#thank you ari!! 💘
yumejo · 1 year
2 and 13 for izueri(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ⁠ ⁠ミ⁠ 🩷🩷
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yume ask game!
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Do they have a dynamic trope? (enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, etc?)
↠ soft tsundere (izumi) x oblivious girl (noeri)! izumi can't make his feelings known very well—and noeri suffers from "blockhead syndrome".
once she's aware of her own feelings, she's open about liking izumi; but would never think he'd reciprocate, and he, for the life of himself, can't get his feelings out in a way she understands. so they break-up a lot before even dating <- knights' words.
What’s their opinions on PDA?
↠ they're the type of couple who's super affectionate behind closed doors! although izumi has given noeri a hickey or two and said "if you cover that up, i will throw you off this building alongside myself". she swooned.
izumi takes his modelling very seriously, so overly romantic displays in public are something i feel he'd adverse away from; not wanting a sordid scandal to occur and ruin his reputation.
but that's not to say he won't be wearing things from noeri—like matching bracelets, necklaces, etc! especially when he's overseas! noeri in !! era stays behind in japan with knights.
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soular-sisters · 4 months
Astro Notes 🤍
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🤍 with transits, when you read that “a planet is stationed in retrograde”, this means that it is closest to earth & the energy will be felt the strongest during this period of the transit. 🌎
🤍 aries sun & scorpio sun are common best friends. they seem to vibe & understand each other thanks to the mutual mars energy. (a best friend duo you don’t want to mess with lol). 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏿
🤍 pluto in 2nd house synastry is a gold digger aspect. the pluto person will benefit heavy from the 2nd house person’s wealth. just sayin’…. 💳
🤍 virgo placements tend to struggle with anxiety disorders. 😬  examples:
virgo sun will be anxious about their personality
virgo moon will have inner anxiety about their emotions
virgo mercury will struggle with anxious thoughts
virgo venus will be anxious in love 
virgo mars will be anxious about the actions they take
🤍 gemini mars are the types to prank out of revenge. when they are wronged, they may come up with revenge schemes that are w i l d. 🤪
🤍 all pisces moons tend to gravitate to astrology. i feel our spiritual nature just draws us to the beauty of the cosmos. ✨
🤍 venus/mars-uranus aspects are common amongst people in the LGBTQIA+ community. 🏳️‍🌈
🤍 females with cancer energy tend to have a beautiful chest if ya know what i meeean (cancer rules the chest + the mother = boobies lol). 👀
🤍 “oops, i did it again” gives me such libra ascendant/venus in 1st house/venus-ascendant aspects energy (which ms. britney spears is libra ascendant). they are the types to be friendly/accidentally flirt with others & then have people fall in love with them when they don’t even realize it. 💘
🤍 i feel for each moon sign element, we are meant to learn how to have good boundaries within that emotional energy.
fire moons: learning not to burn (fire) others with your emotion & properly extinguish (heal) any heated flames that arise. 🔥
earth moons: learning not to root (earth) themselves in unhealthy emotions to be able to grow (heal) past what hurts them. 🍃
air moons: learning not to be cold (wind) to both themselves and others with their feelings & let them pass (heal) without causing a windstorm. 🌬️
water moons: learning not to overflow (water) with emotion & allow the tides to calm (heal) without drowning in the wave. 🌊
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thank you guys so much for all the love & support as always. 🤍 stay tuned for a very exciting announcement coming soon!
I appreciate all of your love & support on my creative instagram!
IG: @dredivinecreates 💗
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danibeanie · 8 months
Vibes & Beauty Astro observations 🩶
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-i noticed girlies that have a stellium seem to have a stronger impression on people.Its very common to hear “I love your energy.”
-gemini stellium, love talking, mischievous eyes, sharp beauty,usually long brows,high pitched voice, playful,hair color very saturated like if you got dark hair it’s BLACK or light hair it’s super blonde.
-virgo stellium, just like their mercurial, but a bit more calm and reserved,down to earth voice,”girl me too”,natural beauty,can have a rbf,observant eyes.
-aries stellium, miss independent(love that tho), flushed cheeks, straightforward,intimidating, knows who she is, pronounced brows wether thin or thick they stand out,childlike eyes,gorg girlies.
-pisces stellium, eyes stand out wether it be color or shape you just notice them, kind & pure,high voices just like gemini but they don’t change it as much, cute, creates softness to the face,angels.
-usually when you have a stellium in a chart your gonna attract other people with a stellium as well
Eyes 👀
- water moon girlies have emotional eyes. Its even more pronounced when you have a moon conjunction with inner planets.
Cancer- looks through your soul, “what’s wrong you look sad?”,doe eyes,vulnerable ,pretty eyes ,guys nervous to look at your eyes,manipulative eyes.
Scorpio- intense,intense,intense,darker eyes DOESN’T matter the color, reads u like a book, hiding something,intimidating,mix of siren/doe
Pisces-so prettyyy,lots of eyelid space for some,in tune with other people,pure eyes,mysterious eyes ,long lashes, princess.
-I might just do a series on this!
-Lilith energy🖤
-When having prominent Lilith energy your just going to stand out somehow wether it be ur looks or personality. There’s just something to these people that makes u wanna watch.
-this may be a theory but I believe your lilith placement affects your looks even if it doesn’t tough your ascendant but it has to STRONGLY prounounced to ur personal planets.
-ex I have a Gemini stellium and I have sun moon and mercury conjunction all in 2nd house. My ascendent is in Taurus and my lilith in Gemini conjunct my sun and mercury but not my moon because it’s in an early degree cancer. I’m also a late taurus rising making half of my 1st house gemini. Also my Venus is in gemini in 1st house even though Lilith doesn’t touch my Venus it’s very pronounced in my 2nd house.(2’d house is Taurus home-connection to ascendent)
-All my life guys never approached me and when the few of them did they all had heavy mars energy wether being scorpio or Aries. I find myself attracted to Leo energy and I believe it’s because they match my strong energy. Insecure guys get intimidated by you and treat u like shit.Then get mad when you leave them but still keep on coming back?😭but for some reason expect you to be on the side like no sir we are all #1s here.I though u didn’t like me why are u trying to get my attention when u clearly didn’t want it yesterday.
-even if you try to hide your body for some reason it’s still noticed, “your so tiny” I’ve learned to embrace my body the older I get. confidence is key YALL!
-super black hair,I can’t tell u how many times people have commented on how dark my hair is😭
-mysterious vibe without even trying, my friends have told me this when I walk at the campus.
- I have a bestie with lilith energy as well but it squares her ascendent and mercury many people thought she was a b when first meeting her(even me).She also has mars conjunct ascendent lmao but I love her and our vibes just match each other. I feel like my Venus energy tames my lilith energy a bit more but it’s still there 😭
-guys just don’t approach u period :/
bye y’all thank u so much for the support in my last 2 posts lot of love🖤
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hotdogdynamitezzz · 2 years
Spicy Astro Observations 18+
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This is really just a filler post for my december schedule because the content I've promised has taken so long to write on and off between my finals. I'd like to thank college for these notes, enjoy ig 💘
🌶 Libra Mars are actually quite dominant in bed, it’s so unexpected but I think they’re so good with dirty talk they just naturally know how to control a situation. Degrading others in bed oddly turns them on? for such a sweet sign I think they let their crazy and angry side loose in the bedroom as they always appear sweet and professional in every other space. Very much so lady in the streets freak in the sheets if you will.
💘 A Libra venus will want princess treatment in bed tho, they are the ones wanting to be taken care of and pleased 10000% they also wear the best lingerie hands down. You say one out of pocket thing and they are gone yall, although they like to be experimental! So switch it up.
🌶 Leo mars can sometimes be too controlling or demanding in bed, same with the moon in 8th house men I’ve noticed. In general, sex is lowkey overhyped with fixed-sign men because a lot of them just tell you what to do and order you around, which could be your vibe if you’re hella sub. But if you’re a dom the fixed sign men I’d go for are Scorpio venus & Aquarius moons. They like to be dominated from what I’ve noticed and are open to experimenting.
💘 Those who want to be treated like a princess and praised are libra + leo placements. Basically they have a praise kink lmao.
🌶 Uranus aspecting the ascendant or 7th house in any way usually is an indicator the individual is more open to polyamorous relationships or experimentation from what I’ve seen. it doesn’t always have to be uranus aspecting venus or mars but because the Ascendant - Descendant axis represents our perspective of the world and how others view us, I have noticed they are more open to the lgtbq+ community.
💘 Neptune in the 5th house people are definitely subs from what I’ve seen, they like to be taken care of and edged on until they cry LMFAO but they prefer some element of fantasy and a lot of foreplay to really engage them and turn them on or else it’s just not happening. You need to take them to another realm babes. Also highkey squirters
🌶 Venus/Moon aspecting Neptune in a 0 - 4° orb is also kinda known for squirting.
💘 Venus square Jupiter people and their sex drive is..scary 💀 Honestly they struggle to control their sex drive, these mf’s cannot go a week without sex it’s too hard for them. They find desire and indulge in it a lot, they also love sensual activities and games in bed. Usually there’s an element of power play involved and don’t forget to body worship them lmaoo. I actually see the individuals prefer being doms as well.
