#thank you for letting me ramble about my thoughts hehe <3
lavenoon · 11 months
*cracks knuckles*
(gonna copy this to AO3 too, after sending it, but I don’t know it just feels like tradition to send the big ones to tumblr first haha)
Ok let's get right to it!!
So first of all I gotta say I love everything about this first ever interaction! It really gives a good look at what it was like for both Dusk and Robin before meeting each other. 
Like, the fact that Dusk was so sure he would be able to get there before them, because he took a “shortcut”, but it’s clear who is the most familiar with the city and the actual fastest routes. He’s so impressed that they were able to get there faster than him, haha! The fact that he did this at all makes me wonder if as a way of proving himself as capable as he is, he has taken it upon himself for a while to get into jobs above his ranks and steal the show. He certainly seems to have had a plan from the start to outdo this agent, even if he didn’t know who they were at first.
But I adore that Robin immediately shows him it’s not that easy. They are a star agent for a reason. Beating him there, stealing his cap, and not even a lick of doubt when they say they are sure they could take him in a fight. Dusk might be used to people outright being scared of him, but Robin shows none of that.
Not that they’re unaffected of course. We see it through all the chapter and Dusk throws a couple of low blows even if he doesn’t realize it. “The prickly agent that no one likes”, and especially the “If that’s how you treat your fellow agents, maybe it’s no surprise you’re unpopular.” Because oof. We know a younger Robin likely tried. Really tried to get along with others before any illusion of camaraderie was broken. And it must have felt like they were the problem because of something natural to them. And now Dusk is telling them that they are the problem for how they choose to act. Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t right? (and while I know that it’s probably not necessary at all I am just a bit curious if Moon ever thinks back and realizes his words might have stung more than he realized at first)
But aaaah, it seems Robin’s honesty does seem to have piqued his interest! Because there are implications in what Robin says about him needing to try harder to make fun of them. That maybe it wasn’t just once or twice that they received worse. Also there’s Robin saying that he doesn’t trust him, because he can hardly argue against the fact that they haven’t seen him work, and they have already shown that they are ahead of him in the game twice in the night so far. So it’s not a dismissal of him being incapable, it’s very much just that as an agent they can’t just go ahead and make careless assumptions, and Dusk knows it. 
But oooh it’s so nice seeing how they can clearly connect a little, even if Robin tries to resist it. Because Dusk reminds them so much of their own early days and how he shares some of the same interests and likes that they need to keep guarded most of the time. 
(sidenote: ooough my heart when he asked if they had given up on the fun, because while clearly they haven’t it’s such a lonely way of having fun and I worry that eventually they would have lost the drive to even try and keep that aspect of their job in the future ;-;)
And pffff it was hilarious seeing Dusk so cocky, confident that he’d just stolen the job from the top agent and was on his way to impress the office XD I can just imagine whoever needed the info looking at what he brought and going “ok… where’s the rest?” and him suddenly a mini panic because uh oh, what rest?
Kinda deserved tbh XD
(But aaaah again with the “you’re no fun” bit ooough, because trying to be fun only brought them rejection among their peers HHHHHH)
But it’s clear that with every moment that passes Dusk doesn’t really think they’re not fun. Actually it seems he really finds them the most fun to be around, and it’s nice that he seems to bring out that a bit more when he himself reflects what Robin wishes the job could be more about, cool stuff and booby traps or even just the secret agent theme being a cool thing to think about. Bet Dusk counted it as an absolute win when they finally ended up laughing freely. Also the fact that he was so offended at the notion that he is boring because he keeps telling them not to swear is so funny XD How dare they imply he’s as dull as the other agents!
And awww when they mentioned him in the report! It’s not nothing to receive a commendation from the star agent, but to Robin it was probably just giving credit where credit is due. But oof, the small doubts that he is still just using them to serve his own image are still there and they definitely come to play later in the fic.
It’s nice to see how from then on Robin half takes him under their wing (had to, sorry Robin XD), but it also is not precisely mentorship, but a developing friendship with a pinch of helping out. The fact that they let him know the rookie mission was a setup to alleviate the pressure from the “failure” after all. How it’s a cynical practice to harden the agents. Knowing that would definitely help him be more aware of how EVOC works. 
But aaaaaa then we get the nice routine established only for the doubts to come back with a vengeance.  And ooough it hurts! Because Dusk was likely just looking for some guidance on what to expect if he did get the promotion. So from his perspective the sudden hostility likely felt like a slap on the face! But it comes back to that right? Robin’s fears, that once again them being them is what will make them lose it all. That once the newbie climbs up to where they are he’ll kick them from their place, because now the higher ups found someone better and if they keep slacking off it’ll go beyond that. Deep down they probably know Dusk isn’t trying to hijack what they have, but even if aware of their practices, Robin is still affected by what the company has done to them. Having left behind nearly everything else, the prospect of having the one thing they cling to torn away is too much at that moment. And so they snap at the main threat, who is also the closest they’ve had to a friend. Makes me think a little of the non canon scenario, where the boys get a promotion, actually! Because no wonder if this was the initial reaction, in that case it would feel even worse! 
But omg! The part where they defend him AAAAAAA Because gosh, if that didn't mean everything I don’t know what would! Just everything about it! The fact that every time he looks at them his eyes turn blue! The red reserved for those antagonizing him! Robin at first thinking that it’s best for him to just handle the situation alone like they had to because nobody helped when they needed it, only to become so angry at the agent discrediting all Dusk has done that they automatically intervene. Because they saw the potential! They know it’s not true! They literally had a freak out because Dusk is that good that they felt their rank was in jeopardy! And they put a stop to the mockery because it just isn’t right! Makes me remember Dusks words from a couple chapters ago. When y/n says they weren't always nice, but he replies that they have always been kind. He likely saw that way before this incident, but I can see it staying with him for a long time.
And ooough the confrontation! Dusk really deserving an explanation of what was all that about and Robin knowing that if there’s anything they do to fix it, it’s going to involve opening the slightest about their insecurities. And at first it must seem like a dismissal to Dusk. A finality of Robin saying that he’s the problem that will make them lose what’s most important, but then they call out to him! And he sees that they really don’t want to throw him aside and this must be the most vulnerable they’ve seen this hardened agent that doesn’t drop the facade around anyone else. And they’re about to offer, but they’re scared. And he can see that. But they retreat before he can even reassure them and it’s a glimpse of the person no else has likely seen, and he must understand as well. He just faced a whole lot of rejection, it’s no wonder he recognizes it in someone else’s face. 
(also shaking Robin’s hand about fearing disappointment most of all)
But aaah that’s such a sweet ending! Dusk finally got to deliver the smooth line that got interrupted before XD Makes me wonder if he intended to deliver it that first night when they met but was just completely thrown off by finding Robin there hehe
A complete delight of a chapter, Luce!! I adored every second of it!! <3
In the most affectionate way, I'd love if tumblr allows read mores for asks just so I could un-collapse your asks like those comically long unfolding scripture rolls or something. Y'know in cartoons when they start unrolling and it just keeps going? I want that FHDJS
but without further ado, the actual reply!
The thing about Dusk (and Dawn) at the start of their agent career is... They underwent a year of training, where especially Dusk quickly realized that he excels at the sneaky stealthy aspects, and he's a gremlin who likes to climb. Equipped with his special grip gloves (courtesy of Eclipse), parkour works out just fine for him, and while he technically hasn't started so long ago, he's gotten used to being better than human agents! And those human agents, too - except they don't even wait to see his performance, rather dismissing it because "he's an animatronic, of course he's good". He doesn't want that - it's empty validation.
So when Dusk sees a certain someone leave, with people around him sparing them only disdainful glances, if anything... Well, he decided to prove his merit and show that he's good! He gathers it's a star agent, asks where they're headed, and thought he could get a headstart, only to get there at top speed and they're already there. Spiderman pointing meme moment.
And it that sense, Robin's insistence that he's a rookie is refreshing to him. Because yeah, sure, it can rankle his pride - he wanted to prove how good he is, and there's someone insisting he's not that great! But then he just. stays. and realizes they see him as a beginner agent, which he is. They don't see him and say "ah, animatronic, of course you're great". They basically tell him "no matter what, you just started out. Stay vigilant, or it's going to bite you in the ass." He's intrigued!
He's still a little shit, and he throws those low blows - without realizing. He tries to match the energy Robin puts out while still adapting his plans from "show up this star agent" to "tag along with this star agent", and he ends up hurting them. And he realizes it quickly, too. Because he doesn't need to look back far into the future - he falls silent right then and there. Robin tells him outright they've had worse, try harder, and Dusk walks behind them with the realization that 1) they just admitted that they think he wants to hurt them, and 2) they have gone through a lot that made them this prickly. He's already getting prickly! He's been doing proper field work for just a few weeks there! All his attempts to be seen and acknowledged and taken seriously while having fun, fruitless.
And then they have their little conversation where Robin locks up when it's their turn to answer, and still he gets it when he spots the sticker on their little gadget.
Their honesty is crucial here, too. They keep secrets, yes - that comes with the job. But they tell him he's a rookie, they tell him they don't trust him, and they refuse to be vulnerable for the same reason. Dusk can appreciate that, and he refuses to push more of their buttons after that moment in the staircase.
Robin appreciates it, too. He's "clear", he doesn't mock them for those crumbs of joy they held on to. They're scared of connection and crave it at the same time, so it's a strange mix for them still. But hey, surely it's a one off!
