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maximura · 11 months ago
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writingbeary · 4 years ago
Kingdom - Reborn (pt.2)
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Minyoung’s Outfit
Texts placed inside brackets are Kingdom’s show subtitles
Italicized texts are in English
Texts that are block quoted are interview cuts
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During the shoot before Round 2, the time when they got the experts’ evaluation for Round 1, ATEEZ revealed the reason behind why the chose iKON as the group they wanted to exchange songs with.
"Everyone wanted to do iKON sunbaenims' songs. San did his monthly evaluation with Rhythm Ta and Minyoung's video for her highschool admission was Bling Bling. It's like we're fated to do this." Hongjoong explained moving his hands to point towards the two metioned people.
Seonghwa nodded adding in his own experience "I really like iKON sunbaenim that I even performed it at my school event."
"That's true! There's even videos of it." Hongjoong chuckled while Seonghwa shifted uncomfortably knowing the editors would probably add in the said video
"Minyoung too. She was formerly a YG trainee, so she must have had to dance to at least one song?" Jongho turned to the girl who was uncharacteristically quiet
"Me? I was a trainee there when they competed in Mix and Match. Ah but we don’t really practice Korean songs a lot there. Although, it’s like a mentality of trainees? You want to learn all the seniors’ songs in the company in case you have to perform it suddenly." Minyoung looked as if she was hiding herself cringing at her trainee days, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"So what? You literally are a member of their fanclub! I’m sure you know their songs by heart." Wooyoung pointed out making the rest of the members laugh. This information prompted the production staff behind the camera to ask if she really was a member of the iKON’s fanclub.
"I am, I also attended their concert in Sydney before. I also have membership for SF9 sunbaenim and BTOB sunbaenim. Oh but I like everyone!" Minyoung quickly added afraid she'll get misunderstood
[Photo evidences that Minyoung loves K-pop!] Photos of Minyoung’s merchandise and being in concerts or fan meetings were shown after edit.
"Ah right! But your class performed with Killing Me during the festival." Yunho exclaimed, clapping as he remembered the performance
"Oppa! Don't!" Minyoung tried to shush him but she knew it was too late. She turned to the staff worried "You're probably going to dig up videos right?"
[Of course! Here it is!]
As if teasing the girl, the editors played a clip of said performance. At this point, Minyoung knows there's no escaping what she calls her dark past.
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(Group Interview)
The staff asked the group if they have tried contacting someone other groups with Hongjoong answering that he will try to do that after the show ends.
“When we started filming for Kingdom, I decided to be close with Kim Jinhwan-sunbaenim.” Wooyoung confessed making the other members laugh as he did declare that he will do whatever it takes to become close with him.
“Why do you sound so excited?” San asked laughing
“I feel like I don’t want people to know that I know you when you act like this oppa.” Minyoung mumbled evoking laughter from everyone including Wooyoung.
“What do you mean by that? You’re also like this with the other seniors!” Wooyoung grinned teasing the girl, Minyoung stuck out her tongue playfully at him.
“Even before filming Kingdom, the only groups that I don’t have anyone I personally know is iKON-sunbaenim and BTOB-sunbaenim. I’ll work hard to change that and be a successful fan.” Minyoung answered smiling shyly
“You do know Chanwoo-sunbaenim though? Through Chani-sunbaenim right?” Yunho poked the girl chuckling
“Ah right. We haven’t really talked but when it’s possible, he said he’ll schedule for our group to have a meal together with iKON-sunbaenim.” Minyoung nodded making the members smile in excitement
“Are you thinking of making it a win-win scenario with iKON?” the staff asked and with no hesitation the whole of ATEEZ answered yes.
“I think it’ll be great if we could place 1st and 2nd with iKON-sunbaenim. That’s my wish.” Hongjoong answered as the rest of the members nodded.
“People complimented our narrative in round one and that’s because they could tell that we were pirates. When performing Rhythm Ta, we need an arrangement and choreography from which people could tell exactly what we’re going for.” Hongjoong explained his ideas to the group as they conceptualize the stage for the round.
“Let’s our heads together and come up with it.” Wooyoung stated as he looked towards the other members.
“Let’s really put our heads together” Jongho joked as Hongjoong asked them to say their cheer. “Say, 9 makes 1 king.” 
“9 makes 1 king! Fighting!”
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(Preparation for the Stage)
“In the original song, ‘What’s up? Hurry up and nod your head.’ this is the part that I liked. It’s catchy.” Hongjoong said to the camera as he worked on the song. “I left that part in verse 1 and verse 2 but I changed the second part a bit to incorporate a Latin vibe.”
“Another thing we agreed upon is to have another movie reference for this performance. We borrowed ideas from ‘Pirates of the Carribean’ for our Round 1 performance and for this stage, we will borrow the theme from the drama called ‘Money Heist’.”
“So we’re becoming 8 pirates. It’ll be a prequel to <Wonderland>.”
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(Phone call with Minyoung)
Hongjoong called Minyoung while he was arranging Rhythm Ta into their own color and was on the phone with her as the cameras were recording. Hongjoong: Minyoung-ah, so I was thinking.. Minyoung: Oh no. What is it? *nervous tone* More high notes? Oppa stop thinking. That’s bad for my heart. *laughs* Hongjoong: Instead of high notes, I'd like you to rap.
Hongjoong laughed hearing Minyoung groan over the line and there was a pause before Minyoung spoke again.
Minyoung: Oppa. Don’t do this to me. Save me. Please. I'll do the high notes or stunts Hongjoong: We have to showcase everything Minyoung-ah. You're a rapper. You already showed Atiny that you can do it. Minyoung: I knew it. Giving in to Atiny’s request for that cover was bad *sighs before letting out a laugh in resignation* Understood. I'll do it. I have to do it. I did say I'll follow your decisions all throughout and I don’t go back on my words. Hongjoong: Also, you know that we’ll be adding narration right? Minyoung: Ah no. I’ll go along with your rap request but I won’t do the narration. Hongjoong: Why? It’s in English and you’re our native English speaker. Minyoung: It’s because I’ll most likely laugh if I do it besides don’t you think having the leader do it would paint a better picture? Like you’re leading ATEEZ into a revolution. Hongjoong: *convinced* Oh you have a point there. Alright. Thanks bun. Come record your parts tomorrow and bring Seonghwa with you. Minyoung: Mhm. I'll come with Seonghwa-oppa. Fighting Joong-oppa! I’m hanging up. Bye bye~
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“Let’s do it from the start.” The choregrapher called out as he counted out loud while the members dance. San laughing after they finished a part.
[Main dancer losing his mind]
Nodding, the choreographer clapped and called out “Okay let’s try the second part”
"Let me catch my breath first." San asked the choreographer
“We’re not going to jump. We’re not using our steps.” as they run through their dance routine only to find out the choreographer is doing the footwork while all the members laughed
"It's what we've been doing anyway. It's just the base footwork." the choreographer commented laughing when he saw the members' faces "Just roll your feet"
"I feel like I'm getting conned." Wooyoung laughed as he too was trying to catch a breath
Minyoung laughed as if she is losing her mind. "Why is this so difficult? This rolling is insane." before singing the song Rollin’ as she attempted the move again.
[Another one who is losing her mind.]
“I feel like we’ll all be sore after this stage.” Wooyoung remarked as the others laughed knowing that it’s going to happen.
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“Where are we?” San asked as they walked into an establishment
“We’re here to practice for Kingdom.” Hongjoong answered as he explained what they need to do. They all agreed that it is important to try the action with one’s own body and Wooyoung pointed them to a place where they could practice those movements. The group went to a BB gun shooting place and played around.
“Ah. But won’t Minyoung have an advantage?” San grinned ready to tease the girl
“Why? What about me?” Minyoung asked tilting her head a bit.
“You’re small. You can hide behind almost everything here.” San got ready to block the girl’s slap laughing
“That would also mean Yunho-oppa is a great target though. Besides I can’t win if I stay cooped up in one place.” Minyoung shook her head slapping San’s arm “But rest assured. I’ll make sure to hunt for you oppa.”
“Everyone, aim for Yeosang.” Hongjoong reminded everyone of their goal today
“Okay.” “So it’s a 7 v 1 then.”
[It looks like they came here to have fun]
“But why are we aiming at Yeosang-oppa?” Minyoung asked as they shoot Yeosang who tried expressing how being shot by bullets felt like.
“<Rhythm Ta> is the title of the song right? We need to get the rhythm and enjoy the stage to the fullest. I think people will like it if we could perform while laughing and having fun like we did today” Hongjoong explained to everyone after the day of playing
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The group went for their rehearsals with the props for a final time, everyone taking their places. San and Minyoung were together as they have to lead the last group dance together.
"What are you doing?" Minyoung could be heard asking San in the background as he was talking to the camera, then feeling embarrassed with his actions.
As Minyoung was practicing the dance for her solo part, she limped slightly when trying to change positions, the staff asked her if she's doing okay. "I am! I don't think it'll affect my performance during the show, I just have my knee wrapped as extra protection."
"She hurt herself during one of our rehearsals. It's nothing serious but to be safe, she was told not to strain too much." San explained for Minyoung who returned back to practicing her routine
[The choreography as expected is intense for all the members but she continues to practice despite the injury]
Noticing the camera focusing on her, she shared what was on her mind "More than this, I'm more nervous rapping in front of the seniors live. I’m worried that people wouldn’t take to well to me rapping and I'm especially scared that iKON sunbaenim might not like it. But I have to do it, I just need to do my part well since everyone else would surely kill theirs."
[The pressure must be heavy for the 22-year old girl to face but she continues on with a smile]
As the staff asked if they could win, San confidently answered “Win? If we do what we have to do properly, if we show what we got, I think it’s possible.”
“There was some pressure but I think we could prepare it with energy solely because we ranked high.” Jongho confessed during the group interviews.
“Right. I feel like we could prepare for the stage and just purely enjoy the process because the pressure isn’t as bad as before.” Minyoung said chiming in
“We were preparing for the next round energetically because we want to achieve another good result this round.” Jongho concluded
“I’m most curious about iKON-sunbaenim’s reactions” Hongjoong piped in making Yunho nod adding in “If we’re acknowledged by them, we already succeded a bit.”
“As we won first place in the previous round, we should show a performance fit for that title. That’s what we kept on thinking.” Hongjoong smiled as the other members nodded in agreement.
“A performance fit for the winners?” San asked
“We should meet their expectations.” Hongjoong nodded
“Shouldn’t we go above their expectations?” Minyoung asked making the whole group laugh as they end the interview.
"There were a lot of new things we tried for this performance. San doing b-boying and Minyoung would have more active parts in the choreography. You also have to look forward to her rap too." Hongjoong answered confidently smiling during the interview for Round 2.
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When the music played ATEEZ’s version of Rhythm Ta, Minyoung felt adrenaline pump through her body as she felt herself suddenly no longer nervous, just excited. 
Everyone was surprised to hear her voice whispering their opening and even more when she rapped the pre-verse after Seonghwa's lines.
BTOB Eunkwang: She also raps? She’s insane! Didn’t she do the high note last round? BTOB Minhyuk: Right. Isn’t she a vocal?
SF9 Chani: She’s going all out, huh. *chuckle* 
Minyoung took center position for the first chorus as she sang “igeon gunyang noraeniggan rhythm ta” the cameras closing in, focused on her facial expressions before panning out to their group dance.
Stray Kids Han: *excited shout* Minyoung-ah! iKON Yunhyeong: She’s an all-rounder. SF9 Dawon: What’s scary is her facial expressions. How is she this good? It’s completely different from her usual aura SF9 Inseong: She’s an actress. But I agree, her facial expressions are fascinating. All of them do but she’s standing out in this performance.
As Hongjoong finished the Money Heist speech, Minyoung and Jongho sang together for the bridge with Minyoung supporting his high note before the dance booster where San lead the dance. For the ending, Minyoung once again took center position before doing a high kick in time for the last beat and smirking at the camera as the music fades to the intro of their Round 1 performance.
THE BOYZ Hyunjae: Minyoung is crazy. Pick one thing to be good at! Goodness.
SF9 Chani: *claps, standing up* SF9 Inseong: Minyoung-ie looked impressive during that last bit
Stray Kids Han: That's my friend right there! *laughs* Stray Kids Changbin: *laughs* You sound like you’re a proud parents 
iKON DK: They killed the stage. Like how we made our own from their song, they also created their own Rhythm Ta.
BTOB Eunkwang: They really made it their song. It was totally ATEEZ’ song.
 ATEEZ bowed and thanked the backup dancers and the staff after their performance, all smiling as they all thought they did perfectly.
Minyoung now feeling the high from their performance settle down a bit, finally felt the pain in her knee. Yunho noticing that’s she is having a hard time walking, crouched down in front of her. "Let's go and no, it's either you get on my back or I carry you over my shoulder Young-ah." knowing she'd refuse.
Sighing, she went on his back getting carried to the backstage to get their microphones taken out and treat Minyoung.
"Did you hurt it again?" San asked approaching the two with Jongho beside him, still trying to catch his breath.
"Same old. I just feel a numb pain but nothing too serious." Minyoung smiled trying to reassure the members that managed to gather around her and their manager who gave her a cold pack for her knee.
"If it's too much, sit out the rest of the filming-" Hongjoong started to say but the girl quickly rejected the idea
"No! I want to watch the rest of the stages too." Minyoung pouted trying to win over their leader with aegyo
Laughing, Wooyoung patted Minyoung's back lightly. "Okay case closed. Minyoung is staying for the performances. Hongjoong-hyung can never resist Minyoung when she does that."
"Fine. But you have to get that checked after the shoot and you have to tell us immediately if it gets too painful." Hongjoong sighed knowing how stubborn Minyoung could get when she wants something.
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(BTOB’s stage)
“Okay. Another stage that I’m looking forward to. When Stray Kids picked BTOB-sunbaenim, I was already thinking of what songs could match well with them.” Minyoung stated as she made herself comfortable in her seat, playing with the wheeled chair a bit.
“Since <God’s Menu> was already performed last round, they probably won’t pick that.” Seonghwa laughed as he watched as the girl roll around her chair using her good leg
“What if it was <Hellevator> or <Double Knot>? That would be really cool!” Minyoung exclaimed clapping her hands “They could go for a complete 180 of the song. Imagine that.”
Hongjoong laughed at her excitement as Wooyoung grinned “Yeosang-ah, you and Jongho should probably get your ears ready if she squeals.”
“A bit too late for that warning.” Jongho laughed as Minyoung lightly punched his arm in protest
As BTOB started their stage, the camera was focused on the floor label ‘Stage 1’. Minyoung pointed at the screen. “It looks like a backstage..Omo! Are they going to perform <Back Door>?”
“Oh! <Back Door> <Back Door> <Back Door> <Back Door>” Yunho exclaimed excitedly with Wooyoung when Eunkwang pretended to warm up his vocals for their performance
“This is totally rock. The style actually suits Changsub-sunbaenim a bit.” Minyoung noted as Changsub opened the song with his verse “How does he go high that easily?”
Yeosang looked at the girl chuckling “You also go up that high. You and Jongho do that easily.” to which Minyoung deadpanned “Maybe Jongho but for me, I die whenever there’s a high note in my part.” at this answer all members of ATEEZ shook their heads, disagreeing with her but decided not to say anything and just focus on the performance.
“Wow! Crazy!” Wooyoung had his mouth open during the high note while Seonghwa could be visibly scene having the time of his life at the side
“Omo!” Minyoung let out a light squeal when Minhyuk came into the screen in his robe. Seonghwa suddenly switching from a fanboy mode to a protective mode and trying to block Minyoung’s view.
“What’s with everyone showing off their physique? We cannot win that!” Wooyoung laughed
“Peniel-sunbaenim’s rap is a bit…provocative?” Minyoung mumbled as she nod along to the music. “I guess they changed the theme quite a bit.”
“Oh! They’re finally going up the stage.” Jongho pointed out as the group walked out to what looks like a concert stage
“I want to go there too! I’ll be a backup dancer for them and just vibe up the stage.” Minyoung pointed at the screen copying the movements of the backup dancers
“Omo. Here it goes. Here it goes. BTOB-sunbaenim’s harmonies” Minyoung clapped excitedly as both Changsub and Eunkwang harmonize.
The rest of the stage was spent by the whole of ATEEZ just being the fans that they are, raising their hands up and down just like the dancers on stage. Most of them had their mouths wide-open as they’re amazed by the whole performance brought by BTOB until Minhyuk ripped his shirt off prompting Minyoung’s surprised gasp and Seonghwa’s frantic hand going to cover Minyoung’s eyes.
Wooyoung laughed at the two of them. “They’re at it again.” Seonghwa trying to cover Minyoung’s view while Minyoung trying to remove Seonghwa’s hand while laughing.
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(Stray Kids’ stage)
“<I’ll be your Man>? This is song is so high though! I wonder how they changed it up. Also, Stray Kids’ openings for both of these rounds sounds so..” Minyoung paused trying to think of the word “you know the feeling you get during horror movies when they suddenly turn down the music?”
“Eerie? Mysterious? Creepy?” Hongjoong listed words that the girl could be thinking of.
“Eerie. That one. It feels so eerie but like you’re anticipating something but the general tone is just so solemn or something.” Minyoung commented as she watched Seungmin’s part in the opening.
“Han Jisung aye~” Minyoung smiled as Jisung did vocal parts right after Seungmin.
“So is this the part of Kingdom where the rapper sings and vocals rap?” Hongjoong chuckled glancing at Minyoung “You rapped today when you’re usually vocals then Han sings when he usually raps.”
“Minhyuk-sunbaenim did it first on this show though and Jisung has been doing vocals parts in their songs too.” Minyoung shook her head as she pointed it out to her leader
“You should give her more parts is what I’m hearing right now.” Jongho laughed, shaking his head before returning back his focus on the performance.
“it’s a difficult song. This one.” Yunho pointed out looking forward to the stage
When the screen changed, Minyoung got startled and jumped a bit in her seat as Changbin’s rap section started. “Changbin-sunbaenim’s parts always sounds so heavy. Oh but I meant it in a good way.”
Minyoung gasped with her eyes wide when Changbin fell from the platform. “Omo!” Wooyoung who was sat at the end grinned, proud of his friend. “My friend.” making Yunho laugh at him as Hongjoong praises Changbin for his rap.
“The kid disappeared!” Minyoung exclaimed making Yeosang chuckle at her. “Are they like dead? Is that why the dancers are wearing white? What is happening?”
“He’s gone!” “Where did he go?” both Wooyoung and Yunho gasped and spoke at the same time
As soon as Han took center and sang the chorus, Minyoung clapped excitedly in her seat. “Go get it! Let’s go!” then during Felix’s parts Minyoung couldn’t help but point at the screen shouting his name “Felix! Yes, go make use of your deep voice and dig deep underground.” as all of ATEEZ let out a sound in awe.
“Wait why are there axes and spears? Omo! They’re dragging him..I did say to dig deep but..” Minyoung gasped in realization “Omo! Is he like a devil?”
Noticing the backup dancers, Minyoung mumbled under her breath “So are all backup dancers in JYP this fit? It’s like they all have toned bodies.” Yeosang who was seating next to her let out a laugh, getting the attention of the rest of the members as he waved them off indicating he’ll tell them later.
“Is that blood? Are they going to summon Felix?!” Minyoung incredibly invested at the performance would have scooted closer to the screen if not for Jongho who was holding her chair back. “What is this? Did they sacrifice the kid? Or are they trying to save the kid?”
If Minyoung was excited during the first part of the performance, imagine that being doubled when both Seungmin and Han did the high notes. She was practically beaming, proud of her friends her attention on them before noticing the heavy rapping of Changbin in the background when Wooyoung pointed it out.
“I got goosebumps” Seonghwa confessed as Wooyoung exclaimed “Changbin, he’s super cool!”
“Our I.N-ie!” Minyoung raised her hands up high when Jeongin did the last bit of the chorus. “Oh! I’ve got goosebumps.” Jongho noted as the performance ended.
“So did they like sacrifice their blood to summon Felix and then save the baby?” Minyoung asked still a bit lost
“I think so. The statue seems to represent the kid in the beginning then they gave it a heart to save him.” Hongjoong nodded clapping for the last performance of the day.
“So did they save the kid? Or was the kid a ghost? I need answers!” Minyoung pouted as Yeosang chuckled and patted her back. “I believe it’ll be up to the interpretation of the audience.”
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After everyone has performed, Minyoung laughed to herself gaining the attention of the rest of the members. “What’s funny?” Hongjoong asked her
"Should I just take it off too? Everyone ripped their shirts off and stuff." Minyoung asked patting her jacket, shocking the other members making them jump from their seat and yell out "No!" in unison. Minyoung laughed surprised at how loud they got.
"Why would you want to do that?" Seonghwa asked frowning a bit, trying to think up a reason to discourage whatever idea is on her mind.
"I don't want to hear that from you and San-oppa. You exhibitionists." Minyoung countered jokingly making Jongho and Wooyoung laugh. "It's not like I'll actually go topless that’ll be real bad. Maybe wear something sexy. I've already tried it during <HALA HALA> and <THANXX>...kind of? anyway, so it's not like it's anything new."
"After all this time? Why?" Yeosang asked curiously as there were lots of time when fan would question her stage outfits. She would always get something that doesn’t show that much skin, take her stage outfit for today. She has layers of clothing which worked in favor for the group since they won’t need to be on the look-out too much for ill-intentioned people. After that incident during their <Wave> promotions, everyone took turns on sticking by Minyoung’s side to avoid another incident.
"I mean everyone's been ripping their shirts off or showing of their physique and by everyone I mean including the backup dancers. They look good by the way.” Minyoung reasoned, taking her phone out already looking at potential outfits.
Jongho laughed as he patted Minyoung's back "Your image. Try to protect your image, you fangirl." making Minyoung laugh shrugging
"A bit too late for that Jongho. I'm pretty sure Atiny already knows that I have my fangirl moments. Besides, when could I ever enjoy myself like this other than off stage? I’ve had my fun with hair colors so maybe I could have fun with outfits as well."
"Why not her do what she wants? Better to agree and decide with her rather than her surprising us about it." Yeosang shrugged, chuckling when Minyoung raised her thumbs up exclaiming "You know me too well oppa"
"If you're comfortable with it...it’s not like we can completely stop you from doing what you want " Hongjoong sighed in resignation, patting Minyoung's head. He would have ruffled her hair if not for the thousand pins on your hair.
"Young lady, I am going to make sure it isn't scandalous. You better let me see the outfit first." Seonghwa wagged a finger trying to look threatening but only making Minyoung laugh and agree. "Like I said, you and San-oppa are the last ones I'll want to hear those words from. Well especially San-oppa. His clothes keep getting lesser and lesser." cracking up everyone
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ATEEZ Minyoung Masterlist
Disclaimer: This is just a work of fiction. Any portrayal of real people is a combination based on what we could see on cameras and imagination of the author. This is purely fan fiction written for entertainment. Thank you for understanding.