🌶 Aries venus men ARE NOT DOMS TBH it shocked me because Aries is the most masculine sign, but venus in a mans chart represents what they look for in women, what will turn them on and such. Therefore, they tend to favour bolder and more dominant women who make the first moves. I've heard a lot of them talking about how their DREAM is to get pushed against a locker by a hot girl and she makes out with them😭💀 - thanks college gossip.
💘 Scorpio & Capricorn mars is all about that BDSM sorry not sorry...same goes for Mars square Uranus which is funny, they like to fight their way to freedom ig lol? Also include Saturn - Mars as Saturn rules over chains & bondage.
^ most likely Capricorn mars likes to be tied up while Scorpio mars likes to be the one in control and tying the person up.
🌶 We know the mercurial signs are great at oral, but PISCES AND SCORPIOS compete for the oral queens and kings title too omg. Scorpio rules the genitals while pisces rules over liquids so...you can see how this plays out HAHA. Pisces can also just drive you over the edge easily? scorpio likes to drag it out while pisces prefers to deliver a fantasy.
💘 Virgo venus people are NOT as innocent as they seem. They LOVE degradation and being sub af, the sign that serves? yeah they gonna do whatever it takes to get you off bae and thoroughly enjoy the process. THEY PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS TOO! if they find something that turns you on they will be sure to explore it more. Every virgo venus/mars person gives off hot librarian vibes and you just know a lot of them are kinky lol
🌶 Taurus venus is more vanilla but in a sensual and indulgent fashiom as they wanna be comfy and cute while fully embracing pleasure. Most likely they prefer to be taken care of in bed, sucking on their throat is their biggest turn on. They are extremely romantic, the type to get the mood going and prepare roses on the bed. They like things simple and hot because they know what they want.
💘 Leo & Scorpio placements shaking hands on their creampie and corruption kinks help omg LOL. Nothing turns a leo on more than stroking their ego with knowing they’re your first, they get on a power trip fr. As luminaries, they just like knowing they have the effect to influence you. It's always Leo Moon or Mars I've seen this with
🌶 As for Scorpios corruption & creampie kink I've noticed Scorpios are really into wholesome or innocent people? Just completely opposite of their darker personalities. Wanting to ruin someone turns thems on a lot because scorpio rules over power imbalance so Ig thats why. Scorpio also rules over regeneration, life & death so creampies kinda fits in the birth category yknow
💘 Cancer placements also have a weird tendency to be complete doms or subs and nothing in between, they like to give orders which I find funny because it is so not associated with their stereotypes. But in general the sweet zodiac signs ARE REALLY KINKY FOR SOME REASON. 
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🌶 Aquarius mars and public sex is actually insane, and the rumours are true a lot of aqua moons I’ve met fantasize about threesomes and orgies. They’re just as much into voyeurism as Sagittarius mars is.
💘 Aquarius Mars also LOVES sex toys, especially vibrators. They literally act like they gonna perform a scientific experiment on your pussy help I can’t
🌶 Every pisces sun man I’ve met is straight up addicted to porn, idc if anyone thinks they’re innocent and cute. THEY HAVE PROBLEMS LMAOO.
💘 A lot of sagittarius mars women I’ve met are doms and love body worship, i think body worship is definitely connected to Jupiter as Zeus is associated with that planet. So y’know, treat them like a god and you will be rewarded lol.
🌶 Speaking of which, Sagittarius rising women are just the most fun people ever, in and out of the bedroom you will literally never get bored they are so funny and cool. I simp for them fr
💘 Neptune or Pisces in the 5th house could be into LSD or acid trips while they have sex, they prefer to use alcohol or some form of substance to lessen their anxiety, they could also highkey be sex addicts as the 5th house is our hobbies and entertainment.
🌶 Mars & Pluto in the 5th house LOVE angry sex, they are the people who have makeup and breakup sex the most I swear, they relieve their stress by having sex.
💘 Those with Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 8th house could like handcuffs a lot. I know a girl with this that has a kink for having her hands cuffed and not being able to see.
🌶 If you’re crushing on a Scorpio placement, just make them laugh and get them a little jealous. They will get obsessed, I feel like this is why they tend to have relationships with Geminis so often? because Geminis know how to rile people up, crack a joke or two, and seem unbothered in the process. I have never known a Scorpio venus to be into someone without getting jealous first oops-
💘 Mars in the 6th house is a secret man whore placement, they don’t seem like fuckboys but they use physical activity for their mental health and most often I’ve noticed their way of healing is through sex, and more sex PFFT. 
🌶 12th house stelliums and their fantasies of a person that doesn’t even know they exist lol. To get their attention just randomly pop up to help them once in a while but not too often so they feel special but are curious about you. Doing little things for them yet keeping the mystery and suspense of a crush alive is what keeps them fantasizing tbh.
💘 It’s why 12th house people love virgo placements so much, because virgos always randomly appear to help a pisces/12th house person. While on the other hand the pisces/12th house person devotes themselves and their personal time completely because they can’t see boundaries. It’s cute but I fear for y’all seriously 😀 get some boundaries plz
💘 Scorpio moons please avoid sagittarius & gemini moons at all costs until they’ve matured because a sag moon gets bored easily, moves on, will honestly ghost, and loves to not notify anyone. I know how anxious and paranoid scorpio moons can get and honestly a sag or gemini moon will only worsen your fears and trauma. Everytime I've seen this combination it's ALWAYS the gemini or sag moon leaving the scorpio moon heartbroken and ghosted 🥲
🌶 Sagittarius moons are free spirits, they cannot be tied down but they aren't always cheaters. I'd say their non-committal style differs from gemini in the sense that it will take A LOT to actually get into a relationship with a sag moon and once they're in its unlikely they cheat. While Gemini moons do get bored easily and jump into relationships so they seem to talk to other people and could perhaps cheat.
💘 Scorpio moons will say bs to get you in bed, they are sweet talkers and kinda act like fboys if they're not that into you so just beware. But so will many other moon signs like gemini, pisces & libra lol. It's not always but, these are the fuckboy moon signs from my experiences that will get you attached first.
But their game is good, worth it imo 👌
🌶 Pisces moons are SOO attentive in the bedroom, they will provide everything you want and make you feel so special it’s impossible to not become emotionally attached after you’ve done the deed tbh.
💘 I've noticed people with Saturn, Jupiter or Mars in their 8th House like it rough to the point of begging, they literally wanna see their partner crumble underneath them I’m not even joking...they also are really horny 24/7 because with mars in the 8th house they just have the desire for sex and release tension through it, same with Mars in 5th house. While Jupiter & Saturn can point to difficulties with controlling their sex drive, it’s either wayy too much or they’re celibate for a year. Very all or nothing type of people.
🌶 Leo placements literally wanna be caught fucking someone, again I’M NOT KIDDING they like to be shown off and know other people want them too, very similar to Aquarius mars and gets horny off of anything that feeds their ego tbh. 
💘 Mercury conjunct Venus/Mars people think about sex so much they get horny easily, they are actually the most under-rated horny placement. They don’t just sweet talk or dirty talk their way into your pants but they seem to have a lot of wet dreams and really be into having sex while performing another mental task like video games or smth. Yall secretly so freaky huh 😀
🌶 Venus/Moon in your 12th house makes you wet 24/7 it's like the ocean which is a very 12th house theme. For men it would be their Mars in 12th house. They're horny 24/7 I swear it's actually concerning.
💘 It's kinda hard to get a capricorn mars person turned on, it takes a lot of effort but they can last a while so it's worth it ig. But foreplay is gonna be a while okay, they like to take their time.
🌶 Mars & Mercury in 3rd/5th house people get bored easily during sex so make it competitive and include fun games. They also are the type to flirt with someone out of spite and play mind games. Not always again but- its never dull. They love the drama aspect in relationships tbh, it has to be passionate and fun or they don't fw you.
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astrologylunadream · 10 months
Who am I destined to love?💌☁️🔗 [Soulmate reading] (Pick a card/Tarot love reading)
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Hey it's Lunadream🤗 We will be doing a reading on your destined lover!💗 hope you find your message🌸💫
Notice: Only take what resonates because the most important thing is your own judgement!♡ If anything doesn't resonate, don't worry! It's not your message right now <3 (Entertainment purpose only. All rights reserved)
Now, shall we begin~? ^w^ Think of the love you long for, and pick whichever pile that fits the energy you're feeling~🌸🌟
Pile 1🦊
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Pile 2🦢
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Pile 3🛋
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Pile 4🎹
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Take your time and choose carefully with the heart~♡
On to the readings —> 💌
Pile 1🦊
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Sign energy: Forgiveness, Anger, True feelings, Fame, Singer, 3rd house, Cancer, Moon, North node, Gemini, 🪐🧩🌃🛎
☁️Your energy: You guys have a fiery energy about you, very kind and fun loving. You are very emotional and tend to have outbursts if your emotional state is not safe or well taken care of. You could love singing and I'm getting a more specific message that someone in this pile has a famous parent/mom, a singer mom if there are any of you in my pile 1😆 You get frustrated easily but those feelings come from your true heart, and you express yourself openly and genuinely. I feel like this pile doesn't back down when angry💢 You could be a night owl, prefer the night time. I feel like you're more in touch with your emotions at night, like cinderella I'm hearing "when the clock strikes twelve" and suddenly you are your true self at night, your openly emotional real self.♡ You may feel inclined to become famous or a public speaker, sharing your thoughts and ideas with those who need it the most.