(Also I need you to know that I am currently trying to stomp out another timeline thought at "Robin does give up on fun")
Well, and then Dusk goes back to his initial plan (: He grabs all the information they were sent to gather, but he's superficial, sloppy. Robin figures that not everything is kept digitally, and goes for the papers - and they find additional information. So it's not that there's a rest that's missing, but River gets two reports, one technically fine and just what she asked for, the other going above and beyond with even more information. She tells Dusk that next time he should save her some time and make her read one report only, and that'd be the report with the extra leverage he didn't provide.
Cue a little confrontation - and once again, Robin reminds him that he's a newbie and has a lot to learn! He's prickly about it, but he also just enjoys that they talk to him without bias, because whelp, obviously it's not a bias to say he's a beginner! He can admit that! (Dawn can't, not as well. Another reason the reverse rivalry starts out tenser). Dusk catches a glimpse of where Robin is headed next, and decides it's time for little shit, round two!
(And he immediately gets schooled, again. He nearly got a sizeable dent into his shell for spooking them, and he takes the moment to process that they absolutely could hold their own against him. He's a weirdo, so that only excites him)
Another mission where he tags along against their will, but they threaten him marginally less and he takes it as a win. Again the honesty strikes him - he's being silly, probing to see how Robin would engage, and they catch him by surprise with the mental image of automated suits of armor! It's again a proof for him that they're not as prickly as they pretend they are - and how ironic, that later on they start calling him the cactus!
He gets delegated to standing watch, but then he does actually get to see action. Takes care of it quickly, only to spot Robin standing in the doorway, and for the first time there's the notion of surprise, and in their moment of whiplash and in his own expectation, that looks way too much like fear. He thinks now he's going to lose that connection, make them realize that he's got inbuilt weapons that give him an unfair advantage, all the things he's been told before.
He cracks a joke. They laugh - openly, and maybe just a bit too much, but neither of them is going to complain. They make a joke back, and he gets to run with it, and thus the banter is born! So he pouts extra when they call him boring after that, but he also takes it as a challenge to turn it up a notch! Despite acting affronted, he's mostly relieved that it doesn't seem to have changed what Robin thinks of him.
Robin of course is still paranoid, and since Dusk himself burned them just the mission before by ditching them, trying to steal the credit (what they think - he did credit them in his report!), they opt for revenge. They leave him behind. He takes it as a hint.
But Robin is honest. They credit him in their report - and later on, too, when their shared missions become a pattern. That's the "good word" the higher ups mean when they promote him. He'd be good enough without that input, too - or Dawn wouldn't have been promoted in the same breath, but it's something Dusk remembers.
The rookie mission? It didn't go badly. Not for Dusk (and Dawn). No, they did well, but received backlash from other agents for all the usual things. Robin doesn't know that, and assumes when they find Dusk avoiding everyone and acting hissy, but they're genuine in their reassurance. It's what makes him relax, in the end. He still hates the outcome of the mission, so they were right as far as that is concerned, but they tell him it's okay, that's how it's meant to end, and it's not a personal failing.
It tells him more about Robin, too. The fact that they seek to reassure him. The fact that they're so competitive. The fact that they offer him distraction, and fun.
But even the nicest routine doesn't erase their insecurities.
Dusk asks them what it's like to be a star agent, and they demonstrate. He's baffled, because he's been told they advocated for him, only for them to lash out like this - he doesn't know how terrified they are. Losing their rank would prove everyone who made fun of them right. They have no friends, they barely have a life outside of work, and since they were a recruit of the "work for us or we're going to make your life hell after 'infiltrating' our base" sort, they're just waiting for the higher ups to get rid of them. They're too unconventional but now there's an agent who is obviously more efficient, and they have seen him in action. They know he's good.
And they're scared. They can't lash out against the higher ups, so they tell Dusk to stay away, and he does. They're both miserable for a good while, and there are so many changes in their life. Robin avoids Dusk like the plague, and Moon is too hurt to even want to introduce himself to the very nice new landlord Sun found for them.
It's been a throwaway thought that Dusk, in moments of stress when he's expected to look at people but he just doesn't want to see, switches to thermal vision because it's shapes, and less detail. He doesn't do that when it comes to Robin. He sees them duck away, but they don't leave.
And then someone makes the mistake to say Dusk isn't actually a good agent, and just got the promotion because he's an animatronic.
Imagine you're Dusk, in that moment. (Ironic, maybe, given that Robin is the reader insert, but shh). The closest person to a friend "breaks up" with you just a few short weeks ago for being too good of an agent. They avoid you. You see them when they run into you and some other agents in the middle of insulting you, and they lock up. They don't interact, but they also don't leave - and then one insult makes them snap back up and just yeet their snack at the offender. That split second of widened eyes as they realize what they've done. Instinct. They did that on instinct, for you. And then they double down. There's the prickly star agent that no one likes. But they channel all that venom into your defense.
Dusk, of course, is still pissed. And he's well within his right for that! They lashed out, they haven't apologized, and they also don't really do that, not explicitly. He asked an innocuous question (as he thought) and got that in return.
But he stays, to ask. Tries to make sense of things. He gets that explanation, but it doesn't have much hope for him in that moment. For those few seconds he feels like he'll just have to accept that being promoted was the end of that friendship. But Robin doesn't want to lose that, either. They're the one who pushed him away, and now they're the one trying to reach out - and with everything he knows about them, he sees them withdraw, back into that hardened shell they hide behind, and he wants to reach out and stop them, but the hurt is too fresh and they're not that close - he doesn't know how he could.
This is the moment that future Moon looks back to with the thought that he should have stopped them from leaving. It worked out fine for them all, sure, but he now realizes just how scared they were, and wishes he would have held them back and reassured them then and there. It wouldn't have worked! They wouldn't have accepted it! But it's something on his mind, when he gets to know them better.
But it does work out for them. Dusk goes back to what he knows best, and what kept them entertained for so long. Before, it may have been a somewhat mentorship flavored friendship, but they're both star agents now, the same rank, and now it's a full fledged rivalry. He gets them by surprise, gets to be smooth about it, and he gets his friend back <3
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gojoshooter · 1 year
Hi!! Thanks sm for your response! I'm glad you take requests since I'm such a fan of your work!
I was thinking about a scenario wherein Gojo Satoru always had the impression that reader hated his guts because they always bicker even at the pettiest of things. But one day, Satoru overhears reader gushing about having a crush on him (reader could be talking to Geto/Shoko/both etc) and they keep rambling about how much they like him and all. Meanwhile, Satoru's just 🧍‍♂️leaning by the doorframe with the biggest smug grin on his face (he actually secretly likes reader back). How it ends is entirely up to you if you'd take this request hehe
Just basically lots of fluff and the occasional comedy lol thanks so much for listening to my rambling (I just love him sm)
hi, thank you for the praise robynn! ’m so glad to know my works interest you, luv u & here's your req hc <3
Deer caught in Headlights : Gojo
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Pairing : frenemy!gojo x highschool!y/n
A/N : here's another set of hcs about gojo bullying you like the jerk he is. ps. i tried to be serious
WARNINGS : gojo is a tease, but so are you
“i don't like him like that. absolutely fucking not, what the hell?” you whisper, mouth stuffed with icecream in the comfy bed of Shoko's room as Geto copied her bored expression—sitting & listening to your endless rambles on why you're not attracted to Satoru like that
seriously, they've lost the count of reasons why you gradually became a Satoru simp but oh have you
“goddammit! i hate him, i hate him and his dumb voice and his stupid muscles and his awfully attractive face! it's all on my desserts he ate to look li-... Geto, are you sleeping?”
you stop your very important discourse to give the best friend of your enemy & your thought dump a pointed look
“no, please keep talking. i only yawn when i'm super fascinated”
says him, that talk-back king of a bitch you're sure he got that from is best friend
he lies down the bed with a soft huff and if he notices Satoru’s tall presence by the door, he does nothing—nothing but a hint of evil amusement making his lips curve into a subtle smile to the thought of your pathetically obvious crush being exposed
he does nothing to stop you who's back faced the door, nothing when his best friend approached slowly with his hands inside his sweatpants as your embarrassing tirade continued
“-and Shoko, trust me. I'd have let him known about his ridiculous eyes that i dreamt last night if he wasn't such a jerk like h-”
“...what about my eyes?”
you flinch... no, no no no, fuck. even Shoko burst out at your comical whip of the head
with a stifling laugh that she tried to fight so hard, Shoko gets out along with Geto who may have wanted to stay just to watch the drama commence
“um-” you almost landed face first trying to drag your panicked little self out of bed as the slanting white brows raised at you amusingly
“mhm, and you hate these stupid muscles” “no! i mean- yes, n-”
“y/n, i expected more”
god fucking damn, what was his cursed technique? to flatter people? you pulled a passive-aggressive face in defence of your shattering pride, and begin “h-how long have you been standing there?”
Gojo answered your question with the teasing smile on his face, and he chuckled before asking with a tilt of his head to watch your reaction “correct me if i've been reading this all wrong but.... you like me”
your figure shrinks at the claim and that definitely satisfied Gojo, his breathy hum confirming it further
“mm?” he hums slowly, as if coaxing a child to admit their wrong doings “cat got your tongue y/n?” just say it, say it, say it. you breath in.
“i like you” “say that again” “...i like you”
you know he would not let you live that down even if you were to end up having kids—but fuck that, you thought, the cat's out of the bag anyway.
