#thank you for indulging me ✨✨✨
ltcolonelcarter · 2 years
So… I wanna know if you have a couple sentences (maybe even a paragraph) that you feel best shows off your talent. And share plez me wanna see 🧍🏻‍♀️😌
ohhhh I’ve thought about this for so long. SO LONG.
I… cheated, and have picked a few. it’s difficult to pick something without also nitpicking it, so I’ve tried to go for a range that show you what I feel best represents my ✨style✨
a question of time, ch 1
Firm, withholding the worst of her disappointment for his benefit; still, his pervading thought was that she hadn’t looked at him for more than a few seconds at a time, as though avoiding him—or perhaps avoiding the ghost of someone else. Instead she’d spoken to the roses she tended, blooming a glorious, vivid crimson, and let him overhear.
occasionally I’ll write a line and it just captures exactly what I ✨see✨. this last line, Amanda not even caring enough to look at Sixty, so consumed by her garden, was that. her disinterest… Sixty, like Connor, looking for approval and finding none… sigh. it’s the perfect starting point for him. not even doomed, just… inconsequential
all of ch 6 of aqot was a Struggle, but in terms of interesting style/formatting I was super happy with how it turned out. the non-chronological order worked out far better than I’d hoped. I cant add any more aqot without spoilers, so I’ll leave it there 😏
last call, ch 2
In their usual seats by the bar, Connor and Hank sit, locked in rapid fire conversation. Hank’s nursing something that looks suspiciously not like his favourite whiskey, which tells you they’re not celebrating, and Connor’s gesticulating as he speaks, his face animated and expressive.
Hank makes a comment, punctuated with the sway of his glass, and Connor laughs at him, his eyes bright; the loose collection of colleagues around them laugh too, following his lead, and you’re caught in the sound, isolated against the background noise of the bar, bathed in colour by the string lights above.
okay so I’m sure you pointed this one out to me before buuuut… it feels exactly the way I wanted it to. it’s a warm moment watched from a distance. I feel like it subtly catches character without being too weighed down with description. I’ve been working recently on trying to build up scenes and atmosphere without getting caught up in length prose, and this one shows a nice balance, I think.
I think I’m going to combust, but thank you for this ask, it’s been interesting and I got to yell a BUNCH
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ectoodle · 2 years
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"This time, no matter where you wish to go, this master will accompany you.”
Thank you everyone for watching my bingqiu amv and all your kind words! 💖
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fangaminghell · 3 months
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Future Leo's Elite 4. Below is the nitty gritty of them that I have planned so far ( except Heather bc she's honestly the same as she's always been I think)
Fern: Grass/Ghost, Bewitched Forest Field.
Item: Decidum Z
Ability: Overgrown or Long Reach
Swords Dance
Spirit Shackle
Leaf Blade
Sucker Punch
Item: Focus Sash
Ability: Natural Cure
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball
Nature Power
Sleep Powder
( Roserade is here bc of the hc that Florinia gave him it as a budew when he was younger :) )
Item: Coba Berry
Ability: Justified
Sacred Sword
Leaf Blade
( might change this moveset later )
Item: Magical Seeds
Ability: Unaware
Torch Song
( arguably my favorite set for Fern )
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Disguise
Hone Claws
Play Rough
Drain Punch
Shadow Claw
( alternative option is flutter mane. Honestly probably a better option for the field but was worried it might be....too over powered. Also how the would be get the thing. Maybe just mismagius? Shrugs)
Mega Sceptile
Item: Mega Stone ( duh )
Ability: Lightning Rod
Dragon Pulse
Giga Drain
Nature Power
Brick Break
( the other option would have been mega venasuar but 1) Roserade and 2) Fern would love to shit on Flora if he knew, but he doesn't and I just think sceptile fits him more)
Overall, I like this team. I do wish there was ways to utilize the dark type boosts more, but I think overall this works. I love the idea of Witch Fern lol. I know that's not exactly his aesthetic in canon, but it's very fun to imagine. He would not wear a witch hat, he refuse.
Saphira: Dragon/Steel, Fairytale Field
Item: Scope lens
Ability: Pressure or Telepathy ( depending if singles or doubles)
Stealth Rock
Draco Meteor
Item: Lapapa Berry
Ability: Multiscale
Extreme Speed
Dragon Dance
Dragon Claw
Item: Life Orb (?)
Ability: Infiltrator
Draco Meteor
Shadow Ball
Item: Chople Berry
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Kowtow Cleave
Psycho Cut
Iron Head
Swords Dance
Item: Magical Seed
Ability: Sturdy
Gyro Ball
Dragon Tail
Dragon Dance
Yes this is a nod to Saphira's most iconic scene lol.
Mega Latios
Item: Mega Stone ( duh )
Ability: Levitate
Calm mind
Draining Kiss
Dragon Pulse
Mist Ball
I think the reason I went with latias instead of Latios was bc 1) it was most used by Saph I think and 2) I think it's the one that can actually use a fairy move lol.
Not much to say with Saphira's team, really. I simply choose pokemon that I thought would fit her. If the normal/fairy option on the poll won, I would have made her typing Dragon/Fire, but ah well. I think Dragon/Steel fits just as well. Maybe Titania gave her pointers. Speaking of which, fun fact! When choosing for Leo's E4, it was between her and Titania got the spot. I obviously ended up choosing Saph, but trust me it was hard. The biggest reason was bc I wanted to stay a bit away from the Another Time E4. Just a bit. That being said, and this is the fun fact, Titania eventually gets that role when Shelly becomes champion! Yes, Shelly becomes champion after Leo. It's a back and forth for a while ( and for the Adrienn's sake, Titania and Saphira don't switch each time Leo or Shelly becomes champion again), but inevitably, Shelly becomes the permanent Champion of Reborn, and thus, Titania becomes one of her E4. I like to think Shelly made Titania swear she's for keeps lol.
If there's one thing I will say about this team is that it's pretty slow. While I love Steelix, maybe I should replace it with something that can provide tailwind support?
And finally, the elite 4 I did a whole poll for:
Taka: Normal/Fairy, Rainbow Field
Item: Silk Scarf
Ability: Big Pecks
Boomburst/Hyper Voice
Heat wave
Nasty Plot
Of course I had to add Chatot lol. There's probably a better movest here, buuuut yeah!
Item: Heavy Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Sacred Fire
Hidden Power
H. Zoroark
Item: Magical Seed
Ability: Illusion
Hyper Voice
Sludge Bomb
Hidden Power ( Rock or Water?)
Why does Taka have a H.Zoroark? Bc I felt it fitted his motivations by the end of the Reshiram route! I think giving him a hisuian mon fits really well, and of all of them I think H. Zoroark fits best.
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Iron Fist
Close Combat
Zen Headbutt
Blaze Kick
Mach Punch
Mega Charizard Y
Item: Charizardite Y
Ability: Drought
Solar Beam
Fire Pledge/ Heat Wave
Rock Slide
I'm bad at calculating damage, but if I did the math right overall Fire Pledge and Heat Wave does the same damage overall ( fire Pledge gets booster by the field and sun, heat wave just gets boosted by the sun), and is a spread move. Maybe Fire Pledge for The Culture + when/if sunlight fades, it's still going 120 damage with better accuracy. So.
Aegislash ( Steel/Fairy)
Item: Leftovers
Ability: Stance Change
King's Shield
Sunsteel Strike
Dazzling Gleam
Sacred Sword
Arguably the one that best utilizes this field lmao. " But R this is a normal/fire team, why is Aegislash-" 1) it's too iconic not to get man and 2) there's plenty of elite 4 members that are said to master a single type but have pokemon in their teams that aren't that type. If anything, Taka here is the least offensive bc he only really has one, where the others had multiple. I just think Taka should use his cool sword more.
The biggest thing with this team is that I want it to be a doubles team, bc Taka generally battles in doubles in the post game, but this team. Is so rock slide weak man. And ngl I feel like I could have added more normal types outside of the two.
AND THAT'S EVERYTHING YIPPEE!!!!!! I love team building but am I the best at it? Nah. So if anyone has any suggestions on what I should change, feel free to send an ask!
Overall this elite 4 has this cute fantasy theme to it. Heather- the flying maiden, Fern - the witch in the woods, Saphira - the mighty dragon and Taka - the knight that protects his king ( Leo ). It was honestly accidental but I love it.
