#thank you for coming to my ted talk lolll
queensabriel · 11 months
Your LOTR Boromir lives fic ALREADY sounds amazing - are you willing to share anything about it or are you just focusing on working on it for now? Also I'd like to please ask about Gondorian names and how they're constructed and how you'd go about making one up (because I've got a LOTR fic in the early wip stages and a couple Gondor OCs that I still don't have names for, and I'd like to be accurate.)
Heehee oh i'm glad you're excited for it! I am kind of giving him a Jaime Lannister character arc (minus the, you know, twin stuff) in that instead of dying he's getting injured in a way that will affect him for the rest of his life and essentially mean that he can't be a warrior anymore and is going to have to rethink some large parts of his identity, as well as having the whole firsthand knowledge of how corrupting the ring can be. Also there's going to be some epic bestie friendship with Boromir and Eowyn, some really emotional shit when he's reunited with Merry & Pippin and also when he returns to Gondor finally.
I am also pondering the idea of working a plot in relating to my headcanon that the Arkenstone is one of the Silmarils, but i have to decide if that will be too much??? idk. AND YES LETS TALK GONDORIAN NAMES I'M HAPPY TO HELP.
HOKAY SO - you have a lot of options here, and they're all going to depend on the exact background of your characters and what you want their families to be like. A lot of people in Gondor who we're introduced to in canon are named after historical figures - Boromir is an example, Denethor another, also Faramir & Éowyn's grandson Barahir. So if you don't want to make up a name, you can literally just look at the family trees (all can be found on the lotr.fandom.com wiki) and pick something that you think fits. I'd also recommend looking them over to get a good feel for what names sound like.
But if you do want to do JRRT proud and dabble in some linguistics of your own you still have a lot of options for making up names! Names of Gondorian people are most commonly of Sindarin origin, but you don't have to hold tight to that. I personally think it would be very reasonable to have people with Rohirric names, and probably at least some with roots in Adûnaic - the language spoken in Númenor. (Especially if someone's parents are history buffs. Probably it would be weird for someone to have a completely Númenorian name like 'Ar-Zimraphel' but honestly as long as the strangeness is acknowledged you could go for it.
As for actual naming customs, everyone seems to just have the one name, I haven't really seen any examples of surnames or patronymics (other than being like "Faramir son of Denethor"), sometimes there will be references to lineage if someone comes from a Known Family - like Boromir being of the House of Húrin, but that's not really part of the name.
Here are some very useful sources:
Parf Edhellan is an amazingly comprehensive online dictionary, phrasebook and general information source for Tolkien linguistics, so if you're looking for specific word meanings that's the place to go. It's got every language JRRT made up.
If you want to grab some quick and easy premade Sindarin compound names, here is a very nice list to check out
Also I am always always happy to talk Tolkien stuff so if you wanna run anything by or bounce ideas off of me i am here for that :3
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cymk8 · 9 months
Love your karlach and shadowheart art <3 do you have any headcannons about their relationship? Specific details on what their dynamic might be like? Who holds the boombox outside the other's window?
Sits down, cracks my knuckles: FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK
A Few Things: (I say this but.......LOLLL)
The art I drew is the first time they met, at a match where she was performing half-time; (she did not, in fact, give her a chance)
They met again at an ungodly hour at the same rink - Shadowheart bc her coach gave her the keys to practice whenever she wants...and Karlach's family owns the actual rink
Shadowheart was recovering from an injury then, so you can imagine how short her fuse would have been
Karlach is the most laid-back of the two; she often excels in things no one could have anticipated, which pisses Shadowheart off to the hells and back (i.e. Karlach can make the world's best omelet and Shadowheart's eggs look like roadkill)
Both of them are freakishly competitive. Anything is fair game - even after their relationship turned friendly; pranks galore
Shadowheart eats burgers with a fork and knife; Karlach is forever mortified
Karlach likes to dip her fries in milkshakes; Shadowheart is forever mortified
Neither of them holds the boombox to the window - Karlach sleeps like a log and Shadowheart sleeps with earplugs and black-out curtains
They do, however, enjoy doing grand and cheesy gestures of affection - but only because they get a kick out of embarrassing the other; it escalates very quickly
Shadowheart and Astarion are figure skating buddies (and have done some pair skating together!) and often talk smack about the other skaters or about goings on in the rink; he absolutely gets on Shadowheart's case for being in denial of any and all attraction to the 'Annoying Big Buff Tiefling'
Karlach has the energy of one of those laid-back emperor penguins from Surf's Up; Shadowheart is an angry little trumpeter swan cygnet
I have so much more I am constantly vibrating thank you for coming to my ted talk -
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chuuyrr · 6 months
Soooo I spent the day thinking about how Fyodor's ability actually works, because as we all see the whole 'kill someone with a touch' is all a lie.
