study.”
“That’s fine. I haven’t had a master in years.”
De Gris looked surprised to hear this, but didn’t comment. “We have regular sparing times as well, to help our less practiced fighters build their skill, and to give the mainliners a chance to get used to each other's styles. Depending on how this all shakes out, you might be pairing with Dara or Camille for the upcoming mission. Do you know how to use a gun?”
“Of course not,” Kuina said, caught off-guard by the question.
“Then you’ll learn.” De Gris cut off Kuina’s protests before they could begin. “Can you kill someone at twenty yards with your sword?”
“No,” Kuina said mulishly.
“Then you need to know how to fire a gun, and probably keep one on you as a backup weapon. I have no use for senseless pride on this ship, girl,” she said as Kuina scrunched her nose in distaste. It’s your job to listen to what I say, and it’s my job to try and put you in a position to not die. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Kuina said, still unhappy at the prospect of sullying her hands with a firearm.
Without warning, de Gris pounded her fist on her desk. The kerosine lamp tottered and threatened to fall, but her eyes never left Kuina’s, the scar on her cheek pulled taunt with her scowl.
“I said. Do. You. Understand ?”
“And I said yes, ” Kuina snapped. “I’ll learn to use you’re stupid gun, and when I figure out how to kill someone at fifty yards with my sword I’ll drop kick it into the ocean where it belongs." She crossed her arms across her chest. "I already told you I’ll do what you say so long as you don’t interfere with my ambition, so there’s no need to treat me like a child.”  
They glared at one another for a long while, hackles raised, but this time Kuina refused to let herself be intimidated into backing down. Slowly, still without breaking eye contact, de Gris eased back into her chair and doused her cigarette. “I have put too many people’s belongings into boxes because they wouldn’t listen. For your own sake, I hope you’re not one of them.”
For the second time that day, memory of Danny's last words echoed in her mind. “You’re in luck, because right now I don’t own enough stuff to fit into a box, let alone anyone to send it to.”
“No one at all?” de Gris said, eyebrows raising.
Kuina’s breath hitched as she thought of her father back at Shimotsuki village. Would the Revolutionary Army be able to return her meager belongings home without the marines knowing? Would he be able to stand knowing she’d joined Dragon’s cause despite all his warnings? What about Ipponmatsu? He at least wasn’t under suspicion by the World Government...Or was he, now that she’d attacked Tashigi?
Of everyone she knew, it was probably safest to give her belongings to Zoro , but gods only knew what part of the Grand Line he’d found himself in. She almost laughed at the thought of him using two of her swords for himself.
“No one,” Kuina said. Her hands clenched into fists, nails digging crescent moons into her palms, but she kept her voice calm and her tone even.
After another heartbeat of painful silence, de Gris said, “Well, you’re not the only one." The words were probably meant to be reassuring, but Kuina felt they were anything but. “If you think of anybody, make sure someone knows.”
“I don’t plan on dying,” Kuina said.
De Gris snorted and lit another cigarette. “None of us do. Now get some grub and get to bed. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow.”
Kuina rose to her feet. After a moment’s hesitation, she bowed slightly. “Thank you...Captain.”
De Gris waved her away with a dismissive flick of the wrist. “You don’t have to break your teeth saying it. I don’t give a damn what you call me so long as you follow orders. Just know I take discipline on this ship very seriously. Cross me, and keelhauling is the least you’ll have to worry about.”
Kuina didn’t doubt it for a second. Murmuring her goodbyes, she left de Gris to her cigarettes and her musings, grateful to be able to swallow the clean sea air once more.
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mundungs · 3 years
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ϟ.  → robert sheehan : genderfluid : he/they/she : dealer of illicit objects and substances : the raven by the alan parsons project ϟ  did you see mundungus fletcher ? you know ,  31 year old halfblood who was formally in ravenclaw. some say dung can be quite furtive but are known to be unreliable. they are aligned with the order .  maybe that’s why they remind me of naming stray cats, flicking a lighter over and over again, falling asleep on the subway. ϟ 
some links for food
ciannán o’donnell is a flighty man, one of many relationships and flings and little loyalty, and so his affair with maeve fletcher does not last long. when she tells him she is pregnant, he moves on to a different woman, and maeve has her son alone, with her sister on her side. and thus, mundungus is born (and giving an arguably atrocious name).
he grows up with his mum – a halfblooded witch and by far his favourite person in the world – in limerick, attending muggle school there. he knew who his dad was, but wasn’t quite sure how to feel about — his father is a criminal, a prominent member of the irish mob. 
he meets his dad for the first time at age seven, and was nothing but impressed. his dad showered him with gifts, his mum watching with a furious look on her face but biting her tongue. that moment was a switch for mundungus; he felt the need to impress his dad. he stole some sweets from a store on his way home from school a week later, fished some pennies out of the pockets of his classmates a few months later. when he phoned his dad to tell him, his laugh was warm and filled with life. his relationship with his dad got better as his behaviour got worse. the thrill of stealing, of doing stuff he wasn’t supposed to, lit him not only on fire because it was exciting, but also because he knew his dad would adore it. 
but ciannan, a flighty man, pushes and pulls. and so mundungus was fed disappointment by his father, liking love off a shiny knife rather than a spoon ( silver or plastic, what the fuck does it matter ). details omitted, long story made short: his dad sucks and his mother tries, but mundungus is pulled towards that what smells of danger.