━━━━━━ʕ ˵• ₒ •˵ ʔ━━━━━━
Writing Beary Corner
That’s it for the Reborn Round! I’m not sure if it showed but I had a lot of fun writing this round as everyone did a great job and this was the stage I looked forward to the most. 
I’m a bit busy this week so I cannot finish my drafted posts but I’ll post as soon as they’re ready. ♡♡♡
Thank you for reading!
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itsclydebitches · 4 years ago
RWBY Recaps: Volume 8 “Divide”
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Hello, everyone, and welcome back! It feels good to be doing some normal RWBY-ing in this strange world of ours. First, some supplementary materials.
Number One: In response to any (valid) questions along the lines of, “Hey Clyde, it’s now been a full year since Volume 7 was airing and you still haven’t answered my ask about it. Or the ones about Volume 6… what’s up with that?” I’ve created what I hope is an informative video detailing the problem:
(I assure you, the Earth, Wind & Fire was a happy accident during the screen recording.)
Needless to say, there’s a lot and I’ve known for some time now that I will LITERALLY never get through all my asks. Which doesn’t mean I don’t want you to send future thoughts in! Just know that as we head into Volume 8 territory I’ll most likely prioritize those, as well as any Volume 7 asks that aren’t woefully out of date. But I do want everyone to know that I read all the asks I receive, appreciate them immensely, and think too much about hypothetical answers, even if I don’t have time to actually write them out 💜
Number Two: There’s a bingo board this year!
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Jury’s out on whether I’ll remember to update it, but at the very least this serves as a decent glimpse into my — and others’ — expectations going into this volume.
Number Three: I’ve collected a list of things I’ve heard about Volume 8 from what seem to be reputable sources. I did this because RT is developing a tendency to talk up certain points and then fail to deliver, either because something was taken out of a volume/moved to another, or because RT apparently has radically different ideas about what including something means. So this might be handy to keep on file and ask ourselves two months from now, “Did RT actually deliver on what they promised?”
Emphasis on Ruby’s leadership and how Summer’s death has impacted her
Insight into Ren and Nora’s flaws
May Merigold will supposedly have a larger part
More information about The Long Memory (Ozpin’s cane)
Theme of the volume is that you can respect someone but that doesn’t necessarily mean you agree with them
Very short timeline (supposedly just two days)
Yang in particular is very suspicious and distrustful
I was also going to include a list of all the threads that need to be continued/wrapped up, but honestly that would have taken too large a chunk off my life. Let’s just throw out the highlights:
Are we really going to have Qrow gunning for Ironwood?
Clover is dead regardless. Press ‘F’ to pay respects
Oscar bb you got shot please acknowledge this
Ozpin bb you got done dirty please acknowledge this
Penny is a Maiden now. I feel like the fandom has been sleeping on this (myself included)
Queer baiting, queer baiting… you’re on thin ice at this point, RWBY. Just skate on over to the queer snack bar before you fall straight into the lake.  
Ren spill your deep dark secret already and it had better be something more than just ‘Oh no Nora might someday die :( ’
Salem is here so how the actual fuck is the cast surviving this?
Will Ironwood likewise survive his descent into antagonism? Yes or please yes no?
I think that’s all the biggies. I strive to keep lists like this in mind while analyzing, but honestly RWBY has a hundred moving parts that are abandoned or changed or simply retconned at the drop of a hat. So an attempt will be made.
Number Four (last one I promise!): Normal disclaimers and reminders for Recaps apply:
Please don’t fill up the already full inbox with flames. It’s still 2020. No one has time for that nonsense.
There will absolutely be typos and wonky parts because I try to get these out the same day an episode premieres. I have now been working on this for ten hours, nearly straight, and have no more energy for edits. Apologies in advance and RIP to my Saturdays.
I reserve the right to use stupid GIFs and memes at my discretion.
I strive to keep my focus on recapping/analyzing but salt tends to worm its way in… If you’re a die-hard RWBY fan with little patience for criticism, let alone (at times) snarky criticism, please proceed with caution.
No wait I lied, this is the last thing:
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Okay, got that out of my system LET’S DO THIS!
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We start not with the episode itself but rather Rooster Teeth’s (RT’s) strange non-promotion of it. If you follow my blog you may have caught the post where I pointed out that there was nothing on RT’s website to suggest that one of their most popular shows—if not the most popular show—was premiering today. Nothing on the main page. Nothing on the RWBY page either, not unless you count the Volume 8 poster background (easily mistaken for the Volume 7 poster) and the trailer buried all the way down past Episodes, past Merch, in the Bonus Features section along with videos like Live From Remnant and the volume intros. RT… the promotion of your feature show is not a bonus. This should be front and center! Honest to god, five minutes before the episode dropped I was checking the website for a Volume 8 section, a countdown, anything that would tell me the episode was imminent without relying on fans on tumblr to keep me in the loop. We got nada, zilch. I’m not sure whether that speaks more to RT’s iffy management of the series or simply the website’s horrible design—RIP losing RWBY on Youtube—but I was surprised when I saw the episode a few minutes after 11:00am. At that point I honestly expected to hear about a dely.
So that’s the mood I entered the premiere in, but truly? We start off strong. Things take a pretty severe nosedive later on, we’ll get to that, but I was impressed with our beginning and that probably has a lot to do with the fact that we start with our villains.
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We open on a Cinderella character, Cinder, and thus I’m immediately pleased that we’re getting something about her backstory after all this time. Seven years! She appeared in episode one, folks! To say we’re overdue is an understatement. There isn’t a whole lot to go on, just a younger Cinder sadly scrubbing the floor, poised under a spotlight. What we learn, or potentially learn, is based far more in cultural knowledge than this scene. We know Cinderella’s story, which includes the abusive family, the longing for more, the eventual escape, and thus we’re able to read all of that in this image, despite the image itself not telling us any of this overtly. That means we could be wrong in our interpretation, but if we’re not it’s an easy shorthand in an already packed story.
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What I’m really impressed with is the sound bridge between the scrubbing and her nails on the back of Neo’s chair. Fantastic way to confirm that this is Cinder as well as showcasing just how far she’s come. The sound of her labor has been replaced with the sound of her power and given that Cinder’s power is stolen, tied to a grimm arm, the property of a genocidal maniac… that’s messed up. It’s a Cinderella story gone wrong.
So yeah, Cinder tells Neo to head straight into the creepy, grimm infested blood cloud to see Salem and Neo is like, ‘Uh… no thank you?’ lol.
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RT does a good job this episode with her expressions, ensuring we know exactly what she’s thinking despite an unwillingness/inability to speak.
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Poor Neo might be in too deep, but I quite like the overall atmosphere of this opening. Say what we will about Salem’s awful characterization, at least she has style. This woman knows how to make an entrance and, piggybacking off of the Apathy, RT knows how to infuse horror elements into their fantasy. The red and purple coloring of the clouds, spiked whale teeth peeking through, bright orange in the background looking like explosions… that’s all 👌 Including the intro card.
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The only thing I want to gripe about is this:
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I’m sorry, why does the whale grimm have landing pads? Or something like it?? The whale otherwise works because it’s poised between the natural and the fantasy synthetic. It looks like a real grimm whale on the outside, but is sporting a throne room, a control panel, and other unnatural elements on the inside. It’s a visual indicator of Salem’s ability to control and change grimm. Now though, the additions are wrong, infringing on the line between organic and tech, the line between what helps the grimm individually (giving monkeys wings) and what just helps Salem. Every other aspect of the whale straddles that line wonderfully, adding to the creep factor, like a grimm version of the Uncanny Valley: it’s not quite a whale anymore… but landing pads? That looks ridiculous. Why does Salem even have that? How many ships are her people feasibly using? Why are there five?
Take it away, please.
Cinder waltzes in like this is a normal home visit, but Neo has an appropriate ‘What the actual fuck?’ face going on.
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They approach Salem on her throne where Cinder immediately kneels, greeting her with, “My queen.” I mentioned during my trailer breakdown that I think Cinder is lying her ass off here, and I still think that based on a line we’ll get in a minute, but now at least we have a sense of how she can pull this off. A woman who started out as a (presumed) servant is going to know how to mimic subservience, even if her heart isn’t in it. Salem is very good at playing the girl who will still kneel and scrub the floor for you. She will scrub the floor, she’ll do everything you want, she’ll just be plotting her own rise to power while she does it.
There’s quite a bit of interesting cinematography in this episode, not all of it good, and I think one of the mistakes is here when we get a closeup on Salem’s mouth as she greets Cinder. A closeup like that should be reserved for more significant dialogue—“Rosebud”—and yet we get this shot again when Cinder tells Emerald to be quiet. It’s awkward and coupled with the numerous eye closeups we got in the trailer, I think RT is playing a little fast and loose with the camera. Each shot should add something to the scene, not distract from it. If you don’t have a reason for including a technique like that then leave it be.
Back to the actual dialogue though. We knew that Salem knew Cinder was alive and now it seems that she just expected her to come back? I’m slightly lost. It feels like we’re missing something here. Cinder goes off to secure the lamp, fails, nearly dies, wanders on her own for months, and then randomly shows back up on Salem’s whale doorstep, yet Salem isn’t angry at all? Did she have faith that Cinder would return when she has something to offer? Did she just not care about Cinder, considering her return an unnecessary but otherwise welcome surprise? That would make the least sense given that she holds the key to accessing Beacon’s relic… but that circles right back around to why Salem is seemingly indifferent to Cinder’s comings and goings. Surely she can’t actually believe that Cinder is loyal?
“So I trust you wouldn’t return to me empty handed,” she says. Yeah, trust means nothing in this show, Salem, didn’t you watch Volumes 6 and 7? Again, I simply don’t know. I suppose I’ll just chalk it up to confidence, that if Cinder did bail Salem knew she could track her down again. Deciphering her motivations and beliefs is a lost cause when the show continually gives us so little.
The important thing now is that Cinder does indeed have an offering and you can see that Salem is somewhat surprised at being handed the relic.
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Cinder, of course, takes credit for the victory and we’re given another wonderful shot of Neo. ‘YOU took it?’
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Oh, Neo. Best get out while you still can.
Tyrian appears having obviously made his way to Salem’s ship sometime between her arrival and now. The exchange is pretty standard for this group. He insults Cinder for failing and needing this victory to make amends, talks about how any win against Ironwood says more about his lack of intelligence than her skill, and Cinder… doesn’t have a whole lot of comebacks, actually. I’d say Tyrian won that verbal spar, enhanced by a better use of the camera when we get his tail looming menacingly towards Cinder and Neo.
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He goes on to say that Watts was a “necessary sacrifice” so, uh… I’m just going to toss out the ask I answered yesterday. Based on our intro I’d say Watts is still significant to the volume—hacking Penny is my guess—but by the end? He could be in trouble.
(As a side note: I plan to analyze the intro next week. It’s just easier when it comes first.)
Tyrian also calls Neo “little one” which I just found absolutely hilarious. In an on brand creepy manner, that is. Not that Neo couldn’t kick his ass, but there’s something wonderfully chilling about having the serial killer use an endearment towards a potential victim, one that comments on her size while he’s looming.
In contrast, Cinder refers to Neo as a “valuable asset” and we get our third mood of the episode.
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Who’s going to start a Neo reaction image collection?
It’s true enough on the surface—who wouldn’t want an ally who can turn into anyone else?—but we’re still bumping up against question of why Salem needs this. She’s immortal! She has an endless army! Magic! This scene works well with a villain who needs a skillset like Neo’s to succeed, but Salem doesn’t. RT is doing a great job writing a story thus far, just not the story we’ve previously been given. This isn’t the story they set up.
This will come back up when we reach the RWBYJNOR group. Just wait.
Before that though, the gang’s all here as Emerald, Mercury, and Hazel show up, all in new outfits.
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I think I like everything except for the weird Xs on Emerald’s jacket—it’s way too distracting and frankly makes an otherwise good look ugly—and the fact that she’s showing her midriff in Atlas. Hazel doesn’t have any sleeves! Oh my god, why doesn’t anyone dress for the weather in this show?
Frankly, I found their reunion to be kind of lackluster. I mean, there was nothing wrong with it. Emerald does sound briefly excited, she does run, and it’s in character for Cinder to cut her off… it just didn’t resonate with me emotionally. I thought after two volumes of thinking she’s dead, then working through the knowledge that she’s alive, that I would feel Emerald’s shock and relief more, but I didn’t. And I’m not entirely sure why. I don’t want to level any accusations at the voice acting because frankly I know next to nothing about that skill (and from what I’ve seen it’s usually praised in the fandom), but I will say that throughout the premiere I was noticing it more than I ever have before. The lack of emotion here and some awkward deliveries later, like when Yang goes, “Ruby, there is no way Ironwood will cooperate with us” and I immediately thought, “Wow, that came out stilted.” These observations stick with me because, as said, voice acting usually isn’t on my radar. It’s not something I’ve studied or had practice analyzing. If you’d never told me that Ren or Qrow’s VA changed then after a year hiatus I literally wouldn’t notice… but there’s something about this episode that didn’t sit right. Anyone else get that sense, or was it just me?
Regardless, the arrival of our other three villains really doesn’t amount to much, though I’m happy for all the Emerald and Mercury fans who get to see them in new outfits. The focus is still on Cinder as she delivers a line indicative of her true motivations: “That power will be mine.” Yeah, she’s not loyal to Salem, she’s just power hungry. Of course, Salem immediately takes note of this and raises her hand, in another nice use of the foreground, reminding her that she hasn’t given that order.
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Cinder is shocked, angry even, but quickly covers it up with her “Without you I am nothing” line. If I caught it right I think she also calls Salem “Ma’am”? Hilarious. Again, skilled at playing the servant.
Also, before I forget, it’s worth noting that almost everything from our trailer appeared in this episode. Yeah, there are a few details like Nora attacking some tech and the group on their bikes, but on the whole we’ve already seen the majority of our promo material and will likely get most of the rest next week. It makes me both interested and nervous for what another twelve episodes are going to hold.
Salem opens her whale, or opens a portal type view in it, something that gives us a long-distance look at Atlas. I don’t know what exactly is going on here, but it’s pretty so I’ll take it.
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She also delivers the frankly badass line, “Just because you’re more valuable to me than a pawn does not make you a player.”
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She waves them all away with perfect ‘You mean nothing to me’ attitude and we sadly leave our villains.
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Sad not because I don’t love my farm boy, but because things are about to get a whole lot messier.
Oscar has made his way to a camp of civilian survivors… all of whom are just hanging out in the supposedly deadly cold. Yeah, there’s a single fire, but at least four of them aren’t anywhere near it. Three of them also aren’t wearing gloves. What was that survival rate again?
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A nice if gruff dude gives Oscar soup—water?—while showing off his… badger claws? I don’t know what kind of faunus he’s supposed to be, but he feels like the sort of two second, minor character who could easily become a meme lol.
Oscar thanks him (my polite son!) and hands the bowl back after a single sip. Which is impressive because I would have assumed the guy was giving me the whole bowl and just taken it. Hell, I’ve done that even when I didn’t assume it’s all for me. A Starbucks barista once approached me with a tray and a plate of samples, I knew I was supposed to take just one, yet for some reason my hand went to take the whole goddamn plate. He had to tell me off, then I was trying to explain that I didn’t actually want or think I should have eight shots of cappuccino all to myself, I don’t even like coffee, he clearly didn’t believe me… it was awkward. So good job, Oscar. You’re less awkward than me (though that’s not saying much).
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Now a question, Oscar. Darling. Brilliant boy who has been through too much: why the fuck aren’t you talking to Ozpin? This will be A Thing later when he presents a lack of time to talk as justification for keeping more secrets (we’ll get to that too…) yet here is time! You’re just sitting there for who knows how long, with plenty of privacy to hide a supposedly one-sided conversation so the Mantle citizens don’t get weirded out or suspicious. Talk to Ozpin. Our headmaster gets two lines in this episode, utterly inconsequential lines like his airship scene, lines that feel like they exist to say, “See? He’s still included in the story!” even though he absolutely is not. Two volumes of mostly silence, a perfect setup to start the reconciliation process, but we’re going to put it off again?
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Instead Ruby randomly and conveniently appears. I want to know how she found him. Oscar isn’t wearing a tracker. He clearly didn’t call them because he’s surprised when Ruby shows up. He fell alllllllll the way back down to Mantle and then wandered to a random part of the slums. You’re telling me they flew over the entire city—after beginning this search thinking he was in Atlas—and somehow managed to spot him from up in the air? C’mon. I would have rather had a beginning where Oscar makes his way back to the group himself, giving him and Ozpin time to hash things out.
“Need a lift?” Ruby says, eliminating that potential. Sigh.
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Oscar immediately starts beating himself up when he gets onboard, saying that he “was stupid to think the General would listen.” Nah, you were stupid to buy into Ruby’s nonsensical confidence and for telling Ironwood he’s as bad as Salem. Sorry, Oscar, but everyone is written badly these days. I will, however, say that I am THRILLED at the group’s reaction to his return. Ruby says that she’s “just glad you’re alright.” Nora has a wonderfully tender moment where she hugs him gently rather than her usual glomp.
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That? That added a year to my life. Everyone else seems relieved that he’s okay too, so kudos there. After four years of Oscar being an outsider in the group, this is one of the few moments that feel like he’s 100% accepted. Really glad to see it.
Now let’s see if it sticks after they learn Ozpin is back...
They fly to the Happy Huntresses’ base and I again feel like I’ve missed something crucial. When did they team up? I mean, RWBYJNOR was working directly under Ironwood up until the last hour and Robyn ran off to fight Tyrian/Clover in the last couple episodes. When did she have time to explain her (briefly) changed allegiance and why would the Happy Huntresses trust the group without that? Did Robyn share that Blake and Yang went behind Ironwood’s back for her? Do the Huntresses instinctively trust them because they’re now wanted by the military? How did they even run into each other?
Again, I think we would have been better served to have an episode before all this. Let Oscar make his way back and let the group struggle with the magnitude of their situation on the airship, before they find new allies. Transferring directly to, “They have help and a secret base and a plan in the works!” makes me feel like I missed the real premiere last week. You know, the one where Salem unexpectedly arrived and we left the group like this.
This is where we’ve ended up though. The group is cozy in this hideout, getting info from Joanna, and my only other thought is, “Why is she giving all this exposition?”  
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Shouldn’t it be May? I mean, we were told that she was going to play more of a role this volume, a promise that’s pretty important imo given her status as a (so far off screen) trans character, so why not put her in the role of mediator between the Happy Huntresses and RWBYJNR? Giving her that setup as a leader among her people as well as lots of lines would be meaningful. A trans character just existing and being a part of this fight! May could obviously still fill that role—I’m well aware that we’re only one episode in—but it just seems like a missed opportunity to me. Out of all the undeveloped Happy Huntresses, our premiere focuses on the one who has the least importance to the fandom.
As said, Joanna talks a fair bit but what it basically boils down to is trying to get everyone to the crater below Atlas. It’s apparently not safe, but it’s warm, which is what matters right now.
So… let me get this straight. You want to gather everyone into a not safe crater, by leading them through an army of grimm, so that they can wait there in case someone moves the Staff, thus dropping an entire city on top of their heads? That’s the plan? Which admittedly isn’t Joanna’s fault. This is another instance of RWBYJNOR having information that a leader does not and they should really consider speaking up about it. But of course they don’t.
Also, how long does everyone have in regards to the cold? Shouldn’t there be dead civilians by now? The time it would take to find the Happy Huntresses, team up with them, get settled in the base, and find Oscar says that things should be pretty grim right now (pardon the pun), yet every non-aura user in this city seems content to just hang out in the snow. Either the cold is deadly enough to justify moving everyone to the crater, or it’s mild enough to let everyone survive this long, not both.
After hugs are given everyone obviously wants to know what happened to Oscar. His response?
“It’s a… long story. I get the feeling there’s been a few of those tonight.”
That’s a check for the bingo card! We’re halfway through the first episode and we’ve already got another secret. Yes, this is a secret. Oscar actively chooses not to tell anyone that Ozpin is back—something Ozpin himself comments on—and then skillfully draws attention away from himself with “I get the feeling there’s been a few of those tonight.” Indeed, all eyes go to Penny. Oscar’s plight is forgotten, which is what he wanted. His justification?
Ozpin: “You’re not going to tell them?”
Oscar: “You and I aren’t done talking yet.”
Along with this look.
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Oscar no. There’s so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to begin. Let’s create a list.
As said, you had plenty of time to talk to Ozpin and chose not to. Miss me with this excuse.
You are now doing to your friends exactly what you and your friends did to Ironwood, which in turn is what Ozpin did to you! I can’t believe we’ve got Oscar critically side-eyeing him when they are still—still—repeating the behavior they drove Ozpin away for.
What is there to even talk about now? Oscar didn’t punch himself/Ozpin (lol) but he did steal Jinn’s name from Ozpin in the first place. You got what you wanted, drove him away, and have been lying and keeping secrets ever since. The only thing they should be talking about involves apologizing. Any further criticism—which is what Oscar’s expression and curt reply suggests—is beyond hypocritical.
Seriously, what needs to be discussed? There’s no reason not to tell the group unless Oscar wants to talk about whether they should tell them. There’s no good ending here...
Don’t you think it would be nice to know that Ozpin is back and you’ve got super magic powers while making plans to save the entire world?
This is all especially stupid given Oscar’s “Salem wants to divide us” reminder to Ruby in a moment. Oscar, you are doing the most to divide the group right now. By not forgiving Ozpin. By refusing to work with him. By keeping him secret from everyone else.
This is bad, friends, I worry for what the rest of the volume will bring…
The story is done with Ozpin for now so I guess I will be too. The group continues filling Oscar in and we get some shots of the base, including a rather prominent poster of what I assume are two Happy Huntresses. Did they die in battle perhaps?
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It’s a little strange.
Oscar: “Where’s Qrow?”
Me: “Likely still making bad decisions.”
No one knows so they just drop it. Which I kind of get, only so much you can do to find him if he’s not out on the streets like Oscar, but it still reads as kind of iffy that two nieces look down at the ground for a hot second and then move on with their plans, content to leave Qrow to whatever fate befell him. In a minute we’ll see Yang firmly take Ren’s side regarding helping the people they can in Mantle, which frankly comes out of nowhere for her. I think an easy motivation would have been Qrow. Ruby wants to save the world, Yang wants to find and save their uncle, and that just happens to align with Ren’s desire to save the civilians who need immediate grimm and cold help. Don’t get me wrong, I like that there’s finally some division between the sisters, I just wish it hadn’t come about so abruptly. Ren had setup for standing up to Ruby. Yang did not.
But I’m getting a little ahead of myself. Joanna lists the grimm horde and no heat as the major threats to everyone. The group agrees.
Me: What about Salem?
Joanna says that this is all doubly dangerous because there’s “no more military protection.”
Me: Oh, so now you want the military?
