#thank you for asking dear
5, 6, and 11 for Elena if that's ok? 😊
Always okay 😊
5) A cherished personal belonging. 
A very battered, falling apart old copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland that her father, and then later her brother used to read to her.
6) Something they lost, but would love to have back
I mean, if we're being philosophical and sad: her father, Diego, her childhood innocence and sense of hope for the world.
I don't think there's anything in a physical sense, though.
11) This character’s favorite piece or pieces of clothing. 
Her combat boots. They're comfortable, they're practical, and they've seen her through a lot. Plus when she wants to make them a little more interesting she can just change out the laces for different laces and ribbons.
She also has a cozy old sweatshirt that she loves to curl up in on a bad (or cold) day.
Character Questions
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blushsea · 2 years
I love hot chocolate. Especially now when the days get shorter and colder.
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If you are still up for the asks, I al curious about: 4, 8, 11, 13, 37, 42, 47 and 48 please 😁
Ace Attorney: 100Q Ask Meme
11. Least favorite trial?
I mean, while I do feel like the circus case gets an unfair rap in this fandom, I did play it somewhat recently and yeah, everyone is kind of insufferable and never shuts up and yeah, it’s reputation is deserved. 
That being said, I may have to give it to the Ramen case in Spirit of Justice. Athena deserves better than to have this be her only case;  her co-counsel also deserves better than to have this be their only appearance in the game; the characters had potential that barely goes anywhere and they deserved better. It also somehow manages the tricky quandry  of being “too localized” for the Western fandom AND somehow “not localized enough.” We could’ve had an authentic cultural insight into Rakugo  OR a localization substitution that made the characters/stories/tropes a bit more accessible to those outside Japan. Instead, we got neither as the localization tried to have it both ways. 
13. Favourite minor character?
Hmmmm...how minor are we talking here? If we are talking, supporting character who has never been “playable” but still appears semi-regularly in multiple games, probably either Larry or Will Powers. 
If we’re talking minor as in “this character was in only in 1 game but had a fairly significant supporting role,” Justine Courtney from AAI 2. 
If we are talking minor as in “this character only appeared in 1-2 cases but may have a crucial role in them,” Lana Skye.
If we’re talking *super* minor like... “1 case max and they can’t be the culprit or defendant,” probably Jake Marshall or maybe the Kitaki parents.
37. Culprit that came as the biggest surprise to you?
As I think I mentioned in one my other asks, I came into this fandom knowing the vast majority of the the “big” spoilers so not too many things surprised me when I first experienced them (since I had some clue of what to expect).
That being said, there was a culprit moment in one of the non-Trilogy games that I hadn’t been expecting and did genuinely surprise me. I’ll try to avoid spoilers here,  (since it’s a game you haven’t played, saemi) but it’s not that the identity of the culprit was surprising in the relevant case itself. Instead, this particular culprit “reappears” later on in the game under circumstances that I wasn’t expecting and possibly (?) in a disguise that I hadn’t clocked before.
42. Unpopular opinion?
Nearly all of my Ace Attorney opinions are unpopular, ooops. That’s what you get when your hipster brain won’t let you stan the popular characters and ship the popular ships. 
I would probably say that my biggest hot take that would probably annoy/confuse the largest and most varied section of the fandom is...
No Ace Attorney Game is without flaws, but all Ace Attorney Games are Good. 
While I do have still have preferences in terms of characters/themes/cases/direction that the series should go in the future, there has been some truly great material that has come out of each and every game (and quite probably, each and every case as well).
The Trilogy  (and AA3 in particular), while undeniably wonderful, is not as “perfect” as some fans seem to think. It does a lot of things well but there are some things that it fumbles with. (No,this is not just about the unstable jar puzzle, but I am not going to pass up an opportunity to complain about the unstable jar puzzle. It’s (*Jean-Ralphio from Parks and Rec voice* ) THE WOOOOOORRRRSSSSTTTT)
 While the Gavins are criminally underwritten and AA4 has some other flaws and inconsistencies, it is still a great game--as a standalone and as the “next chapter” of an ongoing stories with some great new characters and fascinating character development choices. 