💘Who you're destined to love: Fox, Neck, Taurus, Gemini, Fix, Leo, South node, Air, Aries, Water, 🎡🦀🍭🚀 A very fun and gorgeous person awaits my pile 1, if you were drawn to the fox here it came out again so this is your confirmation this is definitely the pile!! This could be someone from your past, you will feel a sense of familiarity with this person. They have a more so direct approach to communication and think fast. Very witty, intelligent and a natural problem solver. Taurus, Gemini, Leo, or Aries placements, they may have Sun conjunct Venus or Mercury I feel. They have a very attractive neck, especially with the Taurus energy. As for the purpose of this destiny, I'm seeing as someone you are destined to fix, almost help in a way, your love is meant to heal this person on an emotional level. They will be so glad they met you, like you were fated to help them. It's giving heaven sent angel vibes <3 They will see you as an answer to their prayers, and things will only look up from there.😊 This destiny is an emotional journey for you both, connecting through mutual understanding and comforting one another is the true reason for this connection. It will heal and nurture your hearts greatly.♡ It will be a fun, pleasant and in some ways childlike relationship made of pure love and trust.
💌Messages from them: I'll never forget you, I finally get it, Our love is a game, I know exactly how you like it, I see you, Extra cards: Daily, Follower, Angel, Green, Crazy, 8th house, Earth, Chiron, Water, Sun, (Guardian angel vibes🥺💫)
Thank you my pile 1's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 1 with the fox emoji~🦊 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 2🦢
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Sign energy: Cafe, Long term, Endurance, Stomach, Hair, North node, Aquarius, Gemini, ⛵😂🌉🤍
☁️Your energy: You guys have such a graceful vibe, I see so much pure cleansed energy with this pile. Elegant swan energy for you guys <3 Most of you in this pile are looking for long term commitment, so you may be hoping that the one you are destined to love is someone you will be with for a long time. Some of you work as a barista/job at a cafe☕💕 Your hair is gorgeous and people talk about it a lot.💇‍♀️ Aquarius and Gemini placements overall air signs but I'm getting such indirect Virgo energy from this pile omgggg any Virgo's in my lovely pile 2??😂 Btw this emoji!!😂😂😂 Do you use it alot?? Could be significant for any of this pile, you may laugh a lot and your laugh is very light and beautiful. I'm seeing a future of laughing and happiness with this pile I feel like that is also your destiny to just, laugh and have fun. Just loosen up a bit and enjoy the little things that make you happy, being grateful is meant for you my pile 2's <3 You have such an angelic presence about you, so admirable and full of kindness and beauty. You may want to meet your future but don't like the steps to get there, but I'm hearing only of you endure the journey of your hopes can you arrive at the destination of fulfilling them. Haha maybe that resonates with some of you, I feel like you may drink coffee or tea often. Cafes are your jam!
💘Who you're destined to love: Comfort, Love, Shame, Present, Blind, 12th house, Lilith, Eros, Neptune, Air, 🤣🤒😤🧲 Okaaay my pile 2's we have some interesting energy going on with this 👏person👏 You are definitely destined with this person romantically, I'm hearing fated connection. This is someone who is seemingly new or not experienced with love, they make mistakes and don't know what they're doing most of the time.🥺 They also have so many fantasies about it some that they are shameful of or embarrassed to meet, they have a some darker needs too in a romantic connection. Many of their turn on's in a partner are subconscious fears aswell. I get the vibe this person isn't the best at communiting their desires, it makes them feel vulnerable and out of place like a fish out of water. Pisces/12th house and air placements are possible. They are a dreamer, they have this "where am I? Who am I?" type of vibe😂😂 like they are just one with the energies, I feel like this person is very in tune with the spiritual side of life themselves. Your person is very attractive in a soft aesthetic way, ethereal and beyond physical charms that rope you in like a buoy in the crashing waves of the sea🌊 You are destined to love this person with all your heart, to cherish eachother on levels deeper many can experience. A soulmate connection is likely, and this is such a deep and contemporary romance as well as passionate. You will fulfill many desires with this person, because they take you to higher places you can't explain. I was also getting some "spicy"👀 messages coming out in this pile but since this is not an 🔞 reading I was like 👁👄👁 "not today-" LOL it will not complement the soft/dreamy vibe of this reading lol😂👌 So for my pile 2's that are interested, your person has some intense desire for you for sure maybe check out my dark pac readings for some messages in that😅😳 :'> Overall this is a very intuitive and romantic person, they are all giving and all consuming in this destined love with you.💗
💌Messages from them: I don't look at other people, I'm addicted to your love, You might get hurt, I have nothing to give, I'm not okay (🥺🥺💔) Extra cards: Alien, In, Fantasy, Shopping, Age, 12th house, 9th house, Sagittarius, Jupiter, 6th house (Destiny calls to heal this person and their fantasies, to either restrict or enhance their deepest desires.)
Thank you my pile 2's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 2 with the swan emoji~🦢 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 3🛋
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Sign energy: Try, Activity, Library, Unicorn, Keep a secret, Chiron, Gemini, Vertex, Sun, 3rd house, 😫👿🕯⛓
☁️Your energy: Alright my pile 3's could be Gemini, Leo, Virgo or prominent 3rd house energy. I'm getting some heavy vibes with this some, something is telling me that many in this pile are new to tarot or giving it a try for the first time or for some could have quit for a while and come back for some answers. If you felt this way this definitely could be your pile. I am sensing some worried energy, my pile 3's are not telling anyone what they have been up to recently🤫🙊 You have been keeping this to yourself, and maybe even the idea of loving someone is something you are not ready to share just yet. You guys are very unique and smart, you have a talent for knowing things and speaking well. Sometimes you have a dark side that you don't want to show, and it is your deepest worries and thoughts that hold you down. You may read a lot, there could be many book lovers in this pile. I feel as if you are afraid of fate hence why you are trying to see the future you are uncertain of.😟 My pile 3's are very cautious people especially when it comes to life and fate. You are heavily drawn to the occult, but also fear those practices. You see fate and destiny as chains that weigh you down, and you wish to break free to finally reach the clouds above. You are an independent and spiritually wise thinker.