This is all so disjointed. Even more-so when Joanna mentions that Ironwood has stopped all evacuations to Atlas, likely due to the “hard light shields” that are the only thing standing between Salem and the city. Thing is, the show never makes this connection, I just did it myself based on this scene and the one that comes later. The show presents Joanna’s line as a pure condemnation. Ironwood won’t let more evacuees in because… he’s just evil, I guess. Yet there is a justification here, namely that continuing the evacuations even while he’s stuck without Penny leaves him wide open to a Salem attack, the death of everyone currently safe, but that argument is never presented to the viewer. I don’t need people to agree with Ironwood’s perspective, I just wish that perspective was offered as an option. The show is very good about acting like RWBYJNOR’s opinion is the only justified opinion, or simply the only opinion at all.
After everything is laid out Weiss goes, “We’re never going to sleep again, I just know it.”
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I could make a crack about the lack of continuity and how the group should be collapsing right now… but that was a funny line. It can stay.
What is far more of a problem is the fact that no one is talking about Salem. Okay, that’s a lie. They do talk about her, but in a roundabout way like her presence isn’t impacting every decision they make. That’s the real issue. They’re acting as if Salem isn’t here right now, like she’s off far away, maybe approaching slowly, and they’re arguing over how best to prep the world for her eventual attack. There’s no emotion here—let alone action—to reflect that the series’ Big Bad has arrived and is poised to murder them all. Literally what is this? Ruby is yelling about warning the world and, ignoring the continued question of why that’s a good thing when the world can do nothing to stop Salem and knowledge of her continually drives people to horrible acts, she has yet to acknowledge that… she’s the world? Ruby is the world in this conflict. She, Mantle, and Atlas. Salem is here for you all. Right now. You are, this instant, in the situation you want to warn others about, so why don’t you try to do something about it? Or at least acknowledge it. Ruby wants to warn the neighborhood about a potential fire while her house is actively ablaze, and the fire could have totally killed her by now but decided not to for… reasons.
“Ruby’s right,” Nora says. They have to tell the world so “they can prepare.” How? How are they supposed to prepare for this? The story cannot continue ignoring Salem’s immortality.
“Ruby’s right,” is all Blake says and I’m starting to thinks that’s why her character exists now, to agree with Ruby. It’s great that she’s getting a little distance from Yang, but man.
As Ruby asks whether Pietro can get Amity up and running despite it not being finished (called it) we start an incredibly odd sequence of flashforwards to their individual missions. I’ve seen a lot of praise for this already and though I agree that, in theory, it’s a good way to save time, I found the actual execution to be jarring. Upon thinking back through our timeline, it became clear they were flashforwards, but while watching I thought they might be flashbacks (especially since that’s more common).
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Some of the shots, like Nora’s, just look awkward when you’ve got the exact expression and pose transplanted from one scene to another, like she’s a cardboard cutout behind a green screen. To say nothing of how the flashforwards ruin any suspense (I use that word loosely) in the conversation itself. If the question is, “Will they decide to go to the military compound?” then that question is answered when we see Ruby scoping out the compound, not when the group actually decides on the course of action.
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It just made an already muddled scene worse for me, so I hope this trend doesn’t continue.
And of course, Amity can be used despite all the info last volume claiming that it wasn’t finished. Pietro suddenly acts like it is finished and the only thing standing in their way is Ironwood providing access. If that were the case, he would have used Amity weeks or days ago like he wanted to! When was it finished? Not after Watts commented on how incomplete it was. When did they get back the resources they needed from Robyn? It’s as ridiculous and retcon-y as I thought it would be.
Yang points out that Ironwood will never listen to them and Ruby counters that “he doesn’t have to.” They’ll just take the access from him. Because why wouldn’t they in a series where they’ve already stolen two airships? Stealing from the super evil military that Joanna wishes were helping them right now is just the group’s go-to plan nowadays.
Pietro isn’t sold on this plan though. He lists at least three obstacles they’d need to get through “and then… oh boy, I might need to think about this some more.” “And just to clarify,” Oscar says, “This is the easy option?” Um...no it’s not? We also know there’s an access point in Ironwood’s office so… why not go there instead? They really think the Academy is less guarded than the military base? There’s a potential justification here along the lines of, “After Neo and Cinder broke into his office Ironwood will have the place on high alert,” but unless I missed it the group doesn’t assume anything like that. They just listen to Pietro point out all the ways they can’t get into the military base and jump straight to that being the best option. It feels like a transparent way to create conflict for the group. We’ll just have them taking the most dangerous route despite an easy route being offered alongside it. Why bother mentioning his office at all? Just have the access in the military base. Boom, done.
It’s that conflict and the fact that Ruby tends to hear “You can’t” and digs in her heels. You can’t go to Atlas. I’ll just steal a ship then. You can’t defeat Salem. Watch me. You can’t break into this base. Guess what I’m doing! She’s dangerous in her fairy tale, meta-driven insistence that everything will turn out her way because she wants it to.
Speaking of, we finally—FINALLY—get someone challenging Ruby. Sort of. Not actually but it’s the closest we’ve ever gotten:
Yang: “Ruby, when we came here we said we’d follow your lead… but things haven’t exactly worked out.”
Now, there are two things to take away from this moment. The first is how utterly shocked Ruby and the others are. I mean, take a look at these expressions.
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Ruby straight up can’t believe what she’s hearing. Weiss put her hand to her mouth like this is the most dramatic thing to ever happen to her. Oscar looks down in a ‘Yeah, I agree but please don’t look at me and make me admit that’ way. And Nora looks indifferent in the screenshot but animated she goes sort of stern, likely pissed that Yang would dare say that given her own agreement with Ruby. This not only reiterates that Yang’s challenge came out of nowhere—seriously, how did we move from following Ruby no matter what to this? Last volume she asked a single question along the lines of, ‘You sure?’ and when Ruby said ‘Yes’ Yang was entirely on board—but also demonstrates that no one has EVER said no to her before. Ruby is amazed that someone would challenge her. The act of challenging Ruby is, in and of itself, shocking. This group has gotten so used to following Ruby blindly that the teensiest little pushback is greeted with this.
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Because it is teensy. This is the second takeaway: Yang barely challenges her and that challenge leads nowhere. She doesn’t accuse Ruby of anything, she doesn’t question her continued authority, she just broadly implies that things could be better. We followed you, now things are bad, take from that what you will. It’s incredibly mild as far as criticism goes, making the shock all the more, well, shocking, but it also amounts to—wait for it—nothing! Because Yang didn’t truly challenge Ruby’s leadership. She’s still in charge, she’s still calling the shots, and they’re still listening to her. We might have gotten some change if this division had been allowed to play out, but instead Jaune comes in with a, “Let’s go for both!” solution. It let’s both groups get what they want which, in turn, releases them from the need to grapple with whether they’ll listen to Ruby when she’s advocating for something they don’t agree with. We have now lost the chance to see whether, when push comes to shove, Ren and Yang will cave to Ruby’s will or stick by their own beliefs.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s more conflict than we’ve gotten in years, but that doesn’t mean it’s particularly compelling conflict. It’s good by RWBY’s standards, which doesn’t necessarily make it good. The actual issues at hand—Ruby’s dangerous arrogance, the group’s loyalty, her choices up until now—are just swept under the rug. For all the visuals we get insisting that there’s this great divide in the group… there’s really not. Not in any way that matters.
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Also, Ruby is an idiot. Okay, that was mean, but she really is in this scene. She’s actually not an idiot overall because she was written as wonderfully intelligent in the early volumes, but now? Lately? She makes me want to bang my head against a wall.
“But that’s how Salem got this far,” she cries. “By dividing us!”
Ruby… oh my god, Ruby. No one should have to explain to you that dividing people means turning them against each other, not literally dividing your team to complete separate tasks. This girl honestly thought that because there was this teensy disagreement and that half the team would complete Plan A while she and the other half completed Plan B, both of which notably work towards the goal of, “Protect people from Salem,” that this was somehow what Salem wanted. That is was dangerous. Honestly, it’s a scary look at her view of leadership too: If everyone doesn’t 100% agree with me and do what I say, that’s an objectively bad thing that the grimm queen wants, right? Does Ruby think that unification means following a single person (her) without question or variation? That would explain a lot...
The fact that Oscar needs to explain the difference to her is not good. It really doesn’t say great things about this version of Ruby. Though he was comparing Ironwood to Salem last volume, so really they should all be wearing dunce hats.
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Penny offers to take the relic directly to Salem in exchange for her leaving the kingdom alone. I honestly didn’t expect that. If anyone took that risk I would have put my money on Ozpin (but of course, during all this talk of the women he knows best, he’s kept quiet). Oscar is again the voice of wisdom, pointing out that they have no reassurance that Salem will keep her word. At least Penny is thinking about Salem as a threat though, so kudos for that. When this plan is shot down she volunteers to get Ruby past the military security instead and, uh, she’s a little intense about it.
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I’m not entirely sure what is going on with Penny. She disagreed with Winter but then seemed to come around to her point of view, enough to help anyway. They had another (stupid) disagreement about the value of individual lives, so that helps to explain why she’s teaming up with RWBYJNOR (if you ignore that Ironwood is also trying to save individual lives...). Did watching Fria die shake her up? Is it being the Winter Maiden that’s not sitting right? Does Penny have lingering feelings about the framing that haven’t shown up until now? Her status as a ‘real girl’? We’ve got a lot of reasons that could definitely explain this sudden need to fight, but we’re not told which—if any of these—is the driving force.  
We’re then given a lot of little details. Someone points out that if Salem gets the staff and “create[s] anything else” then Atlas will fall (so yeah, let’s move the people underneath it). We still don’t know what exactly the Staff does because “creation” is kind of broad and “powering a city to float” doesn’t seem to sit within that category at all. Pietro gives Yang the keys to his lab so they can get the bikes. We see the group dividing in the flashforwards, something I do like, especially since the show has gone out of its way to break up most of the usual duos. Nora in particular is pissed at Ren for his choice.
“Oh, I’m saving Mantle because I actually believe we can do this.”
#yikes. Well, I did say I wanted a conflict other than ‘Oh no, one of us might die’ and it looks like I got it. But Nora, the only reason you can do this is because the plot is in your corner: none of you are collapsing from two major fights, you didn’t lose your aura so the cold isn’t a danger, the military is barely a threat all of a sudden, Salem is helpfully hanging out in her whale instead of killing you, and the story decided that Amity can function so long as you all are the ones who get to use it. That’s why you can do this. Ren, who follows in-world logic and doesn’t want to risk a whole kingdom’s worth of lives on a pipe dream, thinks differently, oddly enough.
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As they leave though Penny gets a call from Ironwood. I know precisely what the fandom is going to say here: “This evil man is just trying to use Penny to open the vault!” Of course he is. He needs it open to save everyone he can, Penny included. Plus the concept of “using” her is a double-edged sword. What do we think the group is doing right now? Using her to get past the security. Penny’s power is a tool any way you slice it. Granted, Penny volunteers to help the group, but notably here Ruby speaks for her. Penny seems torn and Ruby takes the scroll away with, “She’s not going anywhere until you change your mind about Mantle.”
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Sorry, Ruby, but coming from you that sounds less like a reassurance for Penny and more like just an order for Ironwood. Remember Harriet? We’ll stop attacking you provided you do what we want. Ruby has yet to learn about compromises, let alone acknowledge that she might be wrong. How about you let Penny decide where she goes, especially since by all logic she should have a lot of loyalty to Ironwood. She knew him before she ever met you. She’s worked with him since she was rebuild post-Volume 3. Despite what Penny has said, if the story would just let her think about his actions for a hot second—making her the protector of Mantle, sticking up for her after the framing, sending her to the party, teaming her up with Ruby, etc.—she might realize that the ‘He doesn’t want me to have friends’ and ‘He just treats me like a tool’ assumptions are just that, unfounded assumptions. But no, Ruby speaks for them both because Ironwood is evil now.
“If she makes it through our defenses,” Ironwood says, “everything that follows will be on your hands.”
That’s true! Kind of like how it’s own Qrow’s hands that Clover died. When you insist on making a bad situation worse you hold responsibility when the shit hits the fan. You know though that Salem won’t get through their defenses now, somehow, so that there’s no chance RWBYJNOR will be blamed for it. Or, by that point Ironwood will be so crazed that anything coming out of his mouth is dismissed, no matter how accurate it might be.
We then transfer to the Ace Ops who are, despite what the fandom theorized for many months, clearly upset about Clover. Also pissed. Which they have every right to be. Their friend and leader was killed. Imagine for a moment that Ruby had been murdered by Tyrian with an allies’ help. Exactly what do you think the group would do? Swallow it quietly and get over it? Ha.
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I’ve already seen some speculation that Clover survived due to details like showing us the bandage and his room being listed as for a “Patient,” but he looks pretty dead to me.
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He got gutted through the chest and left out in the snow for who knows how long. We saw him slip away. Qrow screamed over his dead body. He’s not breathing now. If RWBY suddenly claims he survived this, I’m calling BS.
Most of the other visuals we get here were already dropped in the trailer. Winter is pretty injured from her encounter with Cinder, likely permanently based on her new outfit. Ironwood had to replace his arm—and I am calling BS on that “Losing his arm is reflective of him losing his humanity” commentary from RT. Please go read up on a couple decades worth of ableism in media and then get back to me.
We get Ironwood’s line about the light shields and, notably, a whole lot of empathy. Regardless of what he might want Penny for, he still called her with compassion. He’s watching the Ace Ops mourn their friend. He’s talking about protecting his kingdom. The first thing he says to Winter is, “Thank you, Winter. I don’t know what I would do without you.” Ironwood has a heart! It’s always on display, which makes this scene utterly ridiculous.
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I literally don’t know how to respond to this. The gunshot made me jump, both because it’s a gunshot and because, again, what the fuck? I know I said that next volume RT might just have Ironwood descend into full villainy, shooting whoever he pleases now that he’s shot Oscar, but I didn’t actually expect them to do it. Because he never should have shot Oscar in the first place! I wanted the story to let Oscar grapple with it a bit and then quietly backtrack, acknowledging it as the mistake it was. The concept that Ironwood, empathetic Ironwood, rational Ironwood, always thinks before he acts Ironwood, let’s kids yell at him Ironwood, tried to team up with Robyn Ironwood, did everything Ruby wanted Ironwood, won’t kill Watts after he destroyed his arm Ironwood would shoot this guy just to shut him up is absurd. It was absurd then, it’s absurd now.
That being said, there’s a possibility he didn’t actually shoot the council member, but rather just (“just”) gave a warning shot down the hallway. I say this because the reactions to this are pretty tame. Everyone looks startled, yeah, but after the initial shot there’s nothing that I would expect if there was now a guy bleeding out on the floor. The council woman doesn’t scream. Winter doesn’t seem overly shocked. No one is running to try and help him. Basically, if Ironwood had just killed a political figure in front of six witnesses, entirely unprovoked, I would expect a bit more of a reaction than this. This feels far more like a, “Damn he’s not joking around, letting off warning shots to get people to leave him alone” not “WOW, our general just killed someone in cold blood!”
What I really hate though—beyond just assassinating his character—is how many fans think my friends and I are delusional for calling it character assassination at all. I hopped onto the RWBY tag for five minutes this morning and was bombarded with posts about how Ironwood needs to be murdered horrifically, anyone who likes him is sick, the Ironwood stans are as bad as Adam stans, you’re an idiot if you want him redeemed… because apparently the concept of a story writing a character badly doesn’t compute. I’m not here to argue that Ironwood didn’t do these awful things (regardless of whether he actually killed the guy or not). I’m not here to argue that they’re not awful. I’m just here to say that we never should have gotten these scenes in the first place, or if we were going to get them, we deserved an actual descent into murder at the drop of a hat territory. I’ve already explained extensively on this blog how early Ironwood was not accurate foreshadowing for this, and Volume 7 certainly wasn’t setup, but it looks like the majority of fans aren’t interested in examining whether any of this adds up. Which makes my job, as someone trying to examine this series somewhat objectively—in as much as that’s possible for any single viewer—as well as simply enjoy it as a show, really hard. It’s bad enough when a story keeps taking the characters you love and villainizing them, and doing that badly, but then when you turn to the community and see them rallying around the idea that you’re awful for being dissatisfied—you’re the bootlicker, you’re the blind stan, you can’t see what’s ‘really’ going on here… that sucks. For those of you happy and satisfied with Ironwood’s arc, that’s great! I’ve also seen a lot of posts hyping up the complexity of his character now. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying what we’ve been given and I’d never want to imply that just because it’s not what I wanted it’s somehow wrong. I’m honestly thrilled that after a year of worry so many people have adored our premiere, including this scene. I just wish that I could say RWBY had given me something I didn’t want in a persuasive manner and that the fandom as a whole was a bit more welcoming of differing criticisms.
Not that I didn’t already know the RWBY fandom had its flaws, but still lol.
That’s basically it for our premiere. Nice note to end on, huh? Our final scene is of Salem using the lamp to set her bloodhound grimm on the city. Why doesn’t she just go herself? What was she planning to do here in Atlas in the first place, considering that getting the relic was a surprise? Who knows. Little about this holds together. But we do end with another awesome shot, so small favors.
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It’s always strange concluding a recap, but even more-so when it’s a premiere, during a historical moment in the U.S., amidst all the nonsense that is 2020. So for now I’ll just conclude with three quick things:
The updated bingo board will be listed at the end of each recap, provided I don’t forget about it lol. Today I’m checking off tone (not nearly enough freaking out about Salem), the team keeping secrets (Oscar), and major plot point dropped (Amity is suddenly finished). I could also probably check off the cold not killing civilians and getting Amity up and running, but we’ll see if any changes with those.
I’m including my Ko-Fi link at the end of recaps now. Not with any expectations. Not with anything resembling pressure. I thought long and hard over whether to include it at all—let alone mention it here—because I love doing these and never want anyone to feel like it comes with strings attached. But life is a little harder and weirder than it was last year, so I figure it can’t hurt. Feel free to pass on by and I won’t be bringing it up past this note.
Far more importantly: thank you for reading! :D
(Bonus 4. Editing this was an absolute nightmare — damn you, tumblr!  — so I apologize if anything is super wonky when I finally post.)
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See you next week! 💜
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tehohaews · 4 years ago
 Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Thank you soooo much Nuria @taytawan for tagging me 🥺💖and ignore how late this is oops
Okay so 2020 is the year that I returned to “the internet” and I’m grateful cause otherwise I wouldn’t get to know all of you lovely people.Thank you for existing and making me feel like I belong somewhere 💖💖 So, along with my works I'm also gonna mention some of my favorite people and their works here and If you’ve ever made me smile you’re here and I love you <3
@snugglesweaters  Terryyyyyyy. My closest friend here 🥺 I’ve never told you this but if it wasn’t for you,I doubt I would’ve lasted this long here. It's nice knowing someone as clueless and a clown like me. I can talk to you about anything and I feel like we have similar views on stuffs.I love making random references to fics and knowing that you’ll get it cause we kind of read the same fics. I love this tine glitter fic of yours (yes tine glitter fic), obviously this cause (vampire) bright in a beanie AND the coffee shop au hc that only I know about hehe. I love your (almost) phd brain and hope you’re doing well in your dissertation. YOU CAN DO IT DW. And may you stay healthy,hydrated,safe and happy in the coming year 😊💖 I love you soooooooo muchhhhhhh 💖💖💖
@lesbian-earn Mayyyyy!!!. My co president of the short people supremacy club. You are so sweet and kind and thank you for reaching out to me that one day I was feeling a bit anxious.It’s always lovely to see you on my activity and on the dash. Like I once said, you remind me of sunshine and ilu 💖💖 Hope that the next year is kind to you and you’ll do well in your uni stuffs dw, I know you can.💖 Also I’ve said this before but i looooveeee this fic of yours and when I found out it was you dfjidfjidfidf
@taytawan Nuriaaaaaaa 💖💖 You say that I’m kind but it’s always because you are so sweet and talented that I can’t help screaming about your works everytime I see them. If I’m not mistaken, the name Nuria comes from the word Nur meaning light. You make the world brighter and a better place by your presence and I’ve said this before but really, it would’ve been very lonely without you in this 2g circus. I love these two sets of yours (I mean I did write an essay in the tags when I saw this) .Thank you for everything, I love you and I hope that you remain safe and happy in the coming year 💖💖 (Also join mine and May's short people club,Terry isn't invited ofc jdjsdjasjij)
@brightwinfilm NATH efhifhihis my (almost) birthday twin. LISTEN we’re gonna have so much fun in March, 1) Itsay part 2 AND your birthday 2)Sarawat’s birthday 3) My birthday and 4)since we’re here let’s just say Tine’s birthday is in March too hehehe. Thank you for all the lovely sarawatine and brightwin content you make, they never fail to make me smile.I love this set of yours and this also cause hehehe i WILL bring this back muhahhaa.You’re a wonderful person and you make the world a better place. Take care of yourself and I hope that you are always happy,healthy and safe 💖 i love youuu
@ryudian​ My go to person when I need any updates. You are SO HELPFUL and so NICE. I love going to your blog and seeing your st dolls and all the crazy stuffs you do because of bw. And I absolutely loved what you did with the oishi drinks here. May you be happy and safe in the coming year and stop spending so much money on merch I'm worried you'll go bankrupt
@komari-maxx​ I love seeing you on my activity and I love your st dolls and fics, specially this fruity4 one cause sdhididhid you included my hc of them arguing over the colour on lunch.This totally happened no one can change my mind. Hope you'll be happy (with your st dolls hehe) in the coming year
@teh-ohaew *tarn voice* Eyy TAY djidjijid hehe oops. Tay and Teh sound so similar specially in tarn's voice. Omg Teh Tay besties. TAYYYYY I love youuuu and I love reading your tags and seeing you on my dash except when you and Ayesha go crazy sdhusdh hehe jk. You are so nice and I love this sarawatine ig hc of yours. Hope you have a lovely year ahead and remain happy,healthy and safe. Don't forget to take care of yourself (by that I mean listen to the itsay original score on repeat)
@metawin JAYYYYY. I still remember the first time I came across your blog, it was when you were (probably) rewatching wyel and blogging about it crazily. I was laughing so hard at those and then you followed me back and I still to this day have no idea why. It's comforting seeing your posts in the tags and the dash and I absolutely love this itsay set of yours. You are so talented and lovely and I hope that you have a wonderful year ahead. Lots of love <3333
@gremlinmetawin Ayesha bb 🥺🥺 You were the first person who interacted with me here and I love you for that. It's lovely seeing you in my dash and thank you for tagging me in tag games, I have fun doing them 💖💖 tbh I know like 3 Ayeshas irl but you are the loveliest and kindest of them all. Hope that the next year is kind to you,bring you happiness and you finally finish all those unwatched shows
@khaotungthanawat SAMMMMM Have I said that you are SO TALENTED this week? although tbh you deserve to hear that everyday. You always say that it's nothing but no, you ARE talented and kind. It's wonderful seeing your posts ( I feel like you're everywhere nowadays another proof that you work hard). You are a blessing to this world and I hope for you to be always happy and safe 💖💖.I love this st set, this itsay one and the tags of this post 😂😂 I will never not laugh at this.If this doesn't happen in the st special special askdkdsks 
@metawwin ALIIIIIIIII, queen of parallels djijidjias. I love going through your blog and seeing all your 2g stuffs.I absolutely adore this set of yours. You are so talented and you make the world a happier place <3 I love youuuuu and I hope you're staying hydrated,taking care of yourself and doing the things you love. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world 💖💖
@wirapong AISHIIIIII Hope you're doing well. I've screamed about this already BUT this club drama fic? lives in my head rent free. Also I love all your soft baby wat fics cause WAT IS A BABY. Glad we have Tine as the President of the Sarawat protection squad. I love your writing. you're so talented and I hope that the coming year will bring you happiness <33
@acequinz Hi Ace!! I love your incorrect quotes sideblog and I love your fics, specially this, this and this. You're a lovely person and I hope that you have a wonderful year ahead.