“dunno i had such a weird taste in men but i just really enjoy spending my time with you and you've really become someone special to me and-”
“don't even tell me, i already know. i just needed to get that out.” he knows he shouldn't be mean, not when he feels the same about you, but can he help his obsession with your flustered red mess of a face?
you know he's trying too hard to tease you. cruel fucking bastard. “wait until i kill you”
“yeah?~ what're you trying here? to make this seem like a lovers' quarrel?” he chuckles, prolly wants to redden your puffy cheeks a little more before giving in.
“i'll punch that smirk off your face, Satoru!” “try me, i dont need to try getting you on your knees before me”
“oh, do you think of that image a lot?” you say lifting an eyebrow, perfect chance to make him taste his own medicine.
oh. Gojo blushed.
“w-well, what i think is... maybe our feelings are mutual” says after clearing his throat as he slowly regains his composure. “i have this weird feeling when i'm with you, can't explain it, but it's a good feeling...”
your usual instinct of fighting began to fade at his words as both of you stood in middle of the room in an awkward state, trying to fight the urge to smile
“hah, can't believe i never noticed it before, but you're kinda hot when you're angry. maybe that's why i loved pissing you off”
yes, that's when Gojo managed to break your last straw and make you blush at the same time “well then, take this!” his infinity stopped your little punch
“meanie!” he chuckles again, holding your fist softly
“okay little baby, no sulking. if a punch makes you feel better you can punch me. lightly.” he said in his silvery voice as he turned his infinity off, kissing you nice and soft...
(you ignored his last word)
A/N : i hope people this is one ^-^ i personally enjoyed this heheskks likes & reblogs are appreciated! ♡
Tags : @robynnnhooddd @nanamikentoseyebags @luckimoon @dazailover1900 @jspenft @tamakin7 @daquila @jkhlhjkjkjhkl @horrendous-introvert
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sakasakiii · 3 months
hi!!! how long does an average panel of one of your comics take??
i love your work so much!! it got me into silmblr hehe
HI NONNIE!!! thank u sooooso much for checking in and for ur lovely ask! it means a lot to hear that my silly ol scribbles were what introduced u to the glorious landscape that is the tolkien fandom! on tumblr no less!! i hope you stay a real long time, and have a blast while you're at it 💖💖
now onto your question! that's some good food for thought uhhhh i can try to estimate?? its been a while but i shld have some rough ideas abt each that i can share! the time frame each comic/panel takes is highly dependent on WHAT kind of comic it is. i hv two kinds of comics I usually do: 1) full-length, and 2) goofy/4koma.
i have a few full-length comics laying about in my archive, but my most recent one/best example is Ghosts which was around uh.... 7 pages excluding the bonus panels! in terms of the process, i usually divide it into 5 stages:
Drafting: this is either the fastest stage OR the slowest depending entirely whether i know what im doing LMAO,, if i have a set idea for what i want to happen, i might get drafts done in a few hours, but if i flounder, it can take a few days 🤔
Lineart: relatively simple enough once i hv the draft down, so id say anything ranging from an hour to half a day if theres nothing else going on irl
Block colouring (main actors): there are DEFINITELY easier and more professional ways to do this with mass-selection and the lasso fill/bucket tool, but idk how to do that on SAI (my art program) so i colour everything by hand HAHA which makes the process longer.... half a day to a day?
Shading: THE WORST!!! definintely my least favourite bc i find it tedious due to all the details/prettification of elves that i am legally obliged to pour into this stage 😭😭 as a result, it can take days!!!
Background + Lighting + Final Rendering: similar to the previous stage haha it just depends on how much effort i wanna put into the final product looking nice. roughly a few days? it kind of meshes with stage 4 anyways haha
just for fun, i hope this process gif for page 6 can illustrate that 👇
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these are just rough estimates, bc all in all, the time it takes so finish a page is really dependent on how free I am hahaha. Also, I usually work on full-length comics like Ghost which have more than one page all at once, which means I drafted all 7 pages at once, then did the lineart for all 7 pages at once, coloured at once, shaded rendered bla bla bla 😚 iirc, i think it took me 11 days in total to finish Ghosts before the end of June last year!
For goofy/4-koma, its usually just one page with less detailed/more cartoonish/chibi character styles so it takes a day or two days at most! again, it all boils down to how free i am hehe
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YEAH SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING AN INFO DUMP but thank you so much again for asking and letting me ramble! <3 i ended up having a lot of fun looking back on my drafts n thinking back on my processes.... theres defininitely room for improvement, but thats another worry for another day heheh 😎
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leiawritesstories · 11 months
Congrats on 500 followers! <3
A couple of prompts...
-I put you down as my emergency contact because I don’t know anyone else in the city, and we literally only met in passing, please forgive me but I am stuck at the ER and they won’t let me leave without you.
-First time meeting the parents
-“I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
I got one from each list. Just leave Frederick on a leash? :)
🥰🥰🥰Thank you, my dear ❤️ *forcibly shoves Frederick back into the basement* You'll be pleased to know that Frederick has NOT been invited to the party 😂
also, both you and @renxzs asked for the "emergency contact" prompt, so I'll fill that one separately (and hopefully you'll like it hehe)
Word count: 814
Warnings: absolutely none :D
"I can feel my blood pressure going up just thinking about this stupid dinner." Aelin leaned back into Rowan's arms, biting at her lower lip like she always did when she was stressed.
"Fireheart, it'll be okay," Rowan promised, kissing the top of her head.
She blew out a sharp breath. "What if they hate me? What if my parents hate you? What if they decide we 'aren't right?' What if--"
"Hey." He cut off her rambling worries with a kiss, gentle and sweet. "Aelin, love, my mom and dad love you already, and they've only met you through my stories."
"Yeah," she admitted, her tense posture starting to relax. "I'm worried about my mom, though. Her standards are so fucking high."
Rowan flicked imaginary lint off of his suit jacket. "That's why I dressed to impress, love."
She chuckled softly. "You'll always impress me, love."
A soft smile curved his lips. "I love you, Fireheart."
"I love you too." She rested her head on his shoulder, drinking in the peace of the moment. "We really have to go, though."
He sighed. "Yeah, we do." Lacing his fingers with hers, Rowan led Aelin out of her apartment and down to where his car was waiting. He drove to the restaurant where they were meeting both sets of their parents for dinner, taking her hand as they got out of the car and headed across the parking lot. "It's gonna be perfect," he reassured her in a low whisper, squeezing her hand.
"I hope so," she murmured, squeezing his hand back.
The moment they walked entered the elegant, low-lit restaurant, they ran into the rush of Enna Whitethorn's enthusiasm. "Darling!" she chirped, folding Rowan into a breath-stealing hug. "Oh, it feels like we haven't seen you in forever, son!" She beamed, soft lines crinkling at the corners of her eyes.
"Hi, Mom," Rowan deadpanned, biting down on his mischievous grin. "It's literally been three months, calm down."
She pinched his cheek, which Aelin thought was completely adorable and something she'd never, ever let her stoic boyfriend live down. "That's too long, darling." Wrapping her hands around his arm, she steered him towards Aelin. "And who is this lovely lady? She's miles out of your league, my dear."
Rowan cleared his throat. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Aelin."
"Oh, it's so wonderful to finally meet you, Aelin dear!" Enna embraced Aelin, who took a few seconds to realize what was happening before she hugged Enna back.
"It's wonderful to meet you," Aelin laughed. "I can totally see where Ro gets his sense of humor." She winked. "When he allows it to show, at least."
Enna clicked her tongue conspiratorially. "Mmm, yes, he's far too solemn for his own good. I'm sure you're fixing that, though."
"We practice his smile for twenty minutes every day," Aelin agreed, nodding along. "The goal is an hour, but twenty minutes is such an improvement from the ten seconds he started with."
Rowan muffled a groan. "You two are getting along far too well," he complained, affectionately stealing Aelin's hand and sliding it back into his.
Enna beamed at the two of them. "Let me take you back to where we're all sitting." She walked them towards the back of the restaurant, where Rhoe and Evalin Galathynius sat with Pyotr Whitethorn at a table set for six, chatting animatedly. "The young ones are here!" she announced.
The parents immediately stood up, coming over to the young couple for introductions. Aelin threw Rowan a dangerous smirk and wink before turning to her parents, greeting them with smiles and hugs and kisses.
"Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Rowan Whitethorn." She paused for dramatic effect. "My husband."
Halfway through shaking Rhoe Galathynius's hand, Rowan choked on air, coughing violently and blushing even harder. "Aelin!" he managed to wheeze as he caught his breath. "What?!"
Aelin burst into bright laughter. "Ah, love, the look on your face is too good." Her eyes twinkled with mirth.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack," Evalin gasped, muffling a smile as bright as her daughter's.
"Learned from the best," Aelin teased. "Rowan is my boyfriend, of course."
"Good." Rhoe kissed his daughter's cheek. "I won't start asking about grandkids, then."
"Dad!" Aelin's face flamed red. "You promised to behave!"
"That was before you decided to shock ten years off my life, Fireheart," Rhoe chuckled. "Fair play, hmm?"
"Fine," she acceded. After another few moments of greetings, they all took their seats, Aelin sliding in next to Rowan.
He took her hand under the table, sliding his thumb over the back of her palm. "Just so you know, love, I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
She nudged his leg with her high heel. "That's still several years away, buzzard."
"Good luck convincing our parents of that," he joked. "They're already planning the wedding."