DRUGS MENT. at hogwarts, dung is sorted into ravenclaw. not at all the booksmart type, he falls more into the chaotic-creativity, random-bursts-of-wanting-to-learn-everything-about-something type of ravenclaw. there’s two worlds, then: the muggle world, where he slowly dips his water further in criminal waters, and the wizarding one, where he’s chaotic and messy but a student. when he grows older, these overlap: dung starts selling some of his dad’s weed at hogwarts, and soon gains a reputation of being able to get people less-than-legal shit. 
not getting high off your own supply is not a sentiment he agrees with. not then, not later, not now. dung is fun, always in for a party and willing to supply the goods to throw it. if some rich purebloods lose a few galleons at said party, well, it sure isn’t him! END OF TW
he graduates with two newts, in herbology and potions, failing his dada and charms exams. he’s not an academic.
falling into the family business after graduation is easy. mundungus is attracted by the criminal underworld, both that of muggle ireland and that of the wizarding world. knockturn alley was a place frequented in teenage years, but now becomes more his place. he makes connections, exchanges strange potion recipes for other things. makes an odd wager on a bunch of stolen brass scales and turns a profit. 
a career is not something that interests him; he is more interested in bending rules and making quick money. thievery, selling illegal shit, heists, fraud, fuck-all. mundungus is not limited by one descriptor, one kind of criminality. he just does what he wants and hopes to make a good penny.
but then he almost gets sent to azkaban over some, in his frank opinion, bullshit. it’s dumbledore who talks the wizengamot out of it, saddling dung up with some community service and persuading him towards the order. he’s twenty three. the war is still fresh. he has no interest in it, but he owes the old man. fine.
mundungus does vehemently oppose blood purity and any kind of discriminatory ideals, an anarchist in his very bones, but he is also cowardly. to side with self-proclaimed rebels is not in his blood and yet it’s where he ends up, bringing shady ties to the underworld to the table and a sheer ability to sneak around and fuck the law. and maybe, amidst the ranks of the order, dung finds something he’s not very familiar with: a large family. and dung? well, he’s the stoner, gay, super-fucking-chaotic cousin.
if jesper fahey and kaz brekker had a child, it would be dung. 
other character parallels: fezco ( euphoria ), boris ( the goldfinch ), doug judy ( b99 ), jason mendoza ( the good place ), chris miles ( skins ),  nick miller ( new girl ), creed bratton ( the office ), scott lang ( marvel ), lillian ( unbreakable kimmy schmidt )
technically he’s homeless. he’s got a bedroom at his ma’s place, has a ton of squatter connects in the muggle scene and couch surfes aplenty, but dung doesn’t rent a place. why? landlords are evil. he could afford a place, just doesn’t see the point. life’s better with some adventure.
appears very neutral in public as it’s beneficial to his role in the order??? 
.... tortured artist. writes poetry and loves to draw and paint. 
tattooed the fuck up. some are his own designs.
can usually be spotted wearing The Coat, a rly expensive, vintage long coat that he once stole of a pureblood. he’s enlarged the pockets with some handy spellwork and pretty much carries everything he owes in there, like his produce and his money and his second pair of shoes and his art supplies and probably some random trash. 
loves animals. he loves stray cats especially <3 they are his kin. 
an anarchist. a bit of a punk. a deep idealist with a cowardly heart so constantly betraying himself (and sometimes others?)
queer! enby! genderfluid! i used he/him pronouns throughout this intro but dung truly doesn’t give a damn what u use. loves to dress up in feminine clothes. 
has a ton of aliases, lol, the most important one being marigold fincher. 
cusses too fuckin much to be healthy :/
oh no he is a big sad insecure kid deep inside :/ dont tell anyone how embarrassing!!!! shhhh!! it’s a secret.
quick connection ideas
victim. wow please. if your character is rich. let me steal from u. pick ur pockets. break into ur house. get some of ur stuff and drop it on the black market. 
customer. dung sells. whatever u need. drugs. weird magical things. ask and ye shall receive. his prices are whack but he does deliver <3
pal. party friends! order friends! random encounter friends! dung has a trashmouth and loves to talk pls let him chat u up and u will never be rid of him <3
couch. he couch surfs. a lot. if ur character trusts dung enough to let him into their home (which they shouldnt) then pls let him sleep over for a night. he will leave a strangely expensive necklace on ur kitchen table as a thank u. or wilted flowers. no in between.
skeptic. ur char is in the order and thinks dung is a liability and maybe they have a point. a point mundungus would rather not face :)
dmle bitches. dung hates anyone authoritative but esp the coppers at the ministry (hit wix & aurors) (yea he calls them coppers sorry he doesnt respect them enough to call them aurors <3). give me that doug judy/jake peralta dynamic. or just someone in the dmle who is like ... sigh this guy again??? 
fwb/one night stand/fling/etc. he’s a bit slutty <333 give him some ppl he’s hooked up with / will hook up with.