@bisexualrep DORAAAA We haven't talked in a while but I smile whenever I see you in my activities. You are maybe the 4th person who followed me here and it still feels weird cause this and this? some of my fav wyel fics of all time. It's lovely reading your tags, they are so cheerful <3 Hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself. You deserve to be happy always 💖💖
Omg this is so long. If you're still here, here are some of the works that I'm proud of. 1)This itsay set. This was my first time doing big gifs and although this is loooong I like how this turned out, specially the colouring. 2) This cause do I do anything except 2g shitposting? No <3 I had this idea even before s2g aired but decided to wait so that I have more shots from s2g and I'm glad I did cause Earn basically got confirmed as a wlw so (Also special thanks to Terry cause the Man and Air hc were hers,her phd brain ikr) 3)This cause dcjsdjidi SARAWATINE SOULMATES. I love how the colouring turned out despite the fact that ps crashed halfway and I lost the gifs i spent 2 hours colouring. I tried to do this with scenes from the series only but couldn't cause wHen YoU aRe wItH yOuR cAmeRA SHOW US goddammit. If this was ao3 this would've been tagged as Tine teepakorn loves Sarawat guntithanon xD 4) Still2gether textposts obviously. I KNOW that 90% people follow me for my 2g shitposting and I got an ask once saying how were they so accurate and the reason for that is I spent HOURS on these. Atfirst it took a long time but after a while I got the hang of it. It was fun (though sometimes tiring) to make these after each ep aired. I'm proud of it and the fact that I managed to do 13 parts? gsjsdjsj 5) Still2gether subs that looks fake but aren't. shutup this was my first time giffing but it was funnnnn looking for the (canon) crack parts after every ep aired. 
Also,thank you to all the lovely people who likes and reblogs my posts, I do see you and I love you all <33 
Tagging: If you’re here then consider yourself tagged if you wanna do this or to anyone who sees this on the dash
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stumacherstan · 5 years ago
I've been stressing over cosplaying characters who's costumes I can't afford right now...headcannons for any slashers with a s/o who cosplays? (Cosplaying random characters; from anime, cartoons, movies, tv shows, things like that) Thank you! Also, I love your writing, keep up the good work!
a/n: thank you 🥺
Stu Macher x cosplayer!Reader Headcanons:
god he stans so hard
he’s rich boy bb so don’t even worry
he’ll pay for it all AND cosplay with you
lots of cons he pays for you
bc he loves feeding your hobbies and playing provider for you
you’re his baby 🥺 anything for you!
he’ll get excited with you for your cosplans and fund them
Stu is big supporter
Norman Bates x cosplayer!Reader Headcanons:
he first saw you on social media but was surprised to see you in his school
awkwardly compliments your cosplays and you get excited that he wasn’t making fun of you
you show him the amazing world
he convinces his mom to go to a con with you
and surprise surprise, no incidents!
Norman is good boyfriend and helps you save up for your cosplans
and he got a camera to take pictures for you
he’s your boyfriend, supporter, and personal photographer! what more could you want :)
Tiffany Valentine x cosplayer!Reader Headcanons:
Tiff supports and love your hobbies
always hypes you up
you have no idea where this blood (that you don’t need) and money comes from
but she always gives it to you with a smile so you never ask.
she has good intentions
Tiff will sometimes cosplay with you, other times she’ll just take pictures
she will totally give you ideas whenever she picks up a new tv show
you two have cosplayed as harley quinn and poison ivy before and god
she couldn’t keep her hands off you lol
but pretty supportive girlfriend
Carrie White x cosplayer!Reader Headcanons:
carrie thinks it’s cute that you cosplay and you’re so passionate about something
helps you find things for your cosplans
she’s also your personal photographer and special effects ditor!
as in she’ll make things levitate for you to add detail in your pictures just to make it cool
doesn’t cosplay with you but will help you save up for your cosplans
CEO of checking your comments for tips on how to edit the levitating items
it makes her proud of her work and your work
she loves it!
106 notes · View notes
caligobeltrao · 4 years ago
I for one would love 2 hear ur thoughts on the hannibal novel 👀👀 - bloodybrahms ☺
ahhh thank you BB!! <3 I’m gonna throw it under a cut bc I know people aren’t gonna want my ramblings clogging up their dash lol. 
Edit after I’ve written it: Holy shit this turned into a monster but tbf I did say I was going to rant. I think I miss writing college essays...
Also, I would like to note bc I’m about to bitch, I do still love Hannibal and Clarice and all of the franchise. Hell, I even love book Hannibal because I’m garbage and want to be special. So yeah. It’s a fond bitching. 
Okay where to fuckin begin man... This novel was a fucking Shit Show, my dudes. It was like baby’s first fanfiction. 
Let’s just jump in, shall we? 
So by now, having read both Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs, I know Harris injects of lot of sexual shit into his novels, fine whatever, but the amount of pedophilia is insane. Like, Red Dragon with the grandmother threatening to cut his dick off by holding it in between scissors????? And then we have Mason Verger, worst human on the planet. Like jfc I’ll go into him specifically more later but just. Men. Why does it always have to be sexual. 
Like that time Clarice wasn’t wearing a bra and she wanted to prove to Paul Krendler she wasn’t wearing a wire so she flashed him her tits?? Unnecessary, Harris. Bullshit on all counts. 
Next, poor Ardelia Mapp. So he clearly wrote out her accent in Silence, which frankly reads racist since to me it seemed like he did it every time a character of color was met but he didn’t for Clarice’s Southern accent except for this book when she was talking to Ardelia. Now, that’d be a cool way to show how close they are, sure, but it just... She didn’t show up enough to warrant that reaction from me, plus all the other casually racist shit he throws in. 
Ardelia’s literally there as the wise Black best friend to help Clarice along. She doesn’t feel like her own character, she’s only there in conjunction with her, or doing something for her. She was the fucking valedictorian for Christ fucking sake, she also works at the Bureau but if her department was mentioned it was only once in passing. She was not a full character which fucking blows because she could’ve been so cool. 
And real quick before I forget, I hate how she’s treated in the end. I do like she gets a reference and that brainwashed Clarice sent her an emerald ring and a note saying she was okay, but Ardelia was abandoned by her best friend (that she had lived with) with not even a phone call and they will never see each other again and I think Ardelia knows it. It sucks and I’m heartbroken for this woman. 
I’m gonna touch a little bit on the racism too. Now I’m white and not the most qualified to talk about this shit, but I do wanna mention it because it makes me mad. There’s just so many unnecessary slurs, any POC is more of a background helper character to Clarice than anything or a foil. 
For example, Evelda Drumgo. She starts us off. Badass Black woman who runs a drug cartel. She chooses to shoot at Clarice and risk her baby’s life, and we have Clarice wash the baby off and save his life. Then Evelda’s mother is written as irrational when she slaps Clarice for visiting the baby in the hospital; I get Clarice’s impulse, but that woman just lost her daughter because Clarice killed her. I would’ve slapped Clarice too, even if it was a totally justifiable shot. 
The baby himself is used as a foil throughout other parts, most notably to me when Clarice goes to visit Mason the first time. There are two Black boys from a foster home playing in a room with a camera so Mason can watch them, and it shakes Clarice up a lil bit because of the baby, but it says she’s getting more used to it.
Now this is half and half well written and shoddy to me. It’d be a cool moment, if the whole incident wasn’t nearly completely forgotten for the rest of the book shortly afterword. It could show growth, if Clarice had any growth to show. 
And then the Romani people who are literally just used and thrown away. Sickening. Also very broadly used the stereotypes we hear which Sucks; the three we meet in any sort of depth are pickpockets, one was already in jail and Pazzi used his leverage as a police officer to get her to do what he wanted and threatened to have her baby taken away from her permanently, like it was just bad. And then the man got killed. Pazzi let him bleed out. Asshole. 
The slurs. I could take out all of them and pretty much have the same damn thing. Like I get showing negative aspects of characters and just because a character’s racist doesn’t mean the author is, but with the characters already being as shitty as they are, fully didn’t need it to make them worse. Entirely unnecessary. Racism or the character being racist has no impact on the plot is the major thing, I think. And you can replace that with anything along those lines, like sexist, homophobic, transphobic. It didn’t impact the plot, they can still be shitty, you just don’t need to use them. 
This also goes in reference to Margot being a lesbian. And the transphobia holy shit, it was disgusting. Harris had Clarice think something so cruel and unnecessary it’s like my guy why was that even remotely something we needed to hear. We didn’t. I wanted to stop reading because that’s not my Clarice, first and foremost, and second, this is supposed to be the character we LIKE. And now I don’t like ANYBODY in this damn book. 
And he treats Margot like shit too, and Barney. 
Their friendship was beautiful and great and finally for once something nice was happening in Margot’s life and I was happy reading it, and then FOR SOME REASON Margot goes to shower in the same room as Barney after a workout, which makes no sense, and then Barney tries to force a kiss on her (and he was hard, Harris made that very clear) and she had been sexually assaulted by Mason her brother and ruin the whole damn thing and none of it would have changed any other piece of the novel if you removed it!!!!!!!!! Entirely unnecessary!!!!!! And Barney had the gall to say well I couldn’t help myself like none of that was realistic in the slightest, she never would have went in the same room to shower with him. 
Something you need to do is basically get some suspension of disbelief from your reader and maintain and stretch that as you go, right? Well mine was gone at that moment.
Also side note Margot is basically just there to show how shitty Mason is for the umpteenth time. Her whole thing is lesbian sexual assault victim.
Also heavily implied she was a lesbian because of the sexual assault. And we rarely see Judy, her girlfriend, so. Bad. Bad all around. 
Circling back around to Clarice and how disappointing she is in the books as compared to the movies. Well, Clarice is also a poorly written character. She’s 1000x better in the movie. Hell, she’s even better in this book than she was in Silence, but that’s not fucking hard. 
Pretty much all the characters are so flat they don’t even classify as two dimensional. 
Like sure, maybe we wanna say Clarice didn’t really solve much in the first book and was just handed everything because she was a trainee and that’s what Hannibal wanted. 
Like if you remember the John Mulaney sketch of Delta Airlines where he’s just going “Okay!” and running to the next place he’s told, that’s Clarice. 
Okay so why does she get goaded into all this shit now? She should know better. She should know how to handle herself better. Like she messes up basic fucking shit like clearing a room before untying Hannibal, which was stupid, she seems oblivious to some of the politics at work even though she’s been in the FBI for like 7 years now, she would at least have more fucking contacts than Brigham who died in the beginning and Jack Crawford who died at the end by rolling over in his bed to his dead wife’s side and Ardelia who would be near the same level as Clarice I guess but I still don’t know her damn department???? Like you fucking network. 
Plus after her final fall from grace with the FBI, we meet or are told of random side characters that go no where and do nothing just to say “hey look at my special little girl, everyone likes her and looks up to her!!” Why? Because she caught Buffalo Bill 7 years ago and then never got a promotion or even worked with the BAU? Again, it does not make sense. People may pity her? But a random girl in the lab wouldn’t be fangirling. Starling herself said her career had gone nowhere because of the politics and not sleeping with Paul. You need to show me why she’s likable in her actions not others words. 
We spend more time away from her than with her anyways but Jesus. 
AND HER IN THE ENDING. She was fucking BRAINWASHED????? Bull FUCKING SHIT. He completely ruined anything he even remotely might’ve had in this cluster fuck of a novel. 
Case in point, difference from the movie, Hannibal spends weeks (possibly? it’s left purposefully vague and I’m guessing that’s because Harris didn’t know the ins and outs and wanted his novel done) meticulously brainwashing Clarice, he had stolen her father’s bones and she’s so far gone at that point she doesn’t care, and the whole scene where Paul is getting his brain eaten? Yeah, she happily indulges and when he insults her, she asks Hannibal for more. Fuck you, Thomas Harris. 
And Hannibal’s a Gary Stu, fucking fight me. 
In the movie he either is or he’s tap dancing on that line, don’t get me wrong, but in the novels it’s insufferable because it doesn’t seem earned. The pigs didn’t attack him because they didn’t smell fear on him. No. He’s easily able to drug and brainwash Clarice and take her as his lover. No. Go away. He’s so smart and one step ahead and can manipulate anyone and everyone into doing what he wants and blah blah blah shut up! A character being perfect isn’t interesting even if he’s evil!! We all know he’s never truly in danger because of how Harris writes him and that’s boring!! 
And I personally have a pet peeve where the villain is described as a monster or unstoppable. That’s boring and I no longer care about your story. I know 9 times out of 10 your main character is going to find a bullshit way around the impossible and kill it. Or it’s just like a default personality and nothing else is added to it. And that’s Hannibal. 
I’m on Hannibal Rising now and, spoiler alert, he’s very bland as a character. (Also Harris switched some details in the novel which kinda annoys me like get your own canon right my man but whatever.) The plot itself is pretty fun? I guess? Like there’s action and stuff and I’m enjoying that. But it’s the same set up where Harris’s Gary Stu always wins, like he was 13 in the book when he killed the butcher. Let. Your. Characters. Lose. 
Also even more racist shit but what did I expect really. 
Anyways, I have no idea who I’m supposed to root for in the novel because all the characters are just kinda shitty. It really just boils down to Harris not showing any redeeming qualities or actions from any of his characters. I liked Margot for a while out of spite but she never really went anywhere and the way she killed Mason (btw she sodomized him with a cattle prod to get his semen bc side plot and then stuffed his Moray eel down his throat and somehow I still don’t think that’s the worst part of the novel) just. No thanks really. 
All the random little side plots were also pretty not great. How many time does Harris have to say Pazzi of the Pazzis? Like I fucking get what you’re going for, even if I hadn’t watched the movie I’d be like, “Oh this dude’s gonna get hung outta that window, dope,” the literal first time. Stop treating your readers like idiots. 
And then Margot’s side plot was that the will their father left said she needed a biological heir to inherit because he was pissed she’s gay and we needed the homophobia I guess, so Mason got everything, and she was helping him with the Hannibal shit because he’s pretty incapacitated duh, and in return he would give her his jizz so Judy could be artificially inseminated and they could have a child and get some of her inheritance. I don’t care. It was all very gross, and Mason kept saying shit like suck me off you’ve done it before, I won’t be able to feel it anyway, maybe Judy’ll suck me off you think she’d like that. It’s all gross. 
And I guess this is a good a time as any to finally start on Mason. So a great rule of writing to make everything work better and give your story more depth is to give everyone both positive and negative traits right, even and especially the bad guys? Like, rules can always be broken if you’re a good enough writer, but I believe I have established that Harris isn’t quite there yet, to put it nicer than I have. 
Mason is one bad trait after another. It’s like when Harris was bored of constantly writing about plain ole pedophilia, he threw a dart at a board of horrible things and landed on topics such as: pedophilia but make it incest, extreme sadism, sadism but against children now, and good old fashioned racism! Fucking Cordell was supposed to collect the children’s tears after Mason would make them cry and put them in martinis for him. Realism went out the goddamn door real fast with this novel y’all. Like a fucking Scooby Doo villain over here. 
And he loves talking about being a sadistic pedophile, he will literally not shut up about it to Clarice when she first gets there telling her about his trip to Africa and this portable guillotine he has and just. I get it was probably like trying to make her uncomfortable on purpose because he’s a Freak, but it went way too far if only because it was annoying, not even uncomfortable for me as a reader. I was bored real quick. Get to the shit I actually wanna know. 
And it sucks because of the weird, over-the-top way of how he died, I got zero satisfaction from his death. I couldn’t even be like, “Well at least Margot got her revenge,” because that’s not how she originally wanted to kill him!!! She wanted someone else to extract his semen for the insemination but couldn’t find anybody to do it for her, and then Hannibal, whilst tied up, said use a cattle prod and you won’t have to touch him and when you kill him you can blame it on me, and I’m pretty sure even if she hit his prostate right every time and he COULD cum from that alone in addition to how his body is Fucked Up now, it would’ve been a lengthy, gross, and re-traumatizing experience for her because all she wanted to do was avoid seeing and touching her brother’s private parts again, which I think is a totally fair and rational desire. 
So I have to live with the fact that she was desperate enough to not lose the house and business because of her homophobic father to go through her childhood trauma again. There’s no place in this book that has a somewhat positive conclusion. 
Even the very last bit where Barney has a girlfriend and a ton of cash from Margot, all he wants to do is see every Vermeer in the world right? Well, because Hannibal and Clarice are in Buenos Aires where one of them is on display, Barney gets spooked and has him and his girlfriend leave before he can see it and it ends that bit with he never got to see it ever so he didn’t even complete his dream!!! 
Also for good measure, Harris throws in that Hannibal and Clarice enjoy having sex regularly. For no reason. Just letting us know. 
I know this seemed like just a bitch fest, because it was, but I kinda sorta enjoyed it? It kept my attention at the very least. It’s really disappointing because like I said, I love the movies, all of them, and have since I was little. To see the original not stand up to that image in my mind is a little heartbreaking. Especially Clarice. She was a strong female role model to me, but turns out she’s... just kinda there. And her ending is that of her no longer being herself and getting that agency taken away from her. 
There is a reference to her waking up from a sleep, if she is asleep (that’s kind of how he worded it), that kinda let us draw our conclusions on whether she was just brainwashed into being good for him or if she was willingly going along with this and was in love with him I guess and it felt like a slap in the face. She turned from a hardworking, modest country girl working her way up to the FBI into a female Hannibal. Which on the surface sounds kinda cool because we love luxe serial killers, but that’s not what she wanted or who she was set up to be. And to insinuate that she would even remotely consider choosing that path for herself is at its best an insult to her and at its worst a complete erasure of her background, what little character Harris did set up. It also completely erases my own connections to her, as a girl from a small town myself who has bigger dreams than this and also... a good, strong set of morals. He just tossed that out the window. 
Obviously if you’re on this blog, you like slasher x reader shit, and this is a novel with a slasher x a person, right? So why am I so mad about it? Because the whole point of this blog and reader insert fanfiction in general is that you are taken as you are and loved wholly as yourself and that you are worthy of that love (in a fictional setting, not really loving people who are like this, which I think we understand but I want to clarify). She was not taken as she was. He is not in love with her, she is not in love with him. She was transformed into what he wanted out of her. He couldn’t get her to be Mischa, his first plan, so he made her like himself. And the fact that he was so easily able to do it makes me upset, and even more so is that it’s not written like it’s weird or wrong. It’s written like they’re in love and this is a good thing. 
He may have been going for the classic “everyone is capable of doing bad things” stuff we see a lot, but we got that from Margot already. And Barney, for stealing Lecter’s stuff and selling it. And Paul, and the entire FBI for turning on Clarice, and the kidnappers, and Pazzi, and random shitty side characters. And none of it was particularly well written or made some sort of strong statement. It just was. And that’s not a good enough basis for a novel. 
Anyways, if you made it this far holy shit you’re a saint and I love you, let’s be friends?? <3 Have a good day y’all, thank you BB for giving me permission to ramble. 
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tothe8andbeyond · 5 years ago
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Season 1 began in 2017 (another reason 2017 is ironically Seventeen's year) and SVT content was changed forever.
It began as more of a behind the scenes with everything from Don't Wanna Cry, Diamond Edge, Clap promo, and all the fansigns inbetween. This season just made me really sad I wasn't a carat sooner but it was a cool vlog for the boys and they were so excited to be filmed, precious bubs. I don't really have a favorite episode but here are some iconic/favorite moments
"Goiiiiing.. SEVENTEEN!" "goinggoing~~~"
Covering the camera with Hoshi's hand
"What if I die?!" "Then you die!"
SVT Energy Skincare™
Jun leaving people "frozen"
Angry MC Santa Wonwoo
Asking for the unicorn frap at Starbucks and having the order total turn out to be $17 thus triggering the members
Minghao flexing on everyone's life (again) on the trampoline
Hoshi being depressed about not getting bday wishes
Dino's "fanboys"
"Americano, aMEricano, ameRIcano, ameriCANo, americanO"
Make It Shine blooper
The dog from the concert poster photoshoot
Dabhao was thriving
My I behind the scenes 🥰
Any Junhao moment bc I'm whipped
Little 8 practicing his singing 🥺
Trauma (Seungkwan remix)
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Spin-Off started introducing us more to GoSe in a variety format
We got variety-esque episodes like with the members cooking, writing letters to themselves, making flower crowns, drawing, and the arcade episode! But it was still mostly vlog-esque where we got to see behind the scenes of Thanks, Ideal Cut Concerts, Japan Arena Tour, 3rd Anniversary, their exhibit, Oh My/YMMD, and BSS promo. Again making me emo I wasn't a carat earlier missing all these iconic moments 🥺
My favorite episode is easily MT SVT REALITY and Hoshi yelling out the window still might be one of the most iconic moments ever, PERIOD. My other fave moments include
DK and Jeonghan fake laughing for like 5 mins straight
Minghao's mullet, period.
