#thank you again una ily
pupuseriazag · 11 months
Me: ok so you see the water has a faint light blue color that glows, but not enough to help guide you in the dark, you can feel the water inviting you to drink it
Player: ... Im not gonna drink that.
Me, who gave him a healing fountain: 💀 ok, sure.
Me: checking the stands you find a bottle with the same misterious liquid.
Player: im keeping that one
-some other minutes later, against a mimic-
Player, who is only at 2 HP: I take some steps back and I throw the bottle at the mimic.
Me who knows whats going to happen: sure :) roll the dice.
Player: -gets a 5-
Me: ok, you attempt to throw the bottle, however it slips through your hands and it falls close to you, breaking in pieces and the liquid splashes on your body. And you start feeling like the strange liquid heals you a little by 5 points
Player, realizing he almost healed the mimic:
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playtwewy · 5 years
32 (Don't Get Lost In Heaven),13, 14, 24
Una I love you and i would die for you ( ´ ▽ ` )
32. alternate title for (insert story title)
Bro titles are my kryptonite,,,, like i think before i decided to use that title i swear it was just labeled like TWEWY fic or something lame like that. But if you want a serious answer I would probably name it after another song since those are easy and can convey more meaning, and if i wasn’t following the Gorillaz motif it would either be Let It Happen or Are You Satisfied? off the top of my head.
13.  hardest character to write
Still from my twewy fic that would have to be Joshua. Like one of the reason i never started my twewy fic for so long was because i never felt confident in my ability to convey his complexities properly. And in some ways I still don’t. But it’s still a nice challenge.
Second would be Komaeda because yes I did attempt/succeed in writing danganronpa fanfiction at one point...
14. easiest character to write
Back when i was really really into kagepro Kido was my hardcore comfort character and so I found it easy to write her whenever I did :)
Second would be Eri since, rather than trying to capture the feeling of other characters I use my own idea of her to fuel my writing which is fun.
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
I have 3 that I can’t really decide between. 1. I wrote a psycho pass ficlet after a character I really liked died as a way to express my grief and I’m pretty proud of it lol for old writing. 2. The first scene in my twewy fic where I wrote from Joshua’s perspective (i think the first scene in chapter 2) im pretty proud of that lmao since i think it’s good. 3. I finished a tsukihina fic just this time last year and I’m pretty happy with how the kissing scene at the end of it turned out aksdfjkjdsfhj
asks for fanfic writers
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honeysidesarchived · 3 years
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⊱ a santino d'antonio / oc short-fic
interlude i ( read on ao3 ) ( masterlist )
words: 3k
warnings: clown to clown communication! dassit.
rating: m/t
notes: little flashback/interlude chapter where we can all pretend we don't know the inevitable doom that euphie and santino are hurtling towards at breakneck speed ♡ thank you everyone for your love and support on this fic!!!
and thank you to my beta @starcrier who has been reading this content and proofing it not for the first time, but now for the SECOND time, after beginning this fixation for me from the start. you are an angel and ily! ♡♡
Two Years Earlier
It’s the second time that Euphemia meets Santino that she realizes some things in her life have been decided for her, by Fate, and against her will.
Down the road, it will be come a hallmark of their love. Santino will say it against her mouth, her jaw, her neck; il destino, he’ll murmur, you are my destiny. But Euphie will have felt it, that inevitable pull of him, long before he says it.
It’s a black tie even at his museum. She’s been here once before, for a different event he’s thrown, with a different man as a date. That one had been Italian; this one, tonight, is Russian. She would try to remember their names if they mattered, but they don’t.
Admittedly, it’s not quite a date for her, but it is for the Russian. He’s been courting her well and good for the last week, has taken to calling her my girl, is unaware that just two weeks ago she had let another man call her that (or if he knows, he refuses to acknowledge it). She won’t think about it very much; if there’s a little bit of her that hates it, she is reminded that almost all of the money goes home, and that’s what matters.
So, yes—the evening she meets Santino for what is, technically, the second time, she’s on the arm of another man, and Santino walks by with what she’s sure is every intention of ignoring her date for the evening. Her partner says his name, bright and friendly, and the Golden Boy stops and turns with a smile planted on his face that only thinly veils his annoyance at being detained.
“Buonasera,” Santi greets, hands tucked into the pocket of his slacks as he drags his gaze once over her date and then turns his eyes to her. The linger, longer than Euphie might like—men, she thinks, nothing they do doesn’t feel intrusive—and then turn back to her paramour for the evening. “Thank you for coming. Are you two enjoying the evening?”
“Yes, thank you,” the Russian says, and then with a pleased little smile, he plunges on to introduce her. “This is my Euphemia.”
The words leave a sour taste in her mouth. My Euphemia, this fucking gangster says, like he hasn’t paid for her attendance in expensive gifts that she promptly turns around for profit, like she won’t slide his credit card out of his wallet when he isn’t looking. She knows what he expects out of the evening—but he won’t get it. It wouldn’t be a party if he didn’t end up sorely disappointed and thoroughly vexed.
“Euphemia,” Santino repeats, looking more than pleased to savor her name. “That’s Greek, isn’t it? And your last name is...”
“Volpe,” she supplies, despite the warning bells going off in her head. She immediately regrets it. Idiot, she thinks to herself viciously, monsters love to know your name.
Santino’s expression warms. “Italian, then.”
“Yes,” Euphie replies, even though it’s not a question. She’s unaccustomed to being the center of attention at these things. “My parents have a taste for elaborate, long-winded names that people are prone to stumbling over and mispronouncing.”
A smile—one that does not look strained in the least—drags the corners of his mouth upward. He says, “It suits you,” his eyes flickering over her admiringly before he looks back to her date, feigning a grin at a joke that he makes.
They begin discussing niceties that Euphemia doesn’t care about; business, that which goes on under the Table, and yes, Euphemia is there too, but not really. She belongs to no organization, no man. She doesn’t contract work, necessarily—she gets picked up by mafiosos and gangsters that want a pretty slice of arm candy, finds ways to bleed them out just enough that they consider her an inconvenience and not a threat, and gets on with it. She’s selected by word of mouth alone, which means she has spent more time with the regulars of the underworld more than she would like.
As the old adage went, if it’s not broke...
And because she does not care about what they’re discussing—this and that, him or her, the gossip and annoyances of life under the Table—and desperately wants to get out of this dragging social obligation, Euphemia exhales a little sigh and sets her empty champagne flute on a passing tray and says, “Excuse me, I’m going to go freshen up.”
Santino’s gaze lands on her, heavy. There is something sly in his voice when he says, “Let me show you where to go, bella. It’s easy to get lost if you’ve never been here before.”
She knows where the restrooms are, because she has been here before; Santino must know this, she thinks, must be aware that this is not the same man she was with the last time they met in passing (although last time, her date had hardly deigned to introduce her, instead bustling right on to the business portion of it).
Her date is look at her expectantly, displeased that Santino has taken an interest in her but insistent that she not embarrass him by refusing a polite offer. She cannot afford to say, it’s fine, I know where to go, because men don’t like to acknowledge that Their Girl might have also been courted to attend an event with another man, once. The Russian will be in a bad mood all evening if she says that. Unfortunately for her, her particular brand of clientele are especially tedious when they’re in bad moods.
Euphemia stifles a sigh. “That’s very nice, thank you,” she murmurs, wishing desperately that she could just leave. It’s almost not worth it anymore to keep going. It would be a net loss; maybe she would be better off just eating crow and taking it.
Santino plants a hand on the small of her back and guides her out of the conversation, through the crowd of people and toward the back of the room. The low, scooping back of her dress allows him purchase to the skin there, and he takes a lot of care in guiding her—one hand on her back, the other occasionally taking her hand to wind her through the crowd, almost in a sort of waltz. Any excuse to be close to her, he takes, and even if he stops to talk to someone, his hand stays on her. A permanent fixture.
A marking of territory.
It’s always a pissing contest, with men.
She knows that the restrooms are, in fact, not this way, and for a second, she thinks about saying so—but what would be the point? To kick up a fuss now would be almost worse than breaking the magical illusion that she is there for her companion and not for his money.
