#thank you for sending this in! <3
incandescentia ยท 7 months
[INBOX] @sleeplesswork asked:
[ win ] sender lets receiver beat them in a game. - for kyogoku, from either hakuryuu or koumei !
๐๐‘๐Ž๐Œ๐๐“๐’ ๐…๐Ž๐‘ ๐Ž๐‘๐ƒ๐ˆ๐๐€๐‘๐˜ ๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐๐†๐’ ๐“๐‡๐€๐“ ๐…๐„๐„๐‹ ๐ˆ๐๐“๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐“๐„ // accepting !
"...Ahhh, you defeated me again, brother." The strategic board game session that she had proposed to Koumei to spend their little spare time during the afternoons had been ongoing for three rounds, with three straight losses on her side. She knew he had always been a brilliant tactical genius โ€” one of a kind within their era, but she wasn't quite aware how that cunning talent apparently also extended to a simple game of weiqi.
Back then, she would sometimes throw a little fit whenever she lost in her little game with Judar โ€” thinking how it was undignified for her to lose ( even in a game that she already couldn't win ). && now, she had already matured enough as an empress to accept a defeat in dignity with a smile towards her opponent.
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"As much as I wanted to win, I have to admit that you are better than me in this game..." Even if she was defeated, she admitted that the game was thoroughly enjoyable; perhaps one of the most engaging weiqi match she had within the last few years && for that, she would like to express her gratitude. "Thank you very much, brother Koumei. I learned a lot from this match. Hopefully the next time we become opponents again, I will have my strategies in this game improved."
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undine66770 ยท 10 months
17 ๐ŸคŽ
Here you go: Peter Gunn - Henry Mancini
Iconic theme song to a legendary series. Craig Stevens was killer as Peter Gunn, I can't put into words how much I love this show, I need to finish it skfnkjgrnks
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perfectionreached ยท 1 year
what are two things your muse regrets and one thing they don't?
oohh this is hard. i think she pushes down her regrets so much and refuses to think about them for a very long time just out of the fear that she'd get stuck in them and never move on. vocalizing her regrets would mean that she's made mistakes and she doesn't want to admit that. first of all, i think a part of her regrets freezing out allie. just for the mere fact that maybe they wouldn't have gotten on that plane if tai hadn't broken allie's leg. the way that she spearheaded that whole plan and was pretty much the sole believer in it...she's definitely gotten stuck in a cycle of being like if i would never done this would we have been better off i like to think that taissa regrets leaving van for college. that she put van into a little box that she tried not to think about for so long and then once she actually saw them again it was like a switch flipped. ( i think a part of her always knew that the perfect life wasn't sustainable and once it started actually falling apart ... that's when she realizes that she hasn't moved on as much as she thought she had ) i don't think she completely regrets eating people. like maybe she regretted jackie ( only because she didn't have any other choice in accepting that one ) but i think after a while, she was just happy to be alive. her main goal was surviving and getting out of there so she could move on with her life and continue the plans that were already set out for her. i don't think she would ever admit it to anyone and after the years pass i think she thinks of it as something she had to do and makes excuses. she'd never do it again but she'd defend it as a necessity in order to not think too hard about it.
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ordinariums-a ยท 2 years
@eloquitryโ€‹โ€‹ asked: โ€œwhy do you have that look on your face?โ€ (for death)
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โ€œOh, I just . . .ย I wasnโ€™t expecting . .โ€ The mixture of surprise and shock on her face made way to a soft expression, paired with a small amount of hesitation. How should she approach this? โ€œYou're Calliope. You know my brother, Morpheus.โ€
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wickedslip ยท 1 month
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Cambridge could be declared a haven when you compared it with Salemโ€™s innate misery. She made the round trip a few times a week to attend class at Harvard University, and the two places, so very polar opposite of one another, could lead no other deduction apart from misanthropic. She often forgot that she was living flesh and bone, sinew and soul. That was just what the looming, weighted depression of Salem and Rosethorns often gave her.
Valerie had not been made for her parasite of a house, feeding on its incumbents like a ravenous leech. Often it was Nausicaรค that was the vampireโ€™s valued prisoner, and that was precisely why she could not permit entry and access to the rest of the estate. The apothecary was as far as her company could safely venture; it wasnโ€™t every day that one would own a house with a rising crime rate. It had its way of making a sane personโ€ฆ not.