While I understand why some people are frustrated with the “soft reset” that AA5-6 brought (focus shifting back on Phoenix at Apollo’s expense; new characters getting the spotlight instead of those introduced in AJ; some popular Trilogy characters coming back but not necessarily being used in great ways while others are still m.i.a. ), there are still some great stories  being told--even if the aren’t the ones people expected or wanted. While the designs are different, they are still fun, quirky, and appealing. Takeshi Yamazaki’s  stories may be less nuanced than Shu Takumi’s and possibly a bit too far-fetched for some. But they still pack a very powerful emotional punch  (I have a lot of feelings and I like feeling things, and his stories and characters make me feel things--even more so than Shu Takumi’s. Also like there’s so much THEME stuff which is like catnip for my literature student brain). 
The Layton crossover and Investigations Games are a definite departure from the main series in terms of gameplay mechanics, but once you get used to it, they are really unique and enjoyable. Plus, the stories are some of the most unique and creative. (Remember what I said about AA5-6 and THEMES, that goes double for these 3 games. So much visually striking  aesthetic. So many narrative echoes and continuities and parallels. So much enrichment for my English-major enclosure.) 
I mean DGS is also great, but I feel like that’s sort of the one part that most of the fandom agrees on so I don’t really need to go into here. Also I still have to finish 2, so I should probably wait to discuss it.
But yeah. TLDR; all Ace Attorney games are great even if none of them is 100% perfect. Don’t believe the fandom when they tell you that “[insert AA game here] completely ruined AA with a sledgehammer.” Or “No one really likes [insert AA-game here.]”  Because it me; I am that “no one.”
47. Character you thought you would like but disliked in the end?
Fandom made me sour on Ziska, Ema, and Apollo for a little while--though talking to nice and normal people have revived a lot of my love for them. I’ve already talked a bit about my lukewarm feelings for Maya but as she’s not really my “type,” I am not sure if I was ever really expecting to love her. 
I guess Ema is probably the closest. I significantly prefer her “younger self” in RFTA and the Investigation games to her older self in AJ and SOJ. And not gonna lie, I kind of associate her character with some of the more toxic corners of the fandom, as she is a favorite with  aatwt “anti” circles.  And I haven’t had as much of a “revival” of affection for her by talking about her with more sane corners of the fandom--as I have had for Ziska and Apollo.
48. Random fact people tend to forget that you wanna remind us of?
Psyche-locks are a canonical indication that the “locked” statement is untrue. Black Psyche-locks in particular refer to a secret that a person is keeping even from themselves and that is linked to a feeling of despair. The linguistic roots of “despair” are literally “without hope” and also have a strong sorrowful connotation.
When Kristoph Gavin says his motives as  simply that he is “an evil person” and black psychelocks spring up, canon is telling us that 1) the statement  “Kristoph is  just an evil person” is untrue  and 2)  Kristoph’s motivations (which he may not be consciously aware of himself) are rooted in feelings of sorrow and perceived helplessness. 
This means that, Kristoph Gavin is not just “evul for the sake of being evil and loving it” as fanon likes to think. 
Shu Takumi himself pointed Kristoph out to us  and all-but-said “ this is a Sad Boy.  He feels frightened and alone and lost. I can’t tell you his tragic backstory because capcom said it made the game too long and complex, but just know that he has feelings.” 
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koholintz · 2 years
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they’re the family ever
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frogchiro · 9 months
Here is an idea but a feral Minotaur König to juxtapose Gladiator Ghost.
Minotaur König belongs to @kneelingshadowsalome so if you want more of it please go check her blog out!! She's so talented and pays so much attention to details, I'm in love ;;
But! I imagine Minotaur! König to be something more like a spectacle, something to be presented and paraded around like the most prized bull for the peasants to gawk at. And he hates it. Despises it. He's been captured and enslaved like some animal and shown off as if he's more of a possession than actual living, breathing, sentient being.
He wouldn't be even let into the Coliseum in fear of someone actually besting the 'beast' and what would that mean for those soft, spineless men in fancy clothes who make a fortune out of him as he's paraded naked all over the Coliseum, his tail lashing behind him and his ears twitching from the noise. Shut up shut up shut up shut-
Suddenly the entourage made out of guards is stopped in front of a luxury balcony where apparently the most fancy people sit and-
Imagine Minotaur!König being given to you as a gift for the fairest Lady (Y/N), the esteemed Lady-In-Waiting of Lady Jokaste, sister of the Emperor. This wonderous beast was bought by her and given to you on your 21st birthday, the most rare of gifts and 'the rarity only fitting for a rare beauty like you', sung Lady Jokaste as she gazed at you with fondness while you literally couldn't utter a single word.