“You can imagine my surprise to find you here again,” Santino says when the sounds of the party are drowned out by a closed door behind them. The quiet stillness of the hall seems to enshroud them, almost womblike; dulling out the roar of incessant chatter and elbow-rubbing and peacocking.
She keeps walking down the hall despite knowing that it’s not the direction of the restroom. A part of her hopes that if she continues to play dumb, Santino will tire of her more quickly.
And then he prompts, from behind her, “It is again, isn’t it? I could have sworn I saw you here just a few weeks ago, but you were here with...Abarca, wasn’t it?”
“Is there a point to the little thesis you’re writing out loud?” Euphemia asks coolly, not bothering to hide her irritation. She stops walking and turns to face the man, who seems quite pleased with himself; it’s his turn to move, an attempt at closing the gap between them, and each step he takes forward is a step that Euphemia inches backwards until her back hits the wall.
“My point is, Euphemia Volpe,” he rumbles, “that you might be breaking my poor friend’s heart. Can’t I be concerned about that?”
Her eyes narrow. “Your dear friend? Do you know his name?”
“Do you?” Santino replies evenly. He props a hand up on the wall beside her head, blocking her in—but while Euphie’s knee-jerk reaction is to throw up a red flag and bolt, there is something lovely about the gesture, as though he’s made their conversation that much more intimate by one single movement.
It’s dark in the hallway, dimly effused in an amber glow from lowered lights. They cast eerie, handsome shadows across Santino D’Antonio’s face. Absently, Euphie wishes she was more drunk, but she’d been taking the evening slow in preparation of disappearing from her Russian benefactor.
And no. She doesn't remember his name.
Santino seems to take her silence as affirmation, and he grins.
“Don’t worry, I won’t spill your secret,” he purrs. “If you do something for me.”
Euphemia’s mind races. She jumps to the worst case scenario immediately; but she can’t afford to think like that, can’t afford to sweat in front of the man who leans into her with all of the deadliness of a jungle cat. He’ll eat her up if she does, gnash his teeth and sink his claws in and grind her up between his molars. She’s sure of it.
Her predatory conversation partner arches a dark brow at her. He is handsome, Euphie thinks—pretty, the way an oil slick is, dark and iridescent.
“Do you agree?” he prompts. She stifles a grimace.
“Tell me what the favor is first.”
This drags a laugh out of him. “Sei una piccola volpe, aren’t you? Let loose in a hen house of idiot men.” He sounds particularly delighted by this revelation, like maybe he was worried she wouldn’t live up to his expectations. “The favor is just your favor.” He pauses and tilts his head, gauging her. “Go to dinner with me.”
It feels like a trick. It probably is a trick. She’s thinking of all the way that she can turn him down, squirm her way out of this trap that Santino—because she’s not stupid; she knows who and what he is—has laid out for her.
She’s trying to, anyway, but then Santino’s hand comes up to cradle her jaw, fingers slotting through the hair at the base of her skull, and he brushes their noses together.
“Gorgeous little fox,” Santino murmurs, his voice a pleasant rumble, crushed velvet and the sticky, dark-wet of blood. The air bubbles with a strange, hypnotic emotion, lulling her. “I think that I just have to have you. Say that you’ll come to dinner with me.”
The words send her heart fluttering. This is not the first time that a man has said such a thing to her, but it is the first time a man has said it to her this way—as though he is swallowed by his want of her.
Euphemia impulsively says, “Yes,” before she can turn the acquiescence over in her head forty times and smooth the edges down. The second the word comes out of her mouth, Santino is kissing her—electric, demanding, impatient. She’s been kissed by men many times before, and none of them like this; starved for her. She has never known she wanted someone to be driven insatiable by her presence until Santino D’Antonio is kissing her like a man incensed in a dark hallway.
I am always hungry for someone else, she has thought time and time before. I want someone to be hungry for me.
Satino bunches a fistful of velvet in his hand, gathering the fabric between his fingers at her hip and sighing, almost ruefully, like he wants to do more but he won't.
“I should take you from the idiot right now,” he says against her mouth, and he sounds almost breathless. “But I imagine you’re not through with him yet.”
It’s funny to hear him say it like that. When people look at Euphie on the arm of a Russian gangster, they think, he’s not done yet with that poor girl, but unsurprisingly, Santino sees right through it. He pulls back and gives her a half-cocked grin that’s only a little wicked.
Oh, she thinks, feeling a little more than desperate for another kiss, this was a mistake. But though a mistake he may be, Santino D’Antonio is adept at dressing himself up as a delicious one.
“No,” Euphemia replies. Her chest tightens when the warmth of his body leaves hers, pulling back, hand letting loose the fabric. “I don’t suppose that I am.”
“Then I’ll pick you up tomorrow,” Santi replies, that grin on his face not once faltering. He seems very assured that he’s going to sweep her off her feet. Absently, he reaches up and presses the pad of his thumb against her lower lip, dragging it across the skin still tender from the bruising of his kiss. “And what will you say, Euphemia Volpe, when you go back to your Russian friend and he asks you what you think of Santino D’Antonio?”
What could she say? That she wishes that he would kiss her again, the way that he just had, with longing?
“That I don’t,” Euphemia replies, her voice coming out of her silky. The words darken Santino’s gaze; he looks amused and ruffled, all at the same time. “Think of you at all.”
“Oh, that won’t do.” Santino is leaning in close again, the smell of his cologne washing over her, their lips so close they might as well be kissing. “How can I endear myself to you, belladonna?”
Euphemia knows who he is; she knows exactly the kind of man he plays at, at least in public. Even still, she wants to say something reckless, like, you could kiss me again; but she knows better than that, for now. It’s always ‘for now’, with fools.
“Don’t take me out to dinner,” she says after a heartbeat. “Cook it for me.”
Santino pauses and leans back, like maybe he was thinking she would have just asked him for another kiss, and then he laughs.
“Of course, how could I be such a fool?” He grins at her, wide and pearly-white. “Then I will pick you up tomorrow, and cook you dinner.” He starts walking down the hall, and Euphemia can’t help the disappointment that blooms warm and red in her chest, the petals unfurling and reaching each edge of her rib cage.
“You don’t have my address,” she calls after him, still leaned against the wall. Santino turns. His smile has not dimmed in the least.
“I don’t need it,” he replies back casually. “I can find you just fine.”
Santino is a fine cook. By most standards, he is probably even an excellent cook, but he is a fine cook to a woman who has grown up with traditional Italian recipes that she has made most every day since she was trusted in front of the stove.
Euphie tries not to micromanage as he cooks, but it’s difficult. The man is wearing an apron over his five thousand dollar suit—probably more; she’s shooting low when she estimates that—and he lets the sauce that’s meant to simmer start boiling before he turns the heat down, and he doesn’t season his water with anything when he starts heating it up for the pasta, and Euphie just can’t stand it.
“Santino, have you ever made dinner for your family in your entire life?” she demands, nudging him out of the way and empty out half of the semi-hot water to replace it with chicken stock, setting the burner up again.
“No, darling,” he replies amusedly, watching her fuss over the sauce. “Just you.”
She stops. It shouldn’t be sweet—it is Santino, after all—but it is. He does a very good job of being the unassuming viper in this situation, she thinks. So she continues what she’s doing, keeping her hands and her eyes and mouth busy because if she doesn’t, they’ll find ways to busy themselves.
“This was supposed to be you making me dinner,” she chides, “not me teaching you how to cook. I think that it will take a lot of making up for me to—”
Santino’s hand tilts her face to him, and he leans down and kisses her. It’s softer than how he’d kissed her in the hallway, but it doesn’t lack the urgency. He still feels hungry.
She’s dreadfully caught up in it, letting him come back a second and then a third time, letting the flicker of his tongue against her lips part them obediently, letting the gentle reprimand of his teeth in her lower lip inspire a little noise out of her. It’s somehow too long and not enough, and when Euphemia drops the spoon on the counter to grip the front of Santino’s shirt (apron), his hands go to her hips.
“Sit down,” he orders playfully against her mouth, “and let me cook for you. And then we will see who will be doing the making-up, won’t we?”