Driver Minghao for TTT
Jun abandoning DK to help Wonwoo with his apron instead
The birth of the legendary "T H E to the 8" rap (feat. the return of imma)
Producer Woozi
Episode 20 (yes I have that memorized) when Minghao hosts a cute little hotel date 🥺 he tells fans not to think of him romantically and then pulls this shit pretending to feed us and everything which is why I'm sad lol
Minghao's giggle when he did the bottle flip 🥺
Vernon full on losing it during an arcade game while Hao who's playing with him is dead silent
V8 vs. older bros
"you're over, Yoon Jeonghan"
Junnie winning at the fighting game uwu
The iconic Thinkin About You looks
That pose Jeonghan does that screams "your crush is coming, act natural"
Mingyu getting too excited and spitting on the cake so the members cover it but Mingyu thinks they're doing a team cheer
Hoshi screaming "2 captains!" repeatedly while Woozi regrets his life's decisions
Killing the8 in mafia just for returning from China
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GoSe 2019 was the birth of the true variety show. They even made a theme song and everything 🤣😭 SVT are such natural entertainers ohmygod (and the editors really stepped up their game thank u staffs)
There was still some behind the scenes like the 4th Anniversary, Japan concerts, and Minghao instructing for Chinese Ver. of home, but they kind of started transitioning behind the scenes content to a different spot on the channel and honestly carats are so well fed with content #blessed. ALSO THIS WAS AROUND THE TIME I BECAME A FAN IM EMO
My absolute fave eps are the ones when they were brainstorming their own ideas for the show (3-4), the making of the intro/theme (7), debate night, and SVT playground but honestly the whole fucking season has so many iconic moments
Vernon not being able to read red marker bc of his red glasses
Jun's 1+1
Honestly it's so entertaining hearing them talk about their ideas even without them implementing them yet, they're seriously so creative
They do skits/roles so well like Jun pretending he's from the Chinese restaurant next door and Woozi being CEO of Going Entertainment dndkdk I cannot make this shit up
"Jeonghan act tired" Jeonghan: *fully falls to the floor and drags his body to the couch djdkdkdkkdld he's so fucking dramatic I'm still dying at this
Wonhao running around dead S.Coups
Minghao doing the going dance down the stairs (flexing again)
Pabo latte
Enthusiastic Minghao in Japan 🥺
The MBTI hidden camera
Diva Boo being pissed he didn't get Beyonce's MBTI but someone else did
Monsta X saving them at karaoke
Pigeon DK thriving during debate night
Geppetto Minghao looking fine af during debate night "I said so many nonsenses, I hope you liked it"
TTT fun - meerkat line rise, Jeonghan and Hoshi catching bugs but screaming the whole time, network love unit playing except Hao and he just gives them a cute "fighting!" Like they're his kids but he's just trying to relax lol, more mafia, Jun being hilarious during try not to laugh, S.Coups wanting to kill the staff (as usual), THE MEMBERS PLAYING WITH KITTENS
Froghao was thriving during svt playground
Bothering Woozi during secret santa
Hao's face when Jeonghan took the iPad
Dino literally got gifted a brick??
Junnie's light up grills
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GoSe 2020 continues the variety so well and each member gets a month! So sad they shortened the theme but they gave us subs! Also the previews for next episode are great! They also stepped up the editing too. They are all working so hard for this and it really pays off
My favorite episodes so far are Don't Lie, Seungkwan's Past Life Destiny, and Insomnia Zero (especially part 2). I'm so damn hyped for Debate Night 2. Again so blessed for this content 😭🙌
It's harder to list moments when the entire episodes are iconic!!
DK failing at his own mystery food game
Minghao literally lucky number 8
The saga of Minghao being amazed at Mingyu's eating continues
Hoshi singlehandedly admitting he's mafia then getting Mingyu killed instead then openly killing the citizens at night without needing to hide and then winning the game ohmygod I cannot at how fucking wild and hilarious this episode was
Sleepy Jun during Seungkwan's Past Life Destiny
Junhao, evil twins, seoksoon, mingyuzi rise
Dino rejecting Mingyu with a moonwalk
The overall betrayal of couples omg
Jun showing the Made in China tag djdkkd
Limbo was fucking wild
The members are all whipped for Woozi that shit made me soft as hell
Talking shit when other members are trying to sleep
Woozi loves dad jokes so much omg
They are so damn dramatic for the ASMR in Insomnia Zero pt 2 omg
Jeonghan purposely not answering Hoshi's call to come back
Hoshi giggling that Woozi lost and Woozi fully having a crisis
Wonwoo identity crisis as one of the chill members
Brain Survival and Escape Room made my brain hurt but they're so smart
Minghao jump scare poor bb
Kicked out members becoming audience reactors
DK and Jeonghan fucking around with the props instead of helping
Their delivery food episode just made me hungry
S.Coups not flinching one bit at arm wrestling Hoshi
Trying to act cool when the move spots on the chess board
Seungkwan's wipe out
Getting debate night 2 really saved my life I can't wait for the rest of 2020
I typed way more than I should have but I just love Going Seventeen and all Seventeen content, being a carat really is a blessed life!
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kengarden · 6 years ago
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Bryan Scagline is a player, motivator, designer, and all around do it all dude.  Pretty much everything you have seen recently form Kendama USA is the work of Bryan. Instagram, team edits, promo graphics, tours, and more. 
Bryan recently dropped a video titled “flips and tricks” where he flexes with the new KUSA flip series. 1 design, 2 colors , INVERTED to make 2 dope damas.
Peep the video and dive deeper into the mind of Scagline below. 
  So on top of all the work he is doing for kusa dude still goes out and bangs out an edit.  THAT TAKES MOTIVATION.  I had a chance to get some questions to Bryan about motivation. peep the knowledge below and watch the new edit. 
Jake -Do you have any nick names?
Bryan - SCAGSSSS. Ironically enough SCAGS was my dads nickname growing up as well! My younger brother doesn't get called the family nickname for some reason lol, but with out asking, the nickname has stuck itself to me! Such a good feeling walking into a jam and just hearing people show love - “SCAAAGS!!” Love ya’ll  <3_
-If you were to turn your latest video “flips and Tricks” into a pie graph what would take up most of the pie?
30% promotion, 70% swag. _
-Making a kendama edit takes a lot of skills.  Cine, Editing, Kendama, Location, Graphics, promotion, and thinking of tricks. Which of these categories have you spent the most time practicing?
Thank god you, Colin, Jero all knew how to work cameras and capture the cine film / editing LOOK of kendama. That's what got me on the hook. Creating the tricks, landing them, finding the perfect locations, and the feeling of it all coming together is what keeps me going.
-“Kendama” is always changing. For players, business, communities, design, tricks, and events.  Whats your main motivation right now with kendama?
My main motivation for kendama is just to get it in front of more people. I LOVE first reactions. Before the spike. The initial curiosity of somebody stopping, approaching you, and asking “what is that!”  Having gotten to where I am with Kendama today is amazing. I will always have a voice and help guide kids, scenes, players in the right direction. I will always put the culture first and I will always share the history it has. Lastly, I aim to produce quality video and content that gets people pumped. I wanna give the feeling that YOU guys gave me when I first saw kendama. (And when I first saw Turner do the BB flip in the Japan 2012 video.) That shit changed my life. Seriously. I quit my job and I work for Kendama USA now lol. Kendama has literally changed the direction of my life. I blame Colin and Zack._
-To me your motivation shows in the new video “Flips and Tricks”.  it takes time to put a video like this together. Even if it only took you an hour to film all the tricks it's about the motivation to grab your cam and go out and bang out some tricks with the intention of motivating others.  How much does the feedback of others influence your motivation?
Droping a video is the best feeling. When you drop a video you’ve worked really hard on and everyone shows love / shares their favorite parts, omg. Thats the best. I legit get the chills just talking about it. I plan out the tricks, the kendamas used, the song that will be in the video, POV, follow cam, tripod, the angles, location, etc. I usually know what the video will look, sound, and feel like before I even string my kendama.
-Was there a time in your live where you had NO motivation? Also What pulled you out of the motivation dead zone?
Everybody gets in slumps. What I do to get out of it is - find one trick (or even a transition) that I'm feeling and just hone it, try it differently (penguin grip/ fast hand) ,and blow it up. If that isn’t working, I’ll dead ass do cup flow and go back to basics until I essentially find that 'AWE' moment and build from there. Plan out 3-6 tricks, b roll, boom. We back at it.
-Name one motivation tool that EVEYONE has access to and can use to get that BOOST of energy and motivation that makes you want to go out and get it?
THIS WORKS. I Promise. What I do to motivate myself when I feel like I suck - Go back and watch 1-3 Kendama videos that got you FIRED up back in the day. Find literally ONE trick you think is dope and alter it, make it harder, or add onto it! Find a clever way to tweak THAT trick and post it on insta. Don't apologize or type some bullshit “sorry this is all I could land” caption. Those are THE worst. Talk about how this trick inspired you and you wanna challenge somebody else! Before you know it, you’ll be lacing BETTER tricks and you’ll forget all about the slump… until it comes back. Then repeat. Lol
-Would you rather extreme armpit hair (Long and thick like you can’t wear short sleeve shirts because its busting out) or extremely lopsided nostrils (like pinky fit in the left and thumb fit in the right)?
WOW. Ummmmm I guess gimme the weird shnoz. If I can't move my arms, how will I lace fastest of hands?
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Dear G,
I go through the same days now. I wake up from a dream about you. I lie in bed and think about you. I read my affirmations. I think about you. I get up and go pee. I think about you. I brush my teeth. I think about you. I journal about my sobriety progress. I think about you. I have a shower. I think about you. I put some music on. I think about you. I go to get my kids for school. I think about you. I eat some breakfast. I think about you. I get dressed for the day. I think about you. I go down the hallway to the elevator. I think about you. I get in the elevator. i think about you. I cross the parkade. I think about you. I get in my car. I think about you. I drive into my day and my life. I think about you.  Dreaming its you and me and there isn’t the terrible ending that we had. Or its something made up. Or if I’m really lucky my brain lets me experience some sort of memory of us. The other day I was dreaming about the time we went to that beach in Toronto and my car almost broke down. Except it wasn’t Toronto and we never left the beach and it was just us. Then I wake up and I realize you’re gone, you’re really gone, and in so many ways than just being 5000 or so kilometres away. I think of how I used to roll over and say to you good morning beautiful. Or I think of how you would try to wake me up and eventually you would succeed. Or I think of how I used to lay beside you and start rubbing your hips and kiss your neck and squeeze your little belly. So many things and times we had in the washroom together. I just always think about how I would lay my head in your lap when you went pee. Or how you would watch me when I went pee. Or how you would always ask me what I was doing and I would say going to the washroom and you would say aww my poopy bb. I remember watching you put your makeup on and kissing you from behind. Brushing our teeth together before we would go to bed. I’d always get your toothbrush for you and put toothpaste on it for you. Or how you would always tell me you cleaned the washroom and it was so nice and I would say thank you so much. You would scold me when I didn’t put the things away under the sink. How your stuff was so organized with the bathroom shelf dividers we bought from Ikea for you on one of our trips there. I think about all our showers that we had together. I think about washing your perfect brown body. I think about kissing you in the shower and peeing on you. I think about how you would wash my body too. I remember getting cold and trading the shower water stream with you. Playing music in the shower and singing and being silly together. Fucking in the shower. Fucking in the shower but going to the bed because it was better. How we always used to ask each other how our outfits were. That one time that I asked you if I was the most stylish boyfriend you’ve ever had. How we always had soo much laundry that we never folded. Sometimes we would just sleep with it. How you had so many sexy little panties and I would always want to smell them. How you would touch your pussy and I would whimper for it wanting to smell it too. The hallway where you would always shush me for being too loud when talking. For the longest time I would always have to guess at the key at our door. One day you got frustrated and told me to use some of your nail polish to know which key I had. I gave you the key to my place the very first week. I asked you to come stay and much as you wanted to. I really wanted you here all the time and I considered it your place too. Soo many times in the elevator kissing you grabbing you hugging you laughing with you. Going to or from places together. Living our lives together. Loving each other. The emergency press assistance button where we always used to put your Sapporo beer before going somewhere. How we would always snap coming back and you were a little drunk and dancing and we were both being so silly. I think of all the times we drove somewhere together and we would hold hands. I see you everywhere. I think of you no matter where I am. Everything in this city reminds me of you and us and our life together. Even when I’m not thinking of you the most random thing will just remind me of you, something we did together, the feelings I had at the time. Everything reminds me of you. I just spend my day going through these daydreams. I feel sad at the situation we’re in now because of me and my addictions that forced you to let go and leave. But you’re not gone at all. You’re still here in my heart and my mind.
I spend hours just going through our photos. In the process of doing that I’ve gone through and started editing my photos. Alot of really good photos that I’m now just starting to go through. I spend hours doing that when I come home. Was doing that just now. Even that reminds me of you. You always used to tell me that I was really good. I always liked helping you with your school work too . It does give me some sort of peace for awhile though, editing old photos, I go through them and remember each and every moment I took them. A lot of those pictures and alot of those moments are in relation to you, whether or not you’re in the picture, whether or not you were there with me. It doesn’t matter, it was always you. I’ve started two different instagram accounts to put all these pictures somewhere and since they’re in relation to you of course I’ve made both of these accounts about you and me and us. You’re gone now but doing these things every day gives me some sort of peace, some sort of reason to keep moving forward and not get stuck on the fact that I lost you and you’re gone. There is only you. There only ever was you. There will only ever be you. I just want you always. I will always love you. I will wait for you to come back. If its forever that’s ok with me. I will. I’m sorry that I pushed you too much with my VSCO and Spotify yesterday. I realize now that no matter what you were saying to me and talking to me about on your Tumblr and Twitter and VSCO and even Spotify I shouldn’t have pushed back on you so hard. I really just have to let you go now. Let you do you. I’m going to do me. I’ll have hope that one day we can be together again. But that day isn’t anytime soon just yet. No amount of pushing will change your mind now. You’re angry upset hurt and you probably don’t even want to see or hear from me right now. I can only say to you that i will continue to do all the things I’m doing but I will give you the space on those platforms that you need now. I really was destroyed when you took down and deleted all those posts and reblogs and VSCO collection things. There is nobody in my life, there is only you and there will only ever be you. It doesn’t matter if I’m with you or not. I just want you and nobody else. That will always be the case. 
The one thing that really brought a light to my day today was one thing though. After all that self hatred, self anger, desperation last night after reading your Tumblr post I was just so low. I went to bed and told myself I wouldn’t look at your socials until tomorrow. Today I had my first traditional healing session as a part of my outpatient program. I don’t know how much I got from it but it did help me stay focused and centred. After that I did check on your VSCO once because I wanted to see one thing. I wanted to see if you still had the miss you xx post that I sent to you in December. I wanted to see if you deleted that. I didn’t want to find out but I forced myself to. It was still there. You didn’t delete it. The picture that I sent you that you posted on Christmas Day with the caption xx. The picture that I later posted myself later after seeing you that last time in my car in front of E’s place. Where i begged you to stay and gave you that promise ring. My caption was until I see you again xx. That one post that tied us together meant so much seeing that and its keeping me going. I feel that so much. I know that we are always talking to each other somehow because I just know us. I know that for some reason you didn’t delete that post. It means everything to me and that post is how I really feel. It’s how I felt when I took the picture and I sent it to you. Its how I felt when I posted it the day before you got on a plane and left. Its how i feel now and will always feel. Until the day that I see you again. 
I go through your VSCO gallery and I feel every single picture that you’ve posted. I know each and every picture intimately. I’ve either seen them, been somewhere off the camera, or you’ve sent them to me before posting them. Sometimes it the fact that the picture was taken in the place we used to call home. You look so perfect taking selfies in our mirror. I just want to jump into the pictures. Other times there pictures of a moment that you shared with me like on the plane to back home or on the beach before or after surfing. Or maybe it was the trips you took with your parents. Or a snapshot of your life where you are back now again. Some pictures are of our moments together, our dates, our times together, our happiest and brightest moments together. A few of the pictures are even pictures that I took and sent to you.  Alot of them are the flowers that I bought you. It doesn’t matter that nobody else really knows all the life behind each photo. I do. Your gallery represents a life that i used to be apart of and I life that I so desperately want back to. If I ever make it back to you and us I’ll splash you all across my social media with wild abandon. I’ll be the happiest man in the universe. For now I’ll just watch you from afar and I’ll always wait until that day and until I see you again. 
The last message you sent me on VSCO was I love u more. VSCO doesn’t keep time stamps on the messages. It doesn’t matter. I’m never going to delete that message. One day I hope you message me that again. Until then I’ll wait.
I love you
I will wait as long as it takes
If that is forever that is fine with me
I want you and only you
0 notes
briteboy · 8 years ago
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Why is her step-douche such a foken piece of shit? omg i hate him
some mysteries are never meant to be explained tbh. why is he so ugly and evil? who wronged him? but also who cares he’s in jail forever now good riddance ugly
I know this is probably really bad, but after I saw the newest molly posts, I thought of that video where the little girl is yelling "MISS KEISHA, MISS KEISHA, oh my fukin gosh she fukin dead"
i don’t blame u i bet when it happens i’m gonna be like “u know she ded”
(To the previous anon) i agree with you so, so much! In Poland, these dumbass politicians are letting shooting pregnant bisons (?? Im not sure how they're called) become legal. Like BITCH WHAT. Can you imagine??? A fucking pregnant lil' cow getting shot????? I feel Molly's pain on an emotional level rn (sorry if this is too nsfw, just needed to get that outta my system...)
i think this was in response to someone saying that hurting pregnant women is one of the worst crimes but um WTF shooting animals at all makes me itchy but pregnant ones..............nah that’s......nah
it’s ok get it outta ur system i’m here 4 u
the first thing I check in the morning is your account.... you have me whipped! ;|
OMG WHA LMAO REALLY that’s wild. i feel like i’m the only one who looks at my page which is dumb but like idk i still feel like a little kid that no one cares about lmao. but then you guys exist and amaze me with your responsiveness every day and i just ;____________; ily all
hi Sunny. first of all i'm gonna say i love your story and your editing style so much! your blog is goals like literally. i need an advice if you don't mind. you always find such amazing angles for your pictures while mine are so boring. any tips or tricks you can share?
HI thank you so much ;-; sooooo i’ve been thinking about this question the past couple of times i went in game, trying to figure out how to describe how i take pictures. for one thing i live in tab mode lmao. meaning you press the tab button on your keyboard to go into camera mode and get all these sexy angles and super zoom and stufffff. i almost always zoom in super far idk why. so there’s one tip. i honestly just play around with going up and down with the q and e keys (i think?) until i find angles i like. i take a lottttt of pictures with so many different angles just so i have a lot to choose from. basically i try to focus on different things in each picture in order to get a mix of the most diverse and dynamic shots possible. you just need to experiment and get creative. i know that’s the most vague advice ever but really just try a new angle that you’ve never considered before and i bet you’ll get cool results. an interesting setting is also the biggest factor, because certain objects and their placements will give you interesting results. 
i honestly want to print out your reaction pic to that one post and just hang it on my wall, put it in my heart locket necklace, stamp it on people's faces, start an email thread with it. i love it.
an add on to the last ask i sent about your reaction pic. i've been looking at it religiously since it was posted, and i dont regret a minute of it. LMAO I'LL STOP NOW.
SAKJDLJKGKSDAF STOPPPP LMAOOO i looked so ugly but that was my pure unadulterated reaction to that question and i trust you all to not judge my ugliness and instead share this reaction with me. i’m glad u liked it that much, i just printed it out and i’m cutting it into a small heart to put inside ur locket ok
everytime i hear cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant i think of a serious case of the novembers like its so fitting and then i get all emo when i listen to it lmao rip
OMMMMGGGGGGG YESSSSS how have i never made that connection before honestly. cage the elephant is one of my faves and i’ve seen them perform twice actually!! i’m watching the music vid for that song now and even that reminds me of my story ;-; i cry
thank you for sending this, and also i cry @ the fact that you used the actual title *dies* now this song is gonna make me emo til the end of time thx
i might sound like some crazy stalker fan but i just want to say you are so freakin awesome and nice and funny and cute and (i can go on forever) so caring! i love your blog so much and all the hard work and care you put into all your posts and followers. thanks for making my day and making me smile so much. you have no clue how much i look forward to seeing your posts and your hilarious hashtags and answers from asks and AMAZING story posts. im sorry i just wanted to let you know ur awesome ily
OFMG WHAT!!!!!! I AM ONLY AN EEL!!!!!! but no you don’t sound like a crazy stalker, i actually love this, you’re too sweet, thank you ;-; i’m just blushin so much reading this omg. YOU EVEN LIKE MY TAGS WOW that’s true love. ily ;-; <333
how do you get your sims' facial expressions to line up with your scenes? I feel like my sims' faces are never right :(
tbh i just use a lot of the same neutral poses...my go-to’s are @helgatisha‘s poses lol. they’re the easiest to work with when i do just plain talking scenes, and often i tweak my sims’ eyebrows and mouths with the liquify tool if i want them to look a bit more concerned, sad, mad, happy, etc., it works like a charm!! i also tend to play around with angles, you’d be surprised how much a different angle can enhance a scene.
Hey smol bean, I'm sent you an ask and now I feel bad that it probably made you feel anxious because you didn't answer it. It was the one about you not liking my posts, I have anxiety too so I'm sorry If I made you feel sad. I think I'm just looking for validation from people I look upto you get me? Anyway sorry again, don't worry about it! Love you!
hiya bb, i know you saw my answer to your original post (and i’m sorry it got some negative attention, i didn’t mean for that to happen by any means) anyway don’t sweat it, and i really appreciate this follow-up message. you didn’t make me feel sad, i just wanna know what i can do. it’s just a hard question y’know. i understand what you mean, i think everyone wants validation to some degree. tbh you can just come off anon and message me, i promise it’s not as nerve-wracking as it seems! ily
How did you make Santi's tattoos? I want some like that for my Sims but idk how to do it
how did you make your characters page on your blog like that?
uoohhh like what?? i used this theme (monolog) if that’s what you mean aheh. here’s a guide on how to use custom page themes
okay so THIS IS MY THEORY: they might keep the baby and molly might actually carry it to full term, but then the kid dies in childbirth and either molly also dies or maybe kills herself or gets killed later? or maybe she's still alive but just won't speak to santi anymore cause she like can't look him in the eye after all of that or idk?? since ppl were sending theories i wanted to add mine lmao. another possible theory is that the stepdad finds out and kills her but thats TOO DARK omg
TOO DARK U SAY...WELL!!! it’s not AS dark as you guessed but only marginally
If Molly turns out to be alive and raising their kid alone (though from what I'm seeing in response to most questions I think that may not be the route) am I allowed to slap Santi (unless Molly didn't give him the option to help) because raising a child alone is not easy I've watched my mom do it for years.
YEAH i would give you permission to slap him lmao he would be a grade A piece o’ shit if that were the case. i would never ever write that tho because santi does own up to his actions if they’re that detrimental. his altruistic nature, no matter how backwards, would never allow him to do that.
There will be complication with the abortion so she will not be able to carry a baby anymore and she's going to kill herself OR her step dad is going to find out and he'll beat her to death. And in both situation Santi his blaming himself because he wasn't there at the right time... Okay I really really hope I'm wrong now !
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I don't even follow your story very closely but every time I see your posts my heart hurts.
OMFG...that’s how u know the pain is real
but like wow my stuff is really so visceral that even my apathetic followers can feel the hurt...that’s real...that’s real my guy
omg!! you should 100% play or at least watch a playthrough of life is strange! legit the best game ever made, its so beautiful. the storyline kills you a thousand times over (much like your beautiful story) <3333
yaaaa i’ve heard lots of good things about it!! my bf played it actually, maybe he’ll revisit it again someday and i’ll watch him do it (i’m only a fan of video games if i can watch them like a movie lmao) thank you btw <3
I am shook and I worship you and your story and you are amazing WOW BYE
WORSHIP LMAO WHAT!!! PLS I AM UNDESERVING...ily tho don’t worship false gods
Do you let Molly and the younger versions of your characters frolic around your main save or do they have a separate one?