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robo-milky · 5 months
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Hehe~ <3 My hatred for him is unimaginable.
[Relic Pre-Cloche Selfship Sketches + Ramble]
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• Sometimes, I still can’t believe it and have difficulties acknowledging that technically Epel is my second yume after the Jack era- (although never thought of deeply) I’m sowwy- ILY Rook
• Before I really finalized and renamed Cloche as a character, she was more of a memey stand in for me.
• Epel was supposed to be her rival, competition for Jack’s attention (although it’s a one sided rivalry cause Cloche was jealous of Epel being so dainty and cute— girlie would kill for those big doll-like eyes). I really did like EpelJack, so it was a subtle nod to that-
• The sona seen above isn’t exactly Cloche, but me and I thought the dynamic between us would be hilarious— or at least a deep fried version of me before TWST… (War flashbacks to JJBA and my avid JotaKak shipper days 💀)
• Epel would probably tear my throat out whenever I try to get him to act cutesy, even when Vil’s not around. 100% would gush over. Would I still have liked Epel if he embraced his perceived “feminine” looks??? HECK YES WE LIVE FOR BREAKING GENDER NORMS AND STEREOTYPES ‼️‼️ I might have liked him even more if he did tbh…
• Ummm… If you’ve been there for the Cloche-Drawing-LeoMal-In-Front-of-Malleus era, I think you’d know why they’re ship name is rotten apple 🫡 (outdated event, not canon anymore)
• I think I’m rambling about all of this more to myself but if you chose to read all of this- thank you??? I feel weird letting go of the version of Cloche that started everything on this Tumblr, so I guess this is a tribute to my roots.
• Fujoshi or I hate my life I hate everything, pick your poison
• I promise you I didn’t take this old concept seriously and thought of it as nothing more but a parody/satire-
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irritablepoe · 5 months
favourite poe hcs??
oh anon i don't think you know what you've done
okay i'll list some headcanons and then i'll make a cut and list some further headcanons which contain spoilers for my fic that i haven't published yet, so they'll be major spoilers of what's to come!! you can decide if you wanna read them before ranpo finds these out hehe >:3
(if you don't read the fic that's irrelevant tho, enjoy the hcs ^^)
also pls note these are my personal hcs you ofc don't have to agree with them :3
ok first of all poe is absolutely unscareable, he could watch any horror movie and be deeply fascinated by it rather than afraid
exceptions are when there's a scene where many people talk over each other, he gets very overstimulated by that (also like in general not only in movies)
he can hear heartbeats more sensitively than a normal human being
he has relatives in america but doesn't talk to them a lot, especially since he isolated himself after ranpo defeated him
similar to irl poe i'd say his father left and his mother died when he was young leaving him and his siblings behind - they get adopted by their aunt & uncle, tho henry and poe move out quite quickly to get their own place
used to host big events in his mansion, he is very prideful of his deduction abilities after all and he's actually quite famous for solving multiple big crimes that got a lot of attention (like scandals and stuff)
(that's why he's so bummed out when ranpo defeats him too)
karl lingered outside his mansion before poe took him in; poe realised he was injured and took him to a vet; they bonded over that and karl just stayed bc poe got him food and was comfortable to sit on
always has candy for ranpo everywhere despite not being a big fan of candy
deals with dissociation and intrusive thoughts; has problems with idealization of people (see ranpo)
has been dealing with some sort of substance addiction in his time between his duel with ranpo and his revenge part
has issues with chronic pain bc of that as well
has a raccoon plushie for karl for when he's gone
loves writing with an actual quill but has been made fun of
has some odd knowledge about the human body that might or might not be concerning
hates swimming. i mean hates. loathes, in fact.
loves to rot away in bed and think while drifting in and out of consciousness (sameee)
is always cold (uses ranpo as a heater lol)
can solve basic code
loves bitter tasting things (tea, dark chocolate, strong coffee etc)
is insecure about his face + his body in general that's why he wears his hair like that and so many layers
ok now for the spoilers (if you don't want to read further than this, ty dear anon for letting me ramble about this and ty ty for reading :3)
i love the theory that an ability manifests as a kind of response to either trauma or a major change in their life, so - my theory or hc, whatever, is that poe wasn't an ability user before he met ranpo. obviously the first time they meet ranpo doesn't know about his ability and hasn't experienced it before. poe seems to find confidence in his ability and i think he'd have mentioned it before if he'd met ranpo in a setting that would also be in relation (in terms of mysteries and stuff) to it
i'm very sure or i'd like to think poe manifested his ability as a way of escapism but also as a way of determination (drawing people into his story i mean, you can't get further in being a successful detective writer than this ability yk)
also poe was a detective before they met, i'd guess he still wrote stuff but he switched almost completely once he was defeated by ranpo and barely solved any crimes anymore (maybe only over text or sth idk)
all this results ofc in a feeling of inferiority in poe who before ranpo came along was probably quite prideful - which leads me to believe he thinks of ranpo as a rival that has corrupted his mind but also as someone he is thankful for, which makes all of this wayyyy more complicated than it seems on the surface
poe thinks he's tied to ranpo and therefore cannot say no to him or pretend for long enough that he doesn't care; he actively puts himself in situations he doesn't like bc of ranpo and helps him when he really doesn't have to - he could just walk away. but he doesn't
he also exclusively uses his ability for or against ranpo, we've not seen him use it outside of it and tbh i don't think he's ever used it otherwise (except when it manifested, tho i don't know how it could've manifested tbh. like how do you find sth like this out?)
in my fic henry (his brother) knows at least a fraction of all this and asks for poe to get himself something unrelated to ranpo, which he does, which is why i think poe is also an artist, tho less skilled than in his writing but he finds fun in it
he keeps it a secret from ranpo (he will eventually open up tho)
yea. i think that's it for now, ty again anon and ty for everyone reading so far, i hope i'll not disappoint in putting this into the fic :D
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sapphickocho · 11 months
hihi bestie heehee i am here to drop shit abt ur au now cuz u did to mine so YES. (it's abt the tokito traitor au btw <3)
1. yui would take so many habits from koku just because (ex. like talking so slow, staring off to the distance, death stare, etc.) he would most prob remind lower rank demon slayers to respect the heirarchy
2. mui would ramble so much shit to koku that sometimes koku can't keep up (ex. what happened during his missions, what he did today like what he ate, etc.)
3. mui is known to sleep heavily even to loud noises, so who knows yui would do the same, before they were demon slayers koku has to protect their asses from other demons attacking them.
4. there would be one game they would play with koku is try to guess which tokito twin is which, they have to look exactly like eachother and koku has to guess (for mui's left arm he would hide it in a long baggy sleeve), but koku would always guess correctly cuz of the see through world lmao
5. yui would mostly remind him of himself cause of how similar they are in some ways, thanks to that koku is much more harsher on yui when training (he doesn't know why but he guesses cause he only has one arm hehe)
6. koku is more softer w mui at times cuz of how he reminds him of yoriichi he would do things that would make him seem out of character with mui, like... a protective older brother 👀, koku doesn't really like how similar mui is to yoriichi but he keeps it to himself, also there might be times were koku freezes up over something mui said that really reminded of yoriichi 🥺
also sorry ramble hehe, it was my turn HEHEHHEEHE enjoy these, hcs/ideas? eh- anyways love ya! can't wait to see for whats to come!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I have so many thoughts about this !!
First of all for context, this is a refence to this post here.
So for the first one, yuichiro would TOTALLY do that. All of the lowermoons are absolutely terrified of him because he is like a mini version of koku and if any of them act up he doesn't need all six eyes to death stare them. It shuts them up easily. I feel like he would also talk in fancy traditional words that confuse tf out of the hashiras + the kamaboko squad since koku talks like the sengoku period and well, yuichiro idolizes him.
2. This reminds me of the fact that muichiro would totally talk shit about people behind there back. And you know who hes telling it too? Our one and only number 1 dad! Kokushibo is just tired of hearing demonslayer corps gossip because he cant follow along.
3. Oh for sure. I bet he was also especially nervous when they went through final selection and he couldnt protect them. especially since they had to sleep during those seven days.
4. He would totally play along tho, so he would be like "hmmmm this is so difficult.....Yuichiro is on the left."
5. poor yuichiro but YES this exactly!! Koku would often be like "Your not strong enough to protect your bother" and "Your worthless if you let him die" to motivate him but also because it feels like he is talking to the child version of himself, and all the stuff he wants to say so things can turn out diffrently.
6.🥺 stoppp thats so cute. and its so true. muichiro would look at him with his big eyes that have the same look as yoriichri's and kokushibo would have to look away. Its just. too cute.
what if kokushibo gives him a gift and muichiro says "I'll cherish it, like it was you" and suddenly koku is getting whiplash to how similar the words were to when his brother said it all those years ago.
Thank you so much!! Feel free to drop your ideas in my inbox anytime ♥♥♥♥
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merakiui · 9 months
8) There’s so much to love about your writings!!! My gosh, I the characterization, the setting, the way you weave in details that utterly change with the ending once you recontextualize clues…
I also love how, depending on the context, the reader’s personality fits the situation and your readers are so relatable!!! They are all sympathetic to a degree and there is a reason why they are the way they are.
Plus, your ramblings are bite sized and easy to digest, which makes it all the more compelling and fun once you give us entire meals!
Also the themes? Symbolism? Pretty much everything you write has a purpose and I aspire to write like you!!!