Euphemia has half a mind to tell him to forget dinner—turn the burners off, she wants to say, and kiss me like that again, but more, and everywhere, and and and—but the competitor in her won’t let go. She exhales a short, impatient breath and says, “Fine, but you are on thin ice, amico.”
He laughs and shuffles her away from the stove to a stool at the kitchen island. In what can only be an effort to properly shmooze her, he follows it up with a glass of wine presented neatly in front of her, glittering-ruby, before returning to his half-done dinner on the stove.
“Amico, huh?” The dark-honey blonde glances over his shoulder at her. “Do you kiss all of your friends like that, Euphemia Volpe?”
The words send a pleased little flurry through her chest. As she watches him over her glass of wine, she replies, “Only the very handsome ones.”
When the food is served up, they don't bother going to the dining table. In Santino's loft, it appears that the dining table likely goes without much use, despite it being seated for a full party of people; instead, they stay at the kitchen island, and Santino deposits the apron on the counter before he leans against the edge of the island.
“You are a hard woman to track down, Euphemia,” Santino says, reaching over and scooping and olive off of her plate for himself. She makes an affronted noise.
“I thought you would have no trouble finding me?”
“I did not anticipate you were so efficient at covering your tracks.” He smiles, watching her across the countertop. “No family in New York. No employment history. Rent paid in cash. Most frequently spotted at the Continental, too, but otherwise your recreational hours are spent entertaining influential figureheads. If I did not know any better, I would think you were preparing to disappear.”
Euphemia shrugs. It would be unsettling, that he went digging on her, but she supposes that's life under the Table. It's not as though she anticipated he wouldn't, anyway.
“You are obsessed with me, Santi, it's alright, you can say,” she demurs. It's easier than saying I never want to have to try very hard to disappear.
He grins at her. “Maybe I am just offended that you never offered me your services.” And then, as though to be a good sport: “Because I am obsessed with you, Euphemia Volpe.”
She takes a sip of her wine, sets the glass down on the countertop, and plants her chin in her hand to regard him. His gaze is playful; he looks almost earnest about his words, even though she'd said them in jest. At any rate, it's a relief to have navigated the prying, for the moment.
Euphemia says, “How were you able to focus on cooking when you have me here, then?”
There is a crooked little smile on his face at her words, a smile that she can only see for half of a moment before he says, “Don’t you know the saying?” He leans in and tilts her chin up with his fingers, his gaze sweeping her, as though to admire the most opulent work of art.
“Senza tentazioni, senza onore.”
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
You know? "Hello" is getting kinda boring, so now I will say hi and something in a different languaje every time :) I got the idea and now its canon (Also, please correct if I use the words wrong) So...
Ciao!!! Spero che tu abbia passato una bella giornata🧡❤️ Facciamolo!!
I'm liking Amari...🥺
"She had grown up in a better world. Because of Uncle Alec." YES. My boy is beautiful!!!
I literally hate Kyle so much...
I love Amari 🥺💙
Seraph baldes not working??? This isnt good
Ragnor paled at that. “The Lightwood cousin?” (I cant 😂😂)
Ragnor is such a mood!! Also love how he loves Selena 💜💙
“I won’t tell the Consul you are the admin of the Alec Lightwood group chat.” “You have no proof!” Amira grinned.  (OK, when can I marry her???)
Michael!! I need a ship name for them!!!
Shit. Now I'm worried. What will happen if Alec goes to Idris??
Idk why but Jace training with Lexi is so fucking beautiful!!
The pain again!!! My heart is already broken all over again...
"He had wanted to set the world on fire and burn with it." I JUST WANT THEM TO BE OK!! 😭
Now that we see the context of the chaotic room scene, it has a different twist...
Jace is a fucking amazing father!!
Clace🥺🥺 why is this hurting so much??
“Thank you, Luca,” Clary replied and turned to him. “What did you do?” (the fact that they are adults and have been married for years, yet its the first question in Clary's mind is awesome 😂)
Uwevkwke so many Clace feelings!!
"It couldn’t possibly be fine. I watched them burn a part of it on a pyre yesterday." 🥺😭
No. No no no. Is it.. It cant. Alec?? Please let me be wrong!! Shit. It clicked in me a second before!! NOOO!!  Dani you really know how to connect the dots and create a plot twist all at once!!
“Honestly, I don’t know why I am shocked at this point. We knew this was coming.” Ok, I got to admit I did laugh at this😂 Also, SAME!!
I love Gigi!!!
Ugh why do they have to go through this??? I want to wrap them in a blanket and hide them!!
Roman!! We are seeing Roman!! Yessss. I literally screamed 💙🥺
Ok, Max apologising to Jackson. I needed this!! Yup, he seems really bad at hugs 😂 I love the silent agreement. I really like this dynamic
"Brother David" This. This is the dead of me.
I... I'm confusion. This is too much. Wow. I need a moment. Who is waiting??? Nskwkdbd what???
So, in a nutshell: Alec is not only going to die if he goes to Idris, he is sick. Roman will appear and someone is waiting for Max in Edom. Yup. I'm scared
Love it💙💙Arrivederci! Ci vediamo la prossima settimana
I love this idea! Your creativity (and love) amazes me 🥺💙
I'm excited to see what language comes up next 😂
Gentle reminder that ily and wishing you a wonderful weekend!!!!
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I'm a fucking wreck rn I haven't been sleeping for a week and I'm getting some rest from the bullshit factory that is my brain only now, but I just wanted to say that last year for me has been saved by tumblr and all the friends I made along the way.
Before you go below the cut, a special thanks goes to the Bee Movie Anon, who, rightfully, I can't tag so I have to say it here in the hope that they'll see it. Your hunger for chaos made me feel a lot of emotions, and I'd have never in any time or space thought that the Bee Movie would be such a prominent part of my life as it is now thanks (read it with a note of sarcasm) to you. Thank you for providing us an infinite amount of both entertainment and suffering, hell, some of the friends I made were because of YOU. I'm still not sure what was your drive to go and start this absurd crusade for the bee movie in the 80s metal fandom, but I don't know, I don't think bee so, I'm not gonna question your ways.
@arnold-layne being the first in line, you kept me sane somehow in the first phases of quarantine and dedicated a lot your time to talk with me and helped me enormously with creativity. If it wasn't for you, that Cyberpunk Comic That Is Kinda Inspired By The Crüe and Shout At The Devil would've been already down the drain. I would've given up probably, because I didn't know how to exted the concept and have an actual plot. A dream that I've been having for literal years wouldn't even have such cool characters with a rich storyline if it wasn't for you. I know I kinda left it after a month or so of intense brainstorming with you, I was literally drained at that point both physically and mentally, but oh boy I haven't forgot about the characters that WE created. How could I after all? Russ being the wreck of a tormented junkie protagonist that he is, Dylan the happy-go-lucky fuck up that seems to do nothing right but with the best intentions, Frankie the runaway sassy and wary androgynous teenager whose gender is a mystery even to themselves, and the epitome of the found family trope, ex gov agent part Japanese, part Russian, part cyborg Vik, whose story isn't still clear yet but we'll give him a very good one, eventually.
You gave me the curiosity to read fanfiction again after literally NINE YEARS of being distant from that part of the fandom and honestly I don't regret it one bit. In fact, I discovered literally my favorite writer in fanfiction. That is you, Arnold. I don't care how frequently you write, I don't care if sometimes you can't do your best. I'll always be there waiting for the next chapter and I'll always think that your art is sublime. I'll have to admit, I don't read your works as often as I should. But it's because I love them so much that I want to always save for later. It's like a drug, or a delicious cake that you want it to last as long as possible so you can enjoy it for much longer (I should be reading your fic more often either way tho like, at least so I can make more art for it. I'll make sure to change that this year and give you the recognition you deserve 🖤).