💘Who you're destined to love: Fight, First, Honey, Spring, Skin, 4th house, Cancer, Water, Moon, Capricorn, 🛎🤞☔🍑 Okay my lovely pile 3's I keep getting an anxious energy, this could be about love itself. I hope this may ease my pile 3's uncertainties of the future.😞💖 This person you are destined to love has a strong personality, one that somehow compliments yours. Okay but like when you guys first meet??😍 I'm getting some passionate and bold conflict turned into something really sweet💞 I feel like you argued with this person a lot when you first met, but then after you set aside your disagreements you realized how caring and loving they can be.😢 You may have gotten very defensive about yourself or things they told you, but you soon learned to listen to their words as they hold truth and only wish to help you. They may be born in spring. Cancer and Capricorn energy is strong for this pile's person, you are destined to meet them. This connection will show you to be less skeptical and afraid of conflict and disagreement, and to learn how to understand those who seem cold or not "good" on the surface. I'm feeling this person wasn't nice to you at first, only after you loosened up from the emotional shell you tried to protect yourself with. They finally started being nice to you without reason, or perhaps you didn't realize their kindness until then. This connection is meant to shift perspectives, and hold security in trusting others. This is such a powerful lesson within this fated love omggg😭💗 Some of you might marry this person!!💍
💌Messages from them: Are you attracted to me? Don't talk to me, You can't control me, I'll only distract you, I'll never forgive you (My pile 3 your person really cares about you and they tend to push you away and it seems like they're brushing you off but that's how they show their love for you by removing themselves from the situation to let you heal and take your time😭🤍) Extra cards: One of a kind, Feminine, Hold on, Style, Juno, Moon, Eros, 9th house, Scorpio, Taurus (Omgg they see you as a devine feminine to them, their other half. They want to marry you for real!!🥺)
Thank you my pile 3's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 3 with the sofa emoji~🛋 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Pile 4🎹
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Sign energy: Find, Desert, Quiet, Winter, Hands are tied, Eros, 7th house, Sagittarius, Pisces, Earth, 🖌🕯💘🥊
☁️Your energy: Ohh I'm loving the energy of pile 4 we have some prominent Jupiter placements here!! Could be a Libra, Sagittarius or Pisces somewhere in your charts <3 earth signs are possible. I'm definitely getting Sag/Pisces vibes from you guys😇 Creative dreamers searching for self expression and love~ some of you may be more on the quiet/shy side or more submissive in relationships. But outside of them you are a free spirit with a wild heart, you just love having fun and doing the things that make you happy. You want to find a soulmate, someone who is spiritually tied to you... who's heart is locked to yours eternally. You are looking for a person who will appreciate your creativity and spirituality, your soft and illusive dreamy self with a passion to explore life and everything you love. You may be an artist/painter or enjoy those activities, or physical sports like weight lifting or going to the gym. Could be interested in boxing. You are a fighter and a lover because you fight for love. May be born in winter, also I'm getting specific middle east vibes so some of you could be from there.💫💕
💘Who you're destined to love: Soulmates, Forgiveness, Backwards, 11th house, Date, Mars, Cancer, Venus, 1st house, Lilith, 🤕🍳🍂🏷 This is someone from your past, now I'm getting some past lover vibes. For some of you this is an ex, or someone you had an argument with. I'm sensing someone you will meet online, or have possibly already met before. I am seeing that in the beginning of this connection, you or them were too impulsive or quick to complain about the way things started off between you two. After some time I'm seeing the work of fate brings you back to this person, and you will be surprised how much they held on to this connection.😦 Like you will be shocked how much this person really cared (maybe you thought they would be angry/distant with you) but like this person will be on their knees for you omg.😖😳 This person is very emotional and honestly so deeply in love with this pile and they just want a second chance😞💕 They regret their past decisions and the way they treated you, and fate is calling you to accept and love them, this is after all who you are destined to love. There may have been a misunderstanding in the beginning or a first impression that affected your judgement of them, but there will be clarity with this person finally and my pile 4 you will see the truth about them. They are genuinely attached to my pile 4's and have just so much love and respect for you.🥺 You are destined to love and cherish them aswell, as it is very likely you will find this to be your soulmate.💗
💌Messages from them: To me, I feel so confused, It's all fake, Why would you want me? Our eyes have met (They are so scared of loosing you because they feel in their heart you guys are meant to be soulmates😫💞) Extra cards: Despair, Cuddle, Backwards, Previous, Love at first sight, 9th house, Libra, Water, 6th house, Neptune (They would be sad without you pile 4 they feel as if the work of fate brought you together😭😖💖)
Thank you my pile 4's! If you feel this resonated, you may tap the heart to claim this message!💌
I hope you enjoyed your reading! ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ If you did be sure to let me know pile 4 with the piano emoji~🎹 Thanks for scrolling through, Hugs hugs hugs!! See you in the next reading💞
Wanna see more readings like this? Check out my tumblr for accurate readings for you!💗🌊🌸
Thanks for reading! \(*^w^)/💌 -Lunadream <3
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yuveenti-blog · 22 days
Astrology Observations: 💘💡 Clocking Your Tea💡💘
Disclaimer: As always, if this doesn't resonate with you, feel free to disregard it. While not everything will be relevant to everyone, most will find value in these ideas. I also want to express my gratitude to everyone who has liked and shared my post; your interest fuels my passion for creating content. A big thank you to my new followers as well—your support means the world to me, and I truly appreciate everyone who engages with my work.
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* Aries individuals are among the most emotionally attuned signs in the zodiac. Imagine the delicate nature of infants; Aries share that same sensitivity. When their needs and wants go unaddressed, they can find it particularly challenging, often leading to behaviors that reflect their less favorable traits, such as anger, irritability, and even bullying tendencies.
* Taurus individuals truly stand out as some of the most visually appealing signs. They have a unique ability to manifest their visions of beauty, love, and luxury in tangible ways. Known for their exquisite taste, they often have stunning homes, stylish cars, and a flair for fashion and beauty. Their dedication to these aspects of life is unwavering, as they continually strive to elevate their surroundings. These are the people who truly personify aesthetics.
* Gemini is a sign that often leads to confusion, as mastering its energy can be quite challenging. Governed by Mercury and symbolized by the twins, it reflects a constant internal struggle. While many label Libra as indecisive, Geminis often experience a deeper turmoil. Their dual nature can trap them in a cycle of overthinking, which can inflate their egos. This ego-driven mindset frequently results in significant life challenges. Much like certain artists who thrive creatively during their most painful moments, Geminis often find their brilliance and creativity intertwined with their struggles.
* Cancers are among the most complex zodiac signs. When you think of individuals who are tough, resilient, or even a bit enigmatic, Cancers fit that description perfectly. Their protective crab shell symbolizes their desire to shield their vulnerable side. This means that Cancers are unlikely to reveal their softer emotions unless they feel safe and secure. If someone calls a Cancer overly emotional, it’s likely because they’ve lowered their guard around you, or perhaps you simply spend a lot of time together.
* In my view, Leos are intriguing individuals who can be quite difficult to read. Much of their persona is shaped by how others perceive them; when they are popular, well-liked, or possess conventional beauty, they embody the classic Leo traits, radiating confidence and charisma. However, it becomes challenging to identify those Leos who lack that external affirmation—those who may be loners, face disapproval, or don’t fit the traditional mold of attractiveness. These quieter Leos often get misidentified as other signs because they don’t display the typical Leo bravado and may even come across as reserved. Interestingly, they can sometimes resemble Aquarians, their astrological opposites.
* I see Virgos as being just as unfocused as Geminis, both influenced by Mercury. However, Virgos tend to manage their scattered energy more effectively because their essence is geared towards purification. Even when they seem all over the place—dabbling in various interests, skimming through books, or leaving projects unfinished—they rarely remain in that state for long. This is often a reflection of Mercury's elusive nature. Yet, Virgos possess an inherent drive to create order and clarity, which ultimately leads them to commit to deeper learning, dedicate themselves to a hobby for mastery, and complete that book they started.
* Libras often come across as feeling incomplete. The scales symbolize an intrinsic imbalance within themselves that they strive to rectify through relationships with others. This tendency leads me to believe that Libras struggle to thrive independently, which can sometimes result in a negative perception of them. Their difficulty in being alone may push them into a less authentic version of themselves, characterized by co-dependency and passive-aggressiveness. It's quite rare to encounter a Libra who isn't surrounded by friends, a partner, or some form of companionship. While some might assume that Libras possess an open-mindedness that allows them to appreciate various perspectives, the reality is that they tend to befriend just about anyone. Their diverse dating experiences may suggest a broad mindset, yet I find that many Libras, like several air signs, can be surprisingly close-minded.
* Scorpios seem to place a high value on their reputation. Many of them are remarkably perceptive, able to adapt their personas to blend in seamlessly, much like chameleons. Their enigmatic nature means that only a select few truly understand who they are beneath the surface. Often, they present a façade to the world, making it challenging to uncover the genuine Scorpio.
* Sagittarius strikes me as a sign that can embody two distinct lifestyles. With its dual nature of being part animal and part human, some Sagittarians are exuberant, straightforward, and the life of the party, always chasing after fun and excitement. Conversely, there exists a more sophisticated side to Sagittarius. These individuals often lean towards spirituality or religion, seeking deeper truths and understanding. They tend to intellectualize their experiences and may feel a need to refine their more primal instincts, striving for a higher state of being akin to the meticulous nature of a Virgo.
* Capricorns often come across as individuals who equate their worth with material possessions. They possess a certain self-awareness, recognizing that they may not always present the best image or have the most charming personality. However, they derive a sense of superiority from owning a beautiful home, luxury cars, or holding a high-paying job. These symbols of wealth bolster their self-esteem, even though they frequently grapple with insecurities regarding their appearance and character.
* In my view, Aquarians have a penchant for embracing the unconventional. It seems to me that they find the idea of being "normal" rather dull and prefer to stand out for the thrill of it. Many of their choices stem from a desire for excitement. However, there's a paradox to their nature; despite their seemingly open-minded demeanor, they can be surprisingly rigid in their beliefs. They often hold strong convictions that don’t easily sway. Additionally, their forward-thinking mindset can create friction with others, as they tend to focus on distant possibilities rather than the present. This future-oriented perspective can make them appear somewhat detached. Co-ruled by Saturn, they often find themselves caught between a serious approach to life and the exhilarating pull of Uranus, which fuels their desire for adventure.
* Pisces often reminds me of both Gemini and Scorpio. Their energy tends to be quite scattered, leaving them frequently uncertain about their next steps, caught in a web of indecision. They can easily become overwhelmed by their emotions, which may lead to a sense of aimlessness in their lives. This emotional depth is reminiscent of Scorpio, as they often craft a particular image for themselves. For example, they might project a tough or unkind persona, appearing as a bully or someone hard-edged, when in reality, they are deeply emotional, gentle, and nurturing. Their environment may pressure them to adopt this façade. Conversely, they can also present themselves as sweet, innocent, and compassionate, yet underneath that exterior, they might display rudeness or disrespect. This duality in their personality often stems from their experiences in life, leading them to shape their identity in complex ways.