9) Anything octatrio related! I’m not ready for TMDG, but I know it’s gonna be a blast!!! And your Azul thoughts (both planned sequels and future original thoughts) are always a treat!!! And let’s not forget about our cute, fluffy boy!!! (Give him more spotlight, I feel like he’s being neglect sometimes >.<)
3) Octatrio again, but with a special mention to Jade. I’ve taken inspiration from the way you’ve written him and have received positive feedback! Your Jade is so conniving and devious, but catch him at the right moment and he’ll be soft as his mushrooms he likes to forage! (It’s all an act, he’s acting cute just for you 0.0)
(ask game)
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WAAAAAAAAA OMG OMG...... you're too nice. T_T I read your messages with such a happy smile omg omg omg... >w< thank you so much!!!!
I'm so glad you can enjoy all of those facets of my writing! I am a sucker for symbolism. It will have to be pried out of my hands before I ever stop putting lots of symbolism in my writing hehe. >:D and relatable readers!!! :o thank you for saying so! I always hope the reader's personality can be enjoyed in my fics. Their interactions with certain characters are so different depending on the type of reader, and I try to write a different sort of reader for each fic just to add more flavor to the plot. Like a reader who greatly dislikes the yandere (in the context of DRU or Love me Not) or a reader who is head over heels for the yandere (like in Azul thought 4). It's also just really fun to write a variety of varying personalities for each reader and to see which would clash/connect with the character's personality!
Hehehe I fear no one will be ready for the monster that is TMDG. ^^;;;; like Azul thought 4, it's a concept that plagued my brain so much that it compelled me to create a playlist for it and it has me looking up all manner of moray eel courtship to slyly add into the scenes. I'm very excited to share it with everyone! ^0^ it's quite a lengthy read, but I hope such a thing can be acceptable. orz
And my Azul thoughts omg!!! Thank you for liking them! Azul is my beloved muse. He's just so fun to write for. I put him in so many concepts and he never fails to entertain! And then there's our beloved Floyd... admittedly, he has been a little neglected as of late. Rightfully so! >:( he was too troublesome during his basketball card rate-up!! But he is always properly loved on the blog hehe. <3
AAAAAAA thank you for liking the way I write Jade!!!!! He is very devious and conniving; that is a good way to describe him! I love him a lot because he's an eerie menace and a danger to all, but beyond that he can be so incredibly soft at certain moments. Just like the mushrooms he loves so much as you wrote!!! Maybe it's an act, or maybe it's the truth. It's so hard to tell with him, but when he's being so soft and sweet how can you not feel so fluffy? Not to share yet another excerpt from TMDG, but he's so soft!!!!!!! This is an eel who is so unabashedly in love with you and he's just barely treading the line between friend and lover. I love writing him in this way. In my mind, you hold the leash and he is happily, pleasantly collared (for now hehehe).
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anonbinaryweirdo · 6 months
happy New years everyone :) this is for (almost) all of my mutuals 🫶🏽 vi gave me the motivation I needed to finish this hehe...
irls get their own paragraphs on new years day (suckers)
@floraldresvi — my love, my angel,, you've been an absolute blessing. for as long as I've known you (four months, believe it or not) you've been nothing but sweet and sincere. loving and understanding, even when I don't seem to understand it at all. I'm very thankful for you and everything you've done. I know things are a little rough for you right now and all, but just know that, despite it all, you're still my vi. through the worst of through the best of days, you're still my vi, and nothing will change that, I will still love you all the same, i pinky promise ! <33 thank you for being one of the best things that's happened to me all year. I love you, so so much. I don't think you understand just how much, but trust me, my queen, I really do adore you. <3
@ilyuu — yui, my sunshine.. you're something I look forward to seeing in my notifs from the very second I wake. even through the days where you don't feel yourself, you still carry the entire sun with you and it brings a smile to my face every time. like I said with vi; i appreciate you, and everything you've ever done for me. 2023 hasn't necessarily been kind to me, and I can't remember a thing about it before.. July? but you're something I could never forget. your optimism is something that's held me up for the longest, and I thank you for it, full heartedly. I love you and your absolute silliness, dear <3
@noxs-daydream — moony !! my favorite chao. you're really cool, and I'm glad we've kept in touch for like. a year, haha,, you're a really sweet and understanding person as well. enjoy seeing you on my dash and in my notifs, even if we don't talk as much. that's partially on me,, I've been deliberately trying to avoid talking to you to appease my guilt,, but it's coming to be a new year ! so, we'll see,, but I'm always happy to be able to talk to you !! out of everyone in the garden, I'm glad I kept in touch with you the most. you're kinda like a big sibling to me, hehe,, that being said; I love you <3
@mondaymelon — ah, so we meet again. my twin. you're a genuinely funny and amazing guy.. can't believe we haven't met before?? we get along well (where it matters) and we both have an amazing taste in chaos, so it was only a matter of time before we go to meet one another. aside from being funny, you're really cool and sweet, and it's always so nice to talk to you, even when I'm convinced you have some sort of rabies. jkjk hehe, I love you tho <3 never change
@alexisomnias — Alexis my sweet baby D: you're so sweet and kind and... aaa it's always so nice to see you in my notifs <3 I love everything you have to say, from thoughts about kaveh, to ramblings about your OCS, your joy is infectious and never fails to bring a smile to my face, big sis. you're so sweet and I wish we could talk moreee !! i love you sm <3
@lillonvia — I'd like to talk to you some more ! we just met as the year was ending, so why not use the new year as a means to get to know each other better? love ya <3
@raingoesboomboom — birthday twin !! like the prior, I believe we should talk more :D you seem like a genuinely fun and chill guy, and it was a shame I didn't get to talk to you as much as I wanted to during the few months we've known each other.. so let's get to know each other a little more next year :D
@mysnowmanandmebaby — JOOOOOOO !! :D hehe you're so silly and fun to talk to !! you're really nice and cool and just omg. i was scared to talk to you at first despite finding you cool because of the minors dni thing.. but I'm glad you allowed me to talk to you and get to know you a bit :D I also believe that you are very funny because you make me giggle and everything else 🫶🏽 I see a lot of people on here as big siblings... and you're no exception; love you <e
@nordicbananas — omg is that the coolest mushroom EVER OMG?? no but you're so silly and like so fun and so cool and like. everything. everytime I see u in my notifs I gasp in a :D way because of how silly you are hehehe,, I love you, timezone stealer <3
@k1an4a — YOU 🫵🏽 you silly soul of a mf we need to talk moreee😭 you're so funny like what <//3 m always happy to see you around even if you aren't as active or if we don't talk a lot. you're just really silly :] love ya <3
@auroratumbles — you cutie !! I'm glad I got to keep you in my basement all year <33 don't worry I promise I'll let you go this new year hehehe... maybe. you're just a cutie patootie and I needed to keep the cutie to myself :( you're really sweet and nice and a joy to talk to when I'm not holding you hostage hehe. i love you tho <3
@aphroditesswan — you. you you YOU pls talk to me more I think you're really cool <//3 the times we talked you were really nice and I think we could be good friends :D love ya <3
@delusina — my sweet horizon.. I know you're on hiatus, but I'm including you anyway because you are. so sweet and amazing. I'm glad I could get to know you, and I hope for the best for you and your brother come this year because I just. i believe you deserve to be loved and cherished despite whatever you might think :) m here for you kazzie, I love you <3
@maehemthemisfit — I don't know where you might have gone, but I havent forgotten about you !! i hope you're doing alright, and I wish you a late Merry Christmas and a great new years mae. you're very sweet and very big sibling and you're just really cool in general,, glad we could be friends :) I hope to talk to you more this year, if you ever have the time. i love you <3
@n3r0-1417 — sunflower :D (I'm never stopping with this nickname) you're a really cool person and. very funny I believe. i always like it whenever I'm able to talk to you, even if it isn't a lot,, another potentially big sibling person :D happy New year to you albedo and Apollo and I love you guys <3
@m1shapanda — the silly !! i love your art and I think you're really fun !! aaaa I wish we could talk smoree.. also I'm bonking you on the head and telling you to start resting and taking more breaks <//3 love u tho <3
@soleillunne — lyssy <33 I apologize for the things you've had to see on this blog this year. I can assure you, you will see the same stuff next year 💞 AKHDKHD okay okay but I think you were the third big sibling figure to me on this app/website, and you're so sweet and really amazing :D every time I wake up and see your notifications on my lock screen I smile and go "lyssas active :D !!" i stalk your blog alot,, <//3 you're so amazing my pearl, I love you <3
@https-furina — perse !! i didn't tell you the nickname I had for you omg,, i was between both my ocean and my waterfall, because everytime I think of you I think of pretty waters,, anyways hello :D I hope you're alright <33 omg I'd love to talk to you more,, you're really silly and super nice?? everytime I see you and Alyssa paired together in my notifs I smile and i immediately have to see what's going on with you two, I think you two are really sweet :]] i hope i get to talk to you more !! love you <33
@papiliotao — you absolutely cutie of a patootie. remember when you willingly became my mother? good times.. SDJKD you scared the living hell out of me when we were first getting acquainted and,,, I think it's a bit silly now, considering the fact that you're literally one of my most adorable mutuals ever what😭I hope you're doing alright moonlight, I love you <33
@mikacynth — I MISS YOU. :( I hope you've been alright with your studies, and you are one of the nicest souls. second ever big sibling figure I've had on here !! i adore you, you're the cutiest ever !! i hope you'll be able to come back and talk to us some day, we alk miss you snowball :(( i love you !! happy New Year and belated Christmas <3
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du-buk · 2 years
8:11 Questions+Answers Pt.2
Got behind again:,D Thank you all for the questions and support though! I hope these don’t disappoint!💙✨✨✨🦭
General Characters Asks;
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I’m SOOOO behind on these asks, I apologize to you anons😭💙 But thank you so so much 2nd anon! I love rambly asks, so no worries💙 Thank you for supporting BOTH versions of the game, and liking it! I am honored and I hope you enjoy the sequel; and Gabriel’s next upcoming content then! Thanks again!