Everytime I make art, everytime I make a post, I always wait for your name to pop in my notifs. And fuck if I'm happy when I see it, and I rush to read your tags and it always makes my day. Like seriously, you mean so much to me and I admire how you can still be any amount of sane with all you're going through. You're strong as hell, keep going. 🖤
@i-dont-like-rice dude, how can I explain it. You're my best bud here. You're my chaotic sibling from another mother. The other braindead I share the single braincell I have with. The Nikki to my Tommy. Or the Tommy to my Nikki, I'm still not sure which of us is which (I guess I'm Nikki and you're Tommy? lmao it's ironic how even them are an italian and a balkanian) but you get the point. Every interaction we have, I laugh my ass off till my whole body hurts every time. I think I worried my mother and annoyed my sister at least a couple times for bursting out laughing for five minutes straight out of the blue, especially if it was late at night, and all the times, I swear it was because of you. You are as chaotic as you are kind, and it's always so disarming to see you worry or take care of others when you are definitely in a worse situation. Please, be more selfish, goddammit. For your own sake. And be more confident of your art. Draw shit and post it. Who cares if it's not perfect and you hate it and you don't want anybody to see it, it's tumblr, nobody will ever reblog it or give you the well deserved recognition anyway! So it's worth a try isn't it?
@no-stone-no-bone seriously, I'm so glad I met you. You're like the third element of chaos that holds me and Andi together. All three of us are literally unstoppable. You're extremely sweet too and I wish you the best, and DON'T HIDE SHIT IN THE TAGS GODDAMMIT 😂
@white-lightning-625 @viiinceneil I know we really haven't talked much, and we met through unfortunate times, but I'm so glad that something good came out of the chaos and drama, which is being able to talk to you and getting to know you both better. And the fics. My god, the fics. Frankie, I already told you this but MY GOD. I still find it incredible that I've read a fic about a band I didn't even know what they looked or sounded like and I was HOOKED from start to finish. And Katie, I should definitely read more of your works because I love what you've got going on. You're both very sweet and talented with a very distinct, beautiful way of writing and I can't wait to sink my teeth into the pulp of your work, because I know that by now I only scratched the surface.
@awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands Bruh, conoscere una fan su tumblr the parla la MIA STESSA LINGUA (e che ha pure il mio stesso vero nome lmao cosa sta succedendo)??? Che concetto innovativo!!! Le nostre conversazioni sono sempre disgiunte, ma non importa, adoro ogni nostra interazione. Sei seriamente una delle persone più dolci e gentili che abbia mai conosciuto. La tua creatività stimola sempre la mia. Le tue moodboard sono sempre 👌👌👌 e ogni volta trovo sempre qualcosa che sì, ci avevo pensato, ma mai nel modo in cui lo poni tu, e di solito sono una persona che resta vicina alle proprie idee, ma tu riesci a farmi alterare prospettiva, e trovo questo meccanismo mentale molto affascinante. Ti ricordi lo swapped instruments AU, con Tommy come cantante, no? Giuro che è un concetto a cui penso ancora dopo mesi. Spero di avere la capacità mentale per tradurre quell'idea in arte il prima possibile, perché cazzo, lo adoro troppo
@tattooed-lies thank you for providing the fandom the best gifs in the fucking platform and thank you for giving us the vinikki content that everyone, even if they're not aware, deserves and needs. Thank you for being the only Vince stan that I know. Thank you for being the sweetest person alive 💖
@nbtommylee honestly, I wish I was cool like you. Your sense of humor is impeccable, much like your critical thinking. I have never read something from you that wasn't a valid point. You don't talk shit and that's extremely sexy of you, y'know? And having a "gender dysphoria buddy" to be jealous of our Rockstar Gender Of Choice with is always fun to have, so that's definitely a plus. Can't wait to see (and read!) more of your art, I just love your style so much and you deserve to be Known
@metalmelkor @emometalhead @polka-dot-duff I'm always so happy to see you in my notifs and y'all are oh so very sweet and cool, we haven't talked much but I love every interaction we have, sorry for having the social skills of a stale piece of white bread 🖤
A special thanks goes to @awesomgrlgr8job bc you're literally one of my very first mutuals since I made the decision to make this dumpster fire of a blog and holy shit it's crazy to think about that. I don't even know if we ever interacted that much but it's always such a joy to see you around, ily and I hope you're doing well and thanks for putting up with my clownery for so long 💖
Like seriously, thank you all. I don't even know where I would be without you. Here's to another year of chaos, but only of the good kind 💖
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mmewsstuff · 3 years
Nota 1.
Primero que todo, este post va con una advertencia por si estás en recuperación
ADVERTENCIA: Problemas alimenticios
Ahora, ya quedaste advertido, Aún que no sé porque sigues leyendo.
Cómo sea, hoy es un Sábado 10 de julio, por la tarde de 2021. Esta despejado, él sol esta llamativo, pero se esconde. Hoy me levante tarde, aproximadamente a las 1 p.m. Tomé un vaso de agua, y me serví una avena. No estaba seguro de hacerlo, en mi cabeza decía que iba a engordar, pero tenía que hacerlo porque mi padre estaba ahí. A él no le gusta que no coma, Oh! pobre hombre, si tan solo supiera. Igualmente me la serví, me la comí esta la mitad, mi padre se fue a la mitad de que me la estaba comiendo. Después de unas dos horas, comí DE NUEVO. Oh mierda. Me comí dos trozos de pizza de el día de ayer, me sentí cómo un cerdo, a demás que lo acompañe con una bebida. No sé cuantas calorías tenían, pero ya al darme cuenta.. Era muy tarde, había pasado una hora de que me comí la pizza. Aún que la vomitara era muy tarde, mi cuerpo ya había ingerido las calorías. Sentí cómo mis ojos se llenaban de lágrimas y mi pecho dolía. Así que me apuré a buscar ejercicios en YouTube para quemar las calorías. Unos eran de Chloe ting, LUMOWELL, ili life, etc. Me apuré en hacerlos. Actualmente peso 42 kilos creo que serían 92 libras, y mido 1,57. Mi meta es pesar 39kg. Gracias por leerme, mi primera nota es algo aburrida.
                                              english ver 
im not good at english okk-
First of all, this post goes with a warning in case you are in recovery
Now, you've been warned, but i don't know why u keep reading.
Anyway, today is a Saturday, July 10, in the afternoon of 2021. It is clear, the sun is shiny, but it hides. Today I woke up late, at approximately 1 p.m. And i drink some water, and I helped myself to an oatmeal. I wasn't sure if i eat it, in my head I said I was going to get fat, but I had to eat it, because my father was there. He doesn't like when i not eat. Oh! poor man, if only he knew. At the end, I ate it in half ,my father left the house when I was eating my oatmeal in half. After about two hours, I ate AGAIN. Oh shit. I ate two slices of pizza, I felt like a fucking pig, in addition to accompanying it with Fanta. I don't know how many calories they had, but when I realized it It was too late, an hour had passed since I ate the pizza. Even though I threw it up it was too late, my body had already ingested the calories. I felt my eyes fill with tears. So i search to find exercises on YouTube to burn off the calories. Some were from Chloe ting, LUMOWELL, ili life, etc. I rushed to do them. Currently I weigh 42 kg, I think that would be 92 pounds, and I am 1.57 My goal is to weigh 39kg. Thanks for reading, my first note is kinda boring.
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Peter Pan Retelling WIP: a snippet
I literally have no idea why I’m posting this when I have no introduction or title for this but oh well. 
I found myself writing this at some point of quarantine maybe?????? and it’s fun so far so I keep drafting.
Enjoy my swordfight between Peter and Wendy! :) 
(And thanks for reading!! ily!)
"The truth, Peter. I just want that." "That's the truth" the Boy Who never Grows Up got to the end of the stairs "How did you get here?" "To join Hook's crew?" the swords met again "Or to Neverland? I guess it's the same, after all." "Who are you Wendy Darling?, asked Peter finally. "You just said it." "No, who are you really?" The boy blocked her attack. Boh of them took a step backwards and stared at each other. "I'm a Lost Kid" answered her "That's all." "If you were really a Lost Kid, you'd be by my side" Wendy chuckled a little. "You aren't the only one bringing kids here, you know? Hook saved us." "Saved us?" Peter almost drops the weapon.   "My brothers: John and Michael. I guess you don't remember them... They are your prisoners." "And from what exactly did Hook save you all?'" he snapped. Hook would never do anything good.
(Ps I’m not a native english speaker so I apologize from any wrong grammar and/or spelling mistakes this text may include.)