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midnightmasterpiece · 5 months
once my anti depressants kick in (could be like a month) (and hopefully this prescription works for me) my sapphic elucien f1 au is soooo gonna get written
I have so many ideas and there’s so much content leading up to this weekends grand prix in miami that I have so many ideas
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 9 months
luluuuuuu that arctic monkeys ask game you made is so cute!!! 🥹💞 i'd love to know your answers to questions 9, 18 and 19, please!
(also, i'm so sorry to hear about your flare up 🥺 i hope it passes quickly and that you'll feel much better very soon!! sending all the love and hugs and warm blankets in the meantime, lovely 💖🌷💫)
awww minnie thank you so muuuuuch 🥺💗 (and thank you for your kind words re my flare up, don't worry i've got my hot water bottle and i've been comfort watching endeavour all evening so i'm doing okay! 🥰🥰)
9) what's the first song you heard that made you fall in love with the band? where were you when you heard it?
like a lot of people i think i'd probably vaguely heard a few arctic monkeys songs here and there over the years but for some reason never really tuned in and *listened* to them. so the first song i really heard and which made me fall head over heels into their entire discography was there'd better be a mirrorball, and, in wonderful irony, i was sitting in a car when i heard it. i had like an hour to kill waiting for a friend to come out of an appointment, and there was this gorgeous rainy pink-skied november sunset and i was just watching the rain pour the colours down the glass of the windscreen and having my mind absolutely *blown* by mirrorball (and then a bunch of other tracks: dance little liar, arabella, you're so dark, 505, and don't sit down 'cause i've moved your chair). i'll honestly never forget that afternoon, it's seared so vividly into my memory because hearing them for the first time just felt like some kind of epiphany i'd been searching around for forever and it's so special to me ✨
here are some photos of my view from the car while i was falling totally in love!
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18) if you could ask each member of the band something and have them answer honestly, what questions would you ask them?
matt: i'd LOVE to know more about his photography, eg what catches his eye and makes him want to capture something (i’d also love to ask him to show me some of the photos of the band he hasn’t shared publicly, i bet he has some wonderful gems)
nick: he never seems to get spoken to/get the chance to speak in interviews which makes me so sad, so i'd love to know what question he'd actually like to be asked about his creative process/what’s most important to him about it
alex: i mean, part of me wants to ask him something like exactly what went down with him and miles or when the next tlsp record will be, BUT i think ultimately i'd want to ask him to describe his internal process of creativity, from the moment something sparks a little flame of thought to the finished piece, and how he feels as he's moving through the different stages of creativity. basically i just want an insight into how that wonderful mind of his words and to know what his own internal experience of his creativity is (or i could be really cruel and ask him what his favourite pudding is. he never did reach a consensus on that during that radio interview did he 👀)
jamie: either if he really threw his trowel into that pond or why he chose the name arctic monkeys. he truly is a man of mystery
19) what's your favourite quote said by someone in the band? feel free to share a link/clip?
oh god, SO many to choose from, but it's got to be this one by the one and only wonderful nick o'malley:
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indecisive-dizzy · 9 months
Ramble about Eddie to your heart’s content, bestie :D
I’m honestly very interested in your ideas :3
Again, don’t be scared to just ramble in my ask box, I love hearing peoples ideas
I'm wailing rn /pos
My AU! Disabled Eddie!! Ok so he wasn't born with his disability, it came about later.
My Current story is that he had stroke in late middle/early high school! I have done research and Yes it is possible for teens and younger to have strokes. From what I recall it can be significantly worse for them compared to adult strokes
Eddie was left with permanent complications and is disabled bc of it. He has coordination, balance, and general mobility complications among a list of other post stroke effects. I just found the word I was looking for a few days ago to describe his mobility issues, it's Ataxia!
Eddie has to deal with bouts of muscle weakness on his right side which can effect his vision. He also gets vertigo a Lot and at this point dizziness is expected every time he stands.
He uses forearm crutches when he needs extra help walking bc he does have good days where he may not need them! But for longer distances he brings them bc he's better safe than sorry. He also has cane but he doesn't use it As much.
He also has a wheelchair that he Hates. He hates having to use it. But his Really horrible days leave him unable to stand, much less walk. He wishes he could just hide it somewhere and never think about it but alas. it's important.
He dislikes the wheelchair so much bc it makes him feel useless. He is Not! I want to clarify that wheelchair users are perfectly Capable and Independent! Eddie just has an issue with overachieving and working himself too hard. He wants to be helpful and do So Much but there are some things he can't do while in his wheelchair. He was stuck in a chair for months after his stroke and it was devastating back then. He has No good memories with a wheelchair so he continues to dislike using it.
Ok putting a read more bc I am not shutting up for a While
Relationships with the neighbors! Generally the same. Barnaby doesn't chase him bc that would be mean (? I can't think of a better way to describe it)
Sally is still Sally but she's specific on her mailman hate (lmao) to make sure Eddie and everyone else knows she's not faulting him for his disability.
Hmm yeah everything else is pretty much the same. I guess everyone is also more open about offering Eddie help from time to time if he looks like he needs an extra hand. They're not persistent or anything, but if they see him struggling to carry a package or two they're more inclined to help.
I still don't know how Howdy gets his shit. Honestly If Eddie is having a crutch or chair day,, Howdy just won't get his stock unless he gets it himself. I can't think of a way for Eddie to deliver all those heavy ass boxes.
He does ask people to pick up their packages occasionally too. He tries to deliver them all himself but it's not always possible. He offers a trolley they can use.
I want to talk about angst. So this is very specific, I'll try to keep it short. growing up, Eddie lived in a four bedroom house. two downstairs master bedrooms and two upstairs normal bedrooms. Before his stroke he was upstairs, his older brother in the other room, and his older sister in the bedroom downstairs.
Afterwards he had to move downstairs. His sister Hated this. She loved her room and her private bathroom and she was very prissy about it.
This snowballed into her just,, taking all her frustrations out on Eddie. He took Her Bedroom. He's getting all the attention. Her little brother was ruining everything.
Eddie was devastated by this. He went as far as to attempt to convince his parents to let them switch rooms again. He couldn't physically walk up the stairs most days but he just wanted his big sister to not hate him anymore.
Their relationship never fully recovered. As an adult Eddie will still find ways to blame himself and feel guilty. But he just can't bring himself to talk to her.
They used to be so close. She let Eddie experiment with her makeup, they talked about fashion and boys and she helped him so so much when he was questioning his sexuality.
and then it just, fell apart. But not quietly like a loose thread but rather a house that wasn't built quite right and the screws came loose one by one.
Eddie's memory gets really fuzzy when thinking that far back. but some of those memories are burned into his mind and he wishes he could forget them like he does everything else.
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weisbrot · 2 years
🥰💛🥳 thank you bro!! ✨🥂
onto a new year and new mischief 😤⭐️
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finexbright · 2 years
Me! I want to know your take <3
okay so bear in mind that i have been working in the event management side of things for coming up to five years (in two different countries) now and this will be from the perspective of someone who's working on the other side (of the counter perhaps)
while i completely agree that artists heavily rely on making a profit, and eventually being able to break even on album by touring and merchandise, you also need to realise that the venues also rely on that. i do agree that it is completely ridiculous for venues to charge location fee + profit on merch (i.e apart from the venue fee, organisers need to pay a certain fee for putting up a merch stand and then share profits with the venue as well) because when it comes to article like louis for example who are all about fair prices for fans and who try to charge it as low as possible on merch while trying to make a profit, if they do end up sharing profits with the venue, they'll hardly make any money out of it. let's say a piece of merch is £50 — out of that at least £20 will be production, £10 for stand space fee and then £10 for profit of the venue and at the end of the day, the artist only ends up getting £10.
however, that is the artist's perspective of things. now from the venue's perspective. almost every single person working at an events venue only makes minimum wage or a little bit more than minimum wage. so let's say £10/hr. and not everyone does sold out stadium tours. so let's talk about arenas or small venues who basically keep the place running by trying to get as many artists as possible (music, comedy, conference etc). now, for an hour long concert, okay let's say 3 hrs with support act included, they need to hire staff for at least a 5 hour shift (includes setting up beforehand and clean up after). and you need at least 30 people (managers, bar/concession stand staff, cleaners, showsec, box office staff etc). so the venues need to pay their staff.
while matt vines comment about merchandise is something i agree with, i absolutely completely disagree with how venues make bank on bar/concession stands because it completely depends on the artist and the crowd. there have been days at sold out shows where bars have barely made £300-500 each. so let's say a venue has 5 bars, so how do you pay 30 people £10/hr for 5 hrs each and still keep the place running? and that's just the staff i'm talking about, there'll be loads of other expenses that the venue will need to take care of like stock, maintenance etc. and given how seasonal the events industry is, there's gonna be at least 3 months out of the year where there'll be nothing happening at the venue.
so i guess what i'm saying is, i do agree with matt about merchandise, but the thing about that is there is always an option of selling it online. like, any artist definitely makes more money out of selling merch online rather than in venues (and some artists tend to put up merch that they did sell at the venues on their online shop after the tour like we've seend with louis and harry). so when that is an option and you can afford to contribute to help pay for the staff of local, indie venues, then you definitely should.
i don't know if that made sense and i'm sorry this got long, but i just sort of wanted to help see the perspective of the venues as well :)
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frecklystars · 1 year
Different anon here, interested in what you have to say about Ryan's voice and his characters, I was wondering if you can write a bit on Sebastian Wilder?