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luxekook · 5 years
love bites | ksj
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*written for the FWL luv library project*
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⇥ pairing: kim seokjin x reader
⇥ genre: non-idol au, co-workers to lovers, smut, fluff
⇥ summary: you’re stuck working the evening shift on valentine’s day at bangtan bistro. as the city’s most expensive and exclusive restaurant, the bistro draws in couples both old and new with partners looking to propose or to impress. your tolerance for PDA and cringey lovebirds has never been lower. throw a flirty chef into the mix and you’re in for a bumpy ride that might just conclude with a happy ending.
⇥ word count: 5.4k
⇥ warnings: 18+, smut, cursing, bad puns from jin, numerous health-code violations (from fraternizing all up in that kitchen), oral (m + f receiving), protected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it, folks), workplace romance, threats of violence from yoongi
⇥ beta'd by the amazing @shadowsremedy​ (thank you, heath! could not have done this without you, your feedback, and your general support!)
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“Will you marry me?”
I screech to a halt, completely astounded at the goddamned audacity of the man kneeling before me. Did he really just ask that? At a time like this?
I shift my weight from one foot to the other as I try not to outwardly show my disgust over the scene unfolding before my very eyes.
“Oh my god, Chad!” The date of this Chad finally launches herself from her seat and into his arms, “Yes!”
The restaurant breaks into applause. My forehead breaks into a sweat.
My left arm feels like it might snap at any moment under the weight of the tray of food that I’m meant to be serving this goddamn theatrical couple. The thought of quitting crosses my mind for the umpteenth time that evening.
A camera flash temporarily stuns me, and I feel a tiny twinge of satisfaction. My looming presence in that commemorative photo will hopefully be a reminder to let servers do their damn job before launching into a whole ordeal.
God, I must have been off my fucking rocker when I agreed to work the Valentine’s Day dinner shift. At least the tip money would be worth it.
Gritting my teeth, I flash my best fake smile and offer words of congratulations to the sniffling couple who finally reclaimed their seats.
“Enjoy your meal,” my mouth says with a smile.
“I wish I could sear you like that filet mignon you ordered, Chad,” my glare says with promise.
Thirty seconds later, I’m in full whisper-rant mode at the corner server station. My friend and fellow server Tabby half-listens as she punches in an order at the kiosk.
“And then this Chad in his fucking khaki suit flails to the ground to pop the question like he didn’t see me walking towards them with all seven entrees they ordered. So then I’m stuck hovering over their table with a giant-ass tray of food while they cry and hug and kiss until, finally, finally, they park it back in their seats so I can serve them.”
I groan, hitting my head against the wall, “What did I do in a past life to deserve this?”
“Kill someone, probably,” a voice pipes up from behind the station’s kitchen window, “Oh wait, you would do that in this life, too.”
Kim Seokjin, head chef of Bangtan Bistro and my partial employer, is leaning over the window’s counter, eyes full of mischief as he watches me.
“Oh, what’s this? Are you volunteering to be my very first victim?” I mirror his position leaning over the window’s counter and give him my best side-eye, “I’ll send you my application for victims on Google Docs.”
“Sounds kinky,” Seokjin grins, “Count me in. My Gmail username is Hugh Chefner. No capitals or spaces.”
“I despise you,” I say biting back a smile.
“You lo-o-ove me!” He sings, heading back into the depths of the hectic kitchen.
And, unfortunately, he’s right. Damn Kim Seokjin and his insane level of gorgeousness, charisma, and dramatics.
Against my better judgment, Seokjin has shimmied his chaotic self right into my well-guarded heart. Despite all of the prickliness my typical demeanor displays, I can’t help but melt under the warm gaze of such a handsome man.
Seokjin is the first person that has ever been able to pique my interest lately and keep it. Yes, it might have something to do with his extreme attractiveness; but, it more-so has everything to do with his genuine kindness and weird sense of humor.
Shit, I’ve gone soft. If we’re arguing Nature vs. Nurture here, this is totally Nurture’s fault.
Bangtan Bistro is co-owned by seven men - each as fine as the next. Being surrounded by good-looking and kind-hearted men day in and day out will definitely fuck with your brain, your body, and eventually even your fucking heart.
Kim Namjoon, a tall, dimpled sweetheart of a man, acts as general manager. Namjoon typically resides in the back office of the restaurant running numbers and going over other business ventures. He used to frequent the front of the restaurant to check on customers, but Jimin has since banned him from that activity after the infamous Spaghetti Incident of 2019.
