#thank you for asking sweet-T!
entomolog-t · 10 months
I just want to be so gentle with Aedes
Like I know he's a freak and he's /so down baybeeee/ but: he also seems like a man who could just really use someone to offer him peace and softness and compassion.
I'm sure June will, eventually, but god I am f-f-f-FERAL for this man to experience kindness and probably have a meltdown about it
Oh Anon, absolutely.
Vampires live a life of relative solitude- Aedes is no exception.
Yet his nature doesn't mean he doesn't long for more- more peace, more softness...
More tenderness.
It'll take the pair a while to understand one another- but in the meantime, here's a tender little wip
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Thank you Anon, for the absolute feral inspiration- This wip is part of an 8 page angst comic that this ask inspired!
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xx-sketchy-xx · 10 months
What kind of pastry is your parents? Then why are you so sweet and tender like a delicious strawberry cake with yogurt cream? 🤭💜💜💜
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I have been rizzed, very hard 🫣
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chaosduckies · 7 days
What was Liam's first experience with a sizeshifter?
Ooo I wouldn’t like to give too much away (for angst reasons later one ehehe-)
Liam did not have a good first experience at all. (very bad childhood) His dad and mom are shifters (she can shrink but never does, and his dad can grow) and his dad used his abilities to abuse Liam and his mom a lot. He basically became an alcoholic :/
Shifters in this world can’t pass their abilities to their children, it just kind of happens at almost any age, which is why Liam isn’t a shifter like his parents and why he didn’t just run away when he could Again, I don’t really want to say too much for plot reasons (I am still writing it!) but Liam will eventually talk about it.
Thank you for the ask anon! :D
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softquietsteadylove · 5 months
I fell asleep making an ask midway... It was a vow au prompt request and I think I was just editing when I suddenly time traveled to now. I digress my request was:
Thena, half-awake smells breakfast. Her dream turns into an echo of a memory with Gil. Once she awoke, she tried to look for Gil— he was not in the kitchen nor dining room. She had left her food in search for him, wanting answers and hoping he hasn't left for work. Only for her to find out that he just got out of the shower. A particular droplet traces down to his hand. The very hand holding the small towel together as it held for its dear life around his waist.
The dream and memory could be anything, likewise with Gil's reaction. Hope this wasn't a duplicate...
- 🃏
The smell of eggs and aromatics pulled her from sleep. Half in a dream and half in her mind, she thought of coming out of a room. Everything was bathed in sunlight and then there was Gil. Gil standing at the stove, cracking eggs into chili oil with miso soup and fresh fruit waiting. Gil making coffee while she slept, and then as she slinked out wearing his shirt. Gil turning around in nothing but a white t-shirt and sweatpants with his hair mussed after their first night together-
Thena jolted in bed as she woke completely. She'd been experiencing it quite often as of late; she would be hovering on the edge of sleep, stuck in a very vivid dream until she was plunged into wakefulness. It was always jarring, always so vivid she could swear it engaged her senses. And then she would wake up not knowing what was a dream and what was real.
She had vaguely expressed these notions to Gil, although admittedly lacking some of the more vivid details. He had asked if she wanted to see her doctors again, but she declined. She could figure it out on her own, for the time being. And if the dreams got any more tactile, she wasn't sure if she would ever want to go back to the hospital to complain that kissing her husband in her dreams was too realistic.
Thena turned over in her bed to look at the clock. She was growing somewhat tired of the guest bed she now called her own. It was a fine bed, but it was feeling less and less comfortable the longer she spent in it. She also hadn't mentioned that to Gil either.
The therapist at the hospital did say that some separation at first might create a healthy boundary for them.
She dragged herself out of bed, swinging her legs over the side and touching her toes down first. She kept expecting a soft, white shag carpet, but the guest room had hardwood floors and a thinner rug under the bed. Nonetheless, she stood to brave the rest of the apartment.
The smell was real--Gil was making breakfast. Or it was already made, perhaps. Thena poked her head out, surveying the area. It was still early, she didn't think he would be at work already, but he wasn't anywhere to be found either.
She slipped from the guest room, across the opening to the living room and foyer to the kitchen. Her plate was set out for her, on the counter with a steaming hot cup of coffee. Of course he even set out a proper place mat and everything.
Thena rose onto her toes to sit in the high kitchen stool. The stove was off and the coffee was being kept warm; if he wasn't already at work then he was getting ready and about to leave. Part of her was glad she could catch him before he left for the day.
It was one of those silly little things, but she really did enjoy getting to send him off before they spent the bulk of their day apart.