AH, YES... I feel like I'm being repetitive if I bring up the soft fricatives/gentle consonants again, over and over, so I'll use some videos as examples while I'm rambling here. I'm honestly just going to be throwing my words out into the void and seeing if it sticks. Half of this is me just gushing about how much I like the sound of his voice instead of rly analyzing it like I did with previous anon. I'm not sure if you wanted me to write on the softness of his voice specifically or if I can take the reigns... I think I'll touch on a little bit of everything ❤
Sebastian's vibe is all low-hooded long-lashed eyes, whiskey pink lips, and his voice is no different. He's got a very laid back and somber way of speaking even when he isn't quite an overly laid back type of person.
I enjoy the moments when his voice is deeper with the smallest bit of husk at the edges during the dinner/argument scene like when it's wavering through the line "...a couple years, at least, just this record" (timestamp 2:30) and moments later "do you like the music I'm playing?" (2:53) It's... the gentle quiver at the end of his sentences, the hoarse edge to it. agh. weakens me.
Now, let me touch on his singing voice for a bit...
Sebastian's singing is... warm. He wrangles it into something smooth and self assured. Low and throaty. His lisp is a bit more noticeable when he's singing City of Stars (the solo version). Honorable mention to the smallest rasp melding into 42 seconds.
Another quick thing I want to shout out, cute little subtle waver in his voice again "...from all the way up there" (2:29)
AND how fucking soft his line delivery is here when he says "...and she loved it, and she loved it so much--" (34 seconds) and "I'm sorry?" (51 seconds)
I don't have the proper wording to describe how even his shouting is pleasing to the ears but just take my word for it. Maybe it's the grit. The echo. Who knows!!!! I just think he's pretty. His voice. Is pretty. And his face. And... yeah I haven't slept, you can tell
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ooffmlsorry · 10 months
OP Men Dating a "Girly Girl"
A/N: sorry this took so long and I haven't posted anything original in a minute my life is mess and I'm so very tired jfc...I know this isn't more than my usual group but I was just gonna stop at Luffy and then decided to add Ace and Sabo as a thank you because writing these and putting them on Tumblr has been really good for me, so thank you for always being here to indulge me 🥲 ❤️
Sanji, Zoro, Law, Luffy, Ace, Sabo
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Let's be honest, girly-girls drive Sanji craaaazzzzyy (not that all women don't, but he's definitely more partial to the feminine ones) Your make-up, pretty skirts and dresses, jewelry, and manicure, he can't help fawn over you constantly 😍Although you do it because you enjoy it, it's nice that your efforts are so appreciated!!
He spoils you soooo baaaddd!! He literally can't help himself when he sees something pretty or cute that reminds him of you, he has to get it for you. You're drowning in squishmallows at this point.
A river of blood shoots from him every time you show off a new outfit. You're going to kill him and he'll thank you for it.
Dressing up in nice outfits together, especially on date night, is a shared activity that you love to do together. Y'all are living your best happily ever after lives.
Ya'll definitely have scheduled self-care nights. You put on some slow music, open a bottle of wine, draw a bubble bath, all that.
He's utterly useless when it comes to helping you pick your outfits or makeup if you're stuck because he loves you in everything, it's too hard for him to pick. You're his perfect, beautiful Y/N-swaaaaan 😍💖💖✨
He does love to see you in pink or red though so he might default to those colors
Don't try to test your makeup on him lol, you're going to re-awaken the gender identity crisis...I mean Kamabakka trauma
Listen...I'm not saying Sanji has a mommy kink...I'm not even at Whole Cake Island so idk wtf is going on there. All I'm saying is if you give this man a bath, wrap him in a towel to dry him off, and rub him down with luxurious lotions and oils, you might awaken something...that's all...👀
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He has no clue wtf you're doing. If it weren't for the fact that there's no proof that witches exist in this world, he'd think you are one
He looks at your vanity full of serums, creams, scrubs, lotions, etc, not to mention the makeup and he's like "??????" Just completely baffled
But what do you expect? This man would use that five-in-one Irish Spring soap if he could.
Just because he doesn't understand it doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate and admire the fact that you have extensive knowledge in something he can't even comprehend
He knows you like nice shiny things, and again, while he doesn't get it, he does think it's really, really cute when you go starry-eyed over a necklace or an outfit in a store.
In the same vein, he knows how much you love cute things and animals. He has absolutely found a cute animal in the jungle, picked it up, and brought it to you just to show you because he knew you'd love it.
Sometimes in his own gruff way he'll agree with you that it's pretty cute. Thank you for helping this manly man admit things are cute and that's okay.
Other times, he's the one making sure you don't get distracted because it's so cute
Unfortunately and fortunately, you're pretty to him no matter what you do to yourself so it's all kind of a moot point to him.
You can try to ask him about which 'x' to wear, sometimes it's helpful because he'll throw out a really practical answer and then other times he's like "How 'bout you just go naked" 😏.
He'll wear a face mask with you like...twice a year. And he's going to bitch and moan about it but he does it because he loves you. The entire process is like trying to give a cat a bath "WHY IS IT SO COLD? THIS STAYS ON MY FACE FOR HOW LONG???"
Exfoliate this man at your own risk...I'm dead serious that water is going to be brown
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I need you to know right now this man will let you paint his nails!!! I mean, not like gel or acrylics or anything, but he'll let you paint them any color as long as it's a dark shade of that color. You once designed Bepo on his middle fingers. He did in fact flip people off a lot more often when he had them.
Let's you wear a pastel boiler suit because you he loves you and wants to see you happy
Much like Zoro, he's got no clue what you're doing. He'll stand back and watch you while making the exact same face as the gif above.
He thinks he's being stealthy peaking around a corner to watch your morning or night routine, but you quickly catch on. Please please pleeaaassee ask him if he has any questions because he does. He's just really curious why you're doing what you're doing and what it does. It's basically skin medicine and he's really fascinated.
Knowing that you like shiny things makes his life admittedly a little easier, it's not that he doesn't think of what to gift you, he puts A LOT of thought into what he gives you, but knowing that earrings, necklaces, and bracelets always make you happy is great just in case of analysis paralysis or he forgets. Sorry.
Also you wearing the jewelry he gets you does something to him, especially a necklace he can pull on a little, mmhhm you're making this man struggle with impure thoughts.
You both love cute things, it's something y'all connect on. It's really good that you help him access that very neglected inner child of his and encourage him to coo and fawn over adorable animals with zero reservation.
He'll do skincare with you too when he's not super busy. He can admit it's kind of nice to sit in bed with a book, glass of wine, and a face mask and just bask for a minute
He acts like he hates when you rub serums across his face and use a derma roller on him but he loves it
Law doesn't really pay attention to your clothes, but when you really go all out he breaks out in a sweat and he can't keep his eyes off you.
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I'm not saying he thinks it's stupid, it just...why have an hours long care routine when you could be going on adventure with him??? 😭😭😭
He will help you pick out your makeup but don't expect it to look good. You're gonna end up with neon orange eyeshadow and green lipstick. Like literally every "My Boyfriend Does My Makeup" youtube video.
Plays around with your stuff but that's because he has no idea what all these strange contraptions are. The moment you try to explain his eyes glaze over and next thing you know he's whisking you away to go do something more fun.