Park Jimin, as the overseer of staff and servers, commands the restaurant floor with a crinkly-eyed smile and a ferocious temper. Fortunately for his direct subordinates (READ: me), his temper is most likely to be focused on rude customers and his messy business partners. Jimin honestly is the ideal boss because he has our backs and will never hesitate to help anyone out.
Late one Saturday evening, a man refused to leave the restaurant after being cut off from his bar tab. Jimin full-on squared up with him in defense of the poor server who had to break the news to the drunk patron. Luckily, the Bistro’s head of security, Jeon Jungkook, took over before Jimin actually popped off.
Jungkook, as the youngest partner, is shockingly tall and muscular. He definitely provides the intimidation needed for those types of escalating incidents. Despite his tough exterior, Jungkook is a complete softie.
I once caught Jungkook in the kitchen after close attempting to make cookies for a girl he had a crush on. I walked in to see Jungkook standing over a tray of the unidentifiable charred monstrosities and pouting in the most ridiculous way. Needless to say, I helped him bake a new batch with the oven not turned up to 500 degrees so that “they would cook faster”.
Min Yoongi had found the pair of us bickering and had just rolled his eyes and scooped a mouthful of raw cookie dough. As the head bartender, Yoongi is the absolute best at mixing drinks and the absolute worst at customer service. I swear the man gets far too much pleasure from getting people thrown out. He’s also notorious for watering down the drinks of customers he doesn’t like. He’s petty like that. I live for it.
Once, Jung Hoseok tried to take a picture of Yoongi for the restaurant’s website, and Yoongi threatened to shove a sharpened cocktail umbrella through Hoseok’s eye. I had never seen the Bistro’s head of marketing and resident sunshine flee so fast. Hoseok later ended up using an old picture of Yoongi in retaliation; rumor has it Yoongi is still plotting his revenge to this day.
Kim Taehyung often grumbles about how he’s going to be put out of a job since the restaurant naturally provides daily entertainment. As the head of entertainment and events, Taehyung helps to secure live music and special guests. He’s also the most handsome man I have ever seen - with the exception of one Kim Seokjin.
Seokjin, as head chef, is responsible for planning the seasonal menus, overseeing the kitchen staff, and preparing the more challenging dishes. He’s even taken it upon himself to be the resident comedian, which the other six partners vehemently and openly detest. Still, that backlash has not stopped him from naming each evening special with puns. His last Seokjin Special was called “Chicken Pot Bye Felicia”. It had resulted in Yoongi banning Seokjin from the restaurant for a full week. He still hasn’t dared to make another pun, but I can tell it will only be a matter of time.
Basically, Seokjin is an entirely goofy and beautiful mess of a human. Yet, I can’t stop myself from falling deeper and deeper into the trap that is loving someone outside of your league.
When I first arrived at the Bistro for my inaugural shift, I was greeted enthusiastically by Jimin, who I’d met previously in my interview. Jimin had introduced me to each of his partners - each as handsome as the last. Honestly, my eyes and nerves had been exhausted after meeting almost all of them. Then Jimin had ushered me into the kitchen.
“Hey, Jin-hyung!” Jimin had yelled over the cacophony of sizzling pans and murmured conversation. I had watched in awe as the hottest man I’ve ever seen entered my line of vision and stopped before me. Tall and broad-shouldered, he had a face that could inspire priceless works of art with full pink lips, high cheekbones, and devilish dark eyes.
“You summoned me, Jiminie?” The man had laughed in a slightly squeaky manner before he noticed my presence, “Ah, who might this be?”
I had cleared my throat in hopes that my voice wouldn’t crack under the sheer weight of this man’s attractiveness, “Hi, I’m (y/n). I’m starting today as a server.” and thrust my hand out with a shy smile.
He had blinked. Slowly, a smirk eased onto his face as he grabbed my hand. Instead of shaking it, he had brought it to his lips. “A pleasure. I’m Seokjin,” he had murmured, lips brushing against my knuckles. My cheeks had felt like they were on fire as Jimin screeched at Seokjin for harassing me.
“It’s her first day, Jin! Lay off the theatrics,” Jimin had turned to me, “Sorry about him, (y/n). He’s a desperate flirt.”
“Desperate? Me?” Seokjin gasped, “Worldwide Handsome does not do desperate.”
“Did you just refer to yourself as ‘Worldwide Handsome’?” I had gaped at his open arrogance.
Seokjin proudly had puffed up his chest, “Yes. What else could I possibly be called?”
“Well, definitely not Worldwide Humble,” My mouth had said before my brain caught up.
The room had seemed to pause before Jimin erupted in peals of laughter as Seokjin spluttered, “Yah, Jiminie, you can’t let her talk to me like that!”
Still laughing, Jimin had choked out, “(y/n), you officially have a job here until you die.”
Ever since that first encounter, Seokjin and I have established a working relationship based on banter or what Tabby refers to as ‘flirting’. I refuse to believe that ridiculous notion.
