#thank you for askinggg <3
mythandral · 2 years
What are your top 5 caves to put Myth in? :)
the conjurer's guild entrance is in a lovely cave with a running spring, though there's limited angles if you want a nice shot
the entrance to the main island sanctuary from the hub has lots of mushrooms in and is quite lovely
the 3rd set of floors in PoTD has these red crystals which i adore, though i always forget to take screenshots when i'm in there and running 30 floors seems a bit excessive for a gpose session
the very start of temple of the fist has great lighting and is a little like i imagine the architecture in ciw-morra to be what with the building-carved-in-cave thing going on
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the cave at the start of the drowned city of skalla is gorgeous
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tatiejosie · 1 year
🍪 If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?
mmmm I think I'd be something from my home place. Like some sort of bredele
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During holidays season it's the proper custom for all Alsacian mothers and grandmothers to bake like, 10 000 tons of these little fuckers and give them to everyone around them.
Bredeles are amazing and buttery, and you can keep them for a LONG time!
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joosiiims · 2 years
5, 33, 34!
5. do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
i do haha but they're more like animal pillows :)
33. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
CLOSED. no ones catching my door open when i sleep. ever.
34. what's your favourite flower?
love love love peonies and baby's breath 😍
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foibles-fables · 7 months
"Desk"!?!? Please???
sometimes your girlfriend gets up early in the morning to work out with the Sun-King's Vanguard while you stay in and do Hunters Lodge paperwork--then she comes back home looking devastatingly hot and you simply must have her fuck you on your desk otherwise you might pass away
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zmediaoutlet · 5 months
as someone who rereads your fics an embarrassing number of times because I just realllllly dig the way you write emotion between the lines (among other things ofc)
If you'd like to share
4, 55, 10, 17, 31 & 35!
aw gosh <3 -- emotion between the lines! oh that's so validating. gosh -- I did a few of these but for those others --
4. what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
I actually pulled open my (sadly dusty and neglected) spreadsheet titled FIC YOU SHOULD BE WRITING for this one and had to have a look-see. At least for spn fandom, it looks like I still haven't actually managed to put fingies to keyboard for a fic where Dean (or Deanna, doesn't actually matter in this case) has to get an abortion after being a demon. And like, really truly not knowing who the father is -- Sam? Crowley? any rando? -- but that part doesn't matter (of course it does, it really really does, but he's trying not to think about it) because what matters more is that he was a demon and he can't -- that can't be right. And he can't, he knows he can't. So he comes to the obvious conclusion and makes a decision. So -- not deep existential dread, lol. It's just never been top of mind, and certainly other people have written variations on it already, and what would I bring? What would the point be? idk. So, unwritten. A dusty bunny.
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
99% of the time, lit'rally at the point of opening ao3 and being confronted by the friggin' title box. Why do we require labels for things, mannn. Is it not enough to just vibe? --as this may be indicating, I find it very hard. Every once in a while the Right Title pops out fully formed and you go OH, YES, THAT'S IT but most of the time I'm just morosely scanning song lyrics or science wikipedia pages (for some reason) for inspo. This is also why I don't know the names of most of my own fics, lol. Everything should be titled like Friends episodes -- the one where...
31. tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write
Dean, Dean, Dean. <3 Whether he's happy or miserable or furious or hollowed-out depressed, he's so easy. Or, idk, I guess the version-of-Dean-I-write is easy. I hope other people find him to be in character. But really, whether he's the POV or not, he's just -- right THERE, just searingly clear what he should be doing and what he'd say, and honestly at this point joy = obvious, haha. He's a treat. Bless him.
35. tell us about a character who’s very different than you who you love a whole lot
Crowley! I mean I'll make a deadpan quip, admittedly. But Crowley's one I have to really think about when writing (and I don't write him enough, more fool me), and yet it's always a total delight when I do. He's always operating at right angles to whatever scene he's in, playing an entirely different game to whatever the lads are up to, and it's Not how I think of things most of the time so it's always the writing equivalent of doing the crossword puzzle or something. Lateral thinking with Fergus. <3
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flusteredandgiggly · 6 months
🍇🥝🥑 please :)
eee hi apple !! thank you for asking :]]
🍇Surprise or Expected tickles?
Both are fun but something about expected is so sweet ??? also anticipation in that case is so fun like aaaaa !! if I lived with someone/knew I was gonna see them later and they told me they were gonna tkle me when we see eachother next I would die I think lmao ;u;
🥝Any uncommon spots that you have?
to some degree once I'm properly giggly pretty much anywhere will tkle a teeny bit at least and im willing to bet some of those spots would count as uncommon ! it's odd, I just slowly get more tklish the more giggly I get. once I get out of my own head enough to giggle genuinely without holding it back I usually can't stop giggling for a while >///<
🥑Do you daydream about tickling someone/being tickled?