He likes the shiny bright stuff (highlighter), makeup probably is the only part he even remotely engages in because it's
Explain how contour works to this man and watch him lose his fucking mind, he thinks you're a shape shifter now (honestly this applies to all of them except Law and maybe Sanji)
He never notices what you wear, Nami is gonna have smack him on the back of the head to get him to realize you put on something fancy
Luffy points out everything, it just so happens that things he points out sometime happen to be cute animals
Hides in all the stuffed animals and squishmallows in your room to surprise attack hug you
*throws mud at you* "Is this the kind of mud you like, Y/N??" He really means well though.
You know those hair masks with all natural ingredients like honey and banana? Yeah, he's gonna start sucking on your hair like spaghetti...I'm so sorry.
He'll bathe with you but that's because he wants to be close to you, it's definitely not about being pampered or relaxing.
Try to put a face mask on him or something else and it'll just become a game of tag around the Sunny. You can't catch him and he's having a great time outrunning and outwitting you.
He knows this is all important to you so even though he doesn't get it he'd never make fun of you for it and the moment someone calls you "extra," he's kicking their ass.
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Maybe all the glam is a little silly to him but that just makes you extra cute!
He will also absolutely let you paint his nails. Hell, he'll let you do a full beat on him just for fun and he'll wear it for the whole day because he's so unserious lol
...As long as he gets to do your makeup after...Much like Luffy you're gonna be covered in neon colors that don't even remotely match, but you guys have a great time lol
Admittedly likes to be pampered by you when he gets back from a long mission.
Please take a bubble bath with this man, it's not like the water is ever going to get cold!
I'm pretty sure you'd legitimately lead to Ace taking better care of himself. Got this man out here talking about his cuticles and shit lol
Honestly, it's really good for him because self care leads to self love and Ace needs a lot of help with that.
He tells Pops about all the stuff you do 1.) because he loves you and 2.) he hopes some of it will help Whitebeard heal a little, god bless him 😢
All of your hardwork doesn't go unnoticed, he legitimately gets kind of misty eyed when you really dress up because he's so so so lucky. He swears he doesn't deserve you.
He always brings back some kind of gift even whether it's a cute plushie or something exotic to wear from all of his long travels
I need to stress how much this means to him, everyone of these things is like a little proposal because he already knows you're it. Every little gift is leading up to a ring from this man.
He's also just genuinely impressed by the skill it takes to do your makeup so well, especially after he tries doing it on you
Much like his little brother unfortunately, he does play with all the little contraptions in your vanity, especially in the beginning because have you seen an eyelash curler? He's so confused lol
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Sabo and Ace truly are his brothers because he really don't get all the effort lol
Admittedly, a lot of that is because he thinks you're so hot already what's the point???
Once he gets this is just how you are he's less confused, he's probably the most normal out everyone. He lets you do your thing, although he's really curious how you managed to always look amazing while being in the fucking revolutionary army!!?? Where are you getting the time???
If someone were to intrude on y'all on a free afternoon you're both in fluffy robes with face masks on and Sabo loves to pretend to act like a bitch when he's in selfcare mode with you lol
"Are you seriously bothering us right now, ugh! I can't even right now!!" And then you both break out in laughter
He really thinks you should teach others how to contour and do makeup because it has great applications for disguises and infiltration.
And brags about your skills to everyone
Wonders how many of your makeup supplies could actively be used as a weapon *eye roll* jfc Sabo
There's a part of you that secretly worries all your boujieness will remind him of his blood relatives, but he assures you that it doesn't because you have a good heart and he never doubts that
Besides, being a little extra with him helps him associate those things he used to associate with his blood relatives with you instead so it's even better
He spoils you so bad, but with a Sabo-flair, ie. stealing from shitty people and bringing it back to you because you're oh so more deserving of nice things let's be honest
He gets jealous of the cute animals that you squeal over hehehe, please hug him when he starts pouting
He'll always wear a little pink just for you ❤️
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whiskeyskin · 6 months
Love and Longing
Premise: When Elminster delivers Mystra's blessing to reprieve Gale from the Orb's volitile nature, there's a certain something he's been denying himself for over a year and he's finally alone in his tent 👀🍆💦
• Gale x gn!tav • 18+ • E/M Rating
Gale's POV, reader referred as "you", no mention of specific pronouns or genitals, porn without plot, male masturbation, fantasising, oral both recieving, penetration, jealousy, love, longing, horny!gale, fluff, lemons, Astarion x gn!tav referenced, marking if you squint
1.9k words
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Gods bless you @wizardblood for this gifset we gladly receive 🥵✨
Part 2 here, if you like that sort of thing?
A/N: Y'all are making me UGLY CRYY WITH JOY AT THESE LOVELY COMMENTS 😭😭😚😚 Thank you for over 800 notes!! You beautiful, thirsty creatures 😏💜
A/N: 1k NOTES?! 🥹🥹 I love each and every SINGLE one of you 😚✨
Gale looked down at the solid protrusion currently causing his bedroll to tent, attempting to keep his breathing even.
It had been what felt like an age since he'd allowed himself to indulge in arousal.
He lay under the blankets, naked as a babe, anticipation crackling in the air around him.
After removing the charm on his underwear to suppress such feelings, it had all come flooding back.
Especially with you around.
His attraction to you was undeniable, however much he thought it impossible; especially after his heartbreak with Mystra. Nevertheless, his feelings for you grew with each step you took, every kind word and all the good you sought to accomplish.
You'd spoken in his defense passionately when Elminster had delivered Mystra's word; the fire in your heart had rivalled that of Karlach.
You'd vowed that there was another way to be found. That you wouldn't allow him to sacrifice himself.
And he loved you for it.
Gods dammit, he did.
He'd fallen hard for you.
He tried to deny it, of course.
It wouldn't lead anywhere.
He had to die.
It was his destiny to end the Absolute, whatever the cost.
No matter stolen glances across the campfire. Ignoring the heated moment of magic between you, where you'd shown him how you felt for him.
Besides, you'd taken Astarion to bed multiple times since the Tiefling party. He couldn't compete with the sultry advances of the Pale Elf.
His paultry offerings of affection wouldn't stand a chance.
But still, a part of him envisioned what life could be like if it was spent by your side.
Hearth crackling, the day's sun swooping low in the sky across the water, two arm chairs and a bottle of wine.. candle light and the smell of strawberries, sweat and arousal. The sound of your voice against his ear, the feeling of your wet, ribbed warmth welcoming him home after a long and stressful day.
Gale licked his bottom lip, his breathing heavy. He reached a hand under the sheets, in the privacy of his tent, to indulge in thoughts of you.
Gods, he wanted to use his mouth on you, he wanted to drown in your heady scent. He would press kisses against your inner thighs, teasing and tormenting, languishing tongue and teeth.
Your unfettered arousal evident before him as he would glide his mouth up your sex, tasting your sweetness and salt. You'd moan his name and wind a fist into his hair, sending sparks through his scalp.
He took the tip of himself in his first fingers, pre-cum had already gathered between the slit and dripped onto his stomach.
Taking a deep breath, he began to gently pulse the head. He hissed as blinding pleasure seared across his vision and sunk low in his belly.
"Ahhh.." he exhaled, with a widening, sinful grin.
Finally, he could touch himself after all these months.
He gritted his teeth against another groan that tried to escape. The sensation of oanism foreign to him but welcome, thoughts of you flooding his mind, as he fell into an old, familiar rhythm.
Oh, you would moan so sweetly underneath him, as he filled you to the brim with his cock. You'd envelop him to the root, sensually clenching your walls around his girth.
Gale replicated the feeling by adding a second hand to squeeze, imagining you enveloping him.
He moved slow and deliberate, like you were taking him for the first time. Every rib of his fingers torture against his sensitive flesh. He pumped his hands in unison, along the thick, veined length of himself, building up the pressure constricting his erection, increasing the speed and fantasizing that he was entangled in your loving embrace.
He'd hold your legs aloft, parted just for him. You'd bray like a wild animal in heat, with the need for his throbbing length to ride you to climax.
One hand clumsily slid to cup his testicles, to massage them and drive him closer to the edge. His hips gyrated at nothing, rutting against the thought of you.
You'd climb to take control and ride him like a stallion through the night. He would hear the salacious slapping of your cheeks against his hips, as he'd watch you bounce yourself in wanton bliss.
He'd hold on to your waist, fingertips digging in hard enough to cause contusions.
He wanted to bruise you, claim you as his own. He wanted to sucker his ownership right over Astarion's bite marks.
He had no right to this ugly and repulsive feeling of jealousy, he knew this.. but he couldn't help himself.