Tabby finally finishes entering her order into the kiosk and turns to me, “So, any hot plans for tonight?” Her eyebrows wiggle up and down suggestively.
“Does solo Netflix and chill count as hot plans?” I deadpan as I peer around the server station divider to covertly check on my tables. I lock eyes on Chad and his fiancé, who already seem to be arguing, and I make an executive decision to not go check how their meal is going.
“No!” Tabby’s whisper-yell commands my attention, “That definitely does not count, (y/n). Why didn’t you find someone on Tinder? I even made you that bomb-ass profile.”
I pointedly look everywhere but at her.
“You deleted the app, didn’t you,” she glares at me, arms folded, “I slaved over that profile! There were only so many tasteful cleavage shots of my best friend that I could stomach in one sitting!”
“What the fuck, Tabby! Since when do I have any—”
“Tasteful cleavage shots?” Seokjin’s elated voice practically shouts from the kitchen, “Let me at ‘em.”
His hands launch towards us through the kitchen window and make grabbing motions.
“Seokjin,” I tsk mockingly, “Are you trying to grab my tits again?”
“Again?” Tabby cries, whirling on Seokjin, who looks at us in horror.
“I wasn’t! I swear! I just wanted to see the pictures! I didn’t want to grab your boobs…” He trails off, mumbling something that sounded suspiciously like ‘not any more than usual, anyway’.
“Seokjin-hyung! (y/n)!” Jimin blazes into the service station, “I’ve had it up to here with your bickering. You’re both on closing duties tonight - alone.”
“What?” I exclaim as Tabby slinks away. Traitor. “We’re just joking with each other! Right, Seokjin?”
Jimin’s gaze swings from me to Seokjin, who is suddenly suspiciously calm. My eyes narrow. A silent conversation is definitely happening without my participation.
Finally, Seokjin just shrugs with a grin, “Sounds fair to me, Jiminie! (y/n) and I will work hard all night if we have to.”
“Fair?” I choke, “All night?”
Jimin, following Tabby’s lead, scurries away as my attention is diverted by Seokjin’s idiocy. “Scared to be alone with me, (y/n)?” Seokjin’s lips break into a sly smile, “Don’t worry, I don’t bite… much.”
With that parting remark, Seokjin winks at me and disappears back into the kitchen.
“Fuck me,” I breathe out. How would I survive this?
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Five hours later, the last patron has been ushered out of the restaurant with the staff right on their heels. I curse as Yoongi waltzes out the door, fanning himself with a crisp fifty-dollar bill and winking obnoxiously. “Have fun!” He cackles, locking the restaurant doors behind him.
“No, please don’t offer to stay and help,” I grumble, sweeping stray pieces of lettuce out from under a table, “I am more than happy to stay here until the ass-crack of dawn with the biggest idiot on the face of the earth.”
“The biggest, huh?” The voice chuckles right in my ear, “How did you know?”
“Goddamnit, Seokjin!” I slap a hand to my heart, “Don’t sneak up on me like that, you oaf!”
Whirling to face him, I stutter to a halt. He’s taken off his heavy chef’s coat and is now left in a tight black t-shirt that clings to his body in a manner that has to be illegal.
I swallow hard, and for a split second, I swear Seokjin’s gaze latches onto my throat.
“Is it hot in here?” I mutter distractedly, tugging at the collar of my stiff white button-down.
“Yes,” Seokjin practically purrs, “It’s scorching.”
Choosing not to acknowledge him, I spin on my heels, grabbing the full dustpan of debris I collected and head towards the back of the restaurant.
Emptying the dustpan in the trash, I walk over to the supply closet to return the broom. The restaurant floor is finished. Now, I just had to see how much of the kitchen Seokjin actually cleaned.
Pushing through the swinging doors of the kitchen, I screech to a halt as I’m faced with a complete and utter miracle.
“What in tarnation?” I gasp, taking in the pristine kitchen full of glistening stainless steel and sparkling countertops. “Kim Seokjin!” I yell, “You damn wizard! How the fuck did you clean everything this fast?”
“You could say I was motivated,” his reply sounds entirely too close. I spin to face him and gape as I notice the bouquet of red roses that he’s holding out to me.
Taking in my speechless appearance, Seokjin smiles smugly and opens his mouth to continue.
I cut him off, “Tell me those aren’t the roses from the fucking table centerpieces... I threw those in the trash, Seokjin!”
His ears turn an alarming shade of magenta, “Yah, just accept the gesture, (y/n)! This is peak romance, you know!”
“They are covered in filth, dude!” I squint, peering closer, “Is that a piece of spaghetti in there?”
Seokjin yeets the makeshift bouquet back into the garbage, “Why can’t you just appreciate my efforts?” He pouts excessively, “Don’t you like me?”
Red alert. Red alert, my mind whirs.
“Sure,” I let out a nervous laugh, “We’re friends. Of course, I like you.”