* Many individuals resonate more with their rising sign. For instance, Aries rising folks often perceive themselves as adventurous, bold, and daring. In contrast, those with Taurus rising tend to view themselves as laid-back, steady, and goal-driven. Cancer rising individuals see themselves as nurturing, emotional, and caring, while Gemini rising people often identify as intellectual, social butterflies who thrive in conversation. Leo risings feel a strong connection to creativity, fun, and being in the limelight. Virgo rising individuals pride themselves on their refined tastes, attention to detail, and aesthetic sensibilities. Libra rising often see themselves as charming, sociable, and peaceful, while Scorpio risings may view themselves as introspective, observant, and somewhat reserved. Sagittarius rising individuals embrace a free-spirited, fun-loving, and adventurous outlook. Capricorn risings often identify as serious, ambitious, and reserved, while Aquarius risings see themselves as unique, logical, and different. Lastly, Pisces rising individuals tend to view themselves through a more dreamy and intuitive lens.
* Your moon sign can reveal how you sought comfort during your childhood. For example, an Aries moon might find solace in solitude, engaging in activities alone. A Taurus moon often seeks comfort through relaxation, pleasure, or by refreshing their surroundings with new items. Meanwhile, a Gemini moon thrives on acquiring knowledge and information to feel at ease. A Cancer moon focuses on creating a sense of home wherever they are. A Leo moon feels most comfortable when surrounded by admirers who offer constant praise. A Virgo moon finds comfort in establishing routines or diving deep into studies. For a Libra moon, socializing and spending time with friends brings a sense of ease. A Scorpio moon prefers solitude, finding comfort in time spent away from others. A Sagittarius moon seeks comfort through new experiences or outdoor adventures. A Capricorn moon feels at ease when they achieve their desires or surround themselves with material possessions. An Aquarius moon enjoys the company of diverse individuals or thrives in unpredictable environments. Lastly, a Pisces moon finds comfort in escapism, engaging in activities that nurture their imagination or allow them to process their emotions away from others.
* Women might feel a spark of sexual attraction towards a man if his moon sign aligns with their Mars sign. Similarly, a man could be drawn to a woman if his Mars sign corresponds with her moon sign. For example, a woman with Mars in Leo may find herself attracted to a man with a Leo moon, while a man with Mars in Aries might feel a strong attraction to a woman who has an Aries moon.
* The Mars sign can reveal whether your partner embodies the playful spirit of a golden retriever or the mysterious nature of a black cat. For instance, those with Mars in Aries tend to lean towards the black cat persona, just like Taurus Mars. Gemini Mars also fits the black cat description, while Cancer Mars is more akin to the golden retriever. Leo Mars shares the black cat traits, whereas Virgo Mars embodies the golden retriever qualities. Libra Mars also aligns with the golden retriever vibe. Scorpio Mars, Sagittarius Mars, Capricorn Mars, and Aquarius Mars all reflect the characteristics of the black cat. In contrast, Pisces Mars is more representative of the golden retriever.
* Someone you can chat with for hours might either resonate with your Mercury sign's modality or share the same house number as your Mercury sign. For example, a Mercury in Cancer and a Mercury in Pisces can engage in long conversations, just as a Mercury in Libra and a Mercury in Gemini can. Similarly, a Taurus Mercury and a Virgo Mercury can also enjoy extended discussions.
* It's not uncommon to feel a twinge of jealousy towards someone whose rising sign matches your sun sign. This stems from the fact that the sun represents your personal growth and evolution over time, while the rising sign reflects the traits you are born with, making those qualities feel more inherent. For example, a Leo sun might find themselves envious of a Leo rising, just as a Cancer sun could feel jealousy towards a Cancer rising. Similarly, a Scorpio sun may experience jealousy of a Scorpio rising, and a Sagittarius sun might feel the same way about a Sagittarius rising.
* A man might be drawn to you if your Venus sign aligns with his rising sign. For instance, a man with a Cancer rising could see a Cancer Venus woman as particularly beautiful. Similarly, a woman can find a man appealing when her Venus sign matches his rising sign. For example, a woman with a Pisces Venus may find a man with a Pisces rising attractive, just as a Taurus Venus might be attracted to a Taurus rising man.
* You could find yourself in a rivalry with someone who has the same sun sign as your Mars sign. For instance, an Aries Sun woman might experience competition with another Aries Mars woman, while a Leo Sun man could face off against a fellow Leo Mars man.
* You might notice a natural attraction to individuals whose rising sign contrasts with your sun sign. For instance, a Leo Sun may find a close connection with an Aquarius rising, while a Gemini Sun could easily bond with a Sagittarius rising. Similarly, an Aries Sun might develop a friendship with someone who has a Libra rising.
* A man might find himself drawn to conversations with you if your moon sign aligns with his mercury sign. For example, if his mercury is in Capricorn and your moon is also in Capricorn, he could genuinely enjoy chatting with you. Conversely, women often feel a strong connection to a man when his mercury sign matches her moon sign. So, if he has a Leo mercury and she has a Leo moon, she may find their discussions particularly enjoyable. Similarly, if he is a Cancer mercury and she is a Cancer moon, their conversations could be quite delightful for her.
* Typically, you might find yourself not fond of the sign that comes before yours, while feeling an attraction to the sign that follows. For instance, if you're an Aries Sun, you may have a distaste for Pisces but feel a pull towards Taurus. Similarly, if you're a Gemini Sun, you might not be keen on Taurus, yet you find yourself drawn to Cancer.
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flodeshe · 2 years
Synastry/composite notes 💕
Hey,here’s my third astrology observations.Hope you’ll like it! I’m not a professional astrologer.Keep in mind that these are just observations and may not apply to everyone.Take what resonates.Thank you  
- -Planets in 5th/8th house overlay in synastry=  SEXUAL ATTRACTION💘
- If your partner/crush’s Vertex is conjunct to your Venus or vice versa , you may feel like your meeting is fated. You might meet the person out of a coincidence annd feel like even if you were not likely to see each other, you still did.There is a lot of attraction, you may feel like you already know the person even if you never met before.If you two, get into a relationship you are very likely to learn a lot from the relationship.💐
- Moon in 11th house overlay is such a great placement! Both fantastic for friendship and romantic relationship! You two feel very accepted by the other and feel like you can tell the other anything and they wouldn’t judge you.You could start off as friend and then get into a relationship.You feel at ease with each other,you laugh together. Basically, you are having a great time together 😄.This overlay might indicate meeting through social medias or long dstance relationships.I really love this placement, certainly one of my favorites🥰 !!!
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- I have Mercury conjunct Mercury with 2 people ,and I feel that we have a very similar type of humor, and anytime I am with them, we usually laugh a lot.I don’t know if that’s a thing but if I see or hear them laugh, I would automatically start laughing too.Lol.Very contagious.However, I can become annoyed at them quickly.I guess, it might be due to the conjunction cuz it can go either way.
-Check each partner’s natal chart! Because I noticed that for example if you have Jupiter/Sagittarius dominant within your chart, you might enjoy having 9th house overlay with someone.Let me take another example : if you are an Mars/Aries dominant person, you may prefer having 1st house overlay with someone.To sum up, check both person’s dominant signs/planets in order to find what house overlay they might be the most comfortable with!
Aries ♈ /Scorpio ♏ - Mars - 1st house 
Taurus ♉ /Libra ♎ - Venus- 2nd/7th house
Gemini ♊ /Virgo ♍ - Mercury-3rd/6th house
Cancer ♋ - Moon 🌙 - 4th house  🏠
 Leo ♌ - Sun ☀️ - 5th house
Scorpio ♏ - Pluto - 8th house
Sagittarius ♐ /Pisces ♓ - Jupiter - 9th house
Capricorn ♑ / Aquarius ♒ - Saturn - 10th house
Aquarius ♒ - Uranus- 11th house
Pisces ♓ - Neptune - 12th house  
- Having Sun in the 11th house in composite is a fantastic placement for friendship!!
- Chiron conjunct IC or in the 4th house in composite can unfortunately indicate that one of the partner’s family doesn’t approve the relationship.This may really hurt you and your partner.It could also means that you two might have issues living together.Remember,this is just a placement so it doesn’t have to be this way.Each relationship is different and this is only my experience with this placement.OR                                                                                                   it can also means that one of the partner has traumas due to their family situtation,(or mom) and the other person might try to heal them.
-Sun conjunct Uranus in composite can mean that both of you are part of LGBTQ community.🏳️‍🌈You might have a unique type of relationship.Both partner may value their freedom and independance.
-I have seen a LOT of couples having Saturn trine Venus in composite being in a long-term relationship.Makes sense with Saturn being usually considers as the “glue” in relationships and Venus being the planet of love.
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Thank you for reading! Please tell me if you liked the post and if you have experienced any of these placements! 💕🌸💮Have a nice day!
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help-an-alter · 2 months
Hello! Welcome to our blog.
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blog is for fragments, by fragments.
Creator (alters listed);
anything with a ".here" at the end of the name is the creator (the one who came up with this!!)
S (Any pronouns)
55 (Any xenos or he/it.)
RAINBOW (Any, preferably feminine but they dont mind)
Rs (He/him)
A (masculine pronouns of any sort.)