UM YES LMAO because i didn’t even know you could have separate saves until after i started the flashbacks lmao i’m...a noob. i don’t want separate saves anyway because 1) it’s too much of a hassle switching back and forth and 2) it gets too confusing for me and i’d be afraid of overwriting one save with another and NOPE too much anxiety for that soooo yeah there’s three santis in my game: child, teen and adult lmfao (fun fact: teen santi’s name is literally just Lil Santi)
I made it to my senior year with 6 A's and 1 B ... Be proud of me too? 😂 Lmao I told this to people and some of them were just like .. okay cool?! LMAO it's so funny but also kinda sad
I AM PROUD OF YOU TOO!!!!!!!!! my smart childrens
“okay cool” UM PLEASE that’s a feat...at my school if you got an A in a class in senior year you were allowed to be exempt from the final. so yeah that rules. ily
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bwicblog · 8 years ago
> [Part 1] Close Encounters of the Zombie Kind
[Pheres (RS) embarks on a zombie-observation expedition with his new research assistant, Laledy (SS); an ex-soldier, Faizah (BB); and a local guide, Cennef (XR). When they decide to livestream the adventure in a group chat, things, as predicted, go horribly wrong.]
XR: also, there could have been unattached larva down there
XR: where do you think they come from in the first place
RS: an oviposter, presumably, but clearly i was misguided
SS: (Storks!)
RS: a stork's oviposter
RS: hahaha
LP: The chat sure is uncharacteristically silent lately... >ooo<
LP: Or maybe I am just on at the wrong times! :o >ooo<
LP: Or maybe I am just on at the wrong times! :o >ooo<
RS: | Haha | It has Been a Quiet Day | ! |
RS: | And Now a Quiet Night |
RS: | I Expect All of Us are Busy at Work | ? |
RS: | Or Out | It is Still a Festival Week |
UV: Or because the end of the Festival Week is coming. A lot of couples are no doubt out celebrating the last nights.(edited)
RS: | Haha | Yes | ! | =:) | I Almost Wish I was Out |
LP: Ah... That does make sense. >ooo<
LP: How come you're not? >ooo<
RS: | Because I am At Work | ! | Here | Look |
SS: (Ey, pal, nonna that 'quiet night' hoofbeastshit, you're gonna up and jinx us!)
RS has attached VID345345.MOV! It's a quick pan of the camera over a dark, white-sanded desert. There's rock formations all around - a brief glimpse of a jadeblood and a brownblood, faces slightly blurred by the motion - and the sound of chattering off in the distance. The camera cuts when something whoops.
RS: | Not as Exciting as Festivities | Sadly |
RS: | But Occasionally One must Miss Them | Haha |
SS: ('It's a quiet night's, like, the last ish peeps up and say afore they get mobbed by thirty zeds and become one with the horde.)
UV: What sort of business do you have out in an area like that? If you do not mind me asking, that is.
LP: Oh! You're out in the desert? >ooo<
SS: (Bit athis, bit athat, bit a not gettin bit by zeds! (\eue/) )
SS: (Ain't sure how much Pher's up and down for spillin the deets of, tho, so: (\oxo/) )
RS: | Haha | Yes | We Are | ! |
RS: | And Our Business is Hunting Down a Lair of Zombies | So Far | In Theory |
RS: | Currently | Our Lovely Guide is Reorienting Herself |
RS: | And I Think Her Mother is Eating Something | I am Trying Not to Look | Personally |
RS: | | I am Always Up for Spilling the Deets | I am Afraid |
RS: | I Scored Dreadfully on the Internet Safety Part of My Schoolfeeds | =:B |
SS: (I'm totes watchin! (\eue/) )
SS: (Fascinatin stuff, this.)
LP: Ooh.. :o >ooo<
LP: Sounds interesting. :) >ooo<
SS: (And LUL.)
SS: (Hey, Pher, I got one a'those fancy personality questionnaires for you!)
SS: (It tells you what kinda zed you identify with most based on your credit chit code.)
UV: What sort of zombies then, if you are so willing to share?
MH: Oh he's back.
MH: Glad to see you didn't die, RS.
RS: | Mm | Pass | Laledy | ! | But Thank You |
RS: | Perhaps You can Get One of Our Friendly Resident Chat Members to Fill That Out for You | =:B |
RS: | And | We are Looking for Cuckoo Zombies | ! |
RS: | But So Far | We have Just Found a Number of Floral Zombies |
MH: The hell are cuckoo zombies.
RS: | I have Been Taking Pictures | If You'd Like to See | =:) |
RS: | | And Of Course I didn't Die | Haha |
RS: | They are Victims of Parasitic Birdwasps | ! | Their Eggs Hatch Within Dead Bodies |
RS: | And Puppet Them Until They are Large Enough to Burst Free | Which Is | Oh |
RS: | Three or So Nights | ? |
RS: | They're Very Hard to Witness in the Wild | ! |
BB: Very hard. or no one wishes to Bother with getting insects Burrowed into their skin and horns.
BB: Hard to tell.
RS: | Haha | We are Not at Risk of That | I Keep Telling You That | ! |
RS: | Adults Do Not Live This Far in the Desert |
RS: | They Need Plants to Pollinate | There are No Plants Worth Pollinating Out Here |
RS: | Have You Located the Stone Pillar Yet | By the Way | ? |
BB: Perhaps they are Busy working their day joBs. too. One might come home early. Similar to finding a quad mate in Bed with another.
RS: | | Are We the Quad Mate in This Metaphor | or the Bed | ? |
BB: Exactly.
RS: | Or | Wait | No |
RS: | Are We the Other | ? |
BB: The stone pillar is not too far away. yes.
BB: All I am trying to get across is that if there is adults. it will not Be happy with us going into its territory.
SS: (Well, that's what you've up and got walkstubs for, pal! (\eue/) )
RS: | | Oh | LP | ! | My Apologies | We have Tromped All Over Your Conversation | =:c |
SS: (And a talkbox, for your last words, ofc.)
BB: I would rather keep my walkBranches to remain walkBranches and not walkstuBs.
SS: (For that, pal, you're gonna hafta chat with the peeps what up and make dictionaries'n ish up.)
SS: (Or slang, whatevs.)
BB: I did not know that I would have to consult a dictionary to say that I wish to keep my limBs in tact.
SS: (Nah, pal, for that you'd hafta up and learn how jokes work! (\ouo/) )
RS: | Oh | Damn | I Think We Spooked Her Off |
RS: | | Somehow | Hahaha | Um |
RS: | Faizah | ! | You Worry | So Much | =:B |
RS: | Please | Relax | No One will Be Losing Limbs |
RS: | Not Even the Walkers |
RS: | Are You On Your Way Back Over | ? |
UV: Well if you did. I am still here. I was simply looking for a little more information on Cuckoo Zombies while you were occupied.
BB: I will Be Back soon enough. I am sure. I will also Be making sure that the only thing that does lose limBs is the walkers.
SS: (Yeah, pal, I totes wonder what did it?)
SS: (Bodysnatchin flapbugs what're up and puppeteerin peeps bods ain't made nobody queasy, like, ever. (\unu/) )
MH: Gross.
SS: (Soz, pal, didn't mean to give you internet cooties. (\unu/)
SS: (Leastways they ain't makin their waay outta here.)
BB: SS is an enjoyaBle fellow. in case you were wondering.
UV: The variety of species that parasitize trolls has always been rather fascinating, I thought. Of course, I have always done any observations from a distance.
SS: (Aww, pal, careful! You're gonna make my kokoro go doki doki. (\unu//) )
BB: See what I mean.
SS: (And hells yeah they are, pal!)
SS: (S'like a fun lottery system: erry time you think you're up and safe, boom! Turns out whatevs ish you're lookin at can totes be a parasite, too!)
RS: | Oh | If You are Interested | I can Stream Some of Our Expedition For You | ? |
RS: | It Doesn't Beat Real Observations | Of Course |
RS: | But If You are Interested | =:) |
SS: (I mean, like, if you up and think about it, we're parasites. Ain't like lusus naturae's the same species as you'n me.)
CC: eugh, yeah, fascinating. Tell that to all the jackwagons that get consumed in the deep woods.
CC: are you out hunting or something, RS?
UV: If it would not trouble you, Pheres. I would enjoy it. Thank you.
MH: Yup.
SS: (Well shit, pal, mb they're gettin all consumed-like on accounta they totes thought it was interestin nuff to see up and close-like. (\eue/) )
RS: | We are Out Observing | ! | No Hunting | Unless Things Get a Little Too Close |
MH: He's hunting. Or something.
RS: | Or | Mm | Feisty |
BB: Looking at things from a giant miscroscope only makes them smaller. doesn't necissarily solve anything.
SS: (Dude, huntin's for losers that up and think they can make a dif with a machete and some spuunk.)
CC: lol, I mean I guess you don't get more front row than that.
SS: (Research's how you up and figure out how to load some weedkiller into a drone and clear a whole section a'the desert.)
CC: it's easier to just get rid of them, but-- oh you're in a desert pff.
CC: I had to get rid of them in the woods, there wasn't enough space in the buildings to move safely with them there, yadda yadda. So is it just a curiosity or-- huh
SS: (And, uh, BB, soz to say, but I think you need a crash course on what microscopes do.)
SS: (Spoiler alert: Makes ish bigger.)
RS: | Ah | A Reminder to Those Who Would Rather Not See | the Dead |
RS: | Say | CC | =:B | There is a Button in the Screen | You can Press | to Make the Image Go Away |
RS: | I am Not Clear Where the Button Is | But I am Certain It Is There | ! |
CC: I don't have a problem, what are you talking about?
SS: (I'm p sure you gotta, like, choose to join the call anyhow.)
RS: | Usually Trolls Who Have to Exterminate Walkers Aren't Interested in Seeing Them Up Close | ! | They Find It | Ah |
RS: | Bothersome | ? |
SS: (It's against their religion!)
CC: oh hell no. I said extermination made it easy to move not that that was my job
SS: (The religion is bein a weenie.)
CC: ^
RS: | I am Fairly Certain It is Against the Sun Cultists Religion to Murder Walkers |
RS: | Or Is That to Burn Them | ? | It's Something |
CC: I'm a salvager show walkers all you want
RS: | | But | Ah | Good | ! |
SS: (Oh, y, pal, ofc, ain't you in the know I'm a sun cultist now?)
SS: (I got a pamphlet from that chick what stopped our van and everythin.)
SS: (Apparently I might be a saint, too.)
SS: (Ain't too clear on that bit. Do white oculars count, or do I gotta be proper dead-like?)
XR: Oh, Pherrres
CC: okay but if this turns into a drink the koolaid fest I'm out, st. SS
XR: erXR: Pheres
SS: (Nah, pal, no kool-aid! Just zed spores. Take a vine erryone, won't hurt once it gets to your pan stem!)
SS: (Wow, that weren't suspect at all.)
RS has started up a call! He's.. clearly using his cellphone to record the desert night, and the audio's been muted. They're still in the sand dunes, by the rock formation - but he turns the camera to beam into it, briefly, and then zoom in on Lal, who's speaking to his phone a few feet away.
MH: What the fuck.
CC: pretty.
RS: alright
RS: this is now on voice to speech!
RS: um
RS: voice to text?
CC: ...not the jadeblood. The desert
RS: i think!
RS: hahaha
SS: (Heyo!) Laledy waves at the same time as he sends the message, clearly speaking into his mic.
SS: (Wtf, way to kill my ego.)
MH: Rude CC.
RS: laledy is fairly pretty, i think. there's no need to be unkind!
XR: ...anyway I'.m. nearly there, is what I wanted to tell you.
CC: okay but can you blame me. This entire chat swarms people for things like that.CC: had to clarify
SS: (At least some peeps up and appreciate real beauty!)
SS: (Insert dramatic sniff here.)
RS: marvelous!
SS: (Nah, pal, too late, I'm cryin already. (\eue/) )
CC: how many people are joining you, RS?
CC: pffff lol
UV: Seems like quite the expedition team.
SS: (Enough to form our own miniature horde once we get wasted by zeds! (^_^/) )
MH: Keep the camera running.
MH: I wanna see it.
SS: (Insert thumbs up here!)
SS: (Make sure you up and put it up on grubtube!)
CC: aw continuing research even in the after death. "Do teams remain allied after infection and passing"
XR: no. we'd all be idiot zombies.
SS: (Y, XR, but we'd be idiot zombies 2gether 4ever.)
RS: and oh, look, here's miss cennef's hound. A blurry shot of an alarmingly huge canine. Its jaws are moving, but he keeps pulling the camera back towards the ears. Eugh.
RS: uv, she's eating a floral zombie, by the way. do you want a picture?
SS: (It's the team spirit! (\ouo/) )
CC: love that optimism
RS: ... you all are talking so much
RS: heavens, we're not getting wasted by zeds, laledy
RS: can you imagine the indignity
UV: A picture would be nice, thank you Pheres.
RS: these aren't even proper zombies
CC: is it safe for animals to eat those? I always thought it fucked them up
RS: alright
-- XR has put on her own voice to text, and took her own picture of Pheres from sitting on her giant fennec fox/horned toad lusus --
SS: (I know, pal, I just thought BB needed some help w that wish fulfillment!)(edited)
XR: two can play at that
XR: anyway, I brought the zombie bait
RS: hahaha
RS: you take a picture of the zomb
RS: excellent!
XR: it smells horrid but then again, what else would it smell like
CC: sunshine and daisies
XR: sunshine smells like burning and death
XR: and some of them do have daisy strains I hear
CC: Chanel no.5(edited)
RS: but daisies smell delightful, presumably, to make up for it
UV: XR has a fair point.
XR: a little too delightful
XR: some of them snag you that way
XR: which is why I also brought masks
RS: ah, my apologies, uv
RS: i don't think i'm going to get very close to her lusus
XR: I know they're hideous but put them on
RS: how far did you say this was?
RS: they're cumbersome
SS: (Wtf is these double standards?)
SS: (I mean, I'm totes down for a mask, this ish looks totes badass and post-apocalyptic, but, like, pal.)
XR: if you get silly-panned by some floral scenter, you can't even come crying to me because that's probably the last thing you'll ever do
RS: and we're not dealing with psychogenic on- oh!
RS: you're incredibly silly
RS: but fine
XR: is smell it and lose yourself
RS: pass me a mask
XR: mask passed
XR: oh wait
XR: must document
SS: (Dude, we can... figure that out.)
--  TOO LATE, he's already holding out his camera to take a begrudging picture of his face with the filtration mask on.  --(edited)
SS: (Uh.)
SS: (Duct tape, mb?)
-- XR has posted a picture of Laledy and Pheres in their masks --
XR: dammit
RS: smiley face
RS: haha
XR: you rob me of my glory
XR: how could you
UV: You all look like a proper zombie observation team now.
XR: all right, what's your strife
RS: oh
RS: thank you!
XR: I have a few firebombs, but I'd rather not use them
XR: they go up quick, even when there's not much to burn
SS: (Cutting sarcasm!)
RS: my amazing good looks?
RS: hahaha
XR: you're both hopeless
RS: you're being silly, cennef
SS: (Also a taser, a sword, and a wacking stick.)
XR: your hair isn't a weapon, Pheres
RS: come along! let's just get moving
XR: lovely as it is
XR: what, are you crazy? I haven't even told you what to watch or listen for
XR: hold on a moment
XR: remember, these are cuckoo zombies you wanted to see
XR: they don't behave like other ones
SS: (Idk, pal, I'm p sure he could eat me with that ish if he tried hard enough.)
XR: and god help me if you provoke them, we all have to run for it like giant spotted meowbeasts
SS: (Nah, pal, I only provoke peeps!)
XR: because they might burst prematurely
XR: and come after us all like avenging furies
XR: so we all have to be very quiet and lightfooted. They don't see well, being larvae, but since there's so many of them in one host their sense of touch is excellent.
SS: (Shit, pal, and here I was up and hyped to go hug one!)
XR: would that I were so lucky
XR: anyway, they tend to hide in hives, all curled up and waiting to gestate, unless they're hunting
XR: hence bait
SS: (Wow, you really know how to woo a guy!)
SS: (On pitch week, too. (\unu/) )
XR: Pheres why is he here
XR: no don't answer that
RS: hahaha
RS: for his stunning reparte
RS: obviously
RS: ah! no, sorry, was looking at this
XR: regardless, they should all be curled up before we get to them, but just in case one isn't, you might not see it at first. sometimes they hide in sand dunes instead of rocks. but, if one IS hidden there - what
XR: what are you looking at
RS has wandered a bit far off from the crowd! The camera's been focused on a section of stone for the past few minutes - it finally pulls away to show.. he's been sticking his arm into a crack. Alright.
SS: (Uh.)
He pulls it out a moment later, victorious, and holding what looks to be a bone.
RS: hmm
RS: never mind, not worth looking at
SS: (Y'know that thing we were up and talkin bout with branches and stubs afore?)
SS: (Oh, nm, XR's got it in capslock, nm.)
RS: cennef
RS: how small do you feel zombies get
XR: well Pheres I know it may stun you
XR: but there are dangers besides zombies
XR: like scorpion lizards
XR: however I assumed that was covered by common sense
XR: also, there could have been unattached larva down there
XR: where do you think they come from in the first place
RS: an oviposter, presumably, but clearly i was misguided
SS: (Storks!)
RS: a stork's oviposter
RS: hahaha
XR: uuuuuugh gods help me
XR: if you are QUITE DONE being recklessXR: let's go toward the main hiveXR: and keep an eye out for florals or fungals, zombies aren't smart enough to have territory boundaries(edited)XR: so even though separate types usually won't horde together, that doesn't mean they don't stray
RS: yes, yes, right
SA: dude
XR: all right, we all need to keep our voices low
RS is not a cameraman, obviously! The footage of the stream keeps shaking as he trails behind Cennef's foxmom, and it keeps shifting away from the desert stretching out in front of them to capture things he thinks are even slightly interesting. A strangely shaped rock! Sand! A scorpion that he carefully kicks with his boot, and then scampers abruptly to the other side of foxmom when it raises its stinger in response.
XR: it's not noise, but vibration
RS: ah RS: yes
XR: you're lucky she eats those
SA: this is either the sickest shit I've ever seen or the dumbest fucking ide@ @nyone's had like ever
XR: there she goes
RS: lay out the bait now so i can catch it on camera?
XR: well I'm sure she's glad for the snack
RS: it is asolutely both, sa
SS: (Omg this is my favorite lusus now.)
RS: hahaha RS: smiley face
XR: you are both dumb and I want you to know that
SA: h@h@h@
XR: in case I die because one of you gets me killed
SS: (She eats stingerbugs AND she ain't eatin me!)
XR: yes, here's the bait, have fun with it.XR: and by that I mean set it out and then we're all retreating.
SS: (Is the bait me?)
XR: at least twenty feet.XR: no, you don't smell enough.
SS: (I'm startin to get mildly concerned about that, ngl/)
SS: (Oh, shit, a compliment!)
XR: it's this rotting meat.
SS: (My pusher ain't right broken yet after all!)
RS: i don't know if that's a compliment
SA: gross
RS: to be frank
SS: (Pher, quit tryin to crush my dreams, aight?)
RS: my apologies
RS: that was cruel and unneccessarily callous of me
XR: you have none because there are none with me involved.
XR: end of story
RS: you absolutely do not smell as much as this rotting meat
SS: (I'm glad you're a big enough person to acknowledge that, Pheres.)
RS: and that is a compliment
RS: hahaha
RS: here, hold the camera
SS: (And ofc I've up and got dreams w you, Cennef!)
SS: (They're the ones where Pher ain't here and you sacrifice me to zeds.)
RS: ah
RS: hold my phone
XR: yes, have him hold it, and then back away
Laledy takes the phone, orienting it at where he hears Pheres. It's somewhat off-angle, but gets most of the scene.
XR: I have Foxmom in case they swarm us but she can really only carry two trolls, even light as the pair of you are(edited)
Or, at least it gets most of the scene when Laledy isn't delightedly filming whatever foxmom is doing at any given moment. There is at least one candid of her yawning, with a dramatic zoom of her teeth.
XR: if you're that desperate I'll send you videos, my gods
XR: this is silly
SS: (I deffo ain't believin you, but whatevs, pal, we'll film this fascinatin ish instead.)
Insert closeup of the rotting meat, pointedly, before Laledy gives in to his actual scientific interests and films the presumed ZOMBIE LAIR.
SA: eewewwww
SA: show us the de@d ppl(edited)
XR: I will because this is just pathetic and also off - there we go
The camera sort of catches Pheres fussing extraordinarily over the meat. It is rotting. It has flies. For all that the audio isn't on, it's not hard to tell he's displeased.
XR: all right. we all need to be quiet.
He drops it --
XR: back up Pheres
XR: now
SS: (Uhhhhhhh)
XR: come back to us
SS: (Uhhhhhhhhhhh)
The screen goes white in a crackle of static, then clears as the light clears.
SA: oh shit is he getting m@uled
XR: stop fussing over the damn meat
RS: shhh i'm moving
RS: moved!
SS: (OW)
RS: you were rushing me!
XR: ugh that was loud
RS: you're fine!
UV: Well then.
XR: Laledy, back up with me, that might draw a rush
SS: (SURE I'M FINE, PAL, TOTES FINE.)SS: (Where are you?)(edited)
XR: can you feel my arm?
SS: (Uh-) There is some fumbling of the camera, and it's now pointed halfway at the ground.
SS: (Yeah.)(edited)
XR: pity about the footage but I'm not about to get us killed over it
XR: oh
XR: there's one
SS: (Where?)
XR: just peeking up, I see the horns and - oh
SS: (Insert more question noodles.)
XR: there's larva in the sockets
SS: (Insert more capslock.)
XR: most of the scentsponge is eaten too
SA: eeeeewwwwwwwwww
RS: oh, wow, this is amazing
SA: rs you're fucking nuts
RS: hahaha
RS: this is for science, i'll have you know
Lal fumbles the camera again, and it points vaguely in Pheres's direction.
RS: oh, wait
RS: you can't -- mm
XR: aaaaand another - and well that's just great
RS: give me that
SA: @nd presum@bly getting ur zombie rocks off
RS: wha
RS: no one is getting their rocks off
XR: there's a fungus coming and it looks it's been out here a hundred sweeps
XR: look at that growth
SS: (Love to. (\qnq/) )
SS: (Unfort Pheres is a jerk.)
The screen is back to a steady image as Pheres points it at the zombie in question. It's got purple fungus growing everywhere. And: yes, it's gross.
RS: you were rushing me
RS: that is the tragic result of rushing me
-- Cennef takes a photo of a somewhat blurry due to distance but magnificently orange fungal zombie absolutely covered in the stuff, with shreds of clothing over it --
RS: i actually move
SA: gross
SA: grooooooossssss
XR: ...okay so there's two
XR: excellent
SA: eugh does it smell
UV: Well that is quite the sight. And... Double the trouble.