............................perhaaaaaps....yes...definitely but shushhhhh
...probably like 70% of the time if I'm visibly zoned out that's what I'm thinking about jsbhhdjdj
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threepoint14art · 8 months
HEY about your fhs au...... i hope you don't mind me asking nd also uhh i don't know if you would've prefered this ask on your other account but too late it's already here. is there a reason owynn's eyes are different sizes? is it something animal related or maybe incident related or does he just look like that because it looks cool as fuck?
Hello :D!!!!!!! Asks are fine on this blog dont worry! I also get its confusing that i have 2 accounts dw :,3 for the record i don't mind asks anywhere! Everyone is welcome to ask me anything anywhere, wether you are guaranteed a comprehensible response is another can of worms lol
To answer your question: the answer is a bit animal related, a bit of a rule of cool as fuck and a dash of the good old projection!!!
I have a LOT of eye issues that have required a ton of surgeries and dumb stuff and overall i just have a very shitty vision by my eyes being weird and unfixable, and then i also need glasses in the normal people astigmatism way so its a double hit! I wanted to give that to Owynn too in some capacity, and we played around a lil with how to do it.
First of all I'd like to present you with this, arthropods in our au all have really very noticeable eyes, we made it sort of an unspoken social rule for them to have to cover them since they look sorta freaky, which ties back to both cami and Loon having hair over their eyes!
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Here I humbly present three of my creatures (vincent cami and loon) ((vincent is owynns brother)) who are not owynn just to set a reference to what arthropod eyes are normally like; as you can see they either got the full complete eye of a solid color (any eye color that you can normally get or just straight up black/white) and cami who is an interesting outlier I will explain in a bit! In general a lot of insects have this fun thing called "compound eyes", scorpions, which arent insects but arachnids, have "simple eyes" which insects also have but as extra help instead of their straight up eye. Since i don't want to doom every single scorpion person in this world to have the worlds worst sight I opted to also gave them the principle of compound eyes, and we represent the simple eyes other insects have with little spots on the skin, thats what the thing on camis forehead is :3 (i promise this is kinda important)
Cami does have compound eyes like all arthropods, but you might say "dawg i see her pupils right there" and thats where you are wrong! Mantis have this cool thing where they always look like their "pupils" are following you but its just an illussion. So she's kind of a nightmare without her hair covering her eyes because woups it just looks like shes permanently looking at you. Forever. thats awesome. Social rule of covering ur eyes with hair makes a little more sense now
So where does owynn fit on all of this, well, when i asked myself "how do i give someone with a billion of eyes an inherent eye problem that isn't fixable solely with glasses" i came up with: His eyes are shrinking
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He still has heterochromia in the normal way, and his eyes shrinking is due to light sensitivity, the blue side is way more pigmented than the green one like its shown in that little grayscale thing, and because of that the green eye is MUCH more light sensitive and therefore way smaller, his glasses help him a lil with the whole light issue, but as a kid he just didn't wear them at all, which is why it got worse and worse and worse to where he is now, most people also assume he has ONE weird eye instead of two, because like I mentioned, arthropod eyes can be normal eye colors, OR straight up black/white. So since his green eye is so bright it blends a lot with the white part of his eye and people just think his eye is a flat white color and that the blue one is the weird part, once you get close to him you can actually realize how he has a way bigger issue on his green eye ^^
So he has normal eye problems that can be fixed with a prescription, and inherent eye problems that glasses can't fix! that being his green eye having seeing almost nothing, and losing a bit of range of sight on his blue one. the problem is mostly the green one ngl
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its-tortle · 2 years
5 for spotify wrapped? <3
hi riley! <3
i love this song so much you don't understand. i have "keep my girls protected, i'm turned on when i'm respected" on my notebook and my laptop and also on repeat like mantra in my head. also "i want a world good enough to believe in". also "i'm 22 what the fuck am i feeling. yeah i just keep feeling, slowly healing". also all of it
send me a number between 1-100 and i’ll give u my corresponding wrapped song!!
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odetolove · 4 months
how did your birthday go?! Did you do anything fun?