Spanish version under the cut!!!!
- La verdad, Peter. Solo quiero eso.
- Esa es la verdad- el Niño Que Nunca Crecía llegó al final de las escaleras- ¿Cómo llegaste hasta aquí?
- ¿Hasta Garfio?- las espadas volvieron a encontrarse- ¿O hasta Nunca Jamás? Supongo que es lo mismo. 
- ¿Quién eres, Wendy Darling?- preguntó finalmente Peter. 
- Lo acabas de decir. 
- No, ¿quién eres en realidad?
El chico bloqueó su ataque. Ambos se separaron para observarse. 
- Soy una Niña Perdida- respondió ella- Eso es todo. 
- Si fueses una Niña Perdida estarías de mi lado.
Wendy se rió un poco. 
- No eres el único que trae a los niños aquí, ¿sabes? Garfio nos salvó. 
-  ¿Nos?- Peter casi baja la espada.
-  A mí y a mis hermanos: John y Michael. Supongo que no los recuerdas… Los tienes prisioneros.
-  ¿Y de qué os salvó, si se puede saber?- espetó. Garfio jamás haría algo bueno. 
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jjyubi · 4 years
ult group game
tagged by: @coups < 3 thank you ily tagging: @shuvee @sunkyuh @bvounggon @baejoonyoung (if you want to!)
for: the boyz
1. who was your first bias? — it’s blurry, i was bouncing around between hyunjun, kevin, and q when i was getting to know them 
2. who is your bias now? — juyeon! 
3. what was the first mv you watched by them? — i’m your boy
4. what’s your favourite mv? — so hard ;; maybe christmassy or no air
5. if you could only listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be? — again so hard because i have emotional attachments to so many of their songs ;; out of their title tracks - bloom bloom / b-sides - wings
6. who would you want to see them collab with? — i think it’s a crime that a dispatch main dancer line collab stage never happened i’m never letting this go
7. what (mv) concept do you want to see them do? — i want to see them do so many concepts but mostly retro/disco, vaporwave, grunge, a continuation of their quasi una fantasia stage from rtk
8. have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it? — very often yes; it’s mostly jacob that i dream about from what i can remember
9. if you could spend a day with one member, who would it be and what would you do? —  how can i only choose one member that’s like choosing one of my besties over another : ( i think kevin and i would like to either stay indoors and watch movies/listen to music with him or just vibe 
10. which member do you think you would get along with best? — i’m not sure but maybe jacob because leo rising solidarity 🤟
11. which member do you think you would argue with? — sunwoo, would fight him if provoked 
12. if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be? — none of them : )
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capitanmurasa · 4 years
Tagged by @rainywetcigarettes thanks ily <3
Rules: tag people you wish to know better
Top 3 Ships: uuuuuh trish una/sheila e (vento aureo i guess), jolyne/hermes (stone ocean) and i'm really getting into avpol??? yeah
Last Song: Strap Me In by The Cars. It makes me nostalgic :')
Last Movie: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Again, it's the nostalgia talking.
Currently Reading: Rereading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time!
What food are you craving now: Thinking about making semolina cake in the morning bc,,,it's been so long since i've had some. And I bought the amaretti just yesterday!
I tag @yellolbruh and all the bots that follow me <3
*But yeah, if you're one of my old mutuals and you're still around, I would really like to know you better, too!*
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dustfingarr · 6 years
About the translation of names in the Inkworld Trilogy
Okay, here we come with a long ass post, so first of all. 
1- I am not criticizing the translaters or anything, just trying to understand why the name sometimes feeel different switching language
2-I have read the Trilogy both in Italian and in English, and also speak a decent german, so the things that follow are based on my knowledge on three different knowledge levels of three different languages. 
A) When i first read Inkspell, I was mesmerized by the name of Cloud dancer, and now, writing it feels as weird as the first time i discovered this was the translation in english of one of the most poetic names in the trilogy. In fact, his Italian name is Balla sulle Nuvole, which literally means “Dances on the clouds”.  (I honestly wasn’t able to find his name in german, please help me with that thanks ily). For some reason, probably the phonetics of the language, the Italian version feels deeper, as if Cloud Dancer only signified the dancer of the clouds . I am not entirely sure there would have been another way to translate it, but it honestly feels reduced in meaning. It is in fact phisically impossible to dance on clouds, but the italian name suggests that he’s so good at what he does (Tightrope+acrobacy) that he is capable of actually be on the clouds, and do something nobody else can achieve. if someone could tell me the german name i’d be real real happy to have another comparison term <3
2) Number two, always regarding Inkspell and Inkdeath, is the Firefox. Apart from the fact that reading his name always got me jiggling because of the browser, i found a really big difference with the italian version. in fact, Volpe di Bragia literally means “the fox made out of embers”. I think that Bragia, which is probably one of my favourite words from a phonetic point of view, can recall the fact that he’s an arsonist, and not only that, but also the smartest, as symbolized by the fox. I know his name comes from the fox tails he carries on his back but really i am trash for symbolism and also if you think about it he is a bit arrogant and he pretends to outsmart people, even the Piper. So yeah i think i can saay that once again the italian version feels deeper because of the fact that both the elements of the name ( fox, ember) are realted to his personality and what he has operated in life (as for most of the names in the inkworld). Last thing about this, in italian it’s not Ash, but ember, and i think it can symbolize the fact that he’s still burning? as in the “Capricorn’s Arsonist”’s action’s consequences were less evident (as it feels with Fire) but still burning a bit. As for the german original, Brandsfuch means the fox of the Stake, and once again, i feel like it symbolizes the actions that led many people to death by fire, a stake if we can call it that way. 
3) Ah, the Adderhead. That sneaky son of a b***h. I have only recently discovered that the adder is a proper snake species. I fint this translation really good because not only it gives the general idea of a reptile, but if you look it up, you’ll discover that the adder has a really peculiar aspect 
(i am really afraid of snakes and this is so so difficult ugh)
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I mean if this ain’t the classical, stereotypical evil snake i don’t really know what else it could be.
Meanwhile, in the italian version we have Testa di serpente  which means snake head. and yes, it does give the sense of reptile, of course, but feels like something is missing. on the other hand it is very similar to the expression Testa di cazzo, (dickhead) which i started using as some point referring to the man. No offense but even though he is really well written and super exciting as a character, at some point i just gave up in favor of my hate for him for makn g my daughter Violante suffer.
4) About Violante, not really a thing about her translation because there is none, just a fact. Her name has the same origin of violare, which means to violate,  defile, impringe. it is honestly pure genius because she does, in fact, violate her father’s heritage by violating the kind of person he had wanted her to be.
5) The Bluejay. The Bluejay case is more of a curious fact than a real comparison, because the general sense of the meaning remains trough the translation. The german just means “The Jay”, but in Italian it changes, adopting the latin name of the jay species, Glandarius [glahn-dah-ree-oos].  This really feels nice while reading because it recalls the epic heroes of the past, which are kind of common knowledge and internalized part of the culture of the average italian. It’s really neat. 
i swear i hadn’t planned for this post to be this long ugh i am so sorry
If you’ve come this far, please leave a comment speaking your mind. once again, i don’t claim to be 100% right about everyting, it’s just that i’ve had this post in mind for so long i just couldn’t keep it in. 
To the italians reading this: che ne pensate? sono solo io o è una cosa comune? 
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spidderboy · 6 years
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QUE LINDA ESTÁ LA MAÑANA EN QUE VENGO A SALUDARTE, VENIMOS TODOS CON GUSTO Y PLACER A FELICITARTE... So our precious bean Danika (@spidergirlwanab) is turning 18 today!!!! (aka ya eres legal amiga wuuu) and since she is one of the cutest, purest, nicest, sweetest and most amazing person ever she deserves a big ass celebration. so as part of it we asked some tumblr users to send it their bday wishes for you Dan!! 