They both vied for your attention and he couldn't stand that Astarion had tasted you when he hadn't.
He wanted to hear your cries as he fucked up into you, slamming your hips down on him harder. Gods, he wanted his name on your lips.
Gale licked the sweat gathering on his top lip; he imagined it was you tasting him.
He fantasied about you using your beautiful mouth on him. You'd cover his body in long, wet, trailing kisses before you'd take him in your mouth. You'd gorge on his cock until he couldn't breathe. Your skillful tongue needy to please him. Your hands wielding a very different kind of weapon, sheathing it entirely down your spectacular throat.
You'd look up at him through lidded gaze, his hard length completely engulfed. The contact would be searing, it would burn him to the spot, it would ignite his soul and turn him to willingly to ash.
There would be love and devotion in your eyes, blissful happiness in your heart.
Gale swallowed and shook his head from side to side.
He wanted to see you.
Wanted you to see him.
See him like this for you.
Helpless and desperate for just a moment of you.
He wanted you to look at him with adoring eyes that turn lustful, when you see him abusing himself, with your name on his lips.
Gale uttered the illusion cantrip and you appeared on your knees beside him. He gasped and smiled brightly at you. He knew it wasn't real but gods he wanted it to be.
You smiled back at him, infatuation shining in your eyes.
"Gale.." softly came the only word he'd been able to summon you to utter. It was warped but it was still your voice. It was still you.
He threw back the covers so you could see him. See all of him. Naked. So you could drink in the sight of him stroking his thick, alert and wanting cock to the thought of you.
"It's for you. Only for you. Going to come for you-just for you." He managed, his voice husky from lust.
"Gale.." You whispered, licking your lower lip and gliding your hands up your strong thighs. You cup yourself through your camp garb and palm yourself in circles, "Gale.." you moan, throwing your head back slightly as you ground against your hand.
His hips twitched unconsciously at seeing your image pleasuring yourself for his enjoyment. That you felt this joy together.
A rumble started to build behind his cock, it tightened around his belly and coiled itself around his legs. It rose through his chest, painfully electrifying his nipples to stiff points, as it wound it's way to the base of his skull. There it gripped him, held him, allowed him to go no further.
He whined in frustration. Gods he wanted to come, it had been so long, so very long.
"Gale..?" Came your voice, he looked at you and his stomach flipped uncomfortably in desire.
You looked spectacular; hair mussed, eyes glassy and wide, lips pink and swollen from lust. Still touching yourself through your clothes, rocking vigorously against the friction.
You placed a hand on your heart and threw your head back in ecstasy. His body began to violently tremble in anticipation.
Oh gods, you looked resplendent on the precipice of orgasm.
"Gale!" You whimpered, sweat glistening on your skin, "Gale.. Gale.. Gale.." you moaned between breaths, your image replicating the noises he'd overheard when you'd snuck into the forest, and committed to memory. The reckless abandon of your heady moans of pleasure. Your face tightened and released, your mouth falling open to gasp.
The desire at the back of his head suddenly pulled taut, every muscle strained, pressure swelling behind his erection. His eyes rolled back in his head, before he came undone.
He jerked and thrashed on his bedroll, trying and failing to keep his ministrations to himself. Thick spurts of cum shot over his stomach, chest and neck, as he came hard for you.
"For you-all for you-only for you." He whimpered, his jaw tense, teeth bared.
He pumped raggedly, squeezing every single drop of his seed from himself. It was almost to the point of pain but the pleasure balanced it perfectly to make the suffering delicious. His muscles seized and toes curled to their fullest extent, as he huffed out a breath and lay feeling weightless on the carpeted interior of his tent.
Gale lay there breathing heavily, sweat damp on his brow. His softening cock still pulsating with after effects, within his loose grasp, as his brain buzzed with static.
His heart felt twice it's size and his entire being was in total elated relaxation, with a doltish smile plastered across his face.
He could quite happily lay like this forever.
It had been so long.
He couldn't remember release being like this.
It was.. dizzying.. violent.. euphoric.. transcendent.. monumentous..
"Oh no." Gale groaned, as he looked down on his masterpiece.
Your image had disappeared; there was no way he couldn't have concentrated through that kind of orgasm, even if his life depended on it.. and Mystra's eyelids, the mess he'd made of himself.
His cum lay heavy on his stomach and chest, spattered up to his neck and jaw. Hells, it was even on the floor!
He internally grumbled to himself.
This was the not so fun part of masturbation.
The sharp thud back to reality and the clean up.
He sighed. Well, that was short lived.
Lucky for a Wizard, clearing away the stains of his growing shame, was painless.
Gale waved his hand and the evidence of his debauchery disappeared.
He suddenly felt empty and hollow. The euphoria of release gone all too soon. Slumping back on to his bedroll and bringing the covers up against the chill, he frowned to himself, a cavernous feeling in his chest.
Gale waved his hand, using his last spell slot to conjure your image again.
You appeared laid down with him, tucked closely, your stunning eyes soft and content.
His heart ached; he wanted this.
It didn't matter how much he denied it, he knew what love felt like in the beginning and this was it.
This wasn't because of a covetous, lustful haze from the urgency of ejaculation.
It was comfort.
It was safety.
It was love.
And it terrified him.
More than the thought of ending as a small blip in the farest reaches of the realm. More than dying alone in excruciating agony.
Falling in love with you scared him because it meant that now, he had something to live for.
You smiled sleepily at him and readjusted yourself to get comfortable beside him.
"Night." You whispered, blowing him a slow kiss, closed your eyes and curled in nearer to him.
He stared longingly at your resting form; you looked so peaceful. Wet stinging burned his eyes and he sniffed dryly.
He needed to get to sleep.
He really should..
You'd only last a minute.
He couldn't bare the thought of opening his eyes again without you there, laying beside him..
Tears fell from his eyes and dripped to his pillow, as he shut them tight, "Goodnight, my love."
Part 2
Or.. I've got a Masterlist.. yuh know.. if you like this sort of stuff 👀😏
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eobe · 5 days
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Lazy day! I really tried to relax and I had so much fun drawing this one based on the awesome ‚Loathsome coworkers‘ comic – credits to @chiliger 🤩 Thank you so much for your friendly permission and I hope you like my appreciation artwork inspired by your work 🙏🏼
I laughed so hard and it absolutely made my day, when I saw the original comic and I wanted so badly celebrate the up-kricked Commander Cody and the flat lazy day Vader✨
It absolutely hit my sense of humor and also my nerve, because it‘s sooo hard for me to relax, to let go of my insecurities and trust in my wrist to draw dynamic lines speedy, easy and free handed. I absolutely need to get more confident, but if I try, I often got the same problem like Cody – I just cramp even more 😂
So, what do you think about it? Let me know!
Edit: Here‘s my explanation / interpretation of what‘s happening on request: It’s drawing style humor 😄 On a lazy day an artist would just speed sketchy lines on the paper without big effort.
Vader is powerful enough to indulge himself in a lazy day (and so in its style), but imperial Commander Cody is too tense and his trial to relax failed miserably, so he got even more detailed drawn with more effort, shading, shaping and bling 😄
But there is also a crux in lazy looking sketches: If the lines aren’t proper on the first try it doesn’t get well or looses it’s dynamics.
So often the reduced drawing is the one from the most sure hand ✨ (and I‘m still drawing Padawan 🙈)
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chaoticbardlady99 · 9 months
I Wondered If I Could Come Home? (Astarion x F! Reader)
Synopsis- It’s been 4 months since you last saw Astarion and 3 months since you killed the Netherbrain with your other companions. Shortly after, you settled down in Silverymoon to begin a life out there and try to push Astarion out of your mind- except it can never be that easy. You shortly discover you are pregnant with his child- a child that could kill you during childbirth. Scared and alone- Shadowheart stays with you to help you deliver the baby and keep you alive.
While out at the local market, Shadowheart runs into Gale and invites him over for dinner. Gale has unexpected company.
CW: Pregnancy, mentions of potential death during birth, mentions of nudity, mentions of NSFW smut
To my fellow DND fans- no this is probably not canon compliant, yes I’m upset about that, but look I really needed to write this so sue me I guess
Author note- Self indulgent, I have baby fever, but don’t want a baby fic. I’m unsure of how long this will be or if it will have more parts-it depends on how angsty I feel, but I need to have like six different ideas to think about at a time soooo 😂
*This hasn’t been edited ✨well✨so please forgive me
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*again, no fucking clue who’s picture it is, but it sure as shit isn’t mine so if it’s yours- reach out so I can give credit!