Imagine that although technically König is your possession in all means, you still treat him so so gently and carefully, putting healing ointment on his scars and new cuts instead of perfumed oils which irritated his wounds and skin further. You massage his strained muscles gently and shush him whenever he starts making loud, booming noises, probably of pain leaving his body.
And you're so skittish too, adorable. Like a pretty young doe you flinch at the slightest movement the bull makes, the jingle of the thin chain attached to a joke of a collar makes you jump and flush at the deep chuckle of the beast but König is delighted that he can make this pretty nymph jump and twitch, however he'd rather like you twitch on his large cock...
Speaking of which, yeah he hates wearing that pesky loincloth even if its silk, so most of the days he just forgoes it and walks around naked in all his glory. His huge, fat cock often twitching and leaking thick sperm whenever he catches your scent which is everywhere in your chambers or even better if he catches you when you're sitting around and lounging or preparing for a bath and you catch his heavy, lustful gaze :((
He chuckles, rumbles and chuffs at you from his place on the comfy bed of pillows and furs, laid out all bug and spread, his heavy, veiny cock spurting out so much cum it stains the pretty soft pillows and his full balls are so huge and so heavy, they are starting to ache y'know? :((
Why don't you come here pretty little nymph? All he wants to do is thank you for your kindness by tickling you with his long tongue and giving you his calf, wouldn't it be perfect? </3
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i-got-da-rubes · 1 year
“Thank you for asking what nobody else did.
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What not even I considered.”
Drawn with my non-dominant hand.
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rakiah · 5 months
so i read that lions will follow females they're interested in and this gave me an idea for a funny scenario:
leona peacefully taking his nap, waking up the instant he hears vil's voice, and instinctively trying to get up before actively stoping himself while cursing his cat instincts
probably the moment he goes "fuck i'm in love with him aren't i?"
Give me more time and I’ll do a short comic about that cause this prompt is gold ✨
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Hihi I'm new here! I really like your headcanons. Would it be alright if I could ask headcanons for the bachelors and how their romantic relationship with a farmer that already has a kid from a different relationship progress?
Like, one day a kid just randomly shows up at the farmer's doorstep with a social worker and farmer had to explain that their ex couldn't keep the child anymore, and the kid is also super anxious about moving in with them or something.
I'm really sorry- it was a scenario I've seen dabbled into once and I'm just very curious as to what others think of it too aha.
If this ask is not your cup of tea, feel free to disregard it. Have a great day op 🙏✨
Sorry for the delay, dear anon. This headcanon just turned out bigger than I planned 😅 Hope I understood your question correctly. Thank you very much for the ask, and enjoy! 🫰💕
SDV bachelors x Farmer, that already has a kid from a different relationship:
Oh, man. This is all very awkward...
Shane knew about Farmer's ex, the reason for the breakup and the fact that the child was in the care of their ex in Zuzu City.
Farmer visited their child almost every week, calling and writing letters, but Shane himself was not particularly involved, not knowing how to approach the little one.
Naturally, when the kid came to visit the farm, the chicken man would try to make the kid feel comfortable, but considering everything they'd been through, even here it was pretty awkward.
On the plus side, they was the same age as Jas, and the kids had become fast friends in a short time.
Farmer encouraged their spouse's attempts at friendship with their kid, but again, things were still pretty awkward.
When the Farmer's child arrived with a social worker some time later, Shane noticed how much the little one resembled him in his yought - confused, scared, resentful of everyone and tired of everything. Their familiar world where both parents were together was gone forever.
Later, Shane was able to explain how he'd been in a similar situation, how he'd almost lost because of the mistakes he'd made trying to cope with pain.
The kid quickly found common ground with him. Especially after they confessed that they liked chickens!
Shane doesn't claim to be a father, as the kid is pretty mature and understands on their own.
But he will treat them with the same care and responsibility as he does Jas.
They are all kinda weird family, but Shane loves them all and still can't believe how lucky he is.
It's quite a tricky situation, but thanks to his friendliness and personality, Sam is great with kids.