For anon 1; hahahaha, I love that! What a cool dream......... I would love to try making such a thing in real life...... but no idea how to structure jokes into four-panels......
But it would be really cool! Newpaper comics and the like were some of my biggest drawing inspirations as a young kid. It would be so nice to give it a go:)
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I’ve thought about it, and, sadly no 💔 I’m incredibly busy, especially as of late due to family tragedy, and my health makes it hard to be online all the time.
I’m a mod for one discord server my friends made, and, I do a terrible job at being a mod. I’m never online and just don’t check in with servers, sorry! But I can always happily promote a fan one👍✨
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There’s a small linkage to this. To be honest there was an grand, but old concept for this; but I might drop it as it doesn’t really impact the story in a positive way (as I see it). Or maybe I’ll continue with this, and see what I can do with it in the future.....! Maybe I’ll surprise myself, hahaha. Let’s find out!
But in general it was used before to signify angels, or death’s presence. I don’t know if I like this as I didn’t really use it for every angel in chapter one. For fun, this is what the map looks like when Gabriel and Vittorino talk and the static occurs. The Basilica walls change, and some angels appear.
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Hmmm..... oh boy. I think there were a few changes, so I will attempt to remember, but I believe I changed;
Gabriel’s co worker plot line: Meh. It’s a good excuse for him to get to the Basilica. But it’s not so heavily talked about anymore. She is most likely just dead, or missing, and Gabriel can now use Vittorino to help regain his memories. Gabriel’s past overall has done a lot of last minute changes; I think all for the best.
Gabriel’s age: I made him younger. Just to look more helpless and you feel sorry for the guy.
Vittorino and Gabriel dialogue; Vittorino is meant to be ambiguously-taken by the audience when he meets Gabriel. You can decide to trust him, or not.
Accardi and Vittorino’s dialogue in Act 3: I believe I changed some things when they talk about Dante. The old version, I believe, there were indications that Accardi knew who Dante was? He still does for the updated full game, but, now with V2 he claims he can’t remember specifically just Dante’s appearance/face. Lots of face imagery here hahaha
Lots of little details I believe; like what notes Ryker found and such.
The static noise. Also is the reason why in the demo; Leon told Ryker to ignore the static noises; and why it’s not in the full game now. I really just didn’t care for that concept, and wish to use something better.
In the future, if given the chance; I would like to re-make the town and the townspeople. In general just change NPC outfits, way of speech, beliefs, etc. to really give the town a stranger feeling and making the player feel so out of place.
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Hmmm..... sometimes I throw an intentional curve ball. Sometimes I don’t give a yes or a no to not spoil the future fun.  And yet, I have also deleted some asks that said too much. I try to delete outdated asks but I’m also just..... not online much and forget to go through my archive, hahaha^^;
Off the top of my head; nothing was spoilered in my answers, but, a lot of people ask me about “how will X character react to Accardi being outed as a cannibal?”
Well.... I’ve already decided to change someone’s reaction. I think this will be fun to write dialogue for, when I’m at that scene, hehe.
To give an idea; 8:11 is has been fully written for years now. But, it’s been a struggle to create a game with my health, busy schedule, etc. as a one-man-team. So, sometimes bits and pieces of the story, or characters, change over time like I do. New things inspire me, challenge me, etc. and I like to implement it in my stories. So far, the ideas and sets I’ve made for 8:11′s sequel overall make me extremely proud, and I hope to show it sometime in the near future when completed. 💙👍💙🦭💙
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Hmmmm...... only recently! As a challenge I wish to find voices in the same language characters grew up speaking (i.e, Ryker = French, Gabriel = Italian, etc.) My girlfriend actually pointed out a really nice headcanon voice someone had for Ryker, which is this video;
I’ve shared before that I think Leon sounds like this, but, other than these two, I have no ideas yet on voice claims.
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Hmmm...... I don’t know much about instruments, so, I might leave it up for fans to think about, hahahah^^;
I like to think Juliek was forced by his parents to learn violin or something; but he didn’t care for it. So he doesn’t pressure Amalia to pick up instruments if she doesn’t want to. But he loves to hear Accardi play. Maybe Susan knows how to play as well? Maybe instrument-playing is reserved for more upper class people in this world, as it sounds with above hahahaha.
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Hahahaha, weeeeell...... ummm.... [weapons/guns talk below warning]
Sorry for a disappointing answer anon, but, I just like arrows! They are often in my dreams, and fun to draw, so it’s common to just see in my artwork and stories hahahaha. I’ve had practice with shooting arrows and guns; and just like them. So I like to draw characters with weapons. Nothing much to it for 8:11′s story(symbolism wise); but maybe for future stories of mine.
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Yep! But I cannot say who ;) But I find the secret couples cute
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I’m glad you like them anon, thank you!!
After playing Pathologic, and re-watching Twin Peaks, I really wish I developed Dakota and Wankou more. Side characters can be so fun to talk to and interact with. I hope in the future to develop them more 💙💙💙
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Yep! Go ahead anon, please help yourself to any of the ADULT characters! Have fun!
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Ryker asks;
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Are you referring to this?⬇️
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Then yes! My dear best friend @jirachi​ made that for me, in support of the game! I actually have it up on my wall, next to my work station 💙😭 So everyone say thank you to her! And since time is played around with in the Basilica, like loose strings, I figured it fit best there:)
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He would, if you’re Ryker. If not, but you can see him, he might be alarmed (”why are you able to see someone else’s guardian angel?” he’s thinking) but if you are friendly......he can hug you. He would be so warm, yet probably smell like soil.
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They certainly smell bad. They were going to take a bath in act 3, but then found Beetle in the tub instead.
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Hi anon! Well.....
It wasn’t my intention, but, if you see fit; then who am I to stop you? Ryker wasn’t written with anything like that, but in general if I write a character with something; I will state it in text. (Which is why there’s so much talk about depression and anxiety disorders hahah)
Leon asks;
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Hello anons! He technically had someone he was very close with, but, NOT in a romantic sense. Just a friendly way.
I’ve never written a love interest for Leon, sadly. If you want him though, you can have him. Just be gentle....
He also has no canon last name, so, you can give him yours. 👍💙💙💙
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Hahaha, surprised (but glad) to hear! I didn’t think Francis would gather any fans until chapter two. Here’s some fun facts;
He was a morning person until the incident
He enjoys □ □ □ 
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Yes! Francis is just spoken with in a non-human form, so, it can be tricky to tell.
Accardi+Juliek asks;
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He probably had to drag them around, got dizzy, and threw up on them. What’s a few more bruises to Ryker when they’re covered in them, hahahaha.
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Hannibal, definitely. Your mom is very right👍 I love Mads Mikkelsen’s portrayal of him. Other than Hannibal, Accardi was inspired by other characters like Koito from Golden Kamuy and Westley from the Princess and the Bride.
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Are you referring to his pixel sprites? It honestly might have been a mistake, as, pixel art hurts my eyes 😭 I think 8:11 will be the last game I make with pixel art, as, the little details are too difficult for me to keep up with. My bad!
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Hello! Yes, I confirmed it over on Twitter a while back I believe. But don’t be fooled........it’s not a long history between them, and anything about them will just be implied. Juliek just likes to fuck.
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Uh, no clue, sorry anon. He’s just always had that.
Remember when Accardi told Ryker he gave stitches to Vittorino once? When he bumped his head on a table? Maybe Accardi had to do something similar with Juliek after a crazy night with the boys..... who knows....
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Vittorino+Gabriel+Dante asks; 
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There’s no cure. We’re just going to have to put you down. Sorry.
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He would chase you with an axe.
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I don’t mind! I’ve never really thought about it myself.... but I don’t mind it, hahaha. Chapter two might be a wild ride though if you do ship them ;P
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Dante enjoyed hunting as it relieved stress, and a way to escape from the madness at the Basilica for a moment. Though, he was never taught proper gun safety (no surprise).
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....Or in the past, possibly. I doubt Gabriel would want to do anything in a sewage area.
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Hello! I am, thank you for asking! You’re free to draw whatever you want, I don’t care.
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You might have to ask off anon. I don’t know exactly how to send these images, as, I don’t want to upload them on my archives 😭Just a heads up, I don’t think anything other than bare chests are shown so don’t get any hopes up👍I believe for the priest zine I only drew Leon and Vittorino.
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LOOOL yeah okay, pretty funny. But we will have to see, hahha. I don’t really draw NSFW images but I can try my best.