He steps towards me, “Sure, we’re friends, (y/n), but friends don’t usually want to fuck each other.”
That bitch said what now?
“Did you inhale too much Clorox?” I panic, “Quick, how many fingers am I holding up?” Thrusting three fingers in front of Seokjin’s amused face, I widen my eyes as he suddenly grabs my hand.
“Baby,” he says lowly, sending a delicious shiver down my spine, “If you keep being so adorable, I may just have to keep you.”
Well, shit, okay. “Say less,” I breathe and then immediately slam my mouth shut.
I receive a classic Seokjin grin in return for my idiocy, and my knees shake. Honestly, who the fuck allowed him to be that devastating?
Slowly, his grin slips away, and his eyes ignite with raw desire, “Tell me what you want from me, (y/n).”
My mind short circuits, automatically reverting to my default mode of sass, “Uh, peace and quiet?”
“Really?” Seokjin murmurs, stepping even closer still, “So you don’t want me to kiss you? You don’t want me to turn you over and fuck you until you scream?”
My breathing is ragged. His eyes burn with a hunger I had never seen before, and I’m crumbling.
“Answer me,” Jin demands, desperation seeped in each word, “Please.”
“Seokjin—” I gasp, dumbfounded, “Where the hell is this coming from? We’re coworkers! You’re my boss!”
His eyes flashed darkly as he moved his head closer to mine, “That’s all irrelevant, baby.”
“Irrelevant—!” I stab a finger into his firm chest, “Oh, you little shit, you can’t just say that you want to fuck me and then say that our working relationship is irrelevant! I could get fired. You could get fired!”
“That’s highly unlikely given the fact that everyone else knows my plans to ask you out right now.”
“Hold on a second,” I narrow my eyes, “Are you saying that you purposefully planned for us to stay late tonight to clean the entire goddamn restaurant just so you could ask me out? Are you fucking insane?”
“I prefer the term ‘quirky’,” he quips, “But, yeah, I may have paid everyone $50 to leave us alone for the night.”
“Well, that explains Yoongi… that shady motherfucker,” I internally make note to plot my vengeance. “Why couldn’t you have just slid in my DMs like a normal person, Seokjin?” I groan, “I would have responded to a ‘you up’ with a ‘yes, come over’.”
Seokjin whips out his cell phone. “Does this apply to right now?” he asks, typing furiously.
My phone dings with several Instagram notifications.
hughchefner: u up
hughchefner: wyd
hughchefner: date me?
(y/n): bet
Seokjin’s eyes shoot up to mine after he reads my response, “Really? You agreed to date me by saying ‘bet’ in an Instagram DM?”
“Yup,” I shrug, “No take-backs. Also, to answer your previous questions: Yes, I do want you to kiss me with your insufferable mouth, and, yes, I do want to sit on your dick. Okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?”
“Say less,” Seokjin echoes my earlier statement and captures my mouth with his. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal fervor.
“(Y/n),” he groans right as my tongue swipes teasingly against his lower lip.
His hands slid down my body, pausing only to squeeze my waist gently before settling firmly on my ass. His fingers dig in hard and I let out an embarrassingly loud moan.
“You like that, baby? You like when I’m rough?” Seokjin pulls his lips off mine and murmurs sinfully, “God, I want to devour you.”
I lift my chin up and challenge, “Do it, you won’t.”
His eyes flare, “Oh, babygirl, you were made for me.” Seokjin’s lips return to mine, moving at a slow but ravenous pace.
Still kissing me, he picks me up and places me on one of the kitchen’s stainless steel counters. His hands grab my thighs, tugging them apart to make room for him to stand between them. A harsh groan rises from the depths of his chest as our bodies align.
I hook one leg around his waist and tug him closer still. Pulling my lips away, I lean my head back as I slowly trace his muscles through his shirt. He watches me with his puffy lips parted, his breathing hard. His eyes are wild and I’m loving every second of it.
The room suddenly feels too hot. My hands dart up to shakily begin undoing the buttons of my shirt. Seokjin’s eyes follow my movements with fascination. “Let me,” he purrs and proceeds to rip my shirt from my body. Buttons scatter on the floor with sorrowful little bounces.
“You bitch,” I yank his hair, “That was my good work shirt.”
“I’ll buy you ten more,” Seokjin’s voice is rough and full of desire as he takes in my lacy white bra. Suddenly, his mouth descends to suck at my nipple through the thin lace.
“Damn, you are so fucking sexy,” he pulls his mouth away, “Can I take this off?”
I nod like a bobblehead in 60mph winds, reaching around my back with one hand to undo the clasp and then throwing my bra clear across the kitchen. It lands on top of one of the fridges and I shrug. I’d retrieve it later.
Seokjin tugs off his own shirt, revealing planes of tanned skin. I don’t hesitate to run my hands up and down the definition of his abs and watch in fascination as his muscles constrict under my touch. I run my hands lower, tracing his defined v-line.
No wonder they call it the Adonis belt, I muse, pondering if he’d let me lick it.