At this point I can say about 90% sure that his ability allows him to 'switch' between bodies, his mind remains intact, he's just switching vessels. That explained the flashback scene in the castle and the helicopter scene.
Personally, I think his ability is a little complicated, as it needs two requirements for activation, one being he has to be in a near-death state, and two is his blood has to make contact with someone else. He was stabbed by the vampire in the helicopter and impaled by the guard in the castle, both where his blood make contact with them. For the guard it got on him through the hole of his helmet amd it was dripping on his face. For the vampire I would say that it's due to the wound bleeding out and dripping down the weapon, thus making contact with the guy.
In the panel where we see the corpse's face, it has the characteristics of the vampire (nose, eye shape, etc) and since the hair is a part of the body, he couldn't switch out the hair, so Fyodor might trim that later on probably?
This ability is somewhat like Dazai's, aka an automatically activated ability. To Dazai, the requirements is he has to make physical contact with someone, and to Fyodor it was blood making contact plus near-death state. It can't be activated when he's dead because if an ability user dies, their ability would disappear alongside them. (Except for some irregular cases like Kyouka, it's inheritance)
Also I did think about the arm that Dazai handed Nikolai. It is true that it has the body's blood on it, but at that time where the helicopter crashed he had switched with the vampire to get out already, thus making the blood on the body belongs to the vampire guy.
And if by any chances he decided to leave an arm to be a trap, it would have his blood on it right? But Dazai would be safe because he can nullify it. As for Nikolai, I would doubt he's the target for the whole body switching, since at the time Fyodor has to get out before the explosion already, meaning that he had switched with the vampire. So if he wants to choose Nikolai as his next target he has to let his current body's blood make contact with the jester in order to activate his ability-
Also, it doesn't mean that Fyodor can't die. He can't die via murder method. Because his ability would automatically activated as long as the requirements are fulfilled. Murdering usually cause bleeding so yeah, not really a good idea. He can die via poisoning or diseases that does not fulfill the requirements of having his blood made contact with the victim by the time he's at his near-death state.
Thank you Niki for coming to my ted talk lolll
PLS theory about fyodor's ability makes so much sense, especially with the blood requirement and switching. it makes me think how's kind of like dazai's mirror in a way, considering the way they think, and now the requirement of contact in regards to ability :o
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captain-hawks · 22 days
ama time hmmm…
If you could pick three series from any time to recommend, which three mean the most to you?
Which series would you pick to define you through each phase of your life?
What are your favourite op and end songs?
kita-non thank you for all of the lovely questions<3!!!!!!
three series - objectively speaking, my answer for this would differ slightly if it was solely based on something i'd recommend. but if we're talking what ones mean the most to me subjectively, it's definitely haikyuu, attack on titan, and my hero academia!!
for phases of my life, nostalgically - my childhood was dragon ball z in the morning before school, yu-gi-oh after school. and as i got a little older, late nights were spent catching episodes of cowboy bebop and inuyasha on adult swim! also pokemon just...throughout all of that time + to this day. sword art online & blue exorcist got me back into anime in my early 20s. and now all of the shows that i yap about today like the above 😂
AND SONGS omg. i'm so sorry. i have an entire playlist. you've opened a can of worms. i'll try to be conservative here with a condensed list LOLLL
literally every spyair, nico touches the walls, & burnout syndromes song for haikyuu on repeat forever
history maker (yuri on ice OP)
odd future (my hero academia s3 OP)
namae wo yobu yo (bungo stray dogs S1 ED)
kaze ga fuku machi (bungo stray dogs S2 ED)
white noise (tokyo rev S2/3 OP)
where our blue is (jjk S2 OP)
kaikai kitan (jjk S1 OP)
shinzo wo sasageyo (aot S2 OP)
tombi (tristamp OP)
every single song in given lol
(this is also my unofficial plea for kaiju no hanuata by vaundy to become an OP bc it's one of my favourite songs ever and it would be perfect. thank u for coming to my ted talk)
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paradisehoney · 2 years
So, I have a fear of losing people and being the last to die. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk…
No just kidding, I find myself having frequent panic attacks when I can’t attend something or my friends don’t invite me to something. Anxiety sucks. I get self conscious if my other friends are going somewhere without me and just generally being alone scares me.