Nausicaรค parked the Porsche 911 Carrera Turbo in the vaulted garage, its gleaming black paint only to rival her gloriously arched nails of the same hue; the fine tremor she received at the base of her neck made the light hairs there stand at an unforgiving tension. Stepping out from the car, she hoisted the small black quilted Chanel bag on her shoulder, its silver hardware shone with infinite precision under the domed lead overhead lighting. Slowly, she opened the door to the rest of the dwelling and was instantly overcome. The alarm bells sounded, and she knew someone had gotten in. Someone that shouldnโ€™t have been there by themselves.
โ› are y --- you r --- real ? โœ The haunting lament that could only sound as wretched as it truly was, as it had escaped @scftheartiismsโ€™s whimpering mouth.
Instantly she drew the poor girl into her arms, knowing that she had been given a fright. Her chin resting against the top of her head, she wondered what would have happened had she decided to go shopping after class instead of heading straight home. Valerie usually called when she was coming over. At the very least, she should have been stopped by Giuliana or Abraโ€” unless the house let her in on the opposite side.
โ› How the hell did you get into the house? โœ she almost barked but thought better of it; she had been through enough, and thinking better of the situation, she softened slightly. โ› Where was Giu? Or Abra? You canโ€™t come into the main dwelling Val, itโ€™s not safe. โœ It would never be safe. How often she wished that werenโ€™t true. Like it or not, she was stuck with the damn place. A curse of the generations, and would explain why Demetria ( her mother ) was only too eager to not fight her for it.
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sharpsuite ยท 5 months
021.ย ย ย a large hedge maze ,ย  easy to get lost inย . (for chishiya!!)
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ย ย  Chishiya regards the three paths in front of him within the hedge maze with an air of calm indifference, hands buried within the pockets of his white hoodie. He can hear the panicked sounds of others running through the maze, the screams for help, pleas for mercy, and the occasional gunfire that signalsย one less person in the maze. The screams and pleas will achieve nothing other than to alert the hunter to where their prey is. Chishiya is not surprise that despite this seeming to be obvious, so many continue to be noisy. Fear compromises rationality and brings death rushing to the doorstep. Or around a hedge corner, in this case.
ย  ย He glances over when he hears someone approaching his spot from down the same path he'd followed earlier to get here. And despite the horror of the situation, despite the danger, he offers a casual wave to the approaching stranger as if nothing is amiss at all.ย It can't be the killer based on the gunshot a mere minute ago.ย Will this person be frantic though, or remain calm? He is interested to see. A level headed person would be beneficial.ย 
ย  ย "ย  Mm. I always wanted to try a hedge maze. " Chishiya comments in friendly conversation. " What path do you think? " He shifts his gaze back to the options. Right, middle, and left. In the end it won't matter, but he's interested in the choice they'd make. / @honeyrage
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dasom-bh ยท 10 months
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๐Ÿช™ : if the wishing well could grant you one true wish, what would it be?
"i'm sure that it comes as a surprise to no one that my wish would be to marry my one true love and live happily ever after. that's all i could ever want at the end of the day."
๐ŸŒน: what are three of your fondest memories?
"hmm...probably my first gala! nothing could beat the excitement of getting ready, and the anticipation of the guests' reactions to my debut. secondly, seeing juyeon perform in the opera house for the very first time! and for the third? officially meeting daewon after we were betrothed? things were just...different."
๐Ÿ : what (or who) do you wish the daily buzz would write more about?
"i could never grow tired of hearing more about me. however, i would love if they could dish into the love lives of all the other house membersโ€” how exciting would that be? i'd love to hear more about my siblings' types, or even if anyone in house of magnolia has their eye on anything but their family ranking..." her sentence trails off, but in reality there was only one family member of that house she was truly interested in hearing about.
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cagedchoices ยท 1 year
๐ŸŽพ what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write
i think i pretty much have to say either angst or hurt/comfort just based on principle. admittedly i don't have the strongest grasp on how different fanfiction genres vs original fiction genres are defined, but my understanding is that angst is static in the way that it doesn't affect or change character development in a lasting way through the course of the story and people (readers, other characters in-universe, the author themselves) aren't necessarily motivated to empathize with a character who is angsting.
basically, angst on its own won't form a coherent plot to build on, but some people are into that and that's okay. personally, i try not to let myself get too wrapped up in rping straight unfiltered angst anymore because i find it easy to fall into a trap of the character simply not caring about anything except the fact that they're miserable and hurting and that's just. not really fun for anyone else who is trying to interact with them.
hurt/comfort can have aspects of angst mixed into it, but the focus is weighted more on a suffering character being comforted through their pain by other character(s) which offers more opportunity for that character to grow or change in the end. it's the layers of conflict, dealing with complex issues, and healing which pretty much make or break it for me.