J (he/they)
Red (Any masculine pronouns)
Some have chosen to hide their real name, and instead use a code name. --------
Other mods here!!! (create a template of your own if you want)
mod cupid / mod 💘
Bitter (they/them)
Adorerine (she/he/they/it/love++)
Cherie (she/it/mew)
Mimi (she/needle)
(that's all the alters we know are gonna help sometimes)
jinx / helena / mortuary [they/them]
sayona [she/they]
ven [he/him]
ari [it/she/glitch/pop+]
ithaca [fog/they] -----
Oz (they/them)
Lei (they/any)
Cog (he/him)
G (he/they)
Sol (he/they)
On this blog we will collectively go by Shiver (they/them), some of the alters helping out have stayed anon with fake names! -------
Sprout (He/Him)
Mousey (She/They/Adore)
Other alters might pop in but it’s mainly these two!
Hi, I'm Mod Celestia (System)! We use any pronouns (including neos and xenos) :3
I can't guarantee alters will do sign offs but they might, and if so they'll probably do their name then .cel
Some alters who will likely help this blog are
Anne Marie (she/ghost/blood/fire/wing/death)
Niki (she/they/it)
Row (they/it/he/xe/paw/fern/allium/hydrangea/hyacinth)
Draculaura (she/they/fang/bat/blood)
Collei (she/vi/bloom/pain)
Hawks/Emma (All pronouns)
Mod ❄️ (She/Snow/Flurry/Hir)
Some others might pop in from time to time, and I can guarantee this will change since our frequent fronters change all the time! If they do they will add .crow on the end of their name!
Mod FireFly/Mod Lupin (it/fae/xe/they)
RagDoll (he/she)
Alec (he/they)
Alexa (she/they)
Some more of us might come on and we may or may not sign off with names ! (if not it'll be with our emoji proxies !)
↓ more under the cut! ↓
wowweeeee is that an anon list!?!!?
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supporters of Endos or any non disordered 'systems'
any non disordered 'systems'
people who see this as build an alter. its different. read the FAQ
Pedos, zoophiles, anti furries, anti regression, anti system in general.
Racists, Zionists, pro-israel
Pro r/systemscringe
Sophieinwonderland (she cant follow dnis so thats why shes here)
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"What is "Help an Alter?"
You know that really ableist "build an alter"? yea? its like THAT, but for fragmented alters with no sense of identity. We do not build alters, we help them find themself.
"I have a question!!"
Questions can be directed to our inbox.
"syscourse blah blah"
Syscourse is NOT welcome on this blog.
"Im an endo and..."
Endos are also not welcome.
"Whats your main blog?"
We aren't comfortable with sharing.
"Are you hiring?"
Not at the moment, we have enough mods :)
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Thanks for the questions !
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Special thank yous: @syscultureis and their followers for helping us find the name, @anti-endo-safe-space for being so comforting with your messages, @anti-endo-polyfragculture for being so epic and inspiring us, all of our main blog mutuals for supporting us (you know who you are!!), @systemterms for being so helpful, @syspport for the awesome userbox (shown at the end!!) and everyone else!
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hopeastrz · 3 months
Thank you for answering me and clearing everything! I knew that other houses had importance but usually on tumblr, blogs give importance to the 7th house!
For the 4th and 5th house I have stelliums🤭
4th (scorpio) : Sun (10°) Jupiter (8°) & Mercury (12°)
5th (Sagittarius) : Venus (27°), Mars (29°), North node (26°)
I only have Pluto in my 7h and what you mentioned in the post about asc— I do have a Libra rising but in the SR it’s Leo not Aries😩
Thank you for accepting the astrology indication request, I was wondering if you could do one for authors/ talent for writing!
Overall thank you so much for everything!💘🫶🏻
Even in my future spouse readings I don’t pay much mind to the 7th house persona chart, since it’s also for business, legal matters and open enemies not just marriage, I prefer asteroids in this matter.
Having stelliums in these houses is great!!, don’t forget to update me then if you got actually married or not lol😂!.
Now onto your request….
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𝐁𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐳𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟: 𝐒𝐲𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞, 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐞, 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐚 𝐖𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐟, 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐀𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧, 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐬, 𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭:
Makes sense because virgo rules writing in general so I wasn’t really surprised!, it’s also a hobby that requires patience, and no one excels in that more than earth signs.
That too makes sense because when you think about it, writers are people who chose words instead of actions because their courage failed them, it’s also easier to write and write for hours than have an argument with someone or let your anger loose.
One word imagination, being a good author requires a good amount of no actual sense of reality, it requires you to be a 24/7 resident in your head no matter how much it’s rent would cost you!.
Sags are known for the love in indulgence, they love knowledge and anything that has a thing or two to do with wisdom, their mind works non stop, and there, they are blessed by jupiter with the ability to move crowds with their words!.
MC is what you’re known for, when you have mercury or jupiter it means you’re known for being a writer or someone with deep wisdom
Deep art, art that’s transformative, art that’s impactful, and art that’s a hard pill to swallow, and sometimes as they say words can cut like a knife.
Most of the authors surprisingly have a moon in libra.
Lilith is all that’s taboo, and the most controversial writers had these two placements!
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Imagine this: Soft!Dark!softforreader!Bucky,Steve Rogers,Ari, Mad Hatter, Andy and Lance Tucker x socially awkward! socially anxious!reader <3 No smut imagined bc I'm feeling like a sex-repulsed asexual today 🤪 So, they are eager to please the reader, they don't want to upset nor displease the reader 🦋 They are oh so soft with R 😩💘 they will go onto their knees and grovel if you so much as hint you are angry at them 💞
hi! I hope you like what I did. sorry, it took so long.
the gifs I use aren't mine, divider by @newlips
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The six men were madly in love with the same woman. At first, trying to get Y/n to believe they truly loved her was complex and challenging, but the more persistent they were, the faster she started to believe and fall in love back. 
They all had certain things they’d do for you that the other could not.
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Bucky would comfort you when you’d wake from terrible nightmares, staying with you and making sure you’d have a warm glass of milk and some biscuits, smothering you in kisses until you’d fall into a peaceful slumber.
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Steve would bake with you when your cravings would take place, covering the kitchen with pies, biscuits and anything sweet. Sometimes, it would end in a playful food fight as you two love to compete.
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Ari would build a massive fort filling it with your favourite snacks while your favourite movie would be on tv. He’d cuddle with you as you stared at the screen and speak line for line, grabbing some snacks but missing because you were so focused on the movie.
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Jefferson, or Mad Hatter as you’ve nicknamed him, would make you flower crowns, knowing they were your favourite hats. He’d bring you into his little section and stand behind you as he taught you how to make the perfect hat.
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Andy would tell you stories and hold you tight against his chest as he’d let you in on his day and the cases that would pile up. He’d feed you fruits as you listen to him before he returns the favour when you tell him about your day.
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Lance would help keep you healthy. He’d do any type of exercise with you, buy you all the workout clothes you’d need, he’d help you stretch when your body needed it or massage you when your body became too sore. 
They treat her like the queen they know she is, ensuring that she knows they only have eyes for her. They’d never dream of being with anyone else, and the thought repulses them. They’d rather drink bleach than be with another woman. 
They would die for you, kill for you and many more. You have never felt so loved and cherished before. They never want to upset or make you mad, and each man will beg for your forgiveness if they think you are the tiniest bit upset or angry with them. 
They remember the first time they made you mad. It was hell for them. You wouldn’t speak to them for a week. No matter what they did to try and make you talk to them again, you wouldn’t budge. When you finally calmed down and collected yourself, it was a relief when they heard words leave your lips and be directed toward them.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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yumejo · 1 year
Sharing you a not-so old Lilia sketch🥹🫶
Also I have a ton of lilimana sketches on my phone (I had a lot of free time during eng and sci class ><;;) once I cleaned them up I'll make sure to send it to you 🫡🫡
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ari you just made me fall in love with lilia all over again!!!! 😭💘💘
he's so divine in your style, i'm absolutely swooning 💘💕💘 and saving it to stare at alllllll day hehe THE WAY YOU DRAW HIS HAIR AND EYES SOGFHJSVD 💖💖💖 i wanna play w his ears so badly... mwah mwah!!
i need to send you my rindle notes!! i have a whole doc dedicated to ONLY them...
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Chef Harlow 💘
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Cooking wasn’t really your type of thing so when Jack decided he wanted to go live for his fans on Valentines Day and do a little cooking show you were a bit uneasy about it.
“Are you ready baby?” Jack grinned and wrapped the cooking apron around himself you couldn’t help but to laugh.
It was a little pink apron with white hearts around it and in the middle it said “kiss the chef.
“Wow kiss the chief? What if I’m trying to do more than just kiss the chef.” You grinned and giggled as Jack’s cheeks started to heat up.
“Baby, the live started like 5 minutes ago.” Your eye widened and you turned around slowing seeing about 7k plus people watching you.
“Oh hi guys I didn’t even know we started since Jack here didn’t say anything.” You said with a tight lip while shoving Jack back.