You keep yourself propped up against the sink in the kitchen as Shadowheart holds your hair out of your face and dabbing away the cold sweat that drips down your neck.
You are really sick of being morning sick. It’s absolutely the worst thing in the world- well besides your potential death from carrying your little girl inside of you. You sometimes think Astarion may get his wish- you may just die screaming.
You dry heave one last time- not a single thing comes up because you haven’t kept a single thing down since two mornings ago. Your morning sickness is inconsistent and comes on with little to no warning.
It’s been five months since you conceived this fricken kid, but it was like all the symptoms hit after you killed the Netherbrain.
A part of you really wishes you had somehow known before then- maybe it would have changed the cruel fate that ended your relationship with Astarion. You were literally pregnant in the middle of fighting Cazador. You think about what he last said to you all the time and just sob hysterically- like it happened yesterday.
A deeper part of you feels abandoned, but you blame yourself for him leaving. You should have been more convincing or maybe you shouldn’t have flat out told him no and explained why in the hells you didn’t want him to ascend.
For example- you didn’t want to lose him to some evil version of himself.
Ironically, you lost him anyway and are pregnant with his fucking child who insists on occasionally making you miserable.
Despite your inherent sadness, anger, and sickness, you find you are actually quite excited to meet her. You haven’t settled on a name yet and Shadowheart has been very helpful in regards to making sure you are healthy and strong for delivery. She’s your best friend and you could not be more grateful for her.
“I’ll go back to the market today and get you more of those herbs,” Shadowheart says quietly when she talks to you, “they seemed to help last time?”
You nod- exhausted and your head is pounding. You and this kid are going to need to have a serious conversation. You will not be letting a second Acunin make you miserable before she is ever born.
Shadowheart guides you to your bed upstairs, standing behind you in case you get hit with a wave of vertigo- which usually happens post vomit episode.
You pull your curtains closed- thankful that the desperate hope in your heart led you to buying black out curtains. You close your door and lay down on your bed- tears spilling down your cheeks freely.
You miss him terribly. You shouldn’t. You should positively hate him, but everyday of this pregnancy makes you ache for him. You should be doing this together.
You know it’s hormones- the weepiness, the intense longing, and the Gods awful horniness. Dreams are the worst. You wake up a squirming disaster at least three times a week with your skin burning hot with memories of Astarion touching you.
You are happy that isn’t the case currently, but the weepiness sucks too. Remembering how he used to curl around you, the way it felt to have him kiss you on the forehead, and all those late night conversations with (now empty) promises. You curl yourself around your pillows, willing your imagination to pretend it’s him, and you sob until you fall asleep.
Astarion tries to contain his excitement and fear as he follows Gale and Shadowheart to your home. Finally, after searching for literal months, he was going to see you again.
Astarion has been haunted by the last words he had said to you for what feels like eons now. He hadn’t meant it at the time and he certainly doesn’t mean it now.
He had been too afraid to come back to you after everything he had said. Astarion decided you probably hate him anyway so he tried to move on.
He tried being with other people (it always failed miserably because they weren’t you), he drank until he couldn’t remember a damn thing, and when all else failed, he began his search for the Ring of the Sunwalker.
After the nightlife of Baldur’s Gate lost it’s appeal and he finally found a ring location, Astarion found himself in front of Gale’s door in Waterdeep- begging him of all people to help him.
The wizard had been puzzled and melancholy when he realized Astarion was at his door. Astarion told him every little piece of how he feels about you, how much he misses you, and how he wants to be able to give you the life that you deserve. Astarion was practically on the verge of hysteria while trying to make his case.
Thus began the search for the Ring of the Sunwalker.
They were able to locate and obtain one after a grueling three month long journey and some help from one of Gale’s old friends. Then, they headed straight to Silverymoon- your last known whereabouts.
Running into Shadowheart had felt like a miracle, but to also have her living with you had made the trip even easier. Except Shadowheart was being really really weird towards him.
When Gale first asked if Astarion could come along too, Shadowheart had asked Astarion why he wanted to come and see the person he “hoped died screaming?”
Astarion had flinched at the anger and venom in Shadowheart’s voice. He figured the others would be mad, but he was hoping maybe Shadowheart would give him a little easier time like Gale had. Astarion was genuinely surprised by how quick she was to be defensive of you and your whereabouts. When Gale confirmed that Astarion was telling the truth, Shadowheart reluctantly said he could come.
The three arrive at the front of your shared townhome- it faces the beach and has the perfect amount of windows for the sun to light up the house, but one of the rooms is hidden from sight with heavy, black out curtains.
Shadowheart turns to both of them, “Tav might not be able to join us… she’s been sick for a bit now and is… recuperating.”
Astarion feels his heart drop to his stomach.
“Sick? For how long?”
Shadowheart shifts on her feet uncomfortably, “5 months, but it got worse around 3 months.”
“Tav has been sick for that long?” Gale exclaims, “why didn’t you write!? I could have helped.”
“This particular affliction is one you wouldn’t understand,” Shadowheart says with a finality that suggests the conversation is done as she leads them into the kitchen.
Shadowheart immediately gets fussing with the herbs while Gale looks around the house. Astarion is still unsure of what he should be doing. The house engulfs him in your scent and he feels positively intoxicated. You must be really sick though because your scent smells different- not bad at all, just different.
Does he talk to Shadowheart? Does he look around with Gale?
Or does he sneak off and find you? Astarion doesn’t want to waste anymore time than he already has. Slowly, he creeps towards the stairs.
“Don’t even think about it, Astarion,” Shadowheart warns.
Astarion looks at her and then back at the stairs. He does this a couple times until Shadowheart appears to be annoyed enough that she’s let her guard down a bit.
Astarion takes off up the steps and he hears Shadowheart and Gale coming up right behind him.
Astarion hears a dry heave from down the hallway and he goes racing for the door.
If you are as sick as Shadowheart has suggested (5 months is crazy long), Astarion may not have much time with you and Gods he needs to take advantage of the time he does have.
Shadowheart be damned.
You wake up feeling even worse than you did when you fell asleep. Your headache feels like it’s taken on a life on it’s own and Gods you are going to vomit all over the floor if you don’t move NOW!
You get up with an impossible amount of speed for how dizzy you are and you grab the pail on your nightstand and heave painfully.
You are rocking back and forth, groaning as more stomach acid comes up because again, not able to even keep anything down.
You hear a pair of footsteps and then Shadowheart screaming after-
“I have been looking for them for months now,” you hear him hiss, “if they are sick, I need to see them. If this has lasted five months- then who knows how much time I’ve wasted!”
“Will you stop being selfish for five minutes!? It’s not about you and who even says she wants to see you!?”
Shadowheart and Astarion are yelling in front of your door now. You feel tears prick your eyes- Astarion is here. Here here. A flurry of excited kicks from inside you catches your attention and a feeling of blissful happiness comes over you. Oh look, the nausea is gone. Of course it is.
“Traitor,” you whisper before laying down on your bed for a moment.
You are very happy that your unborn daughter appears to be pleased and feels good about her dad being on the other side of the door. You, on the other hand, are less than optimistic.
Wasted time doing what? And why did Shadowheart say I was sick!? In what world was that going to keep him from going upstairs!? Especially if he, your mind pauses, cares about me? Again?
Which you hope he does- you would hope Shadowheart wasn’t so sick of taking care of you that she brought him here to finish the job. Maybe this is all one big show.
Another, “I WILL DO WHAT I PLEASE” from Astarion, a “YOU SELFISH BASTARD” from Shadowheart, and a “Please can’t we all just be nice, catch up, and get along?” from Gale finally gives you the motivation to get up. The arguing feels far too much like being in camp again. You pinch the bridge of your nose, willing the growing headache to go away.
It doesn’t so you change into a pair of longer cotton pajama pants, a t-shirt that is unfortunately showing off your bump more than you’d like, and then you swing open the door in tired annoyance.
You are met with Astarion looking at you- his eyes scanning up and down your body- settling on your stomach. His expression is unreadable- it’s somewhere between lust, love, grief, and heartbreak. Embarrassed by Astarion’s intense gaze, you look over at Gale who is all smiles for you.
“Congratulations Tav!!!” Gale practically yells, making you wince, “the father is a lucky man.”