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jesncin ยท 1 month
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Two FAce Attorney for DC Gotcha for Gaza! (prompts closed!) Okay the prompt was just to draw Two Face but I've had this joke in my mind for so long that I had to draw it heheh
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bloodwards ยท 1 year
feat and dungeon court?
Feat: What's one habit, trick, tip, etc. you picked up from another player?
I absolutely definitely knew I was going to get Luck at some point become of fucking Liam O'Brien lmao
I did get it for my divination wizard and it's been a blast! (as long as I don't forget to use it lol)
Dungeon Court: What's the worst D&D experience you've ever had?
tw abuse and SA mention under the cut
Oof. My second ever d&d group, my first session with them - it was me and another dude who were new, the rest of the group had been playing together for a long while. It was all going pretty well until one of the players just casually dropped some info on the background of the NPC kids that had been travelling with the party, some very uhhh potentially triggering info.
Mind you, no one talked with us, the new people, that stuff like that might come up (and it did, immediately). I felt really really uncomfortable but the other new guy even more so, he said that something similar had happened to him when he was a kid, said he couldn't do it and just dropped out of the call. Everyone was kinda shook by everything that had happened and the session pretty much ended there. I made an excuse later about my scheduling and never played with them again.
Our regular DM has actually done something similar like 4 years ago or something when there was an NPC we got to know got **** r*ped supposedly because the player character who was going to meet up with her failed to do so. Me, the other girl in our group and the guy whose character was "responsible" all were so distressed that our DM actually ended up later backtracking and basically retconning it by essentially saying oh no she just got roughed up and robbed.
Moral of the story - fucking communicate about these things, don't spring this on people. D&D might be a game but the well-being of people who are playing are very real.
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kimtaegis ยท 4 months
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut โ™ก
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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ghoulsmuses ยท 2 years
4, 12, 21 for Munday meme!
munday meme
Favourite thing about roleplaying?
hmmMmMmMmM... getting to explore characters and relationships with people! also getting to put my own little touch to the characters i write and bringing them to life
Have you any old muses that youโ€™d love to bring back?
oh gosh... i'm not sure! sometimes i miss writing stiles but i don't think i'd touch teen wolf again. i don't think there's any old muses that i'd necessarily bring back.
Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
i mean...i do love my himbos. but i also love my little goblin energy characters. BUT i also like the softies too. I don't think there's one i gravitate to over the other very much.
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daily-dragon-drawing ยท 5 months
Hello, I really like your art, and I assume youโ€™ve likely already made a fire dragon, but a picture I took reminded me of your dragon art. So I thought Iโ€™d send it anyway and see if you could make a dragon from it or link towards the post of the fire dragon if youโ€™d already made one.
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#107 - ็ซ็„ฐ (huว’yร n / flame) - Summon them with just a few dry sticks and a match! ๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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cordiallyfuturedwight ยท 3 months
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summer daydreamer ๐Ÿ’› (cr. jung-koook)
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lil-lemon-snails ยท 4 months
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decided to draw some of your guys' tags from my harlequin sun and moon post!!! These guys are so much fun and you're all so funny >w<
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cashmoneyyysstuff ยท 25 days
having scary dog privileges when going out in public with Bakugo
Except people only avoid him because theyโ€™re afraid of getting rabies ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
heโ€™s just so chaotic he has to be infected
(him n my oc r like this cough coiugh cough)
i mean,, look at him..๐Ÿ’€ sure, he's scary and big n buff n whatnot but also he looks like a damn dog with rabies the way he walks around shoulders slouched n saggy n with that impossible frown on his face. (plus his little waddle) and if you catch him on a good day he's even scaries cus hes walking upright like he does when he has those big ass gauntlets on his arms and hes just smuch more imposing and scary๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ (๐Ÿคค)
and the way he practically snarls foaming at the mouth at the thought of anyone daring to approach you with any typa romantic intent,,very scary stuff indeed. goosebump inducing.
like he's scary in the way hes intimidating and also he looks like a freak๐Ÿ˜ญ plus he's just soo loud when he feels threatened. like if he thinks someone (god bless their soul for even having the balls big enough to walk up trynna flirt) is trynna start something with you hes all GLARESS. the pressure in the room goes hard and when the person doesnt get the hint he will very much start talking for you. he'll lean over your shoulder where he was walking next you and full on get in ppls faces๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
"HAAAH???!!! you can't hear or somethin' ?! we're fuckin' busy !"
he'll be so pissed off about the interaction he'll keep mumbling about some "tch,,damn extra..trynna start shit with me.." he'll keep doin this till you kiss his boo boo's better
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