"Dreams can come true... if we have the courage to pursue the." -Walt Disney. Its your birthday so don't let time pass you by, just be you and do whatever crazy, Funny, quirky thing you dream of. Everyone should have that choice! (from @da-spiderling) “sup dan ;) here’s your old pal sab babe, I wish you a happy happy happy birthday. you’re a true sweetheart so you deserve it. you’re so awesome and everything you do is awesome. thanks for always being so sweet to me and for supporting me and reading my work etc etc. I’m just very thankful being your friend and I wish I could be there to party with you. we’d party hard. again, have a lovely day. so much love, sab💗 “(from @peterparkyourassonme) “so danika is one of my first and best friends i made on this hellsite and fr she’s sooo wonderful there aren’t even words to describe?? what a powerful, capable, beautiful woman! i am so proud of her and everything she will become and i’m so fortunate to have met her 💖” (from @starboyholland) “first of all, I wish you a happy and lovely birthday. you are worthy of all happiness in this world. be gentle and kind to yourself. your body is an ocean full of love and, because of that, deserves to be treated right. live the life that you want and keep being this strong and wonderful woman! it’s a good time to be alive! happy birthday, Danika xx” (from @onewrogue) “Happy Birthday, Cous!!! I hope you have a fantastic day! I love you lots and I’ll get on that whole fading/dust situation asap ♥️ “(from @jinxstarfire) “happy birthday Danika !! I hope your day is as lovely as you are. you are an amazing, gorgeous person and you deserve the world 💜” (from @dearcindymoon) “Danika, Though I know we don’t know each other well, I always see you on my dash and on Snapchat. You seem like one of the kindest, most awesome people ever. I wish you a very happy birthday and a very happy future. I believe that you will go far in life and accomplish great things. Keep doing what you’re doing, being amazing that is, and have a fantastic birthday. Don’t forget that you can always come to me if you ever need to talk. Again, have an amazing birthday! - K” (from @solarbarnes) “Happy birthday adoptive mom!! I hope it's as amazing as you are, and if not then 100x more amazing. Enjoy this trip around the sun! Don't forget to treat yo self like the queen you are. Sending all my very best. Love you lots! 💘” (from @valkyriethor) “danika it’s your birthday!! i’m so happy and lucky to have met someone so nice and amazing like you here on tumblr! i know we don’t talk often but whenever i see you on my dash i get super happy and wonder about how you’re doing! i hope you’re having an amazing day filled with joy and all amazing things that life has to offer!!! happy birthday! best wishes from ellinor💘💓” (from @punparker) “Happy birthday Danika!!! You're the most amazing daughter I could ask for and I hope you have an awesome day filled with lots of happiness and love!!! 💛💛💛”(from @dazzlingdarcy) “Hey Danika, we haven’t known each other long, but you seem like a very sweet and kind person. You are easy to talk to, and are you are also extremely funny.” (from @catastrsophie)
“Daaan, feliz cumpleaños 🎈 llevamos poco de conocernos pero creo que eres una niña increíble y espero que tengas un día sensacional, lleno de amor y felicidad. Pásala bonito y disfruta cada minuto de tu día porque lo mereces.” (from @invisiblxbrad)
“Danika feliz cumpleañossss!!! Eres increíble y espero que la pases divino 😍❤🌟 Siempre me matas de risa y eres una persona demasiado divertida!! Disfruta mucho que te mereces el mundo, un Tom and lots of love😘😘😘😘” (from @underoossss)
“Es tu cumpleañooos gracias por tu entrega y por tu amoooor ahre soy muy mala para estas cosas, siempre termino diciendo lo mismo una y otra vez pero vamos a intentar. Voy a empezar diciendo que sos una persona increíble y que estoy muy contenta de haberte conocido, desde el primer día me hiciste sentir re en confianza y eso es algo que valoro muchísimo. Espero que tengas el mejor de los cumpleaños porque lo merecés y ojalá seas feliz siempre 💖💖 pORQUE ME QUIERES POR LO QUE SOY POR SIEMPRE TE AMARÉEEEEEEE bueno ya, te quiero muchoo ✨ mis mejores deseos para vos! P.D: tengo un regalo especial pero no te voy a decir qué es, sólo diré que es Tom H. No, muy obvio, mejor T. Holland” (from @afilmbypeterparkr)
"Feliz cumpleaños a la mejor memester que conocí hasta ahora!! Nos conocemos hace poco pero desde el primer momento me hiciste sentir bienvenida en este grupo loco que tenemos, me pareces una persona muy graciosa y espero que podamos conocernos mucho más, feliz cumpleaños 🎉" (from @cringyholland)
“¡¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS DANIKA!! He de agradecer a Tom Holland porque gracias a él te conozco jeje, quiero que sepas que tu blog es uno de mis favoritos desde hace ya un tiempo, siempre me pareciste una persona muy cool y al estar en el latinx tumblr squad contigo me di cuenta que eras más cool y linda de lo que parecías y que you are doing amazing in life sweetie. Espero que te la pases genial rodeada de todos los que te quieren y que recibas mucho amor y regalos, mis mejores deseos para ti hoy y siempre, que sigas cumpliendo muchísimos años más, linda.💗💕🎉🎈” (from @petersnmyhead)
“Happy Birthday Danika! I hope you get all the thins you wished for and hope that you’ll have an amazing birthday and an even greater year, ily 💗” (from @tomsfireheart)
“que la pases súper bien, eres una persona super increíble y que ojalá se cumpla tu sueño de actuar con Tommy algún día 😊😂” (from @misformarvel)
“happy birthday dan! i know we haven’t really spoken much but you’re a really sweet and funny person. i hope your day is as amazing as you are! lots of love 💗” (from @fandomxobsessions)
“TUUUU ETERNAMENTE TUUUUUU!”-Luis Miguel (1988) Dánika hermosa! Mi costarricense favorita! Te deseo de lo mejor de lo mejor! Te quiero muchísimo y neta Girl, you’re the best! Eres la memester más fregona del mundo, y una graaaan amiga. Te la rifas en todo y vienes con grandes sueños. Espero que Juan Pa y Tom estén en tu vida algún día jajaja. Eres una persona mega increíble y de las mejores niñas que conozco. Felices 18 primaveras y que tengas un fieston! Te mereces el mundo y las estrellas! Te quiero un chingooooo! Feliz cumpleaños!!!! No tengo nada más que decirte que: “De pronto flash, la chica del bikini azul.”-Luis Miguel (1984)-doña Nancy (from @peeterparkr)
Danika!!! Feliz cumpleaños!!! Happy Birthday!! pasatela super chingon en tu cumpleaños, haz una party y ponte hasta la madre por mi.  neta eres la persona más dulce y alegre que he conocido, y siempre me haces reir un buen. i appreciate you and love you <3 mereces que todos tus sueños y deseos se cumplan dan, te lo mereces mil. sabes que cuentas conmigo para las buenas y las malas, siempre estaré aqui para ti y para que me cuentes de J*s*s y tus crushes. te quiero!!!! -luisa (from @ghostofya)
“Felizzzz cumpleaños!!! Aunque no llevamos mucho tiempo conociéndonos me encanta tu sentido del humor y los memes frescos que nos proporcionas todos los días. Espero que cumplas muchos más.”(from @arya-di-angelo)
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phgq · 4 years
Preventing future 'Ondoy', 'Ulysses' flooding
#PHnews: Preventing future 'Ondoy', 'Ulysses' flooding
MANILA -- On the night of November 11, Tayn Limson already felt the strong winds rapping on their windows. At that time, Typhoon Ulysses (Vamco) already made landfall in Quezon, packing maximum sustained winds of 150 kilometer per hour.
"Sobrang lakas ng hangin naririnig mo 'yong whistle sa awang ng windows pero iniisip ko parang kasing lakas lang siya nung nanalasa yung Habagat samin dati kaya di kami masyadong natatakot. Tapos naalala ko nag-story pa ko sa IG ng mga 1:07 (Nov. 12) kasi nag-a-alarm na yung Marikina River na nasa 16 meters na yung taas niya (The wind was strong that you can hear it whistling in between the gap of the windows, it’s like the monsoon. I even posted an update on Instagram Stories around 1:07 a.m. because the Marikina River was already at 16 meters," she narrated.
While the ferocious winds were banging on their walls, it didn't quite alarm the family at first. But by daylight, fear and panic quickly swept through their household after her mother alerted them that the river water has overflowed.