Huffing in impatience at my slow exploration, Seokjin returns his mouth to my nipple and sucks hard. My eyes nearly roll into the back of my head. He bites down gently and then blows on my nipple slowly. I moan at the sensation. I watch him through unfocused eyes as his hand slides down the front of my body. He reaches the button of my pants and pauses.
Seokjin pulls his mouth away from my nipple, his lips swollen and pink. “You have to say yes, baby.” His breath hits my ear, making me shiver.
I hold out my hand for a high-five and declare, “We stan a man who asks for clear consent.” Chuckling, Seokjin slaps my offered hand and then links his fingers with mine.
“Also,” I continue, looking into his eyes, “It’s a fuck yes.” I pull our linked fingers close to place a kiss on his knuckles.
“Cute,” he grins, “Now, can I take off your pants?”
“Take off yours first,” I order.
“So eager,” he laughs, making quick work of his black jeans. My mouth instantly waters at the sight of his hard cock straining to be released from the confines of his bright red Versace boxer briefs.
“Why am I not surprised that even your underwear is extra?” I mumble, flicking the button of my pants open.
Laughing, Seokjin takes over, tugging my pants down my legs. He then pushes my matching white lace panties aside and cups my pussy, applying pressure. I roll my hips into his hand.
His fingers trace lightly up and down my pussy, before one dips inside me. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me,” he groans.
“Always,” I breathe out. Suddenly, he pulls his hand away from me. I pout. Seokjin laughs at my expression and then licks his finger.
“Jesus fuck, (y/n), you taste so sweet. Let me eat you out,” he pleads.
I smirk, saying, “I thought you’d never ask,” and then gasp as he kneels before me, grabbing my hips. Seokjin moves to tear my underwear off, and I’m quick to place my foot on his forehead to stop his approach. “I swear to god, Seokjin, if you rip these, I will get Namjoon to permanently ban Seokjin Specials.”
“You’re evil,” he grins, “I love it.” He makes a show of slowly taking my panties off before throwing them carelessly behind him. He then yanks the same leg I had used to thwart his panty-tearing plans and throws it over his shoulder before returning his fingers to my pussy. Seokjin’s thumb circles my clit while two of his fingers thrust into me at a maddening rate.
My fingers grip his hair when I finally feel his tongue licking up the juices that have started to run down my thighs.
After sucking what will probably become a massive hickey onto my left inner thigh, his tongue licks a path straight up my folds until it circles around my clit maddeningly. “Goddamnit, Seokjin, stop teasing,” my voice cracks in desperation, but my plea works. His tongue flicks at my clit lightly before his lips close over it and suck.
“Fuck,” I moan, “I think I like you eating me out more than I like eating your cooking.”
He pulls back to briefly land a light swat on my pussy and I choke on air as painful pleasure shoots through me. “Take that back,” he growls, “My cooking is second only to my handsome face.”
“God, I fucking hate you,” I drawl. The emphasis in my words portrays the exact opposite.
Seokjin sends me a shit-eating grin before his tongue returns to lick at my swollen clit, up and down, and then in a slow circle. His fingers brush open my folds just enough for him to sink his tongue into me. “O-oh,” I throw my head back, one hand moving up to pinch one of my nipples while the other latches back into Seokjin’s hair.
“I’m s-so close, baby,” my words slur as I shamelessly beg, “Don’t stop.”
He immediately pulls away.
“Oh, fuck you,” I seethe. I yank his head back by his hair until his neck is stretched in a long line. His hair is a mess, and I’ve never seen anything hotter.
“I just want to feel you come when I’m inside you, baby,” he smiles, my wetness glistening on his lips.
“Fine,” I shimmy off of the counter onto shaky legs, “Two can play at that game.”
“What?” Seokjin’s brows furrow in confusion.
It’s my turn to drop to my knees. “Oh, shit,” he curses as I tug his boxers down to reveal his hard cock. It’s silky and gorgeous, and I can’t stop staring at it. Seokjin, of course, notices. “You like my cock, babygirl? Take it. It’s yours.”
It already was, I think, as my gaze darts up to meet his.
Without breaking eye contact, I lick his reddened tip, almost moaning at his taste. “Fuck, babygirl,” Seokjin throws his head back. I smile wickedly. I could definitely get addicted to ruining this beautiful boy. “Look at me,” I command, feeling so powerful when he immediately listens.
Slowly, I suck down on his length, hollowing out my cheeks. My eyes stay on his as he groans, and I can tell he’s straining to keep from thrusting into my mouth.
“Please, baby, fuck—!” He moans as I swallow around him and then release him from my mouth with a pop. My hand darts up to grip him tightly, pumping him. Moving slowly, I suck one of his balls into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it gently. Seokjin chokes, “Fuck me.”
“We’ll get there, baby,” I tug my mouth away and grin up at him.
I suck him as far down as I can. His control snaps and he begins to thrust wildly into my mouth, panting.