“I’m sorry baby but go put on your robe and your chef hat.” You stepped off to the side and put on your stuff before stepping back into the camera you gave the fans a quick wave and smile before pulling up the notes section in your phone.
Jack had asked if you could write up some questions for him to answer during the live and just ask some cute ones for Valentine’s Day.
“While I prep the cookie dough ima have Y/N ask me a few of her questions she made up.”
You pulled up your list of questions and smirked you forgot you had written down a lot of juicy questions and questions you wanted answers to.
“Oh this one okay actually let’s start off nice and easy before I get into the more detailed questions.” Jack’s lips turned upside down, what exactly did you mean by juicer questions.
“When was the first time you realized you actually liked me.”
“Damn when was the firs time I remembered I liked your big headed ass? Hmmm let’s see.” He joked, you glared at him and flipped him off making him chuckle.
“In all seriousness it was definitely during that time Druski was live remember?”
flashback to the live 💘
“Who’s that girl over there? The one on the stairs.” Jack asked Druski who wasn’t really paying him any mind nor attention.
“What? What girl I don’t know Jack, I don’t see any girl.” Ari rolled her eyes and looked at the stairs seeing you she smiled softly at you before looking back at Jack.
“That’s my friend Y/N, she’s definitely a sweetheart and has a heart of gold which means she don’t want you boy.” Ari barked at Jack.
“Well y’all should know me and you both should know that I don’t take a no for an answer so watch me do my thing.” He said cockily before strutting his way to the stairs. You looked up hearing the sound of footsteps walking up the wooden steps.
“Uh hi.” You said softly as Jack sat down beside you.
“I’m sorry if I come off creepy or something but I just had to let you know that I think you’re very beautiful.” Jack complemented you making you laugh nervously.
“Oh uh thank you Jack.” “You know my name?” You giggled and nodded. “Of course I do I mean I’ve been a fan since the longest.” He grinned making your stomach turn in a good way.
“Really? That’s so cool to meet someone who’s been apart of my journey since the very beginning.” Ari looked back towards the stairs wondering where Jack was since the fans on the screen kept asking where she was, but when she saw him sitting next you and watching how you giggled and slapped his shoulder playfully she couldn’t help but to relax and smile.
“Maybe he ain’t all that bad.” She mumbled and turned her attention back to the stream.
flashback over
“Awww that’s so sweet Jack I think I might honestly cry.” You teared up just a little bit. “Baby don’t cry you know you have an ugly cry.” He joked and you huffed before slapping his back.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He joked, after a few more questions you eventually got to one of the main questions you wanted to ask.
“So for this one I need you to be really honest with me Jack.” He gulped and nodded his head his stomach starting to feel very uneasy.
“Alright… what’s the question?”
“Jack Harlow is it true you find me annoying and stubborn at times?” You held the paper above your mouth so he didn’t see you smile but you were honestly being honest you wanted to know if you ever gotten on his nerves.
“I mean.. well I mean babe look like sometimes you can be too much an-.” You cut him off. “Answer the damn question Jack, am I annoying just say yes or no.” He sighed deeply he might as well just tell the truth.
“Yes baby, sometimes you do annoy me.” Your moth instantly fell open you’d thought he’d at least lie or something but the fact that he just straight up told the truth honestly made you happy because that just told you that you could trust Jack.
“Please don’t be mad you told me tell you the truth and I told you the truth so technically you can’t even be mad at me s-.” You cut him off again by grabbing his face and smashing your lips onto his. He was caught off guard but none the less smashed his lips right onto yours, his hands immediately went to your ass and gripped it making you moan.
“Fuck baby hold on we’re still live.” “Shit I forgot.” You quickly ran off the camera and waited for Jack to end the live. “I’m sorry this cooking show was cut short y’all but I wanna have a treat that’s way juicier and sweet.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you making you snort.
“So let’s go finish what we started.” He grinned but just as he was about to get right back to it you stopped him. “Hmmm I think not since I’m so annoying we aren’t doing anything and I want my cookies so get to it chef harlow.” You stuck your tongue out before going to the living room to catch up on some much needed housewives of Atlanta.
“I should’ve known.” Jack mumbled to himself but none the less finished up your cookies. You giggled and sighed happily, a life like this was something you could definitely get use to. Jack was the goofiest and most sweetest men you’ve ever known and was the best gift you could ever receive for Valentines Day.
@hoodharlow @moody4world
@awhore4moree @heavyhitterheaux
@softtcurse @a-moment-captured
@lcandothisallday @jackharloww
@jackmans-poison @nattinatalia
@kalaharlow @toocriticalharlow
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vagabond-umlaut · 3 months
kit !!!!! i’m here for your milestone event :33 congratulations again!!!! you are suchhhh a sweet soul and i appreciate your friendship soso much <3333 i’m leaving many tiny kisses on your forehead <33333
now …. for the selfships …… i decided to go with arikenny :3 the least hinged of them all lmao. i think i just love the dynamic!!! i feel like we take turns being the silly one and the stern one (because someone has to be normal when kenjaku gets too silly)… but they also have a very. domineering presence ? i’m always kind of searching for their approval i think 😭 you said i was their little lamb and i really think . that’s the best way to put it . i’m like a puppy they picked up from the street and brought with them LMAO. but i also think we’re very good friends!!! they yap and i listen… sometimes we yap together…. idk i’m just very soft for the dynamic <33 one last thing i wanna add is that i think kenny takes on a teaching role very naturally… they just love teaching me things. showing me new sights. and i love to learn :3 they’re a little twisted and i’m susceptible to manipulation but 🙏🙏 i love them. would like them to dissect me a little .
i hope that’s a decent description!!! i might have yapped a little too much 😭 but thank you for always being so sweet kit!!! arikenny loves you sooo much <333
ari my loveee 😍😍😍 tyyyy for ur wishes and the kisses, babyyyy!! i'm leaving little smooches on ur cheeks and ur forehead— i too cherish u & ur sweet smart beautiful self [and amazing brain! 💘] so SO MUCH 😌😌🥰 @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat
AU for arikenny: [dw bby!!! ur description is 1000x more than decent!!! and omggg, i'm so down bad in love w arikenny my two darlingsss 😊❤️] historical royalty AU wherein you're the monarch of a vast flourishing empire while kenjaku is your prime minister— always extremely close to you. attached to you more than a shadow can be to its person. the people know that to find one of you two, one might as well ask where the other is and they'll be sure to find the former— a bit shocking, though. how a sweet, sunshine-y, sort of naive person like you, can show such tact, be this shrewd, be it your court or a war. it's impossible without there being a considerable influence over you: a very considerable, awfully conspicuous, influence. made more seen by the way your eyes jump to them, after yet another feat. a shy smile tugging at the corner of your lips. anticipation etched into your face... the people know better than to question anything, however. the last person who called you weak was beheaded by kenjaku not an instant later— while the last voice who called kenjaku a murderer was ordered by you to be thrown into the prison to rot till its dying breath. yeah... everyone knows better than to question either of you.
share w me facts you love abt your selfship and i'll assign you & your fave(s) an AU (closed now)
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
Your blog is one of my faves 🤩💕💝💖
Sorry if it's a lit too much 😅
I would like to ask which placements would be responsible for being dark / having a dark appearance and liking dark things (could be horror movies , heavy metal music)
Thanks in advance 🥰
Haii 💘 I'm so glad you follow me and read my posts 🥺💗 It means so much to hear your feedback. The ask is very interesting & it isn't too much!
Placements that indicate an interest for horror/dark/gothic themes ⚰️
1. Placements that are related to looking mysterious, wearing dark clothes & having a dark appereance in general:
Scorpio rising
Pluto in the 1st house
Pluto conjunct/trine/square/sextile/opposite ASC
Pluto in the 2nd house
Scorpio in the 2nd house
Mars in the 1st house
Lilith in the 1st house
Lilith conjunct ASC
Medusa in the first house
Medusa conjunct ASC
Eris in the 1st house
Eris conjunct ASC
Scorpio Sun
Sun - Eris/Lilith/Pluto/Mars aspects
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2. Placements that indicate liking horror fiction:
Scorpio/Pisces placements (especially Moon & Mercury)
Aquarious placements (especially Moon & Mercury)
8th house/12th house placements
Capricorn placements
Aries/Leo Moon
Virgo Mercury
Mercury - Mars aspects
Strong Pluto aspects in the natal chart
Prominent Lilith in the natal chart (Lilith in the 1st house, tight Lilith aspects etc...)
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midheavenastrology · 2 years
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🏹if u have the asteroid eris in aries 🔥☄️🕯️in the 12th house - spiritual warrior 🧿🌟- basically u are literally fighting the spirit world/bad vibes/energy vampires 🧛‍♀️🩸that lurk in the subconscious/ephemeral ✨world
🏹leo ♌️ and prominent 5th house placements: probs have a very psychic link to cats 🐈 i tend to believe that if cats are naturally drawn to you, then ur pineal 👁️ gland is a lot more open 🧿and reflective to energies beyond the physical plane 👽🛸no shade to dogs/dog lovers ( i love dogs 🐕) but dogs are def more root 🌲🏕️chakra animals :)
🏹if u have the moon 🌝 cancer or neptune 🌌in the 3rd house, people with lunar 🌛🌜or neptunian qualities will often without knowing it tell you something you need to hear 👂: like an intuitive 🪬knowing. for ex: my friend is a cancer moon, rising and i have cancer in my 3rd house..whenever she says something that comes from her higher self (like she's reading tarot) 🃏🎴i take note because it often comes into fruition 🍒🍉🍓🍊🍋later.