I regret arguing with anyone I argue with even if I know I’m right. I’m really scared my friends or people in my life will leave me and I won’t be able to get them back. The thing I hate about myself the most is the fact that I couldn’t tell anyone this in person because I’m too much of a “they aren’t going to like me if they know I have feelings” person.
thanks for listening.
also I’m here from @monsterofcampblood
“thanks for coming to my ted talk” lolll
i absolutely love your longing for connection. that’s so important and human and just such a lovable characteristic in a person.
the people that you feel aren’t going to like you if you express what you feel, i hope these are people that reciprocate your desire to connect. if not, the anxiety isn’t worth it. although, that’s obviously easier said than done 100000%, you just seem like such a genuine person and deserve meaningful connections with others.
i had times where i felt like that, too. i used to actually wish people didn’t invite me places because, you know, people have snapchat and need to take picture at every moment, so i didn’t want people to take pictures of me because i hated the way i looked. YET, of course, i still wanted to have friends, have meaningful connections, but i was cutting off those opportunities like the dumb fuck i am.
i admire your courage to connect with people and i know you’ll figure it out and find amazing people because they exist!!! just like you exist and life is so fucking awesome because of that.
sending my love to you.
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carpisuns · 4 years
hiiii maryssa!! i had a capri sun for the first time in like ten years today and i thought of you lolll and it got me wondering which flavor is your favorite?? i got fruit punch bc i was very confused what both "pacific cooler" and "splash cooler" meant, and i thought i could consult with you to help my future purchases lmaoo
fLSKDJFLJKDSF it is very appropriate that this is the first ask i’m answering with my new url 😂
girl, i got u. let me break it down
first of all, u made a very solid choice with the fruit punch. that’s my favorite 😌 can’t go wrong with that. well done. i commend u
as for pacific cooler and splash cooler, those are just two of the many Cooler™️ flavors. tbh i couldn’t really tell u the exact flavor differences alsdkjfaj actually i think pacific cooler tastes kinda similar to fruit punch? idk but it’s good lol. splash cooler is also tasty. i think it has a stronger apple flavor. but mountain cooler is even apple-y-er. i like all of the cooler flavors!
basically, here are my recommendations:
1. fruit punch
2. tropical punch
3. any of the coolers
there’s also a strawberry kiwi, which i personally don’t care for much, but a lot of people love that one. wild cherry is ok. uhhhhh i don’t care for the lemonade one. those are p much all the flavors they carry at my grocery store so i couldn’t tell u about the others haha
side note: it’s weird that i’ve never had the orange flavor? cause that is the original flavor for caprisun in other countries, but i don’t think i’ve ever even seen it on sale here in the US even tho it is apparently available lol
ok but my biggest caution when buying caprisun is to make sure you’re getting the right TYPE. please study this visual aid carefully:
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roarin’ waters is nothing but a DECEIVER ok!!! do not be fooled. it is not True caprisun. it’s just flavored water. which is not necessarily a bad thing in and of itself but i cant tell u how many times i’ve roarin waters’d myself thinking i was about to get a tasty sip of the classic caprisun Juice Drink Blend and instead i get the unsatisfying, watered-down, fake-sugar taste of roarin’ waters. it’s like thinking you’re about to bite into a chocolate chip cookie but then it turns out to be oatmeal raisin. which would possibly be a decentish cookie if that’s what you’re expecting but which is a devastating disappointment when you you are expecting something of superior taste and quality.
any flavor of regular caprisun u get will range from aight to v tasty but every flavor of roarin’ waters is the Worst. in my humble opinion. some people enjoy roarin’ waters equally, and those people are called “very nice, but also Wrong”
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there is also a 100% juice kind of caprisun at my grocery store, which, unsurprisingly, tastes exactly like whatever flavor of juice it is lol. i had apple and it tasted. like apple juice. which is good but also not what i was in the market for lol. plus those look like they’re made for smol children and im a Big Kid so i get the cool stuff aka REAL (fake, but not as fake as roarin’ waters) caprisun
one final thing to note in your caprisun-buying adventures:
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the joy of drinking caprisun come not from the flavor of the drink (which is probably kinda mediocre tbh) but the experience of DRINKING IT FROM A POUCH!! 
juice in a cup: tasty, but boring. panache-less.
juice in a shiny silver pocket that you get to stab with a sharp yellow straw: YEEHAW SIGN ME THE EFF UP!!
so any flavor u get will at least bring you the delight of The Pouch. yes, even roarin waters.