“I don’t think he considers himself a lucky man,” you say pointedly before turning to Astarion, “or do you?”
Astarion’s face changes entirely with your words. His eyes look at you, round and soft. His eyes are full of adoration and need- a look you never thought he would give you again. You have to fight the urge to grab him and drag him into your bedroom. You will not let the hormones win- you will be strong.
“I- it’s- I mean,” Astarion is fumbling over his words, “you are carrying my child?”
“Yes,” you say grumpily, crossing your arms,” and she’s been giving me nothing but trouble. Thanks to your genetics, I’m sure. This is day two of not being able to keep a damn thing down and this fucking headache is UNBEARABLE so please for the love of every God keep the arguing down.”
Astarion is still looking at you with a mystified expression- taking you in as if for the first time in his entire life. You look back towards Gale and Shadowheart- you are entirely too self-conscious and way too excited to see him for him to be looking at you like that. You are trying to be mad dammit!
Shadowheart gazes at you and your surely red tipped ears with amusement before she says, “I’ll go and get the potion ready for you- that should hopefully help.”
“I will- uh,” Gale says awkwardly, looking between you and Astarion, “join you! I might need to know which herbs to use… in the future?”
“Planning on getting pregnant Gale?” You say with a smirk.
Gale snorts at you, “Dear friend, as wonderful as you look right now- none of the side effects sound appealing.”
“Oh they most certainly aren’t,” you say,” but thanks for thinking I look ‘wonderful’. I feel, well, disgusting.”
“Gods, how could you even think that?” Astarion blurts out, appearing shocked that he even said it, “you look like…. A vision. A wonderful, stunning vision, Darling.”
Shadowheart and Gale excuse themselves as you struggle to find the words for Astarion’s comment. Your entire body feels like it’s on fire and you feel yourself begin to melt a little bit. You feel your emotions bloom into something resembling spring as he steps closer to you- looking at you with pleading eyes.
You clear your throat, “would you like to come into my room and talk?”
Astarion nods eagerly, following behind you so close that you once again have to remind yourself that ripping off the clothes of someone who literally told you they wanted you to die screaming was not healthy- at least not until you get a proper apology.
You sit against your headboard as Astarion walks around your room- running his fingers along the bassinet and rocking chair in the corner. You still can’t get a read on him.
“A girl?”
His question breaks the air.
“Yes,” you smile at him, “no name yet though.”
“I’m sure you’ll pick a nice one,” he says with a smile, but his tone is entirely too melancholic.
A painful thump in your heart fills your body with sadness. He doesn’t want to be involved. Of course he doesn’t want to be involved. You are his knocked up ex-girlfriend. What were you expecting? The lump forming in your throat is unbearable.
“You don’t want to be involved?”
Oh good Gods you are crying. Astarion rushes over to you the minute your tears begin to fall- sitting in front of you on the bed. He reaches out and gently wipes your tears away as he speaks.
“I want to be involved so badly it hurts,” his voice comes out scratchy and emotional, “but that is your decision, not mine. You have been on your own for months, my Love. Instead of trying to come back and make it better- I pushed it off until I thought I could give you what you deserved- a life in the sun.”
You almost whine in protest when his hands leave your face. He twists the ring around his index finger before continuing, avoiding your gaze, “But maybe I was wrong. Maybe what you deserve is a person that isn’t so damaged. Someone who can give you what you actually deserve which is a loving partner who hasn’t hurt you over and over again- a man worthy of being a father to ou- I mean your child.”
His confession and the tears that are streaming down his face are enough for you. Yes, you absolutely want to scream and yell at him, but you also ache for him. You can’t fault the man for being a slave for 200 years and then not taking it very well when you told him what to do. You always knew you would forgive him if he came back- you never thought he would, but here he is and like he said- there is no reason to keep wasting time.
“She is our child, Star,” you whisper and guide his eyes to look at you, “I want you to be involved. I don’t care what you think I deserve either. I have missed you so horribly since you left. It’s almost pathetic really. I’ve tried to blame it on the hormones, but… I don’t know. The picture has felt incomplete up until now.”
You absentmindedly put your hand on your stomach- receiving a kick. You glare at the place where your hand is resting.
“Will you stop kicking me for five minutes!?” You scream, “I WAS IN THIS BODY FIRST!”
Astarion looks at you bewildered and confused, but quickly realizes you aren’t talking about him. The smile that spreads across his face is wide and Astarion gingerly moves closer. You are still a little cautious- needing to protect not only yourself, but also your unborn child. He moves to the right of you and goes to move you just slightly so he can slip in behind you.
“Could I? I mean if it’s not crossing any boundaries!”
Astarion is on edge- you can tell that much, but he doesn’t look at you like he did that last time you saw him- Astarion is looking at you like you are the most precious individual who has ever walked this earth.
You nod shyly, and then Astarion slots himself behind you, your back against his chest, his face in the crook of your neck, and his legs on either side of yours. He cautiously puts his hands on your stomach and is immediately kicked.
Astarion laughs with joy, “she’s strong!”
“Strong willed and strong physically,” you shake your head and you are laughing a bit now too, “you may just get your wish yet.”
“What wish?”
It had slipped. You hadn’t meant to bring it up again- or maybe you did. You want to know for sure if he still feels that way, but the confusion in his voice says he doesn’t. You go rigid and go to dismiss it when you feel his posture change behind you, his grip loosening ever so slightly.
“Right… that.”
The silence is nerve-wracking. You’ve lost him again, you are sure of it. A stray tear begins to roll down your cheek.
“No, let me think, Darling. I want to make sure I say everything I want to say correctly.”
You continue to sit there in silence, he places soft kisses on your neck. You feel him smile against your skin at the needy moan that escapes your lips. You absentmindedly reach out for one of his hands and begin to play with his fingers while he thinks. Astarion used to let you do this all the time while you were traveling- it helps you feel grounded.
“I was so consumed by all that power in the moment,” he says slowly, “I wasn’t thinking. By the time I had realized what I had done, I felt like it was already too late- you most likely hated me and moved on.”
You have to bite your tongue- you want to scream. Hate him? Never. You had been miserable without him around for that last month of traveling. Your heart had felt like a dead weight in your chest and you had been moving around like a zombie.
“So I tried to move on… I even tried to be with others, but I just couldn’t do it. It’s selfish, but I want you. I never want anything bad to happen to you- I certainly don’t ever want you to die screaming. I don’t want you to ever carry a child that is not mine.”
You are surprised by the warmth in your core when he says his last sentence. There is something so primal there that you have to really focus on what he is saying next.
Astarion clears his throat before finishing speaking, “I don’t want to be without you anymore- four months is too long. I don’t want to miss out on anymore of your pregnancy and I want to be here for you- with you- doing this together like we should have been doing this whole time. I was a horrible fool- please give me another chance. Please, Darling. I love you- so so much more than I ever thought anyone could ever love someone.”
Astarion’s words hang in the air and you are trying not to begin crying for the 15th billion time. This is what you had wanted to hear all along. You can feel his tears on the collar of your shirt- the way he inhales as if to memorize your scent like this is the last time. Astarion is not expecting you to say yes- you know that because he’s starting to loosen up, pulling away from you so that he can respect your decision.
“I love you too,” you whisper, “I don’t want to be without you anymore either. I forgive you- please stay.”
“I won’t be going anywhere unless you want me too, my Love.”
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daddyricsdoll · 7 months
Congrats on 1K Celina it’s so well deserved and many more ✨✨✨💖💖💖 I’m going to go with “Do you ever shut up?” “Only when I’m eating you out.” And can do you it with either, Lewis, Charles, or Lando? Yet again love ya darlin 💙💙💙
Awww thanks! Love ya too 😘 1k ✭ Celebration
Warnings: Oral (Female receiving)
“Love, that’s not how you should-” Lewis attempts to grab the chaat masala out of my hands before I empty the whole packet into the pot.
“Do you ever shut up?” 
“Only when I’m eating you out.” His body now pressed flush against mine. Hands on my hips and lips brushing against my ear.
“Well then do something useful, and give your mouth something to do other than speaking.”
And for the first time he doesn’t say anything, lifting me up and making me sit on the counter. His large hands spread my legs apart and my short skirt only being an advantage. Lewis doesn’t take his time, sliding my panties down my legs and littering my thighs with kisses. My fingers intertwined with his braids and I led him closer to my core. He opens my legs wider and licks a stripe between my folds. A moan slips past my lips, letting me indulge into the sensation of Lewis. His actions have no specific pattern as he kisses my clit then flicks it with his tongue. Hands tenderly massaging my thighs as he aims to make me dumbstruck from his mouth. Already forcing me to clench around his tongue as he doesn’t need his hands to assist him to my climax. 