- Samu mod
HIII !! it was really good!!! all i did was sleep, i asked for the two days off and did nothing but write and play video games LOLLLLLL But i think that means it was successful and worth it , nod nod
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I wanna know about the headcannons about Chema from tesis pls, Spanish or English is fine! I’m dying for more stuff about him lol
Chema theis headcanons (spanish version)
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thanks for askinggg ⁽⁽`o(≧ᗜ≦)o´⁾⁾ , i been wanting to do so but since thesis is a really underground type of film and spanish, barley anyone knows it. So im gonna do this headcanons in spanish and then a copy in english (by the way if you are dying for more stuff of him you can check out my bots in c ai of him too :3, you can find me as kissycloud )
Okay, para empezar tengo que aclarar que la mayoria de headcanons son cosas que he notado de la pelicula ya que se nota que Alejandro amenabar se inspiro de un amigo y de la epoca en la que hizo la peli (1996). y quiero señalar estos detalles pero tambien hare headcanons (˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈)
Por el nombre "Chema" y la epoca se da ha entender que chema no es de Madrid (aun que su actor tenga acento madrileño), si no del pais vasco. Es mas, el mismo dice que sus padres no viven en madrid
Chema es un friki total, que en 1994, donde ocurre la peli, no era algo popular como hoy en dia
y cuando me refiero a friki total, es friki total.
No solo ama el gore o el cine del terror. Su cuarto es lleno de cosas como el poster de Alien en su puerta y en el baño.
donde guardaba las cintas, la puerta esta llena de pegatinas de Star wars, y si te fijas en la pared en un escena, tiene colgada una camiseta de darth vader.
Le gustaba tambien los comics pues en el suelo se ven tirados cariaas ediciones del "conan el barbaro" y "weapon X", el ultimo es un comic de marvel sobre wolverine
sobre las cintas, las que mejor se leen es hellraiser 2 (de cual tiene varios posters), terminator 2, carpenter (seguramente una coleccion del director) y halloween. tambien tiene varias revistas llamadas "creepy"
Chema tiene un crush en elvira, no tengo prueba ni tampo dudas
aun asi siento que el tipo de Chema es Angela. Alguien que se viste y es mas "soft" pero que en el fondo le gusta las mismas cosas como el
le gusta el rock, black metal y seguramente el punk
PInta y dibuja, no solo por las paredes de su apartamento que estan pintadas pero tambien tiene viñetas y dibujos que ha hecho el en su cuarto y en su escritorio
esto han sido unos headcanons mas enfocados el personaje en si pero me encantaria tambien hacer headcanons fluff y hasta nsfw, asi que si quieren pidanlos en comentarios o requests, muchisimas gracias por escribirme <(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)>
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lesbianrobin · 2 months
can I ask for some details about the st/911 fic 🥺🥺 I'm so curious I want to know more
YES HIIII ok so so sorry i didn't reply earlier i got distracted by mustacheddie.
so the st/911 crossover is a prompt fill for the 911 gotcha for gaza!! which means i was basically told to write a fic about steve and robin stealing baby buck and i am going... absolutely bonkers with it.
like okay i will go ahead and share that i have written out a timeline of major life events for every main stranger things character + buck and maddie (and daniel for his brief time on this earth RIP) from 1966 to 2011. i will probably extend the timeline when i get deeper into writing. and i don't even know how much of that will make it into the fic but i Needed to know where everybody is/was and what they're doing and how things line up before i could really delve into the fic.
my current structure is a sort of. sequence of moments from buck's life. we'll start off with steve and robin's babynapping of course and i May do a little nancy pov moment 😳 but after that we're gonna switch to buck's pov and start skipping a few years at a time to check in on him as he's growing up!! i want to show his journey of figuring out who he is and what he wants in life and how that might change with a radically different family environment, as well as check in with the stranger things characters over time!! i'm very excited to show little hints of what everyone is up to in the background of buck's story!!
i'm not gonna be altering canon too radically, my main goals are 1. showing buck's self-discovery as he grows up, 2. showing how steve and robin's parenting impacts him, and 3. creating a lovely beautiful world where all of the stranger things characters get to grow from the trauma of canon! i'm basically gonna be progressing from the assumption that in stranger things 5 no mains are gonna die and they're gonna end the upside down/vecna stuff for good and then go on to live "normal" lives.
i'm so excited because i actually am doing something. very silly with buck that i think a lot of people will hate but i'm Thrilled about it and i think you can maybe guess what it is based on the snippets i've shared on here already <3
thank u for askinggg!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 mwah
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ineffabildaddy · 4 months
Ask game: 🌿🦋
hey you!! thank you for askinggg
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
i feel like a broken record saying this bc i'm fairly certain i've said it to like everyone i know at one point or another but:
free write! set a timer for a short time - 5, 10, 15 minutes. has to be short initially so you don't have to commit to a long period if you're not feeling inspired or motivated. then write - ideally by hand - without stopping, reading over, crossing out, or changing anything until the timer stops. you can do this with a particular story or scene in mind, or you can just follow the first thing that comes into your head.
at the beginning, you can tell yourself that once the timer's up, you don't have to write any more, but at least you've got something done that day, which will make you feel better... but 9 times out of 10 you'll want to continue!! sometimes you need to let go of your anxieties and blocks and just word vomit. some of my favourite work has come from it, and i've had so much fun doing that when writing has felt difficult
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
i've had two friends lose animal companions this week and a death in the (extended) family this week, so those events have been on my mind and in my heart. it's been a lot but i have a great support network<3
pls answer these too now🥰
writers truth or dare ask game
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empydoc · 3 months
hii sweetheart questions bc yes :]
9. favourite side character(s)?