thank u for coming to my TED talk. hope it was helpful lmao 
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cyancherub · 2 years
Omg okay forgive the incoherent mess m in but I read your newest aki work and good god it was so hot fjfjfjfhfjdj and I need you to know that I fell asleep right after reading and on GOD I had a dream about him and I remember waking up and thinking "omfg I need to tell Aries" BUT THEN I FELL ASLEEP AGAIN and I can't remember what happened in the dream CRIESSSSSSS but DJSJDJDJFJFJFJDJ I just needed u to know this experience thanks for coming to my ted talk HAHA if I remember wtf happened I will definitely be back to tell u the tale
HI LEYYYY. <333 DKFJSDKGJ IM SO GLAD U LIKED IT !!!! it was so filthy I WAS WRITING IT LIKE my god this is so Horny someone stop me AHAHAH
BUT!!!! IM SCREMAINGJKFDKJG I CANT BELIEVE U DREAMT ABT HIM AFTER READING THATS CRAZY !!! i never have dreams abt my favs SHAKES MY FIST i would sell a chamber of my heart to get a dream visit from him </333
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timelesslords · 3 years
🎵 + Percabeth
omg tumblr gave me back the ask(s) it ate a week ago!!!! scream okay I'm so excited
I'm gonna do my top five Percabeth songs because I literally have a spreadsheet but we don't have time for all that lolll
1. Change Things - Abby Hamilton
Okay so this is my dark horse ultimate Percabeth song and I feel like it almost describes their whole relationship at several stages:
- the whole first verse is so reminiscent of their first meeting ("it's about time boys finally did what they were told" is SUCH a 12yo Annabeth line, especially considering the next line is about running away lol)
- the next verse kind of plays on the conflict with Annabeth's mom and in general the pressure they were facing before they got together... and then the next line is "then you looked at me/and asked if I'd like to have this dance" like LITERALLY the end of titans curse
- the chorus of "Nothing says better than I was/like coming home from war and still holding up a gun" is so apt considering the trauma they both have from everything and the way that plays into their relationship especially post-Tartarus
- the other part of the chorus "nothing gets you feeling on me, quite like another chance to be free/maybe you and I could change things" is just like. a perfect encapsulation of the way they maintain hope that things could be better despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary precisely because they love and trust and believe in each other!!!!!
- and the last part of the outro/bridge "maybe if we dream it will be it/and maybe when we get there we'll never have to leave it" is like their dream of living in new rome together and finally being free of ever present danger and getting to just live their lives with each other
Thank you for coming to my Abby Hamilton stan ted talk please listen to her guys she is so underrated and I love her
2. Mine - Taylor Swift
I mean, Annabeth's abandonment/daddy issues and Percy's loyalty and all rolled into a neat bop of a song that I also wrote a one shot for a few months ago lol
3. You & I - One Direction
A little on the nose but "not even the gods above/could separate the two of us" does describe them pretty aptly LOL
4. Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift
I mean, "hit me with those green eyes baby when the lights go down" do I need to say more
5. Saturn - Sleeping at Last
yes I am a sucker for imagining Percy and Annabeth looking at stars together and marvelling at the wonders of the universe together and yes the title of UFS does have something to do with that lol
send me a 🎵+ a character/ship and I'll reply with songs that remind me of them!
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mazojo · 5 years
9 and 22 please 💜
kAtOOOoo ma queen curing my boredom one ask at a time 🤧 lyyy
9- Most disliked character(s)? Why?
ooOOF coming with the true questionssss Katoooo I like the spiceee lolll
and this is no offense to anyone who likes this characters, I just personally dont like them as much but I dont hate em, just not stan them enough lets say ^^
Sooo choices wiseee, from the LI I will have to say probably the guys from Rules of Engagement lmaooo, I don't really remember their names I just know we had rich dude, bartender dude and Liam’s brother who abandoned the whole kingdom (please someone explain to me why I choose to romance him lmaooo) and I just think they are a bit bland looking back at ittt.
If we are talking side characters  definitely Trevor beanie dude from HSSCA. b o i I remember the starts of my blog were constantly slamming Trevor hours LMAOOO.... but in all seriousness, I was always so confused why he came at us back there when everyone of the fakes of the drama club turned on us and he also made that weird joke once of dropping a candlelight or something and uh, yeah, nopE.
From the villains I would probably have to say most of them lolll. Henrietta is pretty dislikable in the sense she is annoying and you just have to constantly be rolling your eyes at her, Alec from WT is just plain rude and the way he treated his employees really pissed me off and Landry is also up there just for the simple fact he turned off MC’s pager and to this day that boils every bit of sanity I have in my body 
22- Popular character you hate?
Ooooofff this is also a tough one! I don't think I hate any but there are definitely some I like a bitttt less lolll.
I think my go to choices would be Cecile from PM and Priya from BB. I get the appeal, they are extremely gorgeous woman but they just..... have terrible personalities lol? Maybe they could have their own arc of becoming good and what not but eeeehhhh ill pass on them lolll
Others I can think off right now are Mara (is she popular? I dont think she is but asdfghj) because she is a terrible bodyguard lmaooo no offense to her but noPE and from the LI I dislike the most (although I dont dislike any really) it could probs be Seth? Like, he is cool now but his whole arc in the second book with Teja was super annoying and mehh 
Thanks for coming to ma Ted Talk now I will crawl back to my corner eyyyy ^^
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