I push his head further into my pussy, nearly suffocating him, but it’s a length he’d go to for my pleasure. A scream held in my mouth as Lewis sucked my swollen clit. Tongue lightly sliding up and down my folds before he thrusts it inside of me once again. Turning my unsteady breaths into hungry pants. My eyes close and I imagine what this would look like from afar. 
A man’s head between a woman's thighs, making her lose every thought and word from her mind just because of his mouth. Fucking her with his tongue as she tugs against his braids. 
My lip is drawn between my teeth and I bite it, trying to muffle every unholy sound from my mouth. My mind was somewhere else and I don't realise how close my climax is. I unintentionally grind my hips against Lewis’s face and whine as I finally release. 
Feeling Lewis lap up all my cum and arousal I moan again. Opening my eyes to the view of Lewis looking up at me, soon standing and planting a kiss on my cheek.
“I’ve just had dinner and dessert, so the curry is all yours.”
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How's about a good morning kiss with Scott? ☺️ ✨
Rebecca, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me a reason to indulge in soft morning Scott vibes.
Your room was flooded with golden morning light as you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to block it out in favour of more sleep. Tossing a hand over your tired eyes you lamented your decision to push off purchasing blinds during the height of moving apartments. Groaning, you turned over to look at your boyfriend, irritatingly finding him still peacefully asleep. Scott could sleep through anything, while you were the complete opposite and his ability to stay asleep had made you jealous multiple times over your relationship.
However, your irritation couldn't last long as you took in how gorgeous he looked even while deeply asleep. One of his toned arms rested under his pillow while the other was outstretched towards you, resting on the mattress where it had fallen at some point after you two had fallen asleep. His body was angled to fit into your double bed without his feet dangling off the end of the mattress, something he had joked about upgrading your bed for you just so he could fit better.
Scooting towards him you reach out and brush the dark curls that have fallen into his face back, taking a moment to appreciate just how attractive your boyfriend was without hearing one of his sarcastic comments about the habit. A deep groan escapes him at the sensation, one eye cracking open to look at you. A soft smile forms on his lips as his hand tightens around you, pulling you flush again him, before running down your body to pull your leg over his hip and resting there.
"Good morning, baby," he grumbled, his voice rough with sleep.
"Good morning," you returned as he turned his head slightly to press a kiss to the wrist of the hand still soothingly playing with his hair. You let him have a few more moments of peace before making your move.
"Scott," you whined, "can we go get pancakes from Nina's, please?" You had been dreaming of getting your hands on those clouds of buttery and syrupy goodness for weeks, but it was yet another thing that had fallen through the cracks of moving.
He groaned again, "but I'm so tired."
"Please!" You pleaded, stomach grumbling as you pictured the stack of fluffy pancakes that could be waiting for you. He hummed, bringing a hand up to rub his thumb along your cheekbone before tilting your head to his, softly enveloping your lips with his. Even his soft morning kisses were enough to make you forget about anything else at the moment, focused entirely on the way he stole your breath away with each one. Scott started moving down your jaw and neck, taking time to pay extra attention to the sweet spots he had memorized on your body.
"I still want my pancakes." You said, not letting his tactic work. A surprised laugh bubbled out of his throat at the comment. "I'll make you a coffee for the trip."
At that, he leaned back to make eye contact with you. "Fine. Five more minutes of sleep, though." With that, he readjusted himself, pulling you completely flush with his body. Giggling at his reluctance to get up, you resumed playing with his hair, hearing a satisfied sigh leave him. You both reveled in these stolen moments, slow mornings being largely uncommon in the storm-chasing world, which made them all the more sweeter.
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peachdues · 1 year
The Bitter & the Sweet — spicy teaser
Kyojuro secret pregnancy AU
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A/N: lil surprise for you babies. The scene where Y/N tells Kyojuro she’s pregnant. Slight NSFW at the end.
CW: hot spring intimacy; Kyojuro decides to ✨thank✨ the reader at the end.
Y/N felt the warm spring heat from Kyojuro’s presence, his body capable of raising the temperature of any water by a few degrees. Though he moved with the preternatural grace that only a Hashira could possess, Y/N could still feel his blazing heat warming her back as he drew nearer.
Strong, sturdy hands braced her hips from behind as a pair of silky lips danced up the column of her neck. “What gods have I pleased to be allowed to come home to such a sight?” The Flame Hashira’s voice murmured in her ear, and Y/N leaned her head back against her lover’s firm chest.
“You think of my estate as your ‘home,’ Lord Hashira?” She teased, goosebumps rippling over her flesh despite the heat of the water and the man behind her, as the latter’s fingers caressed the sensitive skin of her waist.
Kyojuro softly grunted in amusement. “I think of you as my home.”
Slowly, Kyojuro’s broad hands gripped her hips to turn her to face him, his face uncharacteristically serious, as his hand came to rest against her face.
“Tell me, my flame,” he murmured, his thumb absentmindedly stroking her cheek as his eyes searched hers. “What did Kocho have to say?”
Y/N’s lips parted and she tried to stifle the shaky exhale of breath, but to no avail; the effort did not go unnoticed by Kyojuro, whose eyebrows drew together in concern, his grip against her waist tightening perceptibly.
“Y/N,” Kyojuro’s voice was low, and serious. “You must tell me at once.”
Y/N saw the desperation in his eyes and knew he was thinking of his late mother; knew that his greatest fear was that she, too, would be taken from him not by any demon, but by an illness he could not fight.
With a deep inhale, Y/N reached up to grip the hand he held against her cheek and gently removed it. Slowly, she lowered it between their bodies, until she pressed his hand flush against the flat of her abdomen, peering up at him through her eyelashes to study his reaction.
Kyojuro looked confused for a brief moment, before his eyes blew wide as he looked at where his hand rest against her, pressing tighter as the weight of the news settled over him.
He looked back up to her, eyes so round, she could see the white all around his amber irises. “Are you certain?” he breathed, “You are pregnant?”
Y/N nodded, heart still clenching with uncertainty as she struggled to gauge his reaction.
Kyojuro shook his head. “But we were so careful! I only — I only spilled inside you on a handful of occasions!”
Y/N looked at him, incredulously. “I’m not sure I’d call it ‘careful,’” if she’d been any less on edge, she almost could have been teasing him. “I can count on one hand the number of mornings where we threw caution to the wind.” She frowned. “Though on each of those mornings, I seem to recall us indulging in several rounds of you not pulling out.”
The Flame Pillar blushed, his hand continuing to stroke the skin of her belly.
“Kyojuro, is this —“ Y/N hesitated. “Is this alright?”
Sienna eyes ringed with gold flashed back up to hers, and Kyojuro exhaled, sharply. “My flame, this is wonderful news.” The hand that had lingered on her hip rose to cup the other side of her face as Kyojuro brought her in for a passionate kiss that nearly stole her breath.
“I am speechless…for once in my life, I am absolutely speechless.” Kyojuro whispered against her lips. “But I am overjoyed all the same.”
Kyojuro stepped back to kneel before her in the spring, hands braced on her hips as he rested his forehead against the still-flat expanse of her abdomen for a long moment.
“You are…utterly incredible,” Kyojuro breathed, turning his amber eyes up to look at the misty-eyed Ice Pillar in wonder, before turning his attention back to her stomach. “You and this child — our child — are everything to me.”
Y/N’s hands found their way to the Flame Pillar’s unruly hair, stroking her fingers against his scalp tenderly as Kyojuro closed his eyes and touched his lips to the spot just below her navel, which would soon swell with their growing child.
“Thank you, my flame,” Kyojuro whispered, turning his head to press soft, reverent kisses across her stomach. “How could I possibly thank you for giving me such an treasured gift?”
Any answer Y/N could have given him evaporated from her tongue as Kyojuro’s lips began to trail downward, his hands moving from their gentle grip on her hips to around the back of her thighs as he eased her legs slightly apart to make room for his mouth.
“You deserve,” Kyojuro murmured as his tongue teased up the slit of her core, dipping her folds to teasingly circle her sensitive clit once as Y/N’s head dropped back, a soft cry falling from her lips. “To be worshipped.”
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