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Well.... in honor of Noda, the author behind Golden Kamuy ranking  sizes.....sure. I will do that too 👍✨
Wankou (the biggest)
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xianyoon · 1 month
Ying you're literally always soso sweet!! Please remember to get enough rest too Oki? Also here ; 💌
Let me write you one in return<33❤️❤️
You're literally a blessing, always so sweet and thoughtful, kind and considerate too - spreading your warm vibes everywhere and making so so many people smile <3 I hope to give you something in return and also make you smile by sending you this letter!!💕
I appreciate everything you do, every game and every moodboard, and all the time you take for us all ; including me. But please remember to get enough rest and stay hydrated, yes? <3❤️
I hope you have the best day ever! You're just so wonderful and amazing<33
You're literally spring to me, as warm and as sunny!! But you also make flowers bloom with your warm vibes 💕🥹 it's also seen as the season of new beginnings and new people - and you're always so welcoming and kind !! It fits so much!!<3
Alhaitham and Wriothesley are so lucky to have you (they also told me themselves while rambling about you with that lovestruck gaze in their faces <3) and I hope you stay together forever with them since it's so so so so adorable to look at!!
I love you Ying, thank you for everything!! ❤️❤️
vivi ! ! !! ! !  i cannot even put this into words- where do i even begin ?
your sweet disposition ( and wide eyed gaze ..  . .. /ref ) has been gifted to so many people around you and it has been such a privilege getting to know and love you ! !! !
your thoughtfulness is like no other and the care and effort that you put into making others feel loved ? that’s incredibly one-of-a-kind and i 100% love u for it ! you have such a gift – being able to make others smile no matter what – and always putting your 100% into everything !
it’s been such a blessing getting to know u and interact with u ehhehee. thank u for joining all my events and always hyping me & my selfship up – you truly have been such a central part of healing my selfship journey . i used to dislike selfshipping so much because of previous experiences but you ( along with many others ) have turned it into such a delightful experience and i cannot wait for more baivi crumbs ! !  !!
and not to mention how you always hype other people up ?! you’re always popping by to have sweet checkins & asking about selfships i absolutely adore your nurturing spirit & i think that’s one of the things i love the most about you hehee . you always strive to make other people feel comfortable and have such a caring mindframe in literally ! everything that you do ! baizhu is so lucky to have someone like u hehehe
and not to mention bouquet anon .. . i could sing praises of how sweet u have been to so many of us ! your gifts are such a blessing to receive and i always smile when i see them – thank you for always considering me and making me feel part of things – you’re absolutely incredible.
i adore you dearly and i’m so glad you exist the same time as me . . . i love u ! 
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zandick · 6 months
happy new years friends and followers! i remember doing one of these when i first joined fanfic tumblr and i’m feeling nostalgic so i thought i’d make one since it’s been awhile and i have some (positive) things to say!!
okay here goes!! putting everything under a readmore to not clog the dash <3
@tighnarly — hi baby. my princess, cupcake, gum drop, bunny baby <3 i’m so happy and grateful to have you as my future wife and i can’t wait for the day we get married. i know i mostly post about my fictional fav (albedo :p) but you’re truly all i want and need 🫶🏻 everytime i write a fanfic i’m thinking of you and me. every word i write is a love letter to you from me. i know i’m not the best with words but i hope one day you’ll be able to see you the way i see you. trust me when i say you are the most beautiful and kind human i have ever met in my life, and i’m gonna personally fight everyone and anyone who hurts you 😗 anywaysss hehe i love you sunshine 💖🫶🏻
@neuvillettes — bestieeeeeee my bestie from the westie 🫶🏻 i’m so glad we met and connected online bc now we legit our roommates and it’s so fun 😭🤚🏻 like i legit dont know how to tell you how much our friendship means to me. ur fr that one person that just GETS me. you’re so kind and funny and fun to be around, but i also love that ur not afraid to be honest with me, especially when i need that tough love approach. i love you oh so much bestie 💖 oh and thank you for the art tablet i literally am still screaming over it hehe.
@suyacho — my beloved bestie 🫶🏻 there is no one i love rambling about my selfship thots about more than you. i love how i can talk to you about anything and everything 🥹🫶🏻 i especially love how patient and supportive you’ve been of me this year, because it meant the entire world to me. i’m so glad we’re besties and i can’t wait for the day i meet you irl 🫶🏻💖mwah ily bestie hehe me, kaeya, and albedo are smoochin u rn 💖 (platonic)
@auphelia — mootie sweet sweet mootie. it always makes me happy seeing you on the dash, and i especially smile whenever i see u in my tags whether it’s a fic or just a regular old post. i get so giddy whenever i talk to u bc u are fr one cool pal!! i’m so glad we’re mooties! and i have to say i can’t wait to see what more you write because you are very talented 💖
@fleur-de-leap — leap!! i know i am very sporadic with my messages but i legit get so happy to interact with you and even more so when i see/read ur art/writing! you’re so fucking talented in so many ways and every day it truly impresses me! when we made the server together that day it made me SO happy and i get so happy seeing i get messages from you 💖 thank you for being my friend through all these years, truly it’s been a blessing.
@shig-a-shig-ah — bestie!!!!! my BESTIEEEE 🥹🫶🏻 i hope u know u mean the entire world to me. i can’t believe we’ve been friends since the beginning of my writing journey, it’s wild! istg ONE DAY BESTIE, ONE DAY we will meet and it will be the best day ever 🥹🫶🏻 ily bestie mwah
@blkladyelle — elle!! my beloved!! it’s so nice whenever i see you on the dash, and i’m always especially happy whenever i get a dm from you! i hope you feel loved and happy this upcoming year and that it holds so much positivity for you. because fuck i need you to have a good year!!! i love you sm and wanted to let you know my dm’s are always open for you 🫶🏻💖
@nc-vb — mootie aka my fellow albedo lover i get so happy whenever i see u interact with me, and i want you to know i’m always rooting for you! you’re writing is so good and honestly you’ve been such a joy to talk to in dm’s, and you’re so easy to talk to. i hope this year good things happen to you, because you truly deserve the world bub 🫶🏻
@4izawas — bestie cas!! i know we just became mutuals but u are legit one of the coolest people on this app! ur writing is fucking god tier and you are legit one of the funniest fuckers i know 😭💖 can’t count the amount of times u’ve made me giggle from something u said 🤭 i’m manifesting that aizawa confesses his love to u this year!!! 💖
if you’re not listed here it’s purely either because i forgot or we didn’t talk too much this year. so, please don’t take it personally if i didn’t include you!! i love all me mooties 🫶🏻💖
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Hey hey!!! I love your writing so much, it satiates my hunger for fluff so much!! I was wondering if you could do some writing for Thoma? He’s my comfort character rn hehe, but feel free to include any of your faves too if you decide to take on this request!
I was thinking it would be interesting to see how he’d react to crushing on/dating a shapeshifting reader! I was reading his lines about his yokai interests the other day and thought this would be super cute, also I haven’t really seen anyone else do it! Also bonus points if they had some animal-ish features, like a tail, ears, maybe some clawed hands?
Thank you for writing! I’m wishing you well! 💕
Hi hi !!!! Waah thank you so much for your kind words !! I’m so so sorry it took me so long to get around to this, hopefully Thoma is still a comfort character for you >_> This idea has been rotating gently in the back of my brain for a hot minute because it’s just so sweet and fun and I really wanted to do it justice because I really do adore Thoma, he’s kind of got big brother vibes to me and that's just. <3 
Anyways, some rambling below the cut! Gender neutral reader who can shapeshift into various animalistic forms, as well as a humanoid one (with ears, claws and a tail!) 
It may take Thoma some time to notice your presence in the Chinju Forest - there's a huge variety of strange creatures wandering around there, including ones that have the ability to take on humanish forms. But before long, he starts to spot you from the corner of his eye and takes an immediate interest, since he’s been reading so much about yokai recently, he absolutely has to investigate!
It’s almost like a game of hide-and-seek to him - he doesn’t outright chase you, but he certainly makes attempts to follow and track this new forest inhabitant. When that doesn’t work, he tries to bribe you into coming out into the open, leaving yummy snacks and shiny trinkets out in places he’s spotted you in more than once. He catches on to the shapeshifting aspect of you fairly quickly thanks to your distinct mannerisms and markings. 
Thoma is nothing if not persistent - there’s no way he’ll stop bombarding you with niceties until he’s managed to befriend you (and even then he’ll keep going!). He’s well trusted by even the more mischievous creatures in the forest because of how he brings any leftover food from the estate to hand out to others. 
He’s super excited when you finally deign to approach him for the first time, but he works very hard to reign it in, worried about accidentally scaring you off. It’s almost painfully obvious that he has about eight trillion questions for you, and his fingers twitch as he suppresses the urge to reach out and touch your fluffy ears and tail. He makes sure to speak in a soft, kind voice while moving very slowly towards you as he introduces himself. 
Thoma is extraordinarily patient - though he can get overexcited pretty easily at times, he does his very best not to startle you or do anything that might scare you off. He takes note of your favourite kinds of snacks and trinkets and brings them along whenever he visits. He usually drops by around midafternoon on sunny days, shortly after lunch once he’s finished hanging the laundry. Some days, he’s too busy to make it, which he’s so apologetic for, bringing you extra offerings to make up for it.
He has so many questions for you, from every category you could possibly think of, he tries to be considerate and not ask anything that pries too much, but he may occasionally let something odd slip out (“Can you even wear hats with big ears like that? Wait, was that a mean question. Is it a sensitive subject? I’m sorry - hey, why are you laughing?!”). He’s super fascinated by your shapeshifting abilities, and will often ask to see them in action.
Thoma often talks about how lucky he is to have you as a friend, and how cool it is that he’s friends with an ‘actual, real-life, honest-to-archons yokai!’ 