When Farmer finally introduced their kid to Sam, the young guitarist immediately went into cool brother/uncle mode.
The kid was worried, but Sam began to slowly gain their trust by asking about their interest in comics or other hobbies.
It makes him happy that the kid can forget about problem and concerns at least for now, because children should be happy and play while they have their childhood.
Sam knows that Farmer broke up with their ex more or less calmly, without scandal or drama, but he knows, like Farmer, it was still hard for the kid.
He's glad that he and Farmer are trying their best to be in theirs life.
The kid's upset look and the presence of the social worker took Sam by surprise.
While the social worker was talking to Farmer, Sam offered the anxious kid something to eat. Or some space, if they still feel uncomfortable.
After learning the reason for the visit and the fact that the kid will now live on the farm, Sam gently asks his partner how he should handle this. He wants to cheer the kid up, but he also doesn't want to make them more anxious.
Fortunately, Vincent and the kid get along quickly, which pleases both Farmer and Sam. Now, though, they need to keep an eye on the kids, or they'll both get into more trouble.
Jodi and Kent also do everything they can to make Farmer's kid feel comfortable (Jodi now spoils them with tasty baked goods).
Farmer can't help but be joyful with how hard Sam tries for them and their kid and his family to keep everyone happy.
Farmer was telling Alex about their loser ex, who had decided to trade Farmer and their child for a some stranger. What a shameless cheater...
Farmer visited their kid almost every week, but Alex was only able to go with them a few times.
At the sight of their ex, the athlete was so itching to break their nose. But he tried to keep his temper in front of the kid.
The child turns out to be a kind young one, though a bit shy and reserved. Alex thanks Yoba that they are more like the Farmer in looks and personality than the other parent.
Despite the awkward pause at first, the kid seems to like Alex. Of course, he's cool, kind, and gives them ice cream! Alex's trips with Farmer became more frequent and his friendship with Farmer's little kid grew stronger.
Some time later, when a confused Alex let the stranger into the house, he was shocked to find Farmer's kid standing behind him. They looked... so sad.
The social worker announced that the ex had decided to relinquish parental rights and the child had been brought here.
The poor kid was quieter than a mouse, but Alex was as friendly as possible and tried to cheer him up.
In the back of his mind, though, he felt a wild rage, because he could hear that the reason the ex had refused to give up their own child was because their new partner didn't want to babysit them.
Alex knows more than anyone what it's like when one parent is such a dirtbag. But right now he doesn't care about losers, he's got Farmer and their kid.
Getting the kid used to the new environment was very difficult, but Alex helped them get to know the local children.
Evelyn accepted the kid as her own great-grandchild, remembering to feed them delicious baked goods. George was a bit stingy with his emotions, but he also accepted them as his own.
Alex will not leave them in trouble and will help them to cope with all the difficulties. Now the Farmer and their child are his family.
Sebastian feels awkward and doesn't know what to do. Help.
He and the Farmer's child were so similar in personality when they met - silent, shy and withdrawn.
Sebastian realises that Farmer's child is having a hard time with the fact that their parents are divorced. But emo doesn't know how to start a conversation.
So when Farmer left Sebby and their kid alone for half an hour, there was an awkward silence for the first 5 minutes.
The kid was already getting bored. Sebastian decided to give it a try after all.
"Do you like frogs?" Judging by the spark in the kid's eyes, they had already found at least one topic of interest to both of them.
Farmer smiles when they returned to see the two of them chatting about different amphibians.
A few such encounters and Sebastian had become a cool uncle to them.
Sebastian was hurt to hear that Farmer's ex had given up their parental rights, when Farmer's kid had already visited them, with a social worker.
He will leave the kid alone, as they definitely need some time alone and to collect their thoughts.
Yet, Sebby and the Farmer are always there to cheer up the kid.
On a rainy day, he will show the baby the best place to find frogs.
Sebastian is good at supporting both his partner and their baby.
It can be awkward at times, but Sebby loves them all, so it will be okay.
Given Harvey's profession, he's pretty adept at finding common ground with anxious children.
So when Farmer first introduced Harvey to their child from their first marriage, the local Pelican Town doctor already knew how to behave.
He's glad that despite the divorce, Farmer is trying their best to support their kid, as stress can take a big toll on not only their mental health, but their physical health as well.