The man made great eggs. She happily cut into them with her fork, admiring the sheen of the red oil slipping off and around the pristine white and jiggly egg yolk. Before Gil, she hadn't bee addicted to chili oil. Now it seemed they put it on everything they ate.
The coffee was also perfect, of course. She looked around again. The solitude of eating alone was also beginning to wear on her. As much as she enjoyed eating in silence, she would take comfortably listening to Gil chewing over the sound of the fridge humming.
"Hey, you're up."
Thena looked over at him, eyes wide and eyebrows raising as high as they could go.
"Sorry hon, I was going to have breakfast with you," he mumbled as he puttered around, depositing a kiss on her cheek before moving to the fridge to retrieve his lunch. "But I remembered kind of late that we've got a big custom order coming in. I should get in a little early to get a head start on things."
Thena just watched numbly as he double checked that the stove was off while also pouring himself a cup of coffee. He really was in a rush, letting little droplets slosh onto the counter.
"Ah!" he hissed as some of it splashed on him. He wiped at it with just the corner of his towel. "I'm sorry I can't sit with you, hon, but after I'm done we can--Thena?"
She just stared.
"Sweetie, are you okay?"
Her eyes darted down and then up helpless. Her jaw was hanging open as if she were a teenager first discovering her own hormones. The splash of coffee aside, Gil wasn't even properly dried off from the shower, a few droplets escaping his hair and trailing down his skin.
The thick muscles he had glistened and jiggled, soft in some places and then sharply angled in others. His free hand was holding the towel around his hips since he hadn't grabbed the full size one but a midsize towel.
Now that she thought about it, she was quite sure she was always telling him that the big towels were on the bottom in the bathroom shelves (from smallest to biggest in descending order, of course). And now he was just a man, damp and half naked in his own kitchen. She could even see the dark hair collecting under his naval. She did try not to eye the towel too perversely.
"Shit!" Gil swore, just now remembering the circumstances of their situation. He pulled the towel more around his front and used his free hand for modesty's sake, pressing against the heavy cotton. "Sorry, hon, I wasn't thinking!"
Thena looked away graciously as her husband flustered as if he had committed some heinous crime. She wasn't sure what he had to be so embarrassed about. It was his home, and they were technically married. "It's okay, Gil."
"No, I'm sorry Thena, this isn't-" he sighed, reflexively moving to run his fingers through his hair before moving the hand to shield any potential exposure again. "I shouldn't-"
"It's fine," she repeated, feeling warmth rise in her face. Somewhere in her mind, the objective, factual knowledge that she and Gil were married connected with the feelings that she still harboured for him, whether her memories came back or not.
She knew he was attractive. She was so attracted to him that she had, in fact, married him. But until now she hadn't exactly had evidence of anything quite so...visceral. Her mind replayed the water slipping down his back, over his muscles. The way he had swiped at the coffee on his side and she'd gotten a peek of...something.
The elephant in the room, so to speak.
Gil cleared his throat, flushed quite red and shuffling backwards towards their bedroom. "Sorry, you finish your breakfast. I'll get dressed. We can talk about it later, if you want."
She just blinked at him, still captivated by the flex of his bare arms and the contrast of muscle and tummy under his thick pectorals. She wasn't fully gawping at him like a fish anymore but her mouth was still open. Her hand attempted to bring her fork back to her mouth, but all it did was float blindly in front of her until Gil disappeared from sight.
Only once he was gone did she realise what she had been doing. Poor Gil, of course he felt sheepish about it. She still didn't blame him for not thinking of it--he wasn't exposing himself to a stranger. But she did have to realise that she was indeed married to that.
It wasn't as if she hadn't considered it at all, of course--what their sex life had been like. The therapists and doctors had advised against intimacy until she felt ready and left it at that. Gil, the sweetheart that he was, hadn't brought up anything of the sort. The guest room was set up for her by the time she got home, her clothes in the closet and everything.
They had just barely become accustomed to a light kiss here and there. Public displays of affection still were not her strong suit. Affection in general, perhaps. She liked it, though--greeting him with a little kiss when he picked her up or sending him off to work with one.
Now all she could think about was that towel. She knew he was muscular. It was visible no matter his state of dress. But the muscles in his back, and his shoulders, and his arms. They were substantial; she felt as if she knew what it was like to hold them in her palms just by looking at them. What would it feel like to sink her nails into his back muscles...?
The clatter of her fork falling startled her. She rushed to pick it up, feeling embarrassed as if some unseen force were there to witness her lusting after the man she had already married. It was pointless to fantasize about things within her grasp.