19. which character(s) are you most similar to?
29. favourite anthology? (ex. valenweek, hot boi winter, afterfluff, aftershock…etc)
(also hi big fan, i love you <3)
hi omg .. what a surprise .. but so very delightful !!!!
you asked ...
9. favourite side character(s)?
hrm. i like me that scorpius dude <3 also i'm pretty partial to alexis but that's a whole fuckin tangent man
19. which character(s) are you most similar to?
guh. i know what you'd say but personally? either huxley or asher? i feel with both personality wise and with partial backstory we know there's elements i relate to
29. favourite anthology? (ex. valenweek, hot boi winter, afterfluff, aftershock…etc)
i'm quite big on sbw/hbw ... however the past/present 2023 val stuff was really good so maybe that!
thanks for askinggg<3 i love you too !!
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itsmaybitheway · 6 months
okey dokey i am so intrigued by many of these but "Alex loves RWRB and falls for Henry twice" sounds like something i would luv to know more about
and just in case i was beat to that one what about "Henry finally living his princess dreams" this is also very much something i would luv to know more about lol
HIIIII!! Okay so you were beaten to both number 3 and to number 7 but lemme give you some snippets 🤭🤭
Number 3 is an Enchanted AU
“Alright, alright, don’t get you knackers in a twist children, Aunt Pezza is here to save the day!” Pez moved around in such a graceful way, one could call it dancing. He hopped around the chipmunks that were looking at him expectantly with nut stuffed cheeks and finally curled himself around David after placing the bouquet of sun colored ipe-amarelos on the bench.
Henry walked around the bench, then ran his fingers over the flowers reverently, afraid if actually touched the petals, they would disappear. “Pez, you didn’t!”
“I am so incredible darling, sometimes I even amaze myself.”
Henry threw himself on the floor and wrapped his arms around his best friend's neck against all of David’s protests.
And number 7 is the most meta fic I’ve ever written and it should say something 😌 RWRB fan Alex falls for a fellow fan/fic writer Orion online. After a rom-com like meet-cute with a Greek god looking British guy in New York, he asks Orion to co-author a Firstprince version of it in hopes of confessing his feelings through the fic
Alex knew this thing with Orion was different from the get go. He wasn’t feeling nervous at all, even though Orion was the writer he admired the most in the fandom, and after his first reply, it almost felt like they’ve been friends for years; taking jabs at each other, bouncing off ideas, sending memes… They even co-wrote a few fics a few weeks after they started talking.
And now Alex has a friend who he can text in any hour the day, multiple times, without any fears he usually gets while double texting. And a huge crush that is the size of Texas.
Thank you so much for askinggg!!! I’m loving this badly summarized wips game ‼️‼️
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strawberry-selfships · 2 months
What if you talked about that Darvos guy some more. What do you two do together?
well one of the things I love to do with davros is dance with him >w< it’s nice bc I love to lead so he lets me dance him around and like because of the way his chair moves (not sure what it is? wheels perhaps?) it makes it easy to dance with him ;w;
we spend a looooot of time cuddling . both of us are touch starved and shit so I love to clamber into his chair and sit in his lap and cuddle with him =w= truly filling a gap in each others lives . and his little claws feel soooo nice when he’s giving gentle scritches (and he is very gentle with me, it means the world to me) (reminder that he can literally make actual lightning come out of that hand if he wanted to)
and we both love spending time with the daleks too!!!!! honestly when they are not out to kill you, the daleks can be a surprising amount of fun !!! sometimes I’ll draw circles on the ground and host a game of musical chairs for them and davros will participate too sometimes if he’s not helping me oversee it :3 even though they don’t have emotions, keeping up good morale with the daleks can go a long way
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carlsangel · 3 months
helloo i saw you wanted to answer some questions so here i am ;) can you do 10, 11, and 13?
remember to eat drink and get plenty of rest <3
thank u pookie u too!!!!
10 (would you say you’re an emotional person)- i am definitely an emotional person, i react to everything quite intensely in my opinion but very quietly.
11 (what would you consider romance)- i see romance as like simple sweet love, i don’t see it as anything quite extreme I DUNNOOO HOW TO DESCRIBE IT but like pining? me not know 😔
13 (what’re you doing right now)- right now i’m drawing even though i should be writing (i’m really anxious atm so i need a distraction 😝) and i’m also watching that 70s show :)
ask me questions!
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