Even more so, it's not the child's fault that fate has worked out this way and their parents live in completely different places.
Of course, Harvey is not as "cool" as other bachelors, but he manages to interest the child in his model aeroplanes.
Maybe if they like to read, the doctor will give them something interesting to read (something that isn't a medical encyclopedia).
Harvey almost cried when the kid called him uncle and cool adult.
And all was going smoothly until a social worker knocked on the door of the farmhouse.
After explaining that the other parent, Farmer's ex, could no longer financially support the child, they placed the child in their care.
Harvey is worried about them, because all the fear of moving, new surroundings, and separated parents can have a very negative effect on poor kid.
Harvey will try to be there to help them and Farmer.
Maybe insist on therapy for the kid. Still, it could use some professional help.
Fortunately, Harvey knows what to do and he won't let anyone or anything upset Farmer and their kid. Doctor's words!
Elliott still can't believe that Farmer's ex turned out to be such a coward and unworthy person! Cheating on Farmer. when they already had a child together!
Of course, now Farmer is with him, and yes, it's not worth spending all the nerves on the past, but it's just that the writer is outraged to the core.
Also outraged that the ex just abandoned their child like that, saying they "don't have time for them now." Unbelievable!
Poor child... As much as the Farmers tried to comfort their own kud, all of these events took a heavy toll on them. And Elliott decided it was his duty to help the kid and Farmer, the love of his life.
His first attempts, though, end awkwardly, as Elliott doesn't know where to start. And should he start so immediately? Maybe they need some alone time on the contrary?
He decided to pick up a couple of books to help (mostly children's books, and a couple of books about how to communicate with children/teens).
The writer was lucky that the kid loves books!
There was even a moment when the kid felt comfortable around Elliott and asked them to help make their own little book. Elliott is more than happy to help them.
He also won't forget to praise the Farmer, because it was through their efforts and love that their child didn't fall victim to the neglect of the other parent. It's a shame that, coincidentally, the kid didn't arrive sooner.
Elliott will have a bit of a hard time, but he will do a great job in the role of carer for the Farmer and their kid, accepting them as his own child.
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willowser · 1 year
you don't know how much comfort your dragon king bkg drabble has given me ever since you posted it!! i keep reading it i love it sm 🥹
as it turns out, the man bakugou is — a bit harder to handle.
he sleeps like a heathen; you once thought the dragon bakugou to be a bit lazy, with how often he tended to curl up in the fields of grass, warm under the sun, but now — it would seem his little human form needs significantly less rest.
almost up all hours of the day, and when he does finally lay down, he's everywhere. a mess of limbs: one thrown carelessly out to the side and the other bent at an angle you can't believe doesn't hurt his joints. his head stays tucked into you somehow, either buried in your neck or pressed against your ribs — or you'll wake to find him nose-to-nose with you. he still snores like a dragon, however.
you're also beginning to wonder if there is a bottom to the pit of his stomach. he ate much before, whole fields of things, but you expected that appetite to dwindle, at least a little, now that his stomach has decreased considerably in size. and in number ? you're not even sure how many stomachs a dragon has; that's not something that was mentioned in the fairytales.
it burns through him quickly, gives him more energy than he needs, and it doesn't ever seem to affect his weight much. already, he's huge and thick with muscle and eating as much as he does never dulls the severity of his cut abdomen. not that you're looking all that much.
— not that you have a choice not to, as he seems to have little-to-no understanding of —
the door to the bathhouse kicks open, with enough force that you already know who it is without ever turning to look. you try not to shriek when you see him, because he seems to like that in some evil, impish way.
you've been alone to wash so far, thankfully, as the inn you'd managed to find was small and far enough out from the nearest kingdom that the occupancy was low — enough for you and your little brute.
the man bakugou comes to stand in front of the bath, blinking and huffing against the steam. finding clothes for him was — nearly impossible, and so the trousers you'd found hanging on someone's line outside fit above his ankles, a bit too tight around his waist. instead of a shirt, you've wrapped him in a scratchy linen, swaddled him up like a baby to cover the small smattering of scales that decorate his body, almost like freckles from the sun, though they gleam just as bright and red as they ever have. no matter his form.
a horn has started to sprout, on the right side of his forehead, and you've done your best to cover that, too.
you have no idea how long this man thing will last. if it's permanent or if he even has control over it. the last thing you need is for him to switch back, somehow, while you're in the middle of feeding him, absolutely demolishing whatever tavern you're in and calling all of king todoroki's guards to attention.
bakugou grunts, almost sleepy, and tosses a fat, weighty sack onto the edge of the bath. it jingles a certain jingle that makes your heart stop.