She nearly dropped the fork again but rushed to stand. A smile fixed itself on her face as she looked at Gil, now properly dressed for work with his hair at least somewhat brushed. "Hey."
"Hey," he uttered quietly, his whole body shrunken in on itself like a contrite child. He shuffled over to her, "sorry, again, for...you okay?"
She smiled more genuinely, dropping her fork on the counter again. Always so sweet, her husband. "Yes, Gil, there's nothing to fret over. I didn't see anything, if that's what concerns you."
That wasn't completely a lie, although maybe not the whole truth, either.
He blushed anyway, ruffling his freshly sorted hair. "Uh, well, I mean if you didn't--I should've realised."
Thena sighed through her nose, moving closer so she could stand on her toes and give him a little peck of a kiss. "I appreciate your concern, Gil. But I do not consider it a breach of my consent for you to walk around our home in whatever state you desire. Or need, I suppose, considering you're running late?"
The suggestion that he move on from the matter and resume his hurrying didn't work, though. He put his hand on her waist and gave her another soft - but still chaste - kiss. "This is more important."
She smiled, running her hands down his chest naturally as she lowered back to the heels of her feet. Her mind wandered to the image of said chest completely bare again. But she forced herself to remember the task at hand. "Consider it forgotten, if you like."
He finally seemed to relax a little as she cradled his hand between both of hers. "Okay, if you say so."
"I do," she confirmed for him before giving his hand a final pat. "Now, I believe you have to get to work?"
"Right, right," he sighed, kissing her one more time before dragging himself away. He grasped for his keys blindly. "I'll pick you up after I'm done?--groceries and then boba?"
She just nodded, waving back to him as he floated out the door. Gil always left like they were still in the midst of their honeymoon phase.
Thena looked back at her plate of remaining breakfast, then back at the door. She didn't feel she could focus on eating, after that. She wasn't sure if she would succeed in focusing on anything, if she were to be entirely honest with herself.
Really, though, she was married to a man like that, and she had no memory of it? It was a miracle she was still alive.
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despairforme · 2 months
Nnoitra would hear his phone start quacking. Meaning Adelha was contacting him. There was an audio message for him. "Would you like to go for a drive with Wesson and myself to the mountain trails for a long walk and picnic? It is supposed to be clear and sunny out there."
He was in the shower when his phone rang ( otherwise he would've picked up ). His phone buzzed on the side of the sink where he'd placed it, and threatened to slide down. He turned his head to make sure that didn't happen, and consequently got lots of shampoo in his one good eye. This resulted in some ( a lot ) of swearing, and he sped up his shower process. Once he'd wiped his face with a towel, he could once again see. He stepped out, splashing lots of water onto the floor as he wrapped the towel around his long body.
Who was contacting him this early in the morning? Mah, it wasn't that early ( he'd slept in ), but still. It couldn't be work. It was his summer-break. Unfortunately the weather was shit today. Of course it was shit! That's so typical, when he finally had some days off. He'd had his phone on vibration only to be allowed to sleep in, hence why there had been no quacking. When he checked his phone and saw it was Adelha who'd tried to contact him, he brightened up. She always had some sorta fun activity planned, that she'd wanna drag him along on.
He listened to the audio message, and was thankful she hadn't left a long text message.
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She was inviting him on a drive to the mountains, where they'd go fro a hike. Nnoitra was immediately eager to go. HELL YEAH! And the weather would be nice? Perfect!
text to Adelha: 「 fuck yes 」
text to Adelha: 「 pick me up in 20min」
He needed to pack!
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hel7l7 · 8 months
i have an active eating disorder and am fighting CSA trauma in therapy for the first time in my life and your art helps me feel less isolated and alone. thank you for sharing your pain, strength, and awesome creations <3
Hi love, I wish you all the strength and love in this hard journey. You're so brave for working on these issues.
Your message in turn made me feel less alone as well. So thank you very much for that.
Take care <3
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catiepillart · 1 year
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blakbonnet · 4 months
(.)(.) you've been blessed by Stede's soft tits, please forward the stiddies and their blessed positivity to your favourite bloggers to spread the joy ♥️
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me staring at the stiddies btw ^
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liauditore · 1 year
your art is so edible in so many ways
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mspaint-flower · 1 year
Hi, it's me, a random person crawling up from the void
I love your artstyle and you're one of the reasons why I like VFlower despite knowing, like, 3 songs with them in it and one of them hardly even focuses on them-
(the other reason reblogged your angel vflower drawing about 20 times)
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gravedigg · 5 months
Every time you post new art I legit get so fucking excited. You are an absolute inspiration. <3
You take that back
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
The amount of POWER your tags give me >:D
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(And the power I have in general. It's now a loop of having power and gaining more power from stuff like this. And thank you for your wonderful tags as always >:3)
i infuse my tags with all the energy i can muster up so that was all according to plan hehehehe >;)c gather up all the power fellow simp<3333
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Heyyy you did a hockey player x figure skater au like a while back and i was wondering if u were ever gonna do more of it bc i loved it and thought it was so good
Thena kept her expression even, although she found herself letting more and more of her feelings leak into it as of late. That wasn't good, but she wasn't sure what had caused it, let alone how to stop.