SA: it looks like it smells
SS: (Yeah, pal, like sunshine and daisies. (\eue/) )
XR: fungals don't smell usually
RS: can you see it clearly
RS: uv?
SS: (Wow, pal, way to kill my pun!)
SS: (What?)
RS: oh
RS: hm
RS: maybe you should get on your mother
SS: (Pal, can you yell that in a way that is less mortally terrifyin??)
SA: oh shit
XR: and - no, damn you
XR: I'm taking care of the fungals, one minute, try not to die or upset the cuckoos.
RS: oh
RS: no, don't - just
RS: stay with laledy
SS: (Uh. Uh.)
RS: and i will take care of the fungals
SS: (I'm gonna stand here and not move at all.)
RS: that does seem a little wise
RS: just
RS: ah
RS: hold still
-- XR swiftly runs around and throws a firebomb at each fungal, because she knows full well those spores are very insidious and deadly and luckily both burn -- (edited)
XR: no, if those had gotten any closer we would be in spore range.
XR: too risky.
SS: (Oh, shit, I can see that at least.)
SS: (Wtf, are you tryin to burn the whole place down?)
XR: also it distracted the cuckoos, they're blind but not that blind.
XR: there's nothing around them.
XR: it won't last.
SS: (P sure they're less blind than me atm, tbh.)
SS: (Fwiw, I am totes never lettin this ish go. (\qnq/) )
XR: good for you
XR: it'll mean you're alive
SS: (This was gonna be so cool.)
SS: (Take good vids!)
SS: (Since I'ma have to rewatch later.)
SA: ...you're blind @nd you went zombie hunting?
RS: um
RS: it's a metaphor
RS: hahaha
-- XR takes a vid of herself staring disapprovingly before swinging at Pheres and the approaching zombies --
XR: ...Pheres
SS: (Pheres blinded me, on accounta his psi is effin bright af.)
XR: don't move
RS: i will move in a moment
SS: (Everythin's spots and ish.)
RS: don't worry
MH: This is the stupidest fucking zombie expedition I've ever seen.
XR: there's a fern zombie approaching
SA: oh ok
SS: (Pal, can we not make this a sitch where you get up and rushed again?)
MH: One of you are gonna get bit, or killed.
XR: and it doesn't look quite as shambling as the cuckoos
XR: who are quite enjoying the meat, at least
MH: Anyone wanna take bets on someone getting hurt.
XR: but I think they'll finish it soon
RS: no one is going to get bit
RS: for heaven's sake
RS: you will have to lose your bet, mh
MH: I said hurt, not necessarily bit.
MP: so uh
MH: Self harm counts because you're all throwing around fire bombs.
RS: did you
RS: heave-- hahaha
XR: That was me and that was for safety.
SS: (Hey, I'm totes offended!)
SS: (Cennef's throwin round -y, zacly.)
SS: (I'm too flammable for that ish.)
XR: the only thing Laledy throws are his words.
XR: which are annoying enough.
MP: dudes r hunting zeds?
SS: (Nah, pal! We're up and makin friends with em!)
MP: streaming too damn badass
SS: (Look, Pher's gonna up and hug that one!)
RS: yes
RS: thank you
XR: clearly we are cuddling up to them, as Laledy suggested
RS: finally someone appreciates it
RS: hahaha
MP: hey I'm paying you compliments here
XR: I'm a bit preoccupied with ensuring Pheres doesn't die
SS: (Or kill me. (\unu/) )
MP: defs do that dude
XR: well thank you for your suggestion
XR: how could I live without it
MP: dying fuckin sucks do not do that
XR: wow, you shock me
MP: v helpful advice I know lol
XR: however would I cope.
SS: (Shit, pal, way to ruin my plans for the night!)
SS: (How tf'm I supposed to spend my Sat now?)
XR: wait
SS: (I ain't made plans for Sunday!)
XR: wait no
MH: Who wants to lay down 50 caegers as the starting bet.
SS: (For what, how long its gonna be afore MH stages dramatic life insurance fraud schemes on all their friends?)
MH: 50 caegers on someone getting getting hurt but that's a good one too.
SA: I'll fucking take it
MH: I'll keep that scheme in mind when I make friends.
MH: 50 caeger starting bid! Who are you betting on getting hurt first?
SS: (I'm puttin 100 on 'way too long - okay, nm, pal, I was gonna make a joke bout you ain't havin none but then you up and just made it sad.)SS: (At least be, like, miffed that you're forever alone.)(edited)
MH: Nah I'm good.
SA: probs the jade tbh
RS: oh goddamnit
SA: no wait
MH: Too late, bid casted.
SA: d@mn
SS: (Y, pal, on accounta the jade's the one what's up and stickin his fronds into rock cracks.)
SS: (And huggin zeds.)
XR: oh fuck oh damn oh hell
SS: (Wtf???)
MH: Oh shit.
SA: ye@h I w@s @bout to ch@nge my d@mn bid
SS: (Can someone like narrate???)
MH: What's going on over there?
Good thing the audio's turned off! Because the phone's abruptly a mess of static, jerky screen, and then - white again.
XR: hhhhhhh
XR: okay it's down
XR: we need to go
BB: I would hate to be the person who would have to utter this statement.
XR: Laledy get on Foxmom I'm just going to have to chance it
BB: But I told you so.
XR: we're all light
SS: (I hate lits everything oh my god.)
MP: oh fucking shit
MH: Did someone get hurt?
XR: it'll be slow but I have two firebombs left GO GO GO
The stream turns off!
MP: oh shit
MH: I think someone got a zed on them(edited)
SA: did I win the bet
SS: (Y, SA, I'm totes dead.)
MP: ohhh boy oh no
SS: (This is me confirmin from beyond the grave.)
BB: Unfortunately. SS is not dead.
MH: Who got hit.
SA: ty SS
SS: (That I am extra double blind now.)
MH: ....Shit.
MH: I think Pheres got a zed on him.
MP: ????? If he can teleport what the fuck is he doing
SA: d@ng it!
MH: Maybe he got hurt?
SA: I should@ ch@nged my bid
MH: Like really hurt.
BB: The excess narriration is doing nothing aBout the current circumstance and is only adding excess annoyance to my part.
MP: that's not a good thing dude not even a little
MH: Sucks to be you BB.
XR: ughhhhhhhh
BB: I would concur with that statement.
MH: Glad we're on the same page.
RS: / alright / ! /
RS: / no one wins a bet /
RS: / i am perfectly alive / or whatever you were betting on /
XR: you need a mediculler
RS: / perfectly fine /
RS: / and alive /
SS: (Can we go back to narratin?)
XR: you won't be if you don't get assistance
MP: what happened dude!
XR: I can't treat that and I don't think anybody in Port Mina can
BB: Which limB do I need to cut off.
XR: fuck off we aren't cutting off limbs yet
MH: But did you get HURT RS?
XR: will you all just shut up with your stupid speculations this is serious
MP: those infections get deadly intense tho
RS: / it's not serious /
MH: RS is hurt.
RS: / calm down / cennef /
MH: I knew it.
XR: it's not right now but it could well be and it needs to be taken care of
RS: / it does not even qualify as hurt /
XR: yes it does
MH: I knew someone was going to get hurt.
RS: / i will take care of it at my hive /
XR: do not argue with me, you need treatment
SA: d@mn it
XR: no
XR: you need professional treatment or you will become a fern zombie
XR: you're VERY LUCKY that's a small wound
SA: oh shiiit
XR: but it will spread
MP: def do not do that
BB: I do Believe. even if that is true. that adding more shout poles to the pile will not solve the matter any faster.
BB: We should resort to action. and not yelling over one another.
XR: why yes thank you for being so terribly helpful as if I am not trying to think about what to do right now, however would I cope without the lot of you idiots yapping at me
MP: maybe put the chat down?
XR: Pheres who's your mediculler
XR: or no
XR: turning off voice to text now
RS: / it will be fine /
RS: / take a deep breath / cennef /
RS: / and / ah / - /
RS: / / yes / haha /
BB: So, I do Believe that we shall be making an expressed detour at the next convenient step. I will not say anything more until the injured can come Back to his senses.
MP: I mean I don't think they'll talk to each other here if they all know each otherMP: and are like in the same placeMP:MP: do they do that often
AE: Hello.
MH: Welcome to the shit show.
MH: Some fucks went and bothered zombies and someone got bit.
MH: Or scratched. I don't know.
AE: Do. Not. Touch. Zombies. That. Is. A. Bad. Idea.
AE: Don't. Do. That.
MH: You came in like an hour too late to say that.
AE: Undead. Saliva. Is. A. Primary. Source. Of. Various. Infections. Including. But. Not. Limited. To. Acute. Skinrot.
MH: Again, an hour too late.
AE: I. Was. Not. Here. One. Hour. Ago.
5 notes · View notes
stormyrecords-blog · 7 years ago
memorial day new arrivals
happy memorial day weekend!!
THANK YOU to all of our service men and women, past present and future. a single day a year is really not enough to thank you for all you have done for your country. your selflessness and courage deserve to be honored everyday.
in on thursday
DEVIOUS ONES Plainview Nights lp $14.99
brand new music on vinyl from detroit's own Devious Ones! LP is limited to 500 copies that are hand numbered. Very classy cover art - not a surprise for any project Rob St Mary is involved with!!
Hollie Cook Vessel Of Love LP $20.99
Many women started playing music because of history’s first all-girl punk band, the Slits. But the British singer Hollie Cook launched her career as a reggae singer after being in the Slits. She was, in some sense, destined. Cook was born in 1987 to Jeni Cook, a backing singer for Culture Club, and Paul Cook, the drummer of the Sex Pistols who infamously helped steal all the gear that history-splitting band used to get started. Boy George is Cook’s godfather, and it is unlikely that Johnny Rotten has been in a photo more adorable than one, shared recently by Cook, of the pair backstage at a 1996 Sex Pistols reunion show. At 19, Cook was tapped by a family friend to sing at a recording session. It was Ari Up: the status-quo-annihilating, dreadlock-donning, firebrand Slits singer—a woman who, in her freedom of mind, was so controversial in punk’s early days that she was knifed on the streets of London; who not only fused punk with reggae, but subsequently moved to Jamaica and made a life there.
Destroyer Your Blues LP $22.99
City Of Daughters LP $23.99
Thief LP $23.99
3 wonderful albums by Destroyer, with both City and Thief being newly remastered and pressed on heavy vinyl
Tracyanne & Danny s/t cd $14.99
lp also available $ 25.99
Throughout the whole of the 21st century, Camera Obscura have sated the world’s appetite for bookish yet luxuriant Scottish indie-pop, ruling a lane left wide open when Belle & Sebastian went full jazz-hands. But the band has been inactive in recent years following the 2015 death of keyboardist Carey Lander, so we haven’t had the privilege of hearing Tracyanne Campbell’s voice ringing out ever-so-articulately over lush retro production.
Enter Danny Coughlan of the English band Crybaby, Camera Obscura’s friends and former opening act. Glasgow-based Campbell and Bristol-based Coughlan had been talking about collaborating since before Camera Obscura released 2013’s Desire Lines, but they didn’t properly revisit the idea until some time had passed following Lander’s death. Now they’ve gotten down to business and recorded a whole album together under the name Tracyanne & Danny.
great restock on HIP HOP releases including multiple Drum Breaks lps, some J Dilla, El Michels Affair and Will Sessions!!!
in on friday  
Sun Ra: God Is More Than Love
CD $15.99
LP $23.99
"God Is More Than Love Can Ever Be is something of a rarity in the Sun Ra catalog -- a cohesive album with none of the stylistic eclecticism and musical chair shifting many of the artist's self-released LPs were known for. Recorded at Variety Studios one day in 1979, the album's five tracks comprise a solid jazz trio set. God Is More Than Love... is the only complete piano-bass-drums studio session in the massive Sun Ra catalog. The album offers an intense set of cosmic vagabond moods, reflecting the telepathy that is the essence of small combo jazz. Other than an overdubbed second piano on 'Days Of Happiness' the five works were spontaneously generated and forever fixed: none of the titles recur in the encyclopedic Ra discography. Originally released on Saturn in several small press runs under the alternate title 'Days Of Happiness' between 1979 and 1981, fully realized artwork was never established and the album never got much circulation, thus it has remained a largely overlooked session in the Ra omniverse. Nearly 40 years later, the record is long overdue for acclaim on its second time around. Newly remastered edition on CD and LP (with tip-on style jackets/ RTI vinyl)"
NWW: Sinister Whimsy For The Wretched  2CD $21.99
Sinister Whimsy For The Wretched contains the long out-of-print albums, Sugar Fish Drink (1992) and Large Ladies With Cake In The Oven (1993). Both discs are remastered by Andrew Liles. You will never hear these better. Sugar Fish Drink, "Cod Surrealism", is a distinctly wet aberration on paranoid aesthetics occasionally coordinated by John Balance and Steven Stapleton. For Large Ladies With Cake In The Oven, all tracks were previously released in some form or another. Songs titles have been altered from their original forms on their original releases. "Head Cold" is very close to being the exact song as the Miss Ticker remix of "Cold" from the Thunder Perfect Mind CD reissue and "Steel Dream March Of The Metal Man".
Pharoah Sanders -  Juan Les Pins Jazz Festival '68 CD $17.99
Pharoah Sanders, live from the Juan Les Pins Jazz Festival, Antibes, France on July 20th, 1968. Having made his name playing with John Coltrane as of 1965, Pharoah Sanders soon came to be recognized as one of the most innovative jazz players of his generation. Having formed his own quartet, he was invited to perform at the Antibes Jazz Festival in Juan-les-Pins, France in July 1968. Originally broadcast on French radio station WDR3, this superb recording captures a great musician in his early prime. Includes the entire WDR3-FM radio broadcast is presented here, digitally remastered, with background notes and images. Personnel: Pharoah Sanders - tenor saxophone, percussion; Lonnie Liston Smith - piano; Norman "Sirone" Jones - bass; Majeed Shabazz - drums.
Schickert, Gunter: Labyrinth LP $23.99
Günter Schickert, four decades of multi-instrumental cosmic explorations, under Berlin's sky, above genres, and compromises. Marmo present on his seventh album to date, Labyrinth, the first to be released on vinyl format since 1983's Kinder In Der Wildnis. Schickert's Samtvogel (1974), equaled the imaginative leap and sonic power of the early Pink Floyd, Manuel Gottsching's 1975 album Inventions For Electric Guitar (MGART 401CD/901LP) or A.R. & Machines's Die Grüne Reise (1971). Überfällig -- originally released on Sky Records in 1979 and reissue by Bureau B (BB 096CD/LP, 2012) -- little acclaimed, spans a large spectrum of music styles, always through a distinctive and personal aesthetic, that is deeply linked to the one he firstly crafted back in '74, when Schickert pioneered the use of echo effects applied to guitar playing. And now Labyrinth, a record that stands for versatility, where soundscapes or life situations take over. The album is divided into two parts, two different production bulks and periods of Günther Schickert's life. Side A features a selection of tracks recorded in 1996, appearing on the 2012 album HaHeHiHo, released via Pittsburgh based VCO Recordings. The raga-inspired "Morning" opens Labyrinth with exotic charm and bitter-sweet nostalgia. "Sieben" kicks off with the same guitar scales of the previous theme, before the motorized progressions of a Korg MS-20 synth surprisingly storm in. "Ninja Schwert" remains on astral dimensions, it is a struggle of cosmic forces, where the steady ride of a pounding beat gets embraced by different guitar layers and analog electronic filtering. The side closes up with "HaHeHiHo", a slow ballad featuring Schickert on vocals, guitar, bass guitar, and drum machine. Side B contains material produced between 2007 and today. "Tsunami" shows the multi-instrumental and recording abilities of Günter Schickert: a field-recorded storm with mesmerizing powers, a peculiar progressive approach to guitar playing. In contrast, "Oase" muffles the intensity and jumps into a completely different soundscape, where in liaison with the sounds of a rolling drum tom and a desert-like trumpet. Like "HaHeHiHo", "Checking" represents the vocal gem of the B side, in a raw and direct way of songwriting like if Syd Barrett was his invisible helper. "Palaver" assembles different vocal recordings of Schickert into a bizarre free-style conversation. "Morning (Slide)", reprises the opening theme, this time solely performed through the caressing dilated sounds of Günter's slide guitar. Includes printed inner sleeve and download code.
Battiato, Franco: Clic LP $33.99
"On his fourth album, Clic, Franco Battiato moves further out -- into realms of pure and elemental approaches to sound -- to create a seminal work that flows naturally from one musical form to the next. Every second ripples with orbital chords, kosmische textures and schizophrenic string quartets, yet somehow manages the same dramatic pacing and variety as his avant-rock albums Fetus and Pollution. Originally released in 1974 on Bla Bla, Clic features Battiato on VCS3 synthesizer and piano, along with trusted collaborators Gianni Mocchetti on guitar and Gianfranco D'Adda on percussion. While only 'No U Turn' bears the maestro's voice, these seven tracks contain some of his boldest melodies, an underlying thread that runs through the choral arrangements and meditative compositions. Clic's dedication to Karlheinz Stockhausen comes into focus on the final piece, 'Ethika Fon Ethica' -- a rapidfire journey into Italian shortwave radio, interrupted by fleeting fragments of folk music from around the world (sampled from Henry Cowell's celebrated Folkways compilations from the 1950's). It's the perfect ending to Battiato's beautiful and expansive tour of the cosmos, signaling the uncompromising experimentalism that would dominate much of the composer's mid-1970s oeuvre. Superior Viaduct presents the first-time domestic release of Clic. Reproducing the original gatefold jacket and booklet, this reissue is part of an archival series that chronicles Franco Battiato's masterful body of work from 1971 to 1978."
Durutti Column: LC LP $26.99
restock on this incredible release!!
David Grubbs & Taku Unami: Failed Celestial Creatures LP  $33.99
Empty Editions present Failed Celestial Creatures, an unexpected collaboration between composer-guitarist David Grubbs (Gastr Del Sol, The Red Krayola) and Tokyo-based musician Taku Unami. Primarily recorded in Kyoto, the album takes inspiration from the duo's shared musical and literary influences, emerging just as much from their improvisatory explorations as from an eclectic reading list exchanged prior to the recording sessions. The album's narrative inclinations are rooted in both artists' previous experiments with the complex reciprocity between sound and text, including Grubbs' work with the poet Susan Howe and Unami's collaborations with writers such as Eugene Thacker and Evan Calder Williams. Failed Celestial Creatures draws in particular upon a group of short stories by the short-lived Japanese author Atsushi Nakajima (1909-42) -- perhaps best known for inflecting Classical Chinese folktales with a modernist vein of absurdist and existential foreboding -- as the imaginary backdrop for its set of guitar-based instrumental explorations. In Nakajima's The Moon Over The Mountain, a mad-poet metamorphosed into a hybrid-tiger recites poetry with an obscure defect, while The Rebirth of Wujing sees the titular river monster self-identifying as a "failed celestial being" [堕天使]. The cryptic collapse read in both of these episodes resonates with Unami's research into the etymology of the chinese character "堕," meaning "to fail" in modern usage, but historically understood as referencing "sacred meat from the altar fallen on the ground." Such a primordial scene evokes the violation of the sacred as a tacit aspect of ritual. This failure of ritual, always a condition (and perhaps even a technique) for musicians of Grubbs and Unami's ilk, can be broadly understood as the primary point of departure for Failed Celestial Creatures. Situated within this affective terrain, the album's title-track consists of a side-long progression of dirge-like riffs enveloped by clouds of vaporous electronics -- eventually erupting into unruly squalls of feedback as Unami joins Grubbs on electric guitar. The B-side features a cluster of luminous guitar duets which are beguiling in their seeming effortlessness and simplicity. Threadbare and fallen, Grubbs and Unami invoke the failed ritual, the spilling at the altar, always suggested at the precipice of sonic emergence. Recorded by Taku Unami at Soto, Kyoto, August 7th and 9th, 2017; Mastered by Rashad Becker at Dubplates & Mastering. 180 gram vinyl; Edition of 500.
Wire #412: June 18 MAG $10.50
"On the cover: Laurie Anderson (More active now than ever, the multimedia artist and performer discusses a career marked by hybridity, borderless networks and a new interest in virtual reality). Inside the issue: Cecil Taylor (When the revolutionary pianist died in April, jazz lost one of its most uncompromising individualists. Author, photographer and historian Val Wilmer recalls their encounters); Senyawa (Javanese musicians and instrument makers Rully Shabara and Wukir Suryadi fuse metal with trance to create overwhelming fields of sound); Global Ear: Veracruz; Invisible Jukebox: The Storm Bugs; plus: Tansy Davies, Rodrigo Tavares, Sarah Hennies, Futura Records and more."
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myartjoureny · 7 years ago
I have wanted to try Schmincke Watercolor pans for some time but the price point was a bit too high for me to follow through with an actual purchase. I was given some cash for Christmas this year. (Thank you, grandpa!) So I choose to purchase the Schmincke Horadam Limited Edition 2017 New 12 Half-Pan Watercolor Tin for about $70.
Schmincke Horadam Limited Edition 2017 New 12 Half-Pan Watercolor Tin
Schmincke 12 Tin
I was interested in this set for a few reasons: Firstly, it is an iAMart exclusive set. iAMart is a coalition of independent and locally owned art stores. When we support small art stores over big box stores we ensure a continuing resource of art supply knowledge that is just not available at your area Hobby Lobby, Michelle’s, etc. Local art stores are also important for regional art as they often offer art classes and promote the work of local artists. Secondly, this set contains twelve of Schmincke’s new colors that were released in 2017. As part of my Art New Years resolution, I am trying to be more experimental with my color choices and twelve colors I have never seen before seemed like a good place to start. Lastly, the case holds eighteen pans so I could add on additional colors later if I choose to.
I experimented with loose florals to try out this set. I am not the greatest a these but want to work on areas that I feel kind of weak on. If you would like to learn loose floral techniques I suggest Jay Lee Watercolor Painting or the Frugal Crafter channels on YouTube.  If you are a SkillShare subscriber I recommend Yasmina Creates or Amarilys Henderson’s floral courses. 
To start I randomly picked several colors for leaf and flower practice. I then basically filled the paper with floral shapes practicing my leaves and petal shapes. Sometimes it is nice to be free and just paint what pops into your head rather than mapping a painting out in advance.
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I then did some simple roses and a tulip. For each, I chose a three or four color pallet and tried to stick with it. The first rose on the upper left has some Magenta in it which I added to the set.
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Lastly,  I did doodled out two watercolor wreaths.
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Not perfect but I am hoping to get better with practice. Art is persistence!
Happy Art Journey,
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New Year, New Paint, and Loose Florals. I have wanted to try Schmincke Watercolor pans for some time but the price point was a bit too high for me to follow through with an actual purchase.