🏹if u want to have great seggs 🥵♨️🌶️may I recommend hookin up when the moon is in a fire sign 🔥or earth 🌲sign ? (air 🌬️is all about mental 🧠stimulation, so it’s not rly going to bring seggsy energy and water 💧 is self contained and can get lost in emotions 😩so it’s better to be alone during a water moon (maybe scorpio ♏️ maybe..but could get toxic 😬🙈real fast)
🏹people trash 🗑️🚮 8th house synastry and i get it..it can turn super super toxic ☠️real quick (obsession, jealousy, possessiveness blah blah) but if u crave and desire 🍆this kinda passionate ❤️‍🔥exchange, 8th house could be a hot synastry aspect for y’all. not to mention it’s the house of SEGGS 🍆🍑so u will def def have RLY great sex with whoever lands in ur 8th house. like eat me up, lick u all over, go several rounds kinda passion ❤️‍🔥
🏹hear me out y’all: i kno traditional 🥱synastry puts earth+water 🌲💧together and fire+air 🌬️🔥together but I think in particular capricorn ♑️ placements are better off with air 🌬️signs; why ? because we’re an extremely cerebral 🧠earth sign. we're sandwiched between sagittarius (the higher mind/scholar/teacher) and aquarius (THE intellectual mastermind) it’s no wonder we always seem to attract air signs…🌬️🌬️🌬️
or is it just me lol ? 😪🤓
🏹be careful during a mars ❤️‍🔥🔥🥵transit in ur chart- for example: let’s say u have mars in the 5th house and it’s leo ♌️ season (leo rules the 5th house) u will unknowingly attract aggressive 😡🤬😤confrontational people. basically they’re karmic peeps who come back to fight u 🤺🧯take them as you will (my strategy is always detachment) also this could attract overtly sexual ❤️‍🔥🍆🌶️energy as well- like peeps be hollering at u all day long 😮‍💨 (also peep the sign as well..if it’s in pisces, they can lash out at you by acting like a victim 😭or do the blame game)
🏹on the other hand when venus 🥰😘😍is transiting ur chart, be god dang thankful cus ur literally attracting pleasure 💘💌👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼abundance in the house it’s transiting - i mean sometimes that could be not so chill if it’s in a not so fun house but every house has its good/bad. let's say you have venus in the 11th house -then u will attract lots o’ cute af friendships 👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️community support 🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️and help in ur hopes+dreams- check the sign as well to see what kinda friends, community support you’ll attract- if it’s in leo, it will be creative 🎨👩‍🎨👩🏼‍🎤artistic, flashy and beautiful 💄👸🤴peeps. venus in the most layman terms is the things you love, so when it’s being aspected, suddenly there will be an abundance of the things you love 💕
🏹astrologer robert glasscock 🙏 says that the angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) are ur present, cadent is ur (3, 6, 9, 12) past and succèdent (2, 5, 8, 11) is ur future. if this is true and u believe in timeline jumping ⚛️⚗️- try to understand ur planetary placements in the succèdent houses and how that future 🔮could unfold.
for ex: say you have mostly fire🔥 and air 🌬️placements in those houses/this lifetime might be about embracing more of ur masculine 💪energy/take action. also dependent on the signs and planets- i have the moon in 5th in virgo (subconscious creativity) 🎨👩🏼‍🎤🎸🎷venus in 11th in pisces: creativity and expressing this creativity as a mode of healing ❤️‍🩹 is v impt to me.
🏹also a great way to really tap into what ur soul calling is is to look at ur venus 💘and moon 🌝sign placements/aspects: think of it: ur moon is ur emotional 🥹 comfort, it’s what u are naturally gifted 🎁🧧at and venus is what you love 🥰it's honestly the easiest way to see what could bring us the greatest joy 😎🥳🤸‍♀️🎆when fully acknowledged and understood.
🏹i have a theory that u start to meet more people 🧍‍♀️🧍🏻🧍‍♂️who embody ur progressed chart. it's like they’re secret teachers 👩‍🏫 that teach u how they express being that sign: for ex; say u were a venus in pisces ♓️ and now ur progressed is venus in aries ♈️ u will start to meet more aries placements: this shows you the parts of u that u might need to shed 🥲in order to progress more in life. it doesn’t mean u aren’t a venus in pisces anymore just that some of the traits of this placement has to transform 🐛🦋so u can basically “progress” in ur soul 🌌journey ..does this make sense ?
🏹i believe masculine ♀︎♂︎♀︎♁ energies ⚛️embody their mars+sun ✿✿✿signs more and feminine energies ⚛️embody their moon+venus signs more. what do y'all think ? maybe jupiter for masculine 🔥as well and ❤️‍🔥lilith for feminine.
🏹fire signs🔥🔥🔥- how many of y’all have a fireplace 🏕️at ur place lol
🏹people who have virgo ♍️ libra ♎️ and scorpio ♏️ placements prominently in their chart : chefs kiss 🤌 y'all are the bombshell 👸💋💄🥰personified: u are both the maiden, goddess and femme fatale 😎
🏹saturn 🪐 influenced signs- (capricorn, aquarius) have the most beautiful bone 🦴🩻😇🤤structure- like no joke, y'all look like greek statues. 🗿🗽
🏹if u wanna embody ur bad bitch 💋🌶️❤️‍🔥💄💃energy: channel ur lilith placement: what sign and what house is it in and what aspects is it making. for ex: lilith in pisces ♓️in the 8th house 💀⚰️🪦aspecting saturn 🪐: u get into ur bad bitch era ❤️‍🔥when u become a spiritual warrior 🗡️✊that becomes a channel for others to transform ⛓️🔗their old constructs of sex+death 🍆⚰️and money 💰
🏹virgo placements have the best style 👗👚👖👙🥻👘🥼🩱fight me on this 🤺
🏹if the benefic 😎👏🍀🌞🕶️planets are transiting ur 12th house, u best believe ur angel 👼 guides are watching over u- expect lots and lots of synchronicities 🕍🌻🍄🐚divine timing ⏱️ and unexpected abundance 🤘🎉🍦
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that's all 🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞 i hope y'all enjoyed and got some fruitful 🍒🍑🍉insights 🧘‍♀️🧿🪬👁️🔮
happy virgo full moon y'all (iz my moon sign 🌝🌚🎑
love y'all 💜💘💌
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dukesmebby · 2 years
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i really never thought id be able to do something like this, so thank you guys. thanks for being such a welcoming and loving 'lil community. thank you for following and giving my work some love sometimes. just, thank you!
(dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
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You're all invited to my Sleepover! We are going to gossip all about our favorite boys (stevie and eds), play some of the classic sleepover games, share our favorite stories since the last time we’ve talked, all while listening to the best tunes!
If you want to hear how i've been (the hc's that won’t leave my head) this is probably your best bet. I would also love to hear how you've been so don't be afraid to let me know!
Boy Talk- send in 💘 a character + concept or hc and i'll give you some of my fav headcanons! or you can send in 💗 a character + your fav hc for them (nsfw for steve and eddie only please)
if theres nothing juicy going on right now, we can always just turn up the music and dance the night away.
Dance Party- Send in 🩰 and your favorite song/ a song recommendation + a lil bit about yourself/ your aesthetic and i'll make a moodboard for you based off of that! 
if you aren't much of a dancer yourself, we can always just play some games. we just have to make sure we arent laughing too loud. can't wake up mom!
Spin the bottle- send in 🎱 + an ask game! I'll be linking a list that you can choose questions from if you want but this is also open to would you rather/ fmk/ cym! (ask games!)
i know you have been itching to tell someone about that one thing you can't stop thinking about, please let it be me you tell. i want to know what he did. i want to know what they said! you're telling me she did what?!
Share your stories!- send me 💓 + your favorite author, fic, headcanons, blurbs, or even just fav blogs to share some love! (yes your fav can be something of your own, you worked hard on it and it deserves to be put out there!) 
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Celebration will be lasting 2/11/23 until 2/25/23
I will do hc’s for all stranger things characters but I will only do nsfw hc’s for steve and eddie. Please respect that!
tagging some moots to get the word out, ily all sm<3: @munsonswife @translatemunson @bisexual-byers @paranoidmunson @idkmanijustwannawrite @billysprettyboy @katsu28 @matchamunson @munsonology @stvharrngton @schoopsahoy @steveharringtonscarkeys @niceboyeds @hellfireclubs @luvmunson @l4venderf4iry @edsbug @honeymunson @toxic-aries @sw34terw34ther @reidstyleshotch @stevestummy @lil-quinnie @munsonsreputation @crappymixtape @reanimated-alice
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