"We're done. I will see you next week."
"Yes, Father," Thena murmured as her coach left, walking away from the ice without a glance back at her. Which she was used to, of course.
She skated to the other side of the rink instead, slipping on her blade guards and then all but running up the stands to sit and tear her skates off. She was rushing to get off the ice a lot more than she used to as well, too.
Not that it had to do with Gilgamesh.
He was...nice--sweet, even. They had spoken a few more times since he had caught her after a rough practice. He was easy to talk to, and he - for some reason - seemed to think the same of her. He was quite funny, actually, and he had kept his promise; he still brought extra power bars for her.
It didn't matter if it was before practice or after, he would come over to her and offer her a protein bar, they would sit and chat for a bit. Then they would part ways until the next time they could talk.
She liked talking with Gil. It was the most pleasant part of any of her practice days. Which was easy to manage in comparison to her father's coaching, but still. Gil always had a way of making her feel better before a practice, and especially better after a bad one. She would tell him about figure skating, he would tell her about hockey. It was nice.
"Hey," she smiled back more quietly as he came over to her. His bag wasn't slung over his shoulder, and he didn't have his jersey on yet. Perhaps he had dropped them off in the changing room already.
"How was practice?" he asked as he took his usual seat next to her. He let his feet rest on the back of the row below them. He wasn't even wearing hockey pants, just regular jeans.
"It was fine," Thena murmured as he pulled out her snack from his pocket. She accepted it gently from him, feeling that it was warm. "Father was his usual self. But I suppose my ankles aren't as sore as they sometimes are."
"That's not bad, right?" he grinned at her, tearing open his own power bar with his teeth.
"Right," she murmured, opening hers more gently and taking a bite. "Hm."
"You like it, right?" he grinned at her, so warm and open and charming about it. "I thought you might; it's caramel hot chocolate flavoured--apparently."
"It's good," she murmured, taking another bite. "Do you like chocolate?"
"I've always loved chocolate," Gil said with his mouth full, just barely intelligible. He gulped it down, "although lately I've been appreciating plain vanilla more and more. Getting older, maybe."
Thena laughed softly, the sound and her breath floating around them in the chilled air. "Yes, the curse of age, is it?"
"Exactly!" he laughed as well. He leaned back on his palms, "chocolate's your fave, right?"
"I suppose so," Thena admitted quietly, not sure what she would have to be shy about. It was just a flavour. "Perhaps it's just that I was denied it so often in my youth that now I'm infatuated with it."
Gil shrugged his ridiculously wide shoulders. His t-shirt sleeves weren't loose around his arms at all. "I mean, that's fair. But you don't necessarily need a reason to like something, I think. You can just like it because it makes you happy."
"Hm," Thena mused, smilng at him as she took another bite. They were getting smaller and smaller, even knowing that Ajak would be waiting for her. "I don't think I've considered it."
"Well," Gil pushed off his palms and instead leaned on his knees. "What else makes you happy?"
What made her happy? What a direct and yet difficult question. Did she even know the answer to something like that? "I like...skating."
Did she, though?
"Okay," Gil said gently, scooching a little closer to her. "What else?"
What else? A discipline like figure skating demanded everything from her. It required her to live and breathe it. Sometimes she thought she skated more than she was even in school. But what did she do outside of the rink?
Thena toyed with her wrapper in her hands. "What do you like?"
"Baking," Gil answered, so blithely and immediately. "I got into it a few years ago and now I do it all the time."
"Baking?" She hadn't expected that.
"Yeah," he offered a bashful chuckle. Thena was about to rush out her admiration--the there was no need to be embarrassed of it. But he shrugged, "some of the guys on the team made fun of me for it. But they sure changed their tune when they tried my cupcakes."
Thena giggled. She could imagine the loud and rowdy team of brutes quieting at the thought of rich and delicious chocolate cupcakes being offered by their even bigger goalie.
"Would you," he cleared his throat, a cute flush settling in his cheeks, "would you wanna try some?"
"Your baking?" she echoed, and he nodded. That funny clenching in her belly happened again and her knees knocked together. "I-I would love to, Gil."