He also has a bit of a tricky side himself, and will more than happily engage in miniature prank wars with you - once, this culminated in him treating some random forest creature like you for a solid several days. You’re never quite sure if he had really fallen that hard for your trickery or he was just toying with you in return, but it was pretty funny to watch him have a fully-fledged one-sided conversation with a squirrel. 
Thoma likes interconnecting his friend groups, and will tentatively offer to introduce you to some of his other contacts (only if you’re comfortable with it, of course). He’s super lovely and excited about it all, and makes sure that nobody ever feels left out or overwhelmed. He’ll extend invites to various events and festivals, but he never gets upset if you turn him down for whatever reasons. He’s just super glad to be your friend! 
Please don’t repost or use my writing anywhere else!
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thisisrigged4 · 11 months
hello! :D I see you would like some charles-related content <3 (or anyone for that matter hehe)
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heres a present for u <3 also what's some of your favorite things about charles? :D (I.e personality traits, appearance , etc) that you just really really appreciate about his character? ;3
<3 <3 <3
I love how he is smiling slightly in that photo <3
It got a bit long than I first thought
What isn't there to love about his personality?
I love how he has a goofy sweetheart deep down and is not the stoic serious all-around man people make him out to be. For example, getting a drunken piggyback ride from John, "You should have taken the money." "I know, I'm a fool.", playfully grabbing at the prostitute's hand as Arthur insults them. Those fleeting moments and how sweet they are. (Also randomly tossing a chair in a bar fight was peek)
How understanding and patient he is too. Take Dutch and Molly/Susan for example and How Dutch snaps at them saying "How much he has going on and they want to talk" and yet Charles has just as much going on but anytime his friends need/call for him, he always has time/is willing to help or listen.
His "no nonsense" attitude and how he never leaves the player guessing in the game. Or how he doesn't tolerate negative people or behaviors. Like when Arthur was going to send away the German woman and her kids in Dewberry Creek. Or when Micah racially profiled him and Charles straight up yeeted the dude. My favorite one tho was in "An Honest Mistake" when Uncle/Arthur split up with Bill/Charles in the trees and the dialogue that follows
Charles - "Anything dumb Williamson, you're on your own."
Bill - "Oh shut the hell up."
The last one I'll include is compassion and wanting to help others/be better. For the natives, for the German woman in Chapter 2, Saving Jack in Chapter 3, stopping to look over Lenny after he is shot (He is literally the only one besides Arthur to not just breeze by the body; IG Javier to but he literally just peaks for two seconds before dipping). I know he wasn't fond of Kieran until a little before his death but (I at least) liked how we didn't see him torturing him like the others. Live and let live.
As for appearance, everything. I'm a sucker for a man with long hair. And the face, why does it have to be that damn beautiful? Seriously tho, his smile is awkward and adorable, I wish we had gotten to see it more. I am really obsessed with his face. Eye shape, beautiful.
So this is where it might get a bit weird but his hands are attractive to me and I can not explain why. Like, they are just hands, why so attractive?
That's my crazy ramblings, thank you asking friend <3
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fatuismooches · 1 year
The Columbina rot is back in my poor brain
To go off about her being a fallen angel from celestia and her wings!
Like you said, they’re sensitive, so she takes a while to open up to letting you touch them. They have so much meaning to her so when she does let you eventually groom them for her, it’s a massive step in your guys’ relationship (maybe it’s like one step closer to her being like “mm yeah I would love to marry them more than I already did :3”)
Her wings are very expressive when it’s just the two of you! Especially with how she had her eyes constantly closed, it helps to figure out what she’s feeling sometimes if she hasn’t already, maybe, told you, directly or indirectly.
I feel as if she has big wings too! She loves bringing them out when the two of you are in her room, cuddling or playing games or whatever you two wanna do at the moment; she loves trapping you in her wings so you have no way to escape her cuddling >:3.
Her wings are very soft, and she loves how delicate your hands brush over them when your brushing them for her, they ruffle every so often, especially after you got a few old feathers out and they just shudder in pure bliss after being free from the old feathers.
Oh when I say big wings, I mean BIIG wings
They’re like, 3 times her size(she also has 3pairs like her little head wings :3).. but! It’s all the better for holding and protecting you
Anyways ty for letting me ramble about my wife, Bina, I love her so much
I LOVE!!!! THIS!!! I love the hc of Columbina having wings so much. (Even if she's not a fallen angel I'll always adore these hcs 😭)
Anyway, yes, I feel that it would take very long like you said because she's actually a bit insecure about them considering what she went through and all. Barely anyone knows about them in the first place, and no one else has seen them either. So Bina has to trust you immensely to even let you know about them. Even more trust to let you see them, and then touch them. But once you do, it's so... loving. Rewarding. Touching. There's a sense of unspeakable closeness that both of you can feel.
Columbina is much more expressive through actions rather than facial expression, and her wings are so!! She can hide her emotions all she wants but there's nothing she can do to hide the fluttering of her wings hehe, and i 100% agree!! Her wings are huge and beautiful. You two always have to make sure there's not any object in the way when she lets out her wings because there have been times when she has knocked over some stuff, accidentally broken a pillar of your shared bed (oops). From then on you two have a specifically made room where she can let out her wings 😭 Bina definitely likes to tease you with her wings, sometimes blocking your eyesight or tickling you with them, anything goes :3 Also: she's not that tall but her managing to hold things out of reach with her wings. Don't ask me how I just know she has to be skilled in controlling them lol
She LOVES when you take care of her wings she feels so pampered and relaxed ;( It's hard for her to do it herself because they're so big and she doesn't trust anyone else so she's so in love with you rn! They're really sensitive so she's just on cloud nine when you treat them so dearly while managing to brush and prune them <3
Columbina angel fanart keeps me going 😭 I adore the numerous big wings but also smol tiny wings around her head! Thank you for sharing your Bina thoughts with me I loved them!!
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jils-things · 6 months
happy new year! ; my farewell letter to 2023.
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last year, ive written a similar farewell letter to 2022 and i want to make this a little tradition - so here's my second one <3
okay, so - wow. first of all, just wow.
this might be incredibly bold to say, but i think this has been my best year to be alive (i promise you i do not want to sound corny about it, but i really think 2023 was amazing for me.) of course, many things happened. im at my last year of senior high before i go to college, which is very scary but i hope i can be brave for it. school has been actually very generous to me recently, despite a few minor setbacks that looked very major when i was going through it, but overall it was very generous to me. but irl rambling is boring, so let's talk about my selfshipping blog!
last year, i had a verrrry firm grip on a previous f/o that im 100% sure old followers know - though im a little sad I can't find that spark to focus on him again - the shift in media has helped me find new f/os that i can say has been incredibly memorable to me. as we all know, im in a very INSANE pokemon brainrot since november or october(?) of 2022 and it has still remained heavily active in my head right now - which i honestly didn't even know i had the full capacity of doing! I don't know what magic this game did to me but i promise you im so happy i revisited this game again.
i would talk about how grateful i am to everyone has been supportive and sweet about my romantic f/os but i think the best highlight of my blog is my newfound love for my familial f/os - before that, i never had a single one on my list because i was simply quite disconnected to the family love concept, but after indulging myself in pokemon - i would come to discover pokemon adve.ntures, or poke.spe for short hehe. i have so many fond memories of finding myself wanting to read more and MORE - i would have every chapter downloaded beforehand just so that i can read it in my spare time, not even school that demanded my attention would stop me from sneaking my phone to quickly read through the manga LMAOO - but consuming the media itself wasn't enough, i needed people to understand the ROLLERCOASTER of emotions i had while reading and well, i think its very clear who those people were, the ones who came to save my miserable ass from (insert shocking scene in poke.spe) AHSJHSHSJSJS you know who you are and i appreciate you forever and they - i kid you not, helped me create something wonderful!
but of course, the video games were just as amazing. would you believe me if i told you i played gens 1 to 7 in one year? that's how much i adore the game and i still have yet to catch up to other games like the spin offs :] im not sure how to end this statement but. im so happy appleshipping and memoryshipping exists 🥹 i usually don't like thinking that they'll be with me forever because i believe nothing lasts for eternity but i just wanna say that they were just ... im just so contented 🥹 again, all of this actually would not have been so impactful to me if it weren't for my awesome mutuals hearing me out about it and supplying me with even more ideas - these mutuals would also end up becoming such loving friends of mine that helped me get out of my comfort zone and im still happy they're around (hi guys!) 💚
oh! and, what a surprise, i never thought id have an oc f/o! i initially thought that this was so impossible to do but?!??;?! it just happened i guess!!!! i keep surprising myself this year 😭
ok now here's the obligatory art summary for the year 💥
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literally the best thing i ever done with my art is try using csp and it actually really helped me change the way i draw, and i even managed to cross out a few items in my last year's resolution thanks to it! i still bounce between using ibispaint and csp but i certainly improved!
the last thing im forever grateful about are the people who has been consistently supportive of my art - especially the commissions, i can't stress it enough how much it has helped me outside and it allowed me to go beyond my comfort zone when it comes to my drawing skills :']] thank you all so much
and finally, big thank you to everyone who sent me nice letters to my tree 🥹💚 its a gentle reminder that im actually ... pretty cool ig 🥹 and if you didn't send one, that's also ok!! you're still cool for reading this mwamwa
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again im so bad at ending posts like these but cheers to a new year and let's hope it'll be better for everyone. 💚🫡 goodbye 2023!
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