"Pagkababa ko sa 1st floor namin, nagulat ako kasi nakita ko umaagos na yung tubig parang flash flood. Ili-likas ko pa sana 'yong kotse namin kaso wala na madadaanan (When I went down, I was shocked to see the water rapidly flowing, it was like a flash flood. I tried to save our car but to no avail)," she said.
"Ang bilis ng taas ng tubig talaga. Sinalba namin lahat ng kaya naming sagipin na gamit kaso lumubog halos lahat kasi ang bilis talaga umangat nung tubig (The rise of water was so quick. We tried to carry what we could but most of our stuff was really submerged)," she added.
In less than an hour, her two-storey house was almost inundated up to the second floor, with the first floor submerged with flood and mud. Around that time, the water was just six steps away from their second floor.
"Sobrang nakakatakot kasi nakita kong rumagasa talaga 'yong tubig tapos minutes lang nasa loob na ng bahay (It was terrifying to see the raging floodwater, in just a few minutes it’s already inside the house)," she said. "Nakakakatakot talaga. Akala namin malulunod na kami (It was really scary. We thought we were going to drown)."
"Nag-u-usap na kami ng mga kapatid ko kung paano i-a-angat 'yong dalawang senior kong parents pati mga pets namin paakyat ng bubong. Hindi sila marunong lumangoy kasi (We have no idea how we were going to carry our two senior parents including our pets to the roof should the water continue to rise. They don’t know how to swim)," she shared.
Photo by Tayn Limson
The family tried to ask for rescuers but the lines were likewise inundated with calls for help that weren't able to reach them at that moment. Fortunately, the water subsided around 9 p.m. on Nov. 12 -- her parents were safe and the flood did not rise further.
Tayn said the experience was akin to the onslaught of Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) in 2009. Although she was not in Marikina that time, her family likened Ulysses to the devastating typhoon, which swamped most of Marikina in 2009 and killed dozens of people.
"Lahat kami tulala pero mabuti walang masamang nangyari sa amin. Lahat ng naiwan naming gamit sa 1st floor lumubog lahat pati kotse namin. 'Yong mga photo albums namin wala nabasa na lahat pati ilang appliances. 'Di na kaya isalba kasi may makapal na putik na kasama yung flood (We were utterly shocked but thank goodness nothing bad happened to us. All of our things in the first floor, including our car were submerged in mud)," she said.
More than two weeks after Marikina experienced the wrath of Typhoon Ulysses and witnessed the worst flooding next to "Ondoy", Tayn said: "Makakabangon". A Filipino word, which means "to recover".
What's important is that no life was lost among her family, she said.
Photo by Tayn Limson
"Sama sama naman kami kaya sa tingin ko makakabangon naman kami kahit papaano. Sobrang naiiyak din ako sa lahat ng tumulong sa amin during at tsaka after ng flood. Pati mga hindi mo inaasahang mga tao nagpapaabot ng tulong (We’re all together so I think we can recover at least. I’m just overwhelmed that even strangers helped us)," she said.
For Tayn, the alarm system would have been more helpful had it been activated way before the water rose.
"Sa tingin ko po kasi kulang yung nag-a-alarm lang sila na pataas na yung tubig sa Marikina River. Lahat po ng reminders ng bagyo eh sa TV lang talaga namin nalalaman (They should’ve focused on the alarm system, because it only went on when the water already overflowed)" she said.
"Yung masakit din sa puso ko noon was walang dumating na rescue para tulungan kami. Grabe kasi tumaas 'yong tubig tapos parehong senior pa parents ko. Hindi ko talaga alam yung gagawin ko noong mga oras na yun (What’s upsetting was that there was no immediate rescued. The water was really high then and my parents were both seniors. I really don’t know what I would do that time)," she said.
Tayn said the experience was so traumatic they are now planning to move out. "Si mommy at tsaka daddy ayos na rin naman, kaso ayaw na nila rito tumira, (My mom and dad are okay, but they don’t want to live here anymore)" Tayn said. "Parang nakakatakot na kasi tumira dito everytime na may bagyo. 'Yong trauma namin ng family ko sa Typhoon Ulysses hindi na mabubura (It’s terrifying to live here when there’s a storm. We’ll always carry the trauma Typhoon Ulysses brought to us)."
Tayn said her family is thinking of selling the house and move to a much higher place in Marikina.
"Malinis kasi dito sa Marikina sa totoo lang. And halos lahat ng relatives ko sa father side nandito (It’s clean here in all fairness. And most of my relatives on the father side are here)," she said.
The case for Thea Poncian from Barangay Tumana, Marikina, on the other hand, is quite different. She said she cannot move out since the property is the only one she has, one that’s already theirs.
Photo courtesy of Thea Poncian
"Wala po (kaming planong lumipat na), sarili na po kasi namin ang bahay po dito (We don’t have a plan to leave because this house is already ours)," she said.
But her experience was equally distressing as those of Tayn's when "Ulysses" battered the city. She and her family had to rush outside their home and find refuge at the uppermost floor of her neighbor when the water from a nearby creek spilled.
"Noong mag-ala-una ng madaling araw, kinatok kami ng kapitbahay namin nandiyan na raw ang tubig. Umapaw na pala 'yong creek malapit sa amin at ‘yong tubig napakabilis hanggang sa mag-1:30am pinasok na ang bahay namin (Around 1 a.m., our neighbor was already knocking on our door, saying the water is here. The creek apparently overflowed. Things happened quickly because by 1:30 am, the water already entered the house)," she narrated.
Her entire belongings down to their clothes were drenched with muddy waters. "Nakaka-iyak po kasi lahat po ng gamit namin wala na kahit po mga damit lubog po ang bahay namin, puno nalang po ng mangga ang nakita (It was upsetting because everything was drenched, our house fully-submerged, you can only see the mango tree)."
Recovery for her might take time, Thea said, comparing with the situation when Typhoon Ondoy hit them. In 2009, it took them almost a year to recover, she said.
"Matagal din po kagaya ng sa Ondoy, isang taon po siguro kasi wala na po lahat ng gamit namin (I think it will take time like when Ondoy struck, it took almost a year because our belongings were all swept away)," she said.
Photo by Thea Poncian
"Panibagong pagsubok nanaman po ang haharapin pero pipiliting bumangon ulit, mahirap kasi 'di namin alam kung paano kasi lahat nawala sa amin walang tinira (This is another challenge that we have to face and it will be difficult because nothing was left)," she added.
Although most of the Marikina residents who took refuge in evacuation centers have gone back to their homes, Rhianne Villaraza said those whose houses were totally wrecked by the typhoon are still there.
Rhianne’s family was among the many groups who heeded the call and took it upon themselves to initiate a donation drive that has so far aided 300 families in Marikina to date.
"I think it’s gonna take a while before everything goes back to normal. Marami pang naglilinis, nagre-restore ng nasira nilang mga bahay/properties. Some business establishments are still trying to cope and recover from the aftermath. However, we have high hopes, and we’re continuously praying that in time, people would be able to live their usual daily lives again," she told the PNA.
Two of the hardest-hit areas that day were Barangays Malanday and Tumana, where the flood level reached up to the 2nd floor of the resident’s homes. Rhianne said most of them were at work on the day of the typhoon, so they barely managed to save their belongings.
"My cousin and I started collecting clothes from our close friends so that they would have something to use in the meantime. Because so many people responded, and we got overflowing donations, the family decided to extend help to those living in Nangka, Marikina," she said.
To this day, the family initiative continues to give out aid.
Photo courtesy of Rhianne Villaraza
Rhianne believes Marikina did a “fairly good job” in terms of calamity response because nobody expected that the river level would reach 22 meters in such a short time. Despite this, a lot of work needs to be done.
“At this point, I think community disaster preparation is vital since we’re a flood-prone city. It’s something that our government should focus on,” she said.
“Apart from that, maybe open job opportunities for the people gravely affected. We don’t want them to rely solely on donations. Eventually, they should be able to earn and provide again for their families; something that would benefit them in the long run,” she added.
‘Saving the watershed’
The city is now in the recovery stage but environmentalists warned that such massive floods will keep coming in the future if forest degradation continues in the Upper Marikina Watershed.