"oh, allfather—" you move for the edge, awkwardly keeping one arm against your chest despite the fact that he's seen it all by now. when you peek inside and confirm your fears, you lob it back to him furiously, as if it were a steaming potato. "where do you keep getting this stuff?"
things have started to turn up, miraculously. shiny things — like coins and rings and gems. things he could not have simply found rolling around in the dirt.
"go put it back!" you hiss at him, and the tone of your voice makes his frown deepen. you never realized how pouty he was, when he was still a dragon.
you think he understands you, and you're pretty certain he just chooses not to listen; instead of doing what you've told him in the slightest, he simply dumps the coin-purse to the floor, and then lets his linen and stolen trousers cover it as he unceremoniously undresses.
the biggest issue that you would say the man bakugou poses is — his complete lack of understanding of personal space.
"bakugou!" your voice wavers, shocked again by his nakedness. as if you haven't seen it all by now. "no, you — get out!"
but he does the exact opposite, which is hop into the steaming water, ignoring the arm you hold out to keep him away as he saddles up beside you. skin against scales, pressing a nose into your hair to huff out his annoyance, to make it something you can feel.
if anyone were to walk in right now, they would — probably think the lie you'd told the innkeeper was true. that you are a simple traveler and this is your mute, over-sized husband.
regardless, you think this behavior isn't polite. especially in a public bathhouse.
"bakugou," you try again, turning your face away as you speak to the wood-paneled wall. "i'm taking a bath, you have to wait your turn."
all you receive in response is another huff against your ear and a low rumble of disagreement from his chest.
he has yet to speak back, and has only used inhuman sounds as his points of conversation. the only word you've ever heard him utter is oi, which he does when he really thinks he needs your attention. you're starting to wonder if he's named you that in his head. oi.
curiously, you turn back to him and the movement has him pulling his face from your hair, just enough that he can look down at you, too. watch you, with the red-rippled sea in his eyes.
they're — amazing, you will admit. just as bright and detailed as they always have been. fit for a fairytale told by the fire, veiled by the soft-ash of his lashes. he watches you through them, half-lidded, and you wonder if it's something other than fatigue that has them so heavy.
"do you know what i'm saying?" you ask quietly, voice lacking the firm heat you want it to. instead it's heavy, too, weighted by something soft and unfamiliar and frightening. "can you even understand me?"
bakugou doesn't respond, not with a huff or a rumble or ever a purr, like the one he let out on the night he lay over you by the lake. you've only heard it sparingly since then, oftentimes in his sleep when his face is pressed into you.
you try not to frown at his silence, try not to let it disappoint you because it shouldn't; he's a dragon afterall, and you're not sure what it matters. the little horn protruding from his forehead catches your eye and you reach up to touch it gently, watching him blink away the water that drips from your wrist — and then he's turning into you again, too close.
beneath the water, you feel his hands skate up your bare thighs, wrap around your waist until your chest is pulled flush against his. you feel his huff, again, against the damp skin of your neck but it's slower, lighter. not laced with his frustration. some unknown thing you feel guilty for liking.
you drop your hand to his hair, rushing full force into all the damned things you've thought about doing but have been too afraid to. he's soft between your fingers, and you trace your nails lightly against his scalp until he groans quietly; a new noise, one you don't know how to translate.
your fingers stop when they brush upon little spines that have grown at the base of his skull, that have started to trail down the center of his back.
suddenly, tangled up in the bath with him, you wonder how much time you have left.
bakugou huffs again into your skin, a little fiercer this time, and it's because of his light jostling that you realize how rigid you've gone. you try to relax so that he will, too, though you must not do a convincing job, because a sharp nip comes to your earlobe.
"ow!" you squeal, but he doesn't let you go far, not even as you try to jerk away from him. in fact, the harder you try the more his teeth show: into your cheek and the point of your jaw and then dangerously low on your neck.
it's not until you finally freeze that he stops, huffing again, with a warmth that burns more than the steaming water.
and then, very quietly, he grumbles, "shitty wife," into your collarbone, just before biting you again.