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit,” his eyes scrunch up as he chants, “I’m gonna come.”
I release him ruthlessly.
“Goddamnit,” he cries, “I knew that was coming, but it still hurts.”
“Well,” I wiggle my eyebrows at him, “If only you had a pretty little pussy ready for you to fuck… Oh, wait.”
Seokjin chuckles, “I see I wasn’t able to fuck some of the sass out of that mouth. We might have to try that again later.”
“Gladly,” I grin back at him, “You have a condom?”
Seokjin picks up his discarded jeans from the floor and digs around in the back pockets. “Aha!” He yells, hoisting up the glimmering gold foil in triumph.
I roll my eyes before snatching the condom from the idiot. Tearing the foil packaging open with my teeth, I grab Seokjin’s length and pump him a few times in preparation.
“Stop being a tease,” he mumbles, thrusting shallowly into my hand.
“Stop being so hot,” I challenge, leaning down to lick his pre-cum dripping from the reddened tip of his cock.
“Impossible,” Seokjin smirks before tugging me back up to face him.
He drops his lips to mine and sucks on my bottom lip. Pulling away slightly, he tugs at it in a stinging bite. Withdrawing his mouth from mine, he spins me around and bends me over the counter.
I feel the head of his cock running teasingly over the folds of my pussy and I gasp, “Please, baby, I need you inside me.”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He thrusts into me in one sharp movement. We both gasp as he fills me, gliding in and out.
“Harder,” I moan.
“Fuck,” he mutters, “I’m trying to last over here.”
“Why? We have all night,” I pout before an idea pops into my head, and I taunt, “Wait, are you telling me you’re a one and done type of old man?”
“Oh, you’re going to regret that,” Seokjin mutters darkly.
His hard cock fills and stretches me, pleasure emanating within me from every sharp thrust of his hips.
“Your pussy is mine,” he growls, “I’ll fuck you from against the wall after this. I’ll fuck you until you can’t sass me anymore. And I’ll fuck you all night, baby, and every night after that.”
I clench around him as his dirty words wash over me. “Those are all great ideas in theory,” I gasp out, “But I really want to ride you first.”
“Oh, babygirl wants to fuck herself on my cock?” Seokjin slaps my ass before pulling out, “Well, come on.”
I stand upright and turn to see him walking towards the large island in the middle of the room. He hops onto it and lays down, placing one arm behind his head, and the other one slowly strokes his cock.
“You better get that hand off your cock before I decide to never let you into my pussy again,” I say darkly as I move towards him.
His hand flies off his dick at the speed of light, his eyes wide as they focus on me.
When I get close enough, I climb up onto the island and kneel with one leg on each side of his tapered waist. I slowly sink down so that just his tip is inside me and squeeze.
A garbled moan escapes Seokjin, his hands shooting out to grab my waist in an attempt to push me down further.
“Someone’s eager,” I whisper, bending down to press a quick kiss to his lips.
“I’ve been fucking eager since you were hired.” He smacks my ass and then groans as I reflexively sink down another inch.
“Yeah?” I question, sinking down another inch as his eyes squeeze shut, “You should have said something sooner, baby. I could have been riding you hard for months.”
Seokjin pouts, “Well, there’s no time like the present?”
“God, you’re such a dweeb,” I grin before taking him to the hilt. We both let out strangled breaths as I shift slightly, before placing a hand on his neck.
Keeping my hand there, I lift up and begin riding him hard. My body slides up and down onto his cock at a fast pace. Sweat drips down my back. Seokjin grabs my ass, his fingers gripping my skin, and pounds up into my pussy with brutal and possessive force.
“O-oh, fuck.” There’s something about riding Seokjin that just feels so good. My hips swivel and roll against his. The pleasure steadily builds, and I try to distract myself by biting down on Seokjin’s neck.
“I’m gonna come,” he moans, “Are you close?”
I pull away from his neck and sit up, arching my back to give him a deeper angle. He thrusts up into my g-spot and I gasp, “Shit, yes, I’m close. Come with me, baby.”
I clench my walls around him. Seokjin’s eyes are scrunched shut as he continues to pound into me with harsh strokes.
He shifts one hand from my ass to gently circle my aching clit, and I light up. My walls clench and pulse, locking down on Seokjin so tight that he comes, his hot seed filling the condom as he shudders.
I collapse against him and shove my face into his sweaty neck.
I can feel his laugh bubbling up from his chest before I hear it. “What’s so funny?” I ask, lips brushing his skin.
“Namjoon’s going to kill us for the number of health code violations we just committed,” his laughter causes his cock to shift within me, and I bite back a moan.
“Well,” I lift my face up from his neck to look at him, “We have nothing to lose at this point then, huh?”
I slowly lick my lips, and his eyes drop to them. The only noise left in the restaurant is our heavy breathing. “Round two in Namjoon’s office?” he suggests.
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a/n: this was so fun to write :) hope you all enjoyed it! happy valentine’s day!
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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