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Five visions for the future of music
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Hatsune Miku: She’s not there
Welcome to the (not so) distant future.
The year is 2018.
Music is changing fast, but can the humans keep up?
Here’s a handful of possible outcomes.
Go boldly everybody.
1) Your favourite singer is not real
One of Japan’s biggest pop stars Hatsune Miku (above) is not a real person.
But that small detail didn’t prevent the humanoid singer from releasing another new music video last week.
She may also have some duets lined up – given that she’s already collaborated with Pharrell.
If the name of the fictional J-pop act is unfamiliar, then try this one on for size:
Roy Orbison.
The Big O died in 1988 but now his 3D hologram world tour will come to life, alongside the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, on 8 April in Cardiff.
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Rob Orbison: In Dreams and now in holograms too
His son, Roy Orbison Jr, who hopes his dad’s avatar will one day have a Las Vegas residency, says: “We’re really excited we got the opportunity to do this: the first big tour of a deceased artist with a hologram.
“I don’t think it’s possible yet for the hologram to walk out into the audience so there’s definitely a lot of potential for live application.”
He adds: “But most importantly this is just the icing on the cake.
“The cake is those amazing songs that my dad wrote and his incredible voice.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption M.I.A finds technology ‘sexy’
Rapper, activist and actual woman M.I.A believes virtual alter egos can benefit living musicians too.
“Artists are at the cusp of embracing AI. But what is political activism in AI phase?” she pondered at Meltdown.
“I think ‘Should I make my next video in virtual reality instead of me?’. I find that sexy – new technology.
“I could take the hippy route of singing to people face-to-face… or I could stream my virtual shows to people’s bedrooms around the world so you can be at my show wherever you are.”
She went on: “The amount of data AI can pick up on is so fast growing that the future me will be way better anyway!
“But will the future me be less politicised?”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Can the real Coral please stand up
Speak to James Skelly of Merseyside psych rockers The Coral and he’ll tell you he would have made the digital changeover years ago.
He says: “We wanted a holographic version of The Coral, when we were first doing well in about 2002, to tour Japan as us.
“If there was a group that could do another gig, as well as us, and we could split the profits, I’d be up for it!
“But you need songs – it’s always about songs.”
For all we know, the future may have already started for Guy Garvey of Manchester band Elbow.
“How do you know that we are not already holographic?” he quips.
Well, quite.
2) The live parameters have shifted
Image copyright Bluedot Festival
Image caption Bluedot Festival
From the hippies at Woodstock in 1969 to Ed Sheeran and his loop pedal at Glastonbury this summer, the festival experience has been forever changing.
By next summer, virtual and augmented reality – as well as “3D mapping” – could mean they are more interactive than ever before.
Ben Robinson, creative director of Bluedot Festival at the Jodrell Bank Observatory (you know, the one in Hitchhikers Guide), is giddy at the thought of “shifting the parameters”.
“We had Orbital playing [in 2017] who, 20 years ago, were the very cutting edge, looking at lasers and light production making it more than just some guy standing on a stage,” he says.
“Now today the incorporation of visuals and the production that goes on is quite insane.
“3D mapping manipulates the look and feel of a 3D object. It’s been done on castles to make them look like they’ve fallen down.
“Now people can experience being on the stage with the artists. Or the gig could move off the stage.
“We are a generation spoiled with possibilities.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Gorillaz
Animated heroes Gorillaz hosted their own one-day festival, Demon Dayz, at Margate theme park Dreamland last summer.
Co-creator Jamie Hewlett told the Daily Star that he and Damon Albarn may be getting “too old” but Ben sees no reason why the show can’t go on without them.
“In the past a band’s legacy was they left a record and VHS recording of a concert. Now they can leave the tools for someone else and be just as effective 50 years in the future.”
3) The recording studio is in your laptop
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Noel Gallagher: “I’m in the UK – what time is it there?”
Noel Gallagher confessed to Radio X’s John Kennedy last month that he had never actually met the bass player on his new album Who Built The Moon?
Jason Falkner was doing his thing down the line from LA, while Noel was having his mind blown in Belfast and London.
Noel said: “It was the entire opposite to the thing I’ve ever done. My thing with Oasis was being in a room with a bunch of people and eye contact.
“Here I am at two in the afternoon talking to a guy on an iPad and for him it’s four in the morning and I can hear the song coming through his speakers and he’s saying ‘What do you think of this? Maybe if I do that?’
“And I’m like ‘this is so far out it’s unbelievable’.”
Butch Vig, former Nirvana producer and drummer with Garbage and 5 Billions in Diamonds, confirms such technology is also now available to new bands, who are short on cash but long on distance and imagination.
“There’s a new editing programme where you can be working on the same song in real time in different cities,” he says.
“You have to be creative with the tools you’ve got and, because of the digital technology, everybody can have a really powerful recording studio in your laptop.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Beth Orton: Perfectly imperfect
Beth Orton (who incidentally describes Hatsune Miku as “the music industry’s perfect woman”) embraced such kit on her latest album Kidsticks and in some cases preferred computer-generated sounds over actual instruments.
She says: “The ability to play the keyboard and the sound to be any sound possible was very freeing. That would influence the melodies that you created.”
But just a little of that human touch still goes a long way in the creative process.
“Even making an electronic record it was about the connection with the producer and the other musicians.
“I personally like a bit of imperfection.”
4) There’s a direct line between you and your favourite act
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Jack White: “It says ‘Dear Stephen’, thanks for your support’
Jack White’s Third Man Records reward their subscribers with deliveries of exclusive limited edition pressings.
DJ Gramatik went a step further last week by becoming the first artist to “tokenise” himself, meaning fans who buy the token using the cryptocurrency Ether can potentially share in his future revenue.
Jeff Smith from music databse Discogs believes such block chain technology will “set a direct line from creator to consumer to be able to send things directly, without any form of piracy”.
He says: “We could see subscription platforms, like Third Man records, being able to send out Jack White exclusives without them being traded or shared in any way.”
That’s not to say that fans won’t still crave physical records and material from their new crypto-favourites.
“We’re definitely seeing a universal unplugging and physical music becoming a major part of peoples lives again.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Loyle Carner: Fighting for your right (to not release more music yet)
London hip hop star Loyle Carner is not currently available in token form and he’s happy to keep fans waiting for the follow-up to his Mercury-nominated 2017 album Yesterday’s Gone.
“A song comes out and people say ‘I like that – OK now I’m bored of that. Where’s the next one?’,” he explains.
“Singles are like chapters from a book and if you want to hear my music you’ve got to wait for it.”
5) But new music technology will not be for everyone
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Neil Hannon: People person
For all the head-bending future technology, for many, music always was and always will be about the people… man.
Neil Hannon from the Divine Comedy says: “I’m going to come across as a complete Luddite now but I believe music only gets worse the further you take people and humanity out of it.
“I foresee if they insist on going down this non-existent route then you’re only going to get another punk of some description that rewrites the rulebook.”
Punks like Irish rockers The Strypes maybe?
Bass player Peter O’Hanlon says: “Our fresh approach will be that we just come and play the gig! Everybody else is flying across the stage and we just stand in front of you and play.”
Guitarist Josh McClorey agrees: “The other stuff is cool, but it’s a gimmick.”
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Lisa Hannigan: “Can you plug me back in at the back please?”
Compatriot Lisa Hannigan won’t be found jamming over the internet or appearing live as a hologram anytime soon.
“I don’t think that’s going to be my bag of chips!” says Lisa.
“I just like rocking out a jam with my friends. I can barely work the camera on my phone.
“Cancel the Lisa Hannigan Hologram tour. We’ve lost the cable!”
Just because you can, doesn’t always mean you should and as we hurl ourselves into the new age, fellow folkee Marcus Mumford prefers to hold on to the sacred spirit of the past.
He says: “I don’t know what the future of music is going to look like but if I’m not playing I don’t want no part of it.
“If it sounds good and people are having a good time, then it’s enough for me.”
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Media captionJade Bird, The Shelters & The Lumineers share their visions of the future of music
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sh-lan · 8 years ago
OMFG LAST QUARTER EVER + some spring break stuff???
Took a weekend off of life Retail therapy at its finest today Even though new jeans were overdue
It’s crazy how it still came I guess it’s a force of nature But omg it’s gonna be here on the concert T^T
This nerd would have mitsuha’s theme on his playlist smh #nochu
April 2nd, 2017 BTS Wings Tour I still can’t believe it happened I’ve been awake since 8am lol and it’s like 1:54am and i’m still trying to process and remember everything that happened today It felt like a dream! I can’t believe I saw them in real life. ohmygod Hands down, easily one of the best day of this week - if not this entire year so far holy shit will continue this tomorrow as i reminisce ok but one thing i noticed is that jungkook’s thighs are actually so real like wtf? shookt EDIT: lol i never finished this but oh well
oop i just bought more rings goodbye money
my charger broke gg time to get another one
I have a newfound appreciation for the color pink or more like my appreciation for pink is coming back
When you get anxious because bts hasnt posted on twitter for 3 days but then you also know they’re resting and that they deserve this break
SPRING QUARTER LEGGO tu/th schedule let’s hope this all works well keke
week 1 recap tuesday - sees everybody in freaking AB LOL sees harry after walking out of my tdpw sees alana and dylan outside my global health class which alana is also taking, and becca and tanya lOL goes to cogs 122 to find chen screaming my name - also vania and stella <3 last class is normal - with nobody in management BUT LOL LEIGHTON ADDED THE CLASS ON THURSDAY HAHA there’s also this girl in my tdpw class who looks like lindsay lohan and her name is also lindsey but with an e cause i saw it on the email lol not a stalker
Decided to gel nails it out friday of week 1 whut whut
First attempt at 양념치킨~
been using the soundtrack of your name this past week to get over pcd it’s been a week and i still haven’t recovered T^T
went to kbbq with harry! lol week 1 sunday started at manna….having an adventure in between at manna keke “started here and ending it here?” LOL
currently craving anything strawberry
don’t understand why i need to have my email as a send&receive in order to sms to work on my laptop bb why are you being stubborn when you’ve been working fine all this time
under yuri’s recommendation, i microwaved my coffee because it was lukewarm and she called me extra LOL
i’m getting nervous about a presentation when i shouldn’t be because ?? my AB service leader self is like completely gone i wanna crawl into a hole
i just finished season 2 and 3 of htgawm in less than a week… how they gonna do season 4 i wonder
Week 2 thursday I was actually really looking forward to class today Also my rings came! Though were they worth the $50….not so sure Were they cute? Yes But not as cute as the other one T^T So i mustnt give in to temptations nowww
I found out what matcha powder mom uses to make their matcha latte Cappuccine frappe mix But it’s sadly not on amazon ):
This new tumblr function is really inconvenient cause i cant tell how many thing i have on queue brcause i have to keep switching blogs -_-
Han came to visit! Friday Papa johns Saturday Snooze brunch Infinitea Abeh hangout In n out Sunday Aquarium! Koon thai Ramen yamadaya Boba bar and then i drove him to irvine where we got coco curry! and then i drove back and he bought me milk tea with pudding
Had an epiphany It’s not anenome It’s anemone
Omg but like why dont people call spoiler alerts “spoilerts”
Started 13 reasons why with Han Finished it, tuesday week 3 Hmmm How to feel
finished strong woman park hyung sik is so…adorable? IT’S SO WEIRD. HIS AEGYO LEVEL IS INSANE
When you realize that 둘! 셋! is probably the title of the fan song because that’s what BTS always say when they introduce themselves And that BTS + ARMY forever ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’m not crying r u crying ;___;
Omg when you wake up for reorientation and jungkook does lives <3
highkey need to crawl into a hole tbh
You know what i want to do? Go to an olive garden Even though i know it’ll taste bad lol
Not really sure what i want… But i dont want my 4 years to be a waste ):
i….skipped out on an interview today was it the right choice i may never know
Lol i hella bombed my quiz GOODBYE GONNA P/NP HAHA
Week 4 weekend Fuck me in the ass i twisted my ankle and i am in irvine had to pop an advil and cruise control all the way back thank god there weren’t many cars lol 0/10 do not recommend
Slept on the couch the past two days to elevate my ankle Glad to be back in bed But i think i might be a little…sick? Fuck Need to grocery shop
Dammit i got called for jury duty
Ok but i twisted my ankle and two recruiters emailed me back the next day so was it really a loss
Week 5 i’m sick…
just watched 5 centimeters per second a little sadder than i was an hour ago
fuck i forgot that my jeans are new and i washed it and my pink shirt is ruined fml triggered
thursday after rolling over ma ankle i can finally see that it is a lil swollen and there is bruising LOL also saw an owl at school today and a bunny while leaving to go to meeting
week 5 tuesday saw two bunnies on my way out to school
I just saw two hummingbirds! 😍
I cant believe yuri and i finished twenty SMH
ABCD today Some qualitee photos were taken Im tired now
Really debating the 4th term
third day of back pain flexibility dying wow what is happening???
…..army 4th term is $75 cries EDIT: it’s $66 because i forgot exchange rate but still cri EDIT EDIT: it’s $45 if i ship it to taiwan - seriously really highkey considering that now oh dear
bro i think i just experienced katawaredoki whut
i keep thinking that my ankle is ok but i always end up doing something that ends up hurting it like hella im
Week 6 thursday last leadership meeting one of my favorite meetings because whoa INFORMATION!? it was nice wanted to discuss and add in my two cents but i honestly just wasn’t able to wrap my head around everything loool then…we decided to go to PB LOL chen, jeong, yuri, justin and his friends (including nicole, nicole, sandy) and then more people. we also met leslie, brett, dexter, allison, kenny, peter, abby, ben…and more? at pb lolol and also we saw miguel and anthony - it was like a freshman year flashback tbh lOL went to vallartas after and then came home to shower and finally sleep at 3:30am wot is life NEXT DAY ADVENTURES - leighton and i finally pulled out the weeds and now we’re tired
salty that i wasnt invited to the birthday celebration, not that i would really make the trip per say but wtf gurl
I just had this really sad thought that i’m probably never gonna ever get to know bts like friends y i do dis to meself
Wait so like i got sick while at clew’s and it didnt happen until week 5 and so i was sick from week 5 through week 6 and at this one point i couldnt taste my food it was terribad
May 12th I bought the membership LOL Hopefully it mails it correctly back to Taiwan ☺️
im dumb i didn’t save the color i wanted for my hair
omg the song vania recommended to me a few days ago was recommended by jungkook like a year or so ago on twitter lOOOOL
Just tryna level up here :<
Struggles when places are in the east coast and phone calls are early in the fckin morning
Note to self: Ridge cut potato chips with sea salt is good for stuff with dip Ridge cut salt and pepper is good for regular eating, but gets salty at the bottom LOL EDIT: per vania’s suggestion, i salted and peppered my chips
Just woke up from a dream where someone hurt my brother/nade him fall and i was so angry? Was about to go ape shit on that person im ded lol who is rhis angry me
Rewatched and finished reply 1997 Wow what is life when yoon jae is life But also what is life when your idols are life Daily reminder to not be as obsessed as shiwon LOLOL
i can’t go to giraffage and elephante anymore im on the otherhand i get to go to virginia???
lol but like i haven’t been writing drafts because i often write in my notebook now but here are some updates - my nails are constantly chipping - forgot about grad photos that clashed with the weekend han is coming - im ded because i probs won’t have a weekend to myself until week 10 - struggles to figure out graduation things - paid my $54 to walk #mostexpensivewalkever
LAST LEADERSHIP MEETING (turnover) what am i going to do with my thursday nights now? it’s been a good run
Jealous of the staff that holds and records the camera during vlives? LOL who am i
When you forget that jeon jungkook did taekwondo before Hnnnngh
i just reaffirmed? or discovered? that i don’t like fruity pebbles o_o
Trying to think of a thing to put on my grad cap Tis hard Let’s make a list: 花樣年華 Strong power thank you You never walk alone Ireumeun deborah LOL Lol omg but why is yoongi’s “cheater never win but i just graduated” quote so appropriate for grad EXTRA + ORDINARY* Lost my way/found my way* Click clack to the bang Smile with me, cry with me, fly with me (you make me begin, you made me again) Ctrl+c, ctrl+v do you know “____” (hci? annyeonghasaeyo) To lose your path, Is the way to find that path* 꽃길만 걷자* Let’s fly with our beautiful wings in 2017 EDIT: i’m too lazy, i didn’t do anything to my cap lOL
Im shookt cause namjoon doesnt say 이제 feelin the vibe. HE SAYS IF YOU FEELIN THE VIBE. I feel…betrayed
Non whitewashed bangtan gives me life
May 21st My first haircut since… Since i got it cut over the summer?????
Bought me stole and tassel today Smh that i cant grab my muir tickets?? Cause i ordered all commencwment tickets SMH
Lowkey afraid of not passing mgt LOL
Omfg i knew we were going to have a pop quiz. It really happened
nicole and evelyn commented that they liked my hair and audrey and malia agreed i gotta say i’m so glad people remember me in my tdpw class LOOL
Cant get the seventeen song outta my head Shookt by the choreography
Y'all im so fckin shookt First the chainsmokers post on twitter like “see you in the summer” Then they win the BBMAs like a boss Then you see them on halsey + steve aoki’s snapchat Next things you know steve aoki is postin shit like “BTS x AOKI COMING SOON” Im SCREAMING
Yo my lyft driver dropped some knowledge again and told me his life story lmao he was a police officer in chicago and he was forced to retired and then ?? after chasing down a rapist and getting into a fight, he was seriously injured. but his dad (a judge or someone powerful idk) forced him out of retirement by telling everyone to not give him his benefits and shit and i was like. whoa bro. slow down? “embrace the unknown”
I finally tried the coconut black tie at peet’s 10/10 a mistake
Okay but can we talk about how on point everybody looked in the comeback Esp wonwoo and dk But also vernon 👌🏼
First time in virginia/ being so close to washington dc! Whoa Also gonna pass by texas too :O Knocking some states off my list
i don’t know why i never realized this about myself before but i need to be/live by a body of water at all times or i won’t feel comfortable this is weird
i told han i joined the fanclub and he like died for like 2 seconds lOL
ok but like i bought a carton of eggs and 6 or 7 of them were double yolks and i have 2 more eggs left im starting to think i’m eating some weird hybrid chickens EDIT: those last two eggs were both double yolks. this was a wild adventure
omg i knew that the TA MOST LIKELY RYAN WOULDNT UNDERSTAND OUR IDEA JUST LIKE HOW HE ALWAYS MISINTERPRETS THEM??? like what kind of constructive feedback is that if he doesn’t understand what we’re trying to do im… sigh
Already excited about the festa But like omfg they released the schedule today And just WE DONT TALK ANYMORE PT 2?? SO FAR AWAY FEATURING JIN AND JUNGKOOK? Im IM SCREAMING also sad but the radio show is right before my finals gotta prioritize, no bts fo me ;__;
after waiting two weeks, my application to get leveled up was rejected *cries* time to try again! *^*
okay but really feeling seventeen’s song as well as suran’s song like hIGHKEY
i finally got my commencement tickets the third time that i went to the bookstore third time’s the charm right? also whytf is the parking pass for all campus commencement so huge -_-
hnngh omg that feel when you have hella shit to do TPDW1 final play due week 9 friday because we won’t have class at all on week 10 then there’s the presentation (elevator pitch) that happened today week 9 thursday but also just hauling ass on things for A5 tbh what is this what is everything wot is the meaning of life when vania and i stay up till 3:30am lol… and then there’s me. tired af but didn’t sleep til 4:30 anyways cause i’m a dumbass l e l let’s not be a potato this last week k?
burger king in pc has its own free wifi called WhopperWifi and it’s so much faster than school wifi this is revolutionary
week 9 weekend to irvine irritated on the way over irritated on the way back lol wot is life i should’ve just turned around to go back home
NO TDPW1 WEEK 10 WOOT wow that means i won’t have class until 2pm whoa
“why are you reading math formulas” - yuri i was actually reading bts profiles lOLOL she just dissed their handwritings
Just spent the past hour or so looking at kakao friends merchandise And discovering that apeach is a genetically modified peach lol
that moment when you ask for a png file but get a jpg
dyed my hurr twice today for a darker shade still not what i was going for but this will do for now
Omfg i slept through my alarm until 1pm Goodbye study time?? Also omg i like it pt 2 video SHIT SHIT SHIT THEY KNOW WE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS. HAD IT SINCE BAEPSAE DAYS. BUT DIDNT RELEASE IT. Freakin bighit
My request to level up on the fancafe has once again been rejected ); EDIT: oMFG IT’S BECAUSE I DIDN’T CHANGE THE SETTING TO SOMETHING im screaming, what a first world problem THIRD TIME’S THE CHARM AMIRITE
Doesnt feel like it… But thursday was my last time going to class…pretty much like ever unless i go to more school Holy shit
Oh man I didnt think i’d have THAT much shit. But…i think i have A LOT of shit….
saw bts MBIT and i was like omfg! knew that i was INFJ but took the test again yesterday and ended up INFP….but just barely P so i think i’ll stick with INFJ lol EDIT: i took the test again today because vania and yuri were talking about it again and i am still INFP…and more P this time. SO LOST. WHO AM I
put my things up for sale i forgot that i might need my light el oh el crying on the inside cause i want to keep my desk but then i’m selling it off because i don’t think i’ll have space for it and i just CRYING ON THE INSIDE BECAUSE IT’S BEEN WITH ME FOR SO LONG T^T
i dyed my hair darker but now it’s become lighter? wait wtf wait no go back EDIT: wait no it went back to being dark? is this a thing? when i get exposed to the sun it gets lighter and when i sleep it gets darker??? smh at light for fckin with me
so i set an alarm to watch the bts home party last night for like 3:57am and i didn’t hear it but i guess i kinda did cause i woke up at 4:05am and was like ??? i decided to watch a bit of it but ended up streaming the whole thing until 5:45am looooool also watched the numbers grow from the 500,000 all the way to 2,000,000 and then 3,000,000? it was nuts
omfg all these years of rereading chapters and only now do i realize that i could save bookmarks on mangahere *slaps forehead*
Moment of silence cause i sold my desk that’s accompanied me for almost 10 years It even has battlescars (aka X marks by Jacky, 3 of them) LOL memories ;___; Oh and i guess my chair too
lol was gonna sell that yamaha guitar for $45 but it’s going for like $190 on ebay?? so ima just bring it home
finals week hangout list: tuesday: fud with kimberly, peyton, harry wednesday: more fud with stephanie and ellius thursday: KBBQ FOR LUNCH with jeong, justin, yuri, harry LOOOOL
and so...that’s the end of the quarter. my last quarter of school ever (unless i decide to go to more school...which seems unlikely as of right now) it feels weird.................................. but! onto graduation~ looking forward to being reunited with family and whatever’s gonna hit me in the face LOL
and with that goodbye undergrad, hello world ㅇㅅㅇ
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