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Although there's a very specific reason for them to be working at the Pizzaplex, that doesn't stop them from infodumping every once in a while!
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Knowing a bunch of random info turns out to be pretty useful when working with curious kids and a 8 foot tall robot who's always more than happy to listen to anything. Besides it makes for great stories to tell
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blushsea · 2 years
I love the sound of harp - it’s a beautiful instrument and it gives any musical piece an ethereal touch
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teetlezhere · 8 months
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Really feeling down in the dumps bc I got sick lately, so I made the Leos take a nap for comfort.
I also have a version with a smaller Leon too.
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frogchiro · 10 months
Please more sleazy neighbor Graves
Your writing....I'm down on my knees....its like listening to West Coast x Havana ...♡!
Winters are coming so drink hot water after waking up to avoid bad throat
Love your works and that brain of yours....<3
Sleazy Graves who is the best (only) mechanic around and doesn't hesitate to use your financial status for his own awful selfish gain :((
Will stand uncomfortably close to you, flex his tummy whenever his dirty white shirt rides up and smirks so so nasty when he catches you staring at him :( Phil will definitely encourage you in that low, purring drawl to touch him, feel the tense, hard muscles twitching underneath his thick skin and a layer of fat, maybe you can chirp at him with that sweet voice of yours too♡
Also don't forget that it's so so cold outside! Winter is early and in full swing and oh would you look at that, it's so late already!! And snow is falling like crazy, not to mention the temperature makes his own balls freeze off, not to mwntion your precious, soft body! You should stay with him for the night, he'll keep you nice and cozy♡
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evansboyfriend · 2 months
Buck visiting or meeting up with Tommy with two coffees in hand, one for Tommy. When he gives Tommy his coffee, Tommy says something like, “Mmm. Perfect,” and they both smile big.
Tim? Do you hear me? Tim!? Coffee as a metaphor for the status of their relationship, please. The foundations for this are literally there. 🙏
anon has their third eye open
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 2 months
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this was suppose to be a crack drawing but I ended up liking how evil Timmy boy look :D He has the whole school wrap around his fingers :)))) (maybe this is how Damien sees Tim ashskfjd)
God evil Tim would be AMAZING- especially in like DSB au like a Tim who reached his breaking point before dying and got a chance of a do-over but decided to be petty?? I love.
Also i'm just a complete sucker for evil characters you root for
Timothy would be the guy who knows exactly what you wanna hear, hell play nice and stroke your ego in every way to get what he wants and then distance himself the moment you arent of use. Most people attribute it to they "grew apart" but if you try and talk about the drifing best believe your life will be in shambels when the whole society turns against you for what you did to poor old drake.
He's untouchable and skirts the line of legality in a way that would drive the bats insane, Damien would hold a little respect if he wasn't so unnerved by being at the mercy of Drakes moods for his standing.
But seriously- time to add this to my hoard collection of other lovely pieces i'm thrilled!!
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elitadream · 9 months
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Basically the whole Mushroom Kingdom
Knowing how Mario and Peach “secretly” feel about each other must be exhausting😆
THIS. ☝️😭
Especially for Luigi, omg. >< I mean sure: Toadsworth, Daisy, Toadette and all the Kingdom's citizens would have a hard time keeping their mouths shut when watching Peach demurely clasp her hands together to make a wish - ever the same one, no doubt - and sigh dejectedly to herself in quiet longing.
But they wouldn't know what it's like to deal with a sibling who's literally lovesick. To enter a room and find their brother hunched over and grimacing in obvious distress, his eyes lost and imploring as he would turn and say: "I love her so much, Lou... I- it hurts," with pained and hopeless surrender. To listen to his enamored ramblings for hours on end, yet only have vague and constrained support to offer. To see him hurting so badly on some days, and somehow still having to refrain from grabbing him by the shoulders and yelling "She LOVES you, ebete!!" to his bewildered face. Oh, to just end that needless suffering... It would be so easy. But he can't. When all would be pleasant and bright, he wouldn't mind, and would even take some enjoyment from what he secretly knows... But there would also be times - disheartened and crestfallen - when that silent vow would be very hard for Luigi to keep. 🥺😣
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