The Upper Marikina River Basin Protected Landscape (UMRBPL) covers over 26,000 hectares of protected area in the towns of Baras, Rodriguez, San Mateo, Tanay, and Antipolo in Rizal.
But what does it have to do with the flooding in Marikina?
To visualize, a watershed is like an umbrella positioned upside down-- the sides are the mountains of Sierra Madre (watershed) and the base is the Marikina River.
"(Because of illegal activities in the land) ‘yong water wala nang pumipigil because wala na 'yong mga puno. Ang function ng forest and ng healthy soils is to regulate stormwater so scientifically if wala nang forest and healthy soils, the water will just rush and when they rush and they come from different mountains, they go to a basin, one basin-- the Marikina-Pasig River," said Billie Dumaliang, trustee and advocate officer at Masungi Georeserve.
Masungi forms over 2,000 of the 26,000-hectare Marikina Watershed.
 Photo courtesy of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Forest Management Bureau
No settlement, quarrying, logging nor sale is allowed in the area, but to this day, Billie said such activities remain rampant in some parts of the Upper Marikina Watershed.
For Billie, conservation is a crucial step to prevent future great flooding similar to the ones brought by Typhoon Ondoy and Ulysses flooding. “It is the only long-term and sustainable solution coupled with, of course, proper disaster risk management from government and (smart) infrastructure,” she said.
Aside from these, strict enforcement of the laws protecting these areas is also a must.
“With climate change, there will be more rains, typhoons, and landslides based on science, and if we don’t restore the forest of Upper Marikina the instances of landslides and flooding happening will definitely worsen,” she warned in Filipino. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Preventing future 'Ondoy', 'Ulysses' flooding." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1123381 (accessed December 01, 2020 at 02:41AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Preventing future 'Ondoy', 'Ulysses' flooding." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1123381 (archived).
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clandeschine · 7 years
October 28, 2017
Grabeeeeeeeeeee hindi pa rin talaga ako makapaniwala. Ako? Engineer na? OMG!! :) God is good! God is great!!! :)))
Waaah. Sa totoo lang noon pa man I have doubts about Faith – na baka tayo lang naman talaga yung nagdedecide ng destinies natin, at wala ng kung sino pa man. Pero hindiiii. Hahah. Totoong may Diyos :) Napaka imposible na nakaya ko lahat ng hirap at sakit sa Manila pero ayuuun. I survived.. Waaah Thankyou Lord! Hahaha. Gusto ko lang maalala to somedayyyy. Kaya magttype ako ng kung ano man, wala ng edit edit! lol
After graduation, excited talaga akong mag review. Kasi gusto kong matry yung independent living. Hahah. Na walang nanay, ate, na ako lang yung nagaasikaso sa sarili ko. Pati makkita ko na kasi si long time crush. Si Jees. Hahaha OMG! :))) So ayuuun. Pagkadating naming ng apartment at pagkaayos ng mga gamit, umalis na sina mama. Dun medyo nakaramdam ako ng lungkot huhu.
Masaya nung una, gala dito gala doon. Divisoria as always. Grocery as always. Palengke as always. Hahah. Yung mga hindi ko ginagawa sa batangas, nagawa ko sa Manila. :3 Pasyal sa UST pasyal kung saan saan. Simba dito simba doon but pag nag sisimba ako, yung keri lang. Minsan nga hindi pa ko focused :))))
Nagkita na kami sa personal ni jees. Nainspired ako lalo kasi totoo pala syang tao hahahaha!! Ayunnnnnn. Inspirasyon para mag library palagi. Hahaha. Kahit di ako maka focus sa pagaaral pag andun si Jees, go lang. Jusko ano ba naman yun nakakatawa pag naaalala ko hahahaha!
Nagusap kami ni errold. Closure pala dapat yun pero kabaliktaran yung nangyari. Landi here landi there landi everywhere. Huhu. Heartbreaks here, heartbreaks there heartbreaks everywhere.. Aray hahahaha. Ayoko na isa isahin pa. Masakit kasi. Lol. Pero syempre may happiness pa din.
HAHAHA. LABYU ERROLD HAHAHAHAHAHA! Jusko errold ily talaga pero kasi masakiiiiiiiit we don’t talk anymore like we used to do ♪ hahaha bakit naman ganon Lord. (Sabay ganun e lol kinwestyon) Ikaw palagi yung kasama ko umuwi sa apartment, umuwi sa batangas, mamalengke, magsimba, etc. I miss you Huhuhu namimiss na kita sana bumalik ka na sa dati mong pagkatao. HAHAHAHAH WAIT NATAWA AKO SA DATING PAGKATAO. HAHAH Pero seriously sana katulad nalang tayo ng dati!!!
Sobrang dami naming differences. Ako bobo siya matalino. HAHAHAHA. Ang hirap hirap iplease ng matalino jusmiyo hindi ka mananalo HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. May fixed na desisyon, ganun. Magulo. Kaya ewan ko na, ewan ko ba. Pero minsan naiisip kong magasawa na kami kaya hindi ako makapag let go bwahahahaha paano na kayaaa hahaha.
Nag pre-board exam. Wala ako sa top 100 :( Pero yung mga kaklase ko, halos lahat sila kasama sa top 100. Stressed ako. Nakipag space kay errold. Pumayag sya, bumabalik ako kasi di ko kaya. Pero ayaw na nya. HUHU. Sad dibaaaa. (Pero okay lang yon engineer na ko ngayon, technician pa. woooh!)
Hindi ako maka-kain, makatulog ng ayos, palaging tulala. Imagine two months na lang yung natitira tapos kailangan kong balikan lahat lahat ng inaral ko mula umpisa plus may bagong topics pang dinadagdag every pasok. OMG. Nagppray lang ako, Diyos ko too late na ba para mag habol ng aaralin? Huhuhu. Naisip ko nun kung hindi lang sana ako lumandi  edi ang dami kong time para mag aral :((
Hanggang sa kumapit nalang ako sa tiwala. Kahit alam kong dehado na. Napalapit ako lalo kay Lord. Lalo na nung mga panahong babagsakin yung exams ko tas yung classmates ko antataas sa exams. Muntik na talaga akong mawalan ng pag-asa. Haaaays. Naiinis nga din ako sa mga tao sa paligid ko kasi palagi ako nakakaramdam ng pressure at sobrang nadodown ako kaya weeks and days before board exam dun na ko tumutuloy sa tita ko. Hahaha. Atleast dun walang mangjajudge sakin. Nagkaron din kasi ng di pagkakaunawaan sa apartment!! :)))
So ayun, nadidisappoint pa din ako kasi mastery exams na ang baba pa din ng scores ko huhuhu hindi nga umaabot ng kalahati pero push lang. Thankyou talaga sa mga church sa Manila. They lead me closer to God ♥ I admit, tinuruan ako ng Victory para mas mapalapit ako kay Lord. Waaah sin bang sabihin na pag sumisimba ako sa UST di ko masyado maintindihan ung sinasabi kasi english waaaah Lord sorry po sorry talagaaa! Pero kung ano pa man thankyou poooo. Quiapo, UST, St Jude. Victory ♥ Kinakahiya ko dati yung pagtataas taas ng kamay for praise daw pero Lord pwede mo nang kunin yung kamay ko ngayon kung gaano man kataas mong gustuhin hahaha OA jk po. Sa totoo lang, katulad ng sinasabi ko sa iba, ang pinaka mamimiss ko sa Manila e yung pagvivictory. Buti may victory dyan sa sto tomas. Hahaha. Ang laki talaga ng naitulong. Pati sa mga kaibigan ko. Waah babalik talaga ako dun!! :) I can finally say na babalik ako dun not for taking the ECE board exam again, but for purely giving thanks nalangggg. Conyo eww duhhh. Hahaha. Tulad ng palagi kong sinasabi, hindi ako magsasawang magpasalamat sa lahat. Woooh the best si Lord. Foreverrrrr ♥ Eto na ko handang magbago, kasabay ng pagdadagdag ng mga salitang Engineer at ECT sa pangalan ko. Thankyou so much Lord ♥
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