"Yeah?" he beamed, looking like a dog with an eagerly wagging tail.
"O-Of course," Thena blinked, back to toying with the silvery wrapper in her hands. "I'm not really supposed to, according to my father..."
Gil's face fell.
Thena inhaled, setting her shoulders, "but...but it would make me happy."
Gil gave her a different kind of smile. It was still bright, and warm, but it seemed a little more...assured. Like he had been given an answer to a question. And he really liked the answer. "Good--I'll make a whole batch for you, then."
"Oh!" Thena nearly squeaked, and then rushed to correct herself. "I don't-"
Gil let out a loud laugh, but she never felt laughed at when Gil did it. "It's okay, Thena. I mean, I will make you some cupcakes. But you can keep them in the fridge, and they'll stay good for longer than you'd think. You and your mom can share 'em."
Thena smiled, more relieved than she realised she would be to know he wasn't put off by the strict rules of her life. "Okay."
Gil looked down at her bag as her phone lit up from within it. "Quittin' time?"
"It's my alarm," Thena offered a rueful smile. Funnily enough, Ajak never, ever interrupted her and Gil after the first time she had found them talking (and made her little joke). But that didn't mean it was a goal of Thena's to keep her mother waiting.
Gil stood as Thena did, "I'll walk you out."
Thena blinked as they started making their way down the bleachers and towards the door.
"What?" Gil asked as he walked beside her, hands in his pockets.
Thena looked in the direction of the changing rooms, which they walked right past. "What about practice?"
"Oh," Gil shrugged one of his shoulders with a sheepish smile, "practice actually got cancelled for today."
"Wh-" Thena blinked as they came to a halt in front of the main doors.
Gil gave her a soft, honest smile, pulling his hands out of his pockets. "I just...wanted to hang out with you."
Thena felt that funny, fluttering feeling again, warmth rushing into her cheeks. She blinked down at the floor between them, trying to come up with something - anything! - to say. "I-I, uhm, y-you-"
Gil looked out the window and waved, presumably to Ajak. "I'll see you next week?"
Thena just nodded, dreading to think that he could see her turning pink from the neck up.
"I'll bring those cupcakes," he promised, tilting his head down to try and look at her.
"Okay," she just barely squeaked out as she pushed through the doors, rushing out into the air and hoping it would soothe the burning of her cheeks.
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despairforme · 1 year
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Wakes up. Chooses violence. Against himself - by knocking his head on the doorframe. Why is this his life.
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vahrutasgrace · 9 months
❛ people can do worse things than kill you  ❜
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¯`°¤.¸.¤ ¯`°¤.-- ♕ II "You're right."
Mipha answered plain and simply. Her eyes cast downwards, heart heavy. A fisted hand rests against her chest, thinking of his words and how hard they struck every nerve in her body. Her painted lips pulled into a frown, her gaze far away and considering.
"They can take your home, your livelihood, everything you know. In the blink of an eye, everything can disappear around you faster than you can stop it..." She sighed, gaze lifting to look back at him-- back at the face of a man with features of someone so familiar, yet a man so much more different than the one she knew well.
"But that is why I pilot Vah Ruta. Why we work together to stop those who can ruin the livelihood of those I care about. Even if it means losing my own life. It is my life that I am willing to sacrifice, if it means saving another." She had no qualms about her life. She was happy and content with it, even if there was a fear of dying seated inside her heart. Everyone was afraid of dying, no matter their claims. That's what it meant to be alive.
Her gaze softened, her frown curling into a muted smile that reached the warmth in her golden eyes.
Overlooking the mountainous cliffs, the waterfalls glistened in the sunlight, catching the shining architecture of the Domain below. There, children were being born, Zora were living in harmony, and their lives were prosperous. She would do anything to protect that. She would not give those that wanted to harm them the chance.
"But that's the best kind of revenge, is it not?" She regarded him with a tilt of her head, that smile never straying. It even held a hint of courage and confidence, despite the doubts and fears that did settle in her heart. "Despite all that an enemy can do to you, should you show no mercy and prove that their misdeeds will not avail no matter how hard they try to bring you down, well then, I'd say... that means you've won."
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heymrspatel · 1 year
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hi, julissa, i hope life is treating you well (or else) julissa 🍀🌾
nosho!..... i had to wait a bit for that gif to start moving, but omggg the NOISE i made when it did! I CAN'T HANDLE IT!!! 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
we are doing ok over here! we're alright, we're trying! and some days we gotta try way harder than others, but we try 💙 i love you, my sweet! how are you? how is/was uncle